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Article Analysis Assignment: Genre & Content

Article Analysis Assignment
- You will pick an article of your choosing and present whether it is an opinion,
commentary, or feature article, and analyze its content. Groups of 2-4.
- You will provide the title, author and publication of the article in question, as
well as address the following questions below. I should be able to find the
article online.
Questions to consider:
- What genre (or blend of genres) is the article? Where do you see this?
- What is the primary stance the author takes within the article? Jot down
main points that support the author’s stance.
- Is there a specifically impactful line or a punctuated moment (that
stands out)?
- Is the stance/content supported by the genre? Ie. Is the topic better as
an article as opposed to another genre of writing (ex: persuasive text)?
- What audience is the article written for? Discuss the
effectiveness/ineffectiveness of the tone.
The following publication websites are (often) reputable and have
great articles: The Guardian, Huffington Post, Al Jazeera, New York Times, Wall Street
Journal, The Globe and Mail, Macleans, etc.
Obviously you can select from any (online) newspaper publication, these
are just suggestions. Presentation date is June 8th
-reflects the writer’s opinion about a
-offers the writer’s expertise on an issue,
specific issue
event or study
-writer is not necessarily an expert on
-writer is an expert on the issue
the issue
-has something fresh, unusual and/or
-writer connects with the readers
provocative to say about a topic
-writer seeks the empathy of the readers
-challenges the status quo
by relating his/her views about
-takes a different angle on popular or
familiar/emotionally charged situations
current issues
-an opinion article says something unique
-the goal of the writer is to inform the
about the ordinary
general public with his/her arguments and
-dramatic & persuasive language
to defend his/her point of view
-first or third person POV
-uses passionate, persuasive language
-usually third person POV, sometimes
first person POV
To educate, provoke, influence, persuade, amuse or evoke feeling.
Circular (lead, development, close that links back to ideas in lead) OR
linear (lead, development, close).
Register and language:
Can be formal or conversational.
Ranges from light and humorous to serious and somber.
May include elements of sarcasm and satire.
May follow a pattern such as cause-effect, problem-solution, comparison, chronological
(related to time), spatial (related to location or place) or simply a logical train of thought.