Uploaded by Christine Morit

Validating and Normalizing Feelings Presentation

By the end of the session, you should be able to; •
Identify feelings/reactions related to the
pandemic/any form of disaster
• Accept that all feelings and reactions are normal
and valid.
Magbigay ng 1 salitang
makapaglalarawan sa
nararamdaman mo ngayon?
Let’s begin.
Look at the lines below.
You are going to write a letter.
Pause and Think.
Then write, My Dear Friend.
Using the lines on the next page, write to a friend
about the following:
During the months of lockdown, what were the 5
routines or reactions you did at home?
An example would be; “I slept most of the time.” Or, “I
watch television/GMA7/AbsCbn.”
Others may say,” Nothing. I help in the household
Number them from 1-5, and write them down on the
front part of your letter.
On the back page of your letter, write to your friend
about your feelings towards your reactions or routines.
An example of feeling would be; “I felt bored.” Or, “I felt
afraid.” Others may say, “I experienced anxiety.” You
can repeat your feelings, but, you may not repeat the
routines or reactions. You can explain why you felt that
way or why you reacted that way. You do not need to
write a long letter. A short one will do
Give some few minutes students to write their
I want you to know that all your feelings, all your reactions for
the past days are valid. To validate is to affirm that these
feeling/s are happening. I want you to say to yourself, “ it is
okay that I felt this way. It is okay to not be okay’. I want you to
know that all your emotions are real and true. And that all of
those, they are normal feelings. They are normal because other
people may also share the same feeling/s but the intensity of
feelings is uniquely yours. Tell yourself, “all these are normal
feelings. Normal lang ang pakiramdam ko”.
We hear it often now] it’s okay to not be okay. My
question is, when is it okay not to be okay? And when
is it not okay to be not okay?“
- Tito Boy
What are the common feeling/s to the usual
routines of your everyday life? What are your
shared human experiences of Covid-19 or of the
disaster that hit your town? Are they similar? Are
they dissimilar? Now that you have recognized
your common humanity, you feel a sigh of relief
from knowing that you were not alone. You can
empathize with each other.
You accept each other. These are all normal
feelings to stressful situations. If you wish, you can
take a photo of the letter and share it with your
friend. I hope this empowers you to go on living.
Negative Responses
Positive Responses
Confusion, worry, selfblame
Determination courage,
optimism, faith
Shock, sorry, grief,
sadness, fear, anger,
numb, irritability, guilt, and
Feeling involved, challenged,
Fights with others or does
not speak with others
Seeks out others who can help
them, helps others in need
Tired, headache, muscle
tension, stomachache,
difficulty sleeping, fast
heart beat
Alertness, readiness to
respond, increased energy
Common negative reactions that may continue include:
Intrusive reactions:
Distressing thoughts or images of the event while awake or dreaming
• Upsetting emotional or physical reactions to reminders of the
• Feeling like the experience is happening all over again (“flashback”)
• Avoid talking, thinking, and having feelings about the traumatic event
• Avoid reminders of the event (places and people connected to what
• Restricted emotions; feeling numb
• Feelings of detachment and estrangement from others; social
• Loss of interest in usually pleasurable activities
Physical arousal reactions
• Constantly being “on the lookout” for danger,
startling easily, or being jumpy
• Irritability or outbursts of anger, feeling “on edge”
• Difficulty falling or staying asleep, problems
concentrating or paying attention
Reactions to trauma and loss reminders
• Reactions to places, people, sights, sounds, smells, and feelings that are
reminders of the disaster
• Reminders can bring on distressing mental images, thoughts, and
emotional/physical reactions
• Common examples include: sudden loud noises, sirens, locations where
the disaster occurred, seeing people with disabilities, funerals,
anniversaries of the disaster, and television/radio news about the disaster
Positive changes in priorities, worldview, and
• Enhanced appreciation that family and friends are precious and
important 43 The 2020 O/SG PFA Modules Supplemental to the SEES
• Meeting the challenge of addressing difficulties (by taking positive
action steps, changing the focus of thoughts, using humor, acceptance)
• Shifting expectations about what to expect from day to day and about
what is considered a “good day”
• Shifting priorities to focus more on quality time with family or friends
• Increased commitment to self, family, friends, and spiritual/religious
When a Loved One Dies, Common Reactions Include:
Feeling confused, numb, disbelief, bewildered, or lost
• Feeling angry at the person who died or at people
considered responsible for the death
• Strong physical reactions such as nausea, fatigue,
shakiness, and muscle weakness
• Feeling guilty for still being alive
• Intense emotions such as extreme sadness, anger, or
• Increased risk for physical illness and injury
• Decreased productivity or difficulties making decisions
• Having thoughts about the person who died even when
you don’t want to
• Longing, missing, and wanting to search for the person
who died
• Children and adolescents are particularly likely to worry
that they or a parent might die
• Children and adolescents may become anxious when
separated from caregivers or other loved ones
What Helps
• Talking to another person for support or spending time with
• Engaging in positive distracting activities (sports, hobbies,
• Getting adequate rest and eating healthy meals
• Trying to maintain a normal schedule
• Scheduling pleasant activities
• Taking breaks
• Reminiscing about a loved one who has died
• Focusing on something practical that you can do right
now to manage the situation better
• Using relaxation methods (breathing exercises,
meditation, calming self-talk, music)
• Participating in a support group
• Exercising in moderation
• Keeping a journal
• Seeking counseling
What Doesn’t Help
• Using alcohol or drugs to cope
• Extreme withdrawal from family or friends
• Overeating or failing to eat
• Withdrawing from pleasant activities
• Working too much
• Violence or conflict
• Doing risky things (driving recklessly, substance
abuse, not taking adequate precautions)
• Extreme avoidance of thinking or talking about the
event or a death of a loved one
• Not taking care of yourself
• Excessive TV or computer games
• Blaming others
Now that you knew that what you were feeling or how you
were reacting was similar to the one on the list, how do
you feel now about yourself? Always remember that your
reactions to the stressful situation are normal at the
moment or until about three months. Most young people
will react in the same manner. You are not being crazy
when you have those feelings.
Also, the next time you feel that way, try to take ten
deep breaths. Slowly. And then try to do letter
writing and send the letter to your close friends.
This will help you calm down. Can we try to do that
together? Count 1-10 as you breathe in and out.
Today you learned that our reactions to the stressful
events of Pandemic or any other form of disaster were
normal and valid. How does this new learning that my
reactions and feelings toward Covid-19/disaster were
normal after all help me?
(Students will write their answers in their notes)
How can you apply this learning to your life especially
after experiencing such a pandemic?
(Students will write their answers in their notes)
Read your letter again.
Compare how you feel now that you know that
those feelings were normal and valid? Say to
yourself: my feelings are valid. My reactions are
normal. My feelings and reactions are valid and
Takeaway Message:
My feelings toward this disaster/pandemic are
normal and valid. Others may also feel the same
way. It is okay to not feel okay.