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Average Marble Mass Lab: Measurement & Averages

Average Marble Mass Lab
Measurement: Mass & Averages
Lab Stamp
Name: __________________________
Period: _______
Purpose: The purpose of this investigation lab is to see the importance in both multiple trials for lab activities, and
the importance of averages for date.
Materials: 10 marbles, 1 triple beam balance or 1 electronic scale, 1 holding dish, 1 calculator
Introduction: Marbles occupy space in air. When placed on a balance you can measure their mass. The property
of having weight is common to all material objects subject to the force of gravity. While mass and weight are
similar, they are not the same thing. Mass stays the same no matter the gravity, weight changes with gravity (this is
important in space). Mass is measured using the gram as the unit in the metric system which is what we use almost
exclusively in science.
1. Calibrate your triple beam balance (electronic scale). (Balance it with no mass on it)
2. Measure the mass of the dish. Record that in the data table
3. Place one marble in the dish. Measure the combined masses of the dish and the marble. Record this mass in
the data table.
4. Place a second marble in the dish. Repeat the measurement and record it in the data table
5. Use the same procedure until you have measured ten marbles in the dish.
6. Using a calculator and the HELPFUL HINTS section below, fill in the other two columns.
Helpful Hints:
Use this section to fill in the remainder of the table and find the most correct mass of the marbles.
In column 3 of the data table: mass of ALL marbles (g): take the total mass and subtract the mass of the dish
In column 4 of the data table: AVERAGE mass of ONE marble only (g): take the number you got for mass of
ALL marbles (g) in that row and divide by the number of marbles you have on the dish.
Example: when you have 3 marbles you will take the mass of ALL marbles (g) for 3 marbles and divide by 3.
Data Table on Back
Marble Mass Data Table
Record all data collected here in the table below.
Mass (g) total
Mass (g) of ALL marbles
AVERAGE mass (g) of
ONE marble only
+1 marble
+2 marble
+3 marble
+4 marble
+5 marble
+6 marble
+7 marble
+8 marble
+9 marble
+10 marble
Answer the questions in complete sentences, and neatly.
1. Looking through your data, what is most likely closest answer as to the mass of a single marble? ____________
(Just type number)
2. Why do you think we made so many measurements and averaged them? (3 sentences)
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. What does it mean to find the average?
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. List 3 different ways or reasons that the marbles may have had slightly different masses