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QC Kinetix (Mt Pleasant)

QC Kinetix
(Mt Pleasant)
About us
At QC Kinetix (Mt Pleasant), we believe that everyone deserves to feel
and perform their very best. We can help you with all types of chronic
pain conditions, including knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain,
and more. Whether you're suffering from a sports injury or a chronic
condition, we can help. We pride ourselves on treating our patients with
the utmost respect and concierge-level service throughout their entire
clinical experience. Whether you’re suffering from knee pain or joint
pain, hip pain or low back pain, elbow pain, or an acute sports injury
whatever your condition is we can help. Rest assured that you’re in
good hands with the doctors at QC Kinetix. Experience the difference for
yourself! We offer sports medicine in Mt Pleasant and our consultation
where you’ll get to meet our doctors and receive a one-on-one
evaluation complete with treatment options and a plan that suits your
needs and budget. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at
our office!
Phone number:
(843) 303-9825
180 Wingo Way Suite
201, Mount Pleasant,
SC, 29464