PHARMACOLOGY Prof. Raman NURSING INTERVENTIONS RELATED TO MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION Think “Nursing Process”: ALL OF THESE ARE CONSIDERED NURSING INTERVENTIONS ASSESSMENT: o o o o o o o o o o o o o Allergies, pathophysiology, age, body size, gender, genetic factors, pregnancy, age Medical problems that may require this medication Baseline labs, LFT’s (if affects liver), BUN/Creatinine (if affects kidneys), CBC (if affects blood cell production), etc. Level of comprehension for teaching Ability to swallow (if oral), position, patency, size of catheter (if IV), condition of skin, nutritional status (if IM or subcutaneous), patency and condition of NG tube or PEG tube if to be utilized Preadministration and postadminstration assessment BP before and after antihypertensives Temperature before and after antipyretics Heart rate before and after beta blockers Pain level before and after pain medication Dosage and Administration (correct drug, correct dose, correct route, correct time, etc.) What are the Adverse Drug Reactions for this medication for this patient (what other drugs, CAM’s, environmental/food factors can cause ADR’s in this patient) Other factors NURSING DIAGNOSES: o o o o Based on all of the above what are the nursing diagnoses for your patient? Is patient at risk for Adverse Effects/Adverse Interactions/Toxicity? What do you need to observe (labs, mouth ulcerations, pain level, etc)? What do you need to teach patient, family, other staff members? o o o What is your plan based on your assessment and nursing diagnoses? What is your plan to minimize Adverse Effects/Adverse Interactions/Toxicity? What is your plan to promote Therapeutic Effects PLAN: IMPLEMENTATION: o o o o o o o o o Do you need to monitor BP? Heart rate? Temperature? Level of Pain, Labs, etc.? Do you need to monitor for mouth ulcers, etc.? Do you need to performing patient/family/staff teaching? Minimize Adverse Effects Minimize Adverse Interactions Do you need to manage toxicity? Do you need to report some issue with this patient to the prescriber/unit manager/etc.? Do you need to notify the prescriber “stat” about a serious problem? What are the collaborative problems? Do you need to take other actions related to this patient and this medication? EVALUATION: o o o o Evaluate the therapeutic responses to the administration of this medication(s) How did the assessment, nursing diagnoses, plan, implementation go? Do any of these steps need to be repeated or revised? Is there anything more that you need to do?