Academic Achievement Assessment Confidential Material - For Professional Use Only Name: School/Grade: DOB: Chronological Age: Primary Language: Date(s) of Evaluation: Reason for Evaluation: (NAME) is a ___-year-old student in the ___ grade at ____ School. The (IST, IEP TEAM, Parent(s)) referred him/her for a comprehensive assessment to determine if he/she is eligible/continues to be eligible to receive special education support services. This assessment is intended to identify academic strengths and weaknesses in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. Procedures used and Tests Administered: Review of Available Educational Records Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement, 4th edition (WJ-IV) Testing Observations: Describe the following areas: Level of Cooperation; Level of Conversational Proficiency, Level of Activity, Attention and Concentration; Self-Confidence; Care in Responding; Response to Difficult task. State whether this assessment accurately represents the student’s strengths and weaknesses. If not, state why. Background Information: Review of educational records, including student’s grade, report cards, MCAS results, and concerns from the classroom teacher. Include other relevant information, such as, previous achievement testing completed on the student and identification of specific learning disabilities or educational disabilities. Include ELL level and ACCESS levels if applicable. If this is a re-evaluation, include review of IEP and current placement. Test Analysis: The following Standard Scores were obtained on the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement, 4th edition. The Woodcock Johnson IV is an individually administered and norm referenced test designed to measure academic achievement. The student’s proficiency in each subtest is compared to grade-level peers. The scores are presented as Scaled Score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15 would be within normal limits range. Scores within the range of 90-110 are considered Average. Percentile Ranks indicate the percentage of grade mates in a norm sample who achieve scores in the same or lower range than the student’s scores. ______Name__________ Page 2 Achievement Evaluation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Woodcock Johnson IV Academic Achievement Clusters Subtests Academic Skills Academic Fluency Academic Applications Raw Score Standard Score Percentile Rank Classification Academic Skills: This is a measure of reading decoding, math calculation, and spelling of single word responses, providing an overall score of basic achievement skills (Letter Word Identification, Calculation, Spelling). (NAME)’s score fell in the _________ range with at standard score of __. Academic Fluency: This cluster provides an overall index of academic fluency (Reading Fluency, Math Fluency, and Writing Fluency). (NAME)’s score fell in the _____ range with a standard score of __. Academic Applications: This cluster requires the application of academic skills to academic problems (Passage Comprehension, Applied Problems, and Writing Samples). (NAME)’s score fell in the _________ range with a standard score of __. READING: Reading ability consists of three interrelated abilities: reading decoding, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. The combination of these abilities give (NAME)’s Broad Reading ability which was found to be in the ___________ range and at the ____ % compared to same grade level peers with a standard score of __. Decoding: Woodcock Johnson IV Reading Cluster Subtests Letter-Word Identification Word Attack Raw Score Standard Score Percentile Rank Classification Reading decoding is the ability to recognize and pronounce written words presented without context. (NAME)’s reading ability was measured by two sub-tests. The first, Letter-Word Identification, required him/her to read words in isolation. (NAME) performed in the ___________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do.) The second test, Word Attack, measured (NAME)’s ability to apply phonic and structural analysis skills to the pronunciation of unfamiliar/nonsense printed words. (NAME)’s performance was in the ________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do) Taken together, (NAME)’s performance suggests he/she will/will not be able to decode words relative to same grade level peers. Fluency: Woodcock Johnson IV Reading Fluency and Rate Oral Reading Sentence Reading Fluency Word Reading Fluency Raw Score Standard Score Percentile Rank Classification Reading fluency is the ability to read words quickly, without having to dedicate significant mental effort to decoding them. Fluent readers are able to focus on comprehending the text because word decoding is ______Name__________ Page 3 Achievement Evaluation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ automatic. Tests that describe (NAME)’s reading fluency include Oral Reading, which measures story reading accuracy and prosody by requiring (NAME) to read sentences aloud that gradually increase in difficulty. (NAME) scored in the ___________ range. The second test, Sentence Reading Fluency is a timed test that measures the rate at which (NAME) can read simple sentences silently and quickly then decide if the statement is true or false. (NAME)’s performance was in the _______ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). The third test, Word Reading Fluency, is an assessment of vocabulary knowledge and semantic fluency. This is a timed task that requires the individual to identify the two words that are related in each row within a 3-minute time limit. The correct matches are words that share some relationship, for example, synonyms, antonyms, members of the same category, etc. (NAME) scored in the ________ range. When taken together, (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Reading Comprehension: Woodcock Johnson IV Reading Comprehension Passage Comprehension Reading Recall Reading Vocabulary Raw Score Standard Score Percentile Rank Classification Reading comprehension is the ability understand the facts presented in the text as well as infer meaning from things implied. It includes the ability to understand the main point of text, to understand things that are referred to indirectly (e.g., a character who is crying is probably sad), and to understand the author’s purpose about why the text was written. (NAME)’s reading comprehension is measured by the following subtest(s). Passage Comprehension measures the ability to use syntactic and semantic cues to identify a missing word in the text. This subtest begins with simple matching items where the student matches a symbol to a picture and then words to a picture. The student then progresses to a series of short passages in which the student is asked to identify a missing key word that makes sense in the context of that passage. (NAME)’s performance was in the ____________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do) Reading Recall is a measure of reading comprehension and meaningful memory. The task requires the individual to read a short story silently and then retell as much of the story as he/she can recall. (NAME) scored in the ________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Reading Vocabulary is measure of reading-writing and comprehension-knowledge abilities. It includes two subtests. The first requires the individual to read a word and provide a word of similar meaning. The second subtest requires the individual to read a word and provide a word of opposite meaning. (NAME) scored in the ____________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Mathematics: Mathematics skills can be described in terms of calculation skills, speed of calculations, and solving word problems. The combination of these skills encompasses (NAME)’s Broad Math ability which was found to be in the __________ range and comparable to ____% of grade level peers with a standard score of __. Woodcock Johnson IV Broad Math Cluster Subtests Calculation Math Facts Fluency Applied Problems Number Matrices Raw Score Standard Score Percentile Rank Classification Calculation requires the student to perform mathematical computations, which involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and combinations of these basic operations, as well as higher order math like ______Name__________ Page 4 Achievement Evaluation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ geometric, trigonometric, logarithmic, and calculus operations. Overall, (NAME)’s math calculation skills are in the ________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Fluency is important because it allows one to complete longer computations fluidly thereby freeing mental energy for the more demanding aspects of problem solving. Math Facts Fluency is a timed test requiring (NAME) to recall basic math facts quickly and accurately. (NAME) scored in the ________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Applied Problems and Number Matrices sub-tests assess (NAME’s) problem solving and general math reasoning skills. Applied Problems required (NAME) to analyze and solve math word problems. To solve the problems, the individual must listen to the problem, recognize the steps to be followed, and then perform the required calculations. To complete the task, the student must filter out unnecessary information to solve the word problem correctly. (NAME) scored in the __________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Number Matrices is an assessment of pattern reasoning and number sense. During this test, a pattern of numbers is shown and the individual must identify the missing number. (NAME) scored in the ___________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). WRITTEN LANGUAGE: Writing skills include spelling, grammar, and written expression. (NAME)’s Broad Written Language was in the _______ range comparable to ________% of same grade level peers with a standard score of __. Woodcock Johnson IV Broad Writing Subtests Spelling Writing Samples Sentence Writing Fluency Raw Score Standard Score Percentile Rank Classification Spelling, requires the student to write words that are given orally. (NAME)’s score fell in the ______ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Writing Samples, requires the student to express his/her ideas in writing at the sentence level. The student’s sentences are evaluated for their quality of expression. Basic mechanics, such as, spelling and punctuation are not evaluated on this subtest. (NAME)’s score fell in the _____ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Sentence Writing Fluency requires the student to rapidly write simple sentences given picture clues and a set of three words. (NAME)’s score fell in the _______ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Due to observed difficulty with grammar (NAME) was administered the Editing subtest. Editing measures the individual’s skill in identifying and correcting errors such as incorrect punctuation or capitalization, word usage, or a misspelling. Items increase in difficulty by increasing passage length, complexity of vocabulary, and the use of less common or irregular words. (NAME)’s score fell in the _________ range. (Give details on what student was and was not able to do). Summary and Recommendations: (NAME) was referred for evaluation by _______________ due to concerns regarding ______________. (Briefly review the educational history and background information relevant to the referral questions). In the area of reading, (NAME) displayed (relative) strengths in (list subtests in average range to above). (NAME) displayed (relative) weaknesses in the areas of (name subtests below the average range). (If student performed below average on all subtests list relative strengths and weaknesses.) ______Name__________ Page 5 Achievement Evaluation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the area of Math (NAME) displayed (relative) strengths in (name of subtests average range to above). He/she displayed (relative) weaknesses in (subtests below average range). (If student performed below average on all subtests list relative strengths and weaknesses.) In the area of written language, (NAME) displayed (relative) strengths in (average to above subtests). He/she displayed (relative) weaknesses in (tests below average). (If student performed below average on all subtests list relative strengths and weaknesses.) Based on the results of this evaluation, the following recommendations would be helpful: These findings should be compared to other test results for the __________ School Team to determine whether (NAME) has a learning disability or another educational disability. List beneficial classroom strategies. What accommodations would be helpful for the student to succeed. What modifications, if any, would you recommend. Submitted By: Name, Degree Title and Certification ______Name__________ Page 6 Achievement Evaluation ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX: Test Scores Key for Interpretation of Ranges WJ IV Classification Very Superior Superior High Average Average Low Average Low Very Low Standard Score Range 131 and Above 121-130 111-120 90-110 80-89 70-79 69 and Below Percentile 98-99.9 92-97 76-91 25-75 9-24 3-8 0.1-2