DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONE OF CHILDREN AT DIFFERENT AGES 1st MONTH NEWBORN Tonic neck reflex Fisted hands Complete head lag Startle/Moro Reflex Grasping reflex Pelvis high when prone 4th MONTH Eyes can follow moving object Uses eyes and hands together Reaches toy with one hand Take toy in hand to mouth No head lag Lifts head very briefly Responds to human voices Pelvis non-flat when prone 2nd MONTH 5th MONTH Good head control Laughs loudly Reaches far objects Begins to smile at people Diminished activity when talked to Head control (45 degrees) Hand no longer fisted Vocalizes, coos, Making gurgling sound 3rd MONTH 6th MONTH Begins to sit w/o support Taking approaches with hand Can be pulled form sitting to standing Rolls over in both direction (front to back) When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce Rocks back and forth Transition in feeding Likes to look at self in the mirror Respond to sounds by making sound Strings vowels together when babbling (ah, eh, oh) Taking turns with parents while making sound Stranger anxiety Move head towards the sound Hold Rattle Temporarily Alert Bubbles, and coos 7th MONTH Plays with rattle Bangs objects Recognize familiar faces Crawls Say “dada” and “Mama” Stranger anxiety 8th MONTH Transfer objects from hand to hand Sit w/o support Grasp object with thumb and forefinger May start crawling either backward or forward 9th MONTH Sits well Hold bottle when feeding Creeps around the floor May be able to pull himself up to a standing position Good Hand-Mouth Coordination 10th MONTH 15th MONTH Walks well alone Feeds self with Spoon Build tower of two cubes 4-5 words Turn page and pat pictures 11th MONTH Pulls self to stand Responds to own name Can understand gestures 18th MONTH Seat Self in child’s chair Creeps upstairs Build tower of three cubes Initiate a vertical stroke 10 words Stand on One leg Buidl tower of 10 cubes Know sex and full name including age Dresses self except for button and tying shoes Rides tricycles Can count 3 or more numbers 4 YEARS Walks up and down of stairs with alternating feet Cross stroke Recognize 2 or more colors Cleans oneself, comb hair and brushes teeth 2 YEARS 3 YEARS Stand with Support Two words with meanings Does nursery games “pat-acake” 12th MONTH Runs well Can go up and down the stairs Uses fork Combines 2-3 words in a sentence Toilet training during the day 2 ½ YEARS 5 YEARS Uses fork and spoon and sometime stable knife Can count 10 or more numbers Write the alphabet Tells simple story using full sentences Aware of gender Sometime demanding sometimes cooperative Stand Alone, takes a few steps Attempts to use a spoon Obey command or requests Cooperates with dressing Starts to climb up steps Needs help getting down Can jump Build tower of Six cubes circle stroke Dry by night 6 YEARS Can write fairly well Draws a complete person with clothes Add and subtract Distinguishes left and right Dresses self completely