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White Bird Essay & Theocentric Activities

1. The Essay ' White Bird' Symbolizes the beauty of nature . The beauty is fleeting and the birds
which are used in the essay are used to hold on to this beauty .There is message of hope in the
essay. It says that there is always a new sunrise and there will be a spring after the harsh winters
. Beauty is rare and is in the form of exception so Berger says that whenever we see beauty we
get startled and feel a certain kind of emotion . This emotion is called ' Aesthetic Emotion' by
Berger . This emotion is part of our human lives and rooted deeply in the humans . It gives us
hope for a future which is bright and full of happiness . The birds which were hung in the
kitchens thus represent hope and serve as a reminder for good and bright spring summer days .
The first example is that Art makes beauty base of the order. the second example is art imitates
the creation .It gives us hope a hope for better future .
Answer and Explanation
As a servant of God, I experienced a lot of having this kind of mission which is Theocentric as God is the
focus and the center of it all. The possible or feasible program, activity, or endeavor which I will suggest
are the following:
a. Spending time worshipping and praising God
b. Giving Testimonies
c. Prayer meetings
d. House to House Mission
e. Evangelistic Crusade
Step-by-step explanation
a. The main reason why God created us is to worship and praise Him in spirit and in truth. The Bible said,
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord, God is spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and in
Truth, Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness, and Sing a new song unto the Lord for He did
great and marvelous things. This activity of spending time worshipping and praising God in His holy
name makes him happier about his people and it pleases Him when His creations are worshipping and
praising He's a great name. The Lord deserves the highest glory, honor, power, thanksgiving, adoration,
praises, and worship for He is a great God who did good things to His children and His presence is so
indescribable and truly, it's really a blessing.
b. Giving testimonies or giving thanks to the Lord is His will from His people. The Bible said, In
everything, give thanks for this is the will of God the Father through His son Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord
deserves the highest thanksgiving for all the great things He has done in our lives. He never leaves us
and never forsakes us, His children, who are loving Him truly and obeying His word with all
righteousness and holiness. Because to love the Lord is to obey His commandments and He commanded
us to give thanks to Him.
c. Prayer is our communication to God with all our supplications and expression of love to Him. It builds
our relationship with Him as we pray every day and it allows us to grow our faith in Him. The Bible said,
Pray without ceasing, remain in prayer, and don't worry about anything but in everything through
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be known unto God. Having prayer meetings
in the church once or twice a week is a great help in bringing the church and everyone's life closer to
God. The Lord listens to the prayer of His people who do the right things for the power of a righteous
man is powerful.
d. House to House mission is God's will from His servants. This is the response to God's Great
Commission which He said, Go therefore and teach all the nation, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey my commands and surely I will be
with you to the very ends of the Earth. The Lord wants His servants to go to people and preach the
Gospel of salvation in order for them to be saved through our Lord Jesus Christ who gives everlasting life
to those who repented from their sins and accepted Him as their God and personal savior because the
Bible said, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.
e. Evangelistic Crusade is also a response to God's Great Commission. In this activity, people are being
gathered in one place and the word of the Lord of salvation is being shared with these people. The Lord
Jesus Christ said to his disciples as they go for a mission to heal the sick, clean the lepers, raise the dead,
cast out devils and if they receive something free, they will give something free. The true servant of God
who is called to be apostle, a pastor, evangelist, pastor, and teacher or servants who are obedient are
used by God to make signs and wonders and miracles and to preach God's word powerfully with the
strength from the Lord Jesus.