ARTICLE “THE USE OF ENGLISH SONGS AS MEDIA TO TEACH ENGLISH” Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu mata kuliah English languge teaching material and media Disusun Oleh : Rahma Yanti (2318029) Kelas : PBI-6A PEMBIMBING: AFDALENI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS FAKULTAS TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI BUKITTINGGI 2020/2021 THE USE OF ENGLISH SONGS AS MEDIA TO TEACH ENGLISH Rahma yanti IAIN BUKITTINGGI Abstract: There were various kinds of media and methods available that can be used in teaching English. One kind of them is song. Song is not only a media of entertainment, but also could be used to learn the language. By using song, we could practice our skills, especially in listening and speaking. The song is a source of learning English through the spelling, writing, listening, pronouncing, and reading comprehension. Keywords: Song, media, teaching English At present, there are a lot of English In the connection with those problems, teaching methods. The methods, among we need to hold action improvements as others are; adapted methods and methods effort to improve English language skills that were created by teachers themselves. possessed by students. In this case, we can But, even so, we still encounter when use a variety of methods, strategies, media, teaching-learning process in the classroom, and other learning resources which are able there are some students who seem dislike to to attract the attention of students in learning learn English. It is because they felt English and to improve the skills in English is difficult and do not understand anything language. about English. Generally, most people, both children MEDIA IN TEACHING ENGLISH and adults like the music or songs. It could The media used in the teachingbe utilized for a material or media in learning process has some functions and learning English language skills. The skills benefits. They were; could include the four basic skills that must 1. media as a teaching tool that be mastered in learning English. They were also affect the climate, listening, reading, writing, and speaking. conditions, and learning Music or songs had a strong appear to attract environment that is organized the attention of students, so that, students and created by teachers, can be more interest to following the process 2. the use of media in teaching of learning English. In this case, the songs and learning can awaken new that we would use are the songs of Englishdesires and interests, speaking foreigners. Because of, the subject motivational, and stimulating that we learn is English. Using songs as learning activities, media in teaching-learning process, it should 3. it can help to improve we make planning and choose the song that understanding, presenting data appropriate with the subject that be taught and information with and the level of students. In the application interesting and reliable way, of this media, we could use many kinds of 4. the use of media will make method, especially audio lingual method. more varied of teaching But, this method can be adapted and made a method, not merely verbal new creation of it. communication through the narrative of words by the already very familiar with the songs, and teacher, some even say that the song could not be 5. it helped to foster a sense that separated from human life. can help the development of Based on an article on language skills, and (accessed on March 10th 2012), there are 20 6. provide experiences that are reasons why using songs in teaching not easily obtained in other language lesson are meaningful to the ways, and help the efficiency students; and diversity in learning. 1. Most students are highly motivated by song-based However, the use of media must be activities, which they adapted to the teaching process in English. perceive to be fun. The media should also be able to keep 2. You can create lessons students’ interest and enjoyable to make around songs that can be them learn English and must be able to used to practice any of the improve students’ skills in English. main language skills. 3. Grammar can be SONG AS MEDIA IN TEACHING surreptitiously presented or ENGLISH practiced through songs. 4. Music can relax, disinhibit The song is one of the media. Songs and simultaneously stimulate can be used as teaching material in English. students. As noted earlier, the song is something very familiar to us. It is assumed that students are These affective responses to music are optimum for learning. 10. Bringing pop music to class can help break down 5. Playing a song immediately barriers, enabling students to affects class atmosphere. better relate to their teacher 6. There is often a lot of repetition songs, which can aid long-term memory. also aids 11. Students may feel more fluent singing along to song 7. The rhythmical aspect of music and classmate. rote memorization. lyrics than they do speaking a foreign language, so this builds confidence. 8. Research show that students 12. Music with lyrics engages may retain more vocabulary both sides of the brain so when presented through a becomes a powerful learning song. tool. 9. Pop music accessible is a highly source of 13. Using music to teach a second language is authentic language. Music is consistent with Gardner’s not scary; it is part of theory students’ lives outside the intelligences. classroom. (2005:42), beginner Even level your students probably listen to music with lyrics in English. of multiple Sheppard “Intelligence can be defined as; ability to understand, ability to interpretation, ability to take benefit from experiences”. 14. A range of language can colloquial easily be introduced through songs. 15. Most lyrics need to be interpreted, and regular practice of this may improve prediction and 19. Students may learn to segment new words more effectively when learning through song. This could be especially beneficial in the first phase of language learning. 20. Using songs in a lesson is a great way to encourage students to do so outside of comprehension skills. 16. Pop songs cover a wide class, providing variety a means to integrate extra-curricular cultural dimensions in a practice. essential listening lesson. 17. References in lyrics provide Suyanto (2007:113) stated the a means to integrate cultural description of song. “The song is a series of dimensions in a lesson. words that are sung with a certain rhythm 18. Music can help language and tone”. He is also stated that, “actually, good song is created by two aims. They are; songs pronunciation. Melodies and that were created simply to be enjoyed and rhymes guide learners to songs that were created for the purpose of speak in a native cadence. learning, for example, to teach vocabulary, learners to learn phrases, or patterns of a particular sentence." For its use as a media of language learning, Using English Song in Teaching-Learning teachers must pick and choose songs that fit Process the needs and learning objectives to be The use of songs in the process of achieved. teaching and learning in the classroom, we The song that was created for can use some examples of activities. The language learning in the classroom usually summary of an article on have the following traits;, as follows; a) contains word, phrase, and 1. Use songs to prompt sentences with a particular discussion about the song. theme, 2. Play song once, ask students b) the elements of language is to write down as many words repeated, as they can , pair them up, c) generally, the song have and ask them too create ao context so easy to new song with the words memorized, 3. Play a song as students come d) the song sung by the body into room at beginning of a movements (action songs), e) class and do nothing with it; the song can be sung by can have a great impact on learners outside of the general mood. classroom, and 4. Ask students to participate in e) have happy pitched and fast song selection too for (Suyanto, 2007:114). ownership engagement! and deeper 5. Ask students to draw while they think of on the board – listening, then talk about what no repetition allowed. they drew. The students must describe what they drew The Advantages of using Foreign Song as Media orally. Based on the summary of the related 6. Look at songs as poetry: literature, the use of songs as media of form, metaphor, emotion. learning language gives advantages to the working extensively with students. The following are several lyrics post-listening can be advantages of using songs; songs can very powerful. provide the knowledge, new vocabulary and 7. 8. Lyrics race: teams memorize the grammar through the lyrics, songs are one line of written song and interesting to learn language, songs are great race across classroom/hall to for pronunciation practice especially sound recorder who writes down. At linking, intonation, stress and reduction, can end all listen. be practiced on drilled by listening songs, Eliciting a class story from a song or piece of music. songs contain repetitions and repetitions enhance learning, songs can improve the language skills, etc. 9. Do grammar revision through song titles. 10. Play bits of songs and ask students to write adjectives The Advantages of Using English Song In this life student very like The foreign songs are a media that can song,Because of the students liked listening be used to learn the language in the songs, the songs could make the students classroom. Song is not only a media of like to learn English. It could attract their entertainment, but also could be used to interesting and motivation. From the learn the language. By using song, we could interview, the teacher said that there was a practice our skills, especially in listening difference when the teacher taught English and speaking. by using song and when she explained the The song is a source of learning English lessons as usual. through the spelling, writing, listening, The students were more enthusiastic pronouncing,andreading comprehension.The and like to listening songs. Based on use of songs as media in teaching English observations made by researcher in the each language had several stages in its class of subjects, researcher found that the implementation. The song is one of the use of foreign songs as a media in teaching media. Songs can be used as teaching English is perfect to teach students about the material in English. vocabulary and pronunciation. The use of As noted earlier, the song is something this song in the classroom could be very very familiar to us. It is assumed that enjoyable for the students and teacher. students are already very familiar with the However, the thing to keep in minds that songs, and some even say that the song teacher must keep the classroom atmosphere could not be separated from human life. the is conducive, so the delivery of knowledge use of media must be adapted to the teaching through the song could be effective. process in English. CONCLUSION Foreign REFERENCES Language. Allison, Desmond. Language 1999. 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