Uploaded by Kriszher Anne Villanueva

Program Outcomes

The program outcomes of the Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management are
progressively developed as the level of education progresses. These are expressed in the
following learning objectives:
a. Demonstrate entrepreneurial, interpersonal, leadership, organizational and managerial
b. Demonstrate capability to conduct researches framed to build a reservoir of agricultural
data for program planning and policy formulation; and
c. Disseminate agribusiness related information that contribute to the socio-economic
development of the community.
Graduates of Bachelor of Elementary Education program should be able to:
a. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning
b. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the
different subject areas;
c. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes;
d. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology
to accelerate learning and teaching;
e. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a
professional; and
f. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.
By the time of graduation, the student of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering shall have the ability to:
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve complex AB engineering problems;
b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data;
c. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints, in accordance with standards;
d. Function in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
e. Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems;
f. Understand professional and ethical responsibility;
g. Communicate effectively complex AB engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large;
h. Understand the impact of AB engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context;
i. Recognize the need for, and engage in lifelong learning;
j. Know contemporary issues;
k. Use technique skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for AB engineering
l. Know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader
of a team, and to manage projects in multi-disciplinary environment, an
m. Understand at least one specialized field of ABE practice.
By the time of graduation, the student of Bachelor of Science in Information System shall
have the ability to:
1. Apply knowledge of business and management processes, computing, mathematics, and
social sciences appropriate to Information Systems to address real-world problems.
2. Analyze complex problems, identify and define the computing requirements needed
with respect to organizational factors, and plan strategic designs with appropriate
solutions and implement client support practices.
3. Evaluate information systems in terms of general quality attributes, design, and possible
trade-offs presented within the given competency requirements.
4. Design and implement information systems solutions that enhance organizational
performance to achieve their goals within a competitive global environment.
5. Use knowledge and understanding of fundamentals of service management, enterprises
in modelling and design of information systems to articulate latest developments with
respect to environment concerns.
6. Utilize modern computing to deploy and use effectively skills, tools and techniques
necessary for information systems based on industry standard practices.
7. Fluent in techniques for acquiring, converting, transmitting and storing data and
information, including those related to data quality.
8. Function efficiently and effectively on teams in achieving the vision, direction and
strategic purpose for the creation of an information systems project.
9. Exhibit strong ethical principles and have good interpersonal communication in team
10. Communicate and work efficiently, effectively and independently with a range of multidisciplinary and diverse audience.
11. Ensure that data and IT infrastructure are protected from a variety of security threats
and identify high level solutions to protect the data of the organization.
12. Demonstrate an understanding of the social issues and ethical implications of technology
across organizations and society.
13. Participate and engage in research and life-long learning, planning, and improving
performance as the foundation for professional development.
The minimum standards for the Bachelor of Science in Forestry program are expressed in the
following minimum set of program outcomes:
a. Design appropriate agroforestry systems, cropping combination, and supportive
technologies for ecological stability and
agroforestry enterprises/projects following the appropriate tools and processes from
planning, production, harvesting, processing and marketing.
b. Formulate, package, implement, and evaluate agroforestry related research,
development and extension programs, projects and policies.
c. Use appropriate tools, approaches and methods in problem solving, planning and
At the end of the course, a graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
program us expected to:
a. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of
environmental science
b. Disseminate effectively knowledge pertaining to sound environmental protection,
conservation, utilization, and management;
c. Generate new knowledge and innovation related to the environment;
d. Demonstrate the ability to contribute to the protection and management of the
e. Analyze local environmental issues and problems in the regional and global context
and find solutions/approaches/strategies towards the attainment of sustainable