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University of Illinois at Chicago
BA 320 – Civic Engagement
Spring (A) 2021
Wednesday 11:00a.m. – 12:45a.m. cst
January 13 – March 3, 2021
Online Only
Name: Anna Lloyd, Professor
Student Appointment: virtually, schedule by text/email
E-mail: aklloyd@uic.edu
Text/Cell: 312-622-6004
BA 320 has three primary learning goals:
 To understand Leadership; to become acquainted with the role of personal leadership in
your communities and workplaces
 To contribute to others as mentor and engage in civic awareness and transformation
 To practice building and sustaining (your) team
Weekly News on national electoral policy, Presidential administration changes, Leader
Discipline in America, utilizing news resources
Class Material upon Distribution
Homework will include
 Weekly participation in your Group
 Attendance in each Class, verbally participating
 Weekly individual civic engagement practice as Assigned
 Final Group Presentation
Final Presentation – You will be assigned to a Small Group for research, service, and final
presentation(s). Final Group presentation assignments will be distributed in Week 5
Attendance is required at every class. Since this is an experiential course, missed classes cannot
be made up, so please plan on attending every class and plan to arrive on time.
Each student is asked to contribute positively to the focus of the classroom experience. We go by
the “one voice at a time” principle, so if you speak, speak to the whole group and if someone else
is talking, please do not. These few guidelines maintain a strong focus for our activities.
UIC Email
We will often be sending the class email messages about Group materials and assignments.
Make sure that you are receiving your UIC email. A primary communication tool will be direct
email discussion offered by the Instructor. Blackboard (BB) will not be utilized regularly but
based on BB availability and technical updates confirmed with UIC ACCC.
Format for Final Presentation
To be distributed
To be announced
Course Grade
Grading is on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. The satisfactory attendance and completion of
all classes and collaborating not for profit participation is required. Attendance each Wednesday
is mandatory.
As a Student in the College of Business Administration,
You are subject to the following Honor Code:
As an academic community the College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at
Chicago is committed to providing an environment in which teaching, learning, research, and scholarship
can flourish and in which all endeavors are guided by academic and professional integrity. All members
of the college community – students, faculty, staff, and administrators – share the responsibility of
ensuring that high standards of integrity are upheld so that such an environment exists.
In pursuit of these high ideas and standards of academic life, as a student I hereby commit myself to
respect and uphold the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Business Administration Honor
Code during my entire matriculation at UIC. I agree to maintain the highest moral and ethical standards
in all academic and business endeavors and to conduct myself honorably as a responsible member of the
college academic community. This includes the following:
 Not to seek unfair advantage over other students, including, but not limited to giving or receiving
unauthorized aid during completion of academic requirements
 To represent fact and self truthfully always
 To respect the property and personal rights of all members of the academic community.
Honor Code Implications for BA 320 include, but are not limited to, the following:
All individual assignments i.e. any written research and report and/or verbal presentation of
research and analysis, must be your own work
Team projects are exactly that. All members of the Group should participate equally in both the
written assignments and/or the oral presentations, as assigned and described
You may question the grading of any assignment, however, any alteration of a graded assignment
that is then misrepresented as the original work will be considered an Honor Code violation, as
will the claim that a Group member assignment was completed when it was not.
Sanctions for Honor Code violations range from failure on an assignment, to failure for the course, to
expulsion from the university.
Disability Services Notification
The University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that
individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students
with disabilities who require accommodations for full access and participation in UIC Programs must be
registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact DRC at (312) 413-2183 (voice) or
(312) 413- 0123 (TDD).
Class Schedule- Wednesday January 13, 2021 – March 3, 2021
11:00a.m. – 12:45p.m. cst
Title: Civic Engagement
Service, Leadership, Collaboration and
Self - Awareness, Impact, Accountability
Week 1
Wednesday, January 13/Course Overview and Introduction to Civic Engagement
 Review of Course Reading Requirements and Small Group Expectations
 Emphasis on Self-Awareness and Personal Leadership in Community
 Collaboration: what it is
 Why your discipline as a Leader is important; How you define your purpose and
follow your path
Week 2
Wednesday, January 20/Presidential Administration Change and How Does Social Media
Infect Our Thinking?
 Group #1: present orally on three news events from the past week; selected news
articles that describe, educate, and perhaps offer a Call to Action; engage students
in discussion
Week 3
Wednesday, January 27/The Role of a New President as Leader and How Can Social
Media Support Respecting a Leader
 Group #2: present orally on three news events from the past week that discuss,
educate, and report on leadership in the broad US community; engage students in
Week 4
Wednesday, February 3/Why is Your Personal Leadership Important as an Informed State
Group #3: present orally on three news events from the past week that discuss,
educate, and report on leadership in statewide community; engage students in
Week 5
Wednesday, February 10/Leadership in Local Communities
 Group #4: present orally on three news events from the past week that discuss,
educate, and report on leadership in Chicago; engage students in discussion
Week 6
Wednesday, February 17/Why is Your Personal Leadership in Your Community and
Workplace Essential to Assuming Responsibility?
 Group #5: present orally on three news events from the past week that discuss,
educate, and report on your neighborhood’s leaders; engage students in discussion
Week 7
Wednesday, February 24/The Discipline and Practice of Personal Leadership and How
Does Social Media Influence Discipline?
 Group #6: present orally on three news events from the past week that feature and
discuss actions of personal leadership that reveal values, vision, inclusivity,
compassion; engage students in discussion
Week 8
Wednesday, March 3 (last class)
 Small Group Presentations: Leadership Priorities of Today
 Civic Engagement: What is my responsibility?
How does it impact my professional path?