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High-Tech Product Review Activity Instructions

Activity 1 Watch a high-tech product review 1
Name: Jett Jericho M. Anarna
Date: April 4, 2022
Course yr/sec: BSIT-3B
1. Supply the video link that you like to react on here.
2. Write the product name and the person who reviewed the product here.
Libratone AIR+ 2, Unbox Therapy
3. Make your own analysis by answering these questions on your video recording:
• How effective is the product to finish the intended task?
• Describe how to use the product.
• Is the product easy to use? Support your answer
• How appealing is the product in terms of aesthetics?
• Will you recommend the product? Support your answer.
• What are the bad points and good points of the product?
4. The duration of your video must be 1 minute or more.
Things to remember whenever you turn-in your output:
1. Upload your output on your Google drive. Get the link of the output. Make sure the
link is set to "Anyone with the link".
2. If you're going to pass your activity on Google classroom always choose
"LINK" to turn-in your output.
3. No one will directly upload in the Google Classroom. Uploading your output
directly in the Google Classroom will be automatically removed.