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Intensive Workout Program by Vadym Oleynik

NEW Intensive Workout Program by
Vadym Oleynik
It is important the you perform all exercises with a proper technique. As a bonus for buying this course
we are giving you our Muscle Up course for free:
Just paste this link to the browser: https://www.udemy.com/the-most-complete-muscle-up-course-withvadym-oleynik/?couponCode=MUSCLEUPCOURSEBONUS
In this course you will see the proper technique for pull ups, push ups, dips, muscle ups explained.
Performing exercises with this technique is extremely important for proper muscle development.
When you perform supersets, you cannot touch the ground. Adjust the weight, so that you can perform
the superset completely. If for some reason, you got off the bar, try to get back on the bar and complete
the set as soon as possible. Do not take higher amount of weight until you can perform the whole
superset with a good technique.
If you cannot do the superset with extra weight, do it with your own bodyweight. If you cannot achieve
it with your own bodyweght, work hard and try to complete it in the least time possible each time you
do it (getting off the bar and getting back on as soon as possible). You will develop strength and
endurance over time and you will be able to do them eventually with your bodyweight and with extra
How to use the program? In this program I am providing you 7 different training days. You can choose
how many times a week you can train depending on your current level of strength. Also, you can
choose which days you can train (for example, this week you decided to train 4 times and trained day 7
on Monday, then day 1 on Wednesday, day 5 on Thursday and Day 3 on Saturday).
Day 1
Weighted superset starting from 5kg up to 20kg depending on your level of strength
-10 pull ups 5 muscle 30 bar dips 10 pull ups
After 1.30-2 min rest do 1 bodyweight superset:
-5 pull up 5 mu 5 pull up 5 muscle up 30 bar dips 10 pull ups
Again one weighted superset:
1 pull up 1 mu 1 bar dip 5 times 15 bar dips 5 pull ups
Again bodyweight superset:
(1 pull up 1mu 1 bar dip) x 5 times 30 bar dips 1(1 pull up 1mu 1 bar dip) x 5 times
2 sets on regular dips mixing with push ups +20kg:
20 dips 5 push ups, 15 dips 10 push ups,10 dips 15 push ups,5 dips 20 push ups.
20 push ups 5 dips, 15 push ups 10 dips, 10 push ups 15 dips, 5 push ups 20 dips
Then 2 same sets with your own bodyweight.
Day 2
Weighted superset starting from 5kg up to 20kg depending on your level of strength
(2 pull up 1mu 2 bar dips) x 5 times
Strength training after:
200 one arm pull ups in sets of 2 reps each arm with rest 30 second between the sets
*if you cannot do one arm pull up you should hang a rope or chain from the bar and do assisted one
arm pull ups
100 front lever raises with a regular grip in sets of 5 reps between the sets
rest 30 seconds to 1 minute and combine with:
100 deep dips in sets of 5 reps between the sets (30 sec -1 minute rest before going back to front lever
Day 3
Weight set starting from 5 kg up to 20 kg
10 pull ups (1 mu 2 bar dip) x 5 times 30 bar dips 10 pull ups. Then supersets with 10-20 kg vest:
-10 pull ups 20 regular push ups (10 times)
-10 pull up 20 regular dips (10 times)
-100 burpee
Day 4
Legs routine with vest 10-20 kg
-10 jumps to 90 degree/10 full jumps/10 lunges jumps (its one set,you need to do 10-20 of them) -1000
jumping rope
-Go to your knees then jump to your feet to 90 degree and jump up(10 reps - 5 sets)
-50 m sprints with vest 10-20 kg (3-5 sets)
Day 5
1 extreme bodyweight set with weight from 5-20 kg
-15 pull ups 5 muscle ups 30 bar dips 10 pull up
10 small weight sets 5-20 kg:
-1 pull up 1 mu 1 bar dip 5 times 15 b)r dips 5 pull up
-1 pull up 1 mu 5 times 15 bar dips 5 pull up
-5 pull up 5 mu 15 bar dips 5 pull up
-5 pull up 1 mu 10 bar dips 4 muscle up (5 pull up) -5 pull ups 1mu 2bar dips 5times 10 bar dips 5 pull
-5 pull up 5 mu when your h)d under the b)r 15 b)r dips 5 pull up -5 mu 10 b)r dips 5 pull up
-5 pull up 5 mu 5 b)r dips
-5 mu 5 b)r dips 5 pull up
-5 mu when your head under the bar
And 2 super set on the regular dips with 5-20 kg
20 regular dips 20 sec rest 15/15/10/10/5/5 then you go up 5/10/15/20
Day 6
Strength training with vest 10-20 kg
-5 close grip l-sit pull up 5 deep dips (6 sets)
-5 close chin up grip l sit pull up 5 deep dips (6 sets)
-5 front lever raises close grip 3 sets
-5 front lever raises regular grip 3 sets
-5 front lever raises wide grip 3 sets
-for this exercise you need ) long regular dips (10 jumps in front then 10 back without rest) 3 sets
-archer pull ups 2 reps per side without touching the ground (10 sets)
-clock similar to archer but you pull to the one hand then you go to side your chin stay all the time over
the bar, then pull to another hand and go to side is one rep 4 reps (2 rep each hand) 10 sets - typewritter
2 reps per side (10 sets)
-high pull up with 5kg up to 20
-5 reps close grip/5 reps regular grip/5 reps wide grip (it is one set, repeat it 3 times)
-10 regular dips with vest 10-20 kg with a clap in front of you (3 sets)
-5 dragon flags with 10 kg on your legs (10 sets)
Day 7
5 pull up with 70 kg (2 times)you can do it with less weight
10 regular dips with 70 kg (2 times) you can do it with less weight
(Its one circle you need to do 10 of them)
**Adjust the weight so that you can perform the routine. Once it becomes easy for you, increase for
Weight pull up for 1 rep:
Start from
10 kg 1 rep 20/1/30/1/40/1/50/1/60/1/70/1/80/1/90/1/100/1 Same with regular dips
Bar dips 20/1/30/1/40/1/50/1/60/1/70/1/80/1/90/1/100/1....... Regular push ups