LECTURE NOTES: CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Considerations in reporting cash balance 1 Foreign currency > should be translated to Philippine currency > unrestricted - included in "cash" restricted - noncurrent asset 2 Cash in closed banks or banks having difficulty/bankruptcy > reclassified as Receivable and written down to its recoverable value 3 Customer's postdated checks and NSF checks and IOUs/DAIF/DAUD > reported as receivable 4 Expenses Advances such as advances for employee travel and postage stamps > reported as prepaid expenses 5 Bank Overdraft > reported as current liability; except if there is another account in the same b which it can be offset 6 Undelivered or unreleased checks > should be reverted to cash and the liability that the check is intended to liqu still exist and be reported to current payable 7 Company's postdated checks > reverted to cash since no actual payment yet 8 Compensating balances > unrestricted - included in "cash" restricted - either current asset or noncurrent asset depending on the natur 9 Cash set aside for long term specific purpose such as bond sinking fund and plant expansion fund > reported as non current financial asset 10 Customer's postdated checks > reported as receivable Cash Count Problems 1 Identify the accountability first: a. If petty cash fund, the accountability is the imprest balance b. If undeposited collections, the accountability is totalundeposited collections per books/records ad further for any unrecorded collections (based on additional information of the problem) * if there is no direct information about collections per records, accountability is collections per O cash receipts vouchers or other documents evidencing collections 2 Identify valid supports to the accountability as presented in the problem a. Petty Cash Fund > bills and coins, replenished checks, valid accomodation checks > unreplenished petty cash expense vouchers (adjusted to various expense) > Employees IOUs (adjusted to receivables) > post dated/NSF checks (adjusted to receivables) * unused postage is not valid support when the accountability is the petty cash fund * return of an expense advances (e.g., excess from the travel advances) is added to the account to get the total accountability and not added to valid support. b. Undeposited collections > bills and coins > customers' collections checks (not technically defective) > copies of expense vouchers evidencing the use of the collections to pay certain expenses > unused postage stamps (valid support which accountability is undeposited collections) Additional Note: In the absence of specific term, money market placement, time deposit and treasury bills are investment of three months or less and therefore qualify as cash equivalents. Furthermore don't be confused when the problem states like this: On December 31, 2012, AA Company had the following cash balances Cash in bank (600k is legally restricted) petty cash fund (all funds were reimbursed on dec. 31, 2012) time deposit (due february 1, 2013) Solution: cash in bank (1,800,000 - 600,000) petty cash fund time deposit 1,200,000 50,000 250,000 1,500,000 * the term of the time deposit is not given. It is assumed that it is three months or less,this being the normal banking practice. verable value account in the same bank eck is intended to liquidate pending on the nature of loan nt expansion fund per books/records adjusted he problem) ity is collections per OR, cash fund added to the accountability ay certain expenses sited collections) treasury bills are short term lents. 1,800,000 50,000 250,000 or less,this being the LECTURE NOTES: BANK RECONCILIATION Bank Reconciliation - necessary only for demand deposit or checking account Point of View of: Debit Credit Depositor Increase (asset) Decrease (asset) Reconciling Items 1 Book Reconciling items a. Credit Memos b. Debit Memos c. Errors 2 Bank reconciling items a. Deposit in transit b. Outstanding checks c. Errors Debit Credit Effect in book balance Book is understated since it is not yet recorded in books Book is overstated since it is not yet recorded in books Effect in bank balance Bank is understated since it is not yet deposited Bank is overstated since check is not yet presented Adjusted Balance Method Book Balance or Balance per book (b) Add: Credit memos Less: Debit Memos Adjusted book balance (c) *a *a-b Bank Decrease (asset) Increase (asset) xxx xxx (xxx) xxx Bank Balance or Balance per bank Add: deposit in transit Less: outstanding checks Adjusted bank balance > the adjusted balance per bank shall be the correct cash balance > the net adjustment to cash shall be the difference between the unadjusted per book and adjusted per bank *a-c > the cash shortage/overage shall be the difference between the twoadjusted balances shortage if : Bank < Book overage if: Bank > Book in books n books Adjustment + plus or minus Adjustment + plus or minus Balance per bank ransit g checks alance (a) adjusted per book and oadjusted balances xxx xxx (xxx) xxx LECTURE NOTE: PROOF OF CASH Unadjusted balance per bank Deposit in transit, beg end Outstanding checks, beg end Bank errors (receipts, beg is over) (receipts, beg is under) (disbursements, beg is over) (disbursements, beg is under) ( receipts, end is over) ( receipts, end is under) (disbursements, end is over) (disbursements, end is under) Adjusted balance Unadjusted balance per book Unrecorded credit, beg end Unrecorded debit, beg end NSF checks, beg NSF checks, end NSF check received and redeposited the same period (not recorded by book*) Book errors (receipts, beg is over) (receipts, beg is under) (disbursements, beg is over) (disbursements, beg is under) ( receipts, end is over) ( receipts, end is under) (disbursements, end is over) (disbursements, end is under) Adjusted balance Beg xxx xxx (xxx) (xxx) xxx xxx (xxx) xxx Beg xxx xxx (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) xxx xxx (xxx) xxx Receipts Disbursements xxx xxx (xxx) xxx (xxx) xxx (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) xxx (xxx) xxx xxx xxx Receipts Disbursements xxx xxx (xxx) xxx (xxx) xxx (xxx) xxx xxx xxx (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) xxx (xxx) xxx xxx xxx * an NSF check received from the bank and redeposited during the same period shall no longer be included in the proof of cash statement not unless the same was not recorded by the book, thus the same is added to both the receipt and disbursemnet columns kapag nag add sa beg, magbabawas sa receipts kapag nagsubtract sa beg, subtract disbursement End xxx xxx (xxx) receipts ng december napunta sa november receipta ng nov napunta sa dec nagbayad ka ng ap noong dec pero narecord nung nov (xxx) xxx xxx (xxx) xxx End xxx xxx (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) xxx xxx (xxx) xxx columns sobra ung binawas kaya kulang ung beg, at sobra ung receipt mo ngaun. ung sobrang diabursement bung nov naoadjust ng dec kaya dun da dec kaya dun dapat ibawas sa rec dec