Changes in pattern of employment Industrial structure : Employment moves from primary sector to secondary sector & then tertiary sector according to country develops. Proportion of women in employment : The no. of proportion of women in employment and in the labour force is increasing in most countries due to social attitudes towards women working is changing now. Proportion of workers in the private & public sectors : The proportion of workers employed in the public sector in a number of countries is declining & workers proportion in private sector is increasing. Full time & part time work : Most workers work full time & some works as part time due to several reasons like they have to look after elders & children in the family etc. Employed & self employed : In most of the countries , the no. of self-employed workers is rising. Informal & formal economies ; Informal economy do not have the same access to social security benefits, employment protection & and rights as workers in formal, a growth in formal economy leads to raise the quality of employment & labour productivity. High & low quality employment : High quality employment is skilled work & it provides employees to progress. But low quality employment is unskilled work. As an economy develops the proportion of high quality jobs tends to increase. Flexible employment : A flexible labour force is one which adjusts quickly and smoothly to changes in market conditions. Now firms are more preferable a flexible labour force. Changes in the levels of employment Labour market participation rate : The proportion of the working age population who are in the labour force. Factors affecting Labour market participation rate The wages on offer Social attitudes to working women Provision for care of children and the elder people Social attitudes and provision for the disabled to work The proportion of school leavers who go into higher education.