Jesus and the Church: Module 1

Module 1
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
Understand the relationship of God, Jesus and the Church by
understanding the meaning of Sacrament;
Recognize the ways on how Jesus manifests and make present the
Characteristics of God;
Reflect on personal relationship with Jesus evident in reaching out to
the community.
Where is God seen
I See You Lord
Aiza Seguerra
Guide Questions:
Feel and understand its message as you sing the song
Afterwards, answer the questions that follows
1. Identify at least 5 persons, things, or events where we can “see” the Lord
according to the song
2. Can we see the Lord in both our joys and sorrows? How?
All of us love songs with beautiful melodies and messages. Songs are capable
of expressing our emotions and the things that we believe in very deeply.
Songs can express our deepest convictions about God. God is not an absentee
God. He is present to us in the very ordinary events of our lives, in the things
that we see, in the persons whom we relate with. When we are conscious of
this presence, we see many things with new eyes, and our relationship with
those around us improve. Our awareness of God’s constant presence will
affect will affect how we view life and how we try to live every day.
Peter’s Confession of Christ
(Matthew 16: 13-17)
Guide Questions:
1. How is the reading related to the personhood of Jesus?
2. What does the reading say about the identity of Jesus?
3. What part of the reading was hardest to do comprehend
Church Teaching
What is Sacrament?
Sacraments are interpersonal encounters:
We encounter God when we celebrate the 7 sacraments
We encounter God in the person and ministry of Jesus (Jesus is the
Sacrament of God)
We encounter Jesus through the Church (Church is the Sacrament of
I. Jesus’ relationship with God
A. Ministries of Jesus
1. Healing
2. Table fellowship
3. Teachings of Jesus
Relevance of the ministry of Jesus today
Healing in the present time may be observed in discipleship. For instance, we
conduct charity events in the church to the community. Church groups visit the sick and pray
for the sick in terms of physical healing. Furthermore, we give forgiveness to people as we
acknowledge our own sinful nature.
Table fellowship in the present time may reflect inclusiveness/acceptance of
sinners. For example, the church is not for the perfect and holy but it welcomes each and
every one.
Teaching in the present time is Jesus speaking through the Bible, interpreted and
shared by priests or church leaders. These are mostly observed in catechism and homily.
II. Jesus and the Kingdom
A. The kingdom is Good news
B. The good news of the kingdom does not ask for performance
C. The Kingdom is an end to power relationship
D. The kingdom is offered to all
E. The kingdom is both present and future
Missionary Response
Enrichment Activity
a. Aside from those enumerated by the textbook, what other actions or responses
to the lesson can you do or contribute to yourself, your family, friends, school, and
the Church that you belong to? Write your answers on the space provided
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