Uploaded by Muhammad Humza Mughal

DIP & CV Assignment: People Counting & Mask Detection

Assignment No. 4
DIP and CV
MS Computer Science, University of Gujrat.
Due Date: 21 August, 2022
In this Assignment, you will be counting the number of people in a surveillance video
using optical flow and HOG operator to detect the human in a scene. Additionally while
counting people you can count how many people are wearing mask in comparison to
total number of people entering a build.
Getting started:
1. Getting video
Get a video from any data source about entering a building, find on youtube or an online
data set
2. Counting people algorithm
Find the region of movement using optical flow technique and crop the region and
compare the sub image after calculating the HOG with HOG template of a human.
3. Detection of mask on face
For each human detected in video check subject is wearing mask or not.
1: Add your code in the Word Document with proper comments and name as
“Assign_2_MSCS_<Rollno>.docx” to upload on LMS.
2. Viva Voice