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Cloud Native Editorial Report

MARCH 2022
The future of 5G
By Peter Cohen
Report Sponsor:
he future of 5G is in the cloud,
Erwin described as “the second
and in the network automation
phase of our 5G era.”
principles that make it work.
5G was designed with the cloud as a
game of winner-takes-all. It’s said
foundational part, and that founda-
that a rising tide lifts all boats. This
tion is being built upon in 5G’s pres-
is about building a new marketplace.
ent and future. From the 5G core net-
“5G is all about the ecosystem. You
work’s cloud-aligned, service-based
cannot do it yourself. That’s been
architecture to the far edge of the
our focus on anything 5G-related,”
network, the principles that govern
said Verizon Chief Revenue Officer
cloud computing, especially network
Sampath Sowmyanarayan.
automation, are enabling an explo-
Verizon is all in on both public
sion of innovation both in telecoms
and private MEC and has a range
and cloud computing.
of partnerships in place with the
“Start to prove it out. Deploy it
at scale. That’s the model we’re
seeing now.”
likes of AWS and Microsoft Azure,
ers are getting their first taste of
as well as companies focused on
5G through the enhanced Mobile
applications. This is a bellwether
Broadband (eMBB) speeds afforded
for the future of 5G: growing in
by 5G as an overlay on an Evolved
partnerships between Communi-
Packet Core (EPC) network de-
cation Service Providers (CSPs),
of Global Telecom Industry, thinks
signed for 4G LTE. 5G Non-Stand-
the opportunity is there for CSPs
alone (NSA) networks provide 5G
and other stakeholders.
Craig Wilson, IBM VP Global
Telecom Industry
who view 5G as a framework to
users with faster speeds, but 5G has
The combination of telecom and
much more in store as 5G Stand-
IT is the new normal. CSPs, hyper-
alone (SA) networks spin up and
“Or in simple terms, telcos need
provide the range of services 5G has
constellation of cloud app devel-
to capture the value of operating
promised from the start: network
opers, system integrators, service
cloud-based networks and not just
slicing, ultra-reliable low-latency
providers and others are weaving
being connectivity to hyperscalers,
communication (URLLC), massive
together the fabric of the global
which then ultimately become the
device density.
information infrastructure, which
service providers to enterprises.”
build new business platforms. The
challenge is not giving it away.
The onset of 5G coverage and
will drive the global engines of
Wilson sees telcos that are navi-
services is giving way to a second
commerce and industry forward
gating this new landscape success-
generation of services that Verizon
for decades.
fully as holistically adopting the
EVP and Business Group CEO Tami
For the stakeholders, this isn’t a
Craig Wilson, IBM’s vice president
agile principles that guide cloud
computing, starting with the contin-
Hybrid cloud and hybrid work
data security.
Sometimes data needs to stay
The security and location of pub-
on-premise or in a nearby data
lic data in the cloud has driven hy-
center or colocation facility for
brid cloud growth both as a factor
the ‘prove it out’ model,” he said.
security or regulatory compliance.
of enterprise and government cloud
Wilson said the ability to iterate
Sometimes data has to be in a pub-
spending as it is now a compulsory
quickly and pivot to changing
lic cloud. Data is everywhere these
issue in a growing number of coun-
needs is crucial for carriers. Carri-
days: on premise, the public cloud,
tries and global economic regions
ers should look for business cases
siloed away in a private cloud or
imposing cloud data handling laws.
to test, and deploy.
behind network security. Manag-
The hybrid cloud provides ad-
“Start to prove it out. Deploy it
ing the flow of that data securely
ditional flexibility and security,
at scale. That’s the model we’re
and effectively has created an
but hybrid cloud deployments are
seeing now.”
emergent challenge to enterprise
often complex, requiring careful
IT departments.
orchestration technology. Orches-
uous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) application lifecycle.
“The industry is proving out that
a cloud-native approach can work.
A broadening array of hybrid
trating seamless handoff of data
It does require a set of architec-
cloud solutions now answer that in-
and services while still maintain-
tural principles and a strong com-
cipient business requirement, help-
ing consistent quality is a daunting
mitment to making an ecosystem
ing enterprises navigate combina-
challenge without the appropriate
work,” he said.
tions of private and public cloud
frameworks in place.
“Telcos have to provide services
system, said Wilson, will help to re-
businesses achieve the flexibility
wherever they need to run,” said
duce the risk that all telcos share,
of cloud computing with less risk to
IBM’s Wilson. “On the shop floor, at
The commitment to a viable eco-
especially for emerging cloud-native technologies like Open RAN
and mobile edge computing (MEC).
“For telcos to deliver on that aspiin the deployment of 5G services.
The threat of them being disintermediated is just as great, if not
greater, than it was with 4G. So
much about these new technologies is about cost optimization and
scale,” he said.
Image courtesy of VMware
ration, they have to capture value
the edge or in public clouds.”
employees are searching for bet-
Parallel to the emergence of the
ter home/life work balance, hy-
hybrid cloud as a dominant model
brid work isn’t just a perk – it’s an
for enterprises moving to the cloud
increasing baseline necessity for
is the rise of hybrid work. It’s a
many businesses.
shift in labor dynamics accelerated
by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hybrid work, hybrid cloud: Managing those complexities also cre-
Pandemic life has forced employ-
ates a burgeoning opportunity. Fill-
ers and workers alike to re-examine
ing that ecosystem are companies
their relationships and make some
presenting solutions that help en-
essential changes. “Hybrid work”
terprises solve problems.
has emerged as the model with the
equilibrium that employers and
labor are seeking: Some workers
in the office part of the time. It
Wireless helps its clients navigate
may simply be a reaction to public
the challenges of this complicated
health concerns: How do I keep my
orchestration by offering man-
workers productive and business
aged services.
“The background situation is
much more complex now.”
Niklas Ekarv, KORE SVP of Global
Business Development
“These devices that are spread
changing regulatory requirements
around to remote areas need to be
have provided opportunities for
connected to cloud applications,”
KORE. Its managed services frame-
flexibility and appreciate the abil-
said Niklas Ekarv, KORE Senior Vice
work and subject expertise help
ity to work where they want, when
President of Global Business Devel-
KORE to navigate problems that
they want. Even as enterprises
opment. “That’s where KORE comes
simply haven’t existed before now.
that put employees safely at home
in. We’re a connectivity provider.”
running through a long-term public
health crisis?
ernments are applying more regu-
ingly turning up the heat on their
customers can connect to their
lations,” Ekarv said. “Also, carriers
workers to come back to the office,
devices wherever they are locat-
themselves are starting to place
there’s resistance.
ed across the globe. Solving that
more focus on IoT, so roaming
requires a lot of capabilities and
routes into their network are com-
companies that offer hybrid work
integrations. We take away that
mercially more difficult.”
environments can better attract
complexity,” he explained.
qualified workers. At a time when
skilled labor is at a premium and
“Two things are happening: Gov-
during the pandemic are increas-
Managed 5G services
“These are complexities the cus-
tomer needs to take into account…
the background situation is much
more complex now for companies
example of what IBM’s Wilson
that want to deploy on a global
called the “prove it out” model.
scale than it was just a couple of
years ago,” said Ekarv.
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)
Originally developed as a bespoke
Honing the 5G edge
has already emerged as an attractive growth opportunity for CSPs
and hyperscalers. Moving compute
is an example of what’s driving rev-
packaged connectivity, technol-
and storage out of the data center
enue in both 5G and public cloud
ogy and management layers to-
and closer to the edge of the net-
sectors. By some market estimates,
gether for businesses looking for
work reduces latency, most nota-
end-user spending on public cloud
private 5G service.
bly. But it is an enabling technolo-
KORE’s managed services model
services will approach or exceed
$400 billion in 2022.
That’s being driven by a sharp
uptake in “anything as a service”
offerings, or XaaS. Software as a
Service (SaaS) is a well-defined
market that’s been around almost
“Think vendors like Cisco on the
gy for everything from immersive
networking side and Palo Alto
entertainment experiences to med-
on the security side, for example.
icine, from autonomous vehicles to
“Edges are space, cost and
Pat McCabe, Nokia
industrial IoT.
The promise of MEC is almost unlimited, but practical challenges
abound. One problem with MEC is
from the start of cloud computing.
We have created a cloud platform
its mere availability. MEC is still rel-
SaaS provided a gateway for appli-
where we host these applications,
atively early in its deployment. Car-
cation service providers (ASPs) to
and we can combine those pieces
riers and hyperscalers have each
migrate their offerings from their
together and create a package that
very well-defined their clouds, and
own siloed data centers to scalable
can run on a white box or server
now they’re building the edges. Get-
hyperscaler infrastructure.
within the customers’ premises,”
ting the 5G edge to work requires
said Verizon Business’ Group VP of
Sales Massimo Peselli.
telcos and from the hyperscalers
then as businesses lean on man-
they’ve aligned as partners.
aged services for cloud infrastruc-
According to Peselli, businesses
ture — Infrastructure as a Service
are becoming “extensively” more
“The engineering work really re-
(IaaS) — and for cloud app develop-
interested in software-as-a-service
quires three major things: First, Ver-
ment environments — Platform as a
more generally as a result of the
izon had to re-architect its network
Service (PaaS). New “as a Services”
COVID-19 pandemic because there
so that we could enable any com-
are being dreamed up almost as fast
is a need to bring applications to
pute resource to be deployed across
as they’re being deployed.
those employees working at home.
our network architecture. On our
Basically, things in the cloud are
end, we enabled any place in the
more easily accessible when not in
network to become an endpoint for
the office.
compute,” said Verizon’s Director of
Verizon’s Network as a Service
of this phenomenon, and a good
Federating the Edge
Besides those constraints, there’s
another problem: coordinating between cloud edges. While the principles that enable cloud computing
to work are universal, the clouds
Image courtesy of Verizon
themselves are not. There’s no guarantee that the edge of one cloud
can talk to another.
The GSMA had interconnecting
edge networks in mind when it published its Operator Platform Telco
Edge Requirements in 2021. The
GSMA provides the architectural
requirements for edge platforms to
hand off services seamlessly.
IoT Thierry Sender.
from centralized data centers to
It’s that framework that edge-to-
on-premise edges. Things are very
cloud companies like MobiledgeX
dynamic in the service provider en-
are using to build their platform.
to make it possible for the edge
compute capabilities to work sepa-
“5G services have very strict ser-
some pathologies of the past in the
rately from the control plane. This
industry,” said MobiledgeX CEO and
enables new availability zones to
and often very low-latency require-
founder Jason Hoffman. “A lot of
reside inside a carrier’s network.
ments. They require the network to
these types of standards tend to be
Making the edge work with the
maintain a different level of per-
crafted by vendors or for vendors
same level of efficiency as the
formance and scaling that we hav-
or for some internal telco reason.
core imposes challenges for CSPs
en’t seen before,” said McCabe.
On the other end of it, when you
who need to maintain strict Ser-
The challenge for service provid-
think about who is using an edge,
ers is to maintain strict levels of
and what type of experience they
said Pat McCabe, Nokia’s senior
predictable service despite these
would expect. How do we make that
marketing manager of Nokia’s IP
dynamic environmental changes.
as uniform as possible and, in fact,
networks portfolio.
“We’re starting to see the buildout
of an edge hierarchy, all the way
“We’re attempting not to repeat
vironment,” he said.
hide a lot of the issues?” he posited.
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added, the mobile industry needs
giants alike looking to cash in, or at
to be more heterogeneous and
least get some visibility from the
multi-vendor aware.
metaverse hype.
“What’s your anchor point, for
“The edge can’t have the same
degree of Balkanization that we
have in cloud.”
empathy? [Edge computing] has to
ly means is entirely up to who’s
be easy for end users to consume.
talking about it. If you listen to
You need to make your end users’
Meta (née Facebook), it’s their
lives easier.”
Federating the edge, said Hoff-
they’ll offer their own Omniverse
man, is about overcoming problems
as the solution. New metavers-
that have developed after different
es, and metaverse concepts, are
public and private cloud infrastruc-
hopping up continuously. But the
ture evolution and development.
metaverse, or metaverses, at least
that idea of it, are still years away
5G and the metaverse
from being realized.
“Metaverse” is arguably the tele-
Rima Qureshi, EVP and chief
com and hyperscaler buzzword du
strategy officer of Verizon, recently
jour. In broad strokes, the metaverse
underscored that sentiment during
standards — ones that will stand
is described as a new way of inter-
the company’s investor day pre-
the test of time as foundation and
acting online – 3D virtual worlds
sentation. She said that Extended
useful — as a matter of empathy.
which we’ll experience using new
Reality (XR) rendering in the cloud
The people developing the stan-
devices, each with rich social con-
requires some key enabling tech-
dards need to center on the people
nections and interactions weaved
nologies to be developed to deliver
who will be using them, not the
in. The headsets have gotten sleek-
low-latency and high-bandwidth
business cases for the standard
er and the software’s gotten better,
customer experiences.
to exist. This is especially import-
but superficially, this metaverse
“When we started building 5G
ant to solve the problem that the
thing sounds to jaded older ears like
Ultra Wideband, we were most ex-
GSMA was endeavoring to solve
a retread of the same “cyberspace”
cited by the use cases that were not
with its edge requirements to be-
VR concepts we’ve heard about
yet envisioned. Take the metaverse,
gin with, he noted.
since the 1990s.
for example. Over the next decade,
Jason Hoffman, MobileedgeX
“The edge can’t have the same
the metaverse will create virtual
degree of Balkanization that we
[subject]” is already almost cliché
spaces that are more immersive
among the torrent of press releases
and realistic than ever before, pro-
In order for MEC to flourish, he
from tech startups and established
viding people with unique ways
local and remote rendering, plays
a greater role in the years to come.
And enabling remote rendering
will require both fixed and mobile
networks to be rearchitected to cre-
Image: RCR Wireless News
ate compute resources at a continuum of distances to end users,” said
Meta wants carriers to make significant advancements starting with
network latency, symmetrical bandwidth and the overall speed of networks. But that’s not where it ends.
“Delivering such an experience
to connect across work, home, and
resources. That’s because – at least
will require innovations in fields
play,” said Qureshi.
as it stands now – producing the
like hybrid local and remote re-
Developing this new metaverse
rich media content to create a
al-time rendering, video compres-
technologies, Qureshi said, will re-
metaverse experience will require
sion, edge computing, and cross-lay-
quire material investment from
very low latency and very high
er visibility, as well as spectrum
Verizon and Meta both.
bandwidth connectivity.
advocacy, work on metaverse read-
“Some features of the metaverse
Shortly before the Verizon and
iness of future connectivity and
will require that cloud computing
Meta announcement – in fact, on
cellular standards, network optimi-
infrastructure move closer to end
the eve of this year’s Mobile World
zations, improved latency between
users. Our efforts will enable both
Congress in Barcelona – Meta Vice
devices and within radio access
companies to measure the impact
President Dan Rabinovitsj posted
networks (RANs), and more,” said
of edge computing on key appli-
a manifesto of sorts on Meta’s cor-
cation performance metrics and
porate blog pages. Rabinovitsj said
That’s that Metaverse. But there’s
evaluate where our network capa-
that carriers will need to shape up
more than one. “Metaverse” has
bilities can enable more powerful
their networks if they expect the
become a useful catchphrase to de-
metaverse-optimized applications,”
metaverse to work. And building
scribe all manner of VR and “digital
Qureshi added.
out a solid edge is vital.
twin” efforts, which are being used
“We envision a future where re-
mote rendering over edge cloud,
of edge computing and storage
or some form of hybrid between
now to solve problems — like how to
deploy 5G to begin with.
“Digital Sandbox” takes the idea to
the next level, according to Nokia’s
Pat McCabe.
The virtual represents the real
Image courtesy of Nvidia
down to the smallest atomic detail
ambitious collaborative metaverse
install it.
in what Nokia calls a “Digital Sandbox” that enables network operations personnel to simulate changes
to the network before any changes
are made. It’s an integral part of
toolkit for network operations, or
NetOps for short.
environment which Ericsson has
While they never mention the
“It replicates the exact production
enlisted to build “digital twins”
metaverse, the digital twin con-
network. So, every leaf and spine in
of real-world cities. These digital
cept is mirrored in Nokia’s Adap-
the data center fabric is recreated
recreations of real-world environ-
tive Cloud Network solution. Stag-
in our digital sandbox by a service
ments sport a level of detail that
within a container in the digital
where you can deploy a website
sandbox structure. That allows us
accurately predict how 5G signal
or cloud app before it goes live for
to validate any network change be-
strength and performance anten-
the rest of the world — are very fa-
fore it becomes deployed through
nas to find the best combination
miliar territory for the cloud and a
the digital sandbox,” said McCabe.
of performance and coverage, long
pretty basic concept in the DevOps
before a technician ever arrives to
realm. Adaptive Cloud Network’s
servers — practice
The digital sandbox is receiving
the network, said McCabe. “That
telemetry information gives you
Image courtesy of Nokia
everything you need to know to ac-
tually behave and emulate every
leaf and every spine right up the
configuration, right up to the state.
It remains parity in state as well as
This enables carriers to make
changes in the digital sandbox, test
thoroughly, make sure there are
Communications, sees this as both a
“Disciplines like data management,
no unexpected problems, and then
challenge and opportunity for CSPs
deploy changes seamlessly and in-
in the 5G era.
stantly, making the virtual real.
“Changes in network deployment,
must be adopted wholesale from
“This dramatically de-risks any
optimization, and monitoring will
cloud service providers. Carriers
changes that are needed in the net-
be significant in 5G as opposed to
that seek to reinvent these disci-
work,” McCabe added.
4G. This is being driven and enabled
plines or invent them from scratch
Bottom line: There’s an undeni-
by the cloud native architecture of
can often ignore too many hard-
able synergy between 5G and the
5G. Cloud native architectures are
won best practices.”
metaverse at every level. Carriers,
operated at scale using more data-
hyperscalers and other stakehold-
and insights-driven techniques fed
Making it work: Telco multi-cloud,
ers are wasting no time finding ways
by machine-learning algorithms. It
virtualization and disaggregated
to monetize and use the metaverse
is also enabling service providers
even as they’re working to build the
to leverage open-source monitoring
foundational technology to make it
toolkits,” he said.
Against the backdrop of needing
to automate and “cloudify” every-
“This change is naturally taking
thing, Dell Technologies has rap-
place over time because carriers
idly grown its Telecom Systems
manage their networks as multi-
Business and ahead of Mobile World
Driving all of this innovation for-
generational networks. However,
Congress Barcelona told a cohesive
ward is a need for extensive net-
more advanced carriers will im-
product and partner story that de-
work automation at every level of
plement cloud native operating
notes significant progress for the
the operation. The function of dis-
models and extend them to their
firm as it looks to help operators
tributed cloud networks, the near
4G estates, especially where the
integrate the systems and services
edge and the far edge — all of it
4G network embraces cloud native
underpinning the 5G vision.
depends on applying the zero-touch
technologies both at the core and in
network principles which govern
the RAN,” said Beal.
work for the masses.
5G and network automation
Dell’s VP of Telecom and Edge
Solutions Marketing Aaron Chais-
how cloud computing services can
Beal thinks CSPs that will see the
son, speaking in a briefing with
scale, abstracted from the operat-
biggest success with 5G are the ones
media and analysts, gave some
ing systems or mundane operation-
who go cloud-native.
background on the company’s goal
al capabilities of the devices they’re
“Software-ization and cloud-ifica-
in regard to enhanced services to
tion of network elements requires a
create a common infrastructure
Matt Beal, senior vice president of
massive shift in the mindset and ca-
foundation and serve a central
software development for Oracle
pabilities of the operator,” he said.
role in linking software developers
running on.
with carriers.
Dell’s Telecom Multi-Cloud Foun-
“As the telecommunications indus-
dation combines Dell’s hardware
try is disaggregating and moderniz-
and BMO infrastructure manage-
ing and moving into the next era of
ment software. Operators using
that industry, Dell Technologies was
this hardware/software combo can
really looking to get into the game
select a BMO module to deploy and
with our leadership over decades
manage cloud software stacks from
of working with open platforms
Red Hat, VMware or Wind River.
and core IT and taking those people,
According to a paper from Pe-
those processes, and those technolo-
ter Fetterolf of ACG Research,
gies and being able to help the tele-
operators can realize an almost
communications industry modern-
40% opex reduction by using the
ize their infrastructure,” he said.
Telecom Multi-Cloud Foundation.
“One of the key problems
[for CSPs] is the lifecycle
management of the cloud stack
and the bare metal layer.”
The focus last year, Chaisson
ACG projects a 211% return on in-
continued, was on developing ref-
vestment over five years. Savings
erence architectures with support
are derived from simplified test
for VMware, Red Hat and Wind
and certification, reduced need for
River on Dell infrastructure, and
support, faster configuration error
launching the Open Telecom Eco-
recognition and remediation, fast-
thousands of servers will require
system Lab (OTEL) for product and
er infrastructure provisioning, and
orchestration and automation of
services collaboration. From there,
across the board process simplifi-
both the bare metal layer and the
Dell worked with partners on val-
cation and automation.
telco cloud stack.”
Peter Fetterolf, ACG Research
idating designs for core, edge and
Fetterolf concluded that for 5G
Telecom Systems Business Vice
RAN use cases. And in October, Dell
to deliver on its promises, CSPs
President of Product Management
announced the Bare Metal Orches-
need to modernize and virtualize
Andrew Vaz described the BMO
trator (BMO) software package for
while navigating the challeng-
modules as use case-specific blue-
automating the provisioning and
es of operating centralized and
prints “that allow BMO as an engine
lifecycle management of open net-
distributed data centers. “One of
to go program that underlying infra-
work infrastructure.
the key problems is the lifecycle
structure. Once you do this, you now
management of the cloud stack
have a workload-ready infrastruc-
and the bare metal layer. Effec-
ture… Take the guesswork out, take
the human error out of this, and you
Unified infrastructure and cloud soft-
and operations of thousands of
have the flexibility to deploy your
ware management
edge data centers and hundreds of
workloads how you want.”
Now for the next step: “Pulling
this all together,” Chaisson said.
“de-risk Open RAN deployments”
beyond just day one. “The problem
“The scale is different, the custom-
that happens is, over time, you
ization requirements are very high
have different parts of those layers
as well,” Vaz said. “We’re able to now
evolving. What happens with the
take Dell’s expertise, factory inte-
stack is it has to get re-tested.” With
gration capabilities, consultation,
its OTEL, Dell can pull all of that
etc…and now deploy at scale and
into its CI/CD pipeline and run au-
volume for a telco environment.
tomated test cases through the full
This is something we’ve been work-
functionality stream. It’s a “very
ing on for a while…It’s also scaling
holistic view,” Vaz said.
out and leveraging some of the core
Tying to that is a new service
“Defining a holistic end-state
(will) allow CSPs to make
investments now that are
foundational to their longterm success.”
replicable manner.
called ProDeploy for NFVI that
strengths of Dell into the telecom
market segment.”
borrows from its enterprise equiv-
The big picture here is that Dell
alent with optimizations for the
sees operators being successful if
scale of telco deployments. This
they focus on creating a durable,
new offering, available beginning
dynamic platform based on open
Chris Falloon, Dell Technologies
in April, puts together factory in-
networking and cloud-native prin-
tegration and field deployment.
ciples. Chris Falloon, global telco
Aggregating disaggregation
Dell said its ProDeploy processes
industry lead for Dell Technologies’
“enable 68% faster infrastructure
Global Transformation Office, cov-
deployment time.”
ered this in a great blog post, “In
Software updates are one vector of complexity around Open
RAN integration —more vendors
This is important in the context of
pursuit of touchless telecom.”
operators trying to capture enter-
means more need for ongoing
prise business that could include
testing. While that may sound
public and/or private 5G, IoT and
building persistent interoperabil-
like a drawback, that’s essential-
mobile edge computing. If you’re
ity, cross-domain orchestration of
ly where the innovation promised
targeting a range of complex ver-
network and customer functions
by Open RAN will come from.
and a consistent service manage-
And Dell is looking to make that
logistics, manufacturing, oil and
ment toolset,” he wrote. “Defining
a more digestible process through
gas, and agriculture to name a few–
a holistic end-state built around
continued investment in its Open
that have variable and complex
a common core, with an eye to
Telecom Ecosystem Lab.
needs, operators have to somehow
deliver customized solutions in a
tegrations, allow CSPs to make
The goal, Vaz said, is to help
“A modular and platform-centric
investments now that are founda-
for the short term, at the outset
vision for 5G success are going or
tional to their long-term success.
when he said it’s about the eco-
already cloud-native. They’re le-
Leveraging service integrators like
veraging the same business think-
Dell Technologies to help set these
Enterprises have problems that
long term strategies, and relying on
need to be solved today. Amidst
that have given hyperscalers and
our commitments to remove archi-
the deployment of new technology
cloud-native businesses the ability
tectural, delivery and operational
driving 5G adoption forward, is the
to pivot and scale to meet the dy-
risk are all elements of a successful
creation of an ecosystem of inte-
namic and changing needs of their
network transformation.”
grators and service providers and
customers. For 5G to work and for
layers of hardware and software
telcos to differentiate themselves
innovation aimed at doing exactly
from their hyperscaler co-opeti-
that: solving problems.
tion, CSPs have to work at the speed
Verizon’s Sowmyanarayan summarized the future of 5G, at least
One thing is clear: CSPs with the
of the cloud.
Featured Companies
KORE Wireless
KORE is a pioneer, leader, and trusted advisor delivering mission critical IoT solutions
and services. We empower organizations of all sizes to improve operational and
business results by simplifying the complexity of IoT. Our deep IoT knowledge and
experience, global reach, purpose-built solutions, and deployment agility accelerate
and materially impact our customers’ business outcomes. For more information, visit
U P CO M I N G 2 0 2 2
APRIL 2022
The global status of 5G: Spectrum, deployments and
customer trends
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Test & Measurement Forum
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Editorial Feature Report – in addition to recognition as sponsor in program
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For information contact sales@rcrwireless.com
Fast facts about RCR Wireless News digital network
382,000 monthly page views
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Telco Cloud Forum (post-event report)
Test & Measurement Forum (post-event report)
MAY 2022
Private Networks Forum, Global
JUNE 2022
Open RAN Forum, Europe (TBC)
Private Networks Forum, Global (post-event report)
Open RAN Forum, Europe (post-event report)
JULY 2022
5G Standalone: What does the move to cloud-native mean
for operators?
The business case for 5G mmWave: Charting a path to ROI
Open RAN in 2022: Enabling a continuous flow of
innovation Open RAN Forum, Global (Editorial Program)
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45,000 leads generated annually
Talking About (Industrial) Revolution: Mining
Industry leading demand generation programs and results
6G: What problem will the next generation of cellular solve
and how?
From pilot to production: Realizing the vision for 5G
manufacturing 5G Manufacturing Forum (Editorial Program)
Key 5G architectural considerations when milliseconds
matter Mobile Edge Forum (Editorial Program)
Open RAN Forum, Global
Each program is limited to three (3) sponsors