CELLULAR RESPIRATION Printable worksheets (include answers) CELLULAR RESPIRATION 1. (a) Fill in the missing words: Cellular respira�on is the process by which all living things - plants, animals, fungi, pro�sts and bacteria - create energy in the form of ________________. This involves the breaking down of __________________, a complex organic molecule, into __________________ __________________ and __________________, releasing energy. The complete breakdown of __________________ also requires __________________. (b) Complete the following cellular respira�on equa�on: C6H12O6 + ___O2 ___CO2 + ___H2O (+ 30 ATP) 2. Cellular respira�on occurs in three stages: glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport. Glycolysis, which occurs in the cell cytosol, can be summarised as follows: Glucose NAD ADP + Pi Hydrogen (energy) gy) (ener ATP NADH pyruvate (a) On the diagram, highlight the (i) inputs and (ii) outputs of glycolysis using two different colours. (b) What appears to be the role of the molecule NAD? _________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Which important requirement of cellular respira�on does not take part in glycolysis? _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The second stage of cellular respira�on, Krebs cycle, which occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria, can be summarised as follows: pyruvate NAD ADP + Pi Hydrogen rgy) (ene gy) (ener Hydrogen FAD ) gy (ener NADH ATP FADH2 Carbondioxide © Ac�ve Science (a) On the diagram, highlight the (i) inputs and (ii) outputs of the Krebs cycle, using two different colours. (b) The Krebs cycle involves not one, but two ‘carrier’ molecules. Name these molecules and state their role. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (c) By the end of the Krebs cycle, which product of cellular respira�on is yet to be produced? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The third stage of cellular respira�on, electron transport, which occurs on the inner membranes of the mitochondria, can be summarised as follows: NADH eH+ ADP + Pi FADH2 FAD ed (accept by) NAD electron transport chain Water O2- (energy ) ATP oxygen (a) On the diagram, highlight the (i) inputs and (ii) outputs of the electron transport stage, using two different colours. (b) According to the diagram, what happens to the hydrogen atoms released by NADH and FADH2? _________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Explain how water is produced during electron transport. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (d) Lots of ATP is made during the electron transport stage of cellular respira�on, a process that requires energy. Where does this energy come from? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ © Ac�ve Science 5. The following diagram shows the structure of a mitochondrion: 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 4. ____________________ (a) Label the structures 1 - 6. (b) Explain how the structure of a mitochondrion makes it well suited to its func�on. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. (a) Oxygen is a ‘limi�ng factor’ in the process of cellular respira�on. Explain this statement. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Name two other factors that can limit cellular respira�on. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Like chloroplasts, mitochondria are also believed to have once been free-living microbes that were engulfed by a host cell in the process of endosymbiosis. What is the evidence for this? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. True or False? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) © Ac�ve Science Cellular respira�on is an endergonic process. Cellular respira�on can be aerobic or anaerobic. Glycolysis is an aerobic process. About 60% of the chemical energy of glucose is transferred to ATP, while the rest is lost as heat. The folds in a mitochondrion’s inner membrane are known as ‘cristae’. ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION 1. Fill in the missing words: Environments where there is a complete absence of oxygen, such as the deep ocean, can be described as __________________. Organisms that live in these sorts of environments cannot carry out aerobic respira�on, but must instead rely on __________________ __________________. For some organisms, such as certain microbes, oxygen is actually toxic; these organisms are termed __________________ __________________. Other organisms, known as __________________ __________________, are able to survive whether oxygen is present or not and can switch from __________________ to __________________ respira�on. When glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen, only __________________ _________________ can occur. This type of cellular respira�on produces much less ______________ energy than ________________ respira�on, but it produces it more ________________. During both aerobic and anaerobic respira�on, glucose is first broken down into __________________. If oxygen is unavailable however, the complete breakdown of glucose into __________________ __________________ and __________________ cannot occur and instead, the __________________ is converted into __________________ __________________ (mammals) or __________________ (yeasts). In mammals, anaerobic respira�on is known as __________________ __________________ __________________, while in yeasts, it is called __________________ __________________. 2. Complete the table outlining the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respira�on in mammals: Aerobic respira�on Anaerobic respira�on Inputs: ________________________________ Inputs: _________________________________ Outputs: _______________________________ Outputs: _______________________________ _____ ATP produced per molecule of glucose. _____ ATP produced per molecule of glucose. __________________ rate of ATP produc�on. __________________ rate of ATP produc�on. __________________ efficient energy transfer. __________________ efficient energy transfer. Occurs in the __________________. Occurs in the __________________. 3. What do aerobic and anaerobic respira�on have in common? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ © Ac�ve Science 4. You are walking home from school when you see your bus, about 200m away, already at the bus stop. You break into a run, sprin�ng towards the bus as fast as you can. (a) While walking, are your leg muscle cells carrying out aerobic or anaerobic respira�on? Explain. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (b) As you sprint towards the bus, what sort of cellular respira�on is happening in your muscle cells? Explain. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Why is it that anaerobic respira�on can be sustained for very short amounts of �me only? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (d) What causes the ‘burning legs’ sensa�on you some�mes feel during or at the end of a vigorous workout? Explain. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Explain why mammals and yeasts produce different end products in anaerobic respira�on. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. The following are chemical equa�ons for (i) lac�c acid fermenta�on and (ii) alcoholic fermenta�on. Fill in the missing numbers. (i) C6H12O6 ___C3H6O3 + (___ ATP) (ii) C6H12O6 ___C2H5OH + ___CO2 + (___ATP) © Ac�ve Science CELLULAR RESPIRATION (answers) 1. (a) Cellular respira�on is the process by which all living things - plants, animals, fungi, pro�sts and bacteria - create energy in the form of ATP. This involves the breaking down of glucose, a complex organic molecule, into carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy. The complete breakdown of glucose also requires oxygen. (b) C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O (+ 30 ATP) 2. Glucose Inputs NAD ADP + Pi Hydrogen Outputs (energy) gy) (ener ATP NADH pyruvate (a) See above diagram. (b) NAD picks up hydrogen to become NADH. This hydrogen will be needed later for electron transport. (c) Oxygen. 3. pyruvate NAD Inputs ADP + Pi Hydrogen rgy) (ene Outputs gy) (ener Hydrogen FAD ) gy (ener NADH ATP FADH2 Carbondioxide (a) See above diagram. (b) The carrier molecules are NAD and FAD. They pick up hydrogen to become NADH and FADH2 respec�vely. This hydrogen will be needed later for electron transport. (c) Water. © Ac�ve Science 4. Inputs NADH e- Outputs H+ electron transport chain ADP + Pi FADH2 FAD ed (accept by) NAD (energy ) ATP Water oxygen O2- (a) See above diagram. (b) The hydrogen atoms released by NADH and FADH2 are split into hydrogen ions (H+) and electrons (e-). (c) Water is produced when the oxygen ions (O2-) combine with hydrogen ions (H+). The oxygen ions formed when oxygen atoms accepted the electrons that were transferred along the electron transport chain. (d) The energy required to produce ATP during electron transport comes from the transfer of electrons along the electron transport chain. 5. (a) 1. DNA 2. outer membrane 6. ribosome 5. matrix 3. inner membrane 4. intermembrane space (b) The inner membrane of the mitochondrion is highly folded, providing a large surface area on which important chemical reac�ons can occur, par�cularly those associated with the electron transport stage of cellular respira�on. 6. (a) Oxygen is said to be a limi�ng factor in cellular respira�on because it is one of the requirements of the process, and a lack of it decreases the rate of the reac�on. (b) Any two of: (i) glucose (ii) temperature (iii) NAD (iv) FAD (v) ADP + Pi © Ac�ve Science 7. Evidence for this includes: (i) mitochondria contain circular molecules of DNA similar to that found in bacteria (ii) mitochondria also contain ribosomes, meaning that they can make their own proteins; these ribosomes are similar in size to those found in bacteria (iii) mitochondria, like bacteria,divide by binary fission(iv) mitochondrial DNA replicates independently of the host cell’s DNA (v)mitochondria are similar in size to bacteria. 8. (a) (b) (c) (d) False True False False (e) True © Ac�ve Science (cellular respira�on is exergonic; it releases energy) (glycolysis is anaerobic; it does not require oxygen) (about 40% of the chemical energy in glucose is transferred to ATP; the rest is lost as heat) ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION (answers) 1. Environments where there is a complete absence of oxygen, such as the deep ocean, can be described as anoxic. Organisms that live in these sorts of environments cannot carry out aerobic respira�on, but must instead rely on anaerobic respira�on. For some organisms, such as certain microbes, oxygen is actually toxic; these organisms are termed obligate anaerobes. Other organisms, known as faculta�ve anaerobes, are able to survive whether oxygen is present or not, and can switch from anaerobic to aerobic respira�on. When glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen, only anaerobic respira�on can occur. This type of cellular respira�on produces much less ATP energy than aerobic respira�on, but it produces it more rapidly. During both aerobic and anaerobic respira�on, glucose is first broken down into pyruvate. If oxygen is unavailable however, the complete breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide and water cannot occur and instead, the pyruvate is converted into lac�c acid (mammals) or ethanol (yeasts). In mammals, anaerobic respira�on is known as lac�c acid fermenta�on, while in yeasts, it is called alcoholic fermenta�on. 2. Aerobic respira�on Anaerobic respira�on Inputs: glucose and oxygen Inputs: glucose (no oxygen required) Outputs: carbon dioxide, water and ATP Outputs: lac�c acid and ATP 30 ATP produced per molecule of glucose. 2 ATP produced per molecule of glucose. Slower rate of ATP produc�on. Faster rate of ATP produc�on. More efficient energy transfer. Less efficient energy transfer. Occurs in the mitochondria. Occurs in the cytosol. 3. Aerobic and anaerobic respira�on both produce ATP, they are both involved in energy transfer and both break down glucose into pyruvate. 4. (a) While walking, you are carrying out aerobic respira�on. This is because your muscle cells are working or contrac�ng at a steady rate and their demand for oxygen is being met by the body’s circulatory system. (b) As you sprint towards the bus your muscle cells are carrying out anaerobic respira�on. This is because they are working so hard that their demand for oxygen can no longer be met by the body’s circulatory system. Oxygen becomes depleted and cellular respira�on must occur in its absence. © Ac�ve Science (c) Anaerobic respira�on can be sustained for only very short amounts of �me because the lack of oxygen results in a build up of lac�c acid in the muscles that eventually causes pain and fa�gue. This forces a person to stop exercising. (d) The ‘burning legs’ sensa�on o�en experienced during or a�er vigorous exercise is due to the build up of lac�c acid in your muscles, which lowers the pH as acidity increases. This can lead to acidosis, the symptoms of which include a burning feeling in the legs, as well as cramps and weakness. 5. Mammals and yeasts produce different products of anaerobic respira�on because they have different enzymes in their cell cytosol, resul�ng in different chemical reac�ons occurring. 6. (i) (ii) © Ac�ve Science C6H12O6 C6H12O6 2C3H6O3 + (2 ATP) (lac�c acid) 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + (2ATP) (ethanol) Published in Australia by ACTIVE SCIENCE Heidelberg VIC 3084 Australia First published 2021 All worksheets and answer sheets designed and created by Ariana Fabris Text © Ariana Fabris Diagrams © Ariana Fabris, pixabay.com The copyright for all text and diagrams in this document is the property of A. Fabris/Active Science. You may: Download and store this document on your personal computer. Print/photocopy this document for non-commercial, classroom use only. It is prohibited to: Store this document in a retrieval system. Copy and paste any part of this document into a new document. Upload any part of this document onto the Internet/Cloud. Electronically transmit any part of this document, including by email. Use any part of this document without written permission of the publisher. 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