Draft BS EN ISO 10418 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations – Process safety systems 2003 edition: detailed API RP 14C guidance 2 levels of protection; independent control & shutdown structure built around the API RP 14C text setting out the outlines of alternative approach to API RP 14C didn’t correspond to how we design process safety systems in the North Sea. Draft new edition: no API RP 14C text 2 levels of protection; independent control & shutdown retains the existing structure retains guidance on F&G retains guidance on toxic gas retains guidance on ESS retains old API RP 14C abbreviations retains existing outlines of an alternative approach guidance on ESD taken out! doesn’t correspond to how we design process safety systems in the North Sea no detailed guidance on the required techniques no detailed guidance on PSD & ESD functions. API RP14C now a legal requirement in USA – part of CFR What do we want in new edition? standard should address all aspects of designing safeguarding measures for offshore process systems guidance on means of developing design: P&IDs cause and effects hazops ESD/PSD cause and effects reviews LOPA & SIL assessment inherently safer design HP/LP interface studies alarm & trip register philosophies: ESD, process control & shutdown, segregation, relief & blowdown, flare & vent performance standards guidance on: ESD & PSD functions & hierarchy relief & blowdown and high integrity trips electrical shutdown inhibits role of pre-alarms & trips ISO 10418 standard to cover protective loop, not just sensors – better link with IEC 61511 state generic response required when process variable (pressure, flow, level) limits exceeded