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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lazaro Cabezudo High School
Calintaan, Talisay
Technology and Livelihood Education
Directions: Read each question thoroughly. Choose the best answer from the choices given. Write only
the letter on your answer sheet.
1. This is generated by examining what goods and services are sold outside the community.
a. Business creation
c. Business concept
b. Business pricing
d. Business idea
2. A process of making a new product to be sold to the customers.
a. Product analysis
c. Product development
b. Product conceptualization
d. Product implementation
3. These are luxuries, advantages, and desires that every individual considers beyond necessary.
a. Wants
b. Desires
c. Requirements
d. Needs
4. This is the factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service
is better and different from that of the customers.
a. Unique selling plan
c. Unique Pricing policy
b. Unique selling proposition
d. Finding value-added
5. In this stage, the needs of the target market are identified, reviewed, and evaluated.
a. Concept development
c prod. Project development
b. Economic analysis
d. Innovation
6. This is the introduction of a new idea to make the product and services more attractive and
saleable to prospective customers.
a. New idea
b. Creativity
c. Product Development
d. Innovation
7. A managerial tool used to assess the environment in gathering important information used for
strategic planning.
a. Environmental scanning
c. WOTS analysis
b. SWOT analysis
d. Survey Analysis
8. A marketing practice of creating name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiate a
product from others.
a. Product naming
c. Branding
b. Unique selling proposition
d. Tagline
9. This is a meaningful and unforgettable statement that captures the essence of your brand.
a. Product naming
c. Branding
b. Unique selling proposition
10. These are the things that people cannot live without.
a. Wants
b. Desires
c. Requirements
d. Needs
11. Which of the following is a digging tool?
a. Bolo
b. Crowbar
d. Shovel
d. Pruning shear
12. Farm tools are needed in rice production operations because they______.
a. Make work easier
c. Save time and effort
b. Make work faster
d. Make work faster, easier and economical
13. What PPE should a student wear when he/she is exposed to dust? He/She should wear.
a. Eye and respiratory protection
c. Hearing protection
b. Hard cap
d. Safety wear
14. The environmental impact of improper disposal of waste and agricultural chemicals are the
following except:
a. Air pollution
c. Friendly and healthy surroundings
b. Dirty and ugly surroundings
d. Water contamination
15. What equipment in rice production is used to draw water from a source?
a. Sprayer
b. Sprinkler
c. Water pail
d. Water pump
16. Why do we need to conduct pre-operative check up of tools, implements, and equipment
before starting to work?
a. To check if the tools are serviceable
b. To determine the functionality of tools and implements
c. To repair defective tools
d. All of the above
17. Which of the following PPE is used to protect hands from injury?
a. Boots
b. Goggles
c. Gloves
d. Mask
18. Water supply is an important factor in rice production because it directly affects the ______.
a. Frequency of planting
c. Physical characteristics of the plant
b. Photosynthesis activity
d. Population of common pests and diseases
19. The following are attributes of an ideal rice field except;
a. Good drainage
c. High clay soil
b. pH range of 6.2-7.0
d. High organic matter
20. The best implement to level the field is __________.
a. Harrow
b. Harvester
c. Rotary tiller
d. Wood plow
21. Which of the following does not affect rice yield?
a. Climate
b. Location
c. Transportation
d. Soil
22. To prepare the land for planting upland rice, plowing and harrowing should be done______.
a. 1-2 times
b. 2-3 times
c. 3-4 times
d. 4-5 times
23. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a well-prepared land for planting?
a. Dilapidated dikes
b. Dikes are clean and narrow
c. Well puddled and soft
d. Weeds and stalks are thoroughly incorporated with the soil
24. When is the best time to fix leaves?
a. After the first harrowing
c. Before the first plowing
b. After the first plowing
d. Before the second harrowing
25. The best purpose of raising dapog seedlings is to_____.
a. Economize
b. Delay transplanting
c. Produce healthy seedlings
d. Raise seedlings even in restricted area
26. Which of the following is one of the advantages of using the straight row planting system?
a. It is the cause of overcrowding of plants
b. It makes hand weeding difficult
c. It makes mechanical weeding easy
d. It provides uneven spaces for growing pl ants
27. To speed up the determination of the incubated seeds weed to______.
a. Allow the seeds to dry up
b. Moisten the seeds occasionally by sprinkling
c. Sprinkle the seeds with warm water
d. Re-soak the seeds after 2 days
28. Replanting of missing hills should be done _______ days after planting to complete the required
plant population in a given area.
a. 3-5
b. 5-7
c. 7-9
c. 10-12
29. Which one is the function of nitrogen in plant?
a. Encourages root growth
b. Makes stalks bigger
c. Helps in the production of seeds
d. Stimulates growth of the leaves and stems
To reduce application of chemical fertilizer that contains nitrogen, green manuring could be
done. Green manures are________.
a. Organic materials that come from animals
b. Leguminous plants that come from animals
c. Concentrated form of plan food
d. Organic materials that are thoroughly decomposed
Below are ways by which irrigation water is lost except one:
a. Evaporation
b. Percolation
c. Seepage
c. Absorption
Which is an example of a broadleaf weed?
a. Mutha
b. Kangkong
c. Ubod-ubod
x. Bayakibok
When mixing liquid herbicide, remember to__________.
a. Pour herbicide before the water
b. Pour herbicide and water at the same time
c. Pour water ahead of herbicide
d. Never pour herbicide ahead of the water
This is the most destructive rice pest which attacks the plant from seedling stage to maturity.
a. Rice stem borer
c. Rice bug
b. Plant hopper
d. Maggot
This method of insect control utilizes the natural enemies to control the pest.
a. Biological
b. Cultural
c. Chemical
d. Physical
Which among the following is NOT needed in cleaning rice grains?
a. 1.5 mm fish net and stirrer
c. Blower and shifter
b. Canvas and winnowing basket
d. Sickle and reaper
What is the most popular method of drying rice grains?
a. Solar dryer
b. Mechanical dryer
c. Batch dryer
d. Air dryer
Which is not a guide in storing rice seeds?
a. Store grains after drying
b. Store sterilizer near pile of rice grains
c. Separate the old from the new harvest when piling
d. Observe good housekeeping before storing in the bodega
When a farmer relies on good management practices to prevent the occurrence of insect pests
and diseases in his farm, he is using the________?
a. Genetic control
b. Chemical control
c. Biological control
d. Cultural control
There are three important factors that affect rice yield. Which of the following is NOT among the
a. Climate
b. Kind of soil
c. Location
d. Topography
Water supply is an important factor in rice production because it directly affects the_____.
a. Frequency of planting
b. Photosynthetic activity of the rice plant
c. Physical characteristic of the rice plant
d. Population of common pests and diseases
An ideal rice field possesses all of the following attributes except;
a. Good drainage
c. High organic matter
b. High clay content
d. pH range 6.2-7.0
Rainfall, sunlight, and temperature are referred to as___________.
a. Climate
b. Season
c. Weather
d. All of the above
What is the ideal soil pH for rice production?
a. 6.2-7.0
b. 6.5-8.0
c. 7.0-8.0
d. 7.5-8.0
The following are characteristics of high yielding rice varieties except one________.
a. Early maturing and non-seasonal
c. Nitrogen responsive
b. Resistant to drought
d. Late maturing and seasonal
46. The capacity of the seed to germinate refers to:
a. Viability
b. Fertility
c. Vitality
d. Germ Inability
47. Why seed testing important?
a. It saves time in planting
c. It saves cost of inputs
b. It saves labor
d. all of the above
48. A seed germination test showed that of the 120 seeds used in the test, 98 germinated. The
percentage germination of the seed is_______.
a. 68.71%
b. 76.18%
c. 81.67%
d. 87.76%
49. Which of the following is NOT a variety of rice?
a. NSIC RC10
B. BPI R110
c. TSG
d. IR 36