Uploaded by Geoff McArthur

Christian Vocations Syllabus

St. John Bosco High School Fall Semester: 2022-2023
Christian Vocations: Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. McArthur
Classroom: 244
Phone: 562-920-1734 ext. 583
E-Mail: gmcarthur@bosco.org
St. John Bosco High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is to:
Provide a safe environment for learning and celebrating Christian life;
Embrace diversity as an advantage for our school community;
Encourage the highest standards of excellence in academic, athletic and
community efforts;
Develop young men, parents, faculty and staff with the spirit to contribute to our
school, our communities, and our country;
Maintain our commitment to the legacy of St. John Bosco through our faith,
fellowship and funding;
Apply a positive moral work ethic to our environment;
Give assistance to all in need of our passion for living and learning in the ways of
St. John Bosco.
Course Description:
This course offers students the opportunity to begin to reflect on and apply what they
have come to believe as their vocation as a Christian. The course is designed to be a
“practical discipleship” for young men living in the United States in the 21st century.
Through the reflection on real life choices, students are able to begin to prayerfully
reflect on their personal gifts and unique call by God. Special attention will be given to
surveying the various life vocations within the church: single life, married life, religious
life and priestly life.
Learning Targets and Goals:
The goal of the course is to help students understand and have some methods of coping
with the opportunities, challenges, and developmental tasks facing young adults today.
Also, to help students reflect on who they are and how God is personally calling them to
live in the world. [One Semester]
Student will be able to:
determine their own sense of mission and purpose
define love and happiness from various perspectives and ways of life
explain how vocation is a Christian response to ministry
articulate a Christian understanding of human intimacy
describe and evaluate the different types of lifestyle choices
examine lifestyle issues and choices in light of Gospel values
identify the components that contribute to a meaningful Christian life
Required Materials:
The following course materials must be brought to class every day:
● BYOD device – Academically oriented device such as: laptop, iPad, or tablet. phone as a
last resort to be used for with the written permission of the student’s parent for
academic purposes only, and is subject to confiscation if used inappropriately (see
BYOD info below).
(B.Y.O.D.) Electronic Devices:
Students are expected to bring an electronic device for each class meeting. A device can
be a necessary and amazing learning tool. It can also be a notorious distraction from
learning and sabotage a student’s ability to focus on course material.
Device Discipline
Students may not use devices after entering the classroom before the bell.
A student’s device is to be used ONLY when the instructor gives specific verbal
permission for students to take it out of storage. Having a device out at any other time is
strictly prohibited.
Phone Policy
Upon entering the classroom, phones and headphones (Air Pods, ear buds, Beats, etc.)
must be stowed and
If a student uses his phone without specific permission, the phone will be confiscated. Of
course, this includes any clandestine viewing of the devices attempting to camouflage its
use, which will be interpreted as intentional defiance of classroom policies and school
Consequence progression:
The first time a student’s device is confiscated, the incident will be recorded and the
device will be returned at the end of the school day if the student is compliant.
A second confiscation will also be recorded and the student’s parent will be notified by
phone at the end of the school day. Whether the device will be returned at the end of the
day will be determined by the parent.
A third violation will require that the device will be confiscated and delivered to the
main office, where the student will have to retrieve the device (SJBHS policy).
Students must understand that taking photos, videos, or any other form of unauthorized
electronic recording/photographing of assessments, other students, any teacher or staff
member is absolutely prohibited. In the event that a student violates this policy, his
parents will be immediately notified, he will face administrative disciplinary
consequences, and may face further legal and civil consequences in accordance with
California laws governing privacy, possibly including harassment and bullying.
Grading Information:
Percentage Values
30% Course Notes, Journals, and Exercises - (Which demonstrate student engagement
with course material, articles, and Gospel)
40% Signature Assignments and Projects
10% Mid-Term- (Assesses student understanding of major course concepts at the end of
the first quarter)
20% Semester Summative Final- (Assesses student understanding of ALL major course
concepts and is standardized by the Religious studies Department)
NOTE: This course will employ a hybrid grading system. Both numerical and letter
grades will be used for different outcomes.
SJBHS Traditional Grading Scale:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 50-59
Failing Grades
Students who earn a failing grade (D or F) in a core class must remediate the course
during the summer in order to receive his transcript.
Incomplete Grades
Students may be issued incomplete grades for (but not limited to) the following reasons:
extended absences, unforeseen circumstances, injuries that impair cognition, and any
other circumstances that are approved by the administration. All incomplete grades will
be documented and submitted to the Vice Principal of Academic Affairs. The Incomplete
designations are Incomplete-C (IC) and Incomplete-F (IF) this indicates that grade that
would be earned if the student did not complete what is expected to finish the course.
Assignment Descriptions:
Students are expected to attend class regularly, read the articles prior to class meetings
and come prepared to engage in the discussion of the readings, verbally demonstrating
their understanding of the reading assignments, and make informal presentations.
Attendance, group work, and participation are strictly required. The following are
examples of other required assignments.
Small and large-group discussions as well as threaded discussions on Schoology
Long term projects and reflections
Journal keeping and agenda submissions
Text reading and article summary.
Signature Assignment and Project Calendar
The dates and projects listed below are tentative and subject to change. In the event of a
date change, students will be notified in class and via Schoology.
Signature Assignment #1 - Digital Shields - due Friday, August 27th
Signature Assignment #2 - Tool Box - due Thursday, September 8th
Midterm - Due Tuesday, October 5th
Signature Assignment #3 - Goal Chasing Template - Due Thursday, October 28th
Signature Assignment #4 - Bucket List Project - Due Thursday, November 18th
Final - Due the week of December 13th
Communication Protocols
Students should be checking Schoology as well as their Bosco email on a daily basis for
any important updates or announcements.
As students are required to bring a laptop or tablet with them to every class meeting, they
will be expected to access course materials every day.
The instructor will be reachable in person and electronically during the school day,
roughly 7:30am to 4:30pm. Students may use Gmail or Google Chat to communicate
with the instructor, however messages sent after 4:30pm will not be read or responded to
until the following day.
Assignment Submission Protocols
All assignments, unless otherwise specified, must be submitted electronically to the
appropriate Schoology submission portal (these will always be found in the folder
corresponding to the week/day the assignment is due.)
In order to be considered “on-time,” the assignment must be submitted and timestamped
prior to the deadline discussed and posted on Schoology.
Late and Missing Assignments
Any work submitted past the assigned deadline will earn a maximum grade of 70% with
the exception of work submitted after a student was ill.
If a student misses class due to an extracurricular, early sports dismissal, rally, field trip,
etc. they are still responsible for any work that needs to be submitted.
Any assignment that has not been submitted will be marked as “missing” in the
Schoology Gradebook and logged as a “0.”
Student Behavior Expectations:
Each student’s focus in the classroom must be on:
● Self-motivation and self-discipline for academic achievement and the
development of personal maturity
● Standing out from “the crowd” by making positive contributions to the learning
● Respect for, and a positive attitude toward, the critical importance of education as
the primary method of advancement in life for a young person
● Respect for all aspects of the classroom environment: people, products, and
● Respect and consideration of others as persons, including each student’s right to
learn, be respected as an individual and to state answers, opinions or ask questions
without being ridiculed by others
● Collaboration with and openness to all members of the class, including students
from different backgrounds and life experiences; students are challenged to move
beyond the confines of their current peer group to find the Image of God (Imago
Dei) in all students
● All required learning materials brought to class, every day, including device
Please do NOT:
● Disrupt the academic environment of the classroom by selfish, narcissistic
behavior that attempts to get attention through inappropriate means
● Talk or make comments without raising hand prior to be acknowledged by the
● Interrupt anyone or ridicule anyone’s answers or opinions at any time, such
egregious behavior will not be tolerated
● Make idle sounds including singing, humming or making other noises that are
● Bring food, drink, especially sugary drinks like soda and sports drinks (except for
bottled water) into the classroom unless secured in backpack. No eating or
chewing gum in the classroom. (Students must eat during the nutrition or lunch
periods, not before class)
● Bring non-academic electronic devices to class without specific permission
● Put head down on his desktop at any time unless given specific permission
● Do work for another class without specific permission
In the event of an excused absence, the student is responsible for any work they miss while
they are out. This means that the student is responsible for checking Schoology,
communicating with the instructor, or reaching out to fellow students in order to access any
assignments or materials.
In the event of an unexcused absence, any work that a student misses will automatically be
marked as “missing.”
Service Requirement:
All students must complete designated hours of approved service and submit all required
documentation forms as indicated in order to successfully complete the course (info on
Bosco website: Campus Life/Campus Ministry).
Academic Integrity:
The philosophy of SJBHS embraces a commitment to the moral development of each
student. As a Catholic and Salesian community, the school adheres to a code of moral
values that challenges its students to demonstrate academic integrity in all of their
efforts. Academic integrity requires that each student assume responsibility for
producing work that reflects his own pursuit of knowledge, and that teachers, in
support of parents as the primary educators of the student, provide the moral
companionship necessary to the development of character. Honesty, right-reasoning,
and ethical decisions are upheld and advanced in all academic endeavors.
Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to the following:
Unauthorized aid or assistance in the giving or receiving of information on any
form of academic work.
Copying language, structure, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and presenting as
one's original work.
Statement of any untruth, either spoken or written, regarding any circumstances
relative to academic work.
Just as academic integrity requires that each student assumes personal responsibility
for academic work, moral integrity and similar expectation of personal accountability,
the deportment of all students as Christian gentlemen is extended to all areas of
school-life and school events including all social activities, which also demands a
high moral standard of conduct.
1) For the first offense, the student will receive a grade of “F” on the assignment or
assessment, parent notification and Saturday School.
2) For the second offense, the student may earn a semester grade of “F”, and may be
subject to suspension. The violation may also be noted on his transcript.
3) For the third offense, the student may be subject to expulsion. The violation will be
noted on his transcript.
Teachers will notify parents, the Vice Principal of Academic Affairs, the
Department Chair, the Dean of Students, and the student’s counselor after any
incident of violation of academic integrity.
The school administration reserves the right to alter or revise the consequence based
on the severity of the violation. There is a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism.
Students caught plagiarizing will receive an F grade on the assignment and will
receive further school disciplinary consequences. Restroom Policy: Students should
make every effort to use the restroom before or after class. If students need to use the
bathroom in class, they must ask for permission from the teacher. A student must
surrender a personal item for collateral while he is gone; this will normally be his
phone. Students will not be permitted to use the bathroom during times that are
disruptive to the whole class, such as during teacher-led direct instruction or peer
presentations. Students may ask to use the bathroom during times that do not disrupt
others, such as class time allotted for independent work or group work. Disabilities:
Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or
accommodations in this course should speak directly with the instructor at the
beginning of the course.
Restroom Policy:
Students should make every effort to use the restroom before or after class. If students
need to use the restroom in class, they must ask for permission from the teacher.
Students will not be permitted to use the bathroom during times that are disruptive to
the whole class, such as during teacher-led direct instruction or peer presentations.
Students may ask to use the bathroom during times that do not disrupt others, such as
class time allotted for independent work or group work. Collateral, such as a
student’s device will be required before the student has permission to leave the
classroom. Students should report any particular medical issue in this regard to the
Students with special needs who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or
accommodations in this course should speak directly with the instructor at the beginning of
the course.