Uploaded by Anh Hoàng

Debate March 16

Fast fashion definition: a lot of types of clothes produced all over the world
Fast fashion is the fast choice - convenient
Every year: 1 billion of items are made up and sold out bc they are convenient
 It helps develop the worlds’ economy. We should develop
- FF describes a trend of clothes which is really quick, worn by celebs
- It’s convenient but it causes pollution bc when ppl throw away, it goes to the
- Low wages for workers (Global labour: H&M workers endure work abuse, the
company did not provide working condition => harm workers)
- Clothes are cheap so the price is reasonable so that everyone can buy (poor ppl)
- Ppl don’t know how to recycle clothes => they can donate or send it to the factory
- Choose clothes match our personality on the day
 Improve everyone’s lives
Share personality when we have FF but we don’t need the FF bc we can use other
things like bags or other clothes (???)
We have polyester pollution (in an article: macro fiber (when we wash our clothes)
went into the ocean => consumed by fish => harmful
 We should produce from sustainable or organic or vegan fabric
They are not adding to the waste
FF is cheaper and not everyone has enough money to buy high priced clothes
It’s easier for ppl to wear with other clothes
Cheap price => everyone can wear
- FF is convenient => pollute environment
- Give away clothes => ppl don’t want to wear the old trend
- FF is cheap but it can make the world a worse place
- In the past, fashion goes with seasons …