Estancia Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School, Inc. “Trains Children for Eternity” V. Cudilla Sr. Avenue, Estancia, Iloilo Tel. No. 330-43-36 Subject: English Teacher: Melner D. Ybanez Grading Period: First Quarter Date: August 13-16, 2019 I. Objectives: 1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar clipped words 2. Listen to distinguish reality from fantasy 3. Analyze hyperbole in a given text 4. Be tactful in speaking II. Subject Matter a. Title: Twenty thousand leagues under the sea b. Reference: English 5, p. 70-77 c. Materials: Visual aids, English textbook, Laptop, chalk and black board III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review What is the meaning reality and fantasy? 2. Show visual a visual aid and let them determine if the descriptions of the product are fantasy or reality. B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation Tell the class that they have already identified reality and fantasy from the pictures. This time, you will read to a very short selection. Tell whether the selection is reality or fantasy, and explain your answer. 2. Discussion Let the class read the selection “Twenty thousand leagues under the sea”. Discuss the identification of reality and fantasy in any kind of stories. 3. Analysis Divide the class into groups of 5 or 6. Let them answer the questions on (p.74 readers’ workshop). Give them time to share and discussed their answer. 4. Generalization Fantasy is an idea with no basis while reality is the state of things as they exist. It’s what you see, hear and experience. It is important to know and learned the meaning of fantasy and reality. Estancia Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School, Inc. “Trains Children for Eternity” V. Cudilla Sr. Avenue, Estancia, Iloilo Tel. No. 330-43-36 Subject: English Teacher: Melner D. Ybanez Grading Period: 2nd Quarter Date: August 27-29, 2019 I. Objectives: 1. Find inspiration from listening to true stories 2. Clarify meaning of words using dictionary 3. Read grade level text correctly using a dictionary 4. Differentiate stories of fact and fiction 5. Reflect critically on learning experiences and process II. Subject Matter a. Title: Mr. Good’s view from above b. Reference: English 5, p. 79-87 c. Materials: Visual aids, English textbook, Laptop, chalk and black board III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review What is the meaning of fact and fiction? Stories of real people’s lives also inspire us. Listen to your teacher read a story and describe what you feel while listening to it. B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation Tell the class that they will identify fact and fiction from the given pictures on the screen. 2. Discussion Explain how to use the dictionary finding the unfamiliar words given. Discuss the identification of fiction and fact. 3. Analysis Let the class read the selection “Mr. Good’s view from above”. Do it individually. Let them answer the questions on (p.80-81 readers’ workshop). Give them time to share and discussed their answer. 4. Generalization Factual story can be proven as true while fictional story is written to entertain, and it come from the author’s imagination. It is important to know and learned the meaning of factual story and fictional story. Estancia Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School, Inc. “Trains Children for Eternity” V. Cudilla Sr. Avenue, Estancia, Iloilo Tel. No. 330-43-36 Subject: English Teacher: Melner D. Ybanez Grading Period: First Quarter Date: July 29- August 1, 2019 I. Objectives: 1. Listen to infer the speaker’s tone, mood, and purpose 2. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar blended words base on give context clues 3. Read with automaticity grade level content area words in science 4. Analyze figure of speech: simile and metaphor 5. Listen effectively to decipher feelings and intentions II. Subject Matter a. Title: Little Goody Two-Shoes (Part I) b. Reference: English 5, p. 51-59 c. Materials: Visual aids, English textbook, Laptop, chalk and black board III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review What is mood and tone? B. Developmental Activities A. Presentation Tell the class that they will identify the pictures expressing the different feelings. 2. Discussion Explain how to use the dictionary finding the unfamiliar words given. Discuss the purpose of tone and mode. 3. Analysis Let the class read the selection “Little Goody Two-Shoes (Part I)”. Do it individually. Let them answer the questions on (p.55 Exercise A& B). Give them time to share and discussed their answer. 4. Generalization Mode is the atmosphere of story while the tone is the author’s attitude towards the topic. We can identify both by looking at the sitting, characters, details, and words choices. It is important to know and learned the meaning of mood and tone. Estancia Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School, Inc. “Trains Children for Eternity” V. Cudilla Sr. Avenue, Estancia, Iloilo Tel. No. 330-43-36 Subject: English Teacher: Melner D. Ybanez Grading Period: First Quarter Date: August 5-8, 2019 I. Objectives: 1. Listen to distinguish reality from fantasy 2. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content words in health 3. Infer the meaning unfamiliar clipped words 4. Analyze figure of speech: personification II. Subject Matter a. Title: Little Goody Two-Shoes (Part II) b. Reference: English 5, p. 61-69 c. Materials: Visual aids, English textbook, Laptop, chalk and black board III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review Listen and be ready to say which is true and which is imagined? B. Developmental Activities A. Presentation Try to distinguish the product given if it is a fantasy or reality. 2. Discussion Discuss the use of fantasy and reality Explain the uses of clipped words Teach them how to read correctly 3. Analysis Let the class read the selection “Little Goody Two-Shoes (Part II)”. Do it individually. Let them answer the questions on (p.65-66 Exercise B&C). Give them time to share and discussed their answer. 4. Generalization Fantasy is an idea with no basis while reality is the state of things as they exist. It’s what you see, hear and experience. It is important to know and learned the meaning of fantasy and reality.