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PLTW Computer Science Principles Syllabus - High School

PLTW Computer Science Principles
Teacher: Mr. Washington
E-mail Address: dwashington4@acpsd.net
Length of Course: Full Year
Google Number: 803.761.7213
School Phone Number: (803) 652-8100
Planning Periods: 1st and 7th
Credits Earned: 1 Unit
Office Hours: Daily: 3:00-3:25
Composition Notebook (Journal Writing), pencil/pen and an open-mind with the willingness to explore and be creative,
laptop (Students will be given access to PLTW course website).
Course Description
The AP Computer Science Principles course is designed to be equivalent to a first-semester introductory college
computing course. In this course, students will develop computational thinking skills vital for success across all
disciplines, such as using computational tools to analyze and study data and working with large data sets to analyze,
visualize, and draw conclusions from trends. The course is unique in its focus on fostering student creativity. Students are
encouraged to apply creative processes when developing computational artifacts and to think creatively while using
computer software and other technology to explore questions that interest them. They will also develop effective
communication and collaboration skills, working individually and collaboratively to solve problems, and discussing and
writing about the importance of these problems and the impacts to their community, society, and the world.
Most assignments in PLTW CSP require the use of a computer and internet connection. As such, students are expected to
work diligently to maximize class time. If students finish early, they can work on several approved website tutorials or
software programs. Students who need extra time are invited to work during Independent Learning Time (ILT).
Grading Weight and Procedures
Major Assignments (Tests, quizzes, projects)
Daily Assignments/ Homework
Additional Information
All students will take a semester and a final exam at the end of each semester, which will count as 20% of the semester
Participation is expected of all students EVERY DAY. Sleeping, class disruptions, refusal to participate, or failing
to bring materials to class (book, paper, pencil, etc.) shows a lack of participation. **If a student chooses not to
follow behavioral rules and procedures, disciplinary action will be taken. All discipline actions will follow the
Silver Bluff High School Discipline Policy. A copy of this is in the student’s agenda.
Students shall have the opportunity to make up missed work during Independent Learning Time (ILT). The
student will have five days to complete missed work after returning to school. The responsibility for the make-up
work rests with the student. Students are not allowed to make up work missed during class time. THIS IS YOUR
EXPECTATIONS for Student Behavior in the Classroom
Respect yourself and others.
Be on time (you must be inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings, not on your way!!)
Come to class prepared.
No Food allowed in classroom.
Go to the restroom before class.
Make an attempt at all activities.
Be willing to contribute.
Consequences for Violation of Rules
1. Warning/4 questions
3. Contact parents/guardians
4. Discipline Referral
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism is defined as using another person’s ideas or creative work without giving credit to that person.
Plagiarism includes:
 Paraphrasing information from a source without referencing the source.
 Copying and pasting internet information, graphics, or media into your work without citing the source.
 Using someone else’s homework or buying papers or research you did not do and turning it in as if you had done
the work yourself.
 Not putting quotation marks around parts of sources you copy exactly.
Your choice to plagiarize will result in a zero on the assignment.
Tardy Policy
When the bell rings, the door will close. Anyone entering after the door is closed, will have to sign the log and receive a
tardy. On the 5th tardy, a discipline referral will be given.
Virtual Study Sessions
Bring in a case of water for ONE homework pass.
School Wide Restroom Policy
Students will not be allowed to leave class the first 15 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class. Students are expected to go
to the restroom during transitions throughout the day.