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Environmental Philosophy & Sustainability

“How Bad Can I be?”
1. What is the video about?
2. In what way does the video relates to our present
Learning Objectives:
• Notices things that are not in their proper place
and organize them in an aesthetic way
• Show that care for the environment contributes to
health, well-being and sustainable development
• Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality
towards environment
“Nature is beautiful because it is alive,
moving, reproductive. In nature we
observe growth and development in
living things, contrasted with the static
or deteriorating state of the vast
majority of that which is manmade. More generally, he writes: “We
ascribe beauty to that which…has no
superfluous parts; which exactly
answers its end; which stands related to
all things”. –R.W. Emerson
Environmental Aesthetics
is a philosophical view that believes in maintaining
order in the environment will bring out the natural
beauty of surroundings and contribute to the wellbeing of the people and other organisms living in it.
The appreciation of natural beauty brings about
concern for the environment and helps people relate
more effectively with nature.
What’s In and What’s Out?
List down the 3 things that should not belong to the picture and include 3 other
elements to make it better and aesthetically pleasing. Share it to the group.
Philosophy of Human Person in
the Environment
Environment Philosophy
also called as environmentalism, is the discipline
that studies the moral relationship of human
beings with the environment and its non-human
contents. Philosophers believe that the human
person has the ability to change the environment
to suit his purposes.
1. Anthropocentrism
focuses on the significant role of humankind in the
world and considers nature as the means by which
humans are able to meet their needs and survive.
This view believes that humans are the most
important species on the planet and they are free
to transform nature and use its resources.
2. Biocentrism
believes that humans are not the only significant
species on the planet, and that all other organisms
have inherent value and should be protected. This
view advocates ethical treatment of animals.
Animal Welfare Act 1998
“For purposes of this Act, animal welfare pertains to the
physical and psychological well-being of animals. It includes,
but not limited to, the avoidance of abuse, maltreatment,
cruelty and exploitation of animals by humans by
maintaining appropriate standards of accommodation,
feeding and general care, the prevention and treatment of
disease and the assurance of freedom from fear, distress,
harassment, and unnecessary discomfort and pain, and
allowing animals to express normal behavior.”
3. Ecocentrism
places great value on ecosystems and biological
communities. This view believes that humankind is a part
of a greater biological system or community and that we
have a significant role as stewards or guardians of nature.
This view promotes the idea that order and balance in
nature brings about stability and beauty. The influence of
humanity on the environment can be best understood if
we consider the individual person as a dynamic source of
change within his particular environment.
Pair and Share
ACTIVITY 2: Kalikasan o Kasiraan
Direction: Write KALIKASAN if the statement is correct and KASIRAAN is
its incorrect.
1. Anthropocentrism focuses on the part of humankind as stewards or
guardians of nature in our greater biological system or community.
2. Both ancient and modern thinkers believe that man will bring out
the natural beauty of environment if they are capable to govern the
3. Biocentrism advocates ethical treatment of animals.
4. Environmental disorders occurs when the natural order of things is
5. Environmental Aesthetics is a philosophical view all life forms have
an equal right to exist, and human needs and desires have no priority
over those of other organisms.
Environmental Ethics
This is a moral approach that analyzes the
relationship between humans and the
environment. It also discusses environmental
problems caused by human activities and social
issues that impact the environment. Environmental
ethics serves as a basis for reflecting on how our
actions show our regard for nature.
Situational Analysis
Your town is experiencing water interruption from time to time, and to ease
this crisis, the government plans to enter into a contract with a foreign
company for the construction of Php 18.7-billion project called New Hope
Dam. This dam will be located in one of the ancestral domain of Aetas in
your province, also, that land has rich biodiversity and because of this
project, much of the ecosystem will potentially end up being endangered.
What will be your stand about this ecological crisis? Will you pursue the
construction of the dam to ease the water shortage in your city or will you
respect the rights of the indigenous people over their ancestral land and
consider the ecosystem that will be endangered? How will you reconcile
development and taking care of the environment and people living in it?
How is this quote relevant to our relationship with the
What comes around
goes around
1.What was the video about?
2.What is climate change and global warming about?
3.What human activities contribute to the global warming?
4.What are some of the effects of global warming?
5.What is our responsibility to lessen the effect of climate
What is the solution
to Global Warming?
Sustainable Development
“Development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs.” It is reconciling human
activities and economic advances while protecting our
3 Principles
1. Environmental Integrity - means that any human
activities or economic advances should not unduly
disrupt the environment and human communities
located in the area. The environment should not be
drastically impacted by human activities.
2. Environmental Efficiency - this is to ensure that there
is minimum to zero waste in using our natural
3. Equity - refers to conserving our natural resources so
that future generations will still be able to use them.
Prudence and Frugality
Prudence is the ability to regulate one’s actions and behavior.
Prudence can help us become wiser, more responsible in
terms of using our natural resources, and, most importantly,
become more appreciative of nature’s essential value.
Frugality is being thrifty with the use of one’s resources. It is
the careful supervision and management of one’s resources
Pair and Share
Activity 4
Brainstorm on 5 ways to lessen the consumption of each
element that contribute to global warming.
“Be the change you want to see
in the world”
Zero Waste Lifestyle Video
1. This is the branch of philosophy that is concerned
with the natural environment and humanity’s place in
a. environmentalism
b. environmental aesthetics
c. environmental justice
d. environmental justice
2. This view considers man the most important
species on the planet.
a. anthropocentrism
b. biocentrism
c. ecocentrism
d. environmentalism
3. This view believes that all organisms have inherent
worth and should be valued and protected.
a. anthropocentrism
b. biocentrism
c. ecocentrism
d. environmentalism
4. This view places great value on ecosystems and
biological communities.
a. anthropocentrism
b. biocentrism
c. ecocentrism
d. environmentalism
5. Which of these statements are about humankind and
nature is NOT true?
a. Humans are stewards of nature.
b. Humankind has a unique relationship with nature.
c. Humans are able to transform and change the
d. Humankind can use natural resources without
regard for the consequences.
6. This perspective advocates action to address
environmental problems.
a. anthropocentrism
b. biocentrism
c. ecocentrism
d. environmentalism
7. Principle that means that any human activities or
economic advances should not unduly disrupt the
environment and human communities located in the
a. Environmental equity
b. environmental aesthetics
c. environmental integrity
d. environmental effiecency
8. Which of these statement does NOT reflect
environmental ethics?
a. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities.
b. Man must take action to solve environmental
c. We should reflect on how our actions show regard
for nature.
d. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and
everything in it.
9. Which of these statements is NOT related to
sustainable development?
a. Humankind must use up all natural resources.
b. Resources must be conserved for other people.
c. Natural resources must be used wisely and
d. Human activities must not negatively impact the
10. Principle that talks about zero waste
a. Environmental Efficiency
b. environmental Integrity
c. equity
d. environmental justice
5 -Day Challenge (Performance Task)
For five days, you will document yourself on how
you become prudent and frugal with the use of
plastic and energy.