A New Method for kTC Noise Analysis in Periodic Passive Switched-Capacitor Networks Assim Boukhayma Christian Enz CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France EPFL, Neuchâtel, Switzerland Email: assim.boukhayma@epfl.ch EPFL Neuchâtel, Switzerland Email: christian.enz@epfl.ch Abstract—This work presents a new method for kTC noise calculation in periodic switched capacitor circuits. Two basic applications are overviewed. Namely the switched capacitor lowpass filter and the N-path band-pass filter. Analytical noise calculation using the new method is performed for both examples. The obtained analytical results are confirmed with SpectreRF Pnoise analysis and ELDO transient noise simulations. (a) Timing diagram I. I NTRODUCTION Switched capacitors (SC) are widely used in analog signal processing circuits, RF applications [1][2] and particularly filters [3]. Conventional analog techniques rely on the quality of elements like resistors or inductors. Such elements suffer from various non-idealities like mismatch, non linearity at certain frequencies and high power dissipation. Active SC circuits offer a good alternative, however they rely on high gain operational amplifiers. Such active circuits can suffer from stability and sensitivity problems. Not to mention the limitations related to the downscaling of technology. The first implementation of modulated RC passive networks using periodically operated switches has been introduced in the early sixties by Franks and Sandberg [4] who gave it the name of N-path filters. The first implementation of such filters using integrated CMOS switched-capacitors has been introduced in [5]. These filters offer many advantages. They allow design of band-pass and band-reject filters without the use of inductors. The bandwidth of the N-path filter is independent of the center frequency. The center frequency of the N-path filter is only determined by a clock frequency which makes it easily tunable and robust against mismatch and process defects. Finally the N-path filter design rely on capacitors, analog switches and digital circuitry, thus, its performance does not get highly affected by technology downscale. It has been demonstrated in recent works [6] that N-path filters offer high selectivity with a low layout footprint. SC networks are mainly limited by analog switches nonidealities, charge injection, mismatch and thermal noise commonly referred to as kTC noise. The kTC noise calculation, in such circuits, using classical methods is difficult as the noise transfer functions change over time (LTV system). This paper presents a new method of kTC noise calculation adapted to passive SC networks. It is organized as follows: Section II overviews tow basic applications of passive SC networks, 978-1-4799-8893-8/15/$31.00 c 2015 IEEE (b) SC first order low pass filter (c) Equivalent circuit Fig. 1. A schematic and an equivalent circuit of the first-order switchedcapacitor filter. namely, a low-pass filter and band-pass N-path filter. Section III introduces the new noise calculation method and presents a detailed noise calculation of the two practical examples presented in Section II based on the new method. Section IV presents noise simulation results confirming the analytical calculation. II. S WITCHED CAPACITOR PASSIVE FILTERS A. Low-pass filter The schematic of the switched capacitor first-order low-pass filter and its timing diagram are depicted in Fig. 1. This filter is based on the equivalence between a resistor and a switched capacitor. The circuit of Fig. 1 (b) is equivalent to an RC filter where R is given by TCS0 and TS is the period of the non overlapping switching as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The derivation of the transfer function is out of the scope of this work. The transfer functions of the switched capacitor passive low pass filters is obtained using SpectreRF PSS and PAC analysis for a switching frequency fS = 400kHz and C0 = C1 = 10pF . It is shown in Fig. 2. 400KHz 800KHz Fig. 2. The transfer function of a first order SC low-pass filter for fS = 400kHz and C0 = C1 = 10pF obtained with SpectreRF PSS and PAC analysis. Fig. 5. Impact of C1 C0 on the quality factor of the N-path filter. analysis of SpectreRF simulator. The simulation results show that the selectivity of the N-path filter depicted in Fig. 3 is independent of the number of paths. In fact the calculated quality factor of this filter is given by C = πr, (1) C0 where Ci = C for i = 1, ..., N . The filter quality factor is only dependent on the ratio r. Fig. 5 shows the impact of r on the filter selectivity based on SpectreRF PAC simulation for Ci = C1 = 10pF and C0 = 100f F , 1pF and 10pF . Q=π (a) timing diagram III. N OISE CALCULATION IN SWITCHED CAPACITOR PASSIVE FILTERS A. Noise calculation method (b) schematic Fig. 3. Schematic of an N-paths filter. B. Band-pass filter The N-path filter consists of a network of N passive SC lowpass filters as depicted in Fig. 3. It can be shown analytically that the transfer function of the N-path filter corresponds to a periodic bandpass filter centered at the harmonics of N1TS [7]. Fig. 4 shows the transfer function, for N-paths filters of N = 4, N = 8 and N = 16, obtained using PSS and PAC In a periodic switched capacitor network, each capacitor can be connected in one of the following configurations depicted in Fig. 6: • Case (a): Connected through a switch to a voltage source. • Case (b): Connected through a switch to another capacitor. Due to thermal noise originating from the ”on” resistance of switches, a kTC noise is injected in the switched capacitors. The noise variance of the voltage across a capacitor C in case (a) can be calculated using the equivalent circuit of Fig. 6 (a). Z ∞ kT 4kT R 2 Vn,C = df = . (2) 2 1 + (2πRCf ) C 0 (a) Fig. 4. The simulated transfer function of the N-path filter for N = 4, 8 and 16. (b) Fig. 6. Implementations of capacitors in SC networks. (a) at t = nTS (b) at t = (n + 12 )TS (c) at t = (n + 1)TS Fig. 7. The first order switched capacitor low pass filter equivalent ircuits during one switching periode from nTS to (n + 1)TS . In case (b), using the equivalent circuit of Fig. 6 (b). The kTC noise voltage variance across capacitors C1 and C2 can be calculated as Z ∞ C2 kT 4kT R 2 df = Vn,C = 2 1 C C 1 1 + C2 0 1 1+ C + (2πRC1 f )2 C2 (3) and 2 C1 kT C1 2 2 Vn,C = Vn,C = . (4) 2 1 C2 C2 C1 + C2 Each capacitor in case (a) holds the injected kTC noise charge during one switching period. That noise sample is erased once the switch is closed at the beginning of the next period. Each capacitor in case (b) holds a sampled noise from an nth to an (n + 1)th switching period. Unlike the case (a), that noise charge held in the capacitor at the end of a switching period does not get erased in the next one. The variance of noise sampled at the nth switching period can be considered 2 as a sequence denoted Vn,C (nTS ), where TS is the switching period. A study of noise charges injection and sharing in one period TS starting from nTS determines a recursive relation2 2 ship between Vn,C ((n + 1)TS ) and Vn,C (nTS ). Based on that recursive relationship, the expression of the noise variance of the voltage across the capacitor C can be determined as a function of n. The noise variance after a high number of switching periods can be obtained by calculating the limit of 2 Vn,C (nTS ) when n tends to infinity. B. Noise calculation for the passive first-order SC low-pass filter The first order switched capacitor passive low-pass filter depicted in Fig. 1 is a direct application of the noise calculation method presented above. In fact, the capacitor C0 corresponds to case (a) and C1 corresponds to the case (b). At nTS (see Fig. 7 (a)), a noise charge is frozen in capacitor C1 2 corresponding to a noise voltage variance of Vn,C (nTS ) 1 across C1 . When Φ1 is opened, capacitor C0 holds a kTC noise charge corresponding to a voltage variance of kT C0 based on (2). At (n + 21 )TS (see Fig. 7 (b)), the switch Φ2 is closed and the noise charges held in capacitors C0 and C1 at nTS are shared. Since those noise charges are uncorrelated, the variance of the total noise charge shared by C0 and C1 is given by 1 kT 2 Q2n,shared ((n + )TS ) = C02 + C12 Vn,C (nTS ). 1 2 C0 (5) This shared noise charge corresponds to a voltage variance, Q2 across capacitors C0 and C1 , of (Cn,shared 2. 0 +C1 ) At (n + 1)TS , when the switch Φ2 is opened an additional kTC noise charge is injected in capacitor C1 . The corresponding voltage variance is calculated using (4). It is given C0 by kT C1 C0 +C1 . This injected noise adds to the shared noise calculated in (5) leading to the expression of the noise voltage variance across capacitor C1 at the end of the (n + 1)th switching period 2 2 C02 kT C0 + C1 Vn,C1 (nTS ) kT C0 . C1 C0 + C1 (6) Equation (6) defines a recursive relationship for the sequence 2 Vn,C (nTS ) as mentioned in Section III.A. The expression of 1 2 Vn,C (nTS ) can be derived as 1 2n ! C kT 1 2 Vn,C 1− (nTS ) = . (7) 1 C1 C1 + C0 2 Vn,C ((n + 1)TS ) = 1 (C0 + C1 )2 + The noise voltage variance across capacitor C1 after a high number of switching periods is given by the limit of 2 (nTS ) when n tends to infinity Vn,C 1 2 2 Vn,C = lim Vn,C (nTS ) = 1 1 n→∞ kT . C1 (8) The output noise is simply equal to the one of the equivalent RC circuit shown in Fig. 1 (c). Thus, the SC resistor acts exactly the same as a resistor in terms of thermal noise power. This result suggests also that even if a series of switched capacitors are used instead of one switched capacitor resistor, the output noise remains the same and is independent of the value of the switched capacitors and their period of switching. C. Noise calculation for the N-path filter For the N-path filter, each path corresponds to a passive first order SC filter as depicted in Fig. 3. The noise variance at each capacitor Ci , for 1 = 1, ..., N , can be calculated the same way as section III.B since the switch connecting each path to the output has no impact on the noise sampled in capacitors Ci . Ci Thus, for C = r, the output noise variance converges to 0 2 2 Vn,out = Vn,C = i ,1≤i≤N kT , rC0 (9) Q 1 where r = C C0 = π . Thus for a given C0 the kTC noise contribution of the filter is inversely proportional to its Q factor. Fig. 8. Simulated and calculated (8) RMS noise of the SC low pass filter of Fig. 1. Fig. 10. 16-path filter simulated output noise with Pnoise analysis for Q factors of 8π, 32π and 128π. Fig. 9. Pnoise simulated output noise PSD of a passive SC low pass filter with 1, 2 and 3 switched capacitors in series with a 10pF output capacitor. Fig. 11. simulated and calculated (9) RMS noise of the N-path filter of Fig. 3. V. CONCLUSION IV. S IMULATION RESULTS In order to confirm the analytical noise calculation presented in previous section we performed noise simulations. The passive SC low-pass filter and the N-path filter are simulated usign ELDO transient noise simulation and SpectreRF Pnoise analysis. For both circuits, the switches are modeled with a resistance whose value determines the ”on” resistance (Ron ) and two ideal switches. All the capacitors and switches of 1 the circuits meet the condition: fS Ron C fth,max , where fth,max is a simulation parameter corresponding to the maximum frequency of thermal noise. The simulations are performed with a switching frequency fS = 1M Hz and a temperature of T = 302K. Fig. 8 shows the simulated output noise of the passive first order SC low-pass filter, compared 1 to the calculated noise, as a function of the ratio r = C C0 for C0 = 10pF . Both transient noise and Pnoise simulations match well with the calculated noise. In order to confirm that a series of switched capacitors acts exactly the same as a series of resistors, a Pnoise simulation of a passive SC low pass filter, using consecutively 1, 2 and 3 switched capacitors in series with a 10pF output capacitor, is performed. The result is shown in Fig. 9. The thermal noise PSD changes for the different configurations but the integrated total noise power remains the same and corresponds to 20.3µV which is the kTC noise of a 10pF capacitor. Fig. 10 shows the SprectreRF Pnoise simulation results for a 16-path filter for quality factors Q = 4π, 16π and 64π and C0 = 1pF . Fig. 11 shows the results obtained with ELDO and SpectreRF compared with the calculated noise of the N-path filter as a function of Q π. View publication stats A new method for kTC noise calculation in periodically switched capacitor networks is presented. It allows the calculation of the noise voltage variance across each capacitor of the network by only calculating the noise charge sharing and injection during one switching period. An application of this noise calculation method in two examples of passive SC filters is presented. Both ELDO Transient noise simualtion and SpectreRF Pnoise analysis show a perfect matching with the results obtained with the new noise calculation method. Such a noise calculation technique can be applied to other SC circuits to evaluate their kTC noise. R EFERENCES [1] M. Soer, E. Klumperink, B. Nauta, and F. van Vliet, “A 1.5-to5.0ghz input-matched x002b;2dbm p1db all-passive switched-capacitor beamforming receiver front-end in 65nm cmos,” in Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC), 2012 IEEE International, Feb 2012, pp. 174–176. [2] N. Guilar, F. Lau, P. Hurst, and S. 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