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Automata Theory Lecture Summary: Grammar & Machines

CS 310 : Automata Theory
Lecture-1 Summary : By Ashutosh Pankaj
July 29, 2022
Today’s lecture was a brief overview of the content that we are going to cover in this course. It
broadly has two major parts - Grammar and Machines. Before getting into that, let’s first look into
some notations.
Σ : Terminal Symbols (or simply, Alphabets of the language)
N : Non-terminal Symbols (also called variables)
Σ* : String (or Sequence) using elements from Terminal symbols
(Σ ∪ N)* : String using elements from both Terminal and Non-Terminal symbols
Grammar is a finite set of formal rules that generate syntactically correct strings. The set of such
strings is called a Language. We have seen examples of this in Lecture-0.
Grammars can be Restricted and Un-restricted.
Context Sensitive
• Un-restricted : No restriction on α and β
• Restricted Context-free : α is a single Non-terminal variable
• Restricted Context-Sensitive : |α| ≤ |β|, also called non-erasing
• Restricted Context-Free Right-Linear : Rightmost symbol is Non-Terminal along with the
restriction of context-free
Example: Grammar for generating only and all Palindromes using binary (0 and 1).
1. α → 0 α 0
2. α → 1 α 1
3. α → Homework : Write Grammar for a Language that has equal number of zeroes and ones.
Machine models
There are three main Machine Models which we will discuss in the coming lectures.
Finite State Automata
Push Down Automata
Turing Machine
I won’t be writing about Finite State Automata because it is already covered last semester in CS 228.
Push Down Automata : It ewill have an input, a finite control and a stack. We have a special
marker to represent the botton of the stack.
Example : PDA for the Grammar - n0 (w) = n1 (w)
(try to comprehend this PDA and how stack is used here on your own)
Homework : Construct a Push Down Automata to accept all Palindromes.
Turing Machine will be covered in the next lecture.
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