TECHNICAL TRAINING ENGINE RUNUP VERSION V5.01 CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 BD-500-1A10 BD-500-1A11 CUSTOMER TRAINING Montreal Training Centre 8575 Côte-de-Liesse Road Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada H4T 1G5 Telephone (514) 344-6620 Toll-Free North America 1 (877) 551-1550 Fax (514) 344-6643 Please be aware that this version of the Bombardier Training Manual has been updated only for the current training course(s) that you are attending, and may only be used as part of the current course(s). If you would like to continue using this version after completing the training course(s), understand that the content may become outdated. If you would like the benefit of ongoing updates, we require you to register for a subscription service for this Bombardier Training Manual at the following website: Bombardier Inc., by its groups, divisions, or its corporate subsidiary Learjet Inc. (collectively "Bombardier"), provides this information to its customers and to the government in confidence. This is proprietary confidential information, which we consider excluded from the application of the Access to Information Act or any other similar statute with respect to access to information, and may also be a trade secret of Bombardier. Public release of this information would be harmful to Bombardier or its corporate subsidiary Learjet Inc. Any intention to disclose such information, or part thereof, must be indicated in advance and in writing to the Vice-President Legal Services, Bombardier Aerospace. It is understood that this documentation, comprising technical data and other information in any media shall not be reproduced or disclosed, in whole or in part, without Bombardier's prior written authorization. It is proprietary and confidential to Bombardier or its corporate subsidiary Learjet Inc. All rights and all patent, copyright, trademark, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights herein belong to Bombardier or its corporate subsidiary Learjet Inc. This documentation, technical data, and other information shall not be modified, translated, reverse assembled, reverse engineered, or decompiled and shall be used solely for training purposes. Copyright © 1999-2017 Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Bombardier and C Series are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. Copyright © Bombardier Inc. CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 Engine Runup For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup List of Changes The following table details the changes applied to this revision: SECTION CMUI NUMBER CHANGES APPLIED Flight Deck Check CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 Under engine oil level, the quantity was changed from 10 QTS to 10 L (pge 14) Approach Idle CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 Calculations for adjusted target N1speed changed (pge 27) Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 LOC i Engine Runup Page Intentionally Left Blank Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 LOC ii Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup Table of Contents Introduction ...........................................................................................................................1 Power Plant Runup ...............................................................................................................1 Hazard Area ...........................................................................................................................3 Jet Wake Hazard Area...........................................................................................................4 Wind Direction .......................................................................................................................5 Engine Flight Deck Controls and Indications.....................................................................6 Engine Operation Limitations ..............................................................................................9 Starter Duty Cycle ..........................................................................................................................................9 Main Oil Pressure Limits ....................................................................................................10 Rotor Bow ............................................................................................................................11 Checklist ..............................................................................................................................12 Exterior Check ..............................................................................................................................................12 Flight Deck Preparation ................................................................................................................................12 APU Start.......................................................................................................................................................13 APU Fire Procedure .....................................................................................................................................13 Flight Deck Check .........................................................................................................................................14 Automatic Start....................................................................................................................15 Manual Start.........................................................................................................................16 Discontinued Start ..............................................................................................................18 Idle Power Test ....................................................................................................................19 Power Assurance Test........................................................................................................20 Acceleration/Deceleration Test..........................................................................................26 Approach Idle ................................................................................................................................................27 N1 Accel Time ..............................................................................................................................................27 High-Pressure Ducting System Operation Test ...............................................................30 Normal Engine Shutdown...................................................................................................32 Emergency Procedure Shutdown......................................................................................33 Engine Start After Emergency Shutdown .........................................................................34 Engine Fire Procedure .........................................................................................................34 Normal Procedures .............................................................................................................35 Normal Engine Shutdown .............................................................................................................................35 Non-Normal Procedures .....................................................................................................36 Engine Start After Emergency Shutdown .....................................................................................................36 Emergency Procedures ......................................................................................................37 Emergency Procedure Shutdown .................................................................................................................37 APU Fire Procedure .....................................................................................................................................38 Engine Fire Procedure ..................................................................................................................................38 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 i Engine Runup List of Figures Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Hazard Areas......................................................................................................... 3 Jet Wake Hazard Areas......................................................................................... 4 Wind Direction and Velocity................................................................................... 5 Engine Controls and Indications............................................................................ 6 Engine APU FIRE Panel and APU Panel Controls and Indications ...................... 7 STATUS Synoptic and OMS Brake Pressure Pages ............................................ 8 Main Oil Pressure Limits (Reference).................................................................. 10 Rotor Bow ........................................................................................................... 11 Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 ii Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Power Plant Runup Engine Runup Introduction Power Plant Runup Always refer to the Power Plant Ground Run Publication (PPGRP) before performing engine ground runs. WARNING BE CAREFUL WHEN WORKING ON THE ENGINE AFTER SHUTDOWN. THE ENGINE AND ENGINE OIL CAN STAY HOT FOR A LONG TIME. IF YOU DO NOT OBEY THIS WARNING, INJURY CAN OCCUR. CAUTION In the event of oil temperature being below -40°F (-40°C) limitation for starting, it is required that the oil be heated above -40°F (-40°C) prior to an attempted start. The engine must remain at idle until the ENG OIL LO TEMP caution message is no longer shown. If the engine oil temperature is between -6° and 49°C, N1 is limited to 50%. If idle is not selected, the engine starts regardless of the thrust lever position and thrust rapidly increases to that demanded by the TLA, causing a hazardous situation. With the fan cowl and thrust reverser doors open, do not advance the throttle more than the idle position. Do not open fan cowl and thrust reverser doors for maintenance when wind velocity is greater than 20 kt. After fan cowl doors are opened, they can stay open for wind velocity up to 30 kt. An autostart can be manually aborted at any point by switching the ENG RUN SWITCH L (R) to OFF. In the AUTOSTART mode, the automatic start abort feature is active only when N2 is less than 54%. When N2 is greater than 54%, crew action is required to manually abort the start. No running engagement of starter with N2 greater than 20%. Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 1 Power Plant Runup Engine Runup CAUTION For manually aborted starts, an engine dry crank must be performed for 30 seconds (not to exceed 1 minute) to clear out trapped fuel and to provide cooling to decrease EGT. Do not start the engine if there is ice on the fan blades. Ice on the fan blades can cause rotor imbalance and damage to the engine. Only authorized personnel should go near the engine only at idle power and use the entry corridor areas. Do not operate the engine above idle power or in reverse with people in the entry corridor. Refer to Figure 1. When the reverser operates, stay away from the danger areas at the front and sides of the engine. Reversers blow fan discharge air out the sides of the engine towards the front of the aircraft, and can suck this air back into the engine and cause damage. Stay away from the engine exhaust area when the engine starts or operates. The jet wake is hot and of sufficient velocity to cause a fall, injury or death. See Figure 2. Usual starter duty cycle is three starter crank cycles for a total of 4 minutes cranking time maximum, or 4 minutes maximum continuous cranking. If three motoring duty cycles are done in a row, let the starter cool off for at least 30 minutes. Single engine operation is permitted at idle power only. For engine operation above idle run both engines. NOTE The engine start cycle incorporates an overtemperature start protection function that terminates a ground start if the EGT limit is exceeded for 5 seconds. If the EDP appears to be producing erratic pressures above or below normal system pressure operation shutdown the engine. If the vibration CAS message is indicated, return to idle. If the vibration continues to indicate when at idle, shutdown the engine. Monitor temperature for icing conditions. Refer to Figure 4 for engine controls and indications. Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 2 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Hazard Area Engine Runup Hazard Area Takeoff Power Inlet Hazard Area Ground Idle Inlet Hazard Area 2.74 m (9 ft) 6.10 m (20 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) 0.91 m (3 ft) 30° 61 m (200 ft) 183 m (600 ft) LEGEND 30° Figure 1: Hazard Areas Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only S1_CS3_71ARU_003 Inlet Hazard Area Entry Corridor Exhaust Danger Area (Aft of Exhaust Nozzle): 61.0 m (200 ft) – Ground Idle (20 kt Headwind) 183.0 m (600 ft) – Takeoff Power (20 kt Headwind) Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 3 Jet Wake Hazard Area Engine Runup Jet Wake Hazard Area 18.0 m (60 ft) 15.0 m (50 ft) 12.0 m (40 ft) 9.0 m (30 ft) 6.0 m (20 ft) 3.0 m (10 ft) Gound Idle Thrust 0 m (0 ft) 0 3.0 m (10 ft) 6.0 m (20 ft) 9.0 m (30 ft) 12.0 m (40 ft) 15.0 m (50 ft) 18.0 m (60 ft) Maximum Takeoff Thrust 0 m (0 ft) 415 kt (477 mph) 10 m (33 ft) 355 kt (409 mph) 16 m (51 ft) 295 kt (341 mph) 19 m (63 ft) 60 kt (68 mph) 21 m (68 ft) 235 kt (273 mph) 24 m (78 ft) 175 kt (204 mph) 30 m (98 ft) 30 kt (34 mph) 38 m (124 ft) 120 kt (137 mph) 42 m (138 ft) 17 kt (20 mph) 61 m (199 ft) 60 kt (68 mph) 76 m (248 ft) 30 kt (34 mph) 145 m (475 ft) LEGEND Figure 2: Jet Wake Hazard Areas Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 4 S1_CS3_71ARU_019 Exhaust Danger Area (AFT of Exhaust Nozzle) Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Wind Direction Engine Runup Wind Direction Wind direction and velocity can change engine stability. Where possible, operate engine with intake pointed into the wind. Wind velocities shown are for constant wind conditions only. Reduce maximum wind velocity limits shown for gusty velocities. Refer to Figure 3: Starting: • 35 kt Max crosswind • 15 kt Max tailwind Stop engine operation if: • N1 speed is not stable • At a steady state, inlet noise increases or changes to a blow torch sound • At a steady state, engine vibration increases 0º Headwind 320º 40º Crosswind 270º 90º Crosswind NOTE The wind velocities provided include wind gust conditions. Tailwind GROUND OPERATIONS AT IDLE INDICATION GROUND OPERATIONS UP TO THE MAXIMUM N1 GROUND SPEED No limit. No limit. Permitted 35 Kt. maximum wind velocity. Unrestricted up to 25 Kt. maximum wind velocity. Rolling take off procedure required between 25 and 35 Kt. maximum wind velocity. Permitted 15 Kt. maximum wind velocity. Unrestricted up to 10 Kt. maximum wind velocity. Rolling take off procedure required between 10 and 15 Kt. maximum wind velocity. CS1_CS3_71ARU_020 INDICATION Figure 3: Wind Direction and Velocity Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 5 Engine Flight Deck Controls and Indications Engine Runup Engine Flight Deck Controls and Indications B A CLB MAX MAX 92.2 92.2 73.0 73.3 Right Engine Thrust Lever N1 Left Engine Thrust Lever IDLE IDLE 718 722 EGT R ENG ON ON OFF Continuous Ignition Normal 86.5 1090 124 116 OFF ENGINE NE CONT IGNITION START L ENG CRANK AUTO R ENG CRANK PILOT EVENT ON N2 FF (PPH) OIL TEMP OIL PRESS A Engine Start L or R Crank B Engine Run Switches Figure 4: Engine Controls and Indications Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 6 EICAS 86.6 1110 124 116 _CS3_71ARU_010 L ENG Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Flight Deck Controls and Indications Engine Runup L ENG APU R ENG F IIRE FI RE FI RE BTL 1 BTL 2 BTL BTL 1 BTL 2 AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL ENGINE AND APU FIRE PANEL APU OFF RUN START PULL TURN CS1_CS3_7100_020 APU PANEL Figure 5: Engine APU FIRE Panel and APU Panel Controls and Indications Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 7 Engine Flight Deck Controls and Indications Engine Runup STATUS AIR DOOR ELEC FLT CTRL FUEL HYD AVIONIC INFO CB MAINT MENU RETURN TO LRU/SYS OPS BCS-Brake Data Write Maintenance Reports 15 °C 15 °C TAT SAT L Thrust Lever Angle R Thrust Lever Angle L R L R ENGINE 103 113 21.8 103 113 21.8 OIL TEMP (°C) OIL PRESS (PSI) OIL QTY (L) APU RPM EGT DOOR 100 % 312 °C OPEN OIL TEMP OIL PRESS OIL QTY 75 °C NORM NORM TIRE PRESSURE (PSI) 150 208 150 208 208 209 BRAKE 00 00 TEMP 01 01 Pilot BRK Pedal Pos Pilot BRK Pedal Pos CoPilot BRK Pedal Pos CoPilot BRK Pedal Pos BDCU 1 22 BDCU 2 001 /002 Units 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % % % % LOB LOB LOB LOB LOB BRK EMA EMA EMA EMA Force 1 BRK 2 BRK 3 BRK 4 BRK Average Force Force Force Force 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 LBS LBS LBS LBS LBS LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB BRK EMA EMA EMA EMA Force 1 BRK 2 BRK 3 BRK 4 BRK Average Force Force Force Force 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 LBS LBS LBS LBS LBS RIB RIB RIB RIB RIB BRK EMA EMA EMA EMA Force 1 BRK 2 BRK 3 BRK 4 BRK Average Force Force Force Force 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 LBS LBS LBS LBS LBS ROB ROB ROB ROB ROB BRK EMA EMA EMA EMA Force 1 BRK 2 BRK 3 BRK 4 BRK Average Force Force Force Force 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 11499 LBS LBS LBS LBS LBS CS1_CS3_7100_021 SYNOPTIC PAGE - STATUS Figure 6: STATUS Synoptic and OMS Brake Pressure Pages Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 8 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Operation Limitations Engine Runup Engine Operation Limitations Table 1: Engine Operation Limitations OPERATING CONDITIONS Thrust Setting OPERATING LIMITS Time Limit MAX ITT N2 100%=24,470 RPM N1 100%=10,600 RPM(*1) Oil Pressure (*2) Oil Temperature (*3) (minutes) °C (°F) RPM % RPM % PSIG °C (°F) Maximum Takeoff 5 (*4) 1054 (1929) 24,470 100 10,600 100 Refer to Figure 5 49 to 168 (120 to 335) (*5) Maximum Continuous (*6) Continuous 1006 (1842) 24,470 100 10,600 100 Refer to Figure 5 49 to 168 (120 to 335) (*6) Reverse Thrust As Required 1054 (1929) 24,470 100 10,600 100 Refer to Figure 5 49 to 168 (120 to 335) GND Idle (SL) Continuous - - - - - Refer to Figure 5 -40 to 168 (-40 to 335) Flight Idle Continuous - - - - - Refer to Figure 5 -40 to 168 (-40 to 335) Starting (*7) Continuous 1054 (1929) - - - - Refer to Figure 5 -40 to 168 (-40 to 335) NOTE 1. Fan ratio is 3.0625 NFan equals 1 N1 or 10,600 N1 is equivalent to 3.461 NFan. 2. Maximum oil pressure is for up to 10 minutes. See Figure 5. 3. Maximum oil temperature of 174°C (345°F) is for up to 20 minutes. Total operation between 163°C (325°F) up to 174°C (345°F) must not exceed 20 minutes. 4. Time limit may be extended to 10 minutes for one engine inoperative (OEI) contingency. 5. Minimum oil temperature for operation above idle is 49°C (120°F). 6. Maximum continuous (MCT) is the maximum thrust approved for continuous operation. 7. Starting sequence begins when the start switch is pressed ON (or start sequence is initiated), and continues until stable idle speed is achieved (stabilized EGT and N2 speed). Starter Duty Cycle Usual starter duty cycle is three started crank cycles for a total of 4 minutes maximum cranking time or 4 minutes maximum continuous cranking time. After three motoring cycles, one after another, starter off time period must be 30 minutes. Maintain off time period before each subsequent duty cycle. Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 9 Main Oil Pressure Limits Engine Runup Main Oil Pressure Limits 200 MAIN OIL PRESSURE (PSIG) on perati mal O Nor ximum Ma 150 Minimum 100 peration Normal O m Limit Minimu 50 0 13000 (53) 14000 (57) 15000 (61) 16000 (65) 17000 (69) 18000 (74) 19000 (78) 20000 (82) 21000 (86) 22000 (90) 23000 (94) 24000 (98) CS1_CS3_71ARU_004 HIGH ROTOR N2 SPEED – MECHANICAL RPM (% RPM) Figure 7: Main Oil Pressure Limits (Reference) Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 10 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Rotor Bow Engine Runup Rotor Bow The motor-to-start time for rotor bow prevention is based on an altitude/outside air temperature (OAT) graph. Within the altitude/OAT envelope, the motor-to-start time is 30 seconds. As the distance outside the altitude/OAT envelope increases, the motor-to-start time increases. An ENG START DELAY advisory message is displayed anytime an engine start is initiated outside of the envelope. The message clears when the motor-to-start phase is complete. ALT 14000 ft 30 Second Motor-To-Start Time 5000 ft ENG START DELAY ENG START DELAY -2000 ft OAT -5°C +43°C CS1_CS3_7100_022 -17°C Figure 8: Rotor Bow Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 11 Checklist Engine Runup Checklist Exterior Check ACTION RESULT Chocks on Main Landing Gear IN POSITION FWD AND AFT OF WHEELS Gear Pins INSTALLED Fan Rotation FREE Engine Inlet/Exhaust CLEAR AND NO ICE Engine Cowls and Access Panels SECURED Engine Direct Inlet/Exhaust Ramp Area CLEAR AND NO FOD Ground Fire Extinguisher POSITIONED WITH PERSONNEL Pilot/Static Ports COVERS REMOVED Compartments and Access Doors CLOSED Cabin Doors CLOSED (except for crew access) GPU AS REQUIRED (safe position) Direct Aircraft Surrounds CLEAR OF EQUIPMENT AND FOD Blast Area SAFE ZONE DIRECTION Make sure the recommended wind velocity is met. Refer to Figure 3. Aircraft MUST be more than 60 m (200 ft) away from any wall or blast fence at idle. Data is invalid when the test is performed with the engine exhaust directed towards a wall or blast fence. Flight Deck Preparation ACTION RESULT On the CENTER MAIN INSTRUMENT PANEL: LD GEAR HANDLE DN On the CENTER PEDESTAL: L(R) Thrust Levers L(R) ENGINE RUN Switch CONT IGNITION Switch ENGINE START Switch SPOLIER Lever SLAT/FLAP Lever ALT FLAP PARK BRAKE IDLE OFF PBA OUT AUTO RET POS 0 NORM ON Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 12 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Checklist Engine Runup APU Start ACTION RESULT BATT 1 and BATT 2 AUTO Ground Power if required: GPU (BD500-A-J24070-00-00AAA-34DB-A) EXT PWR PBA in AVIONIC Synoptic Page AVIO Tab: Select FIRE test DONE shown beside FIRE Start APU Pull and turn the APU switch to the START position and release to RUN On the STATUS synoptic page: APU DOOR indicates open APU RPM increases On EICAS: APU GEN OFF caution message APU IN START status message On the FUEL synoptic page: APU feed SOV open APU flow line green APU fuel filter green At 70% rpm: APU IN START status message off APU ON status message on On STATUS synoptic page at 100% rpm: RPM 91 to 100% EGT less than 950°C DOOR OPEN OIL TEMP NORM OIL PRESS NORM OIL QTY FULL NOTE The APU start from battery shall only be allowed if there are two batteries available and TRU 3 is not available. A battery start is allowed with one battery available and a TRU feeding the DC BUSES when TRU 3 is not available. Time limits for operating the APU with access doors open are 10 minutes maximum APU not loaded, and 5 minutes maximum APU loaded. If the APU is operated with the access doors open, make sure that fire fighting equipment is available. APU Fire Procedure CONTROL SETTING APU Fire APU Switch APU FIRE PBA APU BTL OFF PRESS PRESS Evacuate the aircraft if necessary. Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 13 Checklist Engine Runup Flight Deck Check ACTION RESULT On rear bulkhead MAINTENANCE PANEL: AIRCRAFT and BATT PWR knob CHAN switch AS REQUIRED OFF CBs/SSPCs ALL IN (except those pulled INOP systems) AVIONIC Synoptic Page, AVIO Tab: Select AURAL Test Select LAMP Test Select ICE DETECT Test Select FIRE Test DONE shown beside AURAL DONE shown beside LAMP PASS shown beside ICE DETECT DONE shown beside FIRE Engine Oil Level On STATUS synoptic page MIN OIL LEVEL 10 L On the OVERHEAD PANEL: PBAs HYD Rotary Switches FUEL MAN XFR L(R) BOOST PUMP XBLEED APU BLEED L(R) COWL and WING ANTI-ICE ELT EQUIP COOLING EXHAUST EMER DEPRESS AUTO PRESS MAN RATE knob EMER, EXT, LDG LTS WING LIGHTS No White Light EXCEPT EXT PWR ACMP 2B ON, 3A and 3B AUTO OFF AUTO AUTO AS REQUIRED OFF ARM AUTO PBA IN (ON light ON) PBA IN (MAN light ON) 12 O’CLOCK POS OFF AS REQUIRED On the CENTER MAIN INSTRUMENT PANEL: ALTN GEAR GEAR AURAL, ALTN BRAKE AUTOBRAKE NOSE STEER NORM PBAs OUT NO LIGHT OFF PBA OUT NO LIGHT EICAS NO ENGINE Alerts/Warnings Displayed Audio Control Panel VHF 1 VHF 2 INTERPHONE Set one radio to EMERGENCY FREQUENCY Set second radio to local applicable FREQUENCY Check with ground crew BEACON ON NOTE ACMP 2B is selected on to ensure hydraulic power is available for steering. Record fuel quantity before and after runup and uplift (if applicable). Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 14 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Automatic Start Engine Runup Automatic Start (BD500-A-J71-00-00-00AAA-130A-A_001) CONTROL SETTING L(R) Thrust Levers Set to MIN idle Bleed Air Pressure 40 psi Ground personnel check OK to start engine (s) CAUTION: MAX EGT 1054°C (Normal start EGT range 550°C) L(R) ENG RUN Switch ON Monitor EICAS: N2 Greater than 18% N2: FUEL FLOW EGT Oil Pressure N1 and N2 50 to 55% N2 L(R) START displayed ENGINE START DELAY displayed if motor-to-start cycle is > 30 seconds Engine dry cranks 7% - 13% N2 for a minimum of 30 seconds ENGINE START DELAY off at the end of motor-to-start cycle INCREASING IGN displayed Indicates 90 kg/hr rising Rising Rising Increasing IGN goes OFF START goes OFF If oil pressure is < 70 psi after 30 seconds at MIN IDLE, shutdown the engine. CONFIRM ENGINE OPERATING WITHIN TABLE 1 AND FIGURE 5 PARAMETERS EICAS HYD Synoptic Page: Hydraulic pressure system no. 1 (2) EDP 1 (2) Outline EDP 1 (2) Flow Line EICAS After 5 minutes at MIN Idle, record the following: NOT SHOWN: L(R) ENG STARTER FAIL L(R) ENGINE FAULT FUEL INERTING FAULT ENG CONT IGNITION 3000+/-200 psi within 30 seconds Changes from white to green Change from white to green NOT SHOWN: HYD 1 (2) LO PRESS HYD EDP 1A FAIL ENG 1 ENG 2 N1 -------------EGT % -----------------------°C N2 ------------FUEL FLOW % -----------------------kg/hr (pph) °C OIL TEMP ------------- °C ------------------------ psi OIL PRESS psi psi HYD PRESS psi % ---------------------°C % --------------------kg/hr (pph) --------------------- Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 15 Manual Start Engine Runup Manual Start CONTROL SETTING L(R) Thrust Levers Set to MIN idle Bleed air pressure 40 psi CONT IGNITION PBA in Ground personnel check OK to start engine(s) CAUTION: MAX EGT 1054°C (Normal start EGT range 550°C) WARNING: In manual start mode, automatic abort feature is not active and you MUST manually abort the starting sequence. ENGINE START Switch Hold in L(R) ENG CRANK ENGINE START DELAY displayed if motor-to-start cycle is > 30 seconds Engine dry cranks 7% - 13% N2 for a minimum of 30 seconds ENGINE START DELAY off at the end of motor-to-start cycle EICAS Confirm N2 RISING At max motoring (not less than 18% N2) Set L(R) ENG RUN switch to ON Monitor EICAS: L(R) START displayed IGN displayed Fuel Flow EGT OIL PRESSURE N1 and N2 50 to 55% N2, ENG START Switch INDICATE 90 kg/hr RISING RISING RISING INCREASING Released to AUTO IGN goes OFF START goes OFF IGN (white) ON CONT IGNITION PBA OUT If oil pressure <70 psi after 30 seconds at MIN IDLE, shutdown the engine. Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 16 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Manual Start Engine Runup ENGINE OPERATING WITHIN TABLE 1 AND FIGURE 5 PARAMETERS EICAS HYD Synoptic Page: Hydraulic pressure system no. 1 (2) EDP 1 (2) Outline EDP 1 (2) Flow Line EICAS NOT SHOWN: L(R) ENG STARTER FAIL L(R) ENGINE FAULT FUEL INERTING FAULT ENG CONT IGNITION 3000+/-200 psi within 30 seconds Changes from white to green Change from white to green NOT SHOWN: HYD 1 (2) LO PRESS HYD EDP 1A FAIL After 5 minutes at MIN Idle, record the following: ENG 1 ENG 2 N1 -------------EGT % ----------------------°C N2 ------------FUEL FLOW % ----------------------kg/hr (pph) °C OIL TEMP ------------- °C ---------------------- psi OIL PRESS psi psi HYD PRESS psi % --------------------°C % --------------------kg/hr (pph) --------------------- Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 17 Discontinued Start Engine Runup Discontinued Start Abort start if: • No N1 rotation by +/- 30% N2 • N2 fails to reach stabilized idle speed within 120 seconds • No EGT rise after 20 seconds from positive fuel flow indication • Oil pressure does not increase within 30 seconds • EGT greater than 1054°C (Hot Start) In automatic start, the automatic abort feature is active only when the starter is engaged and N2< 54%. If N2 is greater than this value, start MUST be manually discontinued as follows: ENGINE START DISCONTINUED (IN AUTO MODE) L(R) ENG RUN SWITCH Set to OFF ENGINE START DISCONTINUED (IN MANUAL MODE) L(R) ENG RUN SWITCH (If ON) ENGINE START SWITCH When L(R) Engine N2 <20%: CONT IGNITION ENGINE START SWITCH ENGINE START SWITCH Set to OFF Release to AUTO EEC WILL automatically engage starter for 30 seconds, after a start AUTO abort when: No EGT increase (no light OFF) No acceleration (hung start) High EGT (hot start) EEC WILL NOT automatically engage starter after a start AUTO abort when: No N1 indication after N2 > 30% Loss of EGT indication Inability to control fuel flow EEC unable to command either igniter in EEC channels Failure/unsuccessful automatic restart Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 18 PBA out NO LIGHT Turn and hold to L(R) ENG CRANK for 30 seconds. Release to AUTO Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Idle Power Test Engine Runup Idle Power Test This test provides the procedure for doing an operation check of the engine and a check of the fuel and oil systems for leaks. The engine is to be operated at MIN IDLE power only for this test. CAUTION When the engine operates with the cowl doors open, the fire department personnel must be at the engine. The aircraft fire extinguishing system does not operate with the cowl doors open. Do not operate the engine with the cowl doors open if the wind velocity is more than 20 kt. If you do, damage to the cowl doors can occur. When the cowl doors are open, you must operate the engine at minimum idle power only. If you operate the engine at a higher power, you can cause damage to the cowl doors. NOTE The fuel system can contain air after the replacement of fuel components and tubes. If this is the first engine start after the replacement of fuel components or tubes, the fuel flow can change quickly while the air is purged from the fuel system. This temporary condition is usual and satisfactory. Start Engine (s) Maintain MIN IDLE for 5 minutes Do a GVI of engine drain system for leaks ENG 1 RECORD ENGINE PARAMETERS ENG 2 N1 % % EGT °C °C N2 % % FUEL FLOW kg/hr PPH kg/hr PPH OIL TEMPERATURE °C °C OIL PRESSURE PSI PSI Perform engine shutdown Do a GVI of fuel, oil, hydraulic tubing system for leaks Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 19 Power Assurance Test Engine Runup Power Assurance Test (BD500-A-J71-00-00-01AAA-320B-A_002) This test provides the procedure for a power assurance test of the engine. All engines complete an acceptance test procedure prior to delivery. The test confirms that an engine generates certified thrust level. This procedure may be used to verify that an installed engine meets the rated takeoff thrust within EGT, N2, and fuel flow limits. Pressure altitude of the test location must be between -2,000 ft and 14,500 ft. To display brake pressure while doing high power engine runs, select the OMS, DATA, MAINTENANCE, LRU/ SYS OPS, and BRAKE CONTROL. The brake pressure will be displayed in real time. NOTE Test is to be performed one engine at a time. Use OAT to find N1 speed target value in Table 2, and record data in the expected value column below. POWER ASSURANCE DATA EXAMPLE OAT °C Barometric Pressure Set to 29.92 in OAT 15°C Barometric Pressure Set to 29.92 in Record Pressure Altitude ft Record Pressure Altitude Wind Direction ° Wind Direction 240° Wind Speed 10/kt Aircraft Heading 240° Wind Speed /kt Aircraft Heading ° Expected Value 150 ft Expected Value N1 Target % N1 Target 78.3% N2 (min) % N2 (min) 88.7% N2 (max) % N2 (max) 89.6% EGT Minimum °C EGT Minimum 760°C EGT Maximum °C EGT Maximum 816°C Fuel Flow Minimum kg/hr (pph) Fuel Flow Minimum 1807 kg/hr 3983 (pph) Fuel Flow Maximum kg/hr (pph) Fuel Flow Maximum 2013 kg/hr 4438 (pph) Cowl Anti-Ice (circle) Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 20 ON OFF Cowl Anti-Ice (circle) ON OFF Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Power Assurance Test Engine Runup POWER ASSURANCE TEST % Record N1 Target: Start engines (auto or manual mode) L(R) GEN OFF for the test engine. L(R) Wing Anti-Ice (WAI) OFF for the tested engine. L(R) Cowl Anti-Ice (CAI) OFF for the test engine (ON if rain or snow are present, or fog visibility <1. 6 km (1 mile). L(R) BLEED OFF for the tested engine. After idling for 15 minutes, slowly increase thrust of test engine to N1 target and stabilize for 5 minutes. If necessary for aircraft static stability, bring the untested engine above forward (FWD) idle. RECORD ACTUALS ENG 1 ENG 2 N1 Actual % % EGT Actual °C °C N2 Actual % % kg/hr (pph) kg/hr (pph) Oil Temperature Actual °C °C Oil Pressure Actual psi psi Fuel Flow Actual L(R) Thrust Levers Slowly retard to MIN IDLE for 5 minutes Perform engine shutdown Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 21 Power Assurance Test Engine Runup Correct the recorded engine data before comparing with the power assurance limits in Table 2. EXAMPLE N1%= 78.7, N1% target= 78.3, EGT= 803°C, N2%= 89.3 Fuel Flow= 1863 KG/HR, Press. Alt.= 150 ft, NAI= OFF EGT, N2 and Fuel Flow correction EGT (actual) °C For pressure altitudes above sea level, subtract 1.5°C (1.8°F) for each 1000 ft (305 m) above sea level - For pressure altitudes below sea level, add 1.5°C (1.8°F) for each 1000 ft (305 m) below sea level + .225 For errors in N1 setting, subtract 9°C (16.2°F) for each percent above the target For errors in N1 setting, add 9°C (16.2°F) for each percent below the target + If Nacelle Anti-Ice ON, subtract 8°C (14.4°F) - Corrected EGT = N2 (actual) 803°C 3.6 --- °C 799.2°C % 89.3% No adjustment necessary for pressure altitude or use of nacelle anti-ice --- For errors in N1 setting, subtract 0.33% for each percentage above the target - For errors in N1 setting, add 0.33% for each percent below the target + Corrected N2 = Fuel Flow (actual) % --- % 89.2% pph 1863 kg/hr For pressure altitudes below sea level, subtract 125 pph for each 1000 ft (305 m) below sea level For pressure altitudes above sea level, add 125 pph for each 1000 ft (305 m) above sea level + For errors in N1 setting, subtract 145 pph for each percent above the target - 0.132% kg/hr For pressure altitudes below sea level, subtract 57 kg/hr for each 1000 ft (305 m) below sea level --- For pressure altitudes above sea level, add 57 kg/hr for each 1000 ft (305 m) above sea level 8.55 For errors in N1 setting, subtract 66 kg/hr for each percent above the target 26.4 For errors in N1 setting, add 145 pph for each percent below the target + --- For errors in N1 setting, add 66 kg/hr for each percent below the target - --- If Nacelle Anti-Ice was ON, subtract 23 kg/hr If Nacelle Anti-Ice was ON, subtract 50 pph Corrected Fuel Flow = pph 1845.2 kg/hr kg/hr Perform engine shutdown Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 22 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Power Assurance Test Engine Runup Table 2: Power Assurance Test OAT PERCENT N1 PERCENT N2 EGT (°C) WF PPH WF -KG/HR Deg C Target Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum -54 68.3 77.3 78.2 552 578 3389 3776 1537 1713 -53 68.4 77.5 78.4 526 582 3398 3786 1541 1717 -52 68.6 77.7 78.6 529 585 3407 3795 1545 1722 -51 68.8 77.9 78.7 533 589 3415 3805 1549 1726 -50 68.9 78.0 78.9 536 592 3424 3815 1553 1730 -49 69.1 78.2 79.1 540 596 3433 3825 1557 1735 -48 69.2 78.4 79.3 543 600 3442 3835 1561 1739 -47 69.4 78.6 79.4 547 603 3451 3844 1565 1744 -46 69.5 78.7 79.6 551 607 3459 3854 1569 1748 -45 69.7 78.9 79.8 554 610 3468 3864 1573 1753 -44 69.8 79.1 80.0 558 614 3477 3874 1577 1757 -43 70.0 79.3 80.1 561 617 3486 3884 1581 1762 -42 70.1 79.4 80.3 565 621 3494 3893 1585 1766 -41 70.3 79.6 80.5 568 624 3503 3903 1589 1771 -40 70.4 79.8 80.7 572 628 3512 3913 1593 1775 -39 70.6 79.9 80.8 576 632 3521 3923 1597 1779 -38 70.7 80.1 81.0 579 635 3530 3933 1601 1784 -37 70.9 80.3 81.2 583 639 3539 3943 1605 1788 -36 71.0 80.4 81.3 586 642 3548 3953 1609 1793 -35 71.2 80.6 81.5 590 646 3556 3963 1613 1797 -34 71.3 80.8 81.7 593 649 3565 3972 1617 1802 -33 71.5 81.0 81.8 597 653 3574 3982 1621 1806 -32 71.6 81.1 82.0 601 657 3583 3992 1625 1811 -31 71.8 81.3 82.2 604 660 3592 4002 1629 1815 -30 71.9 81.5 82.4 608 664 3601 4012 1633 1820 -29 72.1 81.6 82.5 611 667 3610 4022 1637 1834 -28 72.2 81.8 82.7 615 671 3619 4032 1641 1829 -27 72.4 82.0 82.9 618 675 3628 4042 1645 1833 -26 72.5 82.1 83.0 622 678 3637 4052 1649 1838 -25 72.7 82.3 83.2 626 682 3645 4062 1654 1842 -24 72.8 82.5 83.4 629 685 3654 4071 1658 1847 -23 73.0 82.6 83.5 633 689 3663 4081 1661 1851 -22 73.1 82.8 83.7 636 692 3671 4090 1665 1855 -21 73.2 82.9 83.9 639 695 3680 4100 1669 1860 -20 73.4 83.1 84.0 643 699 3688 4109 1673 1864 -19 73.5 83.3 84.2 646 702 3696 4118 1677 1868 -18 73.7 83.4 84.4 650 706 3705 4128 1680 1872 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 23 Power Assurance Test Engine Runup OAT PERCENT N1 PERCENT N2 EGT (°C) WF PPH WF -KG/HR Deg C Target Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum -17 73.8 83.6 84.5 653 709 3713 4137 1664 1877 -16 74.0 83.8 84.7 656 712 3721 4146 1688 1881 -15 74.1 83.9 84.9 660 716 3730 4156 1692 1885 -14 74.3 84.1 85.0 663 719 3739 4165 1696 1889 -13 74.4 84.2 85.2 667 723 3747 4175 1700 1894 -12 74.5 84.4 85.3 670 726 3756 4185 1704 1898 -11 74.7 84.6 85.5 674 730 3764 4194 1707 1902 -10 74.8 84.7 85.7 677 733 3773 4204 1711 1907 -9 75.0 84.9 85.8 680 736 3782 4213 1715 1911 -8 75.1 85.1 86.0 684 740 3790 4223 1719 1918 -7 75.3 85.2 86.2 687 743 3799 4233 1723 1920 -6 75.4 85.4 86.3 691 747 3808 4243 1727 1925 -5 75.5 85.5 86.5 694 750 3817 4253 1731 1929 -4 75.7 85.7 86.6 698 754 3825 4262 1735 1933 -3 75.8 85.9 86.8 701 757 3834 4271 1739 1937 -2 76.0 86.0 87.0 704 760 3842 4281 1743 1942 -1 76.1 86.2 87.1 707 763 3850 4290 1746 1946 0 76.2 86.3 87.3 711 767 3859 4299 1750 1950 1 76.4 86.5 87.4 714 770 3867 4308 1754 1954 2 76.5 86.6 87.6 717 773 3875 4318 1758 1958 3 76.7 86.8 87.8 720 776 3884 4327 1762 1963 4 76.8 87.0 87.9 724 780 3892 4336 1765 1967 5 76.9 87.1 88.1 727 783 3900 4346 1769 1971 6 77.1 87.3 88.2 730 788 3909 4355 1773 1975 7 77.2 87.4 88.4 734 790 3917 4364 1777 1979 8 77.3 87.6 88.6 737 793 3925 4373 1780 1984 9 77.5 87.7 88.7 740 796 3933 4382 1784 1988 10 77.6 87.9 88.9 743 799 3942 4392 1788 1992 11 77.8 88.1 89.0 746 803 3950 4401 1792 1996 12 77.9 88.2 89.2 750 806 3958 4410 1795 2000 13 78.0 88.4 89.3 753 809 3966 4419 1799 2004 14 78.2 88.5 89.5 756 812 3975 4428 1803 2009 15 78.3 88.7 89.6 760 816 3983 4438 1807 2013 16 78.4 88.8 89.8 763 819 3991 4447 1810 2017 17 78.6 89.0 89.9 766 822 4000 4456 1814 2021 18 78.7 89.1 90.1 769 825 4008 4466 1818 2026 19 78.8 89.3 90.3 773 829 4016 4475 1822 2030 20 79.0 89.4 90.4 776 832 4025 4484 1826 2034 Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 24 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Power Assurance Test Engine Runup OAT PERCENT N1 PERCENT N2 EGT (°C) WF - PPH WF -KG/HR Deg C Target Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 21 79.1 89.6 90.6 779 835 4034 4494 1830 2039 22 79.2 89.7 90.7 783 839 4043 4504 1834 2043 23 79.4 89.9 90.9 786 842 4052 4514 1838 2048 24 79.5 90.0 91.0 789 845 4061 4524 1842 2052 25 79.6 90.2 91.2 793 849 4069 4534 1846 2057 26 79.8 90.3 91.3 796 852 4078 4544 1850 2061 27 79.9 90.5 91.5 800 856 4087 4554 1854 2066 28 80.0 90.6 91.6 803 859 4096 4564 1858 2070 29 80.2 90.8 91.8 806 863 4105 4574 1862 2075 30 80.3 90.9 91.9 810 866 4114 4584 1866 2079 31 80.4 91.1 92.1 813 869 4123 4594 1870 2084 32 80.6 91.2 92.2 817 873 4132 4604 1874 2088 33 80.7 91.3 92.4 820 876 4141 4614 1878 2093 34 80.8 91.5 92.5 824 880 4150 4624 1883 2098 35 81.0 91.6 92.7 827 883 4160 4635 1887 2102 36 81.1 91.8 92.8 831 887 4169 4645 1891 2107 37 81.2 91.9 93.0 834 890 4178 4655 1895 2111 38 81.4 92.1 93.1 837 894 4187 4665 1899 2116 39 81.5 92.2 93.2 841 897 4196 4678 1903 2121 40 81.6 92.4 93.4 844 900 4206 4685 1908 2125 41 81.8 92.5 93.5 848 904 4215 4696 1912 2130 42 81.9 92.7 93.7 851 907 4224 4707 1916 2135 43 82.0 92.8 93.8 855 911 4233 4717 1920 2140 44 82.1 92.9 94.0 858 914 4242 4727 1924 2144 45 82.3 93.1 94.1 862 918 4251 4736 1928 2148 46 82.4 93.2 94.3 865 921 4259 4745 1932 2152 47 82.5 93.4 94.4 869 925 4268 4756 1936 2157 48 82.7 93.5 94.6 872 928 4277 4766 1940 2162 49 82.8 93.7 94.7 876 932 4286 4775 1944 2166 50 82.9 93.8 94.8 879 935 4294 4784 1948 2170 51 83.0 93.9 95.0 883 939 4302 4794 1951 2174 52 83.2 94.1 95.1 886 942 4311 4803 1955 2179 53 83.3 94.2 95.3 889 945 4319 4812 1959 2183 Compare corrected values of the EGT, N2, and Fuel Flow to the limits in Table 2 at the recorded OAT. If any of these three parameters are out of limits, the engine may be limited at takeoff power. Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 25 Acceleration/Deceleration Test Engine Runup Acceleration/Deceleration Test (BD500-A-J71-00-00-01AAA-320A-A) This accel/decel test provides the procedure for checking the correct engine acceleration and deceleration operation within permitted time limits. Both engine running, stabilized at MIN IDLE thrust for 5 minutes. Check that all the engine parameters are with the permitted limits. Refer to Table 1 and Figure 5. Set the nacelle anti-ice (NAI) to OFF for the test engine. Set NAI to ON for test engine when either of these weather conditions exist: • Rain or snow is present • Fog is present that limits visibility below 1.6 km (1 mile) When operation of the test engine with anti-icing system ON is necessary, proceed as follows: NOTE Engine operation must be stable before proceeding. • • • • • Turn the anti-icing system OFF for the last 30 seconds before acceleration and deceleration tests Turn the anti-icing system ON after acceleration and deceleration tests For the engine that does not require a test, slowly move the thrust lever to around 65% N1 Check that the hydraulic EDP load is minimal Operate non tested engine to 65% N1 to achieve thrust balance and provide sufficient hydraulic pressure to system users CAUTION If engine surges during this test, retard the thrust lever to MIN IDLE within 1 second of surge. Keep engine at MIN IDLE for 5 minutes if there is no EGT overtemperature. If not, do an emergency shutdown and dry motor the engine until EGT is less than 250°C. Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 26 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Acceleration/Deceleration Test Engine Runup Approach Idle Use table 3 to find N1 approach idle target. (example: 15°C, test site alt.= 150ft, Takeoff N1%=89%) Record Test site altitude: ft OAT: °C Determine the N1 approach idle target using OAT in the Table 3: Record N1 app. Idle Target: % Calculate the adjusted approach idle target N1% (for altitude adjustment above sea level): Adjusted target N1 speed = (target N1 from Table 3) + (0.6 x target N1 from Table 3) x (altitude/1000) Adjusted target_______%N1= _________________________%N1 + 0.6 x ____________%N1 x (_________________/1000) Example: Adjusted target _____%N1= 27% N1 + 0.6 x 27% N1 x (150ft/1000) Example: Adjusted target 29.43 %N1= 27% N1 + 16.2 N1 x 0.15 Record adjusted approach idle target N1: % N1 Accel Time Calculate the timed accel N1 target at which the timer is stopped when N1 passes through this value. Calculated timed accel %N1 target:___________________% = 0.97 x (takeoff %N1 - adjusted app. idle %N1) + adjusted app. idle %N1 ___________%N1 = 0.97 x (__________-_________________) +________________ Example: ____%N1 = 0.97 x(89% - 27.09) + 27.09 Example: 87.14 %N1 = (0.97 x 61.91) + 27.09 Record calculated timed accel N1: % NOTE Takeoff %N1 is found on the EICAS page above the N1 indicator. Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 27 Acceleration/Deceleration Test Engine Runup ACCELERATION TEST CONTROL CHECK SETTING L(R) BLEED OFF (test engine) L(R) GEN OFF (test engine) L(R) THRUST LEVER Slowly move test engine to TAKEOFF power while moving non test engine to about 65% N1. Stabilize for 3 minutes ENG 1 RECORD ACTUAL ENGINE PARAMETERS ENG 2 N1 % % EGT °C °C N2 % % FUEL FLOW kg/hr (pph) kg/hr (pph) OIL TEMPERATURE °C °C OIL PRESSURE PSI PSI THRUST LEVERS Slowly retard levers back to MIN IDLE Test engine THRUST LEVER Slowly advance to adjusted Approach Idle N1 target Let engine stabilize for 15 minutes Non Test engine Leave at idle power If NAI is ON Switch NAI OFF for 30 seconds Acceleration test Adjusted approach idle N1 target;_______%N1 Calculated timed accel. N1 target:.______%N1 Quickly advance thrust lever from adjusted app. idle N1% to TAKEOFF N1 (in less than 1 second) and start timer ENG 1 Record actual accel. time through calculated accel timed N1 target: ENG 2 Seconds Seconds Acceleration time limit for altitude of less than 1524 m (5,000 ft) must be less than 5.5 seconds. For an altitude above 1524 m (5,000 ft), the acceleration time must be less than this calculation: Accel Time = 5.5 + (altitude - 5,000)/1,000 x 0.2) Ex: @ 7,000 ft alt, accel. Time= 5.5 + (7,000-5000) / 1,000 x 0.2) = 5.9 seconds DECELERATION TEST L(R) THRUST LEVER Run test engine at TAKEOFF N1% for 1 minute Quickly retard thrust lever from TAKEOFF N1% to MIN IDLE (in less than 1 second) and start timer ENG 1 Record actual decel. time from TAKEOFF N1% to adjusted approach N1 target: (decel. time must be less than 10.5 seconds Both engines ENG 2 Seconds Seconds Stabilize at MIN IDLE for 5 minutes NAI ON if necessary Perform engine shutdown Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 28 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Acceleration/Deceleration Test Engine Runup Table 3: Approach Idle Target Speed OAT °C N1 TARGET OAT °C N1 TARGET OAT °C N1 TARGET OAT °C N1 TARGET -54 24 -53 24 -52 24 -51 24 -50 24 -49 24 -48 24 -47 24 -46 24 -45 24 -44 24 -43 24 -42 24 -41 24 -40 24 -39 24 -38 24 -37 25 -36 25 -35 25 -34 25 -33 25 -32 25 -31 25 -30 25 -29 25 -28 25 -27 25 -26 25 -26 25 -24 25 -23 25 -22 25 -21 25 -20 25 -19 25 -18 26 -17 26 -16 26 -15 26 -14 26 -13 26 -12 26 -11 26 -10 26 -9 26 -8 28 -7 26 -6 26 -5 26 -4 26 -3 26 -2 26 -1 26 0 26 1 26 2 26 3 27 4 27 5 27 6 27 7 27 8 27 9 27 10 27 11 27 12 27 13 27 14 27 15 27 16 27 17 27 18 27 19 27 20 27 21 27 22 27 23 27 24 28 25 28 26 28 27 28 28 28 29 28 30 28 31 28 32 28 33 28 34 28 35 28 36 28 37 28 38 28 39 28 40 28 41 28 42 28 43 28 44 28 45 28 46 29 47 29 48 29 49 29 50 29 51 29 52 29 53 29 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 29 High-Pressure Ducting System Operation Test Engine Runup High-Pressure Ducting System Operation Test APU AND ENGINE BLEED TEST CONTROL SETTING AIR Control Panel: All PBAs FWD/AFT CARGO knobs FWD and AFT CABIN/COCKPIT knobs XBLEED Push APU BLEED PBA EICAS No WHITE lights Set to VENT position 12 o’clock position (CTR) Set to AUTO APU BLEED PBA OFF light is ON APU BLEED OFF message shows. APU control knob Set to START and release APU BLEED PBA Push PBA APU BLEED PBA OFF light goes OFF EICAS APU BLEED OFF CAS message not shown. Get access to the AIR synoptic page L PACK and R PACK L BLEED and R BLEED manifolds CKPT, FWD and AFT temperatures Operate Bleed air pressurized Show 24°C L PACK PBA Push PBA L PACK PBA OFF light comes ON. EICAS PACK FLOW HI message shows After 1 minutes, bleed pressure and cabin airflow increase. L PACK PBA (Repeat last 2 steps for R PACK) Push PBA L PACK PBA OFF light goes OFF. Start the engines AIR synoptic page L PACK/R PACK/TRIM AIR stop automatically during engine start and restart 30 seconds after engine start terminated. APU BLEED PBA Push PBA APU BLEED PBA OFF light comes ON. EICAS AIR synoptic page APU BLEED OFF messages shows L PACK/R PACK bleed supply change from APU to engine bleed. ENGINE BLEED PORT SWITCHING TEST (ONE ENGINE AT A TIME) CONTROL SETTING Engines Thrust levers at MIN IDLE. AIR synoptic page L(R) BLEED press. 39-44 psi L(R) thrust lever Slowly advance until L (R) BLEED pressure becomes stable at 39-44 psi AIR synoptic page Confirm that source of L(R) BLEED is the high-pressure port of L(R) engine. L(R) thrust lever Continue to increase L(R) thrust lever until source of L(R) BLEED changes to the low pressure port. AIR synoptic page L(R) BLEED pressure is 38-45 psi L(R) thrust lever Slowly retard until the system switches to the high-pressure port. Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 30 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only High-Pressure Ducting System Operation Test Engine Runup ENGINE BLEED PORT SWITCHING TEST (ONE ENGINE AT A TIME) AIR synoptic page Confirm source of L(R) BLEED changes to the high-pressure port of the L(R) engine and the L(R) BLEED pressure decreases below 37 psi, then stabilizes at 38-45 psi L(R) thrust lever Retard L(R) thrust lever to MIN IDLE. AIR synoptic page Confirm L(R) BLEED pressure is at 39-45 psi Repeat above steps for opposite engine SINGLE BLEED OPERATION TEST (BOTH ENGINES RUNNING) (Perform test on one side at a time) AIR control panel EICAS Push L BLEED PBA L BLEED PBA OFF light comes ON L BLEED OFF status message shows AIR synoptic page Confirm: CBV opens L and R PACK operate L and R BLEED pressure is 37+/- 2 psi (TBD) AIR control panel EICAS Turn XBLEED knob to MAN CLSD XBLEED MAN CLSD message shows AIR synoptic page Confirm: CBV closed R PACK operates L PACK does not operate R BLEED pressure is 37+/-2 psi (TBD) AIR control panel Push L BLEED PBA L BLEED PBA OFF light goes OFF EICAS L BLEED OFF status message not shown. AIR synoptic page L PACK operates AIR control panel Turn XBLEED knob to AUTO EICAS XBLEED MAN CLSD message not shown. AIR synoptic page Confirm: CBV closed Land R PACK operate L and R BLEED Pressure is 30+/-5 psi (TBD) Repeat previous steps for the opposite side Perform engine shutdown Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 31 Normal Engine Shutdown Engine Runup Normal Engine Shutdown (BD500-A-J71-00-00-03AAA-130A-A) CONTROL SETTING APU ON Bleed Air Available L(R) Thrust Levers Set to MIN idle for 5 minutes CENTER PEDESTAL L(R) ENG RUN Switch Set to OFF Monitor EICAS: EGT decreasing Fuel flow stops N1 spools down N2 spools down NOTE Ensure APU is running to provide bleed air incase of a tailpipe fire. Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 32 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Emergency Procedure Shutdown Engine Runup Emergency Procedure Shutdown (Reference BD500-A-J71-00-00-02AAA-140A-A_001) Do the following emergency shutdown procedures: EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN Thrust levers Quickly and immediately retard to minimum idle. L(R) ENG RUN Switch OFF (this stops the fuel supply to the engine). If engine has a tail fire with N2 <20% on EICAS SET ENG RUN switch to OFF (if ON) Dry motor engine with starter until fire goes out. *Do not obey the starter time limits. If the engine was operated within the limits and there was no damage to the engine, do the steps that follow: • In less than 5 minutes of the emergency shutdown (or when N2 < 20%), dry motor the engine as follows: DRY MOTORING CONT IGNITION PBA out NO LIGHT ENGINE START Switch AUTO ENGINE START Switch Turn and hold to L(R) ENG CRANK. Hold rotary switch in the ENG CRANK position as long as desired to motor the engine until EGT is < 250°C or for 4 minutes (whichever comes first). When EGT < 250°C or after 4 minutes Release ENGINE START Switch. Verify the following: N1 and N2 Decrease to 0. Pneumatic air supply Disconnect ground air supply or shutdown auxiliary power unit (APU). ENGINE SURGE OR STALL BUT RECOVERS AT IDLE (EGT AND OTHER PARAMETERS WITHIN LIMITS) L(R) Thrust Lever Quickly retard to MIN IDLE. Check that there has been no engine parameter limits exceedance Run engine at MIN IDLE for 5 minutes and continue normal engine operation ENGINE SURGE OR STALL (EGT INCREASING OR OUT OF LIMITS) L(R) Thrust Lever Quickly retard to MIN IDLE. L(R) ENG RUN SWITCH Set to OFF. When L(R) Engine N2<20% Turn and hold in the L(R) ENG CRANK position as long as desired to motor the engine until EGT <180°C or for 4 minutes (whichever comes first). Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 33 Engine Start After Emergency Shutdown Engine Runup Engine Start After Emergency Shutdown Find and correct the cause of the emergency shutdown before attempting an engine start. ENGINE WAS OPERATING WITHIN LIMITS WITHOUT DAMAGE AND WAS DRY MOTORED: Start the engine in less than 2 minutes after last dry motoring: CONTROL SETTING L(R) Thrust Levers Set to MIN idle L(R) ENG RUN Switch ON Monitor EICAS: L(R) START displayed INCREASING N2 Around 18% N2: FUEL FLOW EGT Oil Pressure N1 and N2 At around 55% N2 ‘IGN displayed Indicates 90 kg/hr rising Rising Rising Increasing Start valve close (AIR SYN) IGN goes OFF START goes OFF If oil pressure is < 70 psi after 30 seconds at MIN IDLE, shutdown the engine. Run the engine at MIN IDLE for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you can operate the engine above MIN IDLE. IF THE ENGINE CAN NOT BE DRY MOTORED WITHIN 5 MINUTES OF AN EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN, DO NOT TRY TO START THE ENGINE AGAIN FOR A MINIMUM OF 90 MINUTES REFER TO AMP (BD500-A-J71-00-00-00AAA-140A-A) FOR FURTHER TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS Engine Fire Procedure CONTROL SETTING L(R) ENG FIRE Thrust levers L (R) ENG run L (R) ENG run L (R) ENG FIRE PBA L (R) ENG BTL 1 L (R) ENG BTL 2 IDLE OFF OFF PRESS PRESS PRESS Evacuate the aircraft if necessary. Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 34 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Normal Procedures Engine Runup Normal Procedures Normal Engine Shutdown (BD500-A-J71-00-00-03AAA-130A-A) CONTROL SETTING APU ON Bleed Air Available L(R) Thrust Levers Set to MIN idle for 5 minutes CENTER PEDESTAL L(R) ENG RUN Switch Set to OFF Monitor EICAS: EGT decreasing Fuel flow stops N1 spools down N2 spools down NOTE Ensure APU is running to provide bleed air in case of a tailpipe fire. Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 35 Non-Normal Procedures Engine Runup Non-Normal Procedures Engine Start After Emergency Shutdown Find and correct the cause of the emergency shutdown before attempting an engine start. ENGINE WAS OPERATING WITHIN LIMITS WITHOUT DAMAGE AND WAS DRY MOTORED: Start the engine in less than 2 minutes after last dry motoring: CONTROL SETTING L(R) Thrust Levers Set to MIN idle L(R) ENG RUN Switch ON Monitor EICAS: N2 Around 18% N2: FUEL FLOW EGT Oil Pressure N1 and N2 At around 55% N2 L(R) START displayed INCREASING ‘IGN displayed Indicates 90 kg/hr rising Rising Rising Increasing Start valve close (AIR SYN) IGN goes OFF START goes OFF If oil pressure is < 70 psi after 30 seconds at MIN IDLE, shutdown the engine. Run the engine at MIN IDLE for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you can operate the engine above MIN IDLE. IF THE ENGINE CAN NOT BE DRY MOTORED WITHIN 5 MINUTES OF AN EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN, DO NOT TRY TO START THE ENGINE AGAIN FOR A MINIMUM OF 90 MINUTES REFER TO AMP (BD500-A-J71-00-00-00AAA-140A-A) FOR FURTHER TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 36 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Emergency Procedures Engine Runup Emergency Procedures Emergency Procedure Shutdown (Reference BD500-A-J71-00-00-02AAA-140A-A_001) Do the following emergency shutdown procedures: EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN Thrust levers Quickly and immediately retard to minimum idle. L(R) ENG RUN Switch OFF (this stops the fuel supply to the engine). If engine has a tail fire with N2 <20% on EICAS SET ENG RUN switch to OFF (if ON) Dry motor engine with starter until fire goes out. *Do not obey the starter time limits. If the engine was operated within the limits and there was no damage to the engine, do the steps that follow: • In less than 5 minutes of the emergency shutdown (or when N2 < 20%), dry motor the engine as follows: DRY MOTORING CONT IGNITION PBA out NO LIGHT ENGINE START Switch AUTO ENGINE START Switch Turn and hold to L(R) ENG CRANK. Hold rotary switch in the ENG CRANK position as long as desired to motor the engine until EGT is < 250°C or for 4 minutes (whichever comes first). When EGT < 250°C or after 4 minutes Release ENGINE START Switch. Verify the following: N1 and N2 Decrease to 0. Pneumatic air supply Disconnect ground air supply or shutdown auxiliary power unit (APU). ENGINE SURGE OR STALL BUT RECOVERS AT IDLE (EGT AND OTHER PARAMETERS WITHIN LIMITS) L(R) Thrust Lever Quickly retard to MIN IDLE. Check that there has been no engine parameter limits exceedance Run engine at MIN IDLE for 5 minutes and continue normal engine operation ENGINE SURGE OR STALL (EGT INCREASING OR OUT OF LIMITS) L(R) Thrust Lever Quickly retard to MIN IDLE. L(R) ENG RUN SWITCH Set to OFF. When L(R) Engine N2<20% Turn and hold in the L(R) ENG CRANK position as long as desired to motor the engine until EGT <180°C or for 4 minutes (whichever comes first). Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 37 Emergency Procedures Engine Runup APU Fire Procedure CONTROL SETTING APU Fire OFF PRESS PRESS APU Switch APU FIRE PBA APU BTL Evacuate the aircraft if necessary. Engine Fire Procedure CONTROL SETTING L(R) ENG FIRE Thrust levers L (R) ENG run L (R) ENG run L (R) ENG FIRE PBA L (R) ENG BTL 1 L (R) ENG BTL 2 IDLE OFF OFF PRESS PRESS PRESS Evacuate the aircraft if necessary. Engine Runup CS130-21.10-05.01-120117 38 Copyright © Bombardier Inc. For Training Purposes Only