Project Resource Management Plan Resource Management In order to execute a complex project such as developing a COVID-19 tracking and vaccine finder application, it is necessary to leverage the skills of many people. This project is relatively low in physical resources, but requires significant resources in software development and administration. The resource management documentation will outline the basic structure of the organization and the responsibility of each person working in the project. The organization structure will be layered to provide both adequate resource assignment to major tasks within the project and to provide oversight on the accomplishment of tasks. Organization Structure The organizational chart is a breakdown of only the human resources of the project. The emphasis is placed in the human resources because the project has little or no materials or equipment. Human resources being the chief resource available, the breakdown structure for these resources is necessary for the assignment of responsibilities. The responsibility matrix below is a diagram of the different tasks that need to be completed in the project as well as the various parties that may be involved in that task. The legend shows the level of involvement by each party. Some tasks require involvement from many parties while some require only one or two resources to be involved in the task. The listed tasks are somewhat linear in project progression, therefore requiring little or no involvement from roles such as testing and customer support. The use of those resources are much greater later in the project when their role begins work in supporting the project. Resource Estimation Given the local nature of the project, the resources to complete the project are extremely limited. Almost all involved parties are SS community members that are giving personal time and resources to the accomplishment of the project. This limitation is also bound by the fact that support for such an application will likely be limited in the community given the split support for COVID-19 mitigation measures. Resource Acquisition The acquisition of human resources for the project could be accomplished through many methods including social media recruiting, flyers, and direct recruiting. However, we believe that the most advantageous way of acquiring resources is by gaining support of the local HOA board and administrators. They will need to be project advocates in recruiting and also serve as resources themselves. Without the consent and support of the HOA, the project would likely be unable to gain enough resources to finish the project in a timely fashion. Additionally, members of this project team and participating stakeholders will not be working on this project on a full-time basis. This means that the project manager will need to be explicit in delegation of duties and the responsibility matrix must be referenced and updated immediately if there are any changes. Failure to update the responsibility matrix and publish the changes to all project team members could result in project delays. Resource Management This project presents significant barriers to successful resource management. The project manager has significant interest in the management of the project team, however because the project is being conducted with resources from the community and with HOA resources, the existing hierarchies pose a challenge to conflict management and performance reviews of any resources. Additionally, existing relationships, negative or positive, will exist in the community and could have a profound impact on team member behaviors and participation in the project. Because of these challenges, the project manager will need to carefully determine where it is appropriate to control the resource management and when the existing hierarchies should take precedence in reviewing the performance of resources. The relationships of resident of the community will likely play a small role in resource management, but it would be high risk not to consider the community dynamics and socio-political landscape of the community when conducting the project. Responsibility Matrix Tasks Project Ideation Bid \ proposal acceptance Software requirement specification Finalize design doc Staff hiring and allocation UI and User Interface Wireframe creation coding \app development demo 1.0 to stakeholder Feedback Integration Testing \ integration Production Deployment Live support User feedback integration * R = Responsible *A = Accountable *P = Participant *I = Informed Project Sponsor I Product Owner R R Project Manager A A I R A R R I I I P I I R R I R A I R R R R R A I I I I I R HOA members Development Designer Lead Developer Test Engineer Customer Support A P I P P A A R A A R A A A A A A A P A P A A A P P P A P A P Plan Risk Management The risk management plan for our project focuses our strategy toward reducing or mitigating risk that would prevent completion or delay of project completion. There are additional risks to be concerned with that do not rise to the level of concern for immediate intervention and generally lean toward acceptance. The reason for this stance of risk management is because many user, stakeholders are split on wanting immediate implementation or are resistant to implementation of our app. Because of these forces, the primary concern is timely completion rather than risk associated with budget and to some degree, scope. Identify Risk and Analysis The following table is a risk register that identifies the risks associated with the project, risk owners, and mitigation plans for said risk. The risk on this register is prioritized by a factor of the probability and the Impact level. Risk Register ID 1 2 3 Activity Risk Not factoring out of Planning and Analysis scope Increase Budget due to any delays or Planning and Analysis unexpected added steps Development delay due Development to scope creep Critical bug detection 4 Integration and Testing Probability Impact WA 4 5 20 3 7 21 4 8 32 4 9 36 Team(s) Mitigation Plan Project All stakeholders brainstorming Manager and to add both inscope and out of stakeholders scope plan ideation Contract given on the basis of Project component instead of hours Manager wages Timely reviews and Development communication plan done to team ensure smooth processing QA and Additional negative test cases Development to be included in Quality Teams validation 5 Planning 6 Maintenance Staff shortage due to COVID Change in Govt. Policies 3 8 24 2 5 10 Establishing Proxy for key Project members in Project Manager Management and development roles Development Notifying end users via team reminders/alerts Plan Risk Response The following diagram represents a visual depiction of the weighted average of risk level for each risk factor identified on the risk register. The risk factors in the red category are higher priority risk factors that need to be addressed with risk mitigation measures before address other risk factors unless the risk management strategy expressly requires certain types of risk to be addressed first. Monitor Risk Risk will need to be monitored continuously throughout the life of the project. Risk audits will reveal if there is a change in the risk impact or probability for any of the identified risks, which could potentially change their position on the Impact/Probability chart. Additionally, the project team should report and evaluate new risks and add them to the risk register. Newly identified risks that could delay the project will be prioritized and mitigated as early as possible in the project Identify Stakeholders There are many groups that have interest in a COVID-19 tracking app and vaccination finder. We identified the potential stakeholders for such an application and determined the role they would play in the development and fielding of our application. In the stakeholder register, we evaluated the level of interest and influence that each stakeholder had in the project and how much they could be impacted by the project outcome. Then we identified at what point in the project we would need the stakeholder to be involved. Stakeholder Matrix Name Role Ben Community Manager Product Owner HOA admin \ Resident HOA members \ Resident HOA members \ Resident Project Staff Society Residents Megha Amy Don Cindy Employees Local community members How much does this impact them? Significant Project Rank Interest Influence 1-5 Enabler What would we like them to do? When are they needed? Throughout the project Enabler Invest in resource and manage project Manage the project and requirement Minimal Significant Enabler \ Influencer Enabler \ Influencer Support, involve and influence residents to participate Support, involve and influence residents to participate After the app is created and motivate people to participate After the app is created and motivate people to participate Significant Enabler \ Influencer Support, involve and influence residents to participate After the app is created and motivate people to participate Minor Enabler Create and execute the project Significant Enabler Provide info and use application Participate in collection Throughout the project as per their respective roles and responsibilities After the app is created, to participate and provide data Significant Throughout the project Plan Stakeholder Engagement After identifying stakeholders and the expected level of involvement, then we needed to plan how we would engage the stakeholder and to what degree they are aware of our project and its potential impacts on them. First we created a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix to depict stakeholder knowledge and drive our engagement plan. Then we created an engagement plan that would address stakeholders in a way that respected their level of knowledge. ID Stakeholder Role Unaware 1 Ben 2 Megha 3 Amy HOA admin \ Resident 4 Don HOA members \ Resident 5 Cindy HOA members \ Resident 6 Employees Project Staff 7 Local community members Society Residents C 8 Local Public Health Department Government Agency C Resistant Neutral Supportive Community Manager Leading CD Product Owner CD C D C D CD C C D D D D The stakeholder engagement plan outlines conventional approaches and methods for engaging each stakeholder. These engagements should be used to increase stakeholder participation and improve awareness from the current level (annotated as a C in the stakeholder engagement matrix above) to the desired level (annotated as a D in the stakeholder engagement matrix above). In specific cases, such as the community members, there are multiple current and desired levels of engagement. The different classifications are indicative of the populace being mixed in its support of the COVID-19 vaccine and the realization of the threat it poses to the community. Stakeholder Engagement Plan Name Ben Megha Amy Don Cindy Employees Local community members R Comm Comm Comm Regular com Communication in Hom Manage Stakeholder Engagement Despite the goal to gain positive interest and involvement of all stakeholders, many stakeholders will either not have interest in the project outcome or they may actively resist the project. In order to determine which stakeholders are a high priority, we used a power/interest grid. This will help us in determining which stakeholders require attention earlier and throughout the project and which stakeholders may not need engagement beyond initial attempts to build interest in the project outcome. Monitor Stakeholder Engagement Using the Power/Interest grid, the project manager and project team need to prioritize engagements with project stakeholders. Stakeholders that fall in the 2nd quadrants are the highest priority and must be monitored closely throughout the life of the project. The stakeholders in the 3rd quadrant have low power but a high level of interest, therefore they require regular engagement to keep them informed on the project. The stakeholders in the first quadrant have power or influence in the project but little interest in the project or its outcomes. These stakeholders must be kept happy to avoid increasing interest and using their power to derail a project. The stakeholders in the 4th quadrant have little power and little interest in the project outcomes, therefore they must be monitored to ensure that they do not gain additional power or interest in the project. All must be continuously monitored for changes that could cause their position in the power/interest grid to change.