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Division of Arts: Classification & Purpose

The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
Jaried M. Millare
Faculty,Humanities Department,CAL
TITLE: The Division of Arts: “Classification and the Purpose”
INTRODUCTION: This topic is a classification of arts, the division of arts are
classified with respect to the purpose; practical or useful arts, liberal arts, fine
arts, major arts, and minor arts. The media and forms are divided into; plastic
arts, phonetic arts, kinetic arts, pure arts, and mixed arts.
By the end of this module you should be able to:
1. Identify the division of arts, media and forms its classification and the
2. Discuss the works or the artisans or the craftsman.
3. Select one preferred creative crafts and create drawings/illustrations of the
common hand tools, procedure in making crafts.
Aristotle defines art as the “right reason of making things”. any kind of
human activity, when directed to change or transform things under the patterns
of right reason, can be called art. By processing natural things, we prepare
them for our use or consumption as food, medicine, vehicles, cloth, etc. By
arranging certain qualities as sounds and colors or modelling certain elements
as bronze and marble, we prepare them for man’s aesthetic enjoyment or
Art, therefore, is the skillful arrangement or composition of some common
but significant qualities of nature, such as colors, sounds, lines, words, stones,
wood, etc., to express human feelings, emotions,or thoughts in a perfect,
meaningful, and enjoyable way.
As discussed in module 1, The total environment framework, Art is an
expression of culture. Culture comprises our artifacts and ways of life. It
includes the social attributes, needs, values, and images and codes that make
up who we are and the ways we respond to the world. Through art, we
assimilate culture and contest it, and so give shape and definition to our
existence and ourselves. Art can capture proverbial wisdom, ancient
superstitions, sentimental themes, and religious beliefs that may have long
since ceased to be orthodox. Often it preserves customs; the meanings of
which have been largely forgotten.
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
Art depicts social realities.It serves as a record of actual events
experienced by man such as social chaos, poverty, political crisis, and so forth.
It also records man’s experiences, aspirations and ideals.
Furthermore, on the discussion of module 1. ‘Art is the suitor of the beauty
in nature. The artist drinks the lifeblood of her body, catches the smile of the
slumber, the music of her laughter, the titillating shrieks of her agony. Nature
roams and art trembles with its pang; nature frowns and art catches the beauty
of her gloom’. Nature displays an immense order and cosmic purpose. But its
beauty has no frame, no boundaries; its expression is incomprehensible; its
meaning is broad and impersonal. Art of Cennino Cennini: “Art seeks to find
new things hidden within known natural forms and seeks to express them
through the hand in such a way as to make one believe that something which
does not exist, exists”
This brings us to a modern consideration of art. Art has defined as a formal
expression of a considered human experience. This definition focuses
attention on two important elements: form and substance. Art uses
experience as its subject matter, but uses it after it has passed the artist’s
sensibilities and has been carefully analyzed, felt, and thought.
This experience is then given an expression through a sensuous form
which is nothing else but skillful composition of the media selected by the artist.
The arrangement which he imposes on his media must be fitted to the nature
of the materials as to give the impression of a spontaneous and perfect
harmony between the content and the expression, between the subject matter
and the form.
Similarities and differences of art works; The arts differ in some important
ways. Words are used in the verbal arts like poetry, prose and drama, while
musical notes are musical compositions. The visual arts like painting, sculpture
and architecture, use lines, colors and tones or canvas. Operas and novels on
the other hand, tell stories and so do music and dances. However, it is faster
and easier to understand and appreciate a song dance than a painting and a
symphony. In case of poetry, the fixtures of the poetic frame are rhyme, meter,
expressive sound and distinctive grammatical construction of words and
metaphor. These are not found in novels and short stories. The emotion or
passion evoked by a work of art differs from person to person. Some perceive
the proportion of cubes and squares and harmony of colors without being
deeply moved by them. The difference is due to the feelings evoked by the
work of art among the viewers.
There are number of ways which arts may be classified, with respect to the
purpose arts are divided or classified as;
Practical or useful arts when human activity is directed to produce artifacts
and utensils which cope with human needs.For example, basket
weaving,furniture,agriculture, etc. We can also include in this category the
mechanical arts, in which manual works prevails and the industrial or
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
commercial arts, which involve a manufacturing process and a large- scale
Liberal arts in which intellectual efforts are considered. In ancient times the
present sciences of mathematics, astronomy, grammar were classified as
liberal arts. In line with the intellect, we may consider that Accountancy is an
art, Engineering is an art or anything that involves logical and mathematical
and other liberal art aspects.
Fine Arts which are the products of the human creative activity in so far as
they express beauty in different ways and media, for the contemplation of the
mind and the relaxation of the spirit.
Major arts which are characterized by their actual and potential
expressiveness and by a purely disinterested purpose, such as music, poetry,
sculpture, etc.
Minor art are mainly concerned with the practicality and usefulness of
human-made objects, artifacts or crafts. Also called practical arts, they refer to
the works or the artisans or the craftsman.
1. DRAWING. Graphic art of representing things, people or nature
using pencil or pen
2. DRAFTING. Graphic art of architectural rendering and design
3. CALLIGRAPHY. Graphic art of hand lettering
4. PRINTING. Art of copying using mechanical method
5. PHOTOGRAPHY Art of picture making using a camera
6. TAPESTRY. Art of textile design
7. WEAVING. Art of textile making
8. DRESSMAKING. Art of sewing using textile
9. EMBROIDERY. Art of decorating fabric by the hand with thread or
yard using needles
10. FASHION DESIGN. Art of designing dresses and clothing
11. HANDICRAFT. Practical art of making useful objects and decorating
them using the hand such as baskets, hats, brooms and others
12. TATTOO. Art of skin drawing with ink
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
13. MOSAIC. Art of assembling the same pieces together, such as stones or
pieces of papers or glasses in order to create an image. Using colored pieces
of glass is stained glass painting
14. COLLAGE. Art of creating images by the assemblage of different elements
such as rubbers, metals, papers or plastics
15. COSMETOLOGY. Art of bodily and facial beautification through the use of
16. ADVERTISING DESIGN. Art of design for commercial purpose
17. ORIGAMI. Japanese art of paper folding
18. IKEBANA. Japanese art of flower arranging
19. CERAMICS. Art of pottery making
20. CULINARY. Art of cooking
21. PROSTHETICS. Medical art of bodily enhancement and beautification
22. LANDSCAPING. Art of environmental beautification and design
23. CARPENTRY. Practical art of building by wood
24. MASONRY. Practical art of building by stone or cement
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
According to media and forms arts are divided into:
Plastic arts which are developed through space and perceived by sense of
sight. These are paintings, sculpture, and architecture.
Phonetic arts which are based on sounds and words, as media of expression.
These are music, drama, literature.
Kinetic arts which use as their most element, rhythmic movement. The dance
is a type of this art.
Pure arts which take only one medium of expression as sound in music and
color in painting.
Mixed arts which use to or more media. For example, the opera which is the
combination of music, poetry, and drama.
The dance was probably the first art cultivated by man and the origin of all
his aesthetic activity. Dance flows naturally from man and its practice has been
universally accepted in all primitive and modern societies. Man feels liberated
and exalted when he applies rhythm to his corporeal movements and his
feelings and joys are easily shared by the audience.Perhaps it was the
dancing man and women served as inspiration to the first musicians, painters,
and poets; for dancing was life in primitive people; they danced day and night,
at peace and war, during rituals and ceremonies, weddings and funerals,
planting and harvesting.
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
The Purpose of the Arts besides the moral, educational, social, cultural,
and religious purposes of art as a powerful medium in mass communication, it
has also purpose of value in itself, which is no other than to express beauty. To
a certain extent, the famous statement “ art for art’s sake” is true. All arts afford
man moments of relaxation and spiritual happiness, which is a reflection of an
eternal happiness. Our imagination is seldom more satisfied than through the
recreation in ourselves of the beautiful themes, characters, motifs, events etc.
Expressed by artist in their creations. The arts are an outlet of our slumbering
passions when brought to the surface under the orderly control of arts. In real
life, passions frequently move men to immortal or disorderly actions. In
fictitious representations of arts, the passions of the drama, the emotions of
poetry, the moods of music, the fancies of painting, the sordid life of novels
have a sober note of calm and meaning and beauty. Arts are powerful means
to reform man, to change his deviant behaviour into social order and to
overcome his feelings of loneliness, uncertainty, and restlessness.
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
Select one preferred creative crafts and create drawings/ illustrations of the common
hand tools,the procedure in making the crafts.
A. Common hand tools of crafts.
B. Three parts drawing/illustrations of procedure or process.
1. Beginning
2. Middle
3. Ending
C. Use any available materials; Pen, Pencil, Colored pencil, crayons, etc.
D. Document/ Photos and submit in jpeg file.
Sample Illustration by: Jennifer Silva, BS Entrep 3A
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021
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February 8, 2021
The Division of Arts: Classification and Purpose: Jaried M.Millare 2020 Revised 2021