Case Study - David Parker 1. Compile a health history for David Patient is a 55-year-old male farmer lives in . Chest pain associated with S-T elevation radiating to his left arm, neck, and teeth. He has a history of chest pain postexertion for two hours before collapsing. He is a known hypertensive but controlled, he has Type 2 DM and hyperlipidaemia. Patient lives together with his wife. 2. Identify David’s cardiac risk factors Non-modifiable a. Age (55 years old) Modifiable a. Hypertension b. Hyperlipidaemia c. Type 2 Diabetes 3. Health history a. b. c. d. e. f. Do you have any family members who have heart problems? Do you smoke? Have you experienced this before? Have you had any heart surgery/problem before? Do you have any food and drug allegies? If yes, what is the reaction? Do you take maintenance medications and do you take it regularly? 4. Cardio and Respi assessment a. Do primary assessment (DRSABCDE) b. Do healthy history c. Focused assessment (Inspection, Palpation, Auscultate) a. Inspection - diaphoretic, ashen faced, weak-looking, in pain, tachypnoeic b. Palpation - Check pulse rate (rate and rhythm) c. Auscultation - Check for any abnormal heart sounds, check breath sounds for any concomitant pulmonary problems RN wants us to do a respiratory assessment to check for any concomitant pulmonary problems. 5. Electrolytes such as potassium and calcium help trigger and send electrical impulses in the heart. Electrolyte imbalance may interfere with the signals of the heart and lead to irregular heartbeats. 6. a. What type of medication is GTN? Nitrate. b. Pharmacokinetics : provide exogenous source of nitric oxide. c. How will it help with pain? It is a vasodilator which helps in reducing venous return and preload to the heart reducing myocardial oxygen demand. d. Assessment : ECG, blood pressure, complete blood count Rationale : Hypotension is contraindicated in giving GTN, CBC to check for anemia, ECG to check for any heart injury e. Side effects: Headache, palpitation, orthostatic hypotension, fainting, peripheral edoema f. Education : Counselling 1. Patch - make sure that the area is clean and dry preferably at the chest area or upper arm. Wear when symptoms of angina are most frequent. Make sure to dispose of patches safely. 2. Sublingual - Use during episodes of angina or before an activity expected to bring on angina. Sit or lie down before use as it may cause dizziness. Call an ambulance if symptoms are severe, get worse quickly or last for 10 minutes. 7. Review of David’s other regular drugs. Medication Drug class Mechanism of action Indication Nursing consideration GTN Nitrate Provide exogenous source of nitric oxide. Angina Check for hypotension, anemia Morphine Opiod Act mainly at muopiod receptors in the CNS, reducing pain impulse. Pain Watch out for respiratory depression, hypotension Paracetamol Acetaminophen Inhibition of central prostagalandin synthesis. Pain Hepatotoxicity Warfarin Vitamin K antagonist Inhibits synthesis of vitamin K dependent clotting factors VTE prophylaxis Risk of bleeding Aspirin Antiplatelet Inhibits platelet aggregation by irreversibly inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase. ACS Prophylaxis Risk of bleeding Clopidogrel Antiplatelet Inhibits platelet aggregation. ACS Prophylaxis Risk of bleeding Atorvastatin Statin Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase. Hypercholes terolemia Watch out for GI distrubances Perondopril 8. ACE inhibitors Blocks conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. Hypertensio n Electrolyte imbalance Prepare an ISBAR handover for the nursing staff. I - My name is ****. I am a student nurse. This is David Parke, 55yrs old admitted for ED, complaining about chest pain. S- David rated pain scale of 8/10. Tachycardic 108 bpm, RR, 24 breaths/min, O2 sat 95% on room air, BP 150/90 mmhg, BGL 14.1 mmol/L B- he collapsed at 1200 hours and the ambulance officer brought and they estimated his chest pain started at 1000-hour. David has a history of Osteoarthritis, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. A- Upon admission in ED, he was pale and diaphoretic, alert and oriented, His ECG shows ST elevation in the anterior leads. Morphine 2.5 mg via IV PRN, started rTPA and GTN sublingual and transdermal for pain. R- We need help to have him further assess his Cardiovascular and respiratory systems to rule out the problems. Continue to monitor vital signs hourly, patient is considered falls risk, follow up results for the CBC, UECs, VBG, CEs. Reference: GTN Morphine Paracetamol Warfarin Aspirin Clopidogrel Atorvastatin Perindopril