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Criminal Law Exam: Plurality, Complex Crimes, Sentencing

1. Kinds of plurality were the offender is punished for each and every offense that he committed.
A. plurality of crimes
C. real plurality
B. formal plurality
D. plurality
2. In this kind of plurality the offender has only one liability despite several resulting crime.
A. plurality of crimes
C. real plurality
B. formal plurality
D. plurality
3. Compound crime is the same as?
A. delito complejo
C. delito consierto
B. delito compuesto
D. delictus persona
4. Complex crime is the same as?
A. delito complejo
C. delito consierto
B. delito compuesto
D. delictus persona
5. Hitting two target resulting to the death of one and physical injury of another is an example of?
A. complex crime
C. plurality of crime
B. compound crime
D. complex crime proper
6. Estafa through falsification of documents is an example of?
A. complex crime
C. plurality of crime
B. compound crime
D. complex crime proper
7. In complex crime although two or more crimes are committed only a single penalty is imposed for there is only one
crime in the eyes of the law and?
A. in the eyes of the offender
C. in the conscience of the offender
B. in the mind of the victim
D. in the mind of the public
8. The penalty for complex crime is?
A. that provided by law
C. is that chosen by the victim
B. that choosen by the offender
D. is that provided for the most serious offense
9. Those which are treated as single indivisible offenses although comprising more than one specific crime and with
specific penalty.
A. complex crime
C. compound crime
B. special complex crime
D. continuing crime
10. Consists of two or more act but with only one resolution of crime.
A. complex crime
C. compound crime
B. special complex crime
D. continuing crime
11. Mandates that the total penalty of imprisonment that the accused will serve shall in no case exceed three times the
length of time corresponding to the most severe penalties imposed.
A. two fold rule
C. four fold rule
B. three fold rule
D. fold rule
12. The rule applies if the offender will serve four or more sentences successively.
A. two fold rule
C. four fold rule
B. three fold rule
D. fold rule
13. The maximum sentence that the accused will served in case of successive penalties.
A. 40 years
C. 20 years
B. 3 times the number of the most serious penalty
D. 10 years
14. Commonly known as the ISLAW.
A. PD 968
C. PD 4103
B. PD 603
D. RA 9344
15. The probation law of the Philippines.
A. PD 968
C. PD 4103
B. PD 603
D. RA 9344
16. The child and youth welfare code.
A. PD 968
C. PD 4103
B. PD 603
D. RA 9344
17. The law that absolutely exempts minor offender age 15 years and below.
A. PD 968
C. PD 4103
B. PD 603
D. RA 9344
18. The law that allows qualified offender to avail of parole.
A. PD 968
C. PD 4103
B. PD 603
D. RA 9344
19. Applying indeterminate sentence law the minimum term that the convict may serve in violating special law is?
A. not more than the minimum provided
C. next higher than that provided
B. next lower than that provided
D. that is exactly provided
20. Applying indeterminate sentence law the maximum term that the convict may serve in violating special law is?
A. not more than the minimum provided
C. next higher than that provided
B. next lower than that provided
D. not more than the maximum provided
21. Is a disposition under which a defendant after conviction and sentence is release subject to the conditions imposed by
the court and to the supervision of probation officer.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
22. It is a Presidents prerogative.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
23. It requires concurrence of the congress.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
24. It is granted by the court.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
25. It is granted by the BPP.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
26. It is granted after the convict served the minimum sentence.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
27. It is granted before service of sentence but after conviction.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
28. It is granted before service of sentence and even before conviction.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
29. It is usually given to political offenders or class of offenders.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
30. It obliterates records of conviction.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
31. It is an act of forgiveness without obliterating records of conviction.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
32. It is given as a matter of right to minor offender.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
33. Availing of which is deemed waiver on the right to appeal.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
34. It cannot be exercised when the President is under impeachment.
A. probation
C. amnesty
B. parole
D. pardon
35. When probation filed?
A. before conviction
C. w/in the period of perfecting an appeal
B. after conviction
D. after the period of perfecting an appeal
36. Violating the condition on probation warrants the arrest of the accused and he will order to serve?
A. the entire duration of sentence
C. the unexpired portion of sentence after probation
B. the original unexpired portion of the sentence
D. the original sentence before probation
37. The period of probation for those sentenced above 1 year but not exceeding 6 years.
A. 6 years
C. exceeding 6 years
B. do not exceed 6 years
D. 6 years or less
38. The period of probation for those sentenced to serve below 1 year.
A. 2 years
C. do not exceed 2 years
B. 2 years or more
D. 2 years or less
39. The probation period of those serving under subsidiary imprisonment.
A. entire duration of subsidiary imprisonment
C. twice the period of subsidiary imprisonment
B. half of the duration of subsidiary imprisonment
D. exact period of subsidiary imprisonment
40. What is not a disqualification under PD#968?
A. convicted of treason
C. convicted of drug trafficking
B. sentence to serve more 6 years of imprisonment
D. convicted of traffic violations
41. How many times probation is availed of?
A. once
C. thrice
B. twice
D. four times
42. What extinguishes civil liability?
A. pardon
C. pardon by the offended party
B. pardon by the President
D. pardon by the prosecution
43. What is not a disqualification under PD#4103?
A. convicted of espionage
C. sentence to distierro
B. evaded service of sentence
D. sentence to serve above 1 year
44. The supervising officer of one granted with parole.
A. parole officer
C. police officer
B. probation officer
D. agent officer
45. The supervising officer of one granted with probation.
A. parole officer
C. police officer
B. probation officer
D. agent officer
46. The period of supervision in parole.
A. throughout the unexpired portion of the sentence
C. not to exceed 2 years
B. not to exceed 6 years
D. discretionary to supervising officer
47. Refers to one granted with pardon.
A. probationer
C. pardonee
B. parolee
D. probation and parole officer
48. Refers to one granted with parole.
A. probationer
C. pardonee
B. parolee
D. probation and parole officer
49. Refers to one granted with probation.
A. probationer
C. pardonee
B. parolee
D. probation and parole officer
50. If B is held responsible for murder, He is disqualified for probation because?
A. The penalty exceed 6 years
C. He is once place on probation
B. He is convicted of crimes against national security
D. he is convicted of election offenses
51. If B is held responsible for treason, He is disqualified for probation because?
A. The penalty exceed 6 years
C. He is once place on probation
B. He is convicted of crimes against national security
D. he is convicted of election offenses
52. If B is held responsible for vote buying, He is disqualified for probation because?
A. The penalty exceed 6 years
C. He is once place on probation
B. He is convicted of crimes against national security
D. he is convicted of election offenses
53. If A is previously convicted for theft and he is adjudged guilty of robbery, He is disqualified for parole because?
A. He evaded service of sentence
C. His penalty is distierro
B. He is habitual offender
D. He committed piracy
54. If A is precluded from entering certain territory as a penalty, He is disqualified for parole because?
A. He evaded service of sentence
C. His penalty is distierro
B. He is habitual offender
D. He committed piracy
55. If A is an escapee from penal establishment, He is disqualified for parole because?
A. He evaded service of sentence
C. His penalty is distierro
B. He is habitual offender
D. He committed piracy
56. If A seized a vessel of its cargo while on voyage, He is disqualified for parole because?
A. He evaded service of sentence
C. His penalty is distierro
B. He is habitual offender
D. He committed piracy
57. If A is previously convicted and ordered to served 40 years of imprisonment, He is disqualified for parole because?
A. He evaded service of sentence
C. He is guilty of rebellion
B. He is granted conditional pardon
D. He is sentence to reclusion perpetua
58. If A is previously release from confinement but later on recommitted, He is disqualified for parole because?
A. He evaded service of sentence
C. He is guilty of rebellion
B. He is granted conditional pardon
D. He is sentence to reclusion perpetua
59. If A participates in public uprising to overthrow the government, He is disqualified for parole because?
A. He evaded service of sentence
C. He is guilty of rebellion
B. He is granted conditional pardon
D. He is sentence to reclusion perpetua
60. Indeterminate sentence law is popularly known as?
61. The juvenile justice and welfare act.
A. PD 603
C. RA 9344
B. RA 7610
D. PD 4103
62. The minimum kilometers were the acused is not allowed to enter if punished with destierro.
A. 20 kilometers
C. 250 kilometers
B. 25 kilometers
D. 50 kilometers
63. The maximum kilometers were the acused is not allowed to enter if punished with destierro.
A. 20 kilometers
C. 250 kilometers
B. 25 kilometers
D. 50 kilometers
64. The convicted offender penalized of destierro can be additionally sanctioned of __________ upon entering the
prohibited area.
A. evasion in the service of sentence
C. deducting the service of sentence
B. escaping the service of sentence
D. defeating the service of sentence
65. The following totally extinguished criminal liability except.
A. death of convict
C. service of sentence
D. pardon
D. amnesty
66. What partially extinguished criminal liability?
A. prescription of crime
C. parole
B. prescription of penalty
D. marriage in rape case
67. Those above 15 but below 18 years of age is _______ from liability except if acted with discernment.
A. justified
C. mitigated
B. exempted
D. aggravated
68. Certain provisions of PD 603 was repealed by what law?
A. PD 603
C. RA 9344
B. RA 7610
D. PD 4103
69. Is the forfeiture in the power of the state to prosecute offender after the lapse of time.
A. prescription of crime
C. amnesty
B. prescription of penalty
D. pardon
70. Prescription of crime is the same with?
A. prescription of crime
C. prescription of offense
B. prescription of penalty
D. proscription
71. Is the forfeiture in the power of the state to impose penalty after the lapse of time.
A. prescription of crime
C. prescription of offense
B. prescription of penalty
D. proscription
72. Oral defamation prescribed in?
A. 1 year
C. 6 months
B. 1 month
D. 2 months
73. Crimes penalized for light offenses prescribe in?
A. 1 year
C. 6 months
B. 1 month
D. 2 months
74. Crimes penalized by reclusion temporal prescribe in?
A. 10 years
C. 20 years
B. 15 years
D. 5 years
75. Offenses penalized by arresto mayor prescribe in?
A. 10 years
C. 20 years
B. 15 years
D. 5 years
76. Correctional fine prescribe in?
A. 20 years
C. 15 years
B. 10 years
D. 2 years
77. Afflictive fine prescribe in?
A. 20 years
C. 15 years
B. 10 years
D. 2 years
78. Under special law crime prescribe in _____ for those punished by imprisonment for two years or more but less than
six years.
A. 1 year
C. 8 years
B. 4 years
D. 10 years
79. Following the rule on special law crime prescribe in _____ for those punished by imprisonment for more than one
month but less than two years.
A. 1 year
C. 8 years
B. 4 years
D. 10 years
80. Prescription of crime commences to run when?
A. commission of crime
C. evasion of service of sentence
B. discovery of crime
D. either A or B
81. Prescription of penalty commences to run when?
A. commission of crime
C. evasion of service of sentence
B. discovery of crime
D. either A or B
82. What interrupts prescription of crime?
A. filling of complaint in court
C. dismissal of the case
B. the accused was re-arrested
D. if the accused is out of the region
83. What interrupts prescription of penalty?
A. filling of complaint in court
C. dismissal of the case
B. the accused was re-arrested
D. if the accused is out of the region
84. Flight of the accused to foreign country interrupts what?
A. prescription of crime
C. either of the two
B. prescription of penalty
D. both
85. Correctional penalties prescribed in?
A. 20 years
C. 10 years
B. 15 years
D. 5 years
86. The penalty of arresto mayor prescribed in?
A. 20 years
C. 10 years
B. 15 years
D. 5 years
87. The following interrupts the period of prescription of penalty except:
A. re- arrest of the accused
C. commits another crime before the end of prescription
B. flight to foreign country
D. commits another crime while on confinement
88. Reduction of sentence granted after the escapee from prison returned within 48 hours from the end of the calamity or
A. commutation of sentence
D. amnesty
89. Reduction of sentence for good behavior of inmates.
A. commutation of sentence
D. amnesty
90. The reduction of sentence on Presidents prerogative.
A. commutation of sentence
D. amnesty
A and B were best friends since childhood, on their adolescents age they both fall in love to C but C loves A than
B. For this reason A physically injures B so that he would surrender his affection to C on his demand. B instead of filling
charges of slight physical injuries considers their long time friendships and decided to let go of C. 2 years after A and B
has loud altercations and A decides to file the charges of physical injury which transpires before.
91. What possible kind of prescription is applicable?
A. prescription
B. prescription of crime
C. prescription of penalty
D. both prescription of crime/penalty
92. When prescription starts to run?
A. from its discovery
B. from its commission
93. When it will prescribed?
A. after 2 months
B. after 6 months
94. Is there really prescription?
A. yes
B. no
95. Is there interruption in the period of prescription?
A. yes
B. no
C. from its filling
D. from its consummation
C. after 1 year
D. after 2 years
C. it depends
D. maybe
C. it depends
D. maybe
Mahalay was charged of raping his own daughter and sentence to serve a penalty of 13 years – 18 years of
imprisonment. On his fifth year in prison an earthquake destroys their detention cell and mahalay was able to go out to
secure himself. He were nowhere to found for almost 5 years at the end of the fifth year he were re-arrested.
96. What possible kind of prescription is applicable?
A. prescription
C. prescription of penalty
B. prescription of crime
D. both prescription of crime/penalty
97. When prescription starts to run?
A. from its discovery
C. from the time the accused escaped confinement
B. from its commission
D. time A is captured
98. When it will prescribed?
A. after 10 years
C. after 20 years
B. after 15 years
D. after 25 years
99. Is there really prescription?
A. yes
C. it depends
B. no
D. maybe
100. Is there interruption in the period of prescription?
A. yes
C. it depends
B. no
D. maybe
101. All kinds of complex crime has single penalty imposable.
In complex crime the mind of the offender is set to committing one crime only.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
102. Indeterminate sentence law applies to all offender.
BPP is created by virtue of indeterminate sentence law.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
103. Violation of conditional pardon disqualifies offender under indeterminate sentence law.
To avail of the benefits under ISLAW the sentence should be below 1 year.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
104. Probation is usually granted to first time offender.
The period for perfecting an appeal is 15 days before judgment.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
105. Pardon is for political offender.
Amnesty requires concurrence of the senate.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
106. Amnesty removes any record of conviction.
Pardon can be extended by the offended party.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
107. Amnesty once granted extinguished civil liability.
Pardon, parole and probation do not extinguished criminal liability.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
108. Extinguishment of civil liability may be partial or total.
Extinguishment of criminal liability may be partial or total.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
109. GCTA is good conduct tour allowance.
STA is granted to returning escapees and to those who do not escape in times of emergency.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
110. GCTA entitles the offender for a reduction of civil liability.
STA entitles the offender for a reduction in the service of sentence.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
111. Filling of probation application guaranties its granting.
Application for probation is made even before judgment.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
112. All convicted offenders may avail of probation.
Pardon of the President may be granted twice depending on the Presidents discretion.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
113. Release on parole may be made early before expiration of the supervision on the recommendation of the President.
Conditions are imposed in absolute pardon.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
114. Conditions are imposed in probation.
Violations of probation condition entitles the accused for early release.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
115. Minor offender can still apply for probation although they appeal the case.
Minor below 15 is partially exempted from criminal liability.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
116. Prescription of crime is similar to prescription of offense.
Prescription of crime is similar to prescription of penalty.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
117. Prescription applies only in case the penalty imposed is imprisonment.
Prescription is a defense available on the part of the victims of crime.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
118. Three-fold rule applies in case the offender is sentence to serve successive penalties.
The maximum term that an offender may serve is forty years.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
119. The congress and the President are the granting authority in amnesty.
The prison director or warden is the granting authority in GCTA.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
120. Criminal law 1 studies about basic principles in crimes and penalties.
The study of different crimes is tackled in criminal law 2.
A. only the first statement is true
C. both are true
B. only the second statement is true
D. both are false
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