Interactions and Interdependence 1. Examine your photograph and make a T-chart. On one side of the chart list all of the biotic (living) things you see in the picture. 2. Now examine the picture again this time take note of all the a-biotic (non-living) things you see in the photo. List these on the other side of the T chart. 3. Compare your T-chart with the rest of your groups. 4. As a table group make a diagram or flow chart on notebook paper that shows how the biotic things in your picture interact. 5. How do the biotic factors depend on the available abiotic factors? Incorporate these into your diagram and check it with your teacher. 6. When finalized, copy your groups diagram onto a poster sized piece of paper. Each person in the group should draw on the poster in ONE color and sign their name on the back. Poster Group Rubric Biotic Abiotic Relationship Individual Participation A Group includes all biotic factors Group includes all abiotic factors Group thoroughly shows relationship between the biotic factors. Group thoroughly shows relationships of abiotic factors Members followed directions and only used one color each. All members participated equally. B Group includes all biotic factors Group includes all abiotic factors C Group includes most biotic factors Group includes most abiotic factors Group shows relationship between the biotic factors. Group shows relationships of abiotic factors Group shows relationship between the biotic factors. Group shows relationships of abiotic factors All members participated, some more than others. Most members participated; one or two members did not make meaningful contributions. D Group includes some biotic factors Group includes some abiotic factors Group thoroughly shows relationship between the biotic factors. Group thoroughly shows relationships of abiotic factors One or two members did majority of the work.