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The Great Outdoors: Course Finale & Reflections

PAH 150a3: The Great Outdoors
By Nicholas Muzzy
Outdoor Journal
1.What did you notice about your health, wellness, and/or creativity during your time spent outside or
during your journaling?
During my time outside making my outdoor journal, one thing I realized was it is a lot easier to clear
one's head and relax in nature than it is inside. Very often I would find myself getting overwhelmed by life
and simply taking a stroll outside would make me feel better and clear my head.
2. What patterns did you notice appearing in your writing? What do those patterns say about you, your
state of mind, and/or your experiences during this time? What effect do those patterns have on the
overall text?
One pattern I picked up on in my writing is that I am often bored and hard on myself. Being bored isn't
necessarily the worst thing in the world because often times the best ideas are created while bored. This
reflects in my writing because I would often get off my butt and go outside when I was bored.
3. Do you have any evidence that you spend at least 120 minutes/two hours per week outside? Is this
your regular behavior or did you have to make an effort to meet this target time/exposure to the outdoors
given this class?
Yes, In my journal I often made notes of home much time I was spending outside and oftentimes I would
only journal a small amount of the time spent outside. For the most part It was pretty easy to get the two
hours per week and I only had to go out of my way a couple times.
4. What specific choices did you make as a writer or creator when you were keeping this journal? (For
example, was there a theme to your journal?) What were you trying to achieve with those choices? What
effect do those choices have on the overall journal?
My journal is essentially just my journal that I keep related to the outdoors. I had never kept a journal
before so I wanted to give it a shot. Because of this I have a lot of journal entries. At the end, I was
happy with my journal.
5. Considering only the information in your journal, what do you think another person would
observe/conclude about your interactions with the outdoors?
From the information in my journal, an observer would be able to conclude that I like going on
adventures and clearing my mind in nature. I specifically mention these things because I know I write
about a couple of adventures me and my friends go on.
Learning Activities
I chose to select these learning activities because I think they are
representative of my best work and the content within them speaks to me.
Take the content on slide 8 for instance, that learning activity was relating our
major to nature. This was an interesting one for me because Engineering and
nature must be very connected.
The story told by these learning activities are my opinions, views and artistic
expression, as well as reflections upon what has been taught.
1. What challenges or problems did you have to solve as you created your
learning activities?
When I first started making my learning activities, I struggled to figure out how
to make it online. Eventually I figured out the best way to do it is to insert the
images onto a doc and use text boxes.
2. What did you notice about your creativity and critical thinking when creating
these learning activities?
I definitely had to use critical thinking when making the learning activities
because they wouldn't just ask questions from the reading, you had to give
your own take or reflect on what we learned in some way.
3. Did you find this type of assignment to be easy or hard to do? Why is that?
At first, after completing my first set of learning activities online, I thought It
was going to be difficult to do them because of the problems I ran into but as I
got more experienced It got much easier.
4. What choices did you make with your approach or style - handwritten,
digital, etc? What were you trying to achieve with those choices? What effect
do those choices have on the overall story your collection of learning activities
is telling?
I did a mix of handwritten and digital learning activities. When doing them
digitally, I was trying to achieve the goal of completing the activities without a
printer. This resulted in using images rather than my drawings which was
altogether okay because I am a very poor artist.
What future goals do you have connected to the great outdoors? List
the goals and keep them specific.
In the future I really want to make sure that I continue to get out and
go on well planned adventures. This semester was a good start but I
would like to get a truck and fully let myself explore the beautiful
tucson wilderness. Additionally I want to keep taking walks and
chilling on campus because I found it was an exceptionally good way
to clear my head.
What advice do you have for students who take this course in the
One piece of advice to a student taking this class in the future I have
is don’t wait till the last minute and try to do all the learning activities
at once. I had to do that a couple time and found that the whole
process was much more enjoyable and I retained more information by
doing them over the course of a day or days.