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EU Biogas & Renewable Energy: A Presentation

European Union Attempts to Substitute Locally
Produced Biogas and utilize Renewable Energy
Presented to:
Professor Robert Bell
Business 4200W
Sindija Feratovic
Aida Sherolli
Over the years Climate change has been a prominent topic of discussion and still is a major
conflict affecting many factors circulating around the world today. Recently some initiatives are
currently being launched to address the climatic challenges and one of them is by utilizing
Renewable Energy. International organizations such as the United Nations have been at the
forefront of championing climate change and several summits are being convened to resolve global
warming challenges. Human activities are one of the key factors contributing to changes in climatic
conditions. It is now recommended that most human activities be ceased to establish a safe
environment that will adjust the climatic condition to be more favorable (Dietz et al., 138)1. One
of the factors that may have contributed to climate shifts is the notion of energy. Renewable energy
has been pushed for usage in most cases to protect the environment and keep the work land safer
from any climatic conditions that may limit human inhabitation (IPCC). Renewable sources play
an important part in ensuring that the environment is well conserved, making the atmosphere safer
from pollution.
Ukraine -Russian war impact on Renewable Energy
International peace and stability resulting from nation-state interactions and the protection
of fundamental human rights have been identified as one of the primary concerns that subtly boost
global growth. Actions that endanger people's safety will always have serious consequences, as
witnessed in the international hostilities between Ukraine and Russia to a huge degree. Contrary
to common assumption, the conflict has been escalating for quite some time now, and it has
resulted in several additional countries being dragged into it. This typically constitutes a threat to
Dietz, Thomas, Rachael L. Shwom, and Cameron T. Whitley. "Climate change and society." Annual Review of
Sociology 46 (2020): 135-158.
the larger world's peace and security, necessitating additional efforts to be made, to find a solution
to the war in a huge way (IPCC)2. Contrary to common assumptions, the Russian conflict has
significantly influenced the energy industry, resulting in price changes for oil and gas worldwide.
Most of the countries in the current dispensation have, for the most part put a shift in how
governments source the energy. Most of the nation’s particularly have incorporated the use of other
sources of energy such as renewable, demonstrating how the Russian war mostly had some sort of
great impact in the energy sector which has led in the alteration of oil and gas prices across the
globe. According to the International Energy Agency, Russia essentially has been rated as one of
the largest supplies of natural gas fuels in the European economy. Demonstrating how the war has
escalated for quite a while now, for the most part, pulled in the frosty relationship, or so they
thought (IPCC). Nevertheless, the United States is currently in the vanguard of averting the conflict
through diplomacy, which was initially highly significant. Most of the firms in the Russian
Federation that were affecting the supply of energy were hampered in some way due to the
punishment, which was rather severe. Research has shown that most of the natural world has
chosen the usage of renewable energy sources, which is exceedingly important. For the EU to
incorporate biogas, significant attention must be given because replacement would appear to be
more expensive than the usage of natural gas from Russia. Energy consumption in the EU has been
increasing, particularly in industrial development and residences that have relied on such gasses
to power their daily activities. For example, they would need to include a total of 80 percent of
biogas to sustain the whole population of the EU. When it comes to the makeup of the biogas, the
majorities of the components necessary in the biogas plants comprise 70% methane from the empty
coal mines and trace amounts of other gases (IPCC). 40% of carbon dioxide, and The digested
IPCC. (2018). Summary for Policymakers — Global Warming of 1.5 oC. Ipcc.ch; IPCC
liquid and solid substance, known as digestive, are widely utilized as a soil amendment. Some
organic wastes are more difficult to break down than others in a digester.
Part One
Renewable Energy Drivers
Global Warming
The globe has been grappling with global warming for many years, which has prompted
emergency measures to ensure that the climatic conditions are in place to avert such occurrences.
Previous studies have revealed that renewable energy has played a significant part in ensuring that
a certain margin decreases global warming. Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions
has been considerably reduced in most European countries with the advent of renewable energy.
Policies and measures have been devised to minimize emissions; these policies also play an
essential role in ensuring that energy efficiency improves and that the deployment of renewable
energy sources is accelerated (Al‐Ghussain, 219)3. In addition, international organizations such as
the United Nations have been in the lead by ensuring that technology has the need to always create
and make the atmosphere safer via some of the environmental and climate change summits.
Currently, the world has been encouraged to include the usage of electric vehicles. Most
people in the world today have purchased automobiles that are constantly fully loaded on the roads,
and such a collection of cars correlates to the high carbon content that is released into the
environment. Electric cars such as Tesla is type of vehicle created to help reduce the global
warming issues instead of continuing the usage of gas automobiles which only continue causing
harm to our climate. This has resulted in a shift in such automobiles, with firms founded to develop
Al‐Ghussain, Loiy. "Global warming: review on driving forces and mitigation." Environmental Progress &
Sustainable Energy 38.1 (2019): 13-21
cars that utilize renewable energies. In past studies, Renewable technologies have been proved to
play a vital role in boosting energy security. According to statistics, there was a 7% decrease in
fossil fuel use in 2012 and a 13% decrease in coal consumption (Al‐Ghussain, 19). This is just an
indicator of how global warming has been one of the determinants in developing and implementing
renewable energy sources. To date, propel has been urged to change its usage of compounds that
enhance the carbon composition within the atmosphere.
Pollution Impacts on Renewable Energy
Pollution is identified as a key motivator of the usage of renewable energy. The world has
been integrated, and industries have been established to prioritize commodities that diverse
customers will utilize. In doing so, industries have been accused of emitting unwanted gasses into
the atmosphere, despite most organizations advocating for safer surroundings. Industries have
harmed the environment by failing to implement some essential principles that industries must do
to lead to environmental conservation (IPCC)4. As a result, environmental pollution has a
significant role in persuading the city to prioritize the use of renewable energy. An idea that has
been instilled in schools is that renewable energy plays a vital part in the conservation of the
Most schools have been instructed to educate students on how the environment may be
always kept safe. The majority of electricity-generating has been stated to have an environmental
impact on utilization. According to statistics, most of today's hotels rely on renewable energy such
as electricity to conserve the environment. The electricity usage has reduced the expenditures
incurred on charcoal, which is also a step forward. Increasing forest cover to ensure enough trees
IPCC. (2018). Summary for Policymakers — Global Warming of 1.5 oC. Ipcc.ch; IPCC
to catch rainwater, which would then play an important role in environmental conservation
(IPCC)5. Deforestation is one of the ways people pollute the environment by cutting down trees to
make charcoal, which is then used in cooking. Rivers get their water from the woods that serve as
their sources; this suggests that conservation of the river's resources will play an important part in
pollution control, necessitating the use of renewable energy. Therefore, this form of energy is an
aid to environmental conservation and highly important for everyone to follow this practice.
Comparative Costs of Renewable and Fossil Fuel Technologies
For the most part it was regarded to be one of the least expensive forms of energy use,
unlike the natural gas that has truly been impacted by the conflicts going on between Russia and
Ukraine, demonstrating how unlike the real natural gas that has been affected by the wars going
on between these two countries in a significant manner. Contrary to common misconception,
renewable energy sources such as solar panels use natural sunlight and do not require any payment
to operate. In a subtle sense, this is one of the primary elements of encouraging renewable energy
sources due to the cost of natural gas. The use of electricity is far lower than the usage of fossil
fuels, which is important information to know and understand how it affects global
warming/climate changes. People will always favor items that are of lesser cost for all intents and
purposes to those that are literally of higher cost. As a result, people will always regard renewable
resources as an alternative, which is highly significant.
The Amount of Money likely to be in Play
IPCC. (2018). Summary for Policymakers — Global Warming of 1.5 oC. Ipcc.ch; IPCC
When it comes to the consumption of renewable energy, it is obvious that the EU will have
to establish a strong financial background that will ensure that the programs seen to be supporting
renewable energy are implemented. For example, investing in renewable energy technology will
cost the EU around 59 billion US dollars. However, this is less expensive than the EU's current
natural gas usage. For instance, the EU has been spending around $2 billion per day acquiring and
delivering fossil fuel and natural gas from Russia (IPCC)6. This is one of the reasons why the EU
should promote the usage of renewable energy.
Government Regulations Impact on Renewable Energy
Government regulations have also played a critical role in encouraging the usage of
renewable energy, such as restricting the practice of felling dead trees to provide adequate forest
cover. With the decision to regulate the use of natural gas and other fossil fuels, the government
would need to encourage its residents to participate in utilizing renewable energy instead of natural
gas. Governments may also promote the usage of renewable energy through taxation by imposing
a lower tax on mature gas products and lowering taxes on renewable energy sources (IPCC). By
doing so, consumers will be more inclined to utilize commodities with cheap pricing. For example,
the usage of renewable energy sources lowers manufacturing costs, which aids in reducing
commodities. Governments have been advocating in using renewable energy sources, such as
awarding corporations and organizations that promote the concept of conserving the environment
by using this type of energy. Governments also have a role in funding projects that are associated
with the usage of renewable energy over those that do not.
IPCC. (2018). Summary for Policymakers — Global Warming of 1.5 oC. Ipcc.ch; IPCC
Personal Beliefs
Personal beliefs and convictions are based on observation and personal experience, also
plays a significant influence in determining how individuals choose between fossil fuels and
renewable energy. Personal beliefs are impacted by individuals or other people’s experiences with
a certain product. For example, it is more convenient and less expensive to utilize renewable
energy instead of natural gas, affecting people's ideas. People will always choose products that
correspond to their preferences since they feel more at ease utilizing them. It corresponds to how
people live their life and if they want to take appropriate measures in accepting changes to their
lifestyles to help with issues the world is facing today. With that being said, this is how personal
beliefs influence the adoption of renewable energy over natural gas.
Potential Role of Millions of Electric Cars Owners
The globe is currently being urged to incorporate the use of electric automobiles. Most
people around the globe now own automobiles that are continuously fully loaded on the highways,
and such a collection of automobiles correlates to the high carbon content discharged into the
atmosphere. As a result, there has been a shift in the use of such autos, with companies formed to
produce cars that use renewable energies (IPCC)7. The incorporation of electric cars into society
plays a significant role in instilling the importance of using renewable energy over fuel in the entire
community. However, the experiences with electric cars are so motivating and less costly, which
would become an argument for mobilizing voter automobile owners to embrace the usage of
IPCC. (2018). Summary for Policymakers — Global Warming of 1.5 oC. Ipcc.ch; IPCC
electric cars. People should consider this option based on the background of individuals who have
previous experience in making sure that they have a compelling case that will encourage their
fellow automobile owners to include electric vehicles. Finally, because electric cars consume more
renewable energy than natural gas, wars such as those being experienced will not disrupt
transportation and cause less issues.
Energy Independence in the Name of National Defense
The Energy Independence and Security Act was drafted in response to the necessity to
ensure that the American economy considers various options for energy usage. The cat assists the
Qatari country is looking for alternatives to its dependency on oil. Renewable energy is one of the
alternative energy sources promoted by the legislation (Independence, 131)8. Which is why the
legislation encourages the use of electric cars rather than gas because it will decrease the usage of
natural gas and result in taking measures of helping fix the ongoing problem of climate change.
Part Two
Technologies Used in Biogas
Biogas entails using a variety of materials combined to create energy for usage in houses.
For example, in incorporating biogas, there is a need for the sourcing of methane, which is easily
accessible in abandoned fairly coal mines, or so they believed. Methane is a type of odorless,
flammable gas formed by molecules of decayed waste, land use and human activity which is
affected by agriculture around the world. The world’s top methane emitter from oil to gas is Russia.
Independence, Energy. "Security Act of 2007 (EISA). (2007)." Pub. L 110-140 (2018): 121.
The estimation of how much is produced in Russia is about 7.6 million tons of methane emissions;
which is equivalent to 8.3 million tons.
Most studies have, for the most part, suggested that when it comes to the development of
biogas plants, one must incorporate the use of microorganisms while also incorporating the use of
methane. Also, organic manure, or rather products, is reported to be employed in sourcing this
form of energy, which is fundamentally very substantial. Approximately 70% of the methane from
the empty coal mines, trace levels of other gasses, and 40% of carbon dioxide are all present in a
significant proportion (IPCC).
Manure, sewage, agricultural byproducts, and abandoned food are the organic components
required to make a typically clean and energy-efficient burnable gas. The gas is transferred via a
network of pipelines and is used for cooking and heating. These products are carefully constructed
together, and they are all genuinely available in the EU nation, which is a positive adjustment in
helping climate change. In addition, the majority of EU nations are involved in the growth of
livestock, which will play an important part in manure production. All of the resources required
for the establishment of such a plant are specifically found within EU territory, making it generally
easier to assemble them and construct a plant that will essentially ensure that households
specifically are supplied with sufficient energy over the reliance on generally natural gas (Kapoor
et al., 29).
According to studies, biogas technology can not only be used to produce fuel, but it can
also play a critical role in the comprehensive utilization of biomass forestry, agricultural recycling,
fishery, improving sanitary conditions, protecting the environment, animal husbandry, as well as
agricultural economy, in rural areas. Doing so can also play a critical role in the cultivation of
Biogas Cost Advantages
Gasification is the most prevalent method of producing heat from biomass in the United
States and is crucial in the understanding of this role. Slight biomass power plants cost $3,000 to
$4,000 per kW to build and have a fixed rate of energy cost between $0.8 to $0.15 per kilowatthour (kWh) in a subtle fashion. When it comes to comparing biomass and other renewable energy
sources, it can be established beyond question that biomass is outstandingly more expensive when
compared to other sources of energy, contrary to common opinion (IPCC). The most generally
costly forms of biogas are always on par with or less expensive than certainly fossil fuels: biomass
does not require drilling into the soil, which has a usually high financial (and environmental) cost.
Despite being one of the most extensive renewable sources, it cannot outwit that most
natural gasses and fossil fuels are more expensive than biogas making it more useful as a subtle
substitution for nonrenewable energy (Kapoor et al., 29)9. By doing so, biogas is more reliable. It
is less likely to be affected by any fairly political tensions that may arise, such as the wars in
Ukraine and Russia, indicating that this may be attributed to the fact that it will always necessitate
a few processes, such as installation and digging of trenches, which may turn out to be essentially
expensive, or so they thought.
Moreover, different housing developments can establish biogas on a modest scale to a
relatively large scale. The materials used in creating biogas cannot be specially altered by any
extreme political instability between countries, making this energy source more trustworthy and
Kapoor, Rimika, et al. "Evaluation of biogas upgrading technologies and future perspectives: a review."
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26.12 (2019): 11631-11661.
Vestas Wind Systems is one of the renewable energy companies that we will recommend
because it has extended its operations to many countries across the globe. It is also a wind source
of renewable energy, which is considered the best renewable source of energy. The company can
operate well by increasing the number of turbines in operations. Based on our personal views, a
recommendation we think that is important to consider is that peace and stability should not be
taken for granted, and countries should join the greater initiative to ensure peace and stability
across the nations, with no interference in the normal operation of the world. The world must also
turn its attention to utilizing resources, which may be harmed anytime there is political turmoil.
These can be done by speeding up the replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps, accelerating
energy efficiency improvements in buildings and industry and encouraging a temporary thermostat
reduction of 1 °C by consumers. The impact of all above, will be less gas usage.
The usage of renewable energy sources would play a part in ensuring that they would never
be interrupted. Renewable energy is less expensive. Therefore, governments should encourage
people to use it as part of environmental conservation/lifestyle and work together in making the
world safer and healthier.
Although, the European Union imports natural gas from Russia, accounting for around
45% of EU gas imports and close to 40% of its total gas consumption, the still could reduce its
imports of Russian natural gas by more than one-third within a year through a combination of
measures that would be consistent with the European Green Deal and support energy security and
affordability. To implement this, countries must work together now to produce a coherent
diversification strategy. [1] As per methane, it might help cut off the Russian gas and can result
with a quick fix, but on the other hand by switching from burning natural gas to burning coal is
not going to help the EU achieve its climate goals.
We already know that the concept of energy itself is one of the reasons that may have led
to climate change. With the introduction of renewable energy, most European Nations have
significantly decreased global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Policies and
measures have been developed to reduce emissions; these policies are also critical in ensuring that
energy efficiency improves and the deployment of renewable energy sources increases. In
addition, states must embrace renewable energy to avoid the consequences of international
relations between nations. Although renewable energy is a positive alternative factor, the nations
must continue addressing these conditions and work towards finding more alternatives to help save
our world from the harm of climate changes.
Works Cited
Al‐Ghussain, Loiy. "Global warming: review on driving forces and mitigation." Environmental
Progress & Sustainable Energy 38.1 (2019): 13-21. https://etarjome.com/storage/panel/fileuploads/2019-11-19/1574168864_E13999-e-tarjome.pdf
Dietz, Thomas, Rachael L. Shwom, and Cameron T. Whitley. "Climate change and society."
Annual Review of Sociology 46 (2020): 135-158.
Independence, Energy. "Security Act of 2007 (EISA). (2007)." Pub. L 110-140 (2018): 121.
IPCC. (2018). Summary for Policymakers — Global Warming of 1.5 oC. Ipcc.ch;
IPCC. https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/chapter/spm/
Kapoor, Rimika, et al. "Evaluation of biogas upgrading technologies and future perspectives: a
review." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26.12 (2019): 11631-11661.
IEA.ORG. 3 MARCH 2022. <https://www.iea.org