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Ray Kroc & McDonald's: Exam Questions

What was the gap in the market identified by Ray Kroc?
Ray kroc realised that if you can reduce time for getting food you can create
more customers and make more money,
Outline how his initial product that helped him to break into the
Ray Kroc milkshake mixing machine assisted him to break into the market
describe 3 challenges R. Kroc had to overcome
some of the McDonalds were being trashed and selling other things like fried
chicken and biscuits.
Ray Kroc wanted to use the instant mix, but the brothers did not want to use
them, and they wanted to use real milk
If they were more businesses, then they could not keep them all clean
Discuss how R. Kroc displayed an entrepreneurial mindset
He never stopped trying to make his business successful, ray Kroc