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NCMS: Industrial Security Professionals Membership Benefits

The Society of Industrial
Security Professionals
Membership to this unique, one‐of‐a‐kind
organization ensures that you will be prepared to
take on the tough issues facing industrial security
professionals in the 21st Century and beyond.
Exclusive Membership Benefits:
Worldwide networking with other industrial security experts
Professional growth
Opportunity to have a voice within industry
Continuous training – Local and National
o Mentorship Program
o Information Systems Security Program
o Brown Bag Webinar Training Series
o Access to a comprehensive library of industrial security resources
o E‐News Updates and Bi‐Monthly Member Bulletin/Newsletter
Discounts on ISP® Certification, Training, Chapter Meetings, and Seminars
Free Security Services (e.g., Media Destruction, Electronic fingerprinting, etc.)
Job and Resume Postings
Access to NCMS local and national speakers
Additional Benefits:
Industrial Security Professional (ISP®) Certification
ISP® Exam Preparation Program (EPP)
NCMS Annual Seminar
Local Chapter Meetings
For more information please visit: https://www.classmgmt.com
or email us at: info@classmgmt.com
October 2014
Reap the
Member Quotes
“Membership is a valuable resource
which allows me to keep up with the
most up‐to‐date policies,
requirements and procedures.”
“The willingness to share among
NCMS members is great. People are
always looking to help other people.
An NCMS member is never alone no
matter what security issue they face.”
“The Brown Bag education sessions
are informative and I do
enjoy attending them. I find the
information helpful.”
“The Industry Team provides its
members with useful real‐time
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