QG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ(OHFWURQLF'HVLJQ ,&(' $XJXVW3HQDQJ0DOD\VLD An Implementation of Caesar Cipher and XOR Encryption Technique in a Secure Wireless Communication Lim Chong Han Nor Muzlifah Mahyuddin School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia henrylim_1990@hotmail.com School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia ee.mnmuzlifah@eng.usm.my Abstract—Due to the openness of the wireless communication, security aspect of data transmission plays important role in respect to the effective measure of the transmission, where cryptography method is often implemented to sustain the security of the communication. A secure communication program is proposed in this paper which involves three design stages, i.e. the encryption technique, serial-transmission and encoding technique. The encryption technique adopts a combination of Caesar Cipher and XOR encryptions, and programmed using C++. Subsequently, few possible cases have been tested to verify the strength of the security program, which indicates an improvement in security of data transmission in wireless medium without affecting the processing time. security goals are accomplished [2]. In cryptography, the process to transcribe information into different form so that only authorized parties can read it [3] is called encryption while the process to convert unreadable form back to original message is called decryption. Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm which is also known as Secret Key Encryption uses a secret key to change the content in a message text. There are two types of Symmetric Encryption technique used in this work, which are Caesar Cipher and XOR encryption. The Caesar Cipher encryption works by replacing each letter in the plaintext with another letter with a fixed position apart by a numerical value which is used as a secret key [4]. The XOR encryption uses bitwise exclusive OR logic gate to perform the work. Sender and recipient can encrypt and decrypt message using secret key that only known by both of them. Both Caesar Cipher and XOR encryption are used in this program because they are simple while this reduce the complexity of the implementation. Keywords—encryption; serial port; secure communication; cryptography; Caesar Cipher I. INTRODUCTION Currently, wireless technology is widely used in much daily application for example remote control, mobile devices and internet. It has almost replacing the wired communication and has become increasingly convenient. Due to the increasing of usage in wireless communication, it has become less secure and exposes to serious security threats among communication networks. Various information will be easily eavesdropped by adversaries (third party) therefore secure communication are needed to avoid hacking from other parties. Secure communication has played a very important role in avoiding this matter, and several systems have been introduced or applied, even as early as in World War II [1]. The encryption technique is implemented using the 433 MHz RF modules which are cheaper and simple compares to other wireless modules. Hence, it is chosen in this work to provide wireless data transmission. The data transmission through USB is in serial RS232 protocol while the RF module incorporates the UART-TTL protocol. Meanwhile the USB-to-UART converter [5] is used to shift level from RS232 to UART-TTL protocol [6]. Therefore, a serial port program is built for sending or receiving data between USB and RF module. For the wireless medium, it is an open area transmission and no wire is required. The signal or data travels in a form of electromagnetic wave through the air. There are many unknown data and noise present in the air. In addition, these RF modules used in this work are exposed to more noise compared to other high end RF module [7]. Hence, data transmission through the air is prone to error. Therefore, accurate data is difficult to receive from sender. To Fundamentally, secure communication is a communication between two parties with no third parties to listen and join in. There are many studies in secure communication field, which involves cryptography. Cryptography is a well-known method and is the study and practice in secure communication with the present of adversaries. Cryptography is the algorithm method in which ,((( QG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ(OHFWURQLF'HVLJQ ,&(' $XJXVW3HQDQJ0DOD\VLD overcome this problem, encoding technique is also needed in wireless transmission. II. Another XOR operation is added to (6) to increase the security level by XOR it with numerical value, N. Therefore, (6) becomes, METHODOLOGY C1 = M ( ٺK X 2) ٺN A. Encryption design technique First, the encryption technique designed for both encryption and decryption process in the secure communication program. The idea is to combine both Caesar cipher and XOR encryption. Therefore the data goes through twice of the encryption process; starts with the XOR encryption and then follows by Caesar cipher. For the XOR encryption part, the letter in a plaintext is XOR bitwise 1 by 1 with the 8 bit secret key to form first encrypted text. Then each letter in the first encrypted text is shifted to a fixed position separated by a numerical value. Assume that, The numerical value, N keeps changing from the first letter to last letter in the plaintext. N starts the counting at zero at first character in plaintext, then increasing by 1 for each character until the end of plaintext. Therefore this indicates that C1 is randomly encrypted. Equation (7) still can be improved by using Caesar cipher. This is the final modification. The C1 from (7) is shifted by a numerical value N which the N is same as in (7). The final ciphertext C2 based on (3) becomes, M = Plaintext K = Secret key N = Numerical value C1 = First encrypted text C2 = Final Ciphertext C2 = [M ( ٺK X 2) ٺN] + N C1 = M ٺK (1) C2 = C1 + N (2) C = [M (( ٺK X 2) %255) ( ٺN %255)] + N (3) M = (C – N) (( ٺK X 2) %255) ( ٺN %255) (5) B. Serial port communication program There is no direct connection from the RF module to the computer. The RF module used TTL level UART protocol while USB serial port is RS232 protocol and they are both different in voltage and polarity level. Therefore, there is a need to shift level from RS232 data to TTL level UART protocol or vice versa by using a USB-to-UART converter. When connect USB-to-UART to USB port, it will appear as a Virtual COM port which is also called Virtual Serial Port. The USB-to-UART collects the serial RS232 data and converts it into TTL level UART format, then sends it to RF module for wireless transmission. The above example is the basic idea of the combined encryption technique. It should be enhanced to a more powerful data encryption. From the example, we can add more calculation into the technique in order to achieve high security encryption. The enhanced technique from (1) can be done by multiply the secret key K by 2 which becomes, C1 = M ( ٺK X 2) (9) Where, C = Ciphertext M = Plaintext K = Secret Key N = Numerical value (Increasing by 1 for each character) (4) The C1 then is shifted to right by the adding a numerical value, N which is 5 (in binary is “00000101”) into C1. C2 = C1 + 00000101 = 00111110 (in hex 3EH) (8) And the decryption equation that inversed of the encryption equation will be, For example, let’s say plaintext M has an “A” letter which is expressed in binary “01000001” and a binary secret key K “01111000”, the first encrypted text is C1 = 01000001 ٺ01111000 = 00111001 (in hex 39H) (7) Some components in C2 are then modulo by 255 to ensure that the result will never exceed 255. This is because the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character is available in 8 bits and has 255 characters only. In conclusion, the final equation of combined technique is, Therefore, the overall equation is, C2 = (M ٺK) + N (7) (6) QG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ(OHFWURQLF'HVLJQ ,&(' $XJXVW3HQDQJ0DOD\VLD World!”. This showed that 100% efficiency of this encryption technique. For this encryption technique, the difficult part is the increment of numerical value N. The N value will increased by 1 with each letter. Therefore, if there is a repeating character in the plaintext, there is a low possibility to get the same repeating letter in the ciphertext. For example there is a repeating character in the plaintext M which is “ll”, it would not get the same ciphertext character as shown in Table 1. B. Designed encoding technique There are 10 different sizes of message samples used to evaluate the secure communication program with and without the encoding method. Table 2 shows the result for secure communication program with and without encoding method in different message sizes. Every message sent from the sender is successfully received at the receiver. However in program without encoding method, there are errors exist in every message sample. Therefore, this result indicates that there is 100% possibility to get error in any message size after decryption process without the encoding method. Subsequently, the result for secure communication program with encoding method for different message size indicates there is no error detected after implementing the encoding technique. Therefore, there is no any data redundancy in message. Fig. 1. An illustration of data flow from computer to RF module. Before creating a serial port communication program, a GUI is created. The GUI is created using C++ windows form application in Visual Studio 2010. Fig. 1 describes the flow of data from computer to RF module. The left hand side shows the sending part of the program where message from program is sent to USB port and transmit it serially to USBto-UART. In this stage, the serial RS232 data is converted into TTL level UART and is sent to RF transmitter module for transmission to wireless medium. C. Encoding pattern design In overcoming the problem of RF module in wireless transmission, an encoding technique is designed in order to avoid receiving any unknown data. At the sender, before sending a message, three numbers “111” is inserted before the first letter of the message, and then an “A” is added after the last letter of the message. For example, a message “Hello”, after encoded, it will become “111HelloA”. TABLE I. At the receiver, the same pattern is used to decode the received message. Let say “???&&$??111HelloA” is received at the RF receiver; all the unknown data needs to be eliminated from the received message to recover the original message. In receiver part, every time when a message is received, it will eliminate the unknown letter one by one until it detects three continuous “1”, and then it will detect whether there is an “A” at the last letter. If it is an “A” at the last letter, the letter between “111” and “A” are the exact message from the sender, whereas the whole message will be eliminated and a new data will be transmitted, if “A” is not detected at the last coding. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Designed encryption technique Table 1 shows the result of a plaintext encryption M, “Hello World!” to a ciphertext C “ŖòáóƒňºƒÆķ¿Õ”. It is clear that each of the character in the plaintext M is encrypted one by one into a special character. Table 1 also shows the result of decryption of ciphertext C “ŖòáóƒňºƒÆķ¿Õ” to recover back the plaintext M “Hello ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION RESULT Encryption Plain text M Plain text in decimal Secret key, K H e l l o <space> W o r l d ! 72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 33 Cipher text, C Cipher text in decimal Secret key, K Ŗ ò á ó ƒ ň º ƒ Æ ķ ¿ Õ 184 149 160 162 159 218 167 159 146 158 168 229 x x x x x x x x x x x x N value Cipher text, C Cipher text in decimal Ŗ ò á ó ƒ ň º ƒ Æ ķ ¿ Õ 184 149 160 162 159 218 167 159 146 158 168 229 N value Plain text, M Plain text in decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H e l l o <space> W o r l d ! 72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 33 x 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 Decryption QG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ(OHFWURQLF'HVLJQ ,&(' $XJXVW3HQDQJ0DOD\VLD TABLE II. Message Size 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 SECURE COMMUNICATION PROGRAM WTHOUT ENCODING METHOD IN DIFFERENT MESSAGE SIZES Are data received at receiver? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Without encoding Error exists after decryption? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes With encoding Error exists after decryption? No No No No No No No No No No C. Analysis for secure communication program The secure communication program is tested in different baud rate which are 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600. Table 3 shows the data transmission in different baud rate. For 4800 and 9600 baud rates, data fails to transmit because the baud rate is too high for the data transmission. It is also affected by hardware limitation. Therefore, the data is lost and receive error at the receiver. Fig. 2. Duration of data transmission in different baud rate. In addition, the efficiency of data transmission is also investigated. From Error! Reference source not found., messages with length of 100 is transmitted 10 times in wireless medium to investigate the efficiency of data transmission of this secure communication program. There are five errors occurrence during this data transmission. The error in data received may cause by data loss, interference and redundant present in wireless transmission medium. Therefore, the efficiency of data transmission of this secure communication program is 50%. The maximum number of letter allowed in a message in different baud rate is also investigated. There are two baud rate used in this investigation which is 1200 and 2400. Both baud rates have the same maximum number of letters that is allowed in a message which is 500 letters. If the maximum number of letter exceeds 500 letters, the program will show error. It is due to the software implementation which there can be only 500 byte for data transmission. TABLE III. SUCCESS OF DATA TRANSMISSION IN DIFFERENT BAUD RATE Baud rate 1200 2400 4800 9600 Success of Data Transmission Yes Yes No No On the other hand, the different baud rate affects the data transmission duration. Fig. 2 shows the duration of data transmission in different baud rate. Different length of message sample is used in this test. From Error! Reference source not found., the higher the baud rates the faster the duration of data transmission. Fig. 3. Efficiency of data transmission in wireless medium. Besides that, the data transmission time of designed encryption technique is compared to existing technique which are XOR encryption and Caesar Cipher encryption. This is to find out the processing time of each technique used. Assumed that the data transmission of same size message in medium is same for all three techniques. From Fig. 4, the lower transmission time the faster the processing time of the technique. By comparing three of them, XOR encryption technique has the fastest processing time. While QG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ(OHFWURQLF'HVLJQ ,&(' $XJXVW3HQDQJ0DOD\VLD Known Caesar Cipher or XOR encryption technique in encryption formula: There is a possibility that the attacker detect the used of either the Caesar cipher or XOR encryption technique in the encryption formula. However, the designed encryption technique uses both Caesar Cipher and XOR encryption method. Therefore, even if the secret key is known, the original message will never be recovered if only either Caesar Cipher or XOR encryption technique in designed encryption formula is known. for both Caesar Cipher and designed encryption technique are close to each other. Although the designed encryption technique is combination of both XOR and Caesar Cipher encryption technique, but the processing time is not increased. Therefore, the processing time is improved. Known encryption technique: There is a possibility the attackers discover the designed encryption technique. However, the original message never be recovered without the shared secret key. Fig. 5 shows the result of recovered plaintext where the encryption technique is known to the attackers but without the secret key. Sender used “x” as the secret key, but the receiver used “y” to decrypt the ciphertext. Besides that, the encoding technique is also important if entire encryption technique is known. The used of encoding technique must be known by both sender and receiver so that they are synchronized to each other to obtain the exact ciphertext. Fig. 4. Comparison of data transmission time of designed encryption technique to existing techniques. D. Strength of the secure communication program The level of security for this secure communication program depends on the designed encryption technique and encoding technique. Secure communication program without the designed encoding method to decode the received ciphertext, resulting in the recipient unable to retrieve the original message from sender. Subsequently, the designed encryption technique also affects the strength of the secure communication program. The strength of the secure communication program is tested by varying the decryption technique at the receiver. There is a possibility of attack on this secure communication program, in which this work has identified, which is when the attacker is aware of the secret key, the Caesar cipher used in encryption formula, the XOR encryption technique used in encryption formula and finally, the designed encryption formula. Subsequently, this work will also show that with these known possible attacks, the attempt will result in failure, as the system is designed to preserve one aspect of the mechanism with another. Fig. 5. Result of recovered plaintext where the encryption technique is known but without the secret key. Therefore these analyses indicate the efficiency of this system in terms of preserving its secure communication mechanism. By incorporating the secret key, the Caesar cipher and the XOR encryption technique into the system, hackers or third party will have a difficult time in interfering with the system. IV. CONCLUSION Known Secret Key: For this possible attack, the attackers only know of the secret key used for the secure communication program between two parties. However, the pattern of designed encryption formula is not known by them, thus the plaintext cannot be recovered. Although the secret key is the same for encryption and decryption process, the original message cannot be recovered due to the wrong decryption formula used at the receiver. The encryption technique designed for this work that combines two present techniques which are Caesar Cipher and XOR encryption have proven to provide a secure wireless communication. The data processing time is not affected by a combination of both techniques. Subsequently, the designed encoding technique for wireless transmission works well in elimination of noise and redundancy and gives QG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ(OHFWURQLF'HVLJQ ,&(' $XJXVW3HQDQJ0DOD\VLD a good synchronization between sender and receiver. In addition, few possible attacks have been taken account and analyzed as to verify the strength of the security program incorporating these encryption techniques. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported in part by Research Creativity and Management Office (RCMO), Universiti Sains Malaysia under Fund for Short Term Grant. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Campbell Jr, J.P. and R.A. 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