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ATI TEAS 6 Exam Study Guide: Cell Biology, Systems

 Cell: basic organizational unit of all living things. One thing in
common is they all have membranes (phospholipids).
 Cell structure organization: All cells contain DNA, and RNA & can
synthesize proteins. Consists of nucleic acids, cytoplasm, and cell
o Tissues: Cells that are grouped together
o Organs: Tissues that are grouped together
o Systems: Organs that are grouped together
o Organism: A complete individual
 Nuclear parts of a cell
o Nucleus: contains chromosomes, & regulates DNA of the cell.
Defining structure of eukaryotic cells (they all have nucleus).
Passes genetic traits between generations. Contains nuclear
envelop, nucleoplasm, nucleolus, nuclear pores, chromatin, &
o Chromosomes: thread like rods of DNA. Short
deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA is the genetic material that stores
information about the plant/animal.
o Chromatin: DNA & Protein makeup chromosomes
o Nucleolus: Proteins, small/round doesn’t have membrane.
Protein synthesis, synthesizes & stores RNA.
o Nuclear envelope: Encloses structures within nucleus. Made of
o Nuclear pores: Exchange materials between the nucleus *
o Nucleoplasm: Liquid like cytoplasm, within nucleus.
Cell Membranes
 Cell Membrane (Plasma membrane): Semipermeable membrane of
lipids and proteins. Made of phospholipid bilayer, hydrophilic ends of
the outer layer facing the external environment, the inner layer facing
inside the cell, hydrophobic ends facing each other.
o Hydrophilic: Water loving, can dissolve water
o Hydrophobic: Hates water, can’t dissolve water
 Selective Permeability
o Selective Permeability with regards to size, charge, and
 Cell structure
o Ribosomes: synthesize proteins from amino acids.
o Golgi apparatus: synthesize materials like proteins that are
transported out of the cell. Near nucleus & consists of layers of
o Vacuoles: Sacs used for storage, digestion, and waste removal.
One large in plant cells/ Animal cells are small or have
o Vesicle: Has membrane, & can move materials within the cell.
o Cytoskeleton: Microtubules that shape and support the cell.
o Microtubules: Part of cytoskeleton & help support cell. Made
of protein.
o Cytosol: Liquid material within the cell. Mostly water & had
floating materials.
o Cytoplasm: Cytosol & organelles found within the plasma
membrane, not within nucleus!
o Cell membrane: Barrier that keeps materials out of cell.
Determines what’s allowed in and out.
o Rough Endoplasmic reticulum: Ribosomes on the surface,
produce & store proteins
o Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum: Helps store lipids & proteins.
o Mitochondrion: Generate ATP, involved in cell growth & death.
Contain their own DNA aside from the one within the nucleus.
 Functions: Produce energy, cell signaling, cellular
differentiation, cell cycle & growth regulation. Can also
have aerobic respiration.
 Animal Cell Structure
o Centrosome: Mitosis & the cell cycle occur here
o Centriole: Cellular division
o Lysosome: Digests proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Help
remove undigested substances.
o Cilia: Appendages that cause a cell to move & can move fluid
o Flagella: Tail like structures that help the cell move. A cell
usually only has one or a few flagella. Longer than cilia.
 Cell Cycle: Cell reproduces, growth cell, duplication of genetic
material, and cell division.
 Cell Differentiation: Helps determine the cell type for each cell,
process is controlled by genes of each cell (zygote). Following the
directions of the genes, a cell builds certain proteins and other
substances to set it apart as a specific type of cell.
 Mitosis: DNA replication & Production of new cells
 IPMAT=Cytokinesis
o Interphase: Cell prepares to divide by replicating genetic &
cytoplasmic material. (G1, S, G2)
o Prophase: Chromatic thickens & nuclear membrane disintegrates.
Centrioles move to opposite sides of the cells, and spindle fibers
form. Mitotic spindle, formed cytoskeleton parts, moves
chromosomes around the cell.
o Metaphase: Spindle moves to the center of the cell. Chromosomes
align in the center.
o Anaphase: Sister chromosomes begin to pull apart. When
separated they’re called daughter chromosomes. Grooves appear in
the cell. Cell begins to furrow.
o Telophase: Spindle disintegrates, nuclear membrane reform, and
chromosomes turn into chromatin. In animal cells membrane is
pinched, in plant cell a new cell wall begins to form. Splits into
o Cytokinesis: Physical splitting of the cell.
Meiosis: Reproduction of gametes zygote
o Prophase I: Parent cell's nuclear membrane begins to disappear,
spindles form
o Metaphase I: Chromosomes line up with homogonous
chromosomes. Crossing over may occur
o Anaphase I: Homogonous chromosomes are separated, so one of
each goes to either side
o Telophase I: Cell separates, cytokinesis occurs
o Prophase II: Almost simultaneous with Telaphase I; new spindles
form and attach to centromeres
o Metaphase II: Chromosomes line up again, and some crossing over
may occur
o Anaphase II: Sister chromatids pulled apart at centromeres, towards
o Telophase II: Cell separates, nuclear membranes form, cytokinesis
o Interphase: Diploid sex cells have double the normal chromosomes
 Categories of Tissues
o Epithelial: Cells are tightly joined. Ex. Skin
o Connective: May be dense, loose, or fatty. Protects and binds
body parts. Ex. Bone tissue, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, fat,
blood, and lymph.
o Cartilage: Cushions & provides structural support for body
parts. Jelly like base and fibrous.
o Blood: Blood transports oxygen to cells and removes wastes.
Carries hormones and defends against diseases.
o Bone: Hard tissue that supports and protects softer tissues &
organs. Marrow produces red blood cells.
o Muscle: Helps support and move the body.
 1. Smooth
 Cardiac
 Skeletal
o Nervous: Located inside the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
Neurons form network through the body that control
responses to changes in the external and internal
environment. Some send signals to muscles and glands to
trigger responses.
 Mammals 11 organ systems
1) Integumentary system
2) Respiratory system
3) Cardiovascular system
4) Endocrine system
5) Nervous system
6) Immune system
7) Digestive system
8) Excretory system
9) Muscular system
10) Skeletal system
11)Reproductive system
 Three Primary Body Planes
o Transverse (horizontal): Superior and inferior
o Sagittal plane: Right and left sections.
o Coronal (frontal): Front & Back {anterior & posterior}
 Terms of direction
o Medial: toward or at the midline of the body; on the inner
side of
o Lateral: away from the midline of the body; on the outer side
o Proximal: closer to the origin of the body part or the point of
attachment of a limb to the body trunk
o Distal: farther from the origin of a body part or the point of
attachment of a limb to the body trunk
o Anterior: toward or at the front of the body; in front of
o Posterior: Toward or at the back of the body; behind
o Cephalad=Head, Cranial=skull
o Caudad=towards the tail or posterior
o Superior: toward the head end or upper part of a structure or
the body; above
o Inferior: away from the head end or toward the lower part of
a structure or the body; below
Respiratory System
 Upper respiratory system: Nose, nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx and
 Lower respiratory system: Trachea, lungs, and bronchial tree
 Airway: nose, nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx (throat, larynx (voice
box), trachea (windpipe), bronchi, and bronchial network.
o Lined with cilia, which brings debris toward the mouth
o Lungs: Bronchi, Bronchial network, alveoli
 Alveoli: one cell thick, allow gas exchange with blood
 Right lung has three lobes
 Left lung has two lobes, leaving room for heart.
 Lungs are surrounded by pleural membrane, reduces
friction between surfaces when breathing.
 Breathing includes diaphragm & intercostal muscles.
 Diaphragm: dome-shaped muscle that separate the
thoracic and abdominal cavities.
 Functions of the Respiratory System
o Function: Supply oxygen and rid the body carbon dioxide.
Exchange of gases occurs in alveoli, surrounded by blood
o Filters air. Air si warmed, moistened, and filtered as it passes
through the nasal cavity.
o Responsible for speech, air passes through larynx (vibrates
&produces sound) before entering trachea (windpipe).
o Vital in cough production, expels foreign from body.
o Chemoreceptors smell airborne particles in nasal cavity.
o Helps body maintain acid-base homeostasis. Hyperventilation
increases blood pH during acidosis (low pH), slowing
breathing during alkalosis (high pH) helps lower blood pH.
 Breathing process
o Breathing process: Diaphragm & intercostal muscles contract
to expand lungs.
o Inhaling: Diaphragm contracts & moves down, increasing the
size of the chest cavity.
o Exhaling: Intercostal muscles contract & ribs expand,
increasing size & volume in the chest cavity. Pressure inside
the chest cavity decreases.
o Diaphragm & intercostal muscles relax, size of the chest cavity
decreases, forcing air out of the lungs.
o Medulla oblongata: controls breathing process
 Medulla monitors level of carbon dioxide in blood, &
signals breathing rate to increase when levels are too high.
Cardiovascular System
 Responsible for the internal transport of substances to and from cells.
o Made up of the following
 Blood: Blood is composed of water, solutes, and other
elements in a fluid connective tissue.
 Blood Vessels: Tubules of different size that transport
 Heart: Muscular pump providing the pressure necessary to
keep blood flow.
o Circulatory systems can be open or close.
o Supplementary & Lymph clean up excess fluids & proteins &
returns them to the circulatory system.
o Blood: Stabilizes pH, carries raw materials & removes waste
products from cells. Can fight infections.
 Composed of red & white blood cells, platelets & plasma.
 Plasma composed of plasma proteins, ions, glucose,
amino acids, hormones, & dissolved gases.
o Red blood cells form in bone marrow, and transport oxygen to
o White blood cells defend the body against infection and remove
various wastes.
 White blood cells include lymphocytes, neutrophils,
monocytes, eosinophils, & basophils. Platelets are
fragments of the stem cell & function in blood clotting.
 Heart
o Made of cardiac muscle tissue.
o Four chambers two atriums & two ventricles
 Halves separated by AV valves
 Located between arteries & ventricles leading away
from the heart.
 Valves move blood in one direction, preventing it from
backing into the chambers.
 Heart functions by contracting & relaxing
 Cardiac Cycle: Atrial contraction fills the ventricle &
ventricular contraction empties them, forcing circulation.
 Systole (contracting ventricles)/ Diastole (relaxing ventricles)
Types of circulation
 Coronary circulation: Flow of blood to the heart tissue.
o Coronary arteries: Delivers oxygen-rich blood to myocardium
o Cardiac veins: Vessels that remove deoxygenated blood from
heart muscle.
 Pulmonary circulation: Flow of blood between the heart & lungs
o Carries deoxygenated blood away from the right ventricle of
heart to lungs, & returns oxygenated blood to left atrium &
ventricle of the heart.
 Systemic circulation:
o Carries oxygenated blood away from heart to the body, &
returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
Blood Pressure
 The pressure of blood against the arterial walls.
Lymphatic System
 Function: The lymphatic system is to return excess tissue fluid to
the bloodstream.
o System consists of transport vessels & lymph organs
o Lymph vascular system consist of: Lymph capillaries, lymph
vessels, & lymph ducts.
o Major functions of the lymph vascular systems
 The return of excess fluid to the blood.
 The return of protein from the capillaries.
 The transport of fats from the digestive tract.
 The disposal of debris & cellular waste.
o Lymphoid organs: Lymph nodes, spleen, appendix, adenoids,
thymus, tonsils, & small patches of tissue in the small intestine.
o Lymph node: located at intervals throughout the lymph vessel
 Nodes contain lymphocytes & plasma cells.
 Spleen filters blood stores of red blood cells &
 Thymus secrets hormones & major site of lymphocyte
 Located in the upper left of the abdomen, & behind the stomach/
below the diaphragm.
o Made of lymphoid tissue.
o Blood vessels are connected to spleen by splenic sinuses.
 Gastrolienal ligament that connects the stomach to the
 Lienorenal ligament that connects the kidney to the spleen
 Middle section of phrenicocolic ligament
o Function of the spleen is to filter unwanted materials from the
blood, including red blood cells. They help fight infections.
Gastrointestinal System
 Digestive systems function by
o Movement: Mixes & passes nutrients through the system &
eliminates waste.
o Secretion: Enzymes, hormones, & other substances necessary
for digestion are secreted into the digestive tract.
o Digestive: Includes chemical breakdown of nutrients into
smaller units that enter the internal environment.
o Absorption: Passage of nutrients through plasma membranes
into the blood or lymph & then to the body.
Mouth and Stomach
 Digestion begins in the mouth (chewing & mixing of nutrient with
o Salivary glands are stimulated & secrete saliva (amylase)
o This initiates breakdown of starch in digestion.
o Swallowed the food moves down the pharynx into esophagus to
the stomach.
 Stomach is a flexible, muscular sac. Three main function include
1) Mixing and storing food
2) Dissolving & degrading food via secretions
3) Controlling passage of food into the small intestine
o Protein digestion begins in the stomach. The smooth muscle
(peristalsis) then moves the food into small intestine,
absorption begins.
 Liver
o Largest solid organ & gland. Has 4 lobes. Blood flows through
o Functions include:
Production of bile.
Production of certain blood plasma proteins.
Production of cholesterol.
Storage of excess glucose in the form of glycogen
Regulation of amino acids
Processing of hemoglobin (to store iron)
Conversion of ammonia to urea
Purification of blood
Regulation of blood clotting
Controlling infections by boosting immune factors &
removing bacteria.
 Small intestine
o Most nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine.
o Enzymes from the pancreas, liver, & stomach are transported to
the small intestine to aid digestion. Enzymes act on fats,
carbohydrates, nucleic acids, & proteins.
o Bile is secreted by the liver, and can break down fats. It’s stored
in the gallbladder between meals.
o Small intestine is covered in villi (absorb & increase surface
area for interaction with chime.)
 Microvilli increases main absorption
 Large intestine
o Concentrates, mixes, and stores waste material.
o Absorbs water
 Pancreas
o Made up of endocrine and exocrine tissues.
o Exocrine- secretes digestive enzymes from pancreatic duct
 Pancreatic duct connects to the common bile duct near the
 Endocrine tissue secrets hormones (insulin) into blood.
 Blood is supplied from splenic artery, gastroduodenal
artery, & superior mesenteric artery.
 Roles of Pancreas
o Assists in digestion of foods by secreting enzymes,
especially fats & proteins.
o Precursors of enzymes (zymogens), converted to
amylase & pancreatic lipase.
o Secretes sodium bicarbonate to neutral stomach acid.
o Exocrine functions of pancreas are controlled by
hormones secreted by the stomach & duodenum.
o Exocrine secretions of pancreas flow into pancreatic
duct & are delivered to duodenum through pancreatic
 Nervous System
o Human nervous system senses, interprets, & issues commands
o Action potential: messages sent across the plasma membrane of
 Messages occur when a neuron is stimulated past a
necessary threshold.
 Stimulations occur in a sequence from one stimulation
point of one neuron to its contact with another neuron.
 Chemical synapse: A substance released that inhibits the
action of the adjoining cell.
o Functional Types of Neurons
 Three general function of neurons are
 sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.
 Sensory neurons: Transmit signals to the central nervous
system (CNS) from the sensor receptors associated with
touch, pain, temperature, hearing, sight, smell, & taste.
 Motor neuron: Transmits signals from the CNS to the
rest of the body such as signaling muscles or glands to
 Interneurons: Transmit signals between neurons
 Neurons consist of three basic parts:
 Cell body: Contains the nucleus of the of the neuron.
 Axon: Transmits impulses away from cell body. It’s
insulated with oligodendrocytes & myelin sheaths with
gaps (nodes of Ranvier). Axon terminates at the synapse.
 Dendrites: Receive impulses from sensory receptors or
interneurons & transmit them toward the cell body.
Central Nervous System
 Spinal cord: Protects & supports the vertebrae.
 Brain: Consists of hindbrain, medulla oblongata, cerebellum, &
o Forebrain: cerebrum, thalamus, & hypothalamus.
 Frontal lobe: Short term & working memory, information
processing, decision making, planning, & judgment.
 Parietal lobe: sensory input, touch, pain, pressure
 Occipital lobe: Visual input/output & processing.
 Temporal lobe: Auditory input, processing, & output.
Cerebellum: Processes & stores implicit memories.
Midbrain: Visual & hearing
Pons: helps control breathing
Medulla oblongata: Control of consciousness and arousal;
regulates breathing, cardiac functions and blood vessels
o Peripheral nervous system: These nerves carry information to
and from the central nervous system to provide complex body
o Autonomic nervous system (Hypothalamus controls this):
Maintains homeostasis, controls functions of the internal organs,
blood vessels, smooth muscle tissue & glands.
 Regulates heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, &
blood pH.
 Sympathetic nervous system: Controls body’s reaction
to extreme, stressful, & emergency situations. “Fight or
 Parasympathetic nervous system: Controls body’s
homeostasis. Relaxes & inhibits high energy functions.
 Somatic Nervous System & Reflex Arc
o Somatic Nervous System: Voluntary movement of muscles &
organs, reflex movement. Voluntary movement, sensory neurons
carry impulses to brain & spinal cord.
 Efferent (motor): Brings signals from central nervous
system to sensory organs & muscles.
 Afferent (sensory): Brings signals from sensory organs &
muscles to central nervous system.
Muscular System
 Three properties of muscles:
o Excitability: Electric gradient can reverse when stimulated.
o Contraction: Ability to contract, or shorten.
o Elongate: Share the capacity to elongate, or relax.
 Three types of muscle tissue: Skeletal, Cardiac, & Smooth
o Skeletal muscle tissue: Composed of muscle fibers (striated
muscle), Voluntary (only one that can move body).
o Smooth muscle tissue: Involuntary (found in internal organs),
Short/wider & nonstriated.
o Cardiac muscle tissue: Involuntary muscle found only in heart.
 Skeletal muscle contraction
 Made of muscle fibers: when muscle contract sarcomere contract
 Myofibrils: Thick filaments & Thin filaments.
o Thick filament: Composed of protein myosin.
o Thin filament: Composed of protein actin.
 Dark band: thick & thin overlapping.
 Light band: thin filaments overlapping.
 Sliding filament theory
o Myosin heads hydrolyzed ATP and become reoriented and
o Myosin heads bind to actin, forming cross bridges
o Myosin cross bridges rotate toward center of the sarcomeres
(power stroke)
o As myosin heads bind ATP, cross bridges detach from actin
Reproductive system
 Male Reproductive System
o Function: Produce, maintain,
& transfer sperm & secrete
male hormone.
o External structure: Penis,
scrotum, & testes
o Scrotum: temperature for
o Testes: Male gonads, produce sperm & testosterone.
o Epididymis: Produces sperm & testosterone
o Seminal vesicle: Secretes alkaline fluids with proteins & mucus
o Prostate gland: Secretes milky white fluid with proteins &
o Bulbourethral gland: Secretes fluid that neutralizes the acidity
of the urethra.
o Follicle stimulating hormone: Stimulates spermatogenesis
o Luteinizing hormone:
Stimulates testosterone
 Female Reproductive System
o Function: Produce ova (egg
cells), transfer ova to the
fallopian tubes for fertilization,
receive the sperm. Provide a
protective, nourishing, environment for developing embryo.
o External structure: labia major, labia minor, Bartholin’s glands
& clitoris.
o Bartholin’s gland: Secretes lubricating fluid
o Ovaries: Produce ova, secrete estrogen & progesterone
o Fallopian tubes: Carry the mature egg towards the uterus.
Typically, fertilization occurs here.
o Fertilized egg travel to uterus, implants in the uterine wall.
o Uterus: Protects & nourishes the developing embryo until birth
Integumentary System
 Consists of the skin: Sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair, nails.
 Function: Protection, Secretion, & communication.
o Protects against bacteria, viruses, & various chemicals from
entering the body.
o Sweat glands help rid the body of metabolic wastes.
o Sensory receptors: send information to the brain regarding pain,
touch, pressure, & temperature.
 Protection, secretion, & communication. Skin
manufactures vitamin D & absorbs certain chemicals
 Layers of skin
o The stratum basale or stratum germinativum is always the bottom
(deepest) layer. Continuous cell division occurs here and produces all the
other layers.
o The stratum spinosum is a layer of 8–10 keratinocytes
o The non-dividing cells of the 3rd layer (stratum granulosum) are filled
with granules of keratin.
o The stratum lucidum is the 4th layer but is only present in thick skin
(the skin of the fingertips, palms, and soles).
o The stratum corneum is always outermost, composed of approximately
20 layers of flat cell-remnants that are like “bags of turtle wax” (dead
keratinocytes with no cellular organelles filled with only keratin protein.)
Skin’s involvement in temperature homeostasis
 Sweat glands to cool off body. Vasodilation of blood vessels.
 Shivering heats the body.
 Sebaceous & sweat glands are exocrine. Secret through ducts.
 Sebaceous are holocrine glands, and secrete sebum.
o Inhibits water loss from the skin, protects against bacterial &
fungal infections.
 Sweat glands are either eccrine or apocrine glands. Apocrine are
located in the armpits, groin, palms, & soles of the feet.
Endocrine system
 Adrenal cortex: Monitors blood sugar levels; helps in lipid &
protein metabolism.
 Adrenal medulla: Controls cardiac function; raises blood sugar &
controls the size of blood vessels.
 Thyroid gland: Helps regulate metabolism & functions in growth &
 Parathyroid: Regulates calcium levels in the blood.
 Pancreas islets: Raises & lowers blood sugar; active in carbohydrate
 Thymus gland: Plays a role in immune responses.
 Pineal gland: Has an influence on daily biorhythms & sexual active
 Pituitary gland: Plays an important role in growth & development.
Endocrine functions of the Pancreas
 Pancreas: Produces insulin & glucagon
 Insulin lowers glucose
 Insulin affects fat metabolism, & can change livers ability to store
Thyroid & Parathyroid glands
 Thyroid & parathyroid are located below larynx
 Thyroid gland: regulates metabolism & secretes hormones
Urinary System
 Consists of kidneys, urinary ducts, & bladder.
 Kidneys: bean-shaped structures located at the back of abdominal
o Has three layers: Renal cortex, renal medulla, & renal pelvis.
o Kidney receives blood from renal arteries.
o Kidneys filter the blood, reabsorb needed materials, secrete
wastes & excess water in urine.
o Blood flows from the renal arteries into arterioles into the
glomerulus where its filtered. Glomerular filtrate enters the
proximal convoluted tubule where water, glucose, ions, & other
organic molecules are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream.
o Urea & drugs are removed from the blood in the distal
convoluted tubule.
o pH of the blood can be adjusted in distal convoluted tubule by
secretion of hydrogen ions.
o Unabsorbed materials flow out of collecting tubule
 URINE is drained from the kidneys through the ureters
to urinary bladder. Expelled through urethra.
Immune System
 Protects body against invading pathogens including bacteria,
viruses, fungi, & protists.
o Immune system includes: lymphatic system (lymph, lymph
capillaries, lymph vessels, & lymph nodes)
o Lymph nodes are located in the neck, armpits, & groin area.
o Thymus is a maturation chamber for immature T-cells that are
formed in bone marrow.
o Spleen cleans the blood of dead cells, & pathogens.
 The body’s general immune defenses include
o Skin: Intact epidermis & dermis form a form a formidable
barrier against bacteria,
o Ciliated mucous membranes: Cilia sweep pathogens out of the
respiratory tract.
o Glandular Secretions: Secretions from exocrine glands destroy
o Gastric secretions: Gastric acid destroys pathogens.
o Normal Bacterial populations: compete with pathogens in the
gut & vag.
o Phagocytes & inflammation reponses mobilize white blood
cells & chemical reactions to stop infection.
 Three types of whte blood cells
o Macrophage: Phagocytes that alert T cells to presence of
foreign substances.
o T lymphocytes: These directly attack cells infected by viruses
& bacteria
o B lymphocytes: These cells target specific bacteria for
 Types of leukocytes
o Leukocytes are produced in red bone marrow.
 Leukocytes are macrophages. (engulf & destroy
 Granulocytes (neutrophils, basophils & eosinophils)
 (Neutrophil: respond quickly to invaders)
 (Basophil: alert body of invasion)
 Eosinophils: large, long-living phagocytes that defend
against multicellular invaders.
 T lymphocytes (help the body fight infections by
producing antibodies & other chemicals.)
 B lymphocytes (natural killers) (Produce antibodies)
 Antigen & Typical Immune Response
o Antigen: proteins on the surfaces of bacteria, viruses, & fungi
 Drugs, Toxins, & foreign particles
o Plasma cells: produce antibodies specific to that pathogens
o Antibodies bind to antigens on the surface of pathogens &
mark them for destruction by other phagocytes.
o Memory cells remain in the blood stream to protect
against future infections.
Active & Passive immunity
 Adaptive immunity: reacts to pathogens that have encounter
infection or has an immunization.
 Adaptive & passive immunity can come naturally or artificially
 Naturally acquired passive immunity
is natural, happens during pregnancy
-> passes it to the baby.
 Artificially acquired passive
immunity: immunization acquired
Skeletal System
 Over 200 bones in human body
 Axial skeleton: Skull, sternum, ribs, &
vertebral column
o Skull: Cranium, Face
o Hyoid, Auditory ossicles
o Vertebral column
o Thorax
o Sternum Ribs
 Appendicular skeleton: Arms, legs, hips
& shoulders
 Appendicular Skeleton:
o Shoulder girdle: Clavicle & Scapula
 Upper limbs: Humerus, Radius, Carpals, Metacarpals,
o Pelvic Girdle:
 Hip, Pelvic, or Coxal bone
o Lower Limbs:
 Femur, Patella, Fibula, Tibia, Tarsals, Metatarsals, and
o Flat bones: There are flat bones in the skull (occipital, parietal,
frontal, nasal, lacrimal, and vomer), the thoracic cage (sternum
and ribs), and the pelvis (ilium, ischium, and pubis).
o Long bones: Tibia, fibula, femur, metatarsals, phalanges,
clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, metacarpals, phalanges
o Short bones: Tarsals, carpals,
o Irregular bones: Vertebrae, sacrum
o Sesamoid bones: Patella.
 Skeletal system function
o Movement, mineral storage, support, protection, & blood cell
formation (RBC’s produced in bone marrow).
Life and physical sciences
 4 basic organic macromolecules: carbohydrates (polysaccharides),
nucleic acids, proteins, & lipids.
 4 basic building blocks: monosaccharides (glucose), amino acids,
fatty acids (glycerol), nucleotides.
 Primary source of energy & responsible for providing energy
 Simple sugars: Monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, & sucrose), &
 Lipids are hydrophobic
 Function: energy storage, & structural function
 Phospholipids are lipids that have phosphate group
 Glycerides are formed from fatty acids
 Proteins are macromolecules from amino acids
o Peptides result of condensation reactions
o A peptide is a compound of two or more amino acids.