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Silent Spring Vocabulary: Obligation to Endure

(6-7) irrecoverable-can’t get back
alchemy-magic chemistry
eons-exaggerated amount of time
rigorously-in an extremely careful way
rapidity-moving or reacting with speed
impetuous-acting quickly without thought or care
heedless- being reckless
bombardment-continuously under attack
synthetic-made by humans
futile-not being about to produce a result
vernacular- language types
aerosols-substance in a can under pressure
(8-9) barrage-bombardment over a large area
DDT-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, used as an insecticide
escalation-a rise
vindication-the act of clearing someone blame
resurgence-a come back
germ cells- the first cells of making a new organism
inadvertence-result of not giving it attention
acreages- large amounts of land
advent-arrival of something
sanitation- keeping something clean for health reasons
deprivation-lack of having something
(10-11)primitive- relating to long ago in history
intensification-making something more intense
devoted- very loving and loyal
intermingled-mixed up together
diversified-to make more varied (different)
quarantine-to put in isolation
abundant- a lot of
indefinitely-never ending
(12)ingenuity-being clever and original
mesmerized-to hole the attention of
inevitable-unavoidable, it will happen
inferior-lower in rank or status
detrimental-tending to cause harm
toleration-to put up with
insipid-lacking flavor
crusade-lead or take part in a campaign
sterile-free from living organisms
zeal-energy in search of something
entomologist-bug scientist
indiscriminately-in a random manner
(13)condone-accept and allow
prudent-showing care for the future
integrity-having strong principles and being honest
intolerant-narrow-minded, not open to others beliefs
assurances-words intended to make a promise
unpalatable-not pleasant to taste
(6-7) irrecoverable-can’t get back
alchemy-magic chemistry
eons-exaggerated amount of time
rigorously-in an extremely careful way
rapidity-moving or reacting with speed
impetuous-acting quickly without thought or care
heedless- being reckless
bombardment-continuously under attack
synthetic-made by humans
futile-not being about to produce a result
vernacular- language types
aerosols-substance in a can under pressure
(8-9) barrage-bombardment over a large area
DDT-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, used as an insecticide
escalation-a rise
vindication-the act of clearing someone blame
resurgence-a come back
germ cells- the first cells of making a new organism
inadvertence-result of not giving it attention
acreages- large amounts of land
advent-arrival of something
sanitation- keeping something clean for health reasons
deprivation-lack of having something
(10-11)primitive- relating to long ago in history
intensification-making something more intense
devoted- very loving and loyal
intermingled-mixed up together
diversified-to make more varied (different)
quarantine-to put in isolation
abundant- a lot of
indefinitely-never ending
(12)ingenuity-being clever and original
mesmerized-to hole the attention of
inevitable-unavoidable, it will happen
inferior-lower in rank or status
detrimental-tending to cause harm
toleration-to put up with
insipid-lacking flavor
crusade-lead or take part in a campaign
sterile-free from living organisms
zeal-energy in search of something
entomologist-bug scientist
indiscriminately-in a random manner
(13)condone-accept and allow
prudent-showing care for the future
integrity-having strong principles and being honest
intolerant-narrow-minded, not open to others beliefs
assurances-words intended to make a promise
unpalatable-not pleasant to taste