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IT & Computer Science Fundamentals: Presentation

Chapter one
• Information technology (IT)
– the study, design, development, implementation,
support or management of computer-based
information systems
– deals with the use of electronic computers and
computer software to convert, store, protect, process,
transmit, and retrieve information
• Information System (IS)
– collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and
disseminates information for a specific purpose
• A Computer-based Information System (CBIS)
– an information system that uses computer and often
telecommunications technology to perform some or
all of its intended tasks
• E.g. Ethiopian Airlines reservation system
• Dashen Bank’s banking system
• Commercial bank ATM system etc
What is Computer Science
• a science concerned with information i.e.
representation, storage, manipulation or
processing and presentation
• computer Science uses a special device called
• has different fields of specialization or subdisciplines
Software engineering
Computer engineering (Architecture)
Automata theory
Database Architecture
Artificial intelligence
Human-Computer Interaction
Concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems
What is a Computer
• is an electronic device that accepts data,
performs computations, and makes logical
decisions according to instructions that
have been given to it; then produces
meaningful information in a form that is
useful to the user
• It saves time, space, money, labors
Characteristics of computers
computer is accurate and consistent provided that the data and
the instructions are correct
Storage Capacity
The ability of computers to store and process vast amounts
Durability and reliability
They can operate error-free over long periods of time
The ability of the computers to carry out their instructions in a
very short period of time
a wide array of application
Even if the above main characteristics of computers
are increasing with time, the cost and size of
computers are decreasing.
Types of Computers
Based on the operational principle
– Analog
– Digital
– Hybrid
– operate by measuring
– deal with continues variables
– E.g
– Almost an extinct type of computer these
• Digital computers
– deal with discrete variables
– operate by counting rather than measuring
– operate directly up on numbers (or digits) that
represent numbers, letters, or other special
– E.g. .
• Desk & pocket computers
• The general purpose computers
– have higher accuracy and speed
– on the principle of binary mathematics
• Hybrid computers
• combination of both Analog and Digital
• Based on functionally
– Special purpose
– General purpose
• Special purpose computers
– computers that are designed for a specific task
– E.g. ATM,
• General purpose computers
– computers that perform many tasks without
– E.g. Desktop Computers, Laptops, etc
• Based on size, capacity, speed and reliability
– Micro computer
– Minicomputer
– Mainframe computer
– Supercomputer
• Microcomputer
– A personal computer; designed to meet the computer needs of
an individual.
– Provides access to a wide variety of computing applications,
such as word processing, photo editing, e-mail, and internet.
• Desktop –
– A microcomputer that fits on a desk and runs on power from an
electrical wall outlet.
– The CPU can be housed in either a vertical or a horizontal case.
– Has separate components (keyboard, mouse, etc.) that are each
plugged into the computer
• Laptop
– A portable, compact computer that can run on an electrical wall
outlet or a battery unit.
– All components (keyboard, mouse, etc.) are in one compact unit.
– Usually more expensive than a comparable desktop.
– Sometimes called a Notebook
• are bigger in size than the Microcomputer
• can give parallel access to up to 100 users
• Large expensive computer capable of
simultaneously processing data for hundreds or
thousands of users.
• Used to store, manage, and process large
amounts of data that need to be reliable, secure,
and centralized.
• maximum I/O connectivity as they accommodate
huge disc farms.
• occupy an entire room and could cost over
million dollars they have almost become extinct
• A computer that was the fastest in the
world at the time it was constructed.
• Can tackle tasks that would not be
practical for other computers.
– Typical uses
• Breaking codes
• Modeling weather systems
• Also called a PDA (Personal Digital
• A computer that fits into a pocket, runs on
batteries, and is used while holding the
unit in your hand.
• Typically used as an appointment book,
address book, calculator, and notepad.
• Can be synchronized with a personal
microcomputer as a backup.
Application of Computers
• Learning Aids
• Entertainment
• Commercial or business applications
• Scientific – engineering and research applications
• Information Utilities
• Electronic Banking and Service
• Shopping from Home
• Weather and Environment
• Transportation
• Medical and Health Care
• Routine and dangerous Tasks
• Consultant (Expert system)