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Government Audit Findings & Recommendations

The findings of government audit are given below:
 To find out whether the Institution’s funds including Government aid or grant
received by the same are properly spent for the specific purpose for which the said
aid or grant was sanctioned.
To verify the authenticity of the statements submitted by the authority of the
institutions for any individual connected with it to the Government or the Board or
Directorate having jurisdiction over the same or to any Government agency.
To verify if the conditions of grants or aid received from the Government have been
properly complied with.
To verify the qualifications of the Teachers and other employees of the institutions in
order to determine their eligibility for receiving various contributions from the
Government in respect of salaries and other benefits.
To verify whether the conditions of eligibility for affiliation/recognition by
competent authority have been met by the institution concerned.
To check if various administrative orders and instructions by competent authorities
including Governing Bodies/Managing Committee of institutions have been duly
carried out.
To audit the accounts of Government and Non- Government institutions.
To supervise the academic activities of both the Government and Non- Government
To take up special investigation/inspection and audit in the government Offices/Agencies/Bodies
etc. under the Ministry of Education as and when instructed. After the successful piloting of
Performance Audit in Bangladesh, OCAG conducted performance audits regularly through the
nine Audit Directorates.
Audits must have necessary and sufficient observations to support conclusions made against each
objective. The auditor should assess the significance of the observations in relation to the audit
objectives. At the extreme ends of the performance spectrum-fully satisfactory performance or
highly unsatisfactory performance concluding against the overall objective may not pose a
problem. In the majority of cases, however, the auditor will have to use judgement in reaching a
They cover the need for written audit reports and their timeliness and content. Where
deficiencies in performance have been identified the auditor needs to develop recommendations
to guide corrective action. Normally the recommendations should be stated in broad terms of
what needs to be done, with the specifics of how it can be done being left to entity management.
When developing recommendations, the auditor should take management views into account,
consider the cost and feasibility of implementing the proposed action, and understand the effects
on results, both positive and negative, if the recommendations are adopted. As appropriate, a
legal opinion should be sought in cases involving sensitive or confidential information.
The following points are recommended after the study:
 The auditor should give more emphasis on the guidelines suggested by BSA 700.
 In carrying out their responsibilities as professionals, members should exercise sensitive
professional and moral judgments in all their activities.
 In all matters relating to the assignment, independence in mental attitude is to be
maintained by the auditor or auditors.
 The company should be flexible to provide proper evidence during the audit.
The most common way for users to obtain reliable information regarding the financial position
and the results of the operation of a business is to have an independent audit performed. The
audited information is then used in the decision-making process on the assumption that it is
reasonably complete, accurate, and unbiased. Independent audit report expresses an opinion on
the fairness of the financial statements presented by the management of the company, indicating
the weakness in the internal control system and its application ineffectiveness, if any, resulting in
improvement in strong internal auditing environment to foster the corporate governance practice
in the company.
Typically, shareholders engage the auditor to provide assurance to users that the financial
statements are reliable to use the information contained in the financial statements for making
decision. If the financial statements are ultimately determined to be incorrect, the auditor can be
sued by both the users and shareholders. Auditors obviously have considerable legal
responsibility for their work towards expressing audit report on the fairness of the financial
A measure of uniformity in the form and content of the auditor’s report is desirable because it
helps to promote the user’s understanding and to identify unusual circumstances when they
occur for taking the decision needed for each user. Auditors should work more independently
with the responsibility towards the stakeholders of the respective company to play an important
role in flourishing the progressive economy in the country while issuing their audit report to
portray the real picture of the balance sheet of the company.