MODEL QUESTION PAPER [Feb-22] [CHEM1001] GIT BTech Degree Examinations SEMESTER I Chemistry (Effective from the admitted batch 2021–22) Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 30 Instructions: Must answer all parts of the unit in one place only. Figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks allotted. SECTION-A 1. Answer the following. Each answer should not exceed one page. a) b) c) d) e) (5 x 1 = 5M) What is disinfection? Write any two applications of a cell Draw the structure of Bakelite Comment on the role of paint in controlling the corrosion Classify CNTs SECTION-B Answer the following: (5 x 5= 25M) Unit- I 2 Write about break point chlorination process along with diagram OR 3 Discuss about ion-exchange process Unit- II 4 Explain about lead-acid battery reactions during discharging and charging with diagram OR 5 Write about H2-O2 fuel cell reactions along with schematic diagram Unit- III 6 Write the differences between thermoplastic and thermosetting resins OR 7 What is happening during setting and hardening of cement? 8 Discuss about the wet corrosion process Unit- IV OR 9 Discuss about cathodic protection techniques Unit- V 10 Discuss about sol-gel process OR 11 Discuss about SEM with neat diagrams