15th INTERNATIONAL COMBUSTION SYMPOSIUM 17-19 September 2020 Kayseri - TÜRKİYE SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS Editor in Chief Prof. Dr. Nafiz KAHRAMAN https://yanmasempozyumu.com/ INCOS2020 The Proceedings of 15th International Combustion Symposium (INCOS2020) September 17-19, 2020 Erciyes University, Kayseri, Türkiye Edited by Prof. Dr. Nafiz KAHRAMAN (Chair of Symposium) Copyright ISBN 978-625-400-380-6 © 2020, INCOS2020, Erciyes University Kayseri, Turkey https://yanmasempozyumu.com/ This proceedings include the original papers submitted to INCOS2020. It is accessed in free of charge. All scientific and linguistic responsibilities of the published articles belong to their authors. ii 15th International Combustion Symposium (INCOS2020) 17-19 September 2020 Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey HONORARY BOARD Prof. Dr. Hakan S. SOYHAN / (Head of Combustion Institute’s Turkish Section, Sakarya University) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çalış / (Rector, Erciyes University) Prof. Dr. Oğuz BORAT /(Chairman of the Board of TAI , Founder of Combustion Institute’s Turkish Section) Prof. Dr. T. Nejat VEZİROĞLU / (Founding Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy) Organization Committee Prof. Dr. Bilge A. ÇEPER / (Erciyes University) Co-chair Prof. Dr. İlker YILMAZ / (Erciyes University) Co-chair Prof. Dr. Nafiz KAHRAMAN / (Erciyes University) Chair Prof. Dr. S. Orhan AKANSU / (Erciyes University) Co-chair Advisory Committee Prof. Dr. Ahmet ERDİL / ( Kocaeli University ) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Cevahir TARHAN / ( Erciyes University ) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Güven TUNÇ / ( Erciyes University ) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İsmail ATA / ( Erciyes University ) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Murat TAŞTAN / ( Erciyes University ) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Selim TANGÖZ / ( Erciyes University ) Prof. Dr. Ali SÜRMEN / ( Uludağ University ) Prof. Dr. Bahattin ÇELİK / ( Karabük University ) Prof. Dr. Bülent ÖZDALYAN / ( Karabük University ) Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÇANAKÇI / ( Kocaeli University ) Prof. Dr. Mustafa İLBAŞ / ( Gazi University ) Prof. Dr. S. Orhan AKANSU / (Erciyes University) Prof. Dr. Sebahattin ÜNALAN / (Erciyes University) Prof. Dr. Veli ÇELİK / ( Yıldırım Beyazıt University ) Scientific Committee A. Korhan BINARK / ( Sabahattin Zaim University ) A. Necati ÖZSEZEN / ( Kocaeli University ) iii A. Nilgün AKIN / ( Kocaeli University ) A. S. RAMADHAS / ( Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. R&D Center ) A.K. AGARWAL / ( Indian Institute of Technology ) Adnan SÖZEN / ( Gazi University ) Ahmet YOZGATLIGİL / ( Middle East Technical University ) Ali ATA / ( Gebze Technical University ) Ali KESKİN / ( Çukurova University ) Ali KILIÇARSLAN / ( Hitit University ) Ali KOÇ / ( Iskenderun Technical University ) Ali KODAL / ( Istanbul Technical University ) Ali TÜRKCAN / ( Kocaeli University ) Aramugam RAMADHAS / ( National Institue of Technology Calicut ) Arif HEPBAŞLI / ( Yaşar University) Bart SOMERS / ( Tu Eindhoven ) Bilge ALBAYRAK ÇEPER / ( Erciyes University ) Bülent KESKİNLER / ( Gebze Technical University ) Bülent ÖZDALYAN / ( Karabük University ) C. D. RAKOPOULOS / ( National Technical University of Athens ) Can ÇINAR / ( Gazi University ) Can HAŞİMOĞLU / ( Sakarya University ) Cem SORUSBAY / ( Istanbul Technical University ) Cengiz ONER / ( Fırat University ) Cenk SAYIN / ( Marmara University ) Duran ALTIPARMAK / ( Gazi University ) E. G. GIAKOUMIS / ( National Technical University of Athens ) Emrah DENİZ / ( Karabük University ) Erol ARCAKLIOĞLU / ( Yıldırım Beyazıt University ) Ertan ALPTEKİN / ( Kocaeli Univeristy ) Ertuğrul ARSLAN / ( Istanbul Technical University ) Essam Abo-Serie / ( Coventry University ) Filiz KARAOSMANOĞLU / ( Istanbul Technical University ) Gautam KALGHATGI / ( Shell Global Solutions ) George SKEVIS / ( CPERI/CRERTH ) Gudrat I. ISAKOV / ( Institute of Physics of ANAS ) H. İbrahim SARAÇ / ( Kocaeli University) H. Serdar YUCESU / ( Gazi University ) Hafiz ALİYEV / ( Khazar University ) Hakan BAYRAKTAR / ( Karadeniz Technical University ) Hakan Fehmi ÖZTOP / ( Fırat University ) iv Halim Hamid REDHWI / ( King Fahd University of Petroleum ) Halit KARABULUT / ( Gazi University ) Halit YAŞAR / ( Sakarya University ) Hanbey HAZAR / ( Fırat University ) Hasan Rıza GÜVEN / ( İstanbul University ) Hüseyin BAYRAKÇEKEN / ( Afyon Kocatepe University ) Hüseyin GÜNERHAN / ( Ege University ) Hüseyin ŞANLI / ( Kocaeli University ) İbrahim DİNÇER / ( QUIT Canada ) İbrahim KILIÇASLAN / ( Kocaeli University ) İbrahim MUTLU / ( Afyon Kocatepe University ) İhsan KARAMANGİL / ( Uludağ University ) İlker ÖRS / (Selçuk University) İlker YILMAZ / ( Erciyes University ) İskender GÖKALP / ( Middle East Technical University ) İsmail ÇELİKTEN / ( Gazi University ) İsmail EKMEKÇİ / ( Marmara University ) İsmail TEKE / ( Yıldız Technical University ) İsmet ÇEVİK / ( Sakarya University ) Joseph SWAN / ( Institute for Energy Research ) Julian DIZY / ( CMCL ) Kadir AYDIN / ( Çukurova University ) Kadri Süleyman YİĞİT / ( Kocaeli University ) Kamil ARSLAN / ( Karabük University ) Kemal ERSAN / ( Gazi University ) L.M.T. Bart SOMERS / ( Technische Universiteit Eindhoven ) M. Bahattin ÇELİK / ( Karabük University ) M. Kemal BALKI / ( Sinop University ) M. Sahir SALMAN / ( Gazi University ) Malgotzata WOJTYNIAK / ( Technical University of Radom ) Mario COSTA / ( Instituto Superior Technico ) Melih YILDIZ / (Iğdır University) Metin ERGENEMAN / ( İstanbul Technical University ) Metin GÜMÜŞ / ( Marmara University ) Mohy MANSOUR / ( Cairo University ) Muammer ÖZKAN / ( Yıldız Technical University ) Muhammed İbrahim AL-HASAN / ( Al-Balqa’ Applied University ) Murat HOSOZ / ( Kocaeli University ) Murat KARABEKTAŞ / ( Sakarya University ) v Mustafa ACAROĞLU / ( Selçuk University ) Mustafa BALCI / ( EU Turkey Delegation ) Mustafa ÇANAKÇI / ( Kocaeli University ) Mustafa İLBAŞ / ( Gazi University ) Mustafa KARAGÖZ / ( Karabük University ) Mustafa KAYA / (Siirt University) Nafiz KAHRAMAN / ( Erciyes University ) Nazım USTA / ( Pamukkale University ) Nezahat BOZ / ( Gazi University ) Nurettin DİNLER / ( Gazi University ) Nuri YUCEL / ( Gazi University ) Osman IŞIKAN / ( Marmara University ) Philippe DAGAUTT / ( CNRS ) Ramazan KÖSE / ( Dumlupınar University ) Recai KUS / ( Selçuk University ) Rıdvan ARSLAN / ( Uludağ University ) Roger CRACKNELL / ( Shell Global Solutions ) S. Orhan AKANSU / ( Erciyes University ) Selami SAĞIROĞLU / ( Karabük University ) Selçuk SARIKOÇ / (Amasya University) Şeref SOYLU / ( Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University ) Suat SARIDEMİR / ( Düzce University ) Süleyman USTUN / ( Celal Bayar University ) Tamer YILMAZ / ( Yıldız Technical University ) Xibin WANG / ( Xi’an Jiatong University ) Yakup İÇİNGÜR / ( Gazi University ) Yasin VAROL / ( Fırat University ) Zafer DULGER / ( Kocaeli University ) Zehra ŞAHİN / ( Karadeniz Technical University ) Zuohua HUANG / ( Jiatong University ) Symposium Secretariat Öğr. Gör. Buğrahan ALABAŞ / (Erciyes University) Öğr. Gör. Esenay ARSLAN / (Kayseri University) vi 15th International Combustion Symposium (INCOS2020) ÖNSÖZ Ülkemizin en uzun soluklu ve prestijli mühendislik sempozyum serilerinden biri olan Yanma Sempozyumları, Yanma Enstitüsü’nün (The Combustion Institute) Türkiye Şubesi’nin periyodik faaliyetlerindendir. 1983 yılından beri düzenlenen ve 2020 yılında 15. si online olarak gerçekleştirilen bu sempozyumlar serisi her iki yılda bir yapılacak şekilde düşünülmüş ve her defasında olmamakla birlikte çoğunlukla iki yıl ara ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk 5 sempozyum Bursa’da organize edildikten sonra, etkinlik alanını artırmak için başka üniversitelerin de organizasyon taleplerine açık olmuş ve bu güne kadar 14 sempozyum (Uludağ Üniversitesi (6), İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (1), Gazi Üniversitesi (1), Marmara Üniversitesi (1), Kırıkkale Üniversitesi (1) ve Sakarya Üniversitesi’nde (1), Uluslararası Saraybosna Üniversitesi (1), Kocaeli Üniversitesi (1) ve Karabük Üniversitesi’nde (1)) düzenlenmiştir. Yanma, yakıtların ısı enerji veya mekanik enerjiye dönüştürülmesi olduğundan evlerimizin mutfağından kara vasıtaları motorlarına, ısı kazanlarından demir çelik fırınları ve enerji santralleri kadar sayısız uygulamada yer bulmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu dönüşümün teknikleri ve verimliliği hayati derecede önemlidir. Özellikle enerjinin global stratejik bir silah haline geldiği günümüzde enerji kaynaklarının yanı sıra bu kaynakların nasıl daha etkin kullanılacakları, dolayısıyla yakıtlar ve yanma konuları da araştırmacıların en önde gelen çalışma konularından biri haline gelmiştir. Online olarak gerçekleştirilen ilk yanma sempozyumu olan 15. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu’nda 12 sanal oturumda 62 sözlü ve 5 poster bildiri sunulmuş, ikisi de yurtdışından olmak üzere iki davetli konuşmacı sunum yapmıştır. Sempozyum beş farklı ülkeden olmak üzere 150’nin üzerinde katılımcının online olarak katılımıyla başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sempozyumun başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesinde emeği geçen sempozyum onur, organizasyon, yönetim ve danışma kurulu üyelerine, hakemlere, davetli konuşmacılara, oturum başkanlarına, sponsorlara, katılımcılara ve özellikle sempozyum sekreteryasına teşekkür ederim. Saygılarımla, Prof. Dr. Nafiz Kahraman Sempozyum Başkanı vii PREFACE Combustion Symposium that is one of the longest running and most prestigious engineering symposium series of our country, is one of the periodic activities of Turkey Branch of The Combustion Institute. This series of symposiums, which have been held since 1983 and as online in 2020, for the 15th time, were planned to be held biyearly and were mostly held two years apart, although not every time. After the first 5 symposiums were organized in Bursa, it was open to the organization requests of other universities in order to increase the area of activity and 14 symposiums (Uludağ University (6 times), İstanbul Technical University (1 times), Gazi University (1 times), Marmara University (1 times), Kırıkkale University (1 times) and Sakarya University (1 times), International Sarajevo University (IUS) (1 times), Kocaeli University (1 times) and Karabük University (1 times)) have been organized so far. Since combustion is the conversion of fuels into heat energy or mechanical energy, it finds a place in countless applications from the kitchens of our homes to motor vehicles, from heat boilers to iron and steel furnaces and power plants. Therefore, the techniques and efficiency of this transformation are of vital importance. Especially in today's world, where energy has become a global strategic weapon, besides energy resources, how to use these resources more effectively, so fuels and combustion issues have become one of the most prominent topics of study for researchers. At the 15th International Combustion Symposium, the first online combustion symposium, 62 oral and 5 poster presentations were presented in 12 virtual sessions, and two invited speakers, two of whom were from abroad, made presentations. The symposium was successfully held with the online participation of over 150 participants from five different countries. I would like to thank the symposium honor, organization, management and advisory board members, reviewers, invited speakers, session chairs, sponsors, participants and especially the symposium secretariat who contributed to the successful implementation of the symposium. Best regards, Prof. Dr. Nafiz Kahraman Chair of the Symposium viii 15th International Combustion Symposium (INCOS2020) 17-19 September 2020 Keynote Speaker : Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghani OLABI Speech Title: Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering Department (SREE) Research Activities CV: Prof Olabi is Chair and Head of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering Department “SREE” at the University Of Sharjah “UOS”. Before joining UOS, he was the director and founding member of the Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies at the University of the West of Scotland. Prof Olabi received his M.Eng and Ph.D. from Dublin City University, since 1984 he worked at different national and international institutes such as; National Research Centre-Italy “CNR”, Research Centre of FIAT-Italy “CRF”, Dublin City University “DCU” and Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies “IEET” at UWS. Prof Olabi has supervised postgraduate research students (35 PhD) to successful completion. Prof Olabi has edited more than 30 proceedings, and has published more than 400 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and international conferences, in addition to more than 45 book chapters. In the last 4 years Prof Olabi has patented 2 innovative projects. Prof Olabi is the founder of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP, www.seepconference.com and the International Conference on Materials Science and Smart Materials. He is the Subject Editor of the Elsevier Energy Journal, Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Elsevier), Editor of the Reference Module of Materials Science and Engineering (Elsevier), Editor in Chief of Renewable Energy section of Energies and board member of a few other journals. Prof Olabi has coordinated different National, EU and International Projects. He has produced different reports to the Irish Gov. regarding: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and Solar Energy. Currently, the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering Department “SREE” has around 700 students, 15 academic members, 6 Engineers and administrators working on Teaching, Research and Innovation of the renewable energy sectors and related fields. ix 15th International Combustion Symposium (INCOS2020) 17-19 September 2020 Keynote Speech Text Keynote Speaker : Prof. Dr. Ashwani K. GUPTA Speech Title: Municipal Solid Wastes – Conversion to Clean Energy CV: Ashwani K. Gupta (born 1948) is a British-American engineer and educator with research focus on combustion, fuels, fuel reforming, advanced diagnostics, High Temperature Air Combustion (called HiTAC), and high-intensity distributed combustion, green combustion turbine, micro-combustion, and air pollution. He is an Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland. Gupta is also Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland and Director of Combustion Laboratory.[1] He is also an Affiliate Professor at Institute of Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland which is part of the University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences. He is known for his work on swirl flows, combustion, high temperature air combustion, distributed high intensity green combustion, and fuel reforming. MUNICIPAL WASTES-CONVERSION TO CLEAN ENERGY Ashwani K. Gupta Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA email: akgupta@umd.edu 1.Introduction Energy is a significant issue. Waste is everywhere, and it is increasing worldwide every year. Moreover, this increase is the increased population and more industrial development, increasing living standards, and everybody needs more. Somewhere in the garbage disposal is good because increase the waste generation means increased GDP, gross domestic product, and just an idea of how much we generate. The USA is high to generate a large amount of waste, probably the highest in the world. They have generated about 2.2 kilograms per person per day. UAE, United Arab Emirates generate about 1.9 to 2.1 to even 2.2, so is comparable to the USA some years they have been generating a little more. So since the Turkey conference, I put it a good idea to look at how much the waste generated, roughly about 444 kilograms per capita per year. That translates to roughly about 2.7 pounds per person per day. That is quite a large x amount, so when we look at Turkey's situation, about 32 M tons of waste generated. Much of that goes to landfill. More than half goes to sanitary landfill, and about 44% dump municipal dumpsite in the world. The only remaining portion, about 2%, is composted disposed of by other methods. Some parts of Europe, Germany, for example, generate roughly about 0, 95 kilograms per person per day as being same or it is little more the United Kingdom When you look at the turkey, it is just over 1.2 so that means and Turkey and Switzerland and Japan which is 1.6. Therefore, the US numbers are roughly 1.98, and it is going up for us in the client. So there is a tremendous opportunity because waste to somebody in the treasure to somebody else, certainly for the waste disposal and wasted hydrocarbon material, means you can use the energy from waste to future generations for the power and energy. Figure 1. Waste Generation (kg/capita/day) 2. A Global Perspective A global perspective when we look at the energy from waste is used extensively worldwide. There are roughly about 1000 facilities worldwide. Besides, that is many numbers. It can be seen at the number below. Therefore, there are 1000 facilities, only about 183 million tons a year. Waste is converted into a useful form. Figure 2 shows that the United States has 86 facilities. They processed 29 million TPY (tons per year) and are the overall 280 Million TPY waste generated. EU has about 452 facilities, and they process roughly about 81 million TYP. Moreover, if we are going east to Asia, they have about 427 facilities, which process 73 million TPY that comes to 183 pounds per year at the disposal process here. The much of the garbage is in landfill and recycling. Moreover, energy from waste is a small amount especially in China. There is much more energy adding power from waste and the recycling is a large portion, and the landfill is a small portion in Sweden. However, these numbers are so different for the United Kingdom; lower portion of Ppower from the waste. The basic message is that many European countries are not much of the energy generated from waste except Sweden, Austria, and Germany. xi Figure 2. A Global Perspective 3. Waste Disposal Options There are many options under the waste disposal headings—recycling, which means separating the product to use the so-called cycle. Economy and cycling economy precisely right because you are using and using the material ordered repeatedly. The second option, which is quite a popular one among many countries in working through the United States and Turkey, is landfilling. Turkey also uses anaerobic digestions. It can be included as a third option. Moreover, the fourth options are incineration and thermal treatment. Incineration is a short word because it generates some unwanted pollution. The Pyrolysis and gasification or some of the advances are taking place and would be much best, including Turkey. Material is converting some of the material into syngas, and that is in the syngas can be used for heating, cooling, and other applications. Turkey produces about 32 M tons of MSW/year (Municipal Solid Waste), and it has over 2.000 landfills. It uses about one million square meters of land used to store waste every year. It means a tremendous amount of land areas are needed to store the waste in Turkey. Significant cities in Turkey, especially Istanbul, is the 12th largest city in the world. How many energy needs can be made from the generations of 2 million tons of MSW. It is a few percent. Figure 3. Compared to Europe, the USA lacks to recover EfW. xii Figure 3 shows a comparison of the US to Europe. The US has a landfilling percent of 64%. Energy from waste is only 7%. It is a tiny part. Moreover, recycling composting is about 1/3 percent. On the other hand, Canada has much more landfill, 74%, and EfW is a tiny fraction of the order, about 2%. Moreover, composting and recycling is about 24%. The statistics of Denmark and Germany are given below. Germany's energy from waste is about 35%. Moreover, the rest of cycling and composing is 65%. The main point is that waste is an opportunity. 4. Two Common Options of Waste Disposal There are two options for waste disposal. One option is; renewable energy generated from landfills, and the other option is renewable energy generated from WTE facilities under the option of energy conversion from waste. According to figure-4, the United States generates about 249 million tons of trash that go to the landfill. The 29 million tons of trash goes to energy from waste. It is about 5 billion kilowatt-hours, which is up to about 120 kilowatt-hours of electricity per ton of waste in the energy generation from landfill. On the other hand, waste to energy facilities and generate about 15 billion kWh. Figure 4 shows that 29 million tons generate 700 kWh of electricity per ton of waste. So if you go to the landfill, you only get about 120 kWh, which means getting six times more electricity. Moreover, it is a warning production of roughly about 90% volume reduction. It depends on the composition of waste, so one introduction and the engine from waste are a better option than landfill option. Figure 4. Two Common Options of Waste Disposal 5. Greenhouse Gases CO2 emission is essential because everybody is concerned about CO2 emissions and global warmings, such as ice melting and more floods areas, so it is usually of CO2 as a greenhouse gas. However, there are many other Greenhouse Gases. The main point will happen global warming potential in 20 years, 100 years, and 500 years. The global warming potential of CO2 does not change during the one year, ten years, 100 years. On the other hand, it is methane gas generated from the landfill site as slow-release? The warming potential is about 72 times compared to CO2 for 20 years. Also, 100 years is 25 times and in 500 years is 7 1/2 times. xiii Methane is not the only one gas during the combustion system; the NOx is also generated, including nitrous oxide N2O ( laughing gas). The global warming potential of nitrous oxide is 298, roughly 300 times in 20 years, and if you go 100 years from now is still 298, and 500 years it is 153. The other gases such as chlorofluorocarbon CFC 12 and hydrofluorocarbon, HCFC22, their global warming potential is much higher for 5000 in 20 years and even after 100 years is about 2000 times and finally 549 times. Figure 5. Greenhouse Gases Tetrafluoromethane's potential is even more immense. The 20 years is 5240. In 500 years it is more, less double that number. The same thing has happened, Hexafluoroethane. Its potential in 20 years, 8630 and finally 18.200, and these are some of the refrigerants, The Sulfurhexafluoride's GWP is 16,000 times, and the potential in finally is almost double (32600). 6. Some Urgent Incinerator Research Problems It is a big challenge for this incineration to understand what is going on here, so this is the same picture. Nonuniform mixing results in the local hot spot and somebody smoke production. Furthermore, once the carbon is formed. It is tough to destroy. The academic community needs to look at the flow channel because it is introduced at the bottom. It does not spread uniformly, so locally we had the hot spot. We lack that forms into carbon material and in entirely, so we need to understand what is going on here. The model is the comprehensive model to locally combustion in the bed material here. 7. EfW Sustainability It is the one diagram related to the EfW concerning which is not too far from the instrumental, and it produces to waste to 5000 thousand lbs/hr steam production, so it is a 16 MW of electricity generation and the schematic is given over here, so the garbage comes in. Moreover, it will refuse feed and be introduced into the shoot over, which goes into the boiling zone. The typical burning from the entry point at the endpoint can be as much as 50 minutes to 60 minutes, and the gas in which all from here utilized these gases to generate steam. When the steam is xiv generated, it is cooling down these gasses using a stack tower. Then it collected the ash and material recovery and electric frustrated. It is called the Bresco, Waste energy facility. Figure 6. A comprehensive model of combustion in the bed 8. Advances in Waste to Energy Conversion The other part is to convert the waste into energy is so calling gasification. An example below is the case of waste, so coal in this case was in very low coal but very high ash content but 3%. Take the coal as municipal solid waste and paralyze it with heat. Then the heat paralyzes char, and the problem is tar is left over. Tar and char are the main components, which are left over the Pyrolysis. Therefore, in the conversion of tar and char into syngas with gasification agent usage. The gasifying agent is air, oxygen and high-temperature steam. So how is very favorable and we generated unit which is very high temperatures steam, and everything is to convert into syngas such as methane agent. The ash is leftover, and it is an inorganic material, and char is converted SO2. Figure 7. The Process of Gasification 9. Future Sustainable Society To make a future sustainable society, we have on the left side resources and recycle coming in and human social activity, which contains accumulation and a cascade activity. The main idea is to minimize waste. We should hopefully utilize that as its source or some other source over here and so that in the grant cycle, we have the resources that are waste and recycle if we want to enhance it. So essentially, those natural resources should be utilized. As an engineer, you can make a difference to evolve to a clean, healthy environment with finite amounts of known available resources for a Sustainable Future. xv 15th INTERNATIONAL COMBUSTION SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 (THURSDAY) Coffee Break 1. SESSION 10.45-12.00 (ENGLISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. MUSTAFA ILBAS POLLUTION EFFECTS OF HYDROGEN USAGE AS AN ENERGY CARRIER CEVAHIR TARHAN SINGLE PARTICLE COMBUSTION ANALYSIS OF OLIVE RESIDUE AND TUNCBILEK LIGNITE HYDROGEN PEMFC STACK PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS THROUGH EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF OPERATING PARAMETERS BY USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM) AN ASSESSMENT OF THE COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPRESSION-IGNITION ENGINE POWERED BY 1 HEPTANOL / DIESEL FUEL BLENDS CHARACTERIZATION OF DIESEL LIKE FUEL FROM WASTE TIRE PYROLYSIS BY INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUES xvi KAAN GUREL FEYZA KAZANC E. EKER KAHVECI I.TAYMAZ MURAT KADIR YESILYURT ABDULVAHAP CAKMAK ABDULKADIR AYANOGLU GEDIZ UGUZ Lunch Break 2. SESSION 13.00-14.30 (ENGLISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. HAKAN SERHAD SOYHAN SWIRL COMBUSTION OF KEROSENE AND AMMONIA-ASSISTED KEROSENE MUSTAFA ILBAS, OSMAN KUMUK FUELS IN A MODEL GAS TURBINE COMBUSTOR: A NUMERICAL STUDY SERHAT KARYEYEN COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF OXY-AMMONIA COMBUSTION IN A NONM. ILBAS, O. KEKUL PREMIXED BURNER A. BEKTAS, S. KARYEYEN PREDICTION OF FUEL-IN-OIL FORMATION RATE BY USING GAUSSIAN PROCESS M. GONUL, O.A. KUTLAR MODELS A. CALIK COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT CHEMICAL REDUCTION MECHANISMS APPLIED GOKHAN COSKUN, ERMAN ASLAN ON A 3D-HCCI ENGINE COMBUSTION MODEL ZEKERIYA OZCAN GULTEN GIZEM KUCUK INVESTIGATION OF COMBUSTION OF KEROSEN IN AVIATION HALIL TUZCU , HAKAN CALISKAN ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF TEA FACTORY WASTE AND SPENT TEA WASTE; S. OZARSLAN, S. ABUT EXPERIMENTAL AND KINETIC MODELING STUDIES M.R. ATELGE, M. KAYA S. UNALAN Coffee Break 3. SESSION 14.45-16.00 (ENGLISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. ALI SURMEN COMBUSTION OF METHANE USING A CYCLONIC BURNER UNDER COLORLESS K. B. KEKEC, S. KARYEYEN DISTRIBUTED COMBUSTION CONDITIONS M. ILBAS PASSENGER CAR EMISSIONS IN TURKEY ADEM UGURLU BIOGAS PRODUCTION AS AN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE IN DEVELOPING MUSTAFA ILBAS, LINA ANTARI COUNTRIES: PALESTINE AS A CASE STUDY MURAT SAHIN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF BIOGAS DISTRIBUTED COMBUSTION IN A MUSTAFA ILBAS MODEL COMBUSTOR NURHAN UREGEN GULER MURAT SAHIN xvii Coffee Break 4. SESSION 16.15-17.45 (TURKISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. MEHMET ZAFER GUL IKI FAZLI YANMA ORTAMINDA BASINC ARTISININ DAMLACIK M. KUCUK BUHARLASMASINA ETKISI A.SURMEN COMBUSTION AND EMISSIONS CHARACTERISTICS OF DI DIESEL ENGINE ABDULVAHAP CAKMAK FUELED WITH DIESEL-BIODIESEL-GLYCEROL ETHERS. PART I: EFFECT OF HAKAN OZCAN COMPRESSION RATIO COMBUSTION AND EMISSIONS CHARACTERISTICS OF DI DIESEL ENGINE ABDULVAHAP CAKMAK FUELED WITH DIESEL-BIODIESEL-GLYCEROL ETHERS. PART II: EFFECT OF HAKAN OZCAN INJECTION TIMING NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF PRIMARY AIR HOLE BILAL SUNGUR DIAMETERS ON COMBUSTION IN PELLET FUELLED BOILERS BAHATTIN TOPALOGLU ETANOL-MOTORIN KARISIMLARININ KULLANILDIGI BIR DIZEL MOTORDA M.VARGUN, M.HURPEKLI YAKIT PUSKURTME ZAMANININ YANMA KARAKTERLERI UZERINE ETKISI A.N.OZSEZEN EFFECTS OF FUSEL OIL ON A THERMAL COATED ENGINE O. SALIH, V. ERDINC O. SERKAN SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 ( FRIDAY) 5. SESSION 09.45-11.00 (ENGLISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. NAFIZ KAHRAMAN INVESTIGATION OF COMBUSTION OF DIESEL-ETHANOL FUEL BLEND IN M.HURPEKLI, M.VARGUN COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE A.N.OZSEZEN, A.H.APAYDIN OPTIMIZATION OF INJECTION PARAMETERS FOR COMPRESSION IGNITION R. SENER ENGINE USING GENETIC ALGORITHM M. Z. GUL xviii CO2 ANALYSES WITH MODEL BASED REGULATORY TOOLS: VECTO APPLICATION FOR ISTANBUL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION CASE THE EFFECTS OF POST INJECTIONS OF HYDROGEN ON DIESEL ENGINE POWERED BY ETHANOL FUMIGATION MODELING AND OPTIMIZATION OF A FLUIDIZED BED GASIFICATION O. OZENER, O. GEZER M. OZKAN, N. ZACHAROF G. FONTARAS HUSEYIN GURBUZ EBUBEKIR BEYAZOGLU ERHAN PULAT Coffee Break 6. SESSION 11.10-12.25 (TURKISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. SELAHADDIN ORHAN AKANSU DIZEL ENJEKTOR MEMESININ SICAKLIK DEGISIMININ INCELENMESI A.ERGENC, O. OZENER G. AKPINAR S.EYUBOGLU A.KAYA, B.KARAYEL TARIMSAL ATIKLARIN YANMA DAVRANISINA TORREFAKSIYONUN ETKISI N.CAYCI, N.DURANAY M.YILGIN BIR TERS AKISLI YAKMA SISTEMINDE DIMETIL ETER KULLANIMININ YANMA AHMET ALPER YONTAR KARAKTERISTIKLERININ VE ALEV SONME SINIRLARININ INCELENMESI DUYGU SOFUOGLU HIDROJENCE ZENGINLESTIRILMIS METAN BAZLI FARKLI YAKIT KARISIMLARI AHMET ALPER YONTAR ICIN IS OLUSUMLARININ LAZER KAYNAKLI AKKORLUK YONTEMIYLE HUSEYIN DEGIRMENCI INCELENMESI KIZGIN BUHAR TEKNOLOJISI ILE YIYECEKLERIN SAGLIKLI PISIRILMESINE Z. KAHRAMAN KATKI SAGLAYAN VE COK FONKSIYONLU CALISAN YENILIKCI ENDUSTRIYEL M. HACI PISIRME FIRINI PROTOTIPININ TASARIMI VE GELISTIRILMESI K. ICIBAL R. TIMUR H. S. SOYHAN xix Lunch Break 7. SESSION 13.45-15.00 (TURKISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: ASST.PROF.DR. NUREDDIN DINLER METAN VE ETIL ALKOLUN GONDERIM HIZI DEGISIMLERI ICIN FARKLI YANMA AHMET ALPER YONTAR ODASI TASARIMLARINDA YANMA KARAKTERISTIKLERININ KARSILASTIRMALI TAHIR AYAZ OLARAK INCELENMESI HUSEYIN DEGIRMENCI DUYGU SOFUOGLU DIZEL-BIYODIZEL-IZOBUTANOL UCLU KARISIMLARI KULLANILAN BIR DIZEL YUNUS EMRE OZTURK MOTORDA PERFORMANS VE EMISYON KARAKTERISTIKLERININ DENEYSEL MUSTAFA DENIZ ALTINKURT OLARAK INCELENMESI ALI TURKCAN OPTIMIZATION OF OPERATING PARAMETERS OF METHANOL USED GASOLINE SAMET USLU ENGINE WITH TAGUCHI FARUK ALKAN MUSTAFA BAHATTIN CELIK DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN INNOVATIVE INDUSTRIAL COMBI COOKING Z. KAHRAMAN, M. HACI OVEN PROTOTYPE TO IMPROVE TEMPERATURE AND AIR TEMPERATURE N. EMEKWURU, H. S. SOYHAN DISTRIBUTION AND ENERGY SAVING DETERMINATION OF PERFORMANCE AND EMISSONS PARAMETERS ON A SEMIH YILMAZ HYDROGEN INJECTED HCCI DIESEL ENGINE KUBILAY BAYRAMOGLU Coffee Break 8. SESSION 15.15-16.30 (TURKISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. BILGE ALBAYRAK CEPER OPTIMIZATION OF PISTON BOWL GEOMETRY IN TERMS OF FUEL C. AKKUS CONSUMPTION AND EMISSIONS USING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS IN S. USLU A DIESEL ENGINE PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF GRASS WASTE SUPPORTED NI CATALYST DUYGU ELMA KARAKAS FOR HYDROGEN PRODUCTION BY THE DEGRADATION OF SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE IN METHANOL xx HIDROJEN KATKISININ CIFT BUJI ATESLEMELI MOTOR KARAKTERISTIKLERINE ETKISI YAHYA DOGU AHMET ALPER YONTAR EMRAH KANTAROGLU ABDULKADIR YALCINKAYA UGUR BARAN TURKMEN BARIS GUREL YUMURTA KABUKLARININ YERLI LINYITLE BIRLIKTE KABARCIKLI AKISKAN YATAKLI KAZANDA YAKILMASINDA BACA GAZI EMISYONLARININ DEGISIMININ INCELENMESI PIROLIZE EDILMIS LASTIK YAGI KULLANILARAK ELDE EDILEN YAKITIN TEK SULEYMAN SIMSEK SILINDIRLI DIZEL MOTOR PERFORMANS VE EMISYONLARA ETKISI Coffee Break 9. SESSION 16.45-18.15 (ENGLISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: ASST. PROF.DR. ESSAM ABO SERIE THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN ENRICHMENT ON COMBUSTION INSTABILITIES FOR BUGRAHAN ALABAS SYNTHETIC GASES FUELS WITH DIFFERENT H2/CO RATIOS GUVEN TUNC MURAT TASTAN ILKER YILMAZ ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENVIROECONOMIC ANALYSES OF A GASOLINE FUELED YASIN SOHRET SI ENGINE HABIB GURBUZ ANAEROBIC CO-DIGESTION OF DEFATTED SPENT COFFEE GROUNDS WITH M.R. ATELGE, A.E. ATABANI DIFFERENT WASTE SUBSTRATE FOR BIOGAS PRODUCTION S. ABUT, M. KAYA C. ESKICIOGLU, G. KUMAR C. LEE, Y.S. YILDIZ S. UNALAN R. MOHANASUNDARAM F. DUMAN IMPACT OF DIESEL-ETHANOL FUEL BLENDS ON THE PERFORMANCE AND H. ENES FIL EMISSIONS OF A COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE S. ORHAN AKANSU xxi ASSESSMENT OF DETAILED AND REDUCED-KINETICS MECHANISMS FOR COMBUSTION AND EMISSIONS OF GAS FUELS INVESTIGATION OF NATURAL GAS-DIESEL FUEL MIXTURE IN TERMS OF ENGINE PERFORMANCE IN COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE MEHMET SALIH CELLEK ESENAY ARSLAN TALIP AKBIYIK NAFIZ KAHRAMAN SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 ( SATURDAY) 10. SESSION 10.00-11.15 (ENGLISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: ASSOC. PROF. DR. SERHAT KARYEYEN CATALYTIC FAST PYROLYSIS OF SAFFLOWER BIOMASS FOR SYNTHETIC BIOE. ARIOZ, B. KURTUL OIL PRODUCTION O.M. KOCKAR AN EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL CASE STUDY ON COALESCING PLATES MEHMET ORUC USED IN OIL-WATER SEPARATION SEDAT YAYLA CHARACTERIZATION AND STABILITY OF PYROLYTIC OIL PRODUCED FROM AHMED AYYASH OLIVE RESIDUE ESIN APAYDIN VAROL MURAT KILIC, GAMZENUR OZSIN CHARACTERIZATION OF BIOMASS ALTERNATIVES D.N. INCEOGLU, E. UNAL T. PAMUKSUZ THE EFFECT OF N2 DILUTION ON EMISSION AND COMBUSTION INSTABILITIES YAKUP CAM FOR A BIOGAS MIXTURE USED IN INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS BUGRAHAN ALABAS ILKER YILMAZ Coffee Break 11. SESSION 11.30-12.45 (TURKISH PRESENTATION) SESSION CHAIR: DR. ZAFER KAHRAMAN WANKEL MOTORUNUN PERFORMANSININ NUMERIK OLARAK INCELENMESI B.T. ALTIPARMAK M. KUCUK A. SURMEN xxii A NOVEL METAL-FREE CATALYST FROM ORANGE PEEL WASTE PROTANTED WITH PHOSPHORIC ACID FOR HYDROGEN GENERATION FROM METHANOLYSIS OF NABH4 POLYMER TECHNOLOGY FOR FIRE PROTECTION INVESTIGATING FIRE APPROACH CLOTHES DUYGU ELMA KARAKAS MUHAMMED FATIH ASLAN HAKAN SERHAD SOYHAN BURAK GOKALP, KIVANC KOZA G. GORMEZ B. ALBAYRAK CEPER S. OZARSLAN, M.R. ATELGE M. KAYA, S. UNALAN REAKTIVITE KONTROLLU SIKISTIRMA ATESLEMELI BIR MOTORUN SAYISAL ANALIZI TEA FACTORY WASTE CATALYST TREATED WITH ACETIC ACID FOR HYDROGEN GENERATION THROUGH METHANOLYSIS OF SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE Coffee Break 12. SESSION 13.00-15.00 (TURKISH/ENGLISH PRESENTATION AND CLOSING SPEECH/EVALUATION) SESSION CHAIR: PROF.DR. NAFIZ KAHRAMAN EFFECT OF TOLUENE ADDITION TO WASTE COOKING OIL ON COMBUSTION O. SALIH CHARACTERISTICS OF A CI ENGINE A. MEHMET V. ERDINC COMPARISON OF THE EMISSIONS OF DIESEL AND WASTE DERIVED BIOFUEL IBRAHIM YILDIZ UNDER 100 NM ENGINE LOAD HAKAN CALISKAN KAZUTOSHI MORI EVALUATION OF OXYGEN ENRICHMENT EFFECTS ON COMBUSTION AND MEHMET SALIH CELLEK EMISSIONS ELEKTRIK KAYNAKLI YANGINLAR NASIL ONLENIR? MUHAMMED FATIH ASLAN HAKAN SERHAD SOYHAN GOKHAN COSKUN NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF INTAKE VALVE GEOMETRY BURAK SEREMET ON AIR FLOW DURING INTAKE STROKE NUREDDIN DINLER xxiii POSTER PRESENTATIONS UCAKLARDA CIKAN GOVDE ICI YANGINLARLA MUCADELEDE KULLANILAN UZATMALI CATI MONITOR SISTEMININ INCELENMESI EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF PROPANE ADDITION ON DIESEL ENGINE PERFORMANCE INFLUENCE OF ACETYLENE INDUCTION ON COMBUSTION, PERFORMANCE AND EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF DIESEL-FUELLED CI ENGINE A REVIEW FOR ASSESSMENT METHODS OF BLACK TEA PRODUCTION WASTE ASSESSMENT OF SMOKE RISK OF WOOD MATERIALS IN FIRE xxiv SINAN TURKEL HAKAN SERHAD SOYHAN ESENAY ARSLAN H. ENES FIL NAFIZ KAHRAMAN H. ENES FIL M.ILHAN ILHAK S. ORHAN AKANSU S. OZARSLAN M.R. ATELGE M. KAYA S. UNALAN Y.J. CHUNG E. JIN INDEX Article Title Page Number Pollution Effects of Hydrogen Production as an Energy Carrier .……………………….………….001 Single Particle Combustion Analysis of Olive Residue and Tuncbilek Lignite ……………………..007 Hydrogen Pemdc Stack Performance Analysıs Through Experimental Study of Operating Parameters by Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)……………………………………….011 An Assessment of The Combustion Characteristics of a Compression-Ignition Engine Powered by 1-Heptanol/Diesel Fuel Blends …………………………………………………………020 Characterization of Diesel Like Fuel From Waste Tire Pyrolysis by Instrumental Techniques……..035 Swirl Combustion of Kerosene and Ammonia-Assisted Kerosene Fuels in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor: A Numerical Study.……………………………………………….....................043 Combustion Characteristics of Oxy-Ammonia Combustion in a Non-Premixed Burner…................050 Prediction of Fuel-In-Oil Formation Rate by Using Gaussian Process Models…………………...…058 Comparison of Different Chemical Reduction Mechanisms Applied on a 3D-HCCI Engine Combustion Model…………………………………………………………………………...065 Investigation of Combustion of Kerosene Fuel Used in Aviation……………………........................075 Anaerobic Digestion of Tea Factory Waste and Spent Tea Waste; Experimental and Kinetic Modelling Studies……………………………………………………………………………080 Combustion of Methane Using a Cyclonic Burner under Colorless Distributed Combustion Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………….…087 Passenger Car Emissions in Turkey…………………………………………………………………..096 Biogas Production as an Alternative Energy Source in Developing Countries: Palestine as a Case Study…………………………………………………………………………………….…101 Experimental Investigation of Biogas Distributed Combustion in a Model Combustor……………..111 İki Fazlı Yanma Ortamında Basınç Artışının Damlacık Buharlaşmasına Etkisi………......................116 Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of DI Diesel Engine Fuelled with Diesel-Biodiesel-Glycerol Ethers. Part I: Effect of Compression Ratio……………………..............122 Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of DI Diesel Engine Fuelled with xxv Diesel-Biodiesel-Glycerol Ethers. Part II: Effect of Injection Timing………………….....................131 Pelet Yakıtlı Kazanlarda Primer Hava Delik Çaplarının Yanmaya Etkisinin Nümerik İncelenmesi…………………………………………………………………………………………...141 Etanol-Motorin Karışımlarının Kullanıldığı Bir Dizel Motorda Yakıt Püskürtme Zamanının Yanma Karakterleri Üzerine Etkisi………………………………………………...............................149 Effects of Fusel Oil on a Thermal Coated Engine……………………………………………………158 Investigation of Combustion of Diesel-Ethanol Fuel Blend in Compression Ignition Engine………164 Optimization of Injection Parameters for Compression Ignition Engine Using Genetic Algorithm…173 CO2 Analyses with Model Based Regulatory Tools: VECTO Application For İstanbul Public Transportation Case…………………………………………………………………………………..177 The Effects of Post Injections of Hydrogen on Diesel Engine Powered by Ethanol Fumigation……183 Modelling and Optimization of a Fluidized Bed Gasification……………………………..................192 Dizel Enjektör Memesinin Sıcaklık Değişiminin İncelenmesi……………………………………….202 Tarımsal Atıkların Yanma Davranışına Torrefaksiyonun Etkisi……………………….…….............207 Bir Ters Akışlı Yakma Sisteminde Dimetil Eter Kullanımının Yanma Karakteristiklerinin ve Alev Sönme Sınırlarının İncelenmesi………………………………………………………………...214 Hidrojence Zenginleştirilmiş Metan Bazlı Farklı Yakıt Karışımları için İs Oluşumlarının Lazer Kaynaklı Akkorluk Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi………………………………………………………...222 Kızgın Buhar Teknolojisi ile Yiyeceklerin Sağlıklı Pişirilmesine Katkı Sağlayan ve Çok Fonksiyonlu Çalışan Yenilikçi Endüstriyel Pişirme Fırını Prototipinin Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi…230 Metan ve Etil Alkolün Gönderim Hızı Değişimleri için Farklı Yanma Odası Tasarımlarında Yanma Karakteristiklerinin Karşılaştırılmalı Olarak İncelenmesi…………………………………...235 Dizel-Biyodizel-İzobütanol Üçlü Karışımları Kullanılan Bir Dizel Motorda Performans ve Emisyon Karakteristiklerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi…………………………………………………...244 Metanol Kullanılan Benzinli Motorun Çalışma Parametrelerinin Taguchi ile Optimizasyonu……...252 Desing and Development of an Innovative Industrial Combi Cooking Oven Prototype to Improve Temperature and Air Temperature Distribution and Energy Saving…………….................258 Determination of Performance and Emission Parameters on a Hydrogen Injected Dual Fuel Diesel Engine…………………………………………………………………………………………263 Optimization of Piston Bowl Geometry in Terms of Fuel Consumption and Emissions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics in a Diesel Engine…………………………..………………………269 Production and Application of Grass Waste Supported Ni Catalyst for Hydrogen Production by the Degradation of Sodium Borohydride in Methanol……………………………………………280 xxvi Hidrojen Katkısının Çift Buji Ateşlemeli Motor Karakteristiklerine Etkisi…………….....................290 Yumurta Kabuklarının Yerli Linyitle Birlikte Kabarcıklı Akışkan Yataklı Kazanda Yakılmasında Baca Gazı Emisyonlarının Değişiminin İncelenmesi………………………………...299 Pirolize Edilmiş Lastik Yağı Kullanılarak Elde Edilen Yakıtın Tek Silindirli Dizel Motor Performans ve Emisyonlarına Etkisi……………………………………………………. …………...304 The Effect of Oxygen Enrichment on Combustion Instabilities for Synthetic Gases Fuels with Different H2/CO Ratios………………………………………………………....................................313 Enviromental and Enviroeconomic Analyses of a Gasoline Fueled SI Engine………........................320 Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Defatted Spent Coffee Grounds with Different Waste Substrate for Biogas Production……………………………………………………………………... …………….327 Impact of Diesel-Ethanol Fuel Blends on the Performance and Emissions of a Compression Ignition Engine……………………………………………………………………………….. ……..337 Assessment of Detailed and Skeletal Kinetic Mechanisms for Combustion and Emissions of Methane……………………………………………………………………………………………....343 Investigation of Natural Gas-Diesel Fuel Mixture in Terms of Engine Performance in Compression Ignition Engine………………………………………………………………… ……..349 Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Safflower Biomass for Synthetic Bio-Oil Production…..……………….356 An Experimental and Numerical Case Study on Coalescing Plates Used in Oil-water Separation….360 Characterization and Stability of Pyrolytic Oil Produced from Olive Residue....................................369 Characterization of Biomass Alternatives……………………………………………………………374 Effect of N2 Dilution on Emission and Combustion Instabilities for a Biogas Mixture Used in Industrial Systems…………………………………………………………………………………….376 Wankel Motorunun Performansının Nümerik Olarak İncelenmesi…………………………………..381 A Novel Metal-Free Catalyst from Orange Peel Waste Protonated with Phosphoric Acid for Hydrogen Generation from Methanolysis of NABH4…………………………………………...389 Polymer Technology for Fire Protection: Investigating Fire Approach Clothes……………………..399 Reaktif Kontrollü Sıkıştırma ile Ateşlemeli Bir Motorun Sayısal Analizi…………………………...404 Tea Factory Waste Catalyst Treated with Acetic Acid for Hydrogen Generation Through Methanolysis of Sodium Borohydride………………………………………………………………..414 Effect of Toluene Addition to Waste Cooking Oil on Combustion Characteristics of a CI Engine…422 Comprasion of the Emissions of Diesel and Waste Derived Biofuel Under 100 NM Engine Load…428 Evaluation of Oxygen Enrichment Effects on Combustion and Emissions……….............................433 Elektrik Kaynaklı Yangınlar Nasıl Önlenir…………………………………………………………..439 xxvii Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Intake Valve Geometry on Air Flow During Intake Stroke…………………………………………………………………………………………………444 Uçaklarda Çıkan Gövde İçi Yangınlarla Mücadelede Kullanılan Uzatmalı Çatı Monitör Sisteminin İncelenmesi………………………………………………………….................................450 Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Propane Addition on Diesel Engine Performance…….459 Influence of Acetylene Induction on Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel-Fuelled CI Engine………………………………………………………………......................465 A rewiew for Assessment Methods of Black Tea Production Waste………………………………...471 Assessment of Smoke Risk of Wood Materials in Fire……………………………………………....497 xxviii Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey POLLUTION EFFECTS OF HYDROGEN PRODUCTION AS AN ENERGY CARRIER Cevahir Tarhan1 1. Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Erciyes University, Turkey; email: ctarhan@erciyes.edu.tr Kayseri, 38280, Abstract The intensive use of fossil fuels is one of the most important factors in the damage caused by humanity to the environment due to the resulting carbon emission. In recent years, the search for alternative energy sources has gained importance due to the decrease in fossil-based fuel resources and therefore the increase in costs. The use of hydrogen as an energy carrier also supports the use of alternative energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy, which have started to enter our lives intensively. As a result of burning hydrogen with oxygen, water vapor is released into the environment as a waste, because of taht hydrogen is one of the leading items in the search for clean energy. In this article, I reviewed and evaluated the articles in the literature which are investigating the destruction of enviroment and harmful gas emissions caused by the neglected production, use and life cycle of hydrogen, which is seen as a clean energy carrier. Keywords: Hydrogen, energy, pollution, hydrogen production 1 INTRODUCTION Hydrogen has a wide variety of possibilities in terms of production resources such as water, natural gas, coal and sea beds. There is trace amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere and Simmonds et al. [1] gave the amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere as 510 ppb in their study. Most of the hydrogen currently produced is obtained from natural gas. With hydrogen's combustion with pure oxygen, it is possible to obtain high amount of energy and heat. In case of burning with air, a small amount of nitrogen oxides are released, but the combustion process is much cleaner than fossil fuels. Derwent et al. [2] revealed that hydrogen reacts with hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere, disrupting the distribution of methane and ozone, which are the gases that have the most important greenhouse effect after carbon dioxide, thus gaining an indirect greenhouse effect. Of course, when examining the effect of hydrogen usage on the atmosphere, not only the damage caused by hydrogen directly in the atmosphere, but also the emissions that occur during the production and transportation of hydrogen should be considered. Spath et al. [3], with the life cycle study of hydrogen, examined the emissions that occur in the cycle from the production of hydrogen to the point where it will be used, and put into account the effects of this process on the atmosphere. Apart from the emissions that arise during the initial investment and installation, gas outputs that are continuous in the production of hydrogen are among the most important issues. Colella et al. [4] showed the emission values based on the use of natural gas and coal in production with their studies. In case of using biomass in hydrogen production, the studies of Koroneos et al. [5] provided us with information about the emissions that occur. In their study, Seker et al. [6] examined the ideal facility area for the decomposition of H2S as an another hydrogen production method. For this purpose, the H2S rich waters of the Black Sea in the north of the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Turkey is considered as a potential facility building location. Hellmer et al. [7] revealed the method of obtaining hydrogen from H2S with its patent. Thanks to the studies of Zeng and Zhang [8] on electrolysis, another widely known hydogen production method, it provides an opportunity to improve the techniques of obtaining hydrogen from water by electrolysis in terms of cost, energy consumption and safety. Liu's patent [9] offers a useful method for obtaining hydrogen from crude oil by partial oxidation method. Jacobson et al. [10] presented a useful study on reducing greenhouse gases in the air with thanks to the use of hydrogen fuel cells in vehicles, which make the combustion process more efficient by removing intermediate process steps. Granovskii et al. [11] presented a comparison of conventional, hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell used vehicles in terms of their economic and environmental impact. The source of hydrogen and the electricity used make a significant difference in terms of environmental impact. When evaluating the use of hydrogen, it is also important to mention the storage of hydrogen to be used. Efficient storage of electricity, one of the challenges of electrically powered systems, is less of a problem for hydrogen. Nevertheless, until the widespread use of hydrogen begins and hydrogen is transferred by pipelines, the storage of hydrogen in the area where it will be used and its transfer by means of vehicles constitute a certain cost. Züttel [12] presented 6 different methods for the storage of hydrogen and draws attention to the importance of materials science in terms of the usability of these methods. Another problem in using hydrogen as an energy carrier is the high flammability of the air-hydrogen mixture. Shapiro and Moffette [13] draw attention to the risks and flammability of mixing hydrogen with air in their report. Bocci et al. [14] examined the use of hydrogene in homes and evaluates the requirements and efficiency for a 100 m2 house. One of the most important factors that will facilitate the use of hydrogen in homes and in our lives will be the possibility of hydrogen transport with natural gas transmission lines. In this article, I reviewed and evaluated the articles in the literature whic are investigating the destruction of enviroment and harmful gas emissions caused by the neglected production, use and life cycle of hydrogen, which is seen as a clean energy carrier. 2 POLLUTION EFFECTS OF HYDROGEN PRODUCTION Since hydrogen is a costly gas to transport and store, unless it is transmitted to the end user through pipelines such as natural gas distribution networks on a global scale. It is logical that hydrogen is produced locally and supplied to the nearby end user by coal gasification, steam methane reforming, biomass gasification, electrolysis, partial oxidation of oil, obtaining hydrogen sulphide from the sea etc. As a by-product of all these production methods, it is seen that gases such as CH4, CO2, CO, N20, NOX, SO2 that cause greenhouse effect and pollute the atmosphere are released into the atmosphere. One of the leading hydrogen production methods is the method of obtaining hydrogen and carbon monoxide from natural gas known as steam methane reforming. With this method, approximately 95% of the hydrogen used in America is obtained American Department of Energy [15].Equation 1 is given the equation of the method in question Liu et al. [16]. CH4 + H2O ==> CO + 3 H2 (1) The emission values found by Colella et al. [4] are given in table 1. Which are produced by using 1 kg of natural gas as fuel in the production of hydrogen by steam methane reforming method. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 1. Emission values with steam methane reforming method Colella et al. [4] Emissions (kilogram) NOX CO NMHC (nonmethane hydrocarbons) CH4 Colella et al. [4] 0.0000459 0.00000328 0.000000655 0.0000475 Colella et al. [4] revealed a significant greenhouse gas emission to the atmosphere during the process, although the emission values are not as high as coal energy plants. Coal gasification is not as widely used as steam methane reforming, but it is a technique used to obtain hydrogen. In this method, primarily synthetic gases and then hydrogen can be obtained by oxidizing coal with the help of oxygen and water vapor. Equation of the method in question is given in equation number 2. 3C + O2 + H2O ==> H2 + 3CO (2) The emission values found by Colella et al. [4] are given in table 2. Which are produced by using 1 kg of coal as fuel in the production of hydrogen by coal gasification method. Tablo 2. Emission values with coal gasification method Colella et al. [4] Emissions (kilogram) CO NO2 SO2 CO2 Colella et al. [4] 0.00734 0.000108 0.000762 2.37 The emission values that found by Colella et al. [4] are much higher than steam methane reforming. It is revealed that coal is not a clean method in hydrogen production. Hydrogen production using biomass is an advantageous method because biomass is a renewable resource. Although it is not as common as hydrogen production from fossil fuels, it offers an alternative production process. The work of Koroneos et al. [5] in this area reveals the emissions that occur during hydrogen production from biomass. The emission values during the production of 1 kg hydrogen from biomass found by Koroneos et al. [5] are given in Table 3. The emission values during the production of 1 kg hydrogen from Biomass which were found by Koroneos et al. [5] are given in Table 3. Tablo 3. Emission values in hydrogen production from biomass Koroneos et al. [5] Emissions (kilogram) CO CO2 CH4 C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 H2S NH3 Koroneos et al. [5] 2.028 0.632 0.743 0.016 0.217 0.029 0.003 0.017 Koroneos et al. [5] detected significant CO and CO2 emissions in thier work. The method differs from other methods in that it causes high emissions in terms of greenhouse gas effect, and these gases can be collected from the atmosphere with the help of biomass production and than can be included in the cycle. Electrolysis of water is also one of the main methods of obtaining hydrogen. The main problem of this method is that electricity is used for the electrolysis process and the necessary electricity is somehow obtained and delivered to the place where the electrolysis process is performed. Whether electricity is Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey obtained by consuming fossil resources or using wind or solar energy, the production, installation and operation of the equipment used in these systems is also a process that causes greenhouse gas emissions. Although this prevents hydrogen production from being a process free from greenhouse gas emissions, it does not change the fact that hydrogen production from renewable sources is a cleaner process than generating electricity using fossil fuel. Tablo 4.Average air emissions of a hydrogen production life cycle Spath et al. [3] Emissions System total (g/kg of H2). Spath et al. [3] C6H6 1.4 Finally, I'll mention an another hydrogen production method that can be performed in Black Sea which is in the north of Turkey. Blacksea is rich in H2S and hydrogen can be obtained from this water. This method is a promising method introduced by Hellmer et al. [7]. One of the advantages of this method is the emergence of sulfur, which is not harmful to the environment, as waste. CO2 CO CH4 NO2 N2O 10,620.6 5.7 59.8 12.3 0.04 While evaluating all these methods, it is a fact that it is very important to consider the emissions generated by the necessary plant and transmission line investments as well as the emissions that occur during hydrogen production. Spath et al. [3] reveal important information on this issue in their study of the life cycle of hydrogen production. The data of Spath et al. [3] is useful in terms of comparing the gas emissions arising from production processes with the gas emissions arising from the establishment of the plant and production lines and they are given in Table 4. SO2 NMHC (non- 16.8 methane hydrocarbons) Particulates 2.0 9.5 % of total in this table. Spath et al. [3] < 0.0% 99.0% 0.1% 0.6% 0.1% < 0.0% 0.2% % of total from H2 plant operation. Spath et al. [3] < 0.0% 0.1% 1.1% 0.0% 83.7% 1.4% 0.0% 7.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% As seen in Table 4, 83.7% of CO2, the gas that create the most significant greenhouse effect is emerging in hydrogen production, is released into the atmosphere through chemical processes during production. The CO2 emitted during the establishment of the production facility and transmission lines contributes around 16%. 3. CONCLUSIONS When evaluating the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier, it may be misleading to compare the effect of hydrogen on the atmosphere with the damage caused by fossil fuels. Instead, it is necessary to consider the emissions that will arise during the construction of facilities and transmission lines for the extraction and transportation of hydrogen and other compared fuels as a life cycle process. It should be taken into consideration that natural gas should be used for steam methane reforming, which is the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey most common production method of hydrogen, and during this process, the gases that create a significant greenhouse effect and pollute the atmosphere are mixed into the atmosphere. The same situation is also valid for the oxidation of oil, biomass gasification and coal gasification methods, where fossil fuels are used in hydrogen production. The introduction of new methods such as hydrogen production from water fields containing hydrogen sulfide, which will reduce the use of fossil fuels for hydrogen production, is important for making hydrogen an advantageous position when comparing hydrogen as an energy carrier with other energy sources. In addition, obtaining the electricity and fuel used in the production of hydrogen from renewable sources is of great importance in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that will arise in the life cycle of hydrogen production. It is also a necessary process to develop and standardize safety precautions for reducing the risks of high flammable hydrogen in parallel with the development of hydrogen production techniques in terms of the introduction and widespread use of hydrogen into our lives. The use of hydrogen in our daily lives and at homes will also bring great benefits in terms of widespread use of hydrogen and reduction of production costs. REFERENCES [1] Simmonds, P. G., Derwent, R. G., O'Doherty, S., Ryall, D. B., Steele, L. P., Langenfelds, R. L., ... & Hudson, L. E. (2000). hydrogen at the Mace Head baseline atmospheric monitoring station over the 1994 1998 period. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 105(D10), 12105-12121. [2] Derwent, R., Simmonds, P., O'Doherty, S., Manning, A., Collins, W., & Stevenson, D. (2006). Global environmental impacts of the hydrogen economy. International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production Applications, 1(1), 57-67. and [3] Spath, P. L., & Mann, M. K. (2000). Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production via natural gas steam reforming (No. NREL/TP570-27637). National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO (US). [4] Colella, W. G., Jacobson, M. Z., & Golden, D. M. (2005). Switching to a US hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fleet: The resultant change in emissions, energy use, and greenhouse gases. Journal of Power Sources, 150, 150-181. [5] Koroneos, C., Dompros, A., & Roumbas, G. (2008). Hydrogen production via biomass gasification A life cycle assessment approach. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 47(8), 1261-1268. [6] Seker, S., & Aydin, N. (2020). Hydrogen production facility location selection for Black Sea using entropy based TOPSIS under IVPF environment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. [7] Hellmer, L., Keunecke, G., Lell, R., AlMuddarris, G. R., Pachaly, R., Stauffer, A., & Vangala, V. R. (1981). U.S. Patent No. 4,302,434. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. [8] Zeng, K., & Zhang, D. (2010). Recent progress in alkaline water electrolysis for hydrogen production and applications. Progress in energy and combustion science, 36(3), 307-326. [9] Liu, S. K. (1999). U.S. Patent No. 5,958,365. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. [10] Jacobson, M. Z., Colella, W. G., & Golden, D. M. (2005). Cleaning the air and improving health with hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. Science, 308(5730), 1901-1905. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey [11] Granovskii, M., Dincer, I., & Rosen, M. A. (2006). Economic and environmental comparison of conventional, hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Journal of Power Sources, 159(2), 1186-1193. [12] Züttel, A. (2003). Materials for hydrogen storage. Materials today, 6(9), 24-33. [13] Shapiro, Z. M., & Moffette, T. R. (1957). Hydrogen flammability data and application to PWR loss-of-coolant accident (Vol. 545). Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce. [14] Boc (2011). Renewable and hydrogen energy integrated house. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(13), 7963-7968. [15] "Hydrogen Production: Natural Gas Reforming". Department of Energy. Retrieved 7 August 2020. [16] Liu, K., Song, C., & Subramani, V. (2010). Hydrogen and syngas production and purification technologies. John Wiley & Sons Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey SINGLE PARTICLE COMBUSTION ANALYSIS OF OLIVE RESIDUE AND TUNÇBILEK LIGNITE Kaan Gürel1 and Feyza Kazanç2 1. Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara; email: kgurel@metu.edu.tr 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara; email: fkazanc@metu.edu.tr Abstract The present paper studies single particle combustion of olive residue and Tunçbilek lignite in a vertical wire mesh reactor (WMR). Particles are heated to 1000 ºC with radiation with a heating rate of 900ºC/s. The combustion process is recorded with a high-speed camera. The combustion behaviour of the fuels was different. Tunçbilek volatiles were delivered as jet and released soot, where the olive residue flame was uniform around the particle and round. During biomass char combustion, partial melting due to the surface tension is observed; however, Tunçbilek lignite preserved its inordinate shape. The impact of the particle size and mass was higher for the Tunçbilek lignite with an increase in burnout times in particle mass above 6 mg; on the other hand, olive residue kept up with the tendency. Keywords: olive residue, tunçbilek lignite, high speed camera, combustion time, wire mesh reactor 1 INTRODUCTION In recent years, the idea of converting coal fired power plants to biomass fired or co fired power plants come into focus. Since coals are non - renewable fuels, soon the world will need another resource to supply the required energy demand. Turkey has a wide variety of biomass sources, including olive residue, almond shell, hazelnut shell. Therefore, over recent decades governmental projects are more prone to be focused on biomass technology. Based on the data provided by Turkish Chamber of Agriculture Engineers [1], from 2012 to 2016, the average annual production rate of olive in Turkey was 1.36 million metric tons, standing as the fourth biggest olive producer in the world. Therefore, in Turkey, olive residue can be used as a biomass source to obtain a clean energy. Olive residue has a high heating value of approximately 18,600 kJ/kg found by the experiments. In recent years, wire mesh reactor became a widely used approach in combustion and pyrolysis experiments. Motivation of using it in the present work, is easiness of obtaining high heating rates, which simulates a real-life power plant environment. Rapidly increasing temperatures plays a key role as it happens during the stages of particle combustion. Therefore, combustion conditions significantly influence burnout times of the particle fuels. Single particle devices have been used in previous studies [2] to study coal combustion and identify the differences between coals mainly depending on their rank. Lignite [3] and anthracite [4] coals have been observed and reported to burn as a one step process with the heterogeneous combustion of the particles, while bituminous coal shows a volatile flame prior to char combustion [5]. Present study aims to report combustion behaviour and burnout times of olive residue and Tunçbilek lignite. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 2.1 Biomass Sample Preparation In this study, olive residue is obtained from as a biomass source and Tunçbilek lignite was characterized as a lignite in single particle combustion experiments. Fuels were crushed into small particles with garlic press to get the size range of 1 3 mm. Ultimate and proximate analyses were carried out at METU Central Laboratory based on standard procedure and are shown in Table I. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey lens, 5- and a probe made by K type Table 1. ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF thermocouple to hold the particle and withstand OLIVE RESIDUE AND TUNÇBILEK the high temperature without absorbing too LIGNITE much heat. The sketch of the wire mesh reactor Proximate Analysis (as OR TL (WMR) with the high-speed camera is shown in received, wt.%) Figure 1. Moisture 5.9 2.81 Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon Ash 71.9 17.4 4.8 31.1 52.1 13.0 Ultimate Analysis (dry basis, wt.%) C H N S O 46.6 6.4 0.58 0 46.4 61.8 5.6 2.65 1.45 28.5 2.2 Experimental Approach Wire mesh reactor (WMR) shown schematically in Figure 1, was used as a radiative heat source. During experiments, stainless steel (SS316) wire mesh was used. The wire mesh has an aperture size of 40 µm. A probe has been placed between the vertical wire mesh to fix the fuel in between, preventing fuel from falling. The meshes were heated to 1000 ºC with a heating rate of 900 ºC/s ºC/s. Electrodes transmit high current from a DC power source to the mesh. The reactor is connected to the computer with a circuit board, and the software LabVIEW is used to open and close the switch for the electric current. The single combustion experiments for both olive residue and Tunçbilek lignite were conducted in the wire mesh reactor (WMR) and recorded with Phantom Camera MiroC110. The combustion process is recorded with 100 frames per second (fps). After the combustion process ends, the video is recorded to the computer, converted into the images, and processed in MATLAB software. The software then measures the particle luminosity and distinguishes the combustion phases. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 High Speed Video Analysis Results Figure 1. Schematic overview of wire mesh reactor (WMR) with control system Single particle combustion experiments were carried out for each olive residue and Tunçbilek lignite by using wire mesh reactor (WMR). Heating rate was 900 ºC/s for the experiments. It was observed that there was a sequential burning for the particles of both olive residue and Tunçbilek lignite. The frames of combustion process of the olive residue and Tunçbilek are presented in Figure 2. Two steps of the combustion were observed in the process, volatile combustion and char combustion. This phenomenon was also observed and agreed on with the previous completed works by using different single particle devices [5]. The olive residue ignited clearly on the gas phase, created uniform and big volatile flame for the 16% of the total combustion time. Parts of the reactor are; 1- two wire meshes vertically to equally heat the particle by radiation, 2- electrodes which were made of brass to conduct current to the mesh, 3- a high speed camera to record the process, 4- a chamber that was made of glass to create a barrier between the fuel and the high speed camera to prevent any hot particle to stick to the camera As the olive residue, the lignite also showed a homogeneous ignition. As seen from Fig. 3, during the ignition delay period, it is observed that the lignite had swelling (b.1 b.2), leading the particle to have increased volume than the initial stage. As stated by Riaza et al [5], swelling is created by the high-pressure volatile Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 2. a) Olive residue burning phases b) Tunçbilek lignite burning gas inside the coal particle released during the ignition delay phase, and only can be observed in some high volatile bituminous coals. Thus, it can be stated that Tunçbilek lignite shows the behaviour of a bituminous coal, even it is a lignite. After ignition, the olive residue flame was smooth around the whole particle surface, as it can be seen from Figure 2 (a.3 a.4). The volatile flame in olive residue flew out easily relatively while the volatile flame in Tunçbilek lignite released as jets since the olive residue is a porous particle and volatiles can be released easily [6] while the lower porosity of the lignite particle does not allow the volatiles to flow out [7]. When the volatile pressure inside the lignite increases due to increasing temperature, the volatiles break the wall and come out as jets. In Figure 2, the olive residue char was more rounded than its initial stage which was long and fibrous shape (a.6 a.7). This is due to the particle melted during the char combustion since the temperatures reached in char combustion stage were higher than during the volatile release [8]. Due to surface tension and being melted due to high temperatures, the char particle was softened and deformed. Also, during the ignition delay phase, the particle colour became darker as the particle released its moisture. 3.2 Burnout Times All the particles were weighed to establish empirical correlations between the burnout time and particle size and mass. The burnout time for each particle was measured with MATLAB with an image processing code. The total burnout combustion times can be a way to compare among samples as the heat transfer and combustion may be different for olive residue and Tunçbilek lignite. Tendency lines on total burnout times and particle mass were obtained and plotted in Figure 3. The number of experiments were 20 for olive residue and 20 for Tunçbilek lignite. For every mass interval (1-3 mg, 3-5 mg and 5-9 mg), minimum of 4 experiments were carried out. Figure 3. Total burnout time of the particles of different weight. As noticed in Figure 3, the burnout time of the Tunçbilek lignite was higher than the olive residue if same mass of fuels is considered. This difference is not surprising since the fixed carbon in Tunçbilek lignite is three times more than the fixed carbon amount in olive residue. Also, the molecule size of the volatiles in Tunçbilek lignite is higher than the olive residue, results in longer ignition times. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Due to heterogeneity of the biomass fuels, the of single particles from three different coal ranks size of the olive residue particles for the same and from sugar cane bagasse in O2/N2 mass can vary. Hence, it is hard to predict an [4] Riaza, J., Khatami, R., Levendis, Y.A., accurate burnout time for the olive residue. For Álvarez, L., Gil, M.V., Pevida, C. (2014) Single the lignite, the burnout time increase per mass particle ignition and combustion of anthracite, was significantly increased. This increment semi-anthracite and bituminous coals in air and reflects the importance of the particle size of the simulated oxy-fuel conditions. Combustion and fuels and milling process in power plants to have Flame; 161:1096 108 an efficient burnout in the furnace [5]. [5] Riaza, J., Gibbins, J., Chalmers, H. (2017). Ignition and combustion of single 4 CONCLUSION particles of coal and biomass. Fuel, 202, 650655. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.04.011 A wire mesh reactor with high speed camera is [6] Gil MV, Riaza J, Álvarez L, Pevida C, used to understand the combustion behaviour of Rubiera F. (2015) Biomass devolatilization at olive residue and Tunçbilek lignite. Both the high temperature under N2 and CO2: Char fuels have shown a sequential step combustion. morphology and reactivity. Energy; 91:655 62. However, the difference of chemical and [7] Gil MV, Riaza J, Álvarez L, Pevida C, physical properties between the fuels have led to Pis JJ, Rubiera F. (2012) Oxy-fuel combustion different combustion characteristics. Ignition kinetics and morphology of coal chars obtained and combustion of olive residue volatiles was in N2 and CO2 atmospheres in an entrained flow smooth and had progressively growing flame. reactor. Appl Energy; 91:67 74 However, the flame during the volatile [8] Riaza, J., Khatami, R., Levendis, Y.A., combustion of the Tunçbilek lignite was jet and Álvarez, L., Gil, M.V., Pevida, C. (2014) released soot. Olive residue char is rounded Combustion of single biomass particles in air during its combustion stage, where Tunçbilek and in oxy-fuel conditions. Biomass Bioenergy; lignite preserved its nonuniform shape. Due to 64:162 74. difference in their reactivities and chemical components, Tunçbilek lignite showed a higher burnout time than the olive residue when same mass of fuels are considered. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The present work was supported by Royal Society Advanced Newton Fellowship, Ref. No. NA140020 (UK). The authors appreciate the support from Clean Combustion Technologies Laboratory colleague Duarte Magalhaes. The authors appreciate the Central Laboratory of the Middle East Technical University for the support during the experimental trials. REFERENCES [1] Chamber of Agriculture Engineers (2014) Production, export, problems and suggestions of production of olive and olive oil in Turkey [2] Marek, E., Stan´ czyk K. Case studies investigating single coal particle ignition and combustion. J Sustain Mining 2013; 12:17 31 [3] Khatami, R., Stivers, C., Joshi, K., Levendis, Y., Sarofim, A. Combustion behavior Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey E. Eker Kahveci1 and I.Taymaz2 1. Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sakarya University, Sakarya, TURKEY; email: eeker@sakarya.edu.tr 2. Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sakarya University, Sakarya, TURKEY; email: taymaz@sakarya.edu.tr Abstract Although many studies have been done on finding operating conditions of hydrogen-fed fuel cells before, it still remains one of the most important points in determining its parameters in the process. So this paper aims to investigate experimentally the reactant gases flow rate and cell voltage which have significant impact on current density of a 3-cell PEM fuel cell stack having 150 cm2 active layer. In this case to determine the optimum values it was used response surface methodology at low 1.5 V, medium 1.8 V and high 2.1 V. Then they were compared with each other. In this context, while keeping the hydrogen flow rate low and obtaining high current density is one of the main targets, at low voltage values it was concluded that the flow rate should be increased due to the reaction rate increasing with temperature. In general while the effect of humidification and cell temperature on performance was examined more prominently at 1.8V, the highest current density values that were 313.66 mA/cm2, 336.75 mA/cm2 and 323.48 mA/cm2 respectively was reached at 1 L/min.,1.3 L/min. and 1.6 L/min. anode and cathode flow rates and 1.5 V voltage value which is the lowest one given in the experimental study. Keywords: Hydrogen, PEM Fuel Cell Stack, Response Surface Methodology 1 INTRODUCTION In the last ten years, design of experiments (DOE) method has been applied in the field of engineering science and technology due to the least number of experiments. Design of experiments (DOE) method was used by Peng et al. [1] to obtain channel dimensions which are channel depth, channel width, rib width and transition radius of PEM fuel cell bipolar plate. According to their results the optimum dimensions are 0.5 mm channel depth, 1.0 mm channel width, 1.6 mm rib width and 0.5 mm transition radius which are 79% reaction efficiency. Xuan et al. [2] developed a dynamic model which are GDL model, membrane hydration model, mass flow model and stack voltage model of PEM fuel cell by using Response Surface Methodology to get the maximum power density. They tried to understand how can be reached the maximum power by changing the stack current, cathode humidity, hydrogen and oxygen excess ratio. From the results they suggested that optimum parameters can be select more effectively and cheaply by using RSM. Carton and Olabi [3] used Design of Experiments to optimize PEM fuel cell output values. They performed a serpentine bipolar plate and at 15 ml/min hydrogen flow rate, 150 ml/min air flow rate gave the maximum output values which are 0.97 V and 2.9 A. And also their results showed that pressure is not affect too much on performance unlike hydrogen and oxygen flow rates. Boyaci San et al. [4] investigated different design and operating parameters which are contact angle, surface roughness and hydrogen flow rate respectively that effect on performance of a PEM fuel cell directly by RSM. They found the optimum results of 81.2° contact angle, 1.87 dm3/min hydrogen flow rate after optimization of determined values using DOE. Okur et al. [5] optimized hot-pressing parameters of membrane electrode assembly using response surface methodology which generates a nonlinear quadratic equations. At the end of their experiments optimum operating parameters 97°C temperature, 66 kg/cm2 hot-pressing pressure and 3.6 min hot-pressing time have been determined respectively. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey McCarthy et al. [6] used Desing of Experiments concentration, 18.83 kV voltage and 22.15 based on Central Composite Design (CCD) to distance from needle tip to screen collector. Roudbari et al. [13] aimed to determine optimum humidifier compared with two different MEA hot-pressing process by optimizing these membranes of PEMFC. Their results showed that parameters using RSM. After the optimization it the performance of humidifier strongly depends was found the most effective results are on temperature. temperature of 92.7°C, pressure of 35 kgf/cm2 Flick et al. [7] demonstrated a split-plot model of and pressure time of 5 min. with the maximum DOE to understand how voltage and pressure performance of 22.9 mW/cm2. drop effect PEM fuel cell power density at Cha et al. [14] discussed the performance different current densities. It was shown that the characteristics of a single PEMFC having 25 cm2 most effective parameters are GDL material and active layer changing operating temperature, air temperature on voltage. stoichiometry, backpressure and voltage. While Kanani et al. [8] developed a central composite determining the optimum conditions they used model to obtain optimum power of PEM fuel cell central composite design model of RSM. by investigating the effect of anode and cathode Qiu et al. [15] conducted at their study a 1000 W stoichiometry, inlet gas temperature and cathode PEM fuel cell stack having 20-cell to understand relative humidity. According to their results the forming the metallic bipolar plate for the best best cell power reached at anode stoichiometry of design parameter by using RSM. For this case it 1.9747, cathode stoichiometry of 1.8030, cathode was seen that the most significant role is the relative humidity of 73.77% and gases inlet radius of modules and clearance between the temperature of 25°C. punch and die. Yuan et al. [9] established a quadratic model of Rajan et al. [16] used a moment-based uncertainty RSM to examine the effects of methanol flow evaluation technique to find the optimum rate, methanol concentration and cell temperature operating parameters of PEM fuel cell for of an air-breathing micro DMFC. By optimizing maximum power taking into account low their experimental results they found the power hydrogen flow rate. As a result of their density of 50.6 mW/cm2 with 20° cell experimental study the optimum power was 2 temperature, 105.4 mW/cm with 60° cell obtained as 1545.25 W not to exceed 3x10 -5 kg/s temperature respectively. hydrogen flow rate. Also they could say from the Oladoye et al. [10] used Box-Behnken design study it is very useful for design engineers to use model of RSM to investigate the corrosion RSM as it allows fewer experiments to determine current density of PEM fuel cell bipolar plate optimum conditions. taking into account the influences time, activator Giner-Sanz et al. [17] considered three factors of content and temperature. From their results it was PEM fuel cell which are the operation presented that corrosion current density temperature, the humidity of the hydrogen and air decreased with temperature and increased with by using factorial design of DOE. Finally their influences time without using activator content. study showed that it was seen hydrogen humidity Rahim et al. [11] focused on the effect of four and operating temperature have much more effect different operating conditions which are current on power density than other parameters. density, temperature, anode and cathode Karanfil [18] prepared a literature research paper stoichiometry on PEM fuel cell by characterizing to analyze the use of DOE and other optimization four commercially MEA. They used in their techniques determining PEM fuel cell operation experiments a two-level design of DOE for and design parameters and their relationship with screening responses and factors. At the end of the each other. study it was reported that DOE can be used for Mansouri et al. [19] investigated operational MEA characterization without too much factors of PEM fuel cell by minimizing the experimental effort. number of experiments thanks to DOE. They Awang et al. [12] determined the optimum realized that optimum power was 1320 mW, the conditions producing SPEEK polymer membrane of PEM fuel cell thanks to DOE at their study. These optimum conditions are 0.17 wt % 55°C, pressure of 1.85 bar, oxygen flow rate of 0.47 L/min. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Hasheminasab et al. [20] used central composite Y is response variable (power density), terms design of DOE to investigate the effect of inlet are the main factors, terms are the linear gas temperature, anode and cathode coefficients, term is the constant coefficient, stoichiometry of a single PEM fuel cell having 25 terms are the quadratic coefficients for the cm2 active layer. Some of the remarkable results variable i and terms are the linear model of the study are that the increase in inlet coefficients for the interaction between the temperature and anode stoichiometry caused a variables i and j, e is the residual of ith decrease in accumulated water of the flow experiment. channels, maximum power of 10.56 W was It was used the optimization tab of Design Expert reached at 1.2 anode and 2.5 cathode 11.0 (trial version) software to determine the stoichiometry, 3.2 non dimensionalized inlet maximum current density under given conditions. temperature. While the criteria for the operating environment In the previous study [21], the polymer composite was determining, the current density was selected bipolar plate was coated with materials with as the maximum degree of importance due to the different contact angles, and as a result of the goal is to achieve the maximum current density. tests, the highest performance hydrophobic PTFE In the experimental design program, after coating was achieved. So in this paper, keeping entering the operating conditions in Table 2, one the anode flow rate minimum, the effect of of the predetermined variables, the experiment cathode flow rate and temperature values from program was created to be carried out operating parameters on current density in a 3sequentially. The current density values obtained cell PEM fuel cell stack with hydrophobic surface in these 25 experiments given in Table 3 were at different input voltage values was written in the response part of the program and investigated.. how they affect each other in terms of performance was examined. The general 2 EXPERIMENTAL properties of fuel cell stack used in the The response surface method (RSM) used in the experiments are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. study is the summation of the mathematical and statistical techniques used for modeling and analysis in applications where the desired response is affected by various variables and the aim is to optimize this response [22]. This method is widely used in process and experiment designs, especially in engineering science, since it provides the most appropriate answer with the least number of experiments. It uses experimental designs such as "Central Composite Design," which fits the least squares method of RSM, which is an effective method for optimizing the process. If the proposed model tested with analysis of variance (ANOVA) is suitable, it can be used to examine the response values in the studied independent variable ranges and to make optimization studies. CCD, which has equal predictability in all directions from the center, is the most common experimental design used in RSM and was also used in this study. The total number of experiments with four variables is 25. In addition to analyzing the effects of these variables, a quadratic model Eq. (1) was chosen in terms of independent variables Figure 1. 3-cell PEMFC stack used in experiments for this experimental methodology. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey In these diagrams, examinations were made at 3 Table 1. General properties of 3-cell PEM different cell voltage values and as a result, the fuel cell stack most appropriate oxygen flow rate, cell and Cell number 3 humidification temperature values for minimum Number of flow channels 34 2 hydrogen flow rate and maximum current density Active area 3x50 cm Channel width 1 mm are shown. The change of operating conditions Geometry of bipolar 100mmx100mmx4mm used in the experiments according to the current plate density obtained at different voltage values is Temperature Variable given in Figure 2. As can be seen in this figure, Pressure 1 bar the highest current density values were obtained Flow rate H2=variable; O2=variable at 1.5 V. Total weight 2350 g Total power Flow channel Bipolar plate material Current collector plate material End plate material Cooling method 50 W Single serpentine Polymer composite graphite Copper Table 3. ANOVA results from Desing of Experiments Aluminium 7000 Air Table 2. Operating parameters of coded factor levels used RSM Factors A B C D Operating parameters Cell temperature (°C) Humidification temperature (°C) Anode flow rate (L/min.) Cathode flow rate (L/min.) -1 50 Levels 0 55 +1 60 45 52.5 60 1 1.3 1.6 1 1.3 1.6 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In this study, the operating conditions have been changed by using the experimental design method in order to keep the hydrogen flow rate at a minimum and obtain the maximum current density. How these changed conditions affect each other is shown in 3-dimensional diagrams. Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Factors A B -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 0 +1 +1 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 +1 0 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 0 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 C -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 +1 0 -1 -1 +1 -1 0 -1 -1 0 +1 +1 +1 D +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 0 0 -1 -1 0 +1 0 +1 -1 0 0 +1 -1 +1 0 +1 -1 -1 Figure 2. Experiments versus response (current density) Response (mA/cm2) 1.5 V 1.8 V 2.1 V 306.00 178.78 72.32 315.66 187.71 81.89 281.14 186.18 49.93 302.60 201.84 89.48 308.00 184.91 57.89 311.20 142.51 99.67 318.86 160.93 101.92 309.70 154.05 97.18 316.66 150.51 80.57 307.80 198.91 87.24 314.33 223.04 78.42 336.75 218.00 77.06 324.53 233.77 97.85 319.20 227.84 58.98 328.60 208.04 76.65 287.58 222.04 29.38 323.40 224.37 80.00 313.66 230.53 75.61 354.29 222.97 86.28 296.66 212.11 49.49 273.86 228.31 63.51 366.06 204.37 63.44 291.80 221.31 65.26 305.73 169.38 70.17 273.09 201.11 35.14 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 3. Effect of cathode flow rate and humidification temperature on current density at 1 L/min. anode flow rate, different voltage and cell temperature values Figure 3 shows the change of the current density according to humidification temperature and oxygen flow rate by keeping hydrogen flow rate constant at a minimum of 1 L/min. at different voltage and cell temperature values. In Figure 3(a), (b), (c), it is observed that the current density decreases with the increase of the cell temperature at 1.5 Voltage values. In almost all different cell temperature values, the change of the cathode flow rate does not affect the current density much, while the humidification temperature increases up to about 52 °C. After 52 °C, decreases occurred. In Figure 3(d), (e), (f), current density graphs of 1.8 V are given. In these graphs, it is seen that the maximum current density is achieved as the cell temperature approaches the humidification temperature. However, when the cell temperature increases up to 55°C, the current density increases, and after this value decreases again. In Figures 3(g), (h), (i), the current density change of 2.1 V is given. As can be seen from this graph, there has been a noticeable decrease in the current density. These decreases can be observed more clearly as the cell temperature increases. As the humidification temperature increases at the cell temperature value, the current density continues to increase. In Figure 3, the increase in the voltage value decreased the current density in all temperature and flow rate values. While the cathode flow rate does not have a significant effect on the current density in general, it becomes more important at high voltage values. In Figure 4, again, the cathode flow rate at different voltage values was taken at 3 different values and the effect of the cell and Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey humidification temperature on the current density Figure 4(a), (b), (c) the change in current density was examined. In the previous Figure 3, it was is almost negligible. The peak of the stated that the cathode flow rate did not cause a humidification temperature increases up to noticeable change in the current density, but there 52.5°C and then decreases. In Figure 4(d), (e), (f), were significant decreases due to the increase in the maximum current density values that can be the cell temperature at 2.1 V. In this graph, it was reached at 1.8 V, which is the voltage value in all observed that the cathode flow rate did not cause 3 graphs, were obtained at 55°C cell and 52.5°C a significant change on the current density, but on humidification temperature. the humidification and cell temperature, it When the voltage value is increased to 2.1 V, it is increased to certain values and then decreased seen that humidification and cell temperature again. have opposite interactions on each other. In other words, in Figure 4(g), (h), (i), the highest current density value was reached at low humidification and high cell temperature. Figure 4. Effect of cell and humidification temperature on current density at 1 L/min. anode flow rate, different voltage value and cathode flow rate Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 5. Effect of cathode flow rate and cell temperature on current density at 1 L/min. anode flow rate, different voltage value and humidification temperature Finally, in Figure 5, the effect of cathode flow rate and cell temperature on current density at different voltage and humidification temperature values was examined. When looking at the Figure 5 in general, there were serious fluctuations of 1.8 V, while the increase in the voltage value caused a decrease in the current density. While the highest current density value of 1.5 V was reached at a humidification temperature of 52.5°C, the increase in humidification temperature even above the cell temperature at 2.1 V value had positive results. Figure 5 (a), (b), (c) shows that only the humidification temperature has a significant effect. In Figure 5 (d), (e), (f), the temperature values at which the highest current density values are reached, are shown in fluctuations. In other words, at this voltage value, humidification and cell temperature gain serious importance on current density. In Figure 5 (g), (h), (i) the highest current density values were reached at 2.1 V in all three graphs with the increase in humidification temperature and decrease in cell temperature, as shown in Figure 4 above. In line with the results of the graphs examined above, the maximum current density by keeping the hydrogen flow rate at minimum is given as the optimum values in Table 4. Table 4. Optimum results from experiments (DOE) Cell potential (V) 1.5 Cell temperature (°C) 55 Humidification temperature(°C) 52.5 Anode (H2) flow rate (L/min.) 1 Cathode (O2) flow rate (L/min.) 1.3 Current Density(mA/cm2) 313.66 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 4 CONCLUSIONS This paper aims to determine optimum values that provide maximum current density for various voltage values in the ideal range of operation conditions. In this context, measurements were made at 1.5 V, 1.8 V and 2.1 V voltages determined before starting the experiments, keeping the hydrogen flow at a minimum value of 1 L/min, and the current density obtained as a result of these measurements was written in the experimental design program as a response, and the interaction between operating conditions was examined. As a result of the graphics of the experimental design program, it was seen that the voltage value had a great effect on the current density. Even the voltage value increased from 1.5 V to 2.1 V, the current density decreased almost halfway. Accordingly, the current density that increases with the increase of the humidification temperature at 2.1 V has a positive effect, although the effect of humidification temperature and cell temperature at 1.5 V and 1.8 V values has a similar effect by increasing the current density to a certain value and then decreasing it. As a result of all this work, the highest current density of 313.66 mA/cm2 was obtained at 52.5°C humidification, 55°C cell temperature, 1.3 L/min. cathode flow rate and 1.5 V by keeping the hydrogen flow rate constant at 1 L/min. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). Project Number: 216M045. REFERENCES [1] L. Peng, X. Lai, D. Liu, P. Hu, J. Ni, Flow channel shape optimum design for hydroformed metal bipolar plate in PEM fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 178, pp. 223-230, 2008. [2] D. Xuan, Z. Li, J. Kim, Y. Kim, Optimal operating points of PEM fuel cell model with RSM, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.23, pp. 717-728, 2009. [3] J.G. Carton., A.G. Olabi, Desing of experiment study of the parameters that affect performance of three flow plate configurations of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Energy, Vol.35, pp. 2796-2806, 2010. [4] F.G. Boyaci San, I.I. Gulsac, O. 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Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies, Kavak Vocational School, Samsun University, 55850, Samsun, Turkey; email: abdulvahap.cakmak@samsun.edu.tr, ORCID ID: 00000003-1434-6697 Abstract The drastic increase of environmental pollution apprehensions along with the consumption of natural resources leads to investigate alternative and sustainable fuels for internal combustion engines. The researches carried out so far has been intensively focused upon the applications of short-chain alcohols (lower alcohols) and the reports on the long-chain alcohols (higher alcohols), especially having more than 5 carbon atoms, are limited in the recent literature. Furthermore, higher alcohols have better properties than short-chain alcohols, like higher energy content, higher cetane number, superior blending capabilities, etc. Heptanol is long-chain alcohol with seven carbon atoms in its chemical bond, and it may help to decline the problems of environmental and energy security. On this basis, the goal of this present experimental work is to examine the influences of the higher alcohol application to the conventional diesel fuel (D100) on the combustion behaviours of a single-cylinder, four-stroke, water-cooled, naturally-aspirated, direct-injection diesel engine at various loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) with a constant speed of 1500 rpm and the experimental outcomes were compared with neat D100. Three different alternating fuel blends were prepared by the splash blending technique as a function of 1-heptanol concentration from 5% to 15% on a volume basis and coded as D95H5, D90H10, and D85H15. It has been obtained that the infusion of alcohol with diesel reduced the heating value on account of its native oxygen content. The results revealed that combustion behaviors are monitored as a similar pattern for all of the test fuels. The maximum in-cylinder pressures of the alcohol-treated fuel blends except for D85H15 are higher than that of D100 at 100% load by means of the excess amount of oxygen molecules in the alcohol. Besides, the highest heat release rate values are noted to be at 34.46 J/deg for D100, 39.46 J/deg for D95H5, 41.13 J/deg for D90H10, and 32.36 J/deg for D85H15. When the ignition delay duration of the tested fuels was evaluated, alcohol-infused fuel blends have longer periods than D100 attributable to the low cetane number of alcohol. Based on the experimental findings, it can be indicated that 1-heptanol might be taken into consideration as a partial replacement for conventional diesel fuel. Keywords: Binary blend, Combustion, Diesel engine, Higher alcohol, 1-heptanol 1 INTRODUCTION Diesel engines are the most influential reciprocating engines and have high torque output and better fuel economy compared to the same size other reciprocating engines. So they are widely employed in vehicles, construction and agricultural equipment and also heat and electricity generation facilities. However, diesel engines suffer from higher PM and NOX emissions that create many health problems along with ground ozone layer, acid rain, and smog [1]. To mitigate or overcome these shortcomings, and also due to limited petroleum resources and environmental pollution, researchers have prompted to explore for clean and alternative fuels for diesel engines. As a result of searching for alternative fuels in the last two decades, biodiesel, alcohol, dimethyl ether (DME), and natural gas has developed as a clean and renewable fuel substitute for diesel fuel and have been used to reduce dependence on fossilbased fuels and environmental pollutions [2]. In this regard, alcohols are promising alternative fuel for reducing the PM, NOX emission, and greenhouses gases emitted from diesel engines tailpipe [3]. Therefore, recently the use of alcohol has been driven by legislative regulation to reduce emissions and increase biofuel use. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Alcohols are oxygenated liquid fuels that contain shortened the duration of the combustion. The oxygen as a part of their chemical structure and addition of n-butanol to biodiesel performed can be produced by renewable sources. simultaneous reductions of NOX and soot However, alcohols have some significant emissions. Butanol provided fewer ultrafine drawbacks such as immiscibility and stability particles number concentration, and the problems with diesel fuel, low combustion heat, geometric mean diameter of the ultrafine low cetane number, the high heat of part s oxygen vaporization, and poor lubricating performance content and its lower viscosity. Babu and Anand [4]. On the other hand, higher alcohols like [9] investigated the combustion, performance, propanol, butanol, pentanol, and heptanol are and emission features of a single-cylinder diesel considered as a suitable alternative fuel since engine fuelled with n-pentanol-biodiesel-diesel they provide better fuel properties compared to and n-hexanol-biodiesel-diesel blends. It was short-chain alcohols like ethanol and methanol determined that by the addition of 5-10% n[5]. Due to this, the usage of higher alcohols as hexanol and n-pentanol into the diesel-biodiesel an alternative fuel with diesel/biodiesel has mixture, the fuel properties were improved. received considerable attention and has been Engine performance and combustion parameters investigated by many researchers. were enhanced, and exhaust emissions were decreased by using the higher alcohols. Overall, Ibrahim [6] experimentally investigated the n-hexanol and n-pentanol were ascertained to be combustion, performance, and NO emission of promising alternative fuels for diesel engines. diesel biodiesel butanol mixtures in a directAppavu et al. [10] performed an experimental injection compression-ignition engine at a speed study to research quaternary blends of of 1500 rpm and different loads. It was diesel/biodiesel/vegetable oil/pentanol on diesel determined that the application of 20% butanol engine performance, combustion, and emission into the diesel-biodiesel mixture (B50) characteristics. According to the results, specific diminished the thermal efficiency by 4.2% while fuel consumption, as well as specific energy ascended consumption of fuel by 9.3% contrary consumption, were reduced interestingly with to diesel fuel. Butanol showed no significant increasing pentanol concentration from 10% to effect on combustion features. Still, it led to a 40%. Quaternary fuel blends reduced the HC, slight increase in NO emissions. Overall results CO, and smoke while NOx emissions raised indicated that butanol has fabulous potential to dramatically, especially for higher pentanol be used in diesel engines. Algayyim et al. [7] percentages. Combustion analysis showed that a scrutinized the effect of the acetone-butanol 40% pentanol blending ratio resulted in the mixture, which is the industrial butanol maximum cylinder pressure and the minimum fermentation product on spray characteristics, cumulative heat release rate. It was also stated engine performance, combustion, and emissions. that pentanol with 40% vol. of mixing ratio The results revealed that the butanol-acetone could be a suitable fuel for quaternary blends for mixture could improve the spray characteristics enhancing engine performance while reducing of biodiesel by raising both the spray penetration emissions. Santhosh et al. [11] carried out an length and the contact surface area, hence experimental study to analyse performance and improving air-fuel mixture homogeneity. The emissions characteristic of a diesel engine run on peak cylinder pressure and engine power for 1-pentanol-diesel mixtures with the application butanol-acetone mixtures were found slightly of EGR. It was observed that 1-pentanol blends higher than that of biodiesel. Adding the and EGR affected negatively BTE and BSFC, butanol-acetone blends to biodiesel reduced but they reduced the NO X emission. Besides, due NOX and CO emissions but increased HC to the lesser cetane number of 1-pentanol, an emissions. Geng et al. [8] studied on combustion increment in ignition delay was detected. It was characteristics and PM emissions of a diesel inferred that 1-pentanol has the potential to engine running on n-butanol and waste cooking enhance the fuel properties compared to lower oil biodiesel blends. Results showed that the alcohols, and it can be served as a blending fuel oxygen content of butanol accelerated the with diesel to alleviate the toxic emissions and to combustion speed and promoted a higher heat diminish the dependency on fossil-based diesel release rate. However, due to the low cetane fuel. Nour et al. [12] researched the combustion, number of butanol ignition delay increased but Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey performance, and emission behaviours of a combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with butanol, octanol, or CRDI engine and RCEM running on the nheptanol/diesel blends. They utilized 10% and heptanol/diesel fuel mixtures and carbon 20% v/v blending ratios to avoid any nanomaterial additives. As a result, the modifications to the fuel system. According to researchers suggested 20% n-heptanol/80% their results, all blends demonstrated stable and diesel fuel (by volume) blend according to the homogenous specifications for four months results. Saravanan et al. [17] evaluated the usage without any phase separation. Experiments of ternary blends involving algae biodiesel, indicated that the BTE was increased when diesel fuel, and heptanol in terms of higher alcohol/diesel blends were tested. performance, harmful emission levels, and However, higher alcohols increased the ignition combustion properties of a single-cylinder, delay, and the most prolonged ignition delay was constant speed diesel engine. The researchers noted for butanol-diesel combinations. Further, showed that considerable reductions were they led to a decline in soot and NOX emissions observed in the NO X, CO, HC, and CO2 though they ascended the HC and CO emissions. emissions, together with the drastic increase in Devarajan et al. [13] experimentally tested the smoke intensity. Based on the experimental neat biodiesel and heptanol blends in a diesel results, 20% biodiesel/10% heptanol/70% diesel engine. The authors monitored that a reduction fuel alternating blend exhibited preferable in all the emissions and an increase in outcomes in the tested engine without any prior performance characteristics when deploying modification. EL-Seesy et al. [18] studied the heptanol. Ashok et al. [14] noted an impact of graphene oxide nanoparticles on improvement in diesel engine performance when diesel/higher alcohols (such as n-butanol, nn-octanol was blended by 10% to 50% on a heptanol, and n-octanol) mixtures on the volume basis with biodiesel. It was observed that performance of the diesel engine. As a result, the the increase of n-octanol ratio in blend caused an utilization of various higher alcohols with diesel enhancement in ignition delay duration, cylinder fuel and adding nanoparticles had the potency to pressure, and HC emission. However, a lower nreduce the HC, CO, and smoke emissions while octanol ratio appeared effective in reducing NOX catching high thermal efficiency. emissions. CO and smoke emission were As viewed in the literature review, many studies dropped by using a higher fraction of n-octanol have been carried out on the utilization of in blends. EL-Seesy et al. [15] examined the butanol, octanol, pentanol as a fuel substitute for effect of n-heptanol-methyl oleate biodiesel diesel/biodiesel in diesel engines. However, mixtures on the combustion characteristics and there have been little efforts towards the harmful emissions of a rapid compressionsubstitution of diesel fuel with heptanol as expansion machine (RCEM). n-heptanol was higher alcohols; hence the current study intends blended with methyl oleate biodiesel at various in order to evaluate the combustion blends, which are 10%, 20%, and 40% by vol. It characteristic of a diesel engine fuelled by was determined that the blending of n-heptanol heptanol-diesel fuel blends at different loading with methyl oleate fuel provided a significant conditions. decrease in the soot emission by nearly 75%, and the NOx emission was dropped by 6% as 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS opposed to reference methyl oleate fuel. An experimental setup consisting of a Kirloskar Furthermore, it was observed that rising the brand TV1 model compression-ignition-engine blending proportion of n-heptanol in the fuel and an eddy current dynamometer (Baturalp mixture caused to retardation of the combustion Taylan brand) in order to load the engine was process. Furthermore, it was observed that used in the present experiments. The used diesel increasing the blending ratio of n-heptanol in the engine has single-cylinder, four-stroke, watermixture caused to retardation of the combustion cooled, naturally-aspirated, and direct-injection process. It was recommended that the blending specifications. Moreover, it runs at a fixed speed ratio of n-heptanol with methyl oleate biodiesel (1500 rpm). The trials were carried out under should be 20% by volume, which yielded the different loading conditions, ranging from 25% best combustion and emission characteristics. to full load in a step of 25%. The technical Similarly, EL-Seesy et al. [16] investigated the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey properties of the tested engine were tabulated in Firstly, the apparatus used in the measurements Table 1. have been calibrated before beginning the engine experiments. Then, the pre-tests have been Table 1. The technical properties of the tested carried out on account of monitoring the engine working conditions for the tested diesel engine. Description Specification Subsequently, the stabilization time of the Apex Innovations Pvt. engine has been determined. Accordingly, the Manufacturer Ltd test engine has been brought the stabilized Brand- Model Kirloskar-TV1 conditions for each test fuel specimens. The Ignition Compression-ignition essential experiments were commenced after Injection Direct-injection overall deficiencies dissipated throughout the o Injection timing 23 bTDC pre-trials had been overcome. During the main Nozzle opening engine tests, the relative humidity and the 210 bar pressure temperature of the ambient were measured to be Cylinder number 1 approximately 60% and 20-23oC, respectively. Stroke number 4 Consequently, the combustion characteristics of Bore 87.5 mm the used compression-ignition engine operating Stroke 110 mm with test fuel specimens have been achieved at Displacement 661.45 cm3 the engine loads of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% Compression ratio 17.5:1 with a fixed speed of 1500 rpm. Power output 3.5 kW ICEngineSoft software package program was Speed 1500 rpm used to examine the combustion behaviors for Connecting rod length 185 mm the tested engine. ICEngineSoft performance Cooling system Water-cooled and combustion properties analysis software can Intake system Naturally-aspirated monitor and record the signals that came from Injector nozzle the several kinds of sensors connected to the test 4 number setup. This program can calculate the Fuel type Multi-fuel combustion data in real-time by utilizing the Fuel tank capacity 15 L aforementioned signals. A pressure sensor, PCB In the experiments, the engine was loaded with a Piezotronics brand S111A22 model was used to mounted dynamometer, and the loading level measure the pressure that occurred inside the was adjusted with a control panel. The schematic cylinder during the experiments. This pressure layout of the experimental test rig was presented sensor has a measuring range of 5000 psi and a in Figure 1. precision of 1.0 mV/psi along with a low noise cable. To obtain the crank angle (CA), an encoder (Kubler brand 8.KIS40.1361.0360 model) with a TDC signal was mounted to the system. The sensitivity of the encoder was validated by the supplier as 1 deg. The pressure outcomes were found out considering an average of 50 consecutive cycles obtained from the pressure measurement sensor. Figure 1. The schematic layout of the engine test setup The achieved crank angle along with the pressure data were recorded so as to determine the rate of the apparent heat release (HRR), rate of the cumulative heat release (CHRR), rate of the pressure rise (PRR), ignition delay (ID), and ringing intensity (RIN) parameters thanks to a data acquisition device (National Instrument brand NI USB-6210 model) for entire the test fuels. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey In the experiments, diesel fuel and its different applying splash blending techniques. For binary blends with 1-heptanol, including seven providing the accurate blending ratio, the carbon atoms in its chemical structure, were percentages of the fragments were ensured with tested. For this purpose, the euro diesel fuel was the aid of a calibrated beaker with an accuracy of purchased from a petroleum station located in ±0.5 mL. The binary fuel mixtures have been Yozgat, and 1-heptanol having the purity of 98% abbreviated as DxHy in general in which the x was procured from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical and y were intended to the proportions of the Company (St. Louis, Missouri, USA). diesel and 1-heptanol by volume, respectively meanwhile D and H were inferred to the order of As a reference fuel, the mineral diesel fuel diesel and 1-heptanol. Some of the important named as D100 was used for the purpose of physical and chemical specifications for the test obtaining the base data. The diesel fuel and fuel specimens were given in Table 2. higher alcohol of 1-heptanol were mixed by Table 2. The basic properties of the test fuels Property Unit D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 1-heptanol 1 Chemical formula C14H25 C7H16O Molecular mass kg/kmol 193 116 Lower heating value kJ/kg 44750 44245 43740 43235 34650 o Self-ignition temperature C 254-300 275 o Density at 15 C kg/m3 830.0 829.4 828.8 828.2 818.0 Cetane number 55 53 52 50 23 Latent heat of vaporization kJ/kg 270-375 2 574.95 o Flash point C 59 76 Carbon wt. % 87.05 86.30 85.56 84.82 72.16 Hydrogen wt. % 12.95 12.99 13.03 13.06 13.71 Oxygen wt. % 0 0.71 1.41 2.12 14.13 Carbon/Hydrogen 6.722 6.644 6.566 6.495 5.263 Kinematic viscosity at 40oC cSt 2.526 2.561 2.596 2.632 3.320 1 2 Data adopted from Refs. [12, 15-18]. Data adopted from Ref. [19]. By the agency of the raw pressure values revealed in the cylinder during the operating of the tested engine in each working cycle up to 720o CA in each 1o CA steps at all engine load conditions, some of the considerable parameters like apparent HRR, CHRR, ID periods, etc. were computed for each fuel samples at all engine loading conditions. In this context, first of all, the apparent HRR parameter was calculated for analyzing the combustion process. The HRR values at different crank angle degrees were determined by implementing the 1st law of thermodynamics and regarding the ideal gas law. For calculating HRR, Equation (1) was used as given underneath [20, 21]. The ratio of specific heat ( ) is taken into consideration as 1.35. (1) The rate of the cumulative heat release (CHRR) may be found the integral of HRR over limited intervals of CA. Equation (2) was used for calculating the CHRR as given below [22]. (2) Here, Qnet (J) and Qcum (J) define the amount of energy transition through the cylinder wall and combustion chamber wall subsequent to the combustion reaction and cumulative heat o release, respectively. P (Pa), ), and V (m3) represent the pressure in the cylinder, crank angle, and cylinder volume, respectively. The pressure rise rate (PRR) can be determined by taking into account the first derivative of the in-cylinder pressure according to the CA [23]. The PRR results for the test engine operating with diesel fuel and its blends with the 1heptanol were calculated by using the Equation (3). (3) The start of combustion (SoC) is being able to be determined from the HRR graph, where this point passes on the zero x-axes [22]. The start of Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey injection (SoI) could be monitored such as CA, physicochemical characteristics together with where the injector turns on. In addition, ID the intermolecular structures. In this context, gas duration can be calculated using the SoC and SoI pressure occurred in the cylinder, maximum inparameters since the ID duration is the cylinder pressure, apparent HRR, maximum difference between SoC and SoI. apparent HRR, CHRR, PRR, ID duration, and RIN parameters were comprehensively studied The ringing intensity (RIN), called also as the and discussed considering the findings of the ringing index, was introduced by Eng [24]. The latest literature. RIN has been computed applying the Equation (4) so as to assess the inclination of the engine knock [25, 26]. The RIN has been used in the working of the direct-injection compressionignition engine by Wei et al. [27] even though it has been largely acknowledged as the fundamental parameter for homogeneous charge compression-ignition engine knocking behavior. Next, a numerical derivative technique has been implemented in each of the filtered pressure signals for computing the maximum rate of pressure increase [28]. One of the most remarkable advantages of the RIN equation is that it may be used with ease in order to quantify knock in the simulation of the engine because most models cannot receive high-frequency oscillations [29]. Besides that, RIN possesses a good correlation with the noise that occurred during the combustion reaction while understandably evaluating the engine durability characteristic [30, 31]. (4) Here, max indicates the maximum PRR, Pmax refers the highest pressure occurred inside the cylinder, Tmax is the peak gas temperature in the cylinder, R represents defines a correlation constant, has been preferred in the calculations even though it is a constant value detected from the engine geometry [28, 31]. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In the following sub-sections, the combustion behaviours for an unamended compressionignition engine powered by D100, D95H5, D90H10, and D85H15 blends have investigated under four different engine loadings, varying from 25% to 100% in steps of 25%, in order to observe the mechanisms and processes of the reactions happening in the combustion chamber of the engine where the used test fuels were burnt out to effectuate heat energy that is depended upon the exclusively the 3.1 In-cylinder gas pressure The variation of the cylinder pressure in relation to the CAs in each test fuel samples under dissimilar engine loadings, ranging from 25% to full load at the intervals of 25% was separately illustrated in Figure 2 for better understanding. In addition to Figure 2, the maximum cylinder gas pressure values and their CAs for all test fuels were detected and given in Table 3. The increase in the load caused to augmentation of the in-cylinder gas pressures slightly. At full loading working condition, the highest incylinder gas pressure figures for D100, D95H5, D90H10, and D85H15 were observed to be as 50.88 bar at 365oCA, 54.95 bar at 366oCA, 55.50 bar at 366oCA, and 48.30 bar at 367oCA, respectively. It is evident from the graphs and Table 3 that the highest in-cylinder pressure outcomes for all test fuels were perceived to be between 6oCA and 11oCA near the TDC. As seen from Figure 2, the maximum in-cylinder pressure figures of D90H10 entire the loading conditions were to be noted as the highest amongst the tested fuel samples. Namely, the infusion of higher alcohol to D100 reference fuel led to increasing the pressure inside the cylinder up to 10% by volume. This is because of the excessive amount of oxygen content of higher alcohol. As shown in Table 2, 1-heptanol has 14.13% oxygen content in its chemical bonds. The oxygen molecules cause improvement in the combustion reaction inside the combustion chamber and hence increase the cylinder pressure values slightly. However, a 15% addition of 1-heptanol caused to decrease the cylinder gas pressure drastically. This case can be clarified by the lesser heating value and higher latent heat of vaporization (LHV) of 1heptanol than those of D100 (as given in Table 2), resulting in the above-mentioned reductions. Additionally, it can be obviously noticed that the application of 1-heptanol with diesel caused to advance in the pressure curves to the right side. Moreover, there was a delay in the SoC processes in the combustion chamber in Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey view of the lesser cetane number specification of ignition engine under three different engine the used higher alcohol and its different binary loads (20%, 60%, and 80%). In conclusion, the mixtures with diesel fuel. The results and their researchers observed that the 10% 1-hexanol reasons were in good agreement with the addition to diesel fuel led to becoming higher outcomes presented by various researchers. cylinder gas pressures at all loading conditions Jamrozik et al. [23], for instance, indicated that in contrast to the other test fuels. This could be the highest methanol percentage in both explained that the poor combustion biodiesel and diesel fuels had to be 30% characteristics occurred with the utilization of a according to the experimental outcomes. The higher amount of long-chain alcohol in the researchers reported that further ascending the blends since 1-hexanol has a high LHV, low alcohol concentration in the mixture led to energy content, high kinematic viscosity, and decrements in the gas pressure. Santhosh and low cetane number than that of diesel fuel. Kumar [32] investigated the influence of 1Radheshyam et al. [33] indicated that the higher hexanol infusion to the conventional diesel fuel concentration of 1-pentanol in the blend caused at various percentages, varying from 10% to to a decrement in the cylinder gas pressure in 40% at the intervals of 10% by volume, on the consequence of the higher LHV, lower cetane combustion behaviours of a compressionnumber and calorific value of 1-pentanol. 60 A) D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 50 40 30 20 10 0 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 Crank angle (deg) 60 60 C) D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 50 D) 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 50 0 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 Crank angle (deg) 510 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 Crank angle (deg) Figure 2. In-cylinder gas pressures as a function of CA at various loads of (A) 25%, (B) 50%, (C) 75%, and (D) 100% with a fixed speed of 1500 rpm conditions 3.2 Apparent heat release rate One of the most considerable combustion parameters is the rate of heat release (HRR). HRR defines the phases of the combustion process in the cylinder like premixed combustion, rapid combustion, controlled combustion, and period after burning. In addition, HRR gives an idea concerning the emitted complete heat energy based on the CA of the internal combustion engine [34]. In this context, the apparent HRR values in each test fuels were calculated with the help of Equation (1). It has not been forgotten that overall experiments in the test engine were performed under an original injection timing. The change in the apparent HRR figures for all the test fuels at Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey different engine loading conditions with respect the flame speed and declining in the heat transfer to the CAs was plotted in Figure 3. Besides that, speed. Furthermore, the lesser cetane number of the highest HRR values for test fuels and their alcohols enhances the ID duration, leading more CAs have also been tabulated in Table 3 for fuel to accumulate in the cylinder. Therefore, it better evaluation. It is evident from the graph can be thought that the HRR values increase as a that the HRR values were jumped with the rise result of the sudden burning of the fuel in the load, and hence the peak results were accumulated in the combustion chamber and the achieved at the full load operating conditions. At role of the excess oxygen content in the 100% load, the highest HRR values for D100, chemical structures of alcohols in increasing the D95H5, D90H10, and D85H15 were found to be burning rate [34, 35]. On the other hand, further as 34.46 J/deg at 354oCA, 39.46 J/deg at infusion of 1-heptanol into the diesel o o 354 CA, 41.13 J/deg at 355 CA, and 32.36 J/deg deteriorated the atomization characteristics of at 358oCA, respectively. As seen, the maximum the fuel and hence decreased the HRR values. HRR levels were obtained with using D90H10 Radheshyam et al. [33] presented that the HRR under all engine loads. This is owing to the figures ascended with the use of 1-pentanol inherent oxygen molecules found in the higher higher alcohol in diesel fuel up to 30% of alcohol along with the in-cylinder gas pressure alcohol concentration in the blend at higher characteristics (as shown in Section 3.1). This is loads owing to an augmentation in the ID due to the effect of alcohol on the increments to duration along with the premixed combustion. 50 50 A) D100 D95H5 D10H10 D85H15 40 B) 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 -10 D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 40 -10 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 300 330 360 Crank angle (deg) 390 420 450 480 510 Crank angle (deg) 50 50 C) D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 40 D) 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 -10 D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 40 -10 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 Crank angle (deg) 510 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 Crank angle (deg) Figure 3. Apparent HRR values across CA at various loads of (A) 25%, (B) 50%, (C) 75%, and (D) 100% with a fixed speed of 1500 rpm conditions 3.3 Cumulative heat release rate Figure 4 portrays the variation of CHRR results for all test fuels between the CA alterations of 300o and 510o in a cycle at dissimilar loads. It is evident from the graph that it can be monitored that the CHRR results for D100, D95H5, D90H10, and D85H15 at full loading conditions were obtained to be 872.82 J, 975.60 J, 953.42 J, and 885.32 J, respectively. The diminishing in the cetane number (as presented in Table 2) of the fuel mixtures caused to becoming a higher ratio of combustion at a constant volume where Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey in turn augmented the CHRR [36]. Another combustion efficiency, which is validated by reason can be the excessive amount of oxygen Yanfeng et al. [37]. molecules in the blend, resulting in improved 1000 C) 800 600 D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 400 200 0 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 Crank angle (deg) Figure 4. CHRR values in relation to CA at various loads of (A) 25%, (B) 50%, (C) 75%, and (D) 100% with a fixed speed of 1500 rpm conditions 3.4 Pressure rise rate Figure 5 illustrated the rates of pressure rise (PRR) for the test fuel samples under differing engine loading conditions. It can be observed from the graphs that PRR ascended depending upon the rise of the load. Shrivastava et al. [38] reported that an increase in the load and compression ratio as well caused to increase the PRR outcomes. Also, the PRR is an inevitable and significant parameter to analyse the knocking formation in an engine. It refers to an elevated grade in the oxides of nitrogen generation in the engine [39, 40]. In the current experimental research, the highest PRR values at the full load were obtained to be at 3.85 bar/deg (34.65 bar/ms) for D100, 4.37 bar/deg (39.33 bar/ms) for D95H5, 4.54 bar/deg (40.86 bar/ms) for D90H10, and 3.49 bar/deg (31.41 bar/ms) for D85H15. It can be stated that there is no clear alteration in the maximum PRR levels with the infusion of 1-heptanol as an oxygenated fuel additive except for 15% blending of alcohol with diesel. More alcohol addition to D100 caused to decrease in the PRR due to the worse combustion properties of alcohol in the compression-ignition engines. 3.5 Combustion parameters Combustion parameters of all test fuel samples at various loads are presented in Table 3. SoI was close to each other for all fuel types, but SoC differed for all fuels. The low cetane number of the 1-heptanol retarded the SoC, and thus blended fuels led to longer ID than diesel fuel. As appeared in Table 3, the peak values of the CPmax, PRRmax, and HRRmax belong to D90H10, D95H5, D100, and D85H15, respectively, at each engine load. Moreover, the peak points of CPmax, PRRmax, and HRRmax increased with the rise of load for all test fuels. The increased fuel consumption by load is the reason for this increment. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 5 C) D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 Crank angle (deg) Figure 5. PRR values with respect to CA at various loads of (A) 25%, (B) 50%, (C) 75%, and (D) 100% with a constant speed of 1500 rpm conditions At low loading conditions, the ignition delay is higher for all test fuel samples attributable to low cylinder temperature and pressure compared to elevated loads. The amount of fuel injected into the cylinder enhances with the load that elevates the cylinder temperature, in turn, shorter ignition delay. Besides, at all engine loads, the shortest ignition delay was identified for diesel fuel thanks to its high cetane number and low LHV. The shortest ID time for D100 was observed by 9º CA at 75% and full load, while the longest ignition delay time was determined for D85H15 by 15º CA at 25% engine load. Ors et al. [41] revealed that the treatment of biodiesel/diesel fuel blends with adding bioethanol led to diminishing the cetane number, resulting in a higher ID period. Tse et al. [42] pointed out that the augmentation of the ethanol concentration in the blended fuel from 0% to 20% caused to delay the SoC duration and hence ID period was ascended. In addition, Lapuerta et al. [43], Anbarasu et al. [44], and Zhu et al. [45] indicated similar findings. Variation of mean gas temperature (MGT) with engine load for test fuels was also listed in Table 3. It is seen that MGT was higher for D95H5 and D90H10 than that of D100 and D85H15 at all loads. The reasons for this can be attributed to the presence of oxygen atoms in the 1heptanol structure. The oxygen availability in the alcohol enhances the rate of the combustion process and, thus, combustion temperature. On the other hand, further increasing the 1-heptanol s heat energy and decreases the charge temperature in the cylinder by reason of the higher LHV, in this case, the combustion temperature gets lower. The increased amount of fuel-burning regarding a rise in load increased the MGT, and the maximum value of MGT was determined at full load running. CHRRmax increased with an increase in 1heptanol fraction and engine load. CHRRmax was enhanced with an increase in 1-heptanol fraction and engine load. All 1-heptanol-diesel blends produced higher CHRR max compared to diesel fuel. This is due to more amount of fuel are required to generate the same amount of power by the engine because of the less energy content of 1-heptanol. 100 75 50 25 348 349 351 347 348 349 350 346 347 347 349 345 346 346 349 335 D90H10 335 D85H15 336 336 337 D95H5 D85H15 338 336 D100 D90H10 336 336 D95H5 D85H15 336 336 D100 D90H10 337 337 D95H5 D100 D95H5 D90H10 336 D85H15 337 347 335 D100 12 10 10 9 11 11 11 9 14 12 11 11 15 14 13 12 48.30 55.50 54.95 50.88 46.79 52.18 51.80 48.99 42.02 49.50 49.56 46.48 39.53 47.18 46.06 42.69 Engine SoI SoC ID CPmax Test fuels load (%) (deg) (deg) (deg) (bar) 367 366 366 365 367 366 366 365 369 366 366 366 370 367 367 367 ACPmax (deg) 3.49 4.54 4.37 3.85 3.00 3.59 3.59 3.35 1.98 3.06 3.14 2.74 1.48 2.41 2.28 1.90 358 355 354 354 358 356 355 354 360 356 356 355 362 358 357 357 385 381 382 383 385 382 382 381 385 382 381 383 386 382 382 383 1014 1117 1112 1054 983 1062 1061 1005 913 1013 1012 964 885 979 957 918 358 355 354 354 359 356 355 354 361 357 356 355 363 358 358 358 32.36 41.13 39.46 34.46 28.54 32.12 31.54 28.96 21.00 27.46 27.66 24.76 18.42 22.28 19.99 18.76 479 483 485 478 485 493 495 483 490 495 497 485 492 503 506 489 885.32 953.42 975.60 872.82 901.59 973.94 968.72 873.75 870.51 949.66 948.38 859.91 860.99 968.37 945.08 836.35 PRRmax AIPmax AMGTmax MGTmax AHRRmax HRRmax ACHRRmax CHRRmax (bar/deg) (deg) (deg) (oC) (deg) (J/deg) (deg) (J) Table 3. Combustion parameters of all test fuel samples at various engine loads in the present research work Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.6 Ringing intensity 4 CONCLUSIONS A ringing process having an intense level leads In this study, the combustion characteristics of a to occurring higher combustion noise in the direct-injection diesel engine fuelled with engine and hence it results in detriments in some different ratios of 1-heptanol-diesel blends of the engine parts. Therefore, it is one of the (D95H5, D90H10, and D85H15) were remarkable factors, and hence it can be meticulously investigated. Engine tests were addressed the ringing intensity (RIN) performed at a constant speed of 1500 rpm and characteristic of the tested engine since it different engine loads of 25%, 50%, 75%, and indicates the noise of the combustion in the 100%. The determined combustion engine. The change in the RIN values for the test characteristics for all 1-heptanol blended fuel fuel samples at several engine loading conditions samples were analysed and compared with those were plotted in Figure 6. One can be observed of D100. This analysis revealed that 5% and from the recent literature that the RIN level has 10% 1-heptanol fraction increased the cylinder 2 to be lesser than 5 MW/m , resulting in a pressure, while 15% 1-heptanol fraction led to a convenient combustion noise together with decrease in maximum cylinder pressure by knock free working [46]. means of the low calorific rating of 1-heptanol. The maximum increment in the heat release rate 4 Engine loads by 19.36% was observed for D90H10 compared 25% to diesel. Besides, ID duration increased for all 50% 3 75% 1-heptanol-diesel blends by virtue of 1100% heptanol s low cetane number. Overall, the addition of 1-heptanol by 10% to diesel fuel 2 resulted in better combustion characteristics compared to other heptanol fractions. Hence, the blending heptanol with diesel fuel by 10% could 1 be recommended. Future studies should scrutinize the cost analysis and emission gains of 0 1-heptanol use. D100 D95H5 D90H10 D85H15 Fuel types Figure 6. RIN results for all tested fuels in relation to the different loads As a result, in the present experimental work, the above-mentioned value has been accepted as a maximum limit for objectionable combustion reactions inside the engine cylinder. Furthermore, it can be highlighted that the RIN is related to engine speed, peak PRR, and maximum cylinder gas pressure [24]. As can be monitored in Figure 6, the rise in the load caused to jump the RIN figures for all test fuels. The current research shows that the maximum RIN values were found to be at 2.67 MW/m2 for D100, 3.25 MW/m2 for D95H5, 3.48 MW/m2 for D90H10, and 2.27 MW/m2 for D85H15. Due to the higher HRR values that occurred at higher engine loading, the maximum RIN results were observed when the test engine was operated at full load conditions [26]. To conclude, all results were found to be lower than the aforementioned upper acceptable limit. REFERENCES [1] K. and A. Keskin, The pollutant emissions from diesel-engine vehicles and exhaust after treatment systems, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 17(1), 15-27, 2015. [2] P. Geng, E. Cao, Q. Tan, and Wei, L. Effects of alternative fuels on the combustion characteristics and emission products from diesel engines: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 71, 523-534, 2017. [3] T. Balamurugan and R. 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The pyroysis is one of the best method in conversion methods. The main product of liqufied was waste tire oil (WTO) which has high heating value and close properties to fuels, but much sulfur amount which destroy world. Therefore, the WTO were mixed with calcium oxide (CaO) or natural zeolite (NZ) at different ratio and purified to obtain low sulfur with well characteristic of new fuel. Unfournately, the produced liquid (10% CaO-WTO) distillation curve was close to DF however, it required to separate into fraction as 150 oC to 360 oC, called as diesel like fuel (DLF). In this study, the DLF were analyzed by FT IR, TGA and DSC for defining similarities of DF. Keywords: Waste Tire, Pyrolysis, Diesel Fuel, Diesel Like Fuel, Characterization 1. INTRODUCTION thermal The continuity of world have been sustained pyrolysis or catalytic pyrolysis methods by traditional energy source however were used for the WTs in order to re-cycled energy needs increase and standard energy into useful products [4]. In past decades, resource decrease by social and political novel technologies have been developed to statements. Thus, non-conventional sources produce more or less products (gas, liquid, have been required to utilize by minimizing and solid) of the WTs [5]. Pyrolysis is an their tires impression and interesting method which production have been increased by vechicle can be obtained high yield products with increase. Thus, high amount of WTs have low sulfur and less nitrogen oxides discarded to environment which cause ingredients in order to decompose tire harmful problem throughout human life and polymers under high temperature at various ecosystem [2]. Due to the WTs statistics of mediums [6]. The liquid has disgusting world, about 17 million tons were produced odor, low power of hydrogen (pH), low in a year [3]. Mechanical, biological, heating value and high sulfur amount which harmful effects [1]. The incineration, chemical and Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey cause air pollution, high corrosion in combusted in engine or not. For this reason, engine, with less burning capacity. Due to a detail analysis were done for DLF and DF tire oil problems, it was treated with catalyst characterization in order to define organic to improve properties of oil for burning [7]. compounds by FT-IR, TGA and DSC Ayanoglu worked on the WTs conversion techniques. Based on analytical tests, DLF by adding various ratio of CaO for obtaining approved to use as fuel. high amount of oil with low sulfur. The 2.MATERIAL AND METHODS WTO were analyzed by chemical and 2.1. RAW MATERIAL physical tests to compare with standard The metal and textile parts of the WTs were fuels [8]. Lopez et. al. [9] investigated seperated and further washed by water to natural and synthetic rubber of the WTs remove other non-purities and dust, then cut conversion in conical spouted bed reactor in 1 mm particle size. between 425-600oC. The liquid was tested 2.2. PYROLYSIS SYSTEM by The gas chromatography and mass fixed-bed equipped gas with thermocouple, blender, safety valve, heat distillation and elemental tests. Islam et. al. exchanger and can. The main component [10] worked on new application of pyrolysis was reactor which have a cylindrical by using the WTs (4 cm3 particle size) in a chamber (Ø30x40cm), coated by 5 cm glass fixed-bed fire-tube under nitrogen gas at wool for isolating heat release. In addition 475 oC. The oil properties were tested by to reactor, the blender was used to mix elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H-NMR and samples for homogenoues temperature GC-MS and distillation tests. distribution and the thermocouple was used The test results gave an idea to use oil as to measure temperature which were inserted fuel. The main goal of the study is to find on the reactor which was shown at Figure 1. (GCxGC) similarity of DLF and DF whether can be Figure 1. The pyrolysis system. reactor, system was spectrometry (GC-MS), two-dimensional chromotography by pyrolysis control panel, Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2.3. PYROLYSIS PROCEDURE 2.5. The WTs were pyrolyzed into gas, oil ANALYSIS (TGA) (WTO) and char at first stage of liquefaction In this study, the thermogravimetric (TG) in a fixed bed reactor by 5 oC/min under thermograms of samples were tested by atmospheric medium. Then at second stage Shimadzu DTG 60H thermogravimetric of pyrolysis, the WTO has exposed with analyzer [11]. A 10 mg was weighed to put 2,4,6,8 and 10 mass ratios of CaO and NZ into platinum pan and analyzed under 100 under concurrent consistence, individually. ml/min dry air to determine the oxidative The curve of distillation test is a good key stability by temperature rise from 25 oC to to define fuel quaility and similarities of 700 oC with a heat rate of 10 oC/min for 1 h chemicals. Thus, the mixture of 10% CaO - [11,12]. Finally, the chemical reactions WTO distillation had a good curve, near to were completed at 700 oC due to mass the DF. Unfortunately, the mixture was stability [13]. The TGA curves were also distillated from lower temperature than the used to define the onset temperature of DF. Therefore, the mixture was necessary samples. required to separated into fractions due to 2.6. start temperature point of 150 oC to 360 oC CALORIMETRY (DSC) which was light part, called as diesel like The fuel (DLF), explained in detail in previous determine characteristics of fuel at low study. temperature. On the other hand, the 2.4. DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING DSC is a significant method to TRANSFORM crystallization onset temperature is an INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY (FT-IR) critical parameter especially for cold METHOD weather countries because of freezing [14]. The FOURIER THERMOGRAVIMETRIC physico-chemical properties with The present work focus on crystallization performance and emissions of fuel have onset temperature of DLF and DF by DSC been influenced by different composition to find similarity with standard fuels. The amount of hydrocarbon. The FT-IR spectra Mettler Toledo DSC 1 700 were run under were recorded between 4000-650 cm-1 Nitrogen gas with 50 mL/min and 8.0 ± 1.0 range with a resolution of 4 cm-1 for 4 scans mg of sample weigh in aluminum pan which at room temperature by a Perkin Elmer were heated up to 20 °C or cooled to -80 at Spectrum-Two spectrometer for DLF and a rate of 10 °C/min. DF, were observed chemical structure. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figures 6 and 7. indicate the FT-IR 3.1. THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF absorbance spectras while Figures 8 and 9. PRODUCTS indicate the FT-IR transmittance spectras of The physical test results will be declared samples. The observed peaks were defined briefly in this section. The physical alkenes group for each sample. The properties of the WTs and its products were functional groups were tabulated at Table 1, analyzed in previous study of Author [8]. which founded in literature and compared 3.2. for all samples. FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY (FT-IR) Figure 2. FT-IR split absorbance (A) spectra of DLF and DF. Figure 3. FT-IR split tranmittance (%) spectra of DLF and DF. Table 1. FT-IR functional groups and compounds of DLF and DF [15]. Wavenumber ranges (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1 ) Functional group Groups 3700-3200 3677 O-H stretching Hydroxyl 3000-2800 2962,2925 C-H stretching Alkanes 1675-1575 1608 C=C stretching Alkenes 1525-1115 1455,1376,1247 C-H bending Alkanes 1150-1100 1066 C-H in plane bending Aromatics 1020-845 891 C = C stretching Alkenes 810-600 768,742,729,693 C H cylic deformations Aromatics Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.3. THERMOGRAVIMETRIC opinion about initial boiling point with ANALYSIS (TGA) thermal stability. The Tonset were become The TGA and DrTGA curves of samples higher value at low polyunsaturation for were indicated oxidative degradation which maximizing of oxidation stability. As a were happened at a range of 23.50-570.92 comparative of DLF results were close to for a single continuous step. The onset standard petreloum which can be acceptable degradation temperature (Tonset) inform an as alternative fuels [16]. Figure 4. Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) of DLF and DF samples for oxidative stability. Table 2. TGA analysis of onset and end temperatures with mass loss of DLF and DF. Tonset (°C) Tend (°C) Sample Weight loss (%) DLF 28.09 309.15 99.81 DF 29.01 295.80 99.18 Table 3. DrTGA analysis of combustion reaction intervals, peak temperatures, and weight losses of DLF and DF. Reaction region (°C) Peak temperature (°C) Sample Weight loss (%) DLF 31.98-272.49 149.99 55.85 DF 29.15-290.14 224.57 65.33 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.4. DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING 16.84 oC, respectively which was shown at CALORIMETRY (DSC) RESULTS Table 10. The Cloud Point can be observed The Cloud Point (CP) has taken attention by naked eyes easily in case of huge because of low crystallization temperature paraffins precipition or in contrast hard to [17]. The crystallization onset temperatures observe inversely [18]. of DLF and DF were as -21.31 oC and Table 4. Crystallizations onset temperatures (°C) of DLF and DF. Sample Tonset (°C) DLF -21.31 DF -16.84 4. CONCLUSIONS [3] K. Wang, Y. Xu, P. Duan, F. Wang, The WTs was converted to rich organic and Z. X. Xu, -chemical compounds of products by pyrolysis. some conversion of scrap tire waste to available characterization parameters as Waste FT-IR, TGA and DSC of DLF have anayzed in details and results were declared as a Manag., 2019. [4] X. Cheng, P. Song, X. Zhao, Z. comprehensive with diesel fuel (DF). REFERENCES of ground tire rubber at low Waste Manag., 2018. [1] [5] A. K. Panda, R. K. 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Fuels Oils, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 436 443, 2017. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey SWIRL COMBUSTION OF KEROSENE AND AMMONIA-ASSISTED KEROSENE FUELS IN A MODEL GAS TURBINE COMBUSTOR: A NUMERICAL STUDY Mustafa lba 1, Osman Kümük2, Serhat Karyeyen1 1. Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Ankara; email: ilbas@gazi.edu.tr, serhatkaryeyen@gazi.edu.tr 2. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Gazi University, Ankara; email: osman.kumuk@iste.edu.tr Abstract Since ammonia has a carbon-free substance and a large number of hydrogen atoms per volume unit, most of the scientists think it could be used as an alternative fuel instead of natural gas or kerosene-based fuels in gas turbine combustors. In addition, C-free emissions are released after combustion, which enables the mitigation of greenhouse gases leading to global warming. The main goal of this study is to investigate turbulent swirl combustion ammonia-assisted kerosene fuels in a model gas turbine combustor. For this purpose, numerical modelings have been performed by using a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. In a model gas turbine combustor, ammonia-assisted kerosene fuels have been consumed, and their combustion and emission parameters have been presented in the study submitted. Ammonia was introduced into the combustor from the different inlets until 70% kerosene-30% ammonia in an interval of 10 % by heat fraction without changing the total heat load. The results showed that there was no considerable change on the combustion performance of kerosene even the maximum temperature levels and locations changed somewhat in the combustor as ammonia was added into the combustor. In addition to temperature distributions of kerosene and ammonia-assisted kerosene fuels, NOX emission levels have been addressed by post-processing of the CFD code used in this study. According to the predicted NOX levels, although it was seen that the predicted NOX emissions levels increased significantly in the high temperature flame zone due to bound-nitrogen in ammonia (fuel-NOX mechanism), the predicted NOx emission levels were not too high at the exit of the combustion chamber. Therefore, it can be concluded that ammoniaassisted kerosene fuels have considerable potential in terms of combustion performance as a new and renewable fuel while considerably increasing NOX levels. Keywords: Ammonia, Kerosene, Gas Turbine Combustion, CFD. 1 INTRODUCTION Aircraft are most preferred for transportation. Because they are faster and safe. The most important part of the aircraft is engines. Propulsion occurs in the combustion chamber where it is located inside the engine when oxidizer and fuel react chemically at a certain temperature. Most of the aircraft engines consume kerosene-based fuels such as JP-8 and etc. depending on where it is used. Gas turbines are mostly used in aircraft engines. gas turbines operate according to an open cycle known as the reaction cycle. The ideal cycle is similar to the simple ideal Brayton cycle. Ammonia is preferred for traditional production, ammonia transportation and storage, have a high hydrogen density, used as a fuel in the combustion chamber, etc. Being a carbon-free fuel, may ensure a substantial reduction in global CO2 emissions. Ammonia has a hydrogen-energy carrier and also a carbon-free fuel. It is necessary to know the basic flame properties of ammonia for design a fuel burner. In the study of Hayakawa et al. [1] have been studied experimentally the Markstein length of premixed flames with ammonia/air at various pressures up to 0.5 MPa. The results show that the maximum value of unstretched laminar combustion rates is less than 7 cm/s under the conditions under investigation. Also, it is lower than the hydrocarbon flames. The burned gas Markstein length increases with the increase in the equivalence ratio. The combustor adopted vapor-NH3 fuel and diffusion combustion to enhance flame stability by Kurata et al. [2,3]. The NH3-air combustion gas turbine chamber has operated at a variety of speeds and Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey powers, 18.4 kW to 44.4 kW and 70,000 rpm to mixed. The contraction of the flame under high 80,000 rpm respectively. inlet temperature conditions was improving the combustion efficiency and increased NO and unburned NH3 emissions depend on the consumption of species at the flame boundaries. burner inlet temperature. The increase in the fuel Research and development is required to identify rate of NH3 significantly increased the NO conditions using ammonia/hydrogen blends with emission due to the fuel-NOX mechanism. It also low NOx and higher cycle efficiency. shows that it reduces the conversion rate of NO. In order to achieve low NOx combustion in Arakawa et al. [7] experimentally investigated NH3-combustion gas turbines, it is the flame stability and the emission recommended to burn large amounts of NH3 fuel characteristics of vortex stabilized ammonia/air and to produce both rich and weak fuel mixtures premixed flames. The lean and rich combustion in the primary combustion zone. limits were found to be close to the flammability limits of the ammonia flame. Also, the emission Somarathne et al. [4] are dedicated to characteristics were investigated using an FTIR understanding the combustion and emission gas analyzer. Under rich conditions, the NO characteristics of turbulent non-premixed concentration decreased and the ammonia NH3/air and CH4/air swirl flames in a rich-lean concentration increased. gas turbine have high pressure at various wall boundary conditions. In this study, the emission Nozari et al. [8] investigated the combustion characteristics of both flames were obtained properties of NH3-H2-air mixtures in high through numerical simulations using large-eddy pressure and weak conditions, such as gas simulations. The results showed that the turbine burners. Laminar premixed freely minimum NO emission can be achieved when propagating flame model is used to calculate the the primary region global equivalence rate is 1.1 combustion properties. In the second part of the in NH3/air flames. It was experimentally study, they developed two reduced mechanisms validated use simulate NO and OH-PLIF based on the Konnov mechanism in terms of images. pressure, fuel mixture, and equivalence. However, it shows that it can estimate In addition, wall heat loss cooling of the approximately five times less CPU time cost. combustion wall have been shown to greatly affect the oxidation of NH3. it has been found to In the present study submitted, the model gas cause significant unburned NH3 emissions, turbine combustor has been selected as the although lower NO emissions have occurred. combustor where the non-premixed kerosene and ammonia-assisted kerosene fuels were The formation of emissions by combustion of consumed to study the introduction of ammonia CH4-NH3-air aims to provide information with into the combustor on the combustion up to 30% ammonia in gas turbine burners. performance and NO X emission level. Okafor et al. [5] The results show that the premixed CH4-NH3 and NOx emissions from the air 2 THE MODEL COMBUSTOR AND THE during single-stage combustion are more than INITIAL PARAMETERS 5000 ppm at equivalence rates. The optimum zone of the primary combustion zone has been determined for low NOx emissions ranging from 1.30 to 1.35 depending on the ammonia fraction. NOx emission increased due to an increase in NOx production in the primary combustion zone. Medina et al. [6] show that ammonia can be used as an alternative fuel in gas turbines with combustion operation when hydrogen is added using a 70% NH3 and 30% H2 mole fraction Figure 1. The Model Combustor Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ammonia in an interval of 10 % by heat fraction The combustor has been designed and created without changing the total heat load. using a solid modeling program. The annular gas turbine combustor has 18 pieces equally as Table 2. Air Flow Rate Percentage [9] circular. The modeling has been performed for one piece of all pieces as symmetrical to Air mass flow rates Symbol Percentage/% simplify all modelings. For the combustor Swirler 12 sw studied, kerosene inlet, ammonia inlet, swirl air Dome inlet 8 dm inlet, dome inlet, primary air inlet, secondary air Primary air inlet 20 pr inlet, and dilution air inlet are shown in Figure 1. Secondary air inlet 50 sc Ansys Fluent CFD code was used for all Dilution air inlet 10 dl computational reactive analyses. In order to perform further modelings, the axial temperature profiles obtained from 100 % kerosene 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION combustion have been validated with the In order to continue to the next modeling step in reference profiles. For this purpose, the initial any computational study, the results predicted design parameters are given in Table 1. should first be compared and validated with the reference value obtained from the literature. For this purpose, the axial temperature profiles of Table 1. Initial Design Parameters [9] 100 % kerosene for both predicted in the present Parameter Value Units study and obtained from the literature [9] have 1.595 kg/s been validated as can be seen in Figure 3. air T1 743.352 K According to Figure 3, it can be said that the axial temperature profiles predicted are in Pair 2083450 Pa satisfactorily good agreement with the results 0.0144 kg/s fuel obtained from the literature. Thus it is clearly understood the further modelings can be Table air air flow rate performed anymore. percentage in the combustor. Figure 2. Detailed Air Flow Rate Percentage in the Combustor [9] For the gas turbine combustor of 11.17 MW, kerosene and ammonia-assisted kerosene fuels have been consumed to investigate the introduction of NH3 to kerosene. In this way, it is aimed at the effect of NH3 addition over the combustion performance of the gas turbine is revealed. For this purpose, NH3 was introduced into the combustor until 70% kerosene-30% Figure 3. Comparison of the axial temperature profiles predicted and obtained from [9] Figure 4 shows the axial temperature distributions of all cases studied. As seen in Figure 4, the temperature levels of all cases increased rapidly in the primary region due to the flame. Then, the temperature levels of all cases decreased drastically when the flames propagated to the secondary zone. However, the temperature levels were almost the same towards Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey the combustor outlet due to secondary and inside the combustor whereas the flame location dilution air inlets that are used to control moved to further due to its lower burning temperature levels inside the combustor in gas velocity. After the secondary zone where the turbines. It is observed that the flame secondary and dilution airs were introduced into temperature of the kerosene did not change the combustor to suppress high NO X levels in much more as the ammonia was introduced into gas turbine combustor, we can say that the the combustor. However, it can clearly be said temperature distributions of all cases consumed that the flames of all cases with the ammonia are almost the same. propagated to the combustor outlet. This is attributed to the lower burning velocity of the ammonia compared to that of the hydrocarbon [1]. In other words, the total velocity of the mixture is higher than that of the burning velocity. The maximum temperature values of kerosene and ammonia-assisted kerosene fuels are of 2475 K, 2687 K, 2613 K, and 2555 K, at 100% kerosene, 90% kerosene-10% ammonia, 80% kerosene-20% ammonia, and 70% kerosene-30% ammonia, respectively. Figure 5. The temperature contour of 100% kerosene fuel as cross-sectional Figure 4. The axial temperature profiles predicted for all cases In order to examine better the effect of ammonia addition into the combustor on the temperature distributions, the temperature contours of 100 100% kerosene, 90% kerosene-10% ammonia, 80% kerosene-20% ammonia, and 70% kerosene-30% ammonia fuels are presented as cross-sectional and radial distributions throughout the combustor. Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8 give the temperature contours of 100 100% kerosene, 90% kerosene10% ammonia, 80% kerosene-20% ammonia, and 70% kerosene-30% ammonia fuels as crosssectional, respectively. When the figures are examined, as mentioned previously, it is seen the maximum temperature level of kerosene did not change more with the addition of ammonia Figure 6. The temperature contour of 90% kerosene-10% ammonia mixture fuel as cross-sectional Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 7. The temperature contour of 80% kerosene-20% ammonia mixture fuel as cross-sectional Figure 9. The radial temperature contours of 100% kerosene fuel Figure 8. The temperature contour of 70% kerosene-30% ammonia mixture fuel as cross-sectional The other way to understand the effect of ammonia addition inside the combustor during kerosene combustion is to examine the radial temperature distributions throughout the combustor. The radial temperature contours of all cases studied are obtained at different axial distances (3 cm, 5.5 cm, 7.5 cm, 10 cm, and 13 cm), and all together are presented in a figure for each case. Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11, and Figure 12 show the radial temperature contours of all cases at five different axial positions. As can be seen from the figures presented, the temperature levels have been almost the same when ammonia was introduced into the combustor. However, it can be understood from the figures some of the high temperature zones moved to further. In particular, for the cases of 80% kerosene-20% ammonia, and 70% kerosene-30% ammonia fuels, new high temperature zones emerged at the new axial position (the axial distance of 10 cm) due to the lower burning velocity of ammonia. Figure 10. The radial temperature contours of 90% kerosene-10% ammonia mixture fuel Figure 11. The radial temperature contours of 80% kerosene-20% ammonia mixture fuel The effect of swirlers on temperature distributions can also be seen from the radial temperature contours presented in the figures. Thus we can say that the flame propagated to the combustor walls efficiently due to the tangential velocity of the mixture. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 14. The NOX contour of 100% kerosene fuel as cross-sectional Figure 12. The radial temperature contours of 70% kerosene-30% ammonia mixture fuel The other important combustion parameter to be examined is NOX emission stemming from thermal, prompt, and fuel NOX mechanism. Figure 13 shows the axial NOX profiles of all cases studied. The NOX level while 100% kerosene combustion may be negligible when compared to the fuels with assisted ammonia. However, NOX levels predicted went up drastically with the introduction of ammonia due to fuel NOX mechanism, in particular, in the primary zone. The NOX levels have been predicted more than 800 ppm, 1100 ppm, and 1400 ppm for 90% kerosene-10% ammonia, 80% kerosene-20% ammonia, and 70% kerosene-30% ammonia fuels, respectively. Same results emerging with ammonia addition can be seen as contours in Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16, and Figure 17. Figure 15. The NOX contours of 90% kerosene-10% ammonia mixture fuel as cross-sectional Figure 16. The NOX contours of 80% kerosene-20% ammonia mixture fuel as cross-sectional Figure 13. The axial NOX profiles predicted for all cases Figure 17. The NOX contours of 70% kerosene-30% ammonia mixture fuel as cross-sectional Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 4 CONCLUSIONS [5] E.C. Okafor, K.D.K.A. Somarathne, R. Turbulent swirl combustion of kerosene and Ratthanan, A. Hayakawa, T. Kudo, O. Kurata, ammonia-assisted kerosene fuels have been N. Iki, T. Tsujimura, H. Furutani, H. Kobayashi, examined in terms of temperature and NOX Combustion and Flame, Vol. 211, pp.406pollutant distributions in the model gas turbine 416,2020. combustor. Ansys Fluent commercial CFD code [6] A.V. Medina, M. Gutesa, H. Xiao, D. Pugh, has been used to model all cases studied, and A. Giles, B. Goktepe, R. Marsh, P. Bowen, then, the axial and radial temperature and NOX International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. profiles and contours have been presented and 44, pp. 8615-8626, 2019. discussed in details in this study. The first [7] A. Hayakawa, Y. Arakawa, R. Mimoto, K.D. conclusion is that the maximum temperature A. Somarathne, T. Kudo, H. Kobayashi, level of kerosene did not change much more International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, with the introduction of ammonia inside the Vol.42, pp. 14010-14018, 2017. combustor. Another conclusion emerged inside [8] H. Nozari, A. K Fuel, Vol.159, the combustor in terms of temperature Fuel, pp. 223-233,2015. distributions is that the flame of kerosene moved [9] C.P.Mark, A.Selwyn, Propulsion and Power to further with adding ammonia due to its lower Research, Vol. 5(2), pp. 97-107, 2016. burning velocity compared to that of kerosene. With ammonia addition inside the combustor, it is demonstrated that although NOX levels increased considerably in the flame zone due to bound-nitrogen in ammonia contributing fuelNOX, the predicted NOx levels are not too high at the exit of the combustion chamber. Therefore, ammonia appears to be a new and assistive fuel for gas turbine combustor because of high energy content arising from hydrogen inside even if NOX levels are much more while being consumed ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge Gazi University for the use of Ansys Fluent academic computer code. REFERENCES [1] A. Hayakawa, T. Goto, R. Mimoto, Y. Arakawa, T. Kudo, H. Kobayashi, Fuel, Vol. 159, pp.98-106,2015. [2] O. Kurata, N. Iki, T. Matsunuma, T. Inoue, T. Tsujimura, H. Furutani, H. Kobayashi, A. Hayakawa, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol.36, pp.3351-3359,2017. [3] O. Kurata, N. Iki, T. Inoue,, T.Matsunuma, T. Tsujimura, H. Furutani, M. Kawano, K. Arai, E.C.Okafor, A. Hayakawa, H. Kobayashi, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol.37, pp.4587-4595,2019. [4] K.D.K.A.Somarathne, E.C. Okafor, A.Hayakawa, T. Kudo, O. Kurata, N.Iki, H.Kobayashi, Combustion and Flame, Vol.210,pp.247-261,2019. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 2020, Kayseri-Turkey COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF OXY-AMMONIA COMBUSTION IN A NON-PREMIXED BURNER 1. 2. 3. 4. M ILBAS1, O KEKUL2, A BEKTAS3 S KARYEYEN4 Faculty of Technology, Gazi University, Ankara; email: ilbas@gazi.edu.tr Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Gazi University, Ankara; kekulozan@gmail.com Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ankara; email: kadirbektas35@gmail.com Faculty of Technology, Gazi University, Ankara; email: serhatkaryeyen@gazi.edu.tr email: Abstract The increasing demand for energy and awareness for climate change compels people to find out alternative energy resources. Since ammonia has a carbon-free substance and a large number of hydrogen atoms per volume unit, it is thought it can be used as an alternative fuel. The purpose of this paper is to examine the combustion behaviours of oxy-ammonia flame and to compare its combustion performance with the performance of the air-ammonia flame. For this purpose, a computational fluid dynamics commercial code has been used to investigate temperature and emission levels of oxy-ammonia and air-ammonia combustion. In this way, the temperature and emission levels of ammonia combustion have been predicted under air and oxy conditions. The results demonstrate that the temperature levels predicted have been higher under oxyammonia combustion conditions compared to those of air-ammonia combustion. In addition to the temperature levels predicted, some emission levels, such as NOX, have been predicted by post-processing. The NOX results predicted show that usage of oxygen instead of air as an oxidizer affects the NOX levels considerably. Keywords: Ammonia, Oxy-Fuel Combustion, CFD, NOX 1 INTRODUCTION Combustion is the most important method for converting crucial energy source into heat, power and etc. all around the world, both for industrial applications and human activities. From past to present, studies have been expanded to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through enhanced performance of the combustion apparatus. But, lower emissions values can be achieved by using fuels that do not contain carbon atoms in power production systems [1]. It can be here said that hydrogen is more efficient than traditional fossil fuels, and using hydrogen in combustion occupational fields that require heat energy can be cleaner and more convenient. Because, there is no any component that is responsible for environmental pollution in hydrogen, and increases greenhouse effects during energy production. In the light of these circumstances, it seems hydrogen usage is favorable. Hydrogen is a more expensive fuel than traditional fossil fuels comparatively, in terms of both storage and production. Thus, decrease in cost of hydrogen energy via technological progress and alternative storage methods would play an essential role in the long-term. Today, a large amount of hydrogen is produced through hydrocarbons, whereas a small fraction of hydrogen is produced via electrolyze. Hydrogen content of ammonia is 17.8% by mass, and the production of ammonia can be taken place via nitrogen, which can be decomposed from the air. Moreover, utilizing hydrogen, which is obtained from renewable energy sources, is the best way for the generation of ammonia. Besides, the thermal properties of ammonia and propane are almost identical concerning condensation pressure and boiling temperature. This resemblance with propane and storing capability of hydrogen of ammonia makes it an attractive alternative fuel and energy carrier [1]. Apart from these, the direct usability of ammonia for combustors without having any hydrogen decomposition procedure is another advantage as well. The first production of ammonia has been carried out by F. Haber and C. Bosh about 100 years ago. This production process is known as the Haber-Bosh process, and a catalyst is used Proceedings of INCOS2020, Fuel Condensing LHV (MJ/kg) Flammability limit 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 1. Combustion Properties [1] Ammonia Hydrogen -33 -253 9.9 18 120 0.60 1.40 0.10 7.0 F Burning velocity (m/s) Auto 1800 0.07 650 2110 2.90 520 Methane Propane -161 -42 9.5 50 46.4 0.50-0.7 0.51 2.5 1950 0.40 630 2000 0.43 450 under high pressure and high-temperature conditions to combine nitrogen and hydrogen. ammonia mixture is more limited, and the necessary temperature for ignition is higher. The first serial manufacturing of ammonia has been done by the 1900s. It is used in agricultural fields as fertilizer, and it has been considerable substance supporting to nutrient requirements of the population, which is growing up globally [2]. This result indicates that the flammability of ammonia is low. Moreover, although the combustion of air-ammonia mixture does not give rise to CO2 emissions, fuel NOx generation is high [1]. Production, storage, transportation, and use of ammonia during more than 100 years enable us replacing of ammonia to the traditional fossil fuels and using it safely with minimum investment costs [1]. Consequently, thermal and basic combustion characteristics of ammonia and some hydrocarbons are given in Table 1. As shown in Table 1, to condense hydrogen, an entirely low temperature is necessary as -253 implemented for a sufficient level of storing hydrogen at room temperature. In light of this information, the storage of hydrogen in high density requires substantial energy and expensive equipment. Ammonia, which condenses at room temperature under 9.90 atm pressure or in atmospheric pressure at , exhibits similar storing properties to propane, and these features of ammonia show us that it has the high potential both as an energy and as a hydrogen carrier. Apart from these advantages mentioned above, using ammonia as a fuel has some difficulties in comparison to conventional fuels. As demonstrated in Table 1, the flame temperature of ammonia and the burning velocity of an airammonia flame are lower than those of other fuels. Also, the flammability range of the air- In order to use ammonia in combustion systems, these drawbacks must be overcome, and there are some studies in literature such as mixing ammonia with traditional hydrocarbons at reasonable ratios, modifications on combustors, and oxygen using instead of air as oxidizers. Han et al. performed the study to better understand combustion features of ammonia as a function of equivalence ratio and molar concentration of ingredients, burning velocities of air-ammonia, air-ammoniahydrogen, air-ammonia - carbon monoxide and air-ammonia-methane flames experimentally [3]. Okafor et al. burnt ammonia in a swirling micro gas turbine combustor chamber and asserted some combustion methods and combustion chamber design for obtaining sufficient burning parameters and lower NOx levels. In this experimental and numerical study, they focused on the effects of fuel inlet angle, the inlet temperature of a combustor, equivalence ratio, and ambient pressure on combustion and emissions distribution of ammonia flame [4]. Kurata et al. designed a combustor for power production in a micro gas turbine and used NH3 as fuel for this experimental study. They performed airammonia, and air-ammonia-methane combustion performance tests and investigated the combustion parameters and thermal productivities, product gases analyses, and NO emission levels [5]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, The purpose of this paper is to investigate the combustion behaviours of oxy-ammonia flame and to compare its combustion performance with the performance of the air-ammonia flame using an air-oxy burner. For this purpose, a computational fluid dynamics commercial code has been used. In this way, temperature and emission levels of ammonia combustion have been predicted under air and oxy conditions. In addition to the temperature levels predicted, some emission levels, such as NOX, have been predicted. Furthermore, with the scope of the study, differences between temperature and NOX levels of ammonia and methane combustion are discussed. 2 CFD MODELLING Computational fluid dynamics modelling was performed through an existing gas burner for both ammonia and methane combustion in order to model the combustion of the gases in oxy-fuel and air-fuel circumstances in the study. The 3D model and drawing of the burner are shown in the figures below. Figure 1. 3D Model of the Burner [6] Figure 2. Drawing of the Burner [6] 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The burner, which is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 has two different oxygen-air outlets at the oxidizer outlet. The first ones of them are located to the edge of the body of the burner and resemble half-moon shape, and the swirling angle for these outlets is 15 oxidizer outlets are straight holes. The fuel line is located to the center of the burner and consists of holes which are radial to the combustion field. Ansys Fluent code has been used for numerical simulation of the flow, which took place in the burner and combustion chamber. Fluent uses the finite volume method to solve simple equations. [7]. When the flame temperature is higher than 1000 K, a radiation model must be used to obtain better prediction results for consistency between the results predicted and measured. Therefore, the P-1 radiation model was used for modelling ammonia and methane combustion. Moreover, modelling of turbulent flow was carried out by selecting a standard kturbulent model. In order to predict all NOx formation caused by the combustion of ammonia and methane gases, a Fluent postprocessor was used. Inlet temperatures of the oxidizers and fuels were of 300 K, and it was supposed that combustion occurring in all cases were under atmospheric conditions. Moreover, the room temperature was presumed as 300 K, and the heat transfer coefficient was selected as 20 W/m2 K. All combustion cases were planned for 10 kW thermal power and 0.83 equivalence ratio. Consequently, the 3D model of the combustor and mesh pattern, which were used in this study are illustrated in Fig. 3. Mesh structure was thickened, especially at the location of the burner and swirling area. Since combustion reactions begin in this area, increasing the frequency of mesh structure is very important. This mesh structure has 613947 tetrahedron cells and 112719 node points. The highest skewness value is 0.833, the average skewness value is 0,232, and the lowest orthogonal quality value is 0,167 for this mesh structure. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 3. (a) Solid Model and (b) Mesh Structure of the Combustor and the Burner 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Numerical results which have been obtained for combustion parameters of ammonia and methane for oxy and air-fuel conditions is presented in this section of the paper. Temperature and NOx distributions of air-NH3, oxy-NH3, air-CH4, and oxy-CH4 combustions are compared and discussed. 3.1 Temperature Distributions Fig. 4 illustrates the axial temperature distributions for all cases. It can be observed that burning with oxygen increases the flame temperature for all cases since there is no nitrogen content in the oxidizer. Figure 4. Axial Temperatures Predicted for All Cases Also, flame temperatures of both ammonia and methane combustions increased by nearly %60 in the flame zone when combustion is carried out under the oxy-fuel conditions. Considering oxy-fuel combustion, the difference between temperature values of oxy-CH4 combustion and oxy-NH3 combustion seems close to each other except the flame zone. In contrast, the difference between temperature values of airCH4 and air-NH3 combustions exhibits a different results from the flame zone to the combustor outlet. The reason for this distinction is that ammonia contains nitrogen, and when the air is used as an oxidizer, nitrogen in the fuel and in the air increases the total amount of nitrogen in the ambient excessively. Thus, burnt out the temperature of air-NH3 combustion is significantly lower. Furthermore, the maximum temperature value of oxy-NH3 combustion is 2217 K at 0.15 m axial distance from the combustor inlet, and the maximum temperature value of air-NH3 is 1318 K at 0.20 m axial distance from combustor inlet. This phenomenon shows oxyfuel combustion changes the maximum temperature zone to the combustor inlet, and therefore, oxy-fuel combustion increases the burning velocity of ammonia. This result is the same for methane combustion as well. Because, higher temperature leads to higher burning velocity. Likewise, Fig. 4 illustrates that the burning velocity of methane is higher than that of ammonia for both oxy and air-fuel combustion since the high-temperature field of Proceedings of INCOS2020, methane combustion is closer to the combustor inlet. Additionally, radial temperature profiles predicted between oxy and air-fuel combustion can be seen in Fig. 6. The radial temperature values which are taken from 10 cm axial distance drastically decrease from the combustor center to the combustor wall. This is because there is highly internal recirculation as the combustion chamber used is a sudden expansion type within this study. The flame temperatures for all cases studied decreased towards the combustor outlet. It is seen that the temperature values predicted for both air-NH3 and air-CH4 combustions are almost close from the center of the combustion chamber to the combustor wall after the axial distance of 50 cm. This conclusion may be explained that the flames of air-NH3 and airCH4 combustions propagate into the combustor chamber as uniform. However, there are slightly unstable temperature values that are taken from the combustor axis and combustor wall at the same axial distance for air-NH3 combustion compared to air-CH4 combustion. Furthermore, it was observed that the radial temperature of air-NH3 combustion is higher than that of air-CH4 combustion from the center of the combustor to the combustor wall. Although flame temperatures of oxy-NH3 and oxy-CH4 combustions are higher than those of air-NH3 and air-CH4 combustions in the combustor center, radial temperatures of them are lower than those of air-NH3 and air-CH4 combustions. On the other hand, radial temperature profiles of oxy-NH3 and oxy-CH4 combustions are quite close to each other. Besides, the temperature values of oxy-NH3 and oxy-CH4 show some differences, and that means, combustion products of oxy-NH3 and oxy-CH4 flames do not spread uniformly in the combustor chamber. This situation can be explained by evaluating the burning velocities of oxy-combustion flame. Since the burning velocity of the oxy-fuel flame is higher than air-fuel flame. 3.2 NOX Distributions Axial NOx distributions predicted of ammonia and methane combustions can be seen in Fig.5. 2020, Kayseri-Turkey As it is known that the thermal NOx mechanism is more dominant in normal combustion conditions, and the thermal NOx mechanism increases NOx levels depending upon rising flame temperature. Moreover, if a fuel contains nitrogen, fuel NOx must be taken into account as well. It can be readily said that the thermal NOx mechanism is more dominant in oxy-NH3 combustion, and this caused the highest NOx levels. Moreover, the fuel NOx mechanism is more effective in comparison to air-NH3 and air-CH4 under air-fuel combustions. Although axial temperature values of air-CH4 combustion are higher than air-NH3 combustion, fuel NOx mechanism causes NOx values of air-NH3 combustion are higher than air-CH4 combustion. Furthermore, it can be observed in Figure-5 that NOx emission values of oxy-NH3 combustion are further than those of air-NH3 and air-CH4 combustions. Since the thermal NOx mechanism is excessively effective at high temperature levels, it is thought this phenomenon occurs. When NOx emission values between oxy-NH3 and air-NH3 combustions evaluated, even though nitrogen mass, which is fed to the combustor, is decreased via oxy-fuel combustion, increasing flame temperature plays a more dominant role. It raises NOx levels of a flame for oxy-NH3 combustion to about 3000 ppm at an axial distance of 20 cm. Radial NOx distributions are also given in Fig. 7. Figure 5. Axial NOx Values Predicted Proceedings of INCOS2020, 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 6. Radial Temperatures Predicted for All Cases Proceedings of INCOS2020, Figure 7. Radial NOx Values Predicted for All Cases 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Proceedings of INCOS2020, 4 CONCLUSIONS Combustion characteristics and emission distributions of ammonia fuel have been examined in oxy and air-fuel combustion circumstances numerically, and observed outcomes are shown and scrutinized previous sections of the paper. As a consequence of conducted numerical modelling, the conclusions obtained are given below; - When all predicted temperature distributions are assessed for all fields of the combustion chamber, the oxy-fuel condition is more proper for ammonia gas as a fuel in terms of combustion performance, due to higher temperature values of oxy-fuel combustion. Moreover, oxy-fuel combustion performance of oxy-NH3 can compete with air-CH4 combustion in terms of flame temperatures. - Regarding NOx values predicted of ammonia combustion, oxy-fuel combustion of ammonia shows much higher NOx levels than air-fuel combustion of ammonia, and NOx levels remain steady toward the combustor outlet except flame region. - According to results predicted acquired from oxy and air-fuel combustions of ammonia, it can be concluded that the oxy-fuel condition method is a more convenient process for ammonia in terms of combustion performance. However, emission parameters, such as NOx values, should be optimized. It is thought that lower NOx values of oxy-NH3 combustion can be obtained by doing recirculation of combustion products to the flame region, twostage combustion, feeding of water to the combustion chamber or stratified feeding of oxidizer and fuel. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Gazi University is gratefully acknowledged by the authors for Ansys academic computer code usage. 2020, Kayseri-Turkey REFERENCES [1] H. Kobayashi, A. Hayakawa, K. D. K. A. Somarathne, and E. C. Okafor, Science and technology of ammonia combustion, Proc. Combust. Inst., Vol. 37, pp. 109 133, 2019. [2] V. Smil, Population Growth and Nitrogen: An Exploration of a Critical Existential Link, Population Council, Vol.17 (4), pp. 569-601, 1991. [3] X. Han., Z. Wang, M. Costa, Z. Sun, Y. He, and K. Cen, Experimental and kinetic modelling study of laminar burning velocities of NH3-air, NH3-H2-air, NH3-CO-air and NH3-CH4-air premixed flames, Combust. Flame, Vol. 206, pp. 214-226, 2019. [4] E. C. Okafor, Towards the development of an efficient low-NOx ammonia combustor for a micro gas turbine, Proc. Combust. Inst, Vol. 37 (4), pp. 4597 4606, 2019. [5] O. Kurata. Performances and emission characteristics of NH3-air and NH3-CH4-air combustion gas-turbine power generations, Proc. Combust. Inst., Vol. 36 (3), pp. 3351 3359, 2017. [6] S. Karyeyen, Experimental and numerical investigations of combustion characteristics of coal gases in a developed combustor, PhD thesis, Gazi University, Turkey, 2016. combustion characteristics in a natural gas diffusion flame, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol.135(4), pp. 1-8, 2013. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey PREDICTION OF FUEL-IN-OIL FORMATION RATE BY USING GAUSSIAN PROCESS MODELS 1 3 , O.A. Kutlar2 and A. 1. Istanbul Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul; email: muratgonul@itu.edu.tr 2. Istanbul Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul; email: kutlar@itu.edu.tr 3. Istanbul Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul; email: calik@itu.edu.tr Abstract Regeneration intervals of diesel particulate filters (DPF) are getting dramatically shortened due to strict emission legislations and city drive cycles with traffic issues which generates huge amounts of soot in the exhaust. Active (O2-based oxidation) DPF regeneration strategies coupled with late in-cylinder post injections are the main approach for most of the car manufacturers. One disadvantage of this approach is the oil dilution due to fuel creeping away from cylinder walls into the oil pan. Overcoming the oil dilution problem is highly challenging due to the aggressive demand in the market for higher oil change intervals. Additionally, strict emission legislations force car manufacturers to have a calibration strategy with low NOx-high PM emissions coming out of the engine that necessitates short DPF regeneration intervals, which in turn causes more oil dilution. As a result, oil dilution is becoming a major issue for engine calibration and also an emerging problem by means of hardware protection. Therefore, it is crucial to model the oil dilution accurately. Gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy can be utilized to determine the fuel-in-oil amount with high accuracy. These measurement methodologies require 4-6hr of steady state sampling and an hour of subsequent testing, which renders the online optimization techniques unfeasible and even impossible. In the recent years, machine learning algorithms are started to be utilized in the areas of emission modeling, onboard diagnostics and engine operating mode selection. In this study, a modeling approach based on the Gaussian process models for the optimization of oil dilution phenomenon is reported and the results are compared with the literature. It is shown that high model accuracy with Gaussian process models are possible for rate of oil dilution. Keywords: Fuel-in-Oil, Gaussian Process Models, Oil Dilution 1 INTRODUCTION To increase the air quality and to protect the environment, exhaust emission legislations are becoming stricter which requires vehicles to have optimum powertrain and exhaust emission system operating collectively and interactively, and with a very high efficiency even in cold drive cycles. Most of the gases and particles namely, CO, HC, NOx, soot that result from the combustion of diesel fuel are harmful to health and also to environment, and therefore, their levels are legally controlled globally by the emission legislations. Exhaust emission systems are used to convert these poisonous gases and particles to less harmful ones, and are composed of different catalysts with varying functions. Diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC) oxidizes the poisonous CO and hydrocarbon as well as NO owing to the high amounts of PGM (platinum group metals) it contains. Being another component of emission system, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is mainly responsible for reduction of NOx. DPF on the other hand is a mechanical filter collecting soot (black smoke) coming out of the engine. When DPF is fully loaded with soot, the engine operation is affected due to the increased back pressure, and thus, the filtered soot should be removed periodically from the filter basically by oxidation, via a process called regeneration. In theory, there are two different types for DPF regeneration; O2based oxidation of soot which is called active regeneration and takes place at high temperatures (above 500degC) and NO2-based oxidation which is termed as passive regeneration and occurs whenever the exhaust temperature is above 280oC and there is sufficient amount of NO2. Active regeneration has a chemical reaction rate of orders of magnitude higher than the passive regeneration Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey does. The common methodology for DPF Gaussian process model approach. Studied regeneration in passenger cars is the O2-based methodology can be explained with an analogy oxidation of soot that is trapped within the filter. from turbine efficiency calculation. If turbine The underlying reason for the choice of active efficiency is investigated in speed-torque regeneration is that the most challenging cycles domain, it would be needed to calculate in city drive are very short and the rate of soot efficiency in very large window. Yet, turbine is oxidation by O2 is high enough to remove all of working between choke and surge lines so the trapped soot for such short cycles. However, determination of turbine efficiency within two the temperature requirement (above 500degC) curves as a function of corrected flow and for the initiation of active regeneration cannot be pressure ratio would cover all points in speedmet during normal engine operation and thus torque domain. With similar analogy, on the exotherm generation is necessary to reach contrary of modelling oil dilution in speeddesired temperatures. The exotherm generation torque domain in conventional method, is accomplished by delivering raw fuel to the modelling rate of oil dilution in Sauter mean DOC catalyst which then oxidizes the fuel diameter, spray penetration dept, in-cylinder resulting in necessary temperature increase. temperature and engine speed would cover a Delivering of raw fuel can either be done with an very large operating window. The proposed external fuel injector right in front of the DOC method will allow for the offline optimization of or with in-cylinder post injections. Usage of the engine calibration parameters that can external fuel injector is usually limited by the minimize the amount of oil dilution. unavailable packing space considering issues regarding to mounting external injector on the 2 PARAMETERS IN FUEL-IN-OIL exhaust pipe or ensuring homogeneous raw CALCULATION fuel/exhaust gas mixture in front of the DOC and Artmann et.al. reported that the rate of fuel additional hardware cost including also the extra leaking into the oil pan is changing as a function fuel pump. As a result, in-cylinder late post of start of injection for late far post injection injection strategy is commonly adopted for the which can be observed in Figure 1 in white regeneration of DPF. Main drawback of inregions where late post injections are enabled. cylinder late post injection strategy is oil dilution The authors also reported that the recovery of a due to increased fuel concentration. As recent certain fraction of fuel in oil is possible when emission legislations require low engine-out late post injections are disabled. If the start of NOx strategies, the frequency of DPF injection for late far post injections is retarded regenerations within regular oil change intervals then the amount of fuel leaking into the oil pan are increased and oil dilution phenomenon within a certain duration is increased based. become a major issue in the field. Although it was expected to observe a decrease Accurate determination of fuel that is blended in fuel concentration in all the grey zones in with engine oil is highly challenging due to Figure 1, there are two outliers. This observation molecular similarity between fuel and oil. Gas also gives an insight regarding to measurement chromatography integrated with a mass accuracy. spectroscopy is commonly used to analyse the amount of fuel in oil. However, it is analytically quite hard to distinguish between fuel and oil, especially when the fuel amount is low, because both are composed of hydrocarbon fractions with a range of carbon numbers. Additionally, the measurement itself requires a certain time to be completed which renders the online optimization impossible. Considering the complexity of the sampling and measurement systems, a level of discrepancy should also be expected in the results. The present study proposes a methodology to Figure 1. Relation between increasing rate accurately model the oil dilution by using of fuel in oil and start of injection for post inj. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey at a specific oil temperature which can be observed from Figure 4. It can also be noticed that a certain fraction of fuel with high carbon In the same study, the authors also reported that chains do not have enough vapor pressure at the magnitude of oil dilution is increasing engine oil operating temperature range. So that linearly with the injection rate which is this fraction is not recovered during normal displayed in Figure 2. In Figure 3, it was shown operation within oil temperature limitations. The that rail pressure has also an influence on oil fraction of fuel that cannot be recovered is called dilution rate. In the reference, it was stated that as heavy fraction and the percentage of this the momentum of the spray particles was not fraction is generally 40-60%. The recovery of high enough to reach the cylinder wall in low fuel was considered in each stage of this study rail pressure region. On the other hand, including, the determination of the dyno meter atomization in high rail pressure region is testing conditions. dominant so particulates are not reaching to the cylinder wall. But, a portion of this behaviour against rail pressure deviation can be seen based on engine hardware specifications Figure 4. Recovery rate of fuel in oil regards to different carbon chains 3 Figure 2. Relation between rate of fuel in oil and far post inj. quantity Figure 3. Relation between rate of fuel in oil and rail pressure Different carbon chain structures can recover with different rates depending on vapor pressure PARAMETERS IN FUEL-IN-OIL CALCULATION 17 different operating points with different engine calibration deviations were selected for testing. The points are selected from the engine operating region where we see high oil dilution rate tendency based on residencies from issues customer vehicles. It was shown in the literature that higher late post injection quantities and retarded late post injections increase the rate of fuel leakage into the engine oil which played a key role in the determination of the steady state operation duration. At each operating point the engine was run for 4-6hr to reach the steady state fuel concentrations in the oil. Tests are completed in 34 days with two shifts in each day. Late far post injection quantity, rail pressure and start of injection were varied during the tests as shown in Figure 5, 6 and 7, to analyse the effects of each of these parameters. 120 samples were collected and analysed with GCMS. The measurements were carried out according to the methodologies stated in ASME3524 oil measurement standard. 50mL sample is collected for each sampling and three samples to calculate oil dilution rate in each point are collected. Sample results are corrected Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey improved and the validity range for such a based on sampling volume. Oil in sump and oil model can be extended further. Considering that filter are changed before starting each new there will be many input parameters for the testing point. Sampling is always done from model and there will be also a certain level of mixed oil with same length sampling pipe. discrepancy in the oil dilution measurements, Gaussian process is the most appropriate model that can be used in the modeling. Figure 5. Normalized rail pressure demand Figure 6. Normalized late far post injection quantity Figure 7. Normalized start of injection for late far post 4 MODELLING The effects of rail pressure, late far post injection quantity and start of injection for late far post on oil dilution rate were tested. However, it is reasonable to change domain from swept parameters to spray characteristics together with in-cylinder conditions when late far post injection occurs as it will be possible to assess deviations in engine calibration parameters in that domain so that offline optimization in that new domain will be possible. With that adjustment, the accuracy of the model can be 4.1 Calculation of Model Inputs The input parameter set for the oil dilution model was considered to be Sauter mean diameter, in-cylinder gas temperature at the time of the late post injection, engine speed and spray penetration depth. Among many input sets evaluated, this input variable set was determined to have the highest coverage rate. Figure 8. Correlation between Sauter mean diameter and oil dilution rate In Figure 8 from reference [2], the correlation between Sauter mean diameter (SMD) and oil dilution was shown. The observed correlation only exists when Sauter mean diameter is increased by increasing demand of late far post injection quantity. However, when injection timing for late post injection is retarded, oil dilution would be lowered according to Figure 2 from ref. [1] although Sauter mean diameter is increased. Therefore, rather than investigating the correlation for each individual parameter, a Gaussian process model with the above mentioned four input parameters will be more effective for modelling studies. Dilution rate will be modelled in terms of dilution within a specific time so that engine speed is also an effective parameter considering that it determined occurrence rate of the late far post injection in a specific time window. In-cylinder temperature at the time of late far post injection is also another essential parameter as it is one of the parameters that is affecting cylinder wall wetting and evaporation of fuel from cylinder wall. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey For calculation of Sauter mean diameter and spray penetration dept, the following formulas are used from Reference [3]. (1) (2) (3) (4) There are several additional parameters that are required for the calculation of Sauter mean diameter and penetration depth. In order to calculate these subset of parameters, secondary Gaussian process models were developed. Additional design of experiment studies for turbine inlet temperature and in cylinder pressure are completed. Statistical model of turbine inlet temperature was developed and isentropic process equation was used to calculate in cylinder temperature at the time of late far post injection. A series of Gaussian process models were fitted to in-cylinder pressure at CRA30-60-90-120-150 and the polynomial interpolation was computed to calculate incylinder pressure in a specific crank angle regarding the timing of the late far post injection. Figure 11. Rail pressure demand sweep In Figures 9, 10 and 11, sensitivity of SMD and penetration depth as a function of late far post injection quantity, timing and rail pressure were shown. Increasing the normalized start of injection for late far post injection means that the specific injection is getting closed to top death center (TDC). Penetration values are given as normalized based on distance between injector tip and cylinder wall. 4.2 Model Development Figure 12. SMD sweep in input data for modelling Figure 9. Start of injection for late far post injection sweep Figure 13. Penetration sweep in input data for modelling Figure 10. Late far post quantity sweep Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey the input set for oil dilution rate problem is efficient. Sweeping different parameters in terms of timing of start of injection and late far post quantity would be a reasonable approach to check if Gaussian process model output agrees well with the Reference [1]. Figure 14. Engine speed sweep in input data for modelling Figure 17. Gaussian model output for start of injection sweep Figure 15. Oil dilution rate results as modeled values In Figures 12, 13, 14 and 15, the input and output data are shown. In recent years, Gaussian process models are frequently used for engine out emission modelling for the offline optimization purposes. This type of modelling approach is very effective in that area as Reference [4] implies that such a modelling approach can still supply high level of accuracy even if the measurement data contains discrepancies. Due to the huge amount of noise obtained during long testing period of oil dilution characterization, Gaussian process is an appropriate method for the modelling of oil dilution rate. Figure 16. R^2 for oil dilution rate model As the above model fit offers a good level of correlation (R^2=0.99), it can be concluded that Figure 18. Gaussian model output for late far post quantity sweep Figure 19. Gaussian model output for rail pressure sweep In figure 17 and 18, results shown in graphs are directly aligned with Reference [1]. These figures are gathering by running Gaussian process model offline with deviations in input to understand behavior of model outputs compared to measurement results from Reference [1] in figure1 and figure2. The results displayed in Figure 19 do not agree with the literature data [1] which was shown in Figure 3. Depending on the engine hardware, it may not be possible to see the n-shaped trade-off between rail pressure and oil dilution rate for all Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey the operating points. In figure 19, we are seeing [4] Study of the influence of emission control left hand side of n-shaped trade off given in strategies on the soot content and fuel dilution in Reference [1] in Figure 3. engine oil, by Bernardo Tormosa, Ricardo Novellaa, Josep Gomez-Sorianoa, Antonio 5 CONCLUSION & DISCUSSIONS Ueharab, Marcos Alonso in Volume 136, August In this paper, a Gaussian process model for the 2019, Pages 285-298 Tribology International. prediction of oil dilution rate was developed to [5] ATSM3524, Standard Test Method for be used for optimization purposes. The model was developed by inputs of SMD, penetration Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils depth, in-cylinder gas temperature at the time of by Gas Chromatography. far late post injection and engine speed. [6] Modelling Diesel Spray Tip and Tail Therefore, the model is shown to be valid in a Penetrations After End-of-Injection, by Xinyi wide range of operating conditions. Unlike Zhou, Tie Li, Zheyuan Lai, Yijie Wei in Fuel, conventional oil dilution models, Gaussian 237-2019-442-456. process modeling approach in physical domain [7] Structures of Fuel Sprays in Diesel Engines, can also cover deviations in engine calibration parameters so that offline optimization of oil by Hiro Hiroyasu and Masataka Arai, in March dilution with such a model can be possible. 1990 SAE Technical Paper Series [8] Fuel Property Effects on Oil Dilution in For calculation of input parameters such as SMD Diesel Engines, by Mark Wattrus in Jan 2013 and penetration depth, empirical equations given in Ref. [3] were used. These calculations can be SAE International coupled with CAE studies and coverage region [9] Prediction of Oil Dilution by Post-Injection and accuracy of the oil dilution modeling can in DPF Regeneration Mode by Takayuki Ito, thus be improved. Fuel-in-oil is currently Takaaki Kitamura, Hirokazo Kojima, Hiroshi estimated with map-based calibration approach Kawanabe in Dec 2019 SAE International. in the field and that approach can be improved by directly implementing Gaussian process models into the engine control unit (ECU) as new generation of ECU technology allows us to implement machine learning algorithms directly. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Author would like to thank Doc.Dr for their technical guidance and support during study. REFERENCES [1] CARB Low NOx Stage3 Program Aftertreatment Evaluation and Down Selections, by Bryan Zavala, Christopher Sharp, Gary Neely and Sandesh Rao from Southwest Research Institute., 2020-01-1402 Published 14 Apr 2020 in SAE International. [2] Investigation of variations of lubricating oil diluted by post-injected fuel for the regeneration of CDPF and its effects on engine wear, by Bong-Ha Song and Yun-Ho Choi., in 2008, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. [3] A New Measurement Technique for Online Oil Dilution Measurement, by Christina Artmann, Marcel Kaspar and Hans-Peter Rabl, in Nov 2013, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 1 , Erman Aslan2, Zekeriya Özcan3, Gülten Gizem Küçük 4 1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, gcoskun@sakarya.edu.tr 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, erman.aslan@istanbul.edu.tr 3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, ozcan.zekeriya@hacettepe.edu.tr 4. Department of Mechanical Engineering, gultengizem.kucuk@ogr.iu.edu.tr Sakarya Istanbul Hacettepe Istanbul University, University, University, University, Sakarya; email: Istanbul; email: Ankara; email: Istanbul; email: Abstract Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) or Controlled Auto Ignition (CAI) is the concept for an engine in which the combustion of a homogeneous mixture takes place simultaneously in the entire combustion chamber due to very high compression rates. Early models used in the field of ICE technology did not include a detailed explanation of the fuel's oxidation chemistry but a general reaction equilibrium which only takes the initial reactants and the final products into the account. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to improve the current , and accordingly very precise models are needed. Today, most popular methodology to solve both fluid dynamics equations and the reaction chemistry is the utilization of reduced kinetic mechanisms. A comprehensive kinetic mechanism would involve any possible chemical path during the combustion of a fuel, except taking the importance of a reaction in circumstances being modelled into the account. In the scope of this study, different kinetic reduction mechanisms are compared in order to observe their effects on different HCCI combustion outputs using toluene reference fuel (TRF) which is composed by %79 toluene and %21 n-heptane. Mainly four different chemical reduction mechanisms, which were proposed Pressure development in combustion chamber, heat release rate and emissions are monitored in order to compare experimental and numerical data. Results show that two mechanisms that are proposed from Wang et al. and Chen et al. show far better compatibility with experimental data at specified initial conditions (CR: 14.04, Tin: 440 K, Pin:2.905 bar). Particularly, Chen et al. mechanism demonstrates an acceptable behaviour in hot combustion region. Thus, a parametric study about the effect of intake temperature was also conducted with this mechanism for the sake of convergence. Keywords: HCCI, Combustion Modelling, TRF, Reduction Mechanisms 1 INTRODUCTION Over the past decades computing power has increased dramatically and computational methods have become more effective in ICE design processes. On the other hand, whilst the experimental methods keep their importance in this particular field, overall costs of experiments are getting higher in comparison to numerical methods. Combustion modelling is one of the most challenging processes of engine design and maybe the most influential one for reducing fuel consumption and emissions. HCCI concept was mainly developed to meet same demands. Several studies have been conducted to discuss the advantages, disadvantages and further challenges of this technology since the very beginning. Zhao et al. [1] stated that since HCCI engines are more fuel-efficient, they are capable of working at diesel-level compression ratios (> 15), thus promising around %30 (theoretical) higher efficiencies than common gasoline engines. Another study conducted by Warnatz et al. [2] explains another advantage of HCCI combustion. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey HCCI provides a homogenous mix of fuel and air 2 LITERATURE REVIEW and that results with a cleaner combustion less emissions values in comparison to conventional Nowadays, diesel and gasoline are still the most engines. Such a combustion leads to lower commonly used . As we maximum temperatures during the process, which know, both are complicated compositions of leads to nearly insignificant NOx emissions. many components of different molecular Another positive aspect is no soot production [2]. structures. A full-scale mechanism, which contains all possible components would be ideal This engine is able to work with both gasoline and to simulate the combustion of those fuels. diesel. Alternative fuels are also compatible with However, state of art shows us that it is still HCCI technology [3]. Studies show that HCCI engines evade losses that are originated from CFD methods. Therefore, fuels that are called throttling, that also contributes to efficiency for representing diesel and gasoline increases [4]. have been proposed by including the most important components in the fuels, such as nOne of the most important challenges about this heptane or iso-octane. But major problem of such technology is the control of autoignition. This is a simplification is obvious: these surrogates do due to lack of an ignition starter (e.g. injector or not include other essential components of the spark plugging) unlike Otto or Diesel Engines [5]. fuel. Power production capability of this technology is lower than conventional methods [6] and Some studies have also found out that aromatic CO/Hydrocarbon emissions are higher due to the components play important roles in processes of constraints such as relative low temperatures and soot production, and the aromatic content in rapid combustions which lead to unfinished diesel and gasolines is typically about 25 35 combustions [7]. Higher heat release rates and percent [8]. Toluene is a member of aromatic rapid pressure elevations may cause early aging family and represents %79 of the molar fraction of the engine [2]. in our surrogate fuel, which was named after this. (TRF: Toluene Reference Fuel). Since the Today, most popular methodology to solve both reference fuel is TRF, in scope of this study, fluid dynamics equations and the reaction toluene reduction mechanisms were used to solve chemistry is the utilization of reduced the fluid mechanics and oxidation chemistry. kinetic mechanisms. A comprehensive kinetic mechanism would involve any possible chemical A chemical reaction method for modelling the path during the combustion of a fuel, except cycle of combustion and the polyaromatic taking the importance of a reaction in hydrocarbon production of diesel and n-heptane / circumstances being modelled into the account. toluene fuels was produced by Reitz et al [9]. This In the scope of this study, different kinetic method has been tested with experimental data on reduction mechanisms are compared in order to ignition delay in homogeneous charge observe their effects on different HCCI compression ignition (HCCI) combustion [9]. combustion outputs using toluene reference fuel (TRF) which is composed by %79 toluene and Huang et al. [10] proposed another polyaromatic %21 n-heptane. Mainly four different chemical hydrocarbon (PAH) mechanism that was reduction mechanisms, which were proposed by developed on the basis of a comprehensive different researchers, used in this study in order mechanism for n-butylbenzene (BBZ) and a to simulate an experimental toluene combustion previously reduced mechanism for n-heptanePAH. This mechanism is not validated against a HCCI engine but a direct injection compression Heat release rates, in-cylinder pressure engine. development and emission values are tracked in order to validate and compare those mechanisms For predictions of combustion, PAH and soot against the experimental data. production, a reduced toluene reference fuel (TRF, n-heptane, iso-octane, and toluene)polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey reduction mechanism with 109 species and 543 Li et al. [16] suggested a mechanism for toluene reactions is suggested by Wang et al [11]. The and decalin oxidation with PAH (Polycyclic mechanism can also capture combustion and aromatic hydrocarbon) formation predictions. emissions from simulations of the HCCI engines. This mechanism comprises from 108 species and Toluene material significantly improves the 566 reactions. A sensitivity analysis was production of PAH and soot formation. conducted in order to observe the relationship between aromatic ring structure and PAH Chen et al. [12] proposed reduced chemical formation with benzene, naphthalene, pyrene and mechanism targeted for a 5-component gasoline phenanthrene. surrogate. This is a case study on the heat release nature in a GCI engine. Gasoline Compression PAH formation is questioned for premixes of Ignition (GCI) is a favourable engine operation toluene and aromatics in the study of Li et mode that can decrease the maximum pressure al. [17]. Experimental data confirms the influence rise rate (MPRR) without knock inclination and of aromatic structure over PAH formation. A better control the phasing of combustion relative kinetic model is also proposed to validate the to the Homogeneous Charge Compression experimental data. Kinetic analysis demonstrated Ignition (HCCI). that benzyl plays a decisive role for both toluene decomposition and PAH formation. Another mechanism was proposed from Bai et al. [13] for a tri-component diesel surrogate fuel Niemeyer et al. [18] proposed different namely N-hexadecene, iso-cetane and 1methodologies and suggestions for reduction methylnaphtalene. This mechanism consists from mechanisms of multicomponent surrogate fuels. 234 reactions and 83 species and validated Results were validated with ignition delaying. In against a HCCI engine. It is shown that results are this study, HCCI simulations demonstrated that acceptable regarding process parameters such as utilized skeletal mechanisms could catch ignition ignition delay timing or in-cylinder pressure point and species profile from lean to development of HCCI engine. stochiometric combustions with an acceptable accuracy. Hernandez et al. [14] developed a multitechnique reduction methodology for HCCI In a review article, Zhen et al. [19] summarized combustion modelling with a diesel surrogate fuel different chemical reduction mechanisms for which consists from %64 n-heptane %36 toluene. gasoline surrogate fuels such as iso-octane, PRF Reduced mechanism includes 184 species and (Primary reference fuel) and TRF. This study 463 reactions. In HCCI combustion, it is shown focuses on the challenges and opportunities in that errors below 1 crank angle degrees are this particular research field. possible by using this methodology. [20] previously conducted an Generation of novel models for methanol-based analysis of an HCCI engine combustion using toluene reference fuels was the main objective of toluene reference fuel for different equivalence Zhang et al [15]. By applying techniques such as ratios and compared the experimental data with reaction pathway analysis, TRF (Toluene CFD and SRM simulations. Reduction reference fuel) model could be reduced in 290 mechanisms that are utilized in this study were reactions with 100 species. Validations were suggested by Machrafi et al. [21] and Andrae et carried out with a variety of methodologies such al. [22]. as shock tube ignition delaying, flow reactor etc. A high level of accuracy is achieved for a relative It is found that simulations of CFD and SRM with broad temperature range (T=300-2500 K). reduced process have better results for collecting But only CFD simulation with reduced function could catch the effects of the experimental ) [20]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey In this study, four different chemical reduction Compression ratio was set to 14.04 by mechanisms will be utilized among the cited manipulating the piston crown. Although literature. Table-1 summarizes these mechanisms different air-fuel mix ratios are tested in this in terms of their species and reaction numbers, setup, = 3.5 for TRF79 was taken into account validation temperature and pressure ranges. in scope of this study. 1200 rpm was the engine speed for the sake of stabilization in combustion. Table 1. Reduction mechanisms used in 3.2 Numerical Setup scope of this study Relevant Article Reitz et al. [9] Wang et al. [11] Chen et al. [12] Huang et al. [10] # of # of T Species Reactions (K) 71 360 7001450 109 543 7001450 1393 5976 7501100 111 542 7001400 P (bar) 1-50 Numerical solutions based on CFD methodology were carried out in the ANSYS Forte, an ICE module which is specifically developed for ICE calculations. 1-50 3.1 Experimental Setup All kinetic reduction mechanisms were built-up based on available supplementary data from research papers in CHEMKIN chemistry module of ANSYS. All temperatures on system boundaries (e.g. piston, wall and head) were set to 353 K. As an initial guess for the pressure at inlet valve closing time, 2.905 bar was specified. For initial temperature 380 K was guessed. Results show that none of the above mentioned mechanisms have converged under those conditions. Accordingly, initial temperature guess has been increased gradually. Results show that a guess of 440 K (P= 2.905 bar) is suitable as a base for further studies. Experimental results were gathered from the same configuration mentioned in [20], a singlecylinder Ricardo Hydra type test engine at Shell Laboratories in the UK. Technical data of this engine is mentioned in Table-2. Valve geometries were excluded from the numerical model, because the CFD program simulates the system between inlet valve closing time and outlet valve opening time. Geometric model is presented in Fig. 1. 3 1080 1-50 METHODOLOGY This study includes a numerical part and its comparison with experimental data. Accordingly, data collection methodology from these two sources will be elaborated in this section. Table 2. Engine technical data [20] Parameter Value Unit Bore 86 mm mm Stroke 86 mm mm Connecting 143.5 mm mm rod length Compression 14.04 ratio Engine 1200 rev/min rev/min Speed Number of 4 valves Intake valve 340 BTDC CAD opening time Intake valve 108 BTDC CAD closing time Exhaust 120 ATDC CAD valve opening time Exhaust 332 ATDC CAD valve closing time Figure 1. Combustion Chamber Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey All parts of the combustion chamber are meshed 4 RESULTS with linear elements as shown in Fig. 2: Numerical study is conducted at =3.5 air-fuel mixture ratio for TRF79. Data collected from experimental setup which was mentioned in [20] are compared with numerical results -obtained from different mechanisms- in terms of incylinder pressure, heat release rate (HRR) and particle emissions. Figure 2: Mesh Structure In order to compare the effect of constant size mesh elements and temperature-adaptive size mesh elements, a brief mesh study (using 3 mm global mesh size) is conducted with a reduction mechanism which shows highest convergence, namely Chen et al. [12]. Figure 4. Comparison of experimental and numerical data in terms of in-cylinder pressure for different reduction mechanisms Fig. 4 shows a comparison of experimental and numerical data in hot combustion region in terms of cylinder gas pressure. Whilst four mechanisms are applied under same boundary and initial conditions (CR: 14.04, Tin: 440K, Pin=2.905 bar), one can extract from that figure that mechanisms which are suggested from Chen et al. [12] and Wang et al. [11] demonstrate better compatibility with experimental data. Figure 3. A comparison between constantsize mesh strategy and temperature adaptive-size mesh strategy in terms of pressure development Figure 3 shows that constant-size mesh strategy is more compatible in comparison to adaptive mesh for this mesh dimensions. Figure 5. Comparison of experimental and numerical data in terms of heat release rate (HRR) for different reduction mechanisms Fig 5. compares experimental heat release data with numerical data. This figure clearly shows that Chen et al. mechanism shows a far better correlation with experimental setup. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Accordingly, a special case study which Particle emissions resulted from combustion, examines the effect of intake temperature on such as and are also monitored in scope results of Chen et al. mechanism was also of this study. conducted. Since there is no experimental data for development of component consumptions and emissions, these numerical results will be compared among each other. Final particle emissions will be compared with experimental data separately. Figure 8. Development of emissions for different mechanisms in hot combustion region Figure 6. Toluene ( ) consumption for TRF79 mechanisms Toluene consumption regarding engine crank angle in hot combustion range is shown in Fig. 6. Similarly, consumption of another component (nheptane) in hot combustion region is demonstrated in Fig. 7: In Figure 8, it is possible to observe the development of emissions for different mechanisms. As stated before, HCCI combustion leads rapid pressure changes and unfinished reactions, which causes the formation of carbonmonoxide. takes a % 0.14 share from combustion elements according to the experimental outputs Huang et al. mechanism demonstrates hardly an emission behaviour in hot combustion region. Figure 9. Development of emissions for different mechanisms in hot combustion region Figure 7. N-heptane ( mechanisms ) consumption Figure 9 shows the development of emissions in hot combustion region. Similar to emissions, Wang and Chen et al. mechanisms behave alike in hot combustion region whilst Reitz and Huang et al. mechanisms are in an irrelevant behaviour. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey that it represents best hot combustion pressure As far as the percentages of , and behaviour within the region. among the particles are concerned in terms of final particle emissions, Table-3 shows the correlations between experimental and numerical results for different mechanisms. Table 3. Percentages of , and different reduction mechanisms for Experimental % 0.14 % 4.10 % 15.78 Chen et al. [12] % 0.08 % 5.16 % 17.51 Wang et al. [11] % 0.13 %5.04 %17.55 Reitz et al. [9] % 1.24 %0.46 %20.89 Hueng et al. [10] % 0.18 %0.01 %22.66 If one takes in-cylinder pressure development, HRR and emission percentages into the account, it is straightforward to state that Chen and Wang et al. mechanisms show an acceptable behaviour in hot combustion region under these initial and boundary conditions. A parametric case study for Chen et al. mechanism presents following results: Figure 11. Comparison of experimental and numerical data in terms of heat release rate (HRR) for Chen et al. mechanism at different intake temperatures HRR results at different intake temperatures are also presented in Figure 11 for Chen et al. mechanism. These results are also in accordance with in-cylinder pressure results. 450 K seems to be a suitable intake temperature in scope of this case study. Table 4. Percentage of , and for experimental data and Chen et al. (450 K) Experimental Chen et (450 K) % 0.14 % 4.10 % 15.78 al. % 0.09 % 5.20 %17.47 Table 4 indicates the , and emission percentages among the particles. Intake temperature adjustment improved and values slightly whilst emission diverges 0.04 percent more. Figure 10. Pressure development of experimental data and different intake temperatures of Chen et al. mechanism As shown in the Figure 10, 450 K is the most suitable inlet temperature among the ones which were proposed in this case study, due to the fact These results show that Chen et al. and Wang et al. mechanisms show an agreeable accordance with experimental data (particularly Chen et al. mechanism). A reason for this conclusion may be that; engine setup used in Chen et al. [12] mechanism is similar to the engine setup of [20]. Wang used similar conditions in HCCI setup [11]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Another potential reason is the difference Surrogate fuel composition plays a between surrogate fuel compositions. Chen et al. decisive role on the chemical reduction proposed a 5-component fuel (i.e. , i, representation. More similar structured i, n, n) that include much component means more possible more possible reduction pathways than simple reduction pathways. two-component surrogate fuels. Owing to the fact that aromatics -in this Reitz et al. [9] mechanism is validated also case toluene- enhance the PAH formation, against a HCCI engine, however utilized fuel fuels that contain more toluene in their composition contains far less aromatics (i.e. structure, behave more convergent to toluene) namely %80 n-heptane to %20 toluene. experimental data. Huang et al. [10] mechanism proposes butylbenzene (BBZ) as an alternative to the toluene as an aromatic representative in surrogate fuels, but in this case it is obvious that existence of toluene plays a crucial role in the reduction kinetics. 450 K intake is determined as suitable intake temperature for Chen et al. mechanism as a result of case study. Effect of intake temperature was also investigated for less-convergent mechanisms, but no meaningful changes could be observed. compatibility. 5 CONCLUSIONS In the scope of this study, different kinetic reduction mechanisms are compared in order to observe their effects on different HCCI combustion outputs using toluene reference fuel (TRF) which is composed by %79 toluene and %21 n-heptane. Mainly four different chemical reduction mechanisms, which were proposed by different researchers, used in this study in order to simulate an experimental toluene combustion Conclusions can be summed up as follows: Chen et al. and Wang et al. mechanisms demonstrate an agreeable compatibility with experimental engine data under given initial and boundary conditions. Number of species and reactions has an impact on the representation behaviour of chemical reduction mechanism. Chen et al. includes far more species and possible reactions than the others. 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Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Usak University, Usak, Turkey; hakan.caliskan@usak.edu.tr Abstract In this study, the kerosene fuel used in aviation sector is investigated. The energy rate of the kerosene fuel and its combustion energy rate after the combustion chamber are also studied. Obtaining the number of moles of the chemical components after combustion is examined in two different ways as theoretical and experimental approaches. Considering the combustion chamber example, the energy efficiency value is obtained per unit mass of C11H21 as a result of the combination of kerosene and atmospheric air. Also, the information on how to calculate the mass ratio, mass percentage and mass flow rates of CO2, H2O, N2 and O2 at the combustion chamber exit are given. The energy rate of C11H21 kerosene fuel with 1 kg/s flow rate of is determined as 43MW, while the energy output rate of the combustion chamber (kerosene combustion products) is calculated as 20.87MW. On the other hand, the energy efficiency of the combustion chamber is obtained as 48.53%. Keywords: Combustion, Energy, Equation, Fuel, Kerosene. 1 INTRODUCTION Kerosene is a mixture of hydrocarbons with numbers of carbon atoms ranging from 6 to 16. It is obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum between 150°C and 275°C with a density between 0.78 0.81 g/cm3. Kerosene can be widely composed of C12H26 15H32 hydrocarbons. As it is not as flammable as the lower fractions, it is still used around the world for heating and lighting [1]. Kerosene also called paraffin, paraffin oil, flammable hydrocarbon liquid. Kerosene is commonly used as a fuel or fuel component for gas turbines [2]. There are different types of kerosene as Jet A, Jet A-1, JP8, JP-4, JP-10 [3]. Many countries maintain separate specifications for jet fuel. Operational and logistical differences affect specifications of the fuel. The military jet fuels of U.S. are given in Table 1 [4]. In spite of there is still no clear explanation of the ignition source of the fuel-air explosion, the advice is to keep the kerosene/air vapor ratio below the explosive limit. A minimum quantity of fuel should be maintained in the tank of aircraft, thereby limiting the potential for fuel temperature rise and evaporation is important [3]. For this reason, air/fuel ratio is also investigated in this study. Table 1. Military Jet Fuels [4]. Freeze Point oC max Flash Point oC min kerosene wide-cut wide-cut wide-cut -60 -60 -60 -72 43 1952 1956 1956 1960 kerosene kerosene kerosene kerosene -46 -54 -53 -43 60 1979 1998 kerosene kerosene -47 -47 38 38 Fuel Year Introduced Type JP-1 JP-2 JP-3 JP-4 1944 1945 1947 1951 JP-5 JP-6 JPTS JP-7 JP-8 JP8 +100 43 60 Comment obsolote obsolote obsolote air force fuel navy fuel obsolote higher thermal stability air force fuel Kerosene is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and other compounds [5]. CO2, H2O and N2 are the main chemical products of kerosene combustion [6]. Emissions are directly related to the engine loads and speeds. At low engine loads, the NOx emissions are also the same about each operating condition. But at higher engine loads, the kerosene-blended pre-injection fuel tends to increase the NOx emissions slightly [7]. There is a linear relationship between the maximum explosion pressure and maximum free radical emission intensity of the fuels [8]. According to the literature research, the combustion of a fuel, the chemical products Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey released after the combustion and their quantities become important. The aim of this study is to contribute to the calculations of the chemical reaction and burning behaviour of the kerosene in the aircraft combustion chamber. 2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION In this study, the kerosene fuel and its chemical products are investigated. Kerosene fuel enters the combustion chamber (CC) and combustion occurs by the help of atmospheric air 2, H2O, N2 and O2 that are given at the atmosphere as exhaust gases. This basic combustion process is given on Figure 1. As described in the introduction section, kerosene can be widely composed of C12H26 C15H32 hydrocarbons. In the open literature there are various kerosene researches. One of them is the study of Koca (2013) and it was accepted that the general combustion equation of kerosene fuel is as follows: xC12H24 2+3.76N2 O+dH2+eO2+fN2 The atmospheric air condition was assumed as 298.15K (25oC) and 101.325kPa. Temperature and pressure properties of kerosene are considered the same as atmospheric air and also its mole amount was taken as 1 kmol. The minimum amount of air required for complete combustion of a fuel is called stoichiometric or theoretical air, and the ideal combustion process that occurs during the complete combustion of a fuel with theoretical air is called the stoichiometric or theoretical combustion of the fuel [9]. In this study combustion of kerosene by the help of atmospheric air is evaluated as the stoichiometric combustion. (2) and the it was found that a=18, b=12, c=12, d=67.68 as the mole numbers. In this study, C11H21 kerosene fuel is used as an aircraft fuel. 3 Figure 1. Combustion Chamber Schematic Drawing 2+bCO+cH2 ANALYSIS 3.1 Theoretical Basic Approach In case where C11H21 is used as fuel, the stoichiometric combustion equation can be written as: xC11H21 1(O2+3.76N2 4N2 5O2 2CO2 3H2O+ (3) where x is the mole number of the fuel, 1 is the mole number of the atmospheric air and 2, 3, 4, 5 are the mole numbers of CO2, H2O, N2, O2 in kmol, respectively. CO2, H2O, N2 and O2 are the chemical products at the combustion chamber exit. Depending on the type of fuels, each fuel requires different amounts of atmospheric air, but there is a general ratio range between air/fuel or fuel/air ratio as it is seen in Figure 2 [4]. The combination of number 6.02x1023 (Avagadro's number) of particles or molecules of a substance is called the number of moles. Chemical substances can be found in the equations as mol or kmol. Atmospheric dry air consists of approximately 20.9% oxygen, 78.1% nitrogen, 0.9% argon and a small amount of carbon dioxide, helium, neon and hydrogen. For this reason, it can be considered that dry air consists of approximately 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen in mol. It can be basically described as (1): [9]. 1kmol O2 + 3.76kmol N2 = 4.76kmol Air (1) Figure 2. Fuel-Air Ratio General Range [4]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey This method evolved into ASTM D 909, Standard Test Method for Knock Characteristics of Aviation Gasolines by the Supercharge Method, which was adopted in 1958 [4]. When the studies in the open literature are examined [1,4,6], it is determined that if the coefficient 1 could not be reached experimentally, the coefficient 1 could be considered between 1518 for the ideal case of kerosene depending on the aircraft condition. In this study, 1 mole number of air is taken as 16. After the theoretical calculation, the result is compared with experimental result. For 1 kmol of C11H21 and 16 kilo moles of the equation is written as: C11H21+16(O2+3.76N2 4N2 5O2 2CO2 1, 3H2O+ (4) It is necessary to calculate the total number of moles of each element in the inputs equal to the number of moles of each element in the products. Table 2 shows the results of the mole numbers. Table 2. Results of The Mole Numbers. Calculations values C: 2 2=11 H: 3x2 3=10.5 O: N2: 2 16x(3.76) 3 4 5x2) 5=0.25 Comment Table 3 shows the ideal experimental coefficient results of the C11H21. Table 3. Experimental Coefficients. 1 Ideal Case 77.813 2 11.027 3 12.919 4 60.42 5 0 values which are used in and experimental 1=16) 1=77.813) are compared, it can be seen that there is a difference in values. The reason is that 1=77.813 value is in a percentage. But 2, 3, 4, 5 are the mole numbers of CO2, H2O, N2, O2, respectively, and they almost equal for the theoretical and the experimental results. 1 value which is in percentage form as mole number, it is necessary to divide this number to the mole number of air (=4.76) as it was described in equation (1). As a result, 1 can be calculated as 16.137 and its value is 1 value. 1 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Mass Flow Rate Calculation Almost zero (stoichiometric) 4=60.16 and 5=0.25 that means, combustion process is completed in almost under stoichiometric process. By 1=16, the exact mole amount of the atmospheric air can be calculated by using the trial and error method. 3.2 Experimental Data Investigation Although theoretical calculations can be made with the number of moles, gas analysis devices in laboratories generally show the component results of the elements as a percentage. Equation (5) shows the detailed chemical reaction of the C11H21 with elements coefficients. C11H21 1[0.7567N2+0.2035O2+0.0303H2O+ 0.000345CO2+0.0000 2CO2 3H2O+ (5) 4N2 5O2 The amount of power that can be obtained from kerosene entering the combustion chamber can be written to be; (6) where Hu is lower heating value and is mass flow rate of the fuel which are using for the calculation of energy input rate . Lower heating value of the kerosene is 43MJ/kg [10] and is taken as 1kg/s. Therefore the result for the can be calculated as 43MW. It's necessary to calculate the properties of the elements at the combustion chamber exit. (7) where and are mass flow rate and specific heat rate of the combustion chamber exit for ith component. and are mass flow rates of the combustion chamber exit Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey products of , , and , respectively. is the combustion chamber exit temperature. (8) where MA is molar mass of the ith element and is mole amounts of the elements which are calculated in Table 2. From the equation (4), C11H21 fuel is considered and the molar mass of C11H21 can be calculate as (11x12)+(21x1)=153kg/kmol. For 1kmol C11H21, 2365.48 kg atmospheric air is necessary as calculated in Table 3. In this study the mass flow rate of the C11H21 is used as 1kg/s. Dividing the mass (kg) of 1 kmol of C11H21 to 153, mass flow rate value of the fuel can be calculated as 1kg/s. Therefore the mass flow rate of atmospheric air can also be calculated as 2365.48kg/153=15.46 kg air is needed. As a result for C11H21 of 1kg/s mass flow rate, 15.46 kg/s atmospheric air is necessary. Due to the law of conversation of mass, the mass flow rate of elements should be, (9) where are the mass flow rates of fuel, atmospheric air and products in kg/s, respectively. So, can be calculated as 1+15.46=16.46 kg/s for the products. For each element, the mass flow rate can be calculated as follows: (10) Table 3. Mass Flow Rate Results. i CO2 H2O N2 O2 Total (kmol) 11 10.5 60.16 0.28 MA (kg/kmol) 44 18 28 32 mi (kg) 484.00 189.00 1684.48 8.00 2365.48 mi/mTotal (%) 20.46 7.98 71.21 0.33 (kg/s) 3.367 1.315 11.721 0.055 4.2 Specific Heat Rate Calculation For the specific heat values, if there is any experimental data, it can be used directly. But if there is no experimental data, specific heat values can be calculated for each element as to be [11]; (11) where is universal gas constant and is thermo-physical property coefficient for common perfect gas species which changes for combustion chamber exit temperature ( coefficients are taken from [11]), and is the combustion chamber exit temperature as 998.15 K. The unit of is described in kJ/kmolK [11]. For this reason, it is necessary to convert unit as follows: (kJ/kgK) (12) As a result, the specific heat values are shown in Table 4. Table 4. Specific Heat Value (cp) Results. i CO2 H2 O N2 O2 kJ/kmolK 54.287 41.190 32.688 34.872 kJ/kgK 1.233 2.288 m ix kW/K 4.155 3.009 m ix kW 4147.62 3003.94 1.167 1.089 13.684 0.060 13658.77 60.55 4.3 Energy Rate and Energy Efficiency Results All the required values of (7) has been calculated. All elements in the combustion chamber exit are in the same temperature conditions and all data can be replaced to (7). As a result, the energy rate at the combustion chamber exit can be found as; This results shows the power which was obtained at the combustion chamber exit after the combustion of kerosene. Energy efficiency of the combustion chamber (cc) can be calculated as, (13) According to (13), the energy efficiency of the combustion chamber is calculated 48.53%. 5 CONCLUSION In this study, the energy output rate of the combustion chamber by using the C11H21 kerosene fuel is investigated, while the fuel flow rate is 1kg/s. Also, the energy efficiency of the combustion chamber is calculated. The energy Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey rate of the C11H21 fuel is determined as 43MW, while the energy output rate of the combustion chamber is calculated as 20.87MW. On the other hand, the energy efficiency of the combustion chamber is obtained as 48.53% for the 16 kmol of 1. The theoretical and experimental approaches are compared for the chemical combustion equations and the atmospheric air requirement is investigated. It is determined that approximately 16x4.76=76.16 kmol of atmospheric air is required (for 1=16) to burn 1 kmol of C11H21 fuel. In addition, even if the mass flow rate of the combustion gases cannot be known, the mass percentages of the elements on the combustion chamber exit can be used as explained in this study. This study can be useful as a technical guide for researchers and engineers interested in energetic field of fuel combustion and combustion chambers. 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Unalan1* Energy Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Siirt University, 56100 Siirt, Turkey Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siirt University, 56100 Siirt, Turkey Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siirt University, 56100 Siirt, Turkey *Corresponding Author; S. Unalan (sebahattinunalan@gmail.com) Abstract Production biofuel from waste has become an important topic due to waste management and reducing their environmental hazard. Tea factory waste is a strong candidate due to its availability and reachability. This study aimed to reveal the biochemical methane potential (BMP) of tea factory waste (TFW) and spent tea waste (STW). Additionally, the results revealed that both substrates had high biodegradability due to high VS removal. The BMP tests took 49 days under mesophilic conditions with a batch reactor and the cumulative methane yields were 248.94, and 260.97 mL CH4/g VS for FTW and STW, respectively. Moreover, TWF had a high TS and VS removal, which are 42.00 and 64.06%, respectively. In the obtained biogas, the highest methane percent (77.84%) was reached the 21st day of test as 77.74 and 78.43% for TFW and STW, respectively. Furthermore, kinetic studies of methane production were analyzed and the results showed the experimental data were in agreement with the modified Gompertz model. Keywords: Tea factory waste, Spent tea waste, Anaerobic digestion, Biofuels. 1 INTRODUCTION In the world, the demand for energy is increasing rapidly due to industrial progress and relative population growth. The resources that developing countries use to meet this demand mostly fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. In developed countries, an increasing part of the energy consumption in order to prevent global problems such as greenhouse effect, hole in the ozone layer, acid rain and environmental pollution is met from renewable energy sources such as wind, biomass, solar and hydroelectric [1, 2]. Renewable energy has been adopted as an important resource in many countries of the world. However, less than 15% of global primary energy supply is renewable energy [3]. Increasing the use of renewable energy has become environmentally and economically essential. Biofuels refers to renewable fuels produced from biological resources and biomass waste that can be used for heat, electricity and fuel. They are an interesting alternative to petroleum-based fuels as they can be used as transportation fuels with little modification to existing technologies. Biomass is recognized worldwide as the most potential renewable energy source for both developed and developing economies to contribute to the energy needs of modern society. Its abundance in nature, being cheap, clean and environmentally friendly has made biomass resources attractive. Biomass waste can be converted into energy through thermal, biological and physical processes [4, 5]. Biogas is a widely used biofuel. Many countries around the world pay attention to the development of new ways to produce biogas from biomass and biowaste [6]. Biogas produced from biomass waste could play a critical role in the energy future. Biogas has the distinction of being a versatile renewable energy carrier that can replace conventional fuels to generate heat and power. Biogas finds use in many areas such as automotive applications, electricity generation, chemicals and materials production. At the same time, secondary waste, a by-product of this technology, is a high-value fertilizer for crop cultivation. Biogas production by anaerobic digestion offers significant advantages over other bioenergy production forms [7]. Considered as one of the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies for bioenergy production [8, 9]. One of the potential sources of biomass is tea factory waste released during the production of tea, one of the most consumed beverages in the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey world. Worldwide, tea is grown in more than 35 The inoculum has been stored at +4°C in the countries. Tea production reached a volume of refrigerator. All batch reactors were set to the S/I 5.95 million tons in 2016, according to Food and ratio of 1.0 on a VS basis. Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United 2.2 Analytical methods Nation sources [10, 11]. Tea production in the TS values were analyzed according to APHA world was recorded as 6.3 million tons in 2018. method. All substrates were placed in an oven at Turkey, the world production of 270 thousand 103-105°C until reaching a constant weight to tons of dried tea is replacing at 5th place [12]. In determine TS [21]. For determination of the VS, tea industries, 2-4% of total production is the sample was burnt in a muffle furnace generated as tea waste. Tea waste can be used in (MagmaTherm), first for 30 min at 220°C, and many useful ways [13]. In the literature, it is then for 2 h at 550°C. [21]. The elemental possible to find examples of production of analysis was performed to obtain the C, H, N, O, hydrogen; building materials such as pellets, and S contents of each substrate using an briquettes; activated carbon; ethanol; biochar elemental analyzer (Leco/TruSpec Micro). CO2 and bio-oil from tea wastes. [14-19]. and CH4 contents in biogas were analyzed via a In this study, the potential of biogas production gas chromatography (GC-2010 Plus). All tests from tea factory wastes (TFW) consisting of were conducted in triplicate and the standard fiber, dust and woody structure, which is deviation was calculated accordingly. deficient during production in tea factories, is From the elemental analysis results of investigated. TFW can be used as fuel in tea feedstocks, the stoichiometric equation was production processes (4410 kcal/kg) or as obtained as CnHaObNc (Eq. (1)) for each sample. fertilizer in local tea cultivation after composting The stoichiometric equation (Eq. (2)) [20]. However, it is possible to use and add (BMPtherotical) was used to calculate the value in more effective areas. Tea plant is grown theoretical methane yields [22] as follows: in certain regions due to climatic conditions. Tea factories are gathered in areas close to the raw (1) material so that the tea plant does not lose its characteristics. This situation shortens and facilitates the supply process of TFW compared (2) to biomass sources such as brewed tea waste. TFW occurs in large amounts in a given area, 2.3 BMP tests but it is possible to move to a different region. BMP tests were performed in 120mL bottles that Biogas production from tea wastes will be had 90 mL working volume. In this study, the beneficial in terms of obtaining a new source for feedstocks were used as sole digestion. Each biogas production technology as well as sample had 90 mL of inoculum and substrate preventing environmental problems arising from mixture. To understand gas potential from the storage of tea wastes. It is also believed that substate and dilated water, samples was this study will contribute to filling the existing performed without inoculum. Additionally, the gap in the literature and will be a guide for new blank sample was run to obtain baseline biogas studies. production. The baseline biogas production was 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS corrected from other trials biogas production to find biogas production from the samples. All 2.1 Feedstocks and inoculum BMP test trails were run triplicate under five The tea factory waste was obtained from Caykur different conditions. Samples were labeled in Rize, Turkey and spent tea waste was TFW, STW, and blank. Nitrogen was applied collected in the Carkur cafeteria. Both them into the bottles for 2 min to remove existed were immediately dried using an oven at 105°C oxygen in the head of the bottle before sealing. (Mikrotest) for 24 hours and the dried samples Lip of the bottle had a hole for sampling and were then stored at +4°C in a refrigerator for daily biogas measurements. The BMP tests were further usage. Inoculum was taken from a local run under mesophilic conditions (37 ± 1°C). wastewater treatment plant in Kayseri. Total During the test, samples continually shook at solid (TS) and volatile solid (VS) values of the 150 rpm. The dry biogas was calculated from inoculum were 4.23% and 2.33%, respectively. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey daily biogas production at standard temperature TFW was 49.67% which was slightly higher (0°C) and pressure (1 atm) according to than STW (48.01%). The macronutrient ratio Richards et al. [23]. (C/N) is commonly accepted between 20-25 to improve the AD process [7]. TFW and STW 2.4 Kinetic study were within the optimum range for C/N. The The modified Gompertz model was used to C/N ratio was 21.41 for TWF and 23.56 for obtained the predicted cumulative methane STW. Moreover, these results were supported production rate. The model is represented in Eq. with TS and VS content of wastes. TS/VS ratio (3) [24]. was 0.95 and 0.96% for TFW and STW, (3) respectively. Additionally, BMPtherotical was calculated according to Eq. (1) and (2). Due to where: higher C content, TFW had the highest methane y The cumulative methane production (L yield of 483 mL CH4/g VS followed by STW CH4/g VS) (475 mL CH4/g VS) as shown in Table 1. t The incubation time (day) For the trace elements, Fe, Zn, and Cu should be A The estimated methane production suitable range which are 1320, 1130, and 120 potential (L CH4/g VS) ppm to avoid inhibition [25]. FTW had 66.15, R The maximum methane production rate 13.58, and 7.78 ppm for Fe, Zn, and Cu whereas (L CH4/d) STW had 44.21, 9.05, and 10.06 ppm as shown Lag phase (day) in Table 1. Feedstocks used in this study were 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION within optimal range for micronutrients aspect. 3.1 Characterizations of the substrates 3.2 Experimental analyses The main physicochemical properties including BMP test results elemental analysis, TS, VS, and BMPtherotical of In this study, sole digestion of TFW and STW each substrate are given in Table 1. was examined. The methane production Table 1 Physicochemical properties of performance based on the BMP tests was substrates tested for BMP evaluated based on the sole digestion of TFW and STW. Additionally, the experimental data TFW STW that were daily measured was in agreement with C (%) 49.67 48.01 the modified Gompertz model (MGM). As it has H (%) 5.12 5.68 been mentioned above, the study primarily aims O (%) 38.43 39.95 to analyze the impact of TFW on the BMP results in order to assess the feasibility of TFW N (%) 2.32 2.04 due to their availability and reachability for AD S (%) 0.07 0.02 process. Also, there is an comparison between CHNOS (%) 95.61 95.69 TFW and STW on BMP test. C/N 21.41 23.56 The BMP tests are shown in Fig. 1. The test results are represented in mL of CH4 per gram TS (%) 98.67 98.78 waste of VS based at STP. The BMP test was VS (%) 94 94.44 run in triplicate and tests were terminated when VS/TS 0.95 0.96 daily biogas production was less than 1% of pH 5.36 4.57 cumulative biogas. The BMP tests took 49 days and the cumulative methane yields were 248.94, Fe (ppm) 66.15 42.21 and 260.97 mL CH4/g VS for FTW and STW, Zn (ppm) 13.58 9.05 respectively. STW is better performance than Cu (ppm) 7.78 10.06 FTW for methanation aspect. It could be the BMPtherotical reason that FTW has more lignin content than 483 475 STW. FTW is the first time reported for biogas (mLCH4/g VS) production, however, STW has a good The elemental analysis results as shown in agreement with available literature data. For Table 1 indicated that both wastes were organic example, STW was run under mesophilic waste because a total of C, H, O, N, and S conditions with different food/inoculum (F/I) contents was higher than 95%. C content of Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ratio and the results showed that 0.5 of F/I ratio CO2 and CH4 contents in biogas were analyzed gave higher methane yield than 1 of F/I ratio. by GC-2010 Plus, Shimadzu. Their sampling The former was 149 mL CH4/g VS while the days and CH4 content as a percentage were later was 123 mL CH4/g VS [26]. Additionally, given in Table 2. The CH4 content was sharply STW was investigated co-digestion with other increased for both substrates after the second substrates. Their results revealed that the week as expected. The highest methane content methane yields of co-digestion were improved was reached at 21st day as 77.74 and 78.43% for when sole STW digestion comparing to coTFW and STW, respectively. It was observed digestion. To illustrate, co-digestion that the first week STW had higher methane performance of STW and cow manure was content than TFW. It might be higher lignin increased by 170% according to sole STW content of TFW. Therefore, it is a high digestion [27]. Moreover, the result was probability that the pre-treatment could give a supported by Thanarasu et. al. [28] and better result for TFW due to reducing lignin Ozbayram et.al. [26]. However, their results content in it. were represented in COD and their mixing was a Table 2 CH4 content in the produced biogas basis of TS weight. Therefore, the methane yield according to their sampling days performance of STW is not comparable with this Days TFW (%) STW (%) study because a VS basis was used. In this study, rd 3 day 2.05 1.52 STW showed a better performance than th 7 day 4.93 18.06 Ozbayram et.al. [26]. It might be seasonal harvesting of the substrate. When STW and 14th day 59.52 78.13 st TFW were compared to each other, STW 21 day 77.74 78.43 showed a better performance than TFW; th 28 day 67.88 70.29 however, TFW might have a positive benefit th 35 day 35.78 76.81 when availability and reachability were taken th 49 day 29.39 23.49 into account. a b Fig. 1 The cumulative methane production (a) for TFW and STW and the modified Gompertz kinetic model (MGM) (b) VS and TS removals Between the initial and final TS and VS, the TS and VS removals were determined for each trial. The Fig. 2 represents the removals in percentage. For AD process, the removal of both TS and VS shows the biodegradability performance of substrates [29]. TFW had the highest VS removal as 64.06% while STW has 56.80% of VS removal. In the case of TS removal had the same trend as VS removal. In Fig. 2, TS removals are given 40.80, and 42.00% for STW and TFW, respectively. Moreover, pH is a crucial parameter for AD process and pH value gives a clue that whether the reactor is in balance for microbial communities. Different phases request different pH ranges, for example, the suitable pH value is between 4 and 8 for hydrolysis and 6.5-7.5 for the methanogenic phase [30]. After concluding AD process, the final pH value of a reactor shows whether inhibition exists. The lower pH could be attributed to VFA accumulation [31]. The final pH is given in Fig. 2 for both substrates. The final pH of STW and TFW were measured 7.61 and 7.45, respectively. These pH values showed that both feedstocks were Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey digested in balance. This result is agreed with and 23.56 for TFW and STW, respectively, was the cumulative methane yield. in the optimum range for both substrates. The methane yield of STW was higher than TFW which is 260.97 and 248.94 94 CH4 mL/g VS, respectively. Additionally, the removal of TS and VS figured out that it was in a close agreement with the cumulative methane yield. TFW had the highest VS removal as 64.06% STW TFW while STW has 56.80% of VS removal. Fig. 2 Removal of TS, and VS and final pH Moreover, the MGM revealed that the value experimental data and model prediction showed a general agreement with a higher R2 value 3.3 Kinetic study results (0.9982). TFW is an industrial waste and it could The Gompertz model is used for reliability be reached in a tea factory. It makes TFW more growth when the reliability data is analyzed. The feasible for biogas production. model is commonly applicable if the data show a Based on this experimental study, the following smooth curve trend. If the data follows the S conclusions can be drawn as: shape trend, it can be described by the Gompertz STW was higher methane potential than model and the Logistic curve. This combination TFW; however, availability and is described as Modified Gompertz Model reachability made TFW more feasible for (MGM). The cumulative methane production the biogas plants. shows S shape trend because biogas slowly TFW had a high VS removal which produces in the first days, afterward, the indicated that this substrate is suitable for production of the gas is rapidly grown [32]. biogas production. Therefore, MGM is an applicable model for Therefore, it is recommended to further biogas production. In the kinetic study, MGM investigate the co-digestion of TFW with STW, was applied for each obtained data. The model and other organic waste in future studies. Also, showed a good agreement with experimental 2 pretreatment of TFW should be investigated to methane production. 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Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Ankara; email: serhatkaryeyen@gazi.edu.tr, ilbas@gazi.edu.tr Abstract Colorless distributed combustion (CDC) is a novel combustion method providing ultra-low NOX and CO pollutant emissions, a more uniform thermal field, less combustion instabilities, etc. CDC can be implemented to many types of burners like cyclonic burners. Cyclonic burners, intrinsically, can enable a more uniform thermal field, less pollutant emissions, and more residence time due to highly internal recirculation. However, CDC is achieved by external recirculation. Therefore, non-premixed combustion of methane using a cyclonic burner was modelled through a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code to enable both external and internal recirculation in the study presented. In the modelling, Reynolds Stress Model that predicts accurately higher level turbulence closures was used as the turbulence model. The assumed-shape with -function Probability Density Function non-premixed combustion and P-1 radiation models were also used as the combustion and radiation models, respectively. In order to simulate CDC, N2 as the diluent was used to reduce oxygen concentration in the oxidizer from 21% to 15%. In this way, the transition to CDC was achieved at around an oxygen concentration of 15% when methane was combusted at an equivalence ratio of 0.83. With decreasing oxygen concentration in the oxidizer by N 2, it was predicted NOX and CO pollutants emissions decreased considerably at the burner outlet (ultra-low NOX value, less than 1 ppm). For better understanding of the effect of equivalence ratio on thermal fields, and NO X and CO pollutant emissions, modelling were taken place at equivalence ratios of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, and 0.6. According to the results predicted with changes in equivalence ratio, NOX and CO emissions decreased substantially even if ultra-low NOX emission levels could not be achieved compared to CDC conditions. Therefore, it can be said that CDC has enabled ultra-low NOX and considerably less CO pollutant emissions with a more uniform thermal field at lower equivalence ratios. Keywords: Colorless Distributed Combustion, Methane, Cyclonic Burner, CFD 1 INTRODUCTION Energy consumption is getting increase each year because of the growing population and economies. Therefore, energy production is one of the essential points for countries and their economies. However, energy production has a substantial impact on the environment due to emissions unless a renewable energy resource is used. Especially fossil fuels bring about serious problems on the environment due to pollutant emissions such as NOx and CO. That issue dictates engineers should improve the combustion methods that are being used nowadays to consume fossil fuel sources efficiently and effectively. In this direction, novel combustion methods have been developed to decrease the pollutant emissions. Some of these methods are as follows: Colorless Distributed Combustion (CDC) [1-4], Moderate or Intense Low Oxygen Dilution (MILD), Flameless Oxidation [FLOX] [5-7]. CDC which is one of the promising methods, has several properties in common with HiTAC (High Temperature Air Combustion). CDC provides a more stable flame along with low noise levels, and less pollutant emissions such as NO and CO [8]. CDC conditions are achieved by reducing the oxygen concentration in the oxidizer. For this purpose, the oxidizer flow rate is increased with a diluent to simulate external recirculation. At the same time, the amount of oxygen that is stoichiometrically required to burn a fuel completely is kept constant. In this way, the reaction rate is slowed down. Thus more stable flame and temperature field are achieved over the entire of the reactor. High temperature zones Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey are not mostly seen in the combustion chamber oxidizer flow rates. The general views of the because of obtaining distributed reaction zone burner constituted are shown in Figure 1 [9]. (isometric view) and Figure 2 (top view). Fuel and oxidizer inlets have been placed on the In order to achieve higher combustion efficiency lateral two surfaces as can be seen from the less pollutant emissions, many scientists have Figures. When it comes to the burner outlet, performed lots of studies that provided from Figure 1, it can be seen that it has been substantial contribution to the literature. Sabia et placed on the top of the burner. In this way, al., for example, conducted numerical and combustion products reside in more time in the experimental studies on propane [10], methane burner before being exhausted. [11] and diluted (CO2, H2O) propane [12] considering auto-ignition delay time under MILD condition. Sidey et al. performed numerical study regarding laminar strained nonpremixed flames of methane under particular MILD conditions. Sidey reveals thermal and prompt NO formation results in that study [13]. Li et al. examined the effect of H2 addition into methane on the formation of NO under MILD condition as both numerical and experimental. As a result of this study, NOx ratio remains constant. This surprising results cannot be clarified with thermal NOx formation in that reactor temperature increases with the addition of H2 [14]. Costa et al. designed the novel Figure 1. The isometric view of the burner combustor model for gas turbine. That study demonstrated that inlet air configuration mostly associated with efficiency [15]. Lammel et al. showed that it is possible to reach high flame temperature up to 2000 K with low pollutant emissions [6]. In light of the studies presented and discussed above, the combustion of methane using a cyclonic burner was investigated under colorless distributed combustion conditions. For this purpose, the cyclonic burner that was used in the previous study performing under MILD conditions by Sorrentino et al. [16] was selected due to its higher internal recirculation capability. Then, Ansys Fluent CFD code was used to predict the temperature, and the pollutant emission levels such as NOX and CO of methane combustion under CDC conditions. In this way, both external and internal recirculation was achieved to obtain ultra-low NOX and considerably less CO pollutant emission levels. 2 MODELING DETAILS As mentioned previously, the burner used was selected as the almost same as that of 6]. The geometry of the burner was designed and constituted using Ansys Design Modeler considering the fuel and Figure 1. The top view of the burner The fuel flow rate was determined considering to correspond to a thermal power of 2 kW for all conditions studied (Table 1). Then, the fuel inlet diameter was calculated as 0.89 mm considering the thermal power selected. Similarly, the oxidizer inlet diameter was also calculated as 3.39 mm taking into account an equivalence ratio of 0.83 and the thermal power selected. Then, the all oxidizer flow rates for each Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey condition have been calculated considering been used for some modelling such as conditions which equivalence ratio and oxygen at lower oxygen concentrations needed using concentration are studied. It means the oxygen more cells to reach convergence criteria. concentration in the oxidizer reduces as N2 diluent is introduced into the oxidizer. The In the present study, for prediction of NOX burner outlet diameter was constituted as 25 pollutant emission, Ansys Fluent post-processor mm. The reactor height, width, and length are of was used. It is well-known that there exist three 50 mm, 200 mm, 200 mm, respectively. NOX formation mechanisms that are called as thermal (oxidation of nitrogen in the air at high Table 1. Operating conditions temperature), prompt (which is produced at fuelrich zones due to hydrocarbon fuel separation Mixture Oxygen reactions) and fuel-NOX. However, for this Equivalance Temperature Concentration study, thermal and prompt NOX mechanisms Ratio (K) (% by volume) have been activated to predict NOX levels. Fuel NOX has not been activated as methane has not 0.83 300 21% any fuel-bound nitrogen. 0.83 300 20% 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0.83 300 19% 3.1 Model Validation 0.83 300 18% In order to consider that all modelling results are 0.83 300 17% reasonable, validation with experimental results 0.83 300 16% is very important. For this purpose, some 0.83 300 15% modelling has been performed to compare and 0.9 300 21% validate with the experimental data obtained in 0.8 300 21% the study reported by Sorrentino et al. [16]. 0.7 300 21% Sorrentino et al. [16] combusted C3H8/O2/N2 mixture with highly preheated air and obtained 0.6 300 21% some experimental results. Therefore, the numerical results predicted and the data Ansys Fluent commercial program has been measured are compared in Figure 3. It is used for numerical analysis of turbulence understood from Figure 3, the results predicted reacting flow. Modelling algorithm of flow was are in good agreement with the data measured in considered as steady-state and three-dimensional terms of values and trends. So, it can be said that continuity. Energy, momentum, and species further modelings for this burner can be transport equations were solved iteratively. implemented and acceptable in terms of Linear pressure strain Reynolds Stress Model accuracy. (RSM) along with non-equilibrium wall function was selected due to its higher accuracy capacity for highly swirling flows. For species transports, the assumed-shape with -function Probability Density Function non-premixed combustion model was preferred together with inlet diffusion option. Scheme simple was selected for pressure velocity coupling. The other components were determined as respectively: Pressure: Presto; Gradient: Least Square CellBased; Momentum and Turbulent Kinetic Energy: Second Order Upwind. Convergence criteria for each equation was selected at least 10-4. Minimum 460000 cells have been used to predict the temperature field and pollutant emissions. More than 460000 cells have also Figure 2. Model validation Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.2 The effect of oxygen concentration on the temperature field Figures 4 to 10 show the effect of oxygen concentration on the temperature field inside the burner. The maximum temperature level has been predicted as around 2040 K at an oxygen concentration of 21%. Then, the maximum temperature values predicted decreased as the oxygen concentration in the oxidizer was reduced by introducing N2 diluent into the oxidizer. The maximum temperature values predicted for each oxygen concentration are of almost 1980 K, 1950 K, 1920 K, 1890 K, 1830 Figure 4. Temperature distributions at an K, and 1790 K at oxygen concentrations of 20%, oxygen concentration of 20% 19%, 18%, 17%, 16%, and 15%, respectively. As for temperature distributions, it can be said that high temperature zones replaced in the burner with being decreased the oxygen concentration in the oxidizer. This is because of higher flow rates at lower oxygen concentrations. However, for the cyclonic burner, CDC conditions did not change considerably temperature field even if a little more uniform thermal field was obtained inside the burner. After an oxygen concentration of 15%, the burner was not continued to model as the NOX values predicted (the results are presented in 3.4. section) decreased below 1 Figure 5. Temperature distributions at an ppm, which is considered CDC is achieved. oxygen concentration of 19% Figure 3. Temperature distributions at an oxygen concentration of 21% Figure 6. Temperature distributions at an oxygen concentration of 18% Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey important conclusion here is to reveal a more uniform thermal field was obtained under CDC. In particular, it is concluded that the temperature differences between the values close to the walls and at the burner centre are not too different. Therefore, in terms of a more uniform thermal field, it can be said that CDC was achieved. Figure 7. Temperature distributions at an oxygen concentration of 17% Figure 10. The temperature profiles along the centreline of the burner at different oxygen concentrations Figure 8. Temperature distributions at an oxygen concentration of 16% Figure 9. Temperature distributions at an oxygen concentration of 15% The temperature profiles at different oxygen concentrations along the centreline of the burner are shown in Figure 11. When it is looked at in Figure 11, the first conclusion is that the temperature levels decreased gradually as the oxygen concentration was decreased. The other 3.3 The Effect of Equivalence Ratio on Temperature Distributions The effect of change in equivalence ratio on temperature distributions are presented here. For this purpose, more modelling have been performed at equivalence ratios of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, and 0.6, and temperature fields of those are given in Figures 12 to 15. From the Figures, it can be said that the maximum temperature level emerged at the near stoichiometric condition (at an equivalence ratio of 0.9). It is also seen the temperature field became a more uniform when the equivalence ratio was decreased to 0.6. It can be concluded that reducing equivalence ratio is more effective obtaining a more uniform thermal field in the cyclonic burner. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 11. Temperature distributions at an equivalence ratio of 0.9 Figure 14. Temperature distributions at an equivalence ratio of 0.6 The temperature profiles at different equivalence ratios along the centreline of the burner are shown in Figure 16. According to Figure 16, it is said that the maximum temperature values decreased with being reduced equivalence ratio. Besides, reducing the equivalence ratio enabled less temperature differences between the values close to the walls and at the burner centre like an oxygen concentration of 15%. Figure 12. Temperature distributions at an equivalence ratio of 0.8 Figure 15. The temperature profiles along the centreline of the burner at different equivalence ratios. Figure 13. Temperature distributions at an equivalence ratio of 0.7 3.4 Pollutant Emissions In order to understand the transition to CDC, the effect of reduced oxygen concentration on pollutant emissions such as NO X and CO are presented here. The NO X profiles at different oxygen concentrations and equivalence ratios along the diameter of the burner outlet are shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18. Moreover, the mean NOX and CO levels predicted at the burner outlet are given in Figure 19 and Figure 20. According to Figure 17, it can be said that reducing oxygen concentration affected Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey substantially the NOX levels predicted. It can be seen from the Figure the NOX levels predicted reduced drastically as the oxygen concentration in the oxidizer was reduced. Such that, at an oxygen concentration of 15%, the NOX value predicted is of around 0.2 ppm, which suggests that CDC is achieved in terms of ultra-low NOX level. As for the evaluation of the effect of the decrease in the equivalence ratio on the NOX values predicted, it can be concluded that the decrease in the equivalence ratio reduced the NOX values like the decrease in the oxygen concentration. However, ultra-low NOX levels could not be achieved. The NOX value predicted is of around 15 ppm at an equivalence ratio of 0.6. Figure 17. The NOX profiles along the diameter of the burner outlet at different equivalence ratios Figure 19. The effect of reduced oxygen concentration on NOx emission levels at the burner outlet Figure 16. The NOX profiles along the diameter of the burner outlet at different oxygen concentrations Figure 19 and Figure 20 show the effect of oxygen concentration on mean NOX and CO pollutant emissions at the burner outlet. Both NOX and CO pollutant emission reduced significantly with decreasing the oxygen concentration. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey field and ultra-low NOX and less CO pollutant emissions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge Gazi University for use of Ansys Fluent academic computer code. Figure 18. The effect of reduced oxygen concentration on CO emission levels at the burner outlet 4 CONCLUSIONS The non-premixed combustion of methane using a cyclonic burner was modelled through Ansys Fluent commercial code to achieve both external (CDC conditions) and internal recirculation in this study. In the modelling, Reynolds Stress turbulence model, the assumed-shape with function Probability Density Function nonpremixed combustion model, and P-1 radiation model were used to predict temperature field, and pollutant emissions such as NOX and CO. In order to simulate CDC, N2 as the diluent was introduced into the oxidizer to reduce the oxygen concentration in the oxidizer from 21% to 15%. It has been concluded that the transition to CDC was achieved at around an oxygen concentration of 15% when methane was combusted at an equivalence ratio of 0.83. When the transition to CDC is evaluated in terms of different equivalence ratios, it can be said that decreasing the equivalence ratio highly affected the transition to CDC. So, a more uniform thermal field was achieved at an equivalence ratio of 0.6. 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Engineering, 1 K rklareli University, K rklareli, Turkey, Abstract In this study, the emission levels of passenger cars in Turkey, where is one of the world's twenty largest emission producers, is investigated. GREET software has been used to analyze emissions for the last ten years. The software was adapted to the Turkish statistical data on technological years of fuel production systems, fuel types, vehicle years, vehicle types, and shares of different energy sources in total electricity generation. Emissions from average Turkish car for each year have been compared on well to wheel basis. According to the analysis, VOC emission decreased from the levels of 0.56 g/km in 2009 to 0.37 g/km in 2018. For the same period, other emissions approximately decreased from 4.87 g/km to 3.57 g/km for CO, from 1.29 g/km to 0.83 g/km for NOx, from 0.021 g/km to 0.016 g/km for PM10, from 0.018 g/km to 0.014 g/km for PM2.5, from 0.11 g/km to 0.08 g/km for SOx, and from 294 g/km to 267 g/km for GHG-100, respectively. This reduction in emissions is mainly due to the technological improvements over the years, the increase in the use of LPG as a fuel in passenger cars, the increase in the share of renewable energy sources in electricity generation, and the increase in the number of hybrid and electric cars. Keywords: Fuels, passenger car, emissions, Turkey. 1 INTRODUCTION Vehicles on the roads of Turkey are equipped with internal combustion engines powered by gasoline, diesel, and LPG. These fuels emit volatile organic compound (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matters (PM10 & PM2.5), sulfur oxides (SOx), and greenhouse gases (GHG) in the combustion process. They, therefore, cause air pollution, global warming, and climate change in the environment, which is investigated and shown in many studies [1-14]. Literature has publications showing present data sources and parameters for different countries. Few studies, on the other hand, perform analyses only for limited fuel and vehicle options for Turkey, and therefore, these studies may not represent the real situation for a comprehensive fuel-vehicle combination in the past and future of Turkey. Thus, this study has been performed to make comparison of nearly all air pollutant emissions, directly or indirectly emitted from passenger cars, considering different fuel production technologies, electricity generation technologies, electricity mixes, and vehicle technologies for different years in passenger cars of Turkey adapting the GREET model. 2 METHODOLOGY VOC, CO, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, and GHG emissions emitted from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), electric vehicles (EVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are analyzed using GREET (greenhouse gases, regulated emissions, and energy use in transportation) software (version developed by Argonne National Laboratory [15] for Turkey. The analysis is performed for the ten years from 2009 to 2018. The main calculation method of the emissions that GREET software uses is demonstrated in Eq. 1 [16], where , , , and are the total emissions of pollutant i of the energy source throughput for the given process, the combustion emissions of the pollutant i of the energy source j burned, the upstream emissions of the pollutant i of the energy source j utilized to produce and distribute the energy source to the related process, and the energy consumption of the energy source j during the process, respectively. In the emission analysis, passenger vehicles are considered as identical vehicles. Therefore, merely the variations of vehicle technologies, vehicle types, fuel properties and additive rates, and shares of energy sources in electric generation by year are determined for Turkey. In the energy calculations of the fuel sources, lower-heating values (LHV) are used. Vehicle technology year is determined by the software automatically as five years that of the target year. Turkey Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey produces its electricity using which source is passenger cars (>54% in 2018) [17], it is also effective in the emission calculation for the suitable to take them into consideration in the specified year. It is clear that how electricity is emissions analysis. As clearly seen from the produced in a country directly affects emissions table, while the number of gasoline powered in EVs that use this electricity, but it should be cars is decreasing by years, diesel and LPG known that it also indirectly effects the powered cars increase their numbers in Turkey. production of some vehicle fuels in different In addition, although their numbers are very proportions for the specified year. Consistent low, hybrid and electric cars multiply their with this, vehicle emissions are calculated for numbers in the Turkish passenger car market by the specified years using these exact values year year. Unknown cars, on the other hand, by year in the study. demonstrate the passenger cars that have no fuel information in their records, which is due to the (1) errors during the registration of the cars. The number of the vehicles with unknown fuel Table 1 shows the numbers of passenger cars in decreases as they are withdrawn from the traffic Turkey according to their fuel types. Since the by years. more than half of the vehicles in Turkey are Table 1. Passenger cars in Turkey according to fuel types [17-20] Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Gasoline 3 373 875 3 191 964 3 036 129 2 929 216 2 888 610 2 855 078 2 927 720 3 031 744 3 120 407 3 089 626 Diesel 1 111 822 1 381 631 1 756 034 2 101 206 2 497 209 2 882 885 3 345 951 3 803 772 4 256 305 4 568 665 3 RESULTS Table 2 shows VOC, CO, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, and GHG-100 emissions of average passenger cars in Turkey. Average passenger cars are determined for each year regarding the numbers of the cars that have different fuels and car technologies. According to the table, all emissions decrease by year with no exception. The prominent factors in this decrease are technological advances in both fuel production stages and vehicle efficiency, also decrease in the number of gasoline vehicles, increase in the numbers of diesel and LPG vehicles, and even it is a bit lower, increase in the numbers of hybrid and electric vehicles in Turkey. While the highest emission in the amount of g/km unit is GHG-100, the lowest emission is PM10-2.5. From 2009 to 2018, the average emission reductions in percent are over 32% in VOC, 26% in CO, 36% in NOx, 25% in PM10, 26% in PM2.5, 22% in LPG 2 525 449 2 900 034 3 259 288 3 569 143 3 852 336 4 076 730 4 272 044 4 439 631 4 616 842 4 695 717 Hybrid 0 0 24 24 201 243 419 646 1094 4621 Electric 0 0 23 204 235 282 470 514 591 746 Unknown 82 818 71 242 61 613 49 082 45 332 42 697 42 733 41 691 40 739 38 815 SOx, and 8% in GHG-100. As the table shows, the mostly reduced emission between 2009 and 2018 is NOx, which is a vehicle emission that takes big attention of car manufacturers to be lowered, even some of them reports false results as gets global interest with news. The lowest reduction in emissions is in GHG-100, which is actually the most important one for the environment we live in. However, reducing GHG-100 is very hard in internal combustion engine vehicles, since they emit CO2 and its equivalents due to fuel consumption of the engine. Efficiency increase of the engine decrease CO2 emissions in some degree. To lower CO2 emissions, actually all kind of emissions, electric should be produced from environmentally friendly sources, and vehicles should be powered by this green electricity as much as possible. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 2. Emissions of the average passenger car in Turkey by years Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 VOC (g/km) 0.5577 0.5329 0.5062 0.4845 0.4626 0.4453 0.4216 0.4011 0.3833 0.3747 CO (g/km) 4.8674 4.6915 4.4976 4.3383 4.1731 4.0417 3.8838 3.7468 3.6281 3.5738 NOx (g/km) 1.2926 1.2280 1.1571 1.0990 1.0479 0.9993 0.9407 0.8899 0.8457 0.8253 Fig. 1 illustrates the average emission percent shares of passenger cars in Turkey for the scenario years of 2030 and 2050. It is assumed that Turkey generates its electricity by using the following sources at equal shares: oil, coal, natural gas, biomass, hydro, geothermal, wind, solar, and nuclear. Although the vehicles have lower values in some emissions, they can have a higher average value for all the emissions. What the bars in the figure show a comprehensive view of general situation for Turkish 2030 and 2050 scenarios and plot a target path with a proper expression. Although some types of emissions are more important for the environment, it is also a good comparison criterion to average the emissions frequently used in comparisons and to illustrate the percent shares of each in the vehicle group. Therefore, if we carefully examine the figure, it is clearly seen that EVs have the highest average PM10 PM2.5 SOx GHG-100 (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) 0.0213 0.0184 0.1052 294 0.0205 0.0177 0.1024 290 0.0196 0.0170 0.0992 286 0.0189 0.0164 0.0965 283 0.0182 0.0158 0.0935 280 0.0177 0.0153 0.0911 278 0.0170 0.0147 0.0877 274 0.0165 0.0142 0.0849 271 0.0160 0.0138 0.0823 269 0.0158 0.0136 0.0811 267 emission shares in both years according to the analysis. Actually, EVs do not have tailpipe emissions, but they pollute the environment during the production of the electricity they use, especially when using conventional fossil fuels such as coal and oil, as assumed in this analysis also. Second, third, and fourth highest average emissions are seen in 90% gasoline + 10 ethanol powered spark ignition (SI) PHEVs and SI HEVs, and gaseous hydrogen powered FCVs, respectively. The lowest average emission, on the other hand, is seen in the LPG powered SI HEVs, which is an important result that should be emphasized in terms of the Turkish people who highly prefer LPG powered vehicles, as can be seen in Table 1. After LPG powered SI HEVs, CNG powered SI HEVs have the lowest emissions. Furthermore, it is seen that average emissions have slightly more or less similar values in 2030 and 2050. 100 80 60 40 20 2030 2050 0 Figure 1. Average emission percent shares of passenger cars in 2030 and 2050 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 4 CONCLUSION hydrogen blends, Fresenius Environmental Emissions of passenger cars in Turkey for the Bulletin, vol.27, 4174-4185, 2018. last ten years and in the years 2030 and 2050 [6] I. M. Investigation of have been evaluated in this study. Statistical hydrogen addition to methanol-gasoline blends data and GREET software have been used to in a SI engine, International Journal of calculate emissions. 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Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, BIOGAS PRODUCTION AS AN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: PALESTINE AS A CASE STUDY Mustafa lba 1, Lina Antari2 and Murat ahin3 1Energy System Engineering Department, Technology Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara; email: ilbas@gazi.edu.tr, corresponding author 2Energy System Engineering Department, Technology Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara; email: lena.o.antari@gmail.com 3Mechanical Engineering Department, National Defense University, Ankara; email: msahin@kho.edu.tr Abstract Biogas production from animal manures is one of the alternative utilization of organic wastes that could be implemented easily in rural areas in order to mitigate energy shortage problems or to reduce the gas and energy bills. This study concerns the biogas production by anaerobic digestion process for domestic usage in Palestine and its cost. Experimental work was conducted to determine the amount of biogas produced by every kg of cow manure. Portable digester with a capacity of 60 L was fed with 1:1 ratio of cow manure and water and operated for 40 days with a temperature interval of (29-34) °C. The pH values for the manure sample dropped gradually to less than 6, then it raised again to 7 on the last day. The total obtained amount from biogas on the last day was approximately 1kg with a biogas yield factor of 0.0389 kg biogas/kg manure. The sample reached its maximum productivity on the 27th day with 155g of biogas. It was founded that biodigester with 2 m3 is required to cover monthly cooking requirements of a Palestinian family with an initial construction cost of 598$. The economic evaluation showed that total profit from using household biodigester was 153$/month in the case of selling the digestion residue as an organic fertilizers. It also was 15$/month if the biogas was used only (without selling the fertilizers). Simple payback period was ranged between 4 months and 3 years. Keywords: Palestine, Biogas, Anaerobic digestion, Animal manure 1 INTRODUCTION Energy has a vital role in driving various developments in all life aspects and in improving standard life quality. The world today faces uncontrollable energy demand growth, which causes critical environmental changes as air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, ozone layer depletion, and global warming [1]. Today, engineers and scientists make extensive efforts to search and find solutions to slow down the global energy consumption, most of these solutions tend to use renewable energy sources as an effective alternative to fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources represented mainly by solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, nuclear and geothermal energy [2]. By comparing with fossil fuels, it is more difficult to have a comprehensive statistical data about all renewable energy potentials in the world [3]. According to International Energy Agency (IEA) renewables are the second largest source for electricity production in the world, they accounted for 24.5% of global electricity generation in 2017[4]. This paper highlights the biogas technology from several aspects and sides. The main sections of this paper can be classified as follows: biomass energy, biogas, energy situation in Palestine, research methodology, designing of a household digester, economic evaluation and conclusion and Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, recommendations that included in the final section. 2 BIOMASS ENERGY AND BIOGAS Throughout human history, biomass has been one of the most important sources of all basic requirements. Until the early 19th-century biomass was the primary energy source in industrial countries and, indeed, still continues to provide the biggest part of the energy for many developing countries[5]. Organic wastes, standing forests and energy crops are the three main categories of biomass energy resources [6]. One of the most important advantages of biomass over other renewables is its cheapness and availability. Biomass can be converted to electricity, heat, and fuels via biochemical, mechanical, and thermochemical conversion processes as shown in Figure 1 below. However, the behaviour of different types of biomass during conversions depends mainly on organic and inorganic chemical structures [7]. Ethanol has a smaller heat value and a higher octane rate than gasoline, which enables higher engine efficiency with a larger compression ratio. Ethanol is usually obtained from the fermentation of starch crops like corn and potato. New technologies are being developed to get it from cellulosic biomass with a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation method, which will enable us to utilize most parts, except lignin, of the grassy plants [9]. Biodiesel Vegetable oils from rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, and others can be used for diesel engines. Emission from biodiesel is characterized by low SOx content. Regarding NOx, it increases some times but with the adjustment of valve timing, it could be kept on the same level as that of conventional diesel fuel [6]. 2. Gaseous Fuels Biogas There are diverse sources of biogas production as animal manure, municipal solid waste, and sewage sludge. Generally, high moisture content biomass is the most preferred in this field. Synthesis Gas Produced from gasification of biomass. a mixture of hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), a little of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and small quantities of other light hydrocarbons. This gas can use to generate electricity in large system through gas turbine also, it can be used as a transportation fuel [10]. Figure 1. Biomass conversion methods [8] Fuels can be produce from biomass as liquid, gas and solid as illustrated below. They are used for different purposes according to their properties. 1. Liquid Fuels Ethanol 3. Solid Fuels . Wood and charcoal Both are common biomass solid fuels in many countries, but the heat efficiency of a wood furnace is generally low. Energy losses in the production of charcoal are also considerably large [11]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, . Agricultural wastes Used for heat or electric generation as straw. . Forestry wastes Used for power generation by the Rankine cycle with a turbine in wood-processing factories. . Solid municipal wastes Obtained from a city with a large population can run a power plant. . Animal wastes Can run a power plant or produce biogas for domestic usages. 2.1 Biogas production technologies Countries have accelerated their innovation studies on alternative energy sources that could be obtained from domestic sources and organic matters. Researchers are working to increase the yield of biogas by creating bacterial colonies to be used in biogas systems. Biogas is a combustible gas produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It consists mainly of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), and small amounts of other gases as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and siloxanes. It is colorless, odourless and lighter than air. It burns with a bright blue flame [12]. Digestate from anaerobic digestion can be recycled and used as fertilizer for growing vegetables for sustainable agriculture as it contains high amount of macro and micronutrients [13]. The effect of biogases obtained from the anaerobic fermentation of organic wastes on greenhouse emissions was investigated [14]. The effect of the change of combustion air contents on combustion characteristics has been also investigating in order to expand the use of biogas from natural sources as an alternative to natural gas [15]. Utilisation of animal manures and slurries as a feedstock for biogas production is a very attractive option because it contain the anaerobic bacteria naturally, it has high water content and it has cheap price[16]. In addition, it can be found easily as a residue from animal farming, anytime, and almost anywhere as well that reduces greenhouse emissions. Anaerobic digestion takes place through four main steps: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis. In hydrolysis, complex polymers are converted to more simple soluble organics as follows: carbohydrates are split into sugars, lipids are converted to longchain fatty acids, and proteins are broken down into amino acids. In acidogenesis, all soluble molecules are converted to acetic acid and other longer volatile fatty acids, alcohols, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. After that, the longer volatile fatty acids and alcohols are oxidized to acetic acid and hydrogen in the acetogenesis stage. In the last step (methanogenesis), the previous products are converted into methane and carbon dioxide by different species of strictly anaerobic bacteria. Figure 2 below clarifies the overall process. Figure 2. Schematic representation of anaerobic digestion [16]. 2.2 Biogas utilization technologies Biogas can be utilized in various methods and technologies depending on the nature of biogas sources and demand in the local market. Biogas can be used for heat production by direct combustion, electricity production through fuel cells or micro-turbines, Combine heat power generation (CHP) and it can be used as a vehicle fuel. Direct burning of biogas in boilers or burners is the simplest way for heat production. However, it can be burned on site, or transported by pipeline to the end-user. CHP generation is Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, widely used in countries with advanced biogas technology for the effective production of thermal and electrical energy from biogas. In addition, a CHP engine based power plant has an efficiency of about 90% with 35% electricity production and 65% heat production. Usually, a part of this heat is used for heating the digester itself. Micro-turbines are another technology to generate s costly, so strenuous efforts are still being made to reduce the future model costs. Biogas can be fed to fuel cells to produce an electrical current through an electrochemical reaction that takes place inside it [16]. The combustion characteristics of biogases obtained from domestic sources were investigated in conventional burners and in the newly developed burner. It has been stated that biogas can be used as an alternative to natural gas in the new generation burner [17]. 2.3 Environmental impacts of biogas technology Using organic wastes as a feeding material for biogas plants is one of the most important technique in waste management. The following positive impacts could be achieved if this technology was successfully applied[18]. 1. Reducing the volume of waste to be disposed with other disposal methods (such as direct combustion) so it eliminates adverse effects such as smoke, dust and gas emissions. 2. Reducing the dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation, which reduce air, soil, ground and surface water pollution. 3. The feedstock for AD is a renewable source with zero emission so AD contributes to reducing the greenhouse gases and reducing overall emission. 4. The odour of digested wastes is much less than that of undigested. 5. an effective solution to mitigate bad effects from the accumulating of animal manures. 2.4 Socio- economic impacts Constructing biogas plants gives many positive socio-economic impacts not only to the owner but also to the local society and national level. 1. Provide new job opportunities. 2. Reducing the quantity of imported natural gas and other fossil fuel which save money for government and families. 3. Using the resulted organic digested from anaerobic digestion as an organic fertilizers reduces the imported amount from manufactured fertilizers, which save money for both farmer and government. Also this enhances crops production, which will increase the farmer income. 3 ENERGY SITUATION IN PALESTINE Palestine is one of the developing countries that face a real crisis in meeting their energy needs. The overall situation of energy sector in Palestine is very different from the Middle East and the world as a result of the shortage in natural resources, complex policy conditions, financial crisis, and high population density. About 80% of energy sources come from neighbour countries [19]. Palestine has high solar energy potential with 3000 h of annual sunshine and average solar radiation of about 5.4 kWh / m2-day on the horizontal surface, wind and biomass energy is also available [20]. Solid waste produced by municipalities, animal manure, and agricultural waste are examples of different biomass sources in Palestine. The Animal manure produced in Palestine per year is equal to 628,660 tons so it can be used as an reliable source for biogas production especially in rural areas [21]. 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This section clarifies the followed experimental procedures also, it illustrates how to make a complete design for a household biodigester to produce biogas from cow manure. A Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, comprehensive data about the biogas production process were collected and studied in details, after that a small-scale fixed type biodigester with batch system was built and operated for 40 days in order to find the produced amount from biogas per kilogram of cow manure, which defined as gas yield factor. According to the obtained experimental results, household biodigester was designed with an inclusive feasibility study. 4.1 Materials and instruments The used materials and tools were: 1. Digester tank: plastic cylindrical tank with a volume of 60L. It is the main part where the biological processes accomplished. 2. Valves: gas valve used to withdraw biogas and slurry valve used to get out the slurry. 3. Electronic balance: for biogas weighing. 4. Plastic vessel: for measuring wastes and water volumes or for mixing purposes. 5. Internal car tubes: for collecting biogas from the digesters. 6. pH- checker: for measuring slurry acidity. 7. Insulations 8. Gas chromatography: used to analyze biogas sample and determine the methane percentage. Figure 3 below shows the schematic diagram of used biodigester while Figures (4-7) show the different steps and actual apparatus used in experiment. Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of Biodigester Figure 4. Portable experimental work biodigester used in Figure 5. pH checker and sample taking Figure 6. Elctronic balance and weighing process Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, Figure 7. Chromatography The experiment implemented in Palestine inside an agricultural incubator to maintain the temperature constant within 40 days. This time interval was chosen depending on the nature of mesophilic process where the retention time of this process usually ranges between 30 to 40 days. 4.3 Experimental procedure 24 kg of cow waste was mixed with water by a 1:1 ratio. Then it was introduced to the digester for 40 days. The opening inlet was closed tightly to prevent air from entering. The slurry sample was taken every 3 days from the liquid valve and its pH value was recorded. The experiment was conducted inside an agricultural incubator, which was heated permanently by air conditioner to (29 -34) °C. Rock wool insulator was also used to maintain the temperature of the digester constant as much as possible. The weight of produced biogas that was collected inside the car internal tube was recorded through an electronic balance every 3 days. Biogas sample was analyzed by a special device (gas chromatography) and gas percentage was determined to be 53% of CH4 and about 45.8% CO2. 4.4 Experimental results The main obtained experimental results were illustrated below in Figure 8 and Figure 9. Total biogas yield amount was 935 grams within 40 days and the biogas yield factor was .0389 kg biogas/kg cow manure. As it is noted from the figure below the samples reach their maximum productivity within a time interval (25 35) days from the beginning. The temperature changes were nearly stable during the experiment. Therefore, there was no significant sudden pH drop observed. Methanogenic bacteria are sensitive for temperature changes where its activation increases with increasing the temperature of digester while its activation decreases if the temperature decreased. The pH values for the manure sample dropped gradually to below 6 within a time interval (15 27) days from the beginning, then it was raised to 7 on the last day. The experiment was carried out inside an agricultural incubator, which was heated permanently by the air conditioner to (29 -34) °C so temperature can be considered semi constant. Figure 8. Biogas amount changing with days Figure 9. pH slurry changing with days 5 DESIGN OF A FAMILY DIGESTER An above-ground fixed gas reservoir family biodigester (continuous feeding system) was proposed for cooking purposes as shown in Figure 10. LPG is the main used cooking gas in Palestine it has calorific value of 11300 kcal/kg [22]. Biogas with 53% methane has calorific value of 4800 kcal/m3 (as the calorific value of methane is 9100 kcal/m3 ) [23]. The digester volume was specified by the several steps below. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, Where, is the total daily slurry must be added to biodigester in L/day, is the water volume in L. Note: for approximation, liquid food, animal manure and farm wastes have a density close to water 1000kg/m3 [26]. Figure 10. Schematic diagram of house hold biogas plant 5.1 Monthly biogas requirement The monthly gas requirement of the Palestinian family on avg is about 12 kg of LPG with 135600 kcal. Based on the calorific value of each gas, about 28 m3 of biogas is required to substitute LPG as shown in Equation (1) below. (1) Where, is the total energy requirement for cooking per month in kcal and is the calorific value of biogas . 5.2 required cow manure According to Equation (2) below, the required amount of cow manure was about 850Kg. (2) Where, is the mass of biogas in kg, is the mass of wet cow manure in kg and is the experimental value of biogas yield factor (0.039 kg biogas/kg manure). Note: Biogas density is 1.2kg/m3 [24]. 5.3 Required water Water should be add to cow dung with a ratio of 1:1 [25], so total water requirements were 850L. The daily requirement from slurry per month equal 57kg/day as shown in Equation (3). (3) 5.4 Digester volume Digester volume was calculated to be 1700L as shown in Equation (4). (4) Where, is the biodigester volume in L and HRT is the retention time in day. The total required volume is the digester volume and the volume required for the gas holder which equal 20% from the digester volume, so the total required volume equals 2000 L. 6 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Many economic considerations in biogas production projects arising from the initial investment, operation, and use of by-products. 6.1 Initial investment The initial cost of required biodigester was 598$ as shown in Table 1. Table1.Requirements and constructing family biogas unit cost Requirements 2000 L tank 220 L tank valves and connectors Metal base Plastic pipes Insulations Miscellaneous Total Cost ($) 220 50 45 0 170 20 598 for Proceedings of INCOS2020, 7- 9 Sep 2020, 6.2 Water cost The price of 1 m3 of water in Palestine is 6$. So, the water monthly cost is 5$/month. 6.3 Biogas and organic fertilizer profits Total profits from biogas and organic fertilizer was estimated as follows. 1. Biogas profit: The average price of 12 kg bottle of LPG in Palestine is about 20$ so biogas profit is 20$/month. 2. Fertilizer profit: Organic matter contains from 65-90% volatile solids and 30-60% of the volatile solids converted by anaerobic digestion to biogas [27]. By taking the averages for the previous percentages, 553 kg of organic fertilizers can be produced monthly. The fertilizer prices in Palestinian markets are about 250$/ton. Therefore, fertilizer s profit is equal to 138$. 6.4 Total profits The total monthly profit from running the biogas digester was calculated as shown in equation (5). It were calculated for two scenarios, the first one assumed selling the fertilizer in addition to using the biogas. While the second one assumed using biogas only without selling the fertilizer. The total profits were 153 $/month and 15 $ /month respectively. Where, profit is the profits of biogas ±fertilizer and running cost is the cost of water in $. The land cost was not included because it earned by the farmer. 6.5 The simple payback period (SPBP) Equation (6) was used to calculate SPBP, which adopted as an economical evaluation tool; it was calculated for the two scenarios mentioned before. In the first case it was equal to about 4 months .While in the second case it was about 3years.This time period was reasonable. Where, profit is the $/month total monthly profit in CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Biogas production potential from cow manure in Palestine was presented in this paper. Experimental work was carried out at an agricultural incubator within a semi constant temperatures of (29-34)°C. The main products were organic fertilizer and about 1 kg of biogas with a methane percentage of 53% and CO2 percentage of about 46%. Biogas production can solve many problems for citizens who live in remote and rural areas, especially the problem of accumulating animal manure with bad odours. It is also an effective solution for the shortage of power supply problem. It was founded that 28 m3 of biogas is required to cover monthly cooking requirements of Palestinian family (on average). The economical evaluation for design a domestic biodigester showed that total profit was ranged between 153 $/month and 15 $/month respectively. SPBP was ranged from 4 months to 3 years so it is highly recommended to conduct similar projects. In addition, the effect of co-digestion and water mixing ratio on the quality and quantities of biogas is recommended to be studied in other works. Using of biogas to generate electricity for rural areas it is an attractive choice for electricity to be research and study in future work. 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank deeply Mr.Baraa Antari and Eng. Sondos Hamadneh for their efforts and encouragements to achieve this paper. REFERENCES [1] S. 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National Defence University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ankara-Turkey; email: m.sahin@kho.edu.tr Abstract This study concentrates on the experimental analysis of biogas distributed combustion in a generated burner and combustor. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the combustion characteristics which are temperature values of distributed combustion through a combustor. In this study, combustion have been conducted with biogas and gas mixture of O2 - CO2 which contains 40 % O2 called distributed combustion in a model combustor then temperature values were examined in different points on model combustor. The axial and radial temperature values have examined. Temperature values of the combustion decreased from 1100 K to 359 K. This experimental study can take place in the literature with the designed burner and combustor that enables the combustion of biogas at different temperatures. Keywords: Biogas, Distributed, Oxy-Fuel, Combustion, Emission 1 INTRODUCTION Today energy demand is rapidly increasing all over the world. Renewable energy technology has been developing over past decades however it is estimated that fossil fuels remain the primary energy resources even now. The burning of fossil fuels cause greenhouse effect which increase in the average climate over time. The scientists try to discover new energy resources such as solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen energy, biomass and the others. Biogas energy have received significant attention because of their environmental friendly, waste recovery and renewable energy characteristics. Biogas sources such as animal manure is used as an energy source and can be converted organic fertilizer. Biogas provide good waste management strategies for human health and environmental protection. It is mainly composed of methane and carbon dioxide with a trace amount of hydrogen, sulphur and nitrogen. These trace components quantity is varied according to how the gasification and production are done [1]. Distributed combustion is reduction of oxygen concentration in oxidizer. This reduction occurs through recirculating of hot combustion products thermal load is kept constant. Recirculation prior to ignition occurring is the most important step in achieving of distributed combustion. For this reason, combustion takes place by a lower reaction rate and result of this the combustion products spread into the combustor uniformly. In other words, reaction takes place over the entire combustor under distributed combustion conditions. Thence, high NOX levels arising from thermal NOX mechanism thanks to distributed combustion [2]. Oxy fuel combustion is fuel burning with pure oxygen instead of air. Flame temperature is higher than conventional air-fuel combustion processes. Burner and combustor walls may become overheating because of this situation. In order to solve this problem, burner modification is required such as the materials of the burner and combustor have endurance limits due to higher flame temperature [3]. Thus, some fuels can be used under these conditions as oxyfuel combustion technique is generally used in the glass and the steel industries [4]. Oxy-fuel combustion provides approximately 75% lower flue gas flow rate. Oxy-fuel combustion technology is a new combustion technique. Also, this technology makes possible heat loss Proceedings of INCOS2020, September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey reducing in the flue gas, it is convenient for cases and compared with each other. They have sequestration. Flue gas from oxy-fuel concluded that changes in turbulator angles combustion is composed primarily of CO2, highly affect the temperature and emissions which means better combustion [5]. profiles of the biogas throughout the combusiton There are many studies about biogas chamber. Khalil and Gupta [10] have aimed to combustion. Karyeyen [6], for instance, have develop high intensity combustor with ultra-low performed a numerical study that is directly emissions of NO and CO, and much improved related to distributed combustion. In that study, pattern factor. Experimental results are reported combustion characteristic of a non-premixed from a cylindrical geometry combustor with have been numerically different modes of fuel injection and gas exit investigated for the newly generated burner stream location in the combustor. Air was under conventional and distributed combustion injected tangentially to impart swirl to the flow conditions. He has concluded that NOX and CO inside the combustor in all the configurations. emissions have been reduced down to nearly Very low amount NOx emissions were found for zero emissions while CO2 emission levels have both the premixed and non-premixed been increased slightly at the combustor outlet combustion modes for the geometries under distributed combustion conditions. investigated here. Swirling flow configuration, wherein the product gas exits axially resulted in investigated 3D numerical modelling of characteristics closest to premixed combustion combustion of different biogases in a generated mode. Fuel injection location variation caused burner and combustor. They have investigated changing the combustion characteristics from the combustion characteristics such as traditional diffusion mode to distributed temperature and emissions of biogases through a combustion regime. Results showed very low combustor due to depletion of natural gas and levels of NO ( 3 PPM) and CO ( 70 PPM) the effect of the preheated air on flame emissions. They also reported on lean stability temperatures of biogases. They have concluded limit and OH chemiluminescence under both flame temperatures of biogases increase with premixed and non-premixed conditions for preheating the combustion air as expected and determining the extent of distribution SO2 emissions increase as amount of H2S in combustion conditions. Arghode, Gupta and biogas is increased through the combustor. Bryden [11] have been investigated combustion [8] have purposed researching thermal field characteristics of colorless distributed distributions and pollutant levels of various combustion for application to gas turbine biogas flames under distributed combustion combustors. Very high intensity distributed conditions. He has investigated numerically combustion has been shown for application to combustion characteristics of biogas flames by a stationary gas turbine engines. Different commercial code on distributed combustion configurations analyzed have catch out reverse conditions in terms of fuel flexibility, diluent cross-flow mode to be more favorable for temperature, and diluent composition. Thanks to desirable combustion characteristics. The this work distributed combustion conditions reverse-cross flow geometry is further have been achieved and determined that investigated experimentally at range thermal pollutant emission levels have been decreased to intensities from 53 to 85 MW/m3 atm with ultra-low levels as the oxygen concentration has specific focus on exhaust emissions, radical been reduced in the oxidizer. ahin [9] emission, global flame photographs and have investigated combustion characteristic of a flowfield using novel but simplified geometry biogas under varying turbulator angle conditions for easy transition to applications in gas turbine and hydrogen addition in a combustor. They use engine applications. The high combustion angle with changed 15°-45° at intervals of 15° intensity demonstrated here is higher than that and performed the investigations by using a used in present stationary gas turbine engines. CFD code. They compared predicted They also performed numerical simulations and temperature and emission profiles of the biogas compared with the experiments for the new to existing experimental measurement under design configuration under non-reacting turbulator angle. Then predictions have been conditions. Very low NOx emissions are performed under 30° and 45° of turbulator angle achieved for both the novel premixed and non- Proceedings of INCOS2020, September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey premixed combustion modes. Carbon monoxide be seen in figure 1, there are six prob holes in levels of about 30 ppm are achieved in both vertically on combustion chamber. novel premixed and non-premixed modes of combustion. Almost no visible flame color in the reaction zones are observed for both novel premixed and non-premixed modes and it is dramatically different than that used in contemporary gas turbine combustion operating under lean premixed, lean direct injection or rich burn, quick quench lean burn gas turbine combustion. Arghode and Gupta [12] have investigated colorless distributed combustion (CDC) focused on gas turbine combustion applications because of its significant benefits for, much reduced NOx emissions and noise reduction, and significantly improved pattern factor. They have examined four different sample configurations to achieve colorless distributed combustion conditions that reveal no visible color of the flame. The results were compared from the four different configurations on flow field and fuel/air mixing using numerical simulations and with experiments using global flame signatures, exhaust emissions, acoustic signatures, and thermal field. Lower NOx and CO emissions, better thermal field uniformity, and lower acoustic levels have been observed when the flame approached CDC mode as compared to the baseline case of a diffusion flame. The reaction zone is observed to Figure 1. Combustion Chamber be uniformly distributed over the entire The burner is shown in figure 2. It is designed combustor volume when the visible flame in sections that can burn methane and fuels in signatures approached CDC mode. different heating value ranges. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The existing combustion chamber is given in Figure 1. It includes biogas and the oxygen lines by which the fuel and the oxidizer are supplied into the combustor. In a model combustor includes a combuster and burners. The length and diameter of the combustion chamber are fixed at 100 cm and 40 cm, respectively. The combustion burner was designed favorably with biogas combustion in different heating value. The combustion chamber consists of a sight glass made of tempered glass and five measuring ports. Prob holes at certain intervals vertically are on combuster and they can be connected with burners. There are also prob holes radially and these probs provide obtained temperature values radially and axially. As can Figure 2. Burner In experiment, biogas was used as a fuel with flow rate of 1.95 m3/h, 55 % methane content and 40 % O2 - 60 % CO2 gas mixture was used as an oxydator with flow rate of 7.56 m3/h. Proceedings of INCOS2020, September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Temperature measurements on five axial points 0.1, 0.3, 0,5, 0.7 and 0.9 m. In addition to this, for five vertical points and exhaust gases were axial measurements were taken along carried out. During experimental study, combustor axis. Five axial and radial ambient temperature is 20 ºC and pressure of temperature values were obtained. The highest fuel inlet to combustor is 21 mbar. temperature value was obtained in fuel inlet which is 1100 K. At the chimney, the temperature is measured as 565 K. The temperature decreased from 1100 K to 565 K 3. RESULTS and DISCUSSION along fuel inlet and chimney. It is observed The experimental radial and axial temperature that the temperature values which close flame values are presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4. zone is high values. It is understood that Temperature measurement have analyzed for temperature values decrease axially as from axial and radial. Radial measurements have center of burner and vertically as from fuel taken for five points on axial length which are inlet. Figure 3. Experimental Radial Temperature Distributions for Five Axial Points Proceedings of INCOS2020, September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey [4] Wall TF. Combustion processes for carbon capture. Proc Combust Inst 2007;31(1):31 7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2006.08.123. [5] Malti G, Sudhakar M, Shahi RV. 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Abstract Design of internal combustion engines, such as diesel engines, jet engines, and rocket engines, requires detailed knowledge about the droplet evaporation and combustion processes and parameters affecting them under the increasing environment pressures. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the ambient pressure increase on the droplet evaporation and hence combustion quality. In this study steady-state analyses are conducted for n-heptane fuel droplets using different droplet diameters, and different combustion regimes (lean, stoichiometric and rich). It is estimated that the results obtained from this study can give researchers an idea in the design of many systems based on the spray combustion. Keywords: Droplet evaporation, two-phase combustion enviroment, ambient pressure, parametric analysis. 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Besides, biodiesel production is expected to increase in order to achieve biofuel consumption targets in the upcoming years. However, as a result of increased biodiesel production, also the creation of glycerol, which is the main product of transesterification reaction will grow proportionally. Therefore, transforming biodiesel based glycerol into new oxygenated fuels, which could be blended with biodiesel, has appeared as an efficient way for evaluation of glycerol surplus. For that, in this study, the oxygenated fuel synthesized from glycerol and then utilized as a blending component for a diesel-biodiesel mixture to experimentally investigate its effect on combustion and emissions characteristics of a direct injection diesel engine under different compression ratios. Diesel fuel, diesel-biodiesel blend, and diesel-biodiesel- glycerol ethers mixture were used for this research. Engine tests were conducted on a 4stroke, water-cooled, single-cylinder diesel engine at low, medium, high, and full load and a constant engine speed of 1500 rpm as well as various compression ratios (16, 17.5, and 18). The results showed that ignition delay, combustion duration, CO emissions, HC emissions decreased. In contrast, NOX emissions, cylinder pressure, net heat release rate, and rate of pressure rise rate increased for all fuels as the compression ratio increased. It was observed that with the use of B18G2 NOX emissions decreased, while HC emissions increased for all selected compression ratios, compared to D and B20G0. The mean maximum increase in HC emissions and mean maximum reduction in NOX emissions were observed by 173% and 68%, at compression ratio 16 and 17.5, respectively. Due to the low cetane number of glycerol ethers, B18G2 presented longer ignition delay and higher combustion duration, compared to D and B20G0. This leading the combustion shifted away from the TDC. As a result, maximum cylinder pressure and maximum heat release rate occurred later crank angles compared to D. From all experimental results, it can be concluded that glycerol ethers could be used as a blending component with the benefits of reducing NOX emissions. Keywords: Compression Ratio, Biodiesel, Glycerol Ethers, Emissions, Combustion Characteristics. 1 INTRODUCTION Today, the primary energy source of transportation is still fossil fuels. However, recognizing the harmful effects of the burning of petroleum fuels has led to an increasing interest in the search for finding biofuels [1]. Biofuels can play a significant role in alleviating the adverse effects of petroleum fuels since biofuels can be derived from renewable sources. As a consequence of biofuel researches, biodiesel has emerged as a promising alternative fuel for petroleum diesel, and it has been widely used in the diesel engine for two decades. This situation resulted in the continual increase of biodiesel production, and it is expected that worldwide production of biodiesel will experience sustainable growth in the next years, and it reaches up to 39 billion litres in 2027 [2]. The transesterification of oils into biodiesel causes the creation of glycerol by 10% wt. of the total produced biodiesel as the main byproduct of this process [3], [4]. Glycerol is widely used as the principal-agent in many industries such as food, cosmetics, medicine. But, as increasing biodiesel production, a glycerol oversupply will be generated since traditional use of glycerol cannot exploit the increase in biodiesel originated glycerol [5] that makes biodiesel economically unfeasible and leads to environmental concerns with uncontrolled glycerol disposal [6]. Therefore, it is necessary to convert surplus Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September2020, Kayseri-Turkey glycerol into high-value products to support the effects of glycerol ethers on combustion and sustainable biodiesel production. There are exhaust emissions were investigated. numerous routes for the transformation of 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS glycerol into chemical products. But Glycerol ethers are not sold commercially, and etherification of glycerol has appeared as an hence a sufficient amount of glycerol ethers appealing pathway to produce glycerol ethers [7] were synthesized by etherification reaction. that used as an oxygenated fuel additive to Glycerol ether synthesis was performed at the diesel, biodiesel, and gasoline [8], [9]. Glycerol Renewable Energy Laboratory of Chemical ethers are valuable glycerol derivatives since glycerol ethers are an excellent blending University. component for fuel formulation [7]. Glycerol Glycerol tert-butyl ethers were obtained by the ethers can be used as improvers of kinematic etherification reaction of glycerol with tert-butyl viscosity and cold flow properties of biodiesel alcohol (TBA) at the presence of Amberlyst-15 [10]. The use of glycerol ethers can considerably as an acidic heterogeneous catalyst. The reduce PM emissions due to the oxygen content etherification reaction was carried out in a highof glycerol ethers without any substantial effect pressure stainless steel batch reactor of 500 cm3 on combustion characteristics and efficiencies at 363 K, and for 3 h of reaction time under 1200 [11], [12]. Besides, Frusteri et al. [13] showed rpm stirring speed. In this etherification reaction, that blending glycerol ethers with diesel fuel by glycerol/TBA molar ratio and amount of 10% vol. led to improve the typical diesel sootAmberlyst-15/ glycerol were 4/1 and 7.5% wt., NOx trade-off with an enhancement of respectively. The details of glycerol ethers combustion efficiency. An evaluation of the use synthesis can be found elsewhere [15]. The of glycerol ethers in a diesel engine was produced glycerol ethers mixture was firstly performed by Beatrice et al. [14], and it was blended by 10% vol. with canola oil biodiesel. proved that glycerol ethers were useful for diesel This blending ratio was chosen because it is a soot suppression without deteriorating of other practicable mixing ratio. For every 90 litres of emissions. Also, it was indicated that the life biodiesel, approximately 10 litres of glycerol is cycle assessment revealed that glycerol ethers obtained, so a 10% vol. the blending ratio was could cause a lower environmental impact than selected for experiments. Then the glycerol that of diesel fuel. Apart from the blending of ethers-biodiesel mixture was blended in a glycerol ethers with diesel or biodiesel, it is also concentration of 20% vol. to the diesel fuel and possible to blend glycerol ethers with gasoline. the final fuel mixture was designated as B18G2 Bozkurt et al. [8] showed that combining high that contained 80% vol. diesel fuel, 18% vol. glycerol ether in gasoline resulted in an increase canola oil biodiesel and 2% vol. glycerol ethers. in octane number and a decrease in vapour A diesel-biodiesel blend denoted as B20G0, pressure. Furthermore, their study revealed that which includes 80% vol. diesel and 20% vol. glycerol ethers-gasoline blends provided similar canola oil biodiesel and 0% vol. of glycerol engine performance and exhaust emissions ethers were also used. Commercial diesel fuel compared to MTBE (methyl-tert-butyl ether)(D) was selected as a reference fuel. The main gasoline blends, which indicate that high fuel properties of these test fuels were glycerol ethers are a good substitute for MTBE. determined and represented in Table 1. Although it has been emphasized that glycerol The engine tests were performed in a Kirloskarethers have the potential to be used as an TV1, single-cylinder, four-stroke, water-cooled, oxygenated fuel blending agent, studies dealing and direct injection diesel engine. The detailed with the utilization of glycerol ethers in a diesel specification of the engine is given in Table 2. engine are scarce in the existing literature. Also, The engine test setup layout was presented in the impact of the compression ratio on Figure 1. The engine was connected to a watercombustion and emissions of a diesel engine cooled Eddy current dynamometer (AG series, fuelled with glycerol ethers is not presented so Model: AG10) to measure engine torque. A far in the literature. For this, in the present study, piezoelectric pressure transducer (PCB the use of glycerol ethers as an additive in a Piezotronics, Range; 0-350 bar) and a shaft diesel-biodiesel blend has experimented in a encoder (speed 5500 rpm with TDC pulse) were diesel engine in various compression ratios, and used to capture cylinder pressure with the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September2020, Kayseri-Turkey resolution of 1 ºCA. Then, the average of volume of the combustion chamber, and this was measured 100 consecutive cycles cylinder readily granted by varying the tilting the pressure vs. crank angle data was analyzed by an cylinder block. Since the stroke volume was "ICEngineSoft 9.0 V" combustion software constant, as the clearance volume was changed, analyzer. This software calculates the heat the compression ratio was also changed. release rate practising the below formulas based Table 2. Specification of the Engine on the first law of thermodynamics and Specifications assuming the air-fuel mixture inside the cylinder Bore/stroke, mm 87.5/110 is an ideal gas and uniform in temperature and Speed, rpm 1500 pressure [16]. Max. torque, Nm 21.8@1500rpm Max. power, kW 3.5@1500rpm (1) Compression ratio 12:1-18:1 Where , , and are net Standard CR 17.5:1 heat release rate, the heat release rate of fuel Stroke volume, cc 661 combustion, and rate of heat transfer (loss) from Injection timing 23 ºCA bTDC the cylinder wall, respectively. (2) Where and V are crank angle, cylinder pressure, and cylinder volume, respectively. Table 1. Fuel Properties Property LHV, kJ/kg Cetane index Diesel 835.0 2 /s 2.79 42484 55.6 212.6 280.4 339.9 3 B20G0 844.5 3.31 41325 55.1 221.8 299.4 341.9 B18G2 844.1 2.95 41078 54.7 210.3 281.8 340.0 A TESTO 350-XL gas analyzer was used to measure CO, NOx, and CO2 emissions. HC emissions were measured by the KTEST exhaust emissions device with 8 ppm accuracy. The specifications of the TESTO 350-XL gas analyzer were given in Table 3. The values of exhaust emissions were recorded with 40 s intervals and repeated six times. Then, the averaged values were used for the comparison. Engine tests were made at a constant engine speed of 1500 rpm and low, medium, high, and full engine loads that were corresponding to 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the maximum engine torque output, respectively. Regarding the effect of compression ratio on emissions and combustion characteristics, the compression ratios of 16:1, 17.5:1 (standard), and 18:1 were selected. The compression ratio adjustment was made by changing the clearance Figure 1. The engine test setup layout Table 3. Specification of the TESTO 350-XL gas analyzer Specs./Gas CO NOx M. Range 0-10000 ppm 0-4000 ppm Sensitivity 1 ppm 1 ppm Accuracy ±10 ppm ±5 ppm CO2 0-50% 0.1% ±0.5% 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The combustion characteristics considered for this study is the cylinder pressure (CP), net heat release rate (NHRR), rate of pressure rise rate (RPRR), ignition delay (ID), and combustion duration (CD). All combustion characteristics were presented at full engine loads and compression ratios of 16, 17.5, and 18. Cylinder pressure traces are an essential tool to scrutinize the fuel combustion since cylinder pressure directly influences the engine performance and exhaust emission [17]. The CP vs. compression ratio (CR) for test fuels is shown in Figure 2. As seen in this figure, CP values increased with increasing in CR and advanced, as expected. This is due to the faster Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September2020, Kayseri-Turkey combustion as a result of enhanced in-cylinder The NHRR of fuels is presented in Figure 3. One temperature, which increased engine efficiency can easily see that as the CR has increased, the [18]. Also, it can be noticed that the peak CP for peak NHRR occurred earlier crank angle (CA) diesel fuel is slightly higher than that of B20G0 and increased for all fuels. It could be because at and B18G2, except at CR of 17.5. At the higher CRs, the higher cylinder temperatures standard compression ratio, B18G2 offered in that reduce the ignition delay and improve the slightly high CP, compared to other fuels. At this combustion, which leads to the higher and operation point, the maximum CP for D, B20G0, advanced peak of NHRR. Diesel fuel presented and B18G2 was measured as 49.35 bar, 49.04 the highest peak of NHRR among fuels due to bar, and 51.05 bar, respectively, and at 367 ºCA. its high heating value, lower viscosity, and The peak cylinder pressure strongly depends on higher cetane number, compared to B20G0 and the premixed combustion phase [19] that mainly B18G2, except at CR of 17.5. However, the affected by the physical and chemical properties addition of glycerol ethers to diesel-biodiesel of the fuel [20]. Due to fuel properties such as blend affected the NHRR at CR of 17.5 and high oxygen content, lower boiling point caused slightly higher peak NHRR and occurs temperature, and lower viscosity of the glycerol earlier in terms of the crank angle, compared to ethers, B18G2 fuel presented faster premix D and B20G0. This can be attributed to the combustion that gave rise to the peak cylinder chemical structure and physical properties of pressure. This trend can also be observed from glycerol ethers since fuel properties have a direct the NHRR and RPRR figures illustrated for CR influence on the heat release rate [21]. of 17.5. Figure 2. CP vs. CR for test fuels Figure 3. NHRR vs. CR for test fuels Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September2020, Kayseri-Turkey The RPRR for test fuels at various compression the start of injection and the start of combustion ratios is presented in Figure 4. It is evident that is defined as the ignition delay (ID). Combustion the RPRR increased and advanced to earlier CA duration (CD) is the difference between the start with the increase of CR, for all tested fuels. The of the combustion and end of the combustion, peak RPRR of D is higher than that of other and it is determined by the interval between the fuels at CRs of 16 and 18. This may be CA10 and CA90 [16]. Where CA10 and CA90 attributed to the higher heating value and more indicate the mass of 10% and 90% of fuel efficient combustion of diesel fuel compared to burned, respectively. A decrease in ID has others. Moreover, there is a noticeable observed with all test fuels when the CR is distinction in the RPRR at standard CR where increased. The increase in-cylinder temperature B18G2 presented the maximum RPRR. At this and pressure could be the reason for the CR, the RPRR of D, B20G0, and B18G2 were reduction of ID as CR increased. The ID for determined as 3.62 bar/ºCA, 3.28 bar/ºCA, and diesel fuel was found to be lower than that of 3.80 bar/ºCA at 356 ºCA, 357 ºCA, and 356 other fuels, as observed from Figure 5. This ºCA, respectively. could be attributed to diesel fuel's low viscosity and high cetane number because low viscosity and high cetane number have a significant effect on shortening the ignition delay [20]. B18G2 presented the highest ID delay among the fuels at all CRs. This is consistent with the results from Ref [14]. The glycerol tert-butyl ethers is an ether mixture with a branched-chain and thus low cetane number [7]. This could have a significant effect on increasing the ID. A similar trend was observed for CD. As increasing the CR, the CD decreased due to efficient combustion and short ignition delay. However, fuel blends caused a longer CD than that of D. This could be due to the higher fuel consumption for B20G0 and B18G2. Since the heating value of biodiesel and glycerol ethers are lower than that of diesel, in the case of fuel blends running, more fuel must be consumed to produce the same torque output at 1500 rpm. Figure 5. ID vs. CR for test fuels Figure 4. RPRR vs. CR for test fuels The variation of ID and CD with CR for test fuels are presented in Figure 5, and Figure 6, respectively. The crank angle interval between Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September2020, Kayseri-Turkey generally. The reason for this could be high viscosity, density, and lower calorific value of fuel blends [23]. Furthermore, the high HC emissions could be explained with ID. In diesel engines, the level of HC emissions from the overlean regions depends on the amount of fuel injected during the ID [16]. Therefore, the increase in the ID with the use of fuel blends resulted in a rise in HC emissions. The highest average increase in HC emissions with the use of glycerol ethers was determined as 173% at CR Figure 6. CD vs. CR for test fuels of 16, compared to diesel. The CO emission of the test fuels at various CR and engine load is shown in Figure 7. The CO emissions are reduced with the increase in CR and engine load for all fuels. This is due to enhanced combustion temperature with increasing the CR that leads to more complete combustion. At low engine load, CO emissions were higher than that of other loads due to the too lean mixture. B18G2 caused an increase in CO emissions at CR 16 but, CO emissions reduced with the use of glycerol ethers at other CRs. At low CR, the cylinder temperature is low, and it gets further decrease with the use of glycerol ethers since glycerol ethers' heating value is the lowest among the fuels. However, this adverse effect can be compensated at high CR because combustion takes place at a higher temperature environment, thereby less CO emissions formed. It was determined that with the utilization of B18G2, CO emissions increased average by 48 % at CR 16, while CO emissions reduced by 50% at CR 18, compared to diesel fuel. HC emissions for all test fuels are demonstrated in Figure 8. It is observed that HC emissions decreased as the CR increased while HC emissions raised as the engine load increased. The decrement of HC emissions with an increase in CR was due to favourable cylinder conditions for complete combustion. High cylinder temperatures facilitate fuel evaporation and airFigure 7. CO emissions vs. CR for test fuels fuel mixing, which enhances the burning of fuel NOX emission of the test fuels at various CR and result in lower HC emissions. The increment of engine load is shown in Figure 9. As seen in this HC emissions with an increase in engine load figure, NOX increased with increasing CR and was linked with the air-fuel ratio. With the rise engine load for all test fuels due to higher in engine load, more fuel is injected in the combustion temperature. However, the cylinder, and this causes locally rich mixture formation of NOX reduced with fuel blends. regions that contribute to the formation of HC B18G2 presented the lowest NOX emissions emissions [22]. Also, it can be seen from the among the test fuels for all CRs and engine figure that fuel blends produced more HC loads, which is a remarkable outcome emissions that that of diesel fuel, at all CRs, Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September2020, Kayseri-Turkey concerning exhaust emissions. This could be as a result of increasing CD in the case of B18G2 use. The longer CD reduces the peak cylinder temperatures as the combustion proceeds towards expansion stroke [20] (the peak of NHRR was shifted to expansion stroke, as seen in NHRR figures), which results in fewer NOx emissions. Besides, the reduction of NOx emissions may be due to the low calorific value of the fuel blends [24]. The maximum mean decrease in NOx emissions with the use of B18G2 was determined by 68% at CR 17.5, compared to diesel. The highest NOx emissions were observed for diesel fuel. It could be due to its high calorific value and fast-burning characteristics that increase the RPRR and hence the cylinder temperature. Diesel fuel presented the highest peak RPRR than that of the other fuels, and this could be one of the reasons for the highest NOX emissions. Figure 9. NOX emissions vs. CR for test fuels The CO2 emission of the test fuels at various CR and engine load is shown in Figure 10. It is noticed that CO2 emissions did not significantly vary with the CR and engine load. However, a strong relationship between CO2 emissions and fuel was observed. As seen in CO2 figures, diesel produced higher CO2 emissions than those of fuel blends at all CRs and the engine loads. This is directly related to the enhanced combustion. Because diesel fuel provided a better fuel-air mixture due to its low viscosity, improved fuel combustion, and accelerated the formation of CO2. The level of CO2 emissions is also associated with the fuel consumption and C/H ratio. Fuel with a high C/H ratio produces higher CO2 emissions. Fuel blends have a lower C/H ratio than that of diesel because of oxygen in the chemical structure of the biodiesel and Figure 8. HC emissions vs. CR for test fuels Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September2020, Kayseri-Turkey glycerol ethers. Therefore, CO2 emissions characteristics except for increasing the ID and decreased with fuel blends operation. CD. The benefits of glycerol ether addition to a diesel-biodiesel fuel seem to be low CO, NOX, and CO2 emissions. However, using biodiesel originated glycerol as a fuel additive could mitigate the problems associated with high biodiesel production cost and environmental concerns. And lastly, the utilization of glycerol ethers as fuel additive could be an efficient way to maximize the share of waste-based biofuels in the transport and hence to reach renewable energy goals. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was financially supported by the University under project ID: PYO.MUH.1904.19.016. Abdülvahap ÇAKMAK has been awarded a doctoral scholarship by the Scientific and Technical 2211-C). Figure 10. CO2 emissions vs. CR for test fuels 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, the combustion and emissions characteristics of a diesel-biodiesel-glycerol ethers blend were investigated, and the obtained results were compared with those obtained a diesel-biodiesel blend and neat diesel. The engine tests were revealed that CRs showed the same effects on combustion characteristics and exhaust emissions for all test fuels. However, B18G2 showed slightly better combustion characteristics at CR of 17.5, compared to other fuels and CRs. It was also observed that the use of a diesel-biodiesel blend containing 2% vol. glycerol ethers caused an increase in HC emissions while reduced the NOX emissions for all CR and engine loads. 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Department of Mechanical Engineering, ozcanh@omu.edu.tr Abstract In this study, the effects of injection timing on combustion and exhaust emissions of a direct injection diesel engine operated with diesel-biodiesel-glycerol ethers experimentally investigated. Experiments were performed at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% engine loads and three different injection timings as -25 ºCA, -23 ºCA, and -18 ºCA. As in Part: I of the research, the test fuels were diesel fuel (D), B20G0 (80% vol. diesel + 20% vol. canola oil biodiesel), and B18G2 (80% vol. diesel + 18% vol. canola oil biodiesel + 2% vol. glycerol ethers). From the results, it was determined that ignition delay, combustion duration, CO emissions, HC emissions decreased while, cylinder pressure, net heat release rate, and rate of pressure rise rate increased for all fuels as the injection timing retarded. NOX emissions reached the maximum values at the manufacturer's setting injection timing (-23 ºCA) and then decreased with retarding or advancing the injection timing for all fuels. When compared to D and B20G0, B18G2 resulted in higher NOX emissions and cylinder pressure at -25 ºCA injection timing. At this injection timing, the relative increment in NOX emissions with B18G2 was determined as 173.5% and 46.5% compared to D and B20G0, respectively. However, at other injection timings, B18G2 presented achievement in terms of emissions than D and B20G0. The best performance for B18G2 concerning NOX and CO emissions were observed at original injection timing wherein an average decrease in NOX and CO emissions by 69% and 34% was observed compared to D. Consequently, it was seen that glycerol ethers should be utilized as blending fuel at original injection timings on the tested diesel engine. Keywords: Injection Timing, Biodiesel, Glycerol Ethers, Emissions, Combustion Characteristics. 1 INTRODUCTION Diesel engines commonly used in many applications such as propulsion of a vehicle, electric generation, agricultural, and construction facilities due to their high torque output and best fuel economy [1]. Even today, the primary energy source for powering the diesel engine is petroleum diesel fuel. Therefore, diesel engines are designated and manufactured corresponding to diesel fuel, and the optimum operating conditions/design parameters are determined according to diesel fuel. So, the operating condition/ design parameters of a diesel engine should be re-optimized when different fuels are utilized to maintain low emissions and high engine performance [2]. There is no apparent need for extensive structural modification on diesel engines when biofuels are used at low blending ratios [3] [5]. However, when a diesel engine being fuelled with a different fuel, the operating conditions/design parameters such as speed range, injection timing, injection pressure, EGR rate, etc. can be re-optimized so that the benefits of biofuels may be exploited more efficient way. Injection characteristics of a diesel engine are significantly influenced by fuel type [6]. Injection timing (IT) is the time when fuel injection being started into the cylinder, and it is also termed as the start of injection (SOI) and expressed in terms of crank angle. Injection timing is a vital parameter for combustion and hence performance and emissions characteristics of a diesel engine [7] [9]. The crank angle where fuel injection is started can be altered (retarded or advanced) so that it gets maximum engine performance providing the emissions level is low adequate [10], [11]. Commonly, advancing the injection timing results in better fuel economy and high engine performance, but it leads to elevated NOx emissions [12]. However, injection timing can be retarded to decrease NOx emissions that cause an increase in PM emissions [13]. Therefore, optimum Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey injection timing being selected in a diesel blend. The findings indicated that the ignition engine, and it depends on engine operating delay of the main injection decreased with the conditions and fuel type employed. pilot injection. A combined injection strategy Ganapathy et al. [7] showed that advancing the (pilot + main injection) with slightly retarded injection timing from the factory setting in main injection timing led to a decrease in PM Jatropha biodiesel fuelled engine caused a and NOX emissions. reduction in brake specific fuel consumption, The short review presented above manifests that HC, CO, and smoke emissions. Brake thermal injection timing has a significant effect on efficiency, maximum cylinder pressure, and performance, emissions, and combustion NOX emissions also increased with advancing features when different fuels used in diesel the injection timing. However, retarding the engines. Each fuel has its specific and different injection timing led to an effect opposite trend. fuel properties such as density, viscosity, air/fuel The optimum injection timing for Jatropha ratio, heating value, etc., and these fuel fuelled diesel engine with minimum emissions properties affect the injection strategy. So, and maximum performance is determined as -20 investigation of the effect of injection timing is ºCA. But the minimum NOX emissions were crucial to improve the performance of the new observed at injection timing of -10 ºCA. Kannan fuel. In this study, as a continuation of Part I, the and Anand [14] studied the combined effect of effects of glycerol ethers on combustion and injection pressure and injection timing on exhaust emissions of a diesel engine at various combustion and emissions of a diesel engine injection timings were experimentally powered with waste cooking oil biodiesel. The investigated. injection pressure of 280 bar and injection From an economic and production method point timing of - 25.5 °CA was found to be optimal for of view, glycerol tert-butyl ethers appear to be biodiesel. Murcak et al. [15] investigated the the best glycerine derived fuel additive [19]. effect of injection timing on the performance of Moreover, glycerol ethers act as improvers of a diesel engine powered with diesel ethanol some important fuel properties such as cold flow mixture. According to their results, engine properties and viscosity, especially of biodiesel performance was improved with the addition of [20], and as an octane enhancer for gasoline ethanol and advancing the injection timing. The [21]. Glycerol ethers were chosen as biofuel in optimum performance values were obtained at this study because the utilization of glycerol the injection timing of - 25 ºCA and 5% vol. ethers as an oxygenated fuel additive appears a ethanol mixing rate. Gnanasekaran et al. [16] promising way to evaluate excess glycerol. carried out engine tests with fish oil biodiesel 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS and its blend to research the effect of injection Biodiesel and diesel fuel were purchased from timing on engine performance, emissions, and local suppliers. However, glycerol ethers are not combustion characteristics. Thermal efficiency commercially available; therefore, the needed was increased, and NOX, CO, and HC emissions amount of glycerol ethers were synthesized by decreased by retardation in the injection timing etherification reaction. All studies related to for biofuel blends. A similar trend was observed glycerol ether synthesis was performed at the in combustion features; peak cylinder pressure, Renewable Energy Laboratory of Chemical ignition delay, combustion duration, and heat release rate decreased as the injection timing University. Glycerol tert-butyl ethers were retarded. Pal et al. [17] studied the utilization of obtained by the etherification reaction of waste plastic pyrolyzed oil-diesel blends in a glycerol with tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) at the single-cylinder diesel engine with varying presence of Amberlyst-15 as an acidic injection timing. It was indicated that retarded heterogeneous catalyst. The etherification fuel injection timing resulted in lower thermal reaction was carried out in a high-pressure efficiency and fewer NOX emissions while it stainless steel batch reactor of 500 cm3 at 363 caused higher CO, HC, and soot emissions. K, and for 3 h of reaction time under 1200 rpm Plamondon and Seers [18] performed a stirring speed. In this etherification reaction, parametric study of the pilot main injection glycerol/TBA molar ratio and amount of strategies on the performance of a diesel engine Amberlyst-15/ glycerol were 4/1 and 7.5% wt., fueled with waste cooking biodiesel diesel Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey respectively. The details of glycerol ethers determined with this software. The star of synthesis can be found elsewhere [22]. combustion and the end of combustion was To preparation of diesel-biodiesel-glycerol determined by processing the NHRR and CHRR ethers blend, firstly, 10% vol. glycerol ethers data. Then, ignition delay (ID), and combustion were incorporated in canola oil biodiesel and duration (CD) were also determined. The crank mixed with mechanical mixer through fifteen angle interval between the start of injection and minutes. Then, this biofuel blend was the start of combustion (CA10) is defined as the incorporated in 20% vol. in the diesel fuel that ignition delay (ID). CD is the difference resulted in a diesel-biodiesel-glycerol ethers between the start of the combustion and end of mixture. This final blend was named as B18G2 the combustion, and it is determined by the includes 80% vol. diesel, 18% vol. canola oil interval between the CA10 and CA90 [23]. biodiesel, and 2% vol. glycerol ethers. Diesel Where CA10 and CA90 indicate the mass of fuel (D) and a diesel/canola oil biodiesel mixture 10% and 90% of fuel burned, respectively. (80/20% by volume) named as B20G0 were also CO, NOx, and CO2 emissions were measured by used in experiments. the TESTO 350-XL gas analyzer. HC emissions The determined main fuel properties of test fuels were measured by the KTEST exhaust emissions are represented in Table 1. The addition of device with 8 ppm accuracy. The technical glycerol ethers in the diesel-biodiesel blend specifications of the TESTO 350-XL gas reduced the fuel's density, kinematic viscosity, analyzer are given in Table 3. The values of lower heating value, and cetane index. On the exhaust emissions were recorded with 40 s other hand, when glycerol ethers added to the intervals, and the readings repeated six times. fuel, a substantial decrease in T10 temperature Then, the averaged values were used for the was observed due to the low boiling temperature comparison. Engine tests were carried out at a of glycerol ethers. constant speed of 1500 rpm and low, medium, high, and full engine loads that were Table 1. Fuel Properties corresponding to 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of Property Diesel B20G0 B18G2 the maximum engine torque output, respectively. 3 835.0 844.5 844.1 Regarding the study of the effect of injection 2 /s 2.79 3.31 2.95 timing, the injection timings of -25 ºCA, -23 LHV, kJ/kg 42484 41325 41078 ºCA (standard), and -18 ºCA were selected. The Cetane index 55.6 55.1 54.7 test engine has a mechanical fuel injection 212.6 221.8 210.3 system. The fuel system consists of a cam 280.4 299.4 281.8 operated single-plunger fuel pump with a centrifugal governor, fuel filter, high-pressure 339.9 341.9 340.0 fuel line, and fuel injector with an injection A Kirloskar-TV1, single-cylinder, four-stroke, opening pressure of 200 bar. The recommended water-cooled, and the direct injection diesel injection timing by the engine manufacturer is engine was used in this study. The engine -23 ºCA. The fuel injector has a three-hole specification is given in Table 2, and the test nozzle of 0.2 mm settled at 120 degrees, and the setup layout is presented in Figure 1. The engine injector installed on the cylinder head at an angle was connected to a water-cooled Eddy current of 60 degrees to the cylinder axis. The test dynamometer (AG series, Model: AG10) to load engine has an injection point adjustment nut, and the engine and measure engine torque. A the injection timing was easily adjusted by the piezoelectric pressure transducer (PCB turn of the nut. Retarding or advancing the start Piezotronics, Range; 0-350 bar) and a shaft of injection depends on the rotation direction of encoder (speed 5500 rpm with TDC pulse) were the adjustment nut. This fuel injection point used to capture cylinder pressure with the adjustment nut varies the injection timing by resolution of 1 ºCA. The LabVIEW based adjusting the relationship between the camshaft ICEngineSoft 9.0 V combustion software was drive and the bottom edge of the plunger. used to analyze the average of measured 100 consecutive cycles cylinder pressure vs. crank angle data. The net heat release rate (NHRR), rate of pressure rise rate (RPRR), and cumulative heat release rate (CHRR) were Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 2. Specification of the Engine 46.71 bar, 45.07 bar, and 50.86 bar, respectively. At baseline injection timing (-23 ºCA) the peak Specifications cylinder pressure was measured by 49.05 bar Bore/stroke, mm 87.5/110 49.04 bar, and 51.05 bar for D, B20G0, and Speed, rpm 1500 B18G2, respectively. B18G2 presented higher Max. torque, Nm 21.8@1500rpm CP at injection timings of -25 ºCA and -23 ºCA Max. power, kW 3.5@1500rpm compared to D, and B20G0. The reason for this Compression ratio 12:1-18:1 could be attributed to B18G0's high volatility Stroke volume, cc 661 and oxygen content that shortened the ignition Standard injection timing 23 ºCA bTDC delay by faster vaporizing, and enhancing the Injection timing variation 0-25 ºCA bTDC mixing rate results in accelerated combustion Injection Pressure 200 bar and thus higher cylinder pressure. Also, the viscosity and volatility of the fuel have a very crucial function to increase the atomization rate and to improve air-fuel mixing formation [24]. At injection timing of -18 ºCA, there is no noticeable difference in maximum CP for test fuels that indicates the CP is not sensitive to fuel types at maximum retardation in injection timing. Figure 1. The engine test setup layout Table 3. Specification of the TESTO 350-XL gas analyzer Specs./Gas CO NOx CO2 M. Range 0-10000 ppm 0-4000 ppm 0-50% Sensitivity 1 ppm 1 ppm 0.1% Accuracy ±10 ppm ±5 ppm ±0.5% 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The combustion characteristics considered for this study is the cylinder pressure (CP), net heat release rate (NHRR), rate of pressure rise rate (RPRR), ignition delay (ID), and combustion duration (CD). All combustion characteristics were presented at full engine loads and injection timings of -25 ºCA, -23 ºCA, and -18 ºCA. The CP vs. injection timing or in the other name as the start of injection (SOI) for test fuels is shown in Figure 2. As seen in this figure, CP values increased with retarding injection timing. However, this increment was rapid when the injection timing retarded from -25 ºCA to -23 ºCA. Further retarding the injection timing led to a slight increase (about 2.3 bar) in CP. The reason for this is the fact that the maximum CP was obtained away from the TDC when injection timing was further retarded. At advanced injection timing (-25 ºCA) the peak CP for D, B20G0, and B18G2 was determined as Figure 2. CP vs. SOI for test fuels Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The NHRR curves of fuels are presented in The RPRR for test fuels at different injection Figure 3. It is seen that as the injection timing timing is presented in Figure 4. RPRR decreased advanced the peak NHRR occurred earlier crank with injection timing advance and increased with angle (CA) and peak values decreased for all retardation in injection timing. It is consistent fuels. B18G2 presented advanced peak NHRR with the result of Ref. [16]. When the RPRR of compared to the other fuels at injection timings test fuels is compared with each other, it is seen of -25 ºCA, -23 ºCA. Despite the low cetane that the RPRR increased and advanced to earlier number of glycerol ethers, the low viscosity and CA for B181G2 at injection timings of -25 ºCA oxygen content of B18G2 fuel caused fasterand -23 ºCA. At injection timing of -25 ºCA, the premixed combustion phase, and thus higher and maximum RPRR for D, B20G0, and B18G2 advanced the peak NHRR. In other words, were determined by 2.94 bar/ºCA at 357 ºCA, B18G2 fuel decreased the ignition delay (refer 2.57 bar/ºCA at 359 ºCA, and 3.26 bar/ºCA at Fig. 5), and as a consequence, it led to an 355 ºCA, respectively. However, no significant increase in the NHRR. The maximum NHRR for change in RPRR was observed at retarded D, B20G0, and B18G2 was determined by 35.01 injection timing. As the injection timing J/ºCA, 34.68 J/ºCA, and 34.94 J/ºCA at the retarded, the peak RPRR increased, and the retarded injection timing (-18 ºCA). At this maximum RPRR was found at -18 ºCA. At this injection timing, the test fuels showed nearly the injection timing, the maximum RPRR was same trend in terms of NHRR, but B18G2 determined as 3.86 bar/ºCA at 357 ºCA, 3.83 delayed the peak NHRR location by 1 ºCA. bar/ºCA at 357 ºCA, and 3.76 bar/ºCA at 358 ºCA for, D, B20G0, and B18G2, respectively. Figure 3. NHRR vs. SOI for test fuels Figure 4. RPRR vs. SOI for test fuels Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The ID and CD vs. SOI for test fuels are injection timing was retarded. But, no consistent presented in Figure 5, and Figure 6, respectively. trend was observed in CO emissions for test These two figures show ID and CD decreased as fuels at the start of the injection of -25 ºCA and the injection timing retarded. The one reason for 18 ºCA. However, there is a clear tendency in the reduction in CD with the retardation in the CO emissions graph for test fuels at baseline injection timing could be a decrease in ID. High injection timing. At standard injection timing, cylinder pressure and temperature could be the B18G2 presented the lowest CO emissions cause of the decline in ID as the injection timing among the fuels for at all engine loads, and the retarded. Furthermore, accelerated combustion decrement in CO emissions is more evident at may take place in the cylinder owing to high inlow engine loads. Because the in-cylinder cylinder temperature, in turn, lessened the total temperature is low at low engine loads, thus high combustion duration [25]. The ID for B18G2 CO emissions formed. B18G2 lowered the CO was shorter compared to D and B20G0 at emissions averagely by 35 % and 34% at injection timing of -25 ºCA. The reasons for that standard injection timing, compared to B20G0 could be the low boiling point temperature, and D, respectively. This could be described by higher oxygen content, and low viscosity of fuel properties such as oxygen content and glycerol ethers. These features might have viscosity. B18G2 includes oxygen by about 3% provided better atomization, evaporation, and wt. in its chemical composition while diesel fuel air-fuel mixing. But all test fuel presented the does not. This accelerates the CO oxidation and same ID delay and closer CD at retarded reduces the CO emissions level. Moreover, the injection timing. addition of glycerol ethers reduced the fuel's kinematic viscosity leads to better fuel-air mixing, and it causes more efficient combustion. Hence, lower CO emissions occurred when B18G2 used, compared to B20G0. HC emissions for all test fuels are demonstrated in Figure 8. It is observed that HC emissions decreased as the injection timing retarded, but HC emissions raised as the engine load increased. The decrement of HC emissions with retarding the injection timing was due to convenient cylinder temperature for better fuelair mixture formation. High cylinder Figure 5. ID vs SOI for test fuels temperatures facilitate fuel evaporation, and airfuel mixing that improves the combustion of fuel results in lower HC emissions. The increment of HC emissions with an increase in engine load was linked with the air-fuel ratio. With the rise in engine load, more fuel is injected in the cylinder, and this causes locally rich mixture regions that contribute to the formation of HC emissions [8]. Also, it is seen that B18G2 produced fewer HC emissions than that of diesel fuel at the injection timing of -25 ºCA and -18 ºCA. However, it Figure 6. CD vs. SOI for test fuels caused a considerable increase in HC emissions The CO emission of the test fuels versus star of at standard injection timing compared to diesel. injection and engine load is shown in Figure 7. At this operating condition, B18G2 generated Retarding the injection timing from -25 ºCA to higher HC emissions by 37% and 92% -18 ºCA reduced CO emissions because of averagely, compared to B20G0 and D, enhanced combustion as a consequence of high respectively. The decrease in HC emissions with in-cylinder temperature. For this reason, fewer retarding the injection timing could depend on CO emissions emitted from the engine when high exhaust gas temperature. Some formed Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey hydrocarbons could be oxidized at both expansion stroke and exhaust stroke due to high temperatures that caused fewer HC emissions [8], [23], [26]. Additionally, the rate of HC oxidation for blended fuel might have increased owing to the oxygen content of biodiesel and glycerol ethers. Furthermore, the low HC emissions of B18G2 at injection timing of -25 ºCA was because of shorter ignition delay. In diesel engine combustion, the level of HC emissions from the overlean regions depends on the amount of fuel injected during the ID [23]. An increase in ID could promote the quenching effect in the leaner mixture zones in the cylinder that causes higher HC formation [27]. Therefore, the shorter ID with the use of B18G2 resulted in a decrease in HC emissions. Figure 8. HC emissions vs. SOI for test fuels Figure 7. CO emissions vs. SOI for test fuels NOx emission of the test fuels at various injection timings and engine load is shown in Figure 9. As seen in this figure, NOx emissions increased with increasing engine load for all test fuels due to higher combustion temperature brought about by the increasing fuel-air equivalence ratio [8]. Moreover, it is clear from the figure that NOx emissions reached up to the maximum level for all test fuels at standard injection timing, and reduced by advancing or retarding the injection timing beyond standard injection timing. The reasons for this trend might be the maximum cylinder pressure and its location. The maximum cylinder pressure values substantially increased by changing the injection timing from -25 ºCA to -23 ºCA; however, further retarding the injection timing beyond to 23 ºCA did not cause a significant increase in the maximum cylinder pressure. Also, as the injection timing retarded, the combustion Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey process is shifted to expansion stroke, leads to Figure 10. As witnessed in CO emissions, no lower combustion temperature, and hence consistent trend in CO2 emissions was observed reduces the level of NOx emissions. Glycerol among the test fuels. All test fuels led to ethers' cetane number is low [19], [28]. improved combustion at standard injection However, the low boiling point temperature of timing, resulting in high CO2 emissions. glycerol ethers might have caused a decrease in However, biofuels appear to be a potent means physical ignition delay, in turn, more fuel was for diminishing CO2 emissions because CO2 burned before TDC that leads to higher cylinder emitted when biofuels are burned will be pressure, and hence higher NOX formation rate. absorbed in the photosynthesis process as the This event could be dominant on NOX formation nature of the carbon cycle [29]. at the advanced injection timing. However, the utilization of glycerol ethers as a fuel additive seems to be an effective way to reduce NOX emissions at the standard injection timing. It was determined that B18G2, averagely lessened the NOX emissions by 35% and 69%, at injection timing of -23 ºCA, compared to B20G0 and D, respectively. Figure 10. CO2 emissions vs. SOI for test fuels Figure 9. NOX emissions vs. SOI for test fuels The CO2 emission of the test fuels at various injection timing and engine load is shown in 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, the combustion and emissions characteristics of a diesel-biodiesel-glycerol ethers blend were investigated at three different injection timings, and the obtained results were compared with those obtained a diesel-biodiesel blend and neat diesel. B18G2 resulted in a decrease in HC emissions at advanced and retarded injection timing, but it caused an Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey increase in HC emissions at standard injection engine application: A review, Renew. timing for all engine loads. At this operating Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 14, no. 7, pp. condition, an opposite trend was observed in CO 1999 2008, 2010. and NOX emissions, and B18G2 presented the [5] M. K. 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Ondok Türkiye; email: btopal@omu.edu.tr 2 ; email: Özet içerisindeki primer (birincil) - Anahtar Kelimeler: eme NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF PRIMARY AIR HOLE DIAMETERS ON COMBUSTION IN PELLET FUELLED BOILERS Abstract Most of the world's energy needs are met by fossil sources. However, the depletion of fossil energy resources has led researchers to search for new fuels that may be alternatives to existing resources. One of the alternative fuels is pellet fuel, which is a completely natural fuel from biomass. In this study, the effect of primary air hole diameters on combustion in a sample pellet boiler was investigated numerically. Calculations were performed at three dimensional conditions. RNG kand Finite rate/Eddy dissipation model was used as combustion model. Temperature contours, velocity vectors, flue gas temperatures and efficiencies were evaluated according to primary air hole diameters. Keywords: Biofuels; Pellet; Pellet boilers; Grate design; Primary air; Numerical modelling 1 . Enerji hem elektrik karbon nötrdür; yanma sonu fotosentetik reaksiyonlar yoluyla biyokütlenin u sebeple yenilenebilir enerji tüketiminin 2011- tanesidir Genellikle 6- Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey -11 mm simulasy modellenmesinde Finite rate/Eddy dissipation sonucu olarak; kazan içerisinde bulunan su yüksek emisyonlara neden olan önemli faktörler lanarak hale getirmektedir. Kazanlar, içerisinde yle modelleme parametrelerin deneysel olarak incelenebilmesi ler HAD Eddy dissipation model, türbülans modeli olarak Standart k- model, Radyasyon modeli olarak P1 yanma gibi kompleks problemlerin çözümünde oldukça tercih edilir. in Aspen gerçek buharFLUENT pr korunum denklemlerinin çözümünde SIMPLE model ve radyasyonun modellenmesinde rate/Eddy di erdir. Nümerik hesaplamalarda Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Ordinates (DO) modelini ve türbülans modeli olarak Standart k- mevucttur; Laminar Finite Rate: Türbülans etkileri içerisindeki primer hava deliklerinin yanmaya olan etkisi nümerik olarak FLUENT paket Arrhenius denkleminden çözülür. Finite-Rate/Eddy Dissipation: Türbülans modeli olarak RNG kmodeli olarak Finite rate/Eddy dissipation hesaplar ancak bunlardan hangisinin Eddy Dissipation: hesaplar. (Magnussen EDC (Eddy 2 ve Hijertager Dissipation Concept): MATERYAL VE METOD Türlerin problemlerinin çözümünde nümerik yöntemler olarak yanma problemlerin çözümünde, analitik, deneysel ve nümerik yöntemler uygulanabilir. Türbülans modeli olarak RNG kmodeli olarak finite rate/eddy dissipation modeli, radyasyon modeli olarak P1 radyasyon - tli seçenekler mevcuttur [9]. Bunlar; Model - -premixed) Model denklemi Magnussen ve Hjertager denklemleri ile hesaba üzerinde karbon partikülleri enjekte edilerek reaksiyonlar programa girilerek hesaplamalar g (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey du 7.5 mm ve 10 mm) (velocity in -6 mertebesine (discrete phase model- geler (yanma haznesi çevresi) daha CO2, H2, H2O, NH3, hafif hidrokarbonlar (CH4) ve katrandan (C6H6 [10]. Kaba (Proximate) analiz Nem [küt.%] 8.50 Kül [küt.%] 0.62 Sabit karbon [küt.%] 16.20 Uçucu madde [küt.%] 74.68 18330 3 hazne mer tüm durumlarda hazne içerisinde ve hazneye Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey aksimum görülmektedir. -2170 buradan 6 adet duma - Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Bir kaz (1) ile hesaplanabilir [11]. 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Engine tests were performed using single cylinder diesel engine and Eddy Current type dynamometer under 50% load and 1600 rpm constant engine speed conditions. Since the classic injection time of the engine at 1600 rpm Before Top Dead Center (BTDC) was 6,3° KA (crank angle), the engine tests were carried out first by positioning the classic injection timing. Then the tests were completed by changing the injection timing and fuel type. At the end of the study, the test data were compared according to the injection timing and fuel type with reference to conventional injection time and fossil based diesel fuel. Key Words: 1 edecek [2]. AB t direktifler [3,4]. Ülkemizde, milyar en az %3 (Vol. beklenirken, yenilenebilir ene [1]. Bu . Etanol C2H5 OH kimyasal formülü ile gösterilmektedir ve % 52.18 karbon, % 34.78 oksijen ve % 13.04 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey [5]. kaynaklar f [6]. Alkol Alkol Maksimum indike termik verimde en erken [16]. 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Tek Silindirli Deney Motorun Supercharger Özellikleri Boost Air AVL 515X ±10mbar Pressure Motor AVL-577 Motor Motoru a ve ±1K Tipi Enjeksiyon tipi Silindir hacmi Direk Enjeksiyonlu 1800 bar 1120 cm3 4 Maksimum 190 bar Maksimum motor Tüketimi Blow-by NOx CO2 2500 d/d Maksimum güç Maksimum tork Bore Stroke <0.15% AVL 442 Chemiluminescence Detector Non-Dispersive Infrared Rays ±1.5% PT100 (K Type) Sensörleri 50 kW 160 Nm 106.5 mm 127 mm 16.4 AVL-735 . Motor Motor parametresi için hesaplanan hata analizi Tablo 2. . Motor sistemi dinamometre motor üzerindeki etkileri gözlemlenebilmektedir. Motor, yanma karakteristikleri ve silindir gaz görünümü Tablo 2. Ölçüm Tork Motor Devri Hücre Nem Testi Hücre Cihaz HBM Torque Flange AVL Encoder Baker ve 2±0.1% - Vaisala HMT 330 ±1% RH Vaisala HMT 330 ±0.2°C Testi AVL Flowsonix <±0.25% Kistler PFP Sensörü 0.05CA -bütanol (FKDY), hacimsel olarak %5 (E5) etanol içeren Silindir Gaz Sensörü Enjeksiyon Angle Encoder Supercharger Boost Air AVL 515X Temperature ±0.1CA ±5°C % 5 etanol + % 1 2-butanol + % 94 FKDY % 10 etanol + % 2 2-butanol + % 88 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Özellikler 3 ) Viskozite (mm2/sn) o C) o C) o C) Motorin 820 845 2,0 - 4,5 160 55 0,020 o ° Bütanol ( 805 5 102 -115 20,5 99.0 0.2 - 0.2 - gösteren verilmektedir. sonucunda, test verileri püskürtme zaman 2 ° ° 0.1 Etanol (C2H6O) 790 78 -114.5 12 ° toplam çevrimin r. Testlerde FKDY, 3 %10 (E10) hacimsel etanol- edilen silindir üst ölü noktadan önce (Ü.Ö.N.Ö) 6.3 ) . Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 75,3 bar ve FKDY için 74,7 bar olarak elde edilirke 3.1 3. - 3,3 bar, (E5, E10), silin (FKDY için 5,3 bar ve FKDY 4,3o elde edilerek, 8,3 3 Minimum FKDY FKDY(83,4 o Ü.Ö.N.Ö 4,3 o 3.2 Karbondioksit (CO2) Emisyonu 4. o (-2o KA, klasik, +2 KA) CO2 2 6,3o (Ü.Ö.N.Ö e KA) o ppm olarak ölçülürken minimum CO2 emisyon o o KA) 80,6 bar iken FKDY o ,3o E10 ve FKDY . püskür Klasik enjeksiyon z 6,3o KA) maksimum CO2 FKDY (49284 ppm) %2,96 (1012 ppm) ve Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 90 90 1600 dev/dak 1600 dev/dak °C 80 C 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 FKDY (-2° KA) E5 (-2° KA) E10 (-2° KA) 10 10 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 o 40 50 -20 60 -10 0 10 20 30 o KA) 40 50 60 KA) o o o -2 o 3o 2 ile 48819 pmm, E5 o o o 3.3 Azot Oksit (NOx) Emisyonu z E10 ve FKDY x KA elde edilen CO2 FKDY) -2o KA, klasik, +2o KA) E10 ve minimum NOx emisyonu klasik o 2 gözlemlenirken o maksimum o yak 51 1600 dev/dak C 51 50 50 49 49.284 49 48.272 48.311 48 emisyon o -2 52 NO x o 52 FKDY (+2° KA) 1600 dev/dak E5 (+2° KA) E10 (+2° KA) C 51 50 48.819 47.968 49 FKDY (-2° KA) 1600 dev/dak E5 (-2° KA) E10 (-2° KA) °C 49.689 48.951 48.889 47.915 48 48 47 47 47 46 46 45 46 45 45 o 4. o o -2oKA) CO2 emisyon o Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 650 1600 dev/dak 625 C 600 575 559 557 550 540 525 500 475 450 425 400 o o o o o -2 KA) NOx emisyon x x emisyonla enjeksiyon zam -2) 6,3o KA), NOx emisyonu FKDY ile 540 ppm olarak tespit edilirken E5 (557 ppm) ve E10 testlerde, Ü.Ö.N.Ö 8,3o 2o KA enjeksiyon Enjeksiyon x ppm), E10 (474 ppm) ve ,FKDY (463 ppm) 2o o KA enjeksiyon o x . o emisyon pm), ppm) ve FKDY ile (672 ppm) Deneylerde, enjeksiyon x 4 E5 ve E10 2 2 SONUÇLAR anol- ( dizel motorda enjeksiyon zaman performans o ve emisyon ik o ,3 KA) ve 2o FKD 2 njeksiyon 2 bir Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Manufacturing and Automation, Sy. 1013 1022, 2015. 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[17] S. A. Ahmed, S. Zhou, Y. Zhu, Y. Feng, A. Malik ve N. Ahmad, Influence of Injection Timing on Performance and Exhaust Emission Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey of CI Engine Fuelled with Butanol-Diesel Using a 1D GT-Power Model, Processes, 2019. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey EFFECTS OF FUSEL OIL ON A THERMAL COATED ENGINE Ö. Salih1, V. Erdinç2 and Ö. Serkan3 1. Mus Alparslan University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Mus/Turkey, s.ozer@alparslan.edu.tr 2. , erdinc009@hotmail.com 3. Bitlis Eren University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Bitlis/Turkey, s.ozel@bitliseren.edu.tr Abstract This study aims to cover the valves and piston with Al2O3+13% powders by plasma spray method in order to improve the engine's emissions. In addition, the effects of using fusel oil with natural water content of 9.6% were investigated in reducing negative emissions in coated engines. For this purpose fusel oil is added to diesel fuel by 25% by volume. The resulting mixture-coated and uncoated engine was tested starting at 1400 rpm and up to 3200 rpm. Changes in the NOx, is and CO emissions of the engine were observed at this stage. With the addition of fusel oil to diesel fuel, NOx and CO emissions decreased and is emissions increased. Thermal barrier coating has reduced emissions in all fuel mixtures and at all engine speeds. Key words: Diesel engine, exhaust emission, fusel oil, thermal barrier, coating 1 INTRODUCTION Diesel motor vehicles play an important role in our daily lives. Since it provides effective power at a minimal cost, transportation, construction, agriculture, industry, generator it is very widely used in areas. Despite being used in so many areas, harmful wastes from the exhaust of dieselpowered vehicles cause health problems on living things and pollute the Environment [1]. Therefore, the researchers are working on reducing the fuel consumption of diesel engines, increasing their efficiency, reducing exhaust emissions [2-5].Alternative fuel studies in which different fuel combinations are tried, combustion chamber and cylinder piston surface operations, fuel injection strategies and processes related to exhaust gases after combustion are the beginning of these studies [6-8]. These methods include thermal barrier coating (TBC), a surface modification process with an enhancing effect on performance and a reducing effect on exhaust emissions. The main purpose of TBC is to reduce the amount of heat transferred from the combustion chamber components by an insulating layer with low thermal conductivity. In this way, the amount of heat energy to be converted into mechanical energy in the combustion chamber increases. In addition, increased in-cylinder temperature and pressure causes more HC to react in the combustion chamber, resulting in a reduction in exhaust emissions [9]. Reducing exhaust emissions in diesel engines one of the promising methods to improve performance is the use of alternative fuel additives [10]. Biodiesel is an alternative type of fuel that can be produced from renewable sources such as vegetable and animal fats for diesel engines in the class of internal combustion engines. Biodiesel is a non-toxic, environmentally friendly fuel that breaks down easily in nature. Use of biodiesel in certain diesel fuel ratios in diesel engines; Depending on operating conditions, the structure of the engine and the characteristics of the biodiesel fuel have different effects on engine performance and emissions [11]. Biodiesel has lower thermal values than diesel fuel. But biodiesel - diesel fuel mixtures increase specific fuel consumption while reducing harmful emissions [12]. Therefore, high combustion chamber temperature can be achieved by reducing heat loss of combustion chamber components with surface modification process TBC. Thus, TBC engine, various biodieseldiesels blends; prepared fuel sample during combustion temperature increase and excess oxygen due to diesel is thought to show superior performance characteristics. Therefore, various studies in the literature have investigated the effects of biodiesel fuel on performance and emission formations in diesel engines in TBC application. Selman and colleagues in their study [13], single cylinder, four stroke, 3 LD 510 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey model Lombardino ci engine combustion 2 MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL chamber elements (piston and Valve) using METHODS plasma spray method, 100 µm of NiCrAl intermediate decking and on it 88% ZrO2, 4% The valves and pistons of the diesel engine are MgO, 8% Al2O3 mixture coating powder formed coated with plasma spray coating method. The a thermal barrier. They then produced residual image of the coated materials is given in Figure frying oil of cottonseed biofuel and tested 1 fusel oil is supplied from Eskisehir Sugar performance, emission and combustion Factory. The sample was analysed and its experiments on the TBC coated engine at full contents were determined and given in Table 1. load and at various speeds. They reported that It is often used by distilling fusel oil. However, they observed partial increases in exhaust it was not subjected to distillation because it was manifold temperature and engine noise, partial chosen to be used without distillation in this decreases in brake specific fuel consumption study. Diesel fuel (D), 25% fusel oil contribution (BSFC), partial reductions in carbon monoxide is shown by shortening as D75F25. (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and smoke opacity Specifications of experimental fuels are given in emissions, but partial increases in nitrogen oxide Table 5 (NOx) emissions. Karthickeyan Viswanathan and colleagues [14] produced renewable alternative biodiesel from curry leaf (Murraya koenigii) oil, creating four different fuel mixtures such as B25, B50, B75 and B100. They also coated the combustion chamber elements of an internal combustion diesel engine using Figure 1. Coated piston valve images and yttrium stabilized zirconia and thermal barrier schematic drawing. coating and examined the thermal efficiency and exhaust emissions of B25, B50, B75 and B100 fuels. Experiments showed that Curry Leaf Table 1. Alcohol ratios of distilled fusel oil. biodiesel fuels increased thermal efficiency and Alcohol Name % [Mass] decreased fuel consumption in the yttrium Ethanol 9.61 stabilized zirconia-coated engine, and decreased 1-propanol 3.68 Co, HC and smoke due to oxygen and high in2-methyl 1-propanol 11.75 cylinder temperature. They reported that they 2-methy 1-butanol 68.45 detected high NOx emission due to high inOther alcohol 6.5 cylinder pressure and temperature. In this study a thermal barrier was coated to improve the emission values of a diesel engine. For this purpose, Al2O3+%13TiO powders were applied to valves and Pistons by plasma spray method. As is known, NOx emissions of thermal barrier coated engines are rising [15-17]. It is generally reported that water is added to the fuel in order to reduce NOx emissions [18]. Fusel oil is a mixture of alcohol produced from sugar beet plants with 8-12% water by volume [19]. In this study, it was planned to use fusel oil with water content in a thermal coated engine. By adding 25% fusel oil to the fuel, the emission values of diesel fuel (NOx, CO and smoke opacity) in coated and uncoated engines were compared. Table 2. Physical and chemical properties of fuel mixtures. Viscosity Calorific Density Fuel (mm2/s, value (g/cm3)@20 o 40 C) (Mj/kg) D 3.8 845 43.1 D75F25 5.8 935 41.4 Engine experiments were carried out on a singlecylinder diesel engine. The technical specifications of the engine are given in Table 3. All fuels used in engine experiments were primarily used with uncoated parts of the engine. After all measurements were finished, the experiments were repeated by inserting coated parts. The engine experiments were carried out on a Netfren brand engine dynamometer. Exhaust emission values were measured with a Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Mobydic 5000 Model emission device and recorded. The measurement range of the emission device is given in Table 2. The schematic image of the experiment Assembly is given in Figure 2. The engine experiments were carried out by increasing the engine speed from 1400 rpm to 3200 rpm at full throttle position at Figure 2. Engine test mechanism 300 rpm. The data obtained is recorded and schematic view. charted and examined in the discussion section. Table 3. Technical feature of the test engine. Engine type Bore*stroke[mm(in)] Single cylinder, 4stroke, air-cooled, direct injection, diesel engine 78×62(3.07×2.44) Displacement[ml(cu.in)] 296(18.06) Engine speed(rpm) 3600 Compression ratio 20:1 Rated output power[kW(HP)/rpm] 4.0(5.44)/3600 Crank Angle (CAo) 310 Injection pressure [bar] 200 Table 4. Mobydic 5000 exhaust gas analyser features. O2 (% Vol.) Measurement range 0...10,00 0...20,00 0...5000 0...50000 nhexan 0...21 n (%Vol.) 0...100 Measurement CO (%Vol.) CO2 (%Vol.) NOX (ppm) HC (ppm) Sensitivity ±0,06% ±0,5% ±5 ±12 ±0,1 Sensitivity to OIML 0 standard Particles 0...1000 (mg/m3) 72/306 EEC approuved / ISO 11614 certified 3 NS 3.1. NOx emissions Figure 3 shows the effects of NOx emissions. It is a significant emission value undesirable in diesel engines. By the combustion of the air taken into the cylinder at a temperature of 1800 o C, emissions such as no and its derivatives are revealed. These emissions are generally referred to as NOx emissions in motor science. NOx emissions are an undesirable emission in diesel engines and a lot of work is being done on it. In the studies conducted in thermal barrier coated engines, it is reported that the thermal barrier increases the combustion end temperature in the engine [20]. Increased end-of-combustion temperatures also partly lead to increased NOx emissions. For this reason, NOx emissions increase is seen as a negative indicator, although it increases engine performance indicators in thermal coated engines. In general, it has been reported that the addition of water into the fuel is effective for reducing NOx emissions [21]. With the addition of fusel oil to diesel fuel, NOx emissions tend to decrease compared to D fuel. When combined with the use of fusel oil in the coated engine, it tends to increase compared to the standard engine. In this case, it can easily be seen that the coating forms a thermal barrier. It is also understood that the amount of water in fusel oil is also effective in reducing NOx emissions. The highest NOx emission occurred in the engine coated with D fuel. In this case, an emission value of 389 ppm was measured at 3200 rpm. The lowest emission value was determined to be 303 ppm at 1400 rpm with D75F25 fuel in the uncoated engine. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey opacity emissions. So much so that the use of D fuel in a coated engine tends to reduce soot emissions at all engine speeds. In addition, the highest smoke emission value is seen in the engine without coating with fusel oil added. The amount of water in fusel oil has the ability to adversely affect combustion. In this case, it smoke thought that the partially unburnt regions in the cylinder increase the smoke emission. However, it is seen that using fusel oil-doped Figure 3. Variation of NOx emissions. fuel in a coated engine reduces smoke emissions. The highest is emission value was measured as 3.2. CO emissions 75 in an uncoated engine with D75F25 fuel, while the lowest value was obtained with 8 in a Because diesel engines operate with the air D coated engine. redundancy coefficient, CO emissions are very small [22]. CO emissions appear as an indicator of incomplete combustion within the cylinder. Figure 4 shows the variation of CO emission. The highest emission value was obtained when using D fuel and standard engine materials. Engine cladding has been found to be effective in reducing emissions. With the addition of fusel oil to diesel fuel, CO emissions tend to decrease. Figure 5. Exchange of smoke opacity. The downward trend increases with the use of fuel in the coated engine. The coating is thought 4 CONCLUSIONS to form a thermal barrier and to be effective in reducing CO emissions. In addition, the total This study examines the effects of fusel oil with carbon count decreases with the addition of fusel water content on emission values in a coated oil to the fuel. In addition, the oxygen content of engine. The general results obtained in the study fusel oil is thought to be effective in reducing are as follows. CO emissions. The lowest CO emission value Coating has been shown to be effective on was measured as 0.23 ppm at 2900 rpm with D75F25 fuel in a coated engine. CO, is and NOx emissions in all fuel mixtures. It was observed that the amount of water in the fusel oil content did not prevent combustion in the engine. NOx emissions have decreased with the use of fusel oil. This reduction showed a further increase in the coated engine. CO emissions are reduced with the use of fusel oil. With the introduction of the Figure 4. Exchange of CO emissions. coating, the amount of reduction in all engine speeds increases even more. Is emissions increase with the addition of 3.3. Smoke opacity fusel oil to diesel fuel. However, with the use of fusel oil doped diesel fuel in the Figure 5, shows the effects of smoke opacity engine, soot emissions were reduced. change. Soot emissions in diesel engines are For the future of the study, focusing on caused by the oxidation of partially unburned motor performance indicators and fuels in the cylinder [23]. 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Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 M.Hürpekli1, M.Vargün2, A.N.Özsezen3 Automotive Engineering, Kocaeli University; email: mhurpekli@gmail.com Automotive Engineering, Kocaeli University; email: mustafavargun@gmail.com Automotive Engineering, Kocaeli University; email: nozsezen@kocaeli.edu.tr Thermodynamics and Heat, Marmara University; email: ahmethamit.apaydin@tubitak.gov.tr Abstract Investigation of combustion of ethanol-diesel fuel blends has been carried out with a single cylinder diesel engine that has 1.12L cylinder volume, by real-time monitoring combustion pressure. In this study, pure petroleum-based diesel fuel was used as reference fuel and total injected fuel at base condition was kept constant through whole experimentation with different ethanol-diesel fuel blends. The injection of fuel completed in one injection, and combustion was observed during the study. Keywords: Compression ignition engine, ethanol-diesel blend, combustion, start of injection timing, burn duration, emission 1 INTRODUCTION In 2018, 80 million vehicles were sold around the world, and 99% of the vehicles are using an internal combustion engine (ICE) with fossil fuel. According to the published reports, ICE share will be at least 80 million in 2040. In addition, emissions regulation requires the use of more efficient and environmental friendly vehicles. Engine manufacturers continue to work on more environmental friendly and sustainable engine technologies. The most important parameters that determine the performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine are the fuel injection and properties of the fuel. The spray characteristics of alternative fuels have been studied with test models or research engines. It is stated that the spray characteristics of alternative fuels are close to petroleum diesel fuel in some studies. There are many studies related with use of ethanol and ethanol blended fuels in spark ignited engines. However, the studies related to the use of ethanol-diesel blend fuel as an alternative fuel in diesel engines are quite limited. Therefore, it was decided to examine the combustion images of ethanol-diesel blends in a single cylinder diesel engine. In diesel engines, the spray characteristics are significantly affected by ambient conditions, injection parameters (injection pressure, start of injection, etc.) and the physical properties of the fuel [1]. Although there have been different researches on the use of ethanol-gasoline blends in the literature, the combustion and flame investigation of ethanol-diesel blend fuels are not fully clarified [2]. In addition, new exhaust emission regulations for diesel engines are getting stricter. CO2 emission of vehicles are criticized by environmental organizations due to their significant contribution to global warming [3]. Similarly, EU applies stringent restriction to the exhaust emission that forces car manufacturers to find a way for cleaner cars with engine design or exhaust system layout. So, reduction of emission is a hot topic of car manufacturers, and they try to find a way to reduce emissions. One of the ways is using alternative fuels or fuel blends. Therefore, performance, combustion and exhaust emission studies for alternative fuels in internal combustion engines are still in existence. Within the scope of the investigation, the combustion and exhaust emission of ethanol-diesel blend fuel was examined experimentally. Experiments were being carried out using a single cylinder diesel engine. The fuel injection map was kept same for fuel injection to see the effect of ethanol addition to diesel fuel, prepared as 5% (E5), 10% (E10), and 15% (E15) by volume. The results of injection, combustion and emission measurement of diesel fuel to be considered as reference was compared with ethanol-diesel fuel tests. In order to compare the combustion characteristics (cylinder gas pressure, heat Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey release, and ignition delay) and emission of fuels, Oil and cooling pumps are the parts of engine test constant load with varying speed tests were bench. The oil and cooling water conditioning performed. The effects of fuels to be used in were stabilized by the engine test bench. Hence diesel engine tests on nitrogen oxides (NOx), parasitic loads other than fuel pump are carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) eliminated. and soot emissions were measured and compared. The test cell is equipped with other conditioning and measurement units such as fuel conditioner and intake air conditioner that is supercharger, 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS fuel consumption, air flow measurement, The methodology followed is summarized as in humidity, temperature and pressure sensors, and the Figure 1 shown below. in cylinder pressure measurement. On top of them, the test cell was equipped with emission Experimental Study measurement devices for the study. Engine system works fully integrated with the Test Setup Data Acqusition dynamometer and the equipment of the test cell, and all systems are controlled with a controller. In-cylinder Engine Dyno Pressure Data for Each Crank Angle The used test cell and the dynamometer in this study are shown in Figure 2. The devices that In-cylinder Intake Manifold Pressure Air Flow Rate Transducer were utilized during the experiments and the accuracy of the measurements that acquired from Intake Manifold Engine ECU Air Temperature Interface devices are summarized in Table 2. and Pressure The air intake pressure and temperature can be Emission Benches Fuel Flow Rate controlled and set to a desired value between 02500 mbar and 20-40 °C, respectively. The oil Fuel Pressure and Injection Timing and cooling water temperature can be controlled and set desired value as well. But the oil Combustion Visualization temperature is set to 90 °C and cooling water temperature is set to 90 °C to protect the engine Exhaust Emission from any undesired wear. The engine ECU is open to user that means Following Each Steps for Each Fuel defined ECU maps such that SOI, main injection Blends quantity, pilot injection quantity and rail pressure Figure 1. The Flow Path of Experiments maps can be modified instantaneously, and effects on the engine operation can be observed The experimental study is done by following the simultaneously. steps defined in Figure 1. The engine is equipped with in-cylinder pressure sensor to perform calculations for combustion 2.1 Test Setup characteristics and cylinder gas pressure. Experiments were conducted with a single The interface of the control system with the test cylinder research engine that is compression cell and engine dynamometer is schematically ignition (CI), 4-stroke, supercharged, and shown in Figure 3. equipped with a common rail direct injection fuel injection system, located in Gebze Campus of . The laboratory dynamometers have been working since 2011 and annual maintenance and calibration of the devices have been performed periodically. The engine main dimensions and parameters are given in the table below (Table 1). The main components of the engine test bench are an electric eddy current dynamometer, fuel injection system (including common rail, injector, fuel filter and fuel pump) and engine control unit (ECU). Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 1. Engine Specification Table 2. The Test Cell Devices and Accuracies Engine Type Single Cylinder 4 stroke Fuel System Cylinder Volume Valves Common Rail Direct Injection 1800 bar 1120 cm3 3 (2 intake 1 exhaust) (OHV) Cylinder Firing Pressure Max. Engine Speed 2500 rpm Max. Power 50 kW Max. Torque 160 Nm Bore 106.5 mm Stroke 127 mm Compression Ratio 16.4 190 bar Measurement Device Accuracy Torque HBM Torque Flange Engine Speed AVL Encoder Test Cell Humidity Test Cell Temperature In-cylinder Pressure Vaisala HMT 330 ±1% RH Vaisala HMT 330 ±0.2°C Injection timing Supercharger Boost Air Temperature Supercharger Boost Air Pressure Engine Coolant & Oil Conditioning Fuel Consumption AVL Xion 0.05CA Angle Encoder ±0.1CA AVL 515X ±5°C AVL 515X ±10mbar AVL-577 Smoke AVL-735 Chemiluminescence Detector Non-Dispersive Infrared Rays Non-Dispersive Infrared Rays AVL 415SE Temperature Sensors PT100 (K Type) NOx CO2 CO ±0.1% ±1K <0.15% 0.001 FSN Figure 3. Engine Control System and Test Cell Devices Interface Figure 2. Engine Test Cell (testbench) and Dynamometer 2.2 Preparation of Fuel Blends The diesel fuel that is suitable to EN590 Euro 6 was bought from a national gas station in Kocaeli. The ethanol was produced by a chemical manufacturer. Four different fuels were prepared for testing, and they were named according to volume percentage of ethanol added. Pure diesel is used as reference for all test conditions, and it has no ethanol content. E5 fuel blend consists of 5 % ethanol and 95% pure diesel. E10 fuel blend consists of 10 % ethanol and 90% pure diesel. E15 fuel blend consists of 15 % ethanol and 85% pure diesel. After preparation of fuel blends, they were stayed in container to observe whether there Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey is any separation of ethanol and diesel. Moreover, the fuel during the first stage, together with the all blends were stirred before testing. The production of free chemical radicals, increases properties of fuels are given in the Table 3. The the pressure inside the cylinder by a small expected lower heating values for fuel blends amount. In parallel with this chemical mobility, were calculated according to blend ratio and the fuel, which is mixed with hot gas, continues properties from Table 3, and given in to increase its temperature. The time elapsed from the start of spraying to start of combustion is defined as the phase of ignition delay [5], [6]. After the ignition delay phase, the self-ignition Table 4. phase starts. This step is usually referred to as the preliminary mixing phase. The amount of fuel Table 3. Standard Diesel and Ethanol Fuels burned at this stage is directly correlated to the Properties interval of the ignition delay phase. Diffusion Properties EN590 Ethanol combustion (controlled combustion) starts after Diesel (C2H5OH) premixed combustion phase. During this phase Density (kg/m3 ) 820 - 845 790 in-cylinder temperatures reaches to very high Viscosity (mm2/s) 2,0 - 4,5 0,001519 levels. Due to high in-cylinder temperature, time Boiling Point (oC) 160 78 is not sufficient for evaporating the fuel and Freeze Point (oC) -114.5 mixing it with air for fully oxidation. Therefore, Flash Point (oC) 55 12 soot emission formation starts under these Purity (%) circumstances. However, during the fourth Water Content (%) 0,020 0,2 combustion phase (late combustion), limited Cetane Number combustion of the soot and unburnt fuels on the LHV( kJ/kg) [4] 42612 26952 o cylinder walls, which were formed during the Autoignition ( C) [4] 315 422 diffusion phase, occurs. The figure below indicates the combustion phases with the rate of heat release to crank angle. Table 4. Calculated LHV for Fuel Blends Fuel Blend E0 E5 E10 E15 Lower Heating Value kJ/kg 42612,0 41869,2 41122,4 40371,5 2.3 Definition and Calculation of the Combustion Parameters The combustion of a liquid fuel in a compression ignition engine can be defined as break down of injected liquid fuel into small droplets, the transition from the liquid phase to the gas phase with increasing fuel temperature during compression, and finally self-ignition and combustion of the fuel. After the atomization of the liquid fuel in the hot air, the temperature of the liquid fuel increases and begins to evaporate. Liquid fuel starts to evaporate, especially at the spray boundaries. No chemical reactions occur in this period. After evaporation occurs, the first stage of the self-ignition process starts around 750K where the combustion chamber temperature is relatively low. Slow oxidation of Figure 4. Heat Release Rate and Phases of Diesel Combustion [6] In-cylinder pressure and injection signal were plotted from measurements. Rate of heat release (ROHR) was calculated by using Equation 1; where dividing specific heat at constant pressure (cp) to specific heat at constant pressure volume (cv), P is the in-cylinder pressure and V is the swept volume of the cylinder. (1) Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The volume and pressure change over crank angle During each step, engine was run for 120 seconds to be sure that all residuals from previous step was Scheme (CDS) as shown in Equation 2 [7]: cleaned and engine was get in regime for the new step. Later, 60 more seconds it was run for measurement. All measurement data for engine (2) speed, engine torque, emission and fuel consumption were averaged for 60 seconds. Figure 4 summarizes the combustion parameters After completion of studies for a fuel-blend, all start of injection (SOI), start of combustion fuel lines and filters were purged. The fuel lines (SOC), Ignition Delay Duration (ID), and Burn and filters were filled with the next fuel-blend and Duration (BD). SOC can be determined based on then new set of experimentation was started. sudden increase trend in cylinder gas pressure aftermath of the fuel spraying. After computing 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SOC, IDD was found by calculating the CA Engine torque and power, exhaust emissions (CO, difference between the SOC and the SOI. In CO2 and soot), and in-cylinder pressure data addition to SOC and IDD calculation, burn evaluation were performed to investigate the duration (BD) was calculated by ROHR. Burn effects of ethanol-diesel blend on engine duration indicates the time between the start and performance and emissions. However different finish of the heat release of the injected fuel in volumetric proportion of the ethanol was not the CA. CA difference between 90% and 5% of the only parameter that may affect the experimental cumulative heat release give the BD [8]. results. In order to avoid the effects of test cell, In cylinder gas pressure measurement performed the test cell was conditioned according to ISO for 50 cycles and calculation of the combustion 8178, and power and torque measurement were parameters were performed with the average of performed according to ISO 14396. Moreover, these 50 cycles. AVL Concerto software was used the engine oil, coolant and intake temperature to calculate the combustion parameters; such that were conditioned to 90 °C, 70 °C and 25 °C ROHR, SOC and BD. respectively. Table 6 summarizes the engine parameters that were kept constant during the 3 EXPERIMENTATION experiments. The experiments were carried out with the single cylinder research engine under constant load and Table 6. Engine Parameters During the varying engine speeds. It was decided to keep the Experiments engine pedal position to 50%, and sweep different engine speeds starting 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm with Engine Speed [rpm] 200 rpm increment. There were 4 different fuel 1000 1200 1400 1600 blends such that 100% diesel (E0), 95% diesel E5, E0 E0 E0 E0 90% diesel E10 and 85% diesel E15 used during E5 E5 E5 E5 Fuel Blend experiments, and all points shown in the Table 5 E10 E10 E10 E10 repeated for each of fuels. Hence 16 points were E15 E15 E15 E15 examined during experimentation. Load % 50 50 50 50 Table 5. Experiment Matrix and Fuel Blend Naming Engine Speed Range rpm 1000 1200 1400 1600 Ethanol Fuel Blend Percentage 0 5 10 15 Fuel Naming E0 E5 E10 E15 In cylinder gas pressure measurement was performed for 50 cycles and 50 cycles average was used for each case. Engine Coolant Temperature Engine Oil Temperature Air Temperature Total Injected Fuel Quantity °C 70 70 70 70 °C 90 90 90 90 °C 25 25 25 25 mg/stroke 45,1 45,1 45,1 45,1 Combustion Characteristics In order to understand the effects of ethanol addition to diesel fuel on combustion characteristics, roots cause of variations on Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey engine performance and emission combustion added ethanol blend. Ethanol improves the parameters like heat release rate (ROHR), mixing between fuel and air, which leads to ignition delay duration (IDD), start of combustion higher peak heat release rate and higher in(SOC) and burn duration (BD) can be analysed. cylinder temperature [9]. Increased ethanol Moreover, understanding effects of the ethanol content caused earlier rise of in-cylinder pressure blends on IDD, SOC, and BD will give the up to TDC. It is probable that oxygen content of opportunity to further improvement on the the ethanol leads to rise of in-cylinder pressure performance and the exhaust emissions of diesel earlier. E15 reaches peak pressure earlier than E0 engine. and E15 has higher peak pressure compared to E0 Therefore, measured in-cylinder pressure data as can be seen in zoomed section of Figure 5. and recorded injection parameters during the In addition to in-cylinder pressure graph, heat experiments were used to evaluate and find release rate of all fuel blends are plotted for 1000 ROHR, IDD, SOC and BD. rpm operation point in Figure 6. Similar to inFigure 5 and Figure 6 are given for comparison of cylinder pressure data rise of heat release rate of in-cylinder pressure and heat release at 1000 rpm ethanol added fuel start earlier however pure with main injection only. The ethanol-diesel diesel release more heat due to its higher LHV blend fuels results show that in-cylinder pressure compared to ethanol. rise is steeper than pure diesel fuel, and the maximum pressure of E5, E10 and E15 is a bit higher than E0. Although start of fuel injection was set same for all fuels, in-cylinder pressure was affected from Figure 5. In-Cylinder Pressure Comparison at 1000 rpm of E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only Figure 6. Heat Release Rate at 1000 rpm of E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey SOC of ethanol-diesel blends occurs later than diesel SOC as shown in Figure 7, and that leads to longer IDD. Increasing ethanol content leads to longer IDD up to 2°CA as summarize in Figure 8. Figure 8 indicates that increasing ethanol content in fuel blend increases the IDD for all engine speeds. The longer IDD is probably the result of higher auto ignition temperature of ethanol [4]. Figure 7. Start of Combustion (SOC) for E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only for Different Engine Speeds Figure 8. Ignition Delay Duration (IDD) for E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only for Different Engine Speeds Engine Performance The experimentations were done under same throttle position that is related with percentage of the load. According to LHV calculation for different fuel blends, which was summarized in Table 4, increasing ethanol percentage decreases LHV of the fuel. So, it is expected that power of the engine for each of engine speeds will decrease with the same throttle position without changing injection parameters. It is clearly seen in Figure 9 that the engine power decreases with increasing ethanol content. To compare reduction of the engine power for each case, neat diesel fuel results were used as reference for each engine speed and injection strategy. The Table 7 summarizes the comparison. It is seen that the power reduction percentage increases with speed and content of ethanol in fuel. In order to evaluate promising result of ethanol diesel blend, it is beneficial to compare specific fuel consumption. Figure 10 shows comparison of brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) of each fuel blend for different injection strategy and engine speeds. Although the engine power was reduced with ethanol blends, Figure 10 shows that ethanol blends have promising results in view of bsfc that means combustion of diesel with ethanol is efficient than neat diesel one, especially at 1200 rpm and 1400 rpm. This may the result of oxygen availability in the ethanol chemical composition, which may lead to more complete combustion [10]. Figure 9. Engine Power Comparison for E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only for Different Engine Speeds Table 7. Power Reduction Comparison Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 11. Engine CO Emission Comparison for E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only for Different Engine Speeds Figure 10. Engine Specific Fuel Comparison for E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only for Different Engine Speeds Emissions Internal combustion engine emit CO emissions due to incomplete combustion [8],[11]. Although diesel engines work under lean operation conditions, excessive oxygen in the combustion chamber cannot burn all carbon atoms in the fuel chain [8]. Addition of ethanol to the diesel fuel increases oxygen content in the combustion, and this stimulates more oxygen reacts with fuel in combustion chamber. Therefore, CO emission reduction under all engine speeds, which is given in Figure 11 can be associated to the oxygen content of the ethanol. The effect of oxygen content of fuel blends on CO emission presented in different studies shows similar results as revealed in this study [12]. More CO2 emission was expected with ethanoldiesel blend fuels, since CO is reacted with O2 in the system and generates CO2. However, this effect could not be observed from the experiment results. Figure 12. Engine CO2 Emission Comparison for E0, E5, E10 and E15 with Main Injection Only for Different Engine Speeds Figure 12 shows CO2 emission for different fuels and engine speeds. The results indicate that E0, E5, E10 and E15 have similar CO2 emission trend for main injection. The reason behind contradiction of CO and CO2 reduction with increasing ethanol content is probably related with the diesel fuel and ethanol combustion products. The chemical reaction equilibrium of diesel and ethanol show that more CO2 production than ethanol. Almost 3 times more CO2 is generated with diesel combustion when same mass of fuel burns. Diesel chemical reaction: Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey C12H23+17.75(O2+3.773N2) 12CO2+11.5H2O+ 66.97N2 Chamber Diesel Engines, SAE Trans., vol. 91, pp. 3252 3265, Apr. 1982. Ethanol chemical reaction: [3] T. L. A. and R. L. McCormick, Biodiesel C5H5OH+3(O2 + 3.773N2) 2CO2+3H2O+11.32N2 Handling and Use Guide, November, 2010. [4] L. Wright, B. Boundy, B. Perlack, S. Davis, Soot is produced during the high temperature and B. Saulsbury, Biomass Energy Data Book, combustion of hydrocarbons, which is mostly Volume 1, Sep. 2006 carbon; other elements such as hydrogen and [5] W. W. Pulkrabek, Engineering Fundamentals oxygen are usually present in small amounts. of the Internal Combustion Engine, 2nd Ed., pp. Engines emit soot due to incomplete combustion. 198 198, 2004. Figure 13 shows the result of experiments under [6] H. Pucher, K. Mollenhauer, Á. Helmut different engine speeds. 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The authors would like to thank Internal Combustion Engine Technology team for their support of the work. REFERENCES [1] U. Horn, H. Persson, R. Egnell, Ö. Andersson, and E. Rijk, The Influence of Fuel Properties on Transient Liquid-Phase Spray Geometry and on CI-Combustion Characteristics, SAE Int. J. Engines, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 300 311, Apr. 2010. [2] B. Likos, T. J. Callahan, and C. A. Moses, Performance and Emissions of Ethanol and Ethanol-Diesel Blends in Direct Injected and Pre- investigation of the effect of E85 on engine performance and emissions under various ignition timings, Fuel, vol. 115, pp. 826 832, 2014, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2013.03.009. The effects of biodiesel obtained from canola on performance, emissions and combustion characteristics under NEDC and cruise speeds, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 35:3, p.14371453, 2020. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey R. Sener*, 1 and M.Z. Gul1 1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Marmara University, Istanbul; * Email: ramazan.sener@marmara.edu.tr Abstract Diesel engines are widely used in both non-road and on-road purposes for years. Besides its many advantages, exhaust emissions constitute the biggest disadvantage. One of the most important methods to eliminate this disadvantage is optimizing the combustion chamber and the injection parameters. These are directly related to the engine performance and exhaust emissions. In this study, a single-cylinder diesel engine was modeled using the multi-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. After the baseline CFD simulation, the injection parameters of the diesel engine were optimized for minimizing NO X and soot using the MOGA (multi-objective genetic algorithm). The main purpose of this study is to minimize emissions while meeting the IMEP target. The spray angle of the injector, SOI and injection height were parametrized to meet the optimization targets. A significant reduction in NO X and soot emissions was observed with the optimization results. According to the engine parameters obtained, the optimization with CFD and MOGA method is very useful in order to maximize performance and minimize emissions. Keywords: Diesel engine, injection parameters, optimization, combustion, emission. 1 INTRODUCTION Diesel engines are widely used with many advantages. However, its emissions cause global warming and climate change. This disadvantage can be minimized with optimization techniques. The clean combustion can be occurred with minimizing emissions by making improvements in the cylinder geometry, injection and operating parameters, and also after-treatment methods [1 3]. It is important to understand the relationship between the input and output parameters of diesel engines and make it a function, to optimize these values and to minimize or maximize the necessary values. Sobol sequence and Latin hypercube methods are suitable for investigating these effects [4]. The dual-fuel usage also contributes to reducing emissions. In the literature, the effect of double fuel use and emissions has been investigated [5]. Up to 12% reduction in GHG emissions was observed, using dual fuel and optimizing this rate [6]. performance and emission characteristics of the CI engine fueled with biodiesel-diesel fuel blends using the ANN method. Then, they tried to optimize the parameters of the engine with the RSM method. Firstly, it was obtained the data from experiments at different loads and speeds. The optimum parameters of the engine were determined with the RSM method as 32% of biodiesel ratio, 816-watt engine load and 470 bar injection pressure [7]. It is a complex process for calibrating the engines with many mechatronic parts. Air induction and fuel injection parameters can be obtained by using ANN algorithms. With this method, it can be guaranteed that maximum torque can be taken at full load and at all speeds. It must be achieved that minimize emissions and fuel consumption with the maximum possible torque [8]. Hu et al. used NLPQL and MOGA algorithms to optimize the NO X, soot and specific fuel consumption values of a test engine. According to the studies, it is reported that while the NLPQL method could not approach the optimal design, the MOGA method gave the appropriate optimum designs. Accordingly, the design with the lowest soot and NO X emission was obtained using the MOGA algorithm. They found that late injection and small swirl constituted the main reasons for minimizing NO X. They used RSM contour maps to understand the change of NO X, soot and specific fuel consumption [9]. Optimizing the operating parameters of the engine is very important for emissions and engine performance. MOGA and RSM techniques are useful. The injector height, spray angle and SOI values of the test engine are optimized to ensure minimum emissions. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS A single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine was used in these studies. The operating parameters of the engine are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Test engine specifications 2.2 Optimization MOGA is the modified version of a genetic algorithm to obtain the best parameters, which contain more than one objectives. RSM method is used to understand the effects of the design parameters on the objective [12]. A total of 23 cases were simulated using CAESES software to find the optimum spray angle, injector height, and SOI. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The injection parameters combination of minimum emission situation was tried to be determined by using CFD simulation, MOGA and RSM methods. It is aimed to achieve minimum NO X and soot emission without compromising engine power. It is known that NOX and soot emissions have a trade-off effect. However, simulations were carried out for the situation where NO X and soot emissions would be minimum in combination. A total of 23 CFD simulations were performed according to the different injector height, SOI and spray angle values (Fig. 2). 2.1 CFD modelling The test engine modeled using Converge CFD commercial code. Only one-sixth of the cylinder is simulated as a sector, which consisted of about 0.6 million cells. The adaptive mesh refinement applied to the domain in order to refine the mesh based on fluctuating and moving conditions. Simulations were performed at full load and 2800 rpm. The RNG kwas selected for solving in-cylinder turbulent flow. The ECFM-3Z model was preferred for the combustion process [10]. Species of CO, CO 2, and UHC are solved with the combustion model. The extended Zeldovich mechanism is used for calculating NO formation, and Hiroyasu-NSC soot model used for simulating soot oxidation [11]. Figure 2. Exhaust emission values of the simulated cases While Design 1 gives the minimum soot emission, Design 23 emits the minimum NO X value. When the effects of emissions are examined together, Design 9 and Design 18 give minimum emission values. Table 2. Results of optimum cases Figure 1. Surface model of the combustion chamber at TDC Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 4. In-cylinder velocity distribution of the optimum cases Figure 3. In-cylinder temperature distribution of the optimum cases The indicated power of Design 18 and Design 23 is 1.2% and 2.4% lower than the baseline case, respectively. Design 9 has the same indicated power with baseline Design 1 case (table 2). Figure 3 shows the in-cylinder temperature distribution of the optimum cases at various crank angles. Design 1 and Design 9 have homogenous temperature distribution inside the cylinder, while the combustion occurs in the upper zones of Design 18 and Design 23. The fuel injection is intended to coincide with the convex edge in this type of bowl design. In Design 1 and Design 9, the fuel injection reaches the convex edge. Thus, it increases the fuel-air mixture ratio in the cylinder with its swirl effect. However, it is seen in Design 18 and Design 23 that this effect of the piston bowl cannot be utilized (fig. 4 and 5). 4 CONCLUSION It is very useful to use optimization methods in the cases of combustion and internal combustion engines where many parameters affect together. Figure 5. In-cylinder equivalence ratio distribution of the optimum cases at TDC In this study, optimization methods are used to determine the injection parameters of a diesel engine. The combined effect of different design parameters on the objective function was investigated. Injection timing and spray angle are critical for mixture formation and combustion. The location of the injector is likewise important because where the injection hits in the piston bowl design is significant. These parameters affect combustion and therefore exhaust emissions. A total of 23 simulations were carried out that minimum NO X and minimum soot emission parameters were determined. Accordingly, a total of about a 23% reduction in exhaust emissions was achieved. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research was supported by Marmara University Scientific Research Commission through the projects FEN-C-DRP-131217-0676. We gratefully acknowledge the Convergent Science Company for providing the academic version of the CONVERGE CFD software. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey REFERENCES [1] afame R, Messina M, Brusca S. Internal combustion engine heat release calculation using single-zone and CFD 3D numerical models. Int J Energy Environ Eng 2018;9:215 26. doi:10.1007/s40095-0180265-9. [10] [2] [3] [4] Influence of piston bowl geometry on combustion and emission characteristics. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part A J Power Energy 2019;233:576 87. doi:10.1177/0957650919854637. Sener R, Yangaz MU, Gul MZ. Effects of injection strategy and combustion chamber modification on a single-cylinder diesel engine. Fuel 2020. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117122. Navid A, Khalilarya S, Abbasi M. Diesel engine optimization with multi-objective performance characteristics by nonevolutionary Nelder-Mead algorithm: Sobol sequence and Latin hypercube sampling methods comparison in DoE process. Fuel 2018;228:349 67. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.04.142. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] pressure on the characteristics of single cylinder diesel engine powered by butanoldiesel blend. Fuel 2019;256:115928. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2019.115928. Napolitano P, Fraioli V, Guido C, Beatrice C. Assessment of optimized calibrations in minimizing GHG emissions from a Dual Fuel NG/Diesel automotive engine. Fuel 2019;258:115997. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2019.115997. Uslu S, Celik MB. Performance and Exhaust Emission Prediction of a SI Engine Fueled with I-amyl AlcoholGasoline Blends: An ANN Coupled RSM Based Optimization. Fuel 2020;265. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116922. Nikzadfar K, Shamekhi AH. Investigating a new model-based calibration procedure for optimizing the emissions and performance of a turbocharged diesel engine. Fuel 2019;242:455 69. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2019.01.072. Hu N, Zhou P, Yang J. Comparison and combination of NLPQL and MOGA [11] [12] algorithms for a marine medium-speed diesel engine optimisation. Energy Convers Manag 2017. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.066. Colin O, Benkenida A. The 3-zones Extended Coherent Flame Model (ECFM3Z) for computing premixed/diffusion combustion. Oil Gas Sci Technol 2004. doi:10.2516/ogst:2004043. Hiroyasu H, Kadota T. Models for Combustion and Formation of Nitric Oxide and Soot in Direct Injection Diesel Engines 1976. doi:10.4271/760129. Roy S, Banerjee R. Multi-objective optimization of the performance-emission trade-off characteristics of a CRDI coupled CNG diesel dual-fuel operation: A GEP meta-model assisted MOGA endeavour. Fuel 2018;211:891 7. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.10.003. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey CO2 Transportation Case O. Özener1, O. Gezer2, M. Ozkan3, N. Zacharof4 and G. Fontaras5 1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Y Technical University, ; email: oozener@yildiz.edu.tr , 2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ogezer@yildiz.edu.tr , 3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, muaozkan@yildiz.edu.tr 4. Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, e mail: zacharof@auth.gr 5. Joint Research Centre of European Commission, Ispra, Italy, e mail: georgios.fontaras@ec.europa.eu Abstract The fossil fueled public transportation which circulates at inner city routes is an important focus area for CO2 emission researches. As the number of vehicles in the fleets and the cumulative distances covered by these fleets are considerably huge, the understanding of effects such as; cruising speeds, auxiliary loads, operating planning and bus stop location choosing becomes more important on CO2 emissions. The European Commission has already set a framework to regulate pollutant emissions and is underway to monitor and regulate CO2 emissions with the use of Vehicle Energy Calculation Tool (VECTO). VECTO is a vehicle simulation tool developed for the certification and monitoring of fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles. Trucks are already certified using VECTO since in 2019, while work is on-going for extending the tool and methodology to buses and coaches. In this context, a route in one of the biggest bus transport system- Istanbul Metrobus Rapid Bus Transport- System is modelled in VECTO environment. The model is validated with real driving fuel consumption and CO 2 emission results of the buses. The obtained results showed difference in the range of 1-5%. Further analyses indicated that VECTO could be used for assessing on-road CO2 emissions of conventional buses and assist urban transportation planning and potentially for other regulatory purposes in Turkey as well. Keywords: fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, certification, VECTO, city bus, heavy-duty 1 INTRODUCTION Public transportation is used worldwide for daily commute and further development and integration of such systems could contribute in reducing pollutant road emissions. Additionally, under certain conditions and measures, it is possible that public transport can ensure shorter travel time. However, public transportation vehicles still cause significant emissions, due to their long operation time and frequency of stopand-go operation, especially in the ones that are deployed in urban areas. A direct comparison between public transportation would show that for example a bus has a lot higher emissions compared to a passenger car. Such a comparison could be misleading however as buses demonstrate a high occupancy rate that minimizes emissions per passenger and reduces overall road vehicle emissions. For this is reason, there is a high incentive to focus on developing a transportation system that will attract more passengers, preventing them from taking their private vehicles and to improve vehicles to reduce their emissions. The main driver for the vehicle emissions is their mass and configuration, while vehicles are highly sensitive to operational conditions, number of passengers and road grade [1]. Recently, many researchers have carried out numerous studies in public transportation field especially in metropolitan areas [2-4]. The main focus has been on integrated approaches to reduce travel time by increasing the average speed and increase carrying capacity. Bus rapid transit system (BRT) is one of them. Vehicles Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey within the BRT system travel completely or intercontinental BRT system. The bus was largely on special road lanes, which significantly operated with a 13,000 kg payload that was reduces travel time compared to conventional simulated with sandbags, while the relevant fuel public transportation strategy. BRT systems are consumption, emission and vehicle data were becoming widespread rapidly, because the startmeasured and logged during tests. Subsequently, up period is much shorter than competitors. the vehicle was modelled in VECTO simulation Additionally, BRT systems require very low environment and the results were compared and costs compared to metro lines and light railway analyzed. Also, further assessments were made application. for cleaner public transportation. Transient operation conditions, which are dominant in urban routes, internal combustion engines lead to higher fuel consumption and higher emissions. In addition to the frequent of stop-and-go conditions, the mass of the vehicle varies throughout the trip as passengers enter and exit the vehicles. There have been several studies that focused on fuel consumption, emissions, travel time and operating condition of conventional public transportation vehicles and BRT systems are presented below. Zhang et al. [5] observed that average fuel consumption of vehicles operating with conventional diesel on different routes in Beijing, China, as 39.4 l/100km during non-peak hours and 44.7 l/100km during peak hours, which corresponds to a 13% increase. When compared to CO2 emission in this study 14% emission increasing was observed as average cruise speed is inversely proportional to the intensity of the traffic conditions. Alam and Hatzopoulou [1] worked on a certain route in the city of Montreal. According to their findings, if the road grade increases, GHG emission values increase more, especially in of higher speeds. In this study, it was observed that, GHG emissions were quite volatile certain trend at negative road grade, acceptable raising was observed at zero grade, but significantly increasing occurred at positive grade with respect to increasing of passenger. For an 7.5% road grade GHG emissions increased by 26.96% between and empty vehicle and a vehicle carrying 75 passengers. Yu and Li [6] collected real-time emission data in Nanjing, China, and evaluated the characteristics. They observed that 21% of CO2, 22% of CO emission, 20% of NOx and 21% of HC emission emitted during bus stop along the whole operation. In addition, an extensive literature can be found at [7, 8]. 2 2.1 Measurement System The vehicle that was utilized for the measurements was a Euro 5 public bus which is powered by a diesel engine. The properties of the vehicle and the measurement system details are given at Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. Additionally, the relevant CAN data (actual torque, accelerator pedal position, gear, and wheel based vehicle speed) was logged. All systems were controlled by AVL system controller equipment. Table1. Vehicle and Engine Properties Gross Vehicle Weight Type Vehicle Length Number of cylinders Engine capacity Power Torque Compression Ratio Min. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption @Full Load-1400 rpm Emission Certification Level 32 tonnes Articulated 18 m 6 11.9 l 260kW@2000 rpm 1600Nm@1100rpm 17.75:1 185 gr/kwh Euro 5 Table 2. Measurement System P System Device Method Fuel Consumption AVL KMA Mobile Rotational type flow meter Emission AVL Gas PEMS NO - UV-RASi i Emission NDUV NDIR ii AVL PM Pems Accurac y ±0.1% ± 0.2% NO2- NDUV ± 0.2% O2 - Oxygen Sensor ± 1% ii i line (Metrobus line), which worlds unique METHOD CO-NDIR ± 30ppm CO2- NDIR ± 0.1% Soot Photoacoustics ~5 µg/m³ : Non Dispersive Ultraviolet : Non Dispersive Infrared Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2.2 Test Route and Procedure according to technical specifications regulated The test was by European legislation. On the other hand, in Line. that consists of 3 main parts: Engineering mode, users can set more parameters to try and experiment vehicle models -Zincirlikuyu (SZ) 11 km [13]. length with 8 stations Zincirlikuyu(ZA) 25 km length Vehicle components operation are inserted by with 25 stations using tables (e.g. engine fuel maps transmission Beylükdüzü (AB) 16 km length torque loss maps), scalar values (e.g. rolling with 12 stations resistance) or a combination of those. An The tests was carried on example for the latter is air drag at zero yaw Zincirlikuyu (SZ) direction The test route is angle, providing the side winds effect in air drag given Figure 1. [9]. at different angles that is described by a scalar value accompanied by a table. Map-type entries contain information about dynamic parameters that vary depending on engine or vehicle speed, while data considered constant during the route, such as mass and air entrainment area, are entered directly into the tool. Drop-down menus often contain categorical data such as axle configuration (e.g. 4x2, 6x2) and transmission type (e.g. Manual, AMT). [14] The job file window of VECTO is given at Figure 2. Figure 1 - Zincirlikuyu (SZ) Test route Google Earth image [9]. For safety issues the loading condition was simulated with sandbags, instead of passengers. One loading condition is considered with 13 tonnes of sandbag as payload. The detailed test procedure and emission analyses are described in [9] paper. 2.3 VECTO SIMULATION Vehicle Energy Consumption calculation Tool VECTO, is a simulation tool that has been developed by the European Commission and is used for determining CO2 emissions and Fuel Consumption from Heavy Duty Vehicles (trucks, buses and coaches) with a Gross Vehicle Weight above 3500 kg [10]. Figure 2- Job file window Vecto. The scheme of Vecto model is also given in Figure 3. The tools capacity for predicting CO2 and fuel consumption accurately and the development of the simulation models are described in detail in previous works [11, 12]. The VECTO tool offers two modes for vehicle simulation; declaration and engineering modes. In declaration mode, a vehicle configuration is selected and most of the underlying parameters (e.g. axle weight distribution) are predefined Figure 3. Scheme of VECTO model [15] Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The actual measured speed and the simulated velocity with VECTO is given at Figure 4 and both signals show a good agreement. The measured distance during the real trip was 11,410 meters and the simulated trip distance is obtained as 11,3547 meters in VECTO. The difference is noted -0.48 % lower for VECTO simulation . The regression plot for target and actual velocity regarding to distance is noted as 99% which is given at Figure 5. Also the acceleration event group histograms are compared at Figure 6 and as it is seen the acceleration values number of observations are in presents a good agreement. Figure 6- Acceleration values histogram The cumulative measured and simulated fuel consumption is shown in Figure 7 and the respective values are 7727 g and 7461 g. the difference is noted as -3.5%. Also the measured average fuel consumption is calculated as 677.21 g/km and he simulated average fuel consumption is 657.15 g/km, the difference is calculated as -3%. As the differences for total and average fuel consumption are small this these differences can be decreased with a more precise altitude and detailed powertrain auxiliaries modelling. Figure 4- Actual (simulated) and target velocity comparison. Figure 7- Cumulative measured and simulated fuel consumption comparison. Figure 5- Actual (simulated) and target velocity comparison. The measured and simulated CO2 results are also compared, with the total CO2 mass being at 24.249 g and 23.355 kg respectively with the difference of -3.7%. On the other hand, the measured average CO2 emission was found at 2125.24 g/km, the simulated average CO2 was calculated at 2056.90 g/km with the difference of -3.3%. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey BIL-86 with the partnership of Istanbul Public Transportation Company (IETT). REFERENCES [1] Alam, A., & Hatzopoulou, M. (2014). Investigating the isolated and combined effects of congestion, roadway grade, passenger load, and alternative fuels on transit bus emissions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 29, 12-21. [2] Yu, H., Li, M., Li, J., Liu, Y., Lv, H., & Ma, K. (2019). Real-road NOx Emission and Fuel Figure 8- Logged and simulated torque speed points The logged and simulated engine speed-torque points are given at Figure 8. As its seen the actual and simulated torque-speed points are matching with a good prediction capability and it can be said that simulation torque-speed points cover the real test (cruising) torque-speed points widely. 4 CONCLUSION This work assessed one of the most important -Metrobus Line. For this reason, a vehicle was simulated in VECTO and the results were validated with the logged data. The simulated values were found to be in acceptable range so the model can be considered as representing the real time operation in terms of Fuel Consumption and CO2. VECTO has the capability to be used for public transportation analyses and planning as deploys several features that are needed to describe on-road conditions, such as driver models, acceleration and deceleration identifications, velocity profile applications. Additionally, there are several features that will be implemented in the future, such as predictive cruise control, hybrid vehicles etc. that will It is recommended that a further research is should focus on modelling the behavior of additional components or energy consumers like auxiliaries etc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The experimental part of this research was supported by the Istanbul Development Agency ISTKA, under Information Focused Economic Development Program, project No. Transit Buses. Energy Procedia, 158, 46234628. [3] Pelkmans, L., De Keukeleere, D., Bruneel, H., & Lenaers, G. (2001). Influence of vehicle test cycle characteristics on fuel consumption and emissions of city buses. SAE Transactions, 1388-1398. [4] Rosero, F., Fonseca, N., López, J. M., & Casanova, J. (2020). Real-world fuel efficiency and emissions from an urban diesel bus engine under transient operating conditions. Applied Energy, 261, 114442. [5] Zhang, S., Wu, Y., Liu, H., Huang, R., Yang, L., Li, Z., Fu, L., Hao, J. (2014). Real-world fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of urban public buses in Beijing. Applied Energy, 113, 1645-1655. [6] Yu, Q., & Li, T. (2014). Evaluation of bus emissions generated near bus stops. Atmospheric Environment, 85, 195-203. [7] Kaymaz, H., Korkmaz, H., & Erdal, H. (2019). Development of a driving cycle for Istanbul bus rapid transit based on real-world data using stratified sampling method. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 75, 123-135. [8] Bel, G., & Holst, M. (2018). Evaluation of the impact of bus rapid transit on air pollution in Mexico City. Transport Policy, 63, 209-220. [9] O. Ozener, Real driving emissions and fuel consumption characteristics of Istanbul public transportation. Thermal Science, 2017, 21.1 Part B: 665-667. [10]https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/ vehicles/vecto_en , 08.08.2020 [11] Fontaras, G., Rexeis, M., Dilara, P., Hausberger, S., & Anagnostopoulos, K. (2013). The development of a simulation tool for monitoring heavy-duty vehicle co 2 emissions Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey and fuel consumption in europe (No. 2013-240150). SAE Technical Paper. [12] Fontaras, G., Rexeis, M., Hausberger, S., Kies, A., Hammer, J., Schulte, L., ... & Dilara, P. (2014). Development of a CO2 Certification and Monitoring Methodology for Heavy Duty Vehicles Proof of Concept Report. Joint Research Centre Report, 87799. [13] JRC and TUG. (2016). VECTO user manual. European Commission, 2016. [14] Zacharof, N., Fontaras, G., Grigoratos, T., Ciuffo, B., Savvidis, D., Delgado, O., & Rodriguez, J. F. (2017). Estimating the CO 2 emissions reduction potential of various technologies in European trucks using VECTO simulator (No. 2017-24-0018). SAE Technical Paper. [15] Fontaras, G., Rexeis, M., Dilara, P., Hausberger, S., & Anagnostopoulos, K. (2013). The development of a simulation tool for monitoring heavy-duty vehicle co 2 emissions and fuel consumption in europe (No. 2013-240150). SAE Technical Paper. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey THE EFFECTS OF POST INJECTIONS OF HYDROGEN ON DIESEL ENGINE POWERED BY ETHANOL FUMIGATION Hüseyin Gürbüz 1 1. key, huseyinngurbuz@gmail.com Abstract In this study, the effects of ethanol fumigation on performance and emissions in diesel engines and the effects of hydrogen post injections on performance and emissions in the simulation model of the same engine operating with diesel-ethanol fumigation and developed with numerical software were investigated. Firstly, in the real experiment setup, 10% ethanol in volume was used by fumigation method in a turbo-aspirated diesel engine. Then, it was modelled with the same engine AVL Boost software and the model was verified. Hydrogen injections were injected as post-fuel at 5° CA (HydPost1) and 10° CA (HydPost2) crank angle after the main fuel injection in the model engine running with ethanol fumigation and diesel main fuel in simulation software. Engine power increased significantly at all engine speeds with ethanol fumigation and hydrogen post-injections. Compared to ethanol fumigation, the engine power obtained with HydPost1 increased more than the engine power obtained with HydPost2. Also, according to the D-exp, with ethanol fumigation, the BSFC decreased at medium and low engine speeds, but increased slightly at high engine speeds. In addition, according to ethanol fumigation, the BSFC decreased at all engine speeds with hydrogen injections. NOx emissions increased with ethanol fumigation at low and medium engine speeds, but NOx emissions were reduced at high engine speeds. With hydrogen injection strategies, a slight increase in NOx emissions was determined when compared with ethanol fumigation. However, the soot emission declined significantly with hydrogen injections. Keywords: Hydrogen, ethanol fumigation, post injection, diesel engine, NOx, Soot 1 INTRODUCTION Emissions standards for vehicles using petroleum-based fuels have become more stringent with Euro 6 [1]. However, because fossil fuels cause significant global warming, they have become a serious threat to environmental, human health and the healthy life cycle of the whole world [2]. Only 30% of the global greenhouse gas originates from the transport sector, which consists of light passenger cars [3]. In addition, the cost of petroleum-based fuels has increased in recent years. However nevertheless the transport sector continues to derive its energy needs from fossilbased fuels, particularly diesel and gasoline [4]. In particular, diesel combustion causes greenhouse gas effective NOx emission as it creates high temperatures [5]. Light alcohols such as ethanol are also important renewable alternative fuels to reduce these emissions [6], [7]. In addition, ethanol is an important renewable energy resource for the European Parliament Directive 2009/28 / EC, which encourages to meet 10% of energy by using renewable energy sources by 2020 [8,9]. But ethanol is not used directly in diesel engines due to its low cetane number, high auto-ignition temperature and high heat of evaporation[10]. Nevertheless, in diesel engines, ethanol can be used by mixing, emulsification, fumigation and double injection methods [11 13]. On the other hand, alcohols and diesel fuel don't mix homogeneously due to their polar structures and problem of stability and phase separation of blends [10]. Even so, the solubility of anhydrous ethanol in diesel is better than that of aqueous ethanol [14 16]. In the emulsion method, an emulsifier should be added to the ethanol diesel mixture to prevent phase separation, increase the solubility of ethanol in diesel and provide homogeneous mixture [4,17]. In addition, when Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ethanol is used with emulsion method, it must be and low pollution [28]. Hydrogen enables afterheated and mixed together with the emulsifier treatment devices such as the lean NOx trap [7]. In the fumigation method, ethanol is injected (LNT) to improve NOx reduction performance into the intake air flow of the engine [18 20]. and desulfurization operations [29,30]. The Therefore, fumigation method is suitable for the study by Poulston and Rajaram showed that the use of ethanol in diesel engine compared to the use of hydrogen increases LNT performance for emulsion method [21]. In this method, fuel air thermally old catalysts [31]. Heffel observed that mixture very close to a homogeneous mixture the hydrogen-powered dual-fuel engine could occurs during the intake stroke. Ignition delay work with a lean mixtures at no load and at and HRR increase with ethanol fumigation in the partial load and reduce NOx [32]. In addition, diesel engine [22]. Also this mixture is ignited NOx level decreases with the use of hydrogen by direct injection of diesel fuel into the compared to diesel fuel at low and medium combustion chamber [23]. Besides, this method partial loads and low hydrogen ratios [33]. requires an extra injector, electronic control card Combustion efficiency can be increased with and a small design variation in the intake multiple fuel injection strategies [34]. Pilot manifold [21]. The presence of carbon element injection may be effective in reducing NOx in the structure of ethanol and its use with emissions, while it may be effective in reducing conventional fuel does not fully utilize the soot emission post injection [35]. Quadais et al. advantages of ethanol blend fuel, since the in the diesel engine, they studied in the effect of combustion product still produces harmful gases. ethanol on emission and performance by both It can be used as an additional fuel to hydrogen fumigation and emulsion methods. They ethanol-diesel mixture fuel with high detected 51% reduction in soot mass flammability for internal combustion engines concentration and 55% increase in CO emission producing clean and efficient energy. Because, with 20% ethanol by fumigation method [36]. as there is no carbon element in the hydrogen Ghadikolaeia et al. worked with fumigation and structure and consists of hydrogen molecules emulsion method in diesel engine. With the (H2), only water is formed as a result of the fumigation method, there was an increase in heat combustion reaction. The main benefit of using release and ignition delay compared to diesel hydrogen is its wide combustibility range. This [22]. Mariasiu et al. in the study in which they feature enables the engines to run at high compared the fumigation and emulsion method, efficiency and minimum NOx emission is 15% ethanol by volume was used. NOx, specific manufactured [24]. Hydrogen can be used in fuel consumption and HC emissions decreased diesel engines by injection method into the with the fumigation method compared to the intake manifold, such as ethanol, and also by emulsion method [37]. Ekholm et al. observed direct injection into the combustion chamber. that NOx emission decreased and HC and CO However, injection of hydrogen into the intake emissions increased when using the fumigation manifold results in low volumetric efficiency method of ethanol compared to diesel fuel [38]. and poor power output. It is difficult to use of Talibi et al. experimentally examined the effects hydrogen with direct injection in the diesel of hydrogen, which were sprayed to the intake engine due to the high self-ignition temperature air of a naturally aspirated diesel engine. The of hydrogen [25]. However, in order to use tests were run at fixed injections and different hydrogen directly in the diesel engine, an igniter loads. They reported a reduction in particulate such as a spark plug is required [26]. When matter (PM), THC emissions and CO with the hydrogen is used directly as additional fuel, a addition of hydrogen while NOx emissions were combustion cycle occurs close to the ideal seriously increased [39]. Saravanan and constant volume combustion cycle due to the Nagarajan conducted a dual-mode study with very high flame velocity and diffusion diesel and hydrogen. They used an electronic coefficient [27]. In internal combustion engines control unit to control the injection timing and operating in dual mode, it is desired to mix injection times of hydrogen injection into the air secondary fuel easily with main fuel and air. intake port and diesel injection in compression Therefore, hydrogen is an important stroke. The results showed that thermal supplementary fuel due to its high burning rate Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey efficiency and NOx emission increased but than 99.5% pure ethanol with diesel [47]. The smoke emission decreased each time of experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. operation load [40]. Jafarmadar et al. implemented exergy analysis on diesel-hydrogen double fuel engine. They found that the energy share of hydrogen increases the temperature and pressure inside the cylinder and reduces the exergy efficiency [41]. Due to the high combustion rate and emission reduction effect compared to conventional fuels, the use of hydrogen with different methods in internal combustion engines is seen the subject of many studies in the comprehensive research conducted in the literature [42 46]. In addition, although there are studies examining the effects of using hydrogen on main fuel (pilot diesel) or intake port injection, studies examining the effects of using hydrogen post-injection on performance and emissions in diesel engine powered by ethanol fumigation are very few. In the study, firstly a diesel engine was run with normal diesel fuel, and performance and emission characteristics were determined. Then, the effects of 10% ethanol fumigation on emissions and performance were investigated experimentally in a diesel engine. Then, in AVL Boost simulation program, engine models working with normal diesel fuel and ethanol fumigation were made. After verifying the numerical models, the effects of the injection strategies of hydrogen as the post fuel after the main fuel in different scenarios in the ethanol fumigation model were analyzed on NOx, Particulate Matter emissions and engine performance. 2 METHODOLOGY In the study, a CI engine was coupled to an electrical DC dynamometer with resistance loading. The engine was operated at intervals of 100 r/min between 1100 and 2200 r/min. Firstly, the diesel engine was run with normal diesel fuel and performance and emission characteristics were determined. The next stage, the effects of ethanol fumigation with an injector placed in the air intake port in the diesel engine, which controlled with the ECU card designed with Arduino on performance and emission were examined experimentally. The ethanol used in the experiments is 99.9% purity. Because 99.9% purity ethanol provides a better mixture more 1-Engine, 2-DC dynamometer, 3-Control panel, Fuel tank, 5-Precision balance, 6-AVL emission analyzer, 7-AVL Soot analyzer, 8-Amplifier, 9Computer, 10-Oscilloscope, 11-Pressure sensor, 12-Ethanol injector, 13-Proximity speed sensor, 14Load cell, 15-Arduino ECU, 16-Radiator, 17Turbochargers, 18-DC motor controller, 19-Load indicator, 20-Voltmeter, 21-Ammeter, 22Emergency stop button, 23-Engine speed indicator, 24-Coolant inlet temperature, 25-Coolant outlet temperature, 26-Exhaust temperature, 27-Fuel temperature, 28-Air moisture meter, 29-Date and clock, 30-Pressure sensor Figure 1. Experimental Setup The engine speed was measured by a proximity sensor. Fuel consumption was determined with precision scales and fuel meters. Emission measurements were measured with AVL Dicom 4000 and AVL 415S filter paper smoke meter. In the third stage, test engine model working with both diesel and EF10 was created with AVL BOOST 2016v software. The experimental data obtained using diesel and EF10 fuels were confirmed by tests with this model engine. To analyze the effects of hydrogen post injection strategies, the simulation model created with EF10 fuel was redesigned in accordance with engine injection strategies. The same amount of hydrogen was sprayed in each post injection strategies. Thus, in addition to the effect of ethanol fumigation on diesel-sourced pollutant emissions, the effects of post-injections of hydrogen on ethanol fumigation were analyzed. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3 SIMULATION MODEL In the study, three cylinder, turbocharged test engine was modeled in one-dimensional form with AVL BOOST. The block diagram of the developed one-dimensional (1-D) model is shown in Figure 2. The model was verified by operating with diesel fuel. Model Ethanol was modeled and validated according to fumigation experiment data. a b Figure 2. Diagram Model of AVL Boost Test Engine Experimental and simulation test cylinder pressure results were compared for validation of models. Comparison of simulation and experimentally obtained pressure data is given in Figure 3 for 1400 r/min, 1600 r/min and 2000 r/min engine speed. The results showed that cylinder pressure data overlapped. In accordance with the use of hydrogen, the ignition delay was changed according to the average effective pressure curve to recalibrate the designed model. The combustion duration with the shape parameters were re-determined according to the combustion rate of the hydrogen. Experimental and simulation cylinder pressure at low, medium and high engine speeds were compared. The results showed that cylinder pressure data overlapped and there were negligibly small differences. Therefore, this indicated that it was acceptable for model validation. c Figure 3. Comparison and Approval of Experimental and Simulation Results of inCylinder Pressure a) 1400 r/min b) 1600 r/min c) 2000 r/min 4 INJECTION STRATEGY In injection strategies, only hydrogen was injected as a post fuel on main fuel diesel and pure ethanol injected into the air intake port. Two different injection strategies seen in Figure 4 were applied. In the first strategy, 1 post injection of hydrogen (HydPost1) was performed at 5° CA (crank angle) for each test condition after the main injection was completed. In the second strategy, 1 post injection of hydrogen was applied at 10° CA (crank angle) after the main injection was completed. An equal amount of hydrogen was Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey used for each post-injection administered in all injection strategies. Figure 5. The Effect of Ethanol Fumigation and Multiple Injection of Hydrogen on Engine Power. Figure 4. Injection Test Strategies 5 RESULTS The effects of EN590 diesel and ethanol fumigation as main fuel on engine performance, heat release rate (HRR), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and emission formation were investigated by real experiment. Then, the effects of post-hydrogen injection strategies on the ethanol fumigation were numerically tested with the experimental engine modeled. All testing was performed at twelve different engine speeds, between 1100 r/min and 2200 r/min. In the graphics, only diesel real experiment results (D-Exp), real experiment results of 10% ethanol fumigation (FE10-Exp), simulation test results of 10% ethanol fumigation (FE10-Sim), first post injection results with hydrogen (HydPost1), second post injection results with hydrogen (HydPost2) are shown. Figure 5 shows Motor power. The engine power was determined as 35.49 kW with an increase of 7.8% at 2000 rpm in ethanol fumigation. In the first and second post hydrogen injections at the same engine speed, the engine power was determined as 37.14 kW and 36.35 kW with an additional 4.76% and 2.53% increase, respectively. The change in the brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) due to different engine speeds are shown in Figure. 6 With ethanol fumigation, specific fuel consumption decreased significantly at low engine speeds compared to diesel fuel consumption. However, specific fuel consumption increased slightly with ethanol fumigation at high engine speeds. In the simulation tests, the specific fuel consumption in both post injection strategies of hydrogen decreased at all engine speeds compared to FE10-Sim. With HydPost2, this reduction was more noticeable than HydPost1. With HydPost1 and HydPost2, total specific fuel consumption decreased by 10.04% and 11.07%, respectively, compared to ethanol fumigation total specific fuel consumption. When hydrogen is blended with sufficient oxygen, BSFC reduces as injected hydrogen increases due to complete combustion [48]. Figure 6. The Effect of Ethanol Fumigation and Multiple Injection of Hydrogen on BSFC. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 7. The Effect of Ethanol Fumigation and Multiple Injection of Hydrogen on NOx Emission. Figure 8. The Effect of Ethanol Fumigation and Multiple Injection of Hydrogen on Soot Emission. NOx emission trends for different engine speeds are shown in Figure. 7. NOx emission showed some increase with ethanol fumigation compared to D-Exp. This increase may be due to the high evaporation temperature of ethanol, the self-ignition temperature of the mixture and the temperature increase in the cylinder, depending on the ethanol ratio in the mixture [49,50]. With the injecting of hydrogen as a post fuel, some more increase in NOx emission compared to the FE10-Sim occurred. If there is an excessive delay post-injection without changing the spray amount, a reduction in NOx emission may be observed [51]. It can also be explained as the reason for the increase in NOx emissions because high temperature gases such as hydrogen remain in the cylinder longer [52]. 6 CONCLUSION In this study, the effects of ethanol on performance and emissions by fumigation method in diesel engine were investigated experimentally. The effects of hydrogen postinjection strategies on performance and emissions were analyzed numerically in the engine modeled with simulation software and operated with ethanol fumigation and the following results were obtained: Figure 8 shows the change of soot emission. With low engine speed ethanol fumigation significantly reduced soot emission. However, some increase in soot emission occurred at medium and high engine speeds. In HydPost1 and HydPost2 tests, especially at low engine speeds, there was a significant reduction in soot emission. When there is enough oxygen, additional hydrogen positively affects combustion efficiency [53]. Nevertheless, with HydPost2, soot emission increased slightly compared to HydPost1. Engine power increased at all engine speeds with ethanol fumigation compared to diesel fuel. This increase was approximately 9.59% on average of all engine speeds. Additional increase in engine power with HydPost1 and HydPost2 injections of hydrogen was 6.57% and 4.87%, respectively. With HydPost1 and HydPost2 injections, the specific fuel consumption decreased significantly compared to FE10-Sim, especially at high speeds. NOx emission increased with FE10-Exp compared to D-Exp. With hydrogen injections, NOx emission increased a little more. However, NOx emission decreased somewhat with HydPost2 compared to HydPost1. Soot emission decreased compared to ethanol fumigation with post hydrogen injections. 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Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Bursa Uludag University, Bursa; pulat@uludag.edu.tr Abstract Gas production from solid materials is a very sophisticated phenomenon where combine physical and chemical events occur, including multiphase turbulence flow, phase change, heat transfer, compressibility, pyrolysis, devolatilization, gasification, combustion, and all the non-linear interactions among them. Gasification is also challenging to collect data by an experimental study to measure parameters since this gasification system contains much quantity. Likewise, a 3D, simple, accurate, and comprehensive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was developed to solve, investigate, and optimize this complex problem. ANSYS FLUENT commercial code was used to calculate the boundary value problem (BVP). The discrete Phase Model (DPM) method was used for solid particle modeling, gas-phase species considered as an eulerian continuum approach. Gasifier design parameters (pipe length, diameter, and radius) were optimized with primary process parameters by using the response surface optimization method. The results were presented on contours and charts. They were discussed and ended up with some contributive ideas for the gasification research field. Keywords: Gasification, Combustion, CFD, Optimization, Reactive flow 1 INTRODUCTION Since 1850, the gasification process has provided gaslight for major cities of the world and energy supply and power for industrial, commercial, and residential properties [1]. Moreover, in recent years we have seen a dramatic increase in the use of gasification models and designing reactors. They have been used in areas such as agriculture, petroleum, metallurgical industry, chemistry, thermal- fluid sciences (particularly concerning generating energy from solid materials), and in energy economics (finance). In fact, in each area where there is an interaction among many variables, we attempt to define functions with these variables to investigate a variety of gasification processes by constructing equations from these functions. Energy conversion, thermoelectric power generation, economics, reactor feasibility, and chemical reactions, etc. are the variables and generating the primary purpose of this research effort [2]. The process occurs at high temperatures and oxygen-starved environment to convert biomass into synthesis gas, as shown in Figure 1. As mentioned, the process is called gasification, which is differentiated from combustion with several valuable features, as illustrated in Table 1. Figure1. Gasification is a thermochemical conversion of solid fuel into a gas fuel. Table1. Gasification and Combustion Features Specification Gasification Combustion Oxygen Use Limited amount Uses excess use Process Type Endothermic Exothermic Basic C+H2O=CO+H2 C+O2=CO2 Chemical C+CO2=2CO Equations Products Combustible Heat gas Analysis of different types of gasifiers and their applications in the industry shows that the next challenging task for engineers is to increase the efficiency of fluidized beds. This can be done using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based modeling of processes occurring inside Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey fluidized beds [3]. It should be emphasized that gasifiers, entrained flow gasifiers, and fluidized recently computer modeling became one of the bed gasifiers. They have studied optimum most fundamental elements in the design and operation parameters, the effect of turbulent mixing, optimization of novel technologies in the field of reaction kinetic parameters, etc. and compared mechanical engineering. One of the advantages of their works with experimental data. computer modeling is that the behavior and On the other hand, generally, k- turbulence characteristics of the fluidized bed reactor may be models were used in literature. In turbulent investigated without fabricating a prototype. gasification, the modeling of turbulence is one of Thus, the total costs of product development can the most critical processes because of its role in be reduced significantly [4]. establishing the flow, mixing, and gasification For this reason, more research is required to processes [18]. So, using of most efficient increase the overall efficiency of gasification turbulence model is highly required to simulate processes, and reactor design should be optimized the gasification process accurately, and by using computational technology as well. turbulence should be studied more in detail than Conversely, the numerical simulations of any other physical phenomena. multiphase flows in fluidized beds have to be By the above literature review, most gasification modeled using advanced mathematical models analyses are based on several assumptions. Those implemented into a CFD software. By the way, assumptions should be necessary due to the impressive developments were recently done in complexity of the problem and computational commercial CFD software, e.g., ANSYS time-consuming. However, they might make FLUENT, CFX to be used [5]. oversimplified the Boundary Value Problem In literature, Beyazoglu and Pulat [3] have (BVP). Non-linear partial differential equations developed a two-dimensional Euler-granular of the BVP might not give accurate results. New model for fluidized bed gasification to investigate multiphase flow models should be used to some research problems, especially on turbulence simulate 3D fluidized beds without modeling. They compared RANS based oversimplifications. turbulence models. They also developed a subIn addition to that, researchers have mostly tried model to simulate more accurately to enhance the chemical part of the process, but devolatilization and char combustion steps. they did not much pay attention to improve heat, Nakod and Shelke [6] have then reviewed broad mass, momentum transfer parameters. coal gasification CFD simulations with all subAnother conclusion from the literature review is models developed until now. They have indicated that the Gasification process is very challenging that research should still be done on the to simulate all thermochemical phenomena gasification process. accurately with the CFD model. Therefore, Ma and Zitney [7] have investigated and researchers are still interested in different optimized the coal gasification process by using approaches to calculate and increase products of ANSYS FLUENT code. They used the discrete gasification reactors. A correct heat and mass phase model for an entrained- flow gasifier. They diffusion model among solid and gas particles are improved solution approaches to the process with still needed to predict the most accurate species chemical and physical submodels they developed. distribution inside of the multiphase reactive Liu et al. [8] developed a 3-D, steady-state, gasifier. eulerian-eulerian model for circulating fluidized Lettieri and Mazzei [19] have also mentioned that bed gasification. They investigated the impacts of fluidized bed gasification was still a challenging turbulence models, radiation model, water gas issue. They have published an article about CFD shift (WGS) reaction, and equivalence ratio (ER). challenging of the fluidized bed gasification. Hwang et al. [9] studied a one-dimensional model They revied fluidization technology and for entrained-coal gasification. They simulated concluded that fluidized bed technology used in the performance of the gasifier reactor with many industrial processes and accurate modeling various operating parameters. They concluded of the fluidized bed process is still necessary for with optimal conditions. both academia and industry. Like the a significant Bogdanova et al. [20] then mentioned that CFD number of CFD effort was done and published in gasifier models have to be improved to the literature [10-17]. They used moving bed incorporate detailed physics and chemistry with Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey enhanced submodels in all relevant areas to guide Gas Inlet gasifier design and system optimization. =15 m/s, =0, =0,T=1200 K Even though models to account for additional Solid Inlet effects have been continuously developed and =15 m/s, m=0.1 kg/s, T=300 K incorporated into many commercial codes, Outlet research in this area is still incomplete [21]. Gauge Pressure=0 Pa With all the above literature summary, it should Wall be noted that no attempt has been made to explore Wall is insulated, heat flux is equal to zero all the aspects of fluidized-bed-fluid mechanics Wall roughness is equal to zero (neglected) with a comprehensive CFD model. Wall thickness is equal to zero (neglected) For this reason, the main goal of this present work Ambient Conditions is to develop a correct CFD model and to be able Ambient Pressure:101325 Pa to research all aspects of the gasification process; 2.2 Grid Generation this study develops a more realistic CFD approach by using ANSYS FLUENT to evaluate the in-service performance of fluidized bed gasification. 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Geometry Generation Figure 3. Mesh type and structure Figure 2. Geometry generation of the Boundary Value Problem (BVP). The diagram in Figure2 shows a pipe, which is a circular section, pipe diameter 0.25m and pipe length 2 m with a solid particles inlet and gas inlet sections, to which a zero heat flux is attached to the wall. Heated air flows from the left to the end of the pipe. We would use the ANSYS FLUENT code to solve the related boundary-value problem and achieve the distribution of velocity, temperature, pressure, and density in the pipe. Inputs required for simulation, such as the speed at the pipe gas inlet and solid particles inlet and the insulated wall, were obtained from a particular experimental study. For this study, simulation results would not be compared with corresponding experimental values because the experimental setup of a fluidized bed gasifier would not be yet installed. The following entries are required to determine the computational domain, boundary conditions, and material properties to solve the boundary value problem. 64362 hexa elements and 66755 nodes were used according to mesh independent study in section 4.1. The skewness number was a maximum of 0.87. The aspect ratio was min 1.1996. A boundary layer mesh was also generated, as shown in Figure 3. 2.3 Physical Definition of the Boundary Value Problem Double precision, 16 CPU parallel processing, and 8 GB RAM, personal computer (PC) were used to compute the boundary value problem. As seen in Figure 4, cylindrical coordinates were used to solve those following values. , , , , Figure 4. Boundary Conditions and the Computational Domain. Governing Equations Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey spherical harmonics. P1 model solves a simple diffusion equation for the incident radiation (G). (1) This value is the sum of all radiative intensity in all directions [22] (2) (6) (3) (4) (5) Reynolds-Averaged governing equations, which were multiphase continuity, Equation (1), momentum, Equation (2), energy Equation (3), species, Equation (5), and ideal gas, Equation (4), were solved. Rans based realizable k-epsilon scalable wall function is used as a turbulence model. An incompressible ideal gas is used for the gas density model. The Discrete Phase Model (DPM) approach was used for multiphase modeling. The discrete phase was modeled by the Lagrangian method(Solid Phase). The continuous phase was modeled by the Eulerian method (Gas Phase). The DPM was described by ordinary differential equations (on the contrary, the continuous flow was described by non-linear partial differential equations). Therefore, the DPM used its own numerical mechanisms and discretization schemes. The discrete and the continuous phases are coupled through sources terms in the governing equations. Mass and species sources to account for phase change. Momentum source for the change of momentum of the phases. An energy source for heat transfer between two phases and the temperature reduction due to evaporation. Particle motion and properties were updated due to its interaction with the continuous phase. Particle Trajectory Fundamentals which mainly consist of drag force, lift force, and gravitation. Convection/diffusion-controlled model modeled moisture vaporization. Coal devolatilization was modeled by using the Two-competing rates model. Char oxidation and gasification reactions were then modeled by multiple particle surface reaction model. Radiation heat transfer was modeled by P1. The P1 model implementation in ANSYS FLUENT is a four-term truncation of the general P-n model, which expands the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) into an orthogonal series of They are, respectively, diffusion, emission, and absorption terms, as shown in Equation (6). Chemical reactions of the gasification process were then model by nine gas-phase reactions and five particle surface reactions and coupled by the eddy dissipation/finite rate model. (7) (8) The reaction rate was described by the Arrhenius equation, as seen above Equations (7) and (8). Material Specifications of Gas- mixture and solid particles are as follows. Gas-mixture Density= Incompressible ideal gas Viscosity= 1.72e-05 kg/ms Specific Heat = Mixing-law Thermal Conductivity= 0.0454 W/mK Mass Diffusivity= 2.88e-05 m2/s Refractive Index=1 Solid Particles Density= 1300 kg/m3 Specific Heat = 1000 J/kgK Min. Diameter (m)=7e-05 Max. Diameter (m)=0.0002 Mean Diameter (m)=0.000134 Number of Diameter for different particles=10 Table 2. Solid Particle Proximate and Ultimate Analysis Proximate Percent Ultimate Percent Analysis Analysis Volatile 0.5 C 0.822 Fixed Carbon 0.3 H 0.096 Ash 0.1 O 0.038 Moisture 0.1 N 0.009 S 0.032 Table 2 shows the required solid particle inputs to solve the above-mentioned equations. Boundary conditions, geometrical dimensions, and materials specifications define the physical features of the problem. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2.4 Numerical Solution Discretization and linearization errors would occur in the process, as discussed in the previous analyses step, to solve our non-linear BVP. In the solution menu, there are many options that BVP can be improved while to solve numerically. We would not confuse most of them as the default settings provide an adequate numerical solution for our problem. The solver converts our BVP into a series of algebraic equations through a process called discretization. We would use the second-order discrepancy, where the error is in the order of the square of the network range. It is more accurate (although less stable) than first-order discrimination where the error is within the scope of the network. Default Under Relaxation Factors, Second-Order Upwind, and PressureVelocity Coupling to SIMPLE were selected for solving the numerical problem. The convergence criteria for all solving parameters were approximately 10-6. 3 RESPONSE SURFACE OPTIMIZATION 3.1 Design of Experiments First, response surface optimization needs to be placed in the Project Schematic, and all the systems are connected, as seen in Figure 5. This step samples specific points in the design space. It uses statistical techniques to minimize the number of sampling points since a separate CFD calculation (and associated stiffness matrix inversion) is required for each sampling point. This step is the most time-consuming in the optimization process. Figure 6. Design Variables and Objective Function Now that the diameter, length of the pipe were appropriately chosen as the design variables, as shown in Figure 6 and Table 3. The optimization method just picked what it thinks are the best sampling points according to an algorithm. Note that these sampling points are not necessarily linearly spaced. Table 3. Design Variable Constraints Parameter Pipe (L) Minimum Value Length 1.8 m Pipe Diameter (D) 0.225 m Maximum Value 2.2 m 0.275 m Radius of the 0.01190m Entrance for Solid Particles (R) 0.01455m Inlet Gas 0. Velocity (V) 10 m/s The solver right now performs some timeconsuming matrix inversions. 3.2 Response Surface Figure 5.Project Schematic for Optimization Step These parameters are the design variables named Input parameters with their constraints. The output parameter is then the objective function, as shown in Figure 6. In this step, the solver builds a surface by interpolating the discrete sampling points selected in the previous step. This can be thought of as building a model of the terrain in the design space. The response has completed seeing a plot of the CO Outlet mass fraction as a function of pipe diameter. 3.3. Setup of Optimization At this point, the solver must be told that the objective function (volume) is to be minimized or maximize while staying with design variables Temperature,[C] Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey constraints. After executing the optimization and temperature percent change was getting very clicking to view the results, The optimization close to each other when the element number was should yield similar results to the above Figure 7. increased. Medium mesh, 64362, was chosen for all simulation applications since the temperature of fine mesh, 439509, and medium mesh were changed only less than one percent, as shown in Figure 8. 4.2 Optimization Methods Additionally, the optimization results were verified by using different optimization methods and comparing results. The optimization was done using each of the four optimization methods in ANSYS workbench. The default optimization Figure 7. Optimization Candidate Points method was used as a MOGA. As one can see The optimization tool that found three candidate from Table 4, there are no significant differences points matched our given constraints. This among the results from the four methods. computation was pretty fast because the optimization tool used the response surface model Table 4. Optimization Method Verification (plots) that previously generated. It would not Optimization Inlet Gas Pipe CO solve our model by doing a matrix inversion. The Method Velocity Length Mass response surface model is only an approximation Name Fraction of the relationship between the parameters and so our results might not be very accurate. MOGA 4.3921 2.199 m 0.34601 Thankfully, we can solve our model using these m/sn candidate points to verify that they do satisfy our constraints. NLPQL 4.4398 2.2 m 0.34982 4 VERIFICATION and VALIDATION m/sn The level of numerical errors was check in the Screening 6.5577 2.199m 0.34959 Verification & Validation steps. m/sn 4.1 Mesh Refinement (Verification) Verification and validation are great significance MISQP 4.4398 2.2 m 0.34982 as with using any numerical method. There is no m/sn analytical solution for this boundary value 4.3 Validation problem. Thus, the results cannot be compared to Since exact experimental data was not available theory. Therefore, in this section, other for this fluidized bed gasification, the validation verification and validations would be used. The study was done with the case that data was solution was initially examined as the mesh is already measured, as seen in Figure 8. The same refined to see if it has converged. boundary conditions and geometry was used to validate the problem. As seen in Figure 9, the 1400.0 results of the experimental study and this 1200.0 numerical study were good agreement with each 1000.0 other. 800.0 16999 cells Two-stage, up flow, prototype entrained flow 600.0 64362 cells gasifiers were tested as named 200 TPD MHI 400.0 Coal Gasifier [23]. Operation pressure was 2.70 439509 cells MPa. Boundary Conditions; Combustion burners; 200.0 Air Total 4.708 kg/s from 4 burners, 521 K, 0.0 Coal 0.472 kg/s. Char burners Air Total 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 Length X, [m] 4.708 kg/s from 4 burners, 521 K, Coal 1.112 kg/s.Reducer burners; Air Total 1.832 kg/s Figure 8. Mesh Refinement Study A grid independence study was done to ensure from 4 burners, 521 K, Coal 1.832 kg/s. that the solution to the problem was not Outlet Pressure outlet. dependent on the grid resolution used. The Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey diameter, and radius of the entrance for solid particles). The plot shows the CO Mass Fraction of the outlet as a function of the pipe diameter and is shown above in Figure 11. In this case, after executing optimization, the results showed that CO mass fraction did not change within this constrained geometrical design variables. It means that the volume of the pipe did not affect gasification efficiency by itself. Figure 8. Validation case geometry and boundary conditions [23] Figure 9. Validation Results with the present study [23] 5 RESULTS and DISCUSSION The optimization results of CO mass fraction and pipe length, pipe diameter, and the radius for solid particles were shown in the following Figure 10. they were quite trivial to compute, and any change in each other was not seen. Figure 10. The relation between CO mass fraction and pipe volume (pipe length, pipe Figure 11. Pipe Length and CO Mass Fraction Change In the second optimization case, inlet gas Velocity and the Pipe Length were calculated to maximize CO mass fraction at the outlet. The optimization results, which is the maximum CO mass fraction when to change inlet gas velocity and pipe length, were shown in Figure 12. Figure 12. the relation between CO Mass Fraction Change with Pipe Length and Inlet Gas Velocity. Figure 13 displays a plot of the CO mass fraction(objective function ) as a function of the pipe length, change the value assigned to Yaxis to CO Mass Fraction. As expected, the CO mass fraction increases as the pipe length increases. Figure 13. CO Mass Fraction Change with Pipe Length Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 14 shows the plot above, which is the CO Figure 16. CO mass fraction distribution at mass fraction as a function of the inlet gas outlet after optimization. velocity. CO mass fraction is maximized, as the Figure 17 shows the velocity magnitude and inlet gas velocity decreases. That is the exact directions of the gas phase and the solid particles opposite of the pipe length. mixture. Both were combined to react with each other. Figure 14. CO Mass Fraction Change with Inlet Gas Velocity We would now select candidate point 2 as the design point. It is a good idea to review the CO mass fraction at the chosen design point. We have just duplicated the parameters from the original geometry into the new design point DP2. model with our optimized pipe length and inlet gas velocity. We should realize that It does get much better after the optimization problem. CO mass fraction 0.32 was increased to 0.346, as seen in Figures 15 and 16. Figure 17. Streamline and vector distribution of the computational domain. The velocity magnitude decreases in the mixing location. The mixing place is also the same location at the beginning of the chemical reactions. The Chemical reactions and mixing process make a little slow the multiphase flow, but after the mixing and reacting process, velocity again increases, as shown in Figure 18. Figure 18. Contour velocity distribution at the r-z plane ( of the boundary value problem) Figure 15. CO mass fraction distribution at the outlet before optimization The temperature distribution was also decreased at the beginning of the reacting and mixing place. However, this reason was the mixing of cold solid particles with the hot gas flow. After the reaction, temperature values were dramatically increased to the inlet, as shown in Figure 19. Figure 19. Temperature distribution at the r-z plane, ( of the boundary value problem) Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 20 shows the pressure range from inlet to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS outlet, and the pressure values were decreased This study is part of Ph.D. dissertation research, when to begin reaction and mixing processes. which is supported by YOK, TUBITAK with these grand numbers, respectively 100-2000, and 2211. The paper authors would also like to thank in advance the Bursa Uludag University (BUU) for supporting their Ph.D. study and technical projects. Figure 20. Pressure distribution at r-z plane, ( of the boundary value problem) Figure 21 shows the CO mass fraction, which is the main product after gasification. 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Bu sayede meme malzemesi daha iyi 2 METOT 2.1 Bosch Arseri süresi2.2 Motor Test Sistemi ve Test Çevrimleri bit 320°C 360°C 2h ta 4h 380°C 8h 340°C Testlerde kullanmak üzere üniversitede bulunan dizel HDI 75 HP dizel kontrol ünitesi EDC16C34 seviye BOSCH kontrol sistemi ile kontrol edilmektedir. Motor için, 120 ile tahrik edilen hidro-kinetik bir dinamometre - Motor test sistemi Tüm testler boyunca dört silindirden bir tanesine monte edilecek olan termo-enjektör, Bosch Arsüresi- element sayesinde motor içerisinde meme kubbesinin Bosch Türkiye Ar- -enjektör Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3 3.1 -2-4-8- - Termo enjektör resmi motor çevrim profili 5 te A, B ve C grubu testleri olarak saat olup toplam 2,6,10,14,18 ve 22 saat olacak 3-7] malzemesinin yüksek sertlik de - simum Motor test çevrimleri Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.2 için A,B ve C grubu8- - - A Grubu 22 Saat test meme kubbe memelerin ortalama sertlik dü ortalama %11- - B Grubu 22 Saat test meme kubbe k için gerekli test süresi 10 saat olmakla beraber daha uzun testlerde dikkate [2] sonuçlar i) - C Grubu 22 Saat test meme kubbe testlerinde benzerlik göstermektedir. ii) Meme malzemesinde maksimum sertlik - Maksimum ve ortalama a iii) Motor testlerinde görülen en yüksek ortalama olarak ~11- Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 62 iv) malzemesinde, gözlemlenmesi sebebiyle malzeme sertlik Malzemesinin Yeni Nesil Diesel Motor KAYNAKLAR [1] A. 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Yakma deneyleri 873, 923 . - . . Torefiye biyokütlenin ham biyokütlede in biyokütlenin yanma taraftan ve . Keywords: 1 Biyokütle, dünyadaki ve orta vadede umut verici olan, en büyük yenilenebilir enerji [1]. Dünya toplam enerji tüketiminin %10'u ve toplam yenilenebilir enerjinin % 78'i [2,3]. Küresel iklim indirmek için önemli bir seçenektir. Biyokütleler genel olarak odunsu ve odunsu abilir. Odunsu ol Bununla birlikte, deza engellemektedir. uzun mesafelere olumsuz etkilerken [1,6 8], termo-kimyasa [9]. Hidrofilik süreli depolama [11]. Heterojen endüstrisinden elde edilirken, odunsu olmayan üretilir [4 matrisi belirtmek için genel olarak lignoselüloz terimi da uzun [6,8,10]. süreç getirmektedir. duman 1]. olan (%30-40) selüloz, hemiselülozlar (% 25-35) ve ligninden (% 12[5]. n biri, Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ve hafif bir termo uygulanmadan torrefaksiyon incelemektir. orijinal hem de pellet halinde torrefiye edildikten biyokütleden, azalan ile daha homojen, reakt hidrofobik bir biyochar üretmektedir [12,13]. Biyochar umune ile , daha büyük yüze daha küçük partikül boyutuna sahip ol , daha verimli yan [15]. Original ve 2 MATERYAL VE YÖNTEM Çal köyünden k (PB) atmosferinde kurutuldu. -100 analizde Numunelerin analizleri ASTM na göre (kül için ASTM D-3174, uçucu madde için ASTM D-3175) . Pimchuai ve ark. [6], laboratuar tipi bir yakma sisteminde hem ham hem de torrefiye yanma ve torrefiye verimli larda uçucu madde içer [16] ve ile n hemiselülozda meydana gelen parçalanmadan kay Bunun sonucu olarak ham biyokütle ile orrefiye biyokütlenin daha yüksek aktivasyon enerjisi [16], daha yüksek 17 16], 17] ve daha uzun yanma süresine [18] torefaksiyon öncesi s [13], torrefaksiyon on küçü üretilmektedir. Genel olarak torrefaksiyon 5'inden daha fazla Toz biy 1 hidrolik 13 mm çap ve 5 mm de peletler (PBP) . (PBÇ) a 533 K ne 10 dk süreyle torref [19] ve torrefiye çubuk ve peletler 2.1 Yanma deneyleri Y 1'de gösterilen sistemde . Sistem mm yük oluklu n refrakter kamaradan ucuna çelik elek sepet, bölmenin içine dikey olarak (± 1 mg hassasiyette) . Bu bir ayna . Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey n torefaksiyon sonucu Torefaksiyon pellet halindeki numunelerin Çubuk ve torrefaksiyon [19]. Bu beklenen bir sonuçtur ve uygulanan torefaksiyon Sabit yatak yakma sistemi k kamara için sepetin hemen üzerine termoçift Yanma deneylerin önce kamara [20-25]. pelet halindeki numunenin içindeki anda zaman ve kütle . Numunenin kütlesi, uçucu madde ve takip eden karbon (char) yanma nda 5 saniyelik uçucu maddelerin alev alma ve kaybolma süreleri ve daha sonra süreleri kaydedildi. Uçucu maddeler ve kömür yanma o lerinden 3.1 Ham ve torrefiye verileri torrefiye haldeki çubuk ve pellet PB numuneleri ve uçucu madde yanma sürelerinin daha uzun bi göstermektedir. torrefaksiyon edilmektedir. yanma sürelerinin ham numunelerden daha uzun R=(1/W0) (dW/dt)ort., burada W0, numunenin uçucu madde veya sabit karbon . Yanma deneyleri 873, 923 ve 973K numuneler için . 3 2. Tablo 1. Numune PB TPBÇ TPBP ile pelet ve çubuk halinde torrefaksiyonu sonucu elde e ürünlerinin özellikleri. %Uçucu madde 76.99 60.09 58.22 % Sabit karbon 16.88 33.80 29.37 % Kül verimi 6.13 6.12 12.41 64.34 58.45 (Mj/Kg) 14.10 19.367 17.137 % Enerji verimi 88.15 71.31 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Tablo 2. ve in uçucu madde yanma verileri. Numune R2 -1 3 süresi (s) ve yanma süresi (s) )x10 (K) PBÇ 873 9.7 33.5 30.4 0.98 923 5.3 26.0 30.2 0.98 973 4.5 31.9 32.0 0.99 PBP 873 12.9 79.0 13.5 0.98 923 6.8 72.2 13.7 0.96 973 4.8 72.0 13.5 0.94 TPBÇ 873 13.2 37.7 32.5 0.97 923 7.9 30.4 41.7 0.95 973 7.3 36.4 34.0 0.93 TPBP 873 85.0 10.5 0.97 923 18.9 113.5 14.0 0.95 973 7.2 134.0 15.0 0.98 Alevin görünme ve kaybolma sürelerine göre belirlenen tutu süreleri ortamda bulununan hidrokarbon konsantrasyonuna [13,26]. Uygulanan mikta ve numunelerden daha geç (özellikle peletlerde) için kritik süresi art a n daha k ham numuneler . ha torrefiye PB çubuk ve 3'te her üç yakma için verilmektedir. B uçucu madde ve karbon , uçucu madde ve karbon mla içermektedir. Ham ve torrefiye numuneler için küt nden hesaplanan uçucu madde Tablo 2'de verilmektedir. ait R2 k h edil . Genel olarak torrefiye numunelerin numunelerden 3. e mi Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Tablo 3. ve (char) yanma verileri. Numune (K) PBÇ 873 923 973 PBP 873 923 973 TPBÇ 873 923 973 TPBP 873 923 973 in karbon Karbon yanma süresi (s) 167.1 157.0 165.1 260.1 239.1 219.7 256.0 210.2 191.4 334.5 248.5 296.5 Karbon yanma -1 )x103 6.3 5.6 5.5 5.5 4.9 4.9 3.1 4.0 5.0 2.9 3.5 2.8 R2 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.97 0.93 4 SONUÇ Tablo 3 küt , ham ve torrefiye PB numunelerinin karbon yanma süreleri ve R2 göstermektedir. Karbon yanma süreleri, yanma alev sönme süresi ile akkor halindeki sönmesi ara süre olarak a yakma sisteminde karbon yanma süreleri artarken karbon yanma uy sürelerinin artmas on yanma ve [13, 27]. Karbon , (kül vb.) morfolojisine [13]. enerjinin büyük bölümü uçucu madde yanma per uçucu madde yanma periyodu numunelerin Torrefiye numunelerdeki azalan uçucu madde etkilemektedir [13]. ham ve torrefiye pelet numunelerin karbon yanma periyodunun çubuk numunelerden . Bu durum karbon yanma periyodunda oksijenin pelet içine ham veya torrefiye peletlerin büzülen çekirdek modeline göstermektedir. Çubuk numunelerde enerjisinin %70edil Torefiye biyokütlenin ham biyokütleden ve yanma süresinin görülmü . A edil Her iki numune torefaksiyon i tipine uygulanan Torrefiye numunelerdeki azalan uçucu karbon yanma periyodunu etkile . Ham ve torrefiye pelet numunelerin karbon yanma periyodunun çubuk numunelerden ve ham veya torrefiye peletlerin büzülen çekirdek modeline göre . 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Makine Mühendislik Fakültesi, Tarsus Üniversitesi, Tarsus, Mersin; email: aayontar@tarsus.edu.tr 2. Mersin; email: huseyin_degirmenci@tarsus.edu.tr Özet büyük (LII) yöntemidir. Bu yöntem bir yakma sistemine gönderilen amaçla mevcut -oktan, izolen testlerde is bölgeleri ve is - Anahtar Kelimeler 1 Dünya azer, Akkorluk, Hidrojen, Metan çevre olan etkisi her geçen is risk Avustralya [2, 3]. k nda ve uzun bir zaman ilde is gösterilebilir. Alev içerisindeki is kaynaklanan termal radyasyon etkili bir parametredir. Herhangi bir alevde is oksidas fonksiyonudur. Bu nedenle, is alevde ger [1]. a, yanma is ve son ileri konusunda artan bir hassasiyet gözlenmektedir. ve çevre devam etmektedir [4, 5]. ve ilavesiyle is büyümenin devam etmesini içerir. i ana edilir. Bunlar polisiklik ar ) dispersif veya Van der Waals kuvvetleri ile ile ifade 6]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey her ne kadar polisiklik aromatik bir araya gelmesi ve tam olarak okside edilememesi sonucunda meydana gelsede akkorluk (LKA) yönteminin is hacim kantitatif ölçümleri [7]. yani birkaç karbon atomu içeren bir hidrokarbon içeren bir (agglomerate) için [13]. modeller bölgelerde büyüme prosesindeki daha küçük Genel olarak, yeni modeller; ve boyutu için enerji ile kütle denklemlerini çözmekt [12]. hidrokarbon ine zaman aromatik halkalar meydana getirir. Daha ise esas olarak asetilen (C2H2) Üçüncü boyutta ise birincil is radikallerin gerç [8]. Sonuç olarak, is için hidrokarbon aromatik hidrokarbonlarla i gereklidir. yada yüzlerce boyutlarla karakterize edilebilir [9, 10, 11]. prosesi [4] adapte edilerek göstermektedir. yönelik karbonlu temeld gelmektedir. koagülasyonla ileriye n çok Yanma akkor (Laser-induced incandescence - LII) y is hacmi fraksiyonu ve Roth ve Filippov [13 yöntemi için temel te n , nanosaniye lazer darbeleri yöntem ile ; bir foto- Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey iti m Bladh ve Bengtsson [14], y l yönteminde sinyallerin zaman genellikle is luk (LKA) n k için . is LKA yöntemi sinyali ile tespit edilebilme ihtimalinin daha y . Snelling ve ark. [15 lazer ) yöntemi ile tespiti için sistemin mevcut nano öl , üzerindeki etkisini . hesaba katarak Filippov ve ark. [16], LKA yöntemi ile 5lerde aerosol ve . Bir lazer darbesi ; olarak partikül büyüklüklerini tespit etmeye Schittkowski ve ark. [17], metan (CH4) ile etan (C2H6) alevleri için 2 beki, b -YAG lazer; 532 nm dalga boyuna, 430 mj sinyal enerjisine, 5 ns pals süresine ve 1 (kütlece ; ilave sabit tutularak, stokiyometrik hava; hekzan, toluen, n-oktan, izo-oktan birlikte Bunse kütl Testlerde özel . Bladh ve ark. [18 - Bunsen beki için hava- LKA yöntemi için elde edilen e analiz büyüme . Bambha ve ark. [19], (pa kütlesi analizörü mikroskobu ve transmisyon elektron ) ile elde ettikleri Ölçümler . Lazer k sistemi Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey türü için 10 dakika boyunca süren ölçümlerde oktan, izorluk için hidrojen- ilavesinin etkilerini gözlemleyebilmek, alev Ölçümlerde 532 nm dalga boyuna sahip NDiçin 10 dakika boyunca türbülans elde edilen görüntüler filtrelenerek is o görüntüler ve alev görüntülerinden faydalanarak A ölçüleri tespit ed (C6H14) ilaveli h-metan alevi için gözlenen is görüntüleri filtrelene Elde edilen görüntülerin; Fortran arak; çökelme (microgravity effect) 4. Ö görüntü 3 5. H-metan+hekzan için i toluen (C7H8 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey -metan oktan için elde edilen görüntüye benzer olarak is -oktan görülmektedir. Genel itibariyle ise toluen -oktan ku . H-metan+izo6. Hbulunan n-oktan için içerisine benzen ilavesi için gözlemlenen is ol Testlerde kulla H/C is alevin etkisine ragmen ple yerçekimi kuvveti alevin tepe bölgesinde 7. H-metan+n- alev ölçümlerinde en yüksek seviyede alev . H- Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey sto estlerde Elde edilen görüntüler üzerinde ölçülebilen ; alev içerisindeki is n mevcut durumda alev yüzey yüklüklerine ait görülmektedir. Hesaplama sonucu elde edilen veriler 11 e fraktal küme örnekleri fraktal it kümesi 13 11 1 faktör ö sahip olan izogözlemlenmi veriler Burada iki . 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TEYDEB Makina- KAYNAKLAR [1] Primo-Martín, C., Van Deventer, H., Deepfat fried battered snacks prepared using super heated steam (SHS):Crispness and low oil content, Food Research International, Vol 44, pp. 442-448, 2011. [2] Zanoni, B., Peri, C., Pierucci, S., Comparative Study on the Effects of Boiling, Steaming, Grilling, Microwaving and Superheated Steaming on Quality Characteristics Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey METAN VE MLER Ç N FARKLI YANMA ODASI TASARIMLARINDA YANMA KARAKTER ST KLER N N Ahmet Alper Yontar1, Tahir Ayaz2*, 2 3 ve 1. Makine Mühendislik Fakültesi, Tarsus Üniversitesi, Tarsus, Mersin; email: aayontar@tarsus.edu.tr 2. Mersin; email: tahir_ayaz@tarsus.edu.tr, huseyin_degirmenci@tarsus.edu.tr 3. , Tarsus Üniversitesi, Tarsus, Mersin; email: duygu_sofuoglu@tarsus.edu.tr Özet - alkol 2, x H2O, N2, NOx 2 Anahtar Kelimeler: 1 etmektedir. Dünya genelinde emisyon -ge üze kadar hem kuramsal hem Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey kg Johansson ve Olsson [1], kamyon ve otobüs DI- otor üzerinde geometrisinin yak t uva ç emisyon (HAD) motor lam modellemesi kullanarak Arjmandi ve Amani [3], bir gaz türbini yanma s simülasyonu Commondört silindirli HSDI dizel motorda ölçütlerinde dizayn edilebilmesi içi ve anma ve emisyon nda hidrojenin, metan ve propana göre daha çabuk Shibata ve ark. [9], etil alkolün HCCI motor edilen sonuçlar 8.9 L Cumming Dizel motor üzerinde yürütülen test r. Bianchi ve ark. [5], Common-Rail enjeksiyon ve I y ve -Rail enjeksiyon en erken metil alkol kendi kendine Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey . Durum 3 i 2 MATERYAL VE YÖNTEM Say l m uygulamalarda modelleme yöntemini kullanarak -akustik kin analizlerinde uygun matematiksel modeller seçilerek, simülasyonun gerçek çözümüne pro bir çözüm ile yanma analizi simülasyonu, 4 ilmi yanma od l miktarda anma hava eksenel simetrik olarak gerçek tir Eksenel simetrik model, dörtgen örgü tepkimesinin Durum 1 i na Tas stokiometrik a. Yanma ö sürecinin belirgin Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey süreklilik, enerji, momentum ve kç b -ortalama formda özelliklerinin simülasyonunu b. Durum 3 için Me kul Kimyasal reaksiyonlarda yer alan hacimsel türler (CH4, O2, CO2, H2O, N2) ve (C2H5OH, O2, CO2, H2O, N2 hava, etil alkol- ama gönderim ile egzoz 3 SONUÇLAR modell 2 2O ve N2 y x Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey na - görülmektedir. Bahsi edilen yanma tipleri için zamanda azotoksit (NOx etmek için önemlidir. - i 2) ki CO2 - 2 alkolde CO2 a - emisyon te , metanda ise CO2 2 alkol i sebebiyle, silindir içerisinde daha çok noktada il alkol Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey - 2 2 2 - 2 2 - göre daha fazla H2 yanma tiplerinin etkilerini görmek mümkündür. emektedir. Tüm 2 - 2 - Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ekil 16. Durum 2 için H2 2O 2 - 2 - 2 - için N2 - - - 2 olarak 0, e hem metan hem de etil alkol 0, 77 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey - 2 x - x - için NOx - x - NOx x silindir Yanma modellemesinde sistem yaparken NO, NO2, NO3 serbest hesaplama N2 O2 x r ve eser NOx til alkolde NOx metanda ise eser miktarda bulunan NOx x x Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey diesel combustion, SAE transactions, pp. 793803, 1986. [7] Y. Zhu, H. Zhao, D. A. Melas, and N. 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Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey - PERFORMANS L OLARAK Yunus Emre Öztürk1 1 , Ali Türkcan1 1. email: aturkcan@kocaeli.edu.tr Özet -biyodizel d/dk motor dört nde (40, 80, 120 ve 160 Nm ilavesinin I15 Yüksek yüklerde üçlü ka genel olarak x 160 Nm yükte dizele genel olarak fren termik verimi ve Pmaks dizele göre NOx x e Anahtar kelimeler Abstract Alternative fuels such as biodiesel and alcohols have become widespread due to their environmental benefits and availability. In this study, we aimed to expose the performance and emission characteristics of isobutanol addition into diesel-biodiesel blends. Engine tests were performed on a CRDI engine at constant engine speed of 1800 rpm and four engine loads (40, 80, 120 and 160 Nm). Six blends including pure diesel were prepared by mass basis. Mixtures of biodiesel and isobutanol with diesel fuel (B20 and I15) were tested firstly and then three ternary fuels having increasing amounts of isobutanol (I15B20, I25B20 and I35B20) were tested and compared with diesel. The results show that adding biodiesel and isobutanol into diesel increased brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) from low to mid load, but the gap decreased at high loads. I15B20 and I15 fuels had the closest bsfc to diesel at 160 Nm. Ternary blends generally increased brake thermal efficiency and Pmax value at high loads. While B20 fuel resulted higher NOx emissions, all of the fuel blends increased NOx emissions compared to diesel. Increasing isobutanol proportion in the blends decreased NO x emissions especially at low and full loads. I15B20 and B20 give optimum bsfc at high loads among the blends. Keywords: Isobutanol, biodiesel, diesel, emission, performance 1 gibi G karayolu r. Bu etkiyi emisyon limitleri (EURO V, VI vb.) [1]. Alkol, biyodizel eri ile emisyon üretilebilmesi il alternatif olma potansiyeline sahiptir. Biyodizel ve iyi bir , kirletici Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey iyi kombinasyonlar 2]. Bu yüzden, üçlü ve Sastry vd. [11] izobütanol ve etanolün dizeloksijensiz fermantasyonla üretilebilir olup besin [3]. ve is an etanol ve metanol g Ahmed vd. [12] dizele %5 nedeniyle dizel motorlarda emisyon azaltma potansiyeline sahiptir [4]. izobütanol , dizel motorla 5]. (dört oranda an [13] yüksek biyoetanolün dizel-biyodizel yanma, performans ve edilmektedir. Yüksek karbonlu alkoller, ilk yüklerde, NOx üretim potansiyeli ile tercih edilmezken, son verimi yüksek teknikler (modern izobütanol gibi [6, 7]. kull Bu üretilebilen performans ve emisyon parametrelerine etkileri Singh ve Sandhu [8] -50 de ve izobütanol-dizelnda performans ve emisyon parametrelerine etkileri, motorda test e nin x bütanol NOx [9]. Hoseini vd. [10 izobütanol, etanol biyodizell gibi alkollerin 2 MATERYAL VE METOT common rail enjeksiyon sistemine sahip Fiat 1.9 JTD model dizel motor . Motor Test motoru birincisi pilot, ikincisi ana enjeksiyon olmak üzere iki kademeli enjeksiyon (two stage injection-TSI) sistemine sahiptir. Test motorunun , dizel- Motor sisteminin test Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ivar AIDkar )+ (Kütle 1.ykt x AID x AID ) (3) 2.ykt Tablo 2. FTIR Ölçüm Sistemlerinin Teknik Özellikleri çökelme veya heter Tablo 1. Test Motoru Özellikleri Motor Fiat 1.9 JTD CRDI, turbodizel, 4 stroke, water cooled 4 Tip - Kurs boyu Enjeksiyon sistemi Maksimum güç Maksimum tork 82 mm-90.4 mm 18.45:1 Common Rail DI 77 kW @4000 d/dk 205 Nm @1750 d/dk Parametre Birim Hassasiyet HC ppm <± %10hangisi küçükse CO ppm ± CO2 % ± NOx ppm ± Ölçümler Yük Nm ± %2 ölçümü d/dk ±1 g ±1 tüketimi °C ±1 bitkisel Biyodizel ± %1, Enerji Dicle Kimya Ticaret ve Sanayi izobütanol ve biyodizel kütlesel yüzdesini -%80 biyodizel biyodizel ve %65 dizel içermektedir. Test Tablo 3 Özellik Kimyasal formül Dizel 56.8 43.2 63 Biyodizel 57.8 37.5 176 C4H9OH 24.6 32.6 35 (kg/m3 829 881.5 808 (mm2/s 3.0 4.181 2.26 63 176 27.8 (MJ) 1 (°C) AVL FlexIFEM IndiCom platformu silindir içi iyonizasyon detector- dedektörü (Flame ionization @15°C) Viskozite @40 °C) (°C) NOx, HC ve CO emisyonu ölçümü için (ÖYT), fren termik verim ve (AID) (1) (2) 3 Bu bölümde dizel-biyodizel-izobütanol üçlü motor performans ve emisyon karakteristiklerine etkileri TSI stratejisine sahip Bu Motor yükleri Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ve motor devri enerjisinin daha 3.1 Performans Karakteristikleri fazla oranda Y ile azalma kademeli enjeksiyon stratejisi (pilot enjeksiyon ve daha uzun süren ana enjeksiyon) [4]. pedal pozisyonu ile belirlenmektedir. Fakat bu , bir Bu bölümde rmesi performans termik verim incelenecektir. (ÖYT) en yüksek termik görülmektedir. 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Bu zengin bölgeye gidildikçe CO2 [17, 18 40 Nm , yanma veriminin 8. NOx - Motor Yükü da 4 SONUÇLAR izobütanol Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Orta ve yüksek yüklerde tü NOx ve dizel-biyodizelda artan izobütanol testleri 4 silindirli common rail dizel bir motorda ir. Fren termik verimi ve emisyon parametreleri e I35B20 ; Dicle sisteminin 120 ve 160 Nm yüklerde B20 ve Nm yüklerd maks -orta yük maks yüksek Pmaks seviyelerde NOx kurulumunu KAYNAKLAR [1] M. Williams, R. Minjares, A technical summary of Euro 6/VI vehicle emission standards, The International Council on Clean Transportation, Technical Briefing, June 2016. [2] O. Ogunkunle and N.A. Ahmed, A review of global current scenario of biodiesel adoption and combustion in vehicular diesel engines, Energy Reports, Vol. 5, pp. 1560-1579, 2019. [3] B.R. Kumar and S. Saravanan, Use of higher alcohol biofuels in diesel engines: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 60, pp. 84-115, 2016. 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Mühendislik Fakültesi, Karabük Üniversitesi, Karabük; email: mcelik@karabuk.edu.tr ÖZET ü (1500, 2000, 2500 ve 3000 d/d (OD) uygun deney .00 ve 10.00) seçilerek L8 ortogonal dizisinin . , 593.5875 g/kWh, Anahtar Kelimeler: Metanol, Taguchi dizayn, optimizasyon, benzinli motor ABSTRACT In this study, it is aimed to find and improve the optimum levels of operating parameters of a spark ignition engine in which methanol is used as fuel by Taguchi method. The engine speed and compression ratio (CR) were selected as operating parameters of the spark ignition engine. By selecting four different levels of the engine speed (1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 rpm) and two different levels of CR (8:00 and 10:00), it was decided that the L8 orthogonal array (OA) was the appropriate experimental design. In addition, the effect of these operating parameters on brake thermal efficiency (BTE), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) emission was determined, and an optimization study was conducted. According to the optimization results, 2500 rpm engine speed and 10:00 CR were determined as optimum results. The optimum responses according to the determined optimum engine variables were determined as 29.8082%, 593.5875 g/kWh, 1.5163% and 450.50 ppm for BTE, BSFC, CO and HC, respectively. Keywords: Methanol, Taguchi design, optimization, gasoline engine 1. [7,8]. [1 3]. Dünya genelinde üreticil ve i [4 6] devam etmektedir. Benzinli motorlarda benzine Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ça popüler hale Taguchi L 8 [9,10] Tablo 1. M seviyeleri 1 ve kömürden üretilebilmesi nedeniyle alternatif [11,12]. Motor (d/d) SO [13 16]. Seviyeleri 2 3 1500 2000 8 10 4 2500 3000 - - Tablo 2. L8 Deney gerekmektedir. Ancak, her bir deney hem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 demektir [17] ve etkilerinin incelenmesi son derece önemlidir. ile Faktör 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Faktör 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 deneylerde, Lombardini (LM250) marka tek Tagu bir 2000, 2500 ve 3000 d/d motor [18]. e ölçümler metanolün Elde edilen sonuçlar ile Taguchi optimizasyon celenmesi ve 2. MATERYAL VE YÖNTEM (MATERIAL AND METHOD) or Tablo 1 parametreleri seviyeleri göz önünde bulundurularak Tablo 2 gösterilen faktörlerinin performans üzerindeki etkisinin bir - küçük daha iyidir' ve 'Nominal en iyisi' gibi ve FÖYT, CO ve HC emisyonu için 'Daha küçük Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 'Daha büyük daha iyidir'; (1) 'Daha küçük daha iyidir'; (2) Burada ve de her bir test sonucunu ifade etmektedir. 1. 3. BULGULAR (FINDINGS) Taguchi dizayn ile FEV, FÖYT, CO ve HC için 1, 3 ve 4 2 2, 1 ortalama bir motor devrine kadar azalan ve daha FEV üksek motor 2. FÖYT CO emisyonu bir eksik yanma ürünüdür. Herhangi bir sebeple motorda meydana gelen gösterir. motor devri 3 incelend Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey silindir içerisindeki optimizasyon için tercih edilen kriterler Tablo 3 Yüksek SO parametrelerini belirlemektir. Buna istinaden FÖYT, CO ve HC 5 Elde edilen sonuçlara göre seçilen motor %29.8082, 593.5875 g/kWh, %1.5163 ve 450.50 Tablo 3. Optimizasyon kriterleri 3. CO seviye 1500 Kriter En yüksek seviye 3000 8 10 FEV (%) 19.45 30.28 FÖYT (g/kWh) HC (ppm) 591.2 920.4 343 570 CO (%) 1.42 2.31 Faktörler Seviyeler En (d/d) 4 motor devri ile 4. HC hava- Maksimize et Minimize et Minimize et Minimize et Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey d/d motor devri ve 10.00 SO olarak %29.8082, 593.5875 g/kWh, %1.5163 ve optimize etmek için etkili bir araç olarak metanolün benzinli motorlarda saf halde 5 4. SONUÇLAR (CONCLUSIONS) silindirli benzinli motor devri için 1500, 2000, 2500 ve 3000 10.00 olarak seç FÖYT, CO ve HC kabul eden Taguchi L 8 olarak seçilen faktör ve seviyelerin en iyi kombinasyonunu belirlemek için bir Elde edilen sonuçlara göre seçilen motor KAYNAKLAR (REFERENCES) [1] Passaponti, M., Rosi, L., Savastano, M., Giurlani, W., Miller, H. A., Lavacchi, A., Filippi, J., Zangari, G., Vizza, F., and Innocenti, M., "Recycling of waste automobile tires: Transforming char in oxygen reduction reaction catalysts for alkaline fuel cells", Journal Of Power Sources, 427 (April): 85 90, 2019. [2] "Performance and emission prediction of a compression ignition engine fueled with biodieseldiesel blends: A combined application of ANN and RSM based optimization", Fuel, 269, 2020. [3] "Combustion, performance and exhaust emission characterizations of a diesel engine operating with a ternary blend (alcohol-biodiesel-diesel fuel)", Applied Thermal Engineering, 133, 371 380, 2018. [4] L. 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Coventry University, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, Coventry, CV1 2JH, United Kingdom 3. Team-San Co., Sakarya University, Teknokent, Serdivan, Sakarya, Türkiye 4. Sakarya University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sakarya, Türkiye Abstract Turkey, an emerging economy, depends on foreign sources to meet up to 70% of the energy need. The energy needs increase every yearly at around 7-8% making independent energy production and energy saving increasingly important. Industrial cooking ovens are one of the most used products in the industrial kitchen area for cooking various foods in different models and capacities. The type of food cooked by the existing convection industrial cooking ovens is limited compared to the combi cooking ovens and the international industrial combi ovens stand out as high-tech products. In order to save energy in industrial combi cooking ovens, the difference in air flow and temperature distribution in the existing cooking chamber compared to trays of gastronomic sizes in international standards (tray depths used, filling capacities, differences in distance between trays, etc.) has to be evaluated. With the scientific data obtained in this study, an innovative industrial combi cooking oven prototype and design has been developed. Unlike existing products, an innovative prototype has been obtained in accordance with international standards (EN 60335-1, EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2, etc.) that aim to improve air flow and temperature distribution and provide energy saving solutions. Keywords: Industrial cooking ovens, Cooking with convection and combi features, Energy saving, Simulation. 1 INTRODUCTION To model the cooking process in the ovens a mathematical definition is introduced. This also presents the interactions between the environment inside the oven and the product being baked, revealing the temporal changes. The baking processes in the oven, which are often simultaneous heat and mass transfer precesses, are examined and modelled [1,2]. In a heat treatment model; Physical, chemical and biological changes during the process should be defined, the mathematical basis of the process should be developed with appropriate assumptions, the problem should be solved with the necessary mathematical knowledge and the model should be verified for many process conditions [3]. In mathematical modeling of systems and processes computational fluids dynamics are used. Computer-based simulations involving the heat transfer, fluid flow, and chemical systems containing reactions can be analyzed. Commercial CFD codes have been developed within the framework of numerical algorithms that solve nonlinear partial differential equations. Numerical and experimental dependent parameters validate CFD solutions against experimental data. CFD technology is used commonly by engineers since the 1990s; nowadays they are indispensable in system design. The CFD method is commonly used in modelling and analysis of heat transfer in oven cooking dynamics [4-6]. Dishes cooked in ovens are made with a large number of ingredients. The functions of these ingredients and the cooking technology used Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey play a major role in producing good quality food [7]. The method used in cooking processes is very important in making a quality meal [8,9]. Depending on the method used, the temperature distribution in the meal and the moisture content of the meal are also important in the cooking quality. Therefore, the temperature distribution and moisture content of the food should be controlled by determining the parameters of heat and mass [10, 11]. 2 MODELING The geometry and boundary conditions of the model are given in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1. 3D solid model of the electric oven. Figure 2. 3D solid model of fan and electrical resistance. As mesh strategy, solution-adaptive mesh refinement is used. The mesh of the fluid volume is set as dynamically changing while the specific size of the grids. A mesh optimization study was carried out by defining mesh levels by changing the refinement criteria from 1 to 7 as shown in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the mesh structure of the fluid volume at the beginning of the simulation. Figure 3. Mesh optimisation. (a) (b) Figure 4. Mesh structure of the fluid volume at the beginning of the simulation. 2.1 Validation of The Model The turbulence model used was the RANS kturbulence intensity was 2 % and turbulence length was 0.0068938 m. The simulation case is run with improved designs to find the optimum shape of the stainless sheet between heating system and the oven. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey As seen in Figure 5, air warmed is going velocity and temperature depending of the meal upwards without a force coming from the fan being cooked in the oven. So overheating is also only under gravity forces. The velocity vectors not acceptable in gastronomy science and and the temperature variation validate the technology. Thus the desired design should help existing situation in the oven having no keep the environment in the cooking area on the improvement on heat transfer. Here it is clearly optimum temperature with the optimum hot air seen that heat transfer can be improved to have flow. Thus in the coming section, we carried out uniform distribution and thus the oven can be two types of experiments to validate our results more efficient in terms of cooking quality as obtained from numerical solutions: physical well as energy consumption. measurements and Thermal Imaging Visualisation approach. As can be seen from the analysis, it is observed that there are cold surfaces in the lower and upper parts of the left surface where the fan part is absorbed and pressed inside the oven. In order to eliminate these, it has been observed that the suction and compression force of the fan can be between the fan and the oven sections. Figure 6. 3D solid model of the electric oven. Figure 5. Validation of the model. Results of the simulations with having the most holes in the sheet shown in Figs. 6 and 7. These figures are showing both the effect of the hot air entrance and the position of trays on the heat distribution. As can be seen in these figures the heat distribution is better compared to the standard oven but the temperature and velocity of the air increases dramatically. In cooking technology, there are several optimum levels of Figure 7. Temperature and velocity variation with trays. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3. EXPERIMENTS CONCLUSIONS Figure 8 shows the experimental setup for The subjects related to the modelling of heat physical measurements. As seen in this figure transfer in ovens are examined. One of the there are 10 racks in the oven and thermocouples biggest benefits of modelling heat transfer are positioned to measure temperature on these during cooking is that it forces people to fully racks. understand the system or process during modelling. As a result, valuable ideas and comments can be developed. Mathematical modelling has a great application potential in the food industry. With the activation of this situation, significant economic gains may arise during the design and production stages. In this study, the cooperation between partners in innovation systems in the engineering field has been developed and strengthened in order to achieve the goal of achieving energy saving by improving the air flow and temperature distribution in the innovative industrial combi cooking oven prototype developed with a unique design. Figure 8. Measurement points in the oven. As seen in Figure 9, best cooking and thus heat distribution is obtained by the revised oven called new design cooking oven inner stainless steel plate. problem, new partnerships have been developed in engineering research and information sharing with the cooperation of industry and academia partners to increase the demand for energy efficiency with scientific data. In line with the project objectives, engineering R&D studies and solution methods based on academia-industry cooperation are given below: With benchmarking studies, the existing industrial cooking oven was examined with similar systems in the international arena, and the original design and effective working conditions of the innovative prototype were evaluated. Design verification data (various engineering calculations, simulation for cooking oven, different interior equipment designs, etc.) have contributed significantly to prevent possible time, labor and material losses during the prototype manufacturing and assembly phase. Figure 9. Variation of baking performance by standard fan guard and the revised cooking oven inner stainless steel plate. Simulation has been made for the efficient distribution of hot air and heat distribution in the cooking chamber, in an energy-saving manner, of the innovative prototype that will cook with combi (hot air and steam) technology. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey within convection ovens, Journal of Food ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the Engineering, Vol. 72(3), pp. 293 301, 2006. funds provided by Royal Academy Engineering and Newton Fund of England (Project Number: IAPP18-19/310) that allowed this research to be conducted. REFERENCES [1] Thorvaldsson, K., Janestad, H., A model for simultaneous heat, water and vapor diffusion, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol 40, pp. 167172, 1999. [2] Zanoni, B., Peri, C., Pierucci, S., A study of the bread baking process II: Mathematical modeling, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 23, pp.321-336, 1994. [3] Mathematical modeling approaches for thermal processing conditions. Novel Approaches in Food Industry NAFI, Book of Proceedings, pp 238, Izmir, 2011. [4] Çengel, Y., Turner, R.H., Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, 2nd Edition, McGrawHill Companies, Inc., pp. 1206, New York, 2005. 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Maritime Faculty, Dokuz Eylul University, 2. 2 ; email: semih.yilmaz@deu.edu.tr ; email: kubilay.bayramoglu@deu.edu.tr Abstract Hydrogen has been widely used in power generation systems as an alternative energy source in recent years. The use of hydrogen as a renewable energy source in diesel engines increases engine performance while decreasing emissions. In this study, the effect of hydrogen injection into the intake air at different rates on engine performance and emissions in a dual fuel engine has been numerically investigated. The study has been applied under 25% load conditions at 910 rpm and the numerical analysis study has been carried out with Ansys Forte commercial software using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. As a result of the study, engine performance parameters such as cylinder pressure, temperature, heat release rate, and NOx and CO emissions have been determined. Engine performance and NOx emissions have increased with increased hydrogen addition, while CO emissions have decreased. Keywords: Hydrogen Combustion, Diesel Engine, CFD, NOx Emissions 1 INTRODUCTION Due to the high-power needs of the industry, diesel engines are suitable in heavy-duty vehicles and industrial machinery. Nowadays, diesel engines are growing in heavy-duty operations and consume an enormous quantity of fossil fuels. This situation causes destruction with harmful impacts on the environment. Many methods such as enhancement of fuel and Many methods such as enhancement of fuel and injection technologies are investigated by the researchers to reduce these impacts such as smoke emissions, particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) [1]. After this researches, it is found that the injection of different suitable fuels inside diesel fuel reduces emissions and improves the power of diesel engines [2]. In recent years, hydrogen fuel has emerged as a promising fuel with the properties of rapid mixing and higher flame speed for various injection strategies [2 4]. Besides that, the usage of hydrogen fuel in compression ignition (CI) engines significantly improve thermal efficiency. Hydrogen usage affects positively on reducing emissions of NOx, CO and PM. Furthermore, engine efficiency increase reaches up to 16% on CI engines [2]. In recent studies, dual fuel engine technology is presented as an alternative to improve performance and reduce emissions comparing with conventional engine technology. Combustion in dual fuel engines basically takes place in two stages. In the first stage, heat dissipation occurs at low temperatures with the effect of hydrogen fuel injected into the intake air, while in the second stage, heat dissipation takes place at high temperatures as a result of direct injection of diesel fuel. Thanks to the dual fuel engine technology consisting of these stages, combustion can occur under sufficient pressure and temperature conditions before diesel fuel is started to be injected. Many research efforts have been implemented about hydrogen fuel addition on dual fuel engines. In these types of engines, hydrogen addition can reduce smoke, CO and unburned hydrocarbons in contrast to NOx emissions are increased due to higher combustion chamber temperatures [5 11]. Besides that, other studies have shown that hydrogen addition affect substantially flame temperature, efficiency of the combustion, ignition delay, etc. Also, some researchers found that hydrogen addition cause shorter burning periods and increase combustion performance on diesel engines [12, 13]. In this study, the dual fuel engine is simulated with ANSYS Forte commercial software under running conditions of 25% load and 910 rpm speed. The diesel fuel is injected into the cylinder directly and hydrogen fuel is added into the intake air. Hydrogen is supplied with four different conditions as 0% (H0), 5% (H5), 10% (H10) and 15% (H15) by volume ratios respect to intake air. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2 NUMERICAL STUDY Numerical analysis studies used in combustion processes are among the most common methods used in determining the thermodynamic and combustion properties of systems in addition to experimental studies. CFD applications in diesel engines allow the combustion chamber temperature, pressure, engine performance and emissions to be estimated as an alternative to experimental studies [14]. In the study, naturally aspirated, single-cylinder, direct injection diesel engine was used. Table 1 shows the main characteristics of the engine [15]. The diesel engine is numerically modelled as an dual fuel engine, adding hydrogen from the intake manifold. The numerical analysis study was carried out at 910 rpm at 25% load conditions. Table 1. Engine Specifications Parameter Engine type Bore stroke Connecting rod length Displacement vol. Compression ratio Number of valves Diesel fuel injection type Hydrogen injection type Nozzle type (hole x diameter) Inlet valve opening (IVO) Inlet valve closing (IVC) Exhaust valve opening (EVO) Exhaust valve closing (EVC) Unit Value/Type - Caterpillar 3400 mm 137.2 x 165.1 mm 261.62 L 2.44 16.25 4 - Direct injection - Direct injection mm 6 x 0.23 - -358.3° ATDC - -169.7° ATDC - 145.3° ATDC - 348.3° ATDC Valve Manifolds Combustion Chamber Figure 1. Engine Geometry 2.1 Boundary Conditions The numerical model was realized in 3D and in the calculations, n-heptane (C7H16) was used as diesel fuel and H2 as hydrogen fuel. In combustion processes, to accurately predict the combustion reactions of the fuels that react, the combustion reactions in which the selected fuel will be carried out under suitable ambient conditions must be defined in the system. Considering all these conditions, reduction reactions of suitable chemical reactions should be verified with experimental data with the help of appropriate software [16]. In the study, the physical properties of the fuel were taken as tetradecane (C14H30) and the reduction reactions of the fuel consist of 35 species and 173 reactions. Figure 2 shows the mesh structure and boundary conditions of the dual fuel engine. Cylinder Head Injector The most important engine characteristics in numerical modelling of diesel engines are the combustion chamber geometry, valve and fuel injection timing. The Caterpillar 3400 model, single-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine is modelled in 3D as shown in Figure 1. Line Piston Figure 2. Computational Model Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The computational model consists of 205k diffusion and the source terms which derived elements as 60° sector mesh. Reynolds Average from injection, respectively. Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations-based 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Renormalization Group (RNG) k- turbulence In this study, effects of hydrogen fuel that is model is used in the CFD model. Spray supplied by mixing into the intake air have been atomization and droplet breakup of solid cone investigated for different volumetric ratios on a sprays are modelled with Kelvindual fuel engine with CFD. Hydrogen injection Helmholtz/Rayleigh-Taylor (KH/RT) hybrid ratio range changes from 0% to 15% by volume. breakup model [17]. Table 2 shows the numerical The combustion parameters of cylinder pressure, model initial and boundary conditions. cylinder temperature and heat release rate are Table 2. Initial and Boundary Conditions Parameter Unit Value Fuel injection temperature K 400 Fuel injection pressure bar 1.02 Piston temperature K 400 Cylinder head temperature K 400 Liner temperature K 400 Nozzle diameter mm 0.23 Mean cone angle - 20° examined. The performance parameters of power, IMEP and thermal efficiency are calculated over the engine. Furthermore, emission parameters of CO and NOx are determined numerically under the determined boundary conditions. 3.1 Combustion Parameters Engine performance and efficiency enhance due to fast mixing and higher flame speed properties of hydrogen in the combustion chamber. Figure 2 depicts the variation of cylinder pressure over crank angle for different hydrogen injection ratios. As can be seen from the figure that, the peak pressures are observed after 360 °CA for all situations. One can clearly see that cylinder pressure rise with increasing hydrogen ratio in the intake air. 2.2 Governing Equations In CFD analyses, gas phase flow motions are governed by Navier-Stokes equations. The continuity equation for any selected control volume in the combustion chamber geometry can be expressed as follows [18]. (1) where, , U and are fluid density, fluid velocity and source terms. For the combustion chamber control volume, momentum or the Navier Stokes equation is expressed as follows. + (2) Where, p, , and is pressure, viscous stress tensor, spray induced source term and the The energy equation for computational volume [18, 19]. + (3) where e, , and are sensible energy, the heat flux arise from heat conduction and enthalpy Figure 2. Variation of cylinder pressure over crank angle for different hydrogen injection ratios Figure 3 shows the variation of cylinder pressure over crank angle for different hydrogen injection ratios. The peak temperatures are observed between 380 and 400 °CA for all situations. From the graph, one can see that cylinder temperatures Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey reach higher values with increasing hydrogen as CO and NOx. The maximum power, IMEP and injection ratio. thermal efficiency are observed for hydrogen injection ratio of H15. Table 3. Performance and Emission Parameters H15 kW 7.9 11.2 14.8 17.6 MPa 0.43 0.60 0.78 0.95 % 42.78 42 42.6 41 ppm 847 1260 2055 3334 ppm 659 164 74.5 506 Power IMEP NOx (EVO) CO Figure 4 depicts the effect of hydrogen fuel on heat release rate over crank angle. As clearly observed from the figure that the heat release rate consists of three distinct phases. For each phase, three different peak values are observed between 360 and 400 °CA for all cases. From the results, with the higher amount of hydrogen injection, the heat release rate increases in parallel with combustion efficiency. Value H5 H10 Unit Thermal efficiency Figure 3. Variation of cylinder temperatures over crank angle for different hydrogen injection ratios H0 Parameter (EVO) 3.2 Emissions Parameters Figure 5 shows the effects of hydrogen injection on NOx emissions versus crank angle for four different hydrogen injection ratios. The maximum NOx emissions have been observed for hydrogen injection ratio of H15. The results of the emissions show that the increase in the combustion temperature negatively affect the NOx emissions because of the thermal NO mechanism. Therefore, maximum value of the NOx emission is observed at the peak temperature interval during combustion. Figure 4. Heat release rate over crank angle for different hydrogen injection ratios Figure 5. The effects of hydrogen injection on NO x emissions versus crank angle Table 3 illustrates main characteristics of performance parameters such as power, IMEP, thermal efficiency and emission parameters such Figure 6 presents the effects of hydrogen injection on CO emissions versus crank angle for four different hydrogen injection ratios. One can Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey understand from the figure that CO emissions are REFERENCES reduced with increasing crank angle. Thus, this [1] Y. Yu, W. Lin, L. Li, and Z. Zhang, situation emerges from the transformation of CO of hydrogen addition on the combustion to CO2 emissions and enhancement on thermal characteristics of diesel fuel jets under ultra-high efficiency. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. vol. 45, no. 17, pp. 10592 10601, 2019. [2] A.A. Hairuddin, T. Yusaf, and A.P. Wandel, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. vol. 32, pp. 739 761, 2014. 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The results obtained from the numerical analysis study showed that as the hydrogen addition added to the intake air increased, the combustion chamber temperature and pressure values increased in the same direction. This situation brought about an increase in engine performance parameters such as power and IMEP. NOx emissions in internal combustion engines increase due to the rising combustion chamber temperature. Therefore, maximum NOx emissions have been generated depending on the maximum combustion chamber temperature under H15 hydrogen addition conditions. Carbon emissions, on the other hand, tend to decrease with the quality of combustion, unlike NOx emissions. As a result, hydrogen addition to the intake manifold as an alternative method in diesel engines will be developed and used in future studies due to its positive effects on engine performance and parameters. fuel inje International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. vol. 32, no. 16, pp. 4071 4080, 2007. [5] N. Saravanan, G. 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Reitz, Computational Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines. Springer, 2014. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey OPTIMIZATION OF PISTON BOWL GEOMETRY IN TERMS OF FUEL CONSUMPTION AND EMISSIONS USING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS IN A DIESEL ENGINE C. Akkus1 and S. Uslu2 1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara; caner.akkus18@gmail.com 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara; suslu@etu.edu.tr Abstract In order to reduce specific fuel consumption (SFC) of a diesel engine, the piston bowl geometry has been optimized using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The numerical investigation of omega shaped piston bowl geometry optimization has been carried out at 2300 rpm full load condition. Reacting between 600-800 crank angles while the intake and exhaust valves are closed. ECFM-3Z, Extended Coherent Flame Model, was used as combustion model. A Lagrangian approach was used for two phase modelling of the liquid Diesel fuel, Reitz & Diwakar primary break-up modelling coupled with either Bag Break-Up or Stripping Break-Up modelling was used to simulate the spray formation and atomization. Spatial and temporal discretization and turbulence modelling effects have been carefully studied. The CFD predictions of the in-cylinder pressure and Apparent Heat Release are compared with the measurement data to validate the fidelity of the results. The reactive CFD predictions using the discrepancy of 2.3% compared to the measured data. After the validation of the predictions, nine parameters of the piston bowl geometry were determined for optimization study. Sherpa algorithm of Heeds program was used to achieve minimum SFC for the given Diesel. After analyzing 92 new designs, SFC has been improved %5.43. Keywords: Internal Combustion Engine, Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFM-3Z, Piston Bowl Geometry Optimization 1 INTRODUCTION In order to reduce emissions and fuel consumption, engine companies have developed their products as changing engine components. The first thing to do about developing the engine is understanding the engine characteristics and analyzing the engine performance. Better airfuel mixture inside the cylinder is the key factor of having high combustion efficiency. Swirl, squish and tumble fluid motions defines the engine performance. Horizontal rotational fluid motion inside the cylinder is defined as swirl [1]. It directly depends on intake port geometry. Squish can be defined as radial inward fluid motion [1]. At the piston top dead center (TDC), squish motion generates a secondary rotational motion which is called squish generated tumble [1]. Tumble fluid motion is directly affected by piston bowl geometry. These fluid motions have a huge impact on combustion efficiency also on SFC, specific fuel consumption. In order to understand in-cylinder fluid motions CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics, simulations are carried out [2]. Fuel-air mixture formation is one of the key factors affecting engine performance and emissions in diesel engines [3]. Fuel air mixture quality has a huge impact on combustion performance. Shape of the piston bowl geometry influences the fluid motion inside the cylinder and that directly affects the engine SFC and emissions. [4]. In this study, the piston bowl geometry is optimized to understand which design parameters has a direct impact on specific fuel consumption. 2 NUMERICAL MODELS 2.1 Engine Parameters and Operation Conditions A stage 3B emission level three cylinder 55 kW Diesel engine is studied. Engine parameters is shown at Table 1. The engine has two intake port and has an omega type piston bowl with 104 mm bore and 115 mm stroke. Total swept volume of three cylinders is 2.93 liter. Common Rail System is mounted to the engine and rail pressure is 1600 bar with eight fuel hole injectors. Hole diameter of the injector is 0.131 mm. Table 1: Engine parameters Power [kW] @ 2300 rpm 55 Maximum Tork [N.m] @1400 rpm 338 Bore x Stroke [mm] 104 x 115 Compression ratio 17,5 Connecting Rod Length [mm] 182 Turbocharger pressure [bar] 1,4 Number of injector holes 8 Injector holes diameter [mm] 0,131 Rail Pressure [bar] 1600 Engine operation conditions are shown in Table 2. Engine is operated at full load 2300 rpm. Start of injection (SOI) is 2 degree Crank Angle (DCA) before TDC and it lasts 12 DCA. Injected total fuel is 64 mg per stroke at 2300 rpm. Engine runs at an AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) of 25.6 with an EGR (Exhaust Gas Recycle) value of 11% at full load conditions. (2) Turbulence Model Equations Turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate of turbulence equations [5] is solved to calculate viscous effects in the flow for Standard k-e turbulence model is given at Equation (3) and Equation (4). Turbulent kinetic energy; (3) Dissipation rate of turbulence kinetic energy; (4) Turbulent (eddy) viscosity is given as; (5) k-e turbulence model are given in Table 3. Table 3: Coefficients of the Standard k-e Turbulence Model Table 2: Operation Conditions Engine Speed (rpm) 2300 Star of Injection (dCA) 718 Injection Duration (dCA) 12 Injected Fuel Quantity (mg/st) 64 EGR Rate (%) 11 AFR 25.6 Engine parameters and operating conditions are used to initialize and perform reacting CFD simulations. A fuel flow rate of 8 mg/stroke is used for the 45 degree sector simulations which corresponds one hole fuel injector. 2.2 Mathematical Models The instantaneous form of continuity and momentum equations in Cartesian Tensor form are given as; (1) 0.09 1 1.22 1.44 1.92 1.44 -0.33 0.419 The turbulence dissipation rate equation solved for the RNG version [5] differs from the dissipation equation solved for Standard k-e equation as; (6) The coefficients of RNG k-e turbulent dissipation equation is given in Table 4. 3 Table 4: Coefficients of RNG k-e turbulent model 0.085 1 1.22 0.9 0.9 1.42 K 1.68 1.44 -0.33 0.4 9 Combustion Model - ECFM-3Z In the present study the ECFM-3Z (Extended Coherent Flame Model - Three Zone) by Colin and Benkenida [6] is used for the Diesel combustion which is a non-premixed diffusion flame type. The ECFM-3Z splits each computational cell into three mixing zones: a pure fuel zone, a pure air plus possible residual gases (EGR) zone and a mixed zone. In ECFM-3Z model, transport equations are solved for mean values , , , CO, , , O, H, N, OH and NO. For each chemical a transport equation is solved as Equation (7). + = 3.1 Spatial Discretization Numerical discretization studies are of great importance in CFD simulations to obtain more accurate predictions when compared with measurements. Numerical discretization methods, which are divided into two as Spatial and Temporal Discretization, are the studies that must be done before starting the optimization studies to minimize errors [7]. (7) - is the source term of combustion and is the mean mass fraction of the dissolved chemical species. and indicates the molecular and turbulent Schmidt numbers respectively.. Fuel is included into 2 region as burnt gases and unburnt gasses . = CFD COMPUTATIONS AND RESULTS The engine being analyzed includes an 8-hole injector with angles of 45 degree. A sector of 45 degree is chosen as computational domain making use of the periodic boundary conditions on the two sides of the sector. The sector combustion simulations are performed for the period when both intake and exhaust valves are closed. For this reason, the studies were carried out between 600-800 DCA. Sector computational domain analysis provides a big saving on computational efforts, namely, in CPU and memory overheads. Cylinder Wall Cylinder Head = Periodic Surface (8) = = Piston (9) Equation (9) gives us total fuel in computational cell. is the mass of fuel in unburnt gases. In order to calculate , a general transport Equation (10) given below is solved: (10) indicates the evaporation of the liquid fuel and is the source term at unburnt and burnt regions. Figure 1. Sector Geometry Figure 1 shows the computational mesh at TDC. The Es-ICE model uses a hexahedral mesh for the industry model. A mesh that is orthogonal to fuel spray has been chosen as it provides better accuracy in two-phase flow CFD simulations. A coarse, medium and fine mesh were studied for a mesh independence study. The cell numbers in TDC are 31100, 53600 and 100800 respectively, as shown in Figure 2. A cell-layer deletion and addition methodology is used when piston moves up and down in order to keep the cell aspect ratios reasonable in the cylinder region. At 800 DCA, which is the end point of the sector analysis, the number of cells is 145000, 310000 and 610000, respectively. A: 31100 Cells B: 53600 Cells C: 100800 Cells indicate a difference of 4.91%, 2.37% and 1.14% using coarse, medium and fine mesh computations. That difference basically comes from the differences in prediction the ignition delay. For coarse mesh simulation, pressure increase starts before TDC at 719.7 DCA and reaches maximum value which is 128 bar at 728 DCA. Because of wrong prediction of maximum in-cylinder pressure and timing, coarse mesh simulation is not suitable for next simulations. After TDC a pressure increase starts at 720.7 DCA and 721.3 DCA for medium and fine mesh simulations which then results in a 1.2% difference in peak pressure values. It is surely good news to see a closer agreement with the fine mesh as a result of better prediction of ignition delay. In Figure 4, the apparent heat release predictions are compared with measured data for different meshes. The heat released is directly related to the change in pressure and volume compared to the previous step [1]. For this reason, small changes in the pressure value cause oscillation in the resulting heat graph. Inaccurate measurements in the cylinder pressure sensor explain the oscillations in Figure 4. Figure 2. Sector Mesh at TDC (A: Coarse Mesh; B: Medium Mesh; C: Fine Mesh) 140 The predicted in-cylinder pressure and Apparent Heat Release are compared with the measurements in Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively. In-cylinder pressure values are shown in Figure 3. 100 140 120 Pressure [bar] AHR [J/dcA] Coarse Mesh 80 Medium Mesh 60 Fine Mesh 40 20 0 Experimental -20 700 Coarse Mesh -40 100 Experimental 120 720 740 760 780 800 Crank Angle Medium Mesh 80 60 Figure 4. Apparent Heat Release for Spatial Discretization Studies Fine Mesh 40 20 0 700 720 740 760 Crank Angle 780 800 Figure 3. In-Cylinder Pressure for Spatial Discretization Studies The peak pressures were calculated as 128.2 bar, 125.1 bar and 123.6 bar using coarse, medium and fine mesh respectively compared to a measured value of 122.2 bar. The predictions It is readily seen that the apparent heat release obtained with medium and fine mesh computations are very close to each other. Due to different estimates in combustion start times, there is a difference in spray-induced heat transfer and combustion. There is a 1% difference between the maximum values depending on the crank angle. When the first sharp increases in terms of 720 DCA in the graph were examined, it was observed that fine mesh approached the experimental result. The reason for this situation can be explained by the fact that the ignition delay is estimated more accurately than medium mesh and coarse mesh simulations and the increase in pressure gradient is closer to the experimental result. 2500 Accm. [J] 2000 1500 Experimental Coarse Mesh Medium Mesh Fine Mesh 1000 500 Figure 7. Temperature Contours for Medium Mesh (Side View) 0 720 740 760 780 800 Crank Angle Figure 5. Accumulated Heat Release for Spatial Discretization Studies The accumulated heat release for medium and fine mesh analysis compared with experimental data is shown in Figure 5. The maximum discrepancy between the predictions and measurements is 7.7%, 2.5% and 1.7% for coarse, medium and fine mesh computations respectively. In-cylinder temperature contours are examined for medium mesh study and the results are displayed in Figure 6 and Figure 7. Local maximum temperature is calculated as 2569 K at 732 DCA, which is near the maximum pressure point. This value is much higher than 1710 K calculated as the average temperature value. In order to reduce the NOx released, local maximum temperatures should be lowered in its formation. No differences in temperature contours are observed between the medium and fine mesh computations at 720 DCA. At this point, combustion has not started yet. The road taken by the fuel is clearly observed at a 726 DCA. 3.2 Temporal Discretization Temporal discretization study was carried out using time step sizes that correspond to 0.5, 0.1 and 0.05 degree crank angles. The comparison for different time step sizes and experimental data are plotted in Figure 8 and Figure 9 for incylinder pressure and apparent heat release rate respectively. 140 Experimental 120 100 0.1 dcA 80 0.05 dcA Pressure [bar] -500 700 60 40 20 0 700 720 740 760 Crank Angle 780 800 Figure 8. In-Cylinder Pressure for Time Discretization Studies Figure 6. Temperature Contours for Medium Mesh (Spray Axis) No differences are seen in the cold flow compression stroke until the SOI, Start of Injection, point of 718 DCA. Small differences could be observed only after the fuel injection started. As the predictions obtained with the time step corresponding 0.5 DCA yields in highly unrealistic results they were not shown here. Incylinder peak pressure of 125.1 bar and 123.7 bar were obtained compared to a measured value of 122.2 bar that indicates a discrepancy of 2.3% and 1.2% respectively for the medium and small time steps. Apparent heat release (AHR) rate for the two time step sizes are compared with the measurements in Figure 9. The largest difference between the two solutions is about 1%, indicating that the medium time step size corresponding to 0.1 DCA can easily be used for the rest of the computations. 140 Experimental AHR [J/dcA] 100 0.1 dcA 80 60 0.05 dcA 40 20 0 -20 700 720 -40 740 760 780 800 Crank Angle 140 Figure 9. Apparent Heat Release for Temporal Discretization Studies In Figure 10, the total amount of heat released according to the time step is compared. In the 700-800 DCA solution range, the difference in total released heat amounts for different time steps is about 0.5%. The study, the time step of which is 0.05 DCA, is closer to the experimental result. However, the accumulated amount of heat released for both time steps is quite close to each other. With this study, which was carried out to make it temporal discretization, 0.1 crank angle time step was shown to be suitable for optimization studies. 2500 Accm. AHR [J] 2000 1500 Experimental 1000 0.1 dcA 0.05 dcA 500 0 -500 700 720 740 760 780 Experimental 120 800 Crank Angle Figure 10. Accumulated Heat Release for Temporal Discretization Studies Pressure [bar] 120 3.3 Turbulence Model Effects of the turbulence model, which has the major role in determining the flow characteristic, will be examined. The turbulence model study was carried out using the optimum number of mesh and time step obtained. The effects of turbulence models on combustion were investigated using RNG k-epsilon and Realizable k-epsilon turbulence models. The cylinder pressure graphic obtained as a result of different turbulence models is given in Figure 11. The RNG k-epsilon turbulence model estimated the ignition delay more accurately than the Realizable k-epsilon turbulence model. In the realizable k-epsilon model, since the combustion starts earlier, the maximum pressure value inside the cylinder is higher. For the realizable kepsilon turbulence model, the maximum pressure was calculated as 125.8 bar at a crank angle of 730.6 degree. For RNG k-epsilon turbulence model, this value was calculated as 125.1 bar at 732 DCA. 100 RNG k- 80 Realizable k- 60 40 20 0 700 720 740 760 780 800 Crank Angle Figure 11. In-Cylinder Pressure for Different Turbulence Models Studies The apparent heat release for turbulence models are displayed in Figure 12. The amount of heat released between 720-740 DCA is quite different from each other. This is due to different ignition delay estimations and differences in maximum pressure. The solution made with the RNG kepsilon turbulence model is closer to the experimental result. AHR [J/dcA] 140 120 Experimental 100 Realizable k- 80 RNG k- 60 40 20 0 -20 700 720 -40 740 760 780 800 Crank Angle Figure 12. Apparent Heat Release Different Turbulence Models Studies In Figure 13, a comparison was made between Realizable k-epsilon and RNG k-epsilon turbulence models in terms of the accumulated heat release. While RNG k-epsilon turbulence model results are close to 2.5% for the experimental result, while it is 3.5% for Realizable k-epsilon turbulence model. 2500 Accm. AHR [J] 2000 R1 1500 D1 Experimental 1000 R2 Realizable k- 500 D2 RNG k- 700 720 740 760 780 D3 H2 R3 H1 0 -500 consumed per unit of time produced [1]. To minimize specific fuel consumption, it is necessary to minimize the amount of fuel at constant power or to maximize the power at fixed fuel amount. In this study, it is aimed to keep the amount of fuel constant and obtain maximum power. The most important thing to consider when optimizing the piston bowl geometry is to keep the compression ratio constant. Since the change in the compression ratio will directly affect the power to be obtained, new geometries have been prepared so that the compression ratio of the existing engine has the same compression ratio 1: 17.5. Piston bowl geometry is a rather complicated geometry. As seen in Figure 14, it is a structure prepared by considering the production conditions consisting of 9 design parameters. The volume of the cylinder while piston is at TDC position is 59206 mm3 and swept volume is 976909 mm3. Since the piston bowl geometry is symmetrical, optimizing the area instead of optimizing the volume will give the same result. In Figure 14, optimization area of the piston bowl geometry is displayed. R4 800 Crank Angle Figure 13. Accumulated Heat Release for Different Turbulence Models Studies Analysis durations and CPU requirements for both turbulence models are very close. However, considering the ignition delay estimation, the maximum pressure in-cylinder and the accumulated heat release, the RNG k-epsilon turbulence model has come closer to the experimental result. For this reason, it was decided to use RNG k-epsilon turbulence model in optimization studies. 3.4 Determination of Optimization Parameters The current piston bowl geometry parameters will be optimized to reduce specific fuel consumption using HEEDs program. Specific fuel consumption is defined as the amount of fuel Figure 14. Piston Bowl Geometry Parameters While optimizing the piston bowl geometry, the cylinder diameter and the distance between the cylinder head and the piston when the piston reaches TDC are defined as fixed lengths. The optimized parameters consist of five lengths (D1, D2, D3, H1 and H2) and four radiuses (R1, R2, R3 and R4). The lengths specified here as H1 and H2 are the intersection lengths that provide the tangent condition of the two circles. To avoid creating erroneous geometry, H1 and H2 are specified as length instead of angle. The radius length R4 was defined as the area control parameter and its value was determined by calculating it to be the same area according to the values taken from the space defined in the HEEDs program. While determining the optimization space, the maximum values for each parameter are defined as 15% more than the current value and the minimum values are less than 15% of the current value. 4 Results and Discussion In order to optimize the existing piston bowl geometry in terms of the power it produces, total of 92 different geometries have been analyzed. No error was taken in the solution of 92 geometries and the analysis was successfully completed. 49 of the analyzes performed gave an output above the current power. While the best design was the 74th design, the worst design was the 60th design. In Figure 15, at which stage of optimization, maximum powers are displayed. Each point shows the power obtained as a result of the analysis. The local maximum power curve (indicated by the blue line) is created. As noticed in Figure 15, there are points with lower power after local maximum power is found. This is due to the change in the space scanned by the HEEDs program. With this approach, the local maximum power is found for all parameters and the general maximum power point is reached. Figure 15. Obtaining Power According to Design ID In the study made in the range of 700-800 DCA, the power produced by the current piston has been calculated as 33.35 kW. In the 74th design, which is the best design, this value was calculated as 34.42 kW and a 3.21% performance increase was observed in this design. The worst design was the 60th design with 30.68 kW of power generation. However, since the analyzes are performed only in the expansion stroke, this value is smaller than the value to be taken in the full cycle. Recovery in a full cycle is estimated at approximately 5.78%. The power obtained from a piston is approximately 18.5 kW. Since 33.35 kW was obtained in the expansion stroke, the loss in the intake, compression and exhaust strokes in the other three strokes was calculated as approximately 14.85 kW. Due to has not been changed in volumetric efficiency and compression ratio, the total loss of intake, compression and expansion strokes remains approximately the same. Specific fuel consumption was calculated according to the power generation. In Table 5, calculated power and specific fuel consumption of the top 10 designs and the current design were compared. Table 5. Comparison Obtaining Power and SFC Among Best 10 Designs Design # Power (kW) 7 CA Imp. (%) Full Cycle Imp. (%) SFC (g/k Wh) SFC Imp. (%) Design _74 34,42 3,21 5,78 222 5,47 Design _72 34,16 2,43 4,38 225 4,19 Design _41 34,15 2,40 4,32 225 4,15 Design _47 34,09 2,22 4,00 226 3,85 Design _34 34,06 2,13 3,84 226 3,70 Design _42 34,04 2,07 3,73 227 3,60 Design _33 33,98 1,89 3,41 227 3,29 Design _64 33,98 1,89 3,41 227 3,29 Design _11 33,98 1,89 3,41 227 3,29 Design _45 33,97 1,86 3,35 227 3,24 Current Design 33,35 - - 235 - The change interval of parameters is shown in Figure 16. Here, the values shown at the top and bottom are the maximum and minimum values of the space selected for that parameter. For the top 10 designs, some parameters were chosen at the maximum and minimum values of space. Current piston bowl geometry parameters are indicated with a dark gray line. The region where the parameters of the top 10 designs are selected is painted in green. Figure 16. Change Range of Best 10 Design Parameters Figure 17. The Relationship Between the Design Parameters and Power and Each Other In Figure 18, the in-cylinder pressure graphs of the first, third, fifth, seventh and ninth best designs of the new designs are displayed. Since there is not a big difference in the surface areas of the piston bowl geometries, the largest area under the pressure graph belongs to the design with the most power. Maximum pressure of Design-74 was calculated as 128.1 bar at 732 DCA. 135 130 Pressure [bar] 125 120 115 110 105 100 Design_33 95 Design_11 90 Current Design 710 720 730 740 Crank Angle Figure 18. In-Cylinder Pressure Comparison In Figure 19, the cylinder temperature graphs of the first, third, fifth, seventh and ninth designs selected from the top 10 designs are displayed. The main purpose of displaying in-cylinder temperature graphic is to establish the connection of the NOx amount formed by the temperature inside the cylinder. The ranking of the top 10 designs according to their power is given in Table 5. The maximum pressure sequence within the cylinder is parallel with Table 5. The highest temperature belongs to the design-74 with 1730 K as in the pressure graph and power table. However, while design-34 was in 5th place in power and pressure ranking, it took second place in temperature ranking. Design-34 is therefore predicted to emit more pollution in terms of NOx emissions. Temperature [ K] The relationship between geometric parameters and power for the top 10 designs is shown in Figure 17. D1, D2, D3, R1, R2, R3, H1 and H2 parameters are the result of optimization, in which the parameters are directly related to the generated power. It shows a value between +1 and -1 denotes the direct proportion. The growth of the H2 parameter made a positive contribution to power, while H1 made a negative contribution. In Figure 17, the relationships of the parameters are also given. D1 radius is the most effective parameter to increase power. On the other hand, D2 radius can be used decrease temperature and power. Therefore, it can be easily said that depth parameters of the piston bowl geometry have a huge impact on power. Deeper piston bowl geometry will be resulted lower power while keeping compression ratio same. 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 Design_74 Design_41 Design_33 Design_11 Current Design 710 730 750 770 Crank Angle 790 Figure 19. In-Cylinder Temperature Comparison In-cylinder temperature contours of the design74, which obtained the best results according to power optimization, are given in Figure 20 and Figure 21. Temperature contours started in terms of 720 DCA and displayed in steps of 6 DCA. While combustion starts at 720 DCA, combustion slowly loses its effect after 750 DCA. 0,14 0,12 NO [mg] 0,1 Design_74 Design_72 Design_41 Design_47 Design_34 Design_42 Design_33 Design_64 Design_11 Design_45 Current Design 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 700 720 740 760 780 800 Crank Angle Figure 20. Temperature Contours for Design_74 (Side View) Figure 22. NO Formation Comparison Between Best 10 Design and Current esign The design-74, which gives the best results according to the power output, ranks 4th in terms of NO emissions. NO emission was increased by 15% in Design-74 compared to the current design. In NO emission, the best result was obtained in the current design. The worst result in NO emission is design-34 and an increase of 32% has been observed compared to the current design. Among the top 10 designs in terms of power, the best NO emission took place at design 45. However, there has been an 8% increase in NO emissions compared to the current design. Figure 21. Temperature Contours for Medium Mesh (Spray Axis) According to Figure 20, the local maximum temperature is measured as 2533 K around the 733 DCA at which the maximum pressure occurs. For the current bowl geometry, the local maximum temperature on the side axis was calculated as 2569 K at 732 DCA. In Figure 22, the comparison of the NO formed between 700-800 DCA for the top 10 designs and the current design is given. The aim is to ensure that the optimization result is selected to give maximum power, i.e. minimum fuel consumption and minimum NO emissions. 5 Conclusion For the specific fuel consumption optimization studies, the parameters of the existing piston bowl geometry were studied and an optimization space was created for these parameters. Here, it was ensured that the compression ratio of 1: 17.5 remained constant. Depth parameters have been shown to have the greatest effect on specific fuel consumption. Deeper piston bowl geometry worsens the power obtained. As a result of 92 different analyzes, instead of the geometry that gives the best results in terms of power, NO-emissions are also considered and the design that gives the best results in terms of power was chosen. In the light of these results, testing processes of the new piston will be carried out for the next steps. In the new study, it is desired to reduce the amount of fuel by keeping the engine power constant. Therefore, some improvement is expected in terms of NO emissions produced. According to specific fuel consumption optimization results, a new piston bowl geometry was obtained to improve the existing piston bowl geometry. It has been demonstrated with the results of the reactive HAD analysis that this geometry showed an improvement of 5.8% in terms of power generation and 5.5% in terms of specific fuel consumption. REFERENCES [1] W.W. Pulkrabek, Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine, Prentice Hall, NewJersey., (2003). [2] H. Sushma and K.B. Jagadeesha, (2013). CFD Modeling of the in-Cylinder Flow in Direct Injection Diesel Engine, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(12), 1-7. [3] X. Li, H. Zhou, L. Su, Y. Chen, Z. Qiao and F. 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Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF GRASS WASTE CATALYST FOR HYDROGEN PRODUCTION BY THE DEGRADATION OF SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE IN METHANOL * * urkey; email:duyguelma@siirt.edu.tr Abstract In this study, grass waste supported Ni catalyst (GW-HCI-Ni-Cat) was used as catalyst for the first time in the methanolysis reaction of NaBH4. The grass waste (GW) was initially pretreated with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid (1M, 3M, 5M and 7M). Effect of different concentration of Nickel (%10, %20, %30, %40, %50) was also analyzed. Furthermore, different burning temperatures (300, 400, 500 and 600 °C), and burning times (15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes) were examined to test the activity of GW-HCI-NiCat catalyst by the methanolysis reactions. Under optimum conditions, the most active catalyst was obtained by burning with 7M HCl and 6 mL Ni2+ solution at 400 oC for 45 min. 0.1 g of this GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst was dissolved in 10 mL of a methanol solution containing 0.25 g NaBH4 at 30 °C to measure the timedependent amounts of hydrogen. In the experiments, the efficiency of the catalyst in hydrogen generation by methanolysis of NaBH4 in the presence of the GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst was investigated using different temperatures (30, 40, 50, and 60 °C). Thus, the maximum hydrogen generation rate (HGR) obtained from the methanolysis reaction of NaBH4 at 30 °C and 60 oC were found to be 6642,9 and 9995.5 mLmin -1gcat-1, respectively. The activation energy of the catalyst was calculated as 12.47 kJmol-1. Furthermore, FTIR, XRD and SEM analyses were performed for characterization of the GW-HCI-Ni-cat catalyst. Keywords: Grass waste, Sodium Borohydride, Methanolysis, Nickel. 1 INTRODUCTION Factors such as the gradual increase of the world population, the growth of the economy and the rapid depletion of fossil fuels have brought many environmental problems such as air pollution and the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere[1, 2]. Therefore, the world needs a sustainable, renewable and environmentally friendly energy to meet its increasing energy needs[3, 4]. Hydrogen is the most well-known clean energy source and water is released as a result of hydrogen burning. In this respect, research on hydrogen has recently gained further importance[5, 6]. As hydrogen source, mostly NH3BH3[7-9], LiBH4[10], MgH2 [11] and NaBH4 [12-15] compounds are used. Among these metal hydride compounds, sodium borohydride (NaBH4), which is low cost and chemically stable, stands out. On the other hand, NaBH4 is considered as an ideal source of hydrogen due to its non-toxic structure, its ability to safely store and transport hydrogen, as well as its high theoretical hydrogen content (10.8% by weight). NaBH4 can be transported safely in aqueous or alcoholic solutions[16, 17]. The by-product (NaBO2) formed as a result of NaBH4 hydrolysis reaction has disadvantages such as low solubility, easy precipitation and ice formation at sub-zero temperatures[18]. Due to the properties of methanol such as low freezing point (-97.6°C) and high hydrogen/carbon ratio, it has been observed that the methanolysis reaction of NaBH4 shows higher catalytic performance even at temperatures compared to the hydrolysis of NaBH4 [19, 20]. However, the methanol released as a result of hydrolysis of the by-product of the methanolysis reaction (NaB(OCH3)4) can be recycled and reused[21]. The methanolysis reaction equation to be used to produce hydrogen from NaBH4 is given below. (1) Supported or unsupported catalysts are used to accelerate such reactions. Several materials such as graphene, activated carbon, carbon nanotube, aluminium oxide, silica, titanium oxide, magnesium oxide, polymer and clay are mostly used as support materials[22-30]. However, Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey catalysts obtained from these support materials 50, 60°C) and performing reusability tests. have a certain cost. For this reason, the use of FTIR, SEM and XRD analyses were performed agricultural wastes as support materials both for the characterization of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat, reduces production costs and helps to reduce which presents the best activity. environmental pollution. In this study, increasing grass wastes in parallel 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS with the increasing urbanization were used as 3.1. FTIR Analysis support materials. In order to achieve higher efficiency in the methanolysis reaction of sodium borohydride, the catalyst was prepared using cheaper nickel-metal instead of precious metals such as Pt and Ru. To prepare GW-HCINi-Cat, firstly grass waste was protonated with HCI in different concentrations, Ni +2 solution was added in certain percentages (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%) and the most active metal ratio was determined. Different burning temperatures (300, 400, 500 and 600°C) and different burning times (15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes) have been tested for the optimization studies of GW-HCINi-Cat. Thus, the most effective catalyst was Figure 1. FT-IR spectrum of Pure GW (a) obtained by treating the grass waste with 7M HCI and burning it for 45 minutes at 400°C after and GW-HCI-Ni-Cat (b) the addition of 30% Ni +2. Finally with the obtained GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst, methanolysis FTIR spectrum of Pure GW (a) and GWreactions were tried at four different HCI-Ni-Cat (b) is given in Figure 1. When the temperatures (30, 40, 50, 60°C) and reusability spectra of pure GW and GW-HCI-Ni-Cat are experiments were tested. FTIR, XRD and SEM compared, it is seen that the peaks of some analyses were performed for the characterization functional groups disappear and the absorbance of the prepared GW-HCI-Ni-Cat. intensity of the peaks of some functional groups 2. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY The preparation process of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat consists of 3 steps. In the first step, 1M, 3M, 5M and 7M HCI (37%, Merck) solution (20 mL) was added on 3 grams of grass waste, respectively, and mixed at 200 rpm for 15 minutes. Then, the prepared samples were kept in the drying oven at 75°C for 24 hours and then burned in the oven at 400°C for 45 minutes. In the second stage, parameters such as different Ni +2 metal ratios (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%), different burning temperatures (300, 400, 500 and 600°C) and different burning times for GW-HCI-Ni-Cat were tested and optimum conditions were determined. Hydrogen production experiments were generally carried out by adding 0.1 g of catalyst to a 10 mL methanol (>99.9%) solution containing 0.25g NaBH4 (98%) at 30°C. And in the last stage, performance tests of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat were completed with at different temperatures (30, 40, decrease after the GW is processed. In the spectrum of Pure GW, it was observed that there are -OH stress at 3289 cm-1 2917, 2848 cm-1wavelength peaks. However, it was observed that the peaks of these two functional groups disappeared with the effect of the acid treatment of the GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst and the burning[31, 32]. The spectrum of Pure GW includes vibrations of unconjugated -C-O (1243 cm-1) and C=O (1632 cm-1) found in hemicellulose[33]. However, while GW spectra gave a strong absorbance at 1031, which is the typical signal of C-O-C stress, the absorbance intensity of the peak in GW-HCI-Ni-Cat 1081 decreased[34]. 3.2. XRD Analysis - 80 ° for GW (a) and GW-HCl-Ni-Cat (b) catalyst are given in Figure 2. Three distinct peaks of typical cellulose were o observed at a , 22 ° and 36 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ° for pure GW, respectively[35, 36]. For the GW-HCI-Ni-Cat (b) catalyst, the presence of and 73.8 ° degrees. It is seen that peaks are sharper where nickel is concentrated. It was nickel oxide, while the other nickel peaks were metallic nickel. Thus, it can be said that some of the nickel molecules in the pre-treated grass waste by adding NiCl2 during carbonization turn into metallic nickel and some of it into nickel oxide[37, 38]. The shar indicate the oxygen-containing functional groups attached to the carbon formed as a result of the burning of grass waste[39]. Figure 2. XRD spectrum of GW and GWHCI-Ni-Cat 3.3 SEM Analysis SEM images of Pure GW (a) and GW-HCI-NiCat (b) catalysts are shown in Figure 3. Alongside the acid (HCI) treatment and nickelmetal addition of Pure GW, there were some changes in the surface structure after burning. While the SEM images of GW (a) were observed to have a compact and fibrous pure structure, the SEM image of the GW-HCI-NiCat (b) catalyst showed that nickel-metal adhered to the surface. SEM-EDX (c, d) images also support these results[40, 41]. It is thought that the nickel-metal in the catalyst sintered as a result of burning, increasing the catalyst activity. Meanwhile, looking at the SEM-EDX images of the catalyst, Ni and Cl ratios were determined to be 9% and 24.7%, respectively. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 3. GW SEM (a), GW-HCI-Ni-Cat minutes and the hydrogen production rate as 6642.9 mL.min-1g.cat-1. With the effect of SEM (b) and GW-HCI-Ni-Cat SEM-EDX (c, decreasing metal ratios, the reaction completion d) images time appeared to be 3, 2.8, 4.3, and 4.3 minutes 3.4. Effect of Different HCI Ratios for catalysts containing 50, 40, 20 and 10% Ni2+, respectively. Subsequent experiments were The effect of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalysts prepared continued with 30% Ni2+, which was determined by treating with different HCI concentrations as the best metal ratio. (1M, 3M, 5M and 7M) on hydrogen production rate in methanolysis reaction was investigated and the results are given in Figure 4. The increased acid concentration had a positive effect on the hydrogen production rate. It was determined that 7M HCI treated GW-HCI-NiCat had the shortest reaction completion time (2.3 minutes) and the highest hydrogen production rate (6642.9 mL.min-1g.cat-1). In addition to this, the reaction completion time for catalysts treated with 1M, 3M and 5M HCI is 3, 3.8 and 3.0 minutes, respectively. The most appropriate acid concentration in terms of both the hydrogen production rate and reaction Figure 5. Time dependent change of the completion time is 7M HCI. effect of different metal ratios on hydrogen production volumes and hydrogen production rates (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.6. Effect Temperatures of Different Burning . Figure 4. Time dependent change of the effect of different acid concentrations on hydrogen production volumes and hydrogen production rates (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.5. Effect of Different Metal Ratios The effect of Ni2+ (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) added to GW catalyst treated with 7M HCI at increasing rates on hydrogen production rate was investigated and the results are presented in Figure 5. The best metal ratio for the GW supported nickel catalyst was determined as 30%. For this catalyst, the reaction completion time was determined as approximately 2.3 Figure 6. Time dependent change of the effect of different burning temperatures on hydrogen production volumes and hydrogen production rates (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) b Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The effect of the catalysts prepared by burning completed in 2.8, 2.8 and 3 minutes, the GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst at four different respectively. Thus, it was determined that GWburning temperatures (300, 400, 500 and 600°C) HCI-Ni-Cat, which was burned at 400°C for 45 for 45 minutes was investigated and the results minutes, had the shortest reaction completion are presented in Figure 6. For GW-HCI-Ni-Cat time and the highest hydrogen production rate. treated with 7M HCI and burnt for 45 minutes at 400oC, the minimum reaction completion time 3.8. Effect of temperature was 0.6 minutes, while at other temperatures (300, 500 and 600°C), this time was determined 2.5% NaBH4 catalysed by 100 mg GW-HCI-Nias 3.3, 3 and 4.3 minutes, respectively. When the Cat were tested at four different temperatures catalytic performance of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat, (30, 40, 50 and 60°C) in the methanolysis which was prepared by burning at 400°C for reaction and its effect on hydrogen production hydrogen production, was increased above the rate was investigated. The results are presented burning temperature (400°C), it appeared that in Figure 10. When the temperature was the hydrogen production rate was falling. This is increased from 30oC (6642.9 mLmin-1g.cat-1) to probably because GW's pore structure was 60oC (9995.5 mLmin-1g.cat-1), hydrogen deformed when it was raised above the burning production rate increased 1.5 times. In Figure temperature[32, 42]. After the best burning 10, it is seen that as the temperature increases, temperature was determined as 400°C, the the hydrogen production rate also increases. experiments were continued by examining the effect of the burning time. 3.7. Effect of Different Burning Times Figure 7.Time dependent change of the effect of different burning times on hydrogen production volumes and hydrogen production rates (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) The catalytic activity of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat treated with 7M HCI and prepared by burning at 400°C with four different burning times (15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes) in methanolysis reaction is given in Figure 7. While the decomposition time of the solution containing 2.5% NaBH4 was completed in 2.3 minutes with the GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst that was burned at 400°C for 45 minutes, the reactions at 15, 30 and 60 minutes were Figure 10. Time dependent change of the effect of different reaction temperatures on hydrogen production volumes and hydrogen production rates (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30, 40, 50 and 60 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) In addition to that, the comparison of the activities of Ni catalysts used for hydrolysis or methanolysis of sodium borohydride in previous studies for hydrogen production rates and activation energies is presented in Table 1. It is seen that the hydrogen production rate of the GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst is higher than the other studies given in Table 1. ((Raney Ni[43] (228.5 mLmin-1g.cat-1), NiB[44] (330 mLmin-1g.cat-1), Co-Ni-B[45] (1175 mLmin-1g.cat-1), Co-Ni-P/Cu sheet[46] (2172.4 mLmin-1g.cat-1), Co-P/CNTsNi[14] (2430 mLmin-1g.cat-1), SSMSCH3COOH-NiB[47] (3420 mLmin-1g.cat-1), Ni Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey rate (mLmin prepared in the 0.25 M HCI + ethanol[48] (1526 -1 -1 mLmin g.cat ), Co-Ni-Mo- -Al2O3 [49](3680 1 gcat -1) mLmin-1g.cat-1), Ni-Co- -Al2O3 [50](6599.6 mLmin-1g.cat-1)). Raney Ni 228.5 -50.7 [43] The Arrhenius equation (k: reaction rate NiB 330 [44] constant, A: reaction constant, Ea: activation Co-Ni-B 1175 34 [45] energy (kJ/mol), T: temperature (K) and R: ideal gas constant (8.314 JK -1 mol-1) was used to Co-Ni-P/Cu 2172.4 53.5 [46] determine the activation energy of NaBH4 sheet methanolysis catalysed by GW-HCI-Ni-Cat. (2) Co-P/CNTs- 2430 49.94 [14] 3420 28.8 [47] 1526 49 [48] 3680 52.43 [49] - 6599.6 52.05 [50] GW-HCI-Ni- 6642.9 18.68 This Ni SSMSCH3COOHNiB Ni prepared in the 0.25 M HCl +ethanol Co-Ni-Mo- Figure 11. Kinetics plot of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst. Ni-CoAl2O3 As seen in Figure 11, for the methanolysis reaction, lnk versus 1 / T is linear and the activation energy calculated from the slope of this graph was determined to be 18.68 kJ mol-1. It is clearly seen in Table 1 that the activation energy of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst is compatible with the activation energy of other catalysts in the literature (Raney Ni: -50.7 kJ mol-1, Co-Ni-B: 34 kJ mol-1, Co-Ni-P/Cu sheet: 53.5 kJ mol-1, Co-P/CNTs-Ni: 49.94 kJ mol-1, SSMS-CH3COOH-NiB: 28.8 kJ mol-1, Ni prepared in the 0.25 M HCI+ethanol: 49 kJ mol1 , Co-Ni-Mo- -Al2O3: 52.43 kJ mol-1, Ni-Co-Al2O3: 52.05 kJ mol-1). Table 1. Comparison of hydrogen production rates and activation energies of various Ni catalysts for hydrolysis or methanolysis of NaBH4. Catalyst P/ -Al2O3 Hydrogen Ea generation ( kJmol-1) Ref. Cat study 3.9. Reusability The reusability tests of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat for hydrogen production were repeated 5 times under the same conditions and the results are presented in Figure 12. The experiments were carried out by catalysing 2.5% (by weight) NaBH4 in 10 mL of methanol at 30oC by 100 mg of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst. Following the first use, it was washed with distilled water and dried in the drying oven to separate the GW-HCI-NiCat from the reaction medium and free it from impurities. While 100% conversion is achieved at the end of each use, it was also seen that the catalytic activity decreased gradually. The hydrogen production rate (6642.9 mLmin -1g.cat1 ) in the first use of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat decreased by 61% (2609.7 mLmin-1g.cat-1) in the second use. And in the last use, the hydrogen production Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey rate dropped to a level as low as 2195.3 mLmin structure. It is possible to say that the presence 1 g.cat-1 and its catalytic activity was still of nickel in the XRD spectrum of the GW-HCIcalculated to be 33%. The reason for the drop in Nihydrogen production rate is thought to be related 52.8 ° and 73.8 ° degrees. For the production of to the formation of insufficient catalytic active hydrogen, pure metal salts and many nickelareas for methanolysis of NaBH4 due to catalyst containing catalysts supported or unsupported loss that may occur during washing and have been produced and these will continue to recycling. Additionally, the increase in the be produced. In addition to that, it was seen that concentration of metaborate and the viscosity of organic waste supported catalysts have many the solution during the methanolysis reaction of advantages over chemically supported catalysts sodium borohydride can result in a decrease in such as being low cost, environmentally friendly catalytic performance [41]. and efficient. In this study, it was seen that the activity can be increased by using low activity nickel-metal salts as organic waste support materials. REFERENCES Figure 12. Reusability of the GW-HCI-NiCat. (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 4. CONCLUSION - DISCUSSION In this study, waste grass supported Ni +2 catalyst (GW-HCI-Ni-Cat) was prepared to obtain hydrogen from the NaBH4 methanolysis reaction. Optimization experiments of GW-HCINi-Cat were carried out and the most active conditions (7M HCI, 400oC - 45 minutes) were determined. Reaction rates of 2.5% NaBH4 methanolysis experiment catalysed by 0.1 g GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalyst were found as 6642.9 and 9995.5 mLmin-1g.cat-1 at 30°C and 60°C, respectively. The activation energy of the GWHCI-Ni-Cat catalyst in the methanolysis reaction of NaBH4 was calculated as 18.68 kJmol-1 by using the Arrhenius equation. XRD, FTIR and SEM analyses were performed for the characterization of GW-HCI-Ni-Cat catalysts. 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Mühendislik Fakültesi, Makina aayontar@tarsus.edu.tr 3. emrahkantaroglu@kku.edu.tr 4. abdulkadir0671@outlook.com 5. ugurbaran41@hotmail.com ; email: , Tarsus Üniversitesi, Mersin; email: kkale; email: Özet 3-Boyutlu (3-B) silindir içi etkisi; sadece benzin-B HAD modelinin -hava -B HAD 2, H2O, HC, NOx - hesaplan 2 x x hariç egzoz gaz Anahtar kelimeler: Hidrojen, Benzin, hidrojen ve bor türevleri gibi daha [1-5]. Bu I. , enerji ni gündem . Ülkemizde enerji verimlilik kelimesini daha önemli hale getirmektedir. Günümüzde motorlarda Arzin ve sayesinde tamamen elektrikli ya da hibrit olarak Ancak, hibrit veya sadece elektrik motorlu otomobillerde yanma motor performans Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey x gibi Motor teknolojileri; Motor Ar-Ge yerine maliyet ve motor simülasyon zaman - Batmaz [6 bir motorda herhangi bir modifikasyon deneysel olarak motor performans ve emisyonlara etkisini u paket me manifoldundaki havaya %4 performans parametrelerinden volümetrik verim, kabiliyetleri Paket programlar ile emme egzoz na kadar 1-B olarak komple test sistemi -B silindir içi yanma HAD çal , üretilmektedir. monoksit (CO) ve hidrokarbon (HC) Baghdadi [7], test motorunda etil alkol ve hidrojen kullanarak tam yükte yap , emme motorda hidrojen oran test edilen LPG'dir (LPG100). otor benzinle %10 CNG (CNG10) ve %5 LPG (LPG5) kütle oran Motoru %25 50 aseton (A25-A50) ve %50 naftalin (N50) ekleyerek olarak bor türevlerinden boraks-pentahidrat (BP), susuz boraks (AB) ve borik asit (BA) benzine Test ettikleri motor . NOx emisyonunun 4-5 kat test edilen -benzin benzine göre torkun BP için%4,0, AB için%4,4 ve BA için%4,4; volümetrik verimin BP için%6,3, AB için %7,3 ve BA için% acimce %30 etil alkol ve kütlece %8 %48,5, NOx emisyonu %31,1 ve özgül ya tüketimi %58, %10,1 ve efektif gücü %4, Baghdadi ve Janabi [8] x emisyonunun yüksek sistemlerinin için tek boyutlu bir , , , NOx ve için% , AB için % için % çözünen bor türevlerinin ya ve BA . Benzinde Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Fathi vd. [9], -B olarak AVL-B model ile enjeksiyon saf için ANSYSsilindir içi yanma - RNG k olarak da A o olarak 130o KMA) 2, 2.25 bar) o , 100 , .25, 1.5, 1.75, için -B HAD - Post . Bu -B silindir içi yanma modeli; Proce Modelde türbülans modeli olarak modeli x modellemesi - hareketl yanma modellerine göre ila Pre-Processing . i x denklemleri motor için 3-B silindir içi yanma HAD analizi ile hidrojen . Bu ; ticari bir motorda benzin ve benzine hidrojen ilavesinin silindir içi yanmaya etkileri 3-B silindir içi yanma HAD analizi ile sonlu hacimler yöntemi ile . çlar istenen . Silindir genel olarak 3-B HAD modelinde, Honda L13A4 tipi i-DSI motor hacmi 1339 cc, maksimum 5700d/dk'da 63kW ve maksimum gücü torku üzerinde emm Hidrojen ilavesinin kütlesel olarak %2 seçilmesinin sebebi çok küçük bir miktarda hidrojen ilavesinin -1,36) ve güçlü 30o [10]. G100 [11 HYD2 k x ve H2 Böylece, iki -roo motorun bir silindiri 13]. 3-B model Bu [12, silindir Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ANSYS1 mm sonucunda; n -B hexahedral 240130 adet ve polyhedraa ANSYSmesh metrikleri olan en-boy aspect ratio) narinlik (skewness) . il 4 [14]. ANSYS-Forte'de 3-B silindir içi yanma ANSYS-Chemkin- ile daha önceden ol Türbülans modeli olarak RANS RNG k-epsilon modeli anma modeli olarak da izlemek için bir dizi Favre-Averaged NavierStokes denklemi -equation modeli kimyasal formu, ile model bölgesini çevreleyen literatür mevcut 2. Silindir içi yanma 3- ve test . sisteminde 3-B HAD analizlerinde motor çevrimi, 360-1080 simülasyonlar 320-1080 3. Silindir içi yanma HAD modeli , analizler benzin ve %2 hidrojen ka benzin için Analizlerden okunan parametreler takip eden i Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Motor performans parametrelerinden tork, güç, Nm olara 4. Silindir içi yanma HAD modeli mesh gözükmektedir. Testte ölçülen torkun katalogda III. -DSI motorun iki 3B Silindir içi yanma HAD modellemesi için ANSYS3-B gibi 3- CO, CO2, H2O, HC, NOx HAD analizlerinde özellikleri Tablo 1 - Tablo 1 o o Benzin Hidrojen C8H18 H2 0.44 0.00 114.218 2.016 14.7 34.3 44.3 120.7 270 461 99 -259.16 C) C) o C) 3 ) 3 ) o C, 1atm) o C, 1atm) 16 bilgi yok. 2138 2254 228-470 560 690 82 4.60 0.07 33 296 2.02 14.32 1.64 10.16 (piston, emme manifoldu, egzoz manifoldu, silindir bujiler), test den elde edilen performans gözükmektedir. azalma, %18.65 azalma, azalma, %14.8 %14.8 azalma benzerlik göstererek G100 ve HYD2 için 35,795 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2 emisyonu ise Hidrojenin çok azalma CO2 fonksiyonudur. Vo 2O oldukça yüksek seviyelerde emisyonu, hesaplanm 2O emisyonunda 3-B HAD analizlerinden elde edilen silindir CO2, H2O, HC, NOx CO, CO2, H2O, HC ve NOx x silindir içindeki egzoz 2, H2O, HC, NOX Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 150 40 140 38 130 36 120 119.000 122.079 34.893 34 115.650 35.795 33.910 32 110 104.009 30.497 30 100 28 90 26 80 24 70 22 60 20 350 12.0 320.000 300 11.455 11.5 11.165 250 200 11.0 189.119 10.852 10.5 153.841 150 100 50 0 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 9.759 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey REFERANSLAR [1] board generation of hydrogen-rich gaseous fuels Hydrogen Energy, 19(7), 557-572. [2] review, 23(4), 507-511. [12] (1989), Hydrogen Energy, 14(7), 449-474. [3] Horman, H.S., Boer, P.C.T, McLean, W.J. x emissions and undesirable combustion for hydrogen-fuelled piston International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 8(2), 131-146. 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Artan otomotiv üretimi beraberinde lastik üretimini de nimize göstergesidir. görmektedirler Bu ve nedenle ülkeler enerjinin edilmesi ve enerji ekonomik, lastiklerin çevrede çok uzun süreler sonunda yok getirmekted arda biyokütlenin büyük insan nüfusunun kökenli maddelerden elde edilen enerjiye biyokütle enerjisi denilmektedir. Bitkilerin fotosentez tepkimesi sonucu ile elde ettikleri göre daha yüksek oranda NOx emisyonu dizel ve lastik ya yüksek potansiyele sahip biyokütle enerjisinin prosesine giren maddelerin ihtiva ettikleri -11]. 10-15-25-35-50-10-15-25-35 2. MATERYAL VE YÖNTEM (MATERIAL AND METHOD) ve is) ve sonucu dizel motorlarda %90 orana kadar edi Tablo 1. dizel (%3), . Özellikler Euro Dizel Pirolize Analiz Yöntemi Lastik Kinematik 2,96 1,6540 TS 1451 ISO 3104 0,01 0,0061 TS EN ISO 6245 829 878,02 ASTM D 5002 0,30 0,0980 EN ISO 10370 Kükürt (mg/kg) 6,50 8784,0 EN ISO 8754 Toplam su (ppm) 200 1624,7 TS 6147 65,0 -* TS EN ISO 2719 42,9 41,110 ASTM D 240 56,0 -* TS EN ISO 4264 viskozite (40 o C, mm2/s) Kül (%) oC, kg/cm3 ) (%) (oC) (MJ/kg) -* ölçülememi veya ölçüm 2.1. Tablo 2. Euro Pirolize Dizel (%) Lastik (%) ED100 100 0 EPLY10 90 10 EPLY20 80 20 Tablo 3. özellikleri. Alt (MJ/kg) Euro Dizel 42,900 Tablo 5. Datsu 186FAE teknik özellikleri. Datsu (kg/m3) 829,000 (ED100) Pirolize 41,110 878,020 10-3600 (HP/rpm) Motor Hacmi (cc) 406 Çap x Strok (mm) 86x70 20:1 (PLY) 1 EPLY10 42,711 833,902 EPLY20 42,525 838,804 için ITALO Plus Spin egzoz gaz analiz 2.2. ölçmek için SMOKY Smokemeter Opacimetre test r egzoz gaz analiz cihaz 2.1. Tablo 6 da teknik özellikleri yer görüntüsü. Tablo 6. ITALO Plus Spin ve SMOKY Opacimetre teknik özellikleri. testler için Datsu marka DDJ8000E jeneratör ve jeneratöre entegre 186FAE tek silindirli, hava CO (% hacimsel) 0-15,00 ± 0,01 CO2 (% hacimsel) 0-20,00 ± 0,01 NOx (ppm) 0-4000 ± 5 HC (ppm) 0-20000 ± 12 SMOKY Smokemeter Opacimetre Tablo 4. Datsu DDJ8000E teknik özellikleri. Jeneratör Motor Gücü (HP) 11 Maks.- 7-6 0-100 ± 2 hacimsel) 3. BULGULAR (FINDINGS) Gücü (kVa) Frekans (Hz) 50 kalorifik Monofaze 220 verimini belirleyen ana etkenlerden birisidir. lmektedir. yüklerinde ölçülen efektif (termik) verime ait tüm yüklerde ortalama %5.0422 ve %10.7677 tüm yüklerde ortalama %5.6908 ve %12.8732 yük verim üzerind [12-14]. kendini göstermektedir. [6] EPLY10 iz EPLY20 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 ermektedir. 0.5 ED100 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 Motor Gücü (kW) Efektif Verim (%) (g/kWh) ED100 3.1 3.2. Efektif Verim EPLY10 EPLY20 15 10 5 0 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 Motor Gücü (kW) 1.5 r. 3.2. efektif verime etkisi. a kalan miktar 3.3. Karbonmonoksit (CO) Emisyonu emis [15]. Karbon, silindir 3 yerine CO molekülleri olarak egzozdan CO [17]. EPLY10 ve ortalama %28.2394 ve [18, 19] [6] pit Karbonmonoksit (%) ED100 EPLY10 EPLY20 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 3.4 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 Motor Gücü (kW) 3.5. Azot Oksit (NOX) Emisyonu 3.3 tepkimeye 3.4. Hidrokarbon (HC) Emisyonu da [15]. PLY üzerine [20]. x emisyon ma [16].Egzozda emisyonunun [15]. tespit edilen HC tik içerikx t aromatik içe [4]. motor yükündeki x emisyonunu yükseltartmak x [6]. .0 kg/m3) 3.5 de deneysel azot oksit emisyonuna parametreler dahilinde 3.6 a test gösterilmektedir. Ölçülen verilere göre en yüksek 20 (1250 W ve 11.3) da ED100 NOx emisyon (ED100 %196.511, EPLY10 %117.475, EPLY20 EPLY10 EPLY20 15 10 5 0 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 Motor Gücü (kW) 1.5 3.6. 3.7. ekil 3.5. NO x emisyon etkisi. 3.6. ED100 ve PLY gibi hidrokarbon ihtiva eden molekülleri karbon moleküllerine nazaran daha aktif davranarak ortamdaki oksijeni bünyelerine temel nedeni Tablo 1 durumda karbon birikmesi meydana gelir ve Tablo 1 mg/kg [21]. parametreler 3.7 e tespit gösterilmektedir. yüklerde ortalama %12.8732 fazla silindire giren aksiyonuna W tüm ya (ED100 167 oC; EPLY10 153 oC; EPLY20 146 oC; EPLY10 ve EPLY20 uçuculuk özel n C) ED100 EPLY10 EPLY20 200 150 NOX 100 1500 W 50 0 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 Motor Gücü (kW) 3.7. st motor gücünün giren ya 4. SONUÇLAR (CONCLUSIONS) yükselm o ve %20 büyük deneysel uygulamada PLY dizel motorlarda oranlarda KAYNAKLAR (REFERENCES) ve EPLY20 ED100 ve EPLY2 EPLY2 [1] performans ve emisyon üzerine etkilerinin deneysel 2007. [2] Mani, M., G. Nagarajan, and S. Sampath, Characterisation and effect of using waste plastic oil and diesel fuel blends in compression ignition engine. 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Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 1 , Güven TUNÇ2 1 1 1. Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Airframe-Powerplant, Erciyes University, Kayseri ; email: bugrahanalabas@erciyes.edu.tr, mrt@erciyes.edu.tr, iyilmaz@erciyes.edu.tr 2. Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri ; email: guventunc@erciyes.edu.tr Abstract Nowadays, researches have been concentrating on alternative fuels in the field of energy. Synthetic gas mixtures are gaining importance as one of these alternative fuels. By considering synthetic gas mixtures containing H2 and CO combustible gases, flame instabilities were investigated in case of burning of synthetic gas mixtures in different H2/CO (3, 1.5, 0.5) ratios with oxygen enrichment. Experiments were carried out under constant swirl number (1), constant equivalence ratio (0.7) and constant burning power (3 kW). Under normal conditions, the oxygen rate of 21% by volume in the air was increased to 23% and 25% by supplying oxygen from an additional tank. The results showed that the oxygen enrichment limit decreases as the hydrogen content in the fuel mixture increases. While the H2 / CO ratio was 0.5 and 1.5, the oxygen enrichment rate increased to 25%, but it could be increased up to 23% in the mixture with the H 2 / CO ratio of 3. In addition, the flame stability was interpreted from the dynamic pressure fluctuations caused by external acoustic force at different frequencies by means of the speakers placed in the burner arms. Thus, it was determined that oxygen enrichment in mixtures with high hydrogen ratio triggers instabilities. Keywords: Synthetic gas, Oxygen Enrichment, Acoustic Enforcement, Instabilities. 1 INTRODUCTION Hydrogen, which is one of the most intense elements in nature and draws attention as a renewable energy source, is one of the main components of synthetic gas mixtures. Studies conducted about this field in recent years have an important place in the liter examined the combustion and emission properties of synthetic gas mixtures which used in two separate power plants called Schwarze Pumpe and Fife. The researchers took the axial and radial temperature values along the burner to investigate combustion instabilities. As a result, it was revealed that the gas mixture used in the Schwarze Pumpe plant with H2 / CO ratio of 2.36 and containing 61.9% H2 shows better performance in terms of combustion characteristics and harmful emissions (CO, NOx) [1]. Bhide and Sreedhara studied the turbulencechemical interaction of a lean pre-mixed synthetic gas flame. As a result, they observed that as the rate of hydrogen in the mixture increases, the rate of heat release increases, especially at low temperatures, the maximum increase occurs. On the other hand, it is stated that hydrogen diffusion decreases with the increase of CO ratio [2]. Li et al. investigated the dilution effect of a premixed swirl-supported synthetic gas flame using the Large Eddy Simulation method. Researchers using H2O and CO2 as diluents have shown that the diffusion and reaction properties of hydrogen are clearly different from other fuels in the synthetic gas mixture. Dilution of the fuel with CO2 significantly reduced the flame temperature, while the dilution of H2O produced a lower effect [3]. Armingol et al. conducted research on the effect of fuel staging for combustion instability and emissions of synthetic gas fuels. The results show that the fuel injected into the system from the second injector reduces the flashback tendency. They also stated that there was a significant decrease in combustion instabilities that caused flashback, without polluting emissions too increases [4]. Li et al. investigated the effect of dilution with inert gases on the lean extinction tendency on synthetic gas mixtures. The results show that in lean fuel mixtures the extinction limits generally increase with the dilution rate. The dilution effect is more evident Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey especially in gases with low H2 content. In this chemiluminescence showed a non-monotonic study, the use of Damköhler number is proposed change as pressure increased [10]. to determine the extinction limits of diluted As well as the studies on the systems where synthetic gases [5]. synthetic gas mixtures are used as fuel, the studies Sun and Xu studied the turbulent combustion on the burning of different fuel types by enriching speeds of synthetic gas mixtures of different them with oxygen are also a current research area. hydrogen ratios at stoichiometric ratios. Zhu et al. investigated the NOx formations that Experiments were carried out at different occurred during deep-staging combustion of the turbulence densities in the ratio of 10% to 90% pulverized coal by oxygen enrichment. The H2. The effects of initial turbulence intensity and results show a 40.7% reduction in NOx emission volumetric ratio of hydrogen on turbulent flame at 40% oxygen enrichment level during deepspeed were investigated. As a result, a clear staging combustion. The thermal NOx correlation with the flame speed was obtained [6]. mechanism has been described as the main cause Xinlu et al. investigated the laminar flame speed of reduced NOx emissions. It has been stated that of a NH3 added synthetic gas mixture in a deep-staging combustion is more advantageous in premixed burner by experimental and kinetic reducing pollutant emissions in oxygen-enriched modeling. Two types of fuel mixture were used in combustion [11]. Engin et al. compared the the experiments (5% H2- 95% CO and 50% H2burning behavior of lignite fuel in an oxygen50% CO). The combustion rates and ignition enriched environment with the oxy-fuel delays of synthetic gas mixtures with NH3 added combustion conditions. Engin et al. They at different equivalence ratios and pressures have compared the burning behavior of lignite fuel in been consistent with experimental data. As a an oxygen-enriched environment with the oxyresult, reactions have been introduced that may fuel combustion conditions. Combustion studies assist in future optimization of NH3 kinetic were carried out in a circulating fluidized bed mechanisms [7]. Ren et al. They examined the burner with a power of 30 kW. The results show effect of oxygen ratio on the thermal and that lignites produce stable combustion in all chemical structure of the flame in synthetic gas environments, but NOx and SO2 emissions mixtures burning in O2 / H2O atmosphere. The increase in oxygen-enriched combustion. On the results revealed that the measured flame other hand, NOx emissions have decreased temperatures match the simulation values. As the significantly in oxy-fuel combustion [12]. oxygen ratio increases, the maximum flame Wang et al. compared the laminar burning temperature increases while the flame length velocities of CH4 / O2 / N2 and CH4 / O2 / CO2 decreases. While the increase in the oxygen ratio flames with oxygen enriched conditions using the had a minor effect on the change of the flame heat flux method under high pressures. In studies temperature, it caused a significant increase in the conducted at different equivalence rates, the burner tip temperature with the rate of heat results show that thermal diffusion effects play an release [8]. important role in reducing the laminar burning Acompora and Marra conducted the second law velocity due to CO2 dilution [13]. Vandel et al. analysis of thermodynamics of premixed investigated the effects of water vapor and carbon synthetic gas flames. It has been revealed that dioxide dilution on flame structure in the oxygenchemical reactions are not always the main enriched methane flame. In studies, enrichment contribution parameter in total entropy rate was kept between 21% and 100%. The production. The results show that the hydrogen equivalence ratio was determined as constant content worsens exergy losses, but the increase in 0.91 swirl number. A comparison was made by pressure has positive effects about exergy losses measuring the maximum height of the flame peak [9]. Wang et al. investigated the effect of dilution and the minimum height of the lower flame [14]. of lean mixed synthetic gas mixtures on laminar In this study, unlike in the literature, combustion flame speed experimentally and numerically. instability of oxygen-enriched synthetic gas They stated that the increase in inlet pressure mixtures in an externally forced thermo-acoustic decreased the laminar flame speed and this room have been investigated experimentally. situation affected the adiabatic flame temperature negatively. As a result, it was found that peak OH 2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2.1. Operating Conditions Fig 1. The scheme of the combustion system [15] Before starting the experiments, it was seen that one of the most important parameters in the literature for synthetic gas mixtures is the H2 / CO ratio. For this reason, three different fuel mixes, high (3), medium (1.5) and low (0.5), were tested. Based on the stoichiometric combustion equation, the amount of air required for the theoretical combustion of these fuel mixtures was calculated. The value of 0.7, which is the equivalence ratio in which all fuels burn stably, has been chosen as the fixed equivalence ratio. The burner is assisted with a swirl producer and its number is determined as 1. As the burning power, constant 3 kW value is used. Table 1 presents the volumetric ratio of fuel used in the experiments and the test parameters. While the oxygen enrichment limit of fuels allowed up to 23% for the mixture with H2 / CO ratio of 3, it was possible to increase enrichment rates with 25% O2 for other fuel mixtures with low hydrogen ratio. Since the highest oxygen enrichment limit was determined as 25.8% in the fuel mixture with H2 / CO = 0.5, it was tested in enrichment stages 21%, 23% and 25%. In order to perform oxygen enrichment, the air supplied from the compressor was reduced and pure oxygen was supplied from the tank as much as the amount of oxygen in the restricted air. Thus, the O2 / N2 + O2 ratio was increased by reducing the amount of nitrogen entering the system in the air. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 1. Tested Gas Mixture Synthetic Gas CH4 (%) H2 (%) CO (%) H2/CO Oxy Enrichment (%) Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Exp 4 Exp 5 Exp 6 Exp 7 Exp 8 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 52.5 52.5 42 42 42 23.35 23.35 23.35 17.5 17.5 28 28 28 46.65 46.65 46.65 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 %21 %23 %21 %23 %25 %21 %23 %25 2.2 Test Rig Figure-1 shows the mechanism in which combustion tests are carried out. A burner (19) with a power of 10 kW and a pressure of 20 mbar is located at the exit of the system. The gases follow the fuel supply lines and pass through the mass flow controllers (5). Mass flow controllers keep the volume of fuel entering the system under control thanks to the vacuum system controller (15). After all the fuels (16) are collected in the collector, the premix meets with air in the premixer (17). The air mixed with the fuel in the pre-mixer is supplied with an air compressor with a capacity of 1500 liters. The mass flow controller on the air supply line allows up to 300 slm of air to be supplied. After the air and fuel mix, a flame appears at the burner outlet. In order to determine the characteristic features of the resulting flame, a combustion chamber of 33 cm in diameter and 165 cm in length was manufactured. Thermocouples, piezoresistive pressure meters and photodiodes are used around this combustion chamber. Emission measurements made with the ports placed at axial intervals around the combustion chamber and the chimney. A 28channel data received from these pieces are collected in a logger and displayed on the computer. The ProfiSignal program on the computer produces analysis made by reading the given data. During the combustion experiments, loudspeakers (25) are placed on the arms on the right and left sides of the burner to perform external acoustic stress. While the sound waves produced by the function generator (23) are given to loudspeakers, they can be followed on the audio amplifier (24) screen. The indecision values of the experiments performed under external acoustic forcing are recorded under different frequencies. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dynamic pressure fluctuations varying with oxygen enrichment at different H2 / CO ratios under acoustic forcing at frequencies of 95 Hz and 175 Hz can be seen in Figure 2a and 2b., respectively. As the values are analyzed, it is seen that in the mixture with H2 / CO ratio 3, the dynamic pressure fluctuation is measured 438 Pa under the frequency of 95 Hz, 403 Pa is measured at 23% oxygen enrichment. Since there is no significant difference between the two values, it is necessary to examine the pressure fluctuations below 175 Hz frequency in order to be able to compare instability. The pressure fluctuation has been measured 432 Pa in the case of combustion with air and the flame extinguished at 1612 Pa amplitude and 23% oxygen enrichment rate. Unlike other mixtures, the oxygen adding limit was lower (23%) in the mixture with H2 / CO ratio of 3. This shows that when synthetic gas mixtures with high hydrogen content are enriched with oxygen, instability increases and a tendency to the extinction of flame occurs. Especially as the oxygen enrichment rate is over 23%, the flame extinguished without any acoustic forcing. The reason for the increase in combustion instabilities is thought to be that both hydrogen and oxygen increase the laminar burning velocity of fuel mixtures. The number of Lewis decreasing with Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey the increase of the hydrogen rate causes the Despite this, it is clearly seen that the stability diffusion instability to increase [16]. increases with the addition of oxygen at 95 Hz, When the dynamic pressure fluctuations that the first resonance value of the system [18]. occur as a result of enrichment of the mixture with the H2 / CO ratio of 1.5 is examined, as seen in Figure 2, the amplitude value was measured 561 Pa at the combustion with air under the 95 Hz acoustic forcing and it was also measured 549 Pa at the rate of 23% oxygen enrichment under 95 Hz acoustic frequency. On the other hand, when the oxygen ratio was increased to 25%, the flame became unstable and extinction occurred with a dynamic pressure fluctuation of 1602 Pa at 95 Hz, the first acoustic resonance value. This indicates that as the hydrogen content in the mixture decreases, the ability to enrich oxygen increases and the stability values of the flame increase in oxygen enrichment rates such as 23%. The current mixture is still considered a fuel mixture with a high hydrogen content, as 42% of it consists of hydrogen. Therefore, when the oxygen enrichment rate was increased to 25%, the flame became unstable and extinguished. The chemical effect induced by the addition of hydrogen plays a dominant role in increase the laminar flame burning velocity compared to thermal and diffusive effects. The laminar burning velocity, which increased with the addition of hydrogen, combined with high levels of oxygen enrichment, caused the length of the Markstein to fall below the critical value and an unstable flame [17]. H2 / CO ratio of the mixture with the highest CO ratio is 0.5. In this mixture, the hydrogen content has decreased to the level of 23.35%. Instead, In the mixture with H2 / CO ratio 3, after 25% there is a high CO ratio (46.65). When the oxygen enrichment rate, the combustion did not experimental data is examined, the dynamic occur even in the non-forced state, and after the pressure amplitude of 781 Pa is measured at flame was extinguished under the acoustic force acoustic force occurring under the frequency of in the 1.5-ratio mixture, the flame was able to 95 Hz when the fuel mixture burns with air, while withstand the instability without extinguishing at the oxygen rate has increased to 23%, it measured all acoustic forcing intervals and continued to 503 Pa. When the 25% oxygen ratio, which is the burn. The increased CO ratio greatly reduced the highest enrichment ratio in the experiment, was laminar burning velocity of the fuel mixture. applied the amplitude was measured as 504 Pa. At Laminar burning velocity of pure methane from under the acoustic frequency of 175 Hz, 664 Pa, the gases in the mixture is 54 cm/s, while 715 Pa, and 612 Pa values were determined in hydrogen is 770 cm/s and carbon monoxide is 2.7 burning with air, 23% and 25% oxygen cm/s [19]. Reduced laminar burning velocity was enrichment rates, respectively. It is known that balanced by the increase in speed caused by increasing hydrogen addition causes withdraw oxygen and contributed to the disappearance of the backlash signal amplitude. The amplitude of instabilities. the signal was not withdrawn due to the decrease In Figure 3, the effect of change in H2 / CO ratio of hydrogen in this fuel mixture, and therefore no in different O2 ratios to dynamic pressure significant change occurred in the experiments fluctuations can be seen. Dynamic pressure performed under the 175 Hz acoustic frequency. fluctuations of 438 Pa, 561 Pa and 781 Pa, Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey respectively, were measured, respectively, burning velocity of both oxygen and hydrogen. according to H2/CO ratios (3, 1.5, 0.5) at the Fuel with high H2/CO (3) ratio could not be burning with air under 95 Hz acoustic frequency. exceeded 23% oxygen enrichment ratio. This shows that the rate of hydrogen, which It could be said that in fuels with high increases by 21% oxygen, increases stability. hydrogen content, oxygen enrichment triggers Since the addition of hydrogen increases the instabilities. phase difference between heat release and velocity fluctuation, the effect of external Although the oxygen enrichment in the fuel acoustic force on the heat release of the flame is mixture with the middle H2/CO (1.5) ratio reduced, thereby increasing thermal stability. supports stability up to 23% oxygen Particularly at high frequencies, high hydrogen enrichment value, a negative effect has ratio reduces heat dissipation fluctuations [20]. occurred, and the flame has been extinguished However, due to the high reactivity of hydrogen when 25% oxygen enrichment is attempted. and adiabatic flame temperature, dilution with different gases is recommended in the literature. Oxygen enrichment process in fuel with low In the oxygen enrichment process, due to the H2/CO (0.5) ratio has reduced combustion reduction of nitrogen gas, which has a diluent instability in all experimental conditions. effect in the system, oxygen enrichment increases instabilities in fuel mixtures with high hydrogen ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS content [21]. The authors wish to thank by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for supporting this study with project number: MAG-215M821 project and Erciyes University Research Foundation (Project No. FDK-2019-8816) for its financial support. REFERENCES 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, combustion instabilities of synthetic H2 mixtures with different H2 / CO ratios under acoustic force at oxygen enrichment conditions were investigated. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: Considering the dynamic pressure fluctuations, the increase in hydrogen ratio in burning with air conditions supports stability. 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Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 1 and Habib Gürbüz2 1. Department of Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance, School of Civil Aviation, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey; email: yasinsohret@sdu.edu.tr 2. Department of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey; email: habibgurbuz@sdu.edu.tr Abstract In the last decade energy consumption and environmental impact of energy conversion systems are hot topics due to the rapid depletion of energy sources and global warming. SI engines are known to be commonly used energy devices. Differently from previous studies on SI engines related to energy and environmental concerns the current paper presents a novel approach and perspective. In this manner emissions data obtained from experimental investigations is used to measure emissions index, global warming potential, environmental impact factor, and environmental impact cost of exhaust gases emitted. At the end of the study equivalence ratio is found to be playing a vital role on emissions index as well as all indicators. According to the main findings of the research carbon dioxide emissions have the highest environmental impact whereas the environmental impact of emitted unburned hydrocarbons is the lowest among all exhaust gases. Authors intend to apply the approach to compare utilization of different fuels in an SI engine in a future study. Keywords: Emissions, Environmental impact, Cost, SI engine 1 INTRODUCTION SI engines are one of the most widely utilized energy generation systems in many fields such as power plants, vehicles and so on. In this regard energy consumption and environmental impact of SI engines draw attention of researchers and scientists since the rapid depletion of energy sources and global warming issue emerged [1-3]. In the accessible literature numerous studies discussing energy consumption, namely performance, and environmental aspects of SI engines can be found. In Ref. [4] how i-amyl alcohol/gasoline fuel blend effects performance and emissions of an SI engine is experimentally examined at different engine speeds and compression ratios. Obtained results are used for prediction with the aid of artificial neural network and response surface methodology. At the end of the study the engine was found to be operating optimally at 8.31 compression ratio and blend with 15% ratio of i-amyl alcohol. Zheng et al. [5] presented experimental results of direct injection of hydrogen to an SI engine fuelled with methane at various combustion conditions. It was concluded that the direct injection of hydrogen yields decrease in the cycle-to-cycle variations and increase in indicated thermal efficiency with whereas combustion duration is shortened. Ilhak et al. [6] asserted ethanol and acetylene as alternative fuels to gasoline in their study. For this purpose a four stroke four cylinder was evaluated experimentally fed with ethanol and acetylene at various loads and excess air rates. ethanol and acetylene were found to have a decreasing effect on hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions while acetylene results better thermal efficiency rather than gasoline and ethanol at high fuel-air ratios. Ref. [7] presents experimental investigation of an SI engine fuelled with biogas. With this respect piston crown geometry and compression ratio effects on performance are investigated. In another study [8] performance and emissions of an SI engine fuelled with ethanol/butanol and gasoline blends was discussed. According to the findings carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions are reduced as well as fuel consumption is increased with the increase of ethanol/butanol ratio in the blend. In Ref. [9] an n-butanol fuel chemically similar to gasoline was investigated in terms of combustion characteristics and performance experimentally and numerically. At the end of experimental study n-butanol was found to have similar engine performance indicators compared to gasoline. So authors concluded n-butanol and ethanol blend as a promising alternative to gasoline. Lather et al. [10] evaluated performance and emissions characteristics of an SI engine using CNG and HCNG fuels. Within this scope Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey variation of numerous parameters such as thermal were performed in an air-cooled L-head spark efficiency, exhaust gas species, specific fuel ignition (SI) engine having compression ratio of consumption and so on are presented. In Ref. [11] 7.6, stroke volume of 476.5 cc, maximum 12 HP effect of ignition timing and compression ratio on power and 25 Nm torque. The engine was performance is examined with the aid of first and coupled to a hydrokinetic dynamometer for second laws of thermodynamics. The positive loading. The spark timing was controlled by a impact of compression ratio on performance and Motec M4 engine control unit. The air flow rate exergy parameters is concluded at the end of the was measured using an Aalborg GFM 77 type study. As it is understood from the short literature thermal mass flow meter. The gasoline flow rate survey most of the previous studies focus on was measured using a Tecfluid SC250 type metal effect of different parameters and fuels on tube variable area flow meter. Exhaust gases were performance and exhaust gas emissions. However measured using an IMRFGA4000XDS- type environmental impact and economic aspect of emission analyser. The engine was operated with engine operation is a significant and missing a conventional carburettor. The throttle opening topic. of carburettor has been changed to achieve In the current paper emissions data obtained by an different equivalent ratios. The engine was experimental research is evaluated using a novel operated different equivalence ratios in range of approach. In the framework of the analyses global 2 by gasoline fuel. All the experiments warming potentials, environmental impacts and were conducted at a constant engine speed of costs based on environmental impact of emissions 1500 rpm. Experiments were performed with a conventional carburettor mode, and equivalence knowledge. ratio co varying of throttle opening. 2 MATERIALS AND METHOD 2.1 Experimental Setup and Data Schematic drawing of the experimental setup is demonstrated in Fig. 1. The experimental studies Figure 1. Experimental Layout Variation of emission species with equivalence ratio is also plotted in Fig. 2. The combustion efficiency plotted in the graph is calculated by [12]: (1) where, and represent hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions mass flow rates, and is mass flow rate of the total fuel injected into the cylinder. As it is clear in the graph equivalence ratio leads increase in carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions while nitrogen oxide emissions decrease. On the other hand combustion efficiency is variable in the range of 95% and 97%. The engine torque (load) and brake power obtained during at experimental studies are given in Table 1. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 2. Variation of emission species and combustion efficiency versus equivalence ratio Table 1. Engine torque (load) and brake power Equivalence 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Engine toque Brake power (Nm) (kW) 2.72 0.43 4.89 0.77 10.55 1.66 12.75 2.01 20.31 3.19 2.2 Methodology Locate in the present paper emissions data is evaluated in terms of four parameters: (i) emissions index, (ii) global warming potential, (iii) environmental impact factor, and (iv) environmental impact cost. Emission index is a commonly used parameter for energy conversion systems. Emission index basically indicates emitted gas amount per consumed fuel amount and calculated as follows [13]: (2) In Eq. 2 is the emission index of emission species of y whereas and are mass flow rates of y and consumed fuel. Table 2. Global warming potential of emission species [14] y CO CO2 HC NOx GWPy 1 1 21 310 The second parameter used to evaluate emissions data in the study is global warming potential. As a known fact emitted gases in the atmosphere act like a blanket and block heat flux from the earth through the space. To understand the impact of each gas on heat blockage global warming potential is employed [15]. Table 2 summarizes global warming potential of measured emission species during the experiments. To understand environmental risk and hazard of pollutants environmental impact is the most common used parameter. Thus environmental impact factor is the third parameter for evaluation in the current paper. Using the data given in Table 3 environmental impact of emissions can be found by: (3) In Eq. 3 is the environmental impact of each species whereas is the specific environmental impact and is the operation duration of the engine. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 3. Environmental impact factor of In Eq. 4 is the environmental cost of each emission species [16] species whereas is the specific environmental cost and is the operation duration of the engine. y by (mPts/kg) For calculations the engine is assumed to be CO 8.363 operated 260 days annually and 8 hours daily. CO2 54.545 HC 114.622 3 RESULTS NOx 2749.360 In the current paper a gasoline fuelled SI engine is operated different equivalence ratios in range Table 4. Environmental cost of emission 2 at a constant engine speed of 1500 species [17] rpm and emissions data is acquired. The obtained y cy (Euro/kg) data is used to evaluate the engine CO 0.27 environmentally. For this purpose emission CO2 0.116 index, global warming potential, environmental HC 3.538 impact, and environmental impact cost values are NOx 6.65 calculated for exhaust gases. Fig. 3 is plotted to indicate emission index of each exhaust gas species. According to the graph To protect the environment numerous methods emission indexes of carbon monoxide, carbon are applied to distract the emissions from air. So dioxide and hydrocarbon increase dependent to these processes cause costs. Another parameter equivalence ratio. But increase rate of used in the current study is environmental hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emission prevention or distraction costs, namely indexes are higher relatively to carbon dioxide. It environmental cost. In Table 4 environmental is an indicator of carbon monoxide and cost of each species measured during the hydrocarbon formation potential of the fuel rather experiments is listed. For calculation following than carbon dioxide. In another word increase in equation is used: equivalence ratio leads increase in emissions. (4) 560 CO 1200 CO2 490 1100 420 1000 350 900 280 800 210 700 140 600 2.0 NOx HC 3.2 1.8 3.0 1.6 2.8 1.4 2.6 1.2 2.4 1.0 2.2 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Equivalence ratio ( 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Equivalence ratio ( Fig.3. Emission Index of exhaust gases 1.2 2.0 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 480 CO 1100 CO2 1000 420 900 360 800 300 700 240 600 180 500 120 400 36 NOx HC 900 30 800 24 700 18 600 12 500 6 400 0 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 300 Equivalence ratio ( Equivalence ratio ( Fig.4. Global warming potential of exhaust gases Fig. 4 is plotted to compare global warming potential of emitted gases with paying attention to equivalence ratio. Depending on rise in the emissions global warming potential of emitted exhaust gases increases direct proportionally. As an expected result equivalence ratio yields this variation. In Fig. 5 environmental impact of exhaust gases are graphed. According to the plotting environmental impact of each exhaust gas species has an upward trend dependent to equivalence ratio. Additionally carbon dioxide emissions have the highest environmental impact compared to all other species. 4000 3500 60000 CO CO2 54000 3000 48000 2500 42000 2000 36000 1500 30000 1000 24000 200 NOx HC 7800 175 7200 150 6600 125 6000 100 5400 75 4800 50 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Equivalence ratio ( 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Equivalence ratio ( Fig.5. Environmental impact of exhaust gases 4200 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Fig.6. Environmental cost of exhaust gases Proceedings of INCOS2020, 5-7 June 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Environmental cost of exhaust gas emissions is engine, Renewable Energy, Vol. 146, 997plotted in Fig. 6. 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[7] Sadiq, R., Iyer, R.C., Experimental investigations on the influence of compression ratio and piston crown geometry on the performance of biogas fuelled small spark ignition Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ANAEROBIC CO-DIGESTION OF DEFATTED SPENT COFFEE GROUNDS WITH DIFFERENT WASTE SUBSTRATE FOR BIOGAS PRODUCTION M.R. Atelge1, 2*, A.E. Atabani1, Serdar Abut3, M. Kaya4, Cigdem Eskicioglu5, Gopalakrishnan 8 Kumar6, Changsoo Lee7 , S. Unalan1, R. Mohanasundaram9, F. Duman10 1. Alternative Fuels Research Laboratory (AFRL), Energy Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siirt University, 56100 Siirt, Turkey 3. Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Siirt University, 56100 Siirt, Turkey 4. Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Siirt University, 56100 Siirt, Turkey 5. UBC Bioreactor Technology Group, School of Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, 3333 University Way, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7, Canada 6. Institute of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, Box 8600 Forus, 4036 Stavanger, Norway 7. School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), 50 UNIST-gil, Eonyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea 8. Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey 9. School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT University, India 10. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey *Corresponding Authors: M.R. Atelge (rasitatelge@gmail.com) Abstract The recovery of energy from waste has become important topic due to waste manage and secure energy production demand. As a waste, the spent coffee grounds have been a potential candidate for this concept because of the availability of over the world and rich organic combination. This study examined the effect of the oil extraction method on anaerobic digestion of spent coffee grounds as a novel pre-treatment method and feasibility of this residual with different wastes such as spent tea waste, glycerin, and macroalgae. The biochemical methane potential test was revealed mono substrates such as defatted spent coffee ground, spent tea waste, glycerin, and macroalgae, and several mixing ratios of these wastes under mesophilic conditions with a batch reactor. Those wastes were abundant around the country and easy to reach; therefore, they were chosen possible co-digestion substrates. The best methane yield was obtained from defatted spent coffee grounds as 335.57 mL CH4/g VS and the methane yield rose an increase of defatted spent coffee grounds percentage in mixing for co-digestion. Moreover, kinetic studies of methane production were analyzed. With the novel pre-treatment method, the conversion process of waste to biofuels more economically feasible, adds more options to the biorefinery operators to produce different types of biofuels and remarkably contributes towards circular bioeconomy. Keywords: Defatted spent coffee grounds, Anaerobic co-digestion, Pre-treatment, Biofuels. 1 IINTRODUCTION Broadly, the global energy consumption is derived from four main resources namely fossil fuels, nuclear energy, traditional biomass, and modern renewable energy technologies. In 2017, their shares were 79.7%, 2.2%, 7.5%, and 10.6%, respectively [1]. Global warming (GW) is a disastrous climate phenomenon that emerged in the last century. It is believed that GW caused the remarkable increase in the temperature due to the greenhouse gases (GHGs) effect [2]. GHGs are composed of 81% Carbon dioxide (CO2), 10% methane (CH4), 7% nitrous oxides (NOx) and 3% fluorinated gases (Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride) [3]. CO2 is the key contributor to the GHGs emission. It is emitted as a result of the excessive burning of fossil fuels. Nevertheless, CH4 has a more negative influence as it has 21 times more adverse effect than CO2 to trap heat [2]. CH4 is emitted during the production and transportation of coal, natural gas, and oil. It can be also emitted through the decay of organic waste in the municipal organic waste landfills [3]. Therefore, capturing and lowering CH4 emissions and Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey producing energy from this gas may have a huge therefore helps to combat global warming on the impact to prevent GW. environment. Secondly, it can also reduce the Globally, many initiatives have been set towards dependency on energy-intensive production of decarbonisation of the existing energy systems mineral-based fertilizers as the by-product of the relying on burning fossil fuels toward carbon- biogas production process known as digestate can neutral systems that utilize renewable fuels. be used as organic fertilizer. Biogas is among those strong candidates as it is a It was reported that the AD process is more versatile fuel that can be utilized to produce heat efficient than the thermo-chemical conversion and generate electricity. Biogas is produced (waste-to-fuel) methods when input and output through the anaerobic digestion (AD) process of ratio are taken into account [12]. Nevertheless, three main groups of feedstocks namely; energy AD systems also have their own disadvantages crops (i.e. barley, and maize), organic waste (i.e. such as the existence of the un-biodegradable municipal solid waste, agricultural waste, and feedstocks, low CH4 yield, and long hydraulic animal manure), and aquatic biomass (i.e. micro retention time (HRT). To increase AD and macro algae) [4]. According to the performance and CH4 yield, complex structure International Energy Agency (IEA) [5], it is and slow biodegradability feedstocks have to be projected that biogas potential will increase by eliminated before starting the AD process. For by 2040. In Europe, instance, lignocellulosic biomass are hard to biogas consumption has increased almost 26 digest due to their elemental and chemical times since 1990 reaching a total of 16.670 ktoe compositions. To overcome these problems, prein 2018 from a total of 18.802 biogas plants. This treatment of feedstock can play a significant role represents about 1% of the total gross inland in changing the combination of substrates to energy consumption of the EU-28. It has been become easily biodegradable [13]. Several prereported that 72% of the feedstocks used for treatment methods such as physical, chemical, biogas production come from the agricultural and biological have been reported in the literature waste [6]. In Turkey, renewable energy usage is [4, 14]. It has been stated earlier that the gradually increasing. According to the 2023 theoretical biogas yield is generally higher than energy vision report, the country has set a plan to the experimental results. This is due to the fact supply 30% of total energy consumption from that the theoretical model does not consider renewable energy resources by 2023 [7, 8]. In various issues that affect the overall AD specific, 2000 MW of energy demand will be performance such as biodegradability, ammonia supplied from biomass. Currently, the country has accumulation, and resistance of cell walls [4]. 20 installed biogas plants that can produce Additionally, pH plays a key role to indicate the 3 annually [8]. Moreover, the stability of the AD process as the optimal pH is 4annual energy potential of the country is 8 for hydrolysis phase and 6.5-7.5 for projected at 61.53 TWh from biogas production methanogenic communities [15]. Theoretically, [8]. This potential can cover 6up to .3% of the lipids have the highest methane potential; total energy consumption and thus replace 37.7% however, volatile fatty acids (VFA) accumulation of natural gas consumption [9, 10]. An additional have an adverse effect on the reactor performance advantage associated with the biogas is that it can due to inhibition [15]. be also upgraded into a higher quality biofuel Due to their high oil and nutritional contents, known as bio-methane. Bio-methane is a aquatic biomass has been recently under the renewable fuel that can be injected into the spotlight. Firstly, oil was extracted and converted existing gas grid, used in industrial processes or into biodiesel while biogas was produced from as a transport fuel. the residual biomass [16]. Many researchers have Biorefinery establishes an effective approach to recently focused on biogas production from the simultaneously save the environment from the microalgae residual after oil extraction process direct disposal of organic waste to landfills and under mesophilic conditions with a batch reactor production of various renewable fuels and added- [16-18]. As it can be seen from Table 1, most of value products in a sustainable way [11]. To put the results indicated that the oil extraction process this discussion into practice, the sustainable can be considered as a pre-treatment method and biogas production from organic waste contributes therefore improved the CH4 yield even though the to reducing CH4 emissions from landfills, and Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey de-oiled substrates have theoretically less CH4 potential [2]. Table 1 Available data of the methane yield for microalgae before and after oil extraction as a pre-treatment method Substrate Type Oil Content Chlorella Chlorella Nannochloropsis Nannochloropsis Nannochloropsis 1.96% 28.3% 6.5% 16.3% 7.61% Nannochloropsis Scenedesmus Scenedesmus Tetraselmis 37.61% 16.9% - Tetraselmis 11% Oil extraction condition as pretreatment n-butanol Without Ethanol Without Hexane/isopropanol (3:2, v/v) Without Hexane Without Supercritical CO2 extraction Without Between 2016-2019, world coffee consumption increased by 4.5% and reached 9.92 million tons [21]. According to this trend, coffee consumption is projected to reach 12.24 million tons by 2030 (R2=0.9232 considering a linear regression). As a result of the coffee making process, spent coffee ground (SCG) is generated as an organic waste representing 65% of coffee beans' weight [22]. Annually, ~6.5 million tons of SCG is produced all over the world. SCG as an organic waste, has high oxygen demand during the decay process and releases residual caffeine, tannin, and polyphenol to the environment [23]. SCG has been considered globally as a potential candidate for biofuels production owing to its availability all over the world and rich components [22]. To eliminate the harmful effects of direct dumping of this waste to the environment, researchers have studied various valorisation opportunities of SCG with a biorefinery approach to convert it to biosorbents [24], bioplastic [25], and biofuels [26, 27] and etc. Valorization of SCG into biogas is not a new topic. Early studies conducted by Lane [28] and Raetz et al. [29] reported the AD of SCG under mesophilic conditions while Kida et al. [30] and Kostenberg et al. [31] reported the AD of SCG under thermophilic conditions. Both studies indicated that biogas production deceased after a while either due to pH problems or inhibition. Recent studies showed that the CH4 yield of SCG, similar to other substrates, during the AD process could be improved by controlling some parameters such as C/N ratio, macro and micro AD parameters Methane Yield (mL CH4/g VS) *(mL CH4/gTS) 268* 425* 327 (2) 303 (5) 399 (13) Ref. Batch, 38 ± 357 (5) 212.3 (5.6) 140.3 (29.4) 236 [16] [20] [20] [18] Batch, 38 ± 160 [18] Batch, 35 ± [17] [17] [19] [19] [16] nutrients, and food/inoculum ratio [32]. Different mixing ratios of SCG and food/inoculum ratio had a positive impact on CH4 yield of SCG which ranged between 271360 mL CH4/g VS [33, 34]. To keep the balance of the nutrition in the reactor, different feedstocks were co-digested with SCG and the obtained CH4 yield ranged between 280-355 mL CH4/g VS [35, 36]. Additionally, some pretreatment methods such as alkaline and combined pre-treatment (alkaline and thermal) were recently applied on SCG and the results showed an improvement between 254 [27] and 392 mL CH4/g VS [37]. Both co-digestion and pre-treatment methods have positive impacts on enhancing the CH4 yield from SCG as mentioned above. All reports mentioned above were studied co-digestion of SCG or pretreatment of SCG. However, after the pretreatment of SCG, the co-digestion of pretreated SCG has not yet been adequately covered in the literature. Similar to microalgae, SCG can be processed into biodiesel as it has an average lipid content of ~13% of dry weight [26]. This indicates that biogas can be also produced from the left-over of SCG after oil extraction known as defatted spent coffee grounds (DSCG). However, no studies have reported the valorisation potential of DSCG to biogas. Therefore, a novel pretreatment method of SCG, similar to microalgae, was applied in this study in which the lipids were firstly extracted from SCG, followed by processing the DSCG for biogas production. The extracted oil can be utilized for biodiesel Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey production [38, 39]. DSCG was used as a new volatile solid (VS) values of the inoculum were substrate for the co-digestion process along with 4.25 (%) and 2.35 (%), respectively. The four substrates namely; (a) SCG, (b) spent tea inoculum has been stored at 4oC in the waste (STW), (c) glycerin (G), and (d) refrigerator. All batch reactors were set to macroalgae (MC) (Spirogyra sp.) in a batch substrate/inoculum ratio (S/I) of 1.0 on VS basis. small-scale reactor under mesophilic conditions. 2.2 Analytical methods DSCG was mixed with the other four substrates TS values were analyzed according to EN12280 in the ratio of 25, 50, 75% (w/w) respectively. standards. To determine TS, all substrates were The primary aim of this approach is to placed in the oven at 103-105 °C until reaching a understand the effect of the novel pre-treatment constant weight as per EN12280 standards [40]. method along with the different feedstock For determination of the VS, the sample was characteristics and combinations of these burnt in a muffle furnace (MagmaTherm, MTSfeedstocks on the co-digestion and the 1100, Turkey), firstly for 30 min at 220°C, and biochemical methane potential (BMP). This then for 2 h at 550°C. [40]. The elemental study not only reported useful information on analysis was performed to obtain the C, H, N, O the effective pre-treatment method but also the contents of each substrate using an elemental co-digestion performance with the different analyzer (Leco/TruSpec Micro model, USA). mixing ratio. This work demonstrated for the Theoretical methane yields were calculated first time the utilization of DSCG for biogas according to the stoichiometric equation (Eq. production. Such an approach renders the (1)) (BMPthAtC) from the elemental analysis conversion process of waste to biofuels more results (CnHaObNc) of feedstocks [41] as follow: economically feasible, adds more options to the biorefinery operators to produce different types (1) of biofuels and added-value products and remarkably contributes towards circular bioeconomy. Total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) and 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) were 2.1 Feedstocks and inoculum determined according to the standard method Fresh SCG samples were collected from local 5220-D. For solid based waste, pH was coffee shops around Erciyes University campus measured according to the method described by in Kayseri, Turkey. After the samples were Adinaryana et al. [42] via a Hanna Instruments collected, they were immediately dried using an (Model: HI2002-01 edge Dedicated pH/ORP oven at 105°C. (Mikrotest, MKD series, Turkey) Meter, USA). Protein, lipid and carbohydrate for several hours and the dried samples were contents were analyzed according to Kjeldahl then stored in a tank. Afterwards, weighed SCG method [33]. samples were placed in a soxhlet extraction To determinate cellulose, hemicellulose, and apparatus consisting of soxhlet extractor, lignin contents of each substrate, condenser, flask, heater with magnetic stirrer thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) was used and refrigerated circulating bath. Extraction of according to Rego et al. [43] method using a spent coffee grounds oil (SCGO) was performed TGA device (Model: PerkinElmer, USA). Due by hexane (C6H14) as a solvent. The residue to unique breaking bonds at temperature ranges solid after the extraction process (DSCG) of 498 598, 598 648 and 523 773 ºK, besides SCG samples were then kept at 4 in a respectively, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin refrigerator for the AD process. STW was contents in all substrates can be determined collected from the tea making machine available following this technique. For each substrate, the at our Engines Laboratory, Department of TGA test was performed in triplicate. Trace Mechanical Engineering, Erciyes University. G element analyses were measured via an Agilent from Merck (CAS 56-81-5) (99%) was used. (Model: 7500A, USA). CO2 and CH4 contents in MC (Spirogyra sp) was collected from Seker biogas analyzed via a Shimadzu (GC-2010 Plus, Lake (Kayseri, Turkey) (38°45'24.3"N Japan). All tests were conducted in triplicate and 35°25'07.6"E) during June to August 2019. the standard deviation were calculated Inoculum was taken from a local wastewater accordingly. treatment plant in Kayseri. Total solid (TS) and Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 2.3 BMP tests remove oxygen from the bottle, nitrogen was For BMP tests, 120-mL autoclave bottles with a flushed into each bottle for 5 min before they 90-mL working volume were used and each were tightly sealed with a threaded cap. Each bottle contained 90 mL of inoculum and solidbottle was connected to a measuring cylinder based substrate mixture. In this study, trials with 3 mm inside diameter silicone hose to covered mono and co-substrates digestions. For monitor the daily biogas production. The mono-digestion, all samples (100% DSCG, samples were incubated at 37 ± 1°C with SCG, STW, G, and MC) were examined with horizontal shakers at 150 rpm continually for 49 and without inoculum. The blank samples were days. The volume of daily produced biogas was also run to obtain biogas production from the converted to standard temperature (0°C) and inoculum and the biogas from the inoculum was pressure (1 atm) conditions according to [44]. corrected from other trials of biogas production. For the kinetic study, the obtained methane was For co-digestion, DSCG was mixed with other calculated using Eq. (2) (the modified Gompertz substrates in the ratio of 25%, 50%, and 75% in model) [45]. VS basis. All BMP tests, which are under 23 (2) different conditions, were run triplicate, as a where: result, a total of 69 BMP tests were concluded. CMPt The cumulative methane production Samples were marked 1 (DSCG), 2 (SCG) , 3 (L CH4/g VS) (STW), 4 (G), and 5 (MC) for mono digestion, 6 t The incubation time (day) (50% of DSCG and 50% SCG), 7 (50% of P The estimated methane production m DSCG and 50% STW), 8 (50% of DSCG and potential (L CH4/g VS) 50% G), and 9 (50% of DSCG and 50% MC) for MPR The maximum methane production m 50% mixing ratio, 10 (75% of DSCG and 25% rate (L CH4/d) SCG), 11 (75% of DSCG and 25% STW), 12 Lag phase (day) (75% of DSCG and 25% G), and 13 (75% of 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DSCG and 25% MC) for 75% of DSCG and 3.1 Characterizations of the substrates 25% other feed stocks, and 14 (25% of DSCG The main physicochemical properties including and 75% SCG), 15 (25% of DSCG and 75% ultimate (elemental) analysis, chemical STW), 16 (25% of DSCG and 75% G), 17 (25% composition, trace elements and BMP thAtC of of DSCG and 75% MC) for 25% of DSCG and each substrate were given in Table 2.. 75% of other wastes and 18 for blank. To Table 2 Physicochemical properties of substrates tested for BMP C (% w/w)* H (%w/w)* O (%w/w)* N (%w/w)* S (%w/w)* CHNOS (%w/w)* C/N TS (%) VS (%) VS/TS pH Protein (%) Lipid (%) Ash (%) Carbohydrate (%) Cellulose (%) Hemicellulose (%) DSCG 49.33 ± 0.07 6.46 ± 0.07 40.85 ± 0.0 2.05 ± 0.05 0.03 ± 0.01 98.71 24.06 ± 0.32 93.78 ± 0.38 89.89 ± 0.84 0.96 5.55 ± 0.13 15.50 2.44 1 81.06 47.60 48.21 SCG 52.23 ± 2.68 7.33 ± 0.39 37.14 ± 0.0 2.19 ± 0.10 0.02 ± 0.02 98.82 23.82 ± 0.13 94.56 ± 2.12 92.11 ± 1.95 0.97 5.70 ± 0.05 12.70 17.39 1 68.91 68.88 29.43 The results from Table 2 indicated that SCG had the highest C content (52.23%). The C contents STW 48.01 ± 2.26 5.68 ± 0.17 39.95 ± 0.0 2.04 ± 0.49 0.02 ± 0.0 95.69 23.56 ± 6.71 96.78 ± 0.84 89.11 ± 0.38 0.92 4.57 ± 0.08 22.76 2.48 4 70.76 40.29 48.48 G 38.06 ± 0.63 9.22 ± 0.19 52.70 ± 0.0 0.00 ± 0.0 0.00 ± 0.0 99.98 99.10 ± 0.28 99.10 ± 0.28 1.00 5.00 ± 0.11 0 - MC 24.35 ± 0.01 2.25 ± 0.01 22.58 ± 0.0 0.85 ± 0.01 1.01 ± 0.01 51.04 28.65 ± 0.09 73.92 ± 4.91 45.23 ± 2.42 0.61 8.48 ± 0.07 10.70 2.66 47 39.64 43.00 12.43 of other substrates were DSCG (49.33%), STW (48.01%), G (38.06%), and MC (24.35 %), Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey respectively. To optimize the AD process, observed that all trace elements were in ppm macronutrients ratio, known as C/N, is scale that did not exceed the critical levels. commonly accepted between 20-30 for the 3.2 Experimental analyses methanogenic bacteria [2]. It has been found that 3.2.1. BMP test results all substrates except G were in the optimum In this study, pre-treatment, and co-digestion range in terms of C/N ratio while the C/N of MC effects of DSCG were examined when SCG, was slightly higher. It was also noticed that the STW, G, MC were utilized as co-substrates. The C and N content in DSCG 3% and methanation performance based on the BMP compared to SCG as a tests was firstly evaluated based on monoresult of the oil extraction process. C/N ratio of digestion of DSCG followed by co-digestion DSCG, SCG, STW, and MC was 24.06, 23.82, with other substrates. Additionally, the 23.56, and 28.65,respectively while the ratio of experimental data was a good agreement with G could not be calculated as it has high purity the modified Gompertz model. As it has been (99%) and thus no N content was detected. mentioned in the previous sections, this study Overall C, H, O, N, and S contents of all primarily aims to examine the effect of the desubstrates exceeded 95% except for MC which oiling process on the BMP results in order to exhibited a high ash percentage (trace elements). assess the feasibility of DSCG for methane These results indicated that DSCG, SCG, STW, production. and G can be considered as organic materials The results of BMP tests were represented in mL while MC had high inorganic fractions CH4 per unit mass of VS-based at standard (~48.96%). S content was the highest in MC as temperature (0°C) and pressure (1 atm) as shown 1% (ash-free weight-based) which is in the upper in Figure 1. All substrates were firstly run monolevel of the critical point for the AD process digestion and labeled one hundred percent with while other substrates had a very low S contents the symbols of substrates, i.e. 100% DSCG. Co(Table 2). Sulfate(SO 4) is reduced into digestion samples were labeled the first hydrogen sulfide (H2S) during the AD process percentage represents DSCG and the second and H2S has an inhibition capability in the range percentage represent the co-substrate, i.e. 75% of 100-800 ppm in the reactor [46]. DSCG + 25% SCG with mixing ratio in VSAdditionally, the results showed a good basis, and BMP trails were run in triplicate. agreement with VS/TS ratio for all used BMP tests were completed in 49 days and the substrates. Moreover, the theoretical methane results of sole feedstock were 335.57, 309.82, yields were calculated according to Eq. (1) from 261.10, 181.09, and 231.16 mL CH4/g VS for the elemental analysis showed that SCG had the DSCG, SCG, STW, G, and MC, respectively. It highest methane yield of 552 mL CH4/g VS was observed that DSCG had the best followed by DSCG (483 mL CH4/g VS) and performance and CH4 yield among other STW (475 mL CH4/g VS), respectively as substrates including SCG. This phenomenon is shown in Table 2. reported for the first time in this study. This The results of trace elements analysis are shown supports that fact that SCGO has to be extracted in Table 2. Trace elements are considered as from SCG prior to the AD process. As indicated micronutrients for the AD process. earlier, SCGO can be valorized in many ways Microorganisms utilize micronutrients to such as for biodiesel production. This pathway produce coenzymes [2]. The trace elements in will add to the economics of SCG recycling. the reactor was reported to be in the order of Apart from that, the results of mono-digestion under the same conditions were comparable with Co Mo<Ni<Fe, furthermore; Fe, Ni, Co, Zn, the results available in literature. For instance, and Cu should be lower than 1.32, 4.8, 30, 1.13, SCG was investigated with a batch reactor at 38 and 0.12 g/L respectively to prevent inhibition ± was 0.271 [47]. DSCG and SCG were found to have the 0.325 m3/kg dry organic matter [33]. Another optimum range in the case of micronutrients; study examined the S/I ratio between 0.5 and 2 however, Co and Mo were not found equivalent under mesophilic conditions with a batch reactor to each other for both STW and MC. for SCG. The obtained result was 0.310 mL Additionally, G, which has a higher Ni content CH4/g VS, when S/I ratio was 1.0 [34]. For STW than Fe, did not meet the requirement of the and G, the methane yields were reported as optimal trace elements content. However, it was Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 227.7 [48] and 267.5 [17] mL CH4/g TS, NaOH (w/w) were applied respectively. Results from the literature 24h. The methane yield increased with the indicated that crude glycerin had higher methane increasing NaOH percentage. For instance, 8% yield / g VS [49]) than pure G. of NaOH increased the methane yield from 316 4 This phenomenon can be attributed to the (6.6) to 392 (3) mL CH4/g VS representing an presence of some impurities in crude glycerin increase of 24% [27]. Kim et al. [37] examined that could be used as feedstocks (nutrition) by the thermo-alkaline pre-treatment to SCG as a microorganisms. combined method. NaOH was applied 0 to 0.2 M between at BMP test, the methane yield increased from 155.1 to 254.0 mL CH4/g COD under the optimum condition of [37]. It was obvious that the pre-treatment method had a positive influence on increasing the methane yield from SCG. Nevertheless, oil extraction method has not yet been considered as a pretreatment method for SCG in the literature. SCG a has a lipid content that is almost similar to microalgae (Table 2). Using hexane for oil did not only remove oil from SCG but also improved the feedstock qualities for the AD process. In SGC, there are some unfavorable organic compounds such as caffeine, tannin, and polyphenol which can be isolated during the lipid extraction from the SCG [23]. Caffeine content had a negative effect on b reactor performance. It was demonstrated that when the content of caffeine in food waste reduced from 150 ppm to 100 ppm, biogas production increased by 21.6% from 336 to 408.5 mL biogas/g TS [50]. Another positive impact associated with the oil extraction (pretreatment) is that hemicellulose percentage increased while the lignin component reduced in DSCG compared to SCG. In Table 2, c hemicellulose increased by 44.73% from 47.60% (SCG) to 68.89 % (DSCG) while lignin content decreased by 59.62% from 4.21% (SCG) to 1.70% (DSCG). All changes improved the methane yield of DSCG, and thus DSCG, as a mono-substrate, gave the highest methane yield (335.57 mL CH4/g VS) among other substrates. For the co-digestion aspect, mixing different d substrates could improve the AD performances as the macronutrition and micronutrition balance Figure 1 The methane production and the can be supported using this technique [32]. To modified Gompertz kinetic model (MGM) for increase methane yield, DSCG was mixed with DSCG and co-substrates: (a) SCG, (b) SCG, STW, G, and MC in the ratio of 25, 50, STW, (c) G, and (d) MC and 75% w/w for each one. The highest methane To improve the methane yield of SCG, some yield for co-digestion was obtained 317.99 mL pre-treatment methods were recently applied. CH4/g VS when DSCG was mixed with 50% of Girotto et al. [27] reported the alkaline preSTW whereas somehow the methane production treatment of SCG in which 0, 2, 4 ,6 ,8% of dropped by increasing or decreasing the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey percentages of STW, but still higher than mono and 11.23, respectively. Therefore, SCG gave a STW digestion. For MC, the same trend was better BMP and VS removal than STW. The VS observed. This phenomenon can be attributed to removal had the same trend for G and MC when the micronutrition balance. Additionally, S increasing the percentage of DSGC. As a mono content caused this fluctuation for MC due to substrate, G and MC had only 17.31 and 19.55% H2S production which is an inhibitor for of VS removal compared to 21.75 and 23.71% methanogens [46]. In the case of G, of VS removal when the percentage of DCGS macronutrition had the main effect on the AD was 75%. It is clearly noticeable that the process because of the absence of N in G addition of DSCG increased the methane and substrate. The cumulative methane yield removal from both G and MC. The result of VS increased when the percentage of G decreased as removal of the best co-substrate; DSCG (50%) the C/N ratio became closer to optimum range of and STW (50%) was in agreement with the 20 30 [32]. Co-digestion of DSCG with SCG result obtained during the BMP test. Moreover, showed a trend that the methane yield increased TS removals showed the same trend as VS when DSCG percentage rose. The highest removals in Fig. 2. Additionally, pH plays a key methane yield was 306.17 mL CH4/g VS for role to indicate the stability of the AD as the 75% of DSCG and 25% of SCG. This result optimal pH is 4 - 8 for hydrolysis phase and 6.5 supported the co-digestion findings by Kim et al. 7.5 for methanogenic communities [15]. The [36]. According to their results, food waste had final pH is represented in Figure 2 and it is in the highest methane (360 mL CH4/g VS) and it the range of 6 7. However, 50% DSCG + 50% dropped when adding 75% of SCG (308 mL G sample showed a low pH as 5.48. The lower CH4/g VS) [36]. Another finding showed a pH could be attributed to the VFA accumulation methane yield of 355 mL CH4/g VS from 25% [52]. The result indicated that the reaction may of SCG with 75% of food waste [36]. Neves et be inhibited due to VFA accumulation and the al. [35] examined the AD of mixing SCG with finding was convenience with TS and VS different substrates such as barley, rye, and removals. Similar conclusion was drawn with malted barley. The methane yields were obtained different substrates in the literature [15, 52]. between 20 and 280 mL CH4/g VS and the highest yield was achieved from the mixing ratio of 45% of SCG, 32% of barley, and 23% of chicory [35]. 3.2.2. VS and TS removals The VS and TS removals were calculated from the initial and final VS and TS values for each run as shown in Figure 2. The removal Figure 2 Removal of TS, and VS and final pH value represented the biodegradability performance of 3.3 Kinetic study results the AD for mono and co-substrates [51]. In the The modified Gompertz model (Ep. (2)) was case of VS removal, the highest removal used for the kinetic study for each trail and the (35.48%) was obtained from 100% DSCG. The kinetic model was found in a close agreement result was assumed due to the content of protein, with the obtained CMP data (experimentally) lipid, and carbohydrate. The oil extraction with high regression coefficients. The lowest R2 process did not only remove lipid from the value was 0.9723. In terms of MPRm, in all substrate but also improved cellulose and mono substrates, SCG digestion showed the best hemicellulose combination with eliminating methanation performance as 22.70 mL CH4/d lignin components (Table 2). Therefore, the prewhile the lowest value was estimated in cotreatment method enhanced the methane yield digestion (25% of DSCG and 75% of SCG) as and higher VS removals. For the rest of mono 6.42 mL CH4/d. Interestingly; Pm results were substrates, the lowest removal was found in G higher than the obtained CMP yield. which was expected due to the lack of N. The Additionally, all G mixing showed a lower removal of SCG and STW were 27.36 and MPRm that indicated G had a lower methanation 21.08%, respectively. Their contents were performance due to the absence of N component. almost the same; however, the significant Moreover, the data also revealed that MC had difference was lignin percentage that was 4.21 the highest lignin content. MPRm showed Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey potentials till 2026. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2020. relatively lower value for MC digestion between 132(November 2019): p. 105440-105440. 7.78 and 10.10, and that explained MC had a 8. Erdin, C. and G. Ozkaya, 3 Energy lower biodegradability compared to other Strategies and Investment Opportunities for Renewable substrates. 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The fuel blends contained % 100 diesel (E0), % 90 diesel - % 10 ethanol (E10) and % 80 diesel - % 20 (E20) ethanol by volume. Tests were conducted at %0, %25, %50, %75 and %100 load conditions at various ethanol mass. The effects of blended fuels on engine performance were investigated and results showed that E10 presents the highest volumetric efficiency; on the other hand E20 showed the lowest volumetric efficiency. Maximum in-cylinder pressure was occured conventional diesel combustion. Results indicated that the concentrations of CO2 and at all engine loads. In addition to this NO emission was peaked on E20 at %75 load. Keywords: Diesel, Ethanol, Combustion, Emissions 1 INTRODUCTION Around the world, energy is one of the main sources for the improvement and development of human beings life standards and its sustainable development. Now a days, worldwide 80% of fossil fuels consumed as primary energy, of which 58% of depletable fuels are consumed by the transportation sector only [1]. In this way, the search for potential alternatives to fossil fuels becomes crucial. In this regard, an ideal replacement would be characterized by renewable, sustainable, efficient and cost effective energy sources with fewer emissions [2, 3]. Most of the heavy vehicles operate on diesel engine and, which is advantageous compared to spark ignition (SI) engine, in terms of fuel consumption, maintenance, durability, fuel cost, etc [4]. But, diesel engine emits more nitrogen oxide (NOx) and soot emission. Therefore, alcohol fuels are the best alternative to fossil fuels; alcohol fuels have been represented as a future leading supplier of energy sources that have the ability to increase the security of supply, reduce the amount of vehicle emissions, and offered a stable income for farmers. Recently, our young researchers improved the awareness on environmental protection and usage of alcohol fuels or non-fossil fuels for internal combustion engines. Generally, lower molecular weight alcohols, particularly ethanol or methanol, comprise one group of alternative fuels which is considered attractive for this purpose. Among alcohols, the most interesting seems to be ethanol. It can be produced from many plants that contain sugar or other components that can be converted into sugar, such as starch or cellulose in the fermentation, distillation and dehydration process. Indeed, when Henry Ford designed the Model T, it was his expectation that ethanol, made from renewable biological materials, and would be a major automobile fuel. However, it is not widely used because of its high price. Ethanol is less toxic than gasoline and methanol, and is not carcinogenic. Pure ethanol cannot be used in diesel engines, but it can be used by in blends with diesel fuel. For use as a fuel in an internal combustion or diesel engine, ethanol has many favorable properties [5], such as low viscosity, high oxygen content, high H/C ratio, low sulfur content and high evaporative cooling, which results in the superior atomization of fuel injected into cylinders, and improves the mixing with air when it is blended with diesel. Ethanol also has a high latent heat of evaporation, so using ethanol in a diesel engine by blending it with diesel or biodiesel fuel can increase the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey volume efficiency by the evaporative cooling of improved [13]. Properties of ethanol are seen in ethanol in the intake and compression strokes. Table 1. There are three ways to apply ethanol to diesel Table 1. The Properties of Fuels [14] engines [6,7]. The first method is to supply ethanol fumigation to the intake air using a carburetor or an injector on the manifold. The second method is to build a dual injection system on the cylinder head by modifying the configuration of the system and mechanically changing the engine cylinder head. Lastly, ethanol can effectively be used in diesel engines by blending alcohol and diesel, while preventing phase separation, without modifying the engine system. Many studies have been conducted on the third approach of the above methods. The most recent studies conducted have focused on the ethanol diesel fuel blend. Silvieira et al. [8], the solubility of ethanol-biodiesel-diesel blend was investigated at two different temperatures, which showed that the solubility of ethanol increased when increasing the temperature. Kass et al. [9] reported that for 10 15% ethanol containing, the torque output was approximately reduced by 8% for both mixtures. Consider on the exhaust emissions, the hydrocarbon (HC) tended to decrease while carbon monoxide (CO) and oxide of nitrogen (NOX) depended on the test conditions. Particulate matter (PM) and smoke significantly decreased but aldehyde emission increased. Rakoupolos et al. [10] aimed at simulating the combustion process and estimating noise, NOxSoot emissions and performance of a light duty Diesel engine fuelled by Diesel-Ethanol blends. The work has been focused on modelling the chemical properties of the emission has been developed. Diesel engine fuelled by a Dieselethanol blend with %20 of ethanol. Cole et al. [11] reported that with ethanol addition, the PM and NOX emissions can be reduced in wide load range, especially for 15% ethanol content. Similar impacts of PM reduction were confirmed tudy [12] with an advance common-rail diesel engine. Moreover, Shi discovered that aldehydes (acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde) and some unregulated emissions tended to increase with ethanol addition. Ethanol has a very limited miscibility in a diesel fuel. Using proper surfactants, like methyl esters or long-chain alcohols, their miscibility can be 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The experiments were conducted in the Engine Laboratory of Erciyes University Mechanical Engineering department. The experiments were performed on a three-cylinder, four-stroke, liquid-cooled, direct-injected diesel engine. The technical spesifications of the test engine are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Engine Spesifications Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The engine was coupled with a hydraulic diesel and %10 ethanol and %80 diesel and %20 dynamometer, a NF 15 model, Net Fren brand ethanol by volume. All experiments were which can detect engine speed and torque values conducted at 1500 rpm and %0, 25, 50, 75 and of 0-6500 rpm and 0-450 Nm, respectively. The %100 load under different values of . engine load was measured by a CAS-SBA 200L load cell, which can reach between 0 and 200 kg 3 UNCERTAINTIES OF INSTRUMENTS in 1 g sensibility. USED Table 3. Properties of the Pressure Sensor Table 3. Ranges and Accuracies of Instruments Used in the Experiment Cylinder pressure values were measured with PCB 113B22 piezoelectric pressure transducer and Bosch BEA 060 and BEA 070 gas analyzers was used to measure exhaust gas components (CO, CO2, HC, NO and Soot). The Bosch BEA 060 device used in the measurement of exhaust emissions, calculates EAR based on diesel fuel. For this reason, the EARs were calculated by experiments with ethanol. Experimental set up is given Fig. 1 and Table 3 shows technical spesifications of the cylinder gas pressure sensor. Measurement errors and uncertainties are arisen from devices used to measure the data of the experiment. Specifications and error range of the test equipment and sensors are given in Table 4. Total percentage uncertainty of the experiment has been calculated as 2.02%. 4 RESULTS and DISCUSSION 4.1 BRAKE THERMAL EFFICIENCY Figure 1. Experimental Set-up The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of ethanol-diesel blends on the performance of a CI engine. Three various of diesel-ethanol blends have been chosen for use in this study. They include %100 diesel, %90 Figure 1. Variation of BTE with Engine Load Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The variation of brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of the ethanol-diesel blends can be compared with different loads is shown in Fig 2. The with conventional diesel combustion in this highest brake thermal efficiency obtained 35,08 figure. The peak pressure was 57.94 bar and the in E10 operation at %75 load. The lowest brake occurence of peak pressure angle was 5 CA thermal efficiency gained 20,60 in E20 at %25 ATDC in E0 operation at loadless condition. Inengine load. The heat of vaporization of ethanol cylinder pressure values seem to be very close to is higher than diesel. This means that more heat each other. The points where the maximum is absorption from the cylinder. If the pressure occurs are 370,372 and 366 CAD for temperature in the cylinder decrease below the E0, E10 and E20, respectively. The optimal nominal value, the efficiency will decrease too. CAD angle is 10-15 after the ATDC. In this However, the oxygen to which ethanol is bound case, E10 has been achieved improves combustion. Since the heat of best. vaporization value in the cylinder is higher in E20, it reduces the efficiency, although there is some heat absorption in E10, the oxygen in fuel blend improves the combustion. 4.2 EXHAUST TEMPERATURE Fig. 4. Variation of Cylinder Pressure with CAD at Different Fuel Blends 4.4 EMISSION PARAMETERS 4.4.1 Carbon monoxide(CO), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen Oxide (NO) and Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions Figure 3. Variation of Exhaust Temperature with Engine Load The variation of exhaust temperature with different loads is shown in Fig 3. Due to the increase in the load, the temperature values in the cylinder increase and this increases the exhaust temperature values. Although the exhaust temperature values are almost the same at idle, 25% and 50% partial loads, it absorbs heat from the cylinder due to the increase in ethanol taken into the cylinder and the evaporation temperature is high at 75% and full load. 4.3 In-Cylinder Pressure The variation of cylinder pressure with crank angle for various fuel blends have been illustrated Fig. 4. The combustion characteristics a) CO Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey This depends on the burning rate, the heat of vaporization and the injection advance. As seen this figure CO2 emission for all blends showed nearly same trend. However, the best CO2 values are obtained in E10. Although HC values differency in the load condition of the engine, they have been observed closely for each fuel type. The lowest CO, CO2, HC and NO emissions (0.001, 2.29, 13, 208 respectively) were gained at different load conditions. 4.4.2 Soot b) CO2 Fig. 6 Variation of Soot with Engine Load c) NO The variation of Soot with different loads is shown in Fig 6. Soot values increase with increasing load. Soot values and NOx values are nearly similar. The minimum soot value was obtained at 75% load in E20 fuel blend as 1,01. The highest NO was obtained at 100% in E0. 5 CONCLUSION d) HC Fig. 5 Variation of Emissions with Load Fig. 5 depicts CO, CO2, NO and HC emissions versus engine loads for all blends. It is good to have less carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions in the engine. However, as CO decreases, NO values increase. The best CO values were obtained in E10. The CO value decreases as the engine load increases at E10. It first decreases and then increases at E0 and E20. In this study, the performance and emission characteristics of an CI engine fuelled by dieselethanol mixtures have been investigated at 1500 rpm, %0, 25, 50, 75 and %100 loads. Experimental results of this study can be summarized as follows: The maximum in-cylinder pressure was 57,94 bar and the occurence of peak pressure angle was 5 CA ATDC in conventional diesel operation. The highest BTE obtained 35,08 in E10 operation at %75 load. The lowest BTE gained 20,60 in E20 at %25 engine load. The highest exhaust temperature obtained 414 ºC in conventional diesel combustion at full load. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey The lowest CO, CO2, HC and NO e0yobiAhUL8hQKHaL8CeoQjRx6BAgBEAU& emissions (0.001, 2.29, 13, 208 url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conserve-energyrespectively) were gained at different future.com%2Fethanolload conditions. fuel.php&psig=AOvVaw2BUkfO32IDee0BAdH The lowest soot obtanied at 75% load in hjqO5&ust=1557220972636491 E20 fuel blend as 1,01. 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Experimental study on the effect of gaseous and Alcohols as alternative fuels: An overview. particulate emission from an ethanol fumigated Applied Catalysis A: General. 2011;404:1-11. diesel engine. Science China Technological DOI: 10.1016/j. apcata.2011.07.021 Sciences. No. 2010-53(12):3294-3301 [3] What is Ethanol Fuel and Advantages: Conserve Energy Future. Available from: https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=i&source=imag es&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjM_9 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey ASSESSMENT OF DETAILED AND SKELETAL KINETIC MECHANISMS FOR COMBUSTION AND EMISSIONS OF METHANE M.S. Cellek Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Bingol University, Bingol; email: mscellek@bingol.edu.tr Abstract In this study, the combustion of methane has been investigated with two Chemkin kinetic mechanisms under the mild flameless mode in a lab-scaled furnace. One of the first mechanisms is Gri-mech 2.11, which is known as a detailed kinetic mechanism with 49 species and 279 reactions. The other one is a skeletal mechanism that includes 29 species and 150 elementary reaction steps. Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) combustion model is used to incorporate detailed chemical mechanisms into turbulent reacting flows in ANSYS Fluent 18.2. After the numerical calculations performed with High Power Computing (HPC) for both chemical kinetic mechanisms, flame temperatures, and species distributions inside the furnace have been compared with the post-processing tool. The numerical simulation results of both mechanisms show that some of the species distribution results, such as OH, O2, CO, and CO2 are consistent with each other. On the other hand, the results of CH4, NOx, and flame temperature are slightly different. However, it appears that the differences in results are not significant. Keywords: Reduced mechanism, Skeletal mechanism, Gri-mech2.11, Pollutant Emissions 1 INTRODUCTION In the most combustion application, such as a furnace, boiler, and gas turbine, the flow is generally turbulent. Turbulence, chemical kinetics, and their interaction are the very important issues to be overcome for accurate predictions. Additionally, combustion modeling is a challenging process due to the requirement of high computational resources. Powerful computers are needed, especially for threedimensional analysis. Skeletal and reduced mechanisms are often utilized to diminish the computational cost. A drawback with the use of reduced mechanisms is the lack of accuracy [1]. Skeletal reduction and time scale analysis are two main methods to reduce detailed mechanisms [2]. Skeletal mechanisms, which are obtained with sensitivity analysis, principal component analysis, lumping, genetic algorithms, optimization, and adaptive reduction, are similar to detailed mechanisms in terms of Arrhenius elementary reactions [2]. Whereas, time scale reduction is connected with the quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) and the partial equilibrium (PR) method [2]. There is numerous study involved in the reaction mechanism to decrease the computational cost for various working conditions. In the study performed by Mendiara et al. [3], the detailed mechanism with 447 reactions and 65 chemical species transformed via the algebraic procedure to 18 lumped reaction step and 22 chemical step. Nanduri et al. [4] investigate the turbulencecombustion interaction with the use of ARM9 and ARM19 reduced mechanisms to calculate CO and NOx emissions. In this study, it was declared that reduced mechanisms performed well in the prediction of temperature and major species as well as NO emission. However, the numerical calculation results pointed out large qualitative and quantitative errors when compared with the test results. It was also stated that the RSM turbulence model shows better estimation than the RNG model. A ten-step reduced mechanism for methane-air combustion including NO formation was developed by Belcadi et al.[5] using the S-STEP algorithm. Moreover, the reduced mechanism responded in flame speeds, flame temperature, and species distributions. In this study, to find out the capability of the skeletal mechanism as compared with a detailed mechanism, combustion of the methane-air under the flameless mode has been investigated at a thermal load of 18.5 kW with an equivalence ratio of 0.85. 2 NUMERICAL METHOD The flameless combustion is performed in a laboratory-scale pilot furnace. The furnace has a square cross-section with a side of 0.5 m and a Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey height of 1 m. The details of the furnace can be kinetic mechanisms for turbulent flows [14]. It found in the reference study [6]. The numerical stands out compared to other models in model and grid generation of the furnace can be applications where combustion and turbulence shown in Fig. 1a-b. interaction is important. Even though the EDC model is talented in the calculation of the reaction rate, fuel species, intermediates, and emissions, calculations are computationally expensive and need highperformance computing due to hundreds of b species and reactions. Nevertheless, this technique has been used by many researchers [15-19]. The detailed mechanisms, namely Gri-Mech 2.11, a compilation of 277 elementary chemical reactions and 49 species concerned [20], were used for chemical reactions of methane. On the other hand, the skeletal mechanism includes 29 species, and 150 reactions derived from Grimech 3.0 were used for the comparison of the combustion temperature, species, and emissions. This skeletal mechanism was published in the 21]. Both skeletal and detailed mechanisms include NO and N2O Figure 1. CAD model and mesh generation species. The species of the Gri-mech 2.11 and of the studied furnace skeletal mechanisms were shown below: To calculate the transfer of radiative energy, the Discrete ordinates (DO) radiation model was SPECIES OF THE GRI-MECH 2.11 selected due to the lower value of optical H2 H O O2 OH H2O HO2 H2O2 C CH CH2 thickness. Couple was used for the scheme of CH2(S) CH3 CH4 CO CO2 HCO CH2O pressure-velocity coupling. PRESTO! was CH2OH CH3O CH3OH C2H C2H2 C2H3 chosen for pressure discretization [7-9]. The C2H4 C2H5 C2H6 HCCO CH2CO HCCOH N Second Order-Upwind was utilized for the NH NH2 NH3 NNH NO NO2 N2O HNO CN discretization of the equations [10,11]. The HCN H2CN HCNN HCNO HOCN HNCO internal emissivity was recognized as 0.8. The NCO N2 AR gaseous absorption coefficient was computed by the Weighted Sum of Gray Gas Model SPECIES OF THE SKELETAL MECHANISM (WSGGM) [12]. The temperatures of the furnace H2 H O O2 OH H2O HO2 H2O2 CH CH2 walls were 1320 K as stated in the reference CH2(S) CH3 CH4 CO CO2 HCO CH2O CH3O study [6]. Due to the sensitive grid generation in CH3OH C2H2 C2H4 C2H5 C2H6 N NO N2O the boundary layer, Enhanced Wall Treatment HCN H2CN N2 was utilized for near-wall modeling. This 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS method calculated the parameters in the viscous The distributions of reactants, namely CH4 and sublayer. The dimensionless wall distance, y+ O2 species on the axial line are presented in Fig. was 0.3 [13]. 2. Considering the spraying positions in the 2.1 Combustion Model and Reaction furnace, the axial line distributions are Mechanisms reasonable. It appears that each reactant is Combustion models under the ANSYS Fluent approximately consumed in the first half of the software apply to a wide range of homogenous furnace. When the results of the two and heterogeneous reacting flows with fast mechanisms are compared, there is no chemistry (Finite Rate/Eddy Dissipation, Eddy significant difference in oxygen distributions, Dissipation) or finite rate chemistry (The Eddy while there is a difference in quantity between Dissipation Concept (EDC)). The EDC model is methane distributions. a developed model involving detailed chemical Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Flame temperatures and OH intermediate species levels in the reaction zone, decreasing to distributions are shown in Fig.3. The flame minimum levels towards the exit of the furnace. temperature rose sharply as the reactants entered On the other hand, the CO2 level increases with the furnace and combustion began. the start of the combustion and decreases towards the end of the combustion. (a) (a) (b) Figure 2. Reactants distribution inside the furnace Maximum temperature values at 0.4m in the axial direction were 1680 K and 1625 K for Grimech 2.11 and skeletal mechanism, respectively. After this point, there was a gradual decrease in temperature levels. It appears that there are different behaviours between the two mechanisms. In other words, the skeletal mechanism predicts higher temperature levels on the axial line. The OH level reaches its maximum in the reaction zone. Then, it transforms other species such as H, NO, CN, and H2O with the presence of N and HCN species in the reaction chain. The predictions of hydroxyl (OH) intermediates by both mechanisms are similar. The distribution of CO and CO2 emissions can be seen in Fig. 4a-b. CO reaches its maximum (b) Figure 3. Flame temperature and OH Due to the CO2 formation by the reaction of CO with O2, the increase in the amount of CO2 is continuous at a very low rate. The impact of the two mechanisms on CO and CO2 emissions is not quite different. The estimation results of NO emission, one of the harmful gases of combustion, by two different mechanisms are shown in the Fig 4-c. The levels of NO increase with the development of the combustion, especially as a result of thermal and prompt NO. Then, NO levels are fixed approximately. Although the distribution of NO emissions tends to be similar in both mechanisms, the results of the skeletal mechanism are lower. The main reason is that some intermediate species, such as CN radicals, which are effective on prompt Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey NOx, cannot be detected, and their effect cannot The O2, OH, and CO species distributions on the be included in the skeletal mechanism. axial planes are shown in Figs. 5-7. Considering The temperature distribution of the flameless the mechanisms used, there are no significant combustion obtained by using detailed and differences between the distribution results of skeletal mechanisms on the axial plane is shown the specified species. It is seen that the in Fig 5. The prediction temperature levels of mentioned species are more effective in the the skeletal mechanism are slightly higher than reaction zone. ones predicted with Gri- mech 2.11. Gri-Mech 2.11 Skeletal mechanism (a) Figure 5. Flame temperatures distributions for both chemical mechanisms Gri-Mech 2.11 Skeletal mechanism (b) (c) Figure 4. CO2 and NO mass fraction distributions on the axial line Figure 6. O2 mass fractions distributions for both chemical mechanisms In general, NOx consists of NO, NO2 and N2O species. However, the skeletal mechanism involves NO, and N2O species. The NO2 species is only available in Gri-mech 211. Therefore, NOx refers to the sum of the NO and N2O Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey species for two mechanisms. The NOx emissions are affected by the local flame temperatures, oxidizer concentration, and Gri-Mech 2.11 Skeletal mechanism intermediate species. The NO distributions are presented in Fig. 8. The NO level predicted by Gri-mech 2.11 is higher than that predicted by the skeletal mechanism. The reason for this situation was stated above. Gri-Mech 2.11 Skeletal mechanism Figure 9. NO species distribution for both mechanisms Figure 7. OH radicals distribution for both mechanisms Gri-Mech 2.11 Skeletal mechanism 4 CONCLUSION Combustion of methane-air has numerically investigated considering the Gri-mech 2.11, and skeletal mechanisms in a laboratory scaledfurnace under mild flame mode using the Eddy Dissipation Concept. The results obtained in this study show that OH, O2, CO, and CO2 distributions do not differ significantly, but flame temperature, methane, and NOx distributions contain significant differences. This is mainly because some intermediate species, such as CN, and NH3, etc., cannot be detected, and their effect cannot be included in the skeletal mechanism. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is grateful for the use of the computing resources provided by the National Center for High Performance Computing of Turkey (UHEM, UYBHM) under grant number 1008202020. Figure 8. CO species distributions for both mechanisms REFERENCES [1] M. 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Erciyes University, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Kayseri, nafiz@erciyes.edu.tr Abstract: In diesel engines, adding natural gas to the combustion air can be a solution to increase engine performance and reduce emissions from combustion. In the experimental study, the effect of natural gas addition to the combustion air on the engine performance has been investigated. The experiments were carried out on a four-stroke, 3-cylinder direct injection Lombardini LDW 1003 engine, at constant engine speed, different mixing ratios and different engine loads. In the diesel engine, natural gas (NG) was added to the combustion air in the amount of 250 g / h and 500 g / h. Engine loads are considered as unloaded, 9,81 Nm, 19,62 Nm, 29,43 Nm and 39,24 Nm (maximum load), respectively. It has been observed that as the natural gas addition increases with increasing load, the pressure inside the cylinder increases, there is a gradual decrease in the exhaust gas temperature, there is a decrease in diesel fuel consumption due to the natural gas addition. Carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbon (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions were investigated for all test cases. Especially the amount of NOx emission increases with increasing natural gas addition up to a certain load value. Keywords: natural gas, combustion air, diesel engine, fuel consumption 1 INTRODUCTION It is possible to run an engine operating with a diesel cycle with alternative fuels by making some changes in the engine theoretically. These fuels, which are alternative to fossil fuels, primarily natural gas, are known to produce less emissions than fuels derived from petroleum. Therefore, instead of pulling the vehicle out of traffic, emission values can be reduced by changing the fuel used. It is possible for natural gas to reduce environmental pollution due to its low emission values. including Turkey, the presence of natural gas reserves extensively all over the world will also contribute to the country's economy as an alternative fuel because natural gas is cheaper than oil [1]. For all these reasons many researches have been done on the sustainable fuel resources especially natural gas. A few of them are summarized below. Raiha et al. focused on the effect of diesel injection timing, intake boost pressure, and diesel injection pressure on diesel-methane dual-fuel combustion performed in a single-cylinder research engine. The engine was operated at a constant speed of 1,500 revolutions per minute while percentage of methane energy substitution and load were maintained at 80% and 5.1 bar net indicated mean effective pressure, respectively. The start of injection of diesel was varied from 250 crank angle degrees (CAD) to 350 CAD 349 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey while keeping the injection pressure at 500 bar model the diesel. The key kinetic parameters of and intake boost pressure at 1.5 bar. Combustion the model were optimized and adjusted according efficiency trends are consistent with unburned to the results of sensitivity analysis. The final hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emission optimized dual-fuel mechanism was verified trends. Moreover, smoke emissions were lower against ignition delay, laminar flame speed, and than 0.1 filter smoke number for all SOIs. [2] homogenous charge compression ignition engine You et al. has studied to better understand the combustion, and a good prediction was obtained. effect of EGR on engine performance of Finally, the present mechanism was coupled into stoichiometric dual fuel engine, a detailed study the CFD software to simulate the combustion on inert gases (Ar, N-2, CO2) in EGR were characteristics and emission of a dual-fuel engine conducted on a 6-cylinder turbocharged under four different NG substitution rates. [5] intercooler diesel/natural gas dual fuel heavyduty engine at stoichiometric condition. The Song et al. investigated performance of a diesel results show that different inert gas has different engine fueled with natural gas piloted by diesel effect on engine power and combustion under full load in order to optimize the the pilot characteristics. The engine power increased for diesel injection timing (theta). The results Ar and N-2 dilution, while it decreased for CO2 indicate that, with the advance in theta, the dilution with increasing the dilution ratio. The cylinder pressure, rate of pressure rise, and heat engine power with Ar dilution is highest, release rate increase first and then decrease. The followed by N-2 and CO2 dilution at same mean value of peak cylinder pressure rises and the dilution ratio. [3] standard deviation increases first and then decreases. The brake power increases first and Bayat et al. conducted experimental study then decreases while the brake specific fuel replacing different mass fractions of diesel fuel consumption reduces first and then rises. The CO2 with natural gas in an indirect injection diesel and NOx emissions rise first and then reduce engine and evaluating its effect on the emissions while smoke emission decreases first and then of soot and nitrogen oxides, and brake specific increases, but the CO and HC rise. [6] fuel consumption in the presence of cold exhaust gas recirculation. Experiments were done at 2 MATERIAL AND METHOD different equivalence ratios and loads in each speed. Replacing 40% mass fraction of input 2.1. The Experimental Setup diesel fuel by adding natural gas resulted in a maximum 74% reduction of soot. Also adding In the test setup, there are the hydraulic 40% natural gas made a maximum 54% reduction dynamometer that allows the change of engine in nitrogen oxides. Maximum decrease in brake load and speed, pressure sensor for measuring specific fuel consumption was 15%, due to cylinder pressure, encoder, amplifier, increase in power output.[4] temperature sensor, two exhaust analysis devices for the measurement of soot and exhaust A reduced n-heptane–n-butylbenzene–NG– emissions, gas flow meters for measuring and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mechanism controlling the amount of gaseous fuels to be with 746 reactions and 143 species was added to the combustion air. developed for predicting the combustion Lombardini LDW 1003 diesel engine connected characteristics and emission in dual-fuel engines to the experimental setup was used in this study by Huang et al. A mixture of methane, ethane, and in which the effects of natural gas-diesel mixture propane was used to model the NG, and a mixture on engine performance in a compression ignition of n-heptane and n-butylbenzene was used to 350 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey engine were examined. The specific for each mixture and all cases were tested at characteristics of this engine are given in Table 1. torques of 9,81 Nm, 19,62 Nm, 29,43 Nm and 39,24 Nm (max. load) respectively. Gas fuel Table 1. Technical specifications of the test quantities were adjusted using a gas flow meter. engine The natural gas used in the experiments was Model LDW 1003 supplied from the Incigaz Company located in Four stroke, direct Aksaray. The natural gas used contains 90% Engine type injection (DI) methane (CH4). The properties of natural gas fuel Number of cylinders 3 [7] are given in Table 2. The data given in the Cylinder volume 1028 cm3 table are the values measured at the time of filling Bore–stroke 75–77.6 mm–mm the natural gas into the tubes. Compression ratio 22.8:1 Maximum engine 19.5 (26.5) kW (Hp) power Table 2. Specifications of natural gas Component 2.2. Test Method Methane Ethane Propane Butane Pentane Nitrogen Carbon dioxide In this study, natural gas was added to the combustion air to form a mixture with diesel fuel. Before the experiments, the test engine was idle until it reached regime temperature. After reaching the engine regime temperature, the load was gradually increased with a hydraulic dynamometer up to the maximum load value and tested at the specified loads. The amount of diesel fuel consumed in the experiments was measured with precision scales. The natural gas fed to the intake manifold to mix with the combustion air was adjusted by passing it through the gas flow meter and setting it to the desired values. Experiments were carried out by changing the torque and natural gas fuel mass flow rate at a fixed engine speed. In-cylinder pressure variation, emissions and fuel consumption were measured to determine engine performance. Incylinder pressure variations are taken as the average of 100 cycles. Two different fuel mixtures were used in the experiments. Natural gas was added to the combustion air in the amount of 250 g / h and 500 g / h and these rates were tested for four different load conditions. The motor was run under no load Chemical Formula CH4 C2H6 C2H8 C4H10 C5H12 N2 CO2 Ratios (%) 90,8 3,6 1,1 0,4 0,1 3,5 0,4 In the tests, firstly, only diesel fuel was used without adding natural gas to the combustion air and the results were compared with other mixing conditions. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Cylinder Pressure Cylinder gas pressure is the parameter that shows the mixing of fuel with air and the combustion properties of the fuel. In the study, the engine was tested with diesel fuel at 1500 rpm unloaded, 9,81 Nm, 19,62 Nm, 29,43 Nm and 39,24 Nm loads. In addition to diesel fuel, 250 g / h and 500 g / h natural gas was added to the combustion air. The highest pressure was measured as 60,059475 bar in the diesel + 500 g / h natural gas mixture at 39,24 Nm and the lowest pressure value was measured as 47,7840625 bar in the diesel + 500 g / h natural gas mixture at no load as seen in the Figure 1. 351 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Table 3. Values of excess air coefficient When the in-cylinder pressure values in the unloaded state are examined, the values in the tests performed with only diesel fuel are higher than the pressure values obtained with natural gas additions of 250 g / h and 500 g / h. The addition of natural gas when the engine is unloaded has reduced the in-cylinder pressure. Excess air coefficient values for all cases has been given in Table 3. Since the excess air coefficient values are above 5, the mixture is very lean. As natural gas is supplied to the cylinders from the intake manifold, the ignition in the cylinder is insufficient compared to pure diesel fuel [8]. For this reason, the pressure inside the cylinder has decreased with the increase in natural gas addition. c) at 19,62 Nm load d) at 29,43 Nm load e) at 39,24 Nm load Figure 1. Cylinder pressure values for different engine load depending on CA a) no load With the increase in engine load, the air excess coefficient values decreased to 1.4701 values. It has been determined that there is an increase in the in-cylinder pressure with the increasing amount of natural gas for each load. The pressure increase is caused by the increase in the equivalence ratio. In diesel, diesel + 250 g / h NG and diesel + 500g / h NG fuel and fuel mixtures, the calorific value of the fuel decreased compared to the pure diesel fuel with the increase in the load. The highest fuel calorific value was b) at 9,81 Nm load 352 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey obtained at 39,24 Nm load and diesel +500 g / h combustion air reduced the exhaust gas NG fuel mixture. temperature. The pressure values obtained for all test cases and the crank angles where this pressure occurs are given in the Table 4. Table 4. Max. cylinder pressures for all cases Torque 0 4 8 12 16 0 g/h Max. Pressure 57,08398 55,16515 55,30803 55,12565 55,18443 CA 365 368 367 367 366 250 g/h Max. Pressure 55,8825 55,474513 56,540175 57,0102375 56,833775 CA 365 368 368 367 367 500 g/h Max. Pressure 47,784063 57,217588 59,776175 59,7180375 60,059475 CA 366 365 368 367 366 Figure 2. Exhaust temperature depending on engine torque 3.2 Temperature The average temperature in the exhaust system of a typical CI engine will be 2000-5000C. This is lower than SI engine exhaust (400-600 C) because of the larger expansion cooling that occurs due to the higher compression ratios of CI engines. If the maximum temperature in a CI engine is about the same as in an SI engine, the temperature when the exhaust valve opens can be several hundred degrees less. The overall lean equivalence ratio of a CI engine also lowers all cycle temperatures from combustion on. Exhaust temperature of an engine will go up with higher engine speed or load, with spark retardation, and/or with an increase in equivalence ratio. Things that are affected by exhaust temperature include turbochargers, catalytic converters, and particulate traps [9-10]. The variation of exhaust gas temperatures obtained in the experiments performed for the constant engine speed, four different load values and two different natural gas addition conditions is shown in Figure 2. For all fuel situations, with increasing load, exhaust gas temperatures also increase. However, considering three different fuel conditions, it is seen that the highest temperature is obtained when only diesel fuel is used. As can be understood from the figure, the increase in the amount of natural gas added to the 3.3 Fuel Consumption Figure 3 shows the change of brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) measured in the experiments according to the amount of natural gas added to the combustion air. As seen in the figure, the highest fuel consumption was obtained at 9,81 Nm load and the least at maximum load. Increasing the addition of natural gas did not cause a significant change in BSFC for each load. Figure 3. Change of brake specific fuel consumption according to natural gas amount The diesel fuel consumption measured with precision scales during the experiments is given 353 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey in Figure 4. While diesel fuel consumption decreased with the addition of natural gas, the amount of diesel fuel consumed in all three cases (natural gas amount of 0, 250 and 500 g/h) increased with the increase in engine load. Figure 4. Fuel consumption depending on engine torque 3.4 Exhaust Emissions CO, HC, CO2 and NOx emission values were measured for three different fuel and fuel mixtures. Figure 5 shows the emission values measured as a result of the tests carried out in noload condition and at four different loads. Figure 5. Exhaust emission variations depending on CA CO emission peaked at maximum load with the increase in natural gas use. Therefore, as combustion deteriorates with the increase in load and natural gas, the amount of CO emission, which is incomplete combustion product, has also increased. Unburned HC emission reached the highest level with the addition of 500 g / h NG. It is seen that hydrocarbon emissions are high because the fuel does not burn properly at low loads. Since the best combustion was obtained only when diesel was used, CO2 emission also increased with increasing load. Although there was not a significant change for different fuel conditions, the lowest emission data were obtained with the addition of 500 g / h NG. NOx emission increased up to a certain point (up to 50% load) as the combustion improved with the increase in load, then started to decrease. The maximum values were obtained by adding 500 g / h NG. 354 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey [4] Bayat, Y., & Ghazikhani, M. (2020). 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Experimental investigation of compressed natural gas using in an indirect injection diesel engine at If the data obtained from the study are different conditions. Journal of Cleaner summarized; In the diesel engine, the addition of Production, 122450. natural gas to the combustion air increased the in[5] Huang, H., Lv, D., Zhu, J., Zhu, Z., Chen, Y., cylinder pressure. 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Faculty of Engineering, Eskisehir Technic University, Eskisehir; email: mkockar@eskisehir.edu.tr Abstract Population growth and industrialization in the world increased demand for energy rapidly. Fossil fuels cause climate change and increase in carbon dioxide emissions while renewable energy sources offer sustainable solutions due to being environmentally friendly. Biomass is considered as an important renewable energy source. Biomass can be converted to energy via thermo-chemical and bio-chemical/biological methods. Pyrolysis can be used to convert biomass to bio-oil. In this experimental study, safflower seed was used as an biomass source. Fast pyrolysis experiments were carried out at different pyrolysis temperatures (400 °C, 500 °C, 550 °C, 600 °C, 700 °C) at heating rate of 300 °C/min and at a 100 cm3/min N2 flow rate to obtain the highest bio-oil yield. The catalytic pyrolysis experiments were performed by montmorillonite catalyst with 10% aluminium at pyrolysis temperature of 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 550°C and 600 °C to investigate the effect of pyrolysis temperature on the bio-oil yield. The highest oil yield was obtained as 40.75% at 550°C. The catalytic fast pyrolysis experiments revealed that safflower can be used as an renewable raw material for production of synthetic bio-oil production. Keywords: Renewable Energy, Safflower Seed, Fast Pyrolysis, Catalyst 1 INTRODUCTION The world's energy demand is increasing significantly due to population growth and industrial evolution. It is estimated that the increase in fossil fuel consumption will cause the depletion of world reserves. Fossil fuels which are not sustainable energy sources, cause an increase in the rate of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The accumulation of greenhouse gases cause the rise in the temperature of the atmosphere and hence climate change. Biomass energy is one of the oldest energy sources that people use. Biomass is used to supply various energy needs, such as electric generation, heating, fuel [1]. Biomass stores solar energy for use during photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide is converted into plant materials such as cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. Biomass term includes plant wastes, forest, wood and food processing residues, human sewage, animal wastes, municipal solid wastes [2]. Being renewable, cheap and abundant, biomass is an important energy and chemical source [3]. The production of valuable hydrocarbons (fuels and chemicals) from biomass can be done in two different ways. The first is the biochemical process, which is the conversion of biomass into fuel products by microbial fermentation. The second is a thermochemical process in which biomass is processed by gasification or pyrolysis to produce synthesis gas or bio-oil [4]. Thermochemical processes enable biomass to be converted into energy and fuels in minutes. Therefore, it is more advantageous than biochemical processes [5]. Pyrolysis is a thermally degradation process that transforms biomass into char, liquid and gas products. The major components of the biomass which are cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin degrade to bio-oil, biochar and synthesis gas at certain temperatures [6]. There are basically two types of pyrolysis, slow pyrolysis and fast pyrolysis. In fast pyrolysis, it is possible to obtain a more efficient liquid product in shorter periods of time, at higher heating rates and temperatures than in slow pyrolysis [7]. Bio-oil has highly oxygenated and acidic components, this may cause thermally and chemically Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey unstable product [8]. Some improvements are required for the effective use of bio-oil. Catalytic pyrolysis is one of the methods to improve the bio-oil content. Mineral clays such as montmorillonite in the catalyst field are of great interest. Montmorillonite clays have been used for various purposes due to their high porosity, and swelling properties [9]. In this experimental study, montmorillonite clay, which is abundant, cheap and environmentally friendly was used as catalyst in order to determine the effect on the pyrolysis product yields. 2 METHOD 2.1 Biomass The safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) seeds used in this study were obtained region. The seeds dried in the laboratory, ground in the laboratory scale mill and sieved due to ASTM Standarts. The seeds between 0.850 mm <dp <1.25 mm particle size were used in the pyrolysis experiments. The moisture content, volatile matter, ash, fixed carbon and oil amount of the safflower seeds were determined according to TSE Standarts [10,11,12]. The results of the proximate analysis of the safflower seeds are given in Table 1. Table 1. Proximate analysis of safflower seed Analysis Weight % Moisture 5.7 Volatile matter 80.80 Fixed Carbon 11.32 Ash 2.18 2.2 Pyrolysis Tubular fixed-bed reactor made of 310 stainless steel with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 90 cm and heated from the top and bottom part was used in the fast pyrolysis experiments. The temperature was measured directly above the raw material by a thermocouple located in the middle of the tubular reactor. The temperature measurements from the thermocouple were monitored by the numerical display on the control panel. After the connections of the reactor have been made, the heating rate and pyrolysis temperature were adjusted from the control panel. The sweeping gas flow rate adjusted by rotameter. In the experiments, 3 g of raw material was weighed and placed on 0.3 g of steel wool in the reactor. Pyrolysis experiments were carried out in two parts; with and without catalyst. In the first part to determine the oil yield without catalyst, experiments were performed at 100 cm3/min N2 flow rate and 300 cm3/min heating rate at pyrolysis temperature of 400°C, 500°C, 550°C, 600°C and 700°C. At the second part, pyrolysis reactions were carried out with %10 Al doped montmorillonite catalyst at pyrolysis temperature of 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 550°C and 600°C. The N2 flow rate and heating rate values were constant. The catalyst amount was used at a rate of 5% by weight. At the end of the experiments, char removed from the reactor and weighed to calculate the char yield. The trapped liquid kept at 0°C dissolved with dichloromethane and separated into oil and water fractions. The solvent in the oil fraction was removed with rotary evaporator. After weighing the oil amount, the gas yield was calculated by difference. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Product yields The pyrolysis experiments were carried out without catalyst at pyrolysis temperature of 400°C, 500°C, 550°C, 600°C and 700°C in the first part. The product yields obtained from the first part of the experiments are given in Figure 1. Figure 1. Product yield of fast pyrolysis at different temperatures Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 1 shows that char yield was decreased from 28% to 19% when temperature was increased from 400°C to 700°C as expected. The oil yield increased while the temperature increased from 400°C to 550°C, but further increase in temperature caused slightly decrease in the oil yield. The maximum and minimum oil yield was obtained as 39.80% and 28.2%, respectively. Depending on the oil yield, the gas yield decreased up to 550°C. The calculated gas amount increased with increasing temperature. In the second part of the experiments, %10 Al doped montmorillonite catalyst was used at 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 550°C, 600°C. The product yields determined from the second part of the experiments are given in Figure 2. Figure 2. Product yield of catalytic fast pyrolysis at different temperatures Figure 2 showed that the solid product yield was high as 87.89% is not complete. The solid product yield decreased to 22.9% as the temperature increased to 6 . The oil product yield increased as temperature increased to 550°C and decreased when the temperature increased to 600°C as in the first part. The highest oil yield was found as 40.75 % with 10% Al dopped montmorillonite catalyst. The gas product yield showed very small change with increasing temperature. 4 CONCLUSION The fast pyrolysis experiments of safflower seeds without catalyst were carried out at different temperatures in the first part. The highest oil yield was obtained as 39.80% at 550°C. In catalytic fast pyrolysis studies, the highest liquid product yield was found to be 40.75% at 550°C. According to these results, the use of 10% Al doped montmorillonite catalyst at a rate of 5% by mass increased the oil product yield. The temperatures which the highest oil product yields found were the same both in the experiments with and without catalyst. It was observed that the montmorillonite catalyst doped with 10% Al did not change the optimum temperature value in fast pyrolysis experiments. REFERENCES [1] E. Toklu, Biomass energy potential and utilization in Turkey, Renewable Energy, Vol. 107, pp. 235-244, 2017. [2] F. Bilgili, and I. Ozturk, Biomass energy and economic growth nexus in G7 countries: Evidence from dynamic panel data, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 49, pp. 132-138, 2015. [3] S. and D. Pyrolysis of safflower (Charthamus tinctorius L.) seed press cake in a fixed-bed reactor: Part 2. 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Qi, Overview of upgrading of pyrolysis oil of biomass, Energy Procedia, Vol 61, pp. 1306-1309, 2014. [9] J. Shah, M.R. Jan and Adnan, Metal decorated montmorillonite as a catalyst for the degradation of polystyrene, Journal of the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 80, pp. 391-398, 2017. tohum su ve uçucu miktar tayini, TS 1632, 1. [11] T.S., Türk Standartlar tohum küspelerinde toplam kül tayini, TS 921, AN EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL CASE STUDY ON COALESCING PLATES USED IN OIL-WATER SEPARATION Mehmet ORUÇ1, Sedat YAYLA1 1. Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Van; e-mail: mehmetoruc@yyu.edu.tr , syayla@yyu.edu.tr Abstract Petroleum-water separation systems are important for obtaining separated water and oil. Also, because the need for water increases in nature, it is also important to obtain separated water. This study consists of a series of experimental and numerical analyzes performed with perforated coalescing plates, which are widely used in the separation of the oil-water mixture. Experimental and numerical separation efficiency was investigated for 3 different temperatures (25,30 and 35°C) and distances between coalescing plates (12,24 and 36 mm) by using crude oil production area and using 10 % petroleum-water mixture. In all studies, the flow rate of the oil-water mixture to the separation system is constant. It is seen that the parameters discussed affect both the separation efficiency and each other, and the highest separation efficiency is obtained as 99.6% at 30 °C temperature and the distance between 24 mm coalescing plates. Numerical studies were carried out using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation program. Separation processes were examined both experimentally and numerically, and the separation efficiency values obtained by experimental and numerical studies were found to be compatible with each other. Keywords: Oily water separation, Coalescing plates, CFD, Experimental and numerical study 1. INTRODUCTION In parallel with the advancement of technology, the need for energy is increasing day by day. It is observed that fossil fuels and renewable energy sources have been used in recent years to meet the increasing energy needs [1-3]. Petroleum and derivative products are mostly used in the fossil fuels used. Oil and derivative products that have entered our lives since the 18th century have become an indispensable part of our lives day by day. Given the fact that petroleum and its derivative products have entered our lives to such an extent, all intermediate processes from the production of oil to the consumption should be done with great care [4]. Underground and well fluids are generally a mixture of oil, gas, and water components. Each of these fluids must be separated to use in a particular application [3]. The process of separating water from oil in the oil industry involves several problems. In order to increase oil production, gas and oil companies are constantly looking for more effective methods to reduce the amount of water in the mixture. In recent years, different separation methods have been developed, such as associated plate separator, coalescing tube separator, and packaging-type separators [6]. Two processes are generally used in the oil separation process. After the oil is passed through the process (the process in which mud, gas, and some of the water are separated from the oil extracted from the well), II. the process (the process where oil is separated from water) should be started. II. Even if some gas and mud are separated from the oil in the process, the main purpose is to separate the water in the oil. After the crude oil is removed from the well, it is kept in tanks with different types of separator systems within the scope of the first process and separated by these separation systems. In the first process phase; wastes such as mud, etc., extracted to the earth together with oil, gas, and some water are separated. The oil, which was purified from some of the waste in it, was later converted into II. It is subjected to the process stage [7]. As mentioned in previous chapters, II. Since the process is more expensive and takes more time, most oil-rich countries are available in limited numbers. The oil transported to the process facilities by pipeline, tank, train, ship transportation, II. is subjected to the process. II. Different separation methods are available within the scope of the process and among these methods, the separation process performed by using a bonded plate in this system will be based on. In the separation process using the coalescing plate; At the basis of the separation, there are 2 or more fluid mixtures whose density is different from each other and as a result of the process, the fluids are stratified from the surface to the bottom in the separation tank according to their density values (Stokes Law). Fleischer [8] explained that the generally used methods to separate water and oil consist of centrifugal separation, gravitational separation, and filtering. The coalescing plate method to be used in the project also falls into the gravitational separation class. While centrifugal separation and gravitational placement are based on density variances, filtering is based on power variances, molecular volume, and gravitational forces. Viscosity, which also has an important effect on the separation of water from oil, is an important physical property of oil. The effectiveness of gravitational separation is enhanced by increasing the diameter of the bubble using centrifugal force as well as by changing the gravity power. Morrison, [9] in addition to the API system, the benefits of the separation system using a bonded plate; He stated that increasing oil separation, providing laminar flow in plates, efficient flow distribution, self-cleaning, removing oil sludge to the surface easily, being compressible and low cost. The weakness of this system is its clogging and the potential for oil or water to flow over the plates. Kok and Marson [10] explained that this volume should be reduced to reduce the need for perforated plate separator volume to more gravity systems and prevent oil droplet movements. They stated that volume reduction would be possible by placing more perforated plates in the system. Mohr [11] explained that different angle systems have been developed to make improvements on issues such as system clogging with solid particles and perforated plate inhibitors. Today, the number of researchers using the computational fluid dynamics program (CFD) to investigate the separation of oil and water is increasing [12]. It is also used as a basis in oil-water separation experiments, as the process of conducting experiments is useful in determining the effect of various geometric shapes and process on separation, although complex and costly [13-16] Computational fluid dynamics data have been proven to be more applicable and consistent with experiments [ 17,18]. For these reasons, the CFD program was used in this study to examine the effect of various factors on separation efficiency. This program; It is typically applied to the physical and chemical properties of fluids and also helps to find fluid parameters and interrelated physical events, equation management, and solution parameters. Therefore; The CFD program can be described as a complicated program based on calculations [19]. CFD program is also in the computer system; it can mimic gas and liquid flow, moving particles, chemical reactions, multiphase physical phenomena, heat and mass transfer, fluid acoustic, and interface stresses [20]. The implementation of this program helps to organize the systems that need analysis. The software of the CFD program; supplies pictures and elements used to estimate the characteristics of the system [21]. Within the scope of this study, the first processed crude oil sample (crude oil separated from some of the solid particulate water) was transferred to the separation system at 3 different temperature values, and the separation efficiency for the distance value between 3 different coalescing plates was investigated experimentally and numerically. In experimental and numerical studies, the flow rate of the fluid to the separation system is constant 15,18 lt / min. was considered as. Both the separation efficiency values obtained from experimental and numerical studies were compared and the degree of influence of the parameters discussed on each other and the separation efficiency was examined. 2. MATERIAL and METOD 2.1 Experimental Studies The relationship between the separation efficiency and the distance between the plates coalescing and the temperature of the oil-water mixture was investigated experimentally and numerically, and the rheological properties of all fluids entering and leaving the system were also used in the relevant calculations. The viscosity, density, and petroleum ratio of the processed oilwater mixture sample used in the separation system are measured and specified in table 1. Table 1. Properties of Oil-Water mixture Oil Ratio in Mixture (%) 10 Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (Pa. s) 795 7.3 x 103 The viscosity of the oil-water mixture was measured with a temperature-controlled viscometer and its density was measured with a hand-held density meter. Related measuring devices are shown in figure 1. The inner diameter of the pipes that transfer the mixture to the system is 1 finger (inch) and is 25.4 mm. The density values of the fluid mixture before and after entering the separation system were measured and the change of the mixture density was also examined. The oil/water ratio of the mixture was calculated with a temperaturecontrolled magnetic stirrer. Samples heated up to 55Cº were rotated at 1000 rpm for 5 minutes. During this period, oil droplets reaching a certain temperature value stick to each other thanks to the rotating force applied, and the oil droplets that increase in volume also come to the surface of the mixture due to the difference in density. As a result of this process in 100 ml measure, all oil droplets in the oil have accumulated on the surface and separated from the water. Since the ratio of oil and water in the measure reaches a visible level, the relevant value is read and written. Figure 1. Viscometer and Handheld Density Meter used in measurements; 1a: Temperature Controlled Viscometer 1b: Handheld density meter The viscosity of the oil-water mixture supplied from the oil production site was measured using the LAMY RM 100 viscometer. With the temperature-controlled viscometer, whichever temperature value experiments were carried out, the samples were kept at the same temperature value and viscosity measurement was made. After the petroleum samples to be used within the scope of the study were obtained and their rheological properties were determined, the relevant experiments were started. The separation system used in the experimental study is shown in figure 2. Figure 2. General Experiment Setup As seen in Figure 1, the oil-water mixture is transferred to the separation system with the help of a pump. The speed of the mixture that will enter the system is also adjusted by the step pump and fluid is pumped into the system at the desired speeds. HP10 Metallic Body Diaphragm Pump was used in the system and flow control was done from the automation unit. There is a flow meter at the outlet of the system so that the exit speed values of the mixture can also be measured. Oil, which is passed through assembled plates and separates during this period, will accumulate as a layer (in the form of a film) on top of the oil-water mixture since its density is lower than water, and this oil layer will be discharged with a separated oil drain valve. Water with partial oil inside will be discharged with a water drain valve. The separation system feed tank used in the experiments has a capacity of 2000 liters and is made of polyethylene. It is also resistant to high temperatures and impacts. First, the oil-water mixture was mixed with the mixer for 30 minutes in the feed tank. Thanks to this mixing process, the homogeneity of the mixture is ensured and it is ready to be pumped into the separation system. With the operation of the diaphragm pump-compressor (4000 lt capacity) set and the automation unit installed, the speed of the mixture is adjusted and the mixture is pumped into the system at the desired speed values. In all relevant experiments, the temperature of the mixture was adjusted in the same way with the automation system established and related studies were carried out for 3 different temperature values (25,30 and 35 ° C). The separation tank used in the experimental setup is metal and coated and painted to prevent rust. At the bottom of the separation tank with a capacity of 2500 liters; While there are valves for the evacuation of settled solid particles, there is a separate water discharge valve at the bottom. Thanks to the valve mounted on the upper points of the relevant tank, crude oil discharge that has been separated and accumulated on the surface have been provided. Separated water and crude oil are discharged to separated water and separate oil tanks through these discharge valves. The separated water storage tank has a capacity of 2000 liters, while a separated oil storage tank has a capacity of 500 liters. The properties of the bonded plates used in the separation system are given in table 2 and the separation was achieved by the sets that were installed using the perforated bonded plates, and all relevant experiments were carried out. As can be seen from Table 2, related studies have been carried out for the distance between 12 different coalescing plates (12,24,36 mm). Table 2. Properties of coalescing plates used in experiments Length of Coalescing Plates (L) 800 mm (mm) Coalescing Plate Hole Diameter 15 mm (D) (mm) Distance Between Coalescing 12-24-36 Plates (H )(mm) mm Coalescing Plate Width (mm) 600 mm (W) As seen in Figure 3, the oil-water mixture pumped to the separation system; Separation is provided by passing through sets consisting of perforated assembled plates. The oil droplets in the mixture passed through the perforated plates are adhered to each other and collected on the surface like a film strip. Since the density of crude oil is lower than that of water, the separated water is also collected at the bottom of the separation tank. According to Stokes Law, separation of insoluble fluids by using the difference in density and accumulation of lowdensity oil droplets on the surface. Figure 3. Top and side view of the set of coalescing plates used in the separation system The oil beads will continue to move upwards depending on the laminar flow conditions of Stokes law. Increasing the size of the particles causes the laminar flow rate to increase. In order to calculate the required dimensions of the separators, it is important to know the speed increase of the oil bubbles. When calculating the dimensions of the oil separation system, it is considered that the output of one of the two interconnected systems is suitable for the entrance of the other system in order to release the oil bubbles. Sufficient time must be allowed for the oil beads to move from the bottom to the surface before the water pushes the oil beads to the other side of the system. The equation below describes the Stokes law.[22]. Vp = In this experiment Vp = speed, cm / sec. G = gravitational acceleration, 980 cm / sec2. dc = bulk phase density, gm / cm3. dp = density of the bead phase, gm / cm3. D = bead diameter, cm. It was found that the API value of the crude oil in the oil-water mixture supplied from the oil production area was between 20-25 and the boiling point of the relevant crude oil samples was determined to be 200 ° C and above based on the previous scientific studies. Based on this information, the oil-water ratio was measured by distillation. The oil-water mixture ratio of the oil-water mixture to be pumped to the separation system and the separated water obtained was determined by the distillation process shown in figure 4. In the distillation process, the samples placed in a glass balloon with a sensitivity of 0.01 mm were heated up to 150 °C and all the water in the mixture was evaporated because of the boiling points of the phases in the mixture differ from each other. Oil/water separation efficiency value was reached by reading the volume value of crude oil remaining in the glass balloon. Figure 5. a) Boundary conditions applied in CFD Program b) Mesh applied Figure 4. Distillation Unit 2.2. Numerical Studies CFD is a branch of fluid mechanics that examines fluid behavior, simulates the flow region and basic differential equations of the flow, which can be simulated by briefly offering numerical solution possibilities in accordance with the physical and chemical properties of the fluid and used in very wide application areas of many engineering branches. Mesh properties applied for the studies to be carried out within the scope of the numerical method are shown in Figure 5a, and healthier results are obtained by considering the boundary layer conditions. The high number of mesh does not mean that better results can be obtained, and it is necessary to determine the optimum mesh model and number according to the type of problem, geometry, fluid type and properties to be applied. Since the geometry to which the problem will be applied is rectangular, mesh geometry has been selected in accordance with this geometry and mesh with 71702 element number has been laid. Figure 5b shows the change of applied mesh properties and boundary-layer conditions based on the Wall. Figure 6. Iteration applied in CFD Program In Figure 6, it is shown that the iterations applied for the analysis solutions to be made within the scope of the CFD program and the variable values that are handled do not change as the iteration is applied after a certain point. The point to be considered while applying iteration; The problem is that the variables (x, y, z, velocity value. etc.) that are handled for the solution should not change by increasing the number of iterations. When we look at the number and changes of iterations applied in this study, there is no change in the parameters after 1000 iterations. Table 3. Mesh independent Mesh Structure Coarser Coarse Normal Fine Finer Number of elements 41207 58990 64612 71702 74089 Separation Efficiency (%) 98,2 98,7 99,1 99,4 99,37 Table 3 shows the mesh-free version of the study. As can be seen from the table, while the number of elements is 71702, the maximum Turbulent kinetic energy value of 16.5 J kg ^ -1 was obtained. In all numerical studies, the number of elements is taken as 71702. Thanks to the CFD programs used today, more efficient results can be obtained in a shorter time at a lower cost. While modeling, very complex geometries can be divided into pieces or as a whole by emphasizing the desired features. Also, in the fluid modeling in the CFD program, many analyzes can be made according to the desired situation according to single-phase and multiphase flows, time-dependent, or timeindependent fluid properties. Within the scope of the study, simulation studies of plates and experimental setups were made within the scope of the experimental study to verify the vortex producing plates designed for the best efficiency and the results obtained in numerical studies. The transition from laminar to turbulent flow; geometry depends on surface roughness, flow rate, surface temperature, fluid type, and many more parameters. The flow regime mainly depends on the ratio of inertia forces in the fluid to viscous forces [23]. The continuity equation is about the change of the volume available in a fluid by time and location. The general continuity equation is as follows. Continuity equation: (1) In the experiments carried out within the scope of the study, it has been accepted that the flow of water flowing in the channel is a continuous and incompressible flow where the fluid density remains constant. Continuity equation of incompressible flow: (2) Consumption of mass and momentum conservation is made using the Navier Stokes equation. Conservation (3) of mass: Conservation of momentum: (4) The k known and has a simpler structure than other models. The standard k the analysis since the flow used in the study was turbulent flow. K equation: (5) equation: (6) 3. RESULTS and DISCUSSIONS The relevant experiments were carried out with a set of assembled plates with a length of 800 mm, a hole diameter of 15 mm, and a distance between plates of 12,24,36 mm. All numerical and experimental studies were carried out for 3 different temperature values (25, 30, 35 ° C). Throughout the experiment, the temperature value was controlled by the automation control unit and kept constant. In the experiments carried out within the scope of the study, the separation efficiency value was found according to the result of the whole sample collected every 15 minutes after the water flow to the separated water storage tank and collected until the end of the relevant experiment. The experiments carried out within the scope of the study are shown in table 4. As can be seen from the table, a total of 9 experiments were carried out and the same experimental setup was designed numerically and related studies were also handled through the CFD program. Table 4. Experiments carried out Temperature (T) (°C) 25 30 35 Distance between plates (H) (mm) 12 24 36 12 24 36 12 24 36 the distance between the coalescing plates in the separation system is 24 mm and the temperature are 30 ° C is shown in figure 8. As can be seen in the figure, the oil droplets in the oil-water mixture adhere to each other and move towards the surface, resulting in an upward velocity change. As it is understood from the intensification of upward speed movement as the exit zone of the separation system approaches, oil droplets stick to each other more easily and appear to be suitable and the selected pumping flow rate is appropriate. Separation efficiency values obtained from experiments and numerical studies are shown in table 5. As can be seen from the related table, the separation efficiency difference between experimental and numerical studies is in the range of 1-2% and is a negligible value. Table 5. Comparison of obtained experimental and numerical separation efficiency values Temperature (T) (°C) 25 Figure 7. H = 24 mm and T= 25 °C water volume fraction The water-oil volume ratio, where the distance between the coalescing plates is 24 mm and the temperature is 25 ° C, can be seen in Figure 7. It is seen that oil, which has a lower density than water, accumulates on the surface and separates. The results obtained are also compatible with the experimental results. Figure 8. Velocity H = 24 mm and T = 30 ° C The change of the speed graph in the case where 30 35 Distance between plates (H) (mm) 12 24 36 12 24 36 12 24 36 Experimental Separation Efficiency (%) 93 95,8 91 96,9 99,6 94,3 98,8 99,2 96,5 Numerical Separation Efficiency (%) 92,07 97,7 89,18 97,8 99,5 95,1 99 99,5 96,7 When the experimental and numerical results carried out within the scope of separation processes are analyzed, it is seen that the results are compatible with each other and the separation efficiency of the parameters handled. As the distance between the coalescing plates increases, the number of plates placed in the separation system decreases, and the oil-water mixture contacts less with the plates, and the separation efficiency decreases. However, since the distance between the plates is a low value even if the distance between the plates is 12 mm, the oil-water mixture cannot easily enter and contact the separation system. For this reason, a decrease in separation efficiency is observed. When the effect of the temperature value of the oil-water mixture pumped on the separation system on separation efficiency is observed, it is seen that the highest separation efficiency is obtained at 30 ° C. While the increase of the temperature value up to a certain point positively affects the separation efficiency, it is observed that there is a decrease in the separation efficiency at the temperature value above 30 ° C. 4. CONCLUSIONS Within the scope of the related study, the separation efficiency of the oil-water mixture sample supplied from the crude oil field for 3 different temperatures, and the distances between the coalescing plates was examined. Different separation efficiency values were obtained in all experimental and numerical studies. As the temperature of the mixture pumped into the separation system is increased, the viscosity of the mixture decreases and it can flow more easily from the surface of the plates. However, at high temperatures, it is difficult for oil droplets that are undissolved in the mixture to stick to each other and come to the surface. Oil droplets, which cannot stick to each other and come to the surface, cannot come out of the separation system in a separated way and the separation efficiency decreases. Considering the effect of the distance between the plates on the separation efficiency, the number of plates placed in the separation system and the contact surface of the oil-water mixture decreases as the distance between the plates increases. In the separation system, the contact surface decreases, the separation efficiency decreases. However, it is important to consider the viscosity of the fluid mixture while reducing the distance between the coalescing plates. The fluid mixture with high viscosity cannot flow easily from the surface of the plates if the distance between the plates is low, and the area required for the contact of the oil droplets to contact with each other does not occur. As a result, it was observed that the separation efficiency value varies depending on the fluid's pumping temperature to the system and the distance between the coalescing plates. The separation efficiency varies due to the flow characteristics and the mixture can interact with the coalescing plates. The optimum connection between the separation efficiency and the temperature of the mixture pumping into the system-the distance between the coalescing plates was determined, and accordingly, the maximum separation efficiency value was determined experimentally and numerically. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Scientific Research Projects Coordinator with the project number FOA-20197591. REFERENCES [1] S. Yayla, S. Ayça, M. 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In order to investigate the storage stability of pyrolytic oil, samples have been aged at different durations under different conditions. The changes in the characterization of bio-oil samples during storage were carried out in terms of viscosity, elemental analysis, TGA, FTIR, and GC-MS before and after storage. It was observed that long-term and high-temperature storage, known as accelerated aging, affected the rheological behavior of bio-oil while increasing the instability, which can be due to the polymerization reactions that occurred during storage. The viscosity of aged bio-oil (168 hours of accelerated aging at 80 °C) was measured at 40 °C as 40.8 cP that is 36.7 % higher than the viscosity of fresh bio-oil at the same temperature. TGA results showed that the maximum decomposition temperature was shifted to around 300 oC for the 168 hours accelerated aged bio-oil. As a result, it was concluded that pyrolytic oil is thermally unstable synthetic fuel and it is necessary to keep the storage conditions at lower temperatures to have a relatively stable product and to minimize storage effects. Keywords: Olive residue, pyrolysis, bio-oil, storage, stability, rheology. 1. INTRODUCTION The increasing demand for energy forces researchers to find clean and renewable energy sources to compact with fuel produced from petroleum. Clean and renewable energy sources will decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emission, which will accelerate the environment to recover and prevent or at least delay the greenhouse effect. One of the renewable energy sources that have been used for thousands of years is biomass. In Mediterranean basin countries, olive (Olea Europea L.) cultivation is a typical activity. However, for many centuries utilization of olive residue is carried out mostly by direct combustion for domestic heating purposes. Nowadays, thermochemical conversion technologies take attention as alternative utilization methods. Torrefaction, gasification, and pyrolysis are an example of the thermal conversion of biomass. Pyrolysis is preferred due to the ability to have three different products that are solid (charcoal), liquid (bio-oil or pyrolytic oil), and gas (biogas). Pyrolysis offers the advantages of having a liquid product that can be easily stored and transported. However, bio-oil is chemically and thermally less stable compared to petroleum fuels due to the high content of reactive oxygen-containing compounds. The stability of bio-oil may vary concerning the storage duration and conditions. The instability of bio-oil can be observed as increased viscosity with storage duration especially when exposed to relatively high temperatures [1-3]. This study aims to investigate the effect of different storage conditions on bio-oil stability. Having this information provides the knowledge of the best way to store bio-oil to minimize aging effects. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Materials The olive oil residue used in this study as feedstock was collected from Manisa city located in the Aegean Region, west of Turkey, during the 2019 season. Olive oil residue consisted of the solid remains of the olive including skins, pulp, seeds, and stems. The feedstock was dried at room temperature for a few days before pyrolysis. 2.2. Bio-Oil Production Pyrolytic oil was obtained from olive residue via slow pyrolysis using a fixed bed reactor. The reactor was fixed in an electrically heated oven to obtain the desired pyrolysis temperature. The reactor temperature was maintained at 500 °C using a PID controller with a thermocouple placed in the top of the reactor. To obtain sustainable results the reactor was cleaned and dried before and after each day and every pyrolysis experiment was done in the same order. After the reactor was filled with feedstock its upper chamber was sealed carefully to ensure that there are no bio-gas leakages. The final temperature of the reactor was set to 500 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. After reaching the final temperature a holding period of 15 minutes was sustained. Biogas produced during pyrolysis was carried out using nitrogen that flows in the reactor at 100 cm3/min and passed through 4 cylinder vessels placed in ice. The condensed gases were collected as bio-oil and directly transferred to a closed glass vessel and kept in the refrigerator for further analysis. Bio-oil was aged at 2 different conditions: (i) at room temperature for 7 days and (ii) 24 hours and 168 hours at 80 oC. Before the aging process, the and samples aged at 80 o 2.3. Bio-Oil Characterization During the bio-oil characterization process, all tests were done before and after the aging process. Ultimate Analysis The elemental composition, C, H, and N, of the samples was determined using a LECO CHN628 elemental analyzer. Oxygen content was calculated by difference (100% (C+H+N)). Calorific Value The determination of the calorific value of biooil samples was accomplished by using Dulong equation [1], Equation (1): Where, C, H, and O are the mass fractions of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, respectively. Viscosity and Aging Index The dynamic viscosity of bio-oil samples was determined by using Kinexus ultra+ (Malvern UK). Shear rate ramp between 5 to 50 s-1 was applied to each sample at 40 °C. Cone plate geometry has been used with 40mm diameter and 4o angle. The change in the dynamic viscosity ( ) known as the aging index was calculated using Equation (2): FTIR Analysis Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to analyze the organic functional groups in the bio-oil samples before and after the aging process. A Thermo Fisher Scientific Nicolet iS10 FTIR spectrometer with a resolution of 4 cm 1 and 32 scans were used for analyzing samples between 4000 and 500 cm-1. TGA Analysis Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) experiments were carried out using Labsys Eyo (SETARAM Instrumentation). Approximately 10±1.0 mg of sample was loaded into a TGA crucible. 20 ml/min nitrogen was used as the sweeping gas. Each test was carried in 3 steps, 1st step for 35 minutes at room temperature to reach stability, 2nd step increasing the temperature of the sample from room temperature to 1000 °C by 20 °C /min heating rate, followed by cooling step. GC-MS Analysis The analysis was carried on each sample using Agilent Technologies 7820A Gas Chromatography (GC) 5977B Mass Spectroscopy (MS) equipped with 30m x -5MS column. The temperature of GC oven was programed to hold at 40 oC for 3 minutes, then, the temperature was increased at a rate of 2 oC/min to hold for 30 minutes after reaching the final temperature of the oven set as 270 o was adopted. Helium flow rate was adjusted as 1 mL/min. W9N11 mass spectral library was used to identify the obtained peaks. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Stability and Viscosity of Bio-Oil The thermal stability of bio-oil is an important property as bio-oil might be exposed to different temperatures during storage life. The detailed information on the effect of temperature on biooil can lead to better storage conditions. In this manner, the characterization of fresh and aged bio-oil was recorded, and the aging index for viscosity was calculated by equation (2). The dynamic viscosity of fresh bio-oil samples Fresh) was determined within 24 h of production, whereas the viscosity of aged bio-oil was measured after storing it in a sealed dark brown 50 ml containers at both 80 °C for 24 h and 168 h and in a dark laboratory cabinet at room temperature for 7 days. Figure 1 shows dynamic viscosity (cP) versus shear rate (1/s) in log scale. It shows that the viscosity of bio-oil has increased with the increase in the storage duration. Dynamic viscosity was measured as 29.84, 34.96, 33.92, and 40.81 cP for Fresh, 7 Days, 24 Hours, and 168 Hours respectively. These results show that bio-oil is thermally unstable. Storing at high temperatures will increase the viscosity of biooil more than storing it at room temperature. Aging index was calculated to be 17.16 %, 13.7 %, and 36.77 % for 7 Days, 24 Hours, and 168 Hours bio-oil samples respectively. Thermal Decomposition of Bio-oil Samples Figure 2 shows the weight loss of bio-oil samples during thermal decomposition at 20 oC/min samples were decomposed at the final temperature and all bio-oil samples exhibit almost the same mass loss. The curves of aged samples slide to the right side which indicates that decomposition starts at higher temperatures. This can be due to the formation of a higher molecular weight tar sample during the aging process as a result of the polymerization reactions. Figure 3 shows dTG curves for each sample, the maximum decomposition rate increased by 13 oC from 287 oC for fresh bio-oil to 300 oC for 168 Hours aged bio-oil. 3.3. Chemical Changes During Aging Elemental analysis The ultimate analysis results of bio-oil samples are given in Table 1. The analyses showed that all of the bio-oil samples shared almost the same values of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Aged bio-oil samples were carefully sealed to prevent any contact with air/oxygen to prevent oxidation reactions. As a result, oxygen content of aged bio-oil samples showed minor changes with respect to oxygen content of fresh bio-oil samples. Having a high ratio of carbon and hydrogen is critical to have a high calorific value. The higher the calorific value is the closer the bio-oil to synthetic fuel. The calorific value is given in Table 1 and is represented by QGCV. The gross calorific value is calculated using equation 1, as approximately 35.74 MJ/kg. 3.2. Figure 1. Effect of aging on viscosity versus the shear rate at 40 0C 100 TG (%) 80 60 40 20 0 25 225 425 625 825 Temperature (C) Fresh 7 Days 24 Hours 168 Hours Figure 2. Thermal decomposition of bio-Oil samples: TG curves 0 -2 dTG (%/min) -4 -6 -8 -10 in organic acids, ethers, and alcohol groups. Table 2 represents detailed functional groups of bio-oil [2, 3, 5]. GC-MS analysis GC-MS analysis provides information about the components of each sample. According to GCMS spectra, bio-oil contains more than 100 compounds. Therefore, only the components with relatively high quality (higher than 50) were selected in this study and classified as phenols, carboxylic acids, alkanes, ketones, and aromatics. Figure 5 shows the variations in the total area percentage of each component group before and after the aging process. From Figure 5, it can be seen that carboxylic acids (53 %) and phenolics (11.3%) are the main groups of fresh bio-oil. After aging it is noticed that the percentage of carboxylic acids and phenols decreased slightly. On the other hand, alkanes, ketones, and aromatics percentage area slightly increased after the aging process. -12 -14 -18 25 225 Fresh 425 625 825 Temperature (C) 24 Hours 7 Days 168 Hours Figure 3. Thermal decomposition of bio-Oil samples: dTG curves FTIR analysis The objective of FT-IR analysis is to observe the functional groups in different bio-oil samples. As shown in Figure 4, all bio-oil samples have similar functional groups. The O-H stretching vibrations between 3200 and 357 the presence of hydrogen-bonded alcohols and phenols. The symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration associated with the peaks at 2925 2854 cm-1 of C-H are alkyl and aliphatic chains. Moreover, the C=O group is arising mainly from the aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids. The 1340 1470 cm-1 C H bending bands correspond to alkyl and aliphatic bending modes. The stretching vibrations associated with the peaks at 1242 and1264 cm-1 are likely indicative of C O stretching vibration Transmittance (%) -16 3500 2500 1500 500 Wavenumber (cm-1) Fresh 7 Days 24 Hours 168 Hours Figure 4 FTIR spectra of bio-oil samples Table 1. Elemental analysis results of biooil samples (as received, wt%) C H N O and others* QGCV (MJ/kg) * By difference Bio-Oil 73.63 ± 0.41 9.36 ± 0.1 2.19 ± 0.04 14.82 ± 0.33 35.74 ± 0.2 Wavenumber (cm 1) Functional groups Compounds 3200-3570 (broad) O-H stretch Hydrogenbonded alcohols, phenols 3000-3100 C-H stretch Aromatic rings 2850-2970 C-H stretch Alkanes 1690-1760 C=O stretch Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids 1500-1600 C=C stretch Aromatic rings 1340-1470 C-H bend Alkyl, aliphatic 1050-1300 C-O stretch Alcohols, ethers, carboxylic acids 1000-1200 C-H bend Aromatic rings 1000-1060 C-O stretch Ethers, alcohols, phenols 690-900 C-H stretch Aromatic rings 4. CONCLUSION In order to consider bio-oil as an alternative fuel, it has to have good storage stability. Bio-oil samples were aged at room temperature for 7 days and at 80 oC for 24 and 168 hours. To evaluate storage stability, the characterization of bio-oil samples was done. The influence of aging on bio-oil could be seen on the increase in the viscosity as it is 29.84 cP for fresh bio-oil, and increased to 34.96, 33.92 and 40.81 cP for 7 days, 24 hours and 168 hours aged samples respectively. Based on FTIR and elemental analysis no significant changes observed. According to GC-MS results, it can be concluded that the chemical composition of bio-oil has changed significantly during storage. As a result, knowing the effect of storage on biooil may lead to new investigations on the methods to increase the stability and quality of bio-oil which will accelerate the commercial use of this renewable and environmentally friendly energy source. Fresh 60 Chromatogram area % Table 2. The main functional groups of biooil 50 7 Days 40 24 Hours 168 Hours 30 20 10 0 Carboxylic Phenols Acids Alkanes Ketones Aromatics Others Compunds Figure 5. Variations in the chemical composition of bio-oil samples before and after the aging process ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Anadolu University Scientific Research Council for the financial support of this study. 5. REFERENCES [1] B. B. Uzun, A. E. Pütün, and E. Pütün, pyrolysis of olive residue. 1. Effect of heat and mass transfer limitations on product yields and bioEnergy and Fuels, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1768 1776, 2007. [2] L. Zhang, R. Liu, R. Yin, Y. Mei, and J. Cai, Physicochemical Properties of BioChem. Eng. Technol., vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1181 1190, 2014. [3] E. A. Varol Anadolu University, 2007. [4] D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler, and S. R. Crouch, Principles of Instrumental Analysis. Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2007. [5] tobacco factory waste biomass: TG-FTIR analysis, kinetic study and bioJ. Therm. Anal. Calorim., vol. 136, no. 2, pp. 783 794, 2019. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey CHARACTERIZATION OF BIOMASS ALTERNATIVES D.N. Inceoglu1, E. Unal2 and T. Pamuksuz3 1. R&D Department, Eregli Iron and Steel Works Co., Zonguldak; email: dinceoglu@erdemir.com.tr 2. R&D Department, Eregli Iron and Steel Works Co., Zonguldak; email: eunal@erdemir.com.tr 3. Laboratory Department, Eregli Iron and Steel Works Co., Zonguldak; email: tpamuksuz@erdemir.com.tr Abstract In Iron and Steel Works, coal is used both as a reducing agent and as a fuel in Blast Furnace. The ash content of coal is important for the production of iron. The amount of volatile mater, ash, fixed carbon are important for the production efficiency in Blast Furnace. In order to optimize the operational needs and costs there are several methods. One of them is using additives in coal blend during coke production. Biomass is a good additive for coal blend while it helps reducing CO 2 emissions of the process. Biomass has a broad meaning including wood, biological wastes, farming and forest wastes etc. It is important to find the proper biomass for the iron and steel processes. This study presents the proximate, ultimate and ash content analysis of olive branch pellet, corncob, chicken manure and biological treatment sludge to comment if they are suitable as a coal blend additive. Keywords: Biomass in Steel Works, Reduction of CO2 Emissions 1 INTRODUCTION Studies to use biomass as an alternative to fossil fuels have gained importance in terms of cleaner production processes in recent years. In integrated iron and steel processes, however the most studies on using biomass is in blast furnace operations, only few of them is about using the biomass in coal blend in coke making process. The success of coke ovens depends on production of suitable coke for blast furnace operations. The critical parameter in coke production are CSR (coke stability after reaction), CRI (Coke reactivity index), sulphur and ash content of the coke [1]. The aim of this study is to characterize the proper biomass for the steel processes according to sulphur and ash content. Another important parameter is to minimize the blend costs, if possible. 2 SELECTION OF BIOMASS Several biomass sources are available on earth. Some are natural, some are so-called as waste. Forestry crops and residues, agricultural crops and residues, sewage, municipal solid waste, animal residues and industrial residues are the main groups [2]. It is a fact that the waste material is cheaper than natural ones. There is no need to pay for biological treatment sludge (BMS). In Black Sea region chicken manure (CM) as animal residue and corncob (CC) as agricultural residue can be found easily. For industrial scale studies, it will be needed huge amounts of biomass so olive branch pellet (OBP) is also selected for the analysis. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to characterize the biomass samples proximate, ultimate and total sulphur content analysis were performed. LECO TGA 701, LECO CHN 628 and LECO Truespec S module systems were used respectively. The results are given in Table 1 in terms of moisture, volatile mater (VM), ash, fixed carbon (Fixed C) as proximate analysis results, and total carbon (total C) as ultimate analysis result. Table 1. Results of Analysis CC Moisture (%) 5,2 CM VM (%) 75,03 Ash (%) 4,43 Fixed C (%) 20,54 Total C (%) 46,8 S (%) 0,122 23,9 38,5 52,6 8,9 23,2 0,117 OBP 6,3 75,5 3,0 21,5 48,8 0,096 BMS 11,5 65,9 16,8 17,4 39 0,9 The high volatile amount of biomass is a factor that limits its use in coke production [3]. Addition of biomass increases VM of the coke blend. The ash content of coke product should be as low as possible. The CC and OBP are suitable for the purpose of lowering the ash amount. On the other hand, CM and BMS are increasing the ash amount in the blend. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey high, the fixed C of all biomass samples were low, compared to coal. According to sulphur content, the first three samples matched best but BMS was not. Using Biomass decreases the GHG emissions up to 35% according to the used ratio [4]. This is another reason for using biomass in coal blend. However, biomass selection is very important in steel production. Consequently, CC and OBP are the best suitable samples, although procurement costs are higher than other two. Furthermore, there should be performed extra applications in order not to affect coke quality parameters. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Authors would like to thank Erdemir executives for their support in carrying out this study. REFERENCES [1] VOC and PAH Characterization of Petroleum Coke at Maximum Thermal Decomposition Temperature, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Vol. 41, pp. 1305-1314, 2019 [2] https://ekstrembilgi.com/genel/biyokutleenerjisi-nedir/ (visit date: 25.06.2020) [3] H. Suopajärvi, A. Kemppainen, J. Haapakangas, T. Fabritius, Extensive review of the opportunities to use biomass-based fuels in iron and steelmaking processes, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 148, pp. 709-734, 2017. [4] Analysis of the environmental impacts of petrocoke in coal blend during coke production process, Doctoral Thesis, Kocaeli University, 2019. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey EFFECT OF N2 DILUTION ON EMISSION AND COMBUSTION INSTABILITIES FOR A BIOGAS MIXTURE USED IN INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS 2 3 Yakup Çam1 1. Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Erciyes University, Kayseri; yakupcam@erciyes.edu.tr 2. Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Erciyes University, Kayseri; bugrahanalabas@erciyes.edu.tr 3. 2. Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Erciyes University, Kayseri; iyilmaz@erciyes.edu.tr Abstract Biogas compositions are known as carbon free fuels for energy productions at nowadays. In this study, biogas mixture which contains %40 CO2 dilutant are tested with different N2 dilution ratios. Equivalences ratios and swirls number keep constant as 0.7 and 1, respectively. The results showed that the combustion stability of biogas mixtures diluted with nitrogen increased depending on the diluent ratio. In addition, as a result of dilution of the biogas composition with nitrogen, CO emissions decreased while NOx emissions increased. Keywords: biogas combustion, dilution, combustion instability, emissions 1 INTRODUCTION Today, fossil fuels used in energy production, buildings, transportation and other fields have some problems. First, fossil fuels resources are limited and researchers expect these resources will end soon. The another problem these fuels cause air pollution and global warming. This is because of the carbon dioxide they release into the air when they burn. Therefore, scientists have been working on new and alternative energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy and biomass in recent years. Recently, interest in biogas has been increasing. Biogas, which is obtained by gasification of wastewater and solid waste, can be used in many areas, especially in power generation and heating systems. Although it contains small amounts of sulfur, nitrogen and hydrogen, the two basic components of biogas are methane and carbon dioxide [1]. Methane, which is the main component of natural gas, provdes high energy to biogas. Studies done to better understand the combustion characteristics of biogas are given here. Although biogas contains low amounts of inert gases, it consists of a high proportion of CO2. Like other low calorific gases, biogas has problems such as poor flame stability [2]. Zouagri et al. [3] in an experimental study, concluded that there is less NO production in lower CH4 compositions. In addition, the adiabatic flame temperature increased as the methane ratio increased. Liu at al. [4] performed that diluents slow down the chemical reaction rate in biogas combustion and this leads to a decrease in NOx emission. Hu and Zhang [5] analyzed the effect of fuel composition and pressure on flame shape in a study where biogas was burned with hydrogen. flame instability decreased with increasing equivalence ratio. hydrodynamic instability increases with increasing hydrogen ratio. Rowhani and Tabejamaat [6] conducted an experimental investigation of the stability limits of biogas in a vortex unmixed burner. They used 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide composition. The flame behavior and stability limits of biogas under different vortex conditions were tested. Adding nitrogen to the air had a negative effect on the stability limits. Leung and Wierzba [7] conducted an experiment showing that instability increases as the amount of CO2 in biogas increases. It has been determined that the stability limits can be significantly increased by adding a small amount of hydrogen to the fuel. Öztürk [8] conducted a study using CO2, N2 and H2O diluents and found that the maximum NOx emission was seen at a rate of 1.39 equivalents. When N2, CO2 and H2O diluents were added to the biogas at a rate of 1.39 equivalents by 15% respectively, the NO emission decreased by 13.4%, 14.8% and the combustion properties of biogas with 3D numeric modeling. With the preheating of the combustion air, the flame temperature increased, SO2 emission increased with the increase in the the effect of H2O and H2S content on the combustion properties of biogas. The Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey composition of water vapor was varied between different frequencies, and thus the effect of 0% and 10%. Yilmaz et al. [10] conducted a external acoustic forcing on the burning study examining the effect of oxygen enrichment characteristics of the flame can be examined. on biogas combustion characteristics and emission behavior. While the oxygen rate 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION increased to 28% it has been observed that a decrease in stability compared to the 24% 3.1. Combustion Instabilities oxygen rate. Experimental results show CO Firstly the biogas mixture was tested without emission decreased as the oxygen ratio was nitrogen dilutions for the purpose of examine the increased.. effect of nitrogen addition to the biogas mixture on combustion characteristics. The dynamic pressure fluctuations, light intensity and 2. TEST RIG temperature changes of the tested fuel mixes are recorded and flame instabilities are interpreted. Dynamic pressure swings that occur as a result of the combustion of a biogas mixture containing 60% CH4 / 40% CO2 are shown in Figure 2. When the dynamic pressure fluctuations are examined, it is seen that the flame is extinguished at oscillation amplitude of 944 Pa at 95 Hz, which is the first acoustic resonance value of the system. The experiments are carried out in the thermoacoustic combustion chamber shown in Figure 1. There are measuring devices around the combustion chamber where a burner with a burner capacity of 10 kW is located to take dynamic and static pressure values. In addition, thermocouples were placed around the combustion chamber to measure the flame temperature arising during the combustion of different fuel mixtures. Combustion air fed by a compressor with 1500 L storage capacity first passes through the mass flow controller that can control the flow up to 300 slm value, and the air meets the pre-mixer. Meanwhile, the gas coming from the tanks firstly passes through the mass flow controllers and after it combines in the fuel collector, the pre-mixer mixes homogeneously with the air. The resulting air-fuel mixture is ignited by entering the burner and the combustion process takes place. In the acoustic forcing part, which constitutes the original value of the study, two loudspeakers placed in the burner arms work by being fed by a power source and a generator. These speakers force the flame by producing sound waves at After the test without nitrogen dilution, the effect of dilution on flame stability and temperature was investigated by adding 10% and 20% nitrogen, respectively, into the fuel mixture. As a result of the calculation made in such a way that 10% of the total methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen ratios sent into the combustion chamber are nitrogen, dilution was carried out with nitrogen. When the dynamic pressure fluctuations shown in Figure 3 are examined, an oscillation of 888 Pa amplitude occurred in the combustion chamber during the acoustic forcing at 95 Hz frequency and the flame continued to burn steadily against this oscillation. However, when 175 Hz forcing frequency is reached, dynamic pressure Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey amplitude of 814 Pa occurred in the combustion frequency. This situation shows that there is a chamber and the flame was extinguished. The small increase in stability when the nitrogen dynamic pressure graph is shown in Figure 4 for amount is increased to 20%. The reason why the another dilution ratio of 20% nitrogen addition. stability increasing rate decreases with the According to this graph, while the flame was increase in nitrogen amount can be interpreted as forced at 95 Hz, which is the acoustic resonance follows; Carbon dioxide gas contained in biogas value of the system, a dynamic pressure mixtures is a diluent gas with no calorific value. oscillation of 648 Pa amplitude occurred and The molar mass of carbon dioxide gas is 44 resisted this oscillation. At the second resonance g/mol and is heavier than any other gas entering value of 175 Hz acoustic frequency, 631 Pa the system. Methane, which was diluted with a amplitude extinction occurred. heavy gas and turned into a biogas mixture under air combustion conditions, was diluted with nitrogen, which a gas that is lighter than carbon dioxide. In this case, although there was a positive effect in terms of stability at small dilution rates, the improving in stability decreased as a result of the decrease in fuel / air ratio with the heighten of dilution. The change of luminous intensity, which is another criterion in the examination of When the dynamic pressure fluctuations of the combustion instabilities, is shown in Figure 5. In experiments performed at different nitrogen the graph without acoustic enforcement dilution rates are compared, the following results situations are taken into account, the luminous are obtained. In case of dilution with 10% intensity of the flame in biogas combustion was nitrogen according to the process in which the measured at 3.2 mV, while the values of 3.61 mixture of CH4 / CO2 burned without dilution, mV and 3.64 mV were observed at dilution rates the flame resisted against acoustic enforcement with 10% and 20% nitrogen, respectively. This at 95 Hz frequency and continued to burn situation shows that the flame brightness steadily. Even if the flame was extinguished increases as a result of dilution with nitrogen under 175 Hz acoustic enforcement, it was similar to dynamic pressure fluctuations. In released with lower dynamic pressure amplitude addition, in the temperature change given in than the case without dilution. The fact that the Figure 6, the flame temperatures in the region flame has been burned while maintaining its closest to the burner were compared. In the stability under force indicates that 10% nitrogen Biogas combustion, 10% and 20% nitrogen dilution by volume to be applied to the dilution rates, respectively, 907 K °, 1037 K ° determined biogas mixture increases the and 1040 K ° temperatures were measured. stability. The main reason for the increase in According to the examination of the temperature stability can be seen as; The only component change, it has been observed that if the burner with calorific value in the selected mixture is output is supported by a vortex in a premixed methane, and dilution of methane gas with combustion, the flame temperatures increase as a nitrogen is known to reduce the laminar result of dilution of a biogas containing a high combustion rate. Kozubkova et al. [11] In their proportion of carbon dioxide with nitrogen, a study, they increased the rate of nitrogen from lighter diluent. 79% in air to 84% by diluting pure methane gas with nitrogen. As a result of the study, while the laminar burning rate calculated according to the GRI30 model was found to be 0.347 m / s in combustion without methane dilution, it decreased to 0.160 m / s as a result of nitrogen dilution. On the other hand, when the dilution rate with nitrogen increased to 20%, the flame resisting 95 Hz, which is the first acoustic resonance value, was extinguished at a lower dynamic pressure amplitude and 175 Hz forcing Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.2. Emission Measurements Another important result of the combustion tests is the flue emissions. There are three pollutant emissions arising from the combustion of hydrocarbon-containing fuels. These; They are called CO2, CO and NOx emissions. Since carbon dioxide emission is an end-ofcombustion product that carbon atom combines with oxygen, it is expected that carbon dioxide emission will occur naturally as a result of all combustion processes [12]. The reduction of other pollutant emissions is very important in preventing environmental pollution, which is one of the most important problems of today. Figure 7 shows the emission rates after combustion of the biogas mixture at 0%, 10% and 20% nitrogen ratios, respectively. When the graph is examined, it is observed that NOx formation increases as the rate of nitrogen entering the burner increases. Fuel-NOx, one of the NOx formation mechanisms, can be shown as the reason for the increase [13]. Another pollutant emission, CO, decreases as the dilution rate with nitrogen increases. The CO emission, which was 4681 ppm at 0% nitrogen, decreased slightly during the 10% nitrogen addition and reached 4615 ppm. When the nitrogen ratio was increased to 20%, 4111 ppm was measured. In order to better understand the change in CO emissions, it is necessary to examine the CO2 and O2 emissions. As nitrogen is added according to the CO2 emissions shown in Figure 7, the CO2 emission rates in the flue gas are respectively 4.9%, 4.7% and 4.5%. On the other hand, there is an increase in O2 emissions as follows. O2, which has a ratio of 12.4% in the flue gas in biogas combustion, is 12.7% in 10% nitrogen dilution, while it is 13% when it is increased to 20% nitrogen. This shows that nitrogen dilution increases the combustion stability as it decreases the laminar combustion rate and CO emissions are reduced due to the slower progress of the combustion process. In addition, although the CO resulting from the incomplete combustion of the carbon atom as a result of the nitrogen addition has decreased, the total combustion product CO2 has decreased. Accordingly, O2 emission has increased. As a result, although nitrogen dilution reduced CO emissions, it delayed the combustion of the fuel by meeting with oxygen and increased the rate of unreacted oxygen and decreased the CO2 rate that must occur in an efficient combustion. 4. CONCLUSION In this study, the instability and emission behavior of a biogas containing 60% CH4 / 40% CO2 at different N2 dilution rates were investigated. The results of the study are as follows; Considering the dynamic pressure fluctuations used in the investigation of combustion instabilities and the resistance of the flame to these fluctuations, nitrogen dilution applied to the biogas mixture had a positive effect in reducing the combustion instabilities. When nitrogen dilution is made at the level of 10%, it significantly increases the flame stability due to the decrease in the laminar burning rate, and when the dilution rate is increased to 20%, no great increase in stability has been observed. When flue gas emissions are analyzed, nitrogen dilution caused a decrease in CO level and an increase in NOx emissions. In addition, the increase in the dilution rate caused an increase in O2 emissions, which was interpreted as the decrease in combustion efficiency. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey [10] enrichment on the flame stability and emissions during biogas combustion: An experimental REFERENCES [11] E. 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Anahtar Kelimeler: - Abstract Wankel type rotary engines which allow high power output from small engine volume are used in many applications, particularly in unmanned air vehicles, hybrid vehicle applications and automotive, owing to their such advantages as low vibration, lightweight, less components requirement and high power/weight In this study, firstly CAD model of the Wankel engine has been developed using basic geometrical calculations. Then 1 dimensional performance analyzes have been carried out in GT-SUITE software. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyzes, in which 1D performance data used as initial conditions, are still ongoing. When the study is concluded, the parameters affecting the cycle process will be investigated by comparing in terms of moment and volumetric efficiency for different speeds under full load condition. Keywords: Rotary engine, Two stroke cycle, Unmanned air vehicles, Wankel engine. 1 G ip edilen yeni döner Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Pars türbo jet motor klasik türbo jet motora göre %35 daha az hava ile tüm kompresör basma beygirlik türbo jet motoruna göre %5 daha fazla itki özgül itkiye , 50 gövde haznesi ile özgün bir yap turbo döngüsel (PARS) motorun, buji sonra Rolls-Royce, Mercedes ve Alfa Romeo da -8 modelinde i yeni bir döner pistonlu motor Ankara o boyutlu HAD analizleri yürüterek elde ettikleri tezinde arkad e analizleri , otomatik üretilen mesh (automatic generating bir yandan bu motor konseptinin bilinen tezinde [5], 16 cm3 türbin hacmine sahip turbo dinamometre ile yüklenerek veriler elde e edilen veriler neticesine 30 l/min türbo bir konsept olan Pars türbo döngüsel motorun Wankel motor Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey literatürdeki benzetim yöntemlerinden Resor HCCI döner pistonlu Wankel motoru pistonl likle savunma sanayiinde 2.1 uygulanan askeri ve ekonomik ambargolar, Tablo 1. Mevcut Wankel motorun teknik özellikleri 1 adet Ancak savunma sanayimiz için üretimi mümkün Trokoid gövdede Trokoid gövdede Net Emme 319,84 Hacmi(cm3) üretilecek özgün bir Wankel motorunun 31,85 Hacmi (cm3) 9.6 2 METARYAL VE YÖNTEM Wanke Güç(kW) 24,8 (4000 RPM) 2 adet paralel dinamik benzerlik kurularak Wankel motor uygulanan benzetim metoduyla modelleme 2.1). Bu sistemi Ana gövde haricindeki (ön kapak, arka kapak, vs.) elemanlar; hava Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey tronik kumpas, elektronik mikrometre ve 3 boyutlu 2.1.1 CAD Mode Wankel motoru, geometrisi sebebiyle belirli ölçüleri verir. Hedefimiz bu ber içerisinde kaymadan gösterimi. Krank milinin eksantriklik ölçüsü her zaman motorunun demonte görüntüsü geometrisi sürtünme emniyeti göz önünde bulundurularak her zaman ofsetli üretilir. Teoride çember olarak hesaplanan zel edilebilir. Bu oranlara uygun imal edilen Wankel W802 modellendikten sonra elde edilen montaj resmi gövdesi CAD modelleri Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey rda rotor -Krank 2.2 Parametrik Analizlerin (1 Boyutlu) Yürütülmesi Mevcut motor için GTboyutlu ol un montaj resmi 2.1.2 Wankel motoru, geometrisi sebebiyle belirli performans özelliklerini etmek yorumlamak -SUITE modelinin °-1080° veya 0°bölgeye ait rotor pozisyonu ve hacim geometrisi hassasiyetinde SOLIDWORKS lama CAD GT-SUITE esas olarak piston-silindir Wankel motorunun GT-SUITE modeli, her bir 2.7). .7. Wankel motoru GT-SUITE modeli 3 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.2 Moto GT- düzenlenip volumetrik verim, ortalama efektif yöntem ile elde edil -SUITE -SUITE motor indike efektif - k 5000-6000 rpm du 3.3 Motorun göstermektedir 3.1 Motor grafi GT-SUITE motor tork-devir 3.4 Motorun gü -SUITE motor ortalama efektif - tmesi beklenen bir durumdur. Çizelgede en yüksek devir olan 6000 -SUITE motor güçWankel motoru için güç verileri en önemli Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.6 Motorun iç yüzeyinde yüksek oranda sürtünmeye sebep kaynaklanan sürtünmeler sebebiyle büyük Mo bu güç 3.5 Motorun basmakta ve volumetrik verim 4 SONUÇ VE GELECEK DÖNEM - SUITE model ile performa - benzerdir. Wankel motorun performans analizini motoru için beklenen bir sonuçtur. Bu verilerin 3 boyutlu HAD modeli REFERENCES [1] M.I. Özmen, Tek Rotorlu Wankel Motorunun eme ve Püskürtme Ünitelerinin (Kontrol Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Arayüzüyle Kontrolü, (Yüksek Lisans Tezi) [10] S. Pischinger, Internal Combustion Engines Lecture Notes, , 2015. Te , 2005. [2] M. I. Resor, Computational Investigation of Rotary Engine Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Feasibility , (Yüksek lisans tezi), Wright State Üniversitesi, Ohio, 2014. [3] V. Gkoutzamanis, D. Mertzis, S. Nikolaidis, S. 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Martins, Measurement and Prediction of Heat Transfer Losses on the XMv3 Rotary Engine, SAE Int. J. Engines, Vol 9(4), 2016. doi:10.4271/2016-32-0033. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey A NOVEL METAL-FREE CATALYST FROM ORANGE PEEL WASTE PROTONATED WITH PHOSPHORIC ACID FOR HYDROGEN GENERATION FROM METHANOLYSIS OF NABH 4 * * email:duyguelma@siirt.edu.tr Abstract In this study, orange peel (OP), one of the organic wastes, was first used as a metal-free catalyst for the production of hydrogen from sodium boron hydride. Various acids (30% HCl, 30% H 2SO4, 30% CH3COOH, 30% H3PO4) have been used to protonate the orange peel that will be used as a catalyst for hydrogen production. Orange peel-catalyst (OP-H3PO4-Cat) treated with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in terms of performance showed higher activity compared to other acids. In the experiments conducted, different H3PO4 ratios (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%), different burning temperatures (200, 300, 400 and 500 °C) and different burning times (30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes) were tested for OP-H3PO4-Cat optimization studies. As a result of these studies, it was determined that OP-H3PO4-Cat, which was treated with 30% H3PO4 and burned at 400 °C for 45 minutes, had the best catalytic activity. With the obtained OP-H3PO4-Cat, methanolysis reactions were tried at four different temperatures and reusability experiments were tested. FTIR, XRD and SEM analyses were performed for the characterization of the prepared OP-H3PO4-Cat. As a result, the reaction rates for 30 °C and 60 °C in the 2.5% NaBH 4 methanolysis reaction catalysed by OPH3PO4-Cat were found as 45244 and 61892 mLmin. -1g.cat-1, respectively. The activation energy of OPH3PO4-Cat catalyst was calculated as 12.47 kJmol-1. Keywords: Methanolysis, NaBH4, Orange Peel Catalyst, Phosphoric Acid. 1 INTRODUCTION Today, the search for alternative energy sources is gaining importance due to the toxic gases released to the environment as a result of the burning of the declining fossil fuel sources. Because NOx, SOx and CO2 gases released to the environment as a result of the burning of fossil fuels cause various problems. One of the most important of these environmental problems is climate change caused by the thinning of the atmosphere layer. Climate change causes acid rain, soil pollution as well as disruption of ecological balance[1-4]. For this reason, clean energy sources come to the fore as an alternative to fossil fuels. The most well-known of the clean energy sources is hydrogen and water is released as a result of the burning of hydrogen. In this respect, research on hydrogen has gained more importance recently[5, 6]. However, hydrogen has some disadvantages and it is possible to divide them into three as storage, transportation and security problems[7-9]. Therefore, sodium boron hydride (NaBH4), one of the metal hydride compounds where hydrogen can be transported safely, comes to the fore. NaBH4 is considered as an ideal source of hydrogen due to its non-toxic structure, safe storage and transport, high theoretical hydrogen content (10.8% by weight). Therefore, hydrogen can be transported safely with NaBH4 in aqueous or alcoholic solutions[10-12]. The reaction mechanism of hydrogen obtained from NaBH4's methanol solution is as shown in Equation 1-6. (1) However, according to these reaction steps, it is not possible to obtain hydrogen alone from NaBH4 and catalysts are needed to accelerate this reaction. The catalysts accelerate the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey hydrolysis or methanolysis reaction of NaBH4, analyses were performed for the characterization allowing to take hydrogen production under of the prepared OP-H3PO4-Cat. control. The catalysts are mainly divided into two as supported and unsupported catalysts. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY Unsupported catalysts are generally obtained by 2.1. Preparation of the Metal-Free OPdirect reduction of metal salts. Examples of H3PO4-Cat these are FeCl2, NiCl2, CoCl2, RuCl2, PdCl2 [13] studies. And the supported catalyst is obtained In the first stage, 3 g orange peel 20 mL 30% by reducing as a result of metals being attached HC1 (36.5-38% Sigma-Aldrich), 30% to the adsorbents. The main purpose of the CH3COOH (99.8-100.5%, Sigma-Aldrich), 30% support materials used in supported catalysts is H2SO4 (96%, Carlo Erba), 30% H3PO4 (85-88% to accelerate the activity of the catalyst by Sigma-Aldrich) solutions were added to a 100 increasing the surface area. Activated mL porcelain crucible in each experiment to carbon[14], graphene[15, 16], Al2O3 [17, 18], determine the best protonating agent and mixed TiO2 [19, 20], carbon nanotube[21, 22], at 150 rpm for 10 minutes. Then, the prepared clays[23, 24] and polymers[25, 26] are among samples were kept in the drying-oven for 24 the most commonly used support materials. hours at 75 °C and then burned in the oven at However, the methods of obtaining these 400 °C for 45 minutes. And in the second stage, support materials have a certain cost and this experiments were carried out with OP-H3PO4step increases the cost of catalysts. Therefore, Cat, different H3PO4 ratios (10%, 20%, 30%, unlike existing catalysts, the use of organic 40% and 50%), different burning temperatures wastes as direct catalysts has become (200, 300, 400 and 500 °C) and different burning widespread recently with an innovative times (30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes) and approach. DSCG[27], SCG[28], optimum conditions have been determined. And SPM 3PO4 [29], GAKScat[30], MGCellin the last stage, some experiments at different PEI+[31] are the main ones of these studies. It is reaction temperatures (30, 40, 50 and 60 °C) and an important step in terms of preventing organic reusability experiments were carried out to wastes from causing environmental pollution determine the performance of OP-H3PO4-Cat. and obtaining value-added products from these To remove excess acid residues from the wastes. In this context, it is an inevitable fact prepared catalyst, these were washed with pure that the orange peels, which are the leading water and dried at 100 °C. FTIR, SEM and XRD organic wastes, should also be evaluated. analyses were performed for the characterization Considering that the orange peels emit 3.8 of OP-H3PO4-Cat, which shows the best activity. million tons of waste annually worldwide, turning it into a value-added product will also 2.2. Hydrogen Production provide an added value economically[32]. In this study, OP, one of the organic wastes, was first used as a metal-free catalyst for the production of hydrogen from sodium boron hydride. Various acids (30% HCl, 30% H2SO4, 30% CH3COOH, 30% H3PO4) have been used to protonate the orange peel to be used as a catalyst for hydrogen production. In the experiments conducted, different H3PO4 ratios (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%), different burning temperatures (200, 300, 400 and 500 °C) and different burning times (30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 minutes) have been tried for optimization studies of OP-H3PO4-Cat. With the obtained OP-H3PO4Cat, methanolysis reactions were tried at four different temperatures and reusability experiments were tested. FTIR, XRD and SEM The gas measurement method used in experimental studies is shown in Figure 1. The System is comprised of a reaction tank/vessel, a gas collection unit and a temperature control thermostat. In general, experiments (except temperature experiments) were determined by measuring the amount of hydrogen released by degradation in a 10 mL methanol solution containing 0.25 g NaBH4 at 30 °C in the presence of a 100 mg catalyst. Depending on water displacement, the hydrogen gas produced as a result of the methanolysis reaction was calculated. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 900-750 cm-1 in the spectra of OP and OPH3PO4-Cat belong to -P-O, -S-O and aromatic CH vibrations[33]. 3.2. XRD Analysis XRD - 80° for pure OP (a) and OP-H3PO4-Cat (b) catalyst are given in Figure 3. For the pure OP, 2 peaks of typical , Figure 1. Hydrogen gas measurement system 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 21° - 38°, respectively[34, 35]. However, these characteristic peaks belonging to the cellulose structure after the treatment of pure OP with 30% H3PO4 and burning process, is lost for OPH3PO4-Cat catalyst as shown in Figure 3b. As a result, it has been observed that the crystal structure of pure OP turns into the amorphous structure after acid addition and burning[30] 3.1. FTIR Analysis Figure 2. FT-IR spectrum of pure OP and OP-H3PO4-Cat FTIR spectrum of OP and OP-H3PO4-Cat is given in Figure 2. When comparing the spectra of OP and OP-H3PO4-Cat, it was observed that many peaks disappeared due to the protonation of the OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst with acid and burning[27, 29]. It was observed that the FT-IR spectrum gave -OH stretching at 3329 cm-1 for OP and C-H stretching at 2896 cm-1 wavelength peak, however OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst lost these peaks. Also in the spectrum of OP, there are also aromatic rings of C = C vibrations belonging to carboxylic groups at approximately 1742 cm-1 (C = O) and obtained at 1604 cm-1. The peaks obtained in the region of 1200-1000 cm-1 indicate the presence of -C-O, -C-O and C-OH stretching vibrations. In addition, it is believed that the peak values obtained in the region of Figure 3. XRD spectrum of pure OP(a) and OP-H3PO4-Cat(b) Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.3 SEM Analysis SEM images of pure OP (a), OP-H3PO4-Cat (b), pure OP SEM-EDX (c, d), OP-H3PO4-Cat SEMEDX (e, f) catalysts are shown in Figure 4. While the SEM images of pure OP (a) have a smooth structure when examined, the SEM image of OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst prepared by burning with the addition of 30% H3PO4 has become rougher and more porous. When SEMEDX images are analysed, while there is C (64.6%), O (34%), Ca (0.7%), K (0.5%) in OP, the ratios of the chemical composition of the OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst were found to decrease to C (49.3%), Ca (0.5%) and K (0.2%) and P was determined to be (16.1%). As a result, when Figure 4e-f is examined, it is seen that H3PO4treated OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst is coated with phosphorus. Figure 4. Pure OP SEM (a), OP-H3PO4-Cat SEM (b), pure OP SEM-EDX (c), OPH3PO4-Cat SEM-EDX (d) 3.3. Effect of Different Acid Types In Figure 5, hydrogen volume production results of the catalysts obtained by burning the orange peel pre-treated with different acids (30% H3PO4, 30% HCl, 30% H2SO4, 30% CH3COOH) at 400 °C for 45 minutes are given. While the reaction completion time for OP-H3PO4-Cat treated with 30% H3PO4 takes about 0.6 minutes, catalysts treated with other acids (30% HCl, 30% H2SO4, 30% CH3COOH) were completed in 5.8, 5.75 and 5.25 minutes, respectively. It is known that hydrogen and phosphorus groups that are present in the Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey structure of phosphoric acid used to protonate metal-free catalysts prepared from cellulosicbased waste materials play an active role in the acceleration of NaBH4 methanolysis[30]. As an example of some studies conducted with H3PO4, Ceyhan et al. determined the reaction completion time as approximately 70 minutes in the study with GAKScat (30% H3PO4)[30], Kaya, on the other hand, found the reaction time as 7 minutes in a study with SCG-cat (30% H3PO4)[28]. Figure 6. Time dependent change of hydrogen volumes and hydrogen production rates depending on different acid ratios (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 100 mg, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) Figure 5. Time dependent change of hydrogen volumes and hydrogen production rates depending on different acid types (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 100 mg, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.5. Effect of Different H3PO4 Ratios The effect of OP-H3PO4-Cat catalysts prepared by treatment with increasing H3PO4 ratios on the hydrogen production rate in the methanolysis reaction was investigated and is shown in Figure 6. The reaction completion time of 30% H3PO4 treated OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst is 0.6 minutes, while the reaction completion time of 10%, 20%, 40% and 50% H3PO4 treated catalysts is 1.3, 1.3, 1.0 and 1.0 minutes, respectively. When the H3PO4 ratio was increased from 10% (10218 mL.min-1g.cat-1) to 30% (24763 mLmin-1gcat.-1), the hydrogen production rate increased by approximately 2.4 times and when the acid ratio was increased to 30%, the rate of hydrogen production decreased. This is because high H3PO4 concentrations negatively affect the rate and duration of hydrogen production due to deformations in the structure of OP-H3PO4Cat[36]. The catalyst treated with 30% H3PO4 was determined as the most effective acid ratio in terms of hydrogen production rate. 3.6. Effect of Different Burning Temperatures The effect of the rate of hydrogen production from the NaBH4 methanolysis reaction was examined depending on different burning temperatures (200, 300, 400 and 500 °C) and the results are given in Figure 7. For these experiments, 100 mg OP-H3PO4-Cat, 2.5% NaBH4 and 10 mL methanol at 30 °C were used. The catalyst treated with 30% H3PO4 and burned at 400 °C for 45 minutes achieved the lowest reaction completion time (0.6 minutes) with the highest hydrogen production rate (24763 mLmin-1gcat.-1). In the other experiments of burning temperatures, the reaction was completed at 200 °C, 300 °C and 500 °C in 0.9, 0.9 and 0.8 minutes, respectively. When the burning temperature was increased above 400 °C, a decrease in the catalytic performance of the catalyst obtained was observed. The possible cause is that the pore structure of OP is deformed at temperatures above 400 °C[29, 37]. In other stages of the study, the burning temperature was continued as 400 °C. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 8. Time dependent change of hydrogen volumes and hydrogen production rates depending on different burning times. (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 100 mg, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.8. Effect of temperature Figure 7. Time dependent change of hydrogen volumes and hydrogen production rates depending on different burning temperatures (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 100 mg, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.7. Effect of Different Burning Times The catalytic activity of the catalyst, that is treated with 30% H3PO4 and obtained by burning at 400 °C with different burning times, in the methanolysis reaction is given in figure 8. Reaction completion time of OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst burned for 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes at 400 °C in 2.5% NaBH4 methanolysis reaction was 0.8, 0.6, 1.7, 1.2 and 0.9 minutes, respectively. OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst burned at 400 °C for 45 minutes, was shown to be performing superiorly and the maximum hydrogen production rate was determined as 24763 mLmin-1gcat.-1. As seen in the graphic, the increase in the burning time played a negative role in hydrogen production. Probably, longer oven burning times caused some pores to grow and even collapse[37, 38]. Experiments were carried out at four different temperatures to calculate the activation energy of the sodium boron hydride methanolysis reaction catalysed by the OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst. Temperature experiments were carried out with 25 mg OP-H3PO4-Cat, 2.5% NaBH4 and 15 mL methanol. While the completion times of methanolysis of sodium boron hydride at 30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C and 60 °C are 1.3, 1.3, 1.1 and 1.1 minutes respectively, the maximum hydrogen production rates are determined as 45244, 50160, 59360, 61892 mLmin-1gcat.-1 respectively. By increasing this reaction temperature from 30 °C to 60 °C, it was determined that the maximum hydrogen production rate value increased approximately 1.4 times. Figure 9. Time dependent change of hydrogen volumes and hydrogen production rates depending on different temperatures. (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 25 mg, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 15 mL) The Arrhenius equation was applied to determine the activation energy of NaBH4 methanolysis catalysed by OP-H3PO4-Cat. (7) Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey In Equation 7, is the reaction rate constant, is reaction constant, Ea is activation energy (kJ / mol), is the temperature (K) and is the ideal gas constant (8.314 JK -1 mol -1). As can be seen in Figure 10, lnk is 1 / T linear for the HGR (mLmin Ea Catalyst Ref. methanolysis reaction and the activation energy 1 -1 -1 gcat ) ( kJmol ) calculated from the slope of this graph was determined as 12.47 kJ mol-1. Also, the 3975 17.78 [29] 3PO4 comparison of the activities of the metal-free catalyst catalysts used for hydrolysis or methanolysis of sodium borohydride in previous studies for Cell-EPC3125 30.8 [39] hydrogen production rates is given in Table 1. DETA-HCl Hydrogen production rate and activation energy SiO2-HCl 34000 29.9 [40] of the current study showed that it is compatible with other results in the literature. SCG catalyst 8335.5 52.96 [28] DSCG catalyst 3171.4 25.23 [27] CSs-TETA-HCl 2586 23.82 [41] P(TAEA-co- 18343 30.37 [42] GAKScat 20199 30.23 [30] MGCell-PEI+ 9552 21.7 [31] OP-H3PO4-Cat 45244 12.47 Thi GDE)-HCl s stu dy Figure 10. Kinetics curve of OP-H3PO4Cat catalyst Table 1. Comparison of hydrogen production rates and activation energies of various metalfree catalysts for hydrolysis or methanolysis of NaBH4. 3.9. Reusability The OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst has been tested for methanolysis reaction experiments containing 2.5% NaBH4 five times at 30 °C, and its usability has been checked and the result is given in Figure 11. The catalysts were washed with plenty of distilled water after each use to eliminate impurities that can develop on the surface and dried for reuse in the drying-oven. Approximately 660 mL of hydrogen volume (100% percent recycle) was collected at each use, as can be seen in Figure 10, while the activity slowly decreased after each usage. The explanation for this is believed to be linked to the creation of inadequate catalytic active areas for NaBH4 methanolysis due to catalyst losses that may occur during washing and recycling. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey compared to metal catalyst systems. The most important of these advantages can be listed as the affordable cost of the catalyst, environmentalist recovery and no toxicity. In addition, it can be said that organic-based metalfree catalysts are more effective compared to some metal catalysts in the literature. In the light of these data more organic-based waste can be tried and this can contribute to the development of a more environmentalist perspective. REFERENCES Figure 11. Reusability of the metal-free OPH3PO4-Cat (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 100 mg, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 4. CONCLUSION - DISCUSSION In this study, the metal-free OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst from orange peel was prepared for hydrogen recovery from the NaBH4 methanolysis reaction. The production conditions of the most active OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst as a result of optimization experiments were obtained as a result of burning for 45 minutes at 400 °C after orange peel's treatment with 30% H3PO4. The reaction rate of 2.5% NaBH4 methanolysis experiment at 30 °C catalysed by 25 mg OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst was found as 45244 mLmin-1g.cat-1. On the other hand, the activation energy of OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst was calculated as 12.47 kJmol-1 in NaBH4's methanolysis reaction. Significant changes have occurred in the structure of OP after both its treatment with H3PO4 and burning at 400 °C. XRD, FTIR and SEM analyses were performed for characterization of OP-H3PO4-Cat catalyst sample. 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APPROACH CLOTHES Muhammed Fatih ASLAN[1], Hakan Serhad SOYHAN[2], Burak GÖKALP[3] [4] , e-mail: fatih.aslan@ozal.edu.tr arya e-mail: hsoyhan@sakarya.edu.tr -mail: kivanckoza@kivancgroup.com ABSTRACT Although the efforts to increase the fire safety measures with the developing technology bring great inventions, a material that can withstand the power of fire is still not synthesized. This creates many difficulties in the operation of fire response teams. However, technical textile management has synthesized various materials for fire protection of emergency teams. Three different types of materials will be examined. These are glass fibers, high-performance aramid based polymer chains and polybenzimidazole based fibers. In this study, thermal strength and tear strength analysis of dresses produced with fabrics made of glass fiber, high-performance aramid polymers and polybenzimidazole based fibers will be examined. In addition, the heat and tear behavior of the fabrics obtained by 3 different polymerization was compared. In this way, the performance characteristics of the firefighter suits to be prepared for optimum use have been revealed and the standards have been reviewed in the light of scientific data. Key Words: Fire Resistant Fabrics, Firefighters' Clothing, Polymerization, Thermal Stability 1- INTRODUCTION The clothes worn in order to prevent the exposure of the person to harmful substances and bad environmental conditions, to protect from this risk and to reduce this risk are called protective clothing [1]. Protective clothing is modified according to the type of work done. Protective clothing to be used in fire fighting should be designed as high thermal resistance and tear resistant, considering the situation of the fire scene. Such clothing for many years despite the world being used by firefighters after the fire that occurred on 13 February 1997 at the salt yard in Turkey has been used by Offices can be found by firefighters firefighters working in Turkey. Although there are many different types of fires today, the most challenging fires for responders are fires in industrial facilities. Developing technology and increasing needs have caused industrial facilities to develop over time. Even though fire response techniques are very advanced in developing and growing industrial facilities, manpower is still the most important part of the response. In these types of fires, response personnel are faced with various chemicals in addition to the high temperature and intense smoke in the environment. Although fresh air respirators are used effectively and continuously, some chemicals can penetrate the body through the skin. While developing the clothes of the response personnel, it should be foreseen that the working environments are analyzed correctly and the hazards in the environment should be eliminated to the maximum extent. Personal protective equipment should be sufficient for the response personnel to be able to respond effectively to fires. In this study, in the light of scientific data, thermal strength and tear resistance of firefighter suits produced from different fibers will be examined and compared. As a result of these data, the reasons for the differences were examined and some suggestions for future researches on similar issues were given. 2- CONTENT AND STRUCTURE OF FABRICS USED IN FIREFIGHTER'S CLOTHES. Many different fabrics from firefighter's clothes are used to produce with other fabrics. Table 1 includes the ingredients of the materials used in the fabrics. Aramid Fibers Polybenzimidazole fibers (PBI) Polyamide-imide fibers Polyimide fibers Novoloid fibers Polyphenylene sulfur Re-igniting viscose fibers Flame retardant polyester fibers Flame retardant acrylic / modacrylic fibers Power ignites As can be understood from the content of Table 1, while some fiber contents used in firefighter suits have thermal stability by themselves, some fibers are used by increasing their thermal stability as a result of chemical modifications. In our study, the performance characteristics of some firefighter suits made of fibers with high thermal stability will be compared 3-MATERIAL-METHOD Fabric samples used in firefighter's clothes Fire-Resist and PBI X55. The content of the fabrics is given in Table 2 below. Tablo 2. Fabric Trade names and weights Fabric Trade Name Fabric Content Weight Fire-Resist 75% Metaaramid23% Paraaramid2%Antistatik 198 g/m² PBI X55 Gold 40% PBI*59% Paraaramid1% Antistatik 204 g/m² *Polibenzimidazol Table 1. Heat and Flame Resistant Fibers Used in Thermal Protective Clothing [2] 1. Inherently High Temperature Resistant Fibers 2. Flame Retardant Fibers Obtained by Chemical Modification Tests on firefighter's clothes are made taking into account TSE and EN norms. Evaluation of some of the experiments we have done in the laboratory environment; Table-3 Standards meeting the tests performed. process Standart TEAR RESISTANCE TS EN ISO 13937-2 RADIANT HEAT TS EN ISO 6942 (20KW) CONVECTIVE HEAT TS EN 9151 (80KW) TS EN ISO 15025 Fire-Resist and PBI X55 fabric samples were tested within the scope of the standards given in Table 3 above. Fabric sample named Fire-Resist in the tests: The samples cut into trousers were taken to the tear strength test and showed strength up to 45N in the weft and warp. Picture-1 Fabric tear test performance named Fire-resist TEAR STRENGTH TS EN ISO 6942 (20KW): The fabric sample cut in trouser form was tested by applying mutual force by the device. RADIAN HEAT TS EN ISO 6942 (20KW) Test: The fabric sample taken with this test is attached to a calorimeter and the sample is fixed at a distance that will be affected by the heat source for 20 KW. The data coming from the calorimeter are monitored and the temperature shifts of 12 C and 24C are monitored. CONVECTIVE HEAT TS EN 9151 (80KW) Test: The fabric sample taken with this test is attached to a calorimeter and the sample is fixed to be affected by the heat source by 80 KW. The data from the calorimeter are monitored and 12 C and 24 C temperature shifts are monitored. In the Radiant Heat Test, 20KW energy was given, 7.7s in the T12 process and 13.4s in the T24 process were measured. FLAMMABILITY TS EN ISO 15025 TEST: Picture-2 The condition of the fabric named Fire - Resist at the end of the test The fabric sample fixed in the fume cupboard is transferred to the flame that has the features stipulated in the standard for 10 seconds. is exposed throughout. With the removal of the flame from the sample, the flame on the fabric will be at most 2 seconds. it must be extinguished inside. In the Convective Heat test, the duration of 80 KW was measured for the T12 process, 3.6 and 5.4s during the T24 process. In the non-flammability test, it was observed that the flame was contacted with the flame for 10s and that the flame did not go away and the flame did not move. Picture-3 During the test, the reaction of the fabric is observed. In the non-flammability test, it was observed that the flame was contacted with the flame for 10s and that the flame did not go away and the flame did not move. 4Firefighters trying to work in a very dangerous environment have to struggle with many parameters during the intervention. In order to minimize these parameters, 2 samples selected from the personal protective equipment they use to approach fire, which are of vital importance, were examined in our study. Fabric sample named PBI X55 in tests: The samples cut in the form of trousers were taken to the Tear strength test and showed strength up to 194N in the weft and 183N in the warp. In the Radiant Heat Test, 20KW energy was given, 8.4s in the T12 process and 16.1s in the T24 process were measured. In the Convective Heat test, 80 kW energy was given during the T12 process, 3.8s and 5.7s in the T24 process were measured. Picture-4 Condition of the fabric named PBI X55 at the end of the test With an innovative approach, it has been observed that the fibers inside the fireapproaching suits protect firefighters from the heat generated in the fire, while the thermal stability of the fabrics woven from PBI fibers is higher as well as tear strength is very high. In the results of the burning tests, while the fabric named fire-resist carbonized after being exposed to flame, only darkening was observed in the fabric named PBI X55. Based on the data we have obtained in our study, it has been concluded that the protective effect of the clothes made from fibers with high thermal stability, which is close to fire, is more, the ratio of the fibers that provide this effect in the fabrics should be increased as much as possible. While emphasizing the need to increase the use of PBI fibers instead of metaaramid fibers in fabrics, it was concluded that more effective modifier fibers were tested instead of paraaramid as a complementary fiber and fabric performance properties were increased. Acknowledgments for their support in the development of approaching fire suits. References: Teknik, 181-187 Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey A G. Görmez1 and B. Albayrak Çeper2 1. Mühendislik Fakültesi, Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, ; email: gncgrmz@gmail.com 2. , Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri; balbayrak@erciyes.edu.tr email: Özet reaktif kontr RCCI -2A tank motorunun say RCCI yanma için AnsysReaktif GT-Power (SOI= Geleneks ve 340 lambda 2.5, EGR 30 NO Anahtar Kelimeler: , Enjek 1 yüksek verimler elde edilebilen HCCI [2]. RCCI modu, stan reaktif ül madde) emisyonu . 2 ma . YÖNTEM VE MATERYAL motor hacmine sahip Continental AVDS 1790 özellikleri gösterilmektedir. - Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey problemlerin çözümlenmesinde oldukça sa Tablo 1. AVDS 1790 Motorunun Özellikleri Motor Tipi Continental AVDS 1790 2CA 29.332 750 Devri 2400 Motor Hacmi (cm3) Motor Gücü (HP) Maximum Motor (d/d) Minimum Motor Devri 700 (d/d) Silindir Adedi 12 Silindirlerin Motor 90 Derece V Çap (mm) Strok (mm) Hava Besleme Sistemi 1. CFD Çözümleme Prosesi[5] 2.2 Materyal - 146 146 16:1 2 Adet Turbocharger (5HDR model) Nato F54 - Nato F34 - DF-2 -2A modellenmesinde bölgeler çizimler isimlendirilerek Solidworks 2) ve Ansys) enjektörden ya -deform ile hareketli 2.1 CFD Çözümleme CFD analizinde nümerik modellerin çözümünde, sonlu farklar, sonlu hacim ve sonlu elamanlar Tablo 2'de ait elde edilen element ve a 1 ve le 1'de (1) Bu denklem de çözülecek her bir denklemi (süreklilik, enerji, momentum vs.) ifade eder. difüzyonu ikinci etmektedir[4]. terim ise üretimi ifade Tablo 2. Test Edilen Grid A Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Nodes: 30352 Elements:140408 Nodes: 56540 Elements:253580 Nodes: 93060 Elements: 468400 Nodes: 320080 Elements:1775252 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 4 Motora ait subap avans diy görülmektedir. Tablo 2 IVO EVC EVO IVC 2. Solidworks Çizimleri 25o BTDC 55o ATDC 45 o BBDC 20 o ABDC 260 o 245 o 11.684 mm 2.2.1 Tablo 2 lirlenmesi gerekmektedir. AVDS-1790 RCCI motoru parametreleri: Problem üç boyutludur. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey için , , 340, 345 ve - s modeli tercih derece, krank mili periyodu 720 derece, krank 255 mm olarak 2.2.2 Kayseri 5. GT-Power Yanma Modeli ver - verileri GTanalizi ile parametrelerine ait program görüntüleri ve elde 6 (komponenet injprofile corn-1) motorun teknik bilgileri (komponenet cylinder, komponenet engine, özellikleri, biyel özellikleri piston özellikleri) -P im üzerinden Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey i için yanma daha geç bir zamanda 6. GT- 8 . Dizel motorunda sadece hava (oksijen ve azot) emilirken, EGR uygula yla silindir içine bir sayede 7. Tork ve Güç D K 3 Bu yla BULGULAR ç reaktif kontrollü arta silindir içerisine belli girer [2]. a 340(SOI) ler hava EGR d ve 3), f d r kar edilebilmektedir [1]. larak da silindir içi SOI Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey (a) (b) (c) (e) (f) (d) (g) (h) 9. KMA=340-360 ve 10 da görülmektedir. s emisyonlar üzerinde en büyük etkiye sahip silindirin içindeki ma azalma meydana gelir [2]. arak NOx [6]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 10. KMA=340-360 ve Tablo 4 EGR 11 d 4 EGR Lambda (%) nemli bir 2 3 - sabit SOI ve sabit EGR 30 30 30 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 Enjeksiyon Max. (der) (bar) 340 345 347 340 345 347 191 191 188 160 160 161 Max KMA (der) 362 363 364 364 365 365 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey t (a) (a) (a) (b) (c) (c) 11 göre s l 12. EGR=30 d c)347 KMA için a)340 b)345 Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey (a) (a) (b) (b) 14. =2.5 ve f d için a)EGR=30 b)EGR=50 d göre C8H18, C10H22 ve NO d 4 SONUÇLAR VE BULGULAR Continental AVDS 1790 tank motoru için (c) 13. EGR=50 mi =2.5 ve f RCCI , en =2.5 340 KMA EGR=30 ve . artarak bazen azal . Emisyonlar sabitlenip Lambda Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey EGR=30 ve EGR=50 için grafikler veril 5. Incorporated, Centerra Resource Park, 10. Cavendish Court,Lebanon, NH 03766,USA. . 6. Jing, L., Yang, W., & Zhou, D., 2017. Review Enjeksiyon sabitlenip Lambda on the management of RCCI engines. ve EGR=50 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. için Lambda . . 0 EGR ve SOI=340 KMA yüksek silindir içi F isyonlar 5 6 KAYNAKLAR 1. karakteristiklerine etkileri. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 17 (2017): 035903 (1146-1156). 2. 3. 2019. Investigation on the effects of gasoline reactivity controlled compression ignition application in a diesel generator in high loads using safflower biodiesel blends. Renewable Energy, 1481(18): 31209-6. 4. Üniversitesi Yüksek lisans tezi, Kayseri, 114 s. Proceedings of INCOS 2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey TEA FACTORY WASTE CATALYST TREATED WITH ACETIC ACID FOR HYDROGEN GENERATION THROUGH METHANOLYSIS OF SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE 1. 2. 3. 4. S. Özarslan1, M.R. Atelge2, M. Kaya 3, S. Ünalan4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri; email: salihaozarslan@windowslive.com Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siirt University, Siirt; email: rasitatelge@gmail.com Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siirt University, Siirt; email: mustafakaya2011@gmail.com Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri; email: sebahattinunalan@gmail.com Abstract In this study, Tea factory waste (TFW) was used for the first time as a highly efficient catalyst for the hydrogen generation through methanolysis of sodium borohydride (NaBH 4). TFW was treated with acetic acid for 24 h at 80 °C. Subsequently the sample were subjected to burning in oven to fabricate the catalyst. Afterwards, different acid ratios, burning temperatures and burning times were evaluated to synthesize the optimal TFW-catalyst. Results showed the optimal conditions as acetic acid ratio, burning temperature and time as, 3M, 300 °C and 60 mins, respectively. To characterize the catalyst, SEM-EDX analyses were performed. Hydrogen generation via methanolysis was performed at various NaBH 4 ratio of 1 to 7.5% while changing concentrations from 0.05-0.2 g catalysts with diverge temperatures of (30, 40, 50 and 60 °C). The maximum hydrogen generation rate (HGR) by this novel catalyst was found as 3096.4, 8367.5, 11227.9 and 23507 mL min-1gcat-1, respectively. Furthermore, the activation energy was determined to be 38.6 kJ mol-1. Keywords: Tea factory waste, Catalyst, Sodium borohydride, Acetic acid 1 INTRODUCTION Sources of energy used worldwide are divided into main groups. These are renewable (wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, wave energy, geothermal energy, hydrogen energy, etc.) and non-renewable (coal, natural gas, oil) energy sources. Non-renewable energy sources, quickly be running out of energy resources and damage to the environment has moved to the forefront of renewable energy sources. In addition, the rise in crude oil prices caused a global energy crisis. The crisis marks more emphasis on reviewing existing technologies and the use of alternative energy sources [1]. Therefore, it has become essential to meet this demand and to find an environmentally friendly and renewable energy source. For this reason, hydrogen, one of the alternative clean energy sources that does not cause environmental pollution and can respond to energy demand, has become attractive in recent years [2]. Hydrogen is nature-friendly and easy to obtain, high calorific value, portable, energy and can be converted into different forms of energy. In addition to using hydrogen as a fuel, it is possible to use it in areas such as chemical industry, pharmaceutical production, food industry, technology. Hydrogen will have an important place in the energy technology of the future, with an increasing trend in stable and unstable combustion processes. Hydrogen can be produced from hydrocarbon polymers, biomass by thermochemical conversion processes, fossil fuels, from water by electrolysis, and biological processes by thermolysis or photoliticaly. Hydrogen gas may be stored as a liquid or as a gas. Hydrogen has good properties as a fuel for internal combustion engines in automobiles. Hydrogen could be advantageously used as a clean energy carrier for heat supply and transportation purposes [3]. However, the lack of storage efficiency is one of the main disadvantages of using H2 gas as fuel. Safe production, transportation and storage of H2 are the most desired properties in hydrogen fuel vehicles. In order to meet this need, sodium boron hydrides are very important in terms of Proceedings of INCOS 2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey hydrogen storage due to their high hydrogen gas cheapness [7]. These biological materials storage capacity [4]. (biomass resources) are one of the renewable NaBH4 is one of the types of borhydride with energy sources. Biomass resources are abundant, high hydrogen storage capacity. Generating H2 cheap and environmentally friendly that is catalytically from NaBH4 solutions has many among the reasons for being preferred. advantages: NaBH4 solutions are nonflammable; Biomass resources attract attention in the world reaction products are environmentally benign; due to their advantages and naturalness [8]. rate of H2 generation is easily controlled; the There are too many biomass resources. One of reaction product NaBO2 can be recycled; H2 can the biomass sources, is revealed during the be generated even at low temperatures [5]. production of dry tea from fresh tea leaves; are Catalytic hydrolysis of NaBH4 is obtained in factory tea factory wastes consisting of dust, pure H2. NH3 (ammonia), H2O (water), CH3OH fiber and straw. Tea factory waste is formed in a (methanol) is one of sodium borohydride significant amount of tea production throughout solvent. In recent years, the use of methanol the season. In this study, production of tea solvent instead of water as a solvent in NaBH4 factory waste catalyst is carried out using reactions is preferred by researchers for efficient various actuators. The performance of the hydrogen production studies. The methanolysis produced catalyst was measured in the reaction of NaBH4 is as follows [6]: experiment H2 (hydrogen) from NaBH4 (sodium According to the reaction given in Equation (1borohydride) in different parameters and the 6), half of the hydrogen gas produced is obtained obtained optimum conditions are determined. from sodium borohydride and the other half is from methanol. In addition, methanolysis plays a 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS crucial role in the reaction as it reacts faster than Tea factory waste used in the preparation of hydrolysis. acetic acid-treated tea factory waste catalyst, was Sodium borohydride degradation reactions are kinetically zero and the catalyst controls the rate of hydrogen production. A catalyst is needed for the reaction to take place faster and more efficiently. Catalysts are substances without any change that realize a chemical reaction or change the speed of the reaction. Precious metals such as Pt (platinum), Ru (ruthenium), Pd (palladium) can be used as catalysts. However, this is a very costly process. For this reason, studies on more economical and effective catalyst production are increasing day by day. Alternatively, Co (cobalt), Ni (nickel), etc. based metal catalysts, acidic, basic catalysts produced. Biological materials can also be used as support material to produce low-cost and high-efficiency catalysts, due to their abundance in nature and their taken from a tea production factory in the eastern Black Sea in Turkey. Tea factory waste produced during tea production consists of unused fiber, straw and powder parts of the tea plant. Tea factory waste is washed and dried in the oven in the preparation stage and it was treated with acetic acid for 24 hours at 80 oC. Then the sample was subjected to combustion in the furnace to synthesize the catalyst. (Figure2a). Different acid ratios, combustion temperatures and combustion times were evaluated Hydrogen production via methanolis is carried out at various temperatures (30, 40, 50 and 60 oC) at catalyst concentrations of 0.05-0.2 g at various NaBH4 ratios from 1 to 7.5%. 3 Proceedings of INCOS 2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 SEM-EDX Analysis Figure 1. SEM micrograph of pure tea factory waste (a), the EDX result of pure tea factory waste (b) and SEM micrograph of TFW-catalyst (c), the EDX result of TFWcatalyst (d) SEM analyses were applied on the acetic acid activated tea factory waste and pure tea factory waste in order to disclose the surface texture and morphology (Figure-1). It is seen in Figure-1a that the surface of the tea factory waste sample is relatively smooth. There are partial cavities and particles, however no pores. However, the surface of the TFW-catalyst treated with CH3COOH at 300 oC for 60 minutes is quite rough and the particles are reduced. It is seen that micro pores are formed on the catalyst surface (Figure-1c). Micropores and roughness allow increased catalytic activity. As a result of EDX analysis, 62.42% carbon, 32.83% oxygen, 0.08% manganese and 4.67% potassium were detected in the chemical composition of TFW-catalyst (Figure-1d). Carbon ratio increased compared to pure tea factory waste content (54.34%), while oxygen ratio (43.88%) decreased. The removal of oxygen from the functional groups and increased carbon can be explained by burning the catalyst at 300 oC combustion temperature. As a result of the treatment of tea factory waste with acid, magnesium seems to decrease. Potassium increased about 3 times. Proceedings of INCOS 2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey 3.2 Catalytic effect of Tea factory waste production for 3 M CH3COOH acid was treated HCOOH, HCl and CH3COOH recorded and its value is 2368.2 mL min-1 g-1. catalysts Thus, experiments were continued by adding 3 M CH3COOH acid and combustion-temperatureduration parameters are examined. Balbay and Saka, in their study, they investigated the effect of hydrochloric acid and acetic acid aqueous solution concentration for rapid hydrogen production from NaBH4 methanol solution and they conducted experiments for both acid types at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 1 M. According to the results obtained, the rate of hydrogen production is increased by increasing the acid concentration from 0.25 M to 1 M and semimetanoliz reactions with concentrations of 1 M hydrochloric acid Figure 2. The change of hydrogen volume of and acetic acid end at approximately 4 and 5 s, the media containing different acid as a respectively [10]. function of time (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) In this study, HCOOH (formic acid), HCl (hydrochloric acid) and CH3COOH (acetic acid) were used to produce acid-based TFW-catalyst. Experiments were carried out in the presence of 0.1 g catalyst, at 30 oC, with 10 mL of methanol solution containing 0.025 g NaBH4. As seen in Figure-2, the catalyst synthesized with CH3COOH showed better efficiency than other types of acids. While in the experiment with CH3COOH, the reaction was completed within 6 minutes, the reaction with HCl lasted 7 minutes and 8.5 minutes with HCOOH. Accordingly, the H2 yields of HCOOH, HCl and CH3COOH acids were 1386, 1654.8, 1947.2 mL min-1 g-1, respectively (Figure-2). CH3COOH acid has been successful in both reaction completion time and hydrogen yield. Kaya, in his study on the synthesis of metal-free catalyst from that coffee ground; used HNO3, CH3COOH and HCI acids in experiments as activator and achieved the best result in 8 minutes in an experiment using CH3COOH [9]. 3.3 Effect of different acid concentration on hydrogen generation The effect of CH3COOH acid with the highest yield in different proportions (1, 3, 5, 7 M) has been tried. As seen in Figure-3, the best result for the TFW-catalyst treated with CH3COOH was from the experiment with 3 M acid. The reaction completion time for this catalyst is 5 minutes. It is seen that other experiments are completed in 6 and 6.5 minutes. The highest H2 Figure 3. The change of hydrogen volume of the media containing different acid concentrations as a function of time (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.4 Burning Temperatures Effect As seen in Figure-4, the effect of TFW-catalyst treated with 3 M CH3COOH acid was investigated at combustion temperatures of 200, 300, 400 and 500 oC. Accordingly, it is seen that the experiment with 3 M CH3COOH at 300 oC combustion temperature yielded better results than other combustion temperatures. The reaction was completed in 5.5 minutes. However, the reaction time at other temperatures (200, 400, 500 oC) was measured as 12, 21 and 27 minutes, respectively. H2 production efficiency was achieved at a maximum combustion temperature of 300 oC and its value was recorded as 2382 mL min-1 g-1. The Proceedings of INCOS 2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey minimum value was found at 500 oC combustion minutes and the most efficiency (3096.4 H2 mL temperature and 523.7 mL min-1 g-1 (Figure-4). min-1 g-1) was recorded. The lowest hydrogen Hydrogen production efficiency varied efficiency (2323.7 mL min-1 g-1) and the longest considerably at different temperatures. The reaction time (7 min) were recorded in the -1 -1 lowest hydrogen yield (523.7 mL min g ) was longest tested burning time (75 min). recorded at a combustion temperature of 500 oC. 3.6 Catalyst Amount Effect Saka and et al. conducted a study on hydrogen In sodium boronhydride methanolysis, the production using the Spirulina microalgal type amount and type of catalyst used affect the as a metal-free catalyst. In this study, they efficiency of hydrogen production. The catalyst recorded the best hydrogen yield at a burning surface area will also determine its effect on temperature of 300 oC as 3333 mL min gcat . reaction kinetics. Therefore, in this case, the catalyst that affects the reaction kinetics is reflected in the amount used [2]. Therefore, the effect of different catalyst amounts (0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 g) was investigated. The best result was achieved with 0.2 g TFW-catalyst treated with 3 M CH3COOH. The reaction time was 2.5 min, hydrogen production efficiency was found to be 5605.4 mL min-1 g-1. Figure-6 shows that as the amount of catalyst increases, hydrogen production efficiency increases and reaction rate decreases. In the experiment using 0.05 g TFWcatalyst, the reaction was quite slow and the reaction time was 10.5 minutes. Figure 4. Variation of hydrogen production rate as a function of time for different combustion temperatures (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.5 Burning Time Effects Figure 5. Variation of hydrogen production rate as afunction of time for different combustion times (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) Figure-5 shows that the effect of TFW-catalyst treated with 3 M CH3COOH acid was investigated at 300oC combustion temperature in four different combustion times (30, 45, 60, 75 min). Accordingly, the reaction was completed in less than 5 minutes with a burning time of 60 Figure 6. Variation of hydrogen production rate as a function of time for different amounts of catalyst (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.25 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.7 Effect of NaBH4 Amount The effect of TFW-catalyst treated with 3 M CH3COOH on different NaBH4 concentrations (1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 %) was examined as shown in Figure-7. Increasing the concentration of NaBH4 positively affected the amount of hydrogen production while prolonging the reaction time. The best result was obtained at 7.5% NaBH4 concentration. Hydrogen production is 7060 mL min-1 g-1, reaction time is about 20 minutes. In Proceedings of INCOS 2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey parallel with the NaBH4 concentration, the increases as the temperature decreases. In amount of hydrogen synthesized decreases, parallel, hydrogen efficiency decreases. however the reaction time was also reduced. Balbay and Saka, have worked on the reaction of Fangaj et al. studied the effect of concentrations potassium borhydride with phosphoric acid for of NaBH4 between 1 and 7.5% in their study of semi-methanolisation for effective hydrogen apricot kernel waste treated with phosphoric acid production. In this study, they investigated the used as a metal-free catalyst. As a result, they effect of temperature values between 30-60oC on concluded that a high NaBH4 concentration hydrogen production from 0.25 M phosphoric provides greater hydrogen density. Hydrogen acid and KBH4 semi-methanolis reaction. As a yield was found 20,199 mL min-1 gcat-1 for 1% result, it was determined that with the increase in NaBH4 concentration [11]. temperature, the production volume of KBH4 tends to increase from semi-methanolisation in the presence of acid. At the same time, with an increase in temperature, the time to complete its reaction decreases [12]. Accordingly, it is possible to say that temperature has positive effects on hydrogen production efficiency and reaction time in hydrogen synthesis experiments from borhydrides. Figure 7. Variation of hydrogen production rate as a function of time for different amounts of NaBH4 (Reaction Conditions: 1, 2.5, 5 and 7.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30 oC, Vmethanol = 10 mL) 3.8 Temperature Effect The arrhenius equation outlined in Equation 7 applied to determine the activation energy of sodium borohyride methanolysis catalyzed by the TFW-catalyst. (7) where k is the reaction rate constant, A is the gy (kJ/mol), T is the temperature (K) and R is the ideal gas constant. The lnk versus 1/T graph for the methanolysis reaction is linear. The activation energy was calculated from the slope of the straight line and determined as 38.6 kJ mol-1. Temperature experiments were carried out at different temperatures (30, 40, 50, 60 oC) using 0.1 g TFW-catalyst and 0.25% NaBH4 solution treated with 3 M CH3COOH. The best result was obtained at a temperature of 60oC. The reaction time is 1 min, hydrogen yield is 23507 mL min -1 g-1. It is seen in Figure-8 that the reaction time Figure 8. Change of hydrogen production volume at different temperature as a function of time (Reaction Conditions: 2.5% NaBH4, catalyst = 0.1 g, T = 30, 40, 50, 60 o C, Vmethanol =10 mL). Figure 9. Kinetic graph of TFW-catalyst (wcat=0.1 g, 0.25% NaBH4, Vsolution=10 mL) Proceedings of INCOS 2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey different NaBH4 amounts, different catalyst Table 1. The maximum HGR and activation amounts and different temperatures. As a result energies of some metal-free catalysts in the of performance experiments, the maximum literature hydrogen production (HGR) rate obtained from the methanolis reaction of NaBH4 at 30 and 60 Maximum Activation °C was found as 3096.4 and 23507 mL min-1gcatCatalyst HGR(mL energy(kj Ref. 1 , respectively, and the activation energy of the min-1 gcat-1) mol-1) catalyst was determined to be 38.6 kJ mol-1. Quaternized Furthermore, the TFW catalyst was Polymeric characterized by SEM-EDX analyses. In the 5914 30.37 [13] Microgels light of all these results, the TFW catalyst, (298 K) prepared from organic waste material by using Spent coffee acid instead of precious metals such as Pt and ground catalyst Ru, was determined to be a highly effective 8335.5 9.81 [2] with catalyst in methanolysis of NaBH4 for hydrogen 100% H3PO4 generation. Due to the abundance of waste resources in nature, it is considered that the Defatted spent synthesis of effective catalysts, which can be coffee ground 3171.4 25.23 [9] prepared by adding acids to such wastes, is an treated with important step in the production of highly 1M CH3COOH efficient catalysts. CSs (Micrometer ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS sized carbon The authors would like to acknowledge The Unit spheres)-TETA of Scientific Research Project Coordination (triethylene 2586 23.82 [14] (BAP) at Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey tetramine)-HCl for the financial support under the University metal free Project: FDK-2020-10493-(Doctoral thesis catalyst project). (298 K) REFERENCES Tea waste This [1] C. Nzila, et al., Biowaste Energy Potential in 3096.4 catalyst (30 oC) study Kenya, Renewable energy. 35(12): p. 26982704, 2010. Tea waste [2] M. 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With the addition of Toluene, it is aimed to reduce the emission values of oil/diesel fuel mixtures. In addition, it was thought that the physical and chemical properties of the mixtures would improve and the physical and chemical results of the fuel mixtures were matched with diesel fuel. Engine experiments were carried out in a single-cylinder compression-fired engine. Experimental mixtures were tried in cases where the engine was running under 2 kW and 4 kW load and the data obtained were discussed by charting. With the addition of toluene, all toluene mixture ratios were reduced in CO, NOx and smoke emions. Keywords: Waste oil, Toluene, In cylinder pressure, Diesel engine 1 INTRODUCTION One of the issues that researchers have focused on in recent years is the fact that petroleum fuels used by internal combustion engines will soon be depleted and the environmental pollution caused by these fuels. In this context, studies on non-petroleum, renewable, non-polluting and low cost fuels have gained intensity. Vegetable oils have significant potential as alternative fuels in diesel engines because they are renewable and emit less greenhouse gases. However, their high viscosity and low volatility limits the use of vegetable oils as direct fuel in diesel engines [1]. The idea of using vegetable oils in diesel engines is based on past years. Dr. Rudolph Diesel who invented to the diesel engine, run his engine with peanut oil at the Paris Fair in 1900 [2]. Shortterm use of vegetable oils in diesel engines results in positive results, while long-term use leads to problems in the injection system and combustion chamber due to their high viscosity and density [3]. In order to prevent these problems, the viscosity of vegetable oils should be reduced and thus the fuel injection should be improved [4]. Three effective methods are used in reducing viscosity of vegetable oils: transesterification, mixing with lighter oils and heating [5]. Within these methods, it is stated that the transesterification method is a time- consuming and expensive process [4]. On the other hand, in terms of being economical and not causing food shortages in the future, it is preferred to use non-edible or waste oils in diesel engines instead of edible vegetable oils [6-8]. Waste cooking oil (WCO) is formed after repeated frying of various foods with vegetable oil [9]. WCO is not safe for human consumption, but can be considered a cheap source of diesel engine fuel [10]. In addition, most of the WCO is thrown into rivers and empty areas causing environmental pollution. An effective way to discard the WCO is to replace it and use it as fuel in internal combustion engines [11]. In the literature survey, it has been observed that if WCO is used directly or mixed with diesel fuel at certain rates, it results in a worsening of engine performance and emissions. It consists of aromatic (toluene, n-avoid tetra and 1-to methylnaphthalene) we are investigating the effect on combustion performance and emissions of diesel engine [12] with an increase in the ignition delay and higher peak aromatic blends that has been achieved, the rate of heat dissipation at high loads, longer ignition delay due to the improvement in smoke emissions had occurred, he said. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey S 2 2.1 Supply of waste oil The aim of this study was to evaluate WCO as a fuel additive in a CI engine, thus reducing fuel cost and minimizing environmental pollution from waste oils. The waste oil used in the study was obtained from the me Alparslan University. It consists of approximately 1500 litres of WCO per month used for frying purposes by the factory. The WCO obtained from the food factory was first laid to rest by 24, allowing sediment and unwanted particles to sink to the bottom. The WCO was first passed through a rough filter and then passed through a 0.45 micron filter (whatman filter paper) under vacuum to remove the smallest particles that may be present in it. At the same time, waste oil was heated to a temperature of 105 ° C and dried for 1 hour in order to remove moisture from the waste oil. 2.2 The Formation of Fuel Mixture Within the scope of the study, DA25 and DA50 fuels were obtained by mixing 25% and 50% waste oil into diesel fuel. These mixtures obtained by adding 5%, 10% and 15% toluene by volume DA25T5, DA25T10, DA25T15, DA50T5, DA50T10, DA50T15 fuels were obtained. Some characteristics of diesel fuel, waste oil, toluene and mixtures used in the scope of the study are given in Table 1. Table 1. Chemical and physical properties of fuels. Fuels Diesel Fuel Waste Oil Toluene DA25 DA50 DA25T5 DA25T10 DA25T15 DA50T5 DA50T10 DA50T15 Density (kg/m3) at 25 oC Kinematic Calorific viscosity value (cSt) (Mj/kg) at 40 oC 837 2.48 44.26 924.5 827 865.8 883.7 856.2 854 850.3 871.0 870.3 862.6 37.41 0.6 10.8 19.6 9.4 7.1 6.3 17.3 15.6 13.2 39.678 40.6 43.02 41.88 42.99 42.78 41.6 41.8 41.3 41.01 2.3 Engine Test Setup The resulting fuel mixtures were tested in a single-cylinder, direct-jet air-cooled diesel engine. No modifications were made to the experimental engine. The technical specifications of the test engine are given in Table 2. Table 2. Technical features of the experiment engine. Make/Models Engine type Cylinder Number Bore*stroke [mm] Displacement [cm3] Compressions ratio Maximum power [kW] Maximum torque [Nm] Fuel injection timing [oCA] Intake valve diameter [mm] Exhaust valve diameter [mm] Intake valve close Exhaust valves open Combustion chamber geometry Fuel injection system Injection nozzle Nozzle Opening pressure (bar) Lombardini/3LD510 4-Storke, DI-diesel engine, naturally aspirated 1 85*90 510 17.5:1 9 kW @ 3000 rpm 32.8 @ 1800 rpm 24 BTDC 35 31 52o after BDC 52o before BDC Hemispherical open type Mechanical pump, Stanadyne PFR1K70/32500, Housing with plunger and barrel assembly with Roller Tappet Assy., 3 Plunger Pump 0.24 [mm] *4 holes *160o 200 Electric dynamometer power of 26 kW and absorption capability operating at a maximum with a maximum 80 Nm of torque and capable of speed of 5000 rpm Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey (±50) was used to carry out the engine engine emissions (CO, NOx and smoke experiments. The schematic view of the emissions) are researched and presented in experiment Assembly is given in Figure 1. graphs. The exhaust emission values of the engine were measured with the Bosh Bea 350 3.1. Carbon Monoxide Emissions brand gas analyzer. Measurement intervals and measurement uncertainties of the CO emissions are an emission product devices used in the experiments are resulting from incomplete combustion of presented in Table 3. A K-type fuels in the cylinder (Figure 2). In general, thermocouple was used to measure the fuel particles in the cylinder can be formed exhaust gas temperature of the experiment as a result of not meeting enough oxygen engine. [13]. Although combustion is known to Table 3. Measurement range of the gas analyzer and calculated uncertainties. Component C (% vol.) CO2(% vol.) HC (ppm) O2 (% vol.) Lambda NO (ppm) Smoke Opacity(%) Measurement Range 0-10.00 0-18.00 0-9999 0-22.00 0.50-9.99 0-5000 0-100 Resolution Accuracy 0.001 0.01 ±0.01 ±0.05 1 0.01 0.001 ±0.01 ±0.04 ±0.0001 ±0.1 ±0.1 0.1 worsen with the addition of waste oil to diesel fuel, a reduction in CO emissions has occurred. This can also be expressed by the reduction in the total number of C in the fuel mixture. Some studies report that the decreasing number of C atoms causes a decrease in CO emissions [14]. With the addition of toluene, the amount of this reduction increased further. Similar studies indicate that such additives have positive effects on CO emissions [15]. Precise scales and stopwatch were used to determine mass fuel consumption. The schematic picture of the experiment is given in Figure 1. Figure 2. CO change of emission. 1. Dynamometer 2. Diesel engine 3. Control panel 4. Dynamometer control computer 5. Torque meter 6. Emissions gas analyzer 7. Electronic scale 8. Cylinder pressure sensor 9. Fuel Line Pressure 10. Encoder 11. Applicator 12. Oscilloscope 13. Computer Figure 1. Schematic picture of the experimental assembly. 3 RESULT In this section, the effects of diesel-waste vegetable oil dual mixtures and diesel-waste vegetable oil-toluene triple mixtures on CI 3.2. Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Figure 3 shows the variation of NOx emissions. NOx emissions are an important emission value in diesel engines and their reduction is important in terms of diesel engine emissions. Studies report that NOx emission values are effective in fuels, endof-combustion temperature, air/fuel ratio in cylinder and chain structure of fuels [16]. It is generally stated that fuels with long chains, which do not have the ideal air fuel ratio and which are low in thermal value Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey reduce NOx emissions [17]. With the B25TA15 fuel decreased below the addition of WCO to diesel fuel, NOx emission values of the D100 fuel. Studies emissions decreased along with reduced indicate that improvements in the prethermal value and long chain bond oil. But combustion phase of fuel mixtures are with the addition of toluene to the fuel mix, effective in smoke emissions [19]. It is NOx emissions increased again. With the thought to reduce smoke emissions by addition of toluene, the thermal value of the prolonging the combustion phase and fuel mixture increases and the mixture partially healing the combustion. becomes richer. It also has a toluene solvent structure. Therefore, it is thought that the long chain bond structure formed by the combination of diesel waste oil is broken with the addition of toluene, reduced viscosity, and therefore a better combustion occurs, resulting in increased NOx emissions [18]. NOx emissions, although increased with the addition of toluene compared to diesel fuel is very low. 175 D100 DA25 DA50 DA25T5 DA25T10 DA25T15 DA50T5 DA50T10 DA50T15 150 125 100 Figure 4. Effect of Smoke Opacity emission. 4. CONCLUSIONS 75 50 2 kW 4 kW Engine Load Figure 3. Variation of NOx emissions. 3.3. Smoke emissions In internal combustion engines, partially unburnt fuels cause smoke emissions to occur in the cylinder. The viscosity, thermal value, number of cetane and the air/fuel ratio created by the fuels in the cylinder can also affect combustion and cause smoke formation. Studies have shown that combustion with the addition of oil to diesel fuel is partially adversely affected and increases smoke emissions [19]. As shown in Figure 4, smoke emissions increased with the addition of WCO to diesel fuel. The addition of toluene to the B25 and B50 fuel mixtures resulted in a reduction in smoke emissions, with the maximum reduction being achieved by adding 15% toluene for both fuel mixtures and engine loads. In particular, this values obtained from the The effect of 25% and 50% waste oil added to diesel fuel and 5%, 10% and 15% toleun addition on exhaust emissions (CO, NOx and smoke) on 2 kW and 4 kW engine loads at 1800 rpm was investigated. With the addition of waste oil to diesel fuel, a reduction in CO emissions is observed. With toluene added to the oil mixture, the rate of decline in CO emissions increases even more. The highest amount of reduction was achieved by the DA50TA15 fuel mixture. There is a tendency to decrease NOx emissions relative to diesel fuel. The highest downward trend was achieved in Da25TA5 fuel mixtures. With the use of waste oil there is an increase in soot emissions compared to diesel fuel. However, the increase in soot emissions tends to decrease with the addition of toluene. The lowest value in terms of Is emissions was eld with a mixture of DA25TA15. 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Department of Mechanical and Precision System Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University, Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan; kazumori@mps.teikyo-u.ac.jp Abstract In this study, the biofuel (derived from waste cooking oils) and diesel fuel are experimentally analyzed in terms of exhaust emissions and particulate concentration at 100 Nm engine load for a diesel engine. The effect of biofuel on the diesel engine emissions is studied and compared with the corresponding diesel fuel. The NOx emission of the diesel fuel is obtained as 2.7889 g/kWh, while the NOx emission of the biofuel is found as 3.1833 g/kWh. However, the CO emission of diesel fuel is 0.7489 g/kWh, while the CO emission of biofuel is 0.6862 g/kWh. On the other hand, the CO2 emission of diesel fuel is found as 794.7880 g/kWh, while the CO2 emission of biofuel is obtained as 865.7768 g/kWh. The soot concentration of diesel fuel is obtained as 2.158 mg/m3, while the soot concentration of biofuel is determined as 0.880 mg/m3. The total particle concentration of biofuel is found as 3674650.84 1/cm3, while the total particle concentration of diesel fuel is obtained as 6134041.20 1/cm3. The biofuel may be more preferable than diesel fuel because it contributes to a reduction of approximately 60% in total particle concentration for better and sustainable environment. Keywords: Biofuel, Diesel, Engine, Exhaust emissions, Particle concentration 1 INTRODUCTION Air pollution is one of the most important risks for human health. The effects of air pollution are often unnoticed and it is generally called as Organization (WHO). Air pollution is one of the causes of many diseases such as cancer, allergic sinusitis, eye and skin problems. When it causes some damage to body organs, it cannot be detected in the initial process that these damages are caused by air pollution. According to the researches, despite all the damages of air pollution, which is harmful to many organs, especially the lung, the damages can be reduced by improving air quality [1]. One of the biggest factors of air pollution is vehicle traffic. Vehicle emissions cause air pollution by releasing air-polluting gas such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbons (HC) into the environment. As the duration and intensity of traffic congestion increases, the emissions of air pollutants released into the environment also increase [2]. Some of the pollutant emissions in vehicle traffic occur by diesel engines. Diesel engines have some advantages in terms of biodiesel fuel emissions, but the emissions released from diesel engines to the environment are still a danger to the environment [3]. The use of biodiesel is encouraged by EU countries to reduce the greenhouse effect and partially replace the consumption of petroleum diesel fuel. Although the use of biodiesel is encouraged, it has been argued that agricultural moves will lead to a significant increase in water and food prices, as long as biodiesel is not made from waste oils [4]. In addition to its negative effects on the human body, the trend towards the use of cleaner alternative fuels such as biodiesel has increased due to the depletion of fossil resources, climate change and the effects of global warming. The main advantages of biodiesel can be considered as follows: it is renewable and the oxygen in its molecule helps the better combustion process [5] [7]. Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Caliskan and Mori [8] experimentally tested a diesel engine operated by biodiesel and diesel fuels at different engine torques considering the environmental aspects. When the analysis results are examined in general, the use of biodiesel contributed to obtaining lower values in nanoparticle concentration. The study of Man et al. [9] studied on the emissions of a diesel engine operated by diesel fuels blended with biodiesel fuels (from waste frying oil) under various engine loads and speeds. In another study, Caliskan and Mori [10] examined the effect of various biodiesel fuels and diesel fuel Figure 1. The Diesel Engine Used in This on the exhaust emissions and nanoparticles of a Study [12] diesel engine. It was found that the particle concentration of the diesel fuel was higher than The exhaust emissions and particulate biodiesel fuels. The aim of the present study is to concentrations & numbers of the engine are examine the effect of biofuel on the emission measured with exhaust emission analyzer and values by comparing diesel and waste-derived Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). The biofuel emissions under a 100 Nm engine load exhaust emission analyzer used in the present for a diesel engine. study and the SMPS are illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. 2 METHODOLOGY In this study, No. 2 diesel fuel used in Japan and %100 biodiesel fuel (biofuel) produced from waste cooking oils are used to operate a diesel engine. The chemical properties of the diesel fuel and biofuel are given in Table 1. Table 1. The Chemical Properties of the Fuels [11] Fuel Pour point (°C) Flash point (°C) Cloud point (°C) Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) Density (kg/m3) Acid number (mgKOH/g) Diesel fuel -19 70 -1 3.743 Biofuel 831 0.0645 882 0.1495 -7 180 6 6.270 The diesel engine is a 4-cylinder, direct injection and intercooled truck engine which is operated at 100 Nm engine load. During the operation of the engine, the cooling water temperature is fixed at 80°C. The diesel engine used in this study is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2. The Exhaust Emission Analyzer Used in the Present Study [11] Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey Figure 3. Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) [13] 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Biofuels and diesel fuel are experimentally analyzed in terms of exhaust emission values and particulate concentration at 100 Nm engine torque for a diesel engine. In this regard, the measured emission data of the engine is given in Table 2. Table 2. Emission data of the engine [11] Lower Heating Value (kJ/kg) NOX emission (g/kWh) CO emission (g/kWh) CO2 emission (g/kWh) HC emission (g/kWh) Soot (mg/m3) Total Particle Concentration (1/cm³) Diesel 45236.42 Biofuel 37655.88 2.7889 3.1833 0.7489 0.6862 794.7880 865.7768 0.0965 0.0635 2.158 0.880 6134041.20 3674650.84 The NOx emission of diesel fuel is obtained as 2.7889 g/kWh, while the NOx emission of biofuel is found as 3.1833 g/kWh. According to this result, the NOx emission of biofuel is higher than NOx emission of diesel fuel for this diesel engine. However, the CO2 emission of diesel fuel is found as 794.7880 g/kWh, while the CO2 emission of biofuel is obtained as 865.7768 g/kWh. Therefore, biofuel emits more CO2 emission to the environment than diesel fuel. The comparison of NOX and CO2 emissions of biofuel and diesel fuel is given in Figure 4. Figure 4. Comparison of NOx and CO2 Emissions One of the harmful gases in exhaust emissions is HC. The use of biofuels in the diesel engine is resulted in lower HC emissions than diesel fuel. The HC emissions of biofuel is 0.0635 g/kWh, while the HC emission of diesel fuel is 0.0965 g/kWh. Besides the NOx emissions, biofuel has a lower emission value than diesel fuel when CO emissions are examined. The CO emission of diesel fuel is 0.7489 g/kWh, while the CO emission of biofuel is 0.6862 g/kWh. The comparison of CO and HC emissions of the biofuel and diesel fuel is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Comparison of CO and HC Emissions When the amount of soot in exhaust emissions is examined, it is found that diesel fuel releases soot to the environment at a high rate compared to biofuel. The soot concentration of diesel fuel is obtained as 2.158 mg/m3, while the soot concentration of biofuel is found as 0.880 mg/m3. The use of biofuels has also provided a significant advantage in terms of soot Proceedings of INCOS2020, 17-19 September 2020, Kayseri-Turkey concentration. The soot concentrations of biofuel disadvantages, because it causes in higher NOx and diesel fuel are illustrated in Figure 6. and CO2 emissions than diesel fuel. In addition to emission results, the biofuel has lower value than diesel fuel in terms of soot concentration. The use of biofuels can be especially encouraged for less soot releasing into the environment. Biofuel also has a significant advantage over diesel fuel in terms of total particle concentration for better and sustainable environment. It c