Outside Plant Design Reference Manual Fourth Edition A Truly Unique Outside Plant Manual With the release of this 4th edition of BICSI’s Customer-Owned Outside Plant (CO-OSP) Design Manual, the name has been changed to Outside Plant Design Reference Manual (OSPDRM). In the opinion of both the writers and the BICSI Technical Information and Methods (TI&M) Committee as a whole, this name change reflects a broader applicability of the information contained in the manual. In today’s OSP marketplace, the lines between customer-owned and other information transport systems (ITS) infrastructure have blurred. Following this same trend, the need for a design reference manual specifically focused on customer-owned facilities has become less important. The information contained within this new fourth edition is useful for anyone who is involved in the design or construction of OSP projects. The TI&M Committee, BICSI’s Board of Directors, and the writers of the new edition all agree that we invite a broader and more appropriate readership by changing the name for this latest edition. With this in mind, the new 4th edition of the OSPDRM is truly unique in many ways. First of all, it is the next in a series of BICSI manuals revised to address global best practices, which makes it more accommodating and beneficial not only to our United States members but to our large international membership as well. The use of the term “BICSI best practices” rather than country specific references should clearly indicate the efforts to achieve this goal. Please note that relevant codes and standards applying to each chapter are listed at the backs of each, and a full and comprehensive listing of all codes, standards, and regulations for the entire manual appear in a new Appendix A at the back of the manual. Secondly, I had a talented Subject Matter Expert (SME) volunteer team possessed with a wealth of OSP knowledge and a true dedication to making the fourth edition a success. Their creativeness, respect for opinions, and common cause attitude was indeed a pleasure to witness. Please see page i of the Preface for a listing by chapter of all their names, credentials, and organizations. Third, and of utmost importance, is the new Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer. This chapter was a blessing in that it provides the reader with some of the potential issues and problems that the OSP designer may encounter. As we have stated many times before, OSP is inherently dangerous and good designers need to protect themselves and their clients from physical as well as legal damages. And last, but certainly not least, was the excellent support of BICSI’s Publications staff, who knew enough to stay out of the technical jargon but were also wise enough to tighten the reins when we needed it. Those talented individuals were Lead Editor Karen Jacob; Co-Editors Joan Hersh and Nermina Miller (under contract); Senior Editor Clarke Hammersley; and Publications Design Facilitators John Ditzel and Danielle Fernandez. Their attitude and skills, coupled with the talent of the OSP SME team, created the dream that we all had in the beginning: the best OSP manual ever. However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t recognize the talents of those individuals who produced the past OSP manuals. Their efforts created the foundation of our new manual to which we further expanded upon. The reader will also notice that the air pressure section has been relocated to the new Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations. This subject matter wasn’t moved to indicate that air pressure isn’t still around. Although air pressure is not recommended for new OSP design, it still must be recognized because it’s still out there and therefore must be addressed. Chapter 3: Cable Types contains new charts and illustrations to further accent the use of optical fiber cable, yet still addresses the needs and concerns of those designers that choose to use other media such as coaxial or copper twisted-pair cables. Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection inevitably had to be changed for several reasons. The first objective was to match the new 11th edition of the BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM) grounding and bonding chapter as closely as possible. And next, to address some of the changes to the world of “black magic.” Chapter 11: Cost Estimating also was revisited to update some of the methods and drawings to make for a clearer picture for the new designer or estimator. This section should greatly improve the thoroughness of future proposals. And finally, Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations should be extremely beneficial to those designers with limited experience overbuilding existing infrastructure. This chapter is an excellent beginning in an attempt to better understand why overbuilds are not as easy as we had previously thought. In closing, the OSP SME volunteer team hopes in some small way that this fourth edition of the OSP manual will make the reader more aware of the complexity of OSP design and installation and that the knowledge gained by using this new manual becomes an asset to you and your customers. Respectfully, John C. Adams RCDD/OSP Specialist TI&M OSP SMETL Thank you for ordering the Outside Plant Design Reference Manual, 4th edition, 2007. Please place the chapter tabs in front of the title page for each chapter. The section tabs should be inserted in front of the following pages: Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces 5-1 Underground Pathways 5-73 Dirct-Buried Pathways 5-85 Aerial Pathways 5-147 Aerial Construction Practices 5-187 Spaces We welcome all comments about this manual. If you have any questions about BICSI and its services, please contact our office at 800.242.7405 (USA/Canada toll free); +1 813.979.1991; fax +1 813.971.4311; e-mail bicsi@bicsi.org; Web site www.bicsi.org. Outside Plant Design Reference M A N U A L 4th Edition BICSI®, Tampa, FL 33637 © 2007 by BICSI® All rights reserved. Fourth edition published 2007 First printing February 2007 Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved ISBN 1-928886-38-8 All brand names, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. No part of this manual may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior agreement and written permission from the publisher. The contents of this manual are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design, and manufacturing in the information transport systems (ITS) industry. THIS MANUAL IS SOLD AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, RESPECTING THE CONTENTS OF THIS MANUAL, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES FOR THE MANUAL’S QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. BICSI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO THE PURCHASER OR ANY OTHER ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY, LOSS, OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY THIS MANUAL. BICSI World Headquarters 8610 Hidden River Parkway Tampa, FL 33637-1000 USA Tel.: +1 813.979.1991 or Tel.: 800.242.7405 (USA & Canada toll-free) Fax: +1 813.971.4311 E-mail: bicsi@bicsi.org Web: www.bicsi.org Thank you for ordering the new fourth edition of BICSI’s Outside Plant Design Reference Manual (OSPDRM). The officers and directors of BICSI are pleased to provide an up-to-date reference manual that offers proven design guidelines and methods accepted by the information transport systems (ITS) industry. Volunteers outside the United States and Canada have provided valuable input to make the newest edition of the OSPDRM a valuable tool for an international audience. As an ITS association, BICSI serves the industry by providing excellent opportunities to learn new technologies through the Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD®) registration program, Network Transport Systems (NTS), OSP, and Wireless Design (WD) Specialty enhancements, telecommunications distribution design and installation courses, and several educational conferences each year. If you have questions about BICSI and its services, please contact our office at 800.242.7405 (USA and Canada toll-free) or +1 813.979.1991; fax: +1 813.971.4311. You also may contact BICSI via e-mail (www.bicsi.org) and our Web site (bicsi@bicsi.org). We welcome your comments about the OSPDRM. To do so, simply complete the Reader’s Comment Form on the last page of the Preface of this manual and return it to BICSI. Our goal is to make BICSI publications the most important design and reference tools in your office. John Bakowski, RCDD/NTS/OSP/WD Specialist, President Edward J. Donelan, RCDD/NTS Specialist, President-Elect Brian Hansen, RCDD/NTS Specialist, Treasurer Steve Calderon, RCDD/NTS/OSP Specialist, Secretary Christine Klauck, RCDD/NTS Specialist, U.S. Northeast Region Director Charles Wilson, RCDD/NTS/OSP Specialist, U.S. Southeast Region Director Jerry Bowman, RCDD/NTS Specialist, U.S. North-Central Region Director James Ray Craig, RCDD/NTS Specialist, U.S. South-Central Region Director David A. Richards, RCDD/NTS/OSP Specialist, U.S. Western Region Director Roman Dabrowski, RCDD, Canadian Region Director Brendan Greg Sherry, RCDD/NTS/WD Specialist, European Region Director David C. Cranmer, RCDD, Executive Director and CEO WARNING It is the responsibility of the user of this manual to determine the use of the applicable local, regional, state, or international safety and health practices associated with outside plant (OSP) installation and design practices. BICSI shall not be liable to the purchaser or any other entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by application or use of this manual. No project is so important, nor any completion deadline so critical, to justify nonconformance to OSP industry standards. This manual does not address safety issues associated with its use. It is the OSP professional’s responsibility to use established and appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of all regulatory issues. Acknowledgments BICSI’s Technical Information and Methods (TI&M) Committee serves to coordinate the information within all of BICSI’s technical publications. BICSI officers, membership, and staff wish to thank the TI&M Committee and the many Subject Matter Expert (SME) volunteer contributors who helped in the development of the fourth edition of BICSI’s Outside Plant Design Reference Manual (OSPDRM). The following dedicated Subject Matter Expert Team Leaders (SMETLs) and SMEs provided the key expertise required for the development of this manual: TI&M OSP SMETL: John Adams, RCDD/OSP, Adams Telecomm Chapter 1 Chapter SMETL: George M. Fewell, RCDD, Independent Consultant SME Contributor: Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Chapter 2 Chapter SMETL: Meg Gibson-Henlin, BICSI Member, N2N Networks Limited Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer SME Contributors: Jerry L. Bowman, RCDD/NTS, CISSP, CPP, CommScope Enterprise Solutions Chapter 3 Chapter SMETL: Terri M. Brown, Superior Essex SME Contributors: Stephen Banks, RCDD, Nightlake Limited Edward Brower, RCDD/OSP, Bellsouth Communication Systems Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Daniel Graff, Emtelle US, Inc. Overview Cable Types Robert M. Gross, RCDD/OSP, The Benham Companies Steve Szymanski Jr., Prysmian Cables and Systems Chapter 4 Cabling Infrastructure Chapter SMETL: Robert M. Gross, RCDD/OSP, The Benham Companies SME Contributors: Kerry A. Engmark, RCDD, Kearney Electric-Communications Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Herbert (Butch) Gall, RCDD, General Dynamics Joe A. Hite, RCDD/OSP, CT Communications Randall Holt, RCDD/OSP, Puka Enterprises, Inc. © 2007 BICSI® i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Acknowledgments, continued Chapter 5 Pathways and Spaces Chapter SMETLs: Section Contributors: Joe A. Hite, RCDD/OSP, CT Communications Edward Brower, RCDD/OSP, BellSouth Communication Systems Kerry A. Engmark, RCDD, Kearney Electric-Communications Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Victor D. Phillips, RCDD/OSP, TPM, CTBO, Information Transport Systems Designers International Chapter 6 Chapter SMETL: Herbert (Butch) Gall, RCDD, General Dynamics Splicing Hardware SME Contributors: Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Robert M. Gross, RCDD/OSP, The Benham Companies Randall Holt, RCDD/OSP, Puka Enterprises, Inc. Chapter 7 Chapter SMETL: Kenneth Michaels, CPU, BellSouth Communication Systems Grounding, Bonding, and Protection SME Contributors: Kerry A. Engmark, RCDD, Kearney Electric-Communications Robert M. Gross, RCDD/OSP, The Benham Companies Philip W. Janeway, RCDD, Time Warner Telecom Chapter 8 Chapter SMETL: Charles (Chuck) Lohrmann, RCDD/OSP, TPM, Compass Telecommunications Consulting Corporation SME Contributors: Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Philip D. Klingensmith, RCDD/OSP, Compass Telecommunications Consulting Corporation Chapter SMETL: Dan L. Munson, RCDD, Leviton Chapter SMETL: William A. Boyd, RCDD/OSP, Indianapolis Electric Company, Inc. SME Contributors: Philip W. Janeway, RCDD, Time Warner Telecom Captain Donald E. Nelson, RCDD/WD, Nelson Consulting Associates Chapter SMETL: Kerry A. Engmark, RCDD, Kearney Electric-Communications Right-of-Way Chapter 9 Scope of Work Chapter 10 Design Documentation Chapter 11 Cost Estimating OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition ii © 2007 BICSI® Acknowledgments, continued Chapter SMETL: Bob DeGarceau Chapter SMETL: Richard S. King, RCD®/NTS/OSP/WD, TKG Consulting Engineers,Inc. SME Contributors: Jeffery A. Beavers, RCDD/OSP, Henderson Engineers, Inc. Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Herbert (Butch) Gall, RCDD, General Dynamics Robert M. Gross, RCDD/OSP, The Benham Companies Joe A. Hite, RCDD/OSP, CT Communications Philip W. Janeway, RCDD, Time Warner Telecom Dan L. Munson, RCDD, Leviton Overall Chapter Reviews SMETLs: J. Carl Bonner Jr., RCDD/OSP,/WD, Network Communications Supply Company R.S. (Bob) Erickson, RCDD/NTS/OSP/WD, Communications Network Design Victor D. Phillips, RCDD/OSP, TPM, CTBO, Information Transport Systems Designers International Appendix A SME Contributors: Entire OSPDRM Team Chapter 12 Maintenance and Restoration Chapter 13 Special Design Considerations Codes, Standards, and Regulations Glossary Robert Y. Faber Jr. RCDD/NTS, Siemon Index Nermina Miller (under contract) © 2007 BICSI® iii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Participants, OSPDRM 4th edition Editorial Review, Tampa, FL, August 17-19 2006: John Adams, RCDD/OSP; Jeffery A. Beavers, RCDD/OSP; William A. Boyd, RCDD/OSP; Terri M. Brown, BICSI Member; Bob DeGarceau; Kerry A. Engmark, RCDD; R.S. (Bob) Erickson, RCDD/NTS/OSP/WD; Robert Y. Faber Jr., RCDD/NTS; Herbert (Butch) Gall, RCDD; Joe A. Hite, RCDD/OSP; Philip W. Janeway, RCDD; Richard S. King, RCDD/NTS/OSP/WD; Charles (Chuck) Lohrmann, RCDD/ OSP, TPM; and Dan L. Munson, RCDD. BICSI staff attending: John Ditzel, Danielle Fernandez, John Fitzpatrick, Clarke W. Hammersley, Joan Hersh, Karen Jacob, Colleen McIlroy, Amy Rohr, and Ron Shaver. The following BICSI Professional Development staff members produced this manual at BICSI World Headquarters, Tampa, FL. Director of Professional Development: Richard Dunfee, RCDD/OSP Manager of Publications and Curriculum: Ron Shaver, RCDD/NTS/OSP/WD, Master Instructor BICSI OSPDRM Project Manager/ Senior Technical Editor: Clarke W. Hammersley OSPDRM Lead Technical Editor: Karen Jacob OSPDRM Technical Co-Editors: Joan Hersh, Nermina Miller (under contract) Design and Production: Danielle E. Fernandez, Senior Publications Design Facilitator John Ditzel, Publications Design Facilitator Mason Bond, Web Assistant Nermina Miller (under contract) OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition iv © 2007 BICSI® BICSI Policy for Numeric Representation of Units of Measurement BICSI technical manuals primarily follow the modern metric system, known as the International System of Units (SI). The SI is intended as a basis for worldwide standardization of measurement units. Generally, units of measurement in this manual are expressed in SI terms, followed by an equivalent imperial (U.S. customary) unit of measurement in parentheses (see exceptions listed below): © 2007 BICSI® • In general, SI units of measurement are converted to an imperial unit of measurement and placed in parentheses. Exception: When the reference material from which the value is pulled is provided in imperial units only, the imperial unit is the benchmark. • In general, soft (approximate) conversions are used in this manual. Soft conversions are considered reasonable and practicable; they are not precise equivalents. In some instances, precise equivalents (hard conversions) may be used when it is a: – Manufacturer requirement for a product. – Standard or code requirement. – Safety factor. • For metric conversion practices, refer to SI 10-02 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers® (IEEE) SI 10, American National Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System. • Trade size is approximated for both metric and nonmetric purposes. Example: 100 mm (4 trade size). • American wire gauge (AWG) and plywood are not assigned dual designation SI units. Dimensions shown in association with AWGs represent the equivalent solid conductor diameter. When used in association with flexible wires, AWG is used to represent stranded constructions whose cross-sectional area (circular mils) is approximately equivalent to the solid wire dimensions provided. • In some instances (e.g., optical fiber media specifications), the physical dimensions and operating wavelengths are designated. • When Celsius temperatures are used, an equivalent Fahrenheit temperature is placed in parentheses. v OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition vi © 2007 BICSI® About BICSI… Advancing Information Transport Systems BICSI Vision Statement BICSI® is the worldwide preeminent source of information, education, and knowledge assessment for the constantly evolving ITS industry. BICSI Mission Statement BICSI’s mission is to: • Lead the information transport systems industry with excellence in publications, education, and knowledge assessment. • Advance our members’ ability to deliver the highest quality products and services. • Provide our members with opportunities for continual improvement and enhanced professional stature. Supporting the Information Transport Systems (ITS) Industry BICSI is a professional association supporting the information transport systems (ITS) industry with information, education, and knowledge assessment for individuals and companies. BICSI serves more than 25,000 ITS professionals, including designers, installers, and technicians. These individuals provide the fundamental infrastructure for telecommunications, AV, life safety, electronic safety and security (ESS), and automation systems. Through courses, conferences, publications, and professional registration programs, BICSI staff and volunteers assist ITS professionals in delivering critical products and services, and offer opportunities for continual improvement and enhanced professional stature. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, BICSI membership spans nearly 90 countries. For more information, contact BICSI at 800.242.7405 (USA and Canada toll-free) or +1 813.979.1991. You may also e-mail bicsi@bicsi.org or visit www.bicsi.org. © 2007 BICSI® vii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Become a BICSI Member! BICSI membership is your key to a successful career in the ITS industry. Member benefits extend into the technical, legislative, and even the financial realms of this competitive industry. Membership offers ample opportunities for professional networking and career development and advancement. Membership is open to individuals and corporations serving the ITS and building industries. Join BICSI and combine your expertise with your colleagues in the network of ITS professionals. Member Benefits Gain the Competitive Edge! Combine all the benefits of BICSI membership into one complete package and you will understand why BICSI members hold a competitive advantage. BICSI keeps you ahead of your competition through a continuous flow of new information in the fast-changing field of low-voltage distribution systems. By prominently displaying your BICSI membership, you make known your professional ability to industry contacts. Fast Access to Information BICSI’s Web site (www.bicsi.org) has been completely reformatted and is a quick way to find a wide variety of detailed BICSI information. While on the Web, find answers to industry questions and communicate with members and colleagues through BICSI’s online forums. Search for BICSI members, installers, and RCDDs. Corporate members also have the option of providing a brief company description and a link to their Web site. Member Discounts BICSI members receive substantial discounts on quality education—manuals, design courses, and conferences. BICSI members also receive discounts on Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) cabling standards, Cabling Standards Update Newsletter, industryrelated reports, Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) conferences, and Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers Inc. (SCTE) products and conferences. Members can also enroll in many InfoComm International® AV courses at BICSI member prices. In addition, BICSI offers health, dental, vision, disability, term life, accidental death and dismemberment, and errors and omissions insurance rates for yourself and your company. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition viii © 2007 BICSI® Member Benefits, continued International Credentials BICSI’s professional registration programs are internationally recognized. RCDD® • RCDD/NTS Specialist • RCDD/OSP Specialist • RCDD/WD Specialist Registered Installer, Level 1 • Registered Installer, Level 2 • Registered Technician • The title Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD®) is awarded to BICSI members who demonstrate expertise in the design, implementation, and integration of telecommunications and data communications transport systems and related infrastructure components. • Designed to enhance the RCDD, the Network Transport Systems (NTS) Specialty (RCDD/NTS Specialty) designation recognizes a BICSI member’s proficiency in NTS and internetworking design. • The Outside Plant (OSP) Specialty (RCDD/OSP Specialty) designation recognizes a BICSI member’s proficiency in OSP design. • The Wireless Design Specialty (RCDD/WD Specialty) designation recognizes a BICSI member’s proficiency in wireless design. • The Registered Cabling Installers and Technicians demonstrate their proficiency in conducting site surveys, pulling cable, and terminating and testing copper and optical fiber cable to the highest level of specification. Training BICSI presents leading-edge technical training in all phases of ITS distribution design and installation. These vendor-neutral courses are offered at hundreds of locations across the country and around the world, including almost 100 BICSI Authorized Training Facilities (ATFs). In addition, BICSI can bring its first-class training to your location. All BICSI courses are available for on-site training. BICSI also offers a number of online courses. BICSI members gain knowledge and continuing education credits (CECs) by attending BICSI courses and conferences and classes. Educational Conferences Each year, BICSI hosts design conferences in North America, as well as regularly scheduled conferences held in other BICSI Districts and Regions worldwide. Conferences include presentations by leaders in the ITS industry and opportunities to network with your peers. © 2007 BICSI® ix OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Member Benefits, continued Technical Publications Become a member and you will receive substantial discounts on BICSI’s highly acclaimed manuals—long considered the definitive reference source of the industry. BICSI’s manuals serve as valuable reference tools and detailed study guides for BICSI courses and exams. Also available on CD-ROM, BICSI manuals are now based on global best practices that follow and, in many cases, exceed the requirements of recognized international codes, standards, and regulations. Our most popular publications include the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM), Network Design Reference Manual (NDRM), Electronic Safety and Security Design Reference Manual (ESSDRM), Outside Plant Design Reference Manual (OSPDRM), Information Transport Systems Installation Manual (ITSIM), Wireless Design Reference Manual (WDRM), Residential Network Cabling Manual (RNCM), AV Design Reference Manual (AVDRM) [a joint publication with InfoComm International®]), and BICSI Information Transport Systems (ITS) Dictionary. BICSI publishes many workbooks to complement selected manuals. Legislative and Standards Involvement In the United States, the BICSI Governmental Relations Committee constantly monitors legislative, regulatory, and judicial activities and will advise you of any actions that affect BICSI and its membership. BICSI’s representatives take active roles in standards-setting panels and agencies worldwide. BICSI Community UPLINK In an effort to reduce inbox clutter, yet still provide members with important information, BICSI has consolidated most of its e-mails into regularly scheduled, bimonthly e-mails called Community UPLINK. This e-communication features news about upcoming conferences, workshops, and region meetings; calls for presentations; training and exam schedules; announcements from the Board of Directors; new publications; and other newsworthy BICSI information. Recruiting and Job Search Engine BICSI’s ITS-jobs.com offers the ITS industry an effective tool to bring employers and job seekers together. ITS-jobs.com has an expanded number of resumes and jobs posted and offers an important service for BICSI members and the entire ITS industry. The Web-based resume posting, recruiting, and job search engine is truly an interactive tool. Using ITS-jobs.com, job seekers can post, edit, and update resumes. Areas of expertise can be identified so that employers can more easily find qualified candidates. Automatic notifications are sent when job postings match job seeker criteria. If you are an employer seeking ITS talent, the extensive search capabilities of ITS-jobs.com help filter experience and background to search for the most qualified candidates. You also will have access to statistics, such as number of views and number of applications for a job posting. There is no cost to post and manage resumes and apply for jobs. For posting available jobs, employers pay a fee. A discounted rate applies to employers who are BICSI members. Complete information can be found at www.ITS-jobs.com. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition x © 2007 BICSI® Member Benefits, continued Newsletters and Redesigned Web Site BICSI helps keep you in touch with industry news and association activities through BICSI News, Community UPLINK, and targeted communications. BICSI’s redesigned Web site (www.bicsi.org) provides immediate information about BICSI activities around the world. The site features searchable databases where members and visitors can register for courses, conferences, and exams, participate in online forum discussion topics, verify a member’s BICSI certifications, and view a listing of almost 10,000 BICSI Registered Installers and Technicians. Promote your company online as a BICSI Corporate Member and include a direct link to your Web site. Purchase manuals and receive “members-only” access to valuable documents. Join BICSI Today! BICSI membership is open to individuals and corporations serving the ITS and building industries. Join BICSI and combine your expertise with your colleagues in the network of ITS professionals. Complete BICSI information is available upon request. For a membership application or other information, contact: BICSI World Headquarters 8610 Hidden River Parkway Tampa, FL 33637-1000 USA Tel.: 800.242.7405 (USA/Canada toll-free) Tel.: +1 813.979.1991 Fax: +1 813.971.4311 E-mail: bicsi@bicsi.org Web site: www.bicsi.org © 2007 BICSI® xi OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition xii © 2007 BICSI® Comments? More Information? For information on how to use this manual, see the following page. To submit comments about the BICSI Outside Plant Design Reference Manual (OSPDRM) or for further information about BICSI, please complete the Readers Comment Form in this section or contact: BICSI World Headquarters 8610 Hidden River Parkway Tampa, FL 33637-1000 USA Tel.: 800.242.7405 (USA/Canada toll-free) Tel.: +1 813.979.1991 Fax: +1 813.971.4311 E-mail: bicsi@bicsi.org Web site: www.bicsi.org © 2007 BICSI® xiii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition xiv © 2007 BICSI® How to Use This Manual Chapter number and name are indicated at the outside top of each page. Chapter 1: Overview Chapters are divided into sections. Section Heading Topic Heading Each chapter section is divided into multiple subheadings. Part Heading Part headings are used to discuss major areas of a topic. • Bullet important terms and phrases. – Bullets are often followed by more detailed information. Figures, examples, and tables are numbered sequentially in a given chapter. Each is followed by a brief descriptive title. Figure 1.1 Title OSP Design Reference © 2007 BICSI® Page numbers are shown at the bottom Manual, 4th edition of the page. The chapter number precedes the page number. 1-1 xv © 2007 BICSI® OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition OSP Design Rererence Manual, 4th edition xvi © 2007 BICSI® Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1: Overview Overview .................................................................................................... 1-1 Purpose ...................................................................................................... 1-3 Professionalism ......................................................................................... 1-8 Chapter 2: Legal considerations for the OSP designer Legal Aspects of Outside Plant (OSP) Design .................................................... 2-1 References ............................................................................................... 2-12 Chapter 3: Cable Types Cabling ....................................................................................................... 3-1 Recognized Cable ......................................................................................... 3-3 Optical Fiber Cabling ..................................................................................... 3-5 Balanced Twisted-Pair Copper Cabling ........................................................... 3-31 Coaxial Cabling .......................................................................................... 3-68 Twinaxial Cabling ........................................................................................ 3-80 Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Cabling ......................................................................... 3-81 Appendix: Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Type Cable ........................................... 3-84 References ............................................................................................... 3-85 Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Introduction ................................................................................................ 4-1 Topology .................................................................................................... 4-3 Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Route Design ............................................................................................... 5-1 Pathways ................................................................................................... 5-7 SECTION 1: UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS Underground Pathways ................................................................................. 5-9 Tunnels .................................................................................................... 5-67 SECTION 2: DIRECT-BURIED PATHWAYS Direct-Buried Pathways ............................................................................... 5-73 Placing Direct-Buried Cable .......................................................................... 5-77 SECTION 3: AERIAL PATHWAYS Aerial Pathways ......................................................................................... 5-85 © 2007 BICSI® i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Table of Contents SECTION 4: AERIAL CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Placement .............................................................................................. 5-157 Methods of Raising and Setting Poles .......................................................... 5-173 SECTION 5: SPACES Spaces .................................................................................................. 5-199 Handholes (HHs) ...................................................................................... 5-218 Pedestals, Cabinets, and Vaults ................................................................. 5-221 Controlled Environment Vault (CEV) ............................................................ 5-225 Concrete Universal Enclosure (CUE) ............................................................ 5-226 Marinas .................................................................................................. 5-227 References ............................................................................................. 5-234 Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Enclosure ........................................................................................ 6-1 References ............................................................................................... 6-33 Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Introduction ................................................................................................ 7-1 Bonding Requirements ................................................................................. 7-10 Protectors ................................................................................................ 7-25 Grounding for Lightning Protection ................................................................ 7-28 Electrical Protection in Tunnels .................................................................... 7-33 References ............................................................................................... 7-36 Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Right-of-Way .............................................................................................. 8-1 Property Descriptions ................................................................................... 8-9 Methods of Describing Property .................................................................... 8-10 Real Estate Law ......................................................................................... 8-27 Chain of Title ............................................................................................ 8-34 Restrictions, Covenants, and Conditions ........................................................ 8-35 Liens and Encumbrances ............................................................................. 8-36 Contents of the Private Easement Document .................................................. 8-42 Permit Information ..................................................................................... 8-43 Chapter 9: Scope of Work Statement of Work ....................................................................................... 9-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition ii © 2007 BICSI® Table of Contents Chapter 10: Design Documentation Construction Documents ............................................................................. 10-1 Outside Plant (OSP) Design and Construction Checklist .................................... 10-9 Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Development of Cost Estimating ................................................................... 11-1 Outside Plant (OSP) Cost Estimating ............................................................. 11-6 Estimating the Cost of a Small Project (Example) .......................................... 11-11 Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Maintenance of Outside Plant (OSP) Facilities ................................................. 12-1 Emergency Restoration Procedures ............................................................... 12-9 Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Air Pressure Systems .................................................................................. 13-1 Overbuild on Existing Aerial Facilities ........................................................... 13-15 Overbuild on Existing Underground Pathways ................................................ 13-22 Extending a Cable Vault ............................................................................ 13-24 References ............................................................................................. 13-25 Appendix A: Codes, Standards, and Regulations Overview .................................................................................................... A-1 Industry-Related Organizations ...................................................................... A-1 Publications ................................................................................................ A-4 References ................................................................................................. A-7 Bibliography and Resources Glossary Index © 2007 BICSI® iii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Table of Contents Figures Chapter 3: Cable Types Figure 3.1 Cable sizing ........................................................................ 3-2 Figure 3.2 Duplex subscriber connector interface .................................... 3-7 Figure 3.3 Loose tube cable cross section ........................................... 3-21 Figure 3.4 Tight-buffered cables ........................................................ 3-23 Figure 3.5 Tube cable ....................................................................... 3-25 Figure 3.6 ALPETH cable ................................................................... 3-45 Figure 3.7 Self-supporting cable ......................................................... 3-47 Figure 3.8 Reinforced self-supporting cable .......................................... 3-50 Figure 3.9 PASP type design .............................................................. 3-53 Figure 3.10 Filled ASP type cable ......................................................... 3-56 Figure 3.11 Filled ALPETH type cable .................................................... 3-60 Figure 3.12 Underground (ductpic) cable ............................................... 3-62 Figure 3.13 Air core screened cable ...................................................... 3-65 Figure 3.14 Filled screened cable ......................................................... 3-66 Figure 3.15 Coaxial cable .................................................................... 3-68 Figure 3.16 Aerial coaxial cables .......................................................... 3-72 Figure 3.17 Armored cable .................................................................. 3-73 Figure 3.18 Trunk and feeder system .................................................... 3-75 Figure 3.19 Standard shield and quad shield construction (drop cable) ....... 3-76 Figure 3.20 Video link loss ................................................................... 3-79 Figure 3.21 Twinaxial cable ................................................................. 3-80 Figure 3.22 Optical fiber coaxial system ............................................... .3-81 Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Figure 4.1 Star topology ..................................................................... 4-4 Figure 4.2 Hierarchical star topology ..................................................... 4-5 Figure 4.3 Physical star/logical ring topology .......................................... 4-7 Figure 4.4 Buildings connected by a physical ring topology ....................... 4-8 Figure 4.5 Main backbone ring and redundant backbone star combined ....... 4-9 Figure 4.6 Clustered star topology with physical star/logical ring ............. 4-10 Figure 4.7 Optical fiber ring topology (simplified) ................................... 4-11 Figure 4.8 Bus topology .................................................................... 4-12 Figure 4.9 Tree and branch topology ................................................... 4-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition iv © 2007 BICSI® Table of Contents Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Figure 5.1 Lateral and subsidiary conduits ............................................ 5-16 Figure 5.2 Live or dynamic load dispersal ............................................. 5-22 Figure 5.3 Dead or earth load dispersal ................................................ 5-23 Figure 5.4 Conduit casings under railroads ........................................... 5-33 Figure 5.5 Conduit casings under highway ............................................ 5-34 Figure 5.6 Forces acting on cable pulled through straight conduit ............ 5-37 Figure 5.7 Inclined straight conduit ..................................................... 5-39 Figure 5.8 Simple bend ..................................................................... 5-40 Figure 5.9 Microduct ........................................................................ 5-50 Figure 5.10 Typical concrete-encased conduit structure .......................... 5-51 Figure 5.11 Typical compacted fill conduit structure ................................ 5-52 Figure 5.12 Typical trench shield .......................................................... 5-53 Figure 5.13 Typical trench with shoring in unstable ground ....................... 5-54 Figure 5.14 Typical trench with shoring in stable ground .......................... 5-55 Figure 5.15 Bell end conduit slip sleeve ................................................. 5-57 Figure 5.16 Expansion joints ................................................................ 5-58 Figure 5.17 Angle bracing ................................................................... 5-59 Figure 5.18 Longitudinal bracing and load forces ..................................... 5-60 Figure 5.19 Anchor and plug ................................................................ 5-61 Figure 5.20 Back-to-back expansion joint units ...................................... 5-61 Figure 5.21 Back-to back expansion joint .............................................. 5-62 Figure 5.22 In-line single-expansion joint over 30.5 m (100 ft) .................. 5-62 Figure 5.23 Expansion joint under 30.5 m (100 ft) ................................... 5-63 Figure 5.24 Single expansion joint ........................................................ 5-63 Figure 5.25 Angle bracing into stranded area ......................................... 5-64 Figure 5.26 Conduit installed in sidewalk portion of bridge ........................ 5-65 Figure 5.27 Conduit installed by hanging under sidewalk portion of bridge .......................................................................... 5-65 Figure 5.28 Conduit run attached to side of bridge with steel brackets ...... 5-66 Figure 5.29 Conduit runs attached to steel I-beams ................................ 5-66 Figure 5.30 Typical shallow tunnel section ............................................. 5-68 Figure 5.31 Protection of direct-buried cable ......................................... 5-74 Figure 5.32 Walk behind trencher ......................................................... 5-77 Figure 5.33 Tractor-drawn trencher ...................................................... 5-78 Figure 5.34 Trencher/vibratory plow ..................................................... 5-79 Figure 5.35 Vibratory plow .................................................................. 5-79 Figure 5.36 Rip plow ........................................................................... 5-80 © 2007 BICSI® v OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Table of Contents Figure 5.37 Rock saw ......................................................................... 5-80 Figure 5.38 Auger bore ....................................................................... 5-82 Figure 5.39 Horizontal directional drilling machine .................................... 5-83 Figure 5.40 Wind and ice loadings ........................................................ 5-88 Figure 5.41 Example of keying a pole .................................................. 5-101 Figure 5.42 Pole placement utilizing terrain feature ............................... 5-110 Figure 5.43 Slack span ..................................................................... 5-118 Figure 5.44 Building attachment methods ............................................ 5-119 Figure 5.45 Flying cross .................................................................... 5-120 Figure 5.46 Midspan clearances ......................................................... 5-122 Figure 5.47 Vertical clearances over obstacles ..................................... 5-123 Figure 5.48 Vertical clearances between utilities ................................... 5-124 Figure 5.49 Clearance distances ........................................................ 5-126 Figure 5.50 Push brace ..................................................................... 5-129 Figure 5.51 Guying configurations ....................................................... 5-130 Figure 5.52 Storm Guying .................................................................. 5-131 Figure 5.53 Definition of lead and height ............................................. 5-132 Figure 5.54 Calculating pull with pull finder .......................................... 5-133 Figure 5.55 Calculating pull with tape measure ..................................... 5-134 Figure 5.56 Guy rule ......................................................................... 5-138 Figure 5.57 Using guy strand selection chart example ............................ 5-139 Figure 5.58 Types of common anchors ................................................ 5-140 Figure 5.59 Guy rod ends .................................................................. 5-144 Figure 5.60 Aerial to underground transition ......................................... 5-152 Figure 5.61 Aerial to direct-buried transition ........................................ 5-152 Figure 5.62 Underground to direct-buried transition .............................. 5-153 Figure 5.63 Underground to building transition ...................................... 5-153 Figure 5.64 Aerial to building transition ................................................ 5-154 Figure 5.65 Direct-buried to building transition ..................................... 5-155 Figure 5.66 Typical settings of poles in permafrost ................................ 5-162 Figure 5.67 Effect on pole when active layer above permafrost is refrozen ...................................................................... 5-163 Figure 5.68 Setting pole in sloping ground ........................................... 5-165 Figure 5.69 Typical pole crib .............................................................. 5-166 Figure 5.70 Digging pole hole with hand tools ....................................... 5-169 Figure 5.71 Digging pole hole with a water jet ...................................... 5-172 Figure 5.72 Setting pole using A-frame line truck .................................. 5-174 Figure 5.73 Sighting pole to ensure it is level and plumb ........................ 5-175 Figure 5.74 Raising pole using manpower, pole pikes, and a deadman pole support ............................................. 5-178 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition vi © 2007 BICSI® Table of Contents Figure 5.75 Raking pole prior to tamping .............................................. 5-180 Figure 5.76 Plank footing for pole ....................................................... 5-181 Figure 5.77 Plank footing and catenary design ..................................... 5-182 Figure 5.78 Plank and log footing and catenary design ........................... 5-183 Figure 5.79 Platform support ............................................................. 5-184 Figure 5.80 Side guys and platform support ......................................... 5-185 Figure 5.81 Platform support at H fixture ............................................. 5-186 Figure 5.82 Log ground brace ............................................................ 5-188 Figure 5.83 Measuring for push brace ................................................. 5-191 Figure 5.84 Push brace on single pole ................................................. 5-193 Figure 5.85 Push brace on H fixture .................................................... 5-194 Figure 5.86 Double push brace ........................................................... 5-195 Figure 5.87 Push-pull brace ............................................................... 5-197 Figure 5.88 Typical maintenance hole (cutaway side view) ..................... 5-201 Figure 5.89 Maintenance hole diagram ................................................ 5-202 Figure 5.90 Maintenance hole frame, cover, and collar ........................... 5-203 Figure 5.91 Center conduit tray ......................................................... 5-204 Figure 5.92 Splayed conduit entry ...................................................... 5-204 Figure 5.93 Basic A precast maintenance hole ...................................... 5-205 Figure 5.94 Type A maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .................................................................... 5-210 Figure 5.95 Type A maintenance hole with splayed window (plan view) .................................................................... 5-210 Figure 5.96 Type J maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .................................................................... 5-211 Figure 5.97 Type J maintenance hole with splayed conduit windows (plan view) .................................................................... 5-211 Figure 5.98 Type L maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .................................................................... 5-212 Figure 5.99 Type L maintenance hole with splayed conduit window (plan view) .................................................................... 5-212 Figure 5.100 Type T maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .................................................................... 5-213 Figure 5.101 Type T maintenance hole with splayed conduit window (plan view) .................................................................... 5-213 Figure 5.102 Typical cable maintenance hole ......................................... 5-214 Figure 5.103 Typical handhole ............................................................. 5-219 Figure 5.104 Pedestals and cabinets .................................................... 5-224 Figure 5.105 Modular floating dock layout ............................................. 5-231 Figure 5.106 Sample marina layout ....................................................... 5-233 © 2007 BICSI® vii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Table of Contents Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Figure 6.1 Splice closures and covers .................................................... 6-2 Figure 6.2 Splice closures .................................................................... 6-3 Figure 6.3 Filled/direct-buried splice closure systems ............................... 6-6 Figure 6.4 Optical fiber closure ............................................................. 6-7 Figure 6.5 Underground to building transition ........................................ 6-10 Figure 6.6 Underground to direct-buried transition ................................ 6-11 Figure 6.7 Direct-buried to building transition ....................................... 6-12 Figure 6.8 Example of IDC connection ................................................. 6-15 Figure 6.9 Types of splices ................................................................ 6-15 Figure 6.10 Example of single pair splice connectors and modules .............. 6-16 Figure 6.11 Example of multipair splice connectors and modules ................ 6-17 Figure 6.12 Inline splice ...................................................................... 6-18 Figure 6.13 Foldback splice ................................................................. 6-19 Figure 6.14 Completed two-bank splice ................................................. 6-19 Figure 6.15 Examples of splices required due to cable routing ................... 6-26 Figure 6.16 Splice tray examples .......................................................... 6-31 Chapter 7: Grounding (Earthing), Bonding, and Protection Figure 7.1 Ground potential rise ............................................................ 7-4 Figure 7.2 Multiground neutral power system .......................................... 7-6 Figure 7.3 Non-multiground neutral power system ................................... 7-7 Figure 7.4 Wye power system .............................................................. 7-8 Figure 7.5 Delta power system ............................................................. 7-9 Figure 7.6 Ground connection on a pole (multiground neutral system) ...... 7-12 Figure 7.7 Grounding (earthing) without access to transformers .............. 7-15 Figure 7.8 Welded bonding attachment to rebar for site-poured maintenance hole .............................................................. 7-17 Figure 7.9 Clamped bonding attachment to rebar for precast or site-poured maintenance hole ............................................. 7-18 Figure 7.10 Interior grounding (earthing) and bonding for racking .............. 7-18 Figure 7.11 Underground cable bonding ................................................. 7-19 Figure 7.12 Maintenance hole bonding .................................................. 7-20 Figure 7.13 Isolation gap .................................................................... 7-23 Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Figure 8.1 Method of township numbering ............................................ 8-11 Figure 8.2 Theoretical township numbering ........................................... 8-12 Figure 8.3 Section subdivision ............................................................ 8-14 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition viii © 2007 BICSI® Table of Contents Figure 8.4 Small subdivision ............................................................... 8-15 Figure 8.5 Legal subdivision and lotting ............................................... 8-16 Figure 8.6 State coordinate system .................................................... 8-18 Figure 8.7 Use of the protractor ......................................................... 8-19 Figure 8.8 Naming conventions for metes and bounds ............................ 8-21 Figure 8.9 Metes and bounds ............................................................. 8-22 Figure 8.10 Subdivision plat and description ........................................... 8-23 Figure 8.11 Centerline description ........................................................ 8-24 Figure 8.12 Point description ............................................................... 8-25 Figure 8.13 Associated construction drawing for state permit application ... 8-45 Figure 8.14 Casing lengths for various railroad crossing angles .................. 8-48 Figure 8.15 Layout of a railroad crossing ............................................... 8-49 Figure 8.16 Arrangements for different casing sizes ................................ 8-52 Chapter 10: Design Documentation Figure 10.1 Splicing together two sections of same cable ...................... 10-23 Figure 10.2 Splicing a shorted cable order ........................................... 10-23 Figure 10.3 Splicing two cables of different sizes .................................. 10-24 Figure 10.4 Splicing a new branch cable to a feed cable ........................ 10-24 Figure 10.5 New cables and a terminal spliced ...................................... 10-25 Figure 10.6 Cross-connect cabinet terminating gel-filled cables .............. 10-25 Figure 10.7 Removal of NF-16 terminal ................................................ 10-26 Figure 10.8 Replacing an NF-16 terminal with an NF-25 terminal .............. 10-26 Figure 10.9 Energizing dead pairs ....................................................... 10-27 Figure 10.10 Remove cross-connect terminal ......................................... 10-27 Figure 10.11 200-Pair cable transfer at splice ........................................ 10-28 Figure 10.12 300-Pair cable transfer to new feeder cable ........................ 10-28 Figure 10.13 Section replacement on 300-pair cable ............................... 10-29 Figure 10.14 Protector placement ........................................................ 10-29 Figure 10.15 Sample maintenance hole plan and profile drawing ................ 10-30 Figure 10.16 Butterfly detail worksheet ................................................. 10-31 Figure 10.17 Butterfly detail ................................................................ 10-32 Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Figure 11.1 New construction proposal to ABC corporate office .............. 11-11 Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Figure 13.1 Air dryer .......................................................................... 13-3 Figure 13.2 Manifold assembly and shutoff valve .................................... 13-4 Figure 13.3 Transducer housing mounted on framing channels ................... 13-5 © 2007 BICSI® ix OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Table of Contents Figure 13.4 Example of pressure transducer installation ........................... 13-6 Figure 13.5 Flow transducer ................................................................ 13-7 Figure 13.6 Typical air pressure schematic design ................................... 13-9 Figure 13.7 Typical schematic of air pressure system ............................ 13-11 Figure 13.8 Example of buried cable leaving underground ....................... 13-12 Figure 13.9 Underground to aerial interface ......................................... 13-13 Figure 13.10 Buffering arrangement at a splice ...................................... 13-14 Figure 13.11 Typical pole space allocations ........................................... 13-17 Tables Chapter 3: Cable Types Table 3.1 Optical fiber cable performance by type .................................. 3-6 Table 3.2 Calculating the optical fiber attenuation margin ........................ 3-8 Table 3.3 Calculating losses .............................................................. 3-12 Table 3.4 Splice loss values in decibels ............................................... 3-13 Table 3.5 System gain, power penalties, and the link loss budget calculations ........................................................... 3-14 Table 3.6 Minimum system loss .......................................................... 3-16 Table 3.7 Supportable distances and channel insertion loss for optical fiber applications by optical fiber type ........................ 3-17 Table 3.8 Supportable distances and channel insertion loss for optical fiber applications by fiber type .................................. 3-19 Table 3.9 Example of color coding—individual optical fibers .................... 3-30 Table 3.10 Loop gauging table ............................................................ 3-32 Table 3.11 Cable transmission characteristics ....................................... 3-33 Table 3.12 Insulation types ................................................................ 3-35 Table 3.13 Cable composition types ..................................................... 3-36 Table 3.14 Cable sheath compositions .................................................. 3-40 Table 3.15 Cable usage guide ............................................................. 3-42 Table 3.16 Common color code ........................................................... 3-44 Table 3.17 ALPETH cable ................................................................... 3-46 Table 3.18 Self-supporting cable ......................................................... 3-48 Table 3.19 Reinforced self-supporting cable .......................................... 3-51 Table 3.20 PASP cables ..................................................................... 3-54 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition x © 2007 BICSI® Table of Contents Table 3.21 Filled ASP type cable ......................................................... 3-57 Table 3.22 PE 39—Filled solid ALPETH cable .......................................... 3-58 Table 3.23 Filled ALPETH type cable .................................................... 3-61 Table 3.24 Bonded STALPETH/ductpic cable .......................................... 3-63 Table 3.25 Cable attenuation at VSWR = 1.0, 50 ohm foam dielectric and ambient 20 °C (68 °F) .................................................. 3-74 Table 3.26 Coaxial attenuation at 20 °C (68 °F) over long distances ........ 3-74 Table 3.27 Drop cable and attenuation ................................................. 3-76 Table 3.28 Drop cable and attenuation at maximum drop length ............... 3-77 Table 3.29 Generic impedance for video infrastructure components .......... 3-78 Table 3.30 RUS acceptance cable-coding plan ...................................... 3-84 Table 3.31 Description of codes .......................................................... 3-84 Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Table 5.1 Uniform color code for utility flagging, painting, or marking ......... 5-5 Table 5.2 Domestic and international one-call locate company telephone numbers .............................................................. 5-9 Table 5.3 Clearances ....................................................................... 5-21 Table 5.4 Conduit formations ............................................................ 5-25 Table 5.5 Straight lengths of individual conduit .................................... 5-26 Table 5.6 Rigid bends for 100 mm (4 trade size) individual conduit .......... 5-26 Table 5.7 Galvanized rigid steel conduit sizes ...................................... 5-30 Table 5.8 Coefficient of friction ......................................................... 5-36 Table 5.9 Cable pulling tension .......................................................... 5-41 Table 5.10 Cubic yards of concrete per 30.5 m (100 ft) of trench ............ 5-51 Table 5.11 Cubic yards of compacted fill per 30.5 m (100 ft) of trench ..... 5-52 Table 5.12 Minimum trench shoring requirements ................................... 5-56 Table 5.13 Ice, wind, and temperature ................................................. 5-90 Table 5.14 Pole class and transverse breaking strength .......................... 5-92 Table 5.15 Pole resistance moments .................................................... 5-94 Table 5.16 Rated fiber strength for pole species .................................... 5-94 Table 5.17 Resistance moments for various sizes of poles ....................... 5-95 Table 5.18 Pole setting depth required for various heights ....................... 5-99 Table 5.19 Transverse load on pole (kg/m per lb/ft of span length) ......... 5-103 Table 5.20 Load imposed by pole attachment ...................................... 5-105 Table 5.21 Minimum pole class to support vertical load ......................... 5-108 Table 5.22 Maximum span lengths for self-supporting cable ................... 5-111 Table 5.23 Pole span length/tension .................................................. 5-112 © 2007 BICSI® xi OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Table of Contents Table 5.24 Weight for ALPETH cable .................................................. 5-113 Table 5.25 Cable weight for self-supporting cable ................................ 5-115 Table 5.26 Cable weight for self-supporting cable reinforced sheath ....... 5-116 Table 5.27 Typical attachment clearances .......................................... 5-121 Table 5.28 Minimum vertical clearances of cables above ground or rails at midspan crossing .................................................. 5-125 Table 5.29 Minimum vertical clearance of cable runs along and within limits of public highways .......................................... 5-125 Table 5.30 Strand sizes ................................................................... 5-127 Table 5.31 Calculating pull when angle is known .................................. 5-135 Table 5.32 Minimum allowable tension for guys .................................... 5-136 Table 5.33 Minimum guy strand selection table .................................... 5-137 Table 5.34 Guy strand selection table ................................................ 5-139 Table 5.35 Anchor groupings ............................................................ 5-142 Table 5.36 Soil classifications ........................................................... 5-146 Table 5.37 Anchor types recommended for different soil classes ............ 5-147 Table 5.38 Grades of construction for communications conductors ......... 5-150 Table 5.39 Standard pole settings ..................................................... 5-158 Table 5.40 Pole settings for solid rock below surface level ..................... 5-159 Table 5.41 Lengths of pole braces ..................................................... 5-190 Table 5.42 Maintenance hole ratings .................................................. 5-200 Table 5.43 Maintenance hole window selection .................................... 5-208 Table 5.44 Maintenance hole frames and covers .................................. 5-216 Table 5.45 Precabling guidelines ........................................................ 5-228 Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Table 6.1 Aerial closure size ............................................................... 6-5 Table 6.2 Direct-buried/underground closure size ................................... 6-7 Table 6.3 Two-bank fold-back splice data ........................................... 6-20 Table 6.4 26 AWG two-bank straight splice ......................................... 6-21 Table 6.5 26 AWG three-bank straight splice ....................................... 6-22 Table 6.6 26 AWG four-bank straight splice ......................................... 6-23 Table 6.7 26 AWG two-bank apparatus splice ...................................... 6-24 Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Table 8.1 Specifications for steel casing ............................................. 8-54 Chapter 10: Design Documentation Table 10.1 Construction document specifications process ....................... 10-8 Table 10.2 Outside plant design checklist ........................................... 10-10 Table 10.3 Outside plant construction specifications checklist ............... 10-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition xii © 2007 BICSI® Table of Contents Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Table 11.1 Matrix for estimating costs ............................................... 11-14 Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Table 12.1 Routing maintenance checklist ............................................ 12-4 Table 12.2 Demand maintenance ......................................................... 12-8 Table 12.3 Emergency restoration issues ............................................ 12-11 Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Table 13.1 Typical minimum pressure ................................................... 13-8 Examples Chapter 3: Cable Types Example 3.1 Optical fiber attenuation margin calculations worksheet ............ 3-9 Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Example 5.1 Tension worksheet form ..................................................... 5-43 Example 5.2 Conduit run layout ............................................................. 5-44 Example 5.3 Worksheet A to B (imperial and metric) ................................. 5-46 Example 5.4 Worksheet B to A (imperial and metric) ................................. 5-47 Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Example 8.1 © 2007 BICSI® Typical state permit application ........................................... 8-44 xiii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Table of Contents OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition xiv © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 1 defines the roles and responsibilities of an outside plant (OSP) designer. It identifies the purpose of standardization, planning, and work prints in OSP design. Overviews of right-of-way (R/W), cabling, and air pressure systems in OSP design are provided. The meaning and scope of professionalism also are briefly explained. Chapter 1: Overview Table of Contents Overview ............................................................................................ 1-1 Definition .................................................................................................... 1-1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1-1 Purpose .............................................................................................. 1-3 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1-3 Standardization ........................................................................................... 1-3 Codes, Standards, and Methodology ............................................................... 1-4 Purpose of Codes and Standards .................................................................... 1-4 Planning ..................................................................................................... 1-5 Work Prints ................................................................................................. 1-5 Right-of-Way (R/W) ..................................................................................... 1-6 Pathways and Spaces .................................................................................. 1-6 Cabling ....................................................................................................... 1-7 Air-Pressure Systems ................................................................................... 1-7 Professionalism .................................................................................. 1-8 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1-8 Industry-Related Organizations ...................................................................... 1-8 Other Valuable Sources ................................................................................. 1-9 © 2007 BICSI® 1-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 1: Overview OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 1-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 1: Overview Overview BICSI strongly advises the readership of this manual to heed the following warning. WARNING: It is the responsibility of the user of this manual to determine and use the applicable local safety and health practices associated with outside plant (OSP). OSP is inherently dangerous. BICSI shall not be liable to the purchaser or any other entity with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused directly or indirectly by the application or use of this manual. No project is so important, or completion deadline so critical, to justify nonconformance with industry standards. This manual does not address safety issues associated with its use. It is the designer’s responsibility to use established and appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of all regulatory agencies. Definition BICSI defines OSP as the telecommunications infrastructure designed for installation exterior to buildings and typically routed into the entrance facility (EF). OSP may include: • Balanced twisted-pair cabling. • 75 ohm coaxial cabling. • Optical fiber cabling. • Supporting structures required to link serving facilities to outlying locations to provide for voice, data, video, and other low-voltage systems. Introduction OSP became a requirement with the placement of a first telegraph system. It consisted of a wire or a pair of wires linking two stations. From this simple beginning, OSP has expanded into a vast global telecommunications infrastructure. OSP facilities are designed, installed, and maintained by local access providers (APs) serving specific geographic areas. OSP facilities located on private properties or in areas not covered by a local AP become the customer’s responsibility. Private companies offer OSP design, engineering, and construction and augment the construction forces of local APs. In some countries, the AP (i.e., the provider of the physical connection) is also the service provider (SP [i.e., the provider of the desired service]) and can be the same company. © 2007 BICSI® 1-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 1: Overview Introduction, continued Telecommunications deregulation gives independent contractors access to OSP contracts and creates opportunities for qualified information transport systems (ITS) distribution designers in today’s open and competitive market. The designer is responsible for designing not only the intrabuilding infrastructure but also the interbuilding infrastructure. The designer should have knowledge of the following OSP aspects: • Pathways and spaces • Cabling (i.e., cable and connecting hardware) • Grounding and bonding • Right-of-way (R/W) • System documentation • Codes and standards OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 1-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 1: Overview Purpose Introduction Advances in technology and high levels of technical expertise in all of the aspects of the ITS industry have increased the importance of training. Based on current standards for OSP network design, the methodology presented in this manual provides a useful reference to the end users seeking design assistance or training. Standardization OSP networks may differ due to: • Topography. • Climate. • Choice of cabling. • Economics. • Local code requirements. • Network functionality. • Current and future types of supported equipment. • Customer requirements. The specifics of telecommunications infrastructure may be unique; however, overall OSP network components and methods used to complete and maintain installations are relatively standard. Standardizing cabling installations is necessary to ensure successful performance of increasingly complex arrangements. Standards are beneficial because they: © 2007 BICSI® • Promote design and installation consistency. • Impose conformance to physical and transmission line requirements. • Provide a structured telecommunications facility that enables efficient system expansion and other changes. • Provide for uniform documentation. 1-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 1: Overview Codes, Standards, and Methodology Building codes and standards regulate construction in most of the world. Codes and standards encompass most aspects of the construction industry. Codes are normally enforced by a local agency. While codes address minimum safety requirements, standards are intended to ensure system performance by providing installation requirements and guidelines. Installation methods, materials, and electrical products must conform to local code requirements. The use of the terms shall and should in standards affects the way the stated tasks are accomplished. These terms are defined as: • Shall—A mandatory requirement. • Should—A recommendation. Methodology is the implementation of practices and procedures employed by a particular industry. Installation manuals are examples of methodology. Purpose of Codes and Standards Building codes and standards govern installation practices and materials used when constructing facilities. The purpose of codes is to protect life, health, and property. The purpose of standards is to ensure construction quality. In general, standards are established as a basis to compare, measure, or judge: • Capacity. • Quantity. • Content. • Extent. • Value. • Quality. Independent organizations specialize in establishing, certifying, and maintaining these codes and standards. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 1-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 1: Overview Planning Planning the construction of an OSP network may require: • Completing a needs assessment. • Determining the capacity of an existing network. • Calculating transmission requirements. • Coordinating with APs, local authorities, and utility companies. • Ensuring compliance with safety regulations and practices. • Determining the need for R/W. • Selecting the physical topology. • Selecting a route. • Selecting the desired cable type. • Preparing and sending a request for information (RFI) and evaluating the responses. Work Prints After making planning decisions, construction drawings and specifications must be generated. They typically consist of: • A plan view of the area showing obstacles, control points, and other utilities. • Notification of known hazardous conditions. • Measurements for facility placement. • R/W limits. • Support structures, including: • • © 2007 BICSI® – Conduit sizes and profile views of proposed routing. – Maintenance holes (MHs). – Handholes (HHs). – Poles, support strands, and guying information. Media, including: – Cable sizes, types, and gauges. – Cable identification and pair/strand counts. – Direction of cable placement. – Reel identifications for cables. Protection, including: – Overvoltage and overcurrent protection systems. – Grounding and bonding plans. 1-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 1: Overview Right-of-Way (R/W) If an OSP network is going to extend beyond the property owned or controlled by the customer: • Leased lines from the AP may be obtainable. • A franchise may be purchased. • The need for R/W arises. To continue an OSP network outside the boundaries of a customer’s property, the customer must either buy the strip of land or obtain written permission: • To attach to a utility provider’s pole line. • To use a utility provider’s conduit. • From the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to use public R/W or other AP or utility easements. • From a private party to use their land. Pathways and Spaces The basic types of OSP pathways and spaces are: • Aerial. • Underground. • Direct-buried. Aerial pathways and spaces consist of: • Poles. • Support strands (i.e., messengers). • Anchors. • Guys. Underground pathways and spaces consist of: • Conduit. • MHs. • HHs. • Utility tunnels. • Pedestals and cabinets. • Vaults. Direct-buried pathways and spaces consist of: • Trenches for direct-buried cable. • Pedestals and cabinets. All of these pathways and spaces may be involved when installing wireless components (e.g., towers, masts, support structures). NOTE: Refer to Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations. Also see the latest edition of BICSI’s Wireless Design Reference Manual for more information. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 1-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 1: Overview Cabling Cable selection depends on the customer’s needs. OSP cabling can consist of one or more of the following cables: • Balanced twisted-pair • Coaxial • Optical fiber OSP cables are specifically designed for one or more of the following installation types: • Aerial (e.g., lashed or self-supporting) • Direct-buried • Underground Air Pressure Systems Air pressure systems positively pressurize backbone cables in OSP networks to prevent moisture from entering cables. Air pressure systems can be provided from: • The property owner’s main EF. • Remote compressor dehydrators. • Remote air tanks. Typically, air pressure systems are used when air-core OSP cables are installed as directburied, underground, or aerial cables. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® The need for air pressure systems may be mitigated through alternate system design and use of cables and cabling hardware that are appropriate for the environment. Where practicable, OSP designs that require air pressure systems should be avoided due to high maintenance cost. Many legacy systems are being removed as new designs and construction are established. 1-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 1: Overview Professionalism Introduction Keeping up with professional developments requires a designer’s commitment. A competent designer must possess both management and business skills to be able to monitor the design and construction of an OSP project. Some of the items that should be considered are addressed below. Industry-Related Organizations To stay current, a designer should maintain a membership or certification in one or more industry-related organizations. Following is a partial list of national and international organizations involved in the OSP portion of telecommunications: • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) • BICSI® • Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization [CENELEC]) • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.® (IEEE®) • Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. (ICEA) • International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) • International Telecommunication Union (ITU) • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) • Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers, Inc. (SCTE) • Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) A description of these organizations is included in Appendix A. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 1-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 1: Overview Other Valuable Sources The Internet is also a valuable source of real time information. The designer can research topics of particular interest and sign up for online services that periodically send updated information to the designer’s e-mail address. Many training companies specialize in continuing education for telecommunications. Designers can take advantage of training courses to stay current or to expand their knowledge of the ITS industry. Attending professional meetings and conferences is a valuable networking tool that allows the designer to learn about the latest changes in the industry and to meet others with the same concerns. Governmental regulations affect the designer’s work. A designer can stay well informed and, particularly, learn about changes in regulations by reading articles in periodicals or accessing the government’s Web sites. By understanding all of the available options, the designer can provide the customer with the optimum system available. © 2007 BICSI® 1-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2 Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Chapter 2 describes outside plant (OSP) designer roles in the context of laws and regulations. It explains the effects of liability and limiting legal costs through the use of alternative dispute resolution, mediation, and arbitration. Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Table of Contents Legal Aspects of Outside Plant (OSP) Design ..................................... 2-1 Design Professional’s Environment ................................................................... 2-1 Basis for Liability .......................................................................................... 2-1 Legal Issues ................................................................................................ 2-3 General Duties of Outside Plant (OSP) Designer ............................................ 2-3 Liability in Contract ................................................................................. 2-4 Liability in Tort—Secondary Liability ........................................................... 2-5 Limiting Legal Costs ...................................................................................... 2-8 Alternative Dispute Resolution ................................................................... 2-8 Mediation .............................................................................................. 2-9 Arbitration ............................................................................................. 2-9 Limiting the Design Professional’s Liability ....................................................... 2-10 References ....................................................................................... 2-12 © 2007 BICSI® 2-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 2-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Legal Aspects of Outside Plant (OSP) Design Design Professional’s Environment The designers of any structure or system face a real threat of legal action or claim on every project they undertake. The outside plant (OSP) design may be completed by: • Architects. • Engineers. • Consultants. • Employees of the owner. • Installers (in some cases). Of these five roles, the installer spends the most time in the field. The OSP designer’s job can include providing the client with a complete set of documents for an information transport systems (ITS) infrastructure that will meet the client’s performance requirements and budget. The OSP designer’s work can be limited to technical advice or consulting, but often will contain plans, specifications, bill of materials, installation plan, and cost analysis. OSP designers typically engage in some form of preliminary onsite survey or inspection. This is necessary because a designed or recommended system must take into account the environmental constraints in which the OSP ITS infrastructure will be installed and operated. This would include consideration of the appropriate safeguards that may be necessary because of the layout of a particular area, environment, topography, climate, current and future types of equipment to be supported, type of cable, functionality of the network, and pathway or space over which the cable will travel. Basis for Liability As a general principle, liability is determined on the basis of an objective standard. This is very often guided by an industry or professional standard. Courts are likely to interpret contracts or determine liability in negligence on the basis of the acceptable standard within the industry or profession. The OSP designer’s liability is defined by the published industry and norms. Norms may be the most problematic of the three. Norms are dynamic and usually arise in trade usage or trade custom as opposed to the standards and codes, which may have the same purpose as norms but may be less specific than norms. © 2007 BICSI® 2-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Basis for Liability, continued The following definitions convey the general meaning of standards, codes, and norms: • Standards are a set of minimum requirements established by a standards development organization (e.g., American National Standards Institute [ANSI] International Standards Organization [ISO]). • Codes are rules specified by governmental entities. Consequently, codes are usually enforceable by governmental entities. These would include local building and safety codes as an example. • Norms may transcend state and professional regulations and may represent the informal practices adopted by a particular discipline that are so prevalent that OSP designers may be expected to have knowledge of and adhere to them. Sometimes codes and standards are governed by the same organization as others but they are separately administered. Nevertheless, failure to adhere to these standards, codes, and norms give rise to legal liability. The designer should recognize that each case will vary according to its facts and environment. A court has the authority to decide whether a particular standard, code, or norm, while applicable in one context, is irrelevant in another. Therefore, design professionals should use all of the available legal means to protect themselves from liability as early in the project as possible and set a suitable context and environment in which the work will be performed. In addition to the standards, codes and norms, the social environment may also impact the liability exposure of design professionals. Recently, there has been a proliferation of claims against design professionals with courts being willing to ignore privity requirements and find design professionals liable to third parties for their actions or omissions. Privity is a legal principle that is peculiar to contract law. It means that only the parties to the contract are able to sue and be sued. This chapter will examine some of the legal issues relevant to the finding and avoidance of liability. The OSP designer has an additional consideration which is not necessarily associated with other designers. This is because as the name suggests, most of the design is outside of a building or structure. This may require extension beyond the boundaries of the customer’s property. When this happens or is likely to occur, it is important that the designer clearly define which party has the responsibility to obtain the required permission: • To attach to a utility provider’s pole. • To use a utility provider’s conduit. • From the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to use public right-of-way (R/W) or other access provider (AP) utility easements. • From a private party to use their land. Responsibility could be assigned to the OSP designer, the owner, the installer, or some other party responsible for obtaining necessary permission. This is necessary because liability can be incurred by failure to obtain the requisite permissions. The owner could face liability in trespass to land or airspace, which would be a cost that the designer had not anticipated. This liability is different from liability in contract or negligence, which is the main focus of this chapter. It is a liability to a third party for interference with property as opposed to a liability from for injury or loss resulting from faulty installations or failure to follow specifications. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 2-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Legal Issues General Duties of Outside Plant (OSP) Designer Like all professionals, OSP designers are required to exercise due care and skill in carrying out their discipline. To reiterate the statement previously made in this chapter, the parameters within which the duty is optimally exercised are determined by the environment and context in which the design professional works. The OSP designer’s environment is typically exterior to buildings. The risks associated with the OSP designer’s job are affected by this environment. They may arise because of physical impediments caused by the installation, or from causing loss to customers as a result of the consultant’s failure to obtain an easement or R/W prior to installation, or where dangerous conditions exist due to negligent or faulty installation. With this appreciation comes the single most important duty of an OSP design professional—a duty to engage in risk assessment and management. The methods of risk assessment and management figure prominently in any determination of legal liability. The assessor must determine what the public’s expectation of a design professional is and against what standards those expectations will be measured. In such context, contracts can best assist the design professional in avoiding, or at least minimizing, the primary liability. An equally important issue is how the design professional may avoid secondary liability. The design professional may be found primarily or secondarily liable in the tort of negligence for any loss or damage resulting from a faulty design. The design professional has a number of duties related to this issue. The design professional must have the basic technical competency acquired through formal education, in-service training or on-the-job experience, certifications/designations/registrations, and the knowledge of current developments in the discipline. Yielding to the professional skills of other persons (e.g., scientific, financial, business, and legal professionals) as required is also important. Many professional liability claims stem from nontechnical aspects of design practice—the acceptance of onerous contract terms and conditions, poor communication, careless selection of projects, failure to engage in risk assessment and management, failure to record all significant decisions and changes, and lax fee-collection practices. The design professional has a duty to know, observe, and maintain the rules of professional conduct that apply to the profession. In the case of a licensed professional, these rules are generally regulated or enforced by a licensing agency. The licensing agency typically has the power to admonish, censure, suspend, or terminate license or membership. Regulations and codes are discussed in detail in Appendix A: Codes, Standards, and Regulations and are not the subject of this chapter. However, they are extremely important in the context of liability because they can form the basis of disciplinary action, with remedies ranging from fines or suspensions to license revocations. Courts are entitled to consider regulations and codes in determining whether particular contractual stipulations are fair and reasonable and whether a particular faulty design was caused by the designer’s negligence. © 2007 BICSI® 2-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Legal Issues, continued Negligence is usually determined by referring to the design professional’s general duty to ensure public safety and welfare, whether on public or private property. This is an area in which the standards, codes, and norms interact with the general law insofar as these rules form a part of the body of law that courts may consider in making a decision on liability. Liability in Contract Liability in contract may be purely contractual or result from negligence. The liability in either case is restricted to the duties as defined in the contract between or among the parties to the contract. This is primary liability. Contracts may be oral or written. The rules of evidence relating to contractual liability are strict. The general rule is that written contracts cannot be varied by oral or other external evidence. This is usually referred to as the four corners rule, or the entire contract doctrine, or an integrated contract. This means that discussions, negotiations, and understandings accomplished prior to the execution of the contract are not admissible to vary the terms of the written document. There are circumstances in which the court may admit evidence to show that an ambiguity exists or that other terms are incorporated by reference to other documents or discussions. With this in mind, the designers should incorporate all of their contract terms in writing, attaching an entire agreement or integration agreement clause. By doing so, they will ensure that no duties other than those agreed between the designer and the client are imposed. This is what the court will look to confirm the intention of the parties at the time of contracting. However, the designer should keep in mind that contracts are very often premised on implied terms. These implied terms are known as warranties. A warranty will not be found to exist in all cases. Courts do not necessarily acknowledge an implied warranty that the design would be suitable for the intended purpose when appropriate assurances are missing. In such a case, the claimant has to show that the designer has been aware of the circumstances and still gave an assurance or undertaking in the specific terms of the lawsuit. NOTE: This kind of contractual liability exposes the design professional to third-party liability, because warranty liability is not limited to negligent performance. This is an area in which the doctrine of privity of contract has been eroded. The result is an increased exposure of the design professional to third-party claims. Warranty liability is premised on representations that the work would be done in a professional manner—that it would not be defective and it would conform to the contract documents. The warranty theory establishes a standard of performance rather than a standard of care exercised by the designer and installer as the basis for liability. This liability is best understood by recognizing the changing role of the designer and is more applicable where the designer is a hybrid of consultant/installer, designer/installer, or an installer. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 2-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Legal Issues, continued The distinction between the expectations of the traditional designer in the context of the separation of the five roles and the hybrid designer is that the traditional designer’s work does not express or imply a warranty. Unless engaged as part of a design/build project, or when employed as a project manager, the designer does not warrant that the work would be carried out in a professional manner or in accordance with the specifications. Both the design/build method of construction and the role of project manager create an obligation that the finished project comply with the owner’s expectations. Therefore, the risk of the unknown contractually shifts from the owner to the design/build firm. Consequently, in this role, the designer is required to perform exactly in accordance with the contractual specifications. The loss of protection from liability to third parties by the erosion of the “economic loss doctrine” is closely linked to the issues arising from the warranty liability. According to the economic loss doctrine, the design professional has no liability to the entities to which the design professional does not guarantee contractual privity for purely economic losses or damages. The economic loss doctrine does not apply in all of the United States. Therefore, design professionals need to seek appropriate legal advice to determine whether or not the doctrine is applicable in their area. The Florida Supreme Court ruled that the economic loss doctrine originated in the context of product liability cases and as such “should not be invoked to bar well-established causes of action in tort, such as professional malpractice.” The court thus decided that action can be brought against a professional for negligence even for purely economic damages. In summary, the argument that there is no contractual relationship between the claimant and the design professional may not succeed in some courts. Design professionals may, therefore, find that they cannot hide behind contractual terms to escape liability. It may be tempting to question the purpose of contracts. However, the importance of very clear contractual terms for work and respective risks cannot be overstated. As little as possible should be left to implication or imagination. Furthermore, OSP designers should only accept the work for which they believe they are qualified. Liability in Tort—Secondary Liability Although liability for negligence can arise in a contract, it is a separate and distinct head of liability. The distinction between contractual negligence and tortious negligence is that where negligence is claimed under the contract, it will be restricted to, and hence determined in accordance with, the terms of the contract. Liability in tort is usually wider than the liability arising under a contract because it is premised on a general duty to exercise due care and skill. Notwithstanding the contract terms, the designer may become liable to third parties for negligence. This is what is commonly referred to as secondary liability. It is based largely on expectation. © 2007 BICSI® 2-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Legal Issues, continued The expectation from design professionals varies based on whether at the material time they are consulting, designing, or installing; in fact they may be performing all of the three tasks. The consultant is in the business of giving professional advice, the designer creates a plan and specification, and the installer implements the system according to the specifications and the plan prepared by the designer. The separation of the various areas of the design professional’s practice is for ease of analysis (bearing in mind that one person may perform all three functions). When acting as consultants, OSP designers may be liable for negligent misstatements because they are primarily in the business of giving advice. This liability may be in contract or in tort. Designers and installers may be liable for faulty designs or installations but generally not for negligent misstatements, since they would be installing according to another designer’s specifications. Liability may be found in a situation where the designer acting as a designer or installer fails to design or install according to the owner’s specifications or fails to exercise their professional judgment to ensure that the design is suitable for the particular environment. Negligence has five elements: • Duty • Foreseeability • Breach of duty • Causation • Damage The analysis usually begins by finding out who the neighbor is. This does not have a literal meaning and therefore does not have to be the person next door. This inquiry sets the framework for dealing with the first element of negligence—duty. The neighbors are the category of persons who are entitled to circumvent the contract and sue design professionals for damages. Therefore, the design professional owes a duty of care to this category of persons. In several U.S. jurisdictions, it is common for third parties to sue professionals with whom they have no contractual relationship. It is the category of persons whom the design professional should consider subject to injury if the job is not performed properly. The persons likely to be affected by the location and placement of aerial pathway chosen by the OSP designer would include persons who may suffer injury because the placement of aerial cables has put them in contact with cables or their support due to incorrect height allowances for the passage of heavy duty vehicles along a highway. The designer would be subject to liability for persons who suffered injury in such circumstances, even though the designer had no contractual relationship with them. Duty imposes a standard of care and skill on the design professional. This is measured against what is required in the profession by referring to the standards, codes, and norms that govern that profession in the public interest. This duty varies according to the context in which the OSP designer is working. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 2-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Legal Issues, continued The term context refers to the place, time, or particular circumstances of the task that the design professional is required to perform. It varies based on whether they are consulting, designing, installing, or are engaged in a task for which they have no particular expertise. This explains why judges decide each case according to its particular facts, though each case is considered according to the principles of the law that governs the area of liability. Design professionals must ensure to perform only within their areas of competence as the risk of liability for negligence increases with each deviation from their particular expertise and knowledge. The scope of duty is limited or restricted by the concept of foreseeability. In general, a third party’s opportunity to sue is restricted to whether the injury is of the kind that can reasonably and objectively be predicted to result from the design professional’s act or omission. In concrete terms, the designer’s liability is determined based on whether they knew or should have known the risk associated with choosing, for example, one OSP-specific design metric over another. The design professional is expected to investigate and learn if a certain type of product, system or application is inadequate for the types of risks associated with the project environment. Only when the injury was reasonably foreseeable is the design professional found liable for breach of the duty of care to a third party. The standard of reasonable conduct for the design professional is determined on a case-by-case basis by juries. The assessment of whether the duty has been breached or not includes, but is not limited to, the following factors: • Reasonable efforts to ascertain the physical and operational environment of the OSP design so that it can be determined whether the design would be appropriate • Contact with architects, engineers, general contractors, other trades, information technology department, facilities department, or other entities relating to a particular location or design • Internal procedures for determining OSP design • Response to negative information regarding the feasibility of the design With appropriate risk management techniques, a design professional may successfully avoid liability to third parties by minimizing the foreseeable risks and the class of persons to whom the duty is owed. Assuming that a likelihood or possibility of breach exists, the injury suffered by the third party must have been caused or most likely have been caused by the design professional’s breach. Therefore, the injured third party is required to show that it is more probable than not that the design professional’s act or omission caused the claimed injury. © 2007 BICSI® 2-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Legal Issues, continued Having established liability, the third party must go further to demonstrate damage. The third party must also show that loss was suffered as a result of the breach. The recoverable damages can range from loss of earnings and loss of future earning capacity; past medical expenses; future medical expenses; pain and suffering; disfigurement; and permanent or temporary physical impairment. These are classic damages in tort theory. In the context of OSP design, it appears that the courts would be challenged by quantifying the damages resulting from the loss of information. Limiting Legal Costs Alternative Dispute Resolution Litigation is very expensive both in terms of legal costs and the time spent away from business to attend court, meet with the lawyers, or collate evidence. Therefore, it is often beneficial to include alternative and less expensive methods of dealing with disputes when drafting contracts. These alternative methods are referred to under the general heading of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The two most common forms of ADR are: • Mediation. • Arbitration. The effectiveness and benefits of these processes have been the subject of reviews sponsored by the American Arbitration Association (AAA). The global cost of civil litigation is soaring and businesses of all sizes are opting for a wider palette of strategic dispute resolution strategies, according to a new study sponsored by the AAA. This empirical study on ADR, entitled “Dispute-WiseSM Business Management: Improving Economic and Non-Economic Outcomes in Managing Business Conflicts,” investigates the practices, attitudes, and experiences of a broad sampling of corporate legal departments from Fortune 1000 companies, midsize public companies, and privately held businesses in their use of nonjudicial dispute resolution. This pioneering study on the relationship between ADR and positive corporate outcomes shows that a company may enjoy greater benefits by taking a strategic, multifaceted, approach to managing the body of existing and future disputes rather than by aggressively litigating each case. It also demonstrates that companies that take this approach can effectively maximize the output of their legal staff while minimizing their legal department costs. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 2-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Limiting Legal Costs, continued The following are some of the study findings: • The study identified an index of eight particular traits that characterized the legal departments of dispute-savvy companies. The survey also found that a number of specific operational benefits are associated with dispute-wise business management practices for these companies. It appears a company may glean benefits (e.g., better customer and business partner relationships, lower costs, and more positive employee relations) by managing effectively over time the total economic and noneconomic impact of their entire range or portfolio of issues and disputes. In addition, the survey noted interesting correlations between dispute-wise business management practices and positive economic advantages. • “Legal departments that take a portfolio approach to resolving disputes (e.g., measuring them against each other with the goal of minimizing overall risk, cost, time spent, and resources expended) appear to garner several distinct benefits,” said Richard Naimark, Senior Vice President of the AAA. “Moreover, it is clear that dispute-savvy companies monitor their key business relationships and approach dispute resolution with that strategic focus in mind” (Dispute-WiseSM). Mediation Mediation is a nonbinding, facilitated, negotiation process. Its aim is to produce voluntary and acceptable settlement agreements between or among the parties that are involved in a dispute. Although the process starts out as nonbinding, once an agreement is reached and duly signed by the parties, it becomes binding. A mediator is a person who is trained in dispute resolution, including negotiation techniques, and is familiar with the art of making a deal. Mediators are neutral and do not offer legal advice, although they are actively engaged in the discussion process, including narrowing down the issues, offering alternatives, and directing the parties toward a settlement of the dispute. Mediation is less expensive in part because preparing for the mediation, including the mediator’s fees, costs less than the regular court process (e.g., the filing of pleadings, disclosure of documents, attendance for depositions). Mediation offers more flexibility insofar as it is not restricted or bound by the rules of law or legal precedents. Making agreements is thus broader and less laden by the rules. Arbitration Arbitration is more rule-laden than mediation. In arbitration, the arbitrator is required to apply the law relating to the particular subject matter. Although having one arbitrator is not unusual, it is more common to have a panel of three arbitrators. At least one arbitrator is a lawyer, whereas the others may be drawn from among the persons familiar with the dispute’s subject matter. © 2007 BICSI® 2-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Limiting Legal Costs, continued The arbitrators hear evidence in the same way as it is done in a court of law. However, the rules of evidence are more relaxed. In addition, discovery is not as rigorous as pretrial discovery and the more formal requirements of a trial (e.g., the preparation of briefs or closing arguments) are not necessary. To take the full advantage of ADR, it is recommended that it be included in the contract. In some state jurisdictions, apart from court proceedings, mediation is by agreement and arbitration is always by agreement. The initial agreement makes arbitration mandatory between the parties. In the construction industry, a standard AAA clause is used. Generating standard form AAA clauses for use by OSP designers would be useful. Merely stipulating arbitration without specific details is inadequate for giving a full effect to the intentions. The intentions may be subject to differing rules of interpretation and the process, therefore, must be specified. To name a few of the important details, the clauses must stipulate the number of arbitrators, how they would be chosen, and whether the decision would be unanimous or by majority. Limiting the Design Professional’s Liability OSP designers can benefit from some of the lessons already learned by the building construction industry. Some of these liability avoidance techniques are summarized in this section. The erosion of the doctrine of privity suggests that design professionals have to be perceptive about the contractual arrangements or their relationship with the owners and the contractors. The construction industry has minimized this exposure by changing the manner of interaction with the builders/owners. Such interaction was achieved by first changing the relationship from a supervisory role to an inspection role. Second, the inspection role was reduced to the role of observing the work for limited purposes of: • Ascertaining whether the work was professional. • Assessing whether the work generally conformed to the contract requirements. • Advising the owner whether to pay for the work. The single most important precautionary measure is to avoid oral agreements. Given the nature of the designer’s job, all contracts and amendments should be in writing. In addition, risks can be more carefully allocated when they are fully recognized at the outset. Independent legal advice is recommended to ensure that design professionals do not sign onesided contracts prepared by the contractors or the owners’ attorneys or contracts laden with terms with very serious implications, particularly as related to risk allocation. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 2-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer Limiting the Design Professional’s Liability, continued Fairness is a requirement on both sides so that inasmuch as unfair contractual terms should not be signed by one contract party, unfair contractual terms should not be imposed on the other contract party. Courts look with disfavor on unfair contractual terms. An unfair contract can be as bad as having no contract at all. It is also advisable to insert provisions for early termination of the contract and for a reasonable limitation of damages consequent on early termination. The scope of the services to be provided should be clearly defined and closely regarded. Any variation from the original terms must put in written form after a careful analysis of the risks and costs involved or associated with the change. Warranties, indemnities and guarantees should be avoided. Limitations of liability are another method that can be used to allocate the risks associated with a particular project. One of the most common expressions of limitation of liability clauses is when the client and the designer agree to limit the design professional’s risk to the sum of the professional fees. With the evolution of high availability information technology (IT) sites like data centers, the potential value of lost uptime due to consulting, design and/or installation of OSP facilities has increased. If a critical error is traced back to the OSP designer, the amount of the claim can be substantial. This is yet another reason to continue being educated on the legal issues arising from ITS projects. © 2007 BICSI® 2-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer References Agostini, John. “Legal Aspects of Risk Management of Design/Build Contracts.” Web article. a/e ProNet, 1996. www.aepronet.org/pn/vol9-no1.html (accessed January 3, 2007). American Arbitration Association. “Dispute-WiseSM Business Management: Is Your Company Dispute-Savvy? Study Reveals Positive Outcomes of Effective Conflict Management. Web article. American Arbitration Association, 2004. www.adr.org/dw (accessed January 3, 2007). Dixon, Sheila (ed.). Lessons in Professional Liability, DPIC’s Loss Prevention Handbook for Design Professionals. Monterey, CA: DPIC, 1996. Gumbiner, Kenneth J. “Alternative Dispute Resolution: There is a Better Way.” Web article. a/e ProNet, 1995. www.aepronet.org/pn/vol8-no1.html (accessed January 3, 2007). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 2-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3 Cable Types Chapter 3 explains cabling purposes, cable types, construction, physical specifications, design specifications, and placement. Optical fiber, copper, coaxial, twinaxial, and hybrid optical fiber coaxial cables and respective subtypes are discussed in detail. Chapter 3: Cable Types Table of Contents Cabling ............................................................................................... 3-1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 3-1 Recognized Cable ................................................................................ 3-3 Cable Types ................................................................................................ 3-3 Balanced Twisted-Pair Cable .......................................................................... 3-3 Optical Fiber Cable ....................................................................................... 3-4 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable ................................................................................... 3-4 Optical Fiber Cabling ........................................................................... 3-5 Introduction ................................................................................................ 3-5 Attenuation ................................................................................................ 3-8 Optical Fiber Attenuation Margin Calculations Worksheet ............................... 3-9 Calculating the Passive Cable System Attenuation ..................................... 3-11 Effects of Temperature on Optical Fiber Loss ............................................. 3-12 Splice Loss Values ................................................................................. 3-13 Verifying the Attenuation Margin ............................................................. 3-15 Checking Minimum System Loss ............................................................... 3-15 Final Analysis ....................................................................................... 3-16 Supportable Distance and Maximum Channel Attenuation ............................. 3-17 Optical Fiber Cable Types ............................................................................ 3-20 Loose Tube Cables ................................................................................ 3-20 Tight-Buffered Cables ............................................................................ 3-22 Central Tube Cable ................................................................................ 3-23 Ribbon Fiber ......................................................................................... 3-24 Blown Fiber .......................................................................................... 3-24 Hybrid Cables ....................................................................................... 3-28 Cable Specifications .............................................................................. 3-28 Color Coding ......................................................................................... 3-30 Balanced Twisted-Pair Copper Cabling .............................................. 3-31 Introduction .............................................................................................. 3-31 Selection Criteria ....................................................................................... 3-31 Resistance Design ................................................................................. 3-31 Copper Cable Transmission Characteristics ..................................................... 3-33 Cable Construction Types ............................................................................ 3-34 Insulation ............................................................................................ 3-35 © 2007 BICSI® 3-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Broadband Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cable .......................................... 3-43 Plastic Insulated Conductor (PIC) Cable ......................................................... 3-44 Aerial Cable ............................................................................................... 3-45 Self-Supporting Cable ................................................................................. 3-47 Direct-Buried Cable .................................................................................... 3-52 Overview ............................................................................................. 3-52 Direct-Buried Outside Plant (OSP) Cable Designs ........................................ 3-52 Underground Cable ..................................................................................... 3-59 Overview ............................................................................................. 3-59 Underground Conduit Cable Designs ......................................................... 3-59 Outside Plant (OSP) Copper Designs, Internally Screened Cables .................. 3-64 Aerial Drop Wire ......................................................................................... 3-67 Direct-Buried Service Wire ........................................................................... 3-67 Coaxial Cabling ................................................................................. 3-68 Cable Selection ......................................................................................... 3-68 Mechanical Factors .................................................................................... 3-69 Center Conductor ................................................................................. 3-69 Dielectric ............................................................................................. 3-69 Outer Conductor ................................................................................... 3-69 Jackets ............................................................................................... 3-69 Electrical Factors ....................................................................................... 3-70 Aerial Applications ...................................................................................... 3-72 Direct-Buried Applications ........................................................................... 3-73 Design Criteria ........................................................................................... 3-74 Subscriber Service Drops ............................................................................ 3-75 Determining Bandwidth Requirements ............................................................ 3-79 Obtaining Loss Budgets for Electronics from the Customer ................................ 3-79 Twinaxial Cabling .............................................................................. 3-80 Introduction .............................................................................................. 3-80 Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Cabling .............................................................. 3-81 System Requirements ................................................................................. 3-82 Space Allocation ................................................................................... 3-82 Power ................................................................................................. 3-82 Applications .............................................................................................. 3-82 Appendix: Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Type Cable .......................... 3-84 Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Type Cable ......................................................... 3-84 References ....................................................................................... 3-85 Footnotes ................................................................................................. 3-88 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Figures Figure 3.1 Cable sizing ............................................................................... 3-2 Figure 3.2 Duplex subscriber connector interface ............................................ 3-7 Figure 3.3 Loose tube cable cross section ................................................... 3-21 Figure 3.4 Tight-buffered cables ................................................................ 3-23 Figure 3.5 Tube cable .............................................................................. 3-25 Figure 3.6 ALPETH cable ........................................................................... 3-45 Figure 3.7 Self-supporting cable ................................................................ 3-47 Figure 3.8 Reinforced self-supporting cable ................................................. 3-50 Figure 3.9 PASP type design ..................................................................... 3-53 Figure 3.10 Filled ASP type cable ................................................................. 3-56 Figure 3.11 Filled ALPETH type cable ............................................................ 3-60 Figure 3.12 Underground (ductpic) cable ...................................................... 3-62 Figure 3.13 Air core screened cable ............................................................. 3-65 Figure 3.14 Filled screened cable ................................................................. 3-66 Figure 3.15 Coaxial cable ........................................................................... 3-68 Figure 3.16 Aerial coaxial cables .................................................................. 3-72 Figure 3.17 Armored cable .......................................................................... 3-73 Figure 3.18 Trunk and feeder system ........................................................... 3-75 Figure 3.19 Standard shield and quad shield construction (drop cable) .............. 3-76 Figure 3.20 Video link loss .......................................................................... 3-79 Figure 3.21 Twinaxial cable ......................................................................... 3-80 Figure 3.22 Optical fiber coaxial system ....................................................... .3-81 Tables Table 3.1 Optical fiber cable performance by type ......................................... 3-6 Table 3.2 Calculating the optical fiber attenuation margin ............................... 3-8 Table 3.3 Calculating losses ..................................................................... 3-12 Table 3.4 Splice loss values in decibels ...................................................... 3-13 Table 3.5 System gain, power penalties, and the link loss budget calculations ................................................................... 3-14 Table 3.6 Minimum system loss ................................................................. 3-16 Table 3.7 Supportable distances and channel insertion loss for optical fiber applications by optical fiber type ............................... 3-17 Table 3.8 Supportable distances and channel insertion loss for optical fiber applications by fiber type .......................................... 3-19 © 2007 BICSI® 3-iii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Table 3.9 Example of color coding—individual optical fibers ............................ 3-30 Table 3.10 Loop gauging table ................................................................... 3-32 Table 3.11 Cable transmission characteristics ............................................... 3-33 Table 3.12 Insulation types ....................................................................... 3-35 Table 3.13 Cable composition types ............................................................ 3-36 Table 3.14 Cable sheath compositions ......................................................... 3-40 Table 3.15 Cable usage guide .................................................................... 3-42 Table 3.16 Common color code ................................................................... 3-44 Table 3.17 ALPETH cable ........................................................................... 3-46 Table 3.18 Self-supporting cable ................................................................ 3-48 Table 3.19 Reinforced self-supporting cable ................................................. 3-51 Table 3.20 PASP cables ............................................................................ 3-54 Table 3.21 Filled ASP type cable ................................................................. 3-57 Table 3.22 PE 39—Filled solid ALPETH cable .................................................. 3-58 Table 3.23 Filled ALPETH type cable ............................................................ 3-61 Table 3.24 Bonded STALPETH/ductpic cable ................................................. 3-63 Table 3.25 Cable attenuation at VSWR = 1.0, 50 ohm foam dielectric and ambient 20 °C (68 °F) ......................................................... 3-74 Table 3.26 Coaxial attenuation at 20 °C (68 °F) over long distances ................ 3-74 Table 3.27 Drop cable and attenuation ........................................................ 3-76 Table 3.28 Drop cable and attenuation at maximum drop length ...................... 3-77 Table 3.29 Generic impedance for video infrastructure components .................. 3-78 Table 3.30 RUS acceptance cable-coding plan .............................................. 3-84 Table 3.31 Description of codes ................................................................. 3-84 Example Example 3.1 Optical fiber attenuation margin calculations worksheet .................... 3-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-iv © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Cabling Introduction The information transport systems (ITS) outside plant (OSP) designer must assess customer requirements before selecting the type and size of cabling for a proposed OSP project. These requirements include the: • Number of work areas and users. • Types of equipment. • Information to be transmitted by: – Voice. – Video. – Data. • Other low-voltage systems. • Distance involved. • Future growth. • Environmental conditions. Selecting the appropriate type and size of cable is critical to the success of an OSP design. To determine the requirements for a job, the designer must: © 2007 BICSI® • Talk with the customer. The customer should know how many users or work areas will be served by the OSP facilities. If not, the customer or consultant must initiate a survey. • Calculate the pair/strand requirements. Once the information is tabulated, all of the requirements should be added back to the beginning of the route (see Figure 3.1). The designer should begin with the building or work area point farthest from the main crossconnection. The cable should be sized to include a growth factor of 15 to 20 percent. 3-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Introduction, continued Figure 3.1 Cable sizing 110 152 72 101 Bldg D 200-pair cable 65 51 300-pair cable Bldg E 200-pair cable 262 155 173 85 Bldg B 100-pair cable Fill box legend Planned future pair requirement 600-pair cable Bldg G 200-pair cable 482 309 Existing pair requirement Bldg A Once the requirements have been tabulated, the designer can then determine: • If optical fiber cable, balanced twisted-pair cable, or both are appropriate. • How many pairs of balanced twisted-pair or strands of optical fiber are required. • If there is a need for coaxial cable. This chapter discusses the types of cable available along with their transmission characteristics, construction specifications, cable coding descriptions, and advantages and disadvantages. Methods for selecting the suitable optical fiber, balanced twisted-pair, or coaxial cable also are addressed. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Recognized Cable Cable Types With the myriad of telecommunications services available, one particular cabling plan may not be suitable to serve all of the resulting needs. Time, money, performance, and equipment specifications become the determining factors in the selection process. Currently, recognized cable includes: • Singlemode optical fiber (OS1). • 50/125 μm multimode optical fiber (OM2 and OM3). • 62.5/125 μm multimode optical fiber (OM1). • 100 ohm balanced twisted-pair. • 75 ohm coaxial. Balanced Twisted-Pair Cable Balanced twisted-pair cable transports information as electrical signals. Twisted-pair generally is referred to as a balanced transmission medium because the signals on each of the conductors of a pair are of equal value but have opposite phase or polarity. The advantage of balanced twisted-pair is that it has a large installed base and is a familiar technology. However, as the use of optical fiber cabling increases, these advantages dissipate. The volume of copper plant still in place and capable of performing satisfactorily, as well as the high cost of replacement, makes optical fiber an important media. The disadvantages of balanced twisted-pair cable include: © 2007 BICSI® • Higher sensitivity to external electromagnetic interference (EMI). • High bandwidth applications have distance limitations. 3-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Optical fiber cable transports information as coded light pulses. Some advantages of optical fiber cable are: • Extended distances. • Expanded bandwidth. • Immunity to EMI. • Low transmission loss. • Compact and lightweight materials. • Security. Some disadvantages are that: • Optical fiber field connectorization may require different termination kits for each type of connector and different installation procedures. • An optical fiber termination kit for a connector from one manufacturer may not be capable of terminating another manufacturer’s connector, even though they are the same style of connector. • Fan-out kits typically are required for field connectorization, specifically on OSP cables. • Field connectorization errors can result in spare part requirements and rework costs. 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable transports information as electrical signals. Community antenna television (CATV) providers traditionally installed coaxial cable from their headend source point to the subscribers. Coaxial cable is referred to as an unbalanced transmission medium because one conductor is at ground value or zero volt potential and the other conductor is at a value offground. Coaxial cable also is used in OSP distribution for private networks, primarily for broadband video services. The advantages of 75 ohm coaxial cable are that it: • Is less susceptible to interference and radiation than balanced twisted-pair. • Has high bandwidth relative to balanced twisted-pair. The disadvantages are that: • It is more expensive than other cable types. • Shield connections pose an increased risk of ground loops. • High bandwidth applications have distance limitations when compared with other media. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cabling Introduction Optical fiber technology is economically feasible and beneficial for use in most telecommunications systems, especially when cabling extends between buildings on a campus. While balanced twisted-pair cabling often is placed between buildings to support and provide telephony (voice) applications services, optical fiber cabling often is used to supplement the balanced twisted-pair cabling to support other high-bandwidth applications. In campus backbone environments, optical fiber is used between buildings for: • Voice. • Video. • Data. • Audio. • CATV. • Security and fire alarms. In campus applications, it is an advantage to use optical fiber in backbones because of its ability to serve several different transmission protocols and topologies by offering: • Increased distance. • Higher bandwidth applications. • All-dielectric cable. • Less susceptibility to EMI and lightning. • No crosstalk. • No grounding (earthing) requirement for all-dielectric cable. A properly planned system can anticipate growth and provide network flexibility and longevity for: • Voice. • Data. • Video. • Audio. • CATV. • Multimedia. Often, a backbone comprising both multimode and singlemode optical fiber is recommended to satisfy present and future needs in the backbone. © 2007 BICSI® 3-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Introduction, continued For backbone applications, the components in Table 3.1 are recognized. Table 3.1 Optical fiber cable performance by type Classification Optical Fiber Type Performance OM1 62.5/125 μm Multimode Minimum bandwidth of 200 and 500 MHz•km at 850 and 1300 nm, respectively. OM2 50/125 μm Multimode Minimum bandwidth of 500 and 500 MHz•km at 850 and 1300 nm, respectively. OM3 50/125 μm 850 nm Laser Minimum bandwidth of 2000 and 500 MHz•km at 850 and 1300 nm, optimized multimode respectively. OS1 Singlemode Minimum bandwidth of singlemode optical fiber cable is not characterized in the same manner as multimode. The bandwidth of OS optical fiber cable is considered to be virtually unlimited. km MHz nm OM1 OM2 OM3 OS1 = = = = = = = Kilometer Megahertz Nanometer Optical multimode Optical multimode 2 Optical multimode 3 Optical singlemode OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Introduction, continued Connectors must meet applicable requirements and environmental conditions for areas where they are installed (e.g., Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standard [FOCIS]). The subscriber connector (SC) interface, both duplex (568SC) and simplex (SC), is recognized by many cabling standards for use as backbone and horizontal connectivity (see Figure 3.2). Alternate connector designs such as small form factor (SFF) connectors and adapters that meet applicable cabling standards requirements also may be used. Figure 3.2 Duplex subscriber connector interface Simplex connectors B A A B A Horizontally mounted B A A B B B OR Vertically mounted A Pa pa tch ne l Duplex connector B A User side A B Cabling side = Position A = Position B Multimode fibers frequently are referred to by the core and cladding diameter in micrometers (μm). For example, a multimode optical fiber with a core diameter of 62.5 μm and a cladding diameter of 125 μm typically is designated as 62.5/125 μm optical fiber. © 2007 BICSI® 3-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation The maximum permissible end-to-end system attenuation in a given link is determined by the average transmitter power and receiver sensitivity. To analyze a system’s attenuation and determine if the proposed electronics will operate over the cable plant, the steps illustrated in Table 3.2 and Example 3.1 should be used and then the minimum system loss should be checked. NOTE: Ensure the test setup simulates the actual system. (Use the jumpers or at least include their losses in final calculations.) Table 3.2 Calculating the optical fiber attenuation margin Objective Step Calculation Calculate the passive cable system attenuation. 1. 2. 3. 4. Calculate the optical fiber loss. Calculate the connector loss. Calculate the splice loss. Calculate other component losses. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Optical Fiber Attenuation Margin Calculations Worksheet Example 3.1 illustrates how to calculate the system attenuation margin to verify adequate power. Detailed information for each alphabetical listing (e.g., parts A, B, C) is further provided in the sections following Example 3.1. Example 3.1 Optical fiber attenuation margin calculations worksheet Part A. Calculating the Passive Cable System Attenuation Step 1 2 3 4 5 © 2007 BICSI® Calculate optical fiber loss at operating wavelength Calculate connector loss (exclude transmit and receive connectors) Calculate splice loss Calculate other components loss Calculate total passive cable system attenuation Cable distance Individual optical fiber loss Total fiber loss Connector pair loss Number of connector pairs Total connector loss Individual splice loss Number of splices Total splice loss Total components (none) Total fiber loss Total connector loss Total splice loss Total components Total system attenuation 3-9 × × × + + + 1.5 km 1.5 dB/km 2.25 dB 0.75 dB 4 3.0 dB 0.3 dB 3 0.9 dB 0.0 dB 2.3 dB 3.0 dB 0.9 dB 0.0 dB 6.2 dB OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Example 3.1 Optical fiber attenuation margin calculations worksheet, continued Part B. Calculating the Link Loss Budget Step 5 6 7 8 Example manufacturer’s electronic specifications Calculate system gain Determine power penalties Calculate link loss budget System wavelength Fiber type Average transmitter output Receiver sensitivity (109 BER) Receiver dynamic range Average transmitter power Receiver sensitivity System gain Operating margin (none stated) Receiver power penalties (none stated) Repair margin (2 fusion splices at 0.3 dB each) Total power penalties System gain Power penalties Total link loss budget 1300 nm 62.5/125 μm multimode 18.0 dBm 31.0 dBm 11.0 dB 18.0 dBm 31.0 dBm 13.0 dB 2.0 dB 0.0 dB – – – + + 0.6 dB 2.6 dB 13.0 dB 2.6 dB 10.4 dB – Part C. Verifying Performance 9 Calculate system performance margin to verify adequate power BER dB dBm km nm = = = = = NOTE: Link loss budget Passive cable system attenuation System performance margin 10.4 dB 6.2 dB 4 .2 dB – Bit error rate Decibel Decibel milliwatt Kilometer Nanometer 4.2 is greater than 0. Therefore, the system will operate as installed. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Calculating the Passive Cable System Attenuation To calculate the passive cable system attenuation, total the values for the: • Optical fiber cable loss. • Connector loss. • Splice loss. • Other component losses. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® When working with existing cable plant, passive cabling system attenuation can be measured directly. Table 3.3 explains how to calculate each of these losses. 3-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Table 3.3 Calculating losses To Calculate the . . . You Must . . . Optical fiber cable loss Multiply the length of the proposed link by the normalized cable attenuation in dB/km for the optical fiber at the operating system wavelength. NOTE: Connector loss Temperature may affect the loss of the optical fiber cable. See Effects of Temperature on Optical Fiber Loss. Add the individual attenuation values in dB for every connector pair along the optical fiber route, from transmitter to receiver, excluding the transmitter and receiver connectors (see Connector Loss Values). NOTE: When choosing link lengths that require more than two connectors, selecting the lowest loss connector may be important in order to stay within the loss budget. Splice loss Add the individual local attenuation values in dB for every splice along the optical fiber route, from transmitter to receiver (see Splice Loss Values). Other component Add the attenuation values of any other components (e.g., passive stars) that contribute to losses in the optical fiber route, from transmitter to receiver. dB = Decibel k m = Kilometer Add the values for each of these losses to get the total passive cabling. NOTE: Example calculations for the passive cabling system attenuation and its four components are shown in Example 3.1. Effects of Temperature on Optical Fiber Loss Temperature changes may affect the loss of optical fiber cable. Loss variations due to temperature changes can be as high as 2 decibels per kilometer (dB/km). Some manufacturer’s specifications indicate the cable’s loss only at room temperature rather than throughout the operating temperature range. Add an additional margin in dB/km to the normalized optical fiber attenuation value when calculating the optical fiber link loss (see Example 3.1, Part A, Calculating the Passive Cable System Attenuation) if the cable’s specifications are: • For room temperature only. • Based on an average of several fibers. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Splice Loss Values General splice loss values for system planning and link loss analysis are given in Table 3.4. Specific suppliers or contractors may use other values. Table 3.4 Splice loss values in decibels Splice Type © 2007 BICSI® Average Multimode Maximum Singlemode Average Maximum Fusion 0.05 0.3 0.05 0.3 Mechanical 0.10 0.3 0.10 0.3 3-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Table 3.5 explains how to calculate the system gain, power penalties, and link loss budget. Table 3.5 System gain, power penalties, and the link loss budget calculations To Calculate the… You Must… System gain Subtract the receiver sensitivity in dBm from the transmitter average power in dBm. This gives the maximum allowable loss in dBm between the transmitter and receiver. Power penalties Add the loss values for the: • Operating margin*—This loss accounts for: – Variations in transmitter center wavelength. – Changes in transmitter average power and receiver sensitivity that result from age. – Variations in component temperature within the operating range of the system. • If the system manufacturer does not specify the operating margin, use values of: – 2 dB for light-emitting diodes (LEDs). – 3 dB for lasers. • Receiver power penalty*—Some manufacturers may specify other power penalties (dispersion, jitter, bandwidth, or clock recovery) that must be subtracted from the system gain. If these are provided, they must be subtracted from the available system gain. • Repair margin*—If the cable is located where it could be cut or damaged by accident, allow sufficient loss margin in the design to accommodate at least two repair splices. If the cable is in a high-risk area or an area where rerouting is anticipated, the designer may decide to allow for more than two splices. Link loss budget* Subtract the total value in dB for all of the power penalties from the system gain. The result is the link loss budget. dB = Decibel dBm = Decibel milliwatt * In some cases, the electronics manufacturer already will have calculated the link loss budget. In these instances, it is usually safe to assume the operating margin (i.e., transmitter aging) and receiver power penalties have been included in the manufacturer’s calculations. However, the repair margin usually is not included in a manufacturer’s link loss budget calculations, unless the product documentation specifically states a repair margin. When the manufacturer does not state a repair margin, the system designer must subtract it from the system gain to determine the link loss budget. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-14 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Verifying the Attenuation Margin To verify the attenuation margin, subtract the passive cabling system attenuation from the link loss budget. If the result is: • Above zero (i.e., the passive cabling system attenuation is less than the link loss budget), the system has enough power to operate over the passive portion of the link. • Below zero (i.e., the passive cable system attenuation is more than the link loss budget), the system does not have enough power to operate. If the result is below zero and the system has not been installed, make design changes (e.g., use lower-loss connectors, splices, optical fiber, or reroute the design) to reduce passive system losses. In rare cases, it may be necessary to add active components with greater system gains. When working with existing cabling, passive cabling system attenuation can be measured directly. Again, the test setup should simulate the actual system (i.e., jumpers should be used or at least their losses should be included in the final calculations). Link loss calculations are shown in Example 3.1. Checking Minimum System Loss After verifying that the electronics have enough power to operate, one more attenuation check of the system design remains—comparing the link attenuation with the receiver’s dynamic range to ensure the loss in the link is not too small (see Table 3.6). Insufficient minimum system loss (i.e., loss in the link too small) is sometimes a problem when a laser source is used in premises environments (i.e., where lengths are short). To calculate the minimum required system loss, subtract the receiver’s dynamic range from the system gain (both in dB) using Example 3.1: © 2007 BICSI® System gain 13 dB Receiver’s dynamic range – 11 dB Minimum required system loss = 2 dB 3-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Table 3.6 Minimum system loss If the Result Is… Then… Less than zero No further checking is necessary as it is impossible to overdrive that transmitter/receiver combination. Greater than zero The resulting number represents the minimum loss that must be introduced into the link between the transmitter and receiver to maintain the specified BER. The total optical fiber, connector, and splice loss must exceed this value. Using the example in the Optical Fiber Attenuation Margin Calculations Worksheet: • Optical fiber loss: 2.3 dB • Connector loss: 3.0 dB • Splice loss: 0.9 dB • Total 6.2 dB 6.2 > 2; therefore, the system will operate as installed. BER = Bit error rate dB = Decibel If additional loss is required in a given link, it is easy to add an appropriate link attenuator to the system. Attenuators are devices that can be inserted into optical fiber transmission systems, usually at a point where there is a connector, to introduce additional loss. The two types of attenuators are: • Fixed attenuators, which can cause a specific level of additional loss. • Variable attenuators, which can be tuned to a given link. Final Analysis The designer can determine whether the minimum loss criteria are met by measuring the attenuation of each link after it is installed. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-16 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Supportable Distance and Maximum Channel Attenuation Table 3.7 provides information to assist in the selection of optical fiber cable and lists maximum supportable distances and maximum channel attenuation for optical applications by optical fiber type. Applications are identified using both industry standard and common names. The maximum supportable distances and maximum channel attenuation apply to specific assumptions and constraints provided in the notes. Different assumptions or constraints may change the maximum supportable distance and maximum channel attenuation. Tables 3.7 and 3.8 provide a guide to the testing specifications for applications. Table 3.7 Supportable distances and channel insertion loss for optical fiber applications by optical fiber type Maximum Supportable Maximum Distance 2 (m) Insertion Loss 2 (dB) Wavelength (nm) 62.5/125 μm 50/125 μm Singlemode 6 62.5/125 μm 50/125 μm 1 Singlemode 6 10BASE-FL (Ethernet) 850 2000 2000 NST 12.5 7.8 NST Token Ring 4/16 850 2000 2000 NST 13.0 8.3 NST 100BASE-FX (Fast Ethernet) 1300 2000 2000 NST 11.0 6.3 NST FDDI (Low Cost) 1300 500 500 NST 7.0 2.3 NST FDDI (Original) 1300 2000 2000 40 000 11.0 6.3 10.0 to 32.0 ATM 52 155 622 1300 1300 1300 3000 2000 500 3000 2000 500 15 000 15 000 15 000 10.0 10.0 6.0 5.3 5.3 1.3 7.0 to 12.0 7.0 to 12.0 7.0 to 12.0 266 266 7 1062 7 1062 1300 850 850 1300 1500 700 300 3 — 1500 2000 500 — 10 000 — — 10 000 6.0 12.0 4.0 — 5.5 12.0 4.0 — 6.0 to 14.0 — — 6.0 to 14.0 1000BASE-SX 7 (Gigabit Ethernet) 850 220 4 550 5 — 3.2 8 3.9 8 1000BASE-LX 7 (Gigabit Ethernet) 1300 550 550 5000 4.0 8 3.5 8 Channel Application Fibre Channel ATM dB FDDI m nm NST = = = = = = — 4.7 8 Asynchronous transfer mode Decibel Fiber distributed data interface Meter Nanometer Nonstandard © 2007 BICSI® 3-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Table 3.7 Supportable distances and channel insertion loss for optical fiber applications by optical fiber type, continued 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A worst-case source coupling loss of 4.7 dB is used when coupling 50/125 μm optical fiber to an LED source optimized for use with 62.5/125 μm optical fiber. This coupling loss is based on the theoretical maximum coupling loss. 10BASE-FL specifies 5.7 dB maximum coupling loss into 50/125 μm optical fiber. Token ring, FDDI (low cost), FDDI, and 100BASE-FX specify 5.0 dB maximum coupling loss into 50/125 μm optical fiber. NST (nonstandard) entries indicate where this standard does not specify support for the media, but where equipment is commonly available to convert the native application signals to a form compatible with the nonnative media. 300 m (984 ft) capability specified in Fibre Channel update, FC-PH-2. For 62.5/125 μm optical fiber, IEEE specifies 220 m (721 ft) for 160/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth and 275 m (902 ft) for optical fiber with 200/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth. For 50/125 μm optical fiber, IEEE specifies 500 m (1640 ft) for 400/400 MHz•km modal bandwidth and 550 m (1804 ft) for 500/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth. Power budget and distance capability depend on classification option of transmitter and receiver. Distance specified is for the highest power budget option. This is a laser-based application. When not so noted, multimode applications are LED-based. Maximum channel insertion loss based on channel insertion loss plus unallocated margin from IEEE 802.3z. NOTE: Distances for specific implementations should be verified with application standards. NOTE: Many manufacturers have propriety variation of the 1000BASE-X standard allowing for longer transmission distances (5 km [3.1 mi] to 20+ km [+12.4 mi]) over singlemode fiber. These long-haul variations are accomplished by using higher quality and/or more powerful laser chips. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-18 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Attenuation, continued Table 3.8 Supportable distances and channel insertion loss for optical fiber applications by fiber type Application Wavelength (nm) Maximum Supportable Distance 1 (m) Multimode 2 62.5/125 μm 10/100BASE-SX 850 300 10GBASE-S 850 10GBASE-L 1310 NST 10GBASE-E 1550 NST 10GBASE-LX4 1300 300 10GBASE-LX4 1310 — 26 4 Maximum Channel Insertion Loss 1 (dB) Singlemode 9 850 nm Laser-Opt. 50/125 50/125 μm μm 3 300 Multimode 2 Singlemode 62.5/125 μm 50/125 μm 850 nm Laser-Opt. 50/125 μm 3 300 NST 4.0 4.0 4.0 NST 300 NST 2.6 6,7 2.3 6,8 2.6 NST NST NST 10 000 NST NST 40 000 300 11 300 — — — 10 000 82 5 9 NST NST NST 6.0 NST NST NST 11.0 10 2.5 6,12 2.0 6,12 2.0 6,12 — — — — 6.6 6 dB = Decibel m = Meter nm = Nanometer 1 NST (nonstandard) entries indicate where this standard does not recognize use of the media, but where equipment may be available to convert the native application signals to a form compatible with the nonnative media. 2 Specifications shown in this table are for ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1 recognized optical fiber types. Specifications for other nonrecognized types of optical fibers are included in these footnotes where applicable. 3 850-nm laser-optimized 50/125 μm multimode optical fiber supports the same maximum channel distances and insertion losses as 500/500 MHz•km 50/125 μm multimode optical fiber for applications specified within ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1. 4 For 62.5/125 μm optical fiber, IEEE specifies 26 m (85 ft) for optical fiber with 160/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth and 33 m (108 ft) for optical fiber with 200/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth. 5 For 50/125 μm optical fiber, IEEE specifies 66 m (216 ft) for optical fiber with 400/400 MHz•km modal bandwidth and 82 m (269 ft) for optical fiber with 500/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth. 6 Includes maximum channel insertion loss plus additional allowable insertion loss. 7 For 62.5/125 μm multimode optical fiber, IEEE specifies 2.6 dB for optical fiber with 160/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth and 2.5 dB for optical fiber with 200/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth. 8 For 50/125 μm multimode optical fiber, IEEE specifies 2.2 dB for optical fiber with 400/400 MHz•km modal bandwidth and 2.3 dB for optical fiber with 500/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth. 9 Channels are specified within ANSI/TIA/EIA-TIA-568-B.1 up to 3 km (9840 ft). Distances provided within this table are the maximum distances specified within IEEE 802.3 and invoke cabling specifications that may differ from 568B.3. 10 10GBASE-E channels are specified to have a minimum of 5 dB and maximum of 11 dB channel insertion loss. 11 For 50/125 μm multimode optical fiber, IEEE specifies 240 m (787 ft) for optical fiber with 400/400 MHz•km modal bandwidth and 300 m (984 ft) for optical fiber with 500/500 MHz•km modal bandwidth. 12 The maximum channel insertion loss is allowed to be up to 0.5 dB higher than the value shown when including loss from mode conditioning patch cords. © 2007 BICSI® 3-19 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types Optical fiber cables are classified by their: • Function. • Buffering mechanism. Common functions in customer premises include: • Interbuilding backbone. • Intrabuilding backbone. • Horizontal distribution. • Patch cords and equipment cables. The two types of buffering mechanisms for optical fiber cable are: • Loose tube—used in OSP aerial, underground, and direct-buried applications with limited applications inside of buildings. • Tight-buffered—used in OSP aerial, underground, and direct-buried applications with many additional applications inside of buildings. NOTE: Two types of tight-buffered cables are those suitable for installation inside of buildings and those suitable for use in the OSP environments (e.g., aerial, underground, direct-buried). Loose Tube Cables Loose tube cables are constructed so the optical fibers are decoupled from tensile forces that the cable may experience during installation and operation (see Figure 3.3). Loose tube cables: • Are more robust than tight-buffered cables. • Are designed and proven for long outdoor runs. • Are less expensive than indoor cable per optical fiber meter, specifically at optical fiber counts above 24. • Have better packing density. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-20 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Figure 3.3 Loose tube cable cross section Central member Loose buffer tube Fiber bundle Tensile strength member Inner sheath Steel tape armor (optional) Outer sheath (optional) NOTE: This illustration is not to scale. Loose tube cables are available in: © 2007 BICSI® • Armored constructions for use in direct-buried applications. • All dielectric constructions for use in aerial and underground applications. • Limited listings for use within buildings according to some national codes, standards, and regulations as qualified by nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) requirements. 3-21 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Tight-Buffered Cables Tight-buffered fibers generally have a 900 μm coating applied directly to the optical fiber. Some applications for tight-buffered cable are: • Intrabuilding backbone. • Horizontal distribution. • Patch cords and equipment cables. • Armored constructions for use in direct-buried applications. • All dielectric constructions for use in aerial and underground applications. • Limited listings for use within buildings according to some national codes, standards, and regulations as qualified by NRTL requirements. Tight-buffered cables are usually more sensitive to adverse temperatures and outside forces than loose tube cables and are desirable because of their: • Increased physical flexibility. • Smaller bend radius for low optical fiber count cables. • Easier handling characteristics in low optical fiber counts. • Readiness for connectorization. Two typical constructions of tight-buffered cables (see Figure 3.4) are: • Distribution design, which has a single jacket protecting all the tight-buffered optical fibers. • Breakout design, which has an individual jacket for each tight-buffered optical fiber. The distribution design cables are recommended for typical installations because of lower cost and smaller diameter. Generally, large optical fiber count distribution cables are constructed in a unitized design in which an inner jacket is placed around units of 6 or 12 fibers. In outdoor environments, cables recommended by the manufacturer for outdoor use should be used. Loose tube cables often are recommended because they: • Are rugged. • Are specified to operate over a wide temperature range. • Allow higher optical fiber densities per sheath size than tight-buffered designs. Where duct space is limited, this becomes a significant factor. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-22 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Loose tube or tight-buffered cable, either alone or in combination, may be used in conduits below the frost line. Tight-buffered cables are not recommended for use above the frost line because they may be subject to damage from freezing water or moisture. NOTE: National codes, standards, or regulations (e.g., National Electrical Code® [NEC®]) may limit the use of exposed unlisted OSP cable to the first 15 m (49 ft) within the building from the point of entrance. Local codes may be more restrictive. Figure 3.4 Tight-buffered cables Distribution design Breakout design Fiber Fiber Buffer Buffer Tensile strength member Tensile strength member Subunit jacket Tensile strength member Central member Outer jacket Central member Outer jacket Central Tube Cable Central tube cable, also known as single loose tube, core tube, or unitube cables, utilizes a central tube that houses a specified number of fibers. The fibers, and unit groupings when required, are color coded for identification. The central tube may be water blocked by either gel or water-blocking tape or powder. The central tube is reinforced by one of several methods, including fiberglass or aramid yarns, metallic armor rigid fiber-reinforced polymer rods, or steel rods placed around or adjacent to the central tube. A protective outer jacket is applied overall. © 2007 BICSI® 3-23 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Armor and jacket options make the design suitable for use in indoor and outdoor, direct burial, underground conduit, and aerial installations. Some advantages of this design are that: • It has a high fiber density and compact size. • The design provides excellent mechanical protection to fibers. • It is a mature, proven design. Some potential disadvantages of the design are that: • Armored designs may lack flexibility during installation. • Opening the central tube exposes all fibers in the cable. • Designs featuring rigid rods exhibit preferential bend behavior. Ribbon Fiber Ribbon fiber designs can be single tube or multitube, much like the designs for bundled fiber. The only difference is that the fiber is bound in a flat array or ribbon. This design incorporates several fibers, usually 12, into a ribbon. One or more of these ribbons are enclosed inside a water-blocked central tube. Water blocking may be accomplished by gel or water-blocking tapes or powders. Water-blocking strength members surround the central tube to provide tensile strength. Strength members may be dielectric or metallic. A protective outer jacket is applied overall. Armor and jacket options make the design suitable for use in indoor and outdoor, direct burial, underground conduit, and aerial installations. Some advantages of this design are that: • It is suitable for mass fusion splicing. • The design has a high fiber density and compact size. • It provides excellent mechanical protection of fibers. • It is a mature, proven design. A disadvantage of the design is a higher initial cost due to the added step of ribbonizing. Blown Fiber A blown fiber network utilizes a point-to-point infrastructure of microtubes used in lieu of traditional innerduct and conduit systems to form the topology between buildings and within buildings. The tubes (tube cables) are left empty in order to blow any type of fiber bundles when and where they are needed via compressed air. Fiber bundles can be blown into any route of connected tubes. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-24 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Although not new to other areas of the world, the benefits of blown fiber are rapidly becoming more widely accepted in the United States. Consequently, a new international standard for blown fiber has been written and is now nearing publication. Blown fiber has numerous applications, including: • General campus. • Premises. • Local area network (LAN). • Residential fiber to the home (FTTH). • Metropolitan area network (MAN). Blown fiber usually is deployed in organizations where current or future requirements exist, future network expansion is expected or unknown, and future optical fiber strand density is unknown. Many organizations find valuable the capability of blowing fiber several kilofoot into tubes when and where required. Nearly all blown fiber systems consist of five components: • Tube cable • Optical fiber bundles or fiber units • Tube connecting or coupler accessories • Premise connectivity enclosures • Blowing head and blowing equipment Tube cables are central to the architecture of a blown fiber system and are available in the United States in a wide variety of designs depending on the application (see Figure 3.5). The installation environment typically determines tube cable type. Predominately, tube cables are 5 mm (0.2 in) outside diameter (OD) and 3.5 mm (0.138 in) inside diameter (ID) and are available for OSP applications in all-dielectric, aluminum tape, and armored versions. Like OSP cables, they can be directly buried, pulled through conduit, directly bored, or lashed aerially. By design, tube cables enable simple transitions between tube cable types, be it OSP, intrabuilding, or a combination of both. Figure 3.5 Tube cable Polyethylene outer jacket 5 mm (0.2 in) OD 3.5 mm (0.14 in) ID Co-extruded low friction linear OSP tube cable example ID in mm OD OSP © 2007 BICSI® = = = = = Inside diameter Inch Millimeter Outside diameter Outside plant 3-25 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Optical fiber bundles or fiber units typically are produced in two, four, eight, and twelve fiber strands encased in coatings and an outer jacket. The OD of these fiber units is less than 1.5 mm (0.06 in) and depending on the fiber strand count typically will range from 1 mm (0.039 in) to 1.5 mm (0.06 in). The coating and jacketing of the fiber unit is environmentally independent and will default to the environmental rating of the tube cable once the fiber unit is blown in. Fiber units are available in all standard micron and core varieties such as singlemode fiber (SMF) and multimode fiber (MMF). MMF is commonly available for premises-based lightemitting diode (LED) and laser-optimized applications. As in conventional optical cable, the application will determine what fiber type is used. The same optical glass that is used to manufacture conventional optical cable is used in blown fiber. Therefore, once the blown fiber unit is “blown in,” conventional processes are employed for terminating conventional connectors and testing fiber links. The physical construction of the fiber unit differs from a conventional optical cable since there is no requirement for rugged jacketing and strength members because the process of deployment is blowing versus pulling. Connectors are used to connect (splice) individual sections of tubing and to route various tubes to lateral runs such as building entrance conduits. Specialized connectors or couplers are usually available per application requirements such as gas sealing connectors for special applications. Blown fiber technology employs similar enclosures, splice cases, and fiber distribution hardware as conventional optical cable. Since blown fiber technology requires connecting individual tubes versus splicing individual fiber strands, the protective enclosures where these tubes are connected often are referred to as tube distribution units (TDUs) or tube distribution enclosures (TDEs): • The ITS OSP designer and or installer shall choose a TDE size based on the number of tubes to enter the enclosure. • Tube distribution hardware may be underground, aboveground, wall, floor, rack, or ceilingmounted to provide better protection and geometry for distribution. • Enclosures (e.g., National Electrical Manufacturers Association [NEMA] type 4 and 4X) or properly rated splice cases shall be used in areas where hosing and splashing environmental conditions exist. • Enclosures (e.g., NEMA 6 and 6P) or properly rated splice cases shall be used in areas where temporary or long-term flooded environmental conditions exist. • Grips, bushings, grab rings, or similar devices should be used to secure tube cables to outdoor enclosures. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-26 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued The fifth and final component to a blown fiber system is the actual blowing equipment. A blowing head and compressed air should be employed for each fiber unit blown. The blowing head guides and controls the rate at which the fiber unit is installed into the tube. It also prevents the fiber unit from damage and can be employed for recovery situations. Maximum flow rate is 1032 kilopascals (kPa [150 pound-force per square inch (psi)]), and air compressors should be set for automatic shutdown if this flow rate is exceeded. NOTE: BT Mark 2 standard tubes are 5 mm OD and 3.5 mm ID. The Mark 2 blown fiber standard is an open technology that specifies the use of compressed air as the source for blowing fiber units. Most blown fiber systems publish maximum blowing distances of 1 km (3280 ft) without employing advanced blowing techniques. Advanced blowing techniques, such as a midspan blow, will enable a fiber unit to be blown much greater distances. Step Design Considerations 1. Fiber bundle design—Being a nondark fiber system, the first question that needs to be addressed is how many fibers will be lit day one. Designing the number of fiber units to the lit fibers day one is crucial, for this system does not require an overbuild of dark fibers. 2. Tube cable design—Crucial to the system life cycle, first map the tube cable to the installation environment; second, design dark tubes for the future and moves, adds, or changes (MACs). Typically, a 3:1 ratio (i.e., three tubes to every fiber unit) at a minimum will satisfy any charted or uncharted growth. 3. Tube distribution hardware—TDEs or TDUs should be installed wherever two or more tube cables meet, except at in-line or straight-through splices. The enclosure must represent the installation and environmental requirements. 4. Tube cable plant interconnection design—This ensures a successful end-to-end cabling system design and route identification of dark tubes and lit blown fiber tubes. The interconnection plan enables fewer MACs. 5. Fiber distribution hardware—Fiber distribution hardware can be wall or rack mounted units typically used in conventional optical cable. Action must be taken to provide protection for the fiber units. 6. Miscellaneous parts, tools, and equipment—Depending on the application, installation environment, local or national codes, and other issues, this section should list any miscellaneous concerns. 7. Overall costs. Since a blown fiber system is a long-term investment, providing increased system life cycle versus conventional optical cable, it is the designer’s responsibility to be able to articulate the total installed costs, including materials, installation, termination, maintenance, and MACs. © 2007 BICSI® 3-27 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Hybrid Cables Hybrid cables, often referred to as composite cables, can contain combinations of copper pairs, optical fibers, coaxial cables, and other low-voltage conductors. Environments for hybrid cables are: • Long haul. • Premises. • Campus. OSP cables for long-haul applications are available with voice-grade balanced copper twistedpairs. These pairs may be used for convenience in long-haul situations with a remotely located splice point or to power network equipment. As premises applications are relatively short, these pairs usually are not required. Cable Specifications Manufacturer-specific specifications generally allow ordering of optical fiber cable with the following characteristic options: • • • Optical fiber design: – Multimode – Singlemode – Singlemode, dispersion shifted – Singlemode, dispersion unshifted – Singlemode, low water peak – Singlemode, zero water peak (ZWP) Cable core design: – Filled – Dry water block – Nonfilled Sheath design: – Optical power ground wire (OPGW) – All-dielectric self-support (ADSS) – Dielectric – Self-supporting – Armored self-supporting – Metallic OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-28 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued • – Stainless steel – Coated steel – Nothing over sheath – Self-supporting • Number of optical fibers • Wavelength: • © 2007 BICSI® Oversheath design: – Singlemode 1310/1550 nanometer (nm) – Singlemode, dispersion shifted 1550 nm – Multimode 850 nm, 1300 nm Transmission parameters: – Attenuation (cable and link) – Return loss (link) 3-29 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Optical Fiber Cable Types, continued Color Coding Individual optical fibers are identifiable by established color codes. An example of a common color-code scheme is shown in Table 3.9. Table 3.9 Example of color coding—individual optical fibers Fiber Color 1 Blue 2 Orange 3 Green 4 Brown 5 Slate 6 White 7 Red 8 Black 9 Yellow 10 Violet 11 Rose 12 Aqua In this example of loose tube optical fiber cables with more than 12 fibers, the fibers are grouped within color-coded tubes. Each tube contains a specified number of fibers, typically 6, 8, 12, or 24. The tubes are color coded using the same color code for optical fiber (e.g., the first tube is blue, the second is orange). The fibers within the tube would use the specified color code. When a cable contains both singlemode and multimode optical fibers, singlemode fibers typically are contained within the first group of tubes unless otherwise requested. NOTE: In cables with 24 optical fibers, some manufacturers use a white and a black or gray tube. The first group of fibers, or the singlemode fibers, may be grouped within the white tube. For tight-buffered cables with more than 12 optical fibers, the fibers are grouped within sequentially numbered tubes typically containing either 6 or 12 fibers. The fibers within the tube use the color code shown in Table 3.9. Where the cable contains both singlemode and multimode fibers, the singlemode fibers typically are grouped within sequentially numbered yellow tubes, while the multimode fibers are grouped within sequentially numbered orange tubes. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-30 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Balanced Twisted-Pair Copper Cabling Introduction Balanced twisted-pair copper cabling is feasible and applicable for a wide range of telecommunications systems, including telephony, data, premises, and special applications. In interbuilding backbone environments, balanced twisted-pair cabling is used between buildings for: • Voice. • Data. • Security and fire alarms. Selection Criteria Resistance Design Traditional balanced twisted-pair cable selection is based on resistance design of the cable. Balanced twisted-pair cable exhibits a resistance to current flow, measured in ohms; they typically are available in up to four sizes that may be defined in American wire gauge (AWG) or metric equivalent sizes: 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)], 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)], 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], and 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)]. The gauge of the wire is proportionate to its resistance per unit length at a specified temperature. The length of a cable loop from the switch to a customer depends on three factors: • Resistance of the cable in ohms • Signaling limits of the telephone and terminating device switch in ohms • Pair loading Since every customer in a loop (see Table 3.10) potentially could require a different resistance design, the telephone industry developed a transmission design standard known as gauge coding area number (GACAN). GACAN was developed to eliminate individual circuit design and to identify distances that a specific gauge or combination of gauges could serve. The use of a resistance design worksheet is typical for traditional copper loop design. GACAN limits usage to no more than two cable gauges. © 2007 BICSI® 3-31 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Selection Criteria, continued Table 3.10 Loop gauging table GACAN Less than 9.1 km (30.0 kft) Subscriber Loop Design Gauging Code Area 1 2 3 4 5 26 26 24 24 24 1 Design Range (ohms) 1300 GACAN kft km 1 2.4 (7.8) = = = 22 2 3 GACAN Area from Central Office km (kft) 2 3 4 4.8 (15.6) 6.0 (19.8) 4 5 5 7.4 (24.4) 9.0 (29.6) Gauge coding area number Kilofoot Kilometer The second factor in loop design is the transmission signaling limits of the switch. These limits are based on the switch’s ability to deliver signaling at various loop lengths. Earlier switch platforms could service loops that exhibited resistance of up to 1300 . Depending on the cable AWG makeup, the resistance of the loop length would vary. As switch technology evolved, the resistance design limits increased to 1500, 1800, and 2100 , allowing greater loop lengths. The third factor impacting loop design is pair loading. A load coil is a device designed to counter the effect of capacitance buildup in loop lengths over 5.5 km (3.4 miles [mi]). The capacitance buildup within a pair is the primary reason for the manufacturing of low capacitance (cap) cable. The effect of pair loading has become a major reason for the development of current serving area design parameters for local loops. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-32 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Copper Cable Transmission Characteristics Table 3.11 is a representative table of OSP copper transmission characteristics. These values may vary by manufacturer. Contact the manufacturer to obtain the specific values for the design. Table 3.11 Cable transmission characteristics Exchange Cable Electrical Requirements Solid Insulated Foam-Skin Insulated Aircore 19 Mutual Capacitance, Average @ 73 ± 4 ºF, 1 kHz (nF/mile) =12 pair >12 pair Mutual Capacitance, Maximum @ 73 ± 4 ºF, 1 kHz (nF/mile) = 12 pair > 12 pair Capacitance Difference, Maximum @ 23 ± 2 ºC = 75 pair (%) Capacitance Unbalance, Maximum Pair-to-pair @ 73 ± 4 ºF (pF/kft) Individual rms (>12 pair only) Capacitance Unbalance, Maximum Pair-to-ground @ 73 ± 4 ºF (pF/kft) Individual pair Cable average (>12 pair only) Lot average (>12 pair only) dc Conductor Resistance, Maximum @ 68 ºF (ohms/sheath-mile) Individual conductor Lot average dc Resistance Unbalance, Maximum Individual pair % Cable average % Lot average % Dielectric Strength, Minimum (kV) Conductor to conductor Core to shield, single jacket Core to shield, double jacket Insulation Resistance, Minimum (gigohm-mile) Attenuation, Maximum Average @ 68 ºF, .772 MHz (dB/kft) >12 pair =12 pair ELFEXT, Minimum @ 0.772 MHz (dB/kft) Mean power sum Worst pair power sum NEXT, Minimum @ 0.772 MHz (dB/kft) Mean power sum Worst pair power sum db dc ELFEXT kft kHz kV = = = = = = 24 26 19 22 Foam-Skin Insulated Filled Core 24 26 19 22 24 Filled Core 26 19 22 24 83 ± 7 83 + 4/-5 83 ± 7 83 + 4/-5 83 ± 7 83 ± 4 83 ± 7 83 ± 4 94 92 94 92 94 92 94 92 26 No Requirement 80 25 80 25 80 25 80 25 800 175 105 800 175 105 800 175 120 800 175 120 45.0 91.0 144.0 232.0 45.0 91.0 144.0 232.0 45.0 91.0 144.0 232.0 45.0 91.0 144.0 232.0 44.0 88.5 140.0 225.0 44.0 88.5 140.0 225.0 44.0 88.5 140.0 225.0 44.0 88.5 140.0 225.0 5.0 10 20 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 4.0 10 20 3.0 10 20 2.4 10 20 -5 20 1.4 5 20 1.2 5 20 1.0 5 20 7.0 15 20 5.0 15 20 4.0 15 20 2.8 15 20 4.5 10 20 >1.0 >1.0 >1.0 3.6 10 20 3.0 10 20 2.4 10 20 >1.0 3.3 3.6 4.7 5.2 5.9 6.5 7.4 8.1 --- 5.0 5.5 6.3 6.9 7.9 8.7 2.8 3.1 4.0 4.4 5.0 5.5 6.4 7.0 3.2 3.5 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.2 7.0 7.7 51 45 49 43 49 43 47 43 51 45 49 43 49 43 47 43 49 43 47 43 49 43 47 43 51 45 49 43 49 43 47 43 Decibel Direct current Equal level far-end crosstalk Kilofoot Kilohertz Kilovolt © 2007 BICSI® 22 Solid Insulated Aircore 47 42 MHz NEXT nF pF rms 47 42 = = = = = 47 42 47 42 Megahertz Near-end crosstalk Nanofarad Picofarad Root-mean-square 3-33 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types The Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. (ICEA) publishes cable standards intended to encourage quality and uniformity for manufacturers producing telecommunications cables. These are voluntary standards and do not prevent manufacturers from producing cables that do not adhere to the standards. Even though the standards do not cover all specifications for cable design, they do cover mechanical and electrical requirements. Alternative choices are offered for type of insulation, type of filling compound, core assembly, color code, sheath design, screened or nonscreened core, and jacket material. Manufacturers of OSP cables adhere to the specification requirements and standards of their customers. In the United States, the most common designs are Bell type (see Table 3.15) and Rural Utilities Service (RUS) type (see Table 3.30). Physical and electrical characteristics of these designs are consistent with cable designs used worldwide. The designations used here are for reference only and should not be regarded as a recommendation for any particular standard. The ICEA established a four-letter coding sequence for designating balanced twisted-pair telecommunications cables. If required, after the four letters, a two-letter code known as the outer protection covering designation is added. The cable designation would be shown as follows: • First cable code letter—design • Second cable code letter—insulation type • Third cable code letter—conductor gauge • Fourth cable code letter—sheath designation • Pair count • Outer protection code OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-34 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued Insulation OSP cables are available in many configurations. Insulation types for conductors are listed in Table 3.12. Table 3.12 Insulation types Insulation Type PIC Composition Solid plastic insulation, air core or filled core designs DEPIC Dual—expanded plastic insulation in filled core designs Ductpic Dual—expanded plastic insulation in air core designs XPE-PVC Expanded polyethylene inner layer with solid PVC skin Pulp Paper insulation Foam Single layer of expanded plastic insulation DEPIC = Dual-expanded plastic insulated conductor P I C = Plastic insulated conductor XPE-PVC = Expanded polyethylene-polyvinyl chloride © 2007 BICSI® 3-35 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued Table 3.13 describes a cable code methodology used by manufacturers of Bell system cables. This example illustrates how a cable code may be used to identify a cable’s construction. This example breaks down the code for a 100-pair, aluminum polyethylene (ALPETH) cable with unsoldered mechanical protection. The conductors are 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] bare copper with solid plastic insulated conductor (PIC) air core with a bare aluminum shield and polyethylene jacket. Unsoldered mechanical protection consisting of an additional steel shield and polyethylene jacket is applied over the basic cable. Table 3.13 Cable composition types Cable Composition Type Characteristics 1st Code A B C D G K L M Cable Design PIC filled, pulp air core, or PIC riser PIC air core Pulp MUP, pseudo-MUP, or high potential water resistant PIC STEAMPETH, ductpic, or MAXPAC High potential water resistant Screened core Low capacitance Low capacitance screened core 2nd Code B C D F G H and K J L R Conductor Insulation Type PE-PVC Dual expanded polyolefin Pulp and Tufpulp Dual expanded polyolefin Solid polyolefin-core filled Solid polyolefin air core Solid polyolefin petroleum jelly filled Dual expanded polyolefin petroleum jelly filled XPE-PVC expanded polyethylene and PVC 3rd Code Gauge and Conductor Metal Copper/Gauge Aluminum/Gauge B: 19 C: 17 A: 22 D: 20 M: 24 F: 22 R: 25 K: 24 T: 26 W: 28 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-36 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued Table 3.13 Cable composition types, continued Cable Composition Type 4th Code A C D E F G H J K L M N P S T U V Y Z Sheath Designation ALPETH STALPETH LOPETH Polyjacketed lead Polyethylene jacketed LEPETH PAP PASP (bonded or nonbonded) TOLPETH TOLPETH Lead LVYN Bonded STEAMPETH Reinforced self-support Self-support ARPAP ARPASP STEAMPETH Bonded ASP Bonded STALPETH 5th Code Pair Count 6th Code AT BT DA MP LA SA UM Outer Protection Codes Aerial type armor Buried tape armor Submarine, double armor Mechanical protection Light wire armor Submarine, single armor Unsoldered mechanical protection ALPETH ALVYN ARPAP ARPASP ASP PAP PASP PE PIC PVC STALPETH STEAMPETH XPE NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Characteristics = = = = = = = = = = = = = Aluminum polyethylene Aluminum polyvinyl chloride Aluminum, resin, polyethylene, aluminum, polyethylene Aluminum, resin, polyethylene, aluminum, steel, polyethylene Aluminum, steel, polyethylene Polyethylene, aluminum, polyethylene Polyethylene, aluminum, steel, polyethylene Polyethylene Plastic insulated conductor Polyvinyl chloride Steel, aluminum, polyethylene Aluminum, steel, polyethylene, polybutylene Expanded polyethylene Lead-based cables are no longer available for purchase but are still in service in some outdoor areas. 3-37 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued The information below is an example of a cable coding system. The cables are identified by a four-letter code to simplify their designation for ordering, manufacturing, and records. Additional information on cable coding may be found in cabling standards (e.g., ANSI/ICEA P-61-694, Coding Guide for Copper Outside Plant and Riser Telecommunications Cables). To illustrate how the system works, the cable code BKMA–200–BT is identified as follows: • B—Air core cable with PIC insulation • K—Solid insulation 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] or 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] • M—24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] copper • A—Aluminum shield • 200—Number of pairs • BT—Burial tape armor The first position of the cable code identifies the product family or design. First position identifiers include: • A—Filled PIC, riser PIC • B—Air core PIC • C—High potential filled PIC • D—Ductpic or STEAMPETH designs • G—80 Percent C filling compound (early formulation, no longer used) • K—Internally screened core designs • L—Low capacitance cable • M—Low capacitance cable with an internal screen • N—PIC limited color code • Q—Broadband • T—Terminating cable (TIP) tinned copper conductors The second position of the cable code identifies the insulation type. Second position identifiers include: • B—Polyolefin with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) skin • C—Foam-skin insulation, air core • E—Foam-air core • F—Foam-skin insulation, filled with 65 percent filling compound • G—Solid polyolefin insulation, filled with 65 percent filling compound • H—Solid polyolefin insulation, air core (19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] and 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)]) • K—Solid polyolefin insulation, air core (24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] and 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)]) • M—Solid polyolefin insulation, filled with 80 percent filling compound OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-38 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued • N—Foam-skin insulation, filled with 80 percent filling compound • R—Expanded polyolefin with PVC skin The third position of the cable code identifies the copper conductor size. Third position identifiers include: • A —22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] • B—19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] • H—16 AWG [1.3 mm (0.051in )] • M—24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] • T—26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] • W—28 AWG [0.32 mm (0.013 in)] The fourth position of the cable code identifies the cable shield and jacket design. Sheath designs considered rodent resistant are marked with an asterisk (*). Fourth position identifiers include: • A—ALPETH (bare aluminum shield) • B—CUPETH (copper shield) • C—ALPETH (coated aluminum shield) • D—ASP* (coated aluminum shield plus coated steel armor) • G—PAP (jacket, aluminum shield, jacket) • H—PASP* (jacket, aluminum shield plus steel armor, jacket) • L—Lead (lead sheath) • M—ALVYN (coated aluminum shield, PVC jacket, indoor rated) • P—Reinforced self-support* (basic cable with additional steel armor) • S—Self-support (basic cable, aluminum shield) • N—Bonded ASP* (aluminum shield plus steel armor bonds to medium density polyethylene (MDPE) jacket) • W—Filled ASP* (aluminum shield plus steel armor) • Y—Filled bonded ASP* (aluminum shield plus steel armor bonds to linear low-density polyethylene [LLDPE] jacket) • Z—Air core bonded ASP* (aluminum shield plus steel armor bonds to LLDPE jacket) When needed to accommodate extreme environments, additional layers of outer protection may be necessary. When required, the appropriate code is added to the basic cable designation to indicate the requested outer protection design. Outer protection codes include: © 2007 BICSI® • UM—Unsoldered mechanical protection. • SA—Submarine, single wire armor. • DA—Submarine, double wire armor. • AT—Aerial tape armor. 3-39 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued • BT—Burial tape armor. • JP—Jute. • RP—Rubber protection. Common cable sheath compositions and typical applications are listed in Table 3.14. Table 3.14 Cable sheath compositions Sheath Composition Application ALPETH Aluminum shield, polyethylene packet Basic sheath CALPETH Coated aluminum shield, polyethylene jacket Basic sheath CUPETH Copper shield, polyethylene jacket Basic sheath ASP Inner aluminum shield plus outer steel armor polyethylene polyethylene jacket Harsh environments Rodent resistant CASP Inner-coated aluminum shield plus outer-coated steel armor polyethylene jacket Harsh environments Rodent resistant GOPETH Bi-metallic steel-based shield polyethylene jacket Most are rodent resistant Consult manufacturer Bonded ASP Inner aluminum shield plus outer-coated steel armor steel bonds to the polyethylene jacket Harsh environments Rodent resistant PASP Polyethylene inner jacket, inner aluminum shield plus outer steel armor polyethylene outer jacket Harsh environments Rodent resistant ALVYN Coated aluminum shield, PVC outer jacket UL listed CMR for indoor OSP type electricals OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-40 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued Table 3.14 Cable sheath compositions, continued Sheath Composition Application Self-support Aluminum shield, support strand and cable encased by a single jacket (figure eight designs) Basic sheath, self-support aerial Reinforced Aluminum shield, polyethylene inner jacket Harsh aerial environments Self-support Steel armor, outer polyethelene jacket support strand and cable encased by the self-support outer jacket (figure eight designs) Rodent resistant STALPETH Inner aluminum shield plus outer steel armor soldered at shield overlap polyethylene jacket Harsh environments Rodent resistant UM Unsoldered mechanical protection consisting of a steel shield and jacket applied over basic cables to provide an additional layer of mechanical protection Extreme environments ALPETH ALVYN ASP CASP CALPETH CMR CUPETH GOPETH OSP PASP PE PIC PVC STALPETH UL® UM © 2007 BICSI® = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Aluminum polyethylene Aluminum polyvinyl chloride Aluminum, steel, polyethylene Coated aluminum, steel, polyethylene Coated aluminum, polyethylene Communications riser cable Copper, polyethylene Gopher-resistant, polyethylene Outside plant Polyethylene, aluminum, steel, polyethylene Polyethylene Plastic insulated conductor Polyvinyl chloride Steel, aluminum, polyethylene Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® Unsoldered mechanical 3-41 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Cable Construction Types, continued Common sheath types and their recommended environments are shown in Table 3.15. Table 3.15 Cable usage guide Sheath Aerial Buried Underground Inside ALVYN No No No Yes ALPETH, CALPETH, CUPETH Yes No No No Filled ALPETH, Filled GOPETH Yes Yes* Yes No Self-support Yes No No No Reinforced self-support Yes No No No Filled self-support Yes No No No PASP Yes Yes Yes No Filled ASP, Filled CASP Yes Yes Yes No STALPETH No No Yes No Ductpic No No Yes No *Suitable for direct burial installation in areas where the risk of damage from rodents or environmental hazards is low. If you have questions regarding the suitability of a specific cable design for your application, consult the manufacturer. ALPETH ALVYN ASP CASP CALPETH CUPETH GOPETH PASP STALPETH = = = = = = = = = Aluminum polyethylene Aluminum polyvinyl chloride Aluminum, steel, polyethylene Coated aluminum, steel, polyethylene Coated aluminum, polyethylene Copper, polyethylene Gopher-resistant, polyethylene Polyethylene, aluminum, steel, polyethylene Steel, aluminum, polyethylene OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-42 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Broadband Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cable The ICEA publishes cabling standards for broadband twisted-pair telecommunications cables intended to encourage quality and uniformity for manufacturers producing these cables. These are voluntary standards and do not prevent the manufacturers from producing cables that do not adhere to the standards. Broadband twisted-pair telecommunications cables are typically used to transport broadband services from a remote switch to the end user. The remote switch feeding the broadband cable usually is connected to the main switch or central office by optical fiber cable. Broadband transmission divides the available bandwidth into multiple channels. Since many channels are available for transmission, more than one device can transmit at a time; therefore, simultaneous transmission can occur without collisions. Simultaneous transmission of telephone service, computer, fax, and video are possible with broadband systems. Broadband transmission can transfer large quantities of information at a time and is not limited to handling only digital transmission. It also can support analog traffic, making it capable of handling traditional voice and video signals simultaneously with data. Broadband transmission was designed for signaling over long distances, with channel lengths measured in kilometers (km) or miles (mi). The maximum distance allowable is a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), protocol, and bit rate used. A network using this technology can cover a much larger geographic area than one using baseband technology. © 2007 BICSI® 3-43 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Plastic Insulated Conductor (PIC) Cable Every pair of conductors in a typical PIC cable is identifiable by the color of its insulation and the color of its binder group. Table 3.16 shows a widely accepted color code used to identify the conductors, pairs, and groupings in the production of PIC cables. Table 3.16 Common color code Number Sequence Pair Color Code Tip Ring 25-Pair Group (or Subgroup) Binder Color Code 1 White Blue White Blue 2 White Orange White Orange 3 White Green White Green 4 White Brown White Brown 5 White Slate White Slate 6 Red Blue Red Blue 7 Red Orange Red Orange 8 Red Green Red Green 9 Red Brown Red Brown 10 Red Slate Red Slate 11 Black Blue Black Blue 12 Black Orange Black Orange 13 Black Green Black Green 14 Black Brown Black Brown 15 Black Slate Black Slate 16 Yellow Blue Yellow Blue 17 Yellow Orange Yellow Orange 18 Yellow Green Yellow Green 19 Yellow Brown Yellow Brown 20 Yellow Slate Yellow Slate 21 Violet Blue Violet Blue 22 Violet Orange Violet Orange 23 Violet Green Violet Green 24 Violet Brown Violet Brown 25 Violet Slate NOTE: Copper cables in excess of 900 pairs will utilize various color schemes to identify super groups. See specific manufacturer for color-coding schemes. A super group consists of 600 pair increments. A master group consists of 3000 pair increments. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-44 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Aerial Cable The three methods for placing cable on pole lines are to: • Lash new cable to a new support strand. • Overlash new cable to an existing support strand/cable. • Use a self-supporting type cable that contains a support strand. Placing new cable on an existing pole line is typically the least expensive method compared with direct-buried and underground. The ALPETH cable shown in Figure 3.6 is used primarily in aerial applications. The use of air core cables in nonpressurized underground installations is discouraged in areas where moisture is present. ALPETH consists of: • Solid annealed bare copper in 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)], 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)], 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], or 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)]. • Color-coded PIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. • Color-coded unit binders. • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap. • A 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum tape wrapped along the length of the cable. • Periodic markings on the cable that include a telephone handset icon, cable code, pair size, AWG, date of manufacture, and sequential length marking. Figure 3.6 ALPETH cable Polyethylene jacket Solid insulated conductors Core wrap © 2007 BICSI® 3-45 Corrugated aluminum shield OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Aerial Cable, continued Dimensions for a typical ALPETH cable design are shown in Table 3.17. Table 3.17 ALPETH cable Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) BHBA - 19 AWG [0.90 mm (0.036 in)] Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) BKTA - 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] 25 21 (0.81) 483 (324) 25 12 (0.46) 140 (94) 50 27 (1.07) 882 (592) 50 15 (0.60) 231 (155) 100 37 (1.47) 1700 (1141) 100 19 (0.73) 399 (268) 200 51 (1.99) 3226 (2166 200 24 (0.96) 721 (484) 300 61 (2.39) 4726 (3173) 300 28 (1.10) 1037 (696) 400 32 (1.24) 1345 (903) BHAA- 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 25 15 (0.61) 273 (183) 600 39 (1.52) 2005 (1346) 50 20 (0.78) 478 (321) 900 47 (1.84) 2921 (1961) 100 26 (1.03) 873 (586) 1200 53 (2.09) 3897 (2576) 200 36 (1.42) 1683 (1130) 1500 59 (2.31) 4744 (3185) 300 43 (1.69) 2446 (1642) 1800 63 (2.47) 5643 (3788 400 49 (1.91) 3195 (2145) 2100 68 (2.69) 6533 (4384) 600 58 (2.30) 4689 (3148) 2700 77 (3.05) 8316 (5583) 900 72 (2.84) 6895 (4629) BKMA - 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] 25 13 (0.52) 194 (130) 50 17 (0.66) 329 (221) 100 22 (0.88) 587 (394) 200 29 (1.13) 1084 (728) 300 35 (1.38) 1616 (1085) 400 39 (1.54) 2103 (1412) 600 46 (1.83) 3066 (2058) 900 56 (2.21) 4494 (3017) 1200 66 (2.60) 5920 (3974) 1500 73 (2.88) 7329 (4920) 1800 78 (3.08) 8734 (5863 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition AWG in kft kg km lb mm 3-46 = = = = = = = American Wire Gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Self-Supporting Cable The self-supporting cable shown in Figure 3.7 is intended for aerial applications. It is sometimes referred to as figure eight cable. Its benefits include: • Lower installation costs compared with lashing non-self-supporting cable. • Reduced chance for corrosion of the support strand. In self-supporting cables, the support strand becomes an integral part of the cable. The support strand is attached to the basic cable by a web formed during the jacketing process. This makes it more suitable for applications where corrosive atmospheres exist (e.g., industrial complexes, coastal areas). Self-supporting cable consists of: • Solid annealed bare copper in 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)], 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)], 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], or 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)]. • Color-coded PIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. • Color-coded unit binders. • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap • A 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum tape wrapped along the length of the cable. As an alternative, cables larger than 20 mm (0.8 in) in diameter may utilize a copolymer coated aluminum shield that fuses to the jacket. • A high-strength support strand with flooding compound, typically 6.3 mm (0.25 in) galvanized steel. • A black polyethylene jacket that joins the cable and strand together. • Periodic markings on the cable that include code, pair size, date, length, manufacturer, and telephone handset Figure 3.7 Self-supporting cable Polyethylene jacket Support strand Core wrap Corrugated aluminum Solid insulated conductors © 2007 BICSI® 3-47 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Self-Supporting Cable, continued Dimensions for a typical self-supporting cable design are shown in Table 3.18. Table 3.18 Self-supporting cable Part Number Pair Count BHBS - 19 AWG Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Minor Major Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) [0.91 mm (0.036 in) 20-031-43 25 15 (0.60) 27 (1.07) 731 (491) 20-034-43 50 25 (0.98) 37 (1.45) 1042 (700) BHAS - 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in) 20-062-43 25 15 (0.58) 27 (1.05) 461 (310) 20-065-43 50 19 (0.74) 31 (1.20) 662 (445) 20-069-43 100 25 (1.00) 37 (1.47) 1049 (705) BKMS - 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in) 20-097-43 25 12 (0.49) 24 (0.96) 387 (260) 20-100-43 50 16 (0.62) 28 (1.09) 513 (345) 20-104-43 100 20 (0.80) 32 (1.27) 766 (515) 20-108-43 200 28 (1.09) 40 (1.56) 1250 (840) BKTS - 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in) 20-132-43 25 11 (0.45) 23 (0.92) 381 (256) 20-135-43 50 13 (0.52) 25 (0.97) 417 (280) 20-139-43 100 17 (0.67) 29 (1.14) 580 (390) 20-143-43 200 24 (0.93) 36 (1.40) 964 (647) AWG in kft kg km lb mm = = = = = = = American Wire Gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-48 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Self-Supporting Cable, continued Figure 3.8 shows a reinforced version of the cable shown in Figure 3.7 and is intended for aerial applications. It sometimes is referred to as reinforced self-supporting cable or figure eight. Benefits include: • Lower installation costs compared with lashing non–self-supporting cable. • Reduced chance for corrosion of the support strand. In self-supporting cables, the support strand becomes an integral part of the cable. The support strand is attached to the basic cable by a web formed during the jacketing process. This makes it more suitable for applications where corrosive atmospheres exist (e.g., industrial complexes, coastal areas). • The addition of a steel shield and jacket that provide protection in harsh environments It consists of: © 2007 BICSI® • Solid annealed bare copper in 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)], 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)], 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], or 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)]. • Color-coded PIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. 3-49 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Self-Supporting Cable, continued • Color-coded unit binders. • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap. • A corrugated aluminum shield inside an inner polyethylene jacket, which is in turn surrounded by corrugated steel and a flooding compound. As an alternate, cables larger than 20 mm (0.8 in) in diameter may utilize a copolymer coated aluminum shield that fuses to the inner jacket. • A high-strength support strand with flooding compound, typically 6.3 mm (0.25 in) galvanized steel. • A black polyethylene jacket that joins the cable and strand together. • Periodic markings on the cable that include cable code, pair size, date, length, manufacturer, and telephone handset. Figure 3.8 Reinforced self-supporting cable Polyethylene Polyethylene self-support jacket Support strand Corrugated steel Corrugated aluminum Solid insulated conductors OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Plastic core wrap 3-50 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Self-Supporting Cable, continued Dimensions for a typical reinforced self-supporting cable design are shown in Table 3.19. Table 3.19 Reinforced self-supporting cable Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Minor Major Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) BHBP - 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in) 6 21 (0.83) 33 (1.3) 562 (377) 25 30 (1.18) 42 (1.66) 940 (631) 50 35 (1.38) 47 (1.87) 1420 (953) BHAP - 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 25 19 (0.75) 31 (1.22) 625 (420) 50 24 (0.93) 35 (1.39) 885 (595) 100 30 (1.18) 42 (1.64) 1332 (895) BKMP - 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] 25 17 (0.67) 28 (1.12) 528 (355) 50 20 (0.80) 32 (1.25) 692 (465) 100 25 (1.0) 37 (1.45) 977 (670) 200 32 (1.25) 44 (1.73) 1562 (1050) BKTP - 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] AWG in kft kg km lb mm © 2007 BICSI® = = = = = = = 25 15 (0.59) 27 (1.05) 454 (305) 50 18 (0.70) 29 (1.16) 573 (385) 100 21 (0.84) 33 (1.3) 774 (520) 200 28 (1.09) 39 (1.55) 1153 (775) 300 31 (1.22) 43 (1.69) 1495 (1005) American Wire Gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter 3-51 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Cable Overview Direct-buried OSP cables are subject to different and harsher environmental conditions than those of aerial or underground (in conduit) cables. Moisture, rodent damage, and lightning are some areas that must be addressed when installing direct-buried cables. These designs require that the jacket’s raw material be a suitable grade polyethylene containing an antioxidant to provide long-term stabilization and a concentration of furnace black for protection against ultraviolet (UV) rays. Variations to the designs shown may or may not alter the expected performance of the cable. Product designs should be verified as suitable for the intended environment. The cable manufacturer should be contacted for questions regarding product suitability in specific environments. Following guidelines address materials commonly used in direct-buried OSP environments. Various shielding systems suitable for direct burial installations types are discussed. Variations in designs (e.g., cellular versus solid polyolefin insulation, flat versus corrugated shields, or coated versus bare metallic shield tapes) are not significant for most installations. The designs discussed here are mature, proven designs and have been utilized for many years. When installed in locations having a low to moderate risk of damage from the environment, typical OSP cables are designed for a life expectancy of 30 years. It is common for cables to provide trouble free service for much longer. Direct-Buried Outside Plant (OSP) Cable Designs Designs well suited for direct burial installations are described below. Polyethylene, Aluminum, Steel, Polyethylene (PASP) This air core design is suitable for pressurized direct-buried applications or may be lashed for use in harsh aerial installations (see Figure 3.9). This design is considered rodent resistant. It consists of: • Solid annealed bare copper in 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)], 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.0250 in)], 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], or 26 AWG [0.4 mm (0.016 in)]. • Color-coded PIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. The pairs are assembled to form the core. • Color-coded unit binders. • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap. • A dual shielding system applied over the inner jacket consisting of an inner, corrugated 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum shield and an outer, corrugated coated 0.15 mm (0.006 in) steel shield. • A black polyethylene jacket that is applied overall and bonds to the steel shield. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-52 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Cable, continued • Periodic markings on the cable jacket that may include the cable code, pair count, AWG size, date of manufacture, sequential length markings, and manufacturer code and telephone handset icon. Figure 3.9 PASP type design Solid insulated conductors Inner polyethylene jacket Outer polyethylene jacket Corrugated steel with copolymer adhesive coating Corrugated aluminum shield Core wrap © 2007 BICSI® 3-53 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Cable, continued Dimensions for a typical PASP cable design are shown in Table 3.20. Table 3.20 PASP cables Pair Count Nominal Approximate Outside Diameter Weight mm (in) kg/km (lbs/kft) BHBH - 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] Pair Count Nominal Approximate Outside Diameter Weight mm (in) kg/km (lbs/kft) BKTH - 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] 25 24 (0.95) 611 (410) 25 15 (0.59) 212 (142) 50 30 (1.18) 1062 (713) 50 18 (0.70) 325 (218) 100 40 (1.58) 1962 (1317) 100 22 (0.87) 526 (353) 200 56 (2.20) 3611 (2424) 200 28 (1.09) 898 (603) 300 66 (2.60) 5209 (3497) 300 32 (1.25) 1283 (861) 400 36 (1.42) 1647 (1106) BHAH - 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 25 19 (0.77) 371 (249) 600 42 (1.65) 2346 (1575) 50 23 (0.91) 611 (410) 900 50 (1.97) 3347 (2347) 100 30 (1.18) 1062 (713) 1200 57 (2.25) 4335 (2910) 200 41 (1.60) 1965 (1319) 1500 63 (2.49) 5306 (3562) 300 47 (1.87) 2805 (1883) 1800 67 (2.65) 6282 (4217) 400 53 (2.10) 3612 (2475) 2100 79 (3.10) 7214 (4843) 600 63 (2.49) 5222 (3506) 2400 80 (3.12) 8141 (5465) 900 75 (2.97) 7567 (5080) 2700 80 (3.30) 8706 (5850) 1200 86 (3.40) 9833 (6601) BKMH - 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] 25 17 (0.66) 277 (186) 50 21 (0.81) 439 (295) 100 26 (1.01) 740 (493) 200 33 (1.30) 1336 (895) 300 39 (1.52) 1904 (1278) 400 44 (1.77) 2437 (1626) 600 52 (2.04) 3493 (2345) 900 61 (2.40) 5035 (3380) 1200 69 (2.70) 6557 (4402) 1500 78 (3.07) 8026 (5388) 1800 85 (3.35) 9474 (6360) 2100 91 (3.58) 10917 (7329) OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition AWG in kft kg km lb mm 3-54 = = = = = = = American Wire Gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Cable, continued Filled Aluminum, Steel, Polyethylene (ASP) This cable design has a fully filled core and a dual shielding system (see Figure 3.10). The insulation design may be a single, solid layer of polyolefin (PIC) or dual-expanded plastic insulated conductor (DEPIC). The shields may be bare or coated and may be applied flat or with corrugations. These designs require that the jacket’s raw material be a suitable grade polyethylene containing an antioxidant to provide long-term stabilization and a concentration of furnace black for protection against UV rays. These shield designs are considered rodent resistant. Examples of other functionally equal designs include: • Filled bonded ASP. • Filled coated aluminum, coated steel, polyethylene (CACSP). Shown in Figure 3.10, these designs are suitable for direct-buried applications. These designs consist of: • Solid annealed bare copper in 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)], 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.250 in)], 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], or 26 AWG [0.4 mm (0.016 in). • Color-coded PIC or DEPIC insulation. • Pairs assembled to form the core. • Color-coded unit binders. • Filled core. • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap. • A dual shielding system consisting of an inner, corrugated 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum shield and an outer, corrugated 0.15 mm (0.006 in) steel shield. • Flooding compound applied over the core wrap and each shield tape. • A black polyethylene jacket applied overall. • Periodic markings on the cable jacket that may include the cable code, pair count, AWG size, date of manufacture, sequential length markings, and manufacturer code and telephone handset icon. For answers regarding the suitability of alternate designs, the cable manufacturer should be contacted. © 2007 BICSI® 3-55 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Cable, continued Filled Bonded Aluminum, Steel, Polyethylene (ASP) Filled bonded ASP designs are the same as the above except: • The unflooded, coated corrugated 0.15 mm (0.006 in) steel shield bonds to the jacket. Filled Coated Aluminum, Coated Steel, Polyethylene (CACSP) Filled CACSP designs are the same as the above except: • There is a dual shielding system consisting of an inner, coated corrugated 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum shield and an outer, coated corrugated 0.15 mm (0.006 in) steel shield. Figure 3.10 Filled ASP type cable Polyethylene jacket Conductor filling compound Corrugated coated steel Foam skin insulated conductors OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Core wrap 3-56 Corrugated coated aluminum © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Cable, continued Dimensions for a typical filled ASP cable design are shown in Table 3.21. Table 3.21 Filled ASP type cable Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Pair Count Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) ANMW - 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] ANBW - 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] 25 23 (0.91) 666 (447) 25 15 (0.59) 276 (185) 50 29 (1.16) 1168 (784) 50 18 (0.70) 450 (302) 100 40 (1.58) 2161 (1451) 100 24 (0.95) 767 (515) 200 55 (2.16) 4070 (2732) 200 32 (1.25) 1363 (915) 300 66 (2.60) 5921 (3975) 300 38 (1.50) 1978 (1328) 400 42 (1.64) 2553 (1714) ANAW - 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 25 18 (0.70) 386 (259) 600 51 (2.00) 3702 (2485) 50 22 (0.87) 646 (434) 900 60 (2.38) 5386 (3616) 100 29 (1.16) 1137 (763) 1200 69 (2.70) 7177 (4818) 200 38 (1.50) 2111 (1417) 1500 77 (3.04) 8851 (5944) 300 45 (1.75) 3051 (2048) 1800 83 (3.28) 10,528 (7068) 400 52 (2.04) 3968 (2664) 2100 89 (3.50) 12,127 (8141) 600 63 (2.49) 5774 (3876) 900 77 (3.04) 8440 (5666) 25 13 (0.52) 210 (141) 1200 88 (3.46) 11,132 (7473) 50 16 (0.63) 329 (221) 100 20 (0.80) 535 (359) 200 27 (1.06) 935 (628) 300 32 (1.25) 1311 (880) 400 36 (1.42) 1712 (1449) 600 42 (1.65) 2444 (1641) 900 52 (2.04) 3547 (2381) 1200 59 (2.34) 4701 (3156) 1500 64 (2.50) 5786 (3884) 1800 70 (2.75) 6857 (4603) 2100 76 (3.00) 7928 (5322) 2400 78 (3.07) 8990 (6035) 2700 84 (3.30) 10,049 (6746) AWG in kft kg km lb mm = = = = = = = ANTW - 26 AWG [0.40 mm (0.016 in)] American Wire Gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® 3-57 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried, continued Some of the more common types of filled solid ALPETH cables are described in Table 3.22. Table 3.22 PE 39—Filled solid ALPETH cable Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] 6 16 (0.63) 229 (154) 6 10 (0.39) 106 (71) 12 20 (0.80) 390 (262) 12 13 (0.51) 161 (108) 25 25 (1.00) 714 (479) 25 16 (0.63) 268 (180) 50 35 (1.39) 1332 (894) 50 21 (0.81) 462 (310) 100 48 (1.90) 2511 (1686) 100 27 (1.06) 827 (555) 200 35 (1.39) 1560 (1047) 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 6 12 (0.47) 139 (93) 300 42 (1.64) 2258 (1516) 12 15 (0.59) 222 (149) 400 48 (1.90) 2949 (1980) 25 19 (0.75) 386 (259) 600 59 (2.34) 4321 (2901) 50 25 (1.00) 681 (457) 900 72 (2.83) 6355 (4266) 100 33 (1.30) 1244 (835) 1200 79 (3.10) 8310 (5579) 200 45 (1.75) 2395 (1608) 1500 88 (3.46) 9902 (6655) 300 53 (2.10) 3492 (2344) 1800 96 (3.78) 12143 (8159) 400 61 (2.40) 4586 (3079) 600 74 (2.90) 6748 (4530) 900 88 (3.50) 9948 (6678) AWG in kft kg km lb mm = = = = = = = American Wire Gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-58 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable Overview OSP cables installed in underground conduit are often referred to as underground cables. Underground conduit provides a protected environment for the cable eliminating the need for physically robust shielding systems required for direct-buried installations. These cable designs may utilize solid PIC or DEPIC style insulation. They may utilize coated or bare metal tapes applied flat or with corrugations. They must be capable of providing adequate mechanical protection for this environment. A filled cable design is highly recommended for this environment as moisture continues to be a concern. Nearly all conduits contain water or will contain water at some point. Designs well suited for underground conduit installations are described below. Underground Conduit Cable Designs Filled ALPETH type designs are suitable for underground conduit installations (see Figure 3.11). They also may be lashed and used aerially or may be buried directly in areas where there is a low risk of damage from rodents or other environmental hazards. These products are not considered rodent resistant. These designs consist of: © 2007 BICSI® • Solid annealed bare copper in 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)], 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.0250 in)], 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], or 26 AWG [0.4 mm (0.016 in). • Color-coded PIC or DEPIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. The pairs are assembled to form the core. • Color-coded unit binders. • Filled core. • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap. • A corrugated 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum shield applied over the core wrap. Optional shield types for this design include 0.13 mm (0.005 in) copper. • A flooding compound that may be applied over the core wrap and shield tape • A black polyethylene jacket applied overall. • Periodic markings on the cable jacket that may include the cable code, pair count, AWG size, date of manufacture, sequential length markings, and manufacturer code and telephone handset icon. 3-59 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable, continued Figure 3.11 Filled ALPETH type cable Polyethylene jacket Filling compound Solid insulated conductors Coated corrugated aluminum Core wrap OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-60 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable, continued Dimensions for typical filled ALPETH cable designs are shown in Table 3.23. Table 3.23 Filled ALPETH type cable Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) DCAZ-22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 25 55 (2.16) 4561 (3065) 50 65 (2.55) 6658 (4474) 100 73 (2.87) 8734 (5869) 600 45 (1.75) 2982 (1997) 900 51 (2.00) 4308 (2895) 1200 59 (2.34) 5645 (3793) 1500 65 (2.55) 6976 (4683) 2400 84 (3.30) 10884 (7307) 600 37 (1.45) 1959 (1316) 900 43 (1.69) 2825 (1898) 1200 46 (1.80) 3663 (2459) 1500 52 (2.04) 4499 (3020) 1800 56 (2.20) 5333 (3580) 2100 62 (2.45) 6166 (4143) 2400 65 (2.55) 6988 (4691) 2700 70 (2.75) 7822 (5256) 3000 71 (2.80) 8635 (5797) 3600 76 (3.00) 10266 (6892) 4200 83 (3.25) 11890 (7982) DCMZ-24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in) DCTZ-26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] AWG in kft kg km lb mm © 2007 BICSI® = = = = = = = American wire gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter 3-61 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable, continued Bonded Steel, Aluminum, Polyethylene (STALPETH) Bonded STALPETH is an air core design often referred to as ductpic (see Figure 3.12). This special use design may be considered for underground conduit installations where large pair count cable is required and conduit space is limited. This cable design is available in limited pair count and copper sizes. This design is considered rodent resistant. These designs consist of: • Solid annealed bare copper in 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)], or 26 AWG [0.4 mm (0.016 in). • Color-coded DEPIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. Pairs are assembled to form the core. • Color-coded unit binders • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap • A dual shielding system consisting of an inner, corrugated 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum shield and an outer, coated and corrugated 0.15 mm (0.006 in) steel shield. • A black polyethylene jacket that is applied overall and bonds to the steel shield. • Periodic markings on the cable jacket that may include the cable code, pair count, AWG size, date of manufacture, sequential length markings, and manufacturer code and telephone handset icon. Availability may be limited. Figure 3.12 Underground (ductpic) cable Extruded polyethylene jacket Corrugated aluminum shield Foam skin insulated conductors Copolymer coated corrugated steel Core wrap OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-62 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable, continued Dimensions for a typical bonded STALPETH/ductpic cable design are shown in Table 3.24. Table 3.24 Bonded STALPETH/ductpic cable Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kft) DCMZ-24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in) 600 45 (1.75) 2982 (1997) 900 51 (2.00) 4308 (2895) 1200 59 (2.31) 5645 (3793) 1500 65 (2.55) 6976 (4683) 2400 84 (3.30) 10884 (7307) 600 37 (1.45) 1959 (1316) 900 43 (1.69) 2825 (1898) 1200 46 (1.80) 3663 (2459) 1500 52 (2.04) 4499 (3020) 1800 56 (2.20) 5333 (3580) 2100 62 (2.45) 6166 (4143) 2400 65 (2.55) 6988 (4691) 2700 70 (2.75) 7822 (5256) 3000 71 (2.80) 8635 (5797) 3600 76 (3.00) 10266 (6892) 4200 83 (3.25) 11890 (7982) DCTZ-26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] AWG in kft kg km lb mm © 2007 BICSI® = = = = = = = American wire gauge Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter 3-63 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable, continued Outside Plant (OSP) Copper Designs, Internally Screened Cables Air Core Screened Cable Shown in Figure 3.13, air core screened cables are designed for digital applications. In this design, the core is bisected by one or more internal aluminum screen. Dividing the core into two halves allows the signals to be segregated. One half of the core is designated for sending signals, and the other half is for receiving signals. These designs often include extra pairs used for testing or as special use pairs for specialized equipment. This cable design typically is used in lashed aerial installations. These designs consist of: • Solid annealed bare copper in 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)]. • Color-coded PIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. Pairs are assembled to form the core. • Color-coded unit binders. • A 0.10 mm (0.004 in) aluminum internal screen. • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap. • A dual shielding system consisting of an inner, corrugated 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum shield and an outer, coated and corrugated 0.15 mm (0.006 in) steel shield. (Other shield systems although less common are sometimes used.) • A black polyethylene jacket that is applied overall and bonds to the steel shield. • Periodic markings on the cable jacket that may include the cable code, pair count, AWG size, date of manufacture, sequential length markings, and manufacturer code and telephone handset. This once common design has been replaced in new installations by fiber. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-64 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable, continued Figure 3.13 Air core screened cable Aluminum Z-screen Inner polyethylene jacket Solid insulated conductors Aluminum screen Outer polyethylene jacket Corrugated steel with copolymer adhesive coating Cable core Corrugated aluminum shield Core wrap Filled Screened Cable Shown in Figure 3.14, filled screened cables are designed for digital applications. The core of this design is bisected by an internal aluminum screen (or screens). Dividing the core into two halves allows the signals to be segregated. One half of the core is designated for sending signals, and the other half is for receiving signals. These designs often include extra pairs used for testing or as special use pairs for specialized equipment. Depending on the shielding system, this cable design may be used in underground or direct burial installations. These designs consist of: © 2007 BICSI® • Solid annealed bare copper in 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)]. • Color-coded PIC insulation. • Pairs of conductors assembled with varying twists to minimize crosstalk. Pairs are assembled to form the core. • Color-coded unit binders • Filled core. • A 0.10 mm (0.004 in) aluminum internal screen. 3-65 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Underground Cable, continued • Nonhygroscopic dielectric core wrap. • A dual shielding system consisting of an inner, corrugated 0.2 mm (0.008 in) aluminum shield and an outer, coated and corrugated 0.15 mm (0.006 in) steel shield. (Other shield systems although less common are sometimes used.) • A flooding compound that may be applied over the core and shield interfaces. • A black polyethylene jacket applied overall. • Periodic markings on the cable jacket that may include the cable code, pair count, AWG size, date of manufacture, sequential length markings, and manufacturer code and telephone handset icon. This once common design has been replaced in new installations by fiber. Figure 3.14 Filled screened cable Aluminum Z-screen Polyethylene jacket Conductor filling compound Corrugated steel Corrugated aluminum shield Core wrap Cable core OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-66 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Aerial Drop Wire Aerial drop wire extends the telecommunications circuit from an aerial terminal to a building/ residential entrance protector or network interface. Types of manufactured aerial drop wire may include: • Aerial drop wire—Used for runs less than 213 m (700 ft). • Aerial distribution wire—Used for runs over 213 m (700 ft). Aerial drop wire is typically: • 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)]. • 2, 3, 5, and 6 pair. • Air core or filled. • Foil or metallic shield (optional). • Equipped with support strand or supported by its own sheath. • Protected by black outer jacket. Direct-Buried Service Wire Direct-buried service wire extends the telecommunications circuit from a direct-buried terminal to a building/residential entrance protector or network interface. Types of directburied service wire manufactured include: • Direct-buried service wire—Used for runs less than 213 m (700 ft). • Direct-buried distribution wire—To be used for runs over 213 m (700 ft). Direct-buried service wire is typically: © 2007 BICSI® • 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] (optional 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)]). • 2, 3, 5, and 6 pair. • Filled. • Supported by metallic shield (optional). • Protected by black outer jacket. 3-67 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Coaxial Cabling Cable Selection Coaxial cable is capable of delivering full-motion video, digital, and analog signals with fullduplex transmission of data, as well as voice, over long and short distances (see Figure 3.15). NOTE: Customer requirements should be determined before proceeding with the design. To determine the size of coaxial cable for any application, it is necessary to define and understand cable properties. By definition, a coaxial cable consists of two metallic conductors sharing the same axis, hence the term coaxial. Coaxial cable has a metallic center conductor, coaxially positioned within an outer metallic conductor, with the two separated by a dielectric (nonconducting) material. Figure 3.15 Coaxial cable Outer sheath Aluminum outer conductor Center conductor Dielectric adhesive Dielectric When determining the size and type of coaxial cable, the two major factors a designer has to consider are attenuation margin and cost. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-68 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Mechanical Factors Coaxial cable is available in many different physical configurations, with variations in center conductors, dielectric materials, outer conductors, and jackets. Coaxial cable also comes in semirigid, flexible, and super flexible styles, with differing loss characteristics for each. Coaxial cable sizes range from 6.3 mm (0.25 in) round and can be as large as 127 mm (5 in). Typical sizes are 9.5 mm (0.375 in); 12.7 mm (0.5 in); 16 mm (0.63 in); 22 mm (0.87 in); 32 mm (1.25 in); and 41 mm (1.6 in). The following describes the different environmental conditions and the types of coaxial cable commonly used. Center Conductor The center conductor may be solid, stranded, or tubular. Coaxial cables with solid center wires or tubes typically will have the lowest attenuation factor but are the least flexible. Stranded center wires will afford more flexibility but increased attenuation. Tube construction allows for a lighter weight cable for larger overall outer diameters. Dielectric The dielectric provides the necessary spacing between the inner (or center) and outer conductors. The spacing allows for propagation of the signal down the coaxial line. The dielectric materials range from air to air and foam (cellular or extruded polyethylene). Extruded polyethylene is the cheapest, most commonly used dielectric that provides high strength combined with a low dielectric constant and good attenuation margin at low temperatures. Outer Conductor The outer conductor, or shield, can be either metal braid or corrugated or straight tubing. Braiding is more common for flexible applications and can come in single or adjacent configurations. Two adjacent shields offer better shielding. The braids generally are made from copper, tinned-copper, or silver-plated copper. Tubular construction is used where strength and a high degree of shielding are required along with low signal attenuation. Jackets Insulating jackets protect the coaxial cable. Different jacket materials protect the cable from corrosion and inclement weather and come in varying temperature ranges from –55 °Celsius (C [(–67 °Fahrenheit [F])]) and as high as 250 °C (482 °F). Each material has its own classifications for environment settings and soil and air conditions. The designer should consult with the client to determine the specific application and choose the correct jacket accordingly. © 2007 BICSI® 3-69 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Electrical Factors A designer has to consider the following electrical characteristics when choosing coaxial cable: • Capacitance • Inductance • Impedance • Bandwidth • Direct current (dc) resistance • Attenuation • Structural return loss Relative capacitance and inductance from differing cable sizes do not vary much. For example, a 12.7 mm (0.5 in) foam dielectric coaxial cable has a capacitance of 23.1 picofarads per foot (pF/ft), while 32 mm (1.25 in) foam dielectric coaxial cable has a capacitance of 22.9 pF/ft. Similarly, the relative inductance for 12.7 mm (0.5 in) and 32 mm (1.25 in) coaxial cable is 0.058 microhenrys per foot (H/ft) and 0.056 H/ft, respectively. The characteristic input impedance for coaxial cables from the manufacturer is typically either 50 ohm or 75 ohm. The designer needs to verify the application with the client to determine which input impedance is best. As mentioned before, the velocity of propagation, or phase velocity, is expressed as a proportion of the speed of light in a vacuum and is inversely proportional to the square root of the effective dielectric constant: Ideally, the ratio would be 100 percent, but realistically, manufacturers provide coaxial cables in the 85 to 90 percent range. The two most pertinent factors that change from one cable size to another are dc resistance and attenuation. These specifications are easily attainable from manufacturers. The cable manufacturer’s information usually lists dc resistance three ways—center conductor, outer conductor, and loop resistance. This information, along with cable lengths and amplifiers, is valuable in calculating the powering of the network. Power calculations are usually made after the cabling system layout is complete. The cable dc loop resistance is the specification used for this calculation. Attenuation is a phenomenon that is dependent on the cable size, the dielectric material, length of cable, and frequency of the system. The longer the length of cable, the greater the attenuation. The higher the frequency, the greater the attenuation. For a given dielectric, the larger the cable OD, the lower the attenuation. Attenuation is the key factor that a designer must keep in mind when considering coaxial cable. It determines how often the signal has to be amplified in the network. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-70 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Electrical Factors, continued The attenuation factor can be expressed as: α = B • f + A • √f Where: A is the conductor loss; B is the dielectric loss; and, f is the operating frequency. For typical rigid copper coaxial cables, there are practically no dielectric losses, so: α = 0.433/Z0 • (1/D + 1/d) • √f Where: Z0 is the characteristic impedance; D is the diameter of the outer conductor; and, d is the diameter of the inner conductor, all in inches. © 2007 BICSI® 3-71 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Aerial Applications See Figure 3.16 for examples of bare aluminum, jacketed, and self-support aerial coaxial cables: • Bare aluminum—This is the simplest type of coaxial cable. All others are variations of this type. It consists of a seamless aluminum tube (outer conductor) foam dielectric and center conductor, which is usually made of copper clad aluminum or steel. This cable is best used in moderate climates. • Jacketed—This is the same as the bare aluminum cable except that it is encased in a high molecular weight polyethylene outer jacket. This cable is best used in hostile climates. It offers protection from salt oxidation and ice. • Self-support—This cable is identical to jacketed cable except that there is a supporting strand wire fused to the outer jacket. The purpose of this wire is to eliminate the hanging of strand as well as the lashing of cable to the strand. This type of cable lowers plant construction costs but inhibits the future possibility of overlashing a second cable onto the existing constructed plant. Figure 3.16 Aerial coaxial cables Bare aluminum Jacketed Self-support OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-72 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Applications Flooded and armored cables are known as semirigid (hard-line) cables: • Flooded—This cable is a jacketed cable with a “flooding” compound between the jacket and the aluminum outer conductor. The flooding offers protection from nicks and tears of the outer jacket during the construction process. • Armored/flooded—This cable is a flooded cable with a metallic armor encasing the jacket, an additional layer of flooding compound, and a final outer polyethylene jacket (see Figure 3.17). This protective covering provides additional defense from the construction process as well as rodents and cuts from digging and excavation. Figure 3.17 Armored cable Armored These cables typically are available in the following sizes: 12.7 mm (0.5 in), 16 mm (0.63 in), 22 mm (0.87 in), 32 mm (1.25 in), and 41 mm (1.6 in). Larger sizes are available but are very difficult to acquire and are not widely used. Coaxial is measured by the OD of the aluminum or copper outer conductor and not the jacket (see Table 3.25). © 2007 BICSI® 3-73 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Direct-Buried Applications, continued Table 3.25 Cable attenuation at VSWR = 1.0, 50 ohm foam dielectric and ambient 20 °C (68 °F) Diameter (OD) mm (in) 450 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 1000 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 2000 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 12.7 (0.5) 4.75 (1.45) 7.28 (2.22) 10.7 (3.25) 16 (0.63) 3.46 (1.05) 5.38 (1.64) 8.02 (2.44) 22 (0.87) 2.65 (0.808) 4.12 (1.25) 6.11 (1.86) 32 (1.25) 1.87 (0.571) 2.94 (0.897) 4.43 (1.35) 41 (1.6) 1.53 (0.467) 2.43 (0.742) 3.71 (1.13) dB ft in m MHz mm OD = = = = = = = Decibel Foot Inch Meter Megahertz Millimeter Outside diameter Design Criteria Selection of different types of cables should be based on the losses per unit length for specific point-to-point distances, untapped and unspliced. Table 3.26 shows the attenuation of various size cables at the given frequencies expressed per kilometer or per mile. Table 3.26 Coaxial attenuation at 20 °C (68 °F) over long distances Diameter (OD) mm (in) 450 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 1000 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 2000 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 12.7 (0.5) 47.5 (76.6) 72.8 (117.2) 107 (171.6) 16 (0.63) 34.6 (55.4) 53.8 (86.6) 80.2 (128.8) 22 (0.87) 26.5 (42.7) 41.2 (66.0) 61.1 (98.2) 32 (1.25) 18.7 (30.2) 29.4 (47.4) 44.3 (71.3) 41 (1.6) 15.3 (24.7) 24.3 (39.1) 37.1 (59.7) dB in km MHz mi mm OD = = = = = = = Decibel Inch Kilometer Megahertz Mile Millimeter Outside diameter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-74 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Design Criteria, continued Although cables with a smaller diameter are less expensive, their comparatively higher loss may result in added expense for network equipment such as amplifiers. To minimize network noise, it is desirable to limit the number of amplifiers per backbone run. The designer also should keep in mind that if the network is to be of significant size, two sizes of cable could be selected. Use a larger size (22 mm [0.87 in] or larger) to trunk the signal into the service areas. Use a smaller cable (16 mm [0.63 in] or smaller) as feeders to tap into and deliver the signals to the terminations. This is known as trunk and feeder architecture (see Figure 3.18). Figure 3.18 Trunk and feeder system Return Trunk Feeder Subscriber Service Drops The subscriber service drop is the last and most important piece of any network. It is also the final piece of cable that a designer has to choose. Drop cable is different from semirigid (hard-line) coaxial cable in that it is much smaller, more flexible, and easier to handle. It also has higher attenuation. Subscriber service drop is compared with that of semirigid. Sizes and types of drop cable are listed in Table 3.27. Drop cable is similar to semirigid in its makeup, with a few exceptions. The outer conductor of drop wire is not a thick seamless aluminum tube, but a thin, flexible, aluminum foil. The foil is wrapped with aluminum braid, used for shielding, which is available in different coverage percentages. There is also tri shield or quad shield, sometimes known as super shield, drop cable. This quad shield type of cable has an additional foil wrap around the aluminum braid and a second aluminum braid around the second foil wrap and should be used in two-way applications (see Figure 3.19). Drop service cables are not designated by the outer conductor size, but by a specific joint Army Navy (JAN) designation such as Series 6 and Series 11. Drop service wires also are available in self-supporting and filled versions just like the semirigid coaxial cables. © 2007 BICSI® 3-75 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Subscriber Service Drops, continued Figure 3.19 Standard shield and quad shield construction (drop cable) Center conductor Center conductor Dielectric Dielectric Bonded aluminum foil shield Bonded aluminum foil shield Aluminum-braided shield Aluminum-braided shield Jacket Aluminum foil shield Aluminum-braided shield Jacket Super shield (quad) construction Standard shield construction Table 3.27 Drop cable and attenuation Size (JAN) 450 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 550 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 750 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) Series 6 14.40 (4.40) 16.10 (4.90) 18.50 (5.65) Series 11 9.02 (2.75) 10.00 (3.04) 12.00 (3.65) dB ft JAN m MHz = = = = = Decibel Foot Joint Army Navy Meter Megahertz OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-76 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Subscriber Service Drops, continued Sizes and types of drop cable at maximum drop length are listed in Table 3.28. Table 3.28 Drop cable and attenuation at maximum drop length Size (JAN) 450 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) 550 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) Series 6 54.0 (177) 7.8 8.7 10 Series 11 74.1 (243) 7.5 8.3 10 dB ft JAN m MHz = = = = = 750 MHz dB/100 m (dB/100 ft) Decibel Foot Joint Army Navy Meter Megahertz A designer should consider the following factors: • Amplifier link budgets • Amplifier cascade limitations • Environmental factors • Drop length • Signal level minimums to the house • Price With the information provided, a designer should be able to decide what types and sizes of cable will work best with the network. Table 3.29 shows losses for splitters and 75 ohm coaxial cables. The losses shown are generally accepted generic averages (they will vary by manufacturer) and can be used in most general infrastructure designs to calculate the link loss. © 2007 BICSI® 3-77 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Subscriber Service Drops, continued Table 3.29 Generic impedance for video infrastructure components Description 550 MHz 1000 MHz Series 6 (RG 6) at 30.5 m (100 ft) –5 dB –6.5 dB Series 11 (RG 11) at 30.5 m (100 ft) –3 dB –4.25 dB Two-way splitter* –3.5 dB –4.75dB Three-way splitter* –6.0 dB –7 dB Four-way splitter* –7.0 dB –8.25 dB Six-way splitter* –9.5 dB –10.5 dB Eight-way splitter* –11 dB –12 dB Connectors and couplers –0.1 dB –0.15 dB * Isolation between ports on all splitters should never be less than -20 dB. Isolation of -30 dB or greater would be best. This isolation factor becomes increasingly important as the number of daisy-chained splitters are increased. dB = Decibel ft = Foot m = Meter MHz = Megahertz R G = Radio grade The following are useful rules of thumb to use in analog video infrastructure design: • Amplifiers should be added to compensate for losses. For CATV systems, link losses of –10 to –13 dB should not need amplification, assuming the CATV input signal handoff is of sufficient strength (see Figure 3.20). • When installing an amplifier, it should be sized to compensate for calculated losses and avoid overdriving the signal. Overdriving a system can damage equipment. When possible, an amplifier with variable gain and slope control should be selected as opposed to a fixed gain or a few predetermined selections. • Components with a return signaling path should be selected, especially in new designs. This includes splitters and amplifiers. This return path is used by many devices to communicate with the headend equipment of the client or the signal provider. • When detailing video splitters, always specify self-terminating ports. If they do not have self-terminating ports, then specify the placement of 75 terminating caps for all unused ports. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-78 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Subscriber Service Drops, continued • New systems should be designed for 900 to 1000 megahertz (MHz) signals (approximately 150 to160 channels). Most existing systems are 450 MHz (approximately 70 channels), 550 MHz (approximately 90 channels), or 700 MHz (approximately 110 channels) and are migrating to 900 plus MHz systems. Figure 3.20 Video link loss Input signal 1000 MHz -4.75 dB Backbone RG-11 375 -0.15 dB -0.15 dB TR -8.25 dB -15.9 dB Loss Calculation -0.15 dB connector -4.75 dB 2-way splitter -0.15 dB connector -15.9 dB backbone cable (MC [CD] to TR) -0.15 dB connector -8.25 dB 4-way splitter -0.15 dB connector -14.6 dB distribution cable (TR to outlet) -0.15 dB connector -0.15 dB -0.15 dB Distribution RG-6 225 -14.6 dB Outlet -0.15 dB -44.25 dB Total Link Loss db MC (CD) MHz RG TR = decibel = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) = Megahertz = Radio grade = Telecommunications room Determining Bandwidth Requirements Bandwidth requirements have no bearing on determining coaxial cable size. The limiting factor is the electronics and passive components. Obtaining Loss Budgets for Electronics from the Customer Loss budgets of the different types and sizes of cables depend on the gain and outputs of the network electronics to be used. This was discussed earlier as a necessary means of determining the size of coaxial cable along with distance, amplifier cascade, and cost. © 2007 BICSI® 3-79 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Twinaxial Cabling Introduction Twinaxial cable is a configuration with two center conductors. Each individual conductor is surrounded by a dielectric material, usually a hard or soft foam polymer, depending upon the installation design specification and application. The dielectric material of both conductors is wrapped with a continuous aluminum-polyester shield and tinned copper braid or other shielding configurations (see Figure 3.21). Figure 3.21 Twinaxial cable Dielectric Jacket Foil shield Braided shield OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-80 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Cabling Fiber coaxial telecommunications systems utilize both optical fiber cables and coaxial cabling (see Figure 3.22). The signal, whether it represents data, video, or voice light, is digitally generated. It is sent to a master signal converter within the base station where it is converted to a light signal. It is then transmitted over a pair of singlemode or multimode optical fiber cables from the master signal converter to a remotely located signal converter. The light signal is then reconverted and transmitted to antennas via coaxial cabling. The benefit of using both mediums is to transmit the signal by optical fiber over long distances to multiple remote localized areas and then to broadcast it to several antennas via coaxial cable. This system allows for greater channel capacities and smaller quantities and sizes of cabling as well as for the use of centrally located switching equipment. Transmitting the signal over coaxial cable only would not be a viable option because of the large cable diameter required. Additionally, the signal would be severely attenuated over the long distance. Optical fiber cable alone is not a good option either because of the increased numbers of fibers and hardware needs. The combination of these media provides a much more cost-effective system. Figure 3.22 Optical fiber coaxial system Remote signal converter Antennas (via couplers) Tx 1 Rx Communications switch equipment Fiber Master signal converter Optical fiber cable Coaxial cable Tx 2 Rx Tx X Rx Rx = Receiver Tx = Transmitter © 2007 BICSI® 3-81 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types System Requirements Space Allocation The designer needs to consider the specific application of fiber coaxial systems and determine the customer’s needs. The heart of the system is the switch or base station. These fiber coaxial systems may be fed from concrete universal enclosures (CUEs), controlled environment vaults (CEVs), or cabinets. There must be significant space to accommodate the switching equipment along with the master signal converter unit within those spaces. To feed the remote locations, routing must be determined via conduit, cable tray, or free air, if feasible. Spare conduits or tray space must be identified or available space in the overhead or underground must be determined if new conduits are to be installed. For both optical fiber and coaxial cable, the bend radii and conduit fill code requirements must be known and innerduct or sleeving should be used to facilitate the installation. Pulling distances and tensions must be kept within specifications. The size and type of cable, along with the conduit system, will determine the maximum pulling lengths. Although most manufacturers offer flexible models, coaxial cable is typically rigid. Conduit should be oversized to allow smooth installation without kinking or flattening the coaxial cable, which may result in signal degradation and unwanted reflections. There also must be adequate space in the various remote locations for installing remote signal converters, allowing space around them for cooling and for splice enclosures. Power Power requirements must be determined at both remote and base locations. The designer must determine if the remote units should be powered from the central base station location or if each remote signal converter should receive power local to the units. Some benefits of centralized power are adding a battery backup uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to the system for more reliable operation and total control over remote power (i.e., no inadvertent powering off of remote units). Benefits of powering each unit locally are decreased length of power cabling back to the base station and elimination of power conduits. Applications Fiber coaxial cabling systems provide a variety of telecommunications applications. These systems work particularly well for in-building solutions where there may be problems with interference and long distances. Routing optical fiber cables from a central switch location throughout campus environments and from building to building allows for expanded communications. Positioning remote equipment and antennas from floor to floor within dormitories provides easy access to the system. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-82 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types Applications, continued This type of system allows students to access the Internet for class information and to communicate with professors and fellow classmates. It also allows administrators to distribute informational video throughout the campus. Airports and hospitals are other prime candidates for fiber coaxial cabling systems. The central switching equipment can be placed in a secure area, and the fiber coaxial cable backbone can be used to feed the remote antennas. Several airline terminals can be connected for internal security communication. Different floors of a hospital can be linked to the communication system to better correspond in emergency situations. © 2007 BICSI® 3-83 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types Appendix: Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Type Cable Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Type Cable The RUS cable-coding plan differs from the Bell system type described previously in this chapter. The following tables are for information purposes only. ICEA coding is the current standard for cable coding and should be used in place of RUS coding. Table 3.30 describes each of the codes used. This table shows an example of a standard exchange solid conductor air core 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] CALPETH RUSacceptance 100-pair cable. Table 3.30 RUS acceptance cable-coding plan Cable Core Type and Design Gauge Conductor Sheath Code Insulation W B 9 A RUSPair Size Designation Acceptance R 0100 Table 3.31 lists and defines Western Electric Codes used in ordering a RUS type cable. Table 3.31 Description of codes Cable Code K Cable Design Screened cable Core Code A Core Type Filled foam Conductor Insulation Gauge Code 9 2 4 6 AWG 19 22 24 26 Sheath Code A C J S W Type of Sheath Coated ALPETH Gopherresistant Self-support Coated alumninum and coated steel Type Code R Cable Type RUS-Acceptance ALPETH AWG DEPIC RUS = = = = W Standard exchange cable B Air core solid skin–DEPIC 5-mil copper sheath G Filled solid Aluminum polyethylene American wire gauge Dual-expanded plastic insulated conductor Rural Utilities Service OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-84 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types References American National Standards Institute. ANSI J-STD-607-A. Commercial Building Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. American National Standards Institute/Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronic Industries Alliance. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1. Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard, Part 1: General Requirements. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2001. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1-3.Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard, Part 1: General Requirements: Addendum 3–Supportable Distances and Channel Attenuation for Optical Fiber Applications by Fiber Type. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2003. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3. Optical Fiber Cabling Components Standard. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2000. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3-1. Optical Fiber Cabling Component Standard– Addendum 1–Additional Transmission Performance Specification for 50/125 μm Optical Fiber Cables. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-B. Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2004. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-598-B. Optical Fiber Cable Color Code. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2001. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A. Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-758-A. Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2004. BICSI®. Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, 11th edition. Tampa, FL: BICSI, 2006. Construction Specifications Institute. MasterFormat™. Divisions 1, 25, 27, and 28. Alexandria, VA: Construction Specifications Institute, 2004. Insulated Cable Engineers Association. ANSI/ICEA P-61-694. Coding Guide for Copper Outside Plant and Riser Telecommunications Cables. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 1999. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-84-608. Telecommunications Cable Filled, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2002. © 2007 BICSI® 3-85 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 3: Cable Types References, continued ———. ANSI/ICEA S-85-625. Telecommunications Cable Aircore, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2002. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-86-634. Buried Telecommunications Wire Filled, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor Technical Requirements. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2004. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-89-648. Standard for Aerial Service Wire Technical Requirements. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2000. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-91-674. Coaxial and Coaxial/Twisted Pair Composite Buried Service Wires Technical Requirements. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2006. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-98-688. Broadband Twisted Pair Telecommunications Cable, Aircore, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductors Technical Requirements. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 1997. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-99-689. Broadband Twisted Pair Telecommunications Cable, Filled, Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductors Technical Requirements. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 1997. International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC 60794-5. Optical Fibre Cables—Part 5: Sectional Specification—Microduct Cabling for Installation by Blowing. Geneva, Switzerland: International Electrotechnical Commission, 2006. National Fire Protection Association, Inc. NFPA 70. National Electrical Code®, 2005 edition. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 2005. Telecommunications Industry Association. TIA-526-7. OFSTP-7— Measurement of Optical Power Loss of Installed Single-Mode Fiber Cable Plant. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. ———. TIA-526-14-A. OFSTP-14—Optical Power Loss Measurements of Installed Multimode Fiber Cable Plant. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 1998. U.S. Government Printing Office. Bulletin 1753F-204. REA Specification for Aerial Service Wires (PE-7). Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1996. ———. Bulletin 1753F-205. REA Specification for Filled Telephone Cables (PE-39). Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1993. ———. Bulletin 1753F-206. REA Specification for Filled Buried Wire (PE-86). Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1993. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 3-86 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 3: Cable Types References, continued ———. Bulletin 1753F-208. REA Specification for Filled Telephone Cables with Expanded Insulation (PE-89). Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1993. ———. Bulletin 1753F-601. REA Specification for Filled Fiber Optic Cables (PE-90). Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1994. Telcordia Technologies, Inc. GR-110-CORE. Thermoplastic Insulated Steam-Resistant Metallic Cable. Piscataway, NJ: Telcordia Technologies, Inc., 1994, 2003. ———. GR-111-CORE. Thermoplastic Insulated Riser Cable. Piscataway, NJ: Telcordia Technologies, Inc., 1995. ———. GR-421-CORE. Generic Requirements for Metallic Telecommunications Cables. Piscataway, NJ: Telcordia Technologies, Inc., 1998. ———. GR-492-CORE. Generic Requirements for Metallic Telecommunications Wire. Piscataway, NJ: Telcordia Technologies, Inc., 1994. ———. GR-1069-CORE. Generic Requirements for Non-Metallic Reinforced Aerial Service Wire. Piscataway, NJ: Telcordia Technologies, Inc., 1998. ———. GR-1398-CORE. Coaxial Drop Cable. Piscataway, NJ: Telcordia Technologies, Inc., 1996. © 2007 BICSI® 3-87 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4 Cabling Infrastructure Chapter 4 discusses three fundamental cabling topologies— star, ring, and bus—and the hybrid cabling topologies, including star-wired ring, clustered star, hierarchical star, and tree topologies. Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Table of Contents Introduction........................................................................................ 4-1 Outside Plant (OSP) ..................................................................................... 4-1 Topology ............................................................................................. 4-3 Star Topology ............................................................................................. 4-3 Hierarchical Star Topology ............................................................................. 4-5 Two-Level Hierarchical Star Topology .............................................................. 4-6 Physical Star/Logical Ring Topology ................................................................ 4-7 Physical Ring Topology .................................................................................. 4-8 Clustered Star Topology .............................................................................. 4-10 Optical Fiber Ring Topology .......................................................................... 4-11 Bus Topology ............................................................................................ 4-12 Tree and Branch Topology ........................................................................... 4-12 Figures Figure 4.1 Star topology .................................................................................. 4-4 Figure 4.2 Hierarchical star topology ................................................................. 4-5 Figure 4.3 Physical star/logical ring topology ...................................................... 4-7 Figure 4.4 Buildings connected by a physical ring topology.................................... 4-8 Figure 4.5 Main backbone ring and redundant backbone star combined ................... 4-9 Figure 4.6 Clustered star topology with physical star/logical ring ......................... 4-10 Figure 4.7 Optical fiber ring topology (simplified) ............................................... 4-11 Figure 4.8 Bus topology ................................................................................. 4-12 Figure 4.9 Tree and branch topology ............................................................... 4-13 © 2007 BICSI® 4-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 4-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Introduction Outside Plant (OSP) Outside plant (OSP) is the telecommunications cabling infrastructure designed for installations exterior to buildings. These installations typically are routed into one or more entrance facilities (EFs) in a building. This OSP cabling infrastructure may be located on a customer’s property or between a customer’s noncontiguous sites, which provides the capability to transport information between buildings and other structures. This chapter provides design requirements and guidelines for OSP telecommunications cabling infrastructure, which includes telecommunications: • Pathways and spaces. • Cables. • Connecting hardware. • Grounding and bonding systems. Campus backbone cabling is the segment of a network that presents the information transport systems (ITS) distribution designer and end user with the most options and challenges, particularly in major networks (e.g., universities, large industrial parks, military bases). Campus backbone is also the network segment most affected by physical considerations (e.g., duct availability, right-of-way [R/W], physical barriers). There are three fundamental cabling topologies—star, ring, and bus. From these three, a number of hybrid topologies have developed, including: © 2007 BICSI® • Star-wired ring. • Clustered star. • Hierarchical star. • Tree. • Branch. 4-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Outside Plant (OSP), continued As protection against network downtime, many optical fiber cabling systems use redundancy. Options for redundancy include: • Active equipment network devices that are coupled to optical fibers in the same cable as the primary network system. If the primary network system fails, the redundant network system will activate immediately. This protects against active device failure; however, it does not help in the rare instance of a complete cable cut or some other form of disconnection that results in an interruption of network transmission. Additional examples of disconnection also may include: – Removal of optical fiber patch cord assemblies or optical fiber equipment cords on the user side of the system. – Disconnection of optical fiber connectors from their associated optical fiber adapters on the cabling side of the system. – One or more optical fiber strands that break or exhibit excessive loss on either the user side or cabling side of the system. NOTE: The user side of the cabling system is accessible to the user, and equipment cords/cables are used to plug into the user side of the cabling system. The cabling side of the system is accessible to cabling installers. Connections made on the cabling side of a system are part of the permanent link model. • Physical diverse routing, which provides the most protection. A redundant optical fiber cable is placed in a second diverse route to activate immediately if cable is damaged. Consider using physical diversity in cases where minimum downtime for the infrastructure is a requirement. Physically diverse cabling is more costly than coupled active equipment devices. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 4-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Topology Star Topology A star topology generally is deployed for OSP cabling. Star configurations allow all buildings to be cabled directly from the main cross-connect (MC [campus distributor (CD)]). These configurations centralize the physical management of the backbone network. A star topology directly links all buildings requiring connection to the MC (CD). See Figure 4.1. These direct links between the MC (CD) and the intermediate cross-connect (IC [building distributor (BD)]) sometimes are referred to as home runs. The cross-connect in each building then becomes the IC (BD), linking the telecommunications rooms (TRs) from their associated horizontal cross-connects (HC [floor distributors (FDs)]) in each building to the MC (CD). By centralizing the physical management of the backbone cabling at the MC (CD), the owner has the opportunity to connect the network to a remote location or campus. For example, this connection can be made via microwave, satellite, or leased lines. © 2007 BICSI® 4-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Star Topology, continued The MC (CD) should be close to (if not colocated with) the primary equipment room (ER). Ideally, the MC (CD) will: • Be at the center of the buildings being served. • Provide adequate space for cross-connect hardware and equipment. Some of the advantages of using a star topology for the campus backbone cabling are that it: • Provides centralized facilities administration. • Allows testing and reconfiguration of the system’s topology and applications from the MC (CD). • Provides increased flexibility. Figure 4.1 Star topology MC (CD) Building A MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 4-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Hierarchical Star Topology If the distance from the switch to the last workstation exceeds the transmission limit, the designer should consider using a hierarchical star configuration. In this configuration, the first level backbone either cross-connects or interconnects to the second level backbone via active network equipment. Each cabling segment may connect to a centralized location that supports the area as a star topology where Building A is star cabled to Building F, and then Building F is star cabled to Buildings G, H, and J (see Figure 4.2). Node locations can be connected to other topologies to support technologies and equipment used for wide area applications such as: • Wireless. • Synchronous optical network (SONET). • Integrated services digital network (ISDN). • x Digital subscriber line (xDSL). • Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). • Hybrid fiber/coaxial (HFC). Figure 4.2 Hierarchical star topology Building C Building B Building H Building E Building A MC (CD) Building F IC (BD) Building G Building D Building J Level 2 IC (BD) = Intermediate cross-connect (building distributor) MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) © 2007 BICSI® 4-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Two-Level Hierarchical Star Topology A two-level hierarchical star design provides an interbuilding backbone that uses selected ICs (BDs) to serve a number of buildings, rather than linking all the buildings directly to the MC (CD). The ICs (BDs) are then linked to the MC (CD). Consider using a two-level hierarchical star when available pathways do not allow for all cables to be routed to an MC (CD) or when geographical or user grouping requirements make it desirable to segment the network physically. In large networks, this allows electronics (e.g., switches) to be used more effectively to utilize bandwidth and distance capabilities of the cabling or to segment the network physically. Many designers consider the two-level hierarchical star beneficial, especially if the number of interbuilding ICs (BDs) is held to a minimum. When the two-level hierarchical star is used for an interbuilding backbone, a physical star should be implemented in all segments. This will ensure that flexibility, versatility, and manageability are maintained. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 4-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Physical Wired Star/Logical Ring Topology A physical star/logical ring topology indicates the OSP cable is physically constructed in a star configuration but the signaling will be routed in a logical ring topology. This type of configuration should be used when the designer determines that a physical ring route is not possible or an existing cable will be used in a segment of the total project (see Figure 4.3). Figure 4.3 Physical star/logical ring topology Node B Node C IC (BD) IC (BD) MC (CD) IC (BD) Node D IC (BD) Node A IC (BD) = Intermediate cross-connect (building distributor) MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) This topology allows for concentration of backup systems, maintenance, and performance monitoring personnel to be located at the MC (CD). This creates economies of scale in network operational costs and upgrades by concentrating a majority of the network hardware at a central location. The downside, however, is a single point of failure. © 2007 BICSI® 4-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Physical Ring Topology The designer may consider using a physical ring (see Figure 4.4) to link the interbuilding ICs (BDs) and MC (CD) when: • The existing pathways (e.g., conduit) support it. • The primary purpose of the network is optical fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), SONET, or token ring. • There is a redundant cable path. Figure 4.4 Buildings connected by a physical ring topology IC (BD) IC (BD) See note MC (CD) IC (BD) IC (BD) IC (BD) IC (BD) IC (BD) = Intermediate cross-connect (building distributor) MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) The typical optical fiber cores/strands design for a cabling system that provides physical ring routing would dedicate some of the optical fiber core strands to a ring and some to a star by splicing through the ICs (BDs) back to the MC (CD). NOTE: This generally is not recommended without direct connection to an MC (CD). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 4-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Physical Ring Topology, continued Figure 4.5 gives the end user the best cabling system configuration. However, the designer must have a significantly detailed definition of present and future telecommunications requirements before designing this kind of arrangement. Figure 4.5 Main backbone ring and redundant backbone star combined MC (CD) IC ( B D ) 1 IC ( B D ) 3 IC(BD) 2 48-Optical fiber cable (6 ring optical fibers and 42 star optical fibers) = 6 Ring fibers = 12 Star fibers = Optical fiber patch panel = Optical fiber splice center = Splices IC (BD) = Intermediate cross-connect (building distributor) MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) © 2007 BICSI® 4-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Clustered Star Topology A clustered star with or without a physical star/logical ring indicates that from the MC (CD) to the node sites the topology can be either a star or a ring topology (see Figure 4.6). This determination is at the designer’s discretion and is based upon the electronics, designer’s survivability plans, and transmission budget selected at the MC (CD) and each node site. Figure 4.6 Clustered star topology with physical star/logical ring Bldg 4 Bldg 3 Bldg 5 Node site B Bldg 2 Bldg 6 Bldg 7 Node site A Bldg 8 MC (CD) Node site C Bldg 1 MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) At the node site, the buildings are served via a physical star topology. The node sites have the ability to be either a star or ring configuration. This topology allows a designer to provide for fault-tolerant redundant routing at the node locations. At the same time, the designer can reduce the design costs for electronics and OSP cable from the node sites to the buildings via a ring or a star network topology. This configuration also takes advantage of the concentration of electronic equipment in a common location for network management operations and efficiency. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 4-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Optical Fiber Ring Topology The optical fiber ring topology depicted in Figure 4.7 is a simplified view of a typical ring application. Optical fiber ring strategies can become very sophisticated and complex in their routing schemes and primary and protection switching capabilities. Most simple rings are designed to provide a primary path and a secondary path in case there is either an electronic failure at a node site or a service interruption related to the OSP cable. In an optical fiber ring topology, separate and independent physical pathways are recommended for primary and secondary rings. Figure 4.7 Optical fiber ring topology (simplified) Node A Node D Node B Ring signaling direction Node C Optical fiber ring topologies are increasingly becoming the normal design architecture for OSP operations because they can support high bandwidth transport applications. Ring topologies provide the following benefits: © 2007 BICSI® • Fault-tolerant redundant routing • Greater reliability and significantly less cabling service downtime • Flexible architecture 4-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Bus Topology A bus topology is a linear configuration of cabling that has limited application if the designer is looking for fault-tolerant redundancy (see Figure 4.8). A bus topology is adequate if the route is secure (protected from breaks), redundancy is not required, and the system traffic is not of a significantly critical nature to require alternate routing. All points along the cable route are in communication with each other. If the route should suffer a break, all network communications would be lost. Figure 4.8 Bus topology Building B IC (BD) MC (CD) IC (BD) Building C Building A ER Building D ER = Equipment room IC (BD) = Intermediate cross-connect (building distributor) MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) Tree and Branch Topology Tree and branch topology typically refers to the configuration of the cabling from a node site, or directly from the MC (CD). This terminology is used in the planning for coaxial cables for community antenna television (CATV) operations. The terminology describes the main trunk of a tree with subsequent branches extending from this trunk line. It may extend in multiple directions. The trunk is normally referred to in the telephony industry as feeder cable and the branch is distribution cable (see Figure 4.9). In the CATV industry, the terminology is reversed and the trunk is the main line from the headend to the branch, called the feeder cable. The parameters for the design of this type of network are dependent upon the loss characteristics of the coaxial cabling and the geographic area to be served. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 4-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure Tree and Branch Topology, continued Figure 4.9 Tree and branch topology Bldg A Typical Bldg B MC (CD) Bldg D Bldg C Bldg E Bldg F Bldg G MC (CD) = Main cross-connect (campus distributor) NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Locations such as this in a cabling system can take on many different configura tions depending on the type of cabling system. For cabling in general, this point could be a handhole (HH) with one cable from the MC (CD) through the HH to Building A, and one cable from the MC (CD) through the HH to Building B. If this is a balanced twisted-pair cable, this could be a 100-pair cable from the MC (CD) to a maintenance hole (MH) with a splice. The splice could have the first binder group run to Building B, the second binder group run to Building A, and the third and fourth binder groups as spares for future requirements. If this were a CATV cable, this could be a feeder or trunk cable to an HH and a tap, sending one cable to Building A and one cable to Building B. This also could be an optical fiber network with a cable from the MC (CD) to an MH and spliced into an optical fiber cable to Building A and one to Building B. 4-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5 Pathways and Spaces Chapter 5 identifies the types of pathways and spaces subject to outside plant (OSP) design—underground pathways, direct-buried pathways, aerial pathways, maintenance holes (MHs), handholes (HHs), controlled environment vaults (CEVs), and concrete universal enclosures (CUEs). It discusses the details of construction, cabling placement, and supporting infrastructure. Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Table of Contents Route Design ...................................................................................... 5-1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 5-1 Preliminary Investigations and Surveys ............................................................ 5-1 Site Survey ................................................................................................. 5-2 Route Construction ................................................................................. 5-2 Alternate Route Considerations ...................................................................... 5-4 Flagging, Painting, and Marking Utilities ........................................................... 5-5 Test Holes (Potholes) ................................................................................... 5-5 Documentation ............................................................................................ 5-6 Right-of-Way (R/W) ..................................................................................... 5-6 Joint Use Occupancy .................................................................................... 5-6 Pathways ........................................................................................... 5-7 Introduction ................................................................................................ 5-7 Underground ............................................................................................... 5-7 Direct-Buried ............................................................................................... 5-7 Aerial ......................................................................................................... 5-8 SECTION 1: UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS Underground Pathways ...................................................................... 5-9 Introduction ................................................................................................ 5-9 Conditions Requiring Conduit Construction ...................................................... 5-13 Economics ................................................................................................ 5-13 Conduit System Planning ............................................................................. 5-14 Finished Conduit System Design ................................................................... 5-15 Conduit System Requirements ...................................................................... 5-15 Future Conduit System Requirements ............................................................ 5-17 Planning Lateral Ducts ................................................................................ 5-17 Planning Subsidiary Ducts ............................................................................ 5-18 Section Length/Diameter Considerations ........................................................ 5-19 Maintenance Hole (MH) Location and Quantity ............................................... 5-20 Clearances ................................................................................................ 5-21 © 2007 BICSI® 5-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Depth ........................................................................................... 5-21 Live or Dynamic Loads ................................................................................ 5-22 Dead or Earth Loads ................................................................................... 5-23 Tensile Stresses ........................................................................................ 5-23 Drain Slope ............................................................................................... 5-24 Conduit Formations .................................................................................... 5-24 Advantages of Constructing Formations Using Individual Conduit .................. 5-25 Advantages of Multiple-Bore Conduit ............................................................. 5-27 Types of Conduit ....................................................................................... 5-27 Selecting a Type of Conduit ......................................................................... 5-28 Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit ................................................................. 5-29 Conduit Construction .................................................................................. 5-30 Using Innerduct .................................................................................... 5-31 Conduit Casings .................................................................................... 5-33 Wall Thickness of Casing Pipe .................................................................. 5-34 Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions .............................................................. 5-35 Coefficient of Friction (f) ....................................................................... 5-36 Calculating Pulling Tension for Straight Horizontal Conduit ............................ 5-37 Calculating Pulling Tension for Inclined Straight Segment of Conduit .............. 5-38 Calculating Pulling Tension for Uniformly Curved Segment of Conduit ............. 5-39 Cumulative Tension Worksheet ................................................................ 5-42 Designing Curved Conduit Sections ............................................................... 5-48 Air-Assisted Cable Installation ...................................................................... 5-48 Microduct ................................................................................................. 5-50 Calculating Volume of Backfill ....................................................................... 5-51 Trench Work .............................................................................................. 5-53 Subsurface Space ................................................................................. 5-57 Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing ................................................................ 5-57 Under Bridge Hanger/Conduit Method ....................................................... 5-58 Tunnels ............................................................................................. 5-67 Introduction .............................................................................................. 5-67 Utility Tunnels ........................................................................................... 5-67 Pedestrian Tunnels ..................................................................................... 5-69 Vehicular Tunnels ....................................................................................... 5-69 Motivating Design Factors ........................................................................... 5-70 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Application Areas ....................................................................................... 5-70 Advantages .............................................................................................. 5-70 Disadvantages ........................................................................................... 5-70 Utility Requirements ................................................................................... 5-71 Hazards .................................................................................................... 5-71 Ventilation ................................................................................................ 5-72 Fire Detection ........................................................................................... 5-72 Support Structures .................................................................................... 5-72 SECTION 2: DIRECT-BURIED PATHWAYS Direct-Buried Pathways .................................................................... 5-73 Introduction .............................................................................................. 5-73 Route Selection ......................................................................................... 5-73 Plow Route Selection .................................................................................. 5-75 Burial Depth .............................................................................................. 5-75 Placing Direct-Buried Cable ............................................................... 5-77 Trenching ................................................................................................. 5-77 Plowing .................................................................................................... 5-78 Vibratory Plow ...................................................................................... 5-79 Rip Plow .............................................................................................. 5-80 Rock Saw ............................................................................................ 5-80 Clearances from Existing Utilities ............................................................. 5-81 Boring ...................................................................................................... 5-81 Auger Bore System ................................................................................ 5-81 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) .......................................................... 5-83 Missile Bore System ............................................................................... 5-84 Casing Type ......................................................................................... 5-84 Cable Markers ....................................................................................... 5-84 SECTION 3: AERIAL PATHWAYS Aerial Pathways ............................................................................... 5-85 Introduction .............................................................................................. 5-85 Route Selection ......................................................................................... 5-85 Designing New Aerial Support Structures ....................................................... 5-86 Grades of Pole and Pole Line Construction ................................................. 5-86 Reuse of Existing Poles and Pole Lines ...................................................... 5-86 © 2007 BICSI® 5-iii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Types of Loading ....................................................................................... 5-87 Storm Load Requirements ............................................................................ 5-88 Combined Ice and Wind Loading .............................................................. 5-89 Light Loading ........................................................................................ 5-89 Medium Loading .................................................................................... 5-89 Heavy Loading ...................................................................................... 5-89 Extreme Wind Loading ............................................................................ 5-90 Required Pole Strength .......................................................................... 5-91 Moment Strength .................................................................................. 5-91 Method of Summing Loads ...................................................................... 5-91 Pole Classification ...................................................................................... 5-92 Numerical Classification of Poles ................................................................... 5-93 Pole Depth Belowground .............................................................................. 5-99 Depth Requirement ................................................................................... 5-100 Compaction ............................................................................................. 5-102 Transverse Load on a Pole from Aerial Line ................................................... 5-102 Storm-Loading Districts ........................................................................ 5-102 Load Table ......................................................................................... 5-103 Moment ............................................................................................. 5-104 Transverse Load from Wind Pressure on Pole ........................................... 5-104 Assumed Load .................................................................................... 5-104 Loads Imposed by Service Drop Wires ......................................................... 5-105 Unbalanced Service Drop Wires ............................................................. 5-105 Balanced Drop Wires ............................................................................ 5-105 Loads Imposed by Pole Attachments ........................................................... 5-105 Transverse Load Calculation ...................................................................... 5-106 Conditions ......................................................................................... 5-106 Calculation ......................................................................................... 5-106 Estimation ......................................................................................... 5-107 Required Resistant Moment ................................................................... 5-107 Selection ............................................................................................... 5-107 Selection of Pole Class ......................................................................... 5-107 Vertical Load ........................................................................................... 5-108 Bending Moments (Longitudinal Loads) ........................................................ 5-109 Calculation of Pole Height .......................................................................... 5-109 Attachment Space .............................................................................. 5-109 Pole Spacing and Span Lengths .................................................................. 5-110 Total Weight and Maximum Span Lengths of the Cable ................................... 5-112 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-iv © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Special Situation Designs .......................................................................... 5-117 Optical Fiber Cable Considerations ......................................................... 5-117 Slack Span Design ............................................................................... 5-118 Pole to Building Design ......................................................................... 5-119 Flying Cross Construction ..................................................................... 5-120 Clearances .............................................................................................. 5-120 Attachment Clearances ........................................................................ 5-121 Midspan Clearances ............................................................................. 5-122 Vertical Clearances .............................................................................. 5-123 Facility Clearances (Government) .......................................................... 5-126 Radial Clearances ................................................................................ 5-126 Support Strands ...................................................................................... 5-127 Support Strand Size ............................................................................ 5-127 Anchor and Guys ..................................................................................... 5-128 Anchor and Guys Support Strands ......................................................... 5-128 Anchor and Guy Configuration ............................................................... 5-128 Common Anchor and Guy Configurations ................................................. 5-128 Guy Attachment Hardware ................................................................... 5-130 Storm Guying ..................................................................................... 5-131 Lead-to-Height Ratio ........................................................................... 5-132 Measuring the Corner Pull ..................................................................... 5-133 Calculating Guy Strength ...................................................................... 5-136 Guy Size ............................................................................................ 5-137 Anchors ............................................................................................. 5-140 Soil Classifications ............................................................................... 5-141 Guy Rod Size ...................................................................................... 5-143 Guy Rod Ends ..................................................................................... 5-143 Selection of Anchors ........................................................................... 5-145 Location and Installation of Anchors ...................................................... 5-148 Designing Additions to Existing Aerial Support Structures ................................ 5-149 Pole Line Adequacy ............................................................................. 5-149 Pole Line Construction Classification ....................................................... 5-149 System Plans ..................................................................................... 5-151 Joint-Use Agreements .......................................................................... 5-151 Makeready Work ................................................................................. 5-151 Design Transition Structures ...................................................................... 5-151 © 2007 BICSI® 5-v OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces SECTION 4: AERIAL CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Placement ...................................................................................... 5-157 Depth of Pole Setting ............................................................................... 5-157 General ............................................................................................. 5-157 Firm Soil or Solid Rock .......................................................................... 5-158 Soil and Rock ..................................................................................... 5-159 Frozen Soil ......................................................................................... 5-161 Swampy Soil ...................................................................................... 5-164 Sloping Ground ................................................................................... 5-164 River or Stream Bank ........................................................................... 5-166 Unguyed Angles .................................................................................. 5-167 Restrictions of Pole Height ......................................................................... 5-167 Selection of Base Pole .............................................................................. 5-167 Diameter and Depth of Holes ...................................................................... 5-167 Diameter of Pole Holes ......................................................................... 5-167 Depth of Pole Holes ............................................................................. 5-167 Average Depth in Firm Ground or Solid Rock at Ground Level ...................... 5-167 Solid Rock below Ground Level .............................................................. 5-168 Methods of Digging Pole Holes .................................................................... 5-168 Digging Holes with Hand Tools ............................................................... 5-168 Boring Holes with Earth Boring Machine ................................................... 5-171 Water Jet Method of Setting Poles ......................................................... 5-171 Blasting Pole Holes .............................................................................. 5-172 Methods of Raising and Setting Poles ............................................. 5-173 Line Truck Method ................................................................................... 5-173 A-Frame Line Truck ............................................................................. 5-173 Line Truck Equipped with Hydraulic/Mechanical Derrick .............................. 5-176 Hand and Pike Pole Method ................................................................... 5-177 Backfilling and Tamping ........................................................................ 5-179 Raking Poles ............................................................................................ 5-179 Dead End and Corner Pole Raking ........................................................... 5-179 Footings for Poles .................................................................................... 5-181 Plank Footings .................................................................................... 5-181 Catenary Span Poles ........................................................................... 5-182 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-vi © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Plank Bracing and Platform Supports ...................................................... 5-183 Platform Supports with Side Guys .......................................................... 5-185 Platform Supports at H Fixtures ............................................................. 5-186 Ground Braces ......................................................................................... 5-187 Log Braces ......................................................................................... 5-187 Plank Ground Braces ............................................................................ 5-189 Push Braces ............................................................................................ 5-189 Length of Push Braces ......................................................................... 5-189 Determining Individual Push Brace Length ................................................ 5-190 Position of Push Braces ........................................................................ 5-192 Installation of Push Braces ........................................................................ 5-192 Push Brace at Single Poles ................................................................... 5-192 Double Push Braces ............................................................................. 5-195 Push-Pull Braces ................................................................................. 5-196 SECTION 5: SPACES Spaces ............................................................................................ 5-199 Introduction ............................................................................................ 5-199 Confined Spaces ...................................................................................... 5-199 Maintenance Holes (MHs) .......................................................................... 5-200 Choosing Precast or Site-Poured Maintenance Hole (MH) ................................ 5-206 Maintenance Hole (MH) Size Extensions ....................................................... 5-206 Selecting Maintenance Hole (MH) by Duct Entrance ...................................... 5-207 Maintenance Hole (MH) Types .................................................................... 5-210 Cable Racking Provisions ........................................................................... 5-214 Administration ......................................................................................... 5-215 Sealing Ducts .......................................................................................... 5-215 Openings, Covers, and Frames ................................................................... 5-215 Maintenance Hole (MH) Extension Rings ....................................................... 5-217 Handholes (HHs) ............................................................................ 5-218 Location ................................................................................................. 5-220 Pedestals, Cabinets, and Vaults ...................................................... 5-221 Introduction ............................................................................................ 5-221 Ground-Level Pedestals and Cabinet Criteria ................................................. 5-222 © 2007 BICSI® 5-vii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Cabinets ................................................................................................. 5-223 Pole/Wall Mounted Cabinets .................................................................. 5-223 Environmentally Controlled Cabinets ....................................................... 5-223 Controlled Environment Vault (CEV) ............................................... 5-225 Concrete Universal Enclosure (CUE) ............................................... 5-226 Marinas ........................................................................................... 5-227 Service at Marinas ................................................................................... 5-227 Terms and Definitions ............................................................................... 5-227 Docks with Floating Sections ..................................................................... 5-227 Designating Specific Docks for Service ........................................................ 5-228 Precabling Boat Slips ................................................................................ 5-228 Using Mechanical Protection ...................................................................... 5-229 Protecting Cable, Conductors, and Terminals ................................................ 5-229 Choosing Conduit Size and Type ................................................................. 5-229 Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) ............................................................... 5-230 System Separation ................................................................................... 5-230 Condominium Slips .................................................................................... 5-232 References ..................................................................................... 5-234 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-viii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Figures Figure 5.1 Lateral and subsidiary conduits ................................................... 5-16 Figure 5.2 Live or dynamic load dispersal ..................................................... 5-22 Figure 5.3 Dead or earth load dispersal ....................................................... 5-23 Figure 5.4 Conduit casings under railroads ................................................... 5-33 Figure 5.5 Conduit casings under highway ................................................... 5-34 Figure 5.6 Forces acting on cable pulled through straight conduit ................... 5-37 Figure 5.7 Inclined straight conduit ............................................................ 5-39 Figure 5.8 Simple bend ............................................................................. 5-40 Figure 5.9 Microduct ................................................................................ 5-50 Figure 5.10 Typical concrete-encased conduit structure ................................. 5-51 Figure 5.11 Typical compacted fill conduit structure ....................................... 5-52 Figure 5.12 Typical trench shield ................................................................. 5-53 Figure 5.13 Typical trench with shoring in unstable ground .............................. 5-54 Figure 5.14 Typical trench with shoring in stable ground .................................. 5-55 Figure 5.15 Bell end conduit slip sleeve ......................................................... 5-57 Figure 5.16 Expansion joints ....................................................................... 5-58 Figure 5.17 Angle bracing ........................................................................... 5-59 Figure 5.18 Longitudinal bracing and load forces ............................................ 5-60 Figure 5.19 Anchor and plug ....................................................................... 5-61 Figure 5.20 Back-to-back expansion joint units .............................................. 5-61 Figure 5.21 Back-to back expansion joint ...................................................... 5-62 Figure 5.22 In-line single-expansion joint over 30.5 m (100 ft) ......................... 5-62 Figure 5.23 Expansion joint under 30.5 m (100 ft) .......................................... 5-63 Figure 5.24 Single expansion joint ................................................................ 5-63 Figure 5.25 Angle bracing into stranded area ................................................. 5-64 Figure 5.26 Conduit installed in sidewalk portion of bridge ................................ 5-65 Figure 5.27 Conduit installed by hanging under sidewalk portion of bridge .......... 5-65 Figure 5.28 Conduit run attached to side of bridge with steel brackets .............. 5-66 Figure 5.29 Conduit runs attached to steel I-beams ....................................... 5-66 Figure 5.30 Typical shallow tunnel section .................................................... 5-68 Figure 5.31 Protection of direct-buried cable ................................................. 5-74 Figure 5.32 Walk behind trencher ................................................................. 5-77 Figure 5.33 Tractor-drawn trencher ............................................................. 5-78 Figure 5.34 Trencher/vibratory plow ............................................................. 5-79 © 2007 BICSI® 5-ix OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Figure 5.35 Vibratory plow .......................................................................... 5-79 Figure 5.36 Rip plow .................................................................................. 5-80 Figure 5.37 Rock saw ................................................................................ 5-80 Figure 5.38 Auger bore .............................................................................. 5-82 Figure 5.39 Horizontal directional drilling machine ........................................... 5-83 Figure 5.40 Wind and ice loadings ................................................................ 5-88 Figure 5.41 Example of keying a pole .......................................................... 5-101 Figure 5.42 Pole placement utilizing terrain feature ....................................... 5-110 Figure 5.43 Slack span ............................................................................. 5-118 Figure 5.44 Building attachment methods .................................................... 5-119 Figure 5.45 Flying cross ........................................................................... 5-120 Figure 5.46 Midspan clearances ................................................................. 5-122 Figure 5.47 Vertical clearances over obstacles ............................................ 5-123 Figure 5.48 Vertical clearances between utilities .......................................... 5-124 Figure 5.49 Clearance distances ................................................................ 5-126 Figure 5.50 Push brace ............................................................................ 5-129 Figure 5.51 Guying configurations .............................................................. 5-130 Figure 5.52 Storm Guying ......................................................................... 5-131 Figure 5.53 Definition of lead and height ..................................................... 5-132 Figure 5.54 Calculating pull with pull finder .................................................. 5-133 Figure 5.55 Calculating pull with tape measure ............................................ 5-134 Figure 5.56 Guy rule ................................................................................ 5-138 Figure 5.57 Using guy strand selection chart example ................................... 5-139 Figure 5.58 Types of common anchors ........................................................ 5-140 Figure 5.59 Guy rod ends ......................................................................... 5-144 Figure 5.60 Aerial to underground transition ................................................ 5-152 Figure 5.61 Aerial to direct-buried transition ................................................ 5-152 Figure 5.62 Underground to direct-buried transition ...................................... 5-153 Figure 5.63 Underground to building transition ............................................. 5-153 Figure 5.64 Aerial to building transition ....................................................... 5-154 Figure 5.65 Direct-buried to building transition ............................................. 5-155 Figure 5.66 Typical settings of poles in permafrost ....................................... 5-162 Figure 5.67 Effect on pole when active layer above permafrost is refrozen ....... 5-163 Figure 5.68 Setting pole in sloping ground ................................................... 5-165 Figure 5.69 Typical pole crib ..................................................................... 5-166 Figure 5.70 Digging pole hole with hand tools .............................................. 5-169 Figure 5.71 Digging pole hole with a water jet ............................................. 5-172 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-x © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Figure 5.72 Setting pole using A-frame line truck ......................................... 5-174 Figure 5.73 Sighting pole to ensure it is level and plumb ................................ 5-175 Figure 5.74 Raising pole using manpower, pole pikes, and a deadman pole support .................................................... 5-178 Figure 5.75 Raking pole prior to tamping ..................................................... 5-180 Figure 5.76 Plank footing for pole .............................................................. 5-181 Figure 5.77 Plank footing and catenary design ............................................. 5-182 Figure 5.78 Plank and log footing and catenary design .................................. 5-183 Figure 5.79 Platform support ..................................................................... 5-184 Figure 5.80 Side guys and platform support ................................................. 5-185 Figure 5.81 Platform support at H fixture .................................................... 5-186 Figure 5.82 Log ground brace ................................................................... 5-188 Figure 5.83 Measuring for push brace ......................................................... 5-191 Figure 5.84 Push brace on single pole ......................................................... 5-193 Figure 5.85 Push brace on H fixture ........................................................... 5-194 Figure 5.86 Double push brace .................................................................. 5-195 Figure 5.87 Push-pull brace ...................................................................... 5-197 Figure 5.88 Typical maintenance hole (cutaway side view) ............................ 5-201 Figure 5.89 Maintenance hole diagram ........................................................ 5-202 Figure 5.90 Maintenance hole frame, cover, and collar .................................. 5-203 Figure 5.91 Center conduit tray ................................................................ 5-204 Figure 5.92 Splayed conduit entry ............................................................. 5-204 Figure 5.93 Basic A precast maintenance hole ............................................. 5-205 Figure 5.94 Type A maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .. 5-210 Figure 5.95 Type A maintenance hole with splayed window (plan view) ........... 5-210 Figure 5.96 Type J maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .. 5-211 Figure 5.97 Type J maintenance hole with splayed conduit windows (plan view) 5-211 Figure 5.98 Type L maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .. 5-212 Figure 5.99 Type L maintenance hole with splayed conduit window (plan view) . 5-212 Figure 5.100 Type T maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) .. 5-213 Figure 5.101 Type T maintenance hole with splayed conduit window (plan view) 5-213 Figure 5.102 Typical cable maintenance hole ................................................. 5-214 Figure 5.103 Typical handhole .................................................................... 5-219 Figure 5.104 Pedestals and cabinets ............................................................ 5-224 Figure 5.105 Modular floating dock layout ..................................................... 5-231 Figure 5.106 Sample marina layout .............................................................. 5-233 © 2007 BICSI® 5-xi OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Tables Table 5.1 Uniform color code for utility flagging, painting, or marking ................ 5-5 Table 5.2 Domestic and international one-call locate company telephone numbers ..................................................................... 5-9 Table 5.3 Clearances .............................................................................. 5-21 Table 5.4 Conduit formations .................................................................... 5-25 Table 5.5 Straight lengths of individual conduit ........................................... 5-26 Table 5.6 Rigid bends for 100 mm (4 trade size) individual conduit .................. 5-26 Table 5.7 Galvanized rigid steel conduit sizes .............................................. 5-30 Table 5.8 Coefficient of friction ................................................................ 5-36 Table 5.9 Cable pulling tension ................................................................. 5-41 Table 5.10 Cubic yards of concrete per 30.5 m (100 ft) of trench .................... 5-51 Table 5.11 Cubic yards of compacted fill per 30.5 m (100 ft) of trench ............. 5-52 Table 5.12 Minimum trench shoring requirements ........................................... 5-56 Table 5.13 Ice, wind, and temperature ........................................................ 5-90 Table 5.14 Pole class and transverse breaking strength .................................. 5-92 Table 5.15 Pole resistance moments ........................................................... 5-94 Table 5.16 Rated fiber strength for pole species ........................................... 5-94 Table 5.17 Resistance moments for various sizes of poles ............................... 5-95 Table 5.18 Pole setting depth required for various heights .............................. 5-99 Table 5.19 Transverse load on pole (kg/m per lb/ft of span length) ................ 5-103 Table 5.20 Load imposed by pole attachment ............................................. 5-105 Table 5.21 Minimum pole class to support vertical load ................................. 5-108 Table 5.22 Maximum span lengths for self-supporting cable .......................... 5-111 Table 5.23 Pole span length/tension .......................................................... 5-112 Table 5.24 Weight for ALPETH cable .......................................................... 5-113 Table 5.25 Cable weight for self-supporting cable ....................................... 5-115 Table 5.26 Cable weight for self-supporting cable reinforced sheath .............. 5-116 Table 5.27 Typical attachment clearances ................................................. 5-121 Table 5.28 Minimum vertical clearances of cables above ground or rails at midspan crossing .......................................................... 5-125 Table 5.29 Minimum vertical clearance of cable runs along and within limits of public highways ................................................. 5-125 Table 5.30 Strand sizes .......................................................................... 5-127 Table 5.31 Calculating pull when angle is known .......................................... 5-135 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-xii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Table 5.32 Minimum allowable tension for guys ........................................... 5-136 Table 5.33 Minimum guy strand selection table ........................................... 5-137 Table 5.34 Guy strand selection table ....................................................... 5-139 Table 5.35 Anchor groupings .................................................................... 5-142 Table 5.36 Soil classifications .................................................................. 5-146 Table 5.37 Anchor types recommended for different soil classes .................... 5-147 Table 5.38 Grades of construction for communications conductors ................. 5-150 Table 5.39 Standard pole settings ............................................................ 5-158 Table 5.40 Pole settings for solid rock below surface level ............................ 5-159 Table 5.41 Lengths of pole braces ............................................................ 5-190 Table 5.42 Maintenance hole ratings ......................................................... 5-200 Table 5.43 Maintenance hole window selection ........................................... 5-208 Table 5.44 Maintenance hole frames and covers ......................................... 5-216 Table 5.45 Precabling guidelines ............................................................... 5-228 Examples Example 5.1 Tension worksheet form ............................................................. 5-43 Example 5.2 Conduit run layout .................................................................... 5-44 Example 5.3 Worksheet A to B (imperial and metric) ........................................ 5-46 Example 5.4 Worksheet B to A (imperial and metric) ........................................ 5-47 © 2007 BICSI® 5-xiii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-xiv © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Route Design Introduction The outside plant (OSP) designer should select routes to preclude the need for future pathway relocation. Important factors to consider when planning a route include: • Safety. • Location. • Topography. • Local restrictions. • Cost. • Existing infrastructure • Future (i.e., proposed) development. Preliminary Investigations and Surveys Preliminary investigations and field surveys provide the designer with the information needed to select pathways and spaces and prevent possible safety hazards. Before beginning construction, the designer should consult available records and contact other utilities and government agencies to determine existing or proposed facilities (e.g., power, fuel [oil, gas], sewer, water mains, telephone, cable systems). NOTE: Natural gas and oil mains should be given special consideration because they present fire hazards and potential liability. If discrepancies are found between records and observable field conditions, the designer should request verification from utilities and possibly use test holes to determine existing conditions. When foreign lines, pipes, or structures (i.e., not appearing on the records) are discovered, the designer should determine ownership and contact the owner. If existing facilities present an obstacle, the designer may change the proposed route or elevation. Preliminary investigations also allow the designer to consider: © 2007 BICSI® • Traffic conditions. • Building construction. • Road improvement or repair operations. • Landscaping. • Safety conditions. • Work site equipment access. • Future maintenance. 5-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Preliminary Investigations and Surveys, continued Generally, when planning pathways, it is advisable to avoid: • Sewer catch basins. • Heavy traffic areas and possible future street locations. • Springs or underground streams. • Combustible gas or liquid storage facilities. • Existing underground utilities. • Aboveground structures and obstacles. • Foreign subsurface structures. • Surfaces that are difficult to restore. • Adverse soil conditions, including: • – Environmentally sensitive areas. – Swamps. – Quicksand. – Unstable geological conditions. – Rock. Areas with coastal or tidal restrictions. During a field survey, prepare sketches and notes showing measured distances from curb, centerline, or property lines to catch basins, sewer maintenance holes (MHs), hydrants, tracks, utility cover plates, and other types of MHs. Notes should also be made of construction details (e.g., railroad crossings, bridge attachments, and abnormal soil conditions) that might influence the cost or feasibility of the proposed infrastructure. Site Survey Site survey is one of the most important parts of any project. It allows the designer to take the time to look at the overall picture and resolve any possible conflicts that could delay or stop the project. At this stage, the designer gathers general information about the existing OSP conditions and begins to determine where the proposed OSP facilities will be placed. The designer also draws detailed notes about the existing field conditions. Upon the completion of this phase, all corrective information is also provided. Route Construction In planning for OSP cabling, cable infrastructure must be determined first. The choices are aerial, direct-buried, and underground. Typically, aerial plant (e.g., poles, cable, hardware, guys) has an expected life of approximately 30 years. Direct-buried plant has a similar or shorter lifespan, depending on different conditions (e.g., the cable has no external protection from vermin damage or construction unearthing other than its own sheath and armoring.) OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Site Survey, continued While being the most expensive system, underground plant usually has the highest cable placement capacity (dependent on the number and size of conduits placed) and the longest projected lifespan, typically in excess of 50 years. Despite the initial high cost, it is considered the most economical route placement system over the span of its service life. While the expected service life of the selected facility is a factor in route construction, so are the expected technical capabilities. Rapid technology development outdates products quickly. The designer must factor in the expected useful life of the design and advise the owner of the latest developments. Ensuring a long life from a type of technology that has been bypassed by newer developments may have little value. However, this is a decision the owner must make. Prior to performing a site assessment for a customer, the designer should obtain permission from the customer to work at the facility. If sensitive areas are involved, the designer should determine specific security measures to satisfy customer requirements. While performing the site survey for a current or potential customer, either for new construction or overbuilds, it is important to discuss the aesthetic requirements of the job so that both parties understand the expected end result (e.g., if open cuts are used to cross streets, does the customer require repairing only the immediate path or replacing or repaving an entire section). While determining the proposed route for cable or conduit, the designer should discuss routing with the customer. The customer may have reasons not to use the proposed route (e.g., future plans for buildings and parking lots). Once the customer approves the proposed route, the designer should identify splice or taper points for the new cable. Even after the customer has approved the proposed route, the following field conditions may force route changes: © 2007 BICSI® • Adverse ground conditions • Coordination with other utilities • Missing easement or permits • Customer space utilization issues • Document errors or omissions 5-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Site Survey, continued It is not always necessary to build new pathways for cable placement. The existing route may be fully adequate. The designer should evaluate the existing: • Pole lines. • Conduit. • MHs. • Tunnels. If space is available, these structures should be used to place the new cables, provided that the customer owns the structures. If the customer does not own the structures, written permission must be obtained from the owners before placement is made. When selecting appropriate topology, the designer should involve the customer in discussions to determine any geographic or special requirements. Any route selection involves tradeoffs. A route that takes a new path may involve obtaining permits and licenses in addition to the costs of construction. However, if the original route remains in service, it may provide diversity. Following an existing route may provide the advantage of minimizing structural costs, but it may not provide the most direct route. Consequently, the owner’s involvement is desirable. Alternate Route Considerations An alternative route may be considered if the field investigation indicates the proposed route would be exposed to heavy traffic, expensive pavement replacement, adverse soil conditions, or other factors that might create: • High installation costs. • Right-of-way (R/W) problems. • An unsafe working environment. Except where safety is a concern, the designer should determine whether a change should be made by deciding which is most cost efficient—the proposed route or an alternative route. When selecting the most cost-effective route, consideration must be given to legal fees and costs associated with delays due to the acquisition of permits, easements, and local approvals. Even if the most direct route appears to require a greater initial cost (e.g., more excavation or restoration costs), this cost should be weighed against that required for a longer route including larger cable gauges, longer cable loops, and more splicing. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Flagging, Painting, and Marking Utilities According to national and state laws in the U.S., for example, three days before excavation can begin, a facility locating service must be ordered. The designer can also order this service during the design phase to determine which utilities are in the excavation areas. Small flags or color coded paint is used to mark the locations. The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) recommends uniform color codes (see Table 5.1). Table 5.1 Uniform color code for utility flagging, painting, or marking The color… Is used to identify… White Proposed excavation. Pink Temporary survey markings. Red Electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables. Yellow Gas, oil, steam, petroleum or gaseous materials. Orange Communications, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduit. Blue Potable water. Purple Reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines. Green Sewers and drain lines. Test Holes (Potholes) Obstacles located along the proposed route should be identified. Underground obstacles are located using either electronic means or test holes. A test hole is created by hand digging or using other noninvasive methods described in CGA’s Best Practices. A test hole is a small hole either directly above or to the side of the obstacle’s assumed position. NOTE: An undocumented utility may be an obstacle. A test hole is located within the tolerance zone. This zone varies between 305 millimeters (mm [12 inches (in)]) to 914 mm (36 in) from the marked obstacle. Local ordinances or state laws should be checked for tolerances and advance notice requirements. If the zone is not identified by law or code, the measured zone should be 457 mm (18 in) measured horizontally from each side of the facility. When an obstacle is located, a plan and profile drawing should be created to identify its location. The route can be plotted using this information. © 2007 BICSI® 5-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Documentation A record should be made of the proposed route details (e.g., path, quantity, size, depth) with references to a fixed point, showing the condition of road surfaces and various adjoining structures. This record may be valuable if it becomes necessary to challenge future property damage claims. A videotape record or dated and notarized photographs showing preinstallation and postinstallation also may be useful for this purpose. Right-of-Way (R/W) When working on public or private R/W (see Chapter 8: Right-of-Way), necessary permits and easements should be obtained before beginning construction. If construction is planned on a: • Public R/W, permits should be obtained from an appropriate authority having jurisdiction (AHJ [e.g., federal, state, county, city, or park]) for use of the proposed route. • Private R/W or easement, the right to use the property must be negotiated with each land owner. Joint Use Occupancy To reduce the cost of multiple trenches and minimize the potential for damage to the existing facilities, the telephone company, community antenna television (CATV), and power company occasionally decide to dig a single trench and share it with one or all of the other parties. If joint trenching becomes an option in a particular situation, refer to publications such as the National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) for rules on cable separation. NOTE: Under a joint-use agreement, concordance of all involved parties should be established. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Pathways Introduction This section addresses design criteria that require attention by the designer when designing OSP, including: • Underground pathways and spaces. • Direct-buried pathways and spaces. • Aerial pathways and spaces. IMPORTANT: No cutting that may affect a building structurally can be performed without a prior approval by the architect/building owner. No structural members can be cut or coring/sleeves installed without a prior approval by a professional engineer licensed in the jurisdiction where the work is performed. Underground The advantages of underground cable systems are that they: • Provide out-of-sight service and maintain the property’s aesthetic appearance. • Are adaptable for future facility placement or removal. • Provide additional physical cable protection. The disadvantages of underground cable systems are that they: • Have a high initial installation cost. • Require more detailed route planning. • Provide a possible path for unwanted water or gases to enter buildings. Direct-Buried The advantages of direct-buried cable systems are that they: © 2007 BICSI® • Provide out-of-sight service and maintain the property’s aesthetic appearance. • Have a low initial installation cost when compared to underground. • Can easily bypass obstructions. 5-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Direct-Buried, continued The disadvantages of direct-buried cable systems are that they: • Are not flexible for future service reinforcements or changes. • Do not provide the same physical protection for the cable sheath as conduit. • May be difficult to locate in the case of all dielectric optical fiber cable. • Provide a possible path for unwanted water or gases to enter buildings. Aerial The advantages of aerial systems are that they: • Usually have the lowest installation costs. • Are readily accessible for maintenance. The disadvantages of aerial systems are that they: • Are aesthetically displeasing. • Create potential clearance problems. • Are susceptible to environmental damage. • Are more susceptible to damage by the public, with potential liability to the owner. • May have a higher cost of ongoing maintenance. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-8 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Underground Pathways Introduction Underground conduit structures are pathways used for placing telecommunications cable between access points such as MHs, handholes (HHs), and building entrances. Before selecting a route, the designer can perform a field survey to determine if any construction problems exist and whether any cost savings could be realized by selecting a different route. Sound judgment should be used when planning a conduit route to obtain the best location for construction, maintenance, and cable placing and ensure the optimum design. NOTE: The shortest route is not necessarily the optimum design. The number of ducts required in a proposed conduit system addition or extension depends on the number of cables necessary to provide for the installed service and its expected growth and maintenance. Cables required for growth may include facilities necessary to cutover and relieve an existing cable that is at maximum capacity. The designer should not attempt a detailed conduit system design until compiling and carefully considering facts that might influence the final placement location. To allow ample time for preliminary plan changes, necessary investigations should be performed well in advance. The most desirable location for the conduit structure and MHs can be determined after a careful review of the proposed main conduit routes, approximate MH locations, and alternative routes. This data must be supplemented with field surveys and information obtained from other subsurface users (i.e., other utilities). Every effort should be made to avoid exposing or coming into contact with the existing underground facilities owned by other utilities. In many areas, public utilities have developed underground facility damage prevention systems. See Table 5.2 for locating center’s telephone numbers. Table 5.2 Domestic and international one-call locate company telephone numbers © 2007 BICSI® Area Phone Number Region Covered Alabama 800-292-8525 Statewide Alaska 800-478-3121 Statewide Arizona 800-782-5348 Statewide Arkansas 800-482-8998 Statewide California 800-227-2600 800-422-4133 North South Colorado 800-922-1987 or 800-833-9417 Statewide Connecticut 800-922-4455 Statewide Delaware 800-282-8555 or 800-441-8355` Statewide Florida 800-432-4770 Statewide Georgia 800-282-7411 Statewide 5-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Introduction, continued Table 5.2 Domestic and international one-call locate company telephone numbers, continued Area Phone Number Region Covered Hawaii 800-227-2600 Statewide Idaho 800-626-4950 800-822-1974 800-428-4950 800-398-3285 800-424-5555 800-342-1585 Bonner, Boundary Northern area Kootenai Shoshone and Benewah Clearwater, Idaho, Lewis, and Nez Perce All other counties Illinois 800-892-0123 312-744-7000 Statewide except Chicago Chicago Indiana 800-382-5544 Statewide Iowa 800-292-8989 Statewide Kansas 800-344-7233 Statewide Kentucky 800-752-6007 Statewide Louisiana 800-272-3020 Statewide Maine 888-344-7233 Statewide Maryland 800-257-7777 800-282-8555 Eastern shore Massachusetts 888-344-7233 Statewide Michigan 800-482-7171 Statewide Minnesota 800-252-1166 Statewide Mississippi 800-227-6477 Statewide Missouri 800-344-7483 Statewide Montana 800-424-5555 800-551-8344 Statewide Northwest Nebraska 800-331-5666 Statewide Nevada 800-227-2600 Statewide New Hampshire 888-344-7233 Statewide New Jersey 800-272-1000 Statewide New Mexico 800-321-2537 888-526-0400 Statewide Dona Ana, Lascruces New York 800-962-7962 800-272-4480 Statewide except NYC and Long Island NYC and Long Island North Carolina 800-632-4949 Statewide OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-10 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Introduction, continued Table 5.2 Domestic and international one-call locate company telephone numbers, continued Area Phone Number Region Covered North Dakota 800-795-0555 Statewide Ohio 800-362-2764 or 800-925-0988 Statewide Oklahoma 800-522-6543 or 800-654-8249 Statewide Oregon 800-332-2344 Statewide Pennsylvania 800-242-1776 Statewide Rhode Island 888-344-7233 Statewide South Carolina 888-721-7877 or 800-922-0983 Statewide South Dakota 800-781-7474 Statewide Tennessee 800-351-1111 Statewide Texas 800-245-4545 800-344-8377 800-669-8344 Statewide Statewide Statewide Utah 800-662-4111 Statewide Vermont 888-344-7233 Statewide Virginia 800-552-7001 Statewide Washington 800-424-5555 Statewide West Virginia 800-245-4848 Statewide Wisconsin 800-242-8511 Statewide Wyoming 800-849-2476 Statewide District of Columbia 800-257-7777 District-wide Australia 61-3-9217-2833 Victoria, Tasmania, NSW, S. Australia, Australian Capital and Northern Western Australia NSW, Australian Capital Queensland South Australia and Northern 61-8-9424-8116 61-2-9365-7582 61-7-3217-6332 08-8230-5024 © 2007 BICSI® 5-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Introduction, continued Table 5.2 Domestic and international one-call locate company telephone number, continued Area Phone Number Region Covered Canada 800-242-3447 800-474-6886 800-400-2255 800-663-9228 866-828-4888 Alberta British Columbia Ontario Quebec Saskatchewan Finland 011-358-09-271-1181 Republic of China 86-02-351-2345 Scotland 44-800-800-333 To enable optimum use of the conduit structure for subsequent cable placing operations, particular care should be given to the MH locations and spacing. A conduit system should be designed with a minimum number of horizontal and vertical directional changes. The ideal structure is essentially straight runs between MHs with a grade drop for water runoff. The designer can ensure a structure’s usefulness regardless of reel location by calculating the expected pulling tensions for cable pulled from either direction and using the larger value for design purposes. (See Section Length/Diameter Considerations for information regarding conduit sizing and pull tension calculations.) Maximum lengths of cables that can be placed on a reel should be considered when placing MHs. Additionally, it is important for the designer to recognize that conduit bend locations and the geometry of each bend (horizontal and vertical) are important factors to be considered throughout the conduit design. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-12 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conditions Requiring Conduit Construction The area to be served is typically determined by a needs assessment. When considering new conduit, additions, or extensions, the designer should review the data that could cause changes to the needs of the area to be served. Conduit construction may be required when: • A pole line (existing or new) cannot support additional cable placement. • Specifically requested by government, property owner, or customer. • Direct-buried plant needs reinforcement if the construction corridor has limited space. • R/W limitations eliminate other choices. • An area is too congested to permit other construction methods. • Underground subdivision agreements forbid other types or methods. • Existing conduit is at capacity or is deemed unusable. Once the need for conduit construction has been determined, the conduit route should be designed so it provides the most direct and accessible route from the service feed. Factors affecting route selection include: • R/W availability. • Topographical limitations (e.g., rock, sand, clay). • Land use and development (e.g., buildings, watersheds, storm/sewer drains). • Economic factors (e.g., R/W costs, congestion of utilities). • Joint-use potential. • Future R/W expansions. • Environmental impact limitations. Economics When conduit construction is required, the designer should design the most economical plant possible, keeping in mind the costs associated with: © 2007 BICSI® • R/W. • Materials (e.g., conduit, select backfill, concrete). • Labor, freight, and other costs that vary depending upon the jobsite location. • Subsurface conditions (e.g., rock, sand, obstructions). • Restoration of landscape. • Roads. • Railroads (RRs). • Water crossings. • Surface restoration. • Protection from traffic. • Type of duct formation. • Operations and maintenance expenses. • Environmental impact. 5-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit System Planning Conduit routes can be classified into two basic groups: • New routes (i.e., no existing conduit) • Existing routes (i.e., existing conduit and structure must be reinforced, expanded, or extended) Most design factors are the same in both an existing and new conduit route. However, when planning to use an existing route, the designer must evaluate the existing MHs to determine if: • A safe working environment can be established. • The racking hardware can accommodate additional supporting hardware. • Sufficient room is available for splices cases or other additional hardware. • Entry is space available in the MH walls. If MHs meet the above requirements and the existing route is used, the designer must decide whether to place the conduit: • Above the existing conduit. • Beside the existing conduit. • At some distance from the existing conduit, using existing MHs as duct termination points. • Directional boring below existing facilities. If the new structure is placed above or beside the existing conduit: • The ground cover must be capable of sustaining the expected loads (vehicular or otherwise). • Must meet all applicable codes. • Municipal R/W restrictions must be satisfied, if required. • The existing conduit must not be damaged. If bends are required, the designer must consider the increased pulling tension. Tension calculations should be made before any design is finalized. When an existing MH does not provide sufficient space and safe working conditions: • The existing MH may be rebuilt and/or expanded. • A new MH may be installed (at a new location). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-14 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Finished Conduit System Design The designer plans the conduit system and specifies the types and quantities of material needed. A finished design should consist of construction plans and specifications showing the: • Location of all existing and proposed conduit. • Size and configuration of MHs. • Total duct length (linear length multiplied by the number of ducts) of conduit (adjacent MH wall-to-wall measurements). • Type of conduit material. • Special conduit fittings required. • Conduit (ductbank) formation and depth requirements. • Encasement specifications and materials. • MH or cable entrances. • Locations of any existing substructures. • Restoration requirements. • Required cuts (e.g., concrete, asphalt). • Location and depth of other structures (profile). • Traffic control plan. Conduit System Requirements The designer should determine the number of conduits to be placed in a proposed system installation based on: • Initial requirements plus one maintenance conduit. • The estimated growth over the life cycle of the system. • Consultation with the owner or owner’s representative. As part of the design process, the designer should also determine the inside diameter of the conduit appropriate for the conduit system. Decreasing the diameter of the conduit run is not advisable except where a branch (lateral) conduit run intersects with the main conduit route. Other factors requiring consideration when determining the number of conduits to be placed in a system include: © 2007 BICSI® • Routing changes. • Special construction. • Public inconvenience caused by further expansion. • Other wire-using utilities (e.g., low-voltage systems, leased conduits). • Franchise agreements (e.g., city, fire, police). • Rearrangement of feeds to different areas. 5-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit System Requirements, continued When a main conduit run has two or more branches, the total number of branch conduits (initial and estimated) may exceed the number indicated for the main conduit run. This may be a result of using large cables in the main run as opposed to the smaller ones used in branch runs. Lateral/subsidiary conduits may be conduits that connect to structures (e.g., buildings, pedestals, cabinets, poles). Lateral conduits are typically placed from the sidewall of a MH to the structure. Subsidiary conduits are extended from the end wall of a MH along with the main conduit run to feed a structure. This type of construction may be advantageous when the location of future buildings is known. Examples of lateral and subsidiary conduits are illustrated in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1 Lateral and subsidiary conduits Bldg A Lateral duct MH MH Subsidiary duct MH = Maintenance hole At times, placing all of the conduits during the initial conduit system installation is desirable, if not mandatory. Because they are difficult to access, all conduits should be placed during initial installation when working at locations such as railroad crossings, bridges, and freeways. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-16 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Future Conduit System Requirements Customer demand for high-bandwidth transmission and the available technology to meet this demand greatly affects the sizing of future conduit. Some of these changes include the: • Increased use of digital multiplexing technologies (e.g., T-1, T-3, E-1, and E-3). It reduces the need for high pair count, twisted-pair cables which, in turn, may affect the conduit size or number of conduits in a system. • Use of optical fiber cables may reduce conduit requirements. • Reclaiming of existing conduit systems. While this was a common practice for twistedpair cables (e.g., replacing a 1200 and a 1500 pair cable with a 2700 pair to regain a spare duct or replacing a 1200 pair with an 1800 pair to gain 600 growth pairs), the use of a spare 101 mm (4 in) duct to receive 32 mm (1.25 in) polyethylene (PE) or fabric mesh innerduct for optical fiber cables allows existing routes to grow in capacity without additional structural investment. The replacement of two or more smaller twisted-pair or optical fiber cables, each in its own duct, with a larger cable in a single duct, reclaims duct space for growth and avoids additional infrastructure investment. Planning Lateral Ducts When planning lateral ducts to distribution points, spare ducts for future use should be provided. Lateral duct size is dependent on whether two or more ducts should be placed between a MH and a terminating point (e.g., a building or pole.) A larger duct should be used when placing one duct. Lateral duct length is limited by the size of the cable to be pulled into it, the number of bends it will contain, and limitations by, for example, in the United States, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and local codes. Installing a minimum of one spare is recommended. © 2007 BICSI® 5-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Planning Subsidiary Ducts If constructed at the same time as a main conduit run, place subsidiary ducts on top of the main run. This is the most economical way of placing subsidiary ducts. It also affords some top protection for the main run. It is the designer’s responsibility to research the need for subsidiary ducts (e.g., planning for future buildings). Subsidiary ducts are additional ducts required to house cables extending from the main underground system to a pole or building. Subsidiary ducts can be: • Individual conduits. • Incorporated as part of a multiple duct structure. When individual ducts are planned at the same time as the main conduit, they should be positioned on top of the main conduit formation or, if applicable, in the side wall corner of the MH. However, the designer should try to avoid placing duct in side walls because such placement reduces racking space and prohibits proper bending radii of large cables. If there is doubt about the terminating point, place the subsidiary conduit as a continuous section from the MH. When the subsidiary duct is part of a multiple-duct structure, the upper tiers of the structure (preferably the corner ducts) should be designed for subsidiary use since they are more readily accessible. Such design reduces excavating and restoration costs and uses less subsurface space. Conduit system arrangements should be compatible with MH cable racking arrangements and are subject to: • Trench width and/or depth constraints imposed by terrain. • Presence of other structures. • Required working space. Generally, 2-, 3-, or 4-wide conduit arrangements are preferred for single- or double-wall racking. Where a large number of ducts or other circumstances require center racking and wall racking, wider duct arrangements may be appropriate. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-18 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section Length/Diameter Considerations The designer must determine the proper length of the conduit section. A primary objective of conduit design is to make conduit section lengths as long as possible to reduce the number of MHs, cable splices, and associated cable setups needed for construction. The length of the conduit section will vary up to a maximum of 183 meters (m [600 feet (ft)]). Section length considerations are based on: • The frequency and location of present and future subsidiary ducts and branch cables. • Load coil, build-out capacitor, and carrier equipment locations. • Subsurface obstructions located along the conduit route. • Conduit route intersections. • Cable cutting lengths from the manufacturer (i.e., splices are not allowed in conduits). • Maximum reel sizes and reel lengths. • The need for: • – Intermediate MHs due to excessive cable pulling tensions caused by bends. – MHs for splicing based on the maximum available reel length of cable. – Maintaining a safe MH environment. Applicable standards. The designer must consider the facts pertinent to the route and exercise the best judgment in each case. Ducts must be large enough for a cable or cables to be pulled through the duct. As a rule of thumb, the diameter of a duct should be at least 1.15 times the diameter of the cable, or onehalf trade size larger in diameter than the diameter of the largest anticipated cable, whichever provides a greater clearance. It is the diameter of the pulling eye that is more important. Cables are normally ordered from the cable manufacturer with the pulling eye installed. If not, a core hitch is provided by the onsite crews for pulling cable. Except for small cables, the diameter of the pulling eye (de) may be calculated as follows: de < 1.1 dc Where: dc = cable diameter © 2007 BICSI® 5-19 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Maintenance Hole (MH) Location and Quantity The safety of personnel and the general public is a primary concern when selecting MH locations. A desirable location will: • Provide a safe work area. • Allow for adequate traffic control when the MH is open (e.g., placing traffic warning devices to alert motorists of upcoming construction). • Provide sufficient space for cable trailers and pulling trucks during construction. • Be suitable for placement, splicing, and maintenance of cables and associated equipment. • Not jeopardize vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow. • Be located out of the roadway when possible. MHs should not be located in or near an intersection or near a curve in the road. Protection of the work area at these locations is difficult. The number of MHs built into a conduit run should be kept to a minimum. When planning MH locations, the designer should: • Document MH locations on work drawings. • Locate MHs at junction points that permit installation of main and lateral or subsidiary ducts with minimum bending. Factors that may impact MH location include: • Municipal, county, state, or federal restrictions. • Surface water drainage into the MH. • Water table. • Public and worker safety (e.g., when MH is open). • Future street widening. • Provisions for cable placement. • Customer input. • Applicable standards. Before installing/constructing a MH, the designer should investigate each proposed location to determine subsurface conditions and the existence of foreign pipes or ducts. If unable to determine subsurface conditions from the existing records and field observations or doubting the subsurface conditions, the designer should order a test hole. The test hole should be made diagonally across the proposed site and wide enough to ensure clearance for the MH. If foreign pipes or substructures are encountered during test hole or MH excavations, their ownership should be immediately investigated. These pipes and substructures may be removed if they are not in use with the owner’s permission. If the pipes and substructures cannot be removed, the designer must decide whether to change the MH’s location or grade. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-20 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Clearances The minimum recommended separations between telecommunications conduit systems and outside surfaces of foreign structures (see Table 5.3) are: • 152 mm (6 in) when crossing pipes (e.g., gas, water, oil). • 305 mm (12 in) when parallel to pipes (e.g., gas, water, oil). For example, in the United States, the following clearances are required by the NESC. Table 5.3 Clearances Structure Minimum Clearance Power or other 76 mm (3 in) concrete foreign conduit 101 mm (4 in) masonry 305 mm (12 in) of well-tamped earth Power conduit Separate poles, if possible; if the same pole is used, it should preferably be terminated on pole 180 degrees but not less than 90 degrees. Railroads When crossing 1.27 m (50 in) below top of rail Street railways 914 mm (36 in) below top of rail in m mm = = = NOTE: Inch Meter Millimeter Check local authorities for applicable codes. Conduit Depth It is the designer’s responsibility to be aware of any unusual depth requirements that are established for subsurface structures. Installing conduit improperly can result in conduit deformations, sinking of the backfill, and subsequent collapse of the road surface. The 50-year frost line should be considered when calculating conduit depth. The top of the conduit should be located at a sufficient depth (normally 610 to 762 mm [24 to 30 in]) below surface grade so both live and dead loads can be sustained by the conduit structure. Live or dynamic loads have a greater effect on conduit than dead or earth loads. © 2007 BICSI® 5-21 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Live or Dynamic Loads Live or dynamic loads are caused by vehicular traffic (see Figure 5.2) and result from the combination of a vehicle’s weight and speed. It is assumed that they are transmitted through a conical-shaped region extending downward from the point of application. The greater the distance from the point of application, the greater the area over which the load is spread, and the lower load per unit area. When conduits are located at least 1.83 m (6 ft) below grade, the load is well dispersed. Highway and road engineers usually work with specified loading conditions designated as H-10, H-20, H-40, and so forth. The number refers to the maximum vehicular tonnage. For design purposes, 80 percent of the weight is assumed to be concentrated on the rear axle. For example, H-20 loading means that the roadway is built to accommodate a 20-ton vehicle with 80 percent or 14 515 kg (32,000 lb) per rear axle, assuming the vehicle has one rear axle. Figure 5.2 Live or dynamic load dispersal Load Lines of load dispersal OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-22 Depth © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Dead or Earth Loads Dead or earth loads are created by the backfill and other aggregates. Dead loads are not excessive when the amount of backfill measures 610 mm (24 in) or less; however, the exact weight measurements vary with soil type (see Figure 5.3). Figure 5.3 Dead or earth load dispersal Lines of load dispersal Depth Recommended conduit materials must be designed to withstand loads created by a normal traffic flow when there is an adequate amount of fill between the top of the conduit structure and ground surface. However, when the cover is smaller than recommended, additional mechanical protection must be provided (e.g., a reinforced concrete slab placed above the conduit structure.) NOTE: If concrete encasement is used, the reinforcing bars can be included along the base of the encasements. Tensile Stresses Tensile stresses in the conduit structure can cause conduit units to separate at the joints. The causes for tensile stresses include: • Trench irregularities. • Unstable soil conditions. • Conduit structure damage. Placement of reinforcement bars within the concrete encasement, along the base of the structure, could prevent these stresses. © 2007 BICSI® 5-23 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Drain Slope Installing underground conduit so that a slope exists at all points of the run allows drainage and prevents the accumulation of water. A drain slope towards the MH from the center of the conduit run or from the building of no less than 10 mm per meter (0.125 inches per foot). Conduit Formations Design conduit formations to facilitate orderly cable racking within the MH and ensure minimal change in the formation when entering a MH. The following recommendations allow for the design of the most efficient cable formation. • Preferably, main conduit formations should enter the end walls of the MH at a point approximately halfway between the floor and ceiling. • For wall racking considerations, design splayed ductbank entrances at the end walls rather than center placement (see Figures 5.89 and 5.90). • If the total number of conduits being placed is significantly less than the capacity of the terminating MH or cable entrance, conduits should enter at the lowest level within the MH. The upper space should be reserved for future conduit additions. • The conduit entrance into the MH should be sized for the ultimate number of conduits to prevent the need for future wall breakouts. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-24 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Formations, continued Table 5.4 lists recommended conduit formations for up to 40 conduits at the MH entrance. If more than 40 conduits are planned, special racking (center and wall) is recommended. Table 5.4 Conduit formations Number of Ducts Using Conduit Multiple Duct 4 2 wide by 2 high One, 4-duct 6 3 wide by 2 high One, 6-duct 8 4 wide by 2 high Two, 4-duct 9 3 wide by 3 high One, 9-duct 10 — One, 6-duct and one, 4-duct 12 4 wide by 3 high Two, 6-duct or three, 4-duct 15 — One, 9-duct and one, 6-duct 16 4 wide by 4 high Four, 4-duct 18 — Two, 9-duct 20 4 wide by 5 high Two, 6-duct and two, 4-duct 24 4 wide by 6 high Four, 6-duct or two, 12-duct 28 4 wide by 7 high — 30 — 32 4 wide by 8 high — 36 4 wide by 9 high Four, 9-duct (3 wide) or three, 12-duct 40 4 wide by 10 high Four, 9-duct (3 wide) and one, 4-duct Over 40* — — * Investigate center racking possibilities Advantages of Constructing Formations Using Individual Conduit At times, conduit can be the best choice (see Tables 5.5 and 5.6) because it: © 2007 BICSI® • Is lightweight. Mechanical handling equipment is not required. • Provides good joint integrity. • Produces a strong, stable structure if concrete encased. • Can be easily rearranged to avoid obstacles. • Can be pneumatically rodded. • Is available with bell end to allow ease of joint connection. 5-25 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Formations, continued Table 5.5 Straight lengths of individual conduit Weight kg/m (lb/ft) Material Length Type B Type C Type D Type E Plastic 6 m (20 ft)* 0.3–0.6 0.6–0.7 0.5–0.8 N/A (0.6–1.0) (1.0–1.5) (1.2–1.7) *Longer and shorter lengths available from manufacturer Type B (thin wall) requires concrete encasement. Type C (thick wall) may be direct-buried with selected backfill in straight runs. Type D is ultraviolet (sunlight) and flame resistant. ft = Foot m = Meter NOTE: Type E is not used for straight line conduit. Table 5.6 Rigid bends for 100 mm (4 trade size) individual conduit Material Angle (Degrees) Radius Length B, C, or D Plastic 7 30*** 30*** 45*** 45*** 45*** 90*** 4.6 m (15 ft) 4.6 m (15 ft) 3.7 m (12 ft) 2.74 m (9 ft) 2.74 m (9 ft) 0.91 m (3 ft) 0.91 m (3 ft) 0.71 m (2.33 ft) 2.54 m (8.33 ft) 2.06 m (6.76 ft) 2.31 m (7.58 ft) 1.60 m (5.25 ft) 0.86 m (2.82 ft) 1.60 m (5.25 ft) E Plastic* 90**/*** 64*** 0.91 m (3 ft) 0.91 m (3 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) 1.17 m (3.84 ft) * Replaces cast iron for subsidiary conduit ** Also available in split form for repairs *** Requires concrete encasement ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-26 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Advantages of Multiple-Bore Conduit In some situations, using multiple-bore conduit is advantageous since it does not require: • Long trench openings. • Select backfill. • Ready-mix concrete. Types of Conduit Types of conduit include: • EB-20—For encasement in concrete. • EB-35—For encasement in concrete. • DB-60—For direct burial. • DB-100—For direct burial. • DB-120—For direct burial. • Rigid nonmetallic conduit Schedule 40—For direct burial or encasement in concrete. • Rigid nonmetallic conduit Schedule 80—For direct burial or encasement in concrete. • Multiple plastic duct (MPD)—For direct burial or installation in conduit. • Rigid metal conduit—For direct burial or encasement in concrete. • Galvanized rigid steel conduit—For direct burial. • Intermediate metal conduit—For direct burial or encasement in concrete. • Fiberglass duct—For direct burial or encasement in concrete. • Innerduct polyvinyl chloride (PVC)—For installation in conduit. • Multiple celled conduit—For optical fiber and other small diameter cables. • High-density polyethylene (HDPE) roll pipe—Directional boring or direct buried. • Other specialty conduits. NOTES: Encased buried and direct-buried must meet the requirements of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association® (NEMA®) TC-6 and TC-8. Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 rigid nonmetallic conduit must meet the requirements of NEMA TC-2. NEMA TC-10 covers telecommunications Type B and D. Additional specifications can be found in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F512-06, Standard Specification for Smooth-Wall (Polyvinyl Chloride [PVC]) Conduit and Fittings for Underground Installation. These conduit classifications differ based on the type of material and the pipe wall thickness. Thin-walled conduit may require encasement in concrete to protect the structure from being crushed by traffic load or from dead load from the earth. Conduit with a thicker wall may be direct-buried. However, if it cannot be buried deeply enough, it may also be encased in concrete. Once built, the conduit should remain usable for 75 to 100 years and fulfill design specifications. © 2007 BICSI® 5-27 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Selecting a Type of Conduit Selecting the appropriate conduit material can combine favorable first-cost and long-term serviceability for each specific job. To make the best possible decision, the designer must consider numerous factors, including cost, especially when pavement demolition and restoration is involved. In locations where: • The expense of pavement demolition and restoration is considerable, material that lends itself to narrow, deep formations, should be used. • Soil is loose or wet, a shallow or wide formation is desirable. • Numerous changes in direction are anticipated and rolling or splitting of the formation is required, single-bore conduit generally provides the best facility to avoid subsurface obstructions. Other factors that affect the selection of conduit materials include: • Job specifications. • Local codes. • Material cost. • Local availability. • Ease of handling. • Ease of joining. • Concrete encasement requirements (e.g., curves, bends, elevation changes, specified road crossings). • Backfill requirements. • Soil conditions. • Special conditions (e.g., heat, gas, loads, chemical environments, limited cover). NOTE: Some factors may be unique to the conduit material. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-28 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Selecting a Type of Conduit, continued Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit Galvanized rigid steel conduit is intended only for use in locations where other materials are not suitable. Galvanized rigid steel is the recommended choice when: • Vertical space available for conduits is limited. • Conduit will be subjected to impact loads from heavy traffic. • Conduit is to be placed by a pipe pusher. • Conduit is to be preformed and lowered into the bed of a stream or river. • Environmental conditions are too severe for other types of conduit. • Designing submarine crossings. Galvanized rigid steel conduit used in telecommunications conduit construction must meet the following requirements: • The conduit must be made from soft, weldable quality steel suitable for bending. • The hot-dipped zinc coating (galvanization) placed on the interior of the conduit must be smooth and free from: – Blisters. – Projections. – Other defects. – The weight of the zinc coating on the interior and exterior surfaces should not be less than 6.1 grams (g) per square decimeter (dm2 [2.0 ounces (oz) per square foot (ft2)]) of total coated surface. Galvanized pipe for ordinary uses (e.g., water pipe) does not meet requirements for use in telecommunications systems. Commercial electrical conduit does not have the required weight of zinc coating on the outside surface and there may be no zinc coating on the interior surface. © 2007 BICSI® 5-29 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Selecting a Type of Conduit, continued Galvanized rigid steel conduit is available in all commercial sizes with or without threaded ends and couplings. Table 5.7 indicates example sizes. Verify with manufacturer’s actual sizes. Table 5.7 Galvanized rigid steel conduit sizes Trade Size Plain End OD mm (in) ID mm (in) 1 33.53 (1.32) 26.67 (1.05) 1-1/2 48.26 (1.90) 40.89 (1.61) 2 60.45 (2.38) 52.58 (2.07) 3 88.90 (3.50) 77.98 (3.07) 3-1/2 101.60 (4.00) 90.17 (3.55) 4 114.30 (4.50) 102.36 (4.02) ID in mm OD = = = = NOTE: Inside diameter Inch Millimeter Outside diameter BICSI’s recommended size for galvanized rigid steel is trade size 4. A disadvantage of steel conduit is that it tends to choke current flow in a cable. To overcome this choke effect, the steel conduit must be bonded to the cable shield at both ends of the conduit run. Refer to Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Electrical Protection. Conduit Construction Past conduit construction methods have contained joints that allowed silt to leak into the duct. In many instances, this duct must be cleaned in a process commonly called rodding and mandreling, before cables can be installed. In some cases, dig-ups may be required to clear obstructions. To prevent these types of expenses, certain operational considerations should be examined when selecting conduit material, including the: • Conduit’s susceptibility to silting. • Coefficient of friction as it affects cable pulling tensions. • Smoothness and strength of bends or grade changes to minimize winch-line cutting. • Encasement. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-30 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Construction, continued Conduit with poorly made joints, or joints that open while in service, eventually become fouled with silt, a condition that becomes progressively worse over time. Proper installation procedures prevent this and limit the amount of water ingress to the system. This minimizes the opportunity for corrosion, primarily in MHs, and reduces MH maintenance in areas where the water table is high. It is recommended to transition to PVC from HDPE prior to terminating conduit into a MH. Rodding by mechanical or manual means is required in case of minor obstructions or slight misalignments (e.g., in multiple clay or concrete conduit). Where conduit is broken, it must be unearthed and repaired. Plastic conduits having substantially airtight joints between MHs can be rodded with compressed air systems. Investment for equipment is lower than that required for mechanical rodding, and costs per conduit length are generally more economical. Rodding costs vary depending on the condition of the conduits and the methods employed. Using Innerduct The use of innerduct will enhance conduit capacity and utilization for optical fiber and smaller balanced twisted-pair cable placement. Innerduct allows a maximum number of cables to be placed in various types of conduit systems. Innerduct comes in standard corrugated PE or PVC type pipe, typically with 25 or 32 mm (1 or 1.25 in) diameter. The corrugated design facilitates easy wire pulling, and its flexibility eliminates the need for bending equipment. A fabric mesh type of innerduct, which can further increase a duct system’s cable placement capacity, is also available. The fabric mesh has a smaller duct fill rate footprint compared with standard innerduct and is designed to minimize pulling tensions. © 2007 BICSI® 5-31 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Construction, continued Each innerduct should be equipped with a pull rope or tape. A tracer wire can be installed in the innerduct to aid in cable locating requirements. Advantages of traditional innerduct include: • Enhanced mechanical protection. • Compartmentalize conduit. • Ease of identification. Disadvantages of traditional innerduct include: • Higher material cost. • Limited cable size. • Increased installation time. Advantages of fabric mesh innerduct include: • Increased conduit utilization. • Decreased pulling tensions. • Conforming to odd-shaped spaces. Disadvantages of fabric mesh innerduct include: • Higher material cost. • Becoming twisted if not placed according to manufacturers’ specifications. • Bonding to the conduit because of adverse environmental contaminations. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-32 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Construction, continued Conduit Casings It may be a requirement to place conduit in large steel tubes (casings) as a means of protection or to facilitate a crossing where an open trench cannot be provided (e.g., at railroads, major state highways or freeways, river or stream crossings). For additional requirements on casing lengths, refer to Chapter 8: Right-of-Way. This type of protection usually requires that the tubing is placed by boring. It is an expensive operation and should be specified only when other methods are not practical. Typical installations under railroads and highways are shown in Figures 5.4 and 5.5. Local AHJs should be contacted regarding specific measurements, including wall thicknesses and conduit specifications. Figure 5.4 Conduit casings under railroads 7.6 m (25 ft) 7.6 m (25 ft) Ditch 0.91 m (3 ft) Roadbed 0.91 m (3 ft) CL CL Track Track 1.4 or 1.7 m (4.5 or 5.5 ft) 0.91 m (3 ft) 1.7 m (5.5 ft) Sand fill Conduits Casing CL = Center line ft = Foot m = Meter NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® After conduit installation is complete, casings should be filled with fine sand, blown in under air pressure, and sealed at both ends with a 76 mm (3 in) concrete wall. 5-33 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Construction, continued Figure 5.5 Conduit casings under highway Roadway structure 1.52 m (5 ft) Roadway Shoulder Pavement Unpaved ditch Base 1.28 m (4 ft) Subbase 0.91 m (3 ft) 0.91 m (3 ft) Conduits Casing ft = Foot m = Meter NOTE: Sand fill is optional. Thick-wall plastic and concrete conduit requires encasement only when: • Subject to heavy vehicular traffic. • Placed in unstable soil conditions. • A high soil compaction is required (85 percent or greater). • A minimum 762 mm (30 in) cover cannot be maintained. Thin-wall plastic must always be encased in concrete or some type of approved stable sleeving. Wall Thickness of Casing Pipe The wall thickness of a casing pipe is dependent on several factors such as the: • Live or dynamic load from vehicular traffic. • Dead or earth load. • Diameter of the casings used. NOTE: Casing walls must be at least 4.8 mm (0.19 in) thick. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-34 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions The designer should understand that the quantity of tension that can be used to pull cables into a length of duct is limited. The tension limit is based on either the winch line strength or the cable strength. Some cable pulling lubricant manufacturers provide software programs that calculate pulling tension. Cable strength, also known as the maximum recommended installation load (MRIL), is the load a particular cable can withstand without experiencing electrical or mechanical degradation. MRIL is based on the conductor strength within the cable sheath and must be obtained from the manufacturer for each type of cable to be installed in the conduit system. Pulling tension should be constantly monitored when using a mechanical pulling device (e.g., a winch or tugger). The mechanical pulling device should be equipped with a tension meter or dynamometer. The pulling device should be placed between the cable head and the power winch and should be monitored throughout the pulling operation. This pulling device should be equipped with a limit clutch to adjust tension. The maximum pulling tension specified by the cable manufacturer must never be exceeded. The maximum pulling tension must not exceed the rated working load for the winch cable. For 11.9 mm (0.47 in) nonrotating wire ropes, the maximum pulling tension is 28.91 kilometers (kN [6500 pounds force (lbf)]). Winch line tension fluctuates during cable pulling operations and may reach peak values greater than the average cable pulling tension. Conduit section length for large conduits (i.e., 100 mm [4 trade size] or larger) should be designed so that the maximum calculated cable-pulling tension never exceeds 28.91 kN (6500 lbf). Refer to the cable manufacturer’s recommended pulling tensions for the specific cable. In a conduit run composed of an arbitrary succession of straight lines and bends, two basic equations, when applied in a step-by-step fashion, can be used to calculate the cable tension at any point in a conduit run. Calculations for bends should include changes in horizontal and vertical direction. For a large cable, the tension (T) required to maintain a steady motion at any point on the cable and winch line can be expressed in terms of the: • Coefficient of friction (f) between the cable and the conduit segment. • Tension (T0) at the feed end of the segment. • Weight (w) per unit length of the cable or winch line. • Geometry of the segment. Since cable can be pulled into the conduit from either direction, the greater pulling tension value should always be considered when designing conduit section lengths. Keep in mind that the cable pull tension stated by the manufacturer is the point at which the cable’s performance characteristics are altered. Cable tensile strength is the point where the cable is pulled apart. © 2007 BICSI® 5-35 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Coefficient of Friction (f) The coefficient of friction (f) is the ratio of force needed to pull the cable through the conduit to the force that is normal to the plane of the conduit. In a horizontal plane, the normal force is equal to the total weight of the cable section. Field measurements of pulling tensions suggest the coefficients of friction shown in Table 5.8. Factors that affect the coefficient of friction include: • Dirt or contamination. • Type of surface. • Lubrication of cable. • Conduit deviations. • Conduit deformations. • Placement of setup equipment. Calculations assume the conduit will be relatively free of silt and other obstructions at the time the cable is placed. Unless otherwise indicated, all cable identified in this manual is HDPE. It should be noted, however, that cable manufacturers today are producing more low-density polyethylene (LDPE) than HDPE. Table 5.8 Coefficient of friction Coefficient of Friction High-Density Polyethylene Low-Density Polyethylene Conduit Material Dry Lubricant Dry Lubricant Polyvinyl chloride 0.31 0.13 0.36 0.16 Concrete 0.48 0.37 0.57 0.41 Corrugated plastic 0.22 0.13 0.40 0.13 NOTE: Coefficients of friction are unitless and work in both metric and imperial calculations. Optical fiber cable is usually pulled into a smooth bore or corrugated duct, or fabric mesh, all of which are commonly known as innerduct. The coefficient of friction for pulling lubricated cable into a: • Smooth bore innerduct is 0.25. • Corrugated innerduct is 0.20. • Fabric mesh innerduct is 0.16 . When installing optical fiber cable, use suitable innerduct to maximize the length of optical fiber cable that can be placed in a single pull. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-36 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Calculating Pulling Tension for Straight Horizontal Conduit The pulling tension necessary to pull a cable through a straight horizontal conduit can be calculated using the following equation: T = T0 + f w s Where: T is pulling tension required at the point of interest (N or lbf); T0 is the holdback tension at some reference point, usually the beginning of the straight section. This is the tail load at the reel if the point considered is in the first segment from the reel location. For large conduits, a value of 890 newtons (N [200 lbf]) is considered a reasonable value for the tail load; f is coefficient of friction between the cable and the conduit; w is weight per unit length of cable in newtons per meter (N/m) or pounds per foot (lb/ft). For imperial measurement units, cable weight in pounds (lb) is the same as the force of its weight in lbf. For metric units, cable weight in kilograms (kg) must be converted to the force of its weight by multiplying it by 9.8 newtons per kilogram (N/kg); and s is the distance from the reference point to the point of interest in m or ft. Figure 5.6 illustrates the forces that act on the cable when pulled steadily through a straight segment of conduit. Where: Fr is frictional force between the cable and conduit (Fr = f w s). Figure 5.6 Forces acting on cable pulled through straight conduit T T 0 Pulling direction Fr © 2007 BICSI® 5-37 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Application of this equation is illustrated in the following basic example. PROBLEM: Determine the maximum pulling tension that can be expected when a DCMZ24 cable (11.3 kg/m [7.6 lb/ft]) is pulled into a 30.5 m (100 ft), straight, horizontal section of plastic conduit without lubricant. SOLUTION: Assuming a tail load of 890 N (200 lbf) is caused by the friction of the cable reel supports, and using the coefficient of friction of 0.31 from Table 5.8, the calculation is as follows: T = T0 + f w s T = 200 + (0.31 × 7.6 × 100) T = 436 lbf In metric units: T = 890 + [0.31 × (9.8 × 11.3) × 30.5] T = 1937 N NOTE: Final answers should be rounded to two significant digits. Calculating Pulling Tension for Inclined Straight Segment of Conduit For inclined straight conduit (as in Figure 5.7) segment, the pulling tension can be calculated using Equation 1, as follows: T = T0 + w (f x ± h) Where: T, T0, f, and w are the same as defined in the simple horizontal case above; x is horizontal projection of segment; and h is vertical projection of segment (h is positive for an increase in elevation, h is negative for a decrease in elevation, and h is zero for no change in elevation). NOTES: Use trigonometric formulas to relate s, h, and x. The total length, s, of the segment is equal to x 2 + h 2 . For level conduit having only shallow slope for conduit drainage, it may be acceptable to ignore h. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-38 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Figure 5.7 Inclined straight conduit T s h T 0 x Calculating Pulling Tension for Uniformly Curved Segment of Conduit The basic equation applying to a uniformly curved segment of conduit is Equation 2 (often called a “capstan” equation): T = w r sin h {sin h-1 [T0 / (w r)] + f θ / 57.3} Where: T, T0, f, and w have the same meaning as in Equation 1 and; r is radius of curvature of the simple bend in m or ft (see Figure 5.8); s is arc length of bend in m or ft; and θ is displacement angle in degrees (θ = s / r = 57.3) © 2007 BICSI® 5-39 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Figure 5.8 Simple bend Conduit B s r Radius of curvature A Displacement angles Simple bend A cable-pulling tension table was constructed from this formula and can be used to determine the tension that develops in a conduit bend. Table 5.9 lists the results of the trigonometric functions sin h and sin h-1 used in Equation 2. Equation 2 is modified to simplify the terms: T = w r sin h {sin h-1 [T0 / (w r)] + (f θ / 57.3)} T / (w r) = sin h {sin h-1 [T0 / (w r)] + (f θ / 57.3)} PTR = sin h [sin h-1 (BTR) + RUB / 57.3] Where: PTR (pulling tension ratio) = T / w r BTR (back tension ratio) = T0 / w r RUB (resistance under bend) = f θ To use the following table: 1. Calculate BTR and RUB. 2. Look up the result PTR in Table 5.9. If not using interpolation with this table, round BTR and RUB up to the closest higher value for a worst-case result. 3. Calculate the pulling tension T = (w r) PTR. NOTE: Using interpolation with this table will provide a more accurate result. A scientific calculator may be used to calculate the result from Equation 2. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-40 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Table 5.9 Cable pulling tension RUB PTR 0 BTR 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 0.2 0.29 0.38 0.48 0.58 0.68 0.79 0.90 1.02 1.15 1.29 1.44 1.59 1.76 1.95 0.4 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.81 0.92 1.05 1.18 1.32 1.47 1.63 1.80 1.99 2.19 2.41 0.7 0.81 0.92 1.05 1.18 1.32 1.47 1.63 1.80 1.99 2.19 2.41 2.65 2.90 3.18 1.1 1.23 1.38 1.53 1.70 1.88 2.07 2.28 2.50 2.75 3.01 3.30 3.62 3.96 4.33 1.8 1.99 2.19 2.41 2.64 2.90 3.18 3.48 3.81 4.17 4.56 4.99 5.45 5.96 6.51 2.8 3.07 3.36 3.68 4.03 4.41 4.82 5.27 5.76 6.29 6.87 7.50 8.19 8.95 9.77 4.5 4.92 5.38 5.88 6.42 7.01 7.66 8.36 9.13 10.0 10.9 11.9 13.0 14.1 15.4 6.5 7.10 7.75 8.47 9.24 10.1 11.0 12.0 13.1 14.3 15.6 17.1 18.6 20.3 22.2 9.3 10.2 11.1 12.1 13.2 14.4 15.7 17.2 18.7 20.4 22.3 24.3 26.6 29.0 31.6 12.0 13.1 14.3 15.6 17.0 18.6 20.3 22.1 24.2 26.4 28.8 31.4 34.2 37.4 40.8 16.0 17.5 19.1 20.8 22.7 24.8 27.0 29.5 32.2 35.1 38.3 41.8 45.6 49.8 54.3 20.0 21.8 23.8 26.0 28.4 31.0 33.8 36.9 40.2 43.9 47.9 52.3 57.0 62.2 67.9 24.5 26.7 29.2 31.8 34.7 37.9 41.4 45.1 49.3 53.7 58.7 64.0 69.8 76.2 83.2 30.0 32.7 35.7 39.0 42.5 46.4 50.6 55.3 60.3 65.8 71.8 78.4 85.5 93.3 102 37.0 40.4 44.1 48.1 52.5 57.2 62.5 68.2 74.4 81.2 88.6 96.6 105 115 126 45.0 49.1 53.6 58.5 63.8 69.6 76.0 82.9 90.5 98.7 108 118 128 140 153 54.0 58.9 64.3 70.2 76.6 83.5 91.2 99.5 109 118 129 141 154 168 183 65.0 70.9 77.4 84.5 92.2 101 110 120 131 143 156 170 185 202 221 77.0 84.0 91.7 100 109 119 130 142 155 169 184 201 219 239 261 89.0 97.1 106 116 126 138 150 164 179 195 213 232 254 277 302 100 109 119 130 142 155 169 184 201 219 239 261 285 311 339 PTR BTR = Back tension ratio PTR = Pulling tension ratio RUB = Resistence under bend © 2007 BICSI® 5-41 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued The following explains the use of Table 5.9. PROBLEM: Determine the maximum pulling tension that can be expected when a DCMZ24 cable (w = 11.3 kg/m [7.6 lb/ft]) is pulled into a 30.5 m (100 ft) curved horizontal segment of plastic conduit having a displacement angle of 70 degrees. No lubricant is used so the coefficient of friction is 0.31, and the tail load is assumed to be 890 N (200 lbf). 1. Calculate the bending radius: If q = 57.3 (s / r) Then r = 57.3 (s / θ) = 57.3 (100/70) = 82 ft Calculate the back tension ratio: BTR = T0 / (w r) = 200 / (7.6 × 82) = 0.32 Calculate the resistance under bending: RUB = f q = 0.31 × 70 = 21.7 2. Look up the pulling tension ratio from the table (the closest higher entry is BTR = 0.4 and RUB = 25.0): PTR = 0.92 3. Calculate the tension: T = (w r) PTR = 7.6 × 82 × 0.92 = 573 lbf In metric units: 1. r = 57.3 (30.5 / 70) = 25 m BTR = 890 / (9.8 × 11.3 × 25) = 0.32 RUB = 21.7 2. BTR = 8.92 3. T = 9.8 × 11.3 × 25 × 0.92 = 2547 N NOTE: BTR, RUB, and PTR are unitless. Except for soft conversion variations, these will be the same as the imperial calculations. Cumulative Tension Worksheet A worksheet (see Example 5.1) can be used for calculating the cable tension as it accumulates through each segment of the conduit run. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-42 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued r w PTR r BTR h x f T 0 w T0 + w [(fx) ± h] = Straight Segment T f fq = q RUB T 0 w T0/(wr) = Curved Segment PTR (wr) = T Example 5.1 Tension worksheet form © 2007 BICSI® 5-43 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued A step-by-step use of this method can best be described in the following example using Equation 1, the table, and the worksheet. A layout is shown in Example 5.2. Example 5.2 Conduit run layout r = 18.3 m (60 ft) 61 m (200 ft) 30° A 45.8 m (150 ft) r = 12 m (40 ft) B 40° 30.5 m (100 ft) ° = Degree ft = Foot m = Meter PROBLEM: Determine the pulling tension on a DCMZ-24 cable (11.3 kg/m [7.6 lb/ft]) being pulled into a horizontal plastic conduit run from point A to B. Assume a tail load of 890 N (200 lbf) and a friction coefficient of 0.31. See worksheets A to B (see Example 3.3) and B to A (see Example 3.4). 1. Determine the pull tension on the cable for the first segment as it reaches the end of the 200 ft straight segment of conduit. T = T0 + f w s = 200 + (0.31 × 7.6 × 200) = 671 lbf This is entered as the first straight segment tension and as the first curved segment T0 (both in the first row of the table). 2. Calculate the resistance under bending: RUB = f θ = 0.31 × 30 = 9.3 Using the value of tension from Step 1, find the back tension ratio for the 30° curved segment. BTR = T0 / (w r) = 671 / (7.6 × 40) = 2.2 From the table (using RUB = 10, BTR = 2.8): PTR = 3.36 T = (w r) PTR = 1021 lbf This is entered as the first curved segment tension (in the first row) and as the second straight segment T0 (in the second row). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-44 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued 3. As the cable enters the 150 ft straight segment, T0 = 1021 lbf. T = T0 + f w s T = 1021 + (0.31 × 7.6 × 150) T = 1374 lbf This is entered as the second straight segment tension and as the second curved segment T0 (both in the second row of the table). 4. Calculate the resistance under bending: RUB = f q RUB = 0.31 × 40 RUB = 2.4 Using the value of Step 3, find the back tension ratio for the 40-degree curved segment. BTR = T0 / (w r) BTR = 374 / (7.6 × 60) BTR = 3.0 From the table (using RUB = 15, BTR = 4.5): PTR = 5.88 T = (wr) PTR T = 7.6 × 60 × 5.88 T = 2681 lbf This is entered as the second curved segment tension (in the second row) and as the third straight segment T0 (in the third row). 5. As the cable enters the 100 ft straight segment, T0 = 2681 lbf. T = T0 + f w s T = 2681 + (0.31 × 7.6 × 100) T = 2917 lbf (rounded to two significant digits) This is the final pulling tension. If the direction of pull were reversed, the pulling tension at A would have been 2107 lbf (see Example 5.3). Since the cable can be pulled into the conduit from either direction, the greater pulling tension must be assumed for this conduit system. Installers should use the lower direction, if possible. © 2007 BICSI® 5-45 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Example 5.3 Worksheet A to B (imperial and metric) Imperial Straight Segment Curved Segment T = T0 + fws T0 w f T0 /(wr) = fq = h s T q f 200 7.6 0.31 200 0 671 0.31 30 1021 7.6 0.31 150 0 1374 0.31 40 2680 7.6 0.31 100 0 2917 RUB 9.3 T0 671 12.4 1374 PTR(wr) = BTR w r 7.6 40 2.2 7.6 60 3.0 T PTR w r 3.36 7.6 40 1021 5.88 7.6 60 2681 Metric Straight Segment T0 = w [(fx) ± h] + T0 w T x h 890 111 0.31 61 0 4476 111 0.31 45 11750 0.31 30.5 111 f NOTE: Curved Segment fq = RUB q f T0 /(wr) = T0 w PTR(wr) = BTR r PTR r w T 2989 0.31 30 9.3 2989 111 12 2.2 3.36 111 12 4476 0 6024 0.31 40 12.4 6024 111 18 3.0 5.88 111 18 11750 0 13000 Many manufacturers of pulling lubricants offer online or direct assistance in calculating expected pulling tensions. Software programs can also be purchased from them. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-46 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Conduit Pulling Tensions, continued Cable pulling tension should also be calculated for pulling in the opposite direction (see Example 5.4) Example 5.4 Worksheet B to A (imperial and metric) Imperial Straight Segment Curved Segment T = T0 + fws T0 w f T0 /(wr) = fq = h s T q f RUB T0 PTR(wr) = w r BTR PTR w r T 200 7.6 0.31 100 0 436 0.31 40 12.4 436 7.6 60 .96 1.53 7.6 60 698 698 7.6 0.31 150 0 1052 0.31 30 9.3 1052 7.6 40 3.46 5.38 7.6 40 1636 1636 7.6 0.31 200 0 2107 Metric Straight Segment T0 = w [(fx) ± h] + T0 w f x Curved Segment fq = T h f q RUB T0 /(wr) = T0 w PTR(wr) = BTR r PTR w r T 0.31 30.5 0 1940 0.31 40 12.4 1940 111 18 .97 1.53 111 18 3057 3057 111 0.31 45 0 4605 0.31 30 9.3 4605 111 12 3.46 5.38 111 12 7166 7166 111 0.31 61 0 9300 890 111 NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Many manufacturers of pulling lubricants offer online or direct assistance in calculating expected pulling tensions. They also offer software programs. 5-47 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Designing Curved Conduit Sections Curved section design allows conduit structure to be utilized effectively so that cable can be pulled with the least amount of tension. A curved section can be either a simple bend or an offset bend (i.e., a compound curve, reverse curve, double curve, or S curve). Because more tension is required to pull a cable through a curved section of duct than through a straight section of equal length, the total length is generally reduced. The amount of reduction depends on: • The number of bends. • The displacement angle and radius curvature of each bend. • Bend locations in the conduit section. • Type of conduit. • Amount and type of lubricant used. In designing curved sections, the designer should consider: • Continuous lengths of straight individual plastic conduit can be formed into shallow curves if a curvature radius of 12 m (40 ft) or more is used. • Where the radius is less than 12 m (40 ft), 4.6 m (15 ft), radius manufactured bends must be used. If possible, the entire change in direction should be made with a single arc of 4.6 m (15 ft) radius. • If using an individual conduit with a curvature radius of less than 24 m (80 ft), the duct must be encased in concrete. The encasement at a minimum should result in 51 mm (2 in) of top cover, 25 mm (1 in) at the sides and beneath the structure. • The arcs in an offset bend should be symmetrical. Air-Assisted Cable Installation An alternative to installing optical fiber cable, some coaxial cables, and some smaller diameter multipair twisted-pair cables in underground structures, is by pulling it with a winch line or using cable blowing equipment. Blowing cable differs from traditional cable pulling in many ways. During cable pulling, the cable remains taut and under stress with pulling force applied to the cable end. The cable tends to travel in a straight line unless a bend or curve in the duct alters its path. The cable rubs on the duct at each bend, curve, or undulation, creating friction that can damage the cable sheathing or the duct. As friction increases, additional cable-pulling force must be applied to keep the cable moving. With additional pulling force, the stress on the cable increases (see Table 5.8). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-48 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Air-Assisted Cable Installation, continued Cable placement by cable blowing or jetting has advantages of reduced tensile force required for pulling, fewer personnel, and longer cable run lengths between access points (APs). Air flow through the duct is used to overcome the frictional resistance of cable movement. Cable movement speed is significantly faster with blowing rather than traditional pulling. Cable blowing minimizes the stress on the cable during installation. Depending on characteristics of duct, cable, and ambient temperature, installations of about 2.0 kilometers (km [1.2 miles (mi)]) are the most common. Cable blowing is one of the most efficient and safest means of installing optical fiber cable, some types of coaxial cable, and some types and arrangements of twisted-pair cable. Smooth wall or longitudinal ribbed are acceptable, with smooth wall considered the best choice. Duct and couplings must be capable of withstanding the air pressure present during blowing operations. Innerduct joints are joined by a coupler by rotation, fusion (gluing), or pressure coupling. Pressure testing devices can measure whether the joint can withstand a pressure of more than 1032 kilopascals (kPa [150 pounds per square inch (psi)]) once joined. The test involves plugging one end and applying pressure through the pipe, then measuring the loss in kPa pounds per square inch (psi) during a time interval following pressurization. © 2007 BICSI® 5-49 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Microduct A microduct system houses dedicated channels enclosed in a protected jacket, which is designed for installation in indoor and outdoor environments (see Figure 5.9.) Microduct systems can be installed into empty or occupied duct structures via jetting, blowing, or pulling installation methods. With this infrastructure in place, very small optical fiber cables (i.e., microcables) can be installed inside the microduct by the same methods. Small units are used to blow up to 900 m (3000) ft of optical fibers in place into microducts. Advantages of microduct include: • Rapid deployment of optical fiber once the initial micro tube infrastructure is in place. • Reduced labor costs. • Minimized splicing and closure costs. • Easy moving, rerouting, or replacing of optical fibers upon installation. • Improved restoration time. Disadvantages of microduct include: • High initial cost. • Difficult administration. • Manufacturer-specific products. Figure 5.9 Microduct OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-50 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Calculating Volume of Backfill The volume of concrete or granular backfill varies with trench width and the degree of irregularity of the trench surface. Volumes given for each arrangement are for the minimum trench width consistent with the specified clearances. Volumes for sand or granular backfill should include an allowance for compaction. Concrete encasement will be required at bends using PVC conduit or where surface loads are in excess (see Figures 5.10 and 5.11 and the corresponding tables 5.10 and 5.11). Figure 5.10 Typical concrete-encased conduit structure Ground line Warning tape 610 mm (24 in) min* 51 mm (2 in) Top level of concrete 25 mm (1 in) 38 mm (1.5 in) 25 mm (1 in) 38 mm (1.5 in) * 457 mm (18 in) permitted under driveways and sidewalks in = mm = Inch Millimeter Table 5.10 Cubic yards of concrete per 30.5 m (100 ft) of trench Trade Size 4 2 Conduit Wide 3 Conduit Wide 4 Conduit Wide 2 conduit high 2.7 3.7 4.8 3 conduit high 3.7 5.0 6.4 4 conduit high 4.6 6.4 8.1 NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® To convert from cubic yards to cubic meters, multiply by 0.76. 5-51 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Calculating Volume of Backfill, continued Figure 5.11 Typical compacted fill conduit structure Selected material free of large stones, frozen material, etc. Ground line Warning tape 305 mm (12 in) min* Compacted sand or granular backfill 305 m (12 in) 25 mm (1 in) 25 mm (1 in) 51 mm (2 in) 25 mm (1 in) 25 mm (1 in) Typical * 152 mm (6 in) permitted under driveways and sidewalks in = m = mm = Inch Meter Millimeter Table 5.11 Cubic yards of compacted fill per 30.5 m (100 ft) of trench Trade Size 4 2 Conduit Wide 3 Conduit Wide 4 Conduit Wide 2 conduit high 6.4 8.7 11.0 3 conduit high 7.4 10.1 12.8 4 conduit high 8.5 11.6 14.5 NOTE: To convert from cubic yards to cubic meters, multiply by 0.76. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-52 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Trench Work For all excavations deeper than 1.52 m (5 ft) in which a person must enter or work, in the United States, for example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires the walls be shored, sheeted, braced, or otherwise supported except when: • Working in solid rock, hard shale, or hard slag. • The side walls are cut to an approved slope. Requirements may vary with soil type and location. The designer should consult OSHA and local regulations. Other safety precautions include: • Shoring trenches less than 1.52 m (5 ft) deep if they present a hazardous work environment. • Assigning an individual at the surface of an excavation to monitor persons working in the trench. NOTE: The person must be in sight of the monitor at all times. Prefabricated trench boxes or shields have become lighter and are available in a variety of materials. Manufacturer specifications will vary and must be qualified for design purposes. Typical shoring arrangements are shown in Figures 5.12, 5.13, and 5.14; see also Table 5.12. Figure 5.12 Typical trench shield Loose soil Steel sidewall Cross brace NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® If depths are greater than 6 m (20 ft), it is recommended that shoring construction should be designed by a qualified professional engineer. 5-53 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Trench Work, continued Figure 5.13 Typical trench with shoring in unstable ground 101 mm x 152 mm (4 in x 6 in) cross brace (or trench jack) 1.83 m (6 ft) 51 mm x 152 mm (2 in x 6 in) tight spaced uprights Loose soil 1.2 m (4 ft) 101 mm x 152 mm (4 in x 6 in) stringer Trench depth 3 m (10 ft) or less (See NOTE) Sharpen toe of uprights ft in m mm = = = = Trench width 1.83 m (6 ft) or less Sharpen toe of uprights Foot Inch Meter Millimeter NOTE: Leave 101 mm (4 in) to 152 mm (6 in) working space between brace and conduit. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-54 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Trench Work, continued Figure 5.14 Typical trench with shoring in stable ground 51 mm x 152 mm (2 in x 6 in) upright 1.8 m (6.0 ft) 101 mm x 101 mm (4 in x 4 in) cross brace (or trench jack) 51 mm x 152 mm (2 in x 6 in) upright 1.2 m (4 ft) Hard, compact soil 101 mm x 101 mm (4 in x 4 in) cross brace (or trench jack) Trench depth 3 m (10 ft) or less (See NOTE) Cleat Trench width 1.83 m (6.0 ft) or less ft in m mm = = = = Foot Inch Meter Millimeter NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Sharpen toe of uprights Leave 101 mm (4 in) to 152 mm (6 in) working space between brace and conduit. 5-55 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Trench Work, continued Table 5.12 Minimum trench shoring requirements Trench Depth (m/ft) Soil (Note 1) Size (Note 5) 1.52–3 (5–10) A B 3 × 4 or 2 × 6 C 3–4.6 (10–15) Spacing m/ft Stringers 1.83 m 2.74 m 3.7 m 4.6 m (Notes 2&5) (6 ft) (9 ft) (12 ft) (15 ft) 1.83 (6) None 0.91 (3) 4×6 Tight 4×6 D Tight 6×8 A 1.2 (4) 4×6 0.6 (2) 4×6 Tight 4×6 B 3 × 4 or 2 × 6 C 4.6–6 (15–20) Cross Braces for Trench Width (Notes 3, 4, and 5) Uprights D 3×6 Tight 8 × 10 All 3×6 Tight 4 × 12 4×4 4×6 6×6 6×8 4×6 6×6 6×8 8×8 4×6 6×6 6×8 8×8 6×6 6×8 8×8 8 × 10 6×8 8×8 8 × 10 10 × 10 ft = Foot m = Meter NOTES: 1. Soil type or conditions: A is hard, compact B is likely to crack C is soft, sandy, or filled D is hydrostatic pressure 2. Stringer vertical spacing is 1.2 m (4 ft) 3. Cross braces spaced 1.2 m (4 ft) vertically, 1.83 m (6 ft) horizontally. 4. Trench jacks may be used in lieu of, or in combination with, cross braces. 5. Size refers to construction grade lumber in inches. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-56 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Trench Work, continued Subsurface Space The amount of subsurface space required for the conduit structure is dependent on the type, size, and number of ducts to be installed. Where sheeting or shoring is not required, the amount of required subsurface space is based on the width of the conduit formation plus the space needed for: • Working. • Backfill. • Concrete encasing. The depth of the trench is the height of the conduit formation plus 610 mm (24 in) of cover and any top protection or bedding requirement. The NESC requires 610 mm (24 in); however, local requirements may differ. NOTE: Where shoring or plywood sheeting is required, the width must include the dimensions of the material used. Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing Whenever conduit must cross a bridge, the designer should always consult the AHJ and a structural and/or civil engineer regarding: • Structural strength problems, if the ducts will be incorporated in the bridge structure. • Obstruction of waterways, if the ducts will be attached under the bridge. • Compensation for axial movement at each required expansion joint. • Slip sleeve requirements at a bridge abutment (see Figure 5.15) or an MH wall, if the MH is close to the bridge. Figure 5.15 Bell end conduit slip sleeve Bridge structure Bridge abutment © 2007 BICSI® 5-57 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued When conduit crosses a bridge, MHs built as termination points should be constructed close to the bridge ends in the approach fill. If due to bridge length this results in an excessively long section, pull boxes or specially designed splicing chambers of sufficient size may be placed to aid cable pulling and splicing along the span. Refer to Figures 5.16 through 5.25. Conduit supports are modular-type hangers designed to support and maintain the integrity of conduit systems on bridge crossings. Each bridge crossing must be individually designed to conform to local conditions and restraints imposed by the bridge site, design, and construction. In the design phase, the designer should consult the AHJ to obtain R/W and design information on load limits and expansion requirements. During temperature changes, exposed plastic conduit will change length in proportion to the magnitude of the temperature change. The conduit system must be designed so that length changes can take place without disengaging at the expansion coupling or developing excessive stresses or deflections. Bridge conduit support hardware manufacturers provide the required data to properly design and install their product. Under Bridge Hanger/Conduit Method To provide secure support of the conduit system, conduit hangers are located at specific intervals along the structure. They should be spaced at 2.4 m (8 ft) intervals for PVC Type D conduit and at 1.8 m (6 ft) intervals above 32° Celsius (C [90° Fahrenheit (F)]). Because of the inherent thermal expansion and contraction of the conduit materials, expansion joints (see Figure 5.16) must be provided for each 30.5 m (100 ft) of PVC Type D conduit. Figure 5.16 Expansion joints 27.4 m (90 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) 27.4 m (90 ft) Abutment = Anchor point support with stop ring = Back-to-back expansion joint ft = Foot m = Meter NOTE: An expansion joint is not placed at bridge abutment due to possible misalignment. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-58 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued There are two general types of bracing: • Angle bracing (Figure 5.17). • Longitudinal bracing (Figure 5.18). Angle bracing enables supports to resist the forces developed from expansion and contraction, cable pulling, and longitudinal stranding. Angle bracing is required on both sides of all anchor point supports. Figure 5.17 Angle bracing Anchor point hanger Strut bolted to threaded insert in bridge deck 51 mm (2 in) x 51 mm (2 in) frame member in = Inch mm = Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® 5-59 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued Intermediate conduit supports experience primarily three different loadings: • Loads in vertical direction, from the weight of the conduit, cable, and hangers • Loads in transverse direction, imposed by wind • Loads in longitudinal direction, imposed by the frictional force developed by the expansion and contraction of the conduit Intermediate hangers transfer these forces at two points: • Attachment bolts • Longitudinal bracing Figure 5.18 Longitudinal bracing and load forces Direction of conduit run Support Vertical direction Weight of conduit Transverse load or normal direction of wind Longitudinal bracing Longitudinal direction Direction of expansion frictional force Direction of load on stranding Anchor points experience the same loading as intermediate-type supports except forces due to friction. Anchor points must also withstand cable pulling force and longitudinal strand loads. The total longitudinal stranding load will be the summation of the intermediate loads on the strand. See Figure 5.19 for anchor and plug. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-60 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued Figure 5.19 Anchor and plug Expander plug Anchor Back-to-back expansion joint units: • Are located at anchor point hangers. • Control expansion and contraction of the conduit run 30.5 m (100 ft) in each direction (see Figures 5.20 and 5.21). Figure 5.20 Back-to-back expansion joint units 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) Anchor-type support 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter Expansion joint Intermediatetype support Stop-ring restraint point © 2007 BICSI® 5-61 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued Figure 5.21 Back-to-back expansion joint Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) Anchor point Nipple ft = m = Expansion joint sleeve Split stop ring Foot Meter In some cases, spans of 91 m (300 ft), 152 m (500 ft), and 213 m (700 ft) require combining the back-to-back system with one in-line single expansion joint assembly (see Figure 5.22). Figure 5.22 In-line single-expansion joint over 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) ft = m = 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) Foot Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-62 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued In short crossings, under 30.5 m (100 ft), only one expansion joint is required (see Figure 5.23). The expansion joint should be located near the center of the bridge between supports. Figure 5.23 Expansion joint under 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) ft = m = Foot Meter In installations under 30.5 m (100 ft), normally only one expansion joint is required for each conduit line. It can be installed near the center of the bridge in between two supports (see Figure 5.24). Figure 5.24 Single expansion joint Cement Nipple Conduit Support © 2007 BICSI® Single-action expansion joint sleeve 5-63 Cement Second support OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued When using longitudinal stranding, angle bracing should be angled into the stranded area. Figure 5.25 shows the concept and a designed system without the conduit. Figure 5.25 Angle bracing into stranded area Back-to-back expansion joints 30.5 m (100 ft) Longitudinal bracing with wire strand ft = m = Foot Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-64 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued Many other methods of bridge crossing exist; some are shown in Figures 5.26 through 5.29. Figure 5.26 Conduit installed in sidewalk portion of bridge Sidewalk Roadway Figure 5.27 Conduit installed by hanging under sidewalk portion of bridge Sidewalk © 2007 BICSI® Roadway 5-65 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Conduit Design for Bridge Crossing, continued Figure 5.28 Conduit run attached to side of bridge with steel brackets Steel brackets Figure 5.29 Conduit runs attached to steel I-beams I-Beam OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-66 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Tunnels Introduction New or existing tunnels may be the only means available to provide service into or throughout a building. Three general types of tunnels are: • Utility tunnels. • Pedestrian tunnels. • Vehicular tunnels. Utility Tunnels Utility tunnels are spaces/pathways that house various utilities. Some of the utilities housed are steam, power, gas, water, sanitary sewer, and telecommunications. Designing space configurations for these tunnels is of prime concern for the designer. Power cables located in tunnels can produce electromagnetic interference (EMI). Gas lines can produce a hazardous atmosphere. Steam lines can damage the telecommunications plant if it is located too close to the steam lines. Water lines may create a humid atmosphere along with the steam lines. Sanitary sewer lines can create a biological hazard if ruptured. Storm drains that feed into the tunnels can cause flooding. See Figure 5.30 for a breakdown of a typical shallow tunnel. © 2007 BICSI® 5-67 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Utility Tunnels, continued Figure 5.30 Typical shallow tunnel section 3.4 m (11 ft) Monorail Steam Telephone 1.2 m (4 ft) 3.4 m (11 ft) Low voltage power High voltage power Water Gas ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-68 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Pedestrian Tunnels Pedestrian tunnels are used for passage of personnel from one part of a campus to another, usually under streets, railways, or other thoroughfares. These tunnels are usually environmentally conditioned and contain spaces that can efficiently house pathways for information transport systems (ITS). They tend to be shorter than utility tunnels but can be used effectively for housing of telecommunications infrastructure from one point on a campus to another. Vehicular Tunnels Vehicular tunnels allow restricted traffic. These tunnels are used for passage of vehicles from one part of a campus to another and are not typically environmentally controlled. Pathways can be installed inside these tunnels to house telecommunications cables in a cost-effective manner. Telecommunications cable must be installed in these tunnels according to local codes and must also provide a safe environment for operation of all facilities. For large projects, tunnels will require extensive advanced planning and cooperation among: • Utilities. • Customers. • Municipal planning boards. • Environmental groups. • Department of Transportation (DoT). All of these entities must be in agreement regarding tunnel use and design and the designs of the proposed utility installations within the tunnel. Considerations that are particularly critical include: • Routing. • Safety. • Access. • Capacity. • Sizing. • Facility protection. • R/W. • Cost. Accessibility is usually the reason for installation of tunnels. When designing the tunnel, the AP should be located off the traveled roadway to improve worker’s safety. When the public accesses a tunnel or when the customer’s personnel must enter the structure to install, operate, or maintain the facilities, the design must include a controlled, safe environment including barriers, detectors, alarms, ventilation, and pumps. © 2007 BICSI® 5-69 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Motivating Design Factors The motivating design factors for considering the use of existing utility tunnels are: • Increasing congestion of belowground space. • Rate of growth. • Removing obsolete plant after placing a new plant. • Environmental awareness. • Cost analysis and utilization of facilities. Application Areas Five areas where tunnels may provide an optimum long-range solution to a customer’s space requirements are: • Transit subway station construction. • Urban renewal districts. • Central business districts. • Campus or institutional projects. • Large-capacity pathways under known underground obstructions (e.g., buildings). Advantages Primary advantages of using a tunnel include: • Reduced street maintenance. • Decreased chances of accidental dig-ups. • Reduced ground corrosion factors. • A continuous inspection path for all facilities. • Permanent space allocation. • Reduced surface interference to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic, except during an open-cut phase. Disadvantages Disadvantages of using a tunnel may include: • Confined space rules. • Significant planning and approvals from all aspects. • Increased liability and work priority factors. • Increased security measures. • High initial cost of constructing the tunnel. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-70 © 2007 BICSI® Section 1: Underground Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Utility Requirements A joint-use tunnel may require sizing for: • Heating and cooling. • Electric power. • Gas. • Sanitary sewers. • Telecommunications. • Water. • CATV. • Storm water runoff monitoring. When either sizing tunnels or placing telecommunications facilities in tunnels, allowances should be made for regulated, nonregulated, and multiple transmission media (e.g., balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber, coaxial cabling). Each individual utility should be marked at regular intervals for easy identification. When selecting media for installation, the designer should ensure that it meets heat and steam requirements to ensure protection of the telecommunications physical plant, where necessary. Hazards Major hazards found in tunnels are: • Confined space. • Steam. • Flooding. • Gas. • Fire. • Electricity. • Asbestos. • Sanitary sewer lines. • Storm drains. • Wildlife. While various sensors and alarms can be used to monitor the environmental quality of a tunnel, OSP installers should always observe caution and report any suspicious conditions to the appropriate safety office or the director of physical plant immediately. © 2007 BICSI® 5-71 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 1: Underground Pathways Ventilation A common rule of thumb for personnel ventilation is three complete air changes per hour. Tunnels may contain combustible or suffocating gasses. Therefore, provisions must be made for an adequate continuous supply of air. Fire Detection Types of fire detection systems used in tunnels are: • Infrared. • Ultraviolet. • Temperature. • Detectors for products of combustion (i.e., smoke or carbon dioxide). Support Structures Additional support structures may be needed for telecommunications. The designer should consult with AHJs for installations. Some examples are: • Pulling eyes—Generally made of steel and concreted into the sides or ends of the tunnel to facilitate the pulling of cable into or through the tunnel. Pulling eyes should be placed at about the same level as the ductbank at the opposite end of the tunnel. • Cable and equipment supports—Vertical steel channels should be installed to support cables, splice cases, and equipment. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-72 © 2007 BICSI® Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Direct-Buried Pathways Introduction The decision of whether to place direct-buried or aerial plant is based on: • Initial cost. • Susceptibility to damage. • Ongoing maintenance costs. • Aesthetics (i.e., direct-buried cable installations are generally hidden from view). Direct-buried cable is less susceptible to storm damage than aerial cable. Even though repair costs may be higher, these structures are less frequently damaged, especially in areas prone to fires or severe weather (e.g., ice storms, hurricanes). Route Selection When considering an underground or direct-buried route, many variables must be considered, some of which may be related. Common variables are: • Safety. • Costs. • Waterways. • Environmental areas. • Soil conditions. • Right-of-way (R/W). • Obstacles. • Other below-grade utilities. • Existing infrastructure. Both underground and direct-buried pathways may be affected by: © 2007 BICSI® • Buildings. • Culverts. • Bridges. • Pole lines. • Pavement. • Landscaped areas. • Railways. • Roadways. 5-73 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Route Selection, continued When crossing another utility facility, always remember: • Maintain 305 millimeters (mm [12 inches (in)]) of separation. Placing cable in this manner adds further protection against dig-ups. • Cabling systems should be routed to allow safe access for construction, inspection, and maintenance. • There shall be no transfer of load (i.e., weight) from one utility to the other. • When crossing roads, railroads, and waterways, the cable should be placed inside either a metal or rigid plastic duct for protection. Soil conditions play a major role in route selection. Areas of rock or unstable soil should be avoided, if possible. If it is not practical to avoid areas of rock, consideration should be given to decreasing the depth of placement and then mechanically protecting the cable by using cable shields (see Figure 5.31). These shields can be either metallic or nonmetallic and may be field constructed using split duct, short conduit sections, or U-guards. Figure 5.31 Protection of direct-buried cable Minimum required depth Ground level Less than minimum required depth Buried cable Shield Rock Direct-buried cable OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-74 © 2007 BICSI® Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Plow Route Selection When selecting a plow route, the designer must remember that: • An acceptable route must be wide enough to accommodate a plowing tractor. • Cable reels are typically mounted above and in front of the tractor. The route must have sufficient vertical clearance to permit safe and proper operation of equipment. When selecting a bore route, the designer should consider: • Number of bores it will take to accomplish the crossing. For example, when crossing a multilane highway, an additional pit may have to be set up in the median, requiring two bores instead of one. • Space needed for a boring and receiving pit. The size of the equipment being used and the rod lengths must be known before making this decision. • Costs of surface cuts and restoration. Burial Depth Burial depth will be affected by: • Crossing under railroads and highways. • Crossing bodies of water. • Crossing other utilities. • Frost line depth. Cable should be placed below the frost line because frost uplift may damage cables. Optical fiber cables may be crushed by freezing water. Where applicable, the 50-year frost line should be used. • End user requirements. Each of the above situations may require adherence to specific requirements mandated by their governing agencies. If joint trenching is being used, agreements with other occupants must be obtained. Balanced twisted-pair cable should be placed at a minimum depth of 610 mm (24 in). However, in areas where future excavation is anticipated, it may be advisable to place the cable at a greater depth. For example, if road grading that will remove 610 mm (24 in) of dirt is planned in a particular area, it would be wiser to place the cable at 1.2 meters (m [4 feet (ft)]) initially versus the standard 610 mm (24 in). The designer should also remember that depth requirements may vary by local code. Optical fiber cable should be placed at a minimum depth of 1 m (3.28 ft). However, extra depth should be considered in situations where future potential excavations could damage the cable. These depths may be reduced if the cable is adequately protected by additional means (e.g., concrete encasement or capping). The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) may provide rulings on depth in a given area. © 2007 BICSI® 5-75 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Burial Depth, continued Bore sites play an important role in selecting bore depth. Different depth requirements will exist when boring under: • Sidewalks. • Streets and highways. • Railroads. • Waterways. • Environmentally sensitive areas. In any of these cases, the AHJ sets the minimum boring depth. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-76 © 2007 BICSI® Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Placing Direct-Buried Cable Trenching Three basic methods of trenching are: • Hand dig, used when there is not enough room for machinery or when care must be exercised to avoid an obstacle. • Back hoe, used in areas not accessible by a trencher. • Trencher, preferred when the proposed cable route is open and free from obstacles. The smaller trenchers are walk-behind types and typically are used for small-diameter cable applications and short distances (see Figure 5.32). Larger trenchers generally are used for placing larger cables (see Figure 5.33). Depending on the method employed, trench width can range from 76 to 610 millimeters (mm [3 to 24 inches (in)]) and up to 2.3 meters (m [7.5 ft (feet)]) in depth. Smaller cables may be placed using a less cumbersome machine, which can readily avoid obstructions and can be controlled by an individual walking behind it. While such a machine has limited use for long runs or large sizes of cable, it may be effective in placing smaller lateral cables or service wires. Many configurations of cable placing machines are available. The designer should focus on determining the best route rather than on the machinery for cable placement. Figure 5.32 Walk behind trencher © 2007 BICSI® 5-77 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Trenching, continued Figure 5.33 Tractor-drawn trencher Plowing The most economical rates for plowing will be realized when the route is open and relatively free from rock. Two major types of plows are: • Vibratory plow. • Rip plow. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-78 © 2007 BICSI® Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Plowing, continued Vibratory Plow This type of plow slices open the trench, places cable, and closes the trench behind it. Some machines possess both trenching and plowing capabilities (see Figures 5.34 and 5.35). The major difference is that these types of machines are generally rubber-tired to minimize surface damage. This limits their usefulness in some field conditions. Figure 5.34 Trencher/vibratory plow Figure 5.35 Vibratory plow © 2007 BICSI® 5-79 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Plowing, continued Rip Plow This type of plow opens a trench with one or more passes of the plow share (see Figure 5.36). The rip plow ensures all subsurface obstacles are removed prior to placing the cable. Use of this plow is common in hard ground conditions such as clay in the summer months. Figure 5.36 Rip plow Rock Saw When the soil is too compacted or rock is encountered, the rock saw is used to cut the trench for the cable placement (see Figure 5.37). Figure 5.37 Rock saw OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-80 © 2007 BICSI® Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Plowing, continued Clearances from Existing Utilities Since plowing is not as accurate as mechanical trenching, use of hand digging will allow enough space between the proposed trench and existing utilities to minimize the chance for contact while plowing. It is not recommended to use any form of mechanical excavation within 1 m (3.28 ft) of other utilities. Boring The three main types of bores are: • Auger bore, also known as jack and bore. • Horizontal directional drilling (HDD), also known as a directional bore. • Missile bore, also known as impact moling. Auger Bore System The auger boring system (i.e., jack and bore) uses an auger bit attached to the end of a boring rod. The boring machine drills a hole with the first rod and auger. Once the machine has reached the length of the rod, a second rod is added and the boring continues. As additional length is needed, more rods are added until the auger reaches the receiving pit. This method should only be used for short bores since it is not very accurate. Any obstacle encountered during the bore can deflect the auger bit to a different path. It is always wise to know the exact length of the bore. If the auger does not appear in the receiving pit after the appropriate number of rods has been added to the machine, it has likely taken a different route. A metal detector can be used to track the auger’s progress during the bore. © 2007 BICSI® 5-81 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Boring, continued A casing may be installed simultaneously with the boring process to make this a less costly alternative to cutting and patching. It is used for crossing under small obstacles such as roads or railroad tracks and can be used to place casings as large as 1.2 m (4 ft). Figure 5.38 illustrates an auger bore. Figure 5.38 Auger bore OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-82 © 2007 BICSI® Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Boring, continued Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) HDD is a much more accurate method of boring (see Figure 5.39). This system uses a liquid chemical mixture that, when forced through the end of the boring head, carves a hole in the earth. However, unlike a slurry mixture that merely washes away the dirt, this mixture hardens and forms a crust after the hole carving. The boring head is controllable in all planes by the operator. Most machines carry enough pipes on board to complete a bore well beyond 100 m (328 ft). Based on the locator’s instructions, the operator adjusts the boring path head to ensure its arrival at the receiving pit. The boring rig typically consists of a track-based boring machine, a cable locator and a separate trailer or truck to hold the mixing tanks for the boring fluid. A boring head detector traces the path of the head during the boring operation. This type of construction can be used in many types of soil conditions, and can create a path up to 2 kilometers (km [1.2 miles (mi)]) long and 1.2 m (4 ft) diameter. It allows for placement of multiple ducts or direct placement of facilities in the path and enables crossing obstacles (e.g., rivers, utility clusters). Figure 5.39 Horizontal directional drilling machine © 2007 BICSI® 5-83 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 2: Direct-Buried Pathways Boring, continued Missile Bore System The missile bore system, also known as impact moling, is used for short run cable installations under sidewalks, driveways, roads, and other obstacles. With these units, a pipe can be pulled or pushed under an obstacle by repetitive impacts. The force may be applied by pneumatic or hydraulic methods. Typically, bores from 51 to 152 mm (2 to 6 in) in diameter can be made with this method. Pits are dug at the beginning of the (launch) pit as well as at the receiving end, generally 7.6 to 15 m (25 to 50 ft) apart, and the missile is directed forward by a series of pneumatic blasts until it reaches the target pit. The pipe or casing is carried forward with the drill head. This method is not accurate because it has no steering capabilities, so it is limited to short distances only. Casing Type Depending on the customer’s or authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) requirements, one of the following casings may be used: • Steel • Plastic • Flexpipe Cable Markers Buried cable markers should be used to reduce the possibility of cable damage during excavation and will assist in the location of dielectric optical fiber cable. Some types of common markers are: • Aboveground post markers, typically placed up to 152 m (500 ft), at a directional change, at a congested area, or at a location of importance (e.g., other major crossing utilities). In areas where curves or hills exist, markers should be placed in line of sight (LoS). • Buried marker tape 152 to 305 mm (6 to 12 in) below final grade. • Buried electronic markers, typically located at splice locations and buried handholes (HHs). NOTES: Tracer wire should be installed with all dielectric optical fiber cable to facilitate locating. Cable markers with locating caps that allow locators to connect to the metallic sheath of a buried cable may be used within a maximum distance of 900 m (3000 ft). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-84 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Aerial Pathways Introduction When faced with design and implementation of an aerial plant system, the designer must consider: • Initial cost. • Possible exposure of poles to damage from vehicular traffic. • Risk of damage to conductors or pole structures from falling tree limbs, high winds, ice loading, and other environmental factors. • Access. Route Selection When selecting the route for the aerial plant, the designer must consider a number of variables, including: • Safety. • Terrain. • Aesthetics. • Direct-buried or underground utilities. • Soil conditions. • Other aerial plants. • Access. A proposed pathway may be affected by obstacles and/or clearances due to: © 2007 BICSI® • Utilities. • Existing pole lines. • Parking lots. • Buildings, including architectural impediments to locating building attachment structures. • Water crossings. • Intersections (e.g., street, alley, controlled access roads). • Driveways. • Right-of-way (R/W) for railways. • Maintenance access to the pole line. • Swimming pools. • Environmental areas. • Tree branches. • Clearances above sidewalks. • Clearances above or to the side of buildings and other structures. • Airport and heliopad. 5-85 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Route Selection, continued Aerial construction or a combination of aerial and direct-buried construction may be less expensive in heavily developed or rocky areas. Aerial construction may also reduce costs when a preexisting pole line (partial or complete) can be used. Designing New Aerial Support Structures When determining design for aerial plant, consider the: • Weight of cable—Maximum span allowed for cable and future cables with appropriate strand. • Height of poles—Determined by spacing requirements from other utilities, ground clearances, roads, rail, and water crossings. Grades of Pole and Pole Line Construction Poles and pole lines that support outside plant (OSP) telecommunications cabling are classified by grades or types based on the following criteria: • Importance of the services they offer • Physical size (i.e., length and circumference) • Loading capabilities • Pole strength (i.e., rated fiber stress and pole circumference) Poles and pole lines associated with crossing limited access highways, railroads, and other special situations shall comply with applicable codes, standards, and regulations. Reuse of Existing Poles and Pole Lines Where possible, the designer may want to use an existing pole line. Presence of the pole line should be field verified and the poles along the proposed route should be physically examined to ensure their physical integrity. The designer should not rely on records alone when planning to use existing structures. When proposing placement of aerial cable on an existing joint use pole line, it is mandatory to obtain authorization from the pole owner. Owners of the existing pole line may require that makeready work be performed for a nominal fee to allow for adequate clearances. This work may involve moving attachments on an existing pole or placing a new pole and respacing attachments. For transitions from subsurface to aerial construction, facility ownership may be determined based on pole placement and pole markings. For new pole installation the designer will work with the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to obtain a permit to place the pole and will call the one-call system to locate subsurface utilities. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-86 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Types of Loading Three types of loading with which the designer should be concerned are: © 2007 BICSI® • Transverse storm loading—The pressure exerted on a pole and its attachments by the wind at a right angle to the line. The pressure on the pole varies with the length and diameter of the pole. • Vertical loading—The weight of the attachments as well as the downward force produced by the guys. For medium and heavy storm loading areas, the weight of ice coatings on attachments should be included. • Bending moments—The forces produced by devices like (eccentric) transformers or unbalanced tensions at corners and deadends. 5-87 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Storm Load Requirements Codes, standards, and regulations determine a pole line’s storm loading requirements. Following requirements are associated with storm loading: • Severity • Frequency • Damaging effects of wind and ice storms Requirements associated with storm loading reflect the force exerted on overhead pole lines by the combination of wind, ice, and snow. Light loading applies to areas receiving little or no ice and snow accumulation, whereas medium loading and heavy loading apply to areas where annual ice and snow accumulations are greater. NOTE: Codes like the National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) define wind and ice loading for the continental United States (see Figure 5.40 courtesy of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.® [IEEE®]). Please refer to applicable codes, standards, and regulations in your geographic area to determine if such definitions and guidance are provided. Figure 5.40 Wind and ice loadings = Heavy = Medium = Light OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-88 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Storm Load Requirements, continued Combined Ice and Wind Loading The three degrees of loading due to weather conditions require treatment in calculating the effects of the loads on the structure. Ice loading is not considered a factor in the light load areas, but is included when addressing medium and heavy load areas. Wind loading is a factor everywhere. Light Loading Light loading is a horizontal wind pressure of 43.9 kilograms per square meter (kg/m2 [9 pounds per square feet (lb/ft2)]) upon the projected area of supported wires, support strands, and cables at a right angle to the line. Light loading applies to areas receiving little or no ice and snow accumulation. Medium Loading Medium loading is a horizontal wind pressure of 19.5 kg/m2 (4 lb/ft2) upon the projected area of supported wires, support strands, and cables when coated with a radial thickness of 6.3 millimeters (mm [0.25 inches (in)]) of ice at a right angle to the line. Medium loading applies to areas receiving moderate amounts of ice and snow accumulation. Heavy Loading Heavy loading is a horizontal wind pressure of 19.5 kg/m2 (4 lb/ft2) upon the projected area of supported wires, support strands, and cables when coated with a radial thickness of 12.7 mm (0.50 in) of ice at a right angle to the line. Heavy loading applies to areas where annual ice and snow accumulation is great. Storm-loading districts are shown in Table 5.13. Any storm-loading district may have areas where heavier or lighter loadings than are indicated for that district prevail. In those areas, the designer must alter the requirements set up for the loading district to comply with local conditions. The conditions must not be reduced without written approval from the AHJ. Storm-loading districts should be determined through coordination with the local meteorological service for that country. © 2007 BICSI® 5-89 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Storm Load Requirements, continued Table 5.13 Ice, wind, and temperature Loading Districts Heavy Medium Light Extreme Wind Loading 12.5 (0.50) 6.3 (0.25) 0 (0) 0 (0) Horizontal wind pressure in Pa (lb/ft2) 190 (4) 190 (4) 430 (9) Temperature in C (F) –20 (0) –10 (15) –1 (30) Radial thickness of ice in mm (in) C F in lb/ft2 mm Pa = = = = = = NOTE: 16 (60) Celsius Fahrenheit Inch Pound per square foot Millimeter Pascal For additional information, refer to NESC Table 250-1. Extreme Wind Loading Extreme wind loading in Table 5.13 applies to structures or support facilities that exceed 18.3 meters (m [60 feet (ft)]) above ground or water level. Please note that exceptions to these extreme wind loading guidelines may apply and shall be determined by the designer in cooperation with the AHJ. NOTE: The designer should identify codes, standards, and regulations that offer tables containing safety factors used with overload conditions. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-90 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Storm Load Requirements, continued Required Pole Strength Poles subjected to heavy transverse loads tend to break at ground level. Selecting poles with sufficient strength at ground level to withstand transverse loads is a major consideration for the designer. The design strength of a pole at any given point is a function of its rated optical fiber stress and its circumference. The higher the rated optical fiber stress and the larger the pole circumference, the greater the transverse load that the pole will be able to withstand. Transverse loads that must be considered are those caused by wind pressure on: • Cable and support strand. • Pole-mounted equipment and service drops. • The pole. Moment Strength Each transverse load causes a moment on the pole that tends to move the pole in the direction of the applied load. The value of that moment in newton-meters (N-m) or equivalent in pound force-feet (lbf-ft) is equal to the transverse load in newtons (N) or equivalent in lbf-ft multiplied by the distance in meters from the load point to the point where the moment is being considered. One lbf-ft equals 1.36 N-m. The moments caused by each of the transverse loads must be summed together to obtain the total load. A pole with sufficient resistant moment must be selected to handle the total moment. As far as the moment is concerned, the ground line is usually the critical point unless the pole is extra narrow at some other point or a sidewalk anchor and down guy is employed. The rated breaking strength of the pole is based on the resistant moment that the pole can withstand at ground level. Method of Summing Loads A systematic method of summing loads on a pole is to convert all transverse loads into equivalent loads at a point 0.6 m (2 ft) from the top of the pole. A pole that has a breaking strength capable of withstanding the sum of all the equivalent loads at a point 0.6 m (2 ft) from the top of the pole is then selected. © 2007 BICSI® 5-91 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Pole Classification To determine the class of poles required in a pole line, the designer should consider: • The total number of cables to be placed during the life of the pole line. • The total weight of the cables. • The size of the support strands. • Any guy requirements (i.e., corners and deadends). Using this information, the designer will be able to determine: • Species of wood. • Required pole height. • Desired preservation materials. • Required class (width/diameter). Nine common pole classes used in OSP construction and their breaking strengths measured 610 mm (24 in) from top of pole are provided in Table 5.14. Table 5.14 Pole class and transverse breaking strength Pole Class Transverse Breaking Strength N lbf 1 20 017 (4,500) 2 16 458 (3,700) 3 13 345 (3,000) 4 10 676 (2,400) 5 8452 (1,900) 6 6672 (1,500) 7 5338 (1,200) 9 3292 (740) 10 1646 (370) lbf = Pound-force N = Newton Poles used as push braces or stubs for overhead guys should be the same class as the poles they brace. From both cost and strength perspectives, using class 7 poles for most OSP applications is acceptable. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-92 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Numerical Classification of Poles A numerical system of classifying poles has been established to standardize pole types and facilitate selection of poles for specific applications. This system is based on nine pole classes used in telecommunications. The classes are numbered 1 through 10 with the class 8 poles omitted. The rated breaking strength and dimensions distinguish pole classes. Breaking strength is specified in terms of placing a load 0.6 m (2 ft) from the top of the pole. Table 5.15 lists breaking strengths for pole classes 1 through 7. Although a definite breaking strength for classes 9 and 10 is not specified, the values listed in Table 5.15 for those classes are considered minimum acceptable values for pole selection. Class 8 is not used because the rated breaking strength of class 7 and class 9 leave little room for another class between the two (i.e., class 7 is rated at 5338 N [1200 lbf] and class 9 is rated at 3292 N [740 lbf]). This table also provides conversion of breaking load to resistant moment for various pole heights. Numerical classifications listed in Table 5.15 are valid for all poles regardless of the species or length. This implies that a class 7 southern (yellow) pine pole and a class 7 northern white cedar pole (see Table 5.16) both have a rated breaking strength of 544.31 kilograms (kg [1200 pounds (lb)]). Poles measuring 6 m (20 ft) and 10.7 m (35 ft) in either species also have a rated breaking load of 544.31 kg (1200 lb) using standard pole setting. See Table 5.17 for resistance moments of various sizes of poles. © 2007 BICSI® 5-93 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Numerical Classification of Poles, continued Table 5.15 Pole resistance moments Breaking Load Minimum Circumference at Top 20 Pole Height Class (pounds) (inches) 1 4500 27 63,000 81,000 101,250 121,500 2 3700 25 51,800 66,600 83,250 3 3000 23 42,000 54,000 4 2400 21 33,600 5 1900 19 6 1500 7 50 70 144,000 184,500 265,500 284,900 99,900 118,400 151,700 218,300 346,500 67,500 81,000 96,000 123,000 177,000 231,000 43,200 54,000 64,800 76,800 98,400 141,600 184,800 26,600 34,200 42,750 51,300 60,800 77,900 112,100 146,300 17 21,000 27,000 33,750 40,500 48,000 61,500 88,500 115,500 1200 15 16,800 21,600 27,000 32,400 38,400 49,200 70,800 92,400 9 740 15 10,360 13,320 16,650 19,980 23,680 30,340 43,660 56,980 10 370 12 5,180 6,660 8,325 9,990 11,840 15,170 21,830 28,490 NOTE: 25 30 35 40 90 Resistant Movement (pound-feet) This table is based on a load 0.6 m (2 ft) from the top of the pole and a standard setting. Table 5.16 Rated fiber strength for pole species Pole Species Rated Fiber Strength (psi) Average Circumference Taper (inches per foot of length) Southern (yellow) pine (SP) 7,400 0.35 Lodgepole pine (LP) 6,600 0.3 Douglas fir (DF) 7,400 0.21 Western red cedar (WC) 5,600 0.38 Jack pine (JP) 6,600 0.3 Northern white cedar (EC) 3,600 0.3 Red (Norway) pine (NP) 6,600 0.3 Ponderosa pine (WP) 6,000 0.29 Western larch 8,400 0.21 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-94 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Numerical Classification of Poles, continued Table 5.17 Resistance moments for various sizes of poles Pole Circumference (Inches) 3,600 4,600 5,600 6,000 6,600 7,400 8.0 487 622 757 811 892 1000 8.5 584 746 908 973 1070 1200 9.0 693 885 1080 1150 1270 1420 9.5 815 1040 1270 1360 1490 1680 10.0 950 1210 1480 1580 1740 1950 10.5 1100 1410 1710 1830 2020 2260 11.0 1300 1620 1970 2110 2320 2600 11.5 1450 1850 2250 2410 2650 2970 12.0 1640 2100 2650 2740 3010 3380 12.5 1860 2370 2890 3090 3400 3810 13.0 2090 2670 3250 3480 3830 4290 13.5 2340 2990 3640 3900 4280 4810 14.0 2610 3330 4060 4350 4780 5360 14.5 2900 3700 4510 4830 5310 5960 15.0 3210 4100 4990 5350 5880 6590 15.5 3540 4520 5510 5900 6490 7280 16.0 3890 4970 6060 6480 7140 8000 16.5 4270 5460 6640 7120 7830 8780 17.0 4670 5970 7260 7780 8560 9600 17.5 5090 6510 7920 8490 9340 10,500 18.0 5540 7080 8620 9240 10,200 11,400 18.5 6020 7690 9360 10,000 11,000 12,400 19.0 6520 8330 10,100 10,900 11,900 13,400 19.5 7050 9000 11,000 11,700 12,900 14,500 20.0 7600 9720 11,800 12,700 13,900 15,600 20.5 8190 10,500 12,700 13,600 15,000 16,800 21.0 8800 11,200 13,700 14,700 16,100 18,100 21.5 9450 12,100 14,700 15,700 17,300 19,400 22.0 10,100 12,900 15,700 16,900 18,500 20,800 © 2007 BICSI® 5-95 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Numerical Classification of Poles, continued Table 5.17 Resistance moments for various sizes of pole, continued Pole Circumference 3,600 (Inches) 4,600 5,600 6,000 6,600 7,400 22.5 10,800 13,800 16,800 18,400 19,800 22,300 23.0 11,600 14,800 18,000 19,200 21,200 23,800 23.5 12,300 15,800 19,200 20,600 22,600 25,400 24.0 13,100 16,800 20,400 21,900 24,100 27,000 24.5 14,000 17,900 21,700 23,300 25,600 28,700 25.0 14,900 19,000 23,100 24,700 27,200 30,500 25.5 15,800 20,100 24,500 26,300 28,900 32,400 26.0 16,700 21,300 26,000 27,800 30,600 34,300 26.5 17,700 22,600 27,500 29,500 32,400 36,400 27.0 18,700 23,900 29,100 31,200 34,300 38,500 27.5 19,800 25,300 30,700 32,900 36,200 40,600 28.0 20,900 26,700 32,500 34,800 38,200 42,900 28.5 22,000 28,100 34,200 36,700 40,300 45,200 29.0 23,200 29,600 36,100 35,600 42,500 47,600 29.5 24,400 31,200 38,000 40,700 44,700 50,200 30.0 25,700 32,800 39,900 42,800 47,000 52,800 30.5 27,000 34,500 41,900 44,900 49,400 55,400 31.0 28,300 36,200 44,000 47,200 51,900 58,200 31.5 29,700 38,000 46,200 49,500 54,500 61,100 32.0 31,100 39,800 48,400 51,900 57,100 64,000 32.5 32,600 41,700 50,800 54,400 59,800 67,100 33.0 34,200 43,600 53,100 56,900 62,600 70,200 33.5 35,700 45,700 55,600 59,500 65,500 73,400 34.0 37,400 47,700 58,100 62,300 68,500 76,800 34.5 39,000 49,900 60,700 65,000 71,500 80,200 35.0 40,700 52,100 63,400 67,900 74,700 83,800 35.5 42,500 54,300 66,100 70,900 78,000 87,400 36.0 44,300 56,700 69,000 73,900 81,300 91,000 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-96 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Numerical Classification of Poles, continued Table 5.17 Resistance moments for various sizes of pole, continued Pole Circumference 3,600 (Inches) 4,600 5,600 6,000 6,600 7,400 36.5 46,200 59,100 71,900 77,000 84,700 95,000 37.0 48,100 61,500 74,900 80,200 88,300 99,000 37.5 50,100 64,000 78,000 83,500 91,900 10,300 38.0 52,200 66,600 81,100 86,900 95,600 107,200 38.5 54,200 69,300 84,400 90,400 99,400 111,500 39.0 56,400 72,000 87,700 94,000 103,400 115,900 39.5 58,600 74,800 91,100 97,600 107,400 120,400 40.0 60,800 77,700 94,600 101,400 111,500 125,000 40.5 63,100 80,700 98,200 105,200 115,700 129,800 41.0 65,500 83,700 101,900 109,200 120,100 134,600 41.5 67,900 86,800 105,700 113,200 124,500 139,600 42.0 70,400 90,000 109,500 117,400 129,100 144,700 42.5 73,000 93,200 113,500 121,600 133,800 150,000 43.0 75,600 96,600 117,500 125,900 138,500 155,300 43.5 78,200 100,000 121,700 130,400 143,400 160,800 44.0 81,000 103,400 125,900 134,900 148,400 166,400 44.5 83,800 107,000 130,300 139,600 153,500 172,200 45.0 86,600 110,700 134,700 144,400 158,800 178,000 45.5 89,500 114,400 139,300 149,200 164,200 184,000 46.0 92,500 118,200 143,900 154,200 169,600 ------- 46.5 97,600 122,100 148,600 159,300 175,200 196,400 47.0 98,700 126,100 153,100 164,500 180,900 202,800 47.5 101,900 130,100 158,400 169,800 186,700 209,400 48.0 105,100 134,300 163,500 175,200 192,700 216,100 48.5 108,400 138,500 168,700 180,700 198,800 222,900 49.0 111,800 142,900 173,900 185,400 205,000 229,800 © 2007 BICSI® 5-97 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Numerical Classification of Poles, continued Table 5.17 Resistance moments for various sizes of pole, continued Pole Circumference 3,600 (Inches) 4,600 5,600 6,000 6,600 7,400 49.5 115,300 147,300 179,300 192,100 211,300 236,900 50.0 118,800 151,800 184,800 198,000 217,800 244,200 50.5 122,400 156,400 190,400 204,000 244,000 251,600 51.0 126,100 161,100 196,100 210,100 231,100 259,100 51.5 129,800 165,900 201,900 216,400 238,000 266,800 52.0 133,600 170,800 207,900 222,700 245,000 274,700 52.5 137,500 175,700 213,900 229,200 252,100 282,700 53.0 141,500 180,800 220,100 235,800 259,400 290,800 53.5 145,500 186,000 226,400 242,600 266,800 299,200 54.0 149,700 191,200 232,800 249,200 274,400 307,600 54.5 153,800 196,600 239,300 256,400 282,100 316,200 55.0 158,100 202,000 246,000 263,500 289,900 325,000 55.5 162,500 207,600 252,700 270,800 297,900 334,000 56.0 166,900 213,300 259,600 278,200 306,000 343,100 56.5 171,400 219,000 266,600 285,700 314,300 352,400 57.0 176,000 224,900 273,800 293,300 322,700 361,800 57.5 180,700 230,900 281,100 301,100 331,200 371,400 58.0 185,400 236,900 288,500 309,100 340,000 381,200 58.5 190,300 243,100 296,000 317,100 348,800 391,100 59.0 195,200 249,400 303,600 325,300 357,900 401,200 59.5 200,200 255,800 311,400 333,700 367,000 411,500 60.0 205,300 262,300 319,300 342,100 376,400 422,000 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-98 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Pole Depth Belowground To provide the resistant moment referred to in the paragraphs above, the pole must have a sufficient segment of its length implanted in the ground. This offsets the force from the wind, ice, apparatus cases, transformers, or other loadings. The pole hole shall be of sufficient diameter to permit the pole to settle freely to the bottom of the hole without trimming the butt and still have sufficient space between the pole and the sides of the hole to permit proper tamping of the backfill at every point around the pole, and throughout the entire depth of the hole. The setting depth, in meters (with equivalent in feet), for poles of various lengths is shown in Table 5.18. Table 5.18 Pole setting depth required for various heights Length of Pole m/ft Setting in Soil m/ft Setting in Solid Rock m/ft 6 (20) 1.2 (4.0) 0.91 (3) 7.6 (25) 1.52 (5.0) 1.07 (3.5) 9 (30) 1.7 (5.5) 1.07 (3.5) 10.7 (35) 1.83 (6.0) 1.2 (4.0) 12 (40) 1.83 (6.0) 1.2 (4.0) 13.7 (45) 1.98 (6.5) 1.4 (4.5) 15 (50) 2.1 (7.0) 1.4 (4.5) 16.8 (55) 2.3 (7.5) 1.52 (5) 18.3 (60) 2.4 (8.0) 1.52 (5) ft = Foot m = Meter © 2007 BICSI® 5-99 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Depth Requirement The setting in soil depth as shown in Table 5.18 applies when: • Poles are to be set in soil only. • There is a layer of soil more than 0.6 m (2 ft) in depth over solid rock. • The pole in solid rock is substantially vertical. • The diameter of the hole at the surface of the rock exceeds approximately twice the diameter of the pole at the same level. The setting in solid rock depth applies where solid rock is encountered at the ground line and where the hole is substantially vertical, approximately uniform in diameter, and large enough to permit the use of tamping bars the full depth of the hole. Where there is a layer of soil 0.6 m (2 ft) or less in depth over solid rock, the depth of the hole shall be the depth of the soil in addition to the depth specified in setting in solid rock provided; however, such depth shall not exceed the depth specified under setting in soil. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-100 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Depth Requirement, continued On sloping ground, the depth of the hole should be measured from the low side of the hole. When a pole is to be set on the side of a steep grade where soil erosion is a consideration, the hole should be 0.3 m (1 ft) deeper than specified under setting in soil. Holes in soil for poles at unguyed corners where the pole will not be keyed shall be 0.3 m (1 ft) deeper than the setting in soil depth. For holes in solid rock the setting in solid rock depth will apply. NOTE: See Figure 5.41 for an example of keying. The process amounts to bolting a horizontal member (e.g., wood or a nonrusting substance) to the pole 152 mm (6 in) below the ground line to provide a resistance to torsional forces. Figure 5.41 Example of keying a pole Wood pole key © 2007 BICSI® 5-101 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Compaction When an earth boring machine is used to dig holes for guyed poles, the bottom of the hole must be thoroughly tamped to compact any loose earth. All holes must be backfilled with soil or small rock. Backfill shall be thoroughly tamped the full depth of the pole hole. Earth must be banked around the pole to a minimum height of 152 mm (6 in) above ground level. Holes in soil for poles at unguyed corners where the pole will not be keyed shall be 0.3 m (1 ft) deeper than the setting in soil depth. The setting in solid rock depth applies to holes in solid rock. Poles should be set plumb (vertical) except at corners where they shall be set and raked against the load so that the pole top will be in line with the lead of the line after the load is applied. The rake in pole must not exceed 152 mm (6 in) for each 3 m (10 ft) of pole length after the conductors are installed at the required tension. The deadend shall be set so as to be plumb and in line after the load is applied. Adding moisture may aid in the compaction of soil. NOTE: See Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection for grounding (earthing) and bonding requirements. Transverse Load on a Pole from Aerial Line The transverse load imposed on a pole by the aerial line is the result of wind pressure on the line. This load per foot of span length is P multiplied by D. Where: P is wind pressure in kilograms per square meter (kg/m2 [pounds per square foot (lb/ft2)]), and D is diameter of the aerial line (including ice coating) in meters/feet (m/ft) To calculate the actual transverse load, the designer must multiply the product of P and D by the span length (S). Where the span lengths on both sides of the pole are not equal, the average of the two span lengths should be used. Storm-Loading Districts The transverse load equation for the three storm-loading districts based on Table 5.19 is PD (lb/ft) = 0.75d, where D is wire/cable diameter, including support strand, in millimeters and equivalent in inches. Storm-loading districts may have areas where heavier or lighter loadings than are indicated for that district prevail. In those areas, the designer must alter the requirements set for the loading district to comply with local conditions. The conditions must not be decreased without written approval from the AHJ. Storm-loading districts should be determined through coordination with the local meteorological service for that country. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-102 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Transverse Load on a Pole from Aerial Line, continued Load Table Typical values of transverse load as a result of storm loading on cables and support strands are shown in Table 5.19. Table 5.19 Transverse load on pole (kg/m per lb/ft of span length) Support Strand or Cable Heavy Medium Light Support strand kg/m (lb/ft) kg/m (lb/ft) kg/m (lb/ft) 6M 0.20 (0.44) 0.12 (0.27) 0.10 (0.23) 10M 0.21 (0.46) 0.13 (0.28) 0.12 (0.28) 16M 0.22 (0.48) 0.14 (0.31) 0.14 (0.31) 25M 0.23 (0.50) 0.15 (0.33) 0.16 (0.36) Less than 1 inch cable (6M) 0.35 (0.77) 0.27 (0.60) 0.44 (0.98) 1.0–1.9 in cable (6M) 0.50 (1.10) 0.43 (0.94) 0.79 (1.74) 2.0 in or greater cable (6M) 0.65 (1.44) 0.58 (1.27) 1.12 (2.48) Less than 1 in cable (10M) 0.35 (0.77) 0.28 (0.62) 0.47 (1.04) 1.0–1.9 in cable (10M) 0.51 (1.12) 0.44 (0.96) 0.81 (1.78) 2.0 in or greater (10M) 0.66 (1.46) 0.59 (1.29) 1.15 (2.53) Less than 1 in cable (16M) 0.37 (0.81) 0.29 (0.64) 0.49 (1.08) 1.0–1.9 in cable (16M) 0.52 (1.14) 0.44 (0.98) 0.83 (1.83) 2.0 in or greater cable (16M) 0.67 (1.48) 0.59 (1.31) 1.17 (2.57) Less than 1 in cable (25M) 0.38 (0.83) 0.30 (0.67) 0.51 (1.13) 1.0–1.9 in cable (25M) 0.83 (1.17) 0.45 (1.00) 0.85 (1.87) 2.0 in or greater cable (25M) 0.68 (1.50) 0.60 (1.33) 1.19 (2.63) 100 pair, 26 gauge 0.34 (0.76) 0.27 (0.59) 0.44 (0.96) 50 pair, 22 gauge 0.35 (0.77) 0.28 (0.61) 0.45 (1.00) 300 pair, 26 gauge 0.39 (0.87) 0.32 (0.71) 0.55 (1.22) Lashed cable, including support strand Self-supporting cable ft kg lb m © 2007 BICSI® = = = = Foot Kilogram Pound Meter 5-103 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Transverse Load on a Pole from Aerial Line, continued Moment The moment Mw in kilogram-meters (pound-feet) at ground level caused by a transverse load on the pole from the wires/cables is defined by the following equation: Mw = PDSLN Where: P is wind pressure in kilograms per square meter (pounds per square feet); D is diameter of the line (support strand, cable, and wire) in meters (feet); S is span length; L is height of line attachment aboveground m (ft); and, N is number of equivalent lines. Table 5.20 gives the product of P multiplied by D for commonly used conductors. To obtain the total moment, the product should be multiplied by S, L, and N. In case of two or more types of conductors, the moment for each type should be computed and added up. Transverse Load from Wind Pressure on Pole The moment Mp in kilogram-meters (pound-feet) at ground level as a result of wind pressure on the pole may be calculated by the following equation: Mp = PH (2Ct + Cg) Where: P is wind pressure kilograms per square meter (pounds per square feet); H is height of pole above ground in meters (feet); Ct is circumference of pole at top in millimeters (inches); and, Cg is circumference of pole at ground level in millimeters (inches). Assumed Load As calculated by the above formula, the transverse load on a pole caused by wind against the pole will always be a very small percentage of the breaking strength of the pole. Accordingly, a highly accurate value is not required. For routine design purposes, bending moments of 207 kilogram force-meters (kgf-m [1500 pound force-feet (lbf-ft)]) in the heavy and medium storm-loading districts and a 414 kgf-m (3000 lbf-ft) in the light storm-loading district are assumed. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-104 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Loads Imposed by Service Drop Wires Unbalanced Service Drop Wires Service drop wires impose transverse loads on poles. Where the angle of departure between a service drop wire and the line wire is 45 degrees or less, the drop wire is considered as the line wire. Where the angle of departure between a service drop wire and the line wire is greater than 45 degrees, the drop wire is considered to impose a transverse load on the pole. The transverse load per meter/foot for unbalanced service drop wires is: • 0.09 kg (0.20 lb) in the medium/heavy storm-loading district. • 0.07 kg (0.16 lb) in the light storm-loading district. Balanced Drop Wires Balanced loads are line attachment loads that are offset by an equal holding force applied to the opposite side of the pole. When the same type of telecommunications service drop wires are attached to opposite sides of a pole, the transverse loads caused by those drop wires are balanced. In this case, the pole acts like a strut, supporting only the vertical load caused by the weight of the wires/cables and transverse attachments, including ice load. Loads Imposed by Pole Attachments Certain types of pole attachments, such as cable terminals and loading coil cases, cause a transverse load on the pole. Table 5.20 provides loads in kilograms per square meter (pounds per square foot) for various storm-loading districts. As an alternative, the load can be included in the formula in the section titled Moment by increasing N or number of equivalent lines. To find the equivalent N for an attachment, the projected area of the attachment is divided by the projected area of one span of bare wire. Table 5.20 Load imposed by pole attachment Storm-Loading District Load per kg/m2 (lb/ft2) of projected area Heavy Medium Light 4 4 9 kg/m 2 = Kilogram per square meter lb/ft2 = Pound per square foot © 2007 BICSI® 5-105 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Transverse Load Calculation Every pole must be selected to withstand the transverse moment attempting to break the pole at ground level. The amount of bending moment at ground level is equal to the sum of the moments produced by the wires/cables (Mw), pole equipment and service drops (Me), and the pole (Mp). To determine the required resistant moment, the value of the bending moment applied to the pole is multiplied by the factor of safety (FS) set for specific conditions. The formula is: Mr = (Mw + Me + Mp) FS Where: Mw is wires and cables; Me is pole equipment and service drop; Mp is pole; and, FS is factor of safety Conditions The following illustrates the calculation of required pole strength for a given transverse load, assuming the indicated conditions: • A 107 m (351 ft) average span • Two 58 mm (2.3 in) cables lashed to a 10M support strand • A 9 m (30 ft) unguyed pole is used • Height of cable above ground is 7.3 m (24 ft) • Grade B construction • Heavy storm-loading district • No pole equipment or service drops Calculation The formula for Mw is used with the numerical values given under Conditions. Where: PD = 2.18 kgf-m (1.46 lbf-ft) of span length (See heavy storm-loading in Table 5.19.) S = 107 m (351 ft) L = 7.3 m (24 ft) N=2 Then: Mw = 1.46 × 351 ft × 24 ft × 2 = 24,528 lbf-ft Mw = 2.19 × 107 m × 7.3 m × 2 = 3421 kgf-m OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-106 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Transverse Load Calculation, continued Estimation The bending moment caused by wind on the pole (Mp) is assumed to be 207 kgf-m (1500 lbfft) in the heavy storm-loading area. Required Resistant Moment Substituting the formula for transverse load calculation, Where: Mw = 3411 kgf-m (24,528 lbf-ft) M e= 0 Mp= 207 kgf-m (1500 lbf-ft) FS = 1.33 for grade B construction Then: Mr = (24,528 lbf-ft + 1500 lbf-ft) × 1.33 = 34,617 lbf-ft Mr = (3411 kgf-m + 207 kgf-m) × 1.33 = 4812 kgf-m Selection Selection of Pole Class As indicated in the previous calculations, a 9 m (30 ft) pole must have sufficient strength to withstand an applied bending moment of 4812 kgf-m (34,617 lbf-ft) at the ground line. As shown in Table 5.14, a class 6, 9 m (30 ft), pole has the closest resistant moment, 4692 kgf-m (33,750 lbf-ft), which is insufficient to support the applied moment. A class 5, 9 m (30 ft), pole, which has a resistant moment of 5973 kgf-m (42,750 lbf-ft) must be used. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Since optical fiber cable is lighter than balanced twisted-pair cables, the final result of the formulas above often will suggest usage of class 9 or class 10 poles. However, they should not be used. These poles have very small diameters and are rarely used except as temporary poles. Class 7 or larger poles should be used. 5-107 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Vertical Load Vertical loads on poles may be caused by any combination of loading factors. These factors include anchor guying and the dead weight of wires, cables, and other attachments on the poles. As a general rule, vertical loads caused by conductors and pole attachments need not be considered in pole line design; however, these loads should be considered in the case of guyed poles. The most severe vertical load to which a guyed pole may be subjected is the vertical component of the tension in the guy or guys. For purposes of pole selection, the maximum tension in the guy is usually assumed to be the minimum breaking strength of the guy. Table 5.21 may be used to determine the minimum pole class. Table 5.21 Minimum pole class to support vertical load Length of Pole m (ft) 9 10.7 12 (30) (35) (40) Vertical Load kg/lb 6 (20) 7.6 (25) 13.7 (45) 15 (50) 2268 (5000) 10 9 9 7 7 7 7 4536 (10,000) 9 9 7 7 7 6 6 6804 (15,000) 9 7 7 6 6 5 5 9072 (20,000) 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 13 608 (30,000) 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 22 680 (50,000) 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 45 360 (100,000) 3 2 1 1 1 - - 26 (85) 27.4 (90) Length of Pole m (ft) 19.8 21.3 23 24 (65) (70) (75) (80) Vertical Load kg/lb 16.8 (55) 18.3 (60) 2268 (5000) 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 4536 (10,000) 6 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 6804 (15,000) 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 9072 (20,000) 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 - 13 608 (30,000) 3 3 2 2 - - - - 22 680 (50,000) 1 1 1 1 - - - - 45 360 (100,000) - - - - - - - - ft kg lb M = = = = Foot Kilogram Pound Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-108 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Bending Moments (Longitudinal Loads) Bending moments on a pole are caused by an unbalanced tension in the line. This load can be calculated at any point on the pole. The bending moment on an unguyed pole is equal to the sum of the total unbalance of the longitudinal tensions in the conductors. When the pole is not guyed, any longitudinal load on the pole at the point of wire/cable attachments causes a bending moment at the ground line. To find the longitudinal load on an unguyed pole, apply the following formula: M=T×L Where: M is total bending moment in kilogram force-meters (pound force-feet) at the ground line caused by longitudinal loading; T is total unbalanced force in kilograms (pounds) of conductor tensions; and, L is height in meters (feet) of wire/cable attachment above the ground. Calculation of Pole Height The height of a pole depends on many factors. The main considerations are the: • Type of conductors it supports. • Conductor configuration. • Conductor voltage. • Nature of the ground beneath the conductors. • Depth of the pole setting. • Topography of the ground. • Restrictions that may be placed upon the height of wires (e.g., nearby radio facilities, aviation activity). • Equipment mounted on the pole. • Attachment clearances. Attachment Space Pole height should provide sufficient space for the maximum number of attachments that will be made during the service life of the pole line. The attachment space must include the space between the top of the pole, as well as the highest and lowest attachments. For pole lines supporting cable, 457 mm (18 in) should be provided at the top of the pole and 305 mm (12 in) for each cable attachment. © 2007 BICSI® 5-109 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Pole Spacing and Span Lengths In determining spacing and span lengths, the designer should consider the: • Total number of cables to be placed during the life of the pole line. • Total weight of the cables. • Size of the support strands. • Climatic conditions. • Loading conditions. • Minimum ground clearance. Other factors that may impact the maximum span lengths include: • The length of a city block. • Driveways. • Property lines. • Terminal requirements. • Terrain. • Ground clearance. • Branch cables. • Corners. • Joint-use requirements. Equal distance spacing of poles in a pole line is not required. However, poles should be placed utilizing terrain features to allow for maximum span length with minimum height poles as shown in Figure 5.42. Figure 5.42 Pole placement utilizing terrain feature Greater ground clearance with shorter poles Correct placement of poles Taller poles required to maintain minimum ground clearance Incorrect placement of poles OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-110 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Pole Spacing and Span Lengths, continued Tables 5.22 through 5.26 may be referenced to calculate maximum span lengths and the total weight of the cable(s). SAMPLE: An existing pole line has 1 BKMA-200 and 1 BKTA-100 on separate, 6M strands. One additional BKTS-100 is planned for the pole line. The average span length for the pole line is 91 m (300 ft). As shown in Table 5.22, a BKTS-100 has a maximum span limit of 100 m (328 ft). Therefore, from the standpoint of span lengths, the pole line will be sufficient for the placement of the proposed cable. These tables are based on average weights. Check with the cable manufacturer for exact weights. Table 5.22 Maximum span lengths for self-supporting cable Pairs 19 BHBS m (ft) 22 BHAS m (ft) 24 BKMS m (ft) 26 BKTS m (ft) 19 BHBP m (ft) 22 BHAP m (ft) 24 BKMP m (ft) 26 BKTP m (ft) 25 145 (476) 168 (550) 183 (600) 198 (650) 122 (400) 145 (476) 145 (476) 152 (500) 50 114 (374) 145 (476) 168 (550) 183 (600) 107 (351) 122 (400) 130 (427) 145 (476) 100 114 (374) 130 (427) 152 (500) 101 (331) 114 (374) 130 (427) 200 107 (351) 122 (400) 107 (351) 94 (308) 107 (351) 300 107 (351) 96 (315) ft = Foot M = Meter NOTE: For an explanation of cable description codes, see Cable Construction Types in Chapter 4: Cabling Infrastructure. © 2007 BICSI® 5-111 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Total Weight and Maximum Span Lengths of the Cable Use Tables 5.23 through 5.26 to calculate the total weight. Table 5.23 Pole span length/tension Installation Temperature °F 0 20 40 60 80 100 Span Length Tension Sag Tension Sag Tension Sag Tension Sag Tension Sag Tension Sag ft lbf in lbf in lbf in lbf in lbf in lbf in 100 1861 17 1799 18 1738 18 1680 19 1622 20 1566 20 125 2011 24 1954 25 1897 26 1843 27 1789 28 1736 29 150 2160 33 2108 34 2054 35 2002 36 1952 37 1902 38 175 2307 42 2257 43 2207 44 2158 45 2110 46 2062 47 200 2452 52 2406 53 2358 54 2311 55 2264 57 2218 58 225 2593 63 2549 64 2504 65 2457 66 2411 67 2365 69 250 2730 74 2686 75 2642 76 2596 77 2551 79 2506 80 275 2862 84 2820 86 2776 88 2732 89 2688 91 2645 92 ft = Foot in = Inch lbf = Pound-force OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-112 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Total Weight and Maximum Span Lengths of the Cable, continued Table 5.24 Weight for ALPETH cable Part Number Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kf) 85-031-01 25 19 (0.75) 453 (305) 85-034-01 50 25 (1.00) 846 (568) 85-038-01 100 34 (1.35) 1597 (1073) 85-042-01 200 47 (1.86) 3121 (2098) 85-44-01 300 57 (2.25) 4609 (3098) 85-046-01 400 66 (2.6) 6095 (4096) 85-062-01 25 15 (0.59) 258 (174) 85-065-01 50 19 (0.75) 459 (308) 85-069-01 100 25 (1.00) 853 (573) 85-073-01 200 34 (1.35) 1630 (1095) 85-075-01 300 41 (1.6) 2391 (1607) 85-077-01 400 47 (1.85) 3147 (2115) 85-081-01 600 57 (2.25) 4680 (3145) 85-083-01 900 69 (2.71) 6939 (4663) 85-097-01 25 12 (0.47) 180 (121) 85-100-01 50 16 (0.63) 314 (211) 85-104-01 100 21 (0.81) 567 (981) 85-108-01 200 28 (1.09) 1067 (717) 85-110-01 300 33 (1.3) 1568 (1054) 85-112-01 400 37 (1.47) 2056 (1381) 85-116-01 600 45 (1.75) 3025 (2033) 85-118-01 900 55 (2.15) 4467 (3002) 85-120-01 1200 63 (2.46) 5891 (3959) 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] © 2007 BICSI® 5-113 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Total Weight and Maximum Span Lengths of the Cable, continued Table 5.24 Weight for ALPETH cable, continued Part Number Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kf) 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] 85-132-01 25 10 (0.39) 127 (85) 85-135-01 50 13 (0.52) 214 (144) 85-139-01 100 17 (0.67) 374 (252) 85-143-01 200 22 (0.87) 691 (464) 85-145-01 300 26 (1.04) 1012 (680) 85-147-01 400 30 (1.18) 1324 (889) 85-151-01 600 36 (1.42) 1929 (1296) 85-153-01 900 44 (1.72) 2837 (1906) 85-155-01 1200 50 (1.96) 3725 (2503) 85-156-01 1500 55 (2.18) 4618 (3104) 85-157-01 1800 60 (2.37) 5510 (3703) in kf kg km lb mm = = = = = = Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-114 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Total Weight and Maximum Span Lengths of the Cable, continued Table 5.25 Cable weight for self-supporting cable Part Number Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Minor BHBS - 19 AWG Major [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] 20-026-43 6 12 (0.47) 24 (0.95) 422 (283) 20-031-43 25 15 (0.59) 27 (1.07) 731 (491) 20-034-43 50 25 (1) 37 (1.45) 1042 (700) BHAS - 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] 20-062-43 25 15 (0.59) 27 (1.07) 461 (310) 20-065-43 50 19 (0.75) 31 (1.22) 662 (445) 20-069-43 100 25 (1) 37 (1.45) 1049 (705) BKMS - 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] 20-097-43 25 12 (0.47) 24 (0.95) 387 (260) 20-100-43 50 16 (0.63) 28 (1.09) 513 (345) 20-104-43 100 20 (0.80) 32 (1.25) 766 (515) 20-108-43 200 28 (1.09) 40 (1.56) 1250 (840) BKTS - 26 AWG in kf kg km lb mm Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kf) [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] 20-132-43 25 11 (0.43) 23 (0.91) 381 (256) 20-135-43 50 13 (0.53) 25 (1) 417 (280) 20-139-43 100 17 (1.07) 29 (1.14) 580 (390) 20-143-43 200 24 (0.95) 36 (1.40) 964 (647) 20-145-43 300 32 (1.25) 44 (1.72) 1271 (853) = = = = = = Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® 5-115 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Total Weight and Maximum Span Lengths of the Cable, continued Table 5.26 Cable weight for self-supporting cable reinforced sheath Part Number Pair Count Nominal Outside Diameter mm (in) Minor Major Approximate Weight kg/km (lbs/kf) BHBP - 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] 20-026-20 6 21 (0.83) 33 (1.3) 562 (377) 20-031-20 25 30 (1.18) 42 (1.66) 940 (631) 20-034-20 50 35 (1.3) 47 (1.85) 1420 (953) 20-062-20 25 19 (0.75) 31 (1.21) 625 (420) 20-065-20 50 24 (0.95) 35 (1.3) 885 (595) 20-069-20 100 30 (1.18) 42 (1.64) 1332 (895) 20-097-20 25 17 (0.67) 28 (1.09) 528 (355) 20-100-20 50 20 (0.8) 32 (1.25) 692 (465) 20-104-20 100 25 (0.99) 37 (1.45) 977 (670) 20-108-20 200 32 (1.25) 44 (1.72) 1562 (1050) 20-132-20 25 15 (0.59) 27 (1.07) 454 (305) 20-135-20 50 18 (0.7) 29 (1.14) 573 (385) 20-139-20 100 21 (0.84) 33 (1.3) 774 (520) 20-143-20 200 28 (1.09) 39 (1.55) 1153 (775) 20-145-20 300 31 (1.22) 43 (1.69) 1495 (1005) BHAP - 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] BKMP - 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] BKTP - 26 AWG [0.41 mm (0.016 in)] in kf kg km lb mm = = = = = = Inch Kilofoot Kilogram Kilometer Pound Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-116 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Special Situation Designs Special design requirements are needed when working with: • C wire—Aerial 19 American wire gauge (AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)]) drop wire used for extended span lengths. • Service drop wire—Service drop wire is either two-conductor or limited pair count aerial wire that is extended to a residence, typically from an aerial run. These items are lighter than cable and require less guying. Smaller class poles may be used. Optical Fiber Cable Considerations Although the following aerial cables would experience such tension under storm loading, the maximum rated cable pulling tensions are: • For all cables, except self-supporting cable, 2.7 kilonewtons (kN [600 lbf]). • For figure-eight self-supporting cable 14.7 kN (3300 lbf). • For dielectric circular self-supporting cable 5.8 kN (1300 lbf). NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Consult the manufacturer for specific cable pull tension capabilities. 5-117 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Special Situation Designs, continued Slack Span Design As long as the last section is 30.5 m (100 ft) or less, a slack span design (see Figure 5.43) may be used when it is not possible to terminate an aerial run with a deadend guy. By using less than normal stringing tension in the final span, guying on that end can be omitted. Situations that may require the use of slack span design include space deficiencies and R/W problems. Figure 5.43 Slack span Slack span Last section Pole to pole slack span Slack span Last section Pole to building slack span OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-118 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Special Situation Designs, continued Pole to Building Design In designing pole to building aerial spans, the critical point becomes the attachment to the building (see Figure 5.44). If a solid terminating point for hardware attachment cannot be found, a portion of a building’s masonry or framework may be dislodged. Figure 5.44 Building attachment methods Square washer NOTE: Holes are enlarged for clarity. Sleeve through wall Not less than 0.6 m (2 ft) from corner Guy bolt Cable clamp False dead end Seal entrance holes around cable with hydraulic cement. 152 mm (6 in) to 203 mm (8 in) 152 mm (6 in) to 203 mm (8 in) U-wall strap 12.7 x 89 mm (1/2 x 3-1/2 in) Drive anchors Use three-bolt guy clamp with 6M strand. Use one-bolt guy clamp with 2.2M strand. = = = = Plate wall strap Strand grip NOTE: Place strap in such a position that anchors will be approximately at center of bricks. Alternate method U wall strap ft in m mm 12.7 x 89 mm (1/2 x 3-1/2 in) Drive anchors (See Note) Alternate method plate wall strap Foot Inch Meter Millimeter Using pole to building slack span construction is recommended for cables under 300 pairs. For cables 300 pair or greater, an alternate route into the building should be selected. © 2007 BICSI® 5-119 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Special Situation Designs, continued Flying Cross Construction A flying cross should be used when field conditions prevent placing a pole at a point of intersection (see Figure 5.45). Figure 5.45 Flying cross EOP Street Support strand Cable Turn lane Merge lane Street EOP EOP EOP = Edge of pavement Clearances A designer should be concerned with the following types of clearances: • Vertical clearances of cables, hardware, and equipment above roadways, driveways, railroads, and buildings • Vertical clearances between telecommunications cables and other utilities (e.g., power, CATV, other low-voltage signaling) • Horizontal clearances between poles, stubs, anchors and guys, and conflicting plants OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-120 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Clearances, continued Attachment Clearances Table 5.27 lists typical attachment clearances. Table 5.27 Typical attachment clearances Description Vertical Clearance Grounded metal sheath power cables, nonmetallic sheath power cables on grounded support strand, and power cables consisting of insulated conductors lashed to or spiraled around a grounded strand 1000 mm (40 in)* Open supply conductors to 8.7 kV 8.7 to 50 kV 1020 mm (40 in) 1020 mm (40 in) plus 10 mm (0.4 in) per kV over 8.7 kV Drip loops for luminaries or traffic signal brackets 305 mm (12 in) Grounded supply equipment (e.g., transformers) 762 mm (30 in) * May be reduced to 760 mm (30 in) for supply neutrals meeting Rule 230E1 and cables meeting Rule 230C1. See NESC for details. in kV mm = = = Inch Kilovolt Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® 5-121 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Clearances, continued Midspan Clearances Since the aerial support strand is strung between poles with a specified tension, the addition of the cable’s weight produces sag. The lowest point of this sag is termed the midspan because of its centralized location between two poles. Midspan clearances should be at least 75 percent of the clearance required at the pole. Consult the applicable codes, standards, and regulations for specific details. Vertical clearances between telecommunications cables and other utilities (e.g., power, CATV, other low-voltage signaling) should be checked at midspan clearances (see Figure 5.46). Figure 5.46 Midspan clearances Power Telephone Midspan clearance Midspan clearance CATV CATV = Community antenna television OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-122 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Clearances, continued Vertical Clearances Both attachment clearances and midspan clearances must meet minimum height requirements of the AHJ (e.g., Part 2 of the NESC 2007 requirements) for vertical clearances over: • Sidewalks. • Driveways, parking lots, and alleys. • Railroad tracks. • Roads, streets, and other areas subject to truck traffic. • Roofs accessible to vehicular and truck traffic. • Balconies and roofs accessible to pedestrians only. • Water areas not subject to sailboat traffic. • Sailboat rigging and launching areas, serving water areas. • Rural roads. Consult Figures 5.47 and 5.48 and Tables 5.28 and 5.29 for vertical clearance requirements. Figure 5.47 Vertical clearances over obstacles Vertical clearance Vertical clearance Roadway © 2007 BICSI® Vertical clearance Driveway 5-123 Building OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Clearances, continued Figure 5.48 Vertical clearances between utilities Power Vertical clearance CATV Telephone Vertical clearance CATV = Community antenna television OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-124 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Clearances, continued Table 5.28 Minimum vertical clearances of cables above ground or rails at midspan crossing Span Length m (ft) Public Streets, Roads, or Alleys m (ft) Alleys Driveways m (ft) Residence Pedestrians not Meeting m (ft) Ways for Tracks Only m (ft) Railroad m (ft) 107 (350) 5.5 (18) 3 (10) 3 (10) 2.4 (8) 7.6 (25) 122 (400) 5.64 (18.5) 4.72 (15.5) 3.2 (10.5) 2.6 (8.5) 7.9 (25.8) 137 (450) 5.8 (19) 5.0 (16.0) 3.4 (11.0) 2.74 (9.0) 8.1 (26.5) 152 (500) 5.94 (19.5) 5.1 (16.5) 3.5 (11.5) 2.9 (9.5) 8.3 (27.3) 168 (550) 6 (20.0) 5.2 (17) 3.7 (12) 3 (10) 8.5 (28) 183 (600) 6.25 (20.5) 5.3 (17.4) 3.8 (12.5) 3.2 (10.5) 8.8 (28.8) ft = Foot M = Meter NOTE: Based on 15 °C (60 °F), no wind, and initial stringing sag. Table 5.29 Minimum vertical clearance of cable runs along and within limits of public highways Span Length m (ft) Urban Streets m (ft) Alleys m (ft) Ways for Pedestrians Only m (ft) Rural Roads m (ft) 107 (350) 5.5 (18) 3 (10) 2.4 (8) 4.3 (14.0) 122 (400) 5.64 (18.5) 4.72 (15.5) 2.6 (8.5) 4.42 (14.5) 137 (450) 5.8 (19) 5 (16) 2.74 (9.0) 4.6 (15.0) 152 (500) 5.94 (19.5) 5.1 (16.5) 2.9 (9.5) 4.72 (15.5) 168 (550) 6 (20.0) 5.2 (17) 3 (10) 5 (16) 183 (600) 6.2 (20.5) 5.3 (17.4) 3.2 (10.5) 5.1 (16.5) ft = Foot M = Meter NOTE: Based on 15 °C (60 °F), no wind, and initial stringing sag. © 2007 BICSI® 5-125 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Clearances, continued Facility Clearances (Government) When federal, state, city, or county requirements differ, adhere to the more stringent requirements. Radial Clearances A 1.4 m (4.5 ft) horizontal and a 3.2 m (10.5 ft) vertical clearance (see Figure 5.49) should be maintained from: • Antennas. • Signs. • Pole structures. • Storage tanks. • Chimneys. Figure 5.49 Clearance distances Minimum 0.91 m (3 ft) radius Sign ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-126 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Support Strands Select support strands based on: • Cable weights. • Number of cables. • Storm loading. • Tensile strength. • Pole spacing. Based on stringing tension, the designer should plan the pole line not to exceed 60 percent of the rated breaking strength of the cable support strand. Cable support strands are available in various classes, depending on the weight of the zinc coating applied to the support strands. To avoid long-term deterioration, higher rated zinc coatings should be used in highly corrosive environments such as coastal areas. Support Strand Size Strands are available in the sizes shown in Table 5.30. These sizes are applicable to both support strands and guys. Table 5.30 Strand sizes Size Diameter Breaking Strength Weight 6M 7.9 mm (0.312 in) 26.7 kN (6,000 lbf) 0.33 kg/m (0.225 lb/ft) 6.6M 6.4 mm (0.250 in) 29.6 kN (6,650 lbf) 0.18 kg/m (0.121 lb/ft) 10M 9.5 mm (0.375 in) 51.2 kN (11,500 lbf) 0.40 kg/m (0.270 lb/ft) 16M 11.1 mm (0.438 in) 80.1 kN (18,000 lbf) 0.58 kg/m (0.390 lb/ft) 25M 12.7 mm (0.500 in) 111.0 kN (25,000 lbf) 0.76 kg/m (0.510 lb/ft) in kN lbf mm = = = = Inch Kilonewton Pound force Millimeter As seen in Table 5.30, the maximum span length for cables of the same weight increases as the size of the support strand increases. However, since each step up produces a larger and more expensive support strand, caution should be exercised when arbitrarily increasing the size of the support strand. In OSP construction, 6M and 10M are the most commonly used cable support strands; 2.2M should not be used to support aerial cable. © 2007 BICSI® 5-127 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys Anchor and Guys Support Strands Guying and anchors are normally required at the corners and dead ends of pole lines. The size of the guy is based on the: • Type of wire. • Size of the strand. • Pull on the pole. This section discusses types and arrangements of guys, methods for measuring corners, and guy strength calculations, as well as the types holding power, and placement of anchors. When a load on a pole is supported by a guy, the guy is considered to assume the full horizontal load, and should have sufficient strength to meet the requirements of the particular grade of construction being used. The pole is regarded as a strut. The guy should be designed to prevent transfer of the horizontal load to the pole. Guying and anchors are normally required at the corners and dead ends of pole lines. Anchor and Guy Configuration When installing multiple strands on a pole line, the designer should design separate guys and anchors for each strand. One guy may be used when the distance between two strands is 610 mm (24 in) or less. Generally, all corner poles should be guyed except when a pole line supporting 6M or 6.6M has less than 914 mm (36 in) of pull, or when a pole line supporting 10M strand has less than 610 mm (24 in) of pull. Common Anchor and Guy Configurations Some of the more common anchor and guy configurations include: • Deadend. • Unguyed slack span (see Figure 5.43). • Push brace (see Figure 5.50). • Corner (see Figure 5.51). • False deadend (used when changing strand size). • Sidewalk (see Figure 5.51). • Span guy. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-128 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued A push brace (see Figure 5.50) may be used where guys cannot be installed, such as: • A corner pole where overhead guys cannot be installed. • Where terrain makes guying ineffective. Figure 5.50 Push brace Push brace Cable Push brace Street Plan view Grade Anchor planks Push brace Street Elevation view © 2007 BICSI® 5-129 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Guy Attachment Hardware After selecting the cable support strand, the appropriate attachment hardware must be selected. Three common guying configurations (see Figure 5.51) are: • Deadend, a type of attachment used at the end of a cable run or when the pull on a corner exceeds 15 m (50 ft). If a pull exceeds 15 m (50 ft), a double deadend is required. • Tangent, a type of attachment used at an in-line pole. • Corner or pull, a type of attachment used to fasten cables at a corner. Figure 5.51 Guying configurations Wall/fence Deadend guy Cul-de-sac Sidewalk guy Cable Deadend guy Holder (Galvanized iron pipe) Corner guy Sidewalk guy Anchor Plan view Wall/fence Sidewalk Cul-de-sac Corner guy Anchor OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-130 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Storm Guying The amount of storm guying in any line will depend upon the expected severity of individual storms in the particular area and the amount of exposure to such storms on any section of the line. Generally, only those sections of a pole line needing to be storm guyed are those that are greater than 1.6 km (1 mi) in length and where no head guys appear. Two-way storm guys should be placed at about 1.k km (l mi) intervals, and four-way storm guys at about 3 km (2 mi) intervals in those sections of line requiring storm guys. Storm guying is illustrated in Figures 5.52. Figure 5.52 Storm guying © 2007 BICSI® 5-131 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Lead-to-Height Ratio Measured in meters or feet, lead-to-height ratio is equal to the lead divided by the height of the attachment (see Figure 5.53). Lead is the horizontal distance from the base of the pole to the anchor rod. Height is the vertical distance from the ground line to the point of guy attachment on the pole. See Table 5.32 for maximum allowable tension for guys. Measured in meters or feet, lead-to-height ratio is equal to the lead divided by the height of the pole. Example: If the pole height is 9 m (30 ft) and the lead is 4.6 m (15 ft), then the ratio is equal to 15/30 = 1/2. If the lead is increased to 6 m (20 ft), the ratio is equal to 20/30 = 2/3. If the lead is increased to 7.6 m (25 ft), the ratio is equal to 25/30 = 5/6. As a rule of thumb, if the ratio is 3/4 or greater, the strand size for the guy can be the same as that of the strand. If the ratio is between 1/2 and 3/4, and only two or three spans are involved, use the next larger cable size for the guy. Example: A cable is being placed on a 9 m (30 ft) power pole. The point of attachment for the strand is 6 m (20 ft) above the ground. As a rule of thumb, the lead would be listed as 4.6 m (15 ft). The lead-to-height ratio is 3/4. Figure 5.53 Definition of lead and height Height Height Lead Height Height Lead Lead Lead n ai rr ng Te i op Sl Height Lead Lead (L) Height (H) Height (H) Guy attachment Pipe Sidewalk Description of lead and height OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Sidewalk anchor guy 5-132 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Measuring the Corner Pull The pull on a pole can be calculated using one of three methods. These include using a pull finder, using a tape measure, and measuring the included angle created by the three points. The pull is a vectorizing method used to estimate the required strand size for guying (see Figure 5.55) A pull finder is a method used by many companies (see Figure 5.54). To use a pull finder: 1. Screw the threaded end of the pull finder into a pole. 2. Sight down each sight to the next pole in the line (proposed or existing). 3. Read the pull off the scale. Figure 5.54 Calculating pull with pull finder 16 mm (5/8 in) 2 Screw thread Front sight R od 5 M M .6 6 d M n 0 a 1 tr S Rod Underside view of guy rod and strand gauge Front sight Back sight Index mark in = Inch mm = Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® 5-133 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued As shown in Figure 5.55, the pull may also be calculated by using a tape measure: • The lines of the poles adjacent to the corner pole is extended 30.5 m (100 ft) farther; • A straight line is established between those points; and, • The distance from those lines to the corner pull determines the pull. Figure 5.55 Calculating pull with tape measure t) 0f Corner pole m 15 15 30 (5 .5 ft) .5 m ft) (1 30 N Corner pole (5 0f t) Pole 00 Pull (1 00 Pull m m Pole Pole Pole Corner pole 30.5 m (100 ft) 30.5 m (100 ft) Pull Pole Pole ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-134 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued By calculating the interior angle at the corner pole (see Figure 5.55), the pull may be determined (see Table 5.31). Table 5.31 Calculating pull when angle is known Interior Angle degree Pull m (ft) 180 0 (0) 175 1.34 (4.4) 170 2.66 (8.7) 165 3.98 (13.1) 160 5.3 (17.4) 155 6.58 (21.6) 150 7.89 (25.9) 145 9.17 (30.1) 140 10.41 (34.2) 135 11.7 (38.4) 130 12.9 (42.3) 125 14.10 (46.2) 120 15 (50) ft m © 2007 BICSI® = = Foot Meter 5-135 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Calculating Guy Strength The required strength of a guy at any location is calculated by multiplying the actual tension in the guy by the required safety factor (see Table 5.32). For example, if the actual tension in the guy at a single comer pole for grade D construction is 3700 pounds (16,458 Newtons), the required guy strength would be 3700 pounds X 2.67 = 9879 pounds (43,941 Newtons). A 10M strand with a rated breaking strength of 11,500 pounds (51,152 Newtons) fulfills the requirement. Table 5.32 Maximum allowable tension for guys Grade of Construction Maximum Allowable Tension for Guys Percent of Guy Rated Breaking Strength Safety Factor 37.5 2.67 Longitudinal load (head guy at locations other than dead ends) 100.00 1.00 Longitudinal load at dead ends 66.67 1.50 Grade C Transverse load 50.0 2.00 Longitudinal load (head guy at locations other than dead ends) 100.00 1.00 Longitudinal load at dead ends 87.5 1.14 Grade N Transverse load 100.00 1.00 Longitudinal load 100.00 1.00 Grade D Transverse load 37.5 2.67 Longitudinal load (head guy at locations other than dead ends) 100.00 1.00 Longitudinal load at dead ends 66.67 1.50 Grade B Transverse load OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-136 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Guy Size Deadends and corners in pole lines usually require guying to support the cable or wire facility. The size of the guy is based on the size of the suspension strand or type of wire, the lead and height of the guy, and the pull on the pole (see Table 5.33), as follows: • If the lead-to-height ratio is 3/4 or greater, head guys for cables can be the same size as the suspension strand. • If the lead-to-height ratio is between 1/2 and 3/4 and only two or three spans are involved, head guys for cables should be one size larger than the suspension strand. • For all other guys, the guy rule should be used to determine guy size (see Figure 5.56). Where 6M guy is indicated, 6.6M guy may be used. • At corner poles, a pull finder should be used to determine the pull on a pole. • If the pull on a corner pole is less than 15 m (50 ft), a guy can be placed at a bisecting angle. • If the pull is greater than a 45 degree angle, two head guys are required, an arrangement known as double deadend. Table 5.33 Minimum guy strand selection table Filled Copper or Optical Fiber Cable Corner Heavy, Medium, and Light Loading Districts Suspension Strand Size 6M 10M 16M 20M Lead-to-Height Ratio Corner Angles (Degrees) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 1/2 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 10M 10M 10M 1 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 1/2 6M 6M 6M 6M 10M 10M 10M 16M 16M 1 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 10M 10M 1/2 6M 6M 10M 10M 10M 16M 16M 20M 20M 1 6M 6M 6M 10M 10M 10M 6M 16M 1/2 6M 6M 10M 10M 16M 16M 20M 26M 26M 1 6M 6M 6M 10M 10M 16M 16M 16M 6M 6M NOTES: For 20M guy size, two 10M guys or equivalents should be used. For 26M guy size, one 10M guy and one 16M guy or equivalents should be used. For 32M guy size, two 16M guys or equivalents should be used. © 2007 BICSI® 5-137 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Figure 5.56 Guy rule OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-138 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Table 5.34 lists maximum corner angle for filled self-supporting optical fiber cable. The corner angle and the interior angle must add to 180 degrees. Figure 5.57 shows an example using the information in the guy strand selection table. Table 5.34 Guy strand selection table Filled, Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cables Integral Support L/H Strand Size Ratio 63 mm (0.25 in) Maximum Corner Angle in Degrees for Size of Guy Strand 6M 10M 1/2 35 60 1 60 60 in = Inch m m = Millimeter Figure 5.57 Using guy strand selection chart example 10M 10M Height 6 m (20 ft) 20 Lead 6 m (20 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter For the above example: L/H = 20/20 = 1 Support strand = 10M ∠ = 20° Then, from Table 5.33, the guy strand should be 6M. © 2007 BICSI® 5-139 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Anchors Existing field conditions determine the type of anchor to be used (see Figure 5.58). Types of anchors include: • Expansion anchor. • Screw anchor. • Plate anchor. • Plank anchor. • Pole-to-pole anchor. • Rock anchor. • Log anchor. • Stub and anchor. • Swamp anchors. Figure 5.58 Types of common anchors Rod Closed Open Expansion anchor Slot cut for anchor rod Anchor rod Screw anchor Length as required Nut Square washer Plate anchor Pipe anchor rod Screw plate Coupling Pipe eye nut Swap anchor Cross piece set in recess OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-140 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Soil Classifications Soils are classified according to type, condition, and moisture content, as follows: • Class 1—Hard rock, solid. • Class 2—Shale, sandstone, solid, or in adjacent layers. • Class 3—Hard dry, hardpan. Requires use of digging bar. • Class 4—Crumbly, damp. This class contains mostly clay, is not moist enough to pack into a ball when squeezed by hand, and has particles that crumble off. • Class 5—Firm, moist. This class contains mostly clay which, when squeezed by hand, forms into a firm ball. Moist soils in well-drained areas are in this class. • Class 6—Plastic, wet. This class contains mostly clay and is usually found in fairly flat terrain. When squeezed by hand, it readily assumes any shape. • Class 7a—Loose, dry. This class is found in arid regions and contains mostly sand and gravel. Filled- in or built-up areas in dry regions are in this class. • Class 7b—Loose, wet. This class has the same holding ability as class 7a and is high in sand, gravel, or loam content; however, its holding ability decreases during rainy seasons. This class of soil is usually found in poorly drained areas. • Class 8—Swamps and marshes. This class includes areas where the soils are marshy only seasonally. Moist soils will vary in their classification during the year because of changes in moisture content. Extreme conditions should be estimated. The holding ability of an anchor is determined by the type and size of the anchor and the soil conditions. Moisture content and its effect on soil is a greater factor in deciding ultimate soilanchor holding strengths than factors based on fine divisions of soil content. The ultimate soilanchor holding strength is reached at the point where the anchor will start pulling out in a particular soil when placed at a 45-degree angle and the anchors set to a specified depth of rod length, less 152 mm (6 in). The groups are listed in Table 5.35. © 2007 BICSI® 5-141 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Table 5.35 Anchor groupings Group Type Anchor 1 Screw Cone 152 mm (6 in) 152 mm (6 in) 2 Screw Cone Expanding 203 mm (8 in) 203 mm (8 in) 152 mm (6 in), 2 way 3 Screw Cone Expanding Expanding 254 mm (10 in), 1.7 m rod (5 -1/2 ft rod) 254 mm (10 in) 152 mm (6 in), 4 way 152 mm (6 in), 8 way, 45161 mm2 (70 in2) area 4 Screw Cone Expanding Expanding Plate Log 254 mm (10 in), 1.7 m rod (8 ft rod) 305 mm (12 in) 203 mm (8 in), 2 way 203 mm (8 in), 3 way 152 mm (6 in) x 432 mm (17 in) 1 m x 178 mm (3 ft x 7 in) 5 Expanding Expanding Plate Plate Log 203 mm (8 in), 4 way 203 mm (8 in), 8 way 152 mm x 559 mm (6 in x 22 in) 406 mm (16 in) crossplate 1.2 m x 203 mm (4 ft x 8 in) 6 Cone Expanding Expanding Plate 406 mm (16 in) 254 mm (10 in), 4 way 254 mm (10 in), 8 way 508 mm (20 in) crossplate 7 Cone Plate Plate 483 mm (19 in) 203 mm x 686 mm (8 in x 27 in) 508 mm (20 in) crossplate 8 Cone Expanding Plate Plate Log 584 mm (23 in) 305 mm (12 in), 4 way 203 mm x 889 mm (8 in x 35 in) 610 mm (24 in) crossplate 1.52 m x 254 mm (5 ft x 10 in) 9 Plate Log 2.54 mm x 1016 mm (10 in x 40 in) 1.83 m x 254 mm (6 ft x 10 in) 10 Log 2.1 m x 305 mm (7 ft x 12 in) 11 Log 2.4 m x 305 mm (8 ft x 12 in) ft in m mm = = = = Foot Inch Meter Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-142 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Guy Rod Size Three main rod sizes are: • 12M—9.5 mm (3/8 in) diameter. • 18M—19 mm (3/4 in) diameter. • 32M—32 mm (1-1/4 in) diameter. These ratings indicate the maximum capacity of the rod. For example, an 18M (3/4 in) diameter rod can accept three 6M guys, one 10M and one 6M, or one 16M guy. Guy Rod Ends Based on the number of guys to be attached, the designer must size the rod end (see Figure 5.59) as: © 2007 BICSI® • Single thimble eye. • Double thimble eye. • Triple thimble eye. • Loop 5-143 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Figure 5.59 Guy rod ends For aerial construction, facility ownership may be determined based on poles and pole markings. For new pole, underground, and buried installation, the designer will work with the AHJ and locate subsurface utilities. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-144 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Selection of Anchors The selection of the specific anchor within each group must be based upon the soil classification, since some anchors are not suitable for all soil classes. The groupings are arranged with the smallest anchors in the lowest numerical order. Group selection is made using table 4.5, considering soil conditions and the holding power required. The designer should first establish the soil classification for the particular area and then establish the group of anchors most suitable for that condition. This procedure simplifies supply and installation problems by eliminating unnecessary tools and unsuitable anchor types (see Table 5.. Type Selection Anchors within a specific group size may be used interchangeably at a guy location, provided they are suitable for the particular soil. If no anchor in the specified group size is available, an anchor from a numerically higher group size may be selected. If the available anchors in the specified size group would be difficult to install, a suitable type of anchor may be selected from another higher group size. Anchors from lower numbered group sizes than the group specified for a specific guy location should not be used. Anchor type selection is based on the adaptability of the anchor to the particular soil class; for example, a cone anchor is not adaptable to loose soils. The equipment available for digging the anchor hole will also help to determine the type of anchor to be used. Table 5.36 lists the types of anchors recommended for installation in the different soil classes. © 2007 BICSI® 5-145 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Table 5.36 Soil classifications Class Common Soil-Type Description Geological Soil Classification Probe Values in-lb (N/m) N/A Typical Blow Count “N” Per ASTM-D1586 0 Sound hard rock, unweathered Granite, basalt, massive limestone N/A 1 Very dense or cemented sands; coarse gravel and cobbles Caliche (nitrate-bearing gravel/rock) 750-1600 (85-181) 60-100+ 2 Dense fine sands; very hard silts and clays (may be preloaded) Basal till; boulder clay; caliche; weathered laminated rock 600-750 (68-85) 45-60 3 Dense sands and gravel; hard silts and clays Glacial till; weathered shales, schist, gneiss and siltstone 500-600 (56-68) 35-50 4 Medium dense sand and gravel; very stiff to hard silts and clays Glacial till; hardpan; marls 400-500 (45-56) 24-40 5 Medium dense coarse sands and sandy gravels; stiff to very stiff silts and clays Saprolites, residual soils 300-400 (34-45) 14-25 6 Loose to medium dense fine to coarse sands to stiff clays and silts Dense hydraulic fill; compacted fill; residual soils 200-300 (23-34) 7-14 *7 Loose fine sands; alluvium; loess; medium-stiff and varied clays; fill Flood plain soils, lake clays; adobe; gumbo, fill 100-200 (11-23) 4-8 *8 Peat, organic silts; inundated silts, fly ash very loose sands, very soft to soft clays Miscellaneous fill, swamp marsh Less than 100 (0-11) 0-5 NOTE: * Class 1 soils are difficult to probe consistently and the ASTM blow count may be of questionable value. It is advisable to install anchors deep enough, by the use of extensions, to penetrate a Class 5 or 6, underlying the Class 7 or 8 soils. ASTM® in lb N/A N/m = = = = = American Society for Testing and Materials Inch Pound Not applicable Newton per meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-146 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Anchor and Guys, continued Select your anchor type in accordance with the soil classification as shown in Table 5.37. Table 5.37 Anchor types recommended for different soil classes © 2007 BICSI® Soil Class Recommended Anchor Type 1 Solid rock Expanding rock 2 Layered rock Cone Log 3 Hardpan Crossplate or plank Plate Cone Expanding Log 4 Crumbly, damp Crossplate or plank Plate Cone Expanding Log Screw 5 Firm, moist Crossplate or plank Plate Screw Expanding Log 6 Plastic, wet Crossplate or plank Plate Screw Expanding Log 7 Loose, wet, or dry Screw Expanding Crossplate or plank LogPlate 8 Swamp Swamp screw Log 5-147 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Anchor and Guys, continued Location and Installation of Anchors Location Safety, appearance, and economy should be considered when locating guy anchors. Anchors should be kept away from locations where they would be subject to mechanical damage (e.g., curbs and roads) and where they could cause personal injury (e.g., sidewalks and building entrances). Installation Earth augers are used to dig holes for anchors wherever practicable. Anchors should be placed with the anchor rod as nearly in line as possible with the point of attachment of the guy to the pole, and the rod should be turned to face the eye properly. After the anchor is placed, the anchor hole should be filled and tamped. Soil should be heaped and packed around the rod. The anchor rod should not be exposed more than 152 mm (6 in) above the ground, with the eye of the anchor rod left clear .Log anchors require square or curved washers at least 101 mm (4 in) across connected to the end of the anchor rod to prevent the rod from pulling through the log. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-148 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Designing Additions to Existing Aerial Support Structures Pole Line Adequacy A preexisting pole line must be capable of supporting the proposed cables. To determine its adequacy, poles along the proposed route should be physically inspected and their loading capabilities should be determined. When physically inspecting the poles, the designer should verify the: • Pole’s physical integrity. The designer should check if the poles are bent, split, or rotted. Probing sections of the pole below the ground line with a pole prod will help detect nonvisible, rotted areas. • Presence of guys or anchors. If guys and anchors are missing, the designer should verify that there is sufficient room to place new ones. A line may need additional guying before the addition of the proposed cables to prevent unbalanced loads. • Existence of a grounding (earthing) system. • Existing cable/equipment on the poles. • Proper clearances from other utilities. • Obstructions. • Height of pole. • Class of pole. • Age of pole. • Pole composition. • Owner. • Joint use. Pole Line Construction Classification Referring to Table 5.34, the designer should determine which grade of construction applies to the existing pole line. The voltages listed in this table are phase-to-ground values for: • Effectively grounded alternating current (ac) circuits. • Two-wire grounded circuits. • Center-grounded dc circuits. In other instances, phase-to-phase values shall be used. The grade of construction for supply conductors, as indicated in Table 5.38, shall also meet the requirements for any lines at lower levels except when otherwise noted. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Placing of telecommunications conductors at higher levels at crossing or on jointly used poles should generally be avoided, unless the supply conductors are trolley contact conductors and their associated feeders. 5-149 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Designing Additions to Existing Aerial Support Structures, continued Table 5.38 Grades of construction for communications conductors Communication Conductors (Communication Conductors, Rural or Urban, Open or Cable, Including Those Run in the Supply Space) Conductors, Tracks, and Rights-of-Way at Lower Levels Exclusive private right-of-way N Common or public rights-of-way N Railroad tracks and limited-access highways1 B Constant-potential supply conductors2 0 to 750 V Open or cable 750 V to 2.9 kV Open or cable Exceeding 2.9 kV Open Cable N C B C Constant-current supply conductor2 0 to 7.5 A Open3 Exceeding 7.5 A Open3 C Communications conductors, open or cable, urban or rural including those run in the supply space B, C, or N B4 1 2 There is no intent to require Grade B over ordinary streets and highways. The words open and cable appearing in the headlines have the following meaning as applied to supply conductors: Cable means Type 1 cables as described in Rule 241A1; open means open-wire and also Type 2 cables, as described in Rule 241A2. 3 Where constant-current circuits are in Type 1 cable, the grade of construction shall be based on the nominal full-load voltage. 4 Grade C construction may be used if the open-circuit voltage of the transformer supplying the circuit does not exceed 2.9 kV. A = Ampere k V = Kilovolt OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-150 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Designing Additions to Existing Aerial Support Structures, continued System Plans A designer should be aware of any existing future system plans for an existing pole line. These may include regional road move plans or any future plans for the additions of cable. Joint-Use Agreements If the existing pole line is owned by another utility or municipality, the designer must verify the existence of a joint-use agreement and submit the proper documentation to the utility in order to obtain permission to attach. Approval can be as simple as providing the utility with a set of construction drawings or as complicated as negotiating a joint-use agreement and rental fees for the use of the pole space. Makeready Work Joint use of an existing utility pole line still requires maintaining all separations between utilities, structures, and elevations above ground for streets, sidewalks, railroads, and other ground clearances (see Tables 5.27, 5.28, and 5.29). Agreements must be negotiated to inspect and move existing utilities (e.g., install taller poles and then transfer and respace utilities) to provide necessary clearances. This can be a lengthy and expensive process. NOTE: Refer to Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations for further information. Design Transition Structures Examples of design transition structures include: © 2007 BICSI® • Aerial to underground (see Figure 5.60). • Aerial to direct-buried (see Figure 5.61). • Aerial to tunnel. • Underground to direct-buried (see Figure 5.62). • Underground to tunnel. • Underground to building (see Figure 5.63). • Aerial to building (see Figure 5.64). • Direct-buried to building (see Figure 5.65). • Tunnel to building. 5-151 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Design Transition Structures, continued Figure 5.60 Aerial to underground transition Splice case Aerial cable Lateral cable Pole Conduit or cable guard Lateral cable Splice case Subsidiary conduit Conduit Conduit Underground cable Maintenance hole Figure 5.61 Aerial to direct-buried transition Splice case Aerial cable Conduit or cable guard Pole Pedestal/splice closure Lateral cable Buried cable OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-152 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Design Transition Structures, continued Figure 5.62 Underground to direct-buried transition Pedestal/splice closure Buried cable Subsidiary conduit Buried cable Conduit Conduit Underground cable Splice case Maintenance hole Figure 5.63 Underground to building transition Building Backboard Protector Cable Splice case Conduit Underground cable © 2007 BICSI® Subsidiary conduit Conduit Maintenance hole 5-153 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 3: Aerial Pathways Design Transition Structures, continued Figure 5.64 Aerial to building transition Support strand to building Aerial cable Splice case Terminal protector Sleeve through building wall Aerial cable Backboard Protector OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-154 © 2007 BICSI® Section 3: Aerial Pathways Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Design Transition Structures, continued Figure 5.65 Direct-buried to building transition Terminal protector Pedestal/splice closure Grade Sleeve Direct-buried cable Protector Backboard Sleeve through building wall Cable Pedestal/splice closure Grade Direct-buried cable © 2007 BICSI® 5-155 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Section 3: Aerial Pathways 5-156 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Placement Depth of Pole Setting General The depth of setting will vary according to the: • Pole length. • Type of soil. • Number and type of attachments on the pole. The nature of the soil should be established during the initial field survey so that proper recommendations for setting depth and necessary special tools may be indicated on the construction work prints. © 2007 BICSI® 5-157 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Depth of Pole Setting, continued Firm Soil or Solid Rock Table 5.39 lists standard depths for setting poles in average firm soil or in solid or layered rock. Table 5.39 Standard pole settings Length of Pole m (ft) Depth of Setting In Average Firm Soil m (ft) Depth of Setting in Solid Rock m (ft*) 4.9 (16) 1.1 (3.5) 0.9 (3.0) 5.5 (18) 1.1 (3.5) 0.9 (3.0) 6.0 (20) 1.2 (4.0) 0.9 (3.0) 6.7 (22) 1.2 (4.0) 0.9 (3.0) 7.6 (25) 1.5 (5.0) 0.9 (3.0) 9.0 (30) 1.7 (5.5) 1.1 (3.5) 10.4 (35) 1.8 (6.0) 1.2 (4.0) 12.0 (40) 1.8 (6.0) 1.2 (4.0) 13.7 (45) 2.0 (6.5) 1.4 (4.5) 15.0 (50) 2.1 (7.0) 1.4 (4.5) 16.8 (55) 2.3 (7.5) 1.5 (5.0) 18.3 (60) 2.4 (8.0) 1.5 (5.0) 19.8 (65) 2.6 (8.5) 1.8 (6.0) 21.3 (70) 2.7 (9.0) 1.8 (6.0) 23.0 (75) 2.9 (9.5) 1.8 (6.0) 24.0 (80) 3.0 (10.0) 2.1 (7.0) 26.0 (85) 3.2 (10.5) 2.1 (7.0) 27.4 (90) 3.4 (11.0) 2.1 (7.0) *These depths are recommended where solid rock is encountered at ground level and the diameter of the hole is such as to permit pieces of rock to be tamped firmly between the pole surface and hole walls to prevent the pole from leaning. ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-158 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Depth of Pole Setting, continued Soil and Rock Table 5.40 lists the standard pole hole depths for setting poles in soils where solid or layered rock is found below the surface level. Table 5.40 Pole settings for solid rock below surface level Depth Below Surface at Which 6.1 Solid Rock is (20) 7.6 (25) 9.1 (30) Found in m (ft) 10.7 (35) Pole Length in m (ft) 12.2 13.7 15.2 (40) (45) (50) 16.8 (55) 18.3 (60) 21.3 (70) 24.4 (80) 27.4 (90) Minimum Hole Depth in m (ft) 0.0 (0.0) 0.9 (3.0) 0.9 (3.0) 1.1 (3.5) 1.2 (4.0) 1.2 (4.0) 1.4 (4.5) 1.4 (4.5) 1.5 (5.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2.1 (7.0) 2.1 (7.0) 0.2 (0.5) 1.1 (3.5) 1.1 (3.5) 1.2 (4.0) 1.4 (4.5) 1.4 (4.5) 1.7 (5.5) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.3 (7.5) 2.3 (7.5) 0.3 (1.0) 1.2 (4.0) 1.2 (4.0) 1.4 (4.5) 1.5 (5.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2.1 (7.0) 2.4 (8.0) 2.4 (8.0) 0.5 (1.5) 1.2 (4.0) 1.4 (4.5) 1.2 (4.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2 (6.5) 2.3 (7.5) 2.6 (8.5) 2.6 (8.5) 0.6 (2.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.1 (7.0) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 (9.0) 2.7 (9.0) 0.8 (2.5) 1.2 (4.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.3 (7.5) 2.6 (8.5) 2.9 (9.5) 2.9 (9.5) 0.9 (3.0) 1.2 (4.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 (9.0) 2.9 3 (9.5) (10.0) 1.1 (3.5) 1.2 (4.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 3 3.2 (9.0) (10.0) (10.5) 1.2 (4.0) 1.2 (4.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 3 3.4 (9.0) (10.0) (11.0) 1.4 (4.5) – – 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 3 3.4 (9.0) (10.0) (11.0) 1.5 (5.0) – – 1.5 (5.0) 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 3 3.4 (9.0) (10.0) (11.0) 1.7 (5.5) – – – – 1.7 (5.5) 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 3 3.4 (9.0) (10.0) (11.0) © 2007 BICSI® 5-159 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Depth of Pole Setting, continued Table 5.40 Pole settings for solid rock below surface level, continued Depth Below Surface at Which 6.1 Solid Rock is (20) 7.6 (25) 9.1 (30) Pole Length in m (ft) 12.2 13.7 15.2 (40) (45) (50) 10.7 (35) found in m (ft) 16.8 (55) 18.3 (60) 21.3 (70) 24.4 (80) 27.4 (90) Minimum Hole Depth in m (ft) 1.8 (6.0) – – – – – – 1.8 (6.0) 1.8 (6.0) 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 (9.0) 3 3.4 (10.0) (11.0) 2 (6.5) – – – – – – – – – – 2 (6.5) 2.1 (7.0) 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 (9.0) 3 3.4 (10.0) (11.0) 2.1 (7.0) – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.1 (7.0) 2.4 (8.0) 2.4 (8.0) 3 3.4 3.4 (10.0) (11.0) (11.0) 2.3 (7.5) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.3 (7.5) 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 (9.0) 3 – (10.0) – 2.4 (8.0) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.4 (8.0) 2.7 (9.0) 3 3.4 (10.0) (11.0) 2.7 (9.0) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.7 (9.0) 3 3.4 (10.0) (11.0) 3 (10.0) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 3 3.4 (10.0) (11.0) 3.4 (11.0) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 3.4 (11.0) ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-160 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Depth of Pole Setting, continued Frozen Soil Permanently frozen soil or permafrost is common in the northernmost parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. When poles are placed in soils over permafrost, the depth of the pole hole must be increased; otherwise, the pole may be forced out of the ground or overturned during refreezing of the soil at the surface level (see Figures 5.66 and 5.67). The depth of seasonal thaws varies at different locations and depends primarily on the nature of the overlying soil and the amount of ground water during the refreezing process. When the soil overlying the permafrost is composed of coarse sand and gravel and is well drained, the soil is classified as nonactive and the depth of the pole hole does not need to be increased over the standard setting for poles in average firm soil. © 2007 BICSI® 5-161 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Depth of Pole Setting, continued Figure 5.66 Typical settings of poles in permafrost Ground Level Ground Level 0.6 m (2 ft) 0.6 m (2 ft) 0.9 m (3 ft) 1.5 m (5 ft) 0.9 m (3 ft) 2.7 m (9 ft) 1.2 m (4 ft) Permafrost with nonactive layer Permafrost with active layer Nonactive layer Permafrost Active layer ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-162 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Depth of Pole Setting, continued Figure 5.67 Effect on pole when active layer above permafrost is refrozen Active Layer Frozen Active Layer Not Frozen Active Layer Ground Water Or Ice Permafrost © 2007 BICSI® 5-163 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Depth of Pole Setting, continued When the soil overlaying the permafrost is composed of silt, clay, or humus and contains large amounts of ground water, the soil is classified as active and the depth of the pole must be increased. The amount of increase over the depth for setting in average firm soil is equal to the depth of the active layer of soil multiplied by 2, except that the depth of the portion of the hole in the permafrost layer (see Figure 5.67) need not exceed that required for a hole in average firm earth multiplied by 1.5. EXAMPLE: A 7.6 meter (m [25 foot (ft)]) pole in average firm soil requires a 1.5 m (5 ft) depth of setting. If the depth of the active layer of soil were 0.6 m (2 ft), the total depth of the hole would be 0.6 m (2 ft) plus 0.9 m (3 ft) in average firm soil requiring a 1.5 m (5 ft) depth of setting. If the depth of the active layer of soil were 0.6 m (2 ft), the total depth of the hole would be 0.6 m (2 ft) plus 0.9 m (3 ft) for required depth of setting, plus 1.2 m (4 ft) or twice the active layer of soil, for a total of 2.7 m (9 ft). Since the 2.1 m (7 ft) depth in the permafrost layer is smaller than the setting in average firm soil multiplied by the 1.5, no reduction in depth is allowed. Swampy Soil When poles are placed in swampy areas or loose soils, the depth of setting could be increased 0.3 m (1 ft) over the values for poles set in average firm soil. This increase in setting is required only when a soil footing of 0.3 m (1 ft) or 0.6 m (2 ft) will be obtained or a plank footing for the pole is not placed. It will not be necessary to increase the depth of holes for poles supported by side guys, ground braces, or swamp fixtures. In extremely swampy soil, a pole crib should be used. Sloping Ground The depth of pole holes in sloping ground is calculated by: 1. Placing a stick horizontally from the upper edge of the hole and measuring the distance A between the stick and the lower edge of the hole as shown in Figure 5.68. 2. Obtaining the standard hole depth for the pole on the level grade from Tables 5.39 and 5.40, whichever applies. 3. Adding the distance A to the standard setting. The sum obtained is the depth at which the pole should be set. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-164 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Depth of Pole Setting, continued Figure 5.68 Setting pole in sloping ground Surface of slope Stick “A” Pole hole Depth in level ground plus “A” Soil © 2007 BICSI® 5-165 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Depth of Pole Setting, continued River or Stream Bank When the pole is placed within 1.2 m (4 ft) of a bank, particularly where water is present, the depth of the hole should be 0.3 m (1 ft) or 0.6 m (2 ft) greater than that required for level ground. Ground conditions determine the amount of additional depth. Additional depth of 0.6 m (2 ft) is recommended when the soil is continually wet. If the pole location is in danger of being flooded or is in extremely swampy land, the pole may be placed in a pole crib as shown in Figure 5.69. The longer side of the crib should be transverse to the line. Figure 5.69 Typical pole crib 1.83 m (6 ft) 1.2 m x 1.83 m (4 ft - 6 ft) ROCKS Swampland ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-166 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Depth of Pole Setting, continued Unguyed Angles All unguyed angle poles will be set 0.3 m (1 ft) deeper than the normal depth required for level ground Restrictions of Pole Height The two basic restrictions on pole height are interference with: • Safe operation of aircraft. • Telecommunications (electronics) equipment (e.g., microwave) locations. The first restriction is based on the hazard to aircraft when pole lines are constructed on or near aircraft landing and approach zones. Preferably, overhead construction should not be used in these areas. However, overhead structures may be permitted, providing their height does not exceed the limitations established by the applicable aviation authorities (e.g., Federal Aviation Authority [FAA]), local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The interference of overhead conductors on microwave is seldom caused by the height of the wooden structures, but rather by the presence of conductors. A structure height that does not exceed the height of the antennas and is not closer than 0.20 m (1/8 mile [mi]) to the side or rear of the antenna will not require investigation. When crossing in front of an antenna, the pole line height should not exceed 1/100 of the distance to the antenna. Selection of Base Pole A base should have the height that will satisfy the general requirements of the pole line, based on the average ground contour and ultimate number and kind of attachments. A crossing pole should not be selected as the base pole. The height of the base pole is used for calculating the required strength of the line. Diameter and Depth of Holes Diameter of Pole Holes The center of the pole hole is located at the point of the work location on the construction work prints. Many times this point is indicated in the field by a stake or a painted mark. The designer should ensure that the diameter of each pole hole is the same from the top to the bottom. Ensure that it is large enough to leave 101 millimeters (mm [4 inches (in)]) of free space around the pole. This space is used for the backfill and tamping. Depth of Pole Holes When practical, pole holes should be dug deep enough to provide for planned changes in grade. Average Depth in Firm Ground or Solid Rock at Ground Level If the diameter of a pole hole in solid rock is 0.6 m (2 ft) or more, the pole hole should be the same depth as a hole in average firm ground (see Table 5.40). © 2007 BICSI® 5-167 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Diameter and Depth of Holes, continued Solid Rock below Ground Level When solid rock is found below the ground level, set poles to the minimum depths shown in Table 5.36. When solid rock is found within 152 mm (6 in) of the required depth of setting in firm ground, the pole may be set at this reduced depth. This will avoid blasting, provided that the adjacent poles are set to the full standard depth. Methods of Digging Pole Holes Pole holes can be dug with hand tools, an earth boring machine, a water jet, or dynamite. Digging Holes with Hand Tools Holes may be dug with the following hand tools (see Figure 5.70): • Long-handled, straight shovels and digging spoons • Goosenecked shovels • Digging bars The area around the hole should be clear of earth removed from the hole. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-168 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Methods of Digging Pole Holes, continued Figure 5.70 Digging pole hole with hand tools Digging Spoon 1.52 m (5 ft) Shovel As deep as can easily be dug with 1.52 m (5 ft) shovel 2.4 m (8 ft) straight handle shovel Bend-in cut edges Aproximately 51 mm (2 in) 51 mm (2 in) Hole Required depth Outline of proposed holes Barrel with ends Removed ft in m m © 2007 BICSI® = = = = About 0.3 m (1 ft) Foot Inch Meter Millimeter 5-169 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Methods of Digging Pole Holes, continued Using the long-handled, straight shovel or a digging bar, depending upon soil conditions, the dirt in the bottom of the hole should be loosened. A digging spoon is then used to remove the loose earth. The digging spoon is then pried against the side of the hole to gain leverage. The bottom of the hole is squared off to the full diameter. Large rocks that cannot be removed by hand or with the digging spoon should be shifted from side to side and dropped to the bottom of the hole. The next step is to backfill around the rocks and thoroughly tamp the soil. The hole should be dug deep enough to cover the rocks. The sides of the hole should be shored if it is likely to cave in. A barrel with the head removed or a section of metal culvert pipe may be used for this purpose. As the soil is removed, the shoring should be forced down. The shoring can be removed easily and reused if the barrel or culvert pipe is cut lengthwise and the cut edges are bent over. Two holes are drilled near the top of the barrel or culvert pipe to attach a winch line. This line is used for pulling the barrel or culvert pipe from the hole. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-170 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Methods of Digging Pole Holes, continued Boring Holes with Earth Boring Machine Earth boring machines are used to excavate holes up to 508 mm (20 in) in diameter and as deep as 2.1 m (7 ft). The following general procedure is used with many manufacturers of this type of equipment: 1. Position the machine to place the auger of the earth borer directly over the hole location. 2. Set the brake on the machine to stabilize it at the placing location. If the machine is equipped with wheels, chuck the wheels to prevent accidental movement. If the machine is track driven, lock the track to prevent movement during the placement operation. 3. Engage the auger at a low speed of about 25 revolutions per minute (rpm). Control the engine speed to ensure a uniform removal of the soil. Bore the hole to a depth of about 457 mm (18 in). 4. Raise the auger above the ground. Increase the rotation speed of the auger to throw off the excavated soil. The type of soil encountered can be determined by the first soil removed. 5. Repeat the process for another 457 mm (18 in) including raising the auger and throwing off the excavated soil until the desired depth is attained. Should large stones lodge in the auger blade, loosen and remove them. When boring in sandstone, shale or frozen ground, maintain a slow rotation speed. A speed of about 125 rpm should be used for average soil, sand, or clay. Water Jet Method of Setting Poles When caving soil or subsurface water makes other methods impractical, the following method should be used: 1. Dig the pole hole with hand tools until the soil begins to cave in or water is encountered. The surface diameter of the pole hole must be 406 mm (16 in) greater than the diameter of the pole at the butt end. 2. Place the pole vertically into the hole. The pole can be raised using the A frame and winch cable of a line truck, a hydraulic/mechanical arm, or by hand using pole pikes to hold the pole vertically erect. 3. Lash a short pike pole to a fire hose and nozzle. 4. Place the nozzle into the hole and turn on the water pressure (see Figure 5.71). The water will gradually undermine the pole and the pole will sink into place. Move the hose nozzle around the pole to prevent it from becoming lodged in place. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® A water pressure of approximately 172 kilopascals (kPa [25 pounds per square inch (psi)]) is sufficient to move the soil. The quantity of water is more important than the water pressure. As the pole sinks into the hole, ease off the winch line, lower the hydraulic/mechanical arm, or ease off the pike poles. 5-171 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Methods of Digging Pole Holes, continued Figure 5.71 Digging pole hole with a water jet Hose Short pike pole lashed to hose Nozzle 5. After the pole has sunk to the required depth, turn off the water and remove the hose and pike pole. Face and straighten the pole using a cant hook and fill the hole around the pole with the overflow of sediment. Tamping is usually not required in this type of placement. A swamp fixture may be required to hold the pole in place in a permanently erect position. Blasting Pole Holes OSP designers must consult with the appropriate governmental agency prior to blasting. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-172 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Methods of Raising and Setting Poles NOTE: The term pole support throughout this document is interchangeable with the term deadman. Line Truck Method Setting poles by a line truck is the simplest and safest method in most cases. Some line trucks are equipped with an A frame derrick and a winch line. These can be used to raise and then lower the pole into the hole using the winch line. If the line truck is equipped with a hydraulic/ mechanical derrick, the derrick is usually equipped with a mechanical auger. This type of rig can be used to raise and then lower the pole into position in the hole. This rig can be used to set poles that do not exceed 13.7 m (45 ft). A-Frame Line Truck An A-frame line truck is equipped with an A-shaped frame on the rear of the truck, allowing the use of the winch line and frame to raise poles and set them in their holes. The frame is raised to a position high enough to raise the pole to the desired level. The winch line is positioned through the apex of the A frame through the winch line pulley and then affixed around the pole at a location two-thirds from the butt end of the pole. The winch line is tightened and the pole is lifted off the ground with the butt end of the pole still on the ground (see Figure 5.72). The line crew can then position the butt of the pole at the edge of the pole hole and raise the A frame higher, while holding the pole in position. Once the pole attains a vertical position, loosening the winch line can lower it until the pole rests on the bottom of the hole. Cant hooks can be used to position the pole as desired and then the hole can be backfilled and tamped. Pike poles should be used to brace and hole the pole vertically. The pole should then be straightened and centered in the hole. The foreman or lead technician should take sightings on the pole from two directions at least 6 m (20 ft) from the pole. The first sighting would be taken from a location perpendicular to the direction of the lead of the pole line. A second sighting should be taken in line with the lead of the pole line. A plumb bob attached to a length of cordage can be used to ensure vertical alignment from both directions (see Figure 5.73). © 2007 BICSI® 5-173 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Line Truck Method, continued Figure 5.72 Setting pole using A-frame line truck Derrick head over center of hole 0.3 m (1 ft) minimum Above balance point Winch line pulling against top and back of hook Rear support jacks ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-174 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Line Truck Method, continued Figure 5.73 Sighting pole to ensure it is level and plumb Plumb bob in line with center of hole First sighting position Second sighting position © 2007 BICSI® 5-175 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Line Truck Method, continued When backfilling in normal soil, the entire hole should be backfilled and tamped by partially backfilling the hole for approximately 152 mm (6 in). Using a hand tamp or a mechanical tamp, the backfill should be tamped until compacted. The process should be repeated until the hole is completely filled. Any excess fill that remains in a mound surrounding the pole does not need to be removed. Time and weather will use the fill to completely fill the ground. When the pole is fully placed, the winch line is released and removed from the pole. Line Truck Equipped with Hydraulic/Mechanical Derrick Line trucks equipped with a hydraulic/mechanical derrick provide a less labor intensive method of pole setting. The derrick is a power derrick and usually has mechanical claws on its end that can be used to grasp the pole and steady it. In addition, the winch line runs through the derrick and can be used to help raise the pole and position the pole for setting. The winch line is attached to the pole at a location that is 1/3 the length of the pole from the bottom. The derrick is lowered and the pole is grasped with the mechanical claw. The winch line is tightened until it is barely loose on the pole. The derrick is raised, allowing the butt of the pole to remain on the ground. Once raised upright to a vertical position, the line crew can assist in the positioning of the pole into the pole hole. Once aligned with the hole, the derrick can be used to lower the pole along with slacking off on the winch line. Cant hooks can be used to position the pole as desired and then the hole can be backfilled and tamped. The pole is straightened and centered in the hole. The foreman or lead technician should take sightings (Figure 5.71) on the pole from two directions at least 6 m (20 ft) from the pole. The first sighting would be taken from a location perpendicular to the direction of the lead of the pole line. A second sighting should be taken in line with the lead of the pole line. A plumb bob attached to a length of cordage can be used to ensure vertical alignment from both directions. When backfilling in normal soil, the entire hole should be backfilled and tamped by partially backfilling the hole for approximately 152 mm (6 in). Using the line truck’s mechanical tamp, the backfill is tamped until compacted. The process is repeated until the hole is completely filled. Any excess fill that remains in a mound surrounding the pole does not need to be removed. Time and weather will use the fill to completely fill the ground. When the pole is fully placed, the winch line and mechanical claw are released and the winch line is removed from the pole. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-176 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Line Truck Method, continued Hand and Pike Pole Method The hand and pike pole method is used to set light poles only. A butting board is placed 51 mm (2 in) by 254 mm (10 in) by 2.7 m (9 ft) in the hole. Two digging bars can be used in place of the butting board when placing in firm soil. The pole is positioned with the butt over the pole hole, the butt being solidly against the butting board or digging bars. A member of the line crew is stationed on each side of the pole. Two cant hooks are placed in opposite directions on the pole 305 mm (12 in) above the ground line. This process will prevent the pole from rolling off the pike poles. The top end of the pole is raised by hand. The butt end of the pole is driven into the hole against the butting board or digging bars. A deadman is placed under the pole to help hole the pole, which the line crew reposition to continue raising the pole (see Figure 5.74). The pikes are then set into the pole at the upper end. The pole is raised by pushing upward on the pike poles. The pole must not turn during this process. The pole should be raised until it is vertical and in the hole. The digging bar or butting board is then removed from the hole. Using the cant hooks, the pole should be straightened and aligned to final position. The foreman or lead technician should take sightings on the pole from two directions (Figure 5.72) at least 6 m (20 ft) from the pole. The first sighting would be taken from a location perpendicular to the direction of the lead of the pole line. A second sighting should be taken in line with the lead of the pole line. A plumb bob attached to a length of cordage can be used to ensure vertical alignment from both directions. When backfilling in normal soil, the entire hole should be backfilled and tamped by partially backfilling the hole for approximately 152 mm (6 in). Using a hand tamp or a mechanical tamp, the backfill should be tamped until compacted. Repeat the process until the hole is completely filled. Any excess fill that remains in a mound surrounding the pole does not need to be removed. Time and weather will use the fill to completely fill the ground. © 2007 BICSI® 5-177 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Line Truck Method, continued Figure 5.74 Raising pole using manpower, pole pikes, and a deadman pole support Pike pole Gant hooks Pole support Butting board OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-178 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Line Truck Method, continued Backfilling and Tamping The space in a pole hole must be filled with earth (backfill) after a pole is in position by a process called backfilling. The backfill is tamped for the full depth of the pole hole. Every 152 mm (6 in) of the backfill must be tamped thoroughly prior to adding more backfill. If available, large stones should be used as wedges as needed. Rocks should be wedged firmly around the pole when it is set in solid rock. Ensure that unstable backfill, such as snow or ice, is not mixed with the soil being used. The excess fill should be banked and paced at least 152 mm (6 in) high, damming it around the base of the pole. If it is available, gravel should be used for the top section of the backfill. Raking Poles A raked pole (see Figure 5.75) is one that inclines from a true vertical position. Poles are raked to ensure that the pole top will be in line after strain is applied by attachment. Guyed poles are normally raked by pulling them off their vertical position with the guy or by offsetting the pole hole. Dead End and Corner Pole Raking A raked pole is one that tilts or inclines from a perfect vertical position. Poles are raked to ensure that the pole top will be in line with the pole line after the pole settles into its final position and/or after a strain is applied to the pole by an attachment. Guyed poles are raked by pulling the top of the pole off the vertical position with a guy. Poles can also be raked at the butt end by offsetting the orientation of the pole hole prior to setting the pole. The amount of rake is equal to the diameter of the pole at the top. The butts of a corner pole with a pull of 15.2 m (50 ft) or more must be set 305 mm (12 in) off from the line to provide the necessary rake alignment. Push brace poles are raked with the position of the butt of the pole in-line with the pole line. The amount of rake must be 152 mm (6 in) for each 6 m (20 ft) of pole height above the ground in firm soil. When rock is found, half rake should be used. © 2007 BICSI® 5-179 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Raking Poles, continued Figure 5.75 Raking pole prior to tamping Top of pole pulled out of line Pole butt set in from line Approximately 0.3 m (1 ft) ft m = = Foot Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-180 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Footings for Poles Poles set in soft or unstable soils require additional support. This is provided by footings (see Figure 5.76). Footings will increase the bearing area of the pole butt. A platform built on the surface of the ground can also provide the necessary support. Plank Footings Plank footings are used to support poles where the soil is unstable and the poles tend to sink into the soil. Tamp the earth at the bottom of the pole hole. This tamping will provide a solid foundation for a plank footing. To accomplish this, place a treated plank of at least 51 mm (2 in) by 305 mm (12 in ) by 610 mm (24 in) in the bottom of the pole hole. If additional footing surface is required because of soil conditions, two planks should be installed crosswise. The pole should be raised and the butt should be centered on the plank footing. Cant and camber of the pole should be aligned, the hole should be backfilled, and the backfill tamped around the pole. Figure 5.76 Plank footing for pole Pole butt Plank footing © 2007 BICSI® 5-181 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Footings for Poles, continued Catenary Span Poles Catenary span poles (see Figure 5.77) are used to support special spans that are substantially longer than normal span lengths. These spans impose a heavy midspan load on the crossing poles and on a pole with a head guy. The load can become heavy enough to slowly drive the poles into the ground unless they are properly supported. Catenary span poles set in solid rock, shale, coral and hardpan do not require footings because the ground supports them from below. Catenary span poles set in clay require treated planking arranged in a square to properly support them. Catenary span poles set in sand, gravel, and loam require a combination of plank and log footing (see Figure 5.78). Catenary span poles should not be set in swamps or marshes. When set in these conditions double the earthbearing planks. Figure 5.77 Plank footing and catenary design 51 mm (2 in) 101 mm (4 in) 610 mm (24 in) 610 mm (24 in) Four creosoted anchor planks or equivalent not less than 51 mm x 305 mm x 610 mm (2 in x 12 in x 24 in). Use galvanized wire nails, not smaller than 16D. in mm = = Inch Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-182 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Footings for Poles, continued Figure 5.78 Plank and log footing and catenary design Two half lengths of 3 m 76 cm (10 ft 30 in) circumference reinforcing strut or equivalent 19 mm x 59 mm (0.75 in x 2.25 in) Square washer (length) in crossarm bolt or stubbing bolt ft in m mm = = = = 610 mm (24 in) Creosoted anchor planks or equivalent not less than 51 mm x 305 mm x 610 mm (2 in x 12 in x 24 in) nail planks with 30D galvanized wire nails 2 m (5 ft) Foot Inch Meter Millimeter Plank Bracing and Platform Supports Platform supports are used to provide stability for a pole when extra ground footing surface is needed. This extra support will prevent the pole from sinking into the soft ground from the load. Treated wood should be used for these supports. If treated timbers are not available, cypress or cedar timbers can be substituted. The following steps outline the installation: 1. The pole must be set 305 mm (12 in) deeper than normal. 2. Drill three 17.5 mm (11/16 in) holes in the platform joists. Center two of the holes 101 mm (4 in) from each end. Another hole is centered in the midpoint of the joist. Drill 1473 mm (58 in) holes in both ends of both the upper and lower plank braces. Center these holes 76 mm (3 in) back from the brace ends. 3. Drill three holes through the length of each spacing block. Align these holes with the end holes of the platform joist. © 2007 BICSI® 5-183 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Footings for Poles, continued 4. Use corrosion resistant, treated nails (e.g., 10 penny galvanized) to secure the cross planks to one of the platform joist. Nail five cross planks on each end of the platform joist. Space the cross planks as shown in Figure 5.79, leaving space for the pole in the center. 5. Place the platform around the pole, with the platform joist bearing against the face of the pole. Place the second platform joist against the opposite side of the pole and nail the cross planks to the second joist. It may be necessary to install spacing blocks and bolts temporarily to provide rigidity and alignment. Insert a wood bit in the center hole of the platform joist and drill a hole through the pole. 6. Bolt the platform joist and braces in place on the pole. Use galvanized bolts with square galvanized washers under the bolt heads and square galvanized washers and lock washers under the nuts. Hand tighten the nuts prior to tightening them with a wrench. Figure 5.79 Platform support 76 mm (3 in) Maching bolts with square washers Upper plank brace Lower plank brace Spacing block Cross plank Platform joist Depth of setting in mm = Inch = Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-184 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Footings for Poles, continued Platform Supports with Side Guys On occasion, poles may require both platform support and side guys (see Figure 5.80). Side guys are used in lieu of diagonal plank braces. Figure 5.80 Side guys and platform support © 2007 BICSI® 5-185 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Footings for Poles, continued Platform Supports at H Fixtures Refer to Figure 5.81 for this type of installation. The cross-plank spacing and the construction procedures described previously are modified as needed. Diagonal plank braces will not be required. Figure 5.81 Platform support at H fixture H fixture Plaftorm support OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-186 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Ground Braces Ground braces are used where the soil is unstable and will not keep the pole from leaning sideways. They are also used where there is not sufficient space to allow the installation of side guys or pole braces. Where the load on the pole is not large enough to warrant the use of a guy, ground braces will be required. Log Braces Ground braces can be made of logs 203 mm (8 in) to 279 mm (11 in) in diameter, rather than timbers (see Figure 5.82). Treated logs must be used whenever available. The log on the top should be 1.2 m (4 ft) to 1.8 m (6 ft) below the ground line. The log on the bottom should be 0.6 to 1.2 m (2 to 4 ft) long, depending on the size of the pole. Logs should be notched to fit the pole. The pole should not be notched. The following steps should be taken: 1. If a bottom brace must be installed, stop the backfilling of the pole hole about 305 mm (12 in) from the bottom. Widen the hole to permit installation of the bottom log. 2. Place the bottom log firmly against the pole. To ensure compaction, tamp the backfill completely around and over it. Continue backfilling the hole to a depth of 0.6 m (2 ft) of the ground line. Dig the top of the pole hole wide enough to allow for installation of the top log. 3. Place the top log firmly against the pole with the long axis of the log parallel to the line of the lead. Tamp the backfill completely around and over it ensuring compaction. Complete the backfilling and tamping of the pole hole. © 2007 BICSI® 5-187 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Ground Braces, continued Figure 5.82 Log ground brace Direction of pull Logs notched to fit against pole OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-188 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Ground Braces, continued Plank Ground Braces Plank ground braces are used to support poles and prevent leaning in unstable soil. When a pole is supporting an unguyed corner load, do not use plank ground braces. Log braces should be used instead. Plank ground braces should be installed as follows: 1. Obtain two treated planks 51 mm (2 in) thick, 305 mm (12 in) wide, and 610 mm (24 in) long. Stop the backfilling of the pole hole about 0.6 m (2 ft) below ground line. Dig the top of the pole hole wide enough to permit installation of the planks. 2. Drill two holes in each plank, locating the holes midway in the width of the planks at an equal distance from each end. The distance between the holes should not be smaller than the diameter of the pole. 3. Using two galvanized bolts, bolt the planks to the pole parallel to the lead of the pole line near the ground line. Use two galvanized through bolts with square galvanized washers under the bolt heads and square galvanized washers and lock washers under the nuts. While the bolts are loose, slide the brace down the pole until the top of the brace is 152 mm (6 in) below the ground line. Tighten the nuts; backfill and tamp the hole ensuring compaction. Push Braces Push braces are used instead of anchor guys only when there is not sufficient space to install the guys. Use standard sized poles for push braces and frame the braces to bear flush against the poles. In framing, treated poles do not expose the untreated wood. Dimensions for the various push braces are given in Table 5.38. Length of Push Braces Push braces must be the same class as the pole it supports. Table 5.41 lists the length of push braces under the following conditions: 1. The pole and push brace are at the same ground level. 2. The distance along the ground from pole to brace is equal to one-half the distance from the ground to the brace attachment on the pole. 3. The brace is attached 0.9 m (3 ft) from the top of the pole or directly below the second gain. The pole and its brace are set to standard depth for poles in average firm ground. © 2007 BICSI® 5-189 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Push Braces, continued Determining Individual Push Brace Length When conditions do not allow the data in Table 5.41 to be used, the push brace length can be determined as follows: 1. Draw a vertical line to represent the pole. A scale of 6 mm = 305 mm (1/4 in = 12 in) is generally convenient. Draw a second line half as long as and perpendicular to the midpoint between the ground line and the point of brace attachment on the vertical line (see Figure 5.83). 2. Indicate on the diagram the point at which the brace will be attached to the pole. Draw a third line from this point through the outer end of the perpendicular (1 above) to the ground line to represent the brace. Sketch in the approximate ground profile between the pole and the brace. 3. Scale the length of the brace between the point of attachment to the pole and ground level. Add to this figure the depth of setting for the brace. This sum represents the approximate length of push brace required. Greater accuracy can be obtained by using a scale of 12.7 mm = 305 mm (1/2 in = 12 in). Table 5.41 Lengths of pole braces Length of Pole Distance from Pole to Brace at Ground line (Center to Center) Length of BraceRecommended m (ft) m (ft) m (ft) 6 (20) 2.1 (7) 5.5 (18) 6.7 (22) 2.4 (8) 6 (20) 7.6 (25) 2.75 (9) 7 (23) 9.1 (30) 3.43 (11.25) 8.5 (28) 10.7 (35) 4.1 (13.5) 10 (33) 12 (40) 4.9 (16) 11.6 (38) 13.7 (45) 5.6 (18.25) 13.1 (43) 15 (50) 6.25 (20.5) 14.6 (48) ft m = = Foot Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-190 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Push Braces, continued Figure 5.83 Measuring for push brace Brace attachment 0.9 m (3 ft) from top of pole 1. Draw vertical line of proper length to represent pole. 2. Locate point of brace attachment. 3. Draw line representing brace at proper angle. 4. Indicate ground line profile between pole and brace. 5. Scale length of brace between pole and ground profile. 6. Add depth of setting to value obtained in 5, above. 7. Select length of brace that will meet conditions. Height = 2 Lead = 1 Pole shown is 12 m (40 ft) long. Butt of brace Ground line of pole Ground profile 1.83 m (6 ft) ft m = Foot = Meter © 2007 BICSI® 5-191 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Push Braces, continued Position of Push Braces On poles carrying cable only, pole braces are attached approximately 0.9 m (1 ft) from the pole top. The point at which push braces are attached to open-wire poles depends upon the wire load. If the pole carries only one crossarm, the push brace is attached under the crossarm. If the pole carries multiple crossarms, the brace is attached at the center of the wire load. Installation of Push Braces Push Brace at Single Poles A push brace (see Figures 5.84 and 5.85) may be used instead of a side guy when field conditions do not permit the installation of an anchor and guy. The lead-over-height ratio should be greater than 1/4 to 1, but less than 1 to 1. A lead-over-height ratio of 1/2 to 1 is standard. Push braces are installed by: 1. Digging a hole for the push brace at the desired location. This hole should be deep enough to reach solid footing. 2. Placing two treated plank footings (crossed) or the approved equivalents in the brace hole. 3. Raising and positioning the pole brace; it should be steadied with pike poles. Backfill the brace hole and tamp the soil. Drill a hole through the pole in line with the attaching bolt hole in the pole brace. 4. Attaching the push brace to the pole. Secure the brace to the pole with a galvanized through bolt. 5. Placing the through bolt in the reinforcing bolt hole and tightening the nut. This bolt will prevent the brace from splitting. A push brace bracket can be used to increase the stability of the attachment to the push brace and in line pole. The bracket comes in two main pieces which mount to the top of the push brace and the point of attachment of the inline pole. The bracket can be bolted onto the two locations and secured. The push brace can then be installed into the brace hole and leaned against the inline pole, aligning the two sections of the bracket. Once the two sections of the bracket mate, the through locking bolt should be installed and secured. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-192 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Installation of Push Braces, continued Figure 5.84 Push brace on single pole Crossarm bolt to prevent splitting of brace 19 mm x 57 mm (0.75 in x 2.25 in) square washers Crossarm bolt or stubbing bolt shall pass through brace at this point Hole shall be dug to reach solid footing. Depth shall be at least 0.6 m (2 ft) except in rock. A ground brace may be used if necessary to prevent pole from lifting out ft in m mm = = = = © 2007 BICSI® Foot Inch Meter Millimeter Two creosoted anchor planks or approved equivalent not less than 51 mm x 305 mm x 508 mm (2 in x 12 in x 20 in). Size of planks may vary with the condition of the soil but shall not be less than dimensions given. 5-193 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Installation of Push Braces, continued Figure 5.85 Push brace on H fixture Cross arm brace Direction of pull Attaching bolt Reinforcing bolt OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-194 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Installation of Push Braces, continued Double Push Braces Double push braces (one on each side) can be used to reinforce a pole line when other types of braces or anchors (e.g., two-way storm guys) cannot be installed. Figure 5.86 illustrates this type of installation. Each brace of a double push brace should be installed as described in Push Braces at Single Poles. If the first method (i.e., direct attachment of push brace without brace bracket) is employed, a through bolt of sufficient length should be used to pass through both push braces and the inline pole. Figure 5.86 Double push brace © 2007 BICSI® 5-195 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Installation of Push Braces, continued Push-Pull Braces Push-pull braces are used only at locations where field conditions do not permit the use of anchors and guys. They are installed as follows: 1. Dig a hole for the brace. Make the vertical distance from the ground to the bottom of the brace hole as shown in Figure 5.87. Provide a trench at the bottom of the brace hole for a log anchor. (See Table 5.41 for length requirements.) 2. Frame the log anchor and the bottom of the brace to provide a secure fit between the anchor and the brace. 3. Attach the log anchor to the brace with a galvanized through bolt, fitted with two square washers, a lock washer, and a nut. 4. Raise and set the push-pull brace in the brace hole. 5. Hold the brace in position against the pole with pike poles. Backfill the brace hole to ensure compaction. Attach the brace to the pole as described in Push Braces at Single Poles. 6. Reinforce the brace-to-pole attachment (when push brace brackets are not used) with six wraps of galvanized wire around the pole and the brace at a point below the attaching bolt. Drive a lag bolt of the required length equipped with curved washers, lock washer, and a nut between the wires where the wires pass between the brace and the pole. Tighten the wire wraps by tightening the nut on this bolt. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-196 © 2007 BICSI® Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Installation of Push Braces, continued Figure 5.87 Push-pull brace Crossarm bolt to prevent splitting of brace. 19 mm x 57 mm (0.75 in x 2.25 in) square washer under head and nut of bolt. 12.7 mm x 114 mm (0.5 in x 4.5 in) galvanized drive screw Use galvanized wire wrapping where line carries more than 20 wires. Make six turns. Tighten wire wraps by means of crossarm bolt and curved washers 83 mm x 83 mm x 80 mm (3.25 in x 3.25 x 3.125 in), 19 mm (0.75 in) hole. Ground brace may be used if necessary to prevent pole from lifting out 1.2 m - 1.83 m (4 ft - 6 ft) according to the nature of the soil 1.83 m (6 ft) ft in m mm = = = = © 2007 BICSI® Crossarm bolt or stubbing bolt shall pass through brace at this point 19 mm x 57 mm (0.75 in x 2.25 in) square washer under head and nut of bolt Brace and log notched to frame together if timber is treated. Do no expose untreated wood. Length of crossarm bolt or stubbing bolt not less than 203 mm (8 in) from end of brace 152 mm - 203 mm (6 in - 8 in) diameter Foot Inch Meter Millimeter 5-197 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Section 4: Aerial Construction Practices 5-198 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Spaces Introduction In outside plant (OSP) construction, various types of spaces perform a variety of functions. This section covers space types, including: • Maintenance holes (MHs). • Handholes (HH), pedestals, and cabinets. • Controlled environmental vaults (CEVs). • Concrete universal enclosures (CUEs). Confined Spaces A confined space is one that a worker can enter and work in but that has limited or restrictive means of entry or exit and that is not designed for continuous occupancy (e.g., MHs, vaults, crawl spaces, attics). In a confined space, harmful gasses or vapors may accumulate or there may not be sufficient oxygen to support life. Hazardous atmospheres may be classified as: • Flammable. • Explosive. • Asphyxiating. • Toxic. Additional adverse conditions are: • Excessive noise (i.e., hearing protection required). • Dust accumulation (e.g., combustibles). • Flooding/engulfment. • Excessive heat (e.g., exhaustion, stroke). The OSP designer shall comply with all codes, standards, and regulations that address telecommunications work performed on underground lines in MHs and vaults. In the telecommunications industry, the following are considered confined spaces: © 2007 BICSI® • Telecommunications MHs • Ductbank trenches • Tunnels • Building entrance facilities (EFs) • Vaults (vented and nonvented) • Drop ceilings • Mechanical equipment rooms (ERs) • Motor control cabinets 5-199 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Maintenance Holes (MHs) IMPORTANT: It is the OSP designer’s responsibility to determine if any spaces to be entered are defined by an authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) as confined spaces or permit-required confined spaces and to follow all related codes, standards, regulations, and procedures dealing with safety. A MH is considered a confined space. WARNING: Be aware of hazards (e.g., explosions, suffocation, entrapment, and vehicular accidents). Verify that established procedures are in place. Typical precautions include a minimum two-person crews, barricades, and ventilation. Carefully follow established procedures. MHs have multiple uses, including underground cable placement and splicing. They can be constructed of either: • Concrete with metallic access covers. • Polyethylene with polyethylene access covers. MHs are selected based upon size, location and traffic loading. Table 5.42 provides rating information. Table 5.42 Maintenance hole ratings This rating… Is used for… Light duty H-5 H-10 Pedestrian traffic only Sidewalk applications and occasional nondeliberate traffic Driveways, parking lots, and off-road application subject to occasional nondeliberate heavy vehicles Deliberate heavy vehicular traffic H-20 NOTE: The suffix denotes the ability to withstand a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) in tons (e.g., H-5 represents 5000 kilograms (kg [13,396 pounds (lbs)]). MHs provide accessible space in underground systems for: • Placing and splicing cables. • Pulling cables. • Splicing-in cable stubs. • Load coil cases. • Maintenance and operation equipment. • Repeater cases (e.g., T-1, integrated services digital network [ISDN]). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-200 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Maintenance Holes (MHs), continued MHs must be equipped with: • A sump. • Corrosion-resistant pulling irons. • Cable racks (grounded per applicable electrical code or practice). MHs should be constructed in such a way that they: • Are capable of supporting the heaviest anticipated street traffic weight. • Are reasonably waterproof. • Provide sufficient racking space for the ultimate number of cables and other equipment that requires permanent anchorage. • Provide adequate entrance for workers and simultaneous and continuous ventilation. NOTE: BICSI recommends the placement of a fixed or movable ladder. Except when needed to support telecommunications equipment, MHs (see Figures 5.88, 5.89, and 5.90) should not be used as pathways for power and light conductors. For specific details, consult the applicable safety codes. If the MH is to be occupied by other utilities, their agreement should be obtained prior to MH ordering or construction. Figure 5.88 Typical maintenance hole (cutaway side view) Cover Frame Steps (as required) Neck Brick collar or precast collar (neck plastered) Headroom Cable racks Window recess Sump Pulling iron Ceiling Ducts Floor Single bay racking area Ground rod Pulling iron Ground rod Double bay racking area © 2007 BICSI® 5-201 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Maintenance Holes (MHs), continued Figure 5.89 Maintenance hole diagram Installation box to be placed on 6" of compacted rock or sand to ensure uniform distribution of soil pressure on floor. See manufacturer’s specifications. Weight: Top slab (w/ 30" dia. opening) 7' Reinforcement for H-20 traffic bridge loading OD 13 'O D Opening size and location can vary Top slab 30" Diameter opening 8" 7" 1' Notch on underside of top slab to accept base section 1' 6' 0" 12 ' 5" diameter knock-outs (4 each end) Base section 7' Pull iron each end Depth 9' 13" DIA sump OD height 8' 1" 6" 6' 0" x 12' 0 Maintenance hole OD = Outside dimension OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-202 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Maintenance Holes (MHs), continued Figure 5.90 Maintenance hole frame, cover, and collar 762 mm (30 in) Clear opening 229 m (9 in) or 305 mm (12 in) as required Step adjustment notch Grade rings as required See detail 12.7 mm (0.5 in) adjusting stud with double nut and washer as shown Collar Steps grouted between joints as required 38 mm (1.5 in) to 51 mm (2 in) as required Dry pack grout 914 mm (36 in) 152 mm (6 in) 12.7 mm (0.5 in) diameter insert Maintenance hole cover collar Cross section Cover Adjustment Detail Cast iron or polymer concrete cover Cast iron ring Adjusting studs with slotted head for installing into insert (4 places) 12.7 mm (0.5 in) diameter inserts (4 places for adjustments) Maintenance hole cover collar (designed for H-20 bridge load) 19 mm (0.75 in) diameter galvanized steel steps grouted between joints as required 762 mm (30 in) Notch to receive step (available in 305 mm [12 in] gradering only) Precast concrete grade rings (76 mm [3 in], 152 mm [6 in], 305 mm [12 in] heights available) 914 mm (36 in) diameter opening ft in m mm = = = = Foot Inch Meter Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® Maintenance hole top 5-203 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Maintenance Holes (MHs), continued MHs have either center conduit entry or splayed conduit entry. The center entry MH (see Figure 5.91) allows the main duct run to enter at the center of the MH. Cables that are placed in the duct must be routed to the side wall for racking or splicing. A splayed entry (see Figure 5.92) does not require the cables to be routed since they align with the cable racks. See Figure 5.93 for a basic A precast MH. Figure 5.91 Center conduit tray Figure 5.92 Splayed conduit entry OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-204 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Maintenance Holes (MHs), continued Figure 5.93 Basic A precast maintenance hole Basic A splayed Basic A center window Basic A splayed with height extension © 2007 BICSI® 5-205 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Choosing Precast or Site-Poured Maintenance Hole (MH) When determining which MH to order or construct, the following factors should be considered: • Physical space required to construct • Number of ducts required • Space configuration requirements • Duct entry (splayed or center) • AHJ requirements for loading • Cable racking (single or double) • Available placement space for a precast MH • Obstacles forcing a nonstandard shape MH • Special weight loading requirements Precast MHs possess certain advantages over poured or cast-in-place MHs. Precast MHs: • Are economical compared with those that are poured or cast in place. • Are constructed under controlled, uniform conditions that render a quality superior to MHs poured or cast in place. • Are stocked by a precaster and readily available for emergency projects. • Can be installed under severe weather conditions. • Allow quicker in-service times, and traffic blockage is kept to a minimum. Cast-in-place (site-poured) MHs generally are preferred when rebuilding or enlarging existing MHs. They provide flexibility to work around existing cables, existing conduits, lateral conduits, joint-use utilities, and other structures or barriers. Plans for cast-in-place MHs should always be reviewed and approved by a civil engineer licensed in the area. Maintenance Hole (MH) Size Extensions MHs are designed for use in main and branch conduit systems that require more than three 100 millimeters (mm [4 trade size]) ducts. At times, conduit depth or other reasons require that a MH be placed below normal depth. It is then advisable to place the MH’s roof at normal depth below the ground level and increase the headroom. This eliminates the need for deep collars and provides better lighting and ventilation in the MH. It is advisable to design the racking space so that sufficient headroom is left in the MH. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-206 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Selecting Maintenance Hole (MH) by Duct Entrance When main conduit enters the side wall of a MH, the main conduit should be splayed (see Figure 5.97). Splaying of ducts usually results in a greater racking capacity of a MH and simplifies future reinforcements. There may be instances when center entrances cannot be avoided. Center duct entrances reduce the racking capacity and work space available. Refer to Table 5.43 to select the appropriate MH based on configuration and duct entrance arrangement. The three configurations are prioritized as recommended first, second, or third choice. Table 5.43 is provided for general information. The manufacturer should be contacted for specific configurations. Angled entrance windows should be considered to facilitate routing of large cables. © 2007 BICSI® 5-207 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Selecting Maintenance Hole (MH) by Duct Entrance, continued Table 5.43 Maintenance hole window selection No. of Ducts Ductbank Configuration Maintenance Hole Window Selection Splayed Use One Side Splayed Use Two Sides Center 4 1st 2nd 3rd 6 1st 2nd 3rd 6 No 2nd 1st 8 1st 2nd 3rd 8 No 1st 2nd 9 No 2nd 1st 10 1st 2nd 3rd 12 1st 2nd 3rd 12 No 1st 2nd 12 No 2nd 1st 14 1st 2nd 3rd 15 No 2nd 1st 16 No 1st 2nd OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-208 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Selecting Maintenance Hole (MH) by Duct Entrance, continued Table 5.43 Maintenance hole window selection, continued No. of Ducts Ductbank Configuration Maintenance Hole Window Selection Splayed Use One Side Splayed Use Two Sides Center 16 1st 2nd 3rd 18 No 2nd 1st 20 No 1st 2nd 24 No 1st 2nd 28 No 1st 2nd 32 No 1st 2nd © 2007 BICSI® 5-209 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Maintenance Hole (MH) Types Historically, the types of MHs depicted in figures 5.94 through 5.101 represent configurations of the four most common telecommunications MH types. Manufacturers and some other organizations may use different terms from the following: Type A—End wall entrance only Type J—End and side wall entrance Type L—End and side wall entrance Type T—End and both side walls entrance Figure 5.94 Type A maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter Figure 5.95 Type A maintenance hole with splayed window (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-210 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Maintenance Hole (MH) Types, continued Figure 5.96 Type J maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter Figure 5.97 Type J maintenance hole with splayed conduit windows (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter © 2007 BICSI® 5-211 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Maintenance Hole (MH) Types, continued Figure 5.98 Type L maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter Figure 5.99 Type L maintenance hole with splayed conduit window (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-212 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Maintenance Hole (MH) Types, continued Figure 5.100 Type T maintenance hole with center conduit window (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter Figure 5.101 Type T maintenance hole with splayed conduit window (plan view) 3.7 m (12 ft) 1.83 m (6 ft) ft = Foot m = Meter © 2007 BICSI® 5-213 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Cable Racking Provisions When it is necessary to change the elevation of cables, it is desirable to accomplish as much of the change as possible on the ends of the MH where the cable makes a sweep from the conduit to the side wall. Where cables make a considerable change in level, this change should be made in the corners of the MH behind other cables. These should always be placed against the wall, in the corner, and formed without sharp bends. When two conduit structures have different numbers of conduits entering a MH, racking positions in the MH should be based on the structure having the largest number of conduits. The cable and completed splice should be supported with cable hangers at each cable rack (see Figure 5.102). Figure 5.102 Typical cable maintenance hole Elevation change Cable hanger Cable rack support Splice closure Cable Conduit duct bank OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-214 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Administration All MHs and MH covers should be clearly labeled with ownership information and type of utility. The labeling must be unique and the method must be consistent throughout the installation. The OSP designer should specify a standard or methodology that addresses the subject of administration. Sealing Ducts All ducts between MHs should be sealed to prevent intrusion of liquids and gases into the MH. Universal duct plugs are available in a variety of sizes for use in unoccupied ducts. In the ducts where the cable has been installed, ducts can be sealed by putty sealant, cementitious compounds, and hydraulic cement. Lateral or subsidiary conduits to buildings must be sealed. Innerducts entering a building must be firestopped. Openings, Covers, and Frames Construct MH roof openings and necks (i.e, collars) so that they are large enough to accommodate the smallest inside measurement of a standard MH cover frame. Collars may be constructed of brick; however, precast collars are more easily placed. If the vertical distance between the MH ceiling and the street level exceeds 610 mm (24 inches [in]), use the 762 mm (30 in) collar to place permanent steps in the neck of the MH. If a MH has two or more openings, all of the openings should be the same size. At least one opening should be provided for MHs up to 3.7 meters (m [12 feet (ft)]) long, two openings over 3.7 m (12 ft) long, and three openings over 6 m (20 ft) long. The number of MH openings is doubled for center-racked MH. Select MH covers based on the environment where they are placed. For instance, a MH located beneath a traffic lane must have a cover capable of supporting the traffic’s weight (e.g., type B, SB). For light loads such as grass areas, use type R. For frames and covers, the 762 mm (30 in) size is recommended for all applications and should be specified for use with precast MHs. Although other frames and covers are available, their use is not generally recommended. It is easier to get into and out of the 762 mm (30 in) size, especially with a blower or pump hose in the opening, and there is more room for placing apparatus into the MH. Examples of available frames and covers are listed in Table 5.44. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® See Figures 5.89 and 5.90 for examples of MH frames and covers. Sizes of MH frames and covers vary from one region to another. The OSP designer must be aware of customary sizes of MH frames and covers in the region where the work is to be performed. 5-215 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Openings, Covers, and Frames, continued Table 5.44 Maintenance hole frames and covers Type Opening Diameter Height of Frame Remarks A 686 mm (27 in)* 279 mm (11 in) 762 mm (30 in) Has inner cover and sealing gasket; recommended for central office, carrier-equipped loading, and critical junction MHs or wherever a watertight or secured cover is required SA 686 mm (27 in)* 143 mm (5-5/8 in) 762 mm (30 in) Shallow version of A type B 686 mm (27 in) 762 mm (30 in) 254 mm (10 in) Most commonly used frame and cover SB 686 mm (27 in) 762 mm (30 in) 143 mm (5-5/8 in) Shallow version of A type D 762 mm (30 in) 51 mm (2 in) Comes with pentagonal head locking bolts G 686 mm (27 in)* 254 mm (10 in) 762 mm (30 in) Has four equally spaced 25 mm (1 in) diameter holes in the frame flange to permit securing the frame to concrete collars and to 38Y maintenance hole roofs. Used with both the G (nonlocking) and H (locking) covers SG 686 mm (27 in)* 143 mm (5-5/8 in) 762 mm (30 in) Shallow version of G type Same remarks as G type H 686 mm (27 in)* 762 mm (30 in) 254 mm (10 in) Covers only are equipped with two captive bolts with attached locking plates that engage the rim of either the B, G and SG frame SH 686 mm (27 in) 762 mm (30 in) 143 mm (5-5/8 in) Shallow version of H type R 686 mm (27 in)* 38 mm (1-1/2 in) 762 mm (30 in) Used where not subject to vehicular traffic. * 686 mm (27 in) is not recommended. A and SA Types are not commonly used. in = Inch m m = Millimeter WARNING: For safety, use only one size frame on MHs with more than one opening. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-216 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Maintenance Hole (MH) Extension Rings Use MH extension rings when pavement resurfacing operations necessitate the raising of MH covers. These rings are sized to mate with the existing frame and cover. They allow the opening to be raised to the new pavement level, thus allowing full access without creating a traffic hazard. Local codes should be checked for the maximum number of rings that can be used until the collar or MH roof must be raised. © 2007 BICSI® 5-217 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Handholes (HHs) HHs are smaller than MHs, but the covers provide full access to the entire space inside the hole (see Figure 5.102). HHs are manufactured as concrete, polyethylene, or composite structures. They can be placed in the same areas where MHs are placed. When planned for traffic areas, they must be traffic rated. When HHs are used in an underground installation, they are used as pull-through points and shall not be used as splice points. HHs should: • Facilitate cable placement. • Have drainage provisions (e.g., drain holes, open bottom, sump hole). • Aid cable pulling when the bends exceed either two 90 degree bends or a total of 180 degrees, or the conduit section is so long it must be pulled in two segments. • Meet applicable code requirements. HHs shall not be: • Used in a main conduit system or in place of a MH. • Larger than 1.2 m (4 ft) long by 1.2 m (4 ft) wide by 1.2 m (4 ft) high. • Used in runs of more than three 100 mm (4 trade size) conduits. • Shared with electrical installations other than those used for telecommunications. Conduit entering a HH should be aligned on opposite walls at the same elevation. Some handholes are available without bottoms for drainage. When installed without bottoms, these HHs should be equipped with a 101 mm (4 in) layer of small rock in the bottom to prevent mud from intruding into the HH. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-218 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Handholes (HHs), continued Figure 5.103 Typical handhole 1016 mm (40 in) 457 mm (18 in) Lifting eye 762 mm (30 in) 101 mm (4 in) terminators 1220 mm (48 in) 610 mm (24 in) in mm = Inch = Millimeter © 2007 BICSI® 5-219 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Location When planning the location of a HH, the designer should consider: • Ground topography. • Soil conditions. • Location with respect to surrounding structures. • Accessibility for personnel. • Difficulty in using the HH for placing cable. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-220 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Pedestals, Cabinets, and Vaults Introduction Pedestals, cabinets, and vaults are housings used for storing splice closures and terminals in OSP. Smaller housings are generally known as pedestals, and larger ones are known as equipment or splice cabinets. They provide above-grade environmental protection, security, and quick access to splice closures, terminals, excess cable, and optical fiber equipment. Vaults provide environmental protection, security, and access to splice cases, cables, and distribution equipment. They may be above or below the ground. Pedestals, cabinets, and vaults may be mounted directly in the ground or on concrete pads, mounting feet/stakes, floor stands, walls, or on poles. Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has established classifications of pedestals as the general purpose channel type (H) and the dome type (M). Type H pedestal has either front-only access or back and front access, while Type M pedestal has top-only access. These housings may include or provide space for: © 2007 BICSI® • Locking device or hasp. • Adjustable mounting bracket/panel to secure taps. • Splitters. • Couplers. • Repeaters. • Multiplexers. • Transceivers. • Line extenders. • Amplifiers. • Interdiction devices. • Mounting hardware. • Reels for cross connect wire storage. • Warning labels. • Grounding/bonding provisions. • Identification. • Manufacturers markings. • Cable knockouts. • Grommets. • Circuit protectors. 5-221 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Introduction, continued Pedestals, cabinets, and vaults are used in aerial, direct-buried, and underground plant design. In a direct-buried application, these housings create the capability of flexible cable and terminal placement. They provide a high concentration of feeder cable to several distribution cables with even higher cable pair or optical fiber strand needs. This can provide an economical means of providing service over a short period of time. When selecting pedestals and cabinets, the designer should consider: • Cable bend radius greater or equal to 15 times the cable diameter. • Capacity to accommodate four cables for current and future requirements. • Capacity to accommodate both inline and butt splice closures. • Security (e.g., special bolts, keys, security alarm monitoring). • Flood control provisions. • Weather-tight seals/gaskets/grommets. • Optical cable storage to permit moving the splice closure to a working location. • Ventilation for environmental control and/or heat extraction (forced air fan optional). • Resistance to rodent and insect intrusion. • Environmentally controlled cabinets (fans, heaters, and thermostats included). • Color options. • Impact (vandalism) resistance. • Resistance to dust intrusion. • Resistance to water vapor. • Chemical resistance. Ground-Level Pedestals and Cabinet Criteria Pedestals should be located in areas where water drainage will continue after the installation. In some instances, the soil grading will be sufficient, while in other instances gravel may have to be placed in the bottom of the pedestal at specified depths. The location of the pedestal should be away from traffic conditions that could cause injury to personnel, yet it should be easily accessible for maintenance. As an example, a pedestal may be 152 mm (6 in) wide and 101 mm (4 in) deep, and 914 mm (36 in) above ground. The hole measuring would be classified as a BD4, since it has approximately 0.01 cubic meters (m3) of volume. The general shape of the housing is usually rectangular or cylindrical, with the particular shape at the discretion of the manufacturer. Figure 5.104 shows some standard pedestal and cabinet shapes. The narrow ones are pedestals, and the larger ones are cabinets. The designer needs to determine the size requirements and consult manufacturer specifications to select the proper housing. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-222 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Cabinets Cabinets are used for splicing or for placing equipment. A particular use is as a cross-connect point. Large pair or optical fiber strand count splice cabinets are classified according to their splice capacity. Pole/Wall Mounted Cabinets Pole/wall mounted cabinets must be constructed of corrosion-resistant metal or nonmetallic materials. The housed components are typically accessed through a door or by removing a portion of the housing. Special mounting brackets are used to secure cabinets to utility poles or building walls. Environmentally Controlled Cabinets Environmentally controlled cabinets provide a suitable environment for electronic equipment. The cabinets typically provide air circulation with fans and thermostatically controlled heating and cooling. The air conditioning units may be internally rack mounted or be physically attached to the exterior of the cabinet. Pedestals and cabinets are used to house OSP type twisted pair, optical fiber and community antenna television (CATV) coaxial cables. Pedestals are typically mounted on a wooden post or metal stake driven or buried into the earth. Cabinets are placed on poured or fiberglass foundations. Both pedestals and cabinets have a mark at the bottom so that the installer knows how much of the bottom is installed below grade. Both pedestals and cabinets are grounded. Designers should contact their suppliers for the appropriate pedestal or cabinet size based on the size, types, and applications of the cables placed in them. Figure 5.104 shows typical pedestals and cabinets. © 2007 BICSI® 5-223 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Cabinets, continued Figure 5.104 Pedestals and cabinets OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-224 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Controlled Environment Vault (CEV) CEVs are belowground enclosures that house not only the cables and connecting hardware, but the electronic equipment they are connected to. When planning for CEVs, the designer should consider shipping the equipment to be housed in them to the CEV manufacturer. The equipment will be installed in the lower section of the vault and shipped to the job site. At the job site, the lower section is installed first and the top section placed sealing the container to the surrounding elements. CEVs are: • Precast concrete structures consisting of top and bottom sections. • Available in various sizes. Standard sizes are 1.83 m (6 ft) by 5 m (16 ft) and 1.83 m (6 ft) by 7.3 m (24 ft). • Designed to provide underground housing for electronic equipment (e.g., subscriber loop carrier systems, lightwave digital transmission system generators). • Generally placed in close proximity to a MH on a main underground route. CEVs contain active equipment. Air conditioning is optional depending on where they are being installed. As a result, they include extensive alarm systems (e.g., door intrusion, emergency lights, smoke detector, power, moisture). They receive a similar level of security as the central office (CO) and have controlled entry. It usually requires that the technician or engineer contact the maintenance center before entering so that the alarm does not trigger a security dispatch. The designer must exercise caution when selecting a location for a CEV. Because CEVs are designed to protect environmentally sensitive equipment, the bottom exhaust air vent must be above the 100-year flood level. A private right-of-way (R/W) agreement must be executed prior to the installation of a CEV if the unit will be placed on a property owned by someone other than the customer. The customer’s investment made must be protected. The location of the unit depends on execution of the agreement. © 2007 BICSI® 5-225 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Concrete Universal Enclosure (CUE) CUEs are aboveground environmentally enclosed cabinets that house OSP cable and electronic equipment. In some circumstances, a CUE can be used in place of a CEV. CUEs: • Are all-concrete construction, which provides equipment protection and security. • Can accommodate six 2.1 m (7 ft) by 584 mm (23 in) equipment racks and provide wall space for other equipment (e.g., protection blocks). • Are designed to provide environmentally controlled housing (e.g., air conditioning/heating and environmental alarms). • Should be used in applications requiring additional security. As is true for CEVs, and for the same reasons, CUEs include extensive alarm systems (e.g., door intrusion, emergency lights, smoke detector, power). Local building permit requirements should be checked before beginning installation. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-226 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Marinas Service at Marinas Designers need to give special consideration to telecommunications services at marinas due to unique conditions such as: • Changing water levels. • High moisture/humidity. • Severe weather (e.g., winds, waves, sun). • Salt. • Transience of boat owners. • Potential for deterioration of the distribution cable. • Difficulty in establishing a dependable and approved electrical grounding point. Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions are used in this section: • Boat slip—The space reserved for a boat adjacent to a dock • Common element—A portion of a dock that is publicly accessible to all marina users • Condominium slip—A boat slip that is owned or subleased • Limited common element (LCE)—A portion of a dock that is accessible only to those boat slips that it serves on either side Docks with Floating Sections Docks with floating sections are less desirable than fixed docks because of the increased risk of strain and wear on all facilities, particularly during inclement weather. Floating docks are usually found where water levels can change drastically. This condition should be taken into consideration for locations that experience tides and seasonal changes. To accommodate the movement of a floating dock to and from a shoreline, the following arrangements should be used: © 2007 BICSI® • Hose-reeling cable on a floating section • A point of connection at both ends of a dock section to ease adding or removing sections of cable • Jack and plug arrangements for smaller installations that need only a few service cables 5-227 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Designating Specific Docks for Service See Figures 5.105 and 5.106 for detail of a dock with a floating section and an example of a marina. A designer and an owner must designate specific docks in a marina for telecommunications service. This eliminates the cost of placing facilities where demand may be minimal or nonexistent. Generally, the demand for telecommunications at marinas is directly proportional to the: • Client’s affluence. • Size of the boats moored. • Nontransient (e.g., permanent resident) population. Precabling Boat Slips Use Table 5.45 for guidelines when precabling boat slips. Table 5.45 Precabling guidelines If… Then… It is known in advance that all or most of the boat slips require telecommunications services Precable each boat slip during construction of the dock. For security, each run should be terminated in the patch panel cross-connect at the dock master or marina office. Fewer than 10 boat slips are cabled Run one- or two-pair cables from the boat slips to a distribution terminal on the closest point of land. If 10 or more boat slips are cabled Place distribution cable onto the dock and terminate in a suitable cabinet or enclosure. Run service drop to each boat slip. NOTE: This minimizes the need for terminals on the dock where damage can occur due to the harsh environment or vandalism (except for utility pedestals at every slip). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-228 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Using Mechanical Protection All cable splices should be mechanically protected from hostile environment using: • Conduit. • Cable trays. • Weatherproof enclosures. • Other structures suited for harsh, outdoor conditions. The support structures (i.e., pedestals) must be made of nonmetallic material to minimize corrosion. A variety of weatherproof utility pedestals are available for terminating service facilities at boat slips. These pedestals accommodate: • Electrical power. • Telecommunications. • CATV. • Water. Protecting Cable, Conductors, and Terminals Water-blocked cable on docks should be used. Terminals (if necessary) must be equipped with a binding post and screw-down conductor lugs. Compound-filled protector caps must also be used where corrosion is of particular concern. Industrial cabling (e.g., cables, connectivity) are available for use and should be considered in harsh environments. Choosing Conduit Size and Type The type and size of conduit can be selected following these guidelines: • Use rigid nonmetallic conduit wherever possible. • Join the sections of rigid conduit with flexible duct where movement of a dock is probable. • Use minimum 21 mm (3/4 trade size) conduits for service cables to each slip. The size of conduits for distribution cable varies depending on the: © 2007 BICSI® • Pulling distance. • Bends. • Cable size. 5-229 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) Electrical bonding and grounding (earthing) at marinas: • Requires close analysis. • Is addressed on a case-by-case basis. The closest approved ground is on the nearest land unless a dock has metallic support members extending into the lake or sea bottom, and electrical power service is grounded to these supports. This may require: • Locating station protectors on land where an approved ground is available. • Discussions and review with the: – Electrical contractor. – Electrical power utility company. – Marina owner. – Local electrical AHJ. System Separation The transient nature of most marina users makes telecommunications served through a premises private branch exchange (PBX) impractical in many cases. However, a common telecommunications conduit within a prefabricated dock section (see Figure 5.105) might be the only available cabling medium: • In areas where direct local exchange service and public telephone service are provided by different companies. • Where CATV is requested. With coordination, simultaneous placement of both facilities instead of individual pull cords in one duct is beneficial to both the telephone and CATV companies. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-230 © 2007 BICSI® Section 5: Spaces Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces System Separation, continued Figure 5.105 Modular floating dock layout Pedestal Main Dock (common element) Weatherproof communications jack Finger dock (limited common element) Slip A Slip C Prefabricated, laminated, fiberglass-enclosed floating dock section Slip B Power conduit Finger dock (common element) 51 mm (2 in) PVC communications conduit Under deck cabling 101 mm (4 in) PVC communications conduit Waterproof splice terminal chamber in = Inch mm = Millimeter PVC = Polyvinyl chloride © 2007 BICSI® 5-231 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Section 5: Spaces Condominium Slips The marina (see Figure 5.106) usually owns the: • Serving finger dock to which each finger slip is attached. • Originating main dock (common elements). When an individual boat slip is owned and subleased as a regular condominium, only the two bordering boat slip owners can legally use a finger slip, a limited common element. This arrangement raises questions about: • R/W and easement factors. • The possibility of seasonal subleasing of boat slips. Prefabricated modular dock construction with built-in conduits and splice boxes neatly structures full conductor and cable concealment while providing physical protection. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-232 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Condominium Slips, continued Figure 5.106 Sample marina layout Easement A (parking and utilities) Easement B (dock access and utilities) Main feed Terminal B Pedestal B Parking Easement C (pedestrian and utilities) Distribution feed Pedestal A Slips Boat launching ramp Floating docks Distribution feed Finger dock Terminal A Easement D (dock access and utilities) Finger dock Each finger dock is a limited common element (LCE), reserved for use by only the units directly adjacent to it. For example, the shaded finger dock (see arrow) is reserved for use by slips D-4 and D-5 only. All other walkways are common elements (CE). D D -3 -4 D -5 D -7 D -6 D 8 -9 C E D Typical float detail © 2007 BICSI® 5-233 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces References American National Standards Institute. ANSI J-STD-607-A. Commercial Building Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. American National Standards Institute/Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronic Industries Alliance. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1. Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard, Part 1: General Requirements. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2001. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2. Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard, Part 2: Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Components. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2001. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3. Optical Fiber Cabling Components Standard. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2000. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-B. Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2004. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-570-B. Residential Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2004. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A. Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-758-A. Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2004. AT&T Network Systems. Customer Education and Training. Outside Plant Engineering Handbook. Edminster, NJ: AT&T, 1994. Bell Atlantic Network Services. Outside Plant Engineering Reference Manual. South Plainfield, NJ: Bell, 1987. BICSI®. OSP 100. Introduction to Outside Plant. Tampa, FL: BICSI, 2007. ———. OSP 110. Outside Plant Cable Design. Tampa, FL: BICSI, 2007. Common Ground Alliance. One-Call Systems International. Alexandria, VA: Common Ground Alliance, 2003. GTE. OSP Engineering. Volumes I and II. Dallas, TX: GTE Technical Documentation, 1991. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.® 2007. National Electrical Safety Code®. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2007. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-234 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces Insulated Cable Engineers Association. ICEA S-83-596. Fiber Optic Premises Distribution Cable. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2001. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-84-608. Telecommunications Cable, Filled Polyolefin Insulated Copper Conductor. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2002. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-85-625. Aircore, Polyolefin Insulated,Copper Conductor Telecommunications Cable. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2002. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-90-661. Category 3, 5, & 5e Individually Unshielded Twisted-Pair Indoor Cable for Use In General Purpose and LAN Communication Wiring Systems. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2000. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-98-688. Broadband Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cable, Aircore, Polyolefin Insulated Copper Conductors. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 1997. ———. ANSI/ICEA S-99-689. Broadband Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cable Filled Polyolefin Insulated Copper Conductors. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 1997. ———. ICEA S104-696. Standard for Indoor-Outdoor Optical Cable. Carrollton, GA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 2003. National Fire Protection Association, Inc. NFPA 70. National Electrical Code®, 2005 edition. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, Inc., 2005. ———. NFPA 72®. National Fire Alarm Code®, 2007 edition. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, Inc., 2007. ———. NFPA 75®. Standard for the Protection of Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, Inc., 2003. ———. NFPA 101®. Life Safety Code®. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, Inc., 2006. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. ® UL 94. Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 2000. ———. UL 497. Standard for Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 2001. ———. UL 497A. Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 2001. U.S. Department of the Army. FM 11-486-5. Telecommunications Engineering Outside Plant, Telephone. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Army, 1978. © 2007 BICSI® 5-235 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Part 1910: Occupational Safety and Health Standards. Washington, DC: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Federal Register, 2001. ———. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 29, Part 1926: Safety and Health Regulations for Construction. Washington, DC: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Federal Register, 2003. U.S. Government Printing Office. Bulletin 1751F-630. Design of Aerial Plant. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1996. ———. 1996. Bulletin 1751F-635. Aerial Plant Construction. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1996. ———. Bulletin 1751F-640. Design of Buried Plant-Physical Considerations. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1995. ———. Bulletin 1751F-641. Construction of Buried Plant. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1995. ———. Bulletin 1751F-642. Construction Route Planning of Buried Plant. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1995. ———. Bulletin 1751F-643. Underground Plant Design. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 2002. ———. Bulletin 1751F-644. Underground Plant Construction. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 2002. ———. Bulletin 1751F-650. Aerial Plant Guying and Anchoring. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1996. ———. Bulletin 1751F-815. Electrical Protection of Outside Plant. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1995. ———. Bulletin 1751F-642. Construction Route Planning of Buried Plant. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1995. ———. Bulletin 1751F-643. Underground Plant Design. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 2002. ———. Bulletin 1751F-644. Underground Plant Construction. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 2002. ———. Bulletin 1751F-650. Aerial Plant Guying and Anchoring. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1996. ———. Bulletin 1751F-815. Electrical Protection of Outside Plant. Washington, DC: Rural Utilities Service, 1995. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 5-236 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6 Splicing Hardware Chapter 6 analyzes the logistics and equipment for cable splicing. Splicing locations, closures, hardware, connectors, and methodologies for copper and optical fiber cables are explained through theory, examples, and references. Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Table of Contents Splicing Enclosure ............................................................................... 6-1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 6-1 Splicing Locations ........................................................................................ 6-1 Closures for Twisted-Pair Cables ..................................................................... 6-4 Aerial Closures ............................................................................................. 6-5 Direct-Buried and Underground Closures .......................................................... 6-6 Optical Fiber Cable Closures ........................................................................... 6-7 Cabling Hardware Selection ........................................................................... 6-9 Optical Splice Closures ............................................................................. 6-9 Optical Distribution Centers/Housings ......................................................... 6-9 Transition/Indoor Splice Hardware ............................................................ 6-10 Transition Structure .............................................................................. 6-10 Outdoor Splice Hardware ........................................................................ 6-13 Connecting Hardware ................................................................................. 6-13 Design Considerations ................................................................................. 6-13 Splicing Connectors for Twisted-Pair Cable ..................................................... 6-15 Twisted-Pair Cable ..................................................................................... 6-18 Modular Splicing .................................................................................... 6-18 Splicing Methodology .................................................................................. 6-18 Splice Data ............................................................................................... 6-20 Testing .................................................................................................... 6-26 Waterproof Splicing .................................................................................... 6-26 Optical Fiber Cable ..................................................................................... 6-26 Splice Design ........................................................................................ 6-26 Optical Fiber Splicing Methods ..................................................................... 6-28 Fusion Splicing ..................................................................................... 6-29 Mechanical Splicing ............................................................................... 6-29 Mass Splicing ....................................................................................... 6-29 Splice Protection ....................................................................................... 6-30 Optical Fiber Cable Splicing Hardware Considerations ....................................... 6-31 Hardware Labeling ...................................................................................... 6-32 References ....................................................................................... 6-33 © 2007 BICSI® 6-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Figures Figure 6.1 Splice closures and covers ................................................................ 6-2 Figure 6.2 Splice closures ................................................................................ 6-3 Figure 6.3 Filled/direct-buried splice closure systems ........................................... 6-6 Figure 6.4 Optical fiber closure ......................................................................... 6-7 Figure 6.5 Underground to building transition .................................................... 6-10 Figure 6.6 Underground to direct-buried transition ............................................. 6-11 Figure 6.7 Direct-buried to building transition .................................................... 6-12 Figure 6.8 Example of IDC connection .............................................................. 6-15 Figure 6.9 Types of splices ............................................................................ 6-15 Figure 6.10 Example of single pair splice connectors and modules .......................... 6-16 Figure 6.11 Example of multipair splice connectors and modules ............................ 6-17 Figure 6.12 Inline splice .................................................................................. 6-18 Figure 6.13 Foldback splice ............................................................................. 6-19 Figure 6.14 Completed two-bank splice ............................................................. 6-19 Figure 6.15 Examples of splices required due to cable routing ............................... 6-26 Figure 6.16 Splice tray examples ...................................................................... 6-31 Tables Table 6.1 Aerial closure size ............................................................................ 6-5 Table 6.2 Direct-buried/underground closure size ............................................... 6-7 Table 6.3 Two-bank fold-back splice data ....................................................... 6-20 Table 6.4 26 AWG two-bank straight splice ..................................................... 6-21 Table 6.5 26 AWG three-bank straight splice ................................................... 6-22 Table 6.6 26 AWG four-bank straight splice ..................................................... 6-23 Table 6.7 26 AWG two-bank apparatus splice .................................................. 6-24 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Enclosure Introduction Cabling hardware is used in outside plant (OSP) to enclose splices. They are more commonly known as splice cases or closures. Cabling hardware is distinct from connecting hardware in that it attaches to the sheath, whereas connecting hardware connects to the conductors or optical fiber strands. The connecting hardware and the cabling hardware should complement each other, but many combinations of either will establish the connectivity required to maintain a high-quality transmission path. Splicing Locations Cabling hardware can be constructed of metallic or nonmetallic materials and can be found in aerial, underground, and direct-buried construction, such as: • Pedestals and cabinets. • Handholes (HHs). New splices shall not be placed in HHs. • Maintenance holes (MHs). • Poles. • Support strands. • Walls. • Vaults. Splice closures are used in both copper and optical fiber applications and can be pressurized or nonpressurized. They typically: © 2007 BICSI® • Secure and protect cable and splices. • Provide strain relief. • Allow for reentry. 6-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Locations, continued See Figure 6.1 for three representations of splice closures. Figure 6.1 Splice closures and covers Closure cover Closure cover Closure cover Splice closure Splice closure Splice closure Splice closures are classified according to the configuration of cables that enter the closure, such as: • Straight—Provisions are made for only one cable to enter each end of the closure. • Branch—Provisions are made for two or more cables to enter one end or both ends of the closure. • Butt—Provisions are made for two or more cables to enter one end of the closure and no cables enter the other end. • Universal—Provisions are made for adapters that allow multiple cables to enter one end or both ends of the closure. This type of splice closure is typically referred to as a vault closure. Manufacturer specifications should be consulted for splice closure capacity. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Locations, continued Splice closures (see Figure 6.2) are specifically designed for an intended application. Figure 6.2 Splice closures Branch Splice Configuration Cable Cable Splice case Cable Butt Splice Configuration Cable Splice case Cable Straight Splice Configuration Cable Cable Splice case Vault Closure Entrance cable © 2007 BICSI® Listed fire rated splice case Tip cables to entrance facility room 6-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Closures for Twisted-Pair Cables Closures for twisted-pair cables are used to protect splices from mechanical and environmental hazards. These can be used in: • Aerial applications (e.g., on poles, strands, and building exteriors). • Direct-buried applications. • Underground applications (e.g., MHs, vaults). • Aboveground pedestals fed by aerial, underground, or buried cables. • In-building applications (e.g., fire resistant transition, vault splices). Closures are reenterable and may be watertight or vented. However, the encapsulant choice may preclude splice reentry. Copper closures are capable of: • Storing and organizing splices (whether individually spliced or mass spliced). • Providing grounding (earthing) and bonding facilities. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Aerial Closures Aerial closures are housings used for splicing, grounding (earthing), and bonding aerial cables. They may be equipped with terminal blocks and fusible-link stub cables that are housed in separate chambers to allow for the termination of service wires. Aerial closures typically support strand mounted and do not affect the integrity of the support strand. They can be used to maintain the bond continuity of the splice point along the cable. Additionally, they can be pole- or wall- mounted. Aerial closures are available in many sizes, based on the size and number of cables entering and exiting the closure. Table 6.1 is representative of the range of sizes available; however, the OSP designer should consult manufacturers’ specifications for the exact capacities of their closures. Table 6.1 Aerial closure size Type Length Cable Diameter Sheath Opening Splice Diameter Straight 660 mm (26 in) 0.0–30.5 mm (0.0–1.2 in) 483 mm (19 in) 61 mm (2.4 in) Straight 660 mm (26 in) 25–46 mm (1–1.8 in) 483 mm (19 in) 114 mm (4.5 in) Straight 660 mm (26 in) 38–64 mm (1.5–2.5 in) 483 mm (19 in) 163 mm (6.4 in) Branch 660 mm (26 in) 0.0–30.5 mm (0.0–1.2 in) 483 mm (19 in) 114 mm (4.5 in) Branch 660 mm (26 in) 25–56 mm (1–2.2 in) 483 mm (19 in) 163 mm (6.4 in) Branch 660 mm (26 in) 51–76 mm (2–3 in) 483 mm (19 in) 203 mm (8 in) in mm © 2007 BICSI® = = Inch Millimeter 6-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Direct-Buried and Underground Closures Direct-buried/underground closures provide housing for splices, grounding (earthing), and bonding. These closures are designed to restore the sheath’s mechanical integrity and electrical properties. Cables may enter these closures from one or both ends. To protect splices from moisture when air-pressure systems are not used, direct-buried/ underground closures should be filled with an encapsulant after splicing operations are complete to make them watertight (see Figure 6.3). Reenterable encapsulant is removable from the splice closure to allow future splicing operations. Figure 6.3 Filled/direct-buried splice closure systems OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Direct-Buried and Underground Closures, continued Direct-buried/underground closures are available in many sizes, based on the size and number of cables entering and exiting the closure. Table 6.2 is representative of the range of sizes available; however, the designer should check with the manufacturer for the exact capacities of their closures. Certain closures will be pressurized when the spliced cables are part of an air-pressure system. Table 6.2 Direct-buried/underground closure size Length Cable Diameter Sheath Opening Splice Diameter 533 mm (21 in) 13–41 mm (0.5–1.6 in) 305 mm (12 in) 58 mm (2.3 in) 737 mm (29 in) 20–66 mm (0.8–2.6 in) 508 mm (20 in) 84 mm (3.3 in) 30.5–86 mm (1.2–3.4 in) 914 mm (36 in) 135 mm (5.3 in) 1143 mm (45 in) in = mm = Inch Millimeter Optical Fiber Cable Closures Closures for optical fiber cables are used to protect splices from mechanical and environmental hazards (see Figure 6.4). Closures are reenterable and may be watertight or vented. However, the encapsulant choice may preclude splice reentry. They are used: • On poles, strands, and buildings. • In underground installations, direct-buried installations, and aboveground pedestals. Figure 6.4 Optical fiber closure Service loop Splice tray © 2007 BICSI® 6-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Optical Fiber Cable Closures, continued Optical fiber closures are capable of: • Storing and organizing optical fiber strands. • Storing and organizing splices (whether individually or mass spliced) through the use of splicing trays. • Providing grounding (earthing) and bonding facilities. • Maintaining minimum bend radius for the individual optical fiber strands. • Ensuring zero light loss by restricting cable movement. NOTE: Consult manufacturer specifications for splice closure capacity. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Cabling Hardware Selection Optical Splice Closures Splice closure selection is based mainly on the quantities of optical fibers and cables at a splice point. Splice closures can accommodate both high and low optical fiber-count splice points. The standard maximum number of cable entries is four, but up to eight cable entries are possible. Closures can either be factory- or field-drilled to a specific cable diameter or can be ported for easy cable entry. Many closures are available with an inner closure to keep encapsulant out of the splice trays when the closure is encapsulated. The use of an inner closure also simplifies the reentry process. Splice closures are designed for aerial, buried, or underground applications. These closures can usually be installed quickly with ordinary tools. Optical Distribution Centers/Housings Distribution centers are typically available in either 12- or 24-strand optical fiber configurations. They can be placed in an exposed environment as they are typically rated for outdoor applications. These units can be mounted to a utility pole. A bracket is provided for this application. The units can also be mounted to an outside wall or cable tray and are available with either two 51 mm (2 in) conduit fittings or a “no holes” version for field drilling. Distribution centers are designed for use with outdoor-rated conduit. They should not be placed in an environment where water will immerse the unit. Some housings are designed to be mounted to a wall or cable tray in a semi-sheltered environment. More specifically, they should have an overhead roof. These housings are also available with either two 51 mm (2 in) conduit fittings or are available in a “no holes” version for field drilling. Both the distribution centers and the housings will accommodate splice trays and pigtails or as a direct termination point. These distribution centers are ideally suited for use in an indoor/ outdoor industrial environment where data acquisition or video cameras are needed. © 2007 BICSI® 6-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Cabling Hardware Selection, continued Transition/Indoor Splice Hardware A transition splice point shall be required when the termination point is greater than 15.2 m (50 ft) from the building entrance and the unlisted campus backbone loose-tube cable cannot be installed in a properly rated conduit. The campus backbone cable can be spliced to a building backbone cable to meet local standards for fire-rated cables. Additionally, inside splice hardware can be used to route optical fiber circuits to different locations when a patch panel is not desired, or to splice pigtails to terminate optical fibers versus direct connectorization. A transition splice is typically located near the building entrance point. Wall-mountable hardware is generally required; however, rack-mountable products may be used, specifically when splicing pigtails for termination. If armored cable is used, the grounding of metallic cable elements shall be required. The hardware housing may be required to strain relieve several cables. Transition Structure In some situations, construction may transition from one type to another. Examples of such transitions appear in Figures 6.5 through 6.7. Figure 6.5 Underground to building transition Building Backboard Protector Cable Splice case Subsidiary conduit Conduit Underground cable Conduit MH MH = Maintenance hole OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Cabling Hardware Selection, continued Figure 6.6 Underground to direct-buried transition Pedestal/splice closure Buried cable Subsidiary conduit Buried cable Conduit Conduit Underground cable MH Splice case MH = Maintenance hole © 2007 BICSI® 6-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Cabling Hardware Selection, continued Figure 6.7 Direct-buried to building transition Terminal protector Pedestal/splice closure Grade Sleeve Direct-buried cable Protector Backboard Sleeve through building wall Cable Pedestal/splice closure Grade Direct-buried cable OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Cabling Hardware Selection, continued Outdoor Splice Hardware The outdoor hardware consists of splice closures, wall- and pole-mountable distribution centers, and pedestal-mountable cross-connects. These units provide environmental protection for splices, connectors, and jumpers in the OSP environment, often required in industrial and other special applications. Although products used outdoors should be designed for that environment, the end user may also use indoor-rated hardware outdoors if it is placed inside an enclosure that has a National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA®) rating suitable for the environment. This technique is also used in industrial environments that use harsh or caustic chemicals that could cause failure to standard indoor or outdoor hardware. Field splices occur in aerial, duct, direct-buried, or aboveground locations. The termination or distribution center must provide mechanical and environmental protection in the OSP. If a splice closure is to be encapsulated, it should be reenterable to allow for cable additions or splicing plan changes. Connecting Hardware OSP splices generally occur in aerial, direct-buried, aboveground, or underground locations. The termination or distribution center must provide mechanical and environmental protection. Cable splice locations and other splicing details should be specified in work order prints. Design Considerations Whether the transmission medium is twisted-pair or optical fiber cable, the designer should carefully consider the amount and location of the splices that result. The goal is to minimize splices, since they may be a source of a disproportionate amount of subsequent troubles. Additionally, labor is usually a more expensive factor than material in a design. At the cost of additional material, avoiding splices may be the wiser economic choice. When a splice cannot be reasonably avoided, the designer should avoid creating a future maintenance problem. This can be achieved by careful splicing and choosing splicing tools and techniques that are reliable, regardless of the transmission medium. When constrained duct or conduit space prevents the use of multiple sheaths, a splice should be used to consolidate the sheaths into one higher pair or optical fiber-count sheath. As many cables as possible should be combined at a single splice point, since the incremental cost per additional conductor or optical fiber spliced is lower than the cost for splicing at different locations. It is important to analyze the entire system when planning splice points. For example, if a planned cross-connect is near an MH that is being considered for a splice point, cables may need to be routed to the cross-connect to combine the splice point with the termination point. This can result in substantial labor cost savings. © 2007 BICSI® 6-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Design Considerations, continued The designer must determine splicing configurations used for distributing cable counts in the aerial, direct-buried, and underground network. Many design issues for splicing configurations should be considered by the designer, including: • Will this splice configuration have to be opened in the future? • Can an additional cable be placed into this splice configuration without major rearrangements? • Will a stub cable between splice configurations be required? If so, what type, size, and cable count? • What type of splice configuration will be used? • Should spare facilities be allocated in the stub cable? • Is pair loading/load stubs required? For schematic representation of various splice configurations, see Chapter 10: Design Documentation. The use of any particular type of configuration should be determined by the: • Geographic area where the splice configuration has to be placed. • Number of physical cables and related cable counts that have to be spliced and redirected. • Space that is available to construct this splice configuration. • Safety related to working with the configuration. Critical considerations in designing splice configurations are to design a splice that may: • Require very little future reentry. • Be reentered to change splice counts easily. • Accept an additional stub cable, if required. Most of the difficulties encountered in OSP are manmade. Reentering splices invites difficulty. The designer should minimize the potential for requiring reentry at the same time the initial design is developed. If this cannot be avoided, any reentry should keep manipulation to a minimum. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-14 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Connectors for Twisted-Pair Cable The splicing operation can be done with one of two widely used types of equipment—MS2 or Type 710. Both have insulation displacement connectors (IDCs [see Figure 6.8]). Figure 6.8 Example of IDC connection Direction of insertion Conductor Insulation View from top IDC IDC = Insulation displacement connector Most twisted-pair cable splicing is performed with modular and/or discrete connectors. There are three general splicing methods: in-line, butt, and branch (see Figure 6.9). These connectors are used for OSP or intrabuilding use and, depending on the manufacturer, accommodate 19 American wire gauge (AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)]) to 28 AWG [0.32 mm (0.013 in)] wire. In addition, these connectors are available in several pair sizes (e.g., 1-, 5-, 10-, 25-pair), and should be placed in 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-bank configurations within the splice. Testing the cable and the splice should be performed either during or after construction. Figure 6.9 Types of splices In-line In Out Butt In Out Branch Out In Out Out © 2007 BICSI® 6-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Connectors for Twisted-Pair Cable, continued Single connectors (see Figure 6.10): • Are available in designs capable of terminating two or three conductors. • Can be filled or nonfilled. • Accept different gauge wires. • Require minimum setup time. Figure 6.10 Example of single pair splice connectors and modules Full pair in-line splice connector Butt splice connector Box tap splice connector Multipurpose splice connector OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-16 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Connectors for Twisted-Pair Cable, continued Multipair splicing modules (see Figure 6.11): • Splice up to 25 pairs. • Cut off excess conductor as connection is being made. • Require an equipment investment. • Produce higher productivity once the setup is complete. Figure 6.11 Example of multipair splice connectors and modules Write-on surface Cover Body Base For the splicing operation to be successful, the designer must consider some key factors—the closure should be lightweight, compact, and watertight. When the closure is installed, it must be properly supported, grounded, and tested for air leaks according to manufacturer recommendations. Labels must also be affixed to all cables entering the splice, indicating cable number and paircounts. Care must be taken to clearly designate the in and out for the spliced cables. © 2007 BICSI® 6-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Twisted-Pair Cable Modular Splicing A major planning consideration for module type designs is the planning of reentry into these splices. Most module types are available in: • Dry versions for pressurized, vault, or inside splice applications. • Encapsulated versions for moisture resistance in free-breathing aerial splice closures. • Dry versions with a sealant box for maximum moisture protection in nonpressurized plastic insulated conductor (PIC) splicing applications. Dry module types are available in flame-retardant versions for vault and inside splice applications. All fire-retardant modules must meet the Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® (UL®) 94, Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, requirements and possess an oxygen index of 28 or greater per American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM®) D2863, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Minimum Oxygen Concentration to Support Candle-Like Combustion of Plastics (Oxygen Index). Splicing reentries determine how many module banks will be required in a splice. Splice bank configurations and splice types listed on the work print at each splice location using a coding system helps convey required configurations needed. NOTE: Code always starts with a number representing the number of banks in a splice. One of three configurations will be used. Splicing Methodology The primary splicing methods within cases are: • Inline splicing method—Wire is placed in a straight-line arrangement. This method is not designed to be rearranged and should have minimum handling. See Figure 6.12. Figure 6.12 Inline splice OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-18 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splicing Methodology, continued • Foldback splicing method—Conductors are folded into the splice to provide slack in the conductors for maintenance, rearrangement, or transfer of conductors. See Figure 6.13. • Two-bank splicing method—Binder groups are arranged into groups or banks (see Figure 6.14). This allows high pair-count copper splices to maintain a smaller diameter relative to the spliced cable diameter. As racking space in MHs could be at a premium, this also permits a splice closure of smaller diameter to be used. Figure 6.13 Foldback splice Figure 6.14 Completed two-bank splice © 2007 BICSI® 6-19 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splice Data Data in tables 6.3 through 6.7 was obtained from splices utilizing the MS2 modular splicing method. When the bundle’s outside diameter (OD) is close to the splice case or sleeves inside diameter (ID), the designer must use extra care not to exceed the maximum OD. If sealant boxes are used, increase values by approximately 25 percent. Table 6.3 Two-bank fold-back splice data Recommended Splice Opening mm (in) In-Line Splice Diameter mm (in) Pair Count AWG mm (in ) 400 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 24 [0.51 (0.020)] 22 [0.64 (0.025)] 600 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 24 [0.51 (0.020)] 22 [0.64 (0.025)] 81 (3.2) 99 (3.9) 122 (4.8) 900 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 24 [0.51 (0.020)] 22 [0.64 (0.025)] 432 (17) 104 (4.1) 127 (5.0) 147 (5.8) 1200 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 24 [0.51 (0.020)] 432 (17) 432 (17) 119 (4.7) 127 (5.0) 1500 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 483 (19) 137 (5.4) 432 (17) 71 (2.8) 89 (3.5) 102 (4.0) 24 [0.51 (0.020)] 145 (5.7) 1800 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 24 [0.51 (0.020)] 152 (6.0) 160 (6.3) 2100 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 24 [0.51 (0.020)] 157 (6.2) 170 (6.7) 2400 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 165 (6.5) 2700 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 183 (7.2) 3000 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 483 (19) 193 (7.6) 3600 26 [0.41 (0.016)] 483 (19) 203 (8.0) AWG = American wire gauge in = Inch m m = Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-20 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splice Data, continued Table 6.4 26 AWG two-bank straight splice Main Cable Pair Count Zero mm (in) 100 mm (in) 100 33.0 (1.3) 43.2 (1.7) 200 48.0 (1.9) 53.0 (2.1) 61.0 (2.4) 300 56.0 (2.2) 66.0 (2.6) 69.0 (2.7) 76.0 (3.0) 400 66.0 (2.6) 73.7 (2.9) 76.0 (3.0) 81.0 (3.2) 94.0 (3.7) 600 79.0 (3.1) 86.0 (3.4) 89.0 (3.5) 96.5 (3.8) 104.0 (4.1) 111.8 (4.4) 900 96.5 (3.8) 101.0 (4.0) 106.7 (4.2) 111.8 (4.4) 119.0 (4.7) 124.5 (4.9) 135.0 (5.3) 1100 101.0 (4.0) 111.8 (4.4) 116.8 (4.6) 122.0 (4.8) 127.0 (5.0) 129.5 (5.1) 142.2 (5.6) 1200 106.7 (4.2) 114.0 (4.5) 122.0 (4.8) 127.0 (5.0) 132.1 (5.2) 135.0 (5.3) 147.0 (5.8) 160.0 (6.3) 1500 124.5 (4.9) 129.5 (5.1) 137.0 (5.4) 142.2 (5.6) 145.0 (5.7) 152.0 (6.0) 160.0 (6.3) 170.0 (6.7) 1800 137.0 (5.4) 142.2 (5.6) 150.0 (5.9) 152.0 (6.0) 155.0 (6.1) 163.0 (6.4) 168.0 (6.6) 180.3 (7.1) 2100 147.0 (5.8) 155.0 (6.1) 160.0 (6.3) 163.0 (6.4) 165.0 (6.5) 172.7 (6.8) 183.0 (7.2) 190.5 (7.5) 2400 157.0 (6.2) 165.0 (6.5) 170.0 (6.7) 172.7 (6.8) 175.3 (6.9) 183.0 (7.2) 193.0 (7.6) 200.7 (7.9) 2700 168.0 (6.6) 178.0 (7.0) 180.3 (7.1) 183.0 (7.2) 185.4 (7.3) 193.0 (7.6) 198.1 (7.8) 208.3 (8.2) 3000 178.0 (7.0) 188.0 (7.4) 190.5 (7.5) 193.0 (7.6) 195.6 (7.7) 203.0 (8.0) 210.8 (8.3) 218.4 (8.6) 3600 195.6 (7.7) 208.3 (8.2) 210.8 (8.3) 213.4 (8.4) 215.9 (8.5) 221.0 (8.7) 229.0 (9.0) 231.1 (9.1) Main Cable Pair Count 1500 mm (in) Number of Pair Bridged 1800 2100 2400 mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) 2700 mm (in) 3000 mm (in) 1500 178.0 (7.0) 1800 185.4 (7.3) 193.0 (7.6) 2100 193.0 (7.6) 200.7 (7.9) 210.8 (8.3) 2400 200.7 (7.9) 208.3 (8.2) 218.4 (8.6) 223.5 (8.8) 2700 210.8 (8.3) 218.4 (8.6) 226.1 (8.9) 238.8 (9.4) 243.8 (9.6) 3000 218.4 (8.6) 226.1 (8.9) 236.2 (9.3) 248.9 (9.8) 256.5 (10.1) 3600 233.7 (9.2) 243.8 (9.6) 251.5 (9.9) 261.6 (10.3) in = mm = 200 mm (in) Number of Pair Bridged 300 400 600 mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) 900 mm (in) 1200 mm (in) 269.2 (10.6) 276.9 (10.9) Inch Millimeter NOTES: Zero is straight splice measurement in inline configuration. For 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] conductors, increase values by 25 percent. For 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] conductors, increase values by 12 percent. If sealant boxes are used, increase values approximately 25 percent. © 2007 BICSI® 6-21 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splice Data, continued Table 6.5 26 AWG three-bank straight splice Main Cable Pair Count Zero mm (in) 100 mm (in) 300 46.0 (1.8) 53.0 (2.1) 61.0 (2.4) 69.0 (2.7) 600 66.0 (2.6) 71.0 (2.8) 79.0 (3.1) 84.0 (3.3) 86.0 (3.4) 94.0 (3.7) 900 84.0 (3.3) 86.0 (3.5) 96.5 (3.8) 101.0 (4.0) 104.0 (4.1) 109.2 (4.3) 122.0 (4.8) 1200 99.0 (3.9) 104.0 (4.1) 109.2 (4.3) 114.0 (4.5) 119.0 (4.7) 127.0 (5.0) 139.7 (5.5) 145.0 (5.7) 1500 114.0 (4.5) 116.8 (4.6) 119.0 (4.7) 124.5 (4.9) 129.5 (5.1) 139.7 (5.5) 150.0 (5.9) 160.0 (6.3) 1800 129.5 (5.1) 132.1 (5.2) 135.0 (5.3) 137.0 (5.4) 139.7 (5.5) 150.0 (5.9) 160.0 (6.3) 170.0 (6.7) 2100 139.7 (5.5) 142.2 (5.6) 145.0 (5.7) 147.0 (5.8) 150.0 (5.9) 160.0 (6.3) 170.0 (6.7) 178.0 (7.0) 2400 150.0 (5.9) 152.0 (6.0) 155.0 (6.1) 157.0 (6.2) 160.0 (6.3) 168.0 (6.6) 178.0 (7.0) 185.4 (7.3) 2700 157.0 (6.2) 160.0 (6.3) 163.0 (6.4) 165.0 (6.5) 168.0 (6.6) 175.3 (6.9) 183.0 (7.2) 193.0 (7.6) 3000 165.0 (6.5) 168.0 (6.6) 170.0 (6.7) 172.7 (6.8) 175.3 (6.9) 183.0 (7.2) 190.5 (7.5) 200.7 (7.9) 3600 175.3 (6.9) 178.0 (7.0) 180.3 (7.1) 183.0 (7.2) 185.4 (7.3) 193.0 (7.6) 200.7 (7.9) 210.8 (8.3) Main Cable Pair Count 1500 mm (in) 1800 mm (in) Number of Pair Bridged 2100 2400 2700 mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) 3000 mm (in) 1500 168.0 (6.6) 1800 178.0 (7.0) 185.4 (7.3) 2100 188.0 (7.4) 195.6 (7.7) 198.1 (7.8) 2400 195.6 (7.7) 203.0 (8.0) 205.7 (8.1) 213.4 (8.4) 2700 203.0 (8.0) 210.8 (8.3) 215.9 (8.5) 221.0 (8.7) 223.5 (8.8) 3000 208.3 (8.2) 218.4 (8.6) 221.0 (8.7) 229.0 (9.0) 231.1 (9.1) 236.2 (9.3) 3600 218.4 (8.6) 226.1 (8.9) 233.7 (9.2) 238.8 (9.4) 241.3 (9.5) 246.4 (9.7) Number of Pair Bridged 200 300 400 mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) 600 mm (in) 900 mm (in) 1200 mm (in) in = Inch m m = Millimeter NOTES: Zero is straight splice measurement in inline configuration. For 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] conductors, increase values by 25 percent. For 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] conductors, increase values by 12 percent. If sealant boxes are used, increase values approximately 25 percent. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-22 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splice Data, continued Table 6.6 26 AWG four-bank straight splice Main Cable Pair Count Zero mm (in) 100 mm (in) 400 51.0 (2.0) 53.0 (2.1) 56.0 (2.2) 58.4 (2.3) 64.0 (2.5) 600 58.0 (2.3) 64.0 (2.5) 66.0 (2.6) 69.0 (2.7) 73.7 (2.9) 79.0 (3.1) 900 71.0 (2.8) 76.0 (3.0) 79.0 (3.1) 81.0 (3.2) 86.0 (3.4) 91.4 (3.6) 99.1 (3.9) 1200 81.0 (3.2) 86.0 (3.4) 89.0 (3.5) 91.4 (3.6) 96.5 (3.8) 101.0 (4.0) 109.2 (4.3) 119.0 (4.7) 1500 94.0 (3.7) 96.5 (3.8) 99.0 (3.9) 101.0 (4.0) 106.7 (4.2) 109.2 (4.3) 119.0 (4.7) 129.5 (5.1) 1800 106.7 (4.2) 106.7 (4.2) 109.2 (4.3) 111.8 (4.4) 116.8 (4.6) 122.0 (4.8) 129.5 (5.1) 137.0 (5.4) 2100 116.8 (4.6) 116.8 (4.6) 119.0 (4.7) 122.0 (4.8) 127.0 (5.0) 132.1 (5.2) 142.2 (5.6) 147.0 (5.8) 2400 124.5 (4.9) 124.5 (4.9) 129.5 (5.1) 132.1 (5.2) 137.0 (5.4) 142.2 (5.6) 150.0 (5.9) 155.0 (6.1) 2700 137.2 (5.4) 137.0 (5.4) 139.7 (5.5) 142.2 (5.6) 145.08 (5.7) 150.0 (5.9) 157.0 (6.2) 163.0 (6.4) 3000 145.0 (5.7) 145.0 (5.7) 147.0 (5.8) 150.0 (5.9) 152.0 (6.0) 157.0 (6.2) 165.0 (6.5) 170.0 (6.7) 3600 157.0 (6.2) 160.0 (6.3) 163.0 (6.4) 165.0 (6.5) 168.0 (6.6) 172.7 (6.8) 178.0 (7.0) 185.4 (7.3) Main Cable Pair Count 1500 mm (in) Number of Pair Bridged 1800 2100 2400 mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) 2700 mm (in) 3000 mm (in) 1500 135.0 (5.3) 1800 145.0 (5.7) 155.0 (6.1) 2100 155.0 (6.1) 163.0 (6.4) 168.0 (6.6) 2400 163.0 (6.4) 170.0 (6.7) 175.3 (6.9) 178.0 (7.0) 2700 170.0 (6.7) 178.0 (7.0) 183.0 (7.2) 188.0 (7.4) 190.5 (7.5) 3000 178.0 (7.0) 185.4 (7.3) 190.5 (7.5) 198.1 (7.8) 200.7 (7.9) 208.3 (8.2) 3600 193.0 (7.6) 200.7 (7.9) 208.3 (8.2) 218.4 (8.6) 226.1 (8.9) 238.8 (9.4) in = mm = Number of Pair Bridged 200 300 400 600 mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) 900 mm (in) 1200 mm (in) Inch Millimeter NOTES: Zero is straight splice measurement in inline configuration. For 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] conductors, increase values by 25 percent. For 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] conductors, increase values by 12 percent. If sealant boxes are used, increase values approximately 25 percent. © 2007 BICSI® 6-23 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splice Data, continued Table 6.7 26 AWG two-bank apparatus splice Main Cable Pair Count 1500 mm (in) Number of Pair Bridged 2100 2400 mm (in) mm (in) 1800 mm (in) 2700 mm (in) 3000 mm (in) 50 33.0 (1.3) 41.0 (1.6) 100 41.0 (1.6) 48.0 (1.9) 58.4 (2.3) 200 58.0 (2.3) 66.0 (2.6) 69.0 (2.7) 84.0 (3.3) 300 69.0 (2.7) 79.0 (3.1) 84.0 (3.3) 96.5 (3.8) 106.7 (4.2) 400 79.0 (3.1) 86.0 (3.4) 96.5 (3.8) 106.7 (4.2) 116.8 (4.6) 132.1 (5.2) 600 94.0 (3.7) 104.0 (4.1) 111.8 (4.4) 122.0 (4.8) 132.1 (5.2) 147.0 (5.8) 900 122.0 (4.8) 127.0 (5.0) 132.1 (5.2) 142.2 (5.6) 150.0 (5.9) 160.0 (6.3) 1200 137.0 (5.4) 145.0 (5.7) 150.0 (5.9) 157.0 (6.2) 165.0 (6.5) 172.7 (6.8) 1500 155.0 (6.1) 163.0 (6.4) 168.0 (6.6) 175.3 (6.9) 180.3 (7.1) 185.4 (7.3) 1800 170.0 (6.7) 178.0 (7.0) 183.0 (7.2) 188.0 (7.4) 193.0 (7.6) 198.1 (7.8) 2100 185.4 (7.3) 190.5 (7.5) 195.6 (7.7) 200.7 (7.9) 205.7 (8.1) 213.4 (8.4) 2400 198.1 (7.8) 200.7 (7.9) 208.3 (8.2) 210.8 (8.3) 218.4 (8.6) 226.1 (8.9) 2700 210.8 (8.3) 210.8 (8.3) 218.4 (8.6) 221.0 (8.7) 231.1 (9.1) 241.3 (9.9) 3000 218.4 (8.6) 218.4 (8.6) 231.1 (9.1) 231.1 (9.1) 251.5 (9.9) 251.5 (9.9) 3600 241.3 (9.5) 241.3 (9.5) 246.4 (9.7) 251.5 (9.9) 259.1 (10.2) 274.3 (10.8) in = Inch m m = Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-24 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splice Data, continued Table 6.7, continued 26 AWG two-bank apparatus splice Main Cable Pair Count 600 mm (in) 600 160.0 (6.3) 900 172.7 (6.8) 195.6 (7.7) 1200 188.0 (7.4) 203.0 (8.0) 213.4 (8.4) 1500 200.7 (7.9) 218.4 (8.6) 223.5 (8.8) 236.8 (9.4) 1800 213.4 (8.4) 233.7 (9.2) 238.8 (9.4) 241.3 (9.5) 261.6 (10.3) 2100 229.0 (9.0) 243.8 (9.6) 251.5 (9.9) 259.1 (10.2) 269.2 (10.6) 2400 241.3 (9.5) 254.0 (10.0) 261.6 (10.3) 271.8 (10.7) 279.4 (11.0) 2700 254.0 (10.0) 269.2 (10.6) 274.3 (10.8) 281.9 (11.1) 292.1 (11.5) 3000 267.0 (10.5) 271.8 (10.7) 279.4 (11.0) 289.6 (11.4) 302.3 (11.9) 3600 284.5 (11.2) Number of Pair Bridged 900 1200 1500 mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) 289.6 (11.4) 297.2 (11.7) 1800 mm (in) 307.3 (12.1) 315.0 (12.4) in = Inch m m = Millimeter NOTES: Zero is straight splice measurement in inline configuration. For 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025 in)] conductors, increase values by 25 percent. For 24 AWG [0.51 mm (0.020 in)] conductors, increase values by 12 percent. If sealant boxes are used, increase values approximately 25 percent. © 2007 BICSI® 6-25 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Testing Manufacturers offer a variety of plugs and cords to mate with the modules being utilized. With the use of these modules, testing may be completed during the splicing operation. Waterproof Splicing A series of waterproof sealing boxes that encapsulate the splicing module are available. Optical Fiber Cable Splice Design In OSP applications, a designer normally avoids the requirement of optical fiber-to-fiber field splicing by installing a continuous length of cable. This is normally the most economical and convenient solution. Splices (see Figure 6.15) cannot always be avoided due to cable plant layout, length, raceway congestion, requirements for a transition splice between nonlisted OSP cables and listed cable at the building entrance point, and unplanned requirements (e.g., cable damaged during the installation or during a cable unearthing). Figure 6.15 Examples of splices required due to cable routing 12-Strand optical fiber Field splice point 12-Strand optical fiber 12-Strand optical fiber 48-Strand optical 12-Strand optical fiber fiber Cable length in excess of 4 km (2.5 mi)—multimode or 12 km (7.5 mi)—singlemode Transition splice 12-Strand optical fiber 36-Strand optical fiber Congested duct allowing only one cable Consolidation field splice point km = Kilometer mi = Mile OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-26 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Optical Fiber Cable, continued The physical design of the system should minimize splices whenever possible. In most cases, the small size and long lengths of optical fiber cable allow the use of separate cable sheaths to serve each cross-connect, telecommunications room (TR), and intermediate cross-connect (IC [building distributor (BD)]), providing conduit space allows. This avoids cable splices and results in fewer different optical fiber-count cables, thus allowing for an easier installation and typically avoiding minimum order requirement issues. The small incremental cost of additional sheaths usually offsets the cost of splicing different optical fiber-count cables together. Splice point locations should be chosen only after considering the requirements for optical fiber splicing: • To effectively perform a splice, the cable ends must reach a satisfactory work surface (preferably a vehicle or table that is clean and stable). The distance can be as much as 30.5 meters (m [100 feet (ft)]) on each end. The chosen location should have provisions for storing slack cable after splicing is completed. • Physical protection of all slack is recommended, although not required. • Splicing and racking slack should be considered when making cable length calculations. Optical fiber splice closures typically require 2.4 to 3 m (8 to 10 ft) of stripped cable inside the closure. In special applications (e.g., the combination of a star and ring topology), access to individual optical fibers is required without disturbing the remaining optical fibers. The designer should allow cable slack, normally 9 m (30 ft), allowing for easy mid-span access. Ideally, the number of optical fibers being accessed will correspond to the number of optical fibers in the cable units, buffer tube, or unitized subunit (usually 6 or 12 optical fibers). While this is not required, it provides an easier and cleaner procedure. A small amount of slack cable (6 to 15 m [20 to 50 ft]) can be useful in the event cable repair or relocation is needed. If a cable is cut, the slack can be shifted to the damaged point, necessitating only one splice point in the permanent repair, rather than two splices if an additional length of cable is added. This results in reduced labor, hardware costs, and link loss budget savings. Designers should check with the customer for project-specific slack length and location requirements. © 2007 BICSI® 6-27 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Optical Fiber Splicing Methods Two major categories of field-splicing methods for optical fibers are fusion and mechanical. Both single-fiber and mass-fiber (typically 12 optical fibers) splicing methods are available. Both are field-proven and have high long-term reliability when completed according to manufacturer’s instructions. For OSP splice locations, the splices and stripped cables are typically protected and secured by a splice closure. For splicing inside a building, a splice enclosure that is secured to a rack, cabinet, or wall is often used. In both cases, the splice closure or enclosure contains the optical fiber splices in splice trays or organizers, typically in groups of 6, 12, 24, or more optical fibers per splice tray or organizer. Splicing can occur between two optical fiber cables—loose-tube cables containing 250 micrometers (μm) coated optical fiber and tight-buffer cables containing 900 μm buffered optical fibers. Both mechanical or fusion splice methods can perform 250 μm to 250 μm splicing, 250 μmm to 900 μm splicing, or 900 μm to 900 μm splicing. Typically, multimode optical fibers are 50/125 μm or 62.5/125 μm while singlemode optical fibers are 8 to 9/125 μm. Mechanical or fusion splicing can accommodate both multimode and singlemode optical fiber. Single-fiber and ribbon (array) optical fiber (typically 12) splicing methods are available for both fusion and mechanical methods for various cable constructions. There are advantages and disadvantages for each method, but the choice primarily depends on: • The information transport systems (ITS) installer’s equipment. • Preference. • Training. • Application. • Volume of optical fiber splicing. All of these methods and categories: • Are field-proven. • Have excellent long-term reliability. • Can be used for termination of optical fiber cables. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-28 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Optical Fiber Splicing Methods, continued Fusion Splicing Fusion splicing consists of aligning two clean (stripped of coating), cleaved optical fibers, then joining and fusing the ends together with an electric arc. Typical splice loss under field conditions is less than 0.05 decibels (dB) for singlemode optical fiber (maximum allowed is 0.3 dB). Mechanical Splicing By comparison, a mechanical splice is an optical junction where two or more optical fiber strands are aligned and held in place by a self-contained assembly approximately 51 millimeter (mm [2 inches (in)]) in length. Single-fiber mechanical splices rely upon alignment of the outer diameter of the optical fibers, making the accuracy of core/cladding concentricity critical to achieving low splice losses. Mechanical splices can consistently achieve losses on singlemode optical fibers in the 0.10 to 0.15 dB range (maximum allowed is 0.3 dB). Mass Splicing For high optical fiber-count applications, an increasingly popular method is mass splicing. Mass splicing can be fusion or mechanical. The term mass indicates that multiple optical fibers are being spliced at once, typically in a ribbon configuration. Most common today are 12-strand optical fiber ribbons. The chief advantage of mass splicing is speed. Mass splicing is typically four to five times faster than single-fiber splicing. Typical loss for this splice is less than 0.10 dB for singlemode optical fiber with a maximum allowed of 0.3 dB. The system designer needs to understand the loss requirements of the optical fiber system and the capabilities of the various types of splice equipment (under field conditions) to manage splicing trade-offs of productivity and splice loss when deciding to use single-fiber or mass splicing. Ribbon optical fiber is not necessarily needed to take advantage of mass splicing. Occasionally there is a requirement to splice loose-tube to ribbon cable. One method of accomplishing this is to break out the individual optical fibers in the ribbon cable for single-fiber splicing, or ribbonize the optical fibers from the loose-tube cable. © 2007 BICSI® 6-29 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Splice Protection Fusion and mechanical splicing are reliable and suitable for both indoor and outdoor use when the splices are completed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. When splicing outdoors, typically the splices and stripped cable should be protected by a splice closure. When the cable is installed in a splice closure, various methods provide strain relief and protection of the stripped optical fiber splice. All optical fiber splices are housed in splice trays or organizers inside a closure. The proper splice tray should be selected based on the type of protection required by the splice. For example, mechanical splices have a form of built-in strain relief and optical fiber protection, which are then secured in a splice tray or organizer. Fusion splices, however, require additional protection and strain relief that can be provided by heat-shrink sleeves, crimp protectors, or silicone sealant. Heat-shrink and mechanical crimp connectors are the most common methods. When splicing inside a building, a splice center can be used when rack or wall space is available. Additionally, most termination patch panels have built-in or accompanying splice centers that allow optical fiber termination and through splicing when required. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-30 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Optical Fiber Cable Splicing Hardware Considerations There are many types of splices and splicing methods that dictate a large variety of splice trays for a particular hardware unit. Optical fiber strands and splices must be well organized and protected. The splice tray should be easy to use and allow for easy reentry. The minimum bend radius requirements of the optical fiber strands must not be violated. Trays must be large enough to handle worst-case bending. Trays must provide adequate strain relief for buffer tubes, pigtails, or pre-terminated modules. Splice trays are available in metallic or plastic versions, for singlemode or multimode optical fiber strands, to provide physical protection for both fusion and mechanical splices. The standard fusion splice tray is a singlemode tray with a 12-strand optical fiber splice capacity that can be used with loose-tube or tight-buffered cables. A high-precision, molded, step-slot organizer protects the fusion splice without the need for individual splice protection parts. The completed splices are placed in the organizer and coated with room temperature vulcanization (RTV) compound to protect the bare optical fiber strands. The standard mechanical splice tray is a singlemode tray with a 12-strand optical fiber capacity. Most splice trays are available with clear, plastic covers for easy visual inspection. Other trays are available for most other splicing methods. Splice trays are required to protect and organize optical fiber strands and splices at splice points (see Figure 6.16). As with the copper closures, additional kits may be required to complete the closure assembly. Figure 6.16 Splice tray examples Singlemode fusion splice tray (12-strand optical fiber splice capacity) Singlemode mechanical splice tray (12-strand optical fiber splice capacity) © 2007 BICSI® 6-31 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware Hardware Labeling Proper labeling of hardware is important for system administration. One recommendation is to: • Label each panel from left to right, starting at the top and labeling to the bottom. • Be consistent with the labeling code. • Use the customer’s labeling procedure (campus environment). • Identify all splice points on the as-built drawings. • Provide written documentation as to: – Location. – Manufacturer. – Type of splice. – Pair count or optical fiber strand count. – Date of splice. – Splice technician’s name. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 6-32 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 6: Splicing Hardware References American National Standards Institute/Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronic Industries Alliance. ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A. Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. ———. ANSI/TIA/EIA-758. Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Cabling Standard. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2004. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.® National Electrical Safety Code.® Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2006. National Fire Protection Association, Inc. NFPA 70. National Electrical Code®, 2005 edition. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, Inc., 2005. © 2007 BICSI® 6-33 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7 Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Chapter 7 discusses the importance, purpose, and requirements of grounding (earthing), bonding, and electrical protection for outside plant (OSP). It details the treatment of exposure to lightning, power contact, power induction, and ground potential rise (GPR). Respective equipment and methodologies also are featured. Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Table of Contents Introduction........................................................................................ 7-1 Exposed Outside Plant (OSP) ......................................................................... 7-1 Exposure to Lightning .............................................................................. 7-2 Power Contact ....................................................................................... 7-3 Power Induction ..................................................................................... 7-3 Ground Potential Rise (GPR) ...................................................................... 7-3 Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding ................................................................... 7-5 Multiground Neutral (MGN) and Non-MGN Power Systems ................................... 7-5 Bonding Telecommunications and Power Grounds .......................................... 7-9 Bonding Requirements ...................................................................... 7-10 Aerial Cable Bonding Requirements ................................................................ 7-10 Maintaining Electrical Continuity of Shields ................................................ 7-10 Metallic Conductors ............................................................................... 7-10 Bonding Support Strands to Ground ......................................................... 7-11 Bonding Cable Shields to Support Strands ................................................. 7-11 Bonding at Power Crossings .................................................................... 7-12 Bonding in Joint Use or Joint Occupancy ................................................... 7-13 Underground/Direct-Buried Cable Dips in Aerial Cable Runs ........................... 7-14 Aerial—Underground Transitions ............................................................... 7-14 Direct-Buried Cable Bonding Requirements ...................................................... 7-14 Direct-Buried Plant Exposed to Power ....................................................... 7-14 Joint Random Direct-Buried Plant ............................................................. 7-16 Methods and Precautions ....................................................................... 7-16 Underground Cable Bonding Requirements ...................................................... 7-16 Metallic Conductors ............................................................................... 7-16 Maintenance Hole (MH) Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding ................................ 7-17 Building Entrance Protection ........................................................................ 7-21 Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding ............................................................ 7-21 Corrosion and Noncorrosion Areas ............................................................ 7-21 © 2007 BICSI® 7-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Protectors ........................................................................................ 7-25 Fuseless Protector Housing .......................................................................... 7-25 Fused Protector Housing ............................................................................. 7-25 Fuse Links ................................................................................................ 7-25 Protector Units .......................................................................................... 7-26 Primary and Secondary Protector Units .......................................................... 7-27 Grounding (Earthing) for Lightning Protection ................................... 7-28 Soil Resistance .......................................................................................... 7-28 Ground Resistance ..................................................................................... 7-28 Obtaining a 25-Ohm Ground ......................................................................... 7-29 Bonding Electrodes ..................................................................................... 7-29 Reducing Resistivity ................................................................................... 7-30 Chemical Electrodes .............................................................................. 7-30 Using Ground Enhancement Material ......................................................... 7-30 Advantages of Ground Enhancement Material ............................................ 7-31 Ideal Conditions .................................................................................... 7-31 Concrete-Encased Electrode ........................................................................ 7-31 Building Exterior Grounds ........................................................................ 7-32 Cable to Electrode Connections ............................................................... 7-32 Electrical Protection in Tunnels .......................................................... 7-33 Spacing Between Bonding Points .................................................................. 7-33 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) .............................................................. 7-34 Mutual Impedance ..................................................................................... 7-34 Recommended Testing Procedures and Criteria ............................................... 7-35 True Root-Mean-Square (rms) Alternating Current (ac) Measurements .......... 7-35 Two-Point Bonding Measurements ............................................................ 7-35 References ....................................................................................... 7-36 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Figures Figure 7.1 Ground potential rise ..................................................................... 7-4 Figure 7.2 Multiground neutral power system .................................................... 7-6 Figure 7.3 Non-multiground neutral power system ............................................. 7-7 Figure 7.4 Wye power system ........................................................................ 7-8 Figure 7.5 Delta power system ....................................................................... 7-9 Figure 7.6 Ground connection on a pole (multiground neutral system) ................ 7-12 Figure 7.7 Grounding (earthing) without access to transformers ........................ 7-15 Figure 7.8 Welded bonding attachment to rebar for site-poured maintenance hole ........................................................................ 7-17 Figure 7.9 Clamped bonding attachment to rebar for precast or site-poured maintenance hole ....................................................... 7-18 Figure 7.10 Interior grounding (earthing) and bonding for racking ........................ 7-18 Figure 7.11 Underground cable bonding ........................................................... 7-19 Figure 7.12 Maintenance hole bonding ............................................................ 7-20 Figure 7.13 Isolation gap .............................................................................. 7-23 © 2007 BICSI® 7-iii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-iv © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Introduction Properly designed and installed electrical grounding (earthing), bonding, and protection can minimize voltage and currents that may be hazardous to people, property, and telecommunications equipment. Proper grounding (earthing) and bonding techniques also can improve the signal integrity of a transmission path or promote the reliable operation of electronic equipment. The sources of these abnormal voltages and currents are usually external to the telecommunications cabling. The purpose of electrical protection is to: • Minimize electrical hazards to system users and protect those engaged in construction, operation, and maintenance of the system. • Reduce the risk of electrical damage to aerial, direct-buried, or underground plant, telecommunications equipment, and associated buildings or structures. • Mitigate transient voltages that can induce unwanted signals on cables. Where users and plant personnel are concerned, safety from shock hazard is a prime design consideration. The National Electrical Safety Code®(NESC®) requires cable shields, support strands, and other noncurrent-carrying metallic hardware to be effectively grounded. It is especially important to effectively ground cable shields, support strands, and noncurrent-carrying metallic hardware at deadends and junction points for noise mitigation, personnel protection, and power contact protection. In the United States, the common electrical supply is 120 volt (V) 60 hertz (Hz) nominally. In many other countries, the common electrical supply is 240 V 50 Hz nominally. In all cases, refer to local electrical codes and regulations. Exposed Outside Plant (OSP) In the United States, the information transport systems (ITS) designer must be familiar with the definition of exposed OSP cable as defined by the NESC® and the National Electrical Code ®(NEC ®). Protective measures are required on aerial, direct-buried, and underground cable when there is exposure to: • Disturbances due to the presence of lightning stroke currents. • Voltage induction (e.g., alternating current [ac] power) exceeding 300 V. • Accidental contact with power conductors operating at more than 300 V to ground. • Ground potential rise (GPR) exceeding 300 V. The designer should consider all the exposures encountered for a specific cable installation when determining protection measures. Whatever the source, protective measures should be coordinated and considered as a whole to abate these exposures. © 2007 BICSI® 7-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Exposed Outside Plant (OSP), continued The terms exposed and unexposed are used to describe OSP with respect to its vulnerability to sources of current and voltage. OSP subject to electrical disturbances from any of these sources is exposed. OSP not subject to these effects is not exposed. The designer should consider the physical characteristics of the OSP cable (i.e., metallic components of cable such as a strength member, metallic shield, or conductors) when determining whether an outside facility should be classified as exposed or unexposed. Furthermore, the source and severity of the exposure must also be considered to determine the protection measures to be specified. Often, a segment of the OSP cabling may not appear to be exposed to lightning and power; yet, by way of exposed branches or extensions connecting with that segment, it is classified as exposed. For example, underground plant is not directly exposed to power contact, but individual cables can be exposed to power or lightning if they extend into an exposed location by aerial or direct-buried facilities. A telecommunications system is exposed or unexposed according to whether the OSP serving it is exposed or unexposed. NOTE: Consult the appropriate requirements and practices of applicable authorities, regulations, and codes concerning their policies with respect to exposed and unexposed plant. Frequently, the policy is to treat all locations as exposed and to protect the plant accordingly. Exposure to Lightning IMPORTANT: Lightning strikes are a common source of hazardous foreign potentials. OSP cabling is classified as exposed to lightning except when located in: • • • Areas having five or less thunderstorm days per year and where the ground resistivity is less than 100 ohm-meters ( Ωm ). Such areas are rare. For example, in the continental United States, they are found along the Pacific coast. Areas where buildings are close and sufficiently high to intercept lightning. Campus cabling runs that are 42.7 meters (m [140 feet (ft)]) or less with the cable bonded to each building ground electrode system. BICSI recommends that all exterior cable be treated as exposed and properly protected. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Exposed Outside Plant (OSP), continued Power Contact Since power and telecommunications cabling serve the same customers, OSP facilities for these services are sometimes located close to one another and may even share the same pole or trench (i.e., joint-use). Aerial or direct-buried plant that is subject to possible contact by power conductors operating at more than 300 V to ground is considered to be exposed to power contacts. All primary power systems operate at a higher voltage than this, while most secondary systems operate at lower voltages. Such systems must also be considered hazardous since the currents imposed as a result of accidental contact can severely damage physical plant or be fatal to personnel. Power Induction Disturbances from electromagnetic induction (i.e., power induction) can occur wherever telecommunications and power lines run parallel for long distances. OSP subject to power induction of more than 300 V to ground is considered to be exposed. Although lower voltages may exist as a result of unbalanced power line operation, induced voltages exceeding 300 V to grounding (earthing) are most likely caused by power line faults. A properly constructed grounding (earthing) and bonding system will mitigate noise from power induction sources such as: • Electrified railroads. • Trolley systems. • Subways. • Electrified buses. • Electrified cranes. • Electric substations. Ground Potential Rise (GPR) OSP subject to a GPR of more than 300 V to ground is considered to be exposed. The likelihood of a GPR is greatest in the vicinity of a power generating station or a substation. Substations are commonly located on campus premises to provide service to the campus and its associated structures. GPRs can develop between the power station ground and remote grounds as a result of a fault in the power network and will persist until the fault is cleared. GPR is a function of the transmission of current to ground at some discrete point. While this may be temporary (e.g., a cloud-ground lightning strike) or continuous (e.g., operation of a substation), it creates a difference of potential between different geographical points in the telecommunications system. Unless the telecommunications system is properly bonded to ensure electrical continuity and equivalence and grounded to ensure delivery of the charge to a ground point, the system and persons in contact could be harmed. © 2007 BICSI® 7-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Exposed Outside Plant (OSP), continued In the following GPR example, the power system multiground neutral (MGN) system ground receives a 120 V fault (see Figure 7.1). This power fault induces 120 V onto the MGN ground. The voltage is dissipated through the ground but causes a GPR. Any telecommunications facilities or ground systems located in close proximity to the point of induced voltage will be influenced by that GPR. In this example, a telecommunications cable shield ground is located 1.2 m (4 ft) from the induced voltage to the MGN ground. The 120 V fault is dissipated to a 30 V ground potential rise when it reaches the telecommunications cable shield ground. Figure 7.1 Ground potential rise Telephone cable shield ground Power conductor 120 V power fault Power system (MGN) ground 1.2 m (4 ft) *55 V 0.91 m (3 ft) *44 V *36 V 0.6 m (2 ft) *30 V 0.3 m (1 ft) * Voltage to remote earth ft m MGN V = = = = Foot Meter Multiground neutral Volt Accidental power contacts, power induction, and GPR are individual threats to OSP cabling, but the protection measures used to prevent one source of power disturbance are generally effective against all three. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding Grounding (earthing) refers to the electrical connection of telecommunications hardware to an effective electrical ground. An effective electrical ground can be the vertical down lead (VDL) of a power system MGN, a grounded neutral of a secondary power system, or a specially constructed grounding (earthing) system. Bonding refers to the electrical interconnection of conductive parts designed to maintain a common electrical potential. Bonding conductors must be of sufficient gauge to carry anticipated current due to power contact. Typically, these conductors should be sized so that no more than 40 V is present along its entire length. If this incalculable, the designer must consider a short, straight bonding connection. An effective electrical ground, such as the power MGN, must provide a low impedance path to earth. Electrical connection to a low-resistance ground permits current to flow to ground without the build-up of hazardous voltages on the telecommunications cabling, in the event of power contact. Electrical connections of aerial plant to anchor rods or down guys are not effective electrical grounds. These types of connections are high-resistance grounds. A high-resistance ground does not provide adequate protection against hazardous voltages resulting from power contact or lightning. The purpose of grounding (earthing) and bonding in a telecommunications system is to: • Reduce the hazard of electrical shock and damage to structures and equipment from alternating current (ac) and direct current (dc) voltages and from lightning surges. • Abate the hazardous and damaging effects of lightning and power surge voltages and currents in telecommunications facilities. • De-energize the power circuit quickly in the event of an accidental contact by causing operation of power circuit breakers or fuses. • Provide paths to ground (earth) for shield currents in metallic cable shields, thereby reducing the voltages induced in cable conductors. • Reduce noise voltages in sensitive circuitry by providing an effective common reference point for circuit potentials to which outside induced currents can drain without disturbing circuit operation. Multiground Neutral (MGN) and Non-MGN Power Systems MGN and non-MGN power systems vary in structural design from area to area based on service needs and economy of the design; however, these systems must be compliant with the NESC ®. MGN power systems are characterized by a neutral conductor, which originates at the substation and is carried continuously along the primary and secondary circuits to the subscriber’s premises. This neutral conductor is grounded at 0.40 kilometers (km [0.25 miles (mi)]) intervals. © 2007 BICSI® 7-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Multiground Neutral (MGN) and Non-MGN Power Systems, continued The top wire is the primary circuit and carries high voltage from the power substation to the secondary circuits. There may be more than one primary conductor on a line, but the neutral conductor is always below the primary. In an MGN power system, the neutral conductor is grounded at each transformer and continues through to the secondary circuits and the customer’s premises (see Figure 7.2). Figure 7.2 Multiground neutral power system Primary Primary Primary Primary Neutral Neutral Neutral Approximately 0.40 km (0.25 mi) separation between vertical down leads Ground rods placed at base of pole km mi = = Kilometer Mile OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Multiground Neutral (MGN) and Non-MGN Power Systems, continued At every transformer pole in an MGN power system, the neutral conductor is connected to a ground wire that leads down to the ground electrode at the base of the pole. This wire is called the vertical down lead (VDL). Approximately every 0.40 km (0.25 mi), even where no transformers are located, the power company runs a VDL from the ground rod to bond the primary neutral and secondary neutral for an effective ground. The multi-grounding (earthing) of this power system is more common than non-MGN systems (see Figure 7.3) because over-current devices (e.g., fuses or relay-protection systems) operate more rapidly due to low impedance ground paths. NOTE: The MGN system discussed above is the type of MGN system generally used in the United States and may vary from area to area. In cases where aerial runs are installed on a joint-use pole with a non-MGN system, a dedicated telecommunications VDL shall be provided at least every 0.40 km (0.25 mi). The ITS designer should coordinate the use of an MGN as the grounding (earthing) source with the power company when placing cables on a joint-use pole line. In these instances, bonding the cable support strand to the MGN should ground both the cable shield and the cable support strand. This assumes that the cable shield has already been bonded to the cable support strand. Grounding (earthing) is accomplished by connecting a bonding conductor from the support strand to the VDL. Coordinate grounding (earthing) and bonding connections to the VDL or MGN with the power company. Many power companies require that only their qualified employees make these connections. In cases where the telecommunications pole line intersects at a joint-use pole supporting power lines, ground the cable support strand by bonding it to the MGN. Midspan crossings of telecommunications cables and power lines should be avoided if possible. If unavoidable, buried crossings should be considered. Most power companies will not allow midspan crossings without an attachment. Figure 7.3 Non-multiground neutral power system Three primaries Primary bushings Lightning arrester Three secondaries © 2007 BICSI® 7-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Multiground Neutral (MGN) and Non-MGN Power Systems, continued Non-MGN power systems do not utilize a MGN conductor. The two most common non-MGN are the: • Grounded wye power system—This system has a neutral ground at a single point in the power line. Figure 7.4 illustrates a wye power system. NOTE: There may not be a neutral conductor carried with the phase conductors. Figure 7.4 Wye power system 208 V A B 120 V 120 V 208 V Neutral 208 V C Ground 120 V V = Volt OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Multiground Neutral (MGN) and Non-MGN Power Systems, continued • Three-phase, ungrounded delta power system—A delta power system is a -legged, ungrounded configuration with an equal potential between each phase of the transformer. Figure 7.5 illustrates a Delta power system. Figure 7.5 Delta power system A B 240 V 240 V C 240 V V = Volt Non-MGN power systems also vary in structure and appearance. A non-MGN power system may not have a continuous neutral conductor or pole grounding (earthing) system. In a typical non-MGN system, there are two primary feeds; each one is attached to a primary bushing on the transformer. The transformer’s secondary tap is grounded to the VDL. There is no ground connection from the primary of the transformer to the secondary. NOTE: The power company can provide information on the type(s) of power system(s) used in their area. Bonding Telecommunications and Power Grounds A bond between power and telecommunications plant must be established using at least a 6 AWG [4.1 millimeters (mm [0.16 inches (in)])] bonding conductor. © 2007 BICSI® 7-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Bonding Requirements Aerial Cable Bonding Requirements Maintaining Electrical Continuity of Shields It is important that electrical continuity of aerial cable shields be maintained. Bond all connecting direct-buried or underground cable shields to provide: • An effective reference for lightning and power currents. • Radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation. • Electromagnetic interference (EMI) mitigation. Metallic Conductors The required intervals for bonding the telecommunications support strand to the power system MGN depend on the power voltages involved. NOTE: The grounding (earthing) and bonding requirements should be reviewed with the power and access provider (AP) if it is a jointly used pole line. All connectors and clamps must be listed, rated for outside use, and properly sized to accept the wire and strand size. The bonding of telecommunications hardware to power company facilities on aerial plant shall be performed: • Only by ITS personnel on telecommunications cable plant. • In or below the telecommunications pole space. • Only when authorized by the power company. ITS personnel shall not perform any work within nor climb into the power space on a pole. Where the connection to the MGN must be made above the telecommunications space, sufficient wire should be coiled and temporarily attached to the pole for later connection by power company personnel. NOTE: The telecommunications bonding conductor should only be connected to the power utility MGN by the power utility. This requires the submittal of the information to the power utility on a preapproved or other negotiated form or document. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Aerial Cable Bonding Requirements, continued Bonding Support Strands to Ground Suspension strands are bonded to reduce the possibility of electrical shock and to minimize plant damage. Grounding (earthing) and bonding of the suspension strand will: • Limit the voltage on the strand in the event of an accidental contact with energized power conductors. • De-energize the power circuit quickly in the event of an accidental contact by causing operation of power circuit breakers or fuses. • Minimize induced voltages that may be on the strand. • Establish and maintain shield continuity of the cable, terminals, and splices. • Bond the strands of separate cables or wires together: – Every 0.40 km (0.25 mi). – At each crossover. – At each branch. Bonding Cable Shields to Support Strands Cable shields should be bonded to support strands at frequent intervals to prevent arcing and to provide a low impedance ground for power contact or lightning-related surge currents. Shielded cables should be bonded between the shield and support strand at all splices, terminals, and load points. The method used to bond the shield to the support strand depends on the types of enclosures. If a shielded cable is exposed to lightning, the shield should be bonded to the strand every 0.40 km (0.25 mi), usually at splices and terminals. An example of grounding (earthing) and bonding the telecommunications support strand is shown in Figure 7.6. © 2007 BICSI® 7-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Aerial Cable Bonding Requirements, continued Figure 7.6 Ground connection on a pole (multiground neutral system) Coil and tie bonding conductor to pole for attachment by power company 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] bonding conductor doubled under strand bond clamp Staple Support strand 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] bonding conductor doubled under strand bond clamp Staples AWG in mm = = = American Wire Gauge Inch Millimeter Bonding at Power Crossings Where possible, aerial telecommunications cable and electrical distribution lines should be crossed on jointly used or occupied poles rather than midspan. At joint pole crossings with MGN-type power lines, the cable support strand should be connected to the MGN via a VDL. Span crossings may be used where it is not feasible to have: • Joint pole crossings with electrical distribution lines. • Aerial crossings with electrical transmission lines. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Aerial Cable Bonding Requirements, continued Bonding in Joint Use or Joint Occupancy Where the same poles used for MGN electrical supply circuits support a telecommunications cable, the cable shield and support strand should be bonded to the MGN. These bonding connections should be made: • Where the joint use or joint occupancy arrangement begins and ends. • On every electrical supply pole that carries a VDL to which the following are connected: • – Transformers – Capacitors – Other types of power equipment that draws load current under normal conditions If the joint use or joint occupancy section is longer than 0.8 km (0.5 mi), these bonds should be made to the MGN every 0.40 km (0.25 mi). The NESC requires additional grounding (earthing) considerations for certain support strand sizes where the support strands are exposed to possible power contacts, power induction, or lightning. If the ampacity of the support strands is not adequate for system grounding (earthing) conductors, additional bonds must be made at intervals of 0.20 km (0.12 mi). Where the same poles used for non-MGN electrical supply circuits support a telecommunications cable, shields should be grounded by bonding them to a telecommunications ground system. Under certain conditions, it may be necessary to use an additional telecommunications grounding (earthing) system with ground rods connected to the support strand and cable sheath. VDL on utility poles interconnected to transformers or capacitor banks should be designed by power company engineers for direct bonding to the power system neutral. At such locations, visual inspections from the ground should be made before climbing the pole to determine whether the VDL is actually connected to the neutral. WARNING: © 2007 BICSI® If the VDL is not connected to the neutral, the power company should be informed and the wire regarded as energized. Telecommunications line workers should not touch or climb the pole until the power company reconnects the VDL to the neutral. 7-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Aerial Cable Bonding Requirements, continued Where bonding of the support strand and MGN is recommended, the bond should be accomplished by the appropriate method for the conditions prevailing at the pole as listed below: • If the pole already has a VDL connected to the MGN, then a bonding conductor should be installed by power company personnel. • A bonding conductor should be left with sufficient slack to connect it to the MGN. Connection of the bonding conductor to the MGN should be made only by the power company. For recommended intermediate bonds, a pole already equipped with a VDL should be selected and a bonding conductor installed. In most instances, bonding the cable shield to the MGN will reduce noise levels in the telecommunications cable. Underground/Direct-Buried Cable Dips in Aerial Cable Runs No special protection is required at junctions of aerial cable and short underground or directburied plastic-sheathed cable dips in aerial cable runs. Aerial—Underground Transitions If an aerial cable exposed to lightning is connected to a single underground cable that extends for 305 m (1000 ft) or more before paralleling other cables, ground the aerial cable shield at the last pole. The shield and supporting strand should be bonded to an MGN vertical down lead (VDL) if one exists. Otherwise, use a telecommunications ground rod. Direct-Buried Cable Bonding Requirements Direct-Buried Plant Exposed to Power In general, bond wherever cable is specified. The following methods should be used to protect telecommunications cable direct-buried near power conductors. Protection requirements are based on the distances between the two systems: • Less than 0.91 m (3 ft) separation—To maintain shield continuity in terminals and splice closures, direct-buried telecommunications cable must be bonded when it is located less than 0.91 m (3 ft) from a power cable. Bonding must be performed regardless of whether the cables are in the same or separate trenches. Additionally: – Telecommunications cable shields should be bonded to the power neutral or to the power apparatus at all above-ground telecommunications terminals, pedestals, apparatus cases, and direct-buried cable closures located within 1.83 m (6 ft) of any aboveground power apparatus. – For every terminal located near a power transformer, provide a bonding conductor for connection to either the transformer housing, primary neutral, secondary neutral, or secondary pedestal served from the transformer. This connection must be installed by power company personnel. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-14 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Direct-Buried Cable Bonding Requirements, continued – Grounding (earthing) should be performed at every other pedestal if no transformer is present (see Figure 7.7). – The ground shall not be omitted on any two adjacent terminals. – The distance between ground locations shall not exceed 305 m (1000 ft). – No exposed point of the telecommunications cable should be more than 152 m (500 ft) from a bond connection. Figure 7.7 Grounding (earthing) without access to transformers Pedestals Bond cable to ground rod Bond cable to ground rod Earth B B B B B Direct-buried cable Place ground rods (Length varies with soil conditions —not to exceed 305 m [1000 ft]) ft m • = = Foot Meter More than 0.91 m (3 ft) separation—When direct-buried telecommunications cable and power cable are separated by more than 0.91 m (3 ft), only bonding is required. Where direct-buried telecommunications cable is separated from direct-buried power cable with more than 0.91 m (3 ft) of well-tamped earth, the chance for accidental contact with power conductors is minimal. © 2007 BICSI® 7-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Direct-Buried Cable Bonding Requirements, continued Joint Random Direct-Buried Plant Joint random direct-buried plant is plant direct-buried in the same trench as power conductors where a minimum 305 mm (12 in) separation has not been maintained. Joint random spacing is limited to distribution cable that is joint buried. The NESC specifies the voltage limitations in joint random construction (see NESC, Section 35, Rule 354). In addition to voltage limitations placed on joint random construction, the NESC specifies that the power conductors include a bare or semi-conducting, jacketed, grounded conductor in continuous contact with the earth. An overall insulating jacket with a copper concentric conductor that is grounded a minimum of eight times per 1.6 km (1 mi) in each random directburied section is required. Close coordination with the local power company is required. Methods and Precautions Bonds must be made using minimum 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] solid copper wire and listed clamps. Convenient bonding locations should be chosen to minimize the length of the bonding wire. Maintain cable shield bond continuity of all telecommunications plants. Underground Cable Bonding Requirements Metallic Conductors Telecommunications and power facilities occupy separate structures in an underground plant; therefore, underground metallic conductor cables are not exposed to power contact. Bonding cables in telecommunications maintenance holes (MHs) reduces the overall resistance to ground and equalizes the potentials between the cables. Equalizing the potentials between cables protects personnel by reducing the possibility of shock hazards and minimizes plant damage. Cables used in the underground conduit system have either an outer metallic sheath or a plastic sheath. Generally, cables with an outer metallic sheath are bonded at each MH, while cables with an outer plastic sheath are bonded at MHs where a splice is made. In some instances, when cables are exposed because of aerial to underground OSP (e.g., cable dip) extensions, the following guidelines should be applied: • Establish and maintain continuity of all metallic cable elements. • Nonmetallic splice case bonding connections, as well as lead sleeves and metallic splice cases, should be connected to the MH grounding (earthing) system at every MH. • Plastic sheath cables do not need to be bonded at pull-through MHs. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-16 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Maintenance Hole (MH) Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding To bond and ground monolithic (site-poured) MHs, follow the same procedures used in precast MHs. If these procedures are not followed, a driven ground rod and associated bonding ribbon is required (see Figures 7.8 through 7.10). Figure 7.8 Welded bonding attachment to rebar for site-poured maintenance hole Welded Grade 60 new billet steel rebar Bonding ribbon Concrete Bonding ribbon connector © 2007 BICSI® 7-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Maintenance Hole (MH) Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding, continued Figure 7.9 Clamped bonding attachment to rebar for precast or site-poured maintenance hole (In concrete) Brass ground clamp Bonding ribbon Rebar To wall inserts Figure 7.10 Interior grounding (earthing) and bonding for racking Copper ground wire 1.8 m (6 ft) Concrete inserts Sump Ground rod ft m = = Foot Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-18 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Maintenance Hole (MH) Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding, continued Concrete in earth tends to draw moisture from the soil and maintain its own water content. This condition accounts for its consistent low resistivity even under desert conditions. Ground identification plates must be used either in precast or site-poured MHs. Figure 7.11 illustrates how splice closures within a MH are bonded and grounded. Figure 7.11 Underground cable bonding Telecommunications cable Maintenance hole bonding ribbon Splice closures Maintenance hole ground system Cable racks When a splice occurs in an MH, the metallic strength member and other metallic sheath components of the cables must be bonded to the MH grounding (earthing) system. All closures should also be bonded to the MH ground. No bonding is required in handholes (HHs) and MHs when the cable is pulled through without a splice. © 2007 BICSI® 7-19 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Maintenance Hole Grounding (Earthing) and bonding, continued Figure 7.12 shows the bonding of metallic members within the MH. Figure 7.12 Maintenance hole bonding Side view of 2-piece precast maintenance hole Cable rack Bonding ribbon Seam between top and bottom section of maintenance hole Sump Ground rod NOTE: Bonding ribbon is clamped or welded to embedded steel at the time of casting. Bond connection for splice cases, cables, etc., is established with use of vertical bonding ribbon. At time of cable rack installation, attach bonding ribbon. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-20 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Building Entrance Protection All exposed telecommunications cables that contain metallic components (e.g., metallic shield, metallic strength member, or metallic pair) require some form of electrical protection at the building entrance, including: • Grounding (earthing) and bonding of cable metallic sheath components and metallic strength members. • Installation of protectors to metallic pairs, along with fuse links, where required. • Air pressure pipe that is exposed and is metallic or contains a metallic vapor barrier also requires grounding (earthing) and bonding. At locations where air pressure equipment is connected to the air feeder pipe, connect the metallic lining of the pipe to the MH grounding (earthing) system. Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding The telecommunications main grounding (earthing) busbar (TMGB) is the location within a building where all grounding (earthing) conductors are connected to the earth electrode (see ANSI-J-STD-607-A, Commercial Building Grounding (earthing) [Earthing] and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications). Grounding (earthing) and bonding is performed to maintain equalization of voltages between: • Equipment ground conductors. • Grounding (earthing) electrodes. • Metallic cable sheath components. • Cable metallic strength members. • Main cross-connect ground. The metallic sheath components and metallic strength members of all cables entering the building must be connected to the TMGB. When buildings are served by exposed cables: • Ground entrance cable shields as close to the entrance as possible. • Use fire-resistant splice cases for all splices of entrance cables. • Ground the protector or protected cable terminal using a minimum 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] copper ground wire, to the TMGB. • Protector ground, power ground, and interior metallic water pipe system must be bonded together. Corrosion and Noncorrosion Areas When there are no insulating joints, use 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] copper wire or bonding ribbon to bond entrance cable metallic sheath components and strength members to the TMGB. © 2007 BICSI® 7-21 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Building Entrance Protection, continued Insulating joints (isolation gaps) may be required in certain areas where cable corrosion is a problem such as in the vicinity of dc trolley and rail systems or pipeline cathodic protection systems. These joints do not provide protection against hazardous voltages. WARNING: Cathodic protection systems are used to provide a constant low current connection to various metallic ducts or other metallic structures in order to mitigate galvanic corrosion of the structures. Although the cathodic protection system may provide the appearance of a ground connection, it may not be used as part of the building’s grounding (earthing) electrode system. The designer must not attach the telecommunications grounding (earthing) and bonding system to such a cathodic protection system. In a noncorrosion (low-risk) area, the sheaths or shields of all OSP cables must be bonded with 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] copper wire or bonding ribbon to the telecommunications grounding (earthing) system. In a corrosion (high-risk) area: • Install insulating joints or isolation gaps on all cables entering a building. The purpose of these kind of joints is to separate the building ground from the OSP ground, and to prevent the flow of currents that may cause electrolytic corrosion. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-22 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Building Entrance Protection, continued For cables that are exposed to lightning inductive interference or power contact, use isolation gaps as follows: • Bond the OSP sides of shields or sheaths, and isolate them from the telecommunications grounding (earthing) system. Figure 7.13 shows the configuration of an isolation joint. Figure 7.13 Isolation gap Isolation gap Isolation joint © 2007 BICSI® 7-23 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Building Entrance Protection, continued When insulating joints are used: • Bridge insulating joints on exposed cables with decoupling capacitors to minimize coupled noise. • Use 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] copper wire or bonding ribbon on the outside of the insulating joint to bond the metallic sheath components and strength members of all entering cables (paired conductor and optical fiber). Cables and all associated metal (i.e., elements) must be isolated from all grounded objects (e.g., building steel, equipment, racks) on the OSP side of the insulating joint. • Locate insulating joints as near as possible to the point of entry. • On the building side of the insulating joint, use a minimum of 6 AWG [4.1 mm (0.16 in)] copper wire or bonding ribbon to bond the metallic sheath components and strength members of all cables to the TMGB. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-24 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Protectors There are two general types of protector housings—fused and fuseless. All fuseless protector housings are equipped with voltage-limiting devices (e.g., carbon blocks, gas tubes, or solidstate components). Fuseless Protector Housing Fuseless protectors do not offer protection for sustained fault current like fused protectors. When used in conjunction with fuseless protectors where power exposure exists, a fuse link is required between exposed plant and the protector in order to minimize any fire or shock hazard in the event of a sustained power contact. Fused Protector Housing Fuse links may not protect a connecting cable from lightning exposure because the operating (time-current) characteristics of fuse links of any type could allow lightning surges to pass through the fuse without operating it. Fused protectors are required when: • • No fuse link has been provided, as in the following examples: – Direct-buried drop wire is connected to 19 AWG [0.91 mm (0.036 in)] or 22 AWG [0.64 mm (0.025)] conductors of joint direct-buried plant, and the protector is located on an exterior wall or within the building being served. – Drop wire is run more than one span on joint-use poles with power and is not shielded by a grounded strand or grounded conductor. A portion of a service wire is jointly trenched with power distribution cables greater than 300 V to ground. Fuseless protectors should only be installed with a fusible link. NOTE: Fusible links are current-limiting devices. Fuseless protectors (e.g., carbon, gas tube, or solid state) are voltage-limiting devices. Fuse Links Fuse links are shorter sections of finer (larger AWG number) gauge cable than normally required for transmission purposes. In the event of prolonged current flows caused by foreign potentials (e.g., power contacts), fuse links burn open, protecting terminating equipment or cabling. The protector stubs, or internal protector wiring, should be at least two gauges finer than the entrance cable. For transmission reasons, fuse links should be as short as possible. However, a minimum of 0.6 m (2 ft) of fuse link is required. © 2007 BICSI® 7-25 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Protector Units Protector units limit the voltage difference between conductors and ground by providing a low impedance path to ground when the operating voltage of the protector unit is reached. Protector units are required on all exposed circuits entering the building; this includes tip and ring conductors contained in conventional paired conductor cables and those in hybrid cables. The following list outlines some of the more common devices used to prevent damage to equipment and personnel for exposed OSP facilities: • Air gap discharge protectors—Features a carbon air gap and fail-safe mechanism that shorts to ground when a voltage exceeds its rating. • Gas tube protectors—Generally contains a two or three electrode high amperage ceramic nonradioactive gas-tube arrestor and a fail-safe mechanism. These are used in areas where frequent transient overvoltages are a problem or where operating values must be tightly controlled. This type of protector will recover repeatedly from the overvoltage and provide 30 to 40 times longer life than carbon air-gap protectors. • Solid state protectors—Contains diodes intended for use with sensitive equipment. They can be equipped with heat coils of varying values. The diode is a fast semiconductor switch with operating voltages nearly independent of transient rise time. It can operate repeatedly and provides longer protection life than either carbon air gap or gas-tube protectors. • Current-interrupting devices (fusing)—Overcurrent protective units with a circuit-opening fusible element that is severed when heated by the passage of an overcurrent. They are normally one-time devices. • Isolating transformers—These units have no direct electrical connection between the primary and secondary sides. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-26 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Primary and Secondary Protector Units The designer should consider providing both primary overvoltage protection and secondary overcurrent protection for exposed OSP twisted-pair copper cables. The NEC® requires primary protection for cables considered exposed to lightning, power line crosses, or accidental power contact. Secondary protection should also be considered to protect equipment from “sneak currents” typically defined as continuous foreign current exceeding 0.35 amperes. Typically, sneak currents are not high enough to engage primary protectors but can cause damage to equipment and can present a fire hazard if the current is sustained. Fast response secondary protectors conforming to Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® (UL®) 497A, Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits, should be installed in series between the primary protectors and the switching equipment at the main building and between the primary protectors and the station equipment at the remote buildings. These protection devices can consist of overcurrent limiting heat coils or sneak current fuses. NOTE: Per the NEC®, secondary protectors on exposed circuits are not intended for use without primary protectors. Overcurrent conditions are caused by a low impedance connection to ground, power line contact (either direct or indirect), or via a line short circuit. It is permissible (and preferred) to utilize an assembly that integrates both primary and secondary overvoltage and overcurrent protection rather than create two protector fields. For example, a single protection assembly that uses modules having both current and fast response voltage suppression capability, and that meet safety requirements for primary and secondary protection, would protect both personnel and equipment. It is recommended that protector modules be equipped with in-service test points so that faulty or blown modules can be determined without accidentally disengaging a working circuit when determining whether the fuse module has operated or not. © 2007 BICSI® 7-27 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Grounding (Earthing) for Lightning Protection Soil Resistance The goal of any grounding (earthing) system is to provide a low-impedance path for fault currents until they reach the earth. When considering the grounding (earthing) conditions at any site, it is essential to test soil resistivity. In general, black dirt, or soils with high organic content, is usually a very good conductor because they tend to retain more moisture, leading to low resistivity. Sandy soils, which drain faster, tend to be less moist and are higher in resistivity. Solid rock and volcanic ash have virtually no moisture and have such high resistivity as to be practically useless as a grounding (earthing) material. Ground Resistance Ground resistance is usually measured with an instrument called an earth ground resistance tester. This meter consists of: • A voltage source. • Switches that change the instrument’s measurement range. Grounding (earthing) system installers may be required to measure or otherwise determine the ground resistance of the system they have installed. The NEC, section 250.56, requires a single electrode consisting of a rod, pipe, or plate that does not have a resistance to ground of 25 ohm ( Ω )or less to be augmented by one additional electrode of the types listed in section 250.52(A) 2 through 7. Multiple electrodes should always be installed so that they are at least 1.8 m (6 ft) apart. Spacing electrodes at distances greater than 1.8 m (6 ft) increases rod efficiency, meaning that the earth ground resistance for ground rod configuration may be lowered in value. Therefore, proper spacing and quantity of the electrodes ensures the maximum amount of fault current that can be safely discharged into the earth. To properly design a grounding (earthing) system, the earth resistivity should be measured. Several measurement methods can be used however the most effective of these is a fourpoint test method, known as the Wenner Method. This method is to specifically determine the soil resistivity of a given location and depth. Once soil resistivity (which is measured in either ohms-per-meter [ Ω /m] or ohms-per-centimeter [ Ω /cm]) is determined, it is cross-reference with a graph that will help the designer gauge the resistance of a ground rod configuration before it is even installed. When the ground rods are installed, they should be measured for their effectiveness. This measurement is known as a three-point, fall-of-potential method and is performed so that the installer can accurately measure the resistance of any ground rod configuration with respect to the surrounding soil. This measurement is often made before any grounding (earthing) or bonding conductor terminations are made to the ground rods. NOTE: Instructions for setting up and making these measurements are included with the testing equipment. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-28 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Obtaining a 25-Ohm Ground Per the NEC, section 250.52, the ground rod shall be a minimum of 2.5 m (8 ft) in length. A ground at every location with a resistance-to-ground of 25 ohm or less cannot always be accomplished with a 2.5 m (8 ft) ground rod. Instead, it may be necessary to use a longer rod, place and connect multiple rods, or use other grounding (earthing) methods for earth preparation. This is especially true in areas with extremely high resistivity. NOTE: Lower or equal to 25 ohm ground is a safety requirement and has nothing to do with system performance. Some system performance requirements can only be met by less than one impedance to ground. The National Security Agency (NSA) specifies 0.000025 ohm impedance to ground. For additional information, visit their Web site at www.nsa.gov. Bonding Electrodes Types of electrodes include: • Solid copper. • Copper-clad steel. • Plain steel. • Galvanized steel. • Stainless-clad steel. • Solid stainless steel. When selecting the type of electrode to use, the designer should consider: • The soil chemistry. • Any nearby electrically bonded structures. • Whether the electrode is installed in a corrosive area. Soil with a high sulfur content may cause copper to corrode. Any direct-buried steel items connected to a copper grounding (earthing) system will corrode due to the galvanic action between the copper and the steel. The rate of galvanic corrosion depends on the ratio of exposed copper and steel areas. The higher the ratio of copper exposed to steel, the greater the rate of corrosion. Coating steel to protect it can make corrosion worse since there will probably be at least one unprotected area. With only a small steel area exposed, the copper to steel ratio is high and all the corrosion takes place at the small area of unprotected steel and at a much higher rate than if the steel were uncoated. Steel ground rods are often used to prevent the galvanic corrosion possible with copper rods. To protect the steel, the rods are usually galvanized (zinc coated). The zinc creates a galvanic cell with any nearby, bonded steel, with the zinc being the anode and thus sacrificing itself to protect the steel. © 2007 BICSI® 7-29 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Bonding Electrodes, continued NOTE: In most circumstances, earthing and grounding (earthing) are synonymous in their definition and use. The term earthing is more popular in the United Kingdom and Europe, while grounding (earthing) is most commonly used in North America. In some areas of the world, grounding (earthing) definitions tend to be more broadly interpreted and applied. Any dc equipment operating in the area can cause severe corrosion on the grounding (earthing) system. An example of this may be a dc transit system substation. The large amounts of stray dc currents possible can cause severe corrosion of any nearby steel that may be part of the return circuit and grounding (earthing) system. Some transit systems use a stainless steel grounding (earthing) system in their substations. Reducing Resistivity In the absence of low-resistance soil conditions, there are other options for improving conductivity. These include filling the ground rod hole with bentonite, treating the soil with a salt (copper magnesium sulfate or rock salt), or using ground enhancement material. Chemical Electrodes Some installations specify a very low resistance, often lower than what is easily obtainable using multiple rods, deep driven rods, or long direct-buried grounding (earthing) conductors. In these instances, it may be necessary to select a “chemical-type electrode.” Chemical-type electrodes are copper tubes containing a salt that slowly leaches into the soil, lowering the soil’s resistance and possibly contaminating the soil; however, non-contaminating materials, generally referred to as ground enhancement materials, are available. Bentonite, a form of clay, is a common ground enhancement material. To use bentonite, a hole is drilled into the earth. The ground rod or conductor is then placed into the hole and the bentonite added, usually in dry form. Bentonite will absorb up to five times its weight in water and increase up to 13 times its dry volume, obtaining moisture from the surrounding soil. This creates exceptional contact between the rod or conductor and the soil. Bentonite’s ideal moisture content is three times its weight in water, at which time its resistivity will be approximately 2540 ohm-mm (100 ohm-in). Although bentonites’s resistivity is much higher than that of the grounding (earthing) rod, it is much lower than that of the surrounding soil. Therefore, in effect, bentonite increases the effective diameter of the rod. Using Ground Enhancement Material Other ground enhancement materials are available commercially, some with a resistivity of less than 119 ohm-mm (4.7 ohm-in [less than five percent of the resistivity of bentonite]). This material can be used dry or, when premixed with water, hardens like concrete. Ground enhancement materials are permanent and will not leach any chemicals into the soil. They can be used to surround a rod or conductor in a drilled hole, or may be used to surround a conductor in a trench. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-30 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Reducing Resistivity, continued Ground enhancement material improves grounding (earthing) effectiveness regardless of soil conditions and is ideal for areas with high resistance (e.g., rocky ground, mountain tops, sandy soil). Ground enhancement material can be installed wet or dry. Advantages of Ground Enhancement Material Ground enhancement material has many advantages over bentonite and rock salt. Unlike rock salt, it does not require periodic charging treatments or replacement. And, because it is chemically stable and very low in sulfate and chloride, it protects ground conductors from corrosion instead of attacking them like salts do. Once set, it maintains high conductivity in wet or dry conditions. Ground enhancement material meets environmental requirements for landfill. Ground enhancement material may be used where ground rods cannot be driven, or where limited land area makes adequate grounding (earthing) difficult with conventional methods. Although it costs more initially than standard fill materials such as bentonite, only a small amount is needed, so the size of the grounding (earthing) array can be reduced dramatically. Ideal Conditions Even under ideal circumstances, soil structure can vary and make it difficult to achieve uniform, low levels of resistivity across a wide area. However, with ground enhancement material, the results can be a lot more predictable because it offers: • Reduction in earth resistance that remains for the life of the system even during dry seasons. • Wet or dry installation. • Test-proven resistivity of 119 ohm-mm (4.7 ohm-in) or less. • Maintenance-free grounding (earthing). In summary, ground enhancement materials improve grounding (earthing) system performance. Concrete-Encased Electrode This type of ground uses a non-insulated conductor (no smaller in diameter than 4 AWG [5.2 mm (0.20 in)] encased along the bottom of a concrete building foundation footing in direct contact with the earth. The length of the conductor’s run inside the concrete is important, as the effective resistance is inversely proportional to the length of conductor within the concrete. Typically, a 6 m (20 ft) run—3 m (10 ft) in each direction—gives a five ground in 1000 ohm-m (3280 ohm-ft) soil conditions. © 2007 BICSI® 7-31 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Concrete-Encased Electrode, continued Building Exterior Grounds When effectively grounded, columns around the perimeter of a building are excellent grounding (earthing) electrodes and provide a good path to the earth for any fault currents that may be imposed on the system. When grounding (earthing) large or multiple-building facilities, perimeter grounding (earthing) provides an equipotential ground for all the building and equipment bonded to the perimeter ground. The grounding (earthing) conductor size depends on the size of the electrical service. Cable to Electrode Connections According to the NEC, section 250.8, “Grounding (earthing) conductors and bonding jumpers shall be connected by exothermic welding, listed pressure connectors, listed clamps, or other listed means. Connection devices or fittings that depend solely on solder shall not be used. Sheet metal screws shall not be used to connect grounding (earthing) conductors or connection devices to enclosures.” Exothermic welding is the most permanent method of making cable-to-ground rod or smallsized cable-to-cable connections. An exothermic system is the most convenient process for achieving welded ground connections. The resulting molecular bond produces a permanent connection that will not loosen or corrode over the lifetime of the installation. The exothermic system makes fast, positive grounds without any outside power source or heat. Connections are made by powdered metals (copper oxide and aluminum) within a mold by using a flint lighter to ignite the powdered metal. Once the connection is made, the ceramic mold can be left intact or broken off, revealing a permanent connection made in less than five minutes. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-32 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Electrical Protection in Tunnels Protecting metallic telecommunications cabling plant and personnel from hazardous electrical effects is particularly important in joint-use utility tunnels. Electrical protection requirements of other utilities may be similar in many ways, but the overall susceptibility of telecommunications facilities to induced voltages and EMI influence the requirements. Acceptable electrical protection for telecommunications installments should: • Maintain adequate separation between metallic telecommunications cable and electrical power facilities to prevent accidental contact between the telecommunications and electrical plant. • Yield a facility where there is no possibility of accidental contact with energized electrical power facilities. • Maintain separation and/or shielding between metallic telecommunications and electrical plant to ensure that voltages hazardous to either workers or plant are not induced into the telecommunications facilities. • Ground and bond the telecommunications facilities to the electrical facilities to prevent a hazardous potential difference from developing between various surfaces that workers may contact during normal work operations. Protective conduit is generally not used for telecommunications cabling. Using conduit reduces access required for inspection, maintenance, and random location of splices. Because flame spreads easily in a tunnel, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit should never be used. Power cables can dissipate heat more effectively when exposed to air than when enclosed in conduit. Evaluate each situation based on its particular characteristics. Where possible, telecommunications and electrical facilities should be placed on opposite sides of the tunnel. In some cases, this placement eliminates the need for additional shielding of the power or telecommunications cables and reduces the effects of EMI. Spacing Between Bonding Points When determining the spacing between bonding points in a tunnel there is no general, practical rule. Many factors must be considered. For example, cables placed in a tunnel will not be subjected to the lightning hazard of aerial plant. Therefore, less frequent bonding points are required than in aerial plant. In some cases (e.g., when entering utility facilities that may carry lightning currents), bonding at the access and equipment areas may be adequate. Provide a common grounded bonding conductor throughout the tunnel. © 2007 BICSI® 7-33 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Three major components of electromagnetic-induced interference problems that relate to metallic telecommunications transmission facilities placed in a joint-use utility tunnel with an ac or dc power system, are the: • Unbalanced electromagnetic fields of the power system. • Coupling between the power and telecommunications systems. • Susceptibility of the telecommunications system. The magnitude of the power line influence is determined by the magnitude of the: • Unbalanced current being transmitted. • Physical configuration of the line. If large enough, voltages induced into a telecommunications plant can create personnel safety hazards and service problems. The harmonics of 60 Hz (particularly the odd triples such as 540 Hz and 900 Hz) produce circuit noise and can interfere with normal equipment operation. This is especially true of electronic equipment designed to operate at low signal levels. Methods of minimizing the power system influence include using well balanced, three-phase systems and filters to reduce the harmonics. Mutual Impedance The coupling or mutual impedance between power and metallic telecommunications facilities is a function of the: • Physical separation between them. • Length (in meters/feet) of exposure. • Resistance of the return path for the unbalanced current. • Power and telecommunications line shielding effectiveness. In a tunnel, using shielding on either facility (where appropriate) can reduce coupling. The separation requirement overshadows other utilities’ requirements; therefore, metallic telecommunications cables should be placed at maximum separation from power cables. Two characteristics of the telecommunications circuit that determine susceptibility or extent to which the circuit is adversely affected by inductive fields are the: • Amount of shielding provided by the telecommunications cable sheath or by other grounded conductors. • Balance of the telecommunications circuit. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-34 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection Recommended Testing Procedures and Criteria Most qualified electrical installers do not test the grounding (earthing) and bonding system for a building prior to its connection to the telecommunications grounding (earthing) and bonding infrastructure. However, performing certain tests to evaluate the bonding connection between the telecommunications busbars and the ac grounding (earthing) electrode system is recommended. This testing should be performed after the cabling and grounding (earthing) infrastructure are installed but prior to either the final approval of the cabling plant or end-use equipment installation. True Root-Mean-Square (rms) Alternating Current (ac) Measurements Measuring the ac current on the bonding conductor for telecommunications cables or bonding conductors reveals the unwanted presence of any ac current flow. A reading of zero amperes (A) is the best possible reading for any bonding conductor. However, some sites have bonding conductors that exhibit some value greater than zero A due to induction of ac and dc currents on cable sheaths. As a guide, the recommended maximum ac current value on any bonding conductor should be less than one A. The recommended maximum dc current value should be less than 500 milliamperes (mA). The acceptable ac and dc current levels may change depending on the equipment needs. If abnormally high ac current levels are present on any bonding conductor, a dangerous condition likely exists within the area of testing. Therefore, one must be accustomed to wearing the proper safety gear and taking precautions when splicing cables or grounding (earthing) cable sheathes. Two-Point Bonding Measurements A two-point bonding measurement is performed using an earth grounding (earthing) resistance tester that is configured for a continuity test. An earth ground tester generates a test ac current that is manufacturer-specific and less susceptible to the influences of dc current. As a result, it is more accurate than the standard volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM). The test is performed by connecting the meter leads between the nearest available grounding (earthing) electrode (e.g., ground rod) and other metallic items within the area where the grounding (earthing) or bonding connections exist. The recommended maximum value for the bonding resistance between these two points is 0.1 ohm (100 milliohms [m ohm]). In central office facilities, the acceptable resistance between any two points may be less than 100 m ohm, possibly 50 m ohm. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Before performing this test, the equipment manufacturer should be consulted for detailed instrument setup and safety precautions. 7-35 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 7: Grounding, Bonding, and Protection References American National Standards Institute. ANSI J-STD-607-A. Commercial Building Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications. Arlington, VA: Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002. National Fire Protection Association, Inc. NFPA 70. National Electrical Code®, 2005 edition. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, Inc., 2005. National Security Agency. www.nsa.gov. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.® National Electrical Safety Code®. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2006. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® UL 497A. Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 2001. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 7-36 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8 Right-of-Way Chapter 8 features the types of right-of-way (R/W) and related easements and permits. It also describes accurate and legally acceptable methods of describing property, restrictions, covenants, conditions, liens, and encumbrances necessary for outside plant (OSP) design implementation. Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Table of Contents Right-of-Way ...................................................................................... 8-1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 8-1 Definition .................................................................................................... 8-2 Types of Right-of-Way (R/W) ........................................................................ 8-3 Purchasing Right-of-Way (R/W) ...................................................................... 8-3 Options ...................................................................................................... 8-4 Acquiring Easement or Right-of-Way (R/W) ...................................................... 8-4 Public Right-of-Way (R/W) ............................................................................ 8-5 Types of Right-of-Way (R/W) Facilities ............................................................ 8-5 Other Considerations .................................................................................... 8-5 Easements .................................................................................................. 8-6 Right-of-Way (R/W) Easements and Permits ..................................................... 8-6 Property Descriptions ......................................................................... 8-9 Methods of Describing Property ........................................................ 8-10 Introduction .............................................................................................. 8-10 Rectangular Grid System ............................................................................. 8-10 Mercator Projection System ......................................................................... 8-17 State Coordinate System ............................................................................ 8-18 Metes and Bounds ..................................................................................... 8-19 Subdivision Plat and Description ................................................................... 8-23 Centerline Description ................................................................................. 8-24 Point Description ........................................................................................ 8-25 Reference Description ................................................................................. 8-26 Summary of Property Descriptions ................................................................ 8-26 Real Estate Law ............................................................................... 8-27 Fee Ownership .......................................................................................... 8-27 Leasehold ................................................................................................. 8-28 Easement ................................................................................................. 8-28 License .................................................................................................... 8-28 Life Estate ................................................................................................ 8-28 Ownership ................................................................................................ 8-29 Single Ownership .................................................................................. 8-29 Joint Ownership .................................................................................... 8-29 Title Transfer ............................................................................................ 8-30 © 2007 BICSI® 8-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Escrow ................................................................................................ 8-30 Conveyance ......................................................................................... 8-30 Grant or Warranty Deed ......................................................................... 8-31 Quitclaim Deed ..................................................................................... 8-31 Bargain and Sale Deed ........................................................................... 8-31 Patent ................................................................................................ 8-31 Mortage and Deeds of Trust ................................................................... 8-32 Contact of Sale .................................................................................... 8-32 Adverse Possession .................................................................................... 8-32 Eminent Domain (Condemnation) .................................................................. 8-33 Chain of Title ..................................................................................... 8-34 Restrictions, Covenants, and Conditions ........................................... 8-35 Liens and Encumbrances ................................................................... 8-36 Appraisers ................................................................................................ 8-36 Engineering .......................................................................................... 8-37 Legal .................................................................................................. 8-37 Appraisal ............................................................................................. 8-37 Negotiation .......................................................................................... 8-39 Private Right-of-Way (R/W) ......................................................................... 8-40 Obtaining and Recording a Private Easement .................................................. 8-41 Contents of the Private Easement Document ................................... 8-42 Easement Document ................................................................................... 8-42 Permit Information ........................................................................... 8-43 State Highway Permit ................................................................................. 8-43 Application ........................................................................................... 8-43 Approval Process .................................................................................. 8-46 Enforcing the Permit .............................................................................. 8-46 Railroad Right-of-Way (R/W) ........................................................................ 8-46 Railroad Permit .......................................................................................... 8-46 Application ........................................................................................... 8-47 Permit Approval and Starting Work ........................................................... 8-47 Upon Completion of Work ........................................................................ 8-47 Retention of Records ............................................................................. 8-47 Sale of Physical Plant ............................................................................ 8-47 Special Requirements for Direct-Buried or Underground Plant ........................ 8-47 Sample Letter of Request for Railroad Permit .................................................. 8-50 Underground Casings under Railroads ............................................................ 8-51 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Figures Figure 8.1 Method of township numbering ........................................................ 8-11 Figure 8.2 Theoretical township numbering ....................................................... 8-12 Figure 8.3 Section subdivision ........................................................................ 8-14 Figure 8.4 Small subdivision ........................................................................... 8-15 Figure 8.5 Legal subdivision and lotting ............................................................ 8-16 Figure 8.6 State coordinate system ................................................................ 8-18 Figure 8.7 Use of the protractor ..................................................................... 8-19 Figure 8.8 Naming conventions for metes and bounds ........................................ 8-21 Figure 8.9 Metes and bounds ......................................................................... 8-22 Figure 8.10 Subdivision plat and description ....................................................... 8-23 Figure 8.11 Centerline description ..................................................................... 8-24 Figure 8.12 Point description ........................................................................... 8-25 Figure 8.13 Associated construction drawing for state permit application ................ 8-45 Figure 8.14 Casing lengths for various railroad crossing angles .............................. 8-48 Figure 8.15 Layout of a railroad crossing ........................................................... 8-49 Figure 8.16 Arrangements for different casing sizes ............................................. 8-52 Tables Table 8.1 Specifications for steel casing ......................................................... 8-54 Example Example 8.1 Typical state permit application ....................................................... 8-44 © 2007 BICSI® 8-iii OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-iv © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Right-of-Way (R/W) Introduction The concept of right-of-way (R/W) or the use of land for the public good is rooted in antiquity. The royal road built in 4500 B.C. by the king of Assyria, consisted of a 23.8 meter (m [78 foot (ft)]) R/W stretching from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea (2,857 kilometers [km (1775 miles [mi])]). This R/W was considered so important that the king declared that any person found to have encroached on the R/W would be impaled in front of the palace. Today, encroachment would more appropriately be handled in a civil court. Although the contents of this section are written as BICSI best practices, the outside plant (OSP) designer must understand R/W laws of the countries that practice OSP design and installation. The OSP designer is advised to seek out R/W professionals to ensure compliance in the geographic area of the OSP design work. Designers who deal with OSP construction will be involved in acquisition of R/W. Even if not directly involved in the actual R/W acquisition, designers need to be aware of the responsibilities that other parties have in obtaining R/W, including: • Acquisition processes. • Types of R/W required. • Legal ramifications involving clients. Although clients can require that the contractor be responsible for obtaining the R/W documents, the clients must execute the documents because they own the physical plant to be installed. The R/W acquisition process can be one of the greatest factors that affects a project’s schedule. When choosing various construction alternatives, the designer should consider the potential difficulty in R/W acquisition. As an OSP project becomes more invasive, the R/W acquisition process becomes more difficult and time consuming. For example, installing optical fiber cable in an incumbent local exchange carrier’s (ILEC’s) existing underground duct system has little adverse impact on a community and is likely to be supported by public officials. Conversely, trenching a roadway in an urban center to install new duct for optical fiber cable is likely to cause traffic delays and other associated impacts, creating a more difficult acquisition process. Projects with more adverse impacts are likely to take more time because the R/W granting authority will want a higher level of detail and may seek additional information for assurance that impacts have been mitigated to the greatest extent possible. Depending on the locality, the R/W granting authority may also negotiate an exaction (e.g., fee) for compensation due to impacts they feel are particularly burdensome. It is crucial to ensure that all R/W issues have been properly identified. If one small segment of an OSP route is not properly authorized, that segment becomes the weakest link and prevents the entire OSP project from proceeding. © 2007 BICSI® 8-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Introduction, continued One issue involving R/W is the terms under which the rights are acquired. The need for access to maintain the facilities that are placed to rebuild, reinforce, and expand or remove must be met. The more difficult or undefined the terms are, the more likely access will be denied. The designer must consider these issues before executing the R/W documents. Definition R/W is the legal right to pass through or over property owned by another party. This includes the land on which facilities are built. These facilities can take the form of: • Transmission lines. • High-pressure gas lines. • Railroads. • Telecommunications facilities. R/W can be a: • Fixed width (e.g., roads, railroads, utilities). • Variable width (e.g., expensive land, permanent structures). In previous chapters, OSP has been considered as the facilities connecting buildings on contiguous property. However, in certain instances there could be a requirement to bridge the gap between several pieces of property that make up the complex being served. In that instance, it is necessary to acquire the permissions of other landowners to cross the adjacent property. The legal document used to acquire this permission can be an easement, license, or permit. Permits are normally used when the R/W crosses public property (e.g., a roadway) or some private land (e.g., a railroad). Usually, OSP facilities are placed on the customer’s property. When placing a facility on the customer’s property, only the customer’s permission is required unless unusual situations exist (e.g., the presence of wetlands or railroad spurs into the property). If a customer plans to continue facilities beyond the property’s boundaries, permission is required from others, including the: • Government (e.g., city, county, state, federal). • Department of Transportation (DoT). • Railroads. • Utilities. • Private property owners. NOTE: All agencies have different requirements and restrictions for placing facilities. Government authorities with legal jurisdiction are often referred to as authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Definition, continued Acquiring access to public R/W is more difficult for customers who are not franchised utility providers. Public R/W is typically reserved for franchised utility providers such as: • Power. • Water. • Sewer. • Telephone. • Cable television. • Gas. Even franchised utility providers can be required to pay substantial annual premiums for the right to use the public R/W. These premiums can be based on the linear footage of the easement and facilities. EXAMPLE: If multiple cables are placed in one trench, the premium could be based on the total cable footage of all cables placed in the trench as opposed to the length of the trench itself. Types of Right-of-Way (R/W) There are two primary categories of R/W, but a third category shares characteristics of the other two. • Public R/W involves land owned by government agencies. • Private R/W involves land owned by an individual, company, or corporation. • Railroad R/W involves land owned by railroad companies. Though privately owned, railroad companies are granted much greater power over land use and procurement than other private landowners and in that respect resemble public R/W. Purchasing Right-of-Way (R/W) Purchasing private R/W grants the purchaser the same rights as any property owner, as well as the responsibility to pay all related taxes and fees associated with ownership. Generally, R/W is purchased when placing structures such as: © 2007 BICSI® • Buildings. • Towers. • Remote property locations. 8-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Options If it has been determined that the facilities need to extend beyond the boundaries of a customer’s property, a decision must be made whether to use public R/W or private R/W. If the decision is to use public R/W, the only option is to acquire a permit or license through a permitting process since the purchasing of public R/W is typically not possible. If the decision is to use private R/W, two options become available: • Purchasing a strip of land from the property owner. • Negotiating an easement from the property owner for the placement and maintenance of the facilities. Acquiring Easement or Right-of-Way (R/W) The decision to purchase a private R/W or to acquire an easement should not be taken lightly. Depending on the complexity of an R/W issue, it could be beneficial to employ a company specializing in R/W acquisition. Much like the information transport systems (ITS) industry, an entire industry is built around the discipline of R/W and easement acquisition. The professionals employed in this business possess various certifications confirming their credibility just as the designations of BICSI’s Registered Communications Distribution Designer® (RCDD®); Outside Plant (OSP) Specialist; Network Transport Systems (NTS) Specialist, Wireless Design (WD) Specialist, Installer, Level 1; Installer, Level 2; or Technician attest to the expertise of individuals in the ITS industry. One such example of an industry recognized association that trains and certifies professionals employed in the business of R/Ws is the International Right-of-Way Association (IRWA [United States and Canada]). Membership in IRWA with appropriate credentialing ensures a minimum level of qualification for individuals representing as R/W agents. For example, the designation of Senior Right-of-Way Agent indicates the individual: • Is a member of the IRWA. • Has attended the requisite IRWA training courses. • Has more than five years of R/W experience. • Has training in: – Appraisals. – Engineering. – Environmental. – Negotiation/acquisition. – Property management. – Relocation assistance. – Surveying. – Titles. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Public Right-of-Way (R/W) Public R/W permits generally are used for placing utilities on the areas immediately adjacent to roads, highways, byways, and bridges. Acquiring a public R/W permit usually requires obtaining permission from the appropriate government agencies through a process known as easement acquisition. Examples of government agencies with jurisdiction over the R/W could be: • Municipal (city). • County. • Regional. • State. • Federal. The actual process and regulations are different for each government agency. Designers must be familiar with the procedures required by the agency involved. Failure to do so could hamper the ability to protect the best interests of clients. The agencies usually have preprinted forms that are used to apply for the permit. The permit details a specifically defined route along, under, over, or across the governmentowned property within which OSP facilities could be placed. The permit also contains the rules and regulations by which the permit is granted. NOTE: Before including specifications for obtaining a permit in a request for quote (RFQ), consult with the appropriate government agencies. Types of Right-of-Way (R/W) Facilities The type of R/W is directly related to the type of facility planned for the project, as follows: • Direct-buried • Underground • Aerial • Wireless • Combination of the above Other Considerations Utilities placed in public R/W occasionally cross private lands. Sometimes, it is easier and less expensive to obtain private R/Ws than to attempt to acquire a permit on a public domain. It is also possible to obtain a permit to cross waterways and wetlands. If the waterway is navigable, contact the AHJ (e.g., United States Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard). If the area is designated a wetland, avoid it if at all possible. If it is unavoidable, consider directional boring as an alternate. Coordinate all activities and permits through the appropriate AHJ. © 2007 BICSI® 8-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Easements Whether public or private, the granting of an easement is the approval to use a specified strip of land in the case of placing a telecommunications facility for a specified purpose. Typically, easements are obtained for the placement of: • Underground utilities. • Overhead utilities. • Wireless utilities. An easement also gives the holder the right: • Of ingress/egress (entering/exiting). • To place and maintain the facilities being proposed. A landowner who grants an easement is precluded from building a structure of any kind on the easement but retains the right to use the land within certain limits to: • Plant grass. • Farm. • Otherwise use the property. Since land is considered one of the most valuable possessions a person could acquire, its ownership and transfer is subject to significant regulation. Therefore, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the methods used to describe and identify land. Right-of-Way (R/W) Easements and Permits An easement from the individual property owner is required before any excavation on private property begins. However, the party responsible for the work must be clearly stipulated in a contract before excavation begins. When pursuing easements, it is important to remember that the building owner, building user, and property owner are often different parties. Most local municipalities require construction permits to be obtained before any excavation begins. Other locations (e.g., government property, railroad crossings, airports, bridges, navigable waterways, wetlands) also require special permits and/or environmental impact studies. These are high-cost items. Submittal of these items does not guarantee route approval. Some processes take years and end with disapproval. To better prepare for permit approval, a meeting with the permit granting authority should be scheduled to obtain information about the permit granting process. At this meeting, the following questions are useful: • What permits will be required to perform this work? Be prepared to provide a preliminary overview of your project to obtain feedback. If permits are required, ask for application forms and any written regulations, ordinances, bylaws, or typical specifications associated with the permit. This information is critical in the design phase of a project. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Right-of-Way (R/W) Easements and Permits, continued • Are there any plans to pave or do utility work along our proposed route? This information is important to know to coordinate your work with other proposed work. This could cause your project to be delayed or could provide an argument to request an accelerated permitting process. • Are there any portions of our route that are in another agency’s jurisdiction? Roadways could be under the jurisdiction of a municipal, county, state, regional agency, or a combination of these governmental entities. It is not always obvious where the boundaries of these jurisdictional boundaries begin and end. The people responsible for maintenance of the roadways are typically well aware of jurisdictional boundaries. NOTES: Accurate drawings generally are required with all permit applications. Many authorities require scaled computer-aided design (CAD) drawings. Some local governmental bodies (i.e., municipalities and counties) require a fee, based on distance, to obtain a permit. These fees may be based on a per foot cost for buried facilities and include other administrative and policing assessments that may be required for the particular area being permitted. Where such permits are needed, require bidding contractors to include these costs in their estimation. These permits also may require that final changes in the form of as-built drawings be submitted to the AHJ. © 2007 BICSI® • Is there a government agency that has a geographical information system (GIS) or CAD plans for our route? Obtain this data in an electronic format and use it as a base map for your construction and permitting plans. With more government agencies developing GIS databases, obtaining base map data is becoming increasingly easy. Obtaining base map data in a digital format can save an enormous amount of time and money. • Do you have as-built plans showing existing utilities? If excavation is proposed, identifying exiting utilities near your route on a plan will be necessary. To ensure that your proposed route minimizes the potential to cause damage to existing utilities during construction or maintenance, the permit granting authority will review this plan. • What are your bonding and insurance requirements? A contractor is almost always required to post a bond and insurance prior to construction in a public R/W. Knowing these requirements will help you qualify contractors. • How often does the permit granting authority meet and what is their permitting process? This information is important to help in the development of a schedule for your project. It is also important to know if there is any period of the year when the permitting granting authority does not meet. Many government boards and commissions limit meetings during the summer and holidays to accommodate volunteer member’s vacation schedules. • What are the winter moratorium rules? In geographically northern locations, it is common to limit or prohibit underground work in the winter. This is due to problems with compaction of subsurface materials during freezing conditions and to avoid the safety hazard of plow trucks hitting steel plates left over trenches. Waivers of winter moratoriums are often granted for emergency situations. 8-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Right-of-Way (R/W) Easements and Permits, continued • Are there any utilities that are not members of a one-call location system (see Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces)? Not all utilities are members of these organizations. To prevent potentially expensive utility hits or face worse consequences, including serious injury or death, it is critical to ensure that all existing utilities are notified so that their plant can be properly marked in the field prior to any subsurface work. • Do you restrict work on newly paved streets? If trenching is proposed down a roadway, you need to know if there are restrictions or prohibitions on working in newly paved streets. This could affect the route selection and an aerial option may be required. • Are there any sensitive issues or areas of special concern that should be known? Is the work going to require special considerations to ensure access is maintained throughout the construction process (e.g., in front of a school, fire station, hospital)? Business cards should be exchanged. Contact information is always necessary. Most government officials will expect the OSP designer to ensure that the project moves through the permitting process. It is important to ensure that all of the permit granting authority’s issues and concerns have been addressed. NOTE: Take the initiative to ask if you are scheduled to meet with any boards or commissions. Do not assume you will be notified and guided through the permitting process. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Property Descriptions In the case of R/W acquisition, the property description is essential for the identification of existing land ownership. Once the proposed route has been identified, the property descriptions are used to identify the precise boundary lines of the R/W. This property description is required to: • Describe the tract or parcel in precise detail so that any interested party may identify it. • Meet the legal requirements to pass title. The property description is normally composed of five distinct segments: • Intent—The description of the property must be such that the buyer, seller, and any other interested party not familiar with the property can read and understand the intent of both the seller and buyer. • Location—Each parcel of land has a unique location on the earth. The description must be in sufficient detail that its precise location can be fixed in relation to its surroundings. This can be accomplished by reference to a fixed survey monument, an established road centerline, or a larger survey of which this property is a part. • Geometric shape—A continuous series of bearings and lines that totally encompass the property (i.e., metes and bounds). • Size—The area within the geometric shape should be described to an acceptable degree of accuracy. • Ownership—The description of the property shall state the name of the current owner. Additional items include references to the: • Public land record. • Name of the surveyor who completed the land survey upon which the record is based. In the case of an easement, the conveyance document should clearly define the rights being acquired along with the specific use. For aerial plant, minimum line heights should be specified. © 2007 BICSI® 8-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Methods of Describing Property Introduction Accurate land measuring and describing requires a standardized measurement system. Many countries have converted to the metric system, but their original units of measurement remained. Documents such as deeds and R/Ws, in many cases have not been converted. Therefore, the designer should have an understanding of both the old and current land measurement systems. For example, when working in the states of Texas and California, knowledge of the Spanish/Portuguese measurement system is required. The Texan vara is 84.6 centimeters (cm [33-1/3 inches (in)]), while the Californian vara equals 83.8 cm (33 in). Accurate and legally acceptable methods of describing property in use in the United States and Canada are the: • Rectangular grid system. • Coordinate system (State Coordinate System in the United States and Dominion Land Survey [DLS] system in Canada). • Mercator projection system • Metes and bounds description. • Subdivision plat and description. • Centerline description. • Point description. • Reference description. Following are brief descriptions of each of these methods. Rectangular Grid System The U.S. rectangular grid system, established by the Continental Congress in 1785, is in use in all states west of Ohio with the exception of a portion of the state of Texas. As part of the system, 35 special meridians, called principal meridians, running in a north-south direction, were established. Along with the principal meridians, base lines running in an east-west direction provided the base of reference for rectangular land division. The first principal meridian is the west boundary line of the state of Ohio. The corresponding baseline is the 41st parallel. From this point, the rectangular grid system consists of a series of guide meridians spaced at 39 km (24 mi) intervals. The guide meridians run parallel to the principal meridian and are called First Guide Meridian East, Second Guide Meridian East, or First Guide Meridian West, and so forth. Corresponding to the guide meridians are the standard parallels north and south. The first principal meridian in Canada was set out in 1870 by Col. Dennis, near Pembina, west of Winnipeg at longitude ( λ ) of 97 degrees (°) 27 minutes (’) 28.4 seconds (“) W (i.e., the Chicago connection), with the First Base Line being the 49th Parallel. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Rectangular Grid System, continued These are labeled as First Standard Parallel North, Second Standard Parallel North, or First Standard Parallel South, and so forth. The 39 km (24 mi) squares formed by these lines are known as quadrangles and are displayed in Figure 8.1. Figure 8.1 Method of township numbering North and south from baseline and east and west from meridian Range line T.3.N. Township line Meridian T.2.N. R.3.W. R.2.W. T.1.N. Baseline R.1.W. R.1.E. R.2.E. R.3.E. Range line T.1.S. T.2.S. Township line T.3.S. Each quadrangle is further subdivided into 16 townships that are 9.7 km (6 mi) on a side. Townships are arranged in four tiers above and four tiers below the baseline and are numbered according to their position above and below the baseline. For example, the first township above the baseline would be referred to as Township 1 North (T.1.N.). © 2007 BICSI® 8-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Rectangular Grid System, continued The quadrangles are arranged in four columns east and four columns west of the guide meridian. These columns are called ranges and are referred to as Range 1 East (R.1.E.), Range 1 West (R.1.W.), and so forth. Townships are further divided into 36 sections, each being 1.6 km (1 mi) on a side, as shown in Figure 8.2. Figure 8.2 Theoretical township numbering 36 31 32 80 ch 33 34 35 36 6 mi—480 ch 31 80 ch 1 mi 80 ch 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 18 17 16 15 14 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 25 30 29 28 27 26 25 30 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 13 24 6 mi—480 ch 1 ch = Chain mi = Mile OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Rectangular Grid System, continued Before further subdividing the sections within the township, one must understand the units of measurement that define the section. Referring to Figure 8.2, each township is shown as being 9.7 km (6 mi)—480 chains on a side. The primary units of linear measurement are: • 1 mi equals 1609 m (5280 ft). • 1 mi equals 80 chains. • 1 chain equals 100 links. • 1 link equals 20 centimeters (7.87 in). • 1 rod, pole, or perch equals 5 m (16.5 ft). NOTE: The linear measurement generally used in R/W description is rod. Units of area are: • 1 acre equals 10 square chains. • 1 acre equals 4046.86 square meters (m2 [43,560 square feet (ft2)]). • 1 square mile equals 259 hectares (ha [640 acres]). Based on these measurements, a theoretical township is 15.5 km2 (6 mi2), containing 36 sections, each being one square mile or 259 ha (640 acres). The area of a theoretical township is 9324 ha (23,040 acres). Each section can be further subdivided into distinct segments as shown in Figures 8.3 and 8.4, respectively. © 2007 BICSI® 8-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Rectangular Grid System, continued Figure 8.3 Section subdivision N2 320 ac 80 ch Sec. 40 ch Sec. All 640 ac 40 ch 40 ch Sec. cor. Quarter sec. cor. 2 S 320 ac 2 E2 320 ac ac ch sec sec cor = = = = 40 ch 40 ch 4 4 4 4 NW NE NE NE 40 ac 40 ac 4 4 4 4 SW NE SE NE 40 ac 40 ac Sec. 40 ch 40 ch Sec. NW4 160 ac 80 ch 40 ch 40 ch W 320 ac 40 ch Quarter sec. cor. 40 ch 80 ch 40 ch 80 ch Sec. cor. 4 20 20 SW 160 ac SE4 160 ac 40 ch 40 ch Acre Chain Section Section corner OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-14 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Rectangular Grid System, continued Figure 8.4 Small subdivision Section diagram showing small subdivisions 40 ch 2 4 4 N NW NE 20 ac 2 4 4 S NW NE 20 ac NW4 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 S N NE NE and 2 4 4 S NE NE 30 ac NE4 4 4 SE NW 4 4 SW NE 4 4 SE NE 4 4 NW SE NE 80 20 4 4 SW NW 2 N N NE NE 10 ac 40 80 ch 2 2 4 4 W W NE NW 10 ac 2 2 4 4 W E NE NW and 2 2 4 4 E W NE NW 20 ac 2 2 4 4 E E NE NW 10 ac E 2 4 4 NW NW 20 ac 2 4 4 W NW NW 20 ac 20 40 ch Sec. NE 4 4 SW 5 5 5 5 4 SE 4 4 SW SE 4 4 SE SE 2 2 4 4 SE4 E W SE SW and 2 2 4 4 E W SE SW 30 ac 20 2 2 4 4 W W SW SW 10 ac 2 2 4 4 E W SW SW 10 ac 2 2 4 4 W E SW SW 10 ac 2 2 4 4 E W SW SW 10 ac 2 2 2 4 4 W W W SE SW 5 ac 4 2 2 2 4 E W W SE SW 5 ac SW4 4 40 20 4 4 NW SW 2.52.5 ac = Acre ch = Chain © 2007 BICSI® 8-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Rectangular Grid System, continued Another commonly used convention is that of lotting. By this method, smaller tracts could be broken out and given a distinct reference as shown in Figure 8.5. Figure 8.5 Legal subdivision and lotting Part of township showing legal subdivisions and lottings 80 80 N 320 ac 2 2 Sec W E 320 ac 320 ac Sec Sec 2 S 320 ac 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 SW 160 ac 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 NW NW NE NW NW NE NE NE NW NW NE NW NW NE NE NE 4 3 2 1 1 SW NE SE NE Sec Reservation 3 4 7 8 5 4 3 2 1 2 5 6 7 8 3 12 13 11 14 10 15 2 Sec 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SW SE SE SE SW SW SE SW 8 3 2 2 7 4 4 4 4 NW NW NE NW 2 1 4 5 4 6 9 7 6 5 8 3 7 16 tB ef L Sec 8 9 1 3 4 r 4 4 SE NE ank Rive 5 4 SW NW 1 4 Sec nk 4 4 4 4 Ba NW SE NE SE 6 ht Sec NE NW SE NE SE NW SW NE SW NW SE Rig 6 2 SE 160 ac 2 NW 2 5 2 NE 160 ac 2 NW 160 ac 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 SE SW SW SE SE SE 4 ac = Acre sec = Section Based on Figure 8.5, Lot 1, located in Section 31, could be described by a series of letters and numbers as Lot 1, Sec 31, T.4.N., R.3.W., Third Principal Meridian, First Standard Parallel North. This description applies to only one piece of land within the United States. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-16 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Rectangular Grid System, continued Many variations of the rectangular grid system exist within the United States. Where lines of ownership (e.g., land grants, Native American lands, railroad surveys) already existed, fractional townships and fractional sections were established. Another factor affecting the rectangular grid system is the fact that true meridians converge at both the North and South Poles. Due to this convergence, without some type of correction, townships would grow narrower as they continued north and wider as they continued south. To counteract this effect, new guide meridians are established in each quadrangle. This is why when one travels down a road that runs parallel to the section lines there is a jog to the right or left every 39 km (24 mi). Though widely used, the rectangular grid system is not the most accurate land measurement system. Mercator Projection System Mercator projection is a mathematical method of showing a map of the globe on a flat surface. This projection was developed in 1568 by Gerhardus Mercator, a Flemish geographer, mathematician, and cartographer. In October 1884, 41 delegates from 25 nations met in Washington, DC, for the International Meridian Conference. The conference established the prime (i.e., world) meridian or the meridian passing through the principal Transit Instrument at the Observatory at Greenwich, England to be the initial meridian. In addition, all longitude would be calculated both east and west from this meridian up to 180°. To increase the level of accuracy, the United States developed what is known as the State Coordinate System. Using this system, measurements of the earth are mathematically projected onto cones or cylinders and then flattened into planes. Using this method, a strip of land 254 km (158 mi) wide and infinitely long could be represented to an accuracy of about 0.3 m (1 ft) in 3.2 km (2 mi). The Canadian government established its prime meridian at the exact center of the geographic area of Canada. All north-south mile roads east and west of this marker are labeled by the number of miles east or west of this marker. It is located just west of Headingley, Manitoba, and just north of the service road on the north side of the Trans-Canada Highway. At present, two geodetic coordinate sets are commonly used throughout Australia: • Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66) • Australian Geodetic Datum 1984 (AGD84) For purposes of illustration in this text, the U.S. State Coordinate System is used. © 2007 BICSI® 8-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way State Coordinate System The United States established a separate system for each state. It also established a beginning point in each state, which has been documented by a monument. From these starting points, the north-south direction is termed the x-coordinate and the east-west direction is the y-coordinate. Dimensions are given in feet and decimals of a foot. Although many engineers and surveyors use this system of property description since it does not reference the adjacent property, it has not gained popularity with the real estate community. The state coordinate system is most often seen in conjunction with other methods of description or as supplemental reference material. Using the description of Lot 1 from the rectangular grid system, the previous example could be amplified as Lot 1, Sec 31, T.4.N., R.3.W., Third Principal Meridian, First Standard Parallel North. It can be more fully described as beginning at a point in the north line of Section 31, said point being 52 809.55 m (173,259.2 ft) West and 547 567 m (1,796,474 ft) South and being the northeast corner of said property. By using the State Coordinate System in conjunction with the rectangular grid system, the location of the property has been more accurately described (see Figure 8.6). Figure 8.6 State coordinate system North pole (24 mi) 39 km 39 km (24 mi) (24 mi) Check 39 km 1st standard parallel north Principal meridian 1st guide meridian west 2nd standard parallel north Baseline 1st standard parallel south Longitude lines (meridians) Latitude lines (parallels) 39 km 39 km 39 km (24 mi) (24 mi) (24 mi) km = Kilometer mi = Mile OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-18 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Metes and Bounds The metes and bounds of property describes the tract with a series of lines, distances, and bearings. The metes and bounds description begins at a well-established and documented reference point. This point will not normally be on the tract being described. It becomes a point of beginning, but not the point of true beginning. From the point of true beginning, the tract is normally described in a clockwise direction around the complete perimeter of the property. The bearing or angular direction of each line is written in terms of a compass direction expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. The distances along the bearing are expressed in terms of feet, tenths, or hundredths of a foot. All bearings are measured from a north-south reference expressed as N or S preceding the angle. Following the angle is the letter E or W depending on the direction from the north-south direction line. In this way, an angle could be expressed as N 15° 12’ 15" E.“ Figure 8.7 shows the compass as it is used with land descriptions. Figure 8.7 Use of the protractor º 30 N North 10 10 N or t 20 40 50 40 70 90 80 70 60 60 50 60 70 80 50 10 0 10 South 20 8-19 E E as t 40 20 30 W es t 60 º 30 d S 40 a © 2007 BICSI® 50 h ut So n East 60 ºW 0 S7 90 80 70 Point from which course is run 80 West h 30 t es W No rt h 30 20 0 d an an ºW E 0 N2 d t es W h ut So d an OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Metes and Bounds, continued NOTE: The direction North could be expressed in several ways. It could be in reference to true north, having its origin at the North Pole, or in terms of magnetic North, which is located some distance from the North Pole and varies by location. In most cases, the North reference used will be one that has been established and documented from previous local or regional surveys. Using the example developed from the rectangular grid and state coordinate systems, the description could be further amplified as Lot 1, Sec 31, T.4.N., R.3.W., Third Principal Meridian, First Standard Parallel North. It can be more fully described as beginning at a point in the north line of Section 31, said point being 52 809.55 m (173,259.2 ft) South and 547 567 m (1,796,474 ft) West and being the northeast corner of said property. This description could be continued using the metes and bounds description methods to more accurately describe Lot 1. Since the northeast corner of the tract has been established using the State Coordinate System, it can also be used as the point of beginning for the metes and bounds description. Therefore, the metes and bounds description would be Lot 1, Sec 31, T.4.N., R.3.W., Third Principal Meridian, First Standard Parallel North. It can be more fully described as beginning at a point in the north line of Section 31, said point being 52 809.55 m (173,259.2 ft) West and 547 567 m (1,796,474 ft) South, and being the northeast corner of said property. Thence S 2° 00’ 0" E 792.5 m (2600 ft) to a point on the east line of Sec 31, thence S 88° 00’ 0" W 816.87 m (2680 ft), thence N 2° 00’ 0" W 792.5 m (2600 ft) to a point in the north line of Sec 31, thence S 88° 00’ 0" 816.87 m (2680 ft) to the point of beginning and containing 64.74 ha (159.963 ac) more or less. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-20 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Metes and Bounds, continued At this point, three of the requirements for the description of property (location, shape, and area) have been completed (see Figures 8.8 and 8.9). Figure 8.8 Naming conventions for metes and bounds Naming directions for a metes and bounds survey N S 1 5° W S 45 ° (2 8 9 ft 0 ) ° m R E = m S 80 ° E 8 .5 S 85° W W = N 80 ° W E ° 60 N ° E N 80 W 1 3 .4 ° = 45 A N N 4° E P (4 4 .0 ft ) Mapping a curve E Q S Moving in a clockwise direction from the point of beginning, set the center of a circle compass (see above) on each corner of the parcel to find the direction of travel to the next corner A = Length of the arc. (Some maps use the letter "L") R = Radius of the circle necessary to make the required arc (shown here by the broken lines) = Angle necessary to make the arc (i.e., the angle between the broken lines) ft = Foot m = Meter © 2007 BICSI® 8-21 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Metes and Bounds, continued Figure 8.9 Metes and bounds N " E ' 00 0° 0 8 N ft) Monument 152 m ( 3 . 46 N 4° 11' 8" E 60.8 m (199 ft) W 00" ° 0' S 85 ft) (151 46 m ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition S 15° 0' 00 " W 49 m (160 ft) Permanent reference mark Point of beginning S 80° 0' 00 " E 55 m (180 ft) 8-22 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Subdivision Plat and Description In the case of the subdivision, the description is not in narrative form, but rather in the form of a drawing or plat where all of the boundaries are identified and tied to the original tract of land being subdivided. Using the previous example, the narrative description identifies the larger parcel while a metes and bounds drawing, called a plat, identifies the streets, lots, and easements within the tract (see Figure 8.10). Figure 8.10 Subdivision plat and description N 65.8 m (216 ft) Court R 18.3 m (60 ft) 12 (4 m 0. 0 ft ) 73 m (240 ft) 47.7 m (156.5 ft) Lot 3 51 .8 m (1 70 ft ) Lot 4 Lot 2 123.9 m (406.5 ft) S 00° 00' 01" W 70.6 m (231.6 ft) 17 m (57 ft) 55.5 m (182.1 ft) 76 m (250 ft) R 18.3 m (60 ft) Lot 1 33.7 m (110.5 ft) 45.8 m (150.0 ft) 12 m (40 ft) 49.4 m (162 ft) R 12 m (40 ft) 41.5 m (136 ft) Lot 5 Wildflower 53.3 m (1755 ft) N 00° 00' 01" E 143.7 m (471.5 ft) 73 m (240 ft) 24 m (80 ft) 19.8 m (65 ft) N 89° 59' 59" E 118.3 m (388 ft) 24 m (80 ft) 93.9 m (308.1 ft) 229.2 m (752 ft) 118.4 m (388.4 ft) S 89° 59' 59" W SE Corner of section 4 T14N, R2E, 4th principal meridian Plat of block 31, Painted Hills Tract, recorded in map book 192 page, at the ABC county records office, state of XYZ ft = Foot m = Meter © 2007 BICSI® 8-23 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Centerline Description The centerline description (see Figure 8.11) is one of the primary methods used in the description of an easement. Rather than describe a rectangle, when the easement is of uniform width, only the centerline is described by the metes and bounds method. The width of the easement is stated as being x-number of feet on each side of the line. Figure 8.11 Centerline description N Hidden River Parkway Lot 1 Lot 3 Lot 2 2.3 m (7.5 ft) S 89° 59' 59" W C L 137 m (450 ft) 2.3 m (7.5 ft) Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 ft = Foot m = Meter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-24 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Point Description This type of metes and bounds description is also used to describe an easement. In the point description is a centerline description in which each point of change in alignment along the perimeter of the tract is referenced to the centerline (see Figure 8.12). Figure 8.12 Point description 2.3 m (7.5 ft) S 80º 0' 00" E 27.4 m (9 " E ' 00 ft) 0º 0 (150 N 8 m 8 . 5 4 0 ft) S 1 5º 0' 0 0" W 125 ft C L 2.3 m (7.5 ft) 2.3 m (7.5 ft) N 2.3 m (7.5 ft) C L = Center line C L ft = Foot m = Meter © 2007 BICSI® 8-25 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Reference Description The reference description is primarily used in urban areas or rural subdivisions where the tract has been subdivided and each lot given a number. Once the original plat and description has been recorded, the description of each individual lot can be referenced to the original plat. A typical description would be Lot 34, Block 14-B, Woodhaven Country Club Estates, 3-B filing, an Addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388/97, Page 25, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Summary of Property Descriptions Property descriptions are an important part of R/W acquisition. The requirement of having a complete and accurate description of the property cannot be overemphasized. The description identifies a piece of property to the extent that any competent person could identify it at any time in the future. It also satisfies all of the legal requirements for the transfer of land. The primary systems in use today are the U.S. rectangular grid system, the State Coordinate System, and the metes and bounds system of land identification. With the aid of these systems, three of the five requirements usually considered a part of the property description are satisfied. The remaining two components concern the intent of the seller and buyer and the establishment of ownership. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-26 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Real Estate Law To determine who owns a parcel of property, the basic types of ownership associated with real estate must be understood. Interests in real estate are called estates. An estate is defined as the nature, quality, degree, or extent of a person’s interest in real property. Although numerous types of interests exist, the most common types are: • Fee ownership. • Leasehold. • Easements. • License. • Life estate. Fee Ownership Fee ownership is the highest and most complete type of ownership. Fee ownership is also termed in fee, in fee simple, or in fee simple absolute. With fee ownership, the person possesses all rights to the property and has no limitations as to what they could be done with the property. © 2007 BICSI® 8-27 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Real Estate Law, continued Leasehold A lease is a contract that grants the lessee (i.e., tenant) the right to occupy the property of the lessor (i.e., landlord) for a specified period of time. As a result of this contract, the lessee becomes, in fact, the owner of an interest in the land or leasehold interest. Easement An easement is defined as the right acquired by one entity (e.g., person or company) to use the property of another for a special or particular use. In OSP, the purpose of obtaining an easement is for the placement of information transport systems (ITS.) The term could be as long as required by the purchaser to support the ITS requirement. An easement also gives the holder the right: • Of ingress/egress (entering/exiting). • To place and maintain the facilities being proposed. A landowner who grants an easement is precluded from building a structure of any kind on the easement but retains the right to use the land within certain limits to: • Plant grass. • Farm. • Otherwise use the property. R/W is a type of easement giving one person or company the right to pass over the land of another. By common usage, the term R/W could refer to the right or the strip of land on which the right is located. License A license is an interest in property for a limited time and purpose. Normally, unauthorized entry onto someone else’s property would be considered trespassing. When the entry is authorized, the person entering is said to have a license. For example, when someone buys a ticket to see a motion picture, that person has, in fact, purchased a license for a seat in the theater for that date and that motion picture. Life Estate This interest in real property could be created by deed or will. The owner of the life estate is allowed to use the property for the duration of their life. Upon the owner’s death, all rights revert to the person granting the life estate, their heirs, or assigns. The person who had the life estate has no further interest in the property. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-28 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Real Estate Law, continued Ownership In addition to estates in land, there are also types of ownership. The primary types of ownership are: • Single ownership. • Joint ownership. – Joint tenancy, including tenancy by entirety, community property, dower, and curtesy. – Tenancy in common. Single Ownership When one person is the sole owner of a parcel of real estate, that person is known as the owner in severalty. In the majority of cases, ownership is not this restrictive but is shared by one or more persons. Joint Ownership Two types of joint ownership are joint tenancy and tenancy in common. Each type creates a difference in the property. Joint Tenancy A joint tenancy is one in which two or more persons hold an estate. Upon the death of one, the right to that portion reverts to the remaining person without creating a new document or deed. It is assumed that the joint tenants individually own the entire property. Some states have abolished joint tenancy, allowing the property of the deceased to pass to their heirs. Other types of joint tenancy are created between married persons. They are tenancy by entirety, community property, dower, and curtesy. In the case of tenancy by entirety, some states treat a husband and wife as one person. Therefore, upon the death of one spouse, unless another intent is shown in the deed, the survivor is entitled to the entire property. This right only exists if the couple is married at the time of purchase. Some states have provided for property that a couple acquires during marriage as opposed to separate property that each person had prior to the union. Separate property could also include property acquired by one spouse after marriage as a gift, inheritance, or conveyed by one spouse to the other. In addition, interests, rent, royalty, or profit from the separate property would remain separate property as long as it is not commingled with community funds. Dower is the wife’s interest in the estate of her husband, while curtesy is the husband’s interest in his wife’s estate. © 2007 BICSI® 8-29 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Real Estate Law, continued Tenancy in Common Tenancy in common is another type of multiple ownership in which each owner has an undivided share in the property, and at any time, action could be brought to divide the property. Upon the death of one of the owners, a new ownership group is formed consisting of the original owners and the heirs of the deceased. In a tenancy in common, there is no right of survivorship as there is in other types of joint tenancy. Title Transfer The primary methods and documentation used to transfer title to real estate are: • Escrow. • Conveyance. • Grant or warranty deed. • Quitclaim deed. • Bargain and sale deed. • Patent. • Mortgage and deeds of trust. • Contract of sale. Escrow In today’s market, an escrow company handles the majority of real estate transactions. An escrow holder is a third party who has been instructed by both the seller and the buyer about conditions under which the transfer is to be completed. Once the conditions have been fulfilled by both parties, the escrow holder has the deed delivered and recorded and delivers the funds to the seller. Conveyance An interest in real property is transferred from the seller to the buyer by a written document called conveyance, more commonly known as deed. The requisites for a valid deed are: • A written instrument containing the names of the grantor and grantee, operative words of conveyance, and sufficient legal description to unmistakably identify the property. • Capable parties—The escrow company must be satisfied that the grantors are competent to grant and that the grantees are capable of receiving title (e.g., the grantee is a living person or entity that can hold title to real property in its name). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-30 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Real Estate Law, continued • Legal transfer of property—As a rule of title practice, a title company would decline to insure an attempted conveyance of the expected interest of an heir apparent. • Proper execution of the deed—Although slight defects in the execution of an instrument will not necessarily impair its validity, high standards of care and thoroughness will prevent defects. Be certain that the instruments are signed in ink exactly as the names are typed. • Delivery and acceptance of the deed—Questions on these points usually arise in situations where the intent of the parties is not clear. The requisite of delivery is not likely to become a problem in an escrow transaction. A number of factors could have a bearing on the conclusion as to delivery, but questions on this point are a rare occurrence. The two most common types of deeds used in the United States are the grant or warranty deed and the quitclaim deed. Grant or Warranty Deed The grant or warranty deed protects the buyer in that the seller guarantees that the grantor has not previously transferred the title to another person, and the property is free of any encumbrance or defect in the title that would affect the validity of the transfer. Grant or warranty deeds are broken down into two subcategories—general warranty deed and special warranty deed. In a general warranty deed, the grantor warrants the property in total, while the special warranty deed only warrants the property against defects after the grantor acquires the property. Quitclaim Deed This type of deed only conveys the property rights that the grantor has at the time of sale. This deed is commonly seen in a divorce settlement when one of the parties retains the common real estate. NOTE: The granting of a quitclaim deed does not warrant that the person granting the deed has or had any interest in the property. Bargain and Sale Deed The bargain and sale deed is a hybrid between a warranty deed and a quitclaim deed. This deed specifies a monetary consideration and states the transfer of title to the buyer. It may or may not offer any type of warranty and could purport to convey to the buyer more interests in the property than the grantor owns. Patent A state or the federal government uses this type of instrument in the conveyance of title to public land. When researching the ownership of property, the patent is the base document upon which the chain of title is based. © 2007 BICSI® 8-31 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Real Estate Law, continued Mortgage and Deeds of Trust This type of deed serves primarily as a security interest in the property. The main difference between a deed of trust and a mortgage is that a deed of trust could provide for the transfer of the borrower’s interest in the property to a party called a trustee. The lender could call upon the trustee to sell the secured property should the borrower be unable to repay the loan. The mortgage creates a security interest in the property, but the effect of the document varies by location. In many states, the mortgage is considered to give the mortgagee title to the land. In other states, it is considered a lien or encumbrance in favor of the mortgagee. A mortgage is an agreement between the mortgagor (i.e., borrower) and the mortgagee (i.e., lender). Therefore, to assert the right, the mortgagee must initiate a lawsuit for foreclosure. Contract of Sale The contract of sale could be one of two types. The first type provides for immediate transfer of ownership of the property by the buyer. The price is paid in cash or cash with the balance paid by some type of promissory note. The second type is a land installment contract where the buyer does not acquire a recordable interest in the property until all payments have been made and the seller agrees to convey title to the buyer. In addition to the outright purchase of land, two other methods of land acquisition exist in the United States—accretion and adverse possession. The term accretion is normally applied to land that lies adjacent to a navigable body of water (e.g., the Mississippi River). When the natural action of the water deposits soil on adjacent lands, the process of accretion forms additional land. If the tract were sold, the accreted land would be included in the sale, even though it was not a part of the original tract. On the other hand, if the land is washed away and deposited elsewhere, the owner loses title to that portion of the land. Adverse Possession Adverse possession goes back to the theory that possession is nine-tenths of the law. To acquire land by adverse possession, the possession must be hostile, actual, notorious, exclusive, continuous, and under claim of title. To be valid, the person claiming the property must continually occupy the land for the specified amount of time in such a manner that the original owner can observe that it is in possession in opposition to the owner’s claim. One example of adverse possession is when a fence line becomes the property line rather than the original lot or survey line. Up to this point the original question remains, how does one establish ownership? Normally, title to land can be established through public records and developing what is termed a chain of title. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-32 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Real Estate Law, continued Eminent Domain (Condemnation) As the ownership of OSP is not limited to private entities, but can be owned by governmental agencies as well, no discussion of R/W acquisition would be complete without a discussion of eminent domain. Eminent domain can be defined as the right or power of public and semipublic agencies to take private property for public purposes without the owner’s consent on payment of just compensation. The power of eminent domain is commonly referred to as the right of condemnation. Though rooted in common law, the right of kings, the basis for the right of eminent domain in the United States is found in the final clause of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. (Emphasis added.) While the statement, “…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation” applies to the federal government, language similar to this exists in many state constitutions. In states where it has not been included, eminent domain is based on case law. In addition to the use of this power by a governmental agency, this power has also been expended to utility companies, as their availability throughout an area has been deemed for the public good. This power thus prevents any individual from withholding their permission to place OSP upon their property. An example of this could be the placement, by a city, of an optical fiber LAN in support of city emergency services (e.g., 911). Once the route has been established and verified that the only method available to bridge the gap is through this property, the designer of such a network would turn the matter over to the proper city agency to acquire the R/W. Once the ownership of the parcel of land and the amount of land required for the easement are determined, the value of the easement needs to be established. The amount that one is willing to pay and the amount that the owner desires are probably not the same. It is, therefore, necessary to have an appraisal of the partial acquisition. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® In June 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 majority, ruled that local governments may force property owners to sell out and make way for private economic development when officials determine that it would benefit the public, even if the property is not blighted and the new project’s success is not guaranteed. 8-33 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Chain of Title In most areas, an abstract of title is available from either an attorney or an abstract company. In this instance, a researcher has verified the public record and traced the history of the property back to the original grant or patent. The abstract of title is a summary of this research. Additionally, title insurance companies located throughout the country make it possible for a person acquiring property to buy an insurance policy that will insure the title to the property. Based on this information, and going back to the earlier example, the property description would be further amplified as Lot 1, Sec 31, T4N, R3W, Third Principal Meridian, First Standard Parallel North. It can be more fully described as beginning at a point in the north line of Section 31, said point being 52 809.55 m (173,259.55 ft) South and 547 567 m (1,796,474 ft) West, and being the northeast corner of said property. Thence S 2° 00’ 0" E 792.5 m (2600 ft) to a point on the east line of Sec 31, thence S 88° 00" 0' W 816.9 m (2680 ft), thence N 2° 00’ 0" W 792.5 m (2600 ft) to a point in the north line of Sec 31, thence S 88° 00’ 0" 816.9 m (2680 ft) to the point of beginning and containing 64.74 ha (159.963 acres) more or less. Being the same premise conveyed to Philip Janeway by deed recorded in Book 1279, at page 965, Jefferson County, State of Indiana. At this point, the property description is complete. The intent of the seller and the buyer would normally be spelled out in the beginning of the deed document. The intent would state the name of the seller, the buyer, and the consideration given for the parcel. In addition to the various types of deeds, certain restrictions could be written into the deed that restricts the use of the land. These are known as restrictions, covenants, and conditions. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-34 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Restrictions, Covenants, and Conditions The use of property can be limited or restricted in one of two ways. In most metropolitan areas, zoning laws set certain restrictions. Additionally, the developer could have incorporated additional restrictions at the time the land was subdivided. These restrictions could apply to the manner in which the utilities are placed. For example, it could require all utilities to be underground. Due to this restriction, if an aerial telecommunications lead was placed past the property, it would have to be buried for this portion of the project. Changes to the covenants would require the approval of all owners of the subdivision. Additional restrictions could also apply in the form of liens and encumbrances. © 2007 BICSI® 8-35 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Liens and Encumbrances An encumbrance can be defined as any lien, claim, or liability attached to the land. Encumbrances could be in the form of a mortgage, unpaid taxes, a mechanic or vendor’s lien, a judgment, or even an easement or R/W previously granted on the property. A lien is more restrictive than an encumbrance in that the debt owed could require the sale of the property with the proceeds going to the lien holder. The term encumbrance can be defined as anything that affects or limits the fee simple title to property. Appraisers The Appraisal Foundation, subset of IRWA, certifies appraisers and requires that they have training in: • Influences on real estate value. • Legal considerations in appraisal. • Types of value. • Economic principles. • Real estate markets and analysis. • Valuation process. • Property description. • Highest and best-use analysis. • Appraisal math and statistics. • Sales comparison approach. • Site value. • Cost approach. • Income approach. • Valuation of partial interests. • Appraisal standards and ethics. • Narrative report writing. Once the decision has been made to acquire an easement, the process is broken down into four phases: • Engineering • Legal • Appraisal • Negotiation OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-36 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Appraisers, continued Engineering Where possible, several routes should be considered. They could be prioritized based on the site survey. Once this is accomplished, the engineering phase can begin. First and foremost is the requirement to have a complete and accurate description of the property upon which the easement is located, together with an accurate description of the easement. The description should be written so it can be clearly recognized by a competent person at any time in the future. It should also satisfy the legal requirement for the transfer of an interest in real estate. The description of the property as stated on the deed should fulfill this requirement. The location of the easement on the property must also meet this same requirement. The licensed land surveyor can prepare this description. It is also advisable to have both the written description along with a plat (drawing) of the easement. Once these documents have been prepared, the next phase of the acquisition process can begin. Legal The legal aspect of R/W acquisition can be broken down into two distinct segments: • Establishing ownership of the parcel of land upon which the easement is located • Preparing the easement document (i.e., deed) The chain of title can be accomplished by an attorney or through an abstract company. Ensure that the deed is free from any defects and/or encumbrances. R/W forms are available and can be prepared by an R/W agent working under the direction of an attorney with the R/W company. If the form is prepared in house, an attorney should review and approve the form. See Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for the OSP Designer for more information. CAUTION: When writing the description, the intended use should be stated as generally as possible. If the original purpose of the easement is placement of a 25-pair, self-supporting aerial cable and is stated as such, the size could not be increased or the cable could be replaced with optical fiber without obtaining a new easement. The purpose is better stated as placement of aerial telecommunications cables. Appraisal The appraisal of easement, also known as appraisal of partial acquisitions, is concerned with two aspects of land valuation: © 2007 BICSI® • Value of the land before the easement • Value of the land after it has been encumbered by the easement 8-37 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Appraisers, continued Land is a limited resource. The land required to tie together two portions of a complex is even more limited. The valuation of property is based on several key factors: • Supply and demand • Change of use • Substitution • Highest and best use • Anticipation Supply and Demand A basic rule of physics states that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The rule could also be applied to the route between two properties. However, the land available for the placement of OSP between the two is a limited resource. The designer should assume that the best route is along a public road. If space is available on public land, then an application for a permit from the AHJ is required. However, if this space is occupied by other utilities, the only recourse is the use of private land or development of an alternate or longer route. Change of Use In many instances, the requirement for OSP is driven by change. The client is expanding their facility. The same change could take place throughout the area. Land that is used as agricultural land could change to industrial or commercial. In this case, the value of the land also increases relative to its supply. For example, if the shortest route is directly across an agricultural field and is placed at a sufficient depth, OSP will not impact the use of that segment of the field for agricultural purposes. If the use of that same piece of land were changed to an industrial use, then the location of the easement may have a definite impact on the location of a building. Substitution Substitution is another approach that an appraiser uses to establish value. In this case, a similar and equal piece of property is compared to the piece over which OSP will be placed. In the substitution process, all other factors are assumed to be equal; the one with the lowest price substitutes all others. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-38 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Appraisers, continued Highest and Best Use The highest and best use of the property may not be the current use of the land but the use that will provide the highest return to the owner. For a tract of land 8 km (5 mi) outside the city limits, the highest and best use could be agricultural. Should the land be incorporated into the city, the highest and best use could change from agricultural to single-family dwellings. This change would greatly enhance the value of the property. Factors that could impact the highest and best use are zoning and private restrictions that may have been placed on the land. It is, therefore, advisable that these factors be considered when designing the proposed placement of an easement. As in the earlier example, if the easement is placed where it would not impact the highest and best use of the land, its impact on the value of the land is minimal. Anticipation To the owner or buyer of real estate, the value of the land may not be what it is capable of producing today but rather what it will produce in years to come. Because of this, one of the functions of the marketplace is to derive today’s price for the right to obtain future satisfaction. Based on these principles, the appraiser must measure this value in terms of the compensation required for the property together with any compensable damages that could occur to the land. One example of a compensable damage would be the requirement to cut a driveway, which would be replaced. The owner or tenant could require additional damages for the inconvenience caused during the construction period. Aesthetics is another aspect that must be considered. In an area where aerial construction is common, one more pole line may not have an aesthetic impact. However, in an area where all utilities are underground, an aerial line could be unacceptable. After the value has been established for each route, a decision can be about the route that will be most cost-effective for the project. Following this decision, the fourth and final phase, negotiation with the landowner for acquisition of the easement, can commence. Negotiation In the area of easement acquisition, negotiation is the most crucial phase of the project. If the negotiation with the owner is not completed in a successful manner, all of the actions completed prior to the negotiation are lost. Therefore, negotiation can be defined as the process by which property is sought to be acquired through discussion, conference, and final agreement on the terms of a voluntary transfer of property. © 2007 BICSI® 8-39 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Appraisers, continued Most textbooks on the subject of negotiations will list at least three types of negotiation methods: • Bargaining • Attitudinal • Integrative Of these three types, the one most people think of when they hear the word negotiation is bargaining. A good example of bargaining negotiation is the negotiation process between labor and management. The problem with this concept is that bargaining negotiation is also thought of as a win-loss situation for one of the parties. Therefore, bargaining negotiation has a very limited use in R/W acquisition. Remember, for any sale to take place there must be a willing seller and a willing buyer. In the case of the easement acquisition, there is a willing buyer, but not necessarily a willing seller. A better approach could be to use a combination of attitudinal and integrative negotiations. In the attitudinal approach to negotiation, a set of ground rules is established between both parties and a sense of trust could develop between the two. Once this trust is developed, the integrative phase can begin. Integrative negotiation, sometimes called a win-win situation, is more of a problem-solving approach between the buyer and the seller. By using this method, the buyer understands the seller’s problems and vice versa. In most cases, an agreement may be reached that will meet the needs of the buyer, and, at the same time, minimize any negative effects for the seller. Due to the preconceived ideas that most people possess, it is incumbent on the buyer to approach this phase with caution. Depending on the buyer’s relationship with the landowner, the negotiation could be accomplished by the buyer or through a third party, such as an R/W agent or an attorney. After the easements have been acquired, the easement documents must be recorded in the same fashion as any other real estate transaction. In addition, the overall environmental and aesthetics impact of the project must be considered. Private Right-of-Way (R/W) Private R/Ws are usually obtained by executing with the property owner a R/W acquisition document, called an easement. Easement documents detail a specifically defined route along, under, over, or across the property with which OSP facilities are placed. The primary reasons for obtaining a private R/W easement are to: • Decrease the likelihood of having to move the physical plant in the future. • Restrict the owner from certain types of construction on the property contained in the easement that might interfere with the physical plant. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-40 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Obtaining and Recording a Private Easement In the United States, the laws of each state are different regarding the obtaining and recording of easements; however, there are several key factors that apply to all easements. It is crucial to determine the correct owner of the private property before obtaining an easement. Failure to do so can render the easement invalid and cause loss of money paid for the easement. The easement must be executed between the actual owner of the physical plant seeking permission to enter the property and the owner of the property (or the person or company who holds power of attorney for the owner). A contractor can assist in preparing and recording the easement, but the plant owner must perform the actual execution. Private R/W acquisitions are not legal unless the person or company requesting the easement pays a monetary fee to the owner of the property. The amount can vary depending on: • The details of the easement. • How much property is being tied up. • Terms and conditions of the easement. Independent parties must witness the execution of the easement, and the executed document must be recorded at the Clerk of the Court’s office for the county in which the property is located. Failure to record the document could result in the document being ruled invalid if conflicts occur. The executed and recorded easement documents should be included in the records of the project. © 2007 BICSI® 8-41 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Contents of the Private Easement Document Easement Document The details contained in the easement document are related to the type of physical plant planned for the project: • Direct-buried • Underground • Aerial • Combination of the above An easement application should contain a minimum of two documents including: • The terms and conditions of the easement. Legal counsel should prepare these with the assistance of the consultant. • A detailed engineering sketch indicating prominent features and a legal description of the property, along with details about any adjacent public R/W such as: – Road names and numbers. – Shoulder width. – Sidewalk, curb, and gutter locations. – Significant drainage structures. – North arrow. – R/W width. – Exact location of the proposed utility with respect to property lines. – Nearest intersecting road on the public road system, if available. – Any unusual issues or arrangements for use of the property. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-42 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Permit Information State Highway Permit The following information about obtaining an R/W illustrates, in general, the terms and process involved in obtaining a public R/W permit. Other states’ requirements vary but are essentially similar. Application Normally, the application package is required to include a(n): • Permit application (see Example 8.1). This is a formal application signed by the applicant and, if approved by the DoT, it summarizes information about: – Applicant (name, address, and telephone number). – Highway involved (county, road/route number, and road name). – Type of public service line. – Description of the location of the line on the highway. – Any special provisions tied to the approval of the permit. • Key map (see Figure 8.13). This is a state highway map indicating the general location of the R/W. The area containing the work must be detailed along or across the public roads affected by the R/W. • Engineering sketch indicating roadway features such as: – Pavement width. – Shoulder width. – Sidewalk, curb, and gutter locations. – Significant drainage structures. – North arrow. – R/W width. – Exact location of the proposed utility with respect to the roadway centerline and nearest intersecting road on the state system. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® In some cases, submission of a completed set of construction drawings will suffice for the above requirements. 8-43 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way State Highway Permit, continued Example 8.1 Typical state permit application State Department of Transportation 0199 (02/99) THIS SPACE FOR STATE USE ONLY Any Phone Co. Anyone Installation Co. 123 Telephone St. 456 Dig Dr. Bell XX A.G. Bell XXX-XXX-XXXX #72 XXXXX Cable XX B.K. Fill XXX-XXX-XXXX 36 County Line Rd. 07/15/XX Backhoe 7 2 782 09/15/XX 4 5 XXXXX Conduit X X Install 18-strand optical fiber cable from pole #4380 to pole #4405 under state highway #72. Directional bore will be used under the highway with a minimum depth of 48". XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX A.G. Bell - Eng. Mgr. XX/XX/XX XX-XXXXXXX STATE USE ONLY — DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPRROVED FOR STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-44 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way State Highway Permit, continued Figure 8.13 Associated construction drawing for state permit application Direct bury 18-strand optical fiber cable from west side of pole #4380 for 44.2 m (145 ft) in a southwest direction, then in a southeast direction across State Highway 72 to pole #4405. Use directional bore under State Highway 72 with 51 mm (2 in) plastic duct. Run optical fiber cable in duct under highway. Ensure 1.2 m (4 ft) inch minimum depth under highway. 44.2 m (145 ft) #4380 B 18-Fiber 4-Fiber P ve w a y Po o l Existing House D ri in B e P Gas G a ra g e in e 3/8 Copper gas line (propane) Propane R W 10 m (33 feet) BLKTP Centerline State Highway 72 238.4 m (782 feet) to County Line Road GRVL B Ditch line 10 m (33 feet) R 104.5 m (343 ft) W Existing Existing fiber route (direct-buried) N House 4-Fiber 18-Fiber #4405 B B BLKTP ft GRVL in m mm R/W = = = = = = = = = Future buried cable Buried cable Blacktop Foot Gravel Inch Meter Millimeter Right-of-way © 2007 BICSI® 8-45 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way State Highway Permit, continued Approval Process The permit approval process consists of the: • Applicant submitting completed forms to the appropriate city/county/state office or appropriate AHJ. • Resident maintenance engineer and district construction engineer reviewing the forms. • Approval and return of the permit to the applicant with the approved signatures, provided that all details were submitted and consistent with DoT policies. NOTE: Even if not required, it is a good policy to notify the DoT prior to beginning work. Enforcing the Permit The local AHJ or DoT engineer responsible for the job may visit the site during the work to ensure conformance with the permit. A copy of the permit must be on the job site during work. If the DoT engineer visits the site and a copy of the permit is not available, the engineer has the right to shut down the work until a copy is available. Railroad Right-of-Way (R/W) Railroad R/Ws are properties owned by rail companies and used for the construction and maintenance of the companies’ tracks and buildings. Though privately owned, rail companies are granted much greater power over land use and acquisitions than other private landowners. In the United States, this power was granted by federal legislation passed during the 1800s and early 1900s. Railroad R/Ws are obtained in a manner similar to public R/Ws. Railroads have predetermined limits onto their properties, and their rules are much more stringent than for many public agencies. The details required for their permits are also more specific as discussed below. Railroad Permit Each railroad company’s requirements are different. The engineering office at the corporate headquarters of the railroad company can usually provide the information required for obtaining permits or determine the specific company location that can provide this information. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-46 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Railroad Permit, continued Application The applicant must prepare a letter transmitting the permit application to the designated railroad system superintendent. This letter must indicate the location of the proposed railroad crossing by milepost number and footage north, south, east, or west of the milepost as appropriate and any discernible or identifiable crossroads. The railroad can require a formal agreement between the applicant and railroad. If that occurs, the applicant should obtain legal counsel to assist in the preparation of this agreement. Liberal time should be allowed for railroad permit approval. Permit Approval and Starting Work Work can begin when the approved permit is received from the railroad. A copy of the approved permit should be kept on the job site. Failure to do so could result in the railroad inspector’s halting the job and revoking the permit. In most cases, a railroad inspector is required on all projects This cost could be invoiced to the permit applicant. Upon Completion of Work When the work is completed, the applicant must: • Send a letter to the railroad indicating the day, month, and year the work was completed. • Advise the railroad of any changes in crossing constructions. Retention of Records The applicant must keep a copy of all correspondence relative to the railroad permit on file as long as the applicant owns the physical plant. Sale of Physical Plant If the physical plant is to be sold, the railroad shall be notified in writing. The railroad could: • Place additional requirements on the new owner prior to approval of the sale. • Require the physical plant be removed from the railroad’s R/W. • Require the proposed buyer to execute a new permit. • Change the cost of occupancy to the new customer. Special Requirements for Direct-Buried or Underground Plant If the physical plant is a direct-buried or underground plant, a casing must be installed under the tracks to house the plant and its associated structures. The casing must extend beyond: © 2007 BICSI® • Both rails of a single track. • The outside rail of the outside tracks, if there are multiple tracks. 8-47 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Railroad Permit, continued Check with railroad permitting authority for exact distances. See Figures 8.14 and 8.15 for more information on special requirements for direct-buried or underground plant: • Figure 8.14 shows the required length of casing for various crossing angles. • Figure 8.15 shows the layout and relevant dimensions for a railroad crossing. Address questions regarding railroad crossings to the appropriate railroad system superintendent. Figure 8.14 Casing lengths for various railroad crossing angles 0.76 m (2.5 ft) 0.76 m (2.5 ft) 4.6 m (15 ft) 4.6 m (15 ft) 40° Rail Rail 30° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 85° 75° 65° 55° 45° 35° Angle Length of Casing 90° 85° 80° 75° 70° 65° 60° 55° 50° 45° 40° 35° 30° 10.7 m (35 ft) 10.8 m (35.5 ft) 11 m (36 ft) 11.1 m (36.5 ft) 11.4 m (37.5 ft) 11.7 m (38.5 ft) 12 m (40 ft) 13.1 m (43 ft) 14 m (46 ft) 15.1 m (49.5 ft) 16.6 m (54.5 ft) 18.6 m (61 ft) 21.3 m (70 ft) OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-48 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Railroad Permit, continued Figure 8.15 Layout of a railroad crossing A A R.R. R/W 4.6 m (15 ft) N 4.6 m (15 ft) al der r fe er o e b t Sta e num t rou Minimum Minimum Milepost E F D See Note W . R/ Hwy B B R.R. R/W Variable dimensions: A = Width of R/W B = Length of encasement C = Length of encroachment D = Distance from milepost E = Distance from pavement F = Angle of crossing G = Depth of casing C To (nearest station) Hwy. surface Proposed physical plant and casing on R.R. R/W Subgrade Profile G Drainage pipe where existing 305 mm (12 in) minimum (must be 889 mm (35 in) if open ditch) Type Facility Cable Size Proposed Crossing Gauge Strand Maximum Voltage Tracks of R.R. DC Feet Maximum Amps In Encasement Material At or Near Outside Diameter Wall Thickness of MP County Project Name Project Number Prepared By NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Indicate date of approval for an existing crossing. 8-49 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Sample Letter of Request for Railroad Permit <Name of Railroad Superintendent> <Name of Railroad> <Address> <City, State Zip> Dear <Name of Superintendent>: <Name of client> hereby applies for permission to construct a telephone plant crossing at <location-distance in meters (feet) to nearest milepost> near <city and state>. The facility being placed at this location <will or will not> serve a patron of your company exclusively and <will or will not> be located within the limits of a public road. The review of this proposed crossing and your prompt approval will be appreciated. Yours truly, <Your name and company> Attachment OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-50 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Underground Casings under Railroads The casing pipe and joints shall be uniformly thick steel construction approved by the railroad’s chief engineer and shall be capable in its entirety of withstanding load of railroad roadbed, track and traffic; also shall be constructed so as to prevent leakage of any matter from the casing or conduits contained therein throughout its length under track and railroad R/W. The casing pipe may contain as few as three 100 mm (4 trade size) conduits or as many as thirtysix 100 mm (4 trade size) conduits. The different arrangements for different casing sizes are shown in Figure 8.16. The casing pipe must be installed with even bearing throughout its length, and to prevent formation of standing liquids shall slope to one end. Wall thickness of the casing must be no less than that specified in the attached steel casing pipe wall thickness chart (Table 8.1). The inside diameter of the casing shall be at least 10 percent larger than the outside diameter of the largest conduit contained in the casing but no less than 51 mm (2 in) greater than largest outside diameter of conduit, joints or couplings. The depth from base of railroad rail to top of casing at its closest point shall not be less than 1.4 m (4.5 ft) and on other portions of railroad R/W, and from bottom of ditches to top of casing, shall not be less than 0.91 m (3 ft). Where it is not possible to secure the above depths, special construction shall be used as approved by the railroad’s chief engineer. The casing pipe shall extend at least 13.7 m (45 ft) or 2 (D) plus 6 m (20 ft), (where “D” equals depth of the bottom of the casing below railroad subgrade), whichever is greater, each side from (measured at right angles to) centerline of outside track. The casing is to extend beyond the limit of the railroad R/W as required to obtain the specified length of additional tracks are constructed in the future, the casing shall be correspondingly extended at the applicant’s expense. Casings are installed by the jack and bore method. This involves the excavation of jacking and receiving pits on opposite sides of the crossing. Jacking/receiving pits shall be a minimum of 9 m (30 ft) from the centerline of track. Casings can be installed at a 30 degree angle to the track up to a perpendicular angle of 90 degree (Figure 8.14). A typical engineering sketch indicating a proposed crossing is shown in Figure 8.15. The information shown on this figure is the minimum information required. Some railroad companies require additional information on the engineering drawings. Consult with the railroad engineering office for any additional requirement prior to submitting an application. Upon completion of the casing installation work, all trash, excess materials, temporary structure and equipment are to be removed and the railroad’s R/W cleaned and restored to the satisfaction of the railroad’s chief engineer or authorized representative. Disturbed areas shall be seeded or otherwise protected to control erosion as specified by the chief engineer of the railroad. © 2007 BICSI® 8-51 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Underground Casings under Railroads, continued Figure 8.16 Arrangements for different casing sizes Figure 5 508 mm (20 in) OD 490.52 mm (19.312 in) ID Figure 1 305 mm (12 in) ID 3 Duct Figure 2 356 mm (14 in) OD 399.75 mm (13.376 in) ID 10 Duct Figure 6 559 mm (22 in) OD 539.75 mm (21.25 in) ID 4 Duct Figure 3 406 mm (16 in) OD 390.55 mm (15.376 in) ID 14 Duct Figure 7 610 mm (24 in) OD 587.35 mm (21.125 in) ID 7 Duct Figure 4 457 mm (18 in) OD 439.72 mm (17.312 in) ID 16 Duct Scale: Not to scale (relative scale) B Duct OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-52 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Underground Casings under Railroads, continued Figure 8.16 Arrangements for different casing sizes, continued Figure 8 660 mm (26 in) OD 3150 mm (124 in) ID Figure 11 813 mm (32 in) OD 787.35 mm (30.998 in) ID 19 Duct Figure 9 711 mm (28 in) OD 687.37 mm (27.062 in) ID 29 Duct Figure 12 864 mm (34 in) OD 836.577 mm (32.94 in) ID 19 Duct Figure 10 762 mm (30 in) OD 738.17 mm (29.062 in) ID 36 Duct Scale: Not to scale (relative scale) 26 Duct ID in mm OD © 2007 BICSI® = = = = Inside Diameter Inch Millimeter Outside Diameter 8-53 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 8: Right-of-Way Underground Casings under Railroads, continued Table 8.1 Specifications for steel casing Wall Thickness * ** ID in mm OD Inside Diameter Diameter mm (in) Protected in *305 mm (12 in) ID 0.188 *356 mm (14 in) OD 0.219 *406 mm (16 in) OD Nonprotected in Protected in Nonprotected in 12 12 0.312 13.562 13.376 0.219 0.312 15.562 15.376 *457 mm (18 in) OD 0.250 0.344 17.500 17.312 *508 mm (20 in) OD 0.281 0.344 19.438 19.312 559 mm (22 in) OD 0.312 0.375 21.376 21.250 *610 mm (24 in) OD 0.344 0.438 23.312 23.124 660 mm (26 in) OD 0.375 0.438 25.250 25.124 711 mm (28 in) OD 0.406 0.469 27.188 27.062 *762 mm (30 in) OD 0.406 0.469 29.188 29.062 813 mm (32 in) OD 0.438 0.500 31.124 31.000 864 mm (34 in) OD 0.469 0.500** 33.000 *914 mm (36 in) OD 0.469 0.500** 35.000 965 mm (38 in) OD 0.500 0.500** 37.000 1016 mm (40 in) OD 0.500 0.500** 39.000 *1067 mm (42 in) OD 0.500 0.500** 41.000 *1220 mm (48 in) OD 0.500 0.500** 47.000 Stock sizes of casing. Other sizes available on special order only and will cost more than larger stocked size. These sizes require nominal wall thickness and coating. = Inside diameter = Inch = Millimeter = Outside diameter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 8-54 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 9 Scope of Work Chapter 9 defines scope of work and statement of work and describes their differences and specific elements. It discusses title, general statement, objective, specific tasks, reporting requirements, qualification requirements, place and period of performance, construction management, restrictions, security clearance requirements, contracting representatives, and attachments. Chapter 9: Scope of Work Table of Contents Statement of Work ............................................................................. 9-1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 9-1 Title .......................................................................................................... 9-1 General Statement ....................................................................................... 9-1 Objective (Narrative) .................................................................................... 9-1 Specific Tasks ............................................................................................. 9-2 Type of Pathway .................................................................................... 9-2 Type of Cables ....................................................................................... 9-2 Splicing/Termination Requirements ............................................................. 9-2 Associated Hardware and Material Required ................................................. 9-2 Grounding Requirements ........................................................................... 9-3 Permit Requirements ................................................................................ 9-3 Code and Standard Requirements .............................................................. 9-3 Type of Restoration Required .................................................................... 9-3 Testing Requirements .............................................................................. 9-3 Documentation Requirements .................................................................... 9-3 Reporting Requirements ............................................................................ 9-4 Qualification Requirements ........................................................................ 9-4 Place and Period of Performance .................................................................... 9-4 Construction Management ............................................................................. 9-4 Restrictions ................................................................................................. 9-5 Security Clearances ..................................................................................... 9-5 Contracting Representative ........................................................................... 9-5 Attachments ............................................................................................... 9-5 Assumptions ................................................................................................ 9-5 © 2007 BICSI® 9-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 9: Scope of Work OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 9-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 9: Scope of Work Statement of Work Introduction A statement of work is a document developed by either a client or a client/designer collaborative team for defining the project requirements. A well-defined statement of work is very important for a successful project. The critical elements of a statement of work include: • Title. • General statement. • Objective. • Specific tasks. • Reporting requirements. • Qualification requirements. • Place and period of performance. • Construction management. • Restrictions. • Security clearance requirements. • Contracting representative. • Attachments. • Assumptions. This chapter outlines the major elements of a well-defined statement of work. Title The title can be very important if an organization has multiple solicitations each year. Some procurement agencies choose to assign a number to each solicitation with the year embedded in the number to help with identification (e.g., 0012007). General Statement The general statement is a brief description of the overall project. Example of a general statement: “Furnish, install, and test a singlemode optical fiber cable from building 01 to building 02.” General statements lengthen and become more comprehensive as the size and scope of the project increases. Objective (Narrative) The objective is a description of the overall project. Example of an objective statement: “The new 12-strand optical fiber cable will provide connectivity from the lab to the hospital so the doctors can read the x-rays without having to walk to the lab.” © 2007 BICSI® 9-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 9: Scope of Work Specific Tasks The specific tasks identify each task that should be completed under this statement of work. Some examples of important details that should be captured in the specific tasks section of the statement of work are discussed below. Type of Pathway The designer should identify whether the outside plant (OSP) pathway will be aerial, direct buried, underground, tunnel, or a combination. Some considerations for OSP pathways include: • Type, size, and quantity of poles required. • Type, size, and quantity of strand required. • Depth and width of trench. • Warning tape requirements. • Type, size, and quantity of maintenance holes (MHs) required. • Tunnel entrance and exit location. NOTE: It is recommended to include a schematic of the MH. Type of Cables The designer should identify the type and size of cables that need to be installed and specify the length of the cables, including slack, if known. Splicing/Termination Requirements The designer should identify the type of termination methodology to be used for copper, optical fiber, and coaxial cables. Some examples include: • Modular copper splicing. • Single-pair copper splicing. • Fusion optical fiber splicing. • Mechanical optical fiber splicing. • Optical fiber termination method. Associated Hardware and Material Required Associated hardware includes cabling hardware, closures, pathways, and connecting hardware. Details for associated hardware should be listed in the material lists. Any special requirements for these items may be included in the descriptions. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 9-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 9: Scope of Work Specific Tasks, continued Grounding Requirements The designer should identify any special grounding requirements. Some systems have specific resistance level requirements. Permit Requirements The designer should identify any special types of permits that need to be obtained before starting the project. Depending on the jurisdiction, some permits can take a substantial amount of time to process. Code and Standard Requirements The designer should identify the codes and standards to which the project must conform. Type of Restoration Required The designer should identify what type of restoration is required. Some examples of restoration include: • Sod and hydroseeding. • Concrete. • Asphalt. • Landscape. Testing Requirements The designer should identify what type of testing will be required. Some examples of testing are: • Fiber test. • Copper test. Documentation Requirements The designer should identify what types of deliverables are required before, during, and after project completion. Some examples of deliverables are the: © 2007 BICSI® • Safety plan. • Test plan (before project start). • Final design (before project start). • List of materials (before project start). • Proof of concept (during project). • Test results (post project). 9-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 9: Scope of Work Specific Tasks, continued • Hard and soft copies of test results. • Drawings (post project). • D-sized computer-aided design (CAD) drawings. • Soft copy of CAD drawings. Reporting Requirements The designer should identify what deliverables are due to the customer during the course of the project. Some examples include: • Progress reports. • Audits. • Safety reports. Qualification Requirements The designer should identify any special licenses, degrees, registrations, or special certifications that potential bidders must have as a minimum requirement for bidding on a project. Examples of licenses, degrees, or special certifications include: • Master electricians licenses. • Professional engineer (PE). • Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD®)/OSP Specialist. • BICSI Registered Information Transport Systems (ITS) Technician. • Senior right-of-way agent (SR/WA). • OSP project manager (PM). Place and Period of Performance The place of performance indicates the locations where the work will be performed. This also is indicated on the construction work prints in the form of work location numbers. The period of performance indicates both the first day and the final day of the contract. Additionally, the hours of operation during which the work can be completed by the contractor are identified. This also should be included in the project management documents (e.g., network diagram, program evaluation review technique [PERT] and critical path method [CPM] charts). Construction Management The designer should determine whether an on-site construction manager (CM) is required for the project. The designer should indicate whether there are any special or minimum requirements for the CM (e.g., 10 years of experience, managing projects over $5 million, RCDD/OSP Specialist). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 9-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 9: Scope of Work Restrictions The designer should identify any special restrictions that might be relevant to the job. Some examples include: • Schedule. • Environmental. • Prevailing wages/Davis Bacon wages. • Governmental restrictions. Security Clearances Some government and commercial work may require a variety of security clearances. The designer should identify the scope of the security for the project and delineate in the project plan how the requirements will be handled. Contracting Representative The designer should identify who will be the customer’s authorized representative to make contractual decisions for the project. The name, office or agency, address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address of the customer’s representative should be included. Attachments The designer should list any attachments that are included in the statement of work. Some examples are the: • Schedule. • Wage determinations. • Construction drawings for pathways, spaces, media, and termination and splicing hardware for the buildings, • Bonding and grounding drawings for OSP and entrance facilities (EFs). • Conceptual drawings. • Test procedures for all media installed and terminated/spliced. • System requirements documentation. Assumptions The designer should include any project-specific assumptions that are required. © 2007 BICSI® 9-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10 Design Documentation Chapter 10 explains the task of developing construction documents by phases—schematic design, construction documents, work prints, and as-built—and provides outside plant (OSP) design and specification checklists. Chapter 10: Design Documentation Table of Contents Construction Documents ................................................................... 10-1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 10-1 Schematic Design ...................................................................................... 10-2 Cable Assignment .................................................................................. 10-3 Feeder Sizing ....................................................................................... 10-3 Distribution Sizing ................................................................................. 10-4 Projection Planning ................................................................................ 10-4 Fiber to the X (FTTx) ............................................................................ 10-5 Counts and Assignments ........................................................................ 10-5 Construction Documents ............................................................................. 10-6 Outside Plant (OSP) Design and Construction Checklist .................... 10-9 Introduction .............................................................................................. 10-9 Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist ............................................................ 10-9 Title Block (Reference No. 1) ................................................................ 10-11 Required Information (Reference No. 2) .................................................. 10-12 Electronic Telecommunications Equipment (Reference No. 3) ...................... 10-13 Notes (Reference No. 4) ...................................................................... 10-13 Aerial Environment (Reference No. 5) ..................................................... 10-13 Direct-Buried Environment (Reference No. 6) ........................................... 10-14 Conduit Environment (Reference No. 7) .................................................. 10-14 Underground Environment (Reference No. 8) ........................................... 10-14 Miscellaneous (Reference No. 9) ............................................................ 10-15 Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist .............................. 10-16 General (Reference No. 1) .................................................................... 10-18 Title Block (Reference No. 2) ................................................................ 10-19 Safety Requirements (Reference No. 3) .................................................. 10-19 Notes (Reference No. 4) ...................................................................... 10-20 Cable and Stubs (Reference No. 5) ........................................................ 10-20 Cable Terminals (Reference No. 6) ......................................................... 10-21 Poles (Reference No. 7) ....................................................................... 10-21 Load Coils (Reference No. 8) ................................................................. 10-21 Maintenance Holes (MHs [Reference No. 9]) ............................................ 10-22 Conduit (Reference No. 10) .................................................................. 10-22 Removals (Reference No. 11) ................................................................ 10-22 Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables .......................................... 10-23 © 2007 BICSI® 10-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Figures Figure 10.1 Splicing together two sections of same cable .............................. 10-23 Figure 10.2 Splicing a shorted cable order ................................................... 10-23 Figure 10.3 Splicing two cables of different sizes .......................................... 10-24 Figure 10.4 Splicing a new branch cable to a feed cable ................................ 10-24 Figure 10.5 New cables and a terminal spliced .............................................. 10-25 Figure 10.6 Cross-connect cabinet terminating gel-filled cables ...................... 10-25 Figure 10.7 Removal of NF-16 terminal ........................................................ 10-26 Figure 10.8 Replacing an NF-16 terminal with an NF-25 terminal ...................... 10-26 Figure 10.9 Energizing dead pairs ............................................................... 10-27 Figure 10.10 Remove cross-connect terminal ................................................. 10-27 Figure 10.11 200-Pair cable transfer at splice ................................................ 10-28 Figure 10.12 300-Pair cable transfer to new feeder cable ................................ 10-28 Figure 10.13 Section replacement on 300-pair cable ....................................... 10-29 Figure 10.14 Protector placement ................................................................ 10-29 Figure 10.15 Sample maintenance hole plan and profile drawing ........................ 10-30 Figure 10.16 Butterfly detail worksheet ......................................................... 10-31 Figure 10.17 Butterfly detail ........................................................................ 10-32 Tables Table 10.1 Construction document specifications process ............................... 10-8 Table 10.2 Outside plant design checklist ................................................... 10-10 Table 10.3 Outside plant construction specifications checklist ....................... 10-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Construction Documents Introduction Design documentation is an important set of deliverables in an outside plant (OSP) project. These documents are used when building OSP. They should be readable and detailed, using legends and lists of symbols. Technicians and contractors must follow the documents produced by the information transport systems (ITS) distribution designer. In cases where the documents or intent of the work is questionable, the designer must be consulted. The task of developing design documents begins early in the design process. The final work prints or construction drawings represent a compilation of all of the data that has been recorded by the designer of existing OSP conditions as well as all of the proposed facilities. This data is detailed in drawings under each of the following steps: © 2007 BICSI® • Schematic design—At this stage, the designer uses the notes acquired during the field survey to design the proposed OSP facilities. The designer may work directly on the field notes or may choose to have drafting personnel develop preliminary work prints, which would then be used by the designer to plot the proposed OSP facilities. • Construction documents—The final design drawings (work prints) and specifications that will be issued to the construction forces for the placement of proposed OSP facilities. • Work prints—The drawings used by the construction team to install the OSP facilities to document any changes made during construction. These changes are incorporated into the computer-aided design (CAD) drawings to complete the set of as-built prints, which are returned to the designer and customer. • As-built—The final set of drawings produced by the construction team to note changes built in the field and to document major obstructions encountered during the building process. 10-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Schematic Design Work prints are developed to determine future cable requirements. They may include the number of balanced twisted-pairs, optical fiber strands, coaxial, or other cable requirements. These requirements can only be forecast after considering requirements for existing business and the anticipated use of vacant property. This information may be obtained through review of the owner’s long-range plans or campus master plan. Other sources include population forecasts, interviews with developers and planning departments, and the site survey. Once this information is collected, the forecast requirements must be analyzed to identify immediate or future shortages and multiple conditions found with balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber, or coaxial cabling. This information should also be included on work prints to formulate a plan for expansion. Once the work print is marked with this forecasted information, the designer determines: • Which distribution cables need immediate and future expansion. • Where new distribution cables will be needed. • Immediate or future rearrangements necessary for balanced twisted-pair, coaxial, and optical fiber distribution cables and terminals. • Where main feeder cable expansion is needed. • How many immediate and future cables will be needed, including balanced twisted-pairs or optical strands. • The most cost-effective technology that will accomplish the job. When designing feeder and distribution cables in either new or rearranged OSP, the designer must ensure that the distribution cables provide a sufficient number of cable pairs, optical fiber strands, and coaxial cabling for the ultimate needs of the business or the area to be served. Balanced twisted-pair cables should be free from multiple appearances, not bridged, and should be administered in groups of 25 sequential pairs (e.g., binder groups). Optical fiber cables should be administered by cable construction. The success of any design depends on in-depth planning and applying the fundamental principles of OSP design. Data gathering is the most important aspect of design. The designer should first obtain copies of the latest cable assignment records. If existing work prints are available, the designer should determine the number of working balanced twisted-pairs or optical strands in the cable sections and post the information at locations where the cable sections taper. This will provide a good depiction of the cabling layout and the number of working pairs or strands. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Schematic Design, continued Cable Assignment The basic concept in OSP is similar to exchange area cabling for central offices (COs) and can be described as two general components: • Feeder cables, which come from the campus main cross-connect (MC [campus distributor (CD)]) and extend to the last branch cable splice or cross-connect point. Feeder cables are typically spliced to smaller distribution or branch cables that terminate within a building. • Distribution cables, which extend from a cross-connect terminal or optical fiber patch panel or branch off a feeder cable through splicing. Feeder cables are planned and installed to provide coverage for a particular area or a specific route. Distribution cables are designed to provide service to specific discrete areas within that feeder’s coverage area or route. Another term that may be applied collectively to both feeder and distribution cables in OSP is backbone cabling. Such cabling is often called campus backbone or OSP backbone. OSP cabling in campus environments also has been termed trunk cable, although, in exchange terminology, a trunk is a circuit or path between two switches, at least one of which is a telephone CO or switching center. Regular CO circuits or services are called private branch exchange (PBX) trunks because there is a switch at both ends of the circuit. Proper terminology for trunk cabling, therefore, is cable placed between two switching centers. However, the term trunk cable has been applied in campus design to general OSP cabling. The term trunk also is used in the optical fiber network to link synchronous optical network (SONET), switched services, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), data equipment nodes, and internetworking devices. Feeder Sizing The next determination is cable sizing. The first part is the size of the feeder cable. Feeder pair or strand count is based on the: © 2007 BICSI® • Number of balanced twisted-pairs required for initial use. This includes dry copper telephone pairs, special service requirements (e.g., data, fire alarm, and security), and any immediate changes in present services. • Feeder balanced twisted-pair cable count. The count is generally increased to provide a pair-for-pair match with all of the expected distribution cables. • Number of optical fiber strands required for initial use. This includes the number of SONET, Ethernet, VoIP, switched, or point-to-point (PTP) services. SONET, Ethernet, VoIP, and switched networks typically use two strands, in and out of a CO or a building being served. A PTP service, such as telephony or Ethernet extensions and video links, uses two strands. Other video links and networks use a single strand. 10-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Schematic Design, continued • Rate of growth of the designated area. This information helps to discern the types and the quantity of service needed in the foreseeable future. The forecast should be planned for the longest timeframe possible, perhaps 20 or more years. However, forecasting at least 10 years in the future is recommended. • Use of a campus master plan, if one is available. Distribution Sizing The next step is planning the distribution portion of the cable plant. In initial cable placement for a coverage area, the distribution portion of the total cable plant had had more balanced twisted-pair or optical strand counts than the feeder serving the area. To terminate all of the distribution cable pairs, the practice of stubbing balanced twisted feeder pairs and/or bridging feeder pairs had been used. Today, those practices are no longer followed or acceptable when using today’s technologies. The evolution of design standards led to the placement of the ultimate size distribution cable in the area, especially when buried to meet legislative requirements or for esthetic concerns. Living units were assigned one and one-half to three or more distribution balanced twistedpairs in anticipation of additional line growth for faxes, computers, alarm systems, and communications. The recommendation for optical strands to a building for service is typically 6 to 24 strands per building in anticipation of building into additional buildings for communications, data, or video networks along the distribution cable. Due to SONET, Ethernet, and other communications equipment working in a ring configuration, the same strands can be assigned to a number of buildings for distribution cable sizing. It is important to know the number of allowable nodes a certain equipment application can have. Projection Planning Typically, feeder cable size planning is based on a comparison of the cost of reinforcing a route and the cost of investing in idle capacity until some future date and also consideration of technological advances that may emerge during the period. The future date is determined by the area’s growth rate and the provided facilities’ consumption. Since the planning is on a multi-year basis, the plans should be periodically reviewed to ensure that the underlying assumptions are still valid. Some planners establish a specific horizon for their planning cycle (e.g., a five-year projection or sales projections by the sales staff). Following are some application-specific examples: • In aerial plant, additional cable can be overbuilt onto the support strand of the initial cable or sufficient clearance can be provided for additional cable placement on the pole line. This is based on load calculations. • In underground plant, additional cable can be placed in spare conduit or innerducts within the duct bank route. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Schematic Design, continued • Direct-buried plant requires oversizing the feeder because of the challenges imposed by revisiting the route and adding additional capacity at a later date. Therefore, for directburied plant, cables should be sized to provide for at least 20 years. • When designing for campus area distribution, a prospective growth pattern (e.g., five years, 10 years, or longer) should be assumed, if such projections are reasonable, and pair or strand count should be planned accordingly. The designer can use the information gathered from the site master plan to determine the projections. Fiber to the X (FTTx) Planning for an FTTx installation will follow many of the same criteria as for balanced twisted-pair and fiber installations with additional considerations for the following: • Locations and number of optical line terminals (OLTs) serving the fiber plant • Locations and number of splitters required • Locations and number of optical network terminals (ONTs) being served by the fiber plant Counts and Assignments Provide sufficient pair and strand count plus a percentage of growth rounded up to the next full cable size for the feeder’s service area. The method of providing sufficient pair or strand count is to factor in one-half pair for every two pair required; then add the growth factor. Growth factor is typically 15 to 20 percent depending on projections. The less certain the projection, the higher the growth factor needs to be. When assigning pair or strand counts from the main feeder cables through to the distribution or lateral cables, try to avoid leaving pairs or strands unassigned “cut dead” in a splice, unless the growth factor calculations dictate that additional cables will be installed within the growth factor projections. Only allow balanced twisted-pair binder or strand bundle groups cut, cleared, and capped in the splice if there is near-term future building placement and anticipated service requirements. Otherwise, provide pair-for-pair or strand-for-strand full pair counts from the feeder cable to the distribution cables. Typically, the main or feeder cable originating at the campus MC (CD) should be assigned and spliced out to the distribution cables serving the remote facilities using the following rules: © 2007 BICSI® • Never break up balanced-twisted pair binder or optical bundle groups. Always assign full binders or bundles to all remote locations. • Use the tree concept. Assign the first balanced twisted-pair binders in the center of the feed cable to the farthest distribution points away from the campus MC (CD). Assign the next binders out from the center of the sheath back toward the campus main feed point. Therefore, the pairs in the center of the feed cable are the “tallest” (or longest) and the pairs outward from the center are progressively shorter, giving the cable plant the image of a tree. 10-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Schematic Design, continued • Place splices and terminations at logical junctures in the overall plant. Ensure that there is security at the point of connection so that unauthorized individuals cannot cause harm but also that craftspeople can work on the administration point. This will differ in planning depending on the cable route construction. • The same techniques can be used for optical fiber cable applications. The previous bullets one and three also apply to optical fiber construction. Assign the bundle groups with the lowest strand counts to the farthest distribution point back toward the main feed point. Construction Documents After the site survey and schematic designs have been completed, the designer has the necessary proposed information for plotting the final information onto a set of drawings. These drawings will be issued to the construction crew for the placement of the proposed OSP facilities. Table 10.1 describes the construction document process. The size of the work print medium should be large enough to be read and small enough to be easily handled by construction personnel in the field. Typically, 11 x 17 in drawings are the easiest to handle in the field. However, it is not uncommon to use a larger document produced on a plotter when a larger picture of a construction project is required. Black-and-white documents are also easier to read in the field and are generally preferred. Some companies use blue colored lines for aerial plant construction and green colored lines for buried plant construction. Multiple sets are usually distributed for bidding, construction, or reference purposes. Distribution lists should be compiled to track the routing of initial and revised issues. A routing cover (i.e., transmittal) sheet should accompany the set of drawings and specifications. Drawings are dated and the author is identified to track revisions. Final work prints must follow the OSP design and construction checklists (see Tables 10.2 and 10.3) for all applicable items. Construction document prints should be checked and approved before issuing. These prints will become a final as-built upon completion. Approved and dated revisions must be plotted and reissued when required. Once all work is completed and the job is tested and accepted, the as-built prints become a final record that must be maintained for reference. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Construction Documents, continued The project specifications should follow the latest Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) MasterFormat™. Each specification section is broken into three parts: • Part 1—General information such as related documents and specification sections, summary of work, and submittals and references required • Part 2—Materials to be used • Part 3—Direction on project execution CSI MasterFormat numbers and titles are suitable for use in project manuals for organizing cost data, drawing key notes, filing project technical data, and identifying drawing objects. The latest change in the MasterFormat was adopting a six-digit numbering system. For example, 27 13 00 is for communications backbone cabling: 27 is the division number or level 1 and 13 and 00 are level 2 and 3 assignments, respectively. The most common divisions for the designer are: • 27—Communications. • 31—Earthwork. • 33—Utilities. Some companies do not recognize the CSI MasterFormat. However, these same three parts must be adhered to when producing a specification or drawings for construction. © 2007 BICSI® 10-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Construction Documents, continued Table 10.1 Construction document specifications process Site Survey • • • • • • • • Obtain property owner and or building management permission. Verify security requirements. Identify special permits required. Determine proposed route infrastructure. Determine location(s) of signal repeater or regeneration sites, optical line terminals (OLT), or passive optical network (PON) splitters, if required. Indicate possible splice locations. Determine property and public owned facilities. Determine the entrance required to enter a building. Field Survey • • • • Make video or digital photos of field conditions. Obtain prints from other agencies for future plans. Survey existing maps or records. Survey and document detailed requirements. Schematic Design • • • • • Future cable and pair or strand requirements are forecasted. Cable assignments are applied. Feeder or distribution are sized. Projection plan is posted. Cable pair or strand counts are distributed and assigned. Construction Documents See specific checklists (Table 10.2 and Table 10.3). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Design and Construction Checklist Introduction In the design and construction of telecommunications facilities, documentation, evaluations, research, and identification of information are required to successfully build an OSP facility. An accepted method for organizing this information is with the use of checklists. Checklists are used to generate a thought process about various questions that need to be answered regarding any project. Checklist contents (i.e., types of questions and issues) vary throughout the world and within the many different companies involved in this type of work. The following is an explanation of the OSP design and construction checklist. Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist A checklist is an aid to the designer. This checklist assists the designer in considering all of the information that may be pertinent to the OSP project. A checklist contains multiple categories with many sublistings of line items that may need to be considered. It also provides additional information for interdepartmental requirements (e.g., accounting, operations). Typically, a designer reviews all of the line items on the entire checklist. If a line item is pertinent to the project or the information has value to other departments or personnel involved with the project, that particular information is included or considered during the project’s design phase. Table 10.2 is a representative example of the quantity or type of information that a designer has to consider for inclusion with the project. A checklist may be modified to suit the needs of a particular design office or for local campus environments. © 2007 BICSI® 10-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist, continued Table 10.2 Outside plant design checklist 3 Reference Number Title and Subtitles Title Block Reference number Service date Geographic location Exchange/campus site Issue date Municipality County Township Section Location and description Street names Initials of drafter Initials of designer Designer telephone number Plant locator record (PLR) number North arrow Accounting data ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 Notes Assignment Construction Method of procedure ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Aerial Environment Anchor/guy Lash/strand/self-support Pole information Span measurements Pole load calculations Expansion loops ‰ ‰ ‰ 6. 6.1 6.2 ‰ ‰ 6.3 6.4 Direct-Buried Environment Direct-buried/direct-buried jobs Pedestal or splice vault information Station marker/components Underground (UG) utilities identified Required Information Cable ID and count Telecommunications equipment room direction Streets (at least two) Loop and count qualification Facilities lifecycle Regroup Splice to splice measurements Terminals involved Balanced twisted-pair wiring limits Permits and right-of-way (R/W) Fill boxes Conductor/transmission study ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Conduit Environment Conduit description Conduit configuration Innerduct description Tie-in measurements Wall-to-wall measurements ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Underground Environment Air pressure information Buffer information Conduit selection Cable type information Optical fiber cable selections Maintenance hole numbers ‰ ‰ 9. 9.1 ‰ ‰ ‰ 9.2 9.3 9.4 ‰ ‰ 9.5 9.6 Miscellaneous Grounding (earthing) and bonding information Caution information Transfer splicing Balanced twisted-pair crossconnect box information Lightning protection Optical fiber patch panel 3 Reference Number Title and Subtitles ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 ‰ ‰ 1.16 1.17 ‰ ‰ ‰ 2. 2.1 2.2 ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 ‰ 3. ‰ ‰ ‰ 3.1 3.2 3.3 Electronic Telecommunications Equipment Equipment information Relay rack/bay Remote terminal (RT), controlled environmental vault (CEV) information OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist, continued Title Block (Reference No. 1) Following are explanations of title block headings in the OSP design checklist: © 2007 BICSI® • Reference number (1.1)—A means of identifying the current project; in case of projects that may be designed or constructed sequentially or concurrently, this reference number is a means of tracking the order of completion. Most reference numbers identify the year and month of the project. • Service date (1.2)—The date that the physical placement of facilities, the splicing operations, or the job cutover were completed, respectively, or the actual date when the project will be ready to deliver service to the customer. • Geographic location (1.3)—Usually the approximate location of the project’s telecommunications equipment room (ER) or physical site that is known and used as reference. • Exchange/campus site (1.4)—Term that is used for customers who have multiple exchange or campus sites; identifying the campus or exchange site reduces the chance of confusion among multiple projects. • Issue date (1.5)—Date the document is issued. • Municipality (1.6)—Name of the municipality or other government entity where the project is taking place, if applicable. • County (1.7)—Name of the county where the project is taking place, if applicable. • Township (1.8)—The township where the project is taking place, if applicable. • Section (1.9)—A section number of the township where the project is taking place, if applicable. • Location and description (1.10). • Street names (1.11)—The space for a locator map for the job and a brief description of what the job accomplishes. • Initials of drafter (1.12). • Initials of designer (1.13). • Designer telephone number (1.14). • Plant locator record (PLR) number (1.15)—Reference to the schematics for the work project; necessary if modifications are required and the designer has to look at the current plant records. • North arrow (1.16)—An important part of the drafting process that must be properly shown on the field notes. • Accounting data (1.17)—Information needed for the owner to maintain records for capital and expense information associated with the network. 10-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist, continued Required Information (Reference No. 2) Following are explanations of required information headings in the OSP design checklist: • Cable identification (IP) number and count (2-11))—Pair/strand count or size of each cable on the project (e.g., 06 cable, 1-400, .500AL) and sheath type • Telecommunications equipment room direction (2.2)—The direction showing the way back to the MC (CD) • Streets (2.3)—At least two street crossings or land marks near the project • Loop and count qualification (2.4)—Any terminals, optical fiber patch panels, or looped cables showing all cable pair or strand counts • Facilities lifecycle (2.5)—The current year, date, and month of cable placements for this project • Regroup (2.6)—A regroup activity is defined as customers who are currently using the cable that will be replaced or removed with the project and need to be regrouped or cut onto new facilities so they will not lose service. • Splice to splice measurements (2.7)—All cable measurements between splices. • Terminals involved (2.8)—A list of all terminals or optical fiber panels that will be involved in a cable throw or cable cut. (This aids the construction personnel in project cutover and helps to eliminate potential for cutting a customer out of service.) • Balanced twisted-pair wiring limits (2.9)—Refers to the assignments of a particular terminal. Typically, they will only assign a series of addresses within a specified limit (e.g., 10183 Hawthorne Lane – 10197 Hawthorne Lane) to a specific terminal. (If a new address falls outside those limits, a designer must go to the field and determine if a new terminal is needed or if the wiring limits need to be modified.) • Permits and right-of-way (R/W) (2.10)—Permits involved with the project; municipalities, railroad, or other entities. • Fill boxes (2.11)—The existing cable fill (number of working lines) on the cables that will be affected by the project • Conductor/transmission study (2.12)—Identifies whether this project requires an evaluation or transmission study to determine correct signaling and supervision of the circuits. (In case of optical fiber cables, the cable length loss, splice loss, and termination loss may require an evaluation.) OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist, continued Electronic Telecommunications Equipment (Reference No. 3) Following are explanations of electronic telecommunications equipment headings in the OSP design checklist: • Equipment information (3.1)—All pertinent information (e.g., vendor, model number) regarding the equipment to be installed with this project. • Relay rack/bay (3.2)—The exact frame, rack, bay, or plywood backboard in the telecommunications room (TR) for the electronic equipment. • Remote terminal (RT) and controlled environment vault (CEV) information (3.3)—All pertinent information regarding the placement of RTs or CEVs. Notes (Reference No. 4) Following are explanations of notes headings in the OSP design checklist: • Assignment (4.1)—Any pertinent notes to assignments that may assist with a smooth and efficient cutover or activation of the newly installed OSP for the project. • Construction (4.2)—Any pertinent notes to construction that may assist with a smooth and efficient placing and splicing in this project. • Method of procedure (4.3)—Specific step-by-step information to ease splicing, cutover, or equipment node placement work requirements. Aerial Environment (Reference No. 5) Following are explanations of aerial environment headings in the OSP design checklist: © 2007 BICSI® • Anchor/guy (5.1)—Information pertinent to the lead/height, angles of pole contact, and size of anchor and guy. • Lash/strand/self-support (5.2)—Identifies whether the cable is to be lashed to the strand, the size of the strand, or the cable is to be a self-supporting cable. • Pole information (5.3)—The class and height of any new poles and whether the existing poles are sufficient to support the weight of the new facility and are in good condition. • Span measurements (5.4)—All span-to-span pole measurements. • Pole load calculation (5.5)—The calculated load capacity of the pole. • Expansion loops (5.6)—The frequency and size of coaxial cable expansion loops. 10-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist, continued Direct-Buried Environment (Reference No. 6) Following are explanations of direct-buried environment headings in the OSP design checklist: • Direct-buried/direct-buried joint (6.1)—Identifies whether cable will be, for example, direct-buried joint with power or community antenna television (CATV) or by itself. • Pedestal or splice vault information (6.2)—The types and sizes of pedestals or vaults used for distribution/splicing. • Station marker/components (6.3)—The types of equipment used at the customer station and what, if any, additional components will be associated with this installation. • Underground (UG) utilities identified 6.4)—Utilities that exist in the area that may affect the installation (e.g., power, gas, CATV, municipal facilities). Conduit Environment (Reference No. 7) Following are explanations of conduit environment headings in the OSP design checklist: • Conduit description (7.1)—The size and type of conduit (polyvinyl chloride [PVC]/ Schedule 40/60/80, concrete, steel). • Conduit configuration (7.2)—The configuration necessary for this installation (e.g., 2 by 2, 2 by 3, 3 by 4). A profile of the conduit configuration is shown for proper water drainage. • Innerduct description (7.3)—The type of innerduct used in the system (e.g., corrugated, smooth wall, fabric mesh); quantity and size of innerduct installed in each conduit; and color-coding preferences. • Tie-in measurements (7.4)—Shows all tie-in measurements for the conduit run, including all lateral ducts for both horizontal and vertical distances. • Wall-to-wall measurements (7.5)—Shows all wall-to-wall measurements between every maintenance hole (MH) and wall-building measurements where entrance facilities (EFs) are required. Underground Environment (Reference No. 8) Following are explanations of underground environment headings in the OSP design checklist: • Air pressure information (8.1)—Any air pressure systems involved with the project and a description of how it will affect the work. • Buffer information (8.2)—Determines if a facility requires buffering, describes how to buffer the cable and prevent activating air pressure alarms. (Proper buffering techniques will also protect the cable from water damage). OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-14 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Design Checklist, continued • Conduit selection (8.3)—Based on the most feasible and efficient route for placing and splicing procedures The next placing project should always be considered when selecting a conduit. • Cable type information (8.4)—Determines if gel-filled, gopher-proof, or nondielectric cable will be required; whether the cable meets code requirements; and the environment on the inside of the building entrance that the cable may pass through. • Optical fiber cable sections (8.5)—The optical fiber cable should have sufficient cable ends to be spliced out of the MH and coil wrapped back into the hole (approximately 30.5 m [100 ft]) for future arrangements. • Maintenance hole numbers (8.6)—Each MH should be numbered in a sequential manner and identified on the work prints. Miscellaneous (Reference No. 9) Following are explanations of miscellaneous headings in the OSP design checklist: © 2007 BICSI® • Grounding (earthing) and bonding information (9.1)—Includes all appropriate grounding (earthing) and bonding requirements for the project to ensure that the requirements meet the code requirements. • Caution information (9.2)—Lists in bold letters any warnings or cautions that may affect the safety of personnel on the project or that may damage the facilities. • Transfer splicing (9.3)—Any working balanced twisted-pair cable pairs or optical fiber strands that will be transferred from one cable count to another through a cutover process and the use of any sequence of work operations. • Balanced twisted-pair cross-connect box information (9.4)—Includes the type and style of cross-box to be used and the lateral feed and distribution cables entering and leaving the cross-box; the number of working lines and spare facilities in the box upon completion; and any special placing or splicing configurations that may be necessary because of the geography. The measurements should always be tied in with the cross-connect box location and the nearest pole, pedestal, or roadway. • Lightning protection (9.5)—Identifies whether the balanced twisted-pair cable entering the building meets the code requirements and the type of fused protection used (e.g., gas, carbon, or solid state) • Optical fiber patch panel (9.6)—The type and size of optical fiber panel to use and the cables entering the optical fiber panel and assigns an optical fiber strand count within the panel. The working strands within the optical fiber panel should be labeled on its assignment sheet. 10-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist An OSP construction specifications checklist (see Table 10.3) is similar to the OSP design checklist. A designer checks off the checklist items that are used to design the project. The designer then determines with an OSP construction specifications checklist what information is pertinent to construction personnel. This construction specifications checklist contains common items with the design checklist but in many cases may not be required to be on the construction work prints. The required information placed on the construction work prints: • Assists construction in completing the work project in a timely manner. • Limits any unnecessary delays. • Reduces liabilities. • Increases safety. • Identifies and documents pertinent information. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-16 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist, continued Table 10.3 Outside plant construction specifications checklist 3 Ref No. Title and Subtitles 3 Ref No. Title and Subtitles ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 Markers Obstructions Conduit or pipe Reel number Measurements Pressurization and buffering material Fuse link Final counts Direct-buried drops ‰ ‰ ‰ 6. 6.1 6.2 ‰ 1.13 ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 General City/county Permits required Service date/ship date Million conductor feet (MCF) Copies to Service order information Transmission information Billing North arrow Joint-use caution note Street names Right-of-way (R/W) and easement information Distance to telecommunications equipment room (ER) Symbols Existing plant Joint trench bonding information Special services ‰ ‰ ‰ 6.3 6.4 6.5 Cable Terminals Type/size/count Protection/grounding (earthing ) information Address/wiring limits Backboard sketch Terminal equipment/connecting blocks ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Title Block Nature/necessity Work order number Voltage Maintenance Date and author ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Poles Size/class Staking informaiton Joint use Lead/height Span lengths Caution notes CATV/electric company request Pole removal information ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Safety Requirements Clearances/separations Traffic lights Other utilities Special notes for work personnel Pole condition Direct-buried power Safety requirements ‰ ‰ ‰ 8. 8.1 8.2 Load Coils Type case Pair count ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Notes Existing facilities Shield continuity/conformance Cable acceptance Building terminal sketch Cutover drops Contact owner Sequence of splicing operations Scheduling ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Maintenance Holes (MHs) Length/width/height Number Frame and cover/collar Diagram/detail Windows entrance Ventilation ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Conduit Wall-to-wall measurements Conduit identification Placement method Depth Laterals Maintenance hole (MH) size ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Cable and Stubs Reenterable/encapsulate Type/gauge/size Cable ID/pair count Attachment height ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Removals Facilities lifecycle data Cable length Retire in place facilities Record measurements © 2007 BICSI® 10-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist, continued General (Reference No. 1) • City/county (1.1)—The city or county where the work is performed. • Permits required (1.2)—Any permits that are required for completion of this project should be attached to the construction drawings. These permits are typically necessary during actual construction activity and may be required on site. • Service date/ship date (1.3)—The service completion of the project should be stated on the work drawings. The ship date of any material, including vendor and telephone number, should be on the drawings. This information is necessary to the construction work crew when trying to understand the logistics of the project. • Million conductor feet (MCF [1.4])—Used when calculating the quantity of balanced twisted-pairs or optical fiber strands placed in the plant. This is used by the accounting staff to determine the average costs of facilities on a per conductor basis. • Copies to (1.5)—Other departments that have been sent or need copies of the construction work drawing. • Service order information (1.6)—Service orders associated with the work project, the numbers of the service orders, the number of line requests associated with them, and how they will be integrated and completed. • Transmission information (1.7)—Any special transmission requirements for this project (e.g., loading, capacitor build-out networks, optical attenuators, signal repeater or regeneration sites). • Billing (1.8)—Any special billing or invoicing arrangements that construction needs to be aware of to complete this work project. • North arrow (1.9)—The north arrow should be on every work print. • Joint-use caution note (1.10)—Any joint-use caution notes for the work project. • Street names (1.11)—Street names and addresses should be indicated on the work plans. • Right-of-way (R/W) and easement information (1.12)—All R/W measurements and easements should be noted on the work prints. • Distance to telecommunications ER/ultimate distribution point (1.13)—The kilometers (km) and equivalent in kilofeet (kft) from the start of the project back to the equipment should be noted. If this is a distribution area, the distance from the project location to the end of the area should be stated. This point is typically known as the ultimate design point. • Symbols (1.14)—All symbols used on the construction work prints should adhere to OSP design practices. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-18 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist, continued • Existing plant (1.15)—Any existing plant that may affect the successful completion of this project or may be an integral part of the project; any utility company or third-party plant that passes through the project work area; the owner of the plant, the telephone number, and any limitations or cautions associated with their plant. • Joint trench bonding information (1.16)—Any grounding (earthing) or bonding information or configurations appropriate for joint trench operations. Consult the most current edition of local codes. • Special services (1.17)—Any special service circuits or lit strands working in the existing cable that may require special handling. Title Block (Reference No. 2) • Nature/necessity (2.1)—A brief description of the nature and necessity for this work project • Work order/project number (2.2) • Voltage (2.3)—Identifies whether the working personnel will be exposed to the voltage of power lines associated with this project. • Maintenance (2.4)— Any plant maintenance issues associated with this project that need to be corrected at the time of the work. • Date and author (2.5). Safety Requirements (Reference No. 3) © 2007 BICSI® • Clearances/separations (3.1)—Identifies whether the power clearance and separations are adequate to undertake this project. • Traffic lights (3.2)—Identifies whether traffic lights and vehicular traffic will need to be managed to complete this project and whether permits are required to work in the streets. • Other utilities (3.3)—Other utilities in the general work area of the project (e.g., landscape sprinklers) and their location. The one-call services typically do not locate privately-owned utilities. State and country one-call numbers can be found in Chapter 5: Pathways and Spaces. • Special notes for work personnel (3.4)—Any special notes regarding the environment or construction area that the work personnel need to be aware of. • Pole condition (3.5)—Identifies whether the poles have been inspected and if the power company performed the load calculations and provided permission to use their poles. • Direct-buried power (3.6)—Identifies whether there is direct-buried power in the area. • Safety requirements (3.7)—Identifies whether the customer has any special safety requirements when working on their property. 10-19 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist, continued Notes (Reference No. 4) • Existing facilities (4.1) • Shield continuity/conformance (4.2)—Has the cable shield been grounded and bonded properly and is there conformance testing for the entire project? • Cable acceptance (4.3)—Has the cable been tested and accepted both prior to installation and after construction? • Building terminal sketch (4.4)—Is the placing and splicing sketch of the building terminals adequate? • Cutover drops (4.5)—Have the number of drops to be cutover and the terminal locations on this project been identified? • Contact owner (4.6)—Identifies whether any affected customers have special coordination requirements. • Sequence of splicing operations (4.7)—Identifies whether a sequence of splicing operations have been prepared by the designer and whether a method of procedure (MOP) should be written. A splicing sequence must be developed to ensure that any pair or strand transfers or cable throws are done only after connectivity is established so that customers or equipment nodes do not get disconnected. Technicians must understand their obligation to follow the sequence as written and to coordinate with the designer if there is a problem. • Scheduling (4.8)—Identifies whether any of the work should be performed after hours and if customers have been notified. Cable and Stubs (Reference No. 5) • Re-enterable/encapsulate (5.1)—Type of splice case and sealant or insulation. • Type/gauge/size (5.2)—Identifies whether the type/gauge and sizes of the balanced twisted-pair cable match the design specifications. • Cable ID/pair/strand count (5.3)—Identifies whether the cable ID and pair or strand count are correct. • Attachment height (5.4)—Identifies whether the strand size and attachment height are specified on the work drawings. • Markers (5.5)—Type of cable markers specified for placement in direct-buried situations. • Obstructions (5.6) • Conduit or pipe (push or cut hard top surfaces [5.7])—Identifies whether the conduit will be placed with horizontal directional boring, pushing, jack and boring or the pathway will be open cut. • Reel number (5.8)—Identifies whether the cable reel numbers have been assigned to project locations for appropriate setup and placing operations. • Measurements (5.9)—Identifies all the measurements available to complete the project. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-20 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist, continued • Pressurization and buffering material (5.10)—Identifies whether there is sufficient pressure and buffering information if the work involves an underground conduit cable system and if the material is available. • Fuse link (5.11)—Identifies whether all of the fuse links have been identified on the work prints. • Final counts (5.12)—Identifies whether the balanced twisted-pair cable or optical fiber strand counts are complete and correct. • Direct-buried drops (5.13)—Identifies whether all direct-buried drops to customers are identified and routed properly. Cable Terminals (Reference No. 6) • Type/size/count (6.1)—Identifies whether the terminal information is provided on the work prints. • Protection/grounding (earthing) information (6.2)—Identifies whether the terminal protection information is on the work prints. • Address/wiring limits (6.3)—Identifies whether the project requires wiring limits and if they are provided on the work prints. • Backboard sketch (6.4)—Identifies whether there are inside building terminals and an appropriate detail sketch of them and whether there is a drawing of the room where the terminal will be located. • Terminal equipment/connecting blocks (6.5) Poles (Reference No. 7) • Size/class (7.1)—Identifies whether pole size/class has been noted. • Staking information (7.2)—Identifies whether pole staking has been provided. • Joint use (7.3)—Identifies if there are any joint-use requirements. • Lead/height—Identifies whether the lead and height of guy and the pull on the pole have been noted. • Span lengths (7.5)—Identifies the span lengths. • Caution notes (7.6)—Identifies caution notes. • CATV/electric company request (7.7)—Identifies whether there are any CATV or electric company requests and if the electric company performed load calculations. • Pole removal (7.8)—Identifies whether pole removal information is shown on the work prints. Load Coils (Reference No. 8) © 2007 BICSI® • Type case (8.1)—Identifies whether the correct type of splice case are noted on work prints. • Pair count (8.2)—Identifies whether the balanced twisted-pair count for the load coil is noted. 10-21 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Outside Plant (OSP) Construction Specifications Checklist, continued Maintenance Holes (MHs [Reference No. 9]) • Length/width/height (9.1)—Identifies length, width, height, and headroom. • Number (9.2)—Identifies whether the MH is numbered. • Frame and cover/collar (9.3)—Identifies whether the frame and cover/collar are included. • Diagram/detail (9.4)—Identifies whether there is a MH diagram/detail layout of the placing/splicing arrangements. • Windows entrance (9.5)—Identifies whether the MH windows entrance is straight, splayed, or custom. • Ventilation (9.6)—Identifies the MH ventilation information. Conduit (Reference No. 10) • Wall-to-wall measurements (10.1)—Identifies whether the wall-to-wall measurements have been provided. • Conduit identification (10.2)—Identifies whether the conduit configuration has been identified. • Placement method (10.3)—Specifies the placement method (e.g., direct-buried, concrete encasement). • Depth (10.4)—Specifies the depth of the conduit placements. • Laterals (10.5)—Details the laterals’ measurements, angles, and directional information. • Maintenance hole (MH) size (10.6)—Specifies the size of the MH. Removals (Reference No. 11) • Facility lifecycle data (11.1)—Identifies the date of removal date. • Cable length (11.2)—Identifies the cable length. • Retire in place facilities (11.3)—Notes any retire in place facilities. These facilities will not be removed. • Record measurements (11.4)—Identifies whether all record measurements are available and actions to ensure that the facilities to be removed are out of service and cannot create troubles. For example, the splicer must contact the administrative center to verify that all working pairs or optical fiber strands have been removed. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-22 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables Cables are identified by a four-letter code to simplify their designation for ordering, manufacturing, and records. Additional information on cable coding may be found in reference standards (e.g., ICEA P-61-694, Coding Guide for Copper, Outside Plant and Riser Telecommunications Cables). Also see Chapter 3: Cable Types for detailed descriptions of codes. Figures 10.1 through 10.17 provide examples of work print drawings. Figure 10.1 shows splicing together two sections of BKMA-200 cable, clearing and capping the cable end. Figure 10.1 Splicing together two sections of same cable 1 2 BKMA-200 01, 1-200 Figure 10.2 shows splicing in a section of cable where a cable order may have been shorted. This causes an additional splice, noted in a change order, with the additional splice noted as 3A. Figure 10.2 Splicing a shorted cable order 3 3A 52' © 2007 BICSI® BKMA-200 02, 1-200 10-23 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Figure 10.3 shows splicing together two cables of different sizes. Following the splicing, the ends of the remaining pairs in the BKMA-900 are cleared. Figure 10.3 Splicing two cables of different sizes 4 Future cable BKMA-900 03, 1-900 BKMA-400 03, 1-400 Figure 10.4 shows splicing a new branch cable to a feed cable. A pressure plug is placed after the splicing. Figure 10.4 Splicing a new branch cable to a feed cable 6 7 P BKMG-900 05, 1-900 BKMG-900 05, 1-500 100 XD 05, 601-900 BKMA-100 05, 501-600 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-24 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Figure 10.5 New cables and a terminal spliced NF-16P BKMA-50 08, 1-50 08, 1-16 1 BHMA-50 08, 1-50 Figure 10.6 Cross-connect cabinet terminating gel-filled cables AFMW-900 10, 901-1800 SA46 10, 901-1800 SA46, 1-1800 4 AFMW-900 SA46, 1-900 AFMW-900 SA46, 901-1800 © 2007 BICSI® 10-25 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued NF-16P X X 12, 51-66 Figure 10.7 Removal of NF-16 terminal BKMA-100 12, 1-100 16 Figure 10.8 Replacing an NF-16 terminal with an NF-25 terminal 14 N 12 P F- 25 X 16 51 P 6 X , -6 F- N , 5 -7 51 12 BKMA-100 12, 1-100 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-26 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Figure 10.9 Energizing dead pairs BKMA-100 (50 XD) 14, 51-100 14, 1-50 + 14, 51-100 BKMA-100 14, 1-100 Figure 10.10 Remove cross-connect terminal 1 BKMA-200 15, 1-200 © 2007 BICSI® X X X X XXX XX BKMA 1-100 (AER2, 1-100) 15, 101-200 (15, 1-100 IN) (AER2, 1-100 OUT) 10-27 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Figure 10.11 200-Pair cable transfer at splice BKMH-600 4, 1-600 3 200 BKMH-400 (4, 1-400) 4, 401-600 + 200 XD Figure 10.12 300-Pair cable transfer to new feeder cable 1 BKMA-600 12,1-600 BKMA-300 14, 1-300 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 300 BKMA-300 (14, 1-300) 12, 1-300 10-28 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Figure 10.13 Section replacement on 300-pair cable 3 X X X X BKMH-3 16, 301-600 BKMA-300 (16, 301-600) BKMH-300 16, 301-600 4 Figure 10.14 Protector placement Material PL 145' PL 18 35 36 37 5-302B1-100 3-302B1-100 A PL 145' ARMM-18 Building #1 entry wall 34 5-302B1-100 Vertical 5-302B1-100 PL 1800 ARMM-18 302B-100 W/50' STUB 4B1E protector units 4 1 INS.JT A ARMM-18 24, 1-1800 © 2007 BICSI® B 2 3 10-29 See print #2 AFMW-1800 24, 1-1800 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Pannel Pl. Rountdree Dr. Figure 10.15 Sample maintenance hole plan and profile drawing MH30 03 02 Williamson Rd. 6' 01 6' 50' 04 P 1497 M H 31 Plan view Profile Conduit Summary Length Designed Actual Total Conduits Maintenance Hole Summary Type 5' 2 Sec. 01 5' 2 02 D B 85' 2 03 B 435' 6 04 B MH30 12 by 6 by 7 Type A splay MH31 12 by 6 by 7 Type A splay MH = Maintenance hole OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 10-30 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Figure 10.16 Butterfly detail worksheet Locator coordinates: Maintenance hole/Vault number: Date: Inspector: Reinspection? Y N Butterfly detail 1. Mark North point. 2. Identify as either: • Magnetic North • True North • Site plan North Provide: Interior dimensions • Ductbank identifiers Height: • Ductbank detail per wall: Width: Length: – Number and size of conduits – Percentage of fill per conduit • Racking detail • Splice case position(s) Notes: © 2007 BICSI® 10-31 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 10: Design Documentation Work Print Information Examples—Metallic Cables, continued Figure 10.17 Butterfly detail To MH E 900 PR, 09 2301-3200 (2) 24M/12S F8 & F9 48M/224S to facilities (1) 400 PR, CA8 3201-3600 4" Conduit (Typical) Spare Cut lead 25 PR Telco fiber (1) 400 PR CA8 3201-3600 8M/4S Building 5 to power plant (4) 45 F10,11,12,&13 900 PR, 09B 3601-4500 (4) 4S F10, 11, 12, 13 (2) 24M/12S F8 & F9 900 PR 3601-4500 900 PR Telco (1) 100 PR unknown 50 PR To power plant splice 900 PR Telco splice (1) 50 PR unknown To Building 5 Maintenance hole G 900 PR, 09B 3601-4500 900 PR, 09 2301-3200 3" Conduit (Typ 4 places) (1) 100 PR (Unknown) 900 PR Telco Telco fiber (1) 50 PR (Unkown) Spare (1) 8M/4S Building 5 to power plant (1) 50 PR To MH 7 3601-3650 N 09A Power plant BICSI 8610 Hidden River Pkwy. Tampa, FL 33637-1000 800.242.7405 +1 813.979.1991 XYZ Sheet No. Drawn XX Check XX OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Date XX 10-32 Scale Proj. No. XXX Ref. Dwg. X-XX © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11 Cost Estimating Chapter 11 describes the cost estimating procedures for outside plant (OSP) design, including an example of estimating cost for a small project, and recommends suitable responses to change orders. Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Table of Contents Development of Cost Estimating ....................................................... 11-1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 11-1 Scope of Work (SoW) ................................................................................. 11-2 Site Conditions .......................................................................................... 11-3 Outside Plant (OSP) Cost Estimating ................................................ 11-6 Introduction .............................................................................................. 11-6 Labor (Hourly or Unit) ................................................................................. 11-7 Materials (Item Cost Plus Delivery Fees) ........................................................ 11-8 Restoration (Hourly Plus Material or Unit) ....................................................... 11-9 Special Equipment Situations (Hourly Plus Material) ......................................... 11-9 Services, Fees, and Purchases of Licenses/Permits ....................................... 11-10 Estimating the Cost of a Small Project (Example) .......................... 11-11 Services Needed ...................................................................................... 11-12 Given ..................................................................................................... 11-12 Assumptions ............................................................................................ 11-12 Requirement ............................................................................................ 11-12 Labor ..................................................................................................... 11-12 Material .................................................................................................. 11-13 Equipment .............................................................................................. 11-13 Estimating Costs ...................................................................................... 11-13 Requesting and Responding to Change Orders ............................................... 11-15 © 2007 BICSI® 11-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Figures Figure 11.1 New construction proposal to ABC corporate office ......................... 11-11 Tables Table 11.1 Matrix for estimating costs .......................................................... 11-14 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Development of Cost Estimating Introduction Cost estimating is one of the keys to success in business life. The difference between survival and elimination as a businessperson is being successful in business by engaging in one’s endeavor and having a positive end result. Both the buyer and the seller should estimate the cost of a project realistically. By doing so the: • Buyer receives a product that meets the designated requirements without paying an excessive amount. • Seller makes enough profit after expenses to continue in business. Because this arrangement is important to both parties, considerable effort should be spent in developing cost estimates that both are accurate and provide some margin for comfort. Larger entities could have separate organizations that provide this service, but a one-person organization (e.g., plumber, electrician) must cover its costs and realize a profit to stay in business. Even a personal transaction (e.g., purchasing a car or an appliance) involves cost estimating. Most people have an idea of what they are willing to spend before they enter the marketplace to buy something. The figure could be accurate or inaccurate, and the consequences could be of great or little significance. The more important the transaction, the more time a person will spend getting the numbers right. The benefits are obvious, but the methodology for developing the numbers is not. Comparison shopping, seeking advice, or paying another to make the purchase in your name are some methods used. Similarly, cost estimating in the industrial or commercial arena is not done uniformly. Some rely heavily on experience and use historical records from past designs, while others prefer to approach each new project as a unique entity. Cost estimating is both an art and a science. It requires: © 2007 BICSI® • An understanding of the work that has to be done. • Breakdown and quantification of the work by the labor skills required. • Identification and quantification of the material and equipment requirements. • Knowledge of the price of labor, material, and equipment. • Recognition of any special circumstances that will affect the project. • Familiarity with the site conditions. • Availability of the resources needed. • An understanding of direct management cost. • An awareness of unique conditions that will be present. 11-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Introduction, continued The estimator gains the knowledge to bid by developing or reviewing a scope of work (SoW) and by being familiar with the actual site where the work will be accomplished. This will establish the particulars for a project. The knowledge of prices, availability of resources, and other factors then can be applied. The difference between cost and price is significant. The estimator should determine the cost to the organization for doing the work described in the SoW. The price that is quoted to a buyer will allow the contractor to recover the costs and other financial requirements (e.g., overhead, operating expenses, profit). The words cost and price are not interchangeable. Scope of Work (SoW) The SoW is usually prepared to provide the basis for the work that is desired. It should include: • A narrative description of the desired product. • Drawings. • Bills of material. • Material specifications. • A schedule. While this is the basis on which most cost estimates are prepared, the document cannot fully encompass the client’s needs and therefore cannot provide all the information desired by the bidder. While this is less of a problem when the client issues the document, the work requirement still needs to be validated so that the work priced is consistent with the client’s expectation. See Chapter 9: Scope of Work for a discussion on the contents of an SoW. If the reader is the client or the contractor, there can be differences both in the expectation and in the content of an SoW. A contractor will need to have all of the information described in Chapter 9 but can find that the document is incomplete in several areas. A client can describe what is wanted without clearly defining the manner in which it is provided or without defining the specific process that should be followed. If the SoW is not fully descriptive, the contractor should generate a cost estimate that provides protection from a poorly worded and incomplete SoW. This incomplete SoW also can deprive the contractor of presenting an appealing bid, since it could include contingencies that are not needed or costs that should be avoided. Similarly, if the client is not fully forthcoming in the description of what is wanted (the SoW could have been prepared by a consultant, who interpreted the client’s requests), the client could find that the final product is a part of the investment and could need to fund supplemental work to get the full product. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Scope of Work (SoW), continued This chapter is written from the viewpoint of what a contractor should do in order to develop a price proposal in response to a request for quote (RFQ). In a true win-win situation, both parties benefit from having the project fully understood before entering into a contract or offering and accepting a price. In many cases, clients have a staff that bid against the client’s specifications in order to develop a basis for evaluating the bids that are submitted and to determine the budget in advance. Site Conditions Identification of work that has to be completed to comply with the SoW normally will include an invitation to do a site survey. This will provide availability to examine the site to validate or understand the SoW prepared by others. A site survey is a desirable and essential part of preparing a cost estimate for a client, whether the client is seeking an engineering design only, a construction price only, or a turnkey project where the bidder will offer a price to design and build. It also can be useful when a change order or change in plan is requested for either the design or construction, although site familiarity is normally assumed for these situations. A site visit, whether done alone or with competitors for the work opportunity, will provide a chance to ask clarifying questions and to evaluate site conditions that will affect costs. Situations exist in which a site survey does not occur because of time constraints or the expense involved with a site visit, but a cost estimate is still requested. In those cases, the contractor would have to rely on the SoW alone, supplement the SoW with his own knowledge of the site conditions, or rely on personal judgment and experience in producing a price. Failure to conduct a site survey puts both parties at risk. A general rule is that site surveys are necessary for most projects. If a site survey is not conducted, some problems that could be encountered by the bidding contractor are: © 2007 BICSI® • Contingencies that can be added for protection that makes the estimate noncompetitive. • A costly impediment that is omitted in the pricing, which will obtain the contractor the award but not the money needed to cover expenses. 11-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Site Conditions, continued The site survey should allow the contractor to estimate the costs associated with the: • Design (if done for an engineering design survey). • Identification of skill sets, special equipment, and time required. • Estimation of total time required for the project, including a preliminary work schedule to meet the client’s specifications. NOTE: There are time conditions associated with schedules. The client could allow the contractor to establish a schedule that meets the contractor’s capabilities or specify the completion date as a requirement. If the client accepts the contractor’s proposal, the job should be planned to allow effective use of existing and available contractor assets. However, if the client has a specified completion date, the contractor must determine the resources that are required to complete the work within that time frame. In this instance, the contractor’s cost estimate should include the cost of advertising for acquiring, training, and employing additional workers or subcontracting a portion of the work. If the contractor has insufficient resources, the contractor must increase the work or plan on the use of overtime. If this is the case, the contractor must estimate the additional payroll costs associated with the overtime required. • • • Evaluation of site conditions and the effect on cost and time, including labor estimating and pricing. Labor prices include: – Fixed costs (e.g., mobilization, demobilization). – Variable costs (e.g., directly related to the amount of units consumed or expended). – Nonstandard costs (e.g., related to volume or duration of the activity but are not linear—some can be stepped or graduated, like volume discounts). Material takeoff and pricing that include: – A list of standards for the material requirements (acceptable substitutions for specified materials that are not available). – Prices available for purchase of the materials required (e.g., cost of delivery, taxes, storage at a staging point). Equipment costs, including operation and maintenance. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Site Conditions, continued • Special site conditions that include: – Licenses, permits, and other approvals—Are these to be applied for or must they be acquired? If acquired, the cost of acquisition could be more than the cost associated with completing the forms. The fees could be high, attendance at meetings could be required with regulatory authorities to justify the request, and there could be time lags. The contract should reflect clearly what the client will do and what is expected of the designer and contractor. – Hazardous materials and environmental concerns—If hazardous materials or environmental issues (e.g., wetlands) emerge, is the contractor expected to resolve them or refer to the client for resolution? If the contractor is responsible, is this an item that will be handled apart from the contract? If the client is responsible, who absorbs the cost of the downtime? – Nonstandard hours (e.g., out-of-hours access, nights and weekends, specific time frames, nonrush hours, nonworking hours)—If the contractor is obligated to pay the employees for eight-hour workdays and does not get eight hours of useful employment, the bid price should address this. – Personnel restrictions (e.g., security clearances, special identification, citizenship)— Some clients have restrictions against the employment of foreign nationals on their premises or the use of employees who have criminal records or histories of substance abuse. The topics noted above should be addressed in the development of a cost estimate. The site visit is intended to establish the conditions under which the work will be done. This site visit will provide the contractor with information to enable a match of resources that should be committed to accomplish the requirements of the SoW to the cost of providing those resources. Once the information is understood, the estimated costs will need to be developed. © 2007 BICSI® 11-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Outside Plant (OSP) Cost Estimating Introduction There are several ways to develop costs. For example, a craftsman could earn $XX per hour and could earn this regardless of the actual time worked (e.g., sick time, vacation, training, holidays). The employer has to cover these costs, plus other business expenses (e.g., Federal Income Contributions Act [FICA], unemployment insurance). In addition, employees could need to be provided with tools, uniforms, motor vehicles, and other items. Some estimators include a factor to determine the price that should be charged (e.g., loaded labor rate), while others use the raw costs (e.g., labor, material, equipment) and subsequently factor them up to address overhead (e.g., other direct costs, general and administrative costs). Others could rely on historical records from prior jobs and apply a price per unit of property placed (e.g., inclusive of labor, material). In any case, the contractor has to cover the cost of maintaining a properly equipped employee base while also making a profit. The development of cost estimates requires the expenditure of time and labor for the bidder. There is a balance between how thoroughly information is developed at the site visit and how closely the actual cost of designing and building can be estimated. The extra time and cost associated with a rigorous breakdown and pricing of work elements cannot be warranted. Assuming that there are five contractors of equal competence, it would be reasonable to figure that each will be awarded 20 percent of all opportunities over some period of time. Therefore, the cost of the site survey and subsequent development of a cost estimate can be factored five-fold to get the cost of estimating per job won. The profit margin on the job has to cover these initial costs and still provide a profit. Consequently, the more effective the cost estimating cycle is, the better the chances of profitability for the contractor. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss how to effectively prepare cost estimates that reasonably approximate the cost of doing the work but are not too expensive to develop. One approach to estimating costs is to quantify the work requirement by the type of labor skill or crew required. Because outside plant (OSP) projects have conditions that warrant specialized crews, cost estimating can be organized under crew assignments. This also helps to determine scheduling issues associated with material availability and labor hour assignments. When developing the cost of an OSP project, one of the first things the designer should do is list all crew responsibilities. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Labor (Hourly or Unit) An example of crew responsibilities, not necessarily all-inclusive, is shown below. • • • © 2007 BICSI® Splice crews: – New splices cable and terminations/copper – New splices cable and terminations/fiber – Existing splices/dead splices/copper – Existing splices/dead splices/fiber – Throws/copper – Throws/fiber – Jumper rearrangements/copper – Jumper rearrangements/fiber – Testing for all circuit provisioning – Air pressure control setup Aerial crews: – Locating existing utilities – Tree trimming – Pole replacement – Cable rearrangements – New cable placement – New pole line – Cable replacement – Cable removals – Pole removals – Aerial drop wire – Bridge attachments/hardware Underground crews: – Pulling new cable in conduit – Maintenance holes (MHs) setup/barricade and purge – Air pressure equipment placement – Racking cables – Rearrangement of racked cables – Removal of cable in conduit – Innerduct placement 11-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Labor (Hourly or Unit), continued • • Buried/conduit crews: – Locating existing utilities – Right-of-way (R/W) clearing – Splice pits – MH/conduit placement – Buried cable placement – Innerduct placement – Boring – Erosion control measures Drop crews (direct buried): – Plowing drop wires – Placement of drop pedestals – Storage of temporary wire Materials (Item Cost Plus Delivery Fees) Similarly, the materials needed to support these crews in their work should include the following. • • • Splice crew: – Aerial/buried terminals – Splice cases – Splice connectors Aerial crew: – Strand – Cable – Anchors/push bracing – Poles – Miscellaneous hardware Underground crews: – MHs – Conduit – Miscellaneous hardware OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Materials (Item Cost Plus Delivery Fees), continued • Buried crew: – Pedestals – MHs – Conduit – Warning/locator tape – Aboveground markers Restoration (Hourly Plus Material or Unit) Further definition of the work breakdown should include the following associated requirements for restoration of the area to its preconstruction state as a separate item of work: • Asphalt • Concrete • Gravel • Grass seed and sod • Shrubbery • Curb and gutter • Backfill Special Equipment Situations (Hourly Plus Material) Special equipment beyond that normally associated with a worker, but required for the specific project, can be identified and included in the pricing module. This should include the following items. © 2007 BICSI® • Large directional boring equipment and support materials (casings) • Cranes for material placements: – Bridge accessibility – Extra-tall access • Sizeable backhoe jobs • Special traffic control measures • Large clearing jobs • Waterway crossing access • Submarine cable placement • Fiber blown cable equipment • Cast-in-place MH construction 11-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Services, Fees, and Purchases of Licenses/Permits Specific fees or costs associated with the project should be included in the pricing: • Designer’s fees • Inspector’s fees • R/W consultant’s fees • Material costs associated with design (e.g., maps, documents, plotting) • Fees for permit applications and land-settlement costs: – Railroad permits – City, county, or state permits – Interstate permits – Recording fees for easements or land titles – Cost of land purchase settlements – Cost of traffic diversion • Environmental considerations • Fees for makeready work on aerial construction OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Estimating the Cost of a Small Project (Example) Figure 11.1 illustrates one approach to estimating the costs for a small project. NOTES: This drawing is not a fully detailed engineering document, but rather a basic representation to demonstrate basic components for the purpose of a cost estimate. Prices quoted in this example are used to show the designer one possible way to estimate a job and should not be used on actual bids since the cost for labor, material, and equipment varies from state to state and in different countries. Figure 11.1 New construction proposal to ABC corporate office 1 5 3 Place ANMW-50 3, 501-550 137 m (450 ft) Place new anchor and guy Place 9 m (30 ft) Class 7 Pole 4 Place u-guard on pole 2 B B B Pole 4 30' 7 1 6 B Building entrance Place 6.6 M strand between poles 50 Office complex 8 x Remove existing guy and anchor 7 Pole 3 Splice to existing Place 50 pair terminal 2 Pole 2 BKMA-100 3, 501-600 Pole 1 MH 1 ANMY-6 3, 1-600 ANMY-6 3, 1-500+ 100 XD 1 1 = Existing pole = Splicing operation with sequence number = Placing operation with sequence number ft = Foot = Splice m = Meter = Anchor and guy MH = Maintenance hole B = Buried cable = Protected terminal © 2007 BICSI® 11-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Services Needed ABC Corporation requires 30 pairs for telecommunications. Given The existing cable in MH 1 feeds a 100-pair aerial cable that extends from Pole 1 to Pole 3. New 50-pair cable and strand (shown in bold) will be placed from existing Pole 3 to a new Pole 4. The cable will extend vertically to the base of the pole and be placed in a 0.6 meter (m [2 foot (ft)]) deep trench to the building. Cable will be routed up the wall and placed into the building at a height of 2.4 m (8 ft). A U-guard will serve to protect the cable on the outside of the building and up the pole. The cable will terminate on a 50-pair protected terminal that is properly bonded and grounded. Assumptions There are no unusual factors that would adversely affect the bid. The design as shown is not negotiable. The design engineer has completed the site survey. Requirement Develop the cost of constructing this project. The information from the site survey should allow the job to be broken into the following elements: • Length and type of cable to be placed • Whether the route will be aerial, buried, or in conduit (or some portion of each) • Numbers of poles to place or make ready • Numbers of splices to design • Route followed • Any special equipment requirements (e.g., road boring equipment, digger trucks, plows) This information is further divided into the: • Estimated length of each type of cable. • Number of pairs to be spliced. • Characteristics of the route (e.g., field or roadside pole attachments, rocky or swampy soil, private property, public R/Ws). Labor A crew will be required to remove an anchor and guy at Pole 3, set a new pole (4), and place a new anchor and guy. The crew will place 66 m (216 ft) of 50 pair cable and 6M strand between poles 3 and 4. Extend the cable down the pole and trench 137 m (450 ft) into the building. A splicing crew will splice 50 pairs on a fixed count protected terminal that will be properly bonded and grounded. They also will straight splice the new cable into the existing at Pole 3. Surfaces will be restored to original or better condition upon completion of the work activities. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Material Major components include: • Cable types and lengths. • Poles, guys, and anchors. • Protected terminals. These pieces are identified and priced individually. Miscellaneous hardware (e.g., bolts, clamps, U-guards) usually is not priced separately unless requested by the customer. Equipment Heavy equipment will be required to place the pole and anchor and to remove the existing anchor. Estimating Costs Once the job components have been identified, they can be inserted into existing tables that contain unit prices based on experience or actual compilation of data locally developed. Table 11.1 is one example that can be used. NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® The unit price data shown is totally illustrative and not representative of any actual job. 11-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Estimating Costs, continued Table 11.1 Matrix for estimating costs Item Description Number Material of Items Cost per Estimated Material Cost Labor Cost per Item Estimated Labor Cost Estimated Total Costs Item Install U-guard 51 mm (2 in) (riser) Each 2 $32.04 $64.08 $8.24 $16.48 $80.56 Install aerial cable ANMW-50 Foot 220 $0.90 $198.00 $1.50 $330.00 $528.00 Install cse on old cable Each 1 $139.92 $139.92 $12.00 $12.00 $151.92 Install direct-buried copper Foot 450 $0.90 $405.00 $5.50 $2,475.00 $2,880.00 Install term 50 pr Each 1 $210.00 $210.00 $75.00 $75.00 $285.00 Splice copper Pair 100 $0.50 $50.00 $1.00 $100.00 $150.00 Set 9 m (30 ft) pole Each 1 $300.00 $300.00 $80.00 $80.00 $380.00 Place anchor Each 1 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $80.00 Place down guy Each 1 $5.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 Remove anchor and guy Each 1 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Restoration of buried route Lump sum 1 $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $3,468.00 $4,880.48 TOTAL PRICE ft in m mm = = = = $1,412.00 Foot Inch Meter Millimeter OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-14 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Estimating Costs, continued The estimated cost for this example is $4,880.48—comprised of $528.00 for the aerial section, $2,920.28 for the buried section, $545.28 for the structural work (poles, anchors, and guys), $586.92 for the splicing, and $300.00 for restoration. The table does not include any statement that addresses allowances for weather delays, equipment failure, or other contingency conditions that could drive the time and cost higher. Moreover, no clarifying assumptions have been included. Any response should include the assumptions upon which it was based so that any future discussions will have the same basis. Note that no schedule is provided. A complicated job will require a schedule to be factored into the estimating process. One product of a cost estimate is the calculation of the hours needed to complete the tasks. This allows a schedule to be established. Most SoWs specify a target completion date. The amount of time available from the award of a contract to the delivery date sets the parameters in which the required labor hours or equipment hours for completing the design or construction should be accomplished (or for acquiring the licenses and permits). This establishes the crew sizes, equipment usage, and material delivery intervals. If any of these result in an unusual drain on the available resources, it could affect the: • Number of crews that are required. • Need for extraordinary schedules (e.g., shift work, weekends, overtime). • Substitution of materials that cannot be acquired in the time available. • Need to modify the design to avoid time-consuming impediments. These factors could affect the initially developed cost estimate. A final cost estimate can require several iterations of the estimating process to ensure that all influencing factors have been considered. Any tabular system for estimating should be checked for rationality once a number has been developed. Reliance on a spreadsheet price estimate without doing a sanity check can lead to considerable discrepancy from the actual cost. For example, although a unit labor cost can be historically accurate, if unusual conditions are experienced (e.g., night work only, double shifts, limited access time during the work period, mandatory overtime), the rates will have to be adjusted or the overall labor price will have to be modified. Additionally, if a job takes six labor hours to complete, it is unlikely that the employee will be able to gainfully perform other tasks that day, so it suggests that a full eight-hour cost be estimated. Similarly, if vendors’ prices fluctuate, a more costly substitute has to be used because of schedule demands, or the product normally used is unavailable, adjustments should be made. The effort in placing a 50-pair cable is not much different than placing a 25-pair. Whether the estimating template used should address such fine differences is up to the estimator to determine. Usually, reliance on judgment and experience is used to supplement the basic number produced from the spreadsheet. © 2007 BICSI® 11-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Estimating Costs, continued In today’s environment of electronic data processing and computer availability, software programs are available for estimating construction prices. These software programs should be evaluated for availability and effectiveness. Any cost data needed should be validated for regional differences, current economic climate, and other factors. Maintaining an accurate price database can become a time-consuming task. However, a pricing program created for estimating telecommunications design and construction costs can be useful, since it will save time or allow more time to focus on the identification and quantification of the work elements in the project. Requesting and Responding to Change Orders Change orders are a serious issue, because the contractor can be expected to work quickly to address the item in order to maintain the schedule. This urgency brings risks. Occasionally, the requester is not the authorized client agent, and the cost or the work itself is not consistent with client requirements. The contractor agent on site (usually a foreman or lead technician), in an effort to please the requester, can make changes and incur charges that are not compensable. These changes could impact the design itself and the functionality of the finished product. The entire issue of the acceptable procedure for requesting and responding to change orders is one that should be covered in detail either in the contract (preferably) or with the client before work begins. The procedure can spell out the time frame for the contractor to respond with a redesign or a price for the changes, but it should be predicated upon getting a clear SoW describing the modification. This change order shall come from an authorized agent of the client and be responded to by an authorized contractor agent. An example of such a procedure would be the following: • The authorized client representative defines the change (e.g., addition, deletion, other modification) to the work. This change is spelled out in writing. If it is offered verbally, the contractor also should put the request in writing and get the document signed. • The contractor accepts the proposed change order and agrees to respond with a price for the work within a specific time frame (e.g., two days for a minor [$5,000] change, one week for a change that could require investigation of available material, equipment, impact of change on the design). • The contractor provides the proposed price to the client representative, along with a statement of the impact of the change on the timeline of the project. • The client representative accepts or declines the price and the associated work. It is desirable to develop the actual procedure for change orders and include it in the contract language. If no agreement is reached, some contracts could specify that the contractor be required to do the work specified, retain records of the costs of doing so, and subsequently negotiate a price with the client or submit the dispute to binding arbitration. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 11-16 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 11: Cost Estimating Requesting and Responding to Change Orders, continued The client may feel that the time loss associated with amending the issue is potentially more damaging than the consequences of clashing with the contractor. The contractor should be aware of the implications of these situations before they arise and have contract provisions to address them. If this is not done in advance, the contractor and client both should have a clear understanding of what is being requested and what is being priced, as well as any impact on the overall project. The process of estimating the cost of change orders is no different from that of estimating the cost of a new job and can be done in the same way as described above. The cost to the contractor usually should be less than that of a new job of equal dimensions since the crew is already familiar with the environment and the up-front costs of mobilization are not pertinent. However, since this could be a noncompetitive bid situation, the owner should evaluate the price offered carefully and seek an independent estimate to be satisfied the price is reasonable. There could be an option to defer the work or use some other vendor if the price is unreasonable. Some contracts contain clauses allowing the owner to demand that work be done under a change order and negotiate the price later, or the change orders are submitted to an arbitrator for a decision. © 2007 BICSI® 11-17 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12 Maintenance and Restoration Chapter 12 addresses the issues of outside plant (OSP) facility maintenance, describing routine and demand maintenance and emergency restoration procedures. Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Table of Contents Maintenance of Outside Plant (OSP) Facilities .................................. 12-1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 12-1 Outside Plant (OSP) Infrastructure Characteristics .......................................... 12-1 Maintenance Practices ................................................................................ 12-2 Detailed Maintenance Plan ........................................................................... 12-3 Routine Maintenance .................................................................................. 12-4 Demand Maintenance ................................................................................. 12-7 Emergency Restoration Procedures .................................................. 12-9 Address Critical Elements ............................................................................ 12-9 Restoration Issues ................................................................................... 12-11 Operations Support Centers ....................................................................... 12-12 Operations Support Center Locations ..................................................... 12-14 Summary ................................................................................................ 12-15 Tables Table 12.1 Routing maintenance checklist ......................................................... 12-4 Table 12.2 Demand maintenance ..................................................................... 12-8 Table 12.3 Emergency restoration issues ........................................................ 12-11 © 2007 BICSI® 12-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Maintenance of Outside Plant (OSP) Facilities Introduction The establishment of guidelines for managing and maintaining communications systems and infrastructure is essential to the support of telecommunications infrastructure in any environment. There are differences between the maintenance and the restoration of outside plant (OSP) infrastructure, even though both fall under the general description of maintenance. Maintenance is associated with ensuring the continued operability of an existing facilities network within the operating boundaries of the owner. Restoration requires the reestablishment of components following their failure. The information in this chapter applies to balanced twisted-pair, optical fiber, or any other transmission medium. Outside Plant (OSP) Infrastructure Characteristics A quality designed, reliable OSP infrastructure that is easily maintained must be based on the following criteria: • Sound engineering and detailed design practices • Quality construction using premium materials while establishing the OSP infrastructure • As-built drawings and cable records • Spare ducts, optical fiber strands, and balanced twisted-pairs for future growth and expansion • Route diversity preventing service failures (enhance survivability) • Complete and detailed as-built documentation • Spare equipment capacity to ensure availability for rapid response to service interruptions • Adequate equipment spares for mean time between failures (MTBF) NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® Consider using a ring, mesh, or star topology for optical fiber OSP networks. 12-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Maintenance Practices Maintenance practices can be divided into several categories. One such basic separation is the distinction between routine and demand maintenance. Every OSP infrastructure requires ongoing maintenance. Age, exposure to weather, and other factors may cause the need for maintenance. The purpose of maintenance is to extend the useful life of the installed plant. OSP products have varying life expectancies. Items like poles and conduit are expected to last for many years. Cables have a shorter duration but still can be useful for 30 to 40 years. It is not uncommon to find creosoted wood duct still carrying lead-sheathed cables, although for many reasons (e.g., capacity, service, environmental concerns) these are unusual situations. The initial capital investment is only a fraction of the total cost of maintaining the facility during its useful life. Consequently, there is a strong need to design the OSP in the above standard manner from the initial installation minimizing the long-term cost of keeping it in service. The facility shall be maintained during its life cycle with routine inspection and maintenance of all spaces, pathways, and splice enclosures to extend and enhance the network performance capabilities. Many of today’s OSP products are associated with analog and digital electronic technology. The development and evolution of these products continue even after they have been put into service, so each succeeding generation may be smaller, faster, more competent, more robust, or another combination of desirable features. The decision of when to replace existing OSP is usually an economic one. It may be better to remove a component with a remaining life in order to upgrade the capability of the OSP infrastructure, rather than to extend the life and live with a (comparatively) reduced capability. The choice to augment the existing plant or to remove and replace it is determined by the age and the condition of the facility. This decision also is influenced by the available capacity of the support structure (e.g., joint-use or solely owned pole lines, available conduits, utility tunnels, right-of-way [R/W] access). This chapter is concerned with how to obtain the maximum use of installed components. Determining when to replace OSP that has remaining life is an economic one and will not be addressed in this chapter. The OSP engineer or information transport systems (ITS) distribution designer must be prepared to provide cost justification documentation for the expenditure of funds to augment the network. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Detailed Maintenance Plan System maintenance starts with a complete and thorough understanding of the network and its associated documentation. A detailed maintenance plan must be established and in place to ensure smooth system maintenance. At a minimum, the system maintenance plan must address the following items: © 2007 BICSI® • Personnel availability and skill set requirements. • Product training that includes hands-on familiarization with new products. • Codes, standards, and safety training to maintain skill levels to minimize substandard work habits. • Current documentation with detailed records of circuits, optical fibers, and cables. • Cable records maintained for the OSP staff to identify potential issues that affect service. • Up-to-date pathway segment records with mandrel and rodding history. • Current maintenance hole (MH [butterfly]) detail drawings with callout notes on the master record maps. • Installed equipment baseline—This includes the current version of installed equipment, documented option settings, port configurations, and other items of information needed for the repair or restoration of individual circuits. • Storage and availability of repair materials—Included with this item are the procedures and process necessary for the replenishment of materials as they are used. Some quantity of materials must be available to the restoration teams on a 24/7 basis. The maintenance plan must address how this material is to be obtained by the restoration team outside the normal working hours of the support center. • Initial and sustaining training—The maintenance plan must establish guidelines for training of the initial skill sets necessary for normal operations as well as provide a method for ensuring continued development of the workforce needed. Backup personnel must be available for long-term support and operations. • Restoration procedures—The maintenance plan must establish policies and practices for the routine maintenance and support of the system, demand maintenance, response to requirements driven by public demand (e.g., road moves, customer demands), or natural events (e.g., floods, lightning hits, structural failures). In the event of unplanned system outages, along with the policies and practices for routine and demand maintenance, special procedures and policies must be established for emergency or quick system recovery. • Maintenance schedule for all OSP equipment, including periodic testing and calibration. • Management escalation procedures with contact information for emergency callout of all of the workforce. • Warning tapes installed with all new buried and underground construction. 12-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Routine Maintenance Routine maintenance is the periodic and continued examination of the facilities for abnormal conditions (see Table 12.1). This may be done by physical inspection or by using sophisticated network monitoring and surveillance systems that can detect abnormalities in the facilities (e.g., changes in resistivity, indications of loss of sheath integrity, moisture intrusion, similar indications of degradation). Table 12.1 Routine maintenance checklist Description Frequency of Maintenance Note: Inspect all ground locations and connections. Ongoing Report any defective conditions for immediate corrective action. Inspect building entry points for possible seepage. Ongoing Inspect after any work is performed in building entry room. Inspect all conduit duct systems. Ongoing After any and all work in MHs and EFs seal all ducts. Inspect and pump MHs, vaults, and PBs. Ongoing After all heavy rains and in areas prone to freezing during and after all thaws. Cleaning of MHs, vaults, and PBs. Ongoing Work activity shall dictate. Prepare report if required. Seal all ducts vacant and occupied. Ongoing Work activity shall dictate. Prepare report if required. Outside splice enclosure inspection. Ongoing Work activity shall dictate. Prepare report if required. Route inspection of buried routes for potential damage. Ongoing To determine if any activity has impacted the route, prepare report and take corrective action. Routine inspection of utility tunnels in large campus sites. Ongoing To determine if any activity has impacted the route, prepare report and take corrective action. EF = Entrance facility MH = Maintenance hole P B = Pull box OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-4 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Routine Maintenance, continued These monitoring systems are designed to be preventive and do not affect service. They are proactive and designed to detect that a failure may be imminent. The network monitoring and surveillance systems enable the targeted dispatch of a technician without routinely spending time covering cable routes that are not in a pre-failure mode. Routine maintenance frequently gets less support because it is difficult to place a value on trouble reports not received and repaired as opposed to the cost of the routine maintenance program. Routine maintenance involves more than looking for potential problems. It ensures that the OSP infrastructure is safe and that employees and the public are not exposed to dangerous conditions. As a result, maintenance includes ensuring cabling/optical fiber integrity, as well as verifying that: • Poles, guys, and anchors are sound. • Route markers are in place to protect buried and underground routes of the OSP network. • No dangerous electrical conditions have developed from unauthorized attachments, defective grounds, or missing grounds. Verification also includes compliance with safety regulations of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Some specific programs that would fall under routine maintenance include: © 2007 BICSI® • “T” zone inspections for aerial plant—The area includes the cable attached to a pole and extending 0.91 meters (m [3 feet (ft)]) to either side (effectively forming a “T” when viewed as a segment), which can be a major area of trouble. This zone normally includes the terminal, service wire attachments, and splices. It is a location for high technician activity. Owners will focus their routine maintenance efforts here, checking that splices and splice cases have integrity, terminals are clean (e.g., no dead service drops, no wasp nests or rodent intrusion, no open covers), poles are structurally sound, clearances are up to standard, and any attachments by foreign companies are authorized and compliant. • Tree trimming—Periodic tree trimming is necessary to prevent problems of sheath abrasion or damage that degrades transmission capabilities. Routine tree trimming and vegetation management is required in pathways that are off-premises and cross-country or along R/Ws with overhanging tree branches. Annual work is usually required for this process. Chemical foliage management may be utilized, providing the AHJ allows for its use and it adheres to environmental regulations. • Pole inspections—Poles are periodically checked for pole deterioration, sufficient pole height to carry the facilities, unauthorized attachments (this is similar to “T” zone inspections but does not involve climbing the pole to check for grounding, bonding (earthing), and terminal face plate conditions), or any other abnormalities (e.g., defective guys and anchors or ground wires). Pole inspections ensure employee and public safety and that clearance infractions are reported and cleared. 12-5 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Routine Maintenance, continued • Buried cable terminal maintenance—Similar to aerial terminals, the conditions of the terminal and surrounding environment are checked for items like housekeeping (e.g., dead jumpers, stenciling, pea gravel, corrosion, rodent damage) and vandalism. This program includes large cross-connect interfaces and smaller distribution terminals, while other programs focus only on serving area interfaces because of normal high activity. • Maintenance of underground facilities (including underground terminals in MHs)— Debris and contamination can enter MHs and utility tunnels through conduits, cracks in the walls caused by earth movement, and covers not properly sealed. Moisture seepage will enter through joints of prefabricated units (MHs) not properly installed. These can damage cables, splices, and MH hardware if ignored and can create an unsafe environment for workers. • Maintenance of OSP identification methods—OSP is labeled or stenciled for easy identification. Over time, labels become damaged, fall off or fade, and become illegible. The owner of OSP should maintain proper labeling. Labels are required for identification and to contact the owner in case of emergency, damages, or relocation needs. The system should be standardized and clear to anyone who needs to know the owner of the plant. • R/W inspections—Routes designed through R/W may become impaired due to tree growth, the facilities of others, or encroachments. R/Ws may be managed by surveillance and routine inspections. Personnel assigned to this task may have to request the removal or relocation of these encroachments on OSP R/Ws. An R/W grant occasionally must be defended. • Air pressure maintenance—The text in Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations explains the need to maintain existing air core cable facilities protected by air pressure. Various air pressure monitoring systems are commercially available to identify the location of air leakage above target levels and to effectively direct labor to locate and fix leaks before cables become wet. Pressure and cable maintenance activities should be consolidated where practical for efficiency and to avoid duplication of efforts. • Defective cable pair recovery program—Depending on the demand for spare pairs, it may be useful to identify locations where a cluster of defects exists and attempt to recover these pairs. Defects usually occur at splice and termination points, as opposed to within the sheath. At such locations, minimal effort can recover a number of cable pairs or prevent a potential future failure. Entering splices where a substantial number of bad pairs have been traced may be counterproductive and should be identified not to be entered • OSP pathway structures (e.g., MHs, tunnels, substructures) are required to be inspected periodically to ensure their integrity from potential damages from earth movement, ground thaw, earthquakes, or construction activity by others. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-6 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Demand Maintenance Demand maintenance may be caused by requirements, such as: © 2007 BICSI® • Responding to facility location requests from underground location services or one-call centers. This is a mandated requirement in many jurisdictions and usually has a finite time frame for the response. It is a significant factor in reducing the amount of service interruptions caused by earth removal. • Responding to customer service demands. • Relocation of OSP due to road improvements—OSP located within a public R/W may require relocation at the owner’s expense because of road rebuild or relocation. This requirement varies by jurisdiction. With a secured easement, the cost for relocations may allow for billing back to the agency doing the improvements, but the relocation will still be required at the agency’s schedule. The property owner has the right to improve or widen within their area. • Site improvements (e.g., drainage problems). • Property additions that conflict with existing OSP (e.g., new buildings, driveways), whether aerial, underground, or buried. • Changes in clearance, separation, and general pole spacing. • Obligations under joint-use agreements—One advantage of joint-use agreements is that the cost of occupancy for the parties is reduced. An obligation exists to rearrange the OSP to accommodate the other user, replace the pole for additional height and clearance, or conduct periodic inspections to ensure compliance with joint-use regulations. Recordkeeping is an administrative requirement since both the user and the owner want to be sure that the costs are properly allocated. Joint-use administration is generally processed and the records updated through a third-party organization (e.g., joint pole authority). The administrative costs are shared by the member parties, and the obligations under each of these situations are understood when the agreement is negotiated. These obligations may include: – Rearrangement—Whenever the OSP is located on joint-use pole lines, the requirements of other authorized tenants or the pole owner may necessitate rearrangements of the cables. This may be as simple as transfering and raising the facilities or as complex as relocating to newly located poles. An OSP engineer or designer should be assigned to address these requests and to handle design, negotiation, and administrative requirements. – Pole replacement—Poles may need to be replaced because of damage, clearances, or other reasons. Depending on the agreement, the pole owner may do the replacement and plant transfers for all parties (this is rarely done due to safety issues handling the facilities of others) or may require each tenant to do its own. This requirement should be understood in advance (joint-use documentation spells out what is to be done by the occupants of the pole in question). If the owner of the pole does the work, this cost will be billed back to the OSP owner. If the OSP owner performs the work, an appropriate contractor workforce should be available on demand to provide this service. 12-7 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Demand Maintenance, continued • Response to network monitoring and surveillance systems that indicates imminent trouble to a pressurized cable. Pressure monitoring equipment will provide valuable information for locating potential damages before an outage occurs. • Changes in road elevation (e.g., repaving, rerouting) that require changes in the thickness (depth) of the MH collar. Demand maintenance also can be caused by damage to the facilities through weather, motor vehicle collisions, road washouts, floods, and physical degradation (see Table 12.2). The damage may or may not create an out-of-service condition. Hazards to the public or the risk of losing the facility will require an immediate response. These conditions are addressed in detail later in this chapter. Table 12.2 Demand maintenance Description Frequency of Maintenance Note: Network monitoring and surveillance systems. Ongoing All detection reports reviewed and dispatched if required. All reports logged and disposition. Ongoing All incident reports cleared and recorded. Inspect and pump MHs, vaults, and PBs. Monthly After all heavy rains and in areas prone to freezing during/after all thaws. Cleaning of MHs, vaults, and PBs. Ongoing If the MH/PB is entered, it should be left clean. An incident report is to be written and logged for follow-up work. Seal all ducts vacant and occupied. Ongoing Incident report to be written and logged for follow-up work. Outside splice enclosure inspection. Seasonally Visual inspection only unless cause for breaking the seal. Route inspection of buried routes for potential damage. Ongoing Inspection of utility tunnels in large campus sites. Ongoing Work activity shall dictate. Prepare a report if necessary to involve other utilities. Inspect and tighten all grounding (earthing) and bonding connections. Ongoing Work activity shall dictate. Prepare a report if necessary to involve other utilities. Pole inspections. On-demand Tagging unsafe conditions. MH = PB = Maintenance hole Pull box OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-8 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Emergency Restoration Procedures Address Critical Elements One of the more important parts of the maintenance plan is the section dealing with out-ofservice emergency recovery procedures. Critical elements that an emergency recovery plan must address include: © 2007 BICSI® • Identification and contact of essential personnel—During system outages, there must be no delay in contacting key personnel who, in turn, must respond quickly and possess the proper skill sets to repair the outages. These personnel must have predefined duties and roles that are both understood and well practiced. • Accessing and obtaining materials—Materials set aside for emergency restoration should be easily accessible and readily available to restoration teams. Sufficient quantities and types of material required during an emergency must be stored and available for ready access. • Troubleshooting procedures—Basic emergency troubleshooting procedures must be documented in a clear and concise manner. Restoration teams must be familiar with the necessary tasks and duties expected of them. A step-by-step format is recommended for documenting these procedures. • Restoration tools—Emergency restoration tools and equipment should be set aside and readily available for access by the restoration teams. Reserved equipment should be checked on a regular basis to guarantee its readiness and proper functionality. Do not use worn or obsolete equipment for emergencies. Do not use emergency equipment as a substitute for routine use equipment. Even short-term use of emergency reserves for normal operations with planned replacement in the near future must not be tolerated. • Circuits—Critical circuits that must be restored promptly must be documented as part of the emergency restoration plan. Priority circuits should be clearly marked and identified. These circuits are the first to be restored. The first goal is to return the OSP infrastructure to operations in a staggered but prioritized manner. The secondary goal is to return the system to normal operations and restore it as closely as possible to the original or improved operational parameters when the outage or emergency occurred. • Test equipment—Emergency restoration test equipment should be set aside and readily available for access by the restoration teams. Reserved equipment should be checked on a regular basis to guarantee its readiness and verify current calibration as required. • Connections—Temporary grounding (earthing) and bonding connections are required during emergency work operations to minimize service interruptions and ensure employee safety. 12-9 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Address Critical Elements, continued The emergency restoration plan must identify and include procedures for permanent restoration and repair. These procedures must provide detailed information showing and explaining the steps necessary for restoring the system to normal operational parameters after an emergency restoration operation has been completed. This may involve creating a plan for systematically cutting over a cable section to a new replacement section. It is insufficient to revert to the normal routine once the service has been restored—the system itself must be returned to normal. Temporary repairs cannot be left in a provisional status—they must be made permanent. One problem with establishing priorities for the assignment of maintenance resources is that service-affecting conditions normally take precedence over non-service-affecting conditions. Once an out-of-service condition is fixed, it drops in priority even though the OSP condition is not returned to its pre-trouble condition. The entire event must be treated as one, and the permanent repair must be made before it is considered fixed. While expensive to do, a trial run of the emergency restoration plan should be conducted periodically to ensure it operates properly. Finding flaws in the plan during its execution under abnormal conditions is not acceptable. The trial run should ensure that: • All parties know what they are expected to do. • Records are available and complete. • Materials, tools, and equipment are ready. The emergency restoration plan must provide procedures and guidelines for documenting the restoration that occurred, circuit reassignments that may have occurred, and long-term system configuration after all permanent repairs have been completed. Update the emergency restoration plan following the completion of the after-action report (explaining in detail what caused the outage or emergency condition) and the long- and short-term actions taken to repair the OSP infrastructure. The after-action report must identify any OSP infrastructure documentation that must be revised and replaced. Most importantly, the report must provide an analysis of the occurrence with recommended actions and plans for preventing similar incidents in the future. These reports must remain in an OSP infrastructure historical file for trend analysis, and copies provided to other support regions to help prevent similar occurrences in other regions. If similar incidents occur, the OSP infrastructure must be evaluated and possibly redesigned to prevent future outages or problems. Finally, any material or equipment resources that were expended in the restoration must be replaced so the organization is ready to deal with any future system failures. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-10 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Restoration Issues Maintenance will keep OSP in service, but there are occasions when a system or facility failure occurs. Customers expect that outages will be infrequent and of short duration. A plan for addressing any outage must exist and must be understood and implemented by the responsible parties (see Table 12.3). Table 12.3 Emergency restoration issues Description Requirement Note: Infrastructure records Ongoing, keep current information Maintain CAD files and send updates to the field forces. Access provided to the restoration forces on demand. Work order activity marked on the records Current ongoing, keep current information All activity posted to the master. Access provided to the restoration forces on demand. Facility records Current ongoing, keep current information MACs updated daily. Access provided to the restoration forces on demand. On call information Current ongoing, keep current information On call responsible party has the necessary contact information at all times. All emergency agencies, police, Current ongoing, keep current fire, medical information information MACs updated daily. Access provided to the restoration forces on demand. Contractor on call person Current ongoing, keep current information Outside supply source list Current ongoing, keep current information Visual inspection only unless cause for braking seal. Notification of critical users in case of outage As soon as possible Estimated time of restoral to be provided as soon as possible. Placement of temporary air supplies if required As soon as possible To protect the remainder of the plant from further damage during the outage. C A D = Computer-aided design M A C = Move, add, or change © 2007 BICSI® 12-11 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Operations Support Centers Operations support centers may be established within the operating territory of the coverage area. Personnel and equipment are required to be available to respond in a quick and timely manner to any type of maintenance request. Maintaining a fully staffed operations support center for smaller operations (e.g., campuses) is not financially feasible, and the necessary equipment and materials required to be kept in inventory is not practical. An agreement with a qualified contract provider who has the technical resources at their disposal is required. A qualified contractor who has ongoing agreements with material suppliers who have the required inventory is a much more costeffective approach for rapid response requirements for any outages—either small or large. Develop criteria for restoration requirements and practices and submit requests for information (RFIs) to qualified providers to prepare bids to meet the service needs of the owner. Smaller exchange operations (e.g., large campuses) can utilize the campus police or other 24-hour entity having responsibility to provide the on call requirements for notification of the on call management and the technicians. A repair support site or operations support center requires a staff with necessary operational skills. The staff must be trained and competent in the normal daily operations along with having necessary skills for restoration of the system. Each staff member may not necessarily have the same skill sets or capabilities, but the combined team must be capable of all aspects of the restoration, maintenance, and operation of the system. The same individual skill capabilities must exist in multiple personnel. As time permits, individuals should be trained in the duties and responsibilities of other team members. Through cross-training, team members are assured of having equal skill sets. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-12 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Operations Support Centers, continued Major repair support sites or operations support centers must have: © 2007 BICSI® • Complete end-to-end and up-to-date documentation—The development and retention of accurate records should be the first priority. Each support site must have a thorough and complete documentation for the area for which it is responsible. In addition to documentation for its own area, each support site must have ready access to information for adjacent service areas. At a minimum, documentation must include drawings, practices, and procedures for all balanced twisted-pair and coaxial cabling, optical fiber strands, circuits, and service requirements. Electronic copies of the network data are essential. Multiple copies of documentation need to be maintained in updated versions at multiple locations (e.g., engineering offices, operations center locations) to prevent the loss or destruction of a single set from jeopardizing operations. The documentation must exist both on the records and in the field. Stenciling, tagging, and other marking is mandatory when trying to identify the particular facility that is in trouble. Offsite updated documentation back-up files should be available for immediate access. • Basic troubleshooting capability—The staff must be able to resolve basic troubles by employing simple troubleshooting techniques. These should include, but are not limited to, optical fiber cuts, earth removal, circuit disruptions, equipment outages, and vandalism. The operations center staff must be able to test, troubleshoot, and oversee the repair and return of the system to service quickly and efficiently. • Easy access to next-level support—The staff involved in a given occurrence must be able to reach the next level of problem support and trouble resolution quickly and easily. To ensure a high reliability OSP infrastructure, personnel must be available on a 24/7 basis. An on call plan must exist for the next tier. In addition to having an established and approved plan, the maintenance staff must be well rehearsed in the procedures to the point that it is second nature for them. Contact telephone numbers of key personnel must be posted at all key locations. • Emergency restoration materials—Maintenance and repair equipment, test equipment, repair materials, and other items routinely needed must be stored and available at strategic locations. Included among these items are lengths of balanced twisted-pair, coaxial, and optical fiber cable for emergency restoration in case of an earth removal, along with necessary splice material. These can be maintained by a responsible party who is contracted to provide the services and materials. 12-13 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Operations Support Centers, continued Operations Support Center Locations The operations support center should be housed in a location that provides an effective environment for coordinating the emergency restoration of the OSP infrastructure in case of network outage or system emergency. The on call support centers should be established in areas most likely to not sustain damage or failure. A contingency plan should be available in case the OSP operations support center location is damaged or rendered inoperable. These locations should have priority telephone lines available both internally and for customer access. These sites must have tools, test equipment, and restoration materials readily available, along with experienced emergency restoration crews. Emergency restoration procedures must be documented, practiced, and well understood by all. Some items that must be included in emergency plans are: • Notification procedures for crucial personnel, including contact telephone numbers. • Troubleshooting practices and procedures in the event of an incident. Key personnel must have predetermined duties and responsibilities. • Detailed procedures for easy access of restoration materials that include where and how these materials are stored and how to obtain them. • Details for ensuring that restoration equipment and test gear are always available and operational and the teams are proficient in the use of the equipment. A system must exist for the replenishment and replacement of any materials used for emergency purposes. • Information identifying critical balanced twisted-pairs, optical fibers, and priority circuits for restoration. Restoration plans must be updated and maintained when circuit assignments and changes occur. If the documentation available to restoration crews is not updated, it is possible that actions taken by the team based on obsolete information may compound the problems. • Methods and documented procedures to be used for OSP infrastructure restoration. • Plans and procedures for permanent repairs after the emergency situation has passed. • Plans for documenting the incident and preparing a report that analyzes the cause of the incident, procedures followed to resolve the incident, and a vehicle for making recommendations for preventing similar events in the future. • Authority to authorize material and labor purchases for necessary repairs. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 12-14 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 12: Maintenance and Restoration Summary In order for the client to consistently implement cable systems, including the supporting infrastructure, standards must be developed and consistently adhered to as network implementation goes forward. The quality of the planning, design, and construction of the OSP network will become very apparent through the OSP maintenance and restoration records and is essential for the survivability and reliability of the facilities. Establishing a routine maintenance schedule for the network is necessary to support the network and the customers. Unforeseen events cannot be forecast, but proper procedures and training can minimize the impact on the organization’s network. It is imperative to budget for possible outages. With good planning and procedures, the funding will be sufficient to service the network. As discussed in previous chapters, these items will affect the performance and longevity and reduce the maintenance costs for the life of the OSP infrastructure. © 2007 BICSI® 12-15 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 13 Special Design Considerations Chapter 13 describes air pressure system parts, including air pipe, air dryer, manifold assembly, automatic shutoff valve, pressure transducer unit, and cable pressure monitoring system. It also explains the design considerations, the concept of overbuild and makeready design, and the process of extending a cable vault. Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Table of Contents Air Pressure Systems ....................................................................... 13-1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 13-1 Air Feeder Pipe .......................................................................................... 13-2 Air Dryers ................................................................................................. 13-3 Manifold Assembly ...................................................................................... 13-4 Automatic Shutoff Valve ............................................................................. 13-4 Pressure Transducer Unit ............................................................................ 13-5 Cable Pressure Monitoring Systems ............................................................... 13-7 Standard Operating Environment .................................................................. 13-8 Design Considerations ............................................................................... 13-10 Air Pipe Manifold Spacing ...................................................................... 13-10 Optimum Air Usage (OAU) Calculations ................................................... 13-10 Design Stick Maps ............................................................................... 13-11 Buried Design ..................................................................................... 13-12 Aerial Design ...................................................................................... 13-13 Device Logs ....................................................................................... 13-14 Buffering Information ........................................................................... 13-14 Overbuild on Existing Aerial Facilities .............................................. 13-15 Introduction ............................................................................................ 13-15 Design Considerations ............................................................................... 13-15 Pole Ownership ........................................................................................ 13-16 Makeready Design .................................................................................... 13-16 Makeready Forms and Procedures .......................................................... 13-18 Makeready Overview for Underground Plant ............................................. 13-20 Overbuild on Existing Underground Pathways ................................. 13-22 Introduction ............................................................................................ 13-22 Design Considerations ............................................................................... 13-22 Extending a Cable Vault .................................................................. 13-24 Introduction ............................................................................................ 13-24 Design Considerations ............................................................................... 13-24 References ..................................................................................... 13-25 © 2007 BICSI® 13-i OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Figures Figure 13.1 Air dryer ................................................................................... 13-3 Figure 13.2 Manifold assembly and shutoff valve .............................................. 13-4 Figure 13.3 Transducer housing mounted on framing channels ............................ 13-5 Figure 13.4 Example of pressure transducer installation ..................................... 13-6 Figure 13.5 Flow transducer ......................................................................... 13-7 Figure 13.6 Typical air pressure schematic design ............................................ 13-9 Figure 13.7 Typical schematic of air pressure system. .................................... 13-11 Figure 13.8 Example of buried cable leaving underground ................................. 13-12 Figure 13.9 Underground to aerial interface ................................................... 13-13 Figure 13.10 Buffering arrangement at a splice ................................................ 13-14 Figure 13.11 Typical pole space allocations .................................................... 13-17 Tables Table 13.1 Typical minimum pressure ............................................................ 13-8 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 13-ii © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Air Pressure Systems Introduction Air pressure systems are used to protect air core cables from water and other liquid contaminants that could be introduced through cable sheath cracks, breaks, or leaky splice closures. They subject the inner core of the cable under the outer sheath to a dry, or low water content, constant pressure air source and may extend the life of a cable plant. Although generally used in underground conduit systems, air pressure systems also may be used in direct-buried and aerial plants. Air pressure systems shall be maintained to ensure service integrity. Extensions on existing systems may appear to be cost-efficient; however, new (initial) outside plant (OSP) designs that require the use of air pressure systems should be avoided because they require substantial maintenance. In addition, alternate and more reliable plant designs are available. The evolution of technology has provided for more effective cable construction. The sheath has higher integrity, and the core of the cable contains materials that are resistant to water penetration. Consequently, many owners of air core cable that is protected by air pressure systems are removing that type of cable as they provide route relief or facility upgrades. The references section of this chapter provides a list of industry standards that offer suggestions and information for customers maintaining existing air pressure systems. These standards typically require that all air core cables placed in subsurface pathways be pressurized. A recommendation for venting of aerial cables is included. Generally, new OSP cabling systems are designed to eliminate the need for air pressure systems. The number and extent of legacy air systems are diminishing. The cost of continually investing in monitoring systems and air pressure equipment and deploying technicians to maintain target pressure levels makes the expansion of networks that use air pressure unattractive. Still, the amount of air core cable that is in service—whether aerial, underground, or buried—represents a sizable capital investment. An effective program that uses air pressure to minimize troubles and to protect an investment still can return value during the remaining useful life of the cabling system. Air pressure systems are still commonly used for radio frequency (RF) waveguide in connecting antennas to radio transmitters. For more information, see the BICSI Wireless Design Reference Manual (WDRM). A method using a pipe system for cable pressurization is essentially a configuration that applies air pressure through an air pipe to cables. Air pressure also is supplied at selected maintenance holes (MHs) or handholes (HHs) along an underground cable route. This is accomplished by connecting individual cables to a parallel air feeder pipe that carries pressurized dry air from an air source. The flow resistance of the pipe is low with typical pressure drops of 14 to 21 kilopascals (kPa [2 to 3 pound-force per square inch (psi)]) over several kilometers (km [miles (mi)]) (e.g., 5 km [3.1 mi]) from the sources. © 2007 BICSI® 13-1 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Introduction, continued The components of a complete air pressure system vary with configuration and design requirements. The assembly units for a typical system are: • Air pipe (i.e., feeder, distribution). • Air dryer (i.e., compressor, dehydrator). • Manifold assembly. • Automatic shutoff valve. • Pressure transducer unit. • Cable pressure monitoring system. Air Feeder Pipe An air feeder pipe is used as the basic dry air artery in pipe systems. Typically, the pipe: • Is aluminum lined. • Is constructed of black polyethylene. • Has an approximate inside diameter (ID) of 15.2 millimeters (mm [0.6 inches (in)]). • Has an approximate outside diameter (OD) of 19 mm (0.75 in). • Weighs approximately 3.6 kilograms (kg [8 pounds (lb)]) per 30.5 meters (m [100 feet (ft)]). Shipped from the factory under pressure, air feeder pipe is typically available in reel lengths of 600 to 1070 m (2000 to 3510 ft). It can be hand formed to a 127 mm (5 in) radius for installation. The maximum allowable pulling stress for the pipe is 68 kg (150 lb). IMPORTANT: Overstressing can shear the bond between the aluminum and the polyethylene. Additionally, an air feeder pipe with mechanical protection for additional strength is available in the same internal dimensions as the earlier mentioned pipe. This pipe is used in underground or direct-buried applications for added protection against rodents. OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition 13-2 © 2007 BICSI® Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Air Dryers Air dryers are the initial dry air source (see Figure 13.1). They generate the required air pressure that is fed through the manifold system and into the cables. Air dryers also can be placed in remote field locations. These remote dryers are designed to extend air pressure to the points in the system where the main unit cannot sustain pressure requirements. A dual dryer system at the main cross-connect (MC [campus distributor (CD)]) ensures air pressure to the cables. An automatic transfer switch ensures that the idle dryer activates if the on-line dryer fails. Figure 13.1 Air dryer Master stop-start switch Lifting lug Refrigeration thermostat Heat exchanger temperature gauge High-pressure gauge Output pressure regulator Gel-fill plug Humidity-sensing element Main gel tower Reserve gel tower Gel drain plug Air compressor Refrigeration compressor Fan guard Condensate tank drain valve Damper (in stored position) Heater guard NOTE: © 2007 BICSI® The air dryer shown is representative of units that could be in the field. Check with manufacturers for the latest products. 13-3 OSP Design Reference Manual, 4th edition Chapter 13: Special Design Considerations Manifold Assembly A manifold assembly is a unit that facilitates the connection between the air dryer and OSP cables. A manifold is usually equipped with an automatic shutoff valve and could have a number of ports for attaching air pipes to cables. One of the more commonly used units has five ports, threaded pipe connections, and individual valves to measure pressure to each cable. Automatic Shutoff Valve An automatic shutoff valve is connected in the dry air line between the air feeder pipe and the manifold assembly at each manifold location. If there is a pipe failure, the shutoff valve protects underground cables from abnormal air loss by closing the air connection to the man