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Reinvent Yourself: Masterclass Workbook - Secrets to Transformation

Masterclass Workbook
How to Use This Workbook
To put it straight - even without meaning to, about half of what you’ll learn from this
training will be forgotten by the time it’s finished. Unless you use this workbook
that is.
Why? Because there’s empirical evidence out there which states the act of writing
things down helps us to tap into a deeper layer of our memory processing.
Plus, how you take in all the information from this training will be completely
different from everyone else. So, this workbook is here for you to take notes that
are unique to you and your life.
In order to maximise your retention of everything that I’ll share in the training, be
sure to print out this workbook, grab a pen, and follow along.
As by doing so, you’ll absorb significantly more information which will accelerate
your personal transformation!
Important Note:
Make sure to check your email inbox for your private joining link to this
If you have any issues or need help with something leading up to the
training, please email our team: support@successinsider.com
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About Your Instructor
Tim Han is a world-renowned success coach, Amazon best-selling author of
“Follow Your Heart and Take Action”, entrepreneur and international speaker.
He is the founder and CEO of Success Insider, the fastest growing personal
development YouTube channel across the globe in 2016.
Due to his large global reach, he’s had the opportunity to collaborate with worldrenowned leaders such as T. Harv Eker, Grant Cardone, Marisa Peer, Brian Tracy, Ken
Honda, Dr Caroline Leaf, Tom Bilyeu, Patrick Bet-David, Dr John Demartini, Evan
Carmichael, Vanessa Van Edward, Ryan Serhant, and many more!
More than 35,000,000 people have watched his videos in the last 3 years. In
addition, thousands of students have gone through his life-changing training and
His success has enabled him to speak on stages across the globe, the Houses of
Parliament, some of the worlds most prestigious universities and even being
invited to meet the president.
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Masterclass Info
During the exclusive Masterclass with Tim Han, you’ll discover:
How to release yourself from the shackles of deep subconscious fears, anxiety
and inner worries and learn to liberate your true self.
How to reprogram your psychology to anticipate and receive greater
abundance in all areas of life.
How to train your brain to let go of negative thought patterns of stress,
and overwhelm.
Shift your default emotional state towards unshakable calm and level-headedness.
What used to throw you off balance, will no longer faze you.
● Build a trust in yourself that’s so deep, you can take on any challenge, dream,
or opportunity without fear of failure or judgment.
● How to heal your past and start creating the future you want.
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1. Instructions: Place a checkmark next to the question listed below which most
resonate with you right now:
Do you have goals you really want to achieve, but it feels like there’s an
invisible force constantly pulling you back?
Do you aspire to be financially successful but anytime you’re truly going for
it… you find yourself lacking confidence, feeling anxious, stressed or
Are tired of finding yourself in the same toxic, unsatisfying, uninspiring
relationships. You yearn for something better… but you find you keep
attracting the same type of people over and over?
Have you already enjoyed great success in your life, but you’re struggling to
reach that next level?
Have you’ve read books, attended seminars, watched videos online or got
professional help and put in the time and effort but you still didn’t achieve
what was promised?
2. These are just the symptoms of my ro______ ca_________ problem.
3. Once I follow the 3 Secrets to Reinvent Myself:
I’ll uncover the actual RO_________ CA____________ of my symptoms so I can
finally break out of any self-destructive behaviors and level up to the life I
truly deserve!
I will rediscover my tr______ se______ and finally feel whole again even if I’ve
experienced emotional abuse, toxic relationships or negative events in the
I’ll trigger a profound transformation in my entire neur_________________
makeup - causing me to think and act beyond what I believe is possible!
4. Additional Notes:
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Secret 1
Secret 1 A___________
1. To create a radical shift in my life, I must stop focusing on what I want to achieve,
do or have and focus instead on becoming truly aw________ of my _________ that’s
controlling my life right now.
2. The moment I’m born, my mind begins to create a “B___________ S___________” of
how the world works.
3. My b___________ were created by my mind in order to survive, NOT th________ and
this is why I have got b___________ that are limiting me right now.
4. Leading scientists and psychologists have proved how my cul_________
dramatically influences my life and they labeled this phenomenon as
epi_______________ and ster____________ threat.
5. My b___________ set me up to experience the exact thoughts, feelings and
behaviors that make my b___________ become a reality.
6. The current state of my wealth, health, relationships and life is in absolute
alignment and direct proportion to what I b__________ is t_______ consciously and
7. B___________ + R________________ = Identity.
8. In your own words: How does your entire state of being get programmed into a
very predictable future based on what you experienced in the past?
9. Who I ‘be_________’ I am right now is NOT actually me, it’s who I’ve lear_____ to be.
10. My Biggest Insights from Secret 1
"If I let go of who I am I become who I might be.”
- L. T.
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Secret 2
Secret 2 T___________
1. Results don’t happen to me, they happen w______ me.
2. My conscious and subconscious beliefs determine how I a______. And how I
a______ will ultimately result in what I att__________.
3. Any LACK that I see is my LIM___________ B_____________ that is expressed
I can’t get to abu________________. I must come from it.
5. The truly abu___________ person is what psychologist Rollo May calls ‘the fullyfunctioning person’.
6. In your own words: Why is it important to enjoy the process of “circulating”?
7. It just takes one oppor________________ to change everything for me.
8. The 1 word most people subconsciously avoid that’s preventing them from
getting to the next level is called se___________.
9. Se___________ = Serving
10. When oppor________________ knock on my door, I must always be willing to take a
ch___________, because I never know how perfect something could turn out to be.
11. My Biggest Insights from Secret 2
“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”
- W. D.
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Secret 3
Secret 3 R__________
1. In your own words: As a human being what is your brain designed to do and how
has it been biologically programmed?
2. My life isn’t just my own. I’m sharing it right now with my “li________ vo________”
and it’s narration is a defense mech______________ from my brain.
3. Due to this, most of us have devoted our entire life to meeting its constant
demands as we mistakenly think it’s protected us from pa______.
4. Not realizing that in fact, my “li________ vo________” is the source of my pa______
and ultimately at the end of it all will be the source of my biggest life’s
5. Ugly Truth: We only ch___________ when it’s too late.
6. In your own words: What are some of your biggest limiting beliefs, thoughts or
feelings that have been producing unwanted or negative consequences in your life?
7. In your own words: What have been the negative consequences of these inner
blocks in your life? What have they (or could they) cost you?
8. I’ve been experiencing these issues for _______ YEARS.
9. I CA_________ create the income, health and relationships I’m capable of until I
dissolve my lim____________ bel__________ and upgrade my psychology.
10. My Biggest Insights from Secret 3
“One day or day one. You Decide.”
- P. C.
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Masterclass Summary
Secret 1: To create a radical shift in my life, I must stop focusing so much on
what I want to achieve, or do, or have and focus instead on becoming deeply
aw_______ of my “B__________ S__________” and elim__________ all the
unconscious lim________ b__________ that’s holding me back right now.
Secret 2: I can’t get to ab______________. I must come from it. By getting
comfortable with le_______ g____ and being more open to oppo_____________.
Secret 3: My s_____________ br________ is very slick, it will t______ me
anything it has to and cr__________ any story, to prevent me from
experiencing cha___________. So to change my life I must give myself
per_______________ to cha________ today.
Secret Bonus Section*
*Offered at the end of the Masterclass
The URL to claim my exclusive free gift is
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