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Chapter 9 Study Material: Devotional Service & Krishna

Chapter 9
The Most Confidential Knowledge
Subjective Questions
Q1. Devotional service is most confidential as it directly reveals Krishna through direct perception.
Describe as explained in verses 9.1-3.
Q2. Explain Lord Krishna’s inconceivable potencies as He effortlessly coordinates repeated creations
and annihilations. Verse 9.4-10.
Q3. Demons are doomed while devotees are always protected. Explain as given in verses 9.11-14
Q4. Different worshippers attain different destinations. However, Krishna conscious practices lead to
the highest destination. Refer verses 9.15-25
Q5. Verses 9.26-34 represent nine jewels of pure devotional services. Bring out the comprehensive
spirit of bhakti yoga as explained by Lord Krishna.
Q6. In the takeaway section, the evolutionary stages in bhakti are described. Write an essay on this
Q7. Write an essay on the chapter 9 enumerating the main theme and five sub-topics. Outline the salient
features of pure devotional service.
Objective Questions
1. The Supreme Personality of Godhead and His potencies are realized by _______?
a. Performing astanga yoga for ten thousands of years.
b. Hearing more and more about the Supreme Lord from sadhu, guru, and shastras.
c. Performing devotional service as given 9.34
d. Performing all actions for the pleasure of Krishna as given in 9.27
2. Why is the sanskrit word ‘anasūyave’ very significant?
a. ‘anasūyave’ means ‘to be non-envious’.
b. Arjuna was non-envious of Krishna, therefore, knowledge of Bhagavad was revealed to him.
c. Even the most erudite scholars cannot understand Bhagavad Gita if they are envious of Krishna
d. All those who are non-envious of Lord Krishna can derive the benefits from the teachings of
Bhagavad Gita
3. Why is chapter 9 declared as the most confidential knowledge by Lord Krishna?
a. Only the non-envious persons like Arjuna can understand the spirit of devotional service
b. Lord Krishna reserves the right to reveal this transcendental knowledge to anyone He chooses.
c. Only Vedic scholars can decipher the imports of this chapter
d. All of the above
4. Reaction of any sinful action takes the form of seed and in time becomes a tree that flowers and
provides fruit of miserable life.
a. True
b. False
5. Pure devotional service has the ability to burn such sinful reactions over many lifetimes.
a. True
b. False
6. Quote the verse that describes ‘faith’.
a. sraddha sabde viswas kohe sudridha nischaya
b. sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
c. yasyasti bhaktir bhagavati akincana
d. ananyas cintayan mam ye jana paryupasate
7. What is the faith in the process of Krishna consciousness?
a. By engaging in the transcendental service of the Lord, one automatically satisfies all the
demigods and all other living entities.
b. One perfectly discharges all his duties by simply serving Lord Krishna with un-deviated
c. Simply by serving the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, one can achieve all perfection
d. All of the above
8. All beings are in Krishna but Krishna is not in them. What is the import?
a. All are maintained by Krishna only but He hides Himself through His illusory potency to nondevotees.
b. Krishna is pervading impersonally without negating His personhood.
c. I am situated in Krishna’s intelligence but I am not aware of it unless I introspect on it
d. Krishna created this world but the world runs independent of Him
9. Everything that is created does not rest in Krishna. Why?
a. All material universes are outside of Krishna.
b. Unlimited material and spiritual worlds are effortlessly supported by a mere fraction of His
internal potency.
c. Nothing is a burden for Krishna although everything rests in Him
d. All of the above
10. Quote the verse stating that Lord Krishna is not perceivable through gross material senses.
a. tvāṁ śīla-rūpa-caritaiḥ parama-prakṛṣṭaiḥ
b. athāpi te deva padāmbuja-dvaya
c. ataḥ śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāmādi na bhaved grāhyam indriyaiḥ
d. vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvaṁ yaj jñānam advayam
11. One should not conclude that because the Lord is spread all over, he has lost His personal
existence. Prabhupada gives a crude example of ____ to illustrate this point in BG 9.4
a. Space and sky
b. King and his different departments
c. Tree and its different parts
d. High court Judge and his judgements
12. Tick the incorrect understandings about Krishna’s relation with His creation
a. Krishna cannot override the laws of Nature He has established
b. When Krishna performs Lila, He has no connection with His potencies.
c. Since Krishna is present in every fragment of this Universe, this Universe is also eternal.
d. Although everything is resting on Krishna, they do not appear even a slightest burden on him
13. As _____ is always aloof from the activities of the______, Lord Krishna is aloof from
everything. [9.6]
a. Pearls, thread
b. Sky, wind
c. Wind, sky
d. Thread, pearls
14. Even extraordinary scholars and commentators of Bhagavad-gita deride Krsna as an ordinary
man because ____
a. They are extraordinary only on account of previous good work
b. They cannot imagine that a form like that of a human being can simultaneously control the
infinite and the minute.
c. They are infected with the Mayavadi philosophy
d. They are innocent
15. What is the destiny of those who mock Krishna out of sheer envy?
a. They take birth after birth in the species of atheistic and demoniac life
b. Their culture of knowledge is futile
c. Their successes in fruitive activities are futile
d. All of the above
16. A Mahatma is a person who is
a. addressed so by the majority of population
b. situated in divine nature and engaged in pure devotional service of Lord Krishna
c. concerned about the material wellbeing only
d. all of the above
17. What are the activities performed by mahatmas to achieve the association of the Supreme
Lord ultimately?
a. hearing and chanting about Krsna
b. engages all activities--mental, bodily and vocal in the Lord's service
c. Fasting on Ekadasi and appearance day of Lord etc
d. Perform devotional service under the guidance of expert spiritual master in any position and
anywhere in the world
18. Arrange the following in the ascending order according to their spiritual position:
A. worshiper of the demigods
B. Four kinds of devotees who surrender unto Krishna as given in 7.16
C. A mahatma as described in 9.13
D. He who worships himself as one with the Supreme Lord
19. For those engaged in the devotional service of Krishna, following sacrifices are recommended
according to the Vedas
a. Karma-kāṇḍa
b. Pitṛ tarpan
c. Ashwamedha yajña
d. None of the above
20. How does one approach Krishna indirectly?
a. Demigod worship
b. Study of Vedas following impersonal philosophy
c. Worship of Virat form of Krishna
d. All of the above
21. Where does a pure devotee see Krishna?
a. Earth, water, air, fire and ether
b. In every living entity as supersoul
c. In cosmic manifestation
d. In the temple
22. What is the ultimate purpose of studying three Vedas?
a. To become perfect scholar in the science of three Vedas
b. To merge into Brahman effulgence of the Lord
c. To engage in pure devotional service to satisfy the Supreme Lord
d. To offer sacrifice to different demigods like Indra and Chandra.
23. What is the main purpose of establishing varṇāśrama-dharma?
Organizing society to be more productive and economically developed
To satisfy Lord Vishnu
Making good arrangement for Eating, mating, sleeping, and defending
None of these
24. The Vedic process of Darśa-paurṇamāsa is recommended for what purpose?
To get a boy child
Going to higher planets like moon, sun
To get visa for developed countries
Get rid of diseases
25. The process of Bhakti, devotional service is so easy and universal. Why?
a. No one is barred from performing bhakti irrespective of gender, nationality, religion and race
b. Even a leaf, flower, fruit or water, which are so easily available, can be offered to the Lord in
genuine love.
c. Lord Krishna is easily pleased by our simple devotional offerings
d. One who is poorest of the poor or even a sinner can render pure loving service to the Lord.
26. ‘‘Absolute Truth is without senses’’. Negate this statement.
a. Lord Brahma in his Brahma Samhita says that the supreme Lord has senses and his senses are
interchangeable - angani yasya sakalendriya-vrtti-manti
b. If lacking senses, the Absolute Truth could hardly be considered full in all opulences.
c. When the Absolute Truth is addressed as arupa in veda, it refers to His not having material form
but He has the spiritual form
d. All of the above
27. How one should mold his life in a way that he never forgets Krsna in any circumstance?
a. Everyone has to work for maintenance of his body, and hence one should work for the pleasure
of Krsna.
b. One should eat only the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krsna.
c. If one desires to perform religious ritualistic ceremonies, he should do it for Krsna.
d. If one wants to give charity, he should utilize his wealth in propagating Krsna Consciousness.
28. What is yukta-vairāgya?
a. Performing actions and giving results to Krsna is called yukta-vairagya.
b. Discarding everything that is matter is called yukta-vairagya.
c. In yukta-vairagya one is freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results.
d. Performing actions and giving some of the results to Krsna is yukta-vairagya.
29. A real sannyasi is he who?
a. Has no interest but to dedicate his life to the service of the Lord.
b. Thinks of himself as an eternal servant, dependent on the supreme will of the Lord.
c. Does not give serious attention to the fruitive activities or prescribed duties mentioned in the
d. All of the above
30. “Even the most intelligent person cannot understand the plans and activities of a pure
devotee”. Quote the verse.
a. guru-mukha-padma-vākya, cittete koribo aikya
b. tāṅra vākya, kriyā, mudrā vijñeha nā bujhaya
c. sei saba guṇa haya vaiṣṇava-lakṣaṇa
d. āpani karimu bhakta-bhāva aṅgīkāre
31. Lord being equal to everyone, why does He give special attention to His devotees?
a. Devotees in Krsna Consciousness take all risks to fulfill the Supreme will of Krishna
b. There is a reciprocal relationship between The Lord and His devotees which is a natural and
pure state
c. He likes devotees and hates demons
d. Krishna is partial to His devotees and hence NOT neutral
32. The accidental fall down of a devotee is
a. condemned by Lord Krishna
b. compared with the mark of a rabbit on the moon
c. taken as a small aberration as Lord Krishna ensures his reinstatement pure devotional service
d. all of the above
33. Some of the pure devotees who have accidental fall down are
a. Haridas Thakur
b. Maharaja Bharat
c. Chota Haridas
d. Prahlada
34. How can a devotee engaged in abominable activities – either by accident or by intention – still
be considered as a devotee?
a. Because the purifying process is already there within the heart of a devotee.
b. Because of his constant remembering of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
c. Because of his constant chanting of Hare Krsna Mahamantra.
d. All of the above
35. Even candalas, who are dog eaters, can be purified by association with a pure devotee. Quote
the verse.
a. janma-lābhaḥ paraḥ puṁsām, ante nārāyaṇa-smṛtiḥ
b. tasmād bhārata sarvātmā, bhagavān īśvaro hariḥ, śrotavyaḥ kīrtitavyaś ca
c. kirāta-hūṇāndhra-pulinda-pulkaśā, ābhīra-śumbhā yavanāḥ khasādayaḥ
d. ātmārāmāś ca munayo, nirgranthā apy urukrame,kurvanty ahaitukīṁ bhaktim
36. Why is Krishna making Arjuna to declare that Krishna’s devotees will never perish?
a. Krishna will never allow the promise of His devotees to falter
b. Krishna may break His own promise
c. Krishna is not sure if His devotees are imperishable
d. all of the above
37. Which of the following statements are true for the material world?
a. Material world is described as anityam asukhaṁ lokam
b. Material world is false and does not exist
c. Material world is temporary and is meant to reform the errant jivas
d. All of the above
38. Why does Lord Krishna refer woman, business and labor class as inferior?
a. They are not eligible to perform bhakti
b. They are not eligible to perform Vedic yajnas
c. They are not eligible to worship Krishna
d. All of the above
39. In 9.34, Lord Krishna wants us
a. To engage our mind in always thinking of Krishna, to become a devotee of Krishna and worship
Him and to offer Him obeisances
b. To worship impersonal brahman and to think of unborn within Krishna
c. To become one with the Supreme
d. All of the above
40. A pure devotee of Krishna never falls down because
a. He is fully capable of controlling his senses
b. He is always protected by Krishna from the influence of 3 modes of material nature
c. Even if he has accidental fall down, Lord Krishna helps him to get reinstated in pure devotion
d. He is expert in Vedic literature