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SIP and VoIP: Protocols, Advantages, and Comparison

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)
Joshua Perez
Purdue University Global
IT530: Computer Networks
Elements of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)
Session Initiation Protocol or SIP is a signaling system that is utilized to start, manage, and end
communication sessions which consists of phone, video, and messaging applications (SIP Network Elements, n.d.). SIP is commonly used for private IP telephone systems, internet
telephony, and LTE mobile calls or VoLTE (SIP - Network Elements, n.d.). Basically, SIP
establishes the session endpoint, the media parameters, and whether the party being called
consents to the communication (SIP - Network Elements, n.d.). Some elements support SIP in
building its network. Every network component in SIP has a SIP URI (Uniform Resource
Identifier), which functions similarly to an address. The network components of SIP are user
agent, proxy server, registrar server, redirect server and location server (SIP - Network Elements,
Elements of VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
Voice and multimedia content are transmitted over an internet connection using VoIP (voice
over Internet Protocol). Users using VoIP can place voice calls via their computer, smartphone,
other mobile device, specialized VoIP phone, and WebRTC-capable browsers (Gillis, 2021).
Since VoIP frequently comes with additional capabilities not included in standard phone lines, it
is a technology that is beneficial for both consumers and businesses (Gillis, 2021). These options
may include voicemail to email, custom caller ID, or call recording. It is beneficial to businesses
as a tool to synchronize communications (Gillis, 2021).
Analogous to how a traditional phone functions, VoIP uses an internet connection as opposed to
telephone company wiring (Gillis, 2021). VoIP is made possible by several technologies and
delivery methods, such as local area networks or wide area networks, that are used to transmit
voice conversations via the internet (Gillis, 2021). Basic elements of VoIP are audio calls, video
calls, voicemail, instant messaging, team chats, email, and SMS texts (Gillis, 2021).
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)
VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) compared to SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
There are various advantages to VoIP. VoIP can be used independently as a straightforward,
affordable voice communication option (Segal, 2021). The key advantages are flat rate billing
and low initial costs with ongoing savings (Segal, 2021). VoIP systems are portable and do not
require on-site installation (Segal, 2021).
Most VoIP providers do not demand lengthy commitments (Segal, 2021). Even though VoIP is
simple to use, there are some restrictions that should be considered (Segal, 2021). Even though
VoIP has its advantages, it is frequently an inadequate solution for many organizations. There are
the certain drawbacks to VoIP. One such disadvantage is that VoIP needs enough bandwidth to
maintain high quality clear sounding calls. Another disadvantage is VoIP solely supports voice
communications and does not support multimedia communications and integration with widely
used third party applications (Segal, 2021).
Using SIP in an organization has numerous benefits. While employing VoIP alone has its own
benefits, SIP's versatility makes it an attractive option for many businesses. SIP is especially
scalable and does not only support audio, which allows expansion into video, it also supports
messaging, and other areas (Segal, 2021). An added benefit of SIP is the technology is already
integrated into it for enhanced productivity with widely used software and it can be combined
with PRI lines to create a phone system that is appropriate for an organization (Segal, 2021).
Finally, SIP is reasonable in terms of pricing, and it provides for more features and lines as
required by the organization (Segal, 2021).
VoIP Telephony compared to a Traditional Landline
Landline telephones, which has not evolved much in over 100 years, function by transmitting
signals via copper wire over a network of physical switchboxes, which makes them dependable
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)
and quick, though maintenance can be challenging and labor-intensive (Kuligowski, 2022). The
main positives of a traditional landline are reliability and consistent quality. The old-fashioned
landlines are very dependable (Kuligowski, 2022). A company can rely on the service being
consistent or not having the calls drop since the connection employs cables (Kuligowski, 2022).
Businesses may benefit greatly from this, due to dependable service that results in customers
being able to contact the business on a regular basis (Kuligowski, 2022). Additionally, phone
lines frequently remain operational or may be repaired more rapidly than the internet when a
natural disaster or extreme weather occurs, which helps reduce downtime for the organization
(Kuligowski, 2022). The major cons of adopting a landline for business operations is technology,
higher costs, and spam calls (Kuligowski, 2022). In several fields, including telecommunications,
the trend is moving away from analog or old technologies (Kuligowski, 2022). Calling from any
part of the world at any point in time is turning into a more important organizational
requirement. That is not possible with landline systems, which can limit a company's capabilities
(Kuligowski, 2022). When features like voicemail, call waiting, or caller ID, are added landlines
become more expensive than VoIP systems (Kuligowski, 2022). Taxes and other charges are
also levied on landlines, which drives up costs even more (Kuligowski, 2022). If a company
has a landline instead of a VoIP or mobile number, they can be more vulnerable to spam calls
(Kuligowski, 2022). Although it is legally forbidden for telemarketers to call a cell phone, there
are no restrictions on landlines (Kuligowski, 2022).
The primary distinction between VoIP and landlines is that VoIP uses the internet whereas
landlines use copper wires (RingCentral Team, 2021). This implies that unlike landline calls,
which are limited to certain geographic locations, VoIP calls can be conducted from anywhere
there is an internet connection (RingCentral Team, 2021). VoIP phone services can be up to 68%
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)
less expensive than conventional phone services, removing the need to budget for local, longdistance, and international calls (RingCentral Team, 2021). Furthermore, when compared to
traditional telecom carriers, cloud phone systems often charge less per minute for toll-free
numbers (RingCentral Team, 2021).
Real World experience with VoIP (Overview)
The platform that I have personally used regarding VoIP systems is Zoom. This platform enables
interruption-free call switching between devices and voice call switching into video conference
call switching (What is a VoIP phone? 2021). I frequently have used this technology to engage in
conference calls and to discuss projects and provide instructions on how to conduct specific
business operations.
Kurose, J & Ross, K. (2017). Computer networking: A top down approach. New York: Pearson.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)
SIP - Network Elements. (n.d.). www.tutorialspoint.com.
Gillis, A. S. (2021, October 20). What is VoIP (voice over internet protocol)? definition from
searchunifiedcommunications. SearchUnifiedCommunications.
Segal, B. (2021, January 25). SIP trunking vs VoIP - breaking down the key differences. Telnyx.
Kuligowski, K. (2022, June 29). VoIP vs. landline: Which is best for your business? Business
News Daily. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/15323-voip-vs-landline.html
Why VoIP is better for small businesses: 3 reasons to provide phone solutions in the cloud.
RingCentral. (2021, August 23). https://www.ringcentral.com/us/en/blog/why-voip-isbetter-for-phone-solutions/
What is a VoIP phone? Zoom. (2021, December 13). https://explore.zoom.us/en/what-is-voipphone/