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Jul 01, 2019
Steam power plant
Steam Generator or Steam Boiler - is an integrated assembly of
several essential components the function of which is to produce
steam at a predetermined pressure and temperature.
Classification of Boilers:
1. Water tube boiler - a steam boiler in which water circulates within
tubes and heat is applied from outside the tubes to generate steam.
2. Fire tube boiler - is a steam boiler in which hot gaseous product of
combustion pass through tubes surrounded by boiler water.
Jul 01, 2019
Performance of steam generator (boiler)
1. heat supplied by fuel, Qs
- it is the heat generated by the fuel.
where: mf = mass of fuel
Qh = higher heating value of fuel
2. boiler heating surface, HS
- it is the total area in
which the heated water and hot
gases exchange heat.
A1 = area of shell
A2 = inside area of all tubes
A3 = area of the rear head
A4 = cross-sectional area of the
tube section
D = diameter of shell
di = inside diameter of tube
do = outside diameter of the tube
t = wall thickness of tube
L = length of tube
n = no. of tubes
Jul 01, 2019
What is the boiler heating surface of a fire-tube boiler operating
at 200 psia (1.378 MPa) with 200 oF (93.3oC) feedwater, both at
saturated condition. The diameter of the boiler is 213.4 cm, length of
5.5m, and having 84 tubes, 10.2 cm inside diameter, 10.5 cm outside
A. 148.14 m2
C. 158.14 m2
B. 168.14 m2
D. 178.14m2
3. rated boiler horsepower
- it is the Manufacturer's rating equivalent to the heating surface in
m2 divided by 0.91 for water tube and 1.1 for fire tube.
a. for water tube boiler:
b. for fire tube boiler:
Jul 01, 2019
What is the heating surface area of a water tube boiler if the
equivalent rated boiler horsepower is 200?
A. 182
C. 450
B. 206
D. 198
The heating surface area of a fire tube boiler is 400 m2. What is
the equivalent rated boiler horsepower?
A. 363.63 Hp
C. 256.78 Hp
B. 435.72 Hp
D. 135.72 Hp
Jul 01, 2019
4. developed boiler horsepower
- it is the actual heat absorption divided by 35,322.
note: 1 bo.Hp = 35,322kJ/hr
where: ms = mass of steam in kg/hr
hs = enthalpy of steam in kJ/kg
hf = enthalpy of feedwater in kJ/kg
5. percent rating
- it is the ratio of the developed boiler horsepower to the
rated boiler horsepower.
Jul 01, 2019
What is the percent rating of a water tube boiler if the heating
surface area is 400 m2 and the developed boiler horsepower is 750.
A. 170.625%
C. 130.625%
B. 140.675%
D. 120.765%
6. ASME evaporation units
- it is the heat output of the boiler or the rate at which heat is
7. factor of evaporation, FE
- it is the actual heat absorption per kg of steam generated divided
by 2257 (hfg from and at 100 oC).
Jul 01, 2019
What is the developed boiler horsepower if the steam rate is
0.86 kg/s and the factor of evaporation is 1.25.
A. 244.41 hp
C. 200.57 hp
B. 214.54 hp
D. 157.25 hp
8. equivalent evaporation, EE
- it is the product of the rate of evaporation of steam and factor of
9. actual specific evaporation or boiler economy, ASE
- it is the ratio of the mass of steam to the mass of fuel.
Jul 01, 2019
10. equivalent specific evaporation, ESE
- it is the product of the actual specific evaporation and the factor of
11. boiler efficiency or overall thermal efficiency, ebo
- is the measure of ability of a boiler or steam generator to transfer
the heat given it by the furnace to the water and steam.
- if there is no reheater and no
boiler blowdown:
ms = amount of steam
mrs = amount of reheated steam
mbo = amount of water blowdown at
boiler pressure
hs = enthalpy of steam
hf = enthalpy of feedwater
hro = enthalpy of the steam leaving
the reheater
hri = enthalpy of the steam entering
the reheater
hbo = enthalpy of saturated liquid at
boiler pressure
Jul 01, 2019
The heating value of fuel supplied in a boiler is 40,000 kJ/kg. If
the factor of evaporation is 1.10 and the actual specific evaporation is
10, what is the efficiency of the boiler?
A. 62.07%
C. 78.05%
B. 53.08%
D. 54.97%
What would be the percentage of the over-all efficiency of a
steam generator obtaining an evaporation equivalent to 10.95 kg of
water from and at 100 oC per kg of coal containing 34,064 kJ/kg
heating value? (@100oC; hs = 2676.1 kJ/kg, hf = 419.04 kJ/kg).
A. 73%
C. 82%
B. 74%
D. 70%
Jul 01, 2019
Coal with a higher heating value of 6700 kCal/kg is consumed at
the rate of 600 kg/hr in a steam generator with a rated boiler
horsepower of 200. The feedwater temperature is 82oC and steam
generated is at 10.2 kg/cm2 abs. saturated condition. The horsepower
developed is equivalent to 305.
@10.2 kg/cm2; hs=2778.1 kJ/kg
@ 82 oC; hf = 343.3kJ/kg
Coal with a higher heating value of 6700 kCal/kg is consumed at the rate of 600 kg/hr in a steam
generator with a rated boiler horsepower of 200. The feedwater temperature is 82oC and steam generated is at
10.2 kg/cm2 abs. saturated condition. The horsepower developed is equivalent to 305.
@10.2 kg/cm2; hs=2778.1 kJ/kg
@ 82 oC; hf = 343.3kJ/kg
a. What is the heating surface area, H.S?
b. rate of steam, ms
c. percent rating
d. ASME evaporation unit
e. factor of evaporation, FE
f. overall thermal efficiency, ebo
g. actual specific evaporation, ASE
h. equivalent specific evaporation, ESE
Jul 01, 2019
12. net boiler efficiency, ebo. net
- it is the boiler efficiency less the energy consumed by
What is the net boiler efficiency if the heat henerated by fuel is
40,000,000 kJ/hr and the boiler auxiliaries consumes 2MW. The ASME
evaporation units of a boiler is 25,900,000 kJ/hr.
A. 46.0%
C. 46.25%
B. 46.75%
D. 47.0%
Jul 01, 2019
13. boiler and furnace efficiency, ebf
where: mash = amount of ash refired
Qash = heating value of ash
14. grate effieciency, egrate
mc = amount of carbon in reuse or ash
QL = heating value of combustibles in refuse or ash
Jul 01, 2019
SW: 30 items
10 pts 1. Two boilers has a capacities of 200
kg/hr and 250 kg/hr. If 150,000 kg of coal
are supplied to two boilers, how many
days to consume the available fuel?
A. 24 days
C. 15.87 days
B. 17.87 days
D. 13.89 days
20 pts 2. A steam generating unit receives
feedwater at 5 MPa, 200 oC and delivers
steam at 4.5 MPa, 320 oC at rate of
30,000 kg per hour. The main steam
turbine has a steam rate of 6.5 kg/kw-hr
of generator output. Auxiliaries used
steam as follows:
forced-draft fan .........................25kw
induced-draft fan ......................40 kw
soot blower ..............................3300 kg/day
if fuel with a higher heating value of
40,000 kJ/kg as fired is consumed at the
rate of 1890 kg per hour, account for the
steam generator net efficiency.
steam properties:
@4.5 Mpa, 320oC
h = 3000.6 kJ/kg
h = 853.9 kJ/kg
A. 86.3
C. 83.6
B. 81.24
D. 82.41